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VNEST – Verb Network Strengthening Treatment

A step by step guide

Step 1:

1. Words like “who” or “what” are shown.

2. Patient is asked to think of who will “drive” something or something that can be “drive”.*

* Grammar is not as important in this approach

Step 2:

1. Individual reads the whole scenario out loud (3x).

During this step the therapist should be aware of analyze the respond of the individual. The therapist
should look at for:

• Does the patient read independently?

• Do they need to read in unison with the therapist?

• Do they only repeat after therapist?

Step 3:

1. More in-depth elaboration of one specific situation provided in step one (“drive”).

2. Words such as “when”,” why” and “where” can be added.

During this step the therapist should be aware of analyze the respond of the individual. The therapist
should look at for:

• Is the patient able to get specific answers?

• Is the patient connecting the concepts (grammar is not as important)?

Step 4:

1. The patient should look at 12 syntactically balanced subject-verb-object sentences.

2. The patient will have to identify if it is correct or not.

During this step the therapist should be aware of analyze the respond of the individual. The therapist
should look at for:
• Is the patient able to judge between correct and incorrect stimulus?

Step 5:

1. Participant should be able to identify the verb that has been working on.

2. If it does not not work, prompt or cue to think of the three subjects or object pairs.

3. Show printed card of the verb as last option.

Step 6:

1. Prompt that was used in step 1 are used again, but without cues. This will help to
consolidate information about every verb.

2. Responses does not have to be exactly the same, but it is more about activating verbs and
not memorize them.

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