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Order0 - "As you wish!

Order1 - "Move out!"
Order2 - "Certainly."
Order3 - "We're on it!"
Order4 - "No problem."
Order5 - "Consider it done."
Order6 - "Very well."
Order7 - "On our way."
Order8 - "Let's get moving."
Order9 - "You can count on us!"
Select0 - "Reporting for duty!"
Select1 - "At your service!"
Select2 - "Tell me what to do!"
Select3 - "Awaiting your orders!"
Select4 - "Ready for action!"
Select5 - "What's the plan?"
Select6 - "Yes?"
Select7 - "Your orders?"
Select8 - "What do you need?"
Select9 - "All present and accounted for."

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