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Mathematics is all around us.

Places, actions, and new discoveries seem to be different from

each other but there is one thing that they have in common and it is Mathematics. Mathematics is not
just a subject in school that you have to pass. Because in reality, it is a broader and deeper part of
human life. There are many branches of Mathematics that we encounter every day but we seldom
notice. First is Geometry that deals with sizes and shapes. Examples of this are the shape of the planets
in our solar system, the steepness of the mountains and volcanoes, and the hexagonal shape of
honeycombs. Mathematics also creates mesmerizing patterns using the Fibonacci sequence in the petals
of flowers, leaves of plants, and shells. Humans and insects are also an art of Mathematics. Our body is a
perfect example of symmetry wherein it can be divided into two equal shapes and sizes so as the
butterflies and snowflakes. We also use math in engineering and architecture. Engineers use different
formulas to ensure a sturdy infrastructure that will last for a long time. The structural designs from the
architectures of the famous landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower in France, the Great Pyramid of Giza in
Egypt, and the Taj Mahal in India also applied Mathematics to show the exquisiteness of their
masterpiece. Mathematics is everywhere. Indeed, it is the language of the universe and it is very evident
in our world. We just need to open our eyes to see the beauty of Math.

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