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5 September 1953 S.A.


TABLE m: SUMMARY OF SERUM PROTEIN-BOUND IODINE RESULTS results indicate a reasonable correlation of serum PBI
levels with the final clinical diagnosis. Figure 3 also shows
a reasonable relationship of serum PBI levels with the
Final Clinical Serum PB] p.g. % B.M.R. de terminations, considering that these estimations
Assessmenr of Number of
Thyroid State Cases Range Mean are fundamentally quite different. In Table III a summary
is presented of the findings in 46 of the patients shown in
Hypothyroid 5 0·6-2·2 1·3 Table -n. The results in 14 patients where the clinical
diagnosis was in doubt, and in whom the final clinical
Euthyroid 23 2-0--7'7 4·7 assessment of the thyroid state is queried in Table n, have
Hyperthyroid 18 6,7-24,0 11·3 been omitted.
(To be concluded)


W. FRASER Ross, B.Sc., M.B., CH.B. (ST. AND.)
(From the Government Medical Service, Southern Rhodesia)
As ante-partum haemorrhage due to placenta succenturiata made and a 2-finger os was felt with placental tissue cover-
appears to be uncommonly recorded in the literature, a ing the whole of the os. On finding this no further
case is described which presented as an ante-partum examination was attempted. As no foe:al heart could be
haemorrhage of some severity. heard it was decided to give a further pint of compatible
blood and leave the patient until her improved condition
CASE REPORT had stabilized (she had been lying in a grass hut for 5
A Bantu woman, about 18 years of age, was admitted to days previous to her admission). During the giving of this
the Maternity Unit, Harari African Hospital, Salisbury, at further pint of Group A blood, a brisk vaginal haemo-_
11 a.m. on 16 November, 1950. She gave a history of rrhage set in and a Caesarean section was decided on.
intermittent vaginal bleeding since 11 November with A classical Caesarean section was carried out at
vague abdominal pains; she had misse1 nine menstrual 10.20 a.m. under general anaethesia. When the uterus
periods but did not know the date of her last menstrual was opened the incision on the anterior wall revealed the
period. She was a primipara, had felt well up to the placenta lying underneath. This was pushed aside and a
commencement of bleeding, and had not had any medical macerated male foetus, weight 7 lb. 3 oz., was delivered.
attention until admission. The woman stated that she The placenta was next removed but the membranes could
had not felt any foetal movements since the day after not be easily delivered. It was then seen that a small
the haemorrhage had begun but she was vague as to how lobe of placental tissue was on the lower segment entirely
much blood she had lost. covering the internal os. This was removed by blunt dis-
Examination on admission showed a young Bantu section as it was rather adherent at one point, which
woman, extremely shocked, with very pale mucous mem- resulted in considerab!e haemorrhage. The uterus was then
branes, pu'se of poor volume, rate 140 per minute, blood sutured in layers and the abdomen closed. During the
pressure 70/30, temperature 97.6° F with rapid respira- operation a further pint of dextran and a pint of Group A
tions. Abdominal palpation revealed a 40 weeks' blood was given. At the end of the operation the patient's
pregnancy, breech right sacro-anterior, with no foetal condition was reasonable.
heart heard. There was nothing abnormal in the chest The patient was given soluble penicillin in 100,000 unit
except a generalized systolic murmur heard over the doses 6 hourly for 2 days, followed by 1 c.c. procaine
cardiac area. From the history and examination a penicillin (Glaxo) twice daily fO!: 3 days. Her post-
diagnosis of placenta praevia was made and treatment operative convalescence was uneventful apart from a
for shock and haemorrhage was instituted. slight bronchitis from 20 to 22 November. She was dis-
Blood-grouping showed her blood to be Group A and charged from hospital on 4 December, general condition
a haemoglobin estimation made at this time by a Sahli good, haemoglobin (Sahli) 90%, abdominal wound well
haemoglobinometer was 25 ~~. She was given morphine healed. Seen post-natally on 17 January 1951 she said
sulphate gr. t (IS mg.) and dextran solution was given she felt well and nothing abnormal could be found.
intravenously until compatible blood could be obtained.
One pint of dextran, 2 pints of Group 0 and 1 pint of
Group A compatible blood were given, the first rapidly The history and clinical examination of this patient in
and the others more slowly. During this time the patient every way pointed to a diagnosis of placenta praevia. The
drank freely and slept, and her condition steadily unusual severity of the haemorrhage suggested a placenta
improved; there was no further haemorrhage vaginally, praevia of Type III or IV and the recurrence of the bleed-
the pulse rate fell to 90 per minute and the blood pressure ing after the transfusion of the blood prompted the carry-
rose to 100/60 by 8 a.m. on 17 November. ing out of a Caesarean section, when the placenta was
On that day at 8.15 a.m. a vaginal examination was revealed as being on the anterior uterine wall. Because of
774 S.A. MEDICAL JOURNAL 5 September 1953

the history and the fact that placental tissue was felt The shocked state of the patient on admission was
vaginally it was thought that there must be some portion probably due to a journey of some 50 miles which she
of the placenta in the lower uterine segment. The dis- had made in an old lorry from a Native Reserve. On
covery of succenturiate lobe in this position revealed the the way to hospital she may have lost a considerable
cause of the severe ante-partum haemorrhage despite the amount of blood but her relatives were very vague about
presence of the main placental mass on the anterior wall the whole affair and no satisfactory explanation could be
of the uterus. Kerr and Moir (1949) point out that in obtained as to why they were so long in bringing the
placenta succenturiata, post-partum haemorrhage may patient to hospital.
occur if the succenturiate lobe is left behind but they do Thanks are due to Dr. D. M. Blair, O.B.E., M.D., Acting
not mention this condition as a cause of ante-partum Secretary for Health, Southern Rhodesia for permission to
haemorrhage. Siegler and Sacks (1941) describe a case publish this case.
of placenta praevia with placenta succenturiata which REFERENCES
presented as an ante-partum haemorrhage, where the diag- Kerr, J. M. and Moir, J. C. (1949): Operative Obslelrics, 5th
nosis was made by Ceasarean section. They reported ed., p. 668. London: Bailliere, Tindall & Cox.
that they had not heard of a similar case but Torpin and Siegler, S. L. and Sacks, J. J. (1941): Amer. J. Obstet. Gynec.,
41, 901.
Hart (1941) published a series of cases of placenta bilobata Torpin, R. and Hart, B. F. (1941): Amer. J. Obstet. Gynec.,
in which several presented as ante-partum haemorrhage. 42, 38.

Since the advent of chemotherapy pyosalpinx has become volume, rate 120 per minute. There were no abnormal
a disappearing disease and so the occurrence of its com- findings in the central nervous, cardio-vascular or respira-
plications less frequent. A case in which torsion occurred tory systems.
is here recorded. Tubal infection is almost invariably Abdomen. No distension or visible peristalsis: a firmly
bilateral and an acute state, unless adequate treatment is healed transverse incision at the level of the anterior
instituted, lapses into a chronic condition. In this case superior iliac spines: the upper abdomen moved freely
symptoms and signs of an emergency arising from a with respiration. On palpation there was slight tenderness
chronic condition were present. Torsion of a pyosalpinx in the right iliac fossa and marked tenderness in the left
is rare because in nearly all cases the tubes become iliac fossa. There were no palpable tumours and no exter-
adherent and fixed to surrounding structures, particularly nal herniae.
omentum and intestine: in fact, on this account removal Vaginal Examination. Per speculum was seen a nulli-
of a pyosalpinx may be fraught with the greatest difficulty parous cervix with a small congenital erosion of the exter-
and tax the skill and dexterity of the most experienced nal os. There was some thick yellow discharge in the
operator. vagina but no reddening of the external urinary meatus or
A. D., aged 21 years, an African negress, was admitted Sanger's macules.
to Edenvale Hospital on 13 April 1953. On bimanual examination was felt:
Complaint. Lower abdominal pain for the past 2 days. (1) a small anteverted uterus, attempts to move which
History. The pain was of sudden onset, at first cramplike, caused agonizing pain;
later becoming constant and more severe; did not radiate (2) in the pouch of Douglas, a sharply defined mass,
and much worse on the left side; there was some nausea the size of a golf ball and the consistency of india rubber,
at the onset. For several months past there had been a which was not tender;
thick vaginal discharge and burning on micturition but no (3) on the left side, above and behind the uterus, an
frequency; there had been no recent exacerbation of these exquisitely tender mass, the size of a tennis ball and seem-
latter symptoms. The bowels had acted twice spon- ingly fixed to the posterior wall of the pelvis.
taneously since the onset of the pain. The urine showed no abnormal constituents.
Menstrual History. Menarche at 13 years of age; kata-
menia regular, 5/28; no dysmenorrhoea. The last men- DIAGNOSIS
strual period had commenced on 8 February 1953, i.e. In the differential diagnosis the following conditions were
9 weeks previously. Nine days before, slight vaginal considered :
bleeding started and lasted for 2 days. (1) A lesion of the alimentary tract, e.g. perforation,
Obstetric History. In March 1952 she had been delivered occlusion or thrombosis: these were excluded because of
by Caesarean section of a full-time living child: no details the absence of vomiting, the pain had remained localized,
were available as to what was the indication for abdomi- the bowels had acted since the onset of symptoms and
nal delivery. but it was probably for cephalopelvic dis- there was no rigidity or abdominal distension.
proportion. (2) A urinary tract lesion: this was excluded because
CLINICAL FINDINGS the pain had remained localized and no abnormal con-
A well-nourished adult negress who looked acutely ill. No stituents were found in the urine.
pallor of the oral mucosa or conjunctivae. Temperature (3) A tumour of each ovary with torsion of that on the
99.8° F. Blood pressure 130/7-5 mm. Hg. Pulse-full left side: this would not account for the amenorrhoea,

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