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10:09 AM

December 13

 Fogati 

First the wall of fog. Then the ati enlightened visions of
mystic perfection. Everything flawlessly perfect
because it is complete as is. No separations. No
dismemberment. Dismemberment is what gives rise to
“ordinary consensus reality”. Trapped in a fragment.
What is consciousness? Is consciousness separate
from the infinite integral Tao that is infinite which being
infinite has no name since it contains all names and any
name is, as names must be, only symbols, so that any
symbol can only be a separated part and not the whole
infinity, which is the only reality which can be called
real, if anything deserves the label of real.

Once you know you cannot fail what do you do?

Maybe you ask Siddartha Gautama, the founder of

Buddhism, how to act so that you can bring about
salvation of all sentient beings.

What is a constitution anyway if not a set of programs –

a set of natural laws for the smooth functioning of
societies. Maybe there are natural laws which govern
the healthy functioning of sustainable societies. Does a
cow have nutritional needs or can it thrive on any solid
material like beach sand? What about sand? Beach
sand is full of energy right? E = mc2
Perhaps legal moral ethical principles (programs) are
four dimensional vitamins which are critical to the well
being of society as a whole.

The scientific principles of physics are the principles

which govern the world of interactions of radiation,
elementary particles, electrons, atoms, molecules. In
that world everything is the same – it’s all energy. It’s
all photons. Everything consists of the same thing. To
make a proton all you need is photons.

In society, as in a cow or a wheat plant, well being,

health, sustainability requires that very particular
component parts be fitted together intricately like a
huge complex jigsaw puzzle. Trying to organize society
according to the principles observed in the realm of
physics will lead to a society which has less
organization, less complexity, more chaos, more

Imposing inorganic patterns of organization on human

society, on the ecosystem, the biosphere, the
noosphere, the Planetary collective consciousness is
the same as annihilating society into dismembered parts
just like we can observe in the world today.

The so called neo-conservatives and the so called

radical islamists are both telling the world that
‘liberalism', including the global alliance to defeat the
Axis tyrant micro-gang of war criminals, is the cause of
annihilation of society. Truth is hard to find. When
looking for truth it’s unlikely you’ll find much in the
words of nihilists who are anti-social psychotic mass
murdering global corporate criminals.
The media is not a productive place to prospect for truth
except if you’ll be content with very dilute truth. If you
want concentrated truth go to those who make truth
their life and see what they have collected together.
Prospectors are free spirits who explore for valuable
metals and gemstones in the rocks and soils of the
Earth. Philosophers are prospectors who explore the
cultural record looking for truth. Organizations need to
be nourished in order to be healthy, strong, vigorous
and sustainable. Try feeding an organization on raw
electricity and see what you get? An organization needs
to be fed a diet suited to it’s unique needs to be healthy.
The pieces must all fit together perfectly so that it is
strong and resistant to dismemberment.

If it is only loosely held together and has spaces in

between the pieces, it is easily corruptible and will fall
apart when pushed.

Individual humans are the whole pieces which are fitted

together in an organization. What holds the individuals
together is the vitamins and minerals that are fed to the
organization by it’s mother – it’s nurturer. There are
essential nutrients which each organization needs.

The most productive, healthy, sustainable organizations

ever created in history have been fitted together
according to detailed plans which consist of programs
for the behaviour of the component parts which all fit
together perfectly. The detailed plans for fitting together
an integral structure are called ‘constitution’.

A constitution is a plan which describes the behaviours

of the individual humans and the human collective
components which pre-exist in a society.
Corporations are collective human social organizations
which are held together by a common desire for
physical material well being. Unlike national
governments, corporate organizations engaging in
economic activities, usually have less well defined plans
to describe the behaviour of the individuals and pre-
existing social components which comprize the

In the Planetary society of December 2005, for profit

business corporations involved in the three primary
economic sectors

(1. Extractive/Distribution, 2. Transport/Macro-

Dynamic/Defense, 3.
Telecom/Knowledge/Media/Education/Health Care)

have been growing in economic-financial strength and

influence over especially over the last sixty years of the
post Hiroshima era.

National governments are losing financial strength and

influence vis a vis the business corporations. Both
national governments and for-profit business
corporations are organized into planetary entities.
Governments have formed the United Nations.
Business corporations have formed the World Business
Forum, the World Trade Organization, The International
Monetary Fund and other organizations to coordinate
activities of component entities.

During the first half of the post Hiroshima Era,

governments were much stronger than they are today
vis a vis business corporations. National governments
used their influence during this era to regulate business
organizations and to operate business organizations.

Peter Drucker has predicted that the knowledge age will

present many challenges (dangers, crises, problems)
and also will present unprecedented opportunities for
creation of new organizations – social opportunities.
The implication is that in our rapidly evolving planetary
society, the creative potential of ten billions of humans
has been undergoing convulsive liberation so that a
vast resevoir of energy power (psychic human creative
cosmic power) is now available to be used to conceive,
gestate, incubate, give birth to, nourish, feed, raise – a
vast population of new social entities which cannot be
confined by anything that has come before including the
two main types of organizations that dominated the
world society in the post Hiroshima era. If 1989 is seen
as the end of the era of big government, then we seem
to be fast approaching the end of another era. The era
of big business. The collapse of the Soviet government-
monopoly hybrid species of social organization in about
that time, has given rise to a surge in the growth of
another type of government-business hybrid
organization this time on a global scale.

Today we have an interlocking set of giant macro-

organizations which together constitute a single
planetary business government hybrid organization
consisting of the aforementioned UNO (still a fairly pure
government club), the WTO which is a government
business hybrid, the World Bank which is yet another
hybrid, and then the rest such a G8, G12, IMF.

These organizations are all in the same Soviet mode that

failed in 1989. Like the soviet ‘institution’, these post
soviet attempts to build a planetary government
business hybrid is hollow and corrupt. The group of
eight or nine or ten or however many component parts
the new social dinosaur has is illegitimate. Lacking any
reality of a global social contract it has little binding
strength and is quite unsustainable.

The soviet experiment failed. Big organizations which

are centrally controlled are inherently corrupt and thus
unsustainable and unstable so short lived and doomed
to immanent extinction.

I’m reminded of the epicycles of Copernicus who

observing the movements of the planets with the
telescopes that were newly invented in his time was able
to bring together observations which he then included
in his attempts to confirm the theory of the authority of
the hollow and corrupt religious monarchist feudal
government church business public organization of
Europe of the time. Europe was then a large dinosaur
organization which was not legitimate and so was
corrupt and weak and so, unstable, unsustainable, short
lived and doomed to immanent collapse.

Galileo read about the new theory of Copernicus and

proved the effectiveness of experiment. Karl Marx made
observations concerning the behaviour of social
systems or organizations that were beginning to appear
in the first phase of steam engine coal based
industrialization. Marx came up with a new theory of
macro-social design and macro-economics. Lennin and
Trotsky with help from financiers who are still hidden
from view, set up an experiment to test Marx’ theory of
socialist communist government-business-religion
hybrid macro-organizations. The experiment was shut
down by the Russian and other soviet people in the
eighties. Apparently the soviet people decided they had
enough experiemental evidence to choose another way
to organize their society.

If we are courageous enough to look at all of the

experimental results of the whole human enterprise
since the species homo sapiens appeared on this
Planet, we are in a position to ask the question: “what is
the best way to organize a planetary society in
December 2005 and into the future of the next century”.

The experiments have already been conducted. For two

hundred thousand years of human experience on the
planet. Sixteen billion years of evolutionary
experiments since the last big bang.

Centralized organizations are unstable, unsustainable,

corrupt, short lived, wasteful, destructive, parasitic,

Each and every town of the south western oasis can

easily make a long term plan for population increase –
or at least a plan of some kind fo how people will live in
relation to nature in their pre-existing a prior legally
incorporated zone of influence.

There is the on line design charrette again!! Albany.

Collie. Harvey. Bunbury. Busselton.

Sydney built an opera house. It’s Harbour Bridge and

Opera House are major attractions for touristas. In
2000, there was an event in Sydney called “The Olympic
Games”. These games have become a major tourist
event held every four years without any end in sight yet.
Athletic events are quite popular. Tucson, Arizona
hosts a Gem and Mineral Show every year in February in
the winter when the weather is superb. People come
from all over the world to buy and sell gems and
minerals and related products.

Sustainable Technologies, Organizations, Culture,

Politics, Religion, Ethics.

Biodiesel, Photovoltaics, Fuel Cells,

First recruit sponsors to fund the creation of a website

to attract interest from all corners of the sustainability
12:14 PM
Two hours between two walls of fog. Two too many
twos bejewel the crown of Robert the Spruce Goose
Loose cruiser of PISI.

Who in fact organizes the Arizona Sonora Gem and

Mineral Show? There are many other events now held
in Arizona in the winter months. Cirque de Soleil isn’t
one of them. Nor is Woodstock. I heard about Newport.
I recall a horse event near Scottsdale.

Alan Taylor is a good ally for something like this. It is

one way to provide cash flow to pay off the capital
needed to build a resort facility – a conventional facility.
Tucson uses existing event facilities and provides
temporary structures for the actual event exhibits. An
exposition for sustainable poducts and services might
be housed in such transportables. Local merchants,
restaurants and hoteliers and renta car people would all
benefit. Transaction fees are mounting up already for
the macro transactions. Of greater importance is the
passionate involvement in very short lived massings of
the type that occur every year for various micro-
communities. Special interests. Cyper-polities. Jeff
Haselhurst already has a very attractive site which
brings in prospectors for philosophy, metaphysics –
this is an experimental result which reveals the huge
demand for knowledge about these matters.

They sell their products and would likely see a huge

expansion as a consequence of an event which brings
together a micro-community of metaphysical
prospectors. Sedona, Crestone, Telluride, Santa Fe.

Just in time along comes fogati. I saw bruiser hiding in

a corner as the fog closed in an enclosed the rocks and
the beach. Try to explain that! Just a coincidence.
The day of the fog. Like a dream, the people of San
Francisco emerged from the fog for a carnival.

Explain the crystal flakes of space. I saw the micro-

structure of the invisible miniature cells of Mary’s leg. I
saw pine needle patterns on branches of trees against
the sky and swirling ice crystal clouds behind the tree
branches. I saw the miniature crystal structures of the
snow flakes which extended themselves out into space.
I experienced liberation from the confining and limiting
beliefs of ordinary consensus reality and it’s false focus
on identity as sensory physical material. I experience
my psychic self- infinite, eternal, creative potentiality.
1:15 PM
Back from the inner realms of the cave of ordinary
reality. Trying to feel contrite. Becoming less patient
with ghosts and sleeping sleep walkers every day.
Arthur Koestler chose that term “Sleepwalkers” for his
book about history of ideas and the bifurcation.

Earlier today I think it was I saw that Rene Descartes

may have been falsely accused of the Cartesian split of
the whole of reality into res cogitans and res extensa.

Integral reality is whole and everything is connected.

That means that the global society is one whole and it is
connected into the whole biosphere and noosphere. So
it’s not the oneness of the global and planatary society
which is entropic and corrupt, destructive and nihilistic,
unstable and unsustainable, short-lived and doomed to
extinction as so many seem to sense. Not the existence
of the whole community of life that is doomed. It’s the
existence of a particular type of style of organization of
the parts, the human atoms and the non-human atomic
components. What’s unstable and doomed to extinction
is the style of institutional design which is centralized
and hegemonic rather than decentralized, autopoietic,
participative, distributive.

The Roman Catholic Church is an organization which is

very highly centralized.

In western Australia the Water Corporation serves all

water users who are not independent. The same is
pretty much true of electric power users. It’s a not true
for gasoline motor spirit which is not a public monopoly.

Financial services are one of the types of services which

are applicable to all of the distributive components of a
large trans-national extractive corporation like BHP
Billition, Alcoa or RTZ. Energy supply is another of the
more universal functional disciplines which are suitable
for centralized management.

Woodside, Hamersley Iron, Argyle Diamonds, Mount

Newman Iron Ore, Alcoa Wide World Alumina are the
biggest components of the Western Australian
extractive sector.

I think that Rene Descarte actually should be given more

credit for unifying reality into res extensa and res
cogitans. It’s the convention delusion (usually called
conventional wisdom) that Descarte divided what was
already whole. Arthur Koestler shows us how the
dividing, separating, partitioning began right at the
beginning of formation of what we now call European
culture and I suspect a similar pattern can be discerned
in the non-European cultures of Chinese people, Indian

The process of dividing up reality looks as if it can be

traced back to the invention of language – that most
unique distinguishing characteristic of humanity.
Symbol making. Naming finite parts of the indivisible
whole. Teon. Tao. Divine. The One. Unity. Unified
Field. Universe. Cosmos. Infinity. 

What do you see when there is an infinity symbol inside
a circle? Two dimensions. What about three and four
and five. Four is a dynamic vibrating set of pi orbitals
and five is many replicated copies of the vibrating sp3.
No wonder carbon and silicon are ideal for growing
organisms – a chemical base for evolution.

Four dimensions of physical reality. The fifth dimension

is the social ecological dimension.

The fifth is about sex and reproduction.

Einstein discovered that energy is more universal than

time. More fundamental than space. Today we know
that space and time are imagined constructs or
abstractions. Space and time are artificial man made
entities like written language. Space and time are one
for sure for sure for sure. Space-time is a continuum
and it is made of something that is the raw material
which is used to make everything. I call that raw
material Tao, Teon, Divinity. Infinity. In Jesus time they
didn’t have space or time. The did have written
language but not printed books. They didn’t have
uranium fission weapons of mass destruction. They did
have steel swords and spears for killing people. There
was no baby boom generation then like the one that was
fucked then fucked then fucked again & is still being
fucked and getting fucking tired of being fucked by
fuckers. In Jesus time there was only a few million
people living in the Roman Mafia Empire. There weren’t
many middle aged or old people. Most people died
before the age of forty. Life expectancy was much
shorter than it is today. Some people lived much longer
and they were very rare indeed.
Einstein dared to question everything and everyone. He
was very brash. He question and doubted the great
venerated giant of science who was called Sir Isaac
Newton – the British scientist of the seventeenth
century British enlightenment. There must have been
an outbreak of:


in England and Scotland that was eventually eradicated

by the appropriate authorities who had the job of putting
out fires – the psychic fire of awakening of genius
intelligence. Genius intelligence I always a sign of
danger for criminal tyrants.

Einstein’s genius intelligence was not met with

enthusiasm by teachers in universities.

On tour with Albert in the winter for rodeo is a show that

must go on and on toward the sweet sanctuary.
Summer is a good time for the anhyperboreans
escaping the heat. The gem and mineral show. Twenty
three goes into ninety two thousand million forty million
times over.

California has about forty million people. So too does

New York, Florida and Texas also. Tokyo has about
forty million people.
Poor old Descartes healed the fragmentation that had
already buggerred up humaity with different languages.
Bright young Shagglesbear came along and invented a
new language hole. Then shot them full of flames.
Granpa lost control.

In the nineteen sixties not only pre-Hiroshima born

Robert Zimmerman but paleo dinosauric Alan Watts,
Carl Jung, Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, and the heros of the
beat literature artistic style all got together and joined in
with creating a whole new way of living their own
individual lives. It wasn’t at all necessary to interfere
with other people. Other people could be left to do as
they please. In those days there was no choice about
going into the army when young people were forced by
threats of imprisonment to go and kill Vietnamese
freedom fighters because they chose a socialist form of
government. The socialist experiment failed miserably.
Centralization of all planning for very large
organizations is a failure as an organizing strategy for
the global society. Only decentralized organizational
strategies can be effective in achieving the goals and
purpose of realizing human potential. Well being.
Health. Physicopsychic. Psychophysical. Integral well
being. For all. Healing the sickness. Curing the
disease. Miracle therapy.

The communist socialist marxist strategy was to impose

one global religion on all human beings – a single
monoculture – dialectial materialism. Now we have yet
another insane criminal strategy being pursued. A
single monoculture imposed on the whole global
society? It cannot be done. Even Leo Strauss
apparently understood that. It is nothing but madness.
A mental disease. Marxism is a mental disease. Very
attractive mental poison. Now we have another mental
disease. Another very attractive mental social biological
ecological poison. The same basic strategy. Another
version of dialectical materialism. Another secular
religion. Another single system of mind control to be
imprinted on all people everywhere. Like Ivory Snow
and Tide (turd?). Take your pick. What if you decide
you want to choose real food because ivory snow and
tide do not seem to take away your hunger. Is your
dialectical materialism easing your hunger and your
deep longing for fulfillment and self actualization. Why
not try a dose of free market capitalism of become a
drug dealer. If socialism doesn’t seem to be working for
you why not form a fair go green party alliance.

The old religions didn’t seem to feed people adequately

either. None of them. Try a slice of Buddhism and see if
that soothes your troubled soul. It’s empty. What about
the banquet of religious soul food available. All of them
are monocultures. It’s like trying to survive on bread
alone. Or apple cider vinegar. Where’s the meat?

It’s all refined “sugar”. Junk food for the soul. A sure
way to corruption of body and soul. It’s high time for a
set of experiments to decide once and for all. What
diets can humans devise to eradicate hunger of body
and soul. Shall we have the anarchists dream of a mega
metroplex for each special interest. One for
homosexuals. Another for Catholics. One for Muslims.
Another for Buddhists. Hindus deserve their own.
Don’t forget the Marxists if you can find any. There’ll be
plenty of capitalists lining up. It’s only fair. Give em all
a chance. Experiment and see.
There is a pneumatic (ATMOSPHERIC) unity and it is the
underlying subject of the Kyoto and now Montreal
conventions. That is the one global or truly planetary
life support sysyem. Strange it should turn out that
energy use is so intricately connected with the
atmosphere. There are lots of disputes about the
atmosphere. Kyoto saw a global agreement. The Seven
sisters were too busy eating each other out to take
much notice. Now there are only four sister. The four
big ones ate the other three. Now there are only BP
Shell Exxon-Mobil Chevron-Texaco

Hydraulic unities are not naturally centralized. The

ocean is their source.

In Australia right now, water shortages have already

been solved by building desalination plants which burn
fuel like natural gas or coal to distill sea water. There is
an environmental problem and the problem is disposal
of the salt brine concentrate which is mainly but not
only sodium chloride.


There is a chemical process called the ammonia brine

process for converting brine into glass, detergent and
paper. The ALP should have some interest in satisfying
it’s union base.
3:37 PM
It is so very easy to get trapped in ordinary consensus
reality. It happenned to me today. I don’t know how.
Somewhere during the writing of the above I became
enmeshed. I stopped writing when I knew I was trapped.
I wasn’t enjoying writing anymore. It had been really an
enjoyable experience and somehow it changed and
wasn’t. I picked up a book about another man’s story
about he experienced emancipation from ordinary
awareness. There are no techniques of formulas or
practices to follow. There is nothing to do. There’s
nothing that can be done to free one’e self. That’s very
uncomfortable for the ordinary self of consensus reality
– that self is accustomed to being in charge and doing
what it wants. In the state of consciousness that is
experienced in the liberated reality one need only
acquiesce to an intelligence, a genius which originates
from somewhere which we can only say is beyond what
we usually mean we we use the word ‘consciousness’.

I was just now reading the chapter entitled “Journey’s

Through The Dark Sea Of Awareness” from the
subsection called “Beyond Syntax”, in “The Active Side
of Infinity” on pages 176-183. I realize right way, that
what I experienced today was a journey through the
dark sea of awareness. The journey began when I
stared at the wall of fog and then began to contemplate
time space energy consciousness and found myself in
infinity liberated from the limitations which make
ordinary consensus reality what it is – limited, dull,
ordinary, unsatisfactory, uninspiring, grey, morose,
“When you thought that you had the dream-fantasy of going to that
town of our choice,” he continued, “you had actually placed your
assemblage point on a specific position on the dark sea of awareness that
allows the journey. Then the dark sea of awareness supplied you with
whatever was necessary to carry on that journey. There’s no way
whatsoever to choose that place at will. Sorcerers say that inner silence
selects in unerringly. Simple, isn’t it?”

He explained to me then, the intricacies of choice. He said that choice

for warrior travellers was not really the act of choosing but rather the
act of acqiescing elegantly to the solicitations of infinity.

“Infinity chooses”, he said. “The art of the warrior-traveller is to

have the ability to move with the slightest insinuation, the art of
acquiescing to every command of infinity. For this, a warrior-
traveller needs prowess, strength, and above everything else, sobriety.
All those three put together, give as a result, elegance.”

How amazing. This is the very type of mystical

coincidence of reading in this same book, of
experiences I was having quite independently at the
very same time which mark the change that occurred in
June/July when infinity swooped down and began to
emphatically show me that I am not choosing what
happens like I was before.

Inner silence is CC tells us, something that can be

cultivated. It’s necessary for taking the journey.

It’s an act of magic to take a journey through the sark

sea of awareness and witness was is to be witnessed
when one take a journey (as Plato writes in “The
Phaedrus”) with divine infinite intention intelligence. It
makes one really examine what self is. It’s a word. We
use it as a symbol. What this symbol points to is the
intentionality which we are familiar with in
accomplishing the tasks of physical survival. To take a
journey directed and controlled by divine intelligence,
this intentionality has to suspended. It’s like leaping
into the arms of a divine being and allowing the divine
being to take me on a divine journey, just like little
Carlos who is caught by the gambler when he jumps out
the window.

Do I need to surrender to Humberto?

I think it might be even easier to jump into the wall of

fogati – the abyss with the awareness that there is
genius intelligence waiting to take me on a journey.

Private enterprise is two words. Private merely means

non-government. Government is big. Private doesn’t
necessarily mean small. There are very big private
enterprises. Profit is a word. Socialist criminals who
greedily prey of weak ingorant impoverished hungry
people have made profit evil in their religion – the
religion of dialectical materialism. Profit is not seen as
evil in the other materialism – the religion of libertarian

The two secular religions are both in decline. The

Roman Catholic Church is an organization which was
once allied with monarchist klans in Europe in a single
unified social system called Feudal Christendom. Not
until after the collapse of the Roman Empire, the rise of
Islam and the crusades, were the dark ages over and the
rebirth of enlightened European cuture began in the
west. It was the Roman Catholic Monarchist alliance
which eventually took center stage with the expulsion of
Islam from Europe. The European cultural rebirth
brought with it a thousand years of steadily improving
social health in Europe

Now it’s time for yet another Renaissance – the dark

ages of Fascist Socialist invasion of Europe and the
world are over.
10:41 PM

It’s quite exhilarating to be able look at the horrendous

last couple of centuries of human history and se
through it. I had a new insight that the World has had a
dark age during this time of global criminal operations
and it’s got a lot to do with social systems –
organizations which have built in weakness –
10:51 PM

Today I have seen that integration of consciousness is

delusion. How do I know. I look at Infinity. I see
divinity. It is Tao, Teon. When I look I see that there is
no way to integrate infinity. It always is and always has
been whole and indivisible. Everything connected.
Learning language has the disadvantage of
dismembering what is whole. When we cease
dismembering we perceive reality as it is – the reality of
spiritual self which is, after all, not self. So the very idea
of integrating consciousness is a delusion.
Consciousness is always whole and infinite. It is by an
act of will that we focus on a small finite mortal realm. I
suppose that we might say that we can wll ourselves to
stop willing and when we stop willing, it is whole
because we have stopped dismembering ourselves.

In the bathroom just a few minutes ago I had a sudden

awakening of awareness of the magical nature of life. I
recollected how this awareness of magical reality was
awakened in the great transformation of the enlightened
visions of mystic perfection. In an instant I was aware
of the journey through those twenty years and more. It
took about fifteen years until I could begin to take the
idea of magical reality seriously. My rationality simply
refused to accept it because magical reality is foreign to
rational sensory physical finite mortal reality. It was
after I began to consciously remember the enlightened
visions of mystic perfection that something changed
and something broke inside – whatever it was –
rationality that was holding awareness in the small
fragment of rational possibilities allowed by physical
existence. It’s a world we create specifically for
physical survival and it’s quite essential but it’s not the
only world we can inhabit.

What I am calling by the name “enlightened visions of

mystic perfection” were a long series of experiences of
infinity which had nothing to do with my conscious
planning or volition. Infinity appeared by itself one day.
Of it’s own accord when I just happened to stop
intending, liberation occurred. It’s magic alright.
There’s always the temptation to try to rationalize
everything. Ratiocination strips away the magic.


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