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és ~ TheComplete Linux Mint Manual iPhone | (FRA) raspberry i (iPad ETAT) Manual The Complete The Complete WhatsApp Instagram Manual, Manual The Complete The Complete The Complete Cloud Ubuntu Computing xy Manual Manual f Sos The Complete Linux Manual The Complete Photoshop Manual a The Complete Building | Your Own PC Manual The Complete Lightroom Manual , BY The Complete Google Manual Th WordPress Manual M's Ultimate Ser Everything you need to master Linux Mint Thanks to the versatility of the Linux operating system, we as users are able to enjoy a plethora of different distributions, each with their own particular spin and offering something different from the norm. ‘Amongst these Fine Linux distributions there is Linux Mint, a system that has been developed with exacting detail and care; and wrought from the collective minds of the spirited open source community. Linux Mint is feature packed and comes with a vast range of preinstalled apps and tools to Form one of the best desktop operating systems available today. With our help, you can learn how to install Mint, how to configure it and what the differences are between the available versions. You can discover what makes this such a unique and appreciated Linux distribution and how it can easily become a part of your everyday digital life 8 What is Linux Mint2 10 History of Linux Mint 12 What Makes Mint Different? 44 The Mint Community 16 What You Need 48. Different Versions of Mint 49. Cinnamon Desktop Environment 20. MATE Desktop Environment 21. Xfce Desktop Environment 22 KDE Desktop Environment 23. Downloading the Mint ISO 24 LMDE2 QED 28 Transfer Mint to DVO or USB 30 Installing Virtualbox 32_ Testing Linux Mint’s Live Environment 34 Installing Linux Mint on a PC 36 Installing Linux Mint in Virtualbox EMD 20 usirats Serie otine 27 Ry) mera Le TnI) alia et Introduction to the Cinnamon Menu Navigating the Cinnamon Desktop 40 Things to Do After installing Linux Mint Cinnamon Introduction to the MATE Menu Navigating the MATE Desktop 410 Things to Do After installing Linux Mint MATE Introduction to the Xfce Menu Navigating the Xfce Desktop 10 Things to Do After installing Linux Mint Xfce Introduction to the KOE Menu Navigating the KDE Desktop 10 Things to Do After installing Linux Mint KDE Creating Users In Linux Mint Customising the Desktop ‘Adding to the Desktop Using Desklets 74 Accessing Windows Shared Folders 136 Setting up Email with Thunderbird 76 Adding to the Pane 138 Running Windows Programs on Mint with Wine 78 Accessibility Options In Linux Mint 140 installing @ Windows program in Mint with tine 80 Hot Corners, 142 Hows to Create a PDF in Linux Mint 82 _ Installing a New Panel 144 Hows to Eait a PDF in Linux Mint 84 Edil Nolificiations 146 Becoming Anonymous Online 86 Change Preferred Applications 88 Using and Installing Extensions: PPP yin Menten 1e Terminal 90. Change the Mint Lagin Window 92 Using the Mint Firewall 150 Basics of the Terminal 94. Add a Printer to Linux Mint 152 Creating a File Using the Terminal 96 How to Edt the Mint Menu 154 Creating and Removing Directories 156 Update Mint via the Terminal Erwintdumeass 4158 install Apps via the Terminal - Park 1 1160 install Apps via the Terminal - Part 2 4100 Default Linux Mint Apps 1162 Fun Things to do in the Terminal 4102 Introduction to the Software Manager 1164 More Fun Things to do in the Terminal 404 Installing fram the Software Manager 166 Creating Aliases in the Terminal 4106 Introduction to Synaptic Package Manager 168 Creating Bash Scripts ~ Part 1 108 Installing from Synaptic Package Manager 170 Creating Bash Scripts - Part 2 10 Dekstop sharing 172 Creating Bash Scripts - Part 3 1142 Backing Up Linux Mint 174 Creating Bash Scripts - Part 4 114 Restoring from Backup 176 Creating Bash Scripts Part 5 4146 Backup Linux Mint in a Virtual Environment 178 Command Line Quick Reference 118 Exploring LibreOffice Writer 180 AZ of Linux Mint Commands 120 Exploring 122 Exploring LibreOffice impress 124 Exploring Libreoffice Draw eOfice Calc 126 Watching Videos ction to LMDE 2 128 Listening to Music 186 LMDE 2: Life on the Wild side 130 Video Editing in Linux Mint 188 Linux Mint Projects 132 Using GIMP to Edit Images 190 Gaming on Mint 4134 Burning to CD and DvD 192 Where to get Help for Linux Mint G Introduction to Linux Mint: Introduction to Linux Mint) What is Linux Mint? lint is one of the most popular Linux distributions available. Since it was first dev ee AE cole obs eae Dn Eee en sk Perma a Cent) Tu Ses FROM FREEDOM CAME ELEGANCE The old adage of ‘fa thing is worth doing, it's worth doing well can certainly be applied to many different distributions of Linux but there's one distro that time and time again comes out shining above the others: Linux Mint, ‘Theshort answer to’What is Linux Mint’is simply that Linux Mints a distribution of the Linux Kemel and its libraries. tcomes with several different desktop environments, each offering the user something slightly different in terms of looks and how they work: andit comes bundled with a selection of productivity, Video and graphical apps. However, from the user's perspective, there's a lot more behind this rather exceptional Linuxdistr. EDD 2001 iri ses itee27 For many, Linux Mints the last bastion of non- ‘commercialised Linux. An environment whereby they can Stil enjoy the pleasures ofthe desktop, without having to Follow the trend of ving ina tablet driven world. For ‘others, Linux Mint has become the very best example cof what a Linux desktop should be: fast, easy, pleasing tothe eye, useful and productive, Othersstillsee Linux -Mint.asthe ideal desktop for Windows reFugees or thase ‘who are trying out Linux For the first time and want an ‘operating system that essentially works ‘out ofthe box’ and that plays any number of meciafiles froma variety cof sources. Whatever the reason, we can be sure that Linux Mint has evolved into something more than just another Linux distribution and that its popularity has Fuelledits own style and usefulness. | inw Mint from freedom came elegance (. What is Linux Mint? To quote the Linux Mint ethos, the reasons for this distro’s success can be pinned down to: Itworks out of the box, with Full multimedia support and is extremely easy to use, It's Free to obtain and open source. It's community-driven. Users are encouraged to send Feedback to the project so that their ideas can be used to improve Linux Mint. Based on Debian and Ubuntu, it provides about 30,000 packages and one of the best software managers. It’s safe and reliable. Thanks to a conservative approach to software updates, a unique Update Manager and the robustness of its Linux architecture, Linux Mint requires very little maintenance; there's no regressions, no antivirus, no anti-spyware etc. Dts imate Series | Introduction to Linux Mint History of Linux Mint ATOUCH OF MINT Before we begin to get to aris with Linux Mint, it's worth spending afew moments looking over how this distro started off and howit’s changed over its eleven year history. ED ‘Bom in 2006, Lnux Minis the brainchild of Clement Lefebvre, aFrench developer who at tetime ws writing Feviewsand tutorial far various Lirun tes After atime, he beganto gets AaeourForihat the community wantad oto deta and asa int 1.0" was released in August of 2006, ED ‘Based on Kubuntu Dapper, Linux Mint 1.0”Ada’, wasn't the most tabie distro ofthe time. However, me ‘months ater, n November 2006, Clem had evelopment oF Linux Wine 20, codenamed “Barbara, 2.0 was based on bury 6.10| Fy Et, wes more stable and offered the user maryimmprovements| Canons bunts est butions From 2006 to 2007 Linux Mint 2.1 and 2.2 were released, buileing onthe grcaving userbase and continally improving. One of Mint swith fllse of miimedia cadees that greatly improved reputation. in 2007 Lux Mint 30 Cassandra" was released thefist the Mint age, endearing factors wasthat tare shipped on top BESO f2stforwarda ren years throuahversons 31,4, Sando ang we come to Mint "Helens. Linux Mint hac already attracted many former Windows user primal ea the launch of Windews Vista afew yearsearleralenough windows 7 was 2 vast improvement overs predecesor, the Windows mutinees were eady fining Mint a better Coie. LUnux Min 12 "Usa" wasa sanFcant release, as it was the ist version spat the Desktop Erwiormient MATE. MATE, pronounced matay and nemedafter the South American beverage Miata Fork from the popular GNOME 2 Ciesktop that became poplar he to controversy ever CNOME 35 rrew design and operation, PURER Hocon cheheesoF wine 12came int 13 “Maya'an LTS (Long Teer Support version that's supported Apr 2017. Maya as sinificantrelease due to the aunctof the Cintarnon Desktop Enviranmet, Although MATE was nowthe default DE, Gnraron wes developed specticaly for nd by, Linux Min . PREEBD loux tine 15 oluia arrved in 2013, based on Ubuntu 1.04 and sporting a choice of Deskiop Envranments. Clanarnon and MATE were the defaults, MATE designed for older systems, whileClnnamon formore poxeTul modern computers. KDE and Xfce wereazo avaiable, covering awealth of use preferences ‘uilln 2013, toward the end ofthe year, Linux Mine 16 “Petia! was released, bullton Ubuntu 13,1, Petra was ‘considered by some reviewers tthe time asthe perfect example cFa Unc distro The blend oF Desktop Environments stably, eetures ‘and extasallcombined to formasolid and dependable OS. 2013 PRED Lex rin 17 “Qulana’ was releasedin May 204. An ITS verslon wth support to Apr 2019 ane bul on Ubuntu 11104, Version 17 seu several eleases ver the next couple of years, with Ming 17.1 "Rebecca and 172 Rafaea” in 2015 and 17.3 "Rosa in 2018, Incidentally, Ars Technica deserbed 173.a5”.the best\inue desktop dstroyet’, I lier \ = BREE AD tovardsthe encor 201eLunuxraine 18 Saran” was release, an LISverscn with support to Ant 2021 and bul fromthe Ubunty 1604 base, Folowing an from Sar, whichbrings us uptodate, wehave LnuxMint 18.1 "Serena, another excellenc version andthe one wel be working on for Ue rest of tis book, What Makes Mint Different? eee terrae ieei iene aye MUN IAL me eM Keo Ce tele oN ene Le CS Pore ec ele de aura Md see elke eum FAVOURING MINT (Ubuntu, fora its Linux For Human Beings ethos, decided some time ago to opt For atotally, and radical at the time, Desktop Environment. OF course, we are referring to the much maligned, Unity. It’s quite remarkable reall, just how much animosity can be generated toward the visual interpretation of a few lines of code. In a community that tolerates almost any eccentricity, Unity achieved such notoriety throughout the Linux population and was hated as much as any offering from Microsoft. The other versions from and related to Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and so on, have kept their theme, and as aresulthave managed to retain their Fan base. However, it was the core Ubuntu direction and its alleged Flagrant disregard for heeding the views and opinions of those using the software that Forced a numberof stalwarts to jump ship. Many of the refugees of Ubuntu found solace inthe form of Linux Mint, which at the time was still operating with a classic GNOME 2 desktop environment; but the world was changing and the GNOME development team were taking things inone direction, whilst Ubuntu were taking itsin another. Mint, Finding itselF between a rock and hard place, were loath to adopt either the true Form of the newiy released Gnome 3, an environment that ‘caused just as much controversy as Unity had, or the Ubuntu implemented Unity. Instead the team employed an eclectic mix of desktops, alearned choice of environments For the user to opt For during installation. The Mint team were listening to the views and comments of those in the community and asa result they could offer the user a compromise. Looking at the previous releases of Linux Mint, from Linux Mint 12 “Lisa”, based on Ubuntu Oneiric; to Mint 13 “Maya', based on the Precise Pangolin, we see a Linux distribution that offers the advanced and casual user alike an experience that retains the classic look and feel of the desktop; without the commercialisation or look-alike branding that appears to have become the norm these days. In particular, we got to enjoy the pleasures of MATE and Cinnamon ~ considered as the true Linux users’ desktop environments. However, it's not just the choice of Desktop Environmentthat makes Mint different. The layout oF the Mint Menu for example, provides easy and logical access to the installed apps and urine administration of the system. t's intuitive and for those who want a modern approach, it also includes a search Function. ‘The Mint developers have also included some specialised tools: Mint Install, Mint Update, Mint Backup and Mint Upload. All oF these are designed to make tasks easier and create a better user experience. Mint also includes media codecs out of the box, so you don't need to install them once the operating system is set up. You can also find Java runtime and Flash Player installed by default, along with productivity apps, media players such as VLC and even Gimp. Overall though, it's the Linux Mint community that makes this sucha stand out and different distro. Within the Mint Forums you can Find a helpful and dedicated set of users, from all walks of life and at differing levels of skill nd knowledge, ready and willing to help a new user. Sign up at www Forums, introduce yourself and get involved. It's these differences that make Linux Mint a great. choice of Linux distro for beginners and advanced users too. BBR) ction ounoxine) The Mint Community PME OC eel UNE eee Coa a ec) ideas, their time, support and help to others, Linux as a whole wouldn't be where its today, ae coats] RNa e orth ‘WORKING TOGETHER ‘There are many benefits to becoming a partof the Linux Mint community. Help is always at hand andi you're a keen developer or you have some great ideas, you can share them with others. wD To start with le'shave alook atthe Linux Mint community homepage. Open up a browser and navigate to wa ‘ommouniyincrint com; te landing page iswheve youcan lin and quick wen some interesting stustics regarding Linux Mint If youstck on the green Regsterbutton, you are taken toa ppagewhere you cn enter your cantact etal. This wil create an account within the Linux Mint community section where ate able to contribute ides, reviews ae tutorial, and view compatibity pars Conce youre registered and logged in, you can browse the Comvmunity mena far ideas, Tutor al, Haréware and Software, Users and Chat Room groups. You can even apCto ‘download the curent testing and bleeding edge 1S0s for Linux Mint, where your feedback would be invaluable, ‘Welcome tothe Linux Mint Community TG) ‘Theideas group, For example, contains countless suggestions For improvements the core Linux Mint system, aswell as suggestion For the various Desktop Ervironment versions. Kleas are based on vatesand scores, with the top Suggestions going uncer developer review. os ee f The Mint Community { om THE LINUX MINT FORUM If you need to seek help with a particular aspect of Linux Mint, then the best place to start is with the Mint forums, In here ‘you can Find an active community of Fellow users, ready to help out. The Low Mint Forum canbe found at wafers, Depending onthe question asked or the particular thread inwamingcom,tfyou lookto the rightof Ue screen there of te section's top, you come into contac: with Linx ‘are Login and Register buttons, Clickthe Register button tocreatean Mint usersFrom araundthe worl, Dont be asi to ask anything, as ‘accountfar the Mint fu, where you ae able to start asking the Forum Rules state "There areno such things as Stupk questiors" ‘questions andhelp others [e5als0 generally accepted behaviour to thank someone fr their contrbution, However, before youstart ta pest anything's recernmend Important Notices, Mai Eton Support Debian Eoisan that you ew the Rules & Nobces section under the ‘Support, Personalise and Customise mux Mint Cat, Development. important Noties category Within you can read te Forum Rules, ‘andLanguages Fath ofthese categovesare broken down futher into Cuidellnesand Poly Utes ead through thisto make sure youre ‘section, ncuding NewPle Questions, Neticesand Artwork. ‘ticking tothe Forum ules. Looking atthe Newbie Questions section, under the Main “The chat category hasan introduce Yours secton, hich Edition Support, youcansve the ila A Gurus Once Were atts asa woleone to now users, Youcan say holloto the Newbies ts a great place te start onthe Forum. Inthissectionyou _LnoxMinecortmunity world here and perhaps geo know some oF ‘an ind hints ang ups Fornew Linux Min users aswellas questions _theregular contributors who you may meet ocasionaliyinthe Linus Fegarding the OS anc the Forum sel Mint wed. ont wtinate sel sie 7 EE UU Introduction to Linux Mint ; What You Need Mune die fully installing Linux Mint on to a PC are surpri minimal, so even a computer that's several years old will happily run this distro. Hom Wren Meter uae iatscedsscentusestsc la) MINTY INGREDIENTS, This is what you need to install and run Linux Mint as you're working through this book. You have several choices available, so take your time and see which works best For you. BASU seus eS mioimumsistem requirements For Linux int 16.1 areas Folows cpu Tow RAM, save Hard Drivespace 968 (200 recammnended) USB INSTALLATION gates eens ‘Monitor 1024x 768resolution computer vis U5 FD. We'liook into each itl ater on but youre already familar withthe process ‘or you're Hiking of USB ae jst gathering the hardware younced, Obviously thebetterthe ystem youhavo,the betterthe experience chenyou'e going to needa minimum 4GB USB lash drive to conan willbe, ad quicker to, theLinux ineis0. ETD 0000 irises iter ESD orcs unrine | (EER NCSOND "es ihouoia simpky requires. blank DVD-R aly that an internet OF cours, yousaléo need a OVD Writer dive before you can transfer connection isvtal For making sure that Linux Mints upto date orbur the 50 image roche dis with the latest updates and patches, 2s wellas the instalation of Further cartware, although you don't need an internat connection touse Linux Mint, you're sure to mis out ona world of Free software available Forth distro. CSD 2 rnc thetrecommends Mac owners use viral environment, such as. EXE tercwt ng and sing Love dstres, nx Mint works a wall when used ian environment. More on that Theyeare many diferent vitual eraonment apps avalible however fr this hack we are using Virtalhax from Orace. Youcan getthe latest versen from yaw vituathoxoea. Introduction to Linux Mint Different Versions of Mint WHICH MINT? Over the coming pages we look at each of the versions available. First here's a quick introduction and reasons for there being such a variety. LUnux Min offers the usera choice offiveversions ofthe distr: Cinnamon, MATE, Xfe, KDE and LMOE 2. Whilst that ‘may sound alittle confusing forthe newcomer, essentially teachof the versions avallable contains the same cor ini structure and kernel the kernelisthecore ofthe operating system) that handles allthe instructions between the software and hardware. Eachof the versions are simply different desktop evironments, the Graphical User interface (CUD than you use tointerac withthe operating system {uth the exception of LMDE 2). Each ofthe desktop environments uses diferent apps for accessing o usin the system, such asthe le ‘manager to browse the operating system's fle structure or the ‘way launches other apps. Again though, the core available productivity, vdeo and graphic suites are the same, and Funatonin the same way. \Why bother then with cifferent desktop environment? ‘Simply put, i's down to personal taste. Some users prefer IMATE, 2s MATE sa fork ofthe classic GNOME 2 ervironment, 'alittie more menu-centricand peeforms well on older computers Others prefer Cinnamon, because 'sammore ‘modem environment that works better on recent hardware and features some cutting edge desktop code. KDE's aitle heavier onthe system resourcesbut looks magnificent and ‘generally offers more effects and customisations. Xfce, onthe ‘other hand isa lightweight desktop ervironment that works sgreat on der hardware, LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Eton) 2s based on Debian instead ‘oF Ubuntu, tha the other versions use.’ cutting edge distro that’s targeted at experienced Linux users who want totest and use the latest versions of the apps avalable. can, thorafore, be quite unstable at times and requirs alot more ser administration to master. I's available with Cinnamon and MATE desktop environments In short, Cinnamon sth flagship desktop environment for LUnux Mint. MATEIsmore compatible with wider variety cof hardware, KDE uses more system resourcesbut looks Fantastic Xfcefs a ightweight DE forlowresource ystems. Finally, LMDE 2s realy for expertsonly. Where Windows, for example, ony offers one desktop environment workin Linux offers mary, Linux Minéhas therefore opted to give the wsera wealthof choice, and we Unk thats pretty decent of them. Cinnamon Desktop Environment Cinnamon Desktop Environment ADASH OF CINNAMON Cinnamon has mary benefits beyond ts look and eel although they are important factors, We've outlined few Features to help you decide iFiestheDEFeryou. Panel tothe sides of the screen and the Ie performs excellenty on mote modern systems butts lok mar toline up a irusedra be and nat quite te resource hag tance anal Features wil automaticaly olantae themeelesto be puto'¥ Gnnamanif you're using an elder vertical plane, This makes the desktop easier to customise, and Features cantigurable Het Comers, where each corner o seraaver nit the latest verson of Comamon, or i 11, Background sideshows are avaiable and you the desktop canbe clicked to perform a certain task, such a splay ainainsand thete re media controls the Workspaces, howall Windows or Run nd. the Hot Comers arean excellent way to switch between dierent views and help makethe deskton a more eff bas ajuk Introduction to Linux Mint MATE Desktop Environment BEST MATE IMATE is a simple to use and intuitive DE thats Fast and stable, In comparison te Cinnamon it loksalittle antiquated but that's only ‘onthe surface. There's plenty to like with MATE. environment for older comp ‘a nt Pane 98 sumer of harchare components in ke a8 2 alist Fo nga J and others ae more constructive, such as 8 does ands ls just a capable of ce fesktop along with dustomsations, duet nfiqurale nature, MATE can Be custom ‘though you dontthave cute the graphical fe afine decree. There are rs avalableto uses w vou con sill enjoy such Features as customisable not emand litle more from their cesktap environment, inducing lent teatedtor, XD: player and mary at Compiz Settings here youre able fo configure ali manner oFcesktop MATE specicapp effets, ever 23D desktop ub (_ Xfce Desktop Environment Xfce Desktop Environment CHOLESTEROL FREE DESKTOP Xfce started if asthe Common Desktop Environment (CDE) in 1996. Sincethenits changed name a ew times anlisnow simpy Xe with the nickname Cholesterol Free Desktop Environment. ice really isa quick desktop and brings ou the hes in Linux as Fs : sd envronmer sion ting system, Infact taken usta this pon Fram thet fe ent gage to nstal onto anew comauter; 120 words uniter esktog background asthe ab "8 bod moges;yucan even personalise the setup Fut to Introduction to Linux Mint KDE Desktop Environment KOOL DESKTOP KDE was Founded twenty years ago by Matthias Etrch, a then student at Eherhard Karls Unversity of Tubingen. t's an extraordinarily versatile envirenment and looks amazing when used on moder systems, Linux ine 8.1 KOE usesPlasma 5 which sthe atest version and You're abla to starctyping tothe ces\top to launch the Ki Function. With ityou can search for fle, Flders, apps ane consists oF some great features, The desktop tel fs quite demanding imes,depercing on hats neingrunand websites. You can also customise the search optionsto caver haw much customisation youre using, butts veryimpresie ‘everything Fram calculator use ta defining dictionary words Widgets are one of KDE's most impressive aditions With them DBueto KDE’ configurable nature there area huge range of desktop youre abe to acd acynamc andactive app diedty tothe desktop. wall avalable. Yau can alse david rove Ever Fancledhaving an anal the deskzon or how abouta wallpapers and other features divety From withnthe desktoa moreare avaiable configuration utility too ‘uning ouof desktop space, ( Downloading the Mint ISO i Downloading the Mint ISO Now that you eel eee tec uaa Deg Nea toactually get hold of the ISO for the particular Flavour you're interested in. In case you're Meee ne Ri entire CD or DVD. See ee cm stucts ontents of an GETTING MINTY Your adventure with Lux Mints just few clicks away. First though you need to check whether youneed the 32-bit r 64-bit version, Simply ut your PC was bul after 2010 then opt forthe 4b version Startby opening a browser and navigating town n Ths isthe download area Farthe maintream versons of Linux Mint (2. and 6b) covering Cinnamon, MATE, Xfce and KOE. you want LMDE 2 then yeu needto 90 to ynwalinamingsom/download \mcecghp, viene there ae 32 Gea and 6¢-t versions of Cinaman and MATE availabe pee] FREER the hardest pnt thc secton isdecidng which version to opt far WelNooka ite deeper int the afezent desktops ater on but Fr ease of use, we're gong to use the Cinnamon 6¢-bitwesion ofthe mainstream Lex Mint, Cickthe 32 0° {64-bit version inks to betaken tothe mirar download page, Inthe download section you can see some information = regarding the version, how big the SO is and elease nates (worth reading. Below along ik oF egionalservers or ‘mirers that contain the 18. Locate one nearest to you and clcthe linkto beain te download. FRPP the closer the mirrr‘slocationtoyou the quicker it wnlonds, wen you clickone of the inks you ae ‘sled to open or savethefile. Ath stage, makesurethe Save File ‘option s highlighted and click the OK button to inate the ) 121 (010) 0 ee ere en ered desktop | ald kira home mre thant shore Tsien erronmenttat modem lek on Peet ete eet er ~~ Explore een -Beneaiine sae CSV eon LO a May inamon is designed by the Mint team Pee dee Mate een cai Renae crest tts RE Rue a) seid Soa ser sete ea es rece Ses comee ory eases Introduction to the KDE Menu_ CME Rar Counsel) Linux Mint KDE Cee) Explore the Linux Mint Desktops) Introduction to the Cinnamon Menu CINNAMON VIRTUALBOX FIX The Software Rendering Mode is when you run Cinnamon without video hardware acceleration. I's common in Virtvalbox but also applies for incorrect graphies card drivers (_ Introduction to the Cinnamon Menu ‘CINNAMON ON THE MENU Now the Software Rending issue for Virtualbex users is out ofthe way (we'llget to other drivers soon), let's take alook atthe ‘Mint Menu and how it all works. FSPIER Fs: you ul nave aready noticed the wekome Screen thet pops yp when youlginto Linux Mint co browne through the option, read the new Features andsoon; leave the Driverslcan alone che ne being Nhen youre done, cickthe Xinthe comer othe window ta closeit. results you want s certainly worth akg thetieto master thous EEED vies cettomicenta ioc FREER see nota apa nten .s were scr ce et erent eet ee Cc “CSSA RAP Sr tig te sp rca you ware sch neh eh hand elo eng het aera oe thasecion FRE unchingary oftheapnstromtreMenuicassimoleas EEE the appslseedinche ghthand nding one and dckingit For example under the column and right-click yore presented with ist Office section clckon UbreOFce writer, cer sth ‘options Ald to Pane, Add to Desktop, dd to Fovourtes and Uninstall word processor for Linux Mint. Ropens anda Irsobvious how most ofthese options ar 1d fineronsinalmast thesome nay. thoueh wilplacethe app the le thand, quickeccess colin Navigating the Cinnamon Desktop fete os cre AMC ea eo ena em aclu elim elects fe Telcos ok epuc le efeuni Te Co Moat pce eae Eo deco dcekse etal fi ccM Ree eR a Ae AMR nee ES ATOUCH OF SPICE The Cinnamon desktop environment sa great blend of style and performance. There's lots to like aboutit and well look into it in ‘more detail ater on. Here ate ten Features to stare with root have ti your user account and you can store Pictures, Video Documents and Dawriesded tems Navigating the Cinnamon Desktop feskteprohtcck context menu, select ings. Thiswllopen uparew windaw steps eeeueaiteeeeieneeaeenied sterol souteheclekaueftiron tera ate ttaronatietennies wheresouresth rdehog ea wesateasn Oerualona ion wade died acupterane na sours congesetup wth tile monks etched ESE For ccxrale i youctctheootion Macy Panel youcan he Desktop Settings window, clk the let-facing move, move, remave te Panel add anew one and array locatedin the upper left. This wil take you to of any Applets tat ae current pet bythe way, is the System Settiras options. From here you can controkand edicthe anzoptha’s designed to work and fitinto the Cnrarron Panel way Lux Mint Ganaran looks ‘manage the rewall aed enabl wort, as walla’ new users Computer left the Home con and hold ane drag itt the desktop, This wil ge you twa options: Folder View and con, Choose whic, but experiment with both we prefer th squall simple, adding an app to the desktop or Panel can be achieved by igh-lcking ay oF Ue ‘p95 fromthin the KDE Menu and chaosing one ofthe options ‘Add to Desttop, Addto Panelor Add to Launcher. EE Incase you haven't done so already, right click the desitop and choose Configure Desitop from the ren. You can pick a better deskton wallpaper from Mints cefaut slction o lik the Cee New Wallnpers button and organise the by Ratna, Clekthe install button te ad valle walls wallpape: to EESID ee anrightclckthe KDE Menuand choose Asmat rm the menu, Picka new Aterati menuandiaokfrom the ls avalabe Folowedtay the Sutten button co xtvotethenen Creating Users in Linux Mint When you first install Linux Mint it's configured For use witha single user. Whilst sharing a user account with the entire family is fine, there may come a time when you need to create oer ct pene ania uae ees NEW USERS Having different users means each user will have access to his or her own areas onthe system. Documents, pictures, videos and 50.00 willbe separate, as with multiple users on ather operating systems, Clckon the Linux Mint Menuand type users to begin Enterthe new use'sFullName, followed bythe searching forth relevant console. rom the earch Username ty ave when lagcinginto Line Mit results, choose Users and Graups ad enter your password. The —-Make srathe username sallinlower cave, a and 0-9 cheracers Users ane Groups console saute basiclooking ant thankful easy ony. You can haveullstops, underscores or hyphens you wish Click touse. Atfist, youjustsee your own usernamefiam when you the dbutlon when you'e ready tocontinue installed Linux Mint Toade a nev user, clickthe Add button at the bottom The new user will appear in the list of ofthe console. There are tw types a ser you can ‘inc users ina iphabetial rer. presen, there'sA0 create: Standard and Adminstrator Unless the new user hasneedto password setso che usr inthe lt ofeurrent uses, then click the install new apos or access a's ofthe lesystembeyendtheirHome __NoPassword Set option underthe users username. Folder, tnen opt for the Standard account type. Others, use te Amina account type. imate Serie Vole 27 Creating Users in Linux Mint 1 can now enter & password forthe new user, oF you EE ‘Once logged in the new user will be required to set can ick the cried arawat the endothe New up tre owndesktop walpaper icons Panel, Menu Passwordtex:boxta generate a password for you, asuell asdplaying and soon. Bepencng on what Account Type you setup them a iy,R'sa good deatocome up withasstronaa passwordes Standard oraéminstato, they won't beable toinstall ary new fen youre cone, clthe Change button, ‘apps. This screenshots from a Standard user account ype. psconsole window HED needs be, you can quickly snitch and login a. ated. youcck the ‘Adminstrator account by chcking onthe Mint Mew Fallowecby Logout, yousre presented with che Mint and searching For new login Click the New Loginapp and youare able banager. Thenew userwil bepresentinthelst of currently tologinasthe logging the ist user out. avaliable users Click on tim orhe to og them in COMMAND LINE ACCOUNTS, Asyou'd expect, you can also create anew user from within the command Line. Open up a Terminal session under the main (ours), Administrator account. ERD recs wersenense tonteconnard REE vues edkalsanacomt pero we rere Snte To beth yea re ue Fone Urs andrea ‘ame. Youre then be asked to create anew password fortheuser, delluser nthe New Launcher Properties window, enter the HED \when you double-cick the new Icon on the deskto, of the app a athe bot 3 Comment he app willaunch ast should do; slong as ye Jescrigtion. The Command teat box can beat trcky, again ered the command correctly wth ay enias required ending anthe ape, Some apps runsmph by enteringtheirnamé something does oo wana and iecoesnt launch, te cnances ore the into Terminal others require special options before the apprunsthe command you entered sincoreet: in which case youneedt research vay you war the correct command EE youhaveapartc mage youwantto use, EE her method of adding, or vemaving, isons to o he deal rocket ship con, and use the Tle manag Fromthe desktp isa the Deskicp Setrnas option indowrolocate the new con IFtheapp Gone thats run fromvuthin done by righlckng te desktop sel Welked ath caneoe inthe the Terminal,suh asa Terminalteat eds, then makesure the Launch previous Customising the Desktop secon, Here you can ad various In Terminal options ticked icons, evento diferent monitors youhave mare than ane set un Wihensaeconoltathenewasplouncer seins, EUREREB €sat0 worth mentioning hat youcan Resch clckthe Ok butten tosave everything and create the cans an the deckiop Rightcckan icon and choose app en the cesitop, Youse then asked youalsowantta ade the Resi ean rer the nu. Thiswl seta square overlay othe con, launcher tothe Meru placing under the Otner category by default. where youcan cick and hod the corners and drag them ta the Click ether Yes or Noto continue ‘sed se Mint Management. ) Using Desklets EXTRA SPICE Let's take afew moments to look at how Desklets work, where to get them, how to add or remove them and even where to find info on how to make your own unique Desklet thatyou're upto dat eback shield and check cee OPP ne Dashlets console, you ray have acd, Inthis ght the Cock and alreadylooked atin the oF mare Deskets already ava loc, Digital Photo Frame ana Launches. ih cick the Ads to Desktop button are any level o less updates that need apobing. W's abaysh mayb there mayhave been an important uadate egargng we have Tunctinsyou are going to usenext desktop, You ca jo mave around ilk i, you get a separate menustoconvign on regarding elapesit, This usual or isl launch Installed Becket, 2 Genera settings ‘licking onthe Configure option For example, briogs up the Cock Dest settings consol. jn this particula youn aterthe fone (oft tat and satya oun dake Format. Thethree horizontal barsin the top right comer allow youto export import or reset to the default valves of the configuration Kes}, Return tothe Deslets console again: rchtclickthe desktop, choose Add Destets. This time, ry the Datal Phot Fre Desk highlight and cick Addl to Desktop. Youcen see tha immediatly ooksto the Home/Pituresfoiderto pul its content. You can oF couse alter these setonge Fyauieh FETED Net cick onthe Aiable Deslts (Orie) tab with the Desllts conse window nee eve are numerous cexarsles of beset ranaina from weather Fereastna, stem monitoring and quote ofthe day, tothe aes stocks, power usage and even Desk sandbox where you can develop yout oem Dest ‘Toad a Deskle, simply tick the box next toi, clckthe Installor Update Selecta terns box, return to installed Deslets and acd the Desket tothe desktop. alternatively vst wan, ‘conamansnine nu esters and download he Ceskles

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