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April 2019 aw ;: _-™ wast White Nationalism Born in the USA is Now a Global Terror alee New Arrival Last Co CSS Past Papers CSSmca COMPULSORY SUBJECTS ST) Te MC CM Mame ullame eM Lm PNT) SAL | cl Oe — me i INN . I ONT CLC) PF \e iy NW Vt Ae Ai NE a Px CoD oat Kabir Street Urdu Bazar, Lahore Phone: 042-373532510 PS Christchurch Terror Attack RUC ee TR neni} ee ce eae Christchurch, New Zealand, during Friday Prayer on 15 March 2019. The attacks began at the Al Deoa ee ane teers er PER CUM earls Ae te Bee eee ae ects mee csr) 50 people and injured SO others. Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia, Ce Ec ie Pec Re haere ce icece reeled Sr ey who was at Al Noor mosque with his fatherand older brother. BUCO RCSD CaS acs Dem eR moa ees expressed sorrow, shock and anger. RC Cae ML ac CPCI CoC Pec more atecucc Re Rcd Be rc face CRU mo Cee Ra ee a were copied and shared on social media Brom a a Mc olan Een eu ENC mC e clad Tue ees OC CM ae Ce an eres et eet ec Ra cma Pee Se ce and perpetrator “has no place in New ree Worshippers inside one of the mosques Des CUR cure) POE Lec rcs CEUs Coe ca eS Cee ae eee cca ee Re RUC ne ag PIC Coane ume an cca} tour. They sheltered in the dressing rooms at Hagley Oval before being taken to their hotel. The opening batsman, De eg a ac COM naa US mosques went on high alertafter the attack, with authorities in New York, fee Oe Meee Ree EUR a cio CMe mt Mri Eee CR een Ty ER eee cos eyes Born in the USA is Now A Global Terror Threat Pomc eee Re ec eo Christchurch, New Zealand is the latest eee See ecg og Ceca eee ena Dee Mee cy that white nationalist terrorism is not a major problem, recent data from the United Nations, University of Chicago and other sources show rt ae ‘As more people embrace a xenophobic and anti- Tee rece) violence toward those deemed “outsiders” — Regence ote ee Coenen a? Bieler AVC aa Most of the Western world — from Switzerland SORE RRO Rse omc ) Boe eu eee ce Rec PERS Sect eos a sced rs Driven by fear over the loss of white primacy, eeu seas eC et) SRR nn ne Reo) society. “Every people in the world can have their own Cer ees nee os ae Eee nes Nee after the New Zealand attack. "We should have ea Rocke eet cca HM GSAS Racist attacks on refugees, immigrants, Muslims and Jews are increasing worldwide at an alarmingrate. Scholars studying the internationalization of hate crimes call this dangerous phenomenon ‘violent transnationalism.” In Europe, white violence appears to have been triggered by the sudden increase, in 2015, of refugees fleeing war in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East. Ultra-nationalists across the continent - including politicians at the highest rungs of power — used the influx as evidence of the imminent “cultural genocide” of white people. This disturbing international trend, in its modern incarnation, was bornin the United States. Since the 1970s, a small, vocal cadre of American white supremacists have sought to export their ideology of hate, Avowed racists like Ku Klux Klan wizard David Duke, Aryan Nations founder Richard Butler and extremist author William Pierce believe the white race is under attack worldwide by a cultural invasion of immigrants and people of color, The United States is diversifying, but it remains 77 percent white. White supremacists, however, have long contended that the country's demographic changes will lead to an extermination of the white race and culture. The “alt-right” — an umbrella term describing modern online white supremacist movement — uses the same language. And it has expanded this 20th-century xenophobic worldview to portray refugees, Muslims and progressives as a threat, too. Alt-right leaders like Richard Spencer, extremist Jared Taylor and the Neo-Nazi Daily Stormer editor Andrew Anglin also use social media to share their ideology and recruit members across borders. They have found a global audience of white supremacists who, in turn, have also used the internet to share their ideas, encourage violence and broadcast their hate crimes worldwide. HM GSAS “The hatred that led to violence in Pittsburgh and Charlottesville is finding new adherents around the world,” Jonathan Greenblatt of the Anti Defamation Leaguey.a civil liberties watchdog, told USA Today after the New Zealandattack “indeed, it appears that this attack was not just focused on New Zealand; it was intended to have aglobalimpact.” We know the alleged New Zealand mosque shooter's hatred of Muslims was inspired by American white nationalism — he said so on Twitter. His online “manifesto” includes references to cultural conflicts that the author believed would eventually lead the United States to separate alongethnic, political and racial lines. The alleged attacker also wrote that he supports President Donald Trump “asa symbol of renewed white identity.” Trump and other right-wing politicians like French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen and Dutch opposition leader Geert Wilders have blamed the very real problems of modern life - growing economic instability, rising inequality and industrial decay—on immigrants and people of color. That narrative has added further hostility into the existing undercurrent of intolerance in increasingly multicultural societies like the United states, Hate crimes against Muslims, immigrants and people of color have been on the rise in the U.S. since 2014 In 2015, the Southern Poverty Law Center documented 892 hate crimes. The next year, it counted 917 hate crimes, In 2017 - the year Trump took office stoking nationalist sentiment with promises to build walls, deport Mexicans and ban Muslims — the U.S. saw 954 white supremacist attacks, ‘One of them was a violent clash between counterprotesters and white nationalists over the removal of a confederate statue in Charlottesville, Virginia. The 2017 “Unite the Right” rally, which killed one person and injured dozens, amplified the ideas of modern white nationalists nationally and worldwide. Last year, white nationalists killed at least 50 people in the United States, Their victims included 11 worshippers at a Pittsburgh KMG@SAIES synagogue, two elderly black shoppers in a Kroger parking lot in Kentucky and two women, practicing yogain Florida, The years 2015, 2016 and 2018 were the United States’ deadliest years for extremist violence since 1970, according to the Anti-Defamation League. All perpetrators of deadly extremist violence in the U.S. in 2018 had links to white nationalist groups. That made 2018 “a particularly active year for right-wing extremist murders,” the Anti- Defamation League says. Nationalist terror is a danger to the domestic security of the United States and, evidence shows, a global terror threat that endangers the very nature af global democratic society. Facebook has announced a ban on content that includes “praise, support and representation of white nationalism and separatism” — a significant policy shift that comes after months of criticism from civil rights groups. Greg Johnson (White Nationalist) Greg Johnson is an American white nationalist and advocate for a white ethnostate, a white supremacist, and anti-Semite, opposed to we Pees immigration, and a self-identified transphobe. He is known for his role as editor-in-chief of the white nationalist imprint Counter-Currents Publishing, which he founded in 2010 with the “racist geneticist and neo-Nazi aficiando” Michael Polignano.Cross-Currents has been called "one of the pillars of alt-right publishing As a result of Counter-Currents' popularity, Johnson has become 2 high-profile international white nationalist, and is regularly invited to give talks in Europe. Through the imprint, he has published over 40 books, several of which he wrote himself, either under his real name or the pseudonym Trevor Lynch. He is based in Seattle, Washington. As a writer, Johnson has written for the anti- Semitic far-right online publication Occidental Observer The Common Language of White Nationalism and White Supremacy Modern white nationalism has a common history and a common language that transcends borders. The Christchurch shooter's manifesto Uses it, as do others who have either committed or attempted to commit mass violence in the name of white nationalism. While it has its own American history, white nationalism is an inherently global movement. ‘As researcher J.M. Berger detailed in a paper on the impact of the white nationalist screed The Turner Diaries on the movement: Most extremist movements believe their waking reality has already become dystopian and they are participants in what Mark Juergensmeyer calls a “cosmic war”. For jihadist groups like al Qaeda and Isis, this beliefis articulated asa Kabir Street Urdu Bazar, Lahore Phone: 042-373532510 KMG@SAIES a global “war on Islam’. For anarchists and socialists, a fascist oligarchy controls free market societies. In the case of white nationalism, the “white race” is threatened with extinction due to widespread miscegenation and the erosion of white supremacist social norms. And the Christchurch shooter notes this in his manifesto, describing himself as European by blood because Australia is “simply an off-shoot of the European people” right alongside his discussions of eco-fascism, The Coast Guard lieutenant who planned to kill politicians and media personalities felt very much the same. Ina deleted email recovered from his computer, he wrote: Liberalist/globalist ideology is destroying traditional peoples esp white. No way to counteract without violence. it should push for more crack down bringing more people to our side. Much blood will have to be spilled to get whitey off the couch. For some no amount of blood will be enough. They will die as will the traitors who actively work toward our demise. Looking to Russia with hopeful eyes or any land that despises the west's liberalism. Excluding of ‘course the muslim scum. Who rightfully despise the west's liberal degeneracy. It is clear that the author is not thinking of himself as an American citizen but as a white person, united with all other white people against everyoneelse. The Role of America, and America's Racial Past America has a central role in the Christchurch shooter's manifesto. He claims he used guns to stir up America's debate over gun rights versus safety in hopes of dividing the country over racial and cultural lines, writing, “This balkanization of the US will not only result in the racial separation of the people within the United States ensuring the future of the White race on the North ‘American continent, but also ensuring the death of the ‘melting pot’ pipe dream.” (He also expresses some anger about the United States’ involvementin the 1990s war in Yugoslavia.) In general white nationalist rhetoric, Europe is “lost” in racial terms because of nonwhite immigration and low birthrates among white Europeans across the continent. But America — alongside New Zealand and Australia, to some within the movement — is viewed as perhaps the last hope for white nationalists to create an idealized "white homeland.” Over the last 50 years, those ideas have been further developed with a surprising degree of specificity. David Lane, whom | mentioned earlier, was in favor of the so-called Northwest Imperative, the white nationalist idea of creating an "Aryan homeland” in the Pacific Northwest. The man who stabbed two people to death ona train in Oregon in May 2017 was reportedly an adherent of this idea, posting on Facebook before the attack that America should be “balkanize(d)" — the same word used by the Christchurch shooter. And the Coast Guard lieutenant who allegedly planned attacks made similar points in an email towhite supremacist Harold Covington, writing, HM GSAS “How long can we hold out there and prevent niggerization of the Northwest until whites wake upon their own...” The "Thin Blue Line" stands for law enforcement's separation of order from chaos, or, a8 Oxford. Dictionaries. describes, it's a reference to police, "in the context of maintaining order during unrest.” Yet, during the Charlottesville protests last weekend — a screaming example of mayhem— the proud symbol of police appeared amida sea of white supremacists. Ablack-and-white American flag with 2 thin blue line across its center appeared among the Confederate flags toted by the white supremacists and neo-Nazis during the violent protests. At least one maker of the flag condemned its use in Charlottesville. On Aug, 12, 2017, a "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville turned deadly when a 20-year-old Ohio man allegedly accelerated his car into a crowd of counter-protesters, killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer and leaving 19 others injured, five critically The Unite the Right rally, also known as the Charlottesville rally or Charlottesville riots, was a white supremacist rally that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia, from August 11 to 12, 2017. Protesters were members of the far-right and included self-identified members of the alt- right, neo-Confederates, neo-fascists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, Klansmen, and various militias. The marchers chanted racist and antisemitic slogans, carried semi-automatic rifles, Nazi and neo-Nazi symbols (such as the swastika, Odal rune, Black Sun, and Iron Cross), the Valknut, Confederate battle flags, Deus Vult crosses, flags and other symbols of various past and present anti-Muslim and antisemitic groups.**"' Within the Charlottesville area, the rally is often known as A12or 8/12. The organizers’ stated goals included unifying the ‘American white nationalist movement and to 10 HM GSAS oppose removing a statue of Robert E. Lee from Charlottesville's Lee Park. Unite the Right held an anniversary rally on August 11-12, 2018, in Washington D.C. Like the original, the rally was expected to draw large protests from religious organizations, civil rights groups, and anti-fascist organizers, The rally's turnout consisted of 20-30 protesters amidst thousands of counter-protestors. Charlottesville, best known for being home to the state university created by Thomas Jefferson, may seem like an unusual choice for a heated battle involving neo-Nazis, but there was a reason that "Unite the Right" organizers chose thetown fortheirrally. Charlottesville had been ina months-long battle over what to do with a statue of Gen. Robert E Lee, who led the Confederate army during the Civil War. Many cities across the country have been grappling with what to do with their Confederate statues, as some feel that they are reminders of a dark time of racism in U.S. history and should be taken down, Earlier in 2017, the Charlottesville City Council had voted to remove the Lee statue and rename the park where itis located. ‘A group of white nationalists protested the decision in May, prompting criticism from the mayor. But that protest paled in comparison to what unfolded in August. The "Unite the Right’ rally was scheduled for Sat. ‘Aug. 12 and participants started to gather in Charlottesville the night before. A group of white nationalists holding lit tiki torches marched through the campus of the University of Virginia, some chanting the Nazi associated phrase "blood and soil The formal rally was scheduled to start at noon Saturday but the first skirmishes of the day between protesters and counter-protesters were reported that morning. Tensions soared and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency before noon that day. The violence reached its peak at 1:42 p.m. when James Alex Fields rammedhis car intoa i KMG@SAIES crowd of counterprotesters. Heyer was killed and 19 others were injured. Two Virginia State Police troopers were killed when their helicopter crashed outside of Charlottesville. The troopers, Lt. H. Jay Cullen and Trooper-Pilot Berke M.M. Bates, were lending air support in response to the violence in Charlottesville President Donald Trump was spending time at his golf club in Bedminist er, New Jersey, and released a statement condemning the violence but not calling out the white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups in attendance. "We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides — on many sides," Trump said in a short statement delivered in New Jersey. "it's been going on for a long time in our country. Not Donald Trump. Not Barack Obama. It's been goingonforalong, longtime." Trump tweeted twice more that afternoon, offering condolences to the families of Heyer and the troopers, but did not make any specific mention of the controversial groups. On Aug. 13, a White House spokesperson who would not be publicly identified released a statement about Trump's comments Saturday. "The president said very strongly in his statement yesterday that he condemns all forms of violence, bigatry, and hatred, and of course that includes white supremacists, KKK, neo-Nazi and all extremist groups. He called for national unity and bringing all Americans together," the White House spokesperson said. It wasn't until two days later, on Monday afternoon, that Trump made another televised statement, this time, being more explicit. “Racism is evil. And those who cause violence in, its name are criminals and thugs, including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans," he said. “To anyone who acted criminally in this weekend's racist violence, you will be held fully accountable. Justice will be delivered,” he added. But Trump added more fuel to the fire on Tuesday, Aug. 15 during a televised press conference in which he lashed out at criticism of his initial statement, Asked about his immediate response Saturday, Trump quickly went on to blame both sides for the conflict, adding that there were "very fine people" among both the white supremacists and the counter-protesters. “think there is blame on both sides. You look at both sides. | think there is blame on both sides," ‘Trump said during his remarks on Aug. 15. "You had some very bad people in that group. You also had some very fine people on both sides," he added. SON International Relations Paper I| Paper I HM GES“ omen are less likely to participate in the labour market than men and are more likely to be unemployed in most parts of the world. On average around the world, women remain much less likely to participate in the labour market than men. At 48.5 per cent in 2018, women's global labour force participation rate is 26.5 percentage points below that ofmen, Since 1990, this gap has narrowed by 2 percentage points, with the bulk of thereduction occurring in the years up to 2009. The rate of improvement, which has been slowing aN 2009, is expected to grind to a halt during 2018- 21, and possibly even reverse, potentially negating the relatively minor improvements in gender equality in access to the labour market achieved over the past decade. Globally, the labour force participation rate for men and women aged 15 and over continues its long term decline; it stands at 61.8pc in 2018, down by 1.4 percentage points over the past decade. The decline in women's participation rate has been slowerthan that of men, resulting 14 KMGSAIES inaslightnarrowing of the gender gap. Developing countries show the highest ratio of female-to-male unemployment rates across income groups, at 1.3 in 2018. This largely reflects the fact that unemployment rates among men in these countries are low by international standards, while the rates among women are only slightly above the global average. Conversely, in regions such as the Arab States and Northern Africa, female unemployment rates are still twice as large as men’s, with prevailing social norms continuing to obstruct women's participationin paid employment. The gap. in employment participation rates between men and women is narrowing in developing and developed countries while it continues to widen in emerging countries. However, this may bea reflection of the fact that tant om ‘a growing number of young women in these countries have joined formal education, which delays their entry tothe labour market. One Out of Five Women in Pakistan is Part of Labour Force Women in Pakistan face entrenched societal attitudes and suggested that a multi-faceted approach that accounts for socio-economic realities must be devised to increase women's access to decision-making positions in pul administration, The role of women in decision making in public administration can benefit women, at large, when there is a well-defined ‘Gender Equality Agenda’ articulated and committed to by the government. This provides these women an opportunity to expand their influence to ‘empower women in Pakistan in a more direct manner. Pakistan needs to translate the change in office space into change in the larger public space, with more women in the street. There is a need for continued engagement at the societal level to change attitudes, specifically those of men. Within the civil services, there can bean effort to introduce women's networks within public service to promote mentoring opportunities for young women and sharing of experiences. Pakistan is uniquely poised to share its experience of anincreased critical mass 15] KMGSAIES necessary to form the base on which to structure equal participation of women in decision making in public administration. These experiences can very well be shared beyond Pakistan as part of South-South cooperation. The baseline for gender equality in the labour force leaves significant room for improvement: While women's labour force participation in Pakistan has increased by more than 50 per cent over the past 15 years, only one out of every five women participates in the labour force. However, one interesting development is that Pakistan has reached parity between women and men at the tertiary education level which is very relevant to this study given admission to the civil service requires bachelor's degree. Pakistan has been: listed. among. the worst performers in the world when it comes to ‘women empowerment as the country placed at ‘the rock bottom of the World Economic Forum's “Global Gender Gap Report 2018”. The country bettered only Yemen, the worst country with regards to gender equality. It joins the bottom bracket of nations, including Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Strangely, Pakistan is placed two notches lower than the war- devastated Syria. The Employment-to-Population Ratio (EPR) is 20% for female workers and 64% for male workers. The EPR represents the share of unutilised labour in an economy. Pakistan's current labour underutilisation rate for women workers is 80%. Even when women have jobs, they face sectoral or occupational segregation. The Labour Force Survey 2014-15, the most recent available, indicates that women are concentrated in agriculture (72%), manufacturing (14%) and community and personal services (11%). In the case of occupational groups, women are mostly working, as skilled agricultural workers (62%), elementary/unskilled workers (15%) and craft and related trade workers (13%). Less than 2% of the female labour force is registered with the provincial social security institutions thus leaving them without any social protection in the event of workplace accident or disease or maternity. Most women are engaged in the informal sector, working without any legal protection as domestic workers, home-based workers and piece-rate workers for the manufacturing firms. Though Punjab and Sindh have announced policies for domestic and home-based workers, noenforcing legislation has been enacted so far. The GDP per capita losses attributable to gender Pest ene eeno ne as ee eedace ya ae areas HSM New Arrival CSS and All Other Relevant Exams SERS RST ONT ty Sioa on 2016-2019 C—J r~ J PUBLISHERS ioe USICSS/Times} gaps in the labour market participation are estimated at more than 20% in different world regions. An IMF study estimates that Pakistani GDP can increase by nearly one-third if women. labour force participation rates match male participation rates. A recent ILO study indicates that if Pakistan merely reduces the gender gap in female participation by 25%, its GDP can increase by 9%, an increase of $139 billion. It is much more than the US aid in the last 16 years ($33, billion) and CPEC loans and investment (of more than $60billion), Womenin Pakistan The regime of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (1970-1977) was a period of liberal attitudes towards women. All government services were opened to women including the district management group andthe foreign service (in the civil service), which had been denied to them earlier. About. 10% of the seats in the National Assembly and 5% in the provincial assemblies were reserved for women, with no restriction on contesting general seats as well. However, the implementation of these policies was poor as the Government faced a financial crisis due to the war with India and consequent split of the country. Gender equality was specifically guaranteed in the Constitution of Pakistan adopted in 1973. The constitution stipulates that "there shall be no discrimination on the basis of sex alone." The Constitution additionally affords the protection of marriage, family, the mother and the child as well as ensuring "full participation of women in all spheres of national life.". However, many judges upheld the "laws of Islam", often misinterpreted, over the Constitution's guarantee of non-discrimination and equality under the law. In 1975, an official delegation from Pakistan participated in the First World Conference on Women in Mexico, which led to the constitution of the first Pakistan Women's Rights Committee. After Zia's regime, there was a visible change in the policy context in favour of women. The Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth plans formulated f t under various democratically elected governments have clearly made efforts to include women's concerns in the planning process. However, planned development failed to address gender inequalities due to the gap between policy intent and implementation. In 1988, Benazir Bhutto became the first female Prime Minister of Pakistan, and the first woman. elected to head a Muslim country. During her election campaigns, she voiced concerns over social issues of women, health and discrimination against women. She also announced plans to set up women's police stations, courts and women's development banks. Pest ene eeno ne as ee eedace ya ae areas EMG“ Ministry of Women's Development (MWD) established Women’s Studies centres at five universities in Islamabad, Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar, and Lahore in 1989. However, four of these centres became almost non-functional due to lack of financial and administrative support. Only the center at University of Karachi (funded by the Canadian International Development Agency) was able to run a master ofarts programme. The First Women Bank Ltd. (FWBL) was established in 1989 to address women's finan: needs. FWBL, a nationalised commercial bank, ‘was given the réle of a development finance institution, a5 well as of a social welfare ‘organisation. It operates 38 reaktime online branches across the country, managed and run by women. MWD provided 2 credit line of Rs 48 million to’ FWBL. to. finance: small-scale credit schemes for disadvantaged women, The Social Action Programme launched in 1992/93 aimed at reducing gender disparities by improving women's access to social services. Pakistan acceded to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) on 29 February 1996. The Ministry of Women Development (MWD) is the designated national focal machinery for its implementation. However MWD faced a lack of resources initially. Pakistan failed to submit its initial report that was due in 1997. Pakistan neither signed nor ratified the Optional Protocol of the Women's Convention, which has led to non-availability of avenues for filing grievances by individuals or groups against Pakistan under CEDAW President Asif Ali Zardari government was HSM CSS Times (Digital Magazine) | APRIL 2019 | For Free Downlo: responsible for landmark development in women rights’ legislation and empowerment in Pakistan and commended by Human Rights Commission of Pakistan and on international level. Appointment of women Coming into power it appointed a female member of parliament and party loyalist Dr. Fehmida Mirza as the first female speaker in South Asia. During the tenure Pakistan saw its first female foreign minister, Hina Rabbani Khar, first secretary of defence, Nargis Sethi deputy speaker of a province Shehla Raza and numerous female ministers, ambassadors, secretaries including Farahnaz Ispahani, Media Advisor to former President of Pakistan and co-chairman PPP, Sherry Rehman former ambassador of Pakistan to US, Fauzia Wahab, Firdous Ashiq Awan, Farzana Raja, Shazia Marri, Sharmila Farugi and others held prestigious positions within the administration. Legislation for protection of women On 29 January 2010 the President signed the ‘Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace Bill 2009' which the parliament adopted on 21 January 2010, Two additional bills were signed into law by the President in December 2012 criminalising the primitive practices of Vani, watta-satta, swara and marriage to the Quran which used women as tradable commodoties for settlement of disputes. In addition the punishment for acid throwing to life imprisonment. The government further established special task force in the Interior Sindh region to for action againstthe KMGSAIES practice of Karo-Kari establishing helplines and offices in the districts of Sukkur, Jacobabad, Larkana and Khairpur. In 2012 the government revived the National Commission on Status of Women established by General Musharraf for three years in 2000, later being revived for three years at a time. The bill moved by government established the commission as a permanent body with the task to ensure the implementation of women protection legislation and abuses against women, In February 2012, the Muttahida Qaumi Movement held the. world’s largest women's political rally in Karachi, with an estimated 100,000 women inattendance’ It is evident from various examples across the globe that countries focusing on gender equality and providing opportunities to women tend to grow at a faster pace and more equitably. In an environment that accounts for their needs, women tend to contribute towards lowering poverty at both the individual and national levels A success story can be found in the World Bank's development work in Latin America and the Caribbean. Investment was carried out to educate and impart the necessary skills to women in these countries. They were provided basic necessities such as transport facilities and attached daycare centres. This resulted in an increasing number of women deciding to pursue their careers. Consequently, it led to a decline in poverty, with the income earned by these women causing a reduction of 30 percent in HSM CSS Times (Digital Magazine) | APRIL 2019 | For Free Downlo: extreme poverty over span of 10 years. In South Asia, the Skill India Mission is another example of an initiative that provides an enabling environment for nearly half of India's population to first learn various skills and then utilise them The programme is specifically sensitive to the requirements of women and provides them safe transport, flexible schedules, and childcare support. Given the present proportion of its population, Pakistan also needs to learn a lesson from these examples and utilise women workers to achieve avaluable contribution in its economic growth. It is essential to provide a conducive environment for women at all levels. This can either be in the form of an amendment to the Factories Act to facilitate women who are willing to work night shifts or through the provision separate female hostels, daycare facilities and suitable anti- harassment laws to ensure a safe working environment. This will help empower women, achieve gender diversity at work and place the country inthe direction of progress. Women of Pakistan deserve a better society. Every girl of Pakistan deserves education. Females all over the country should feel a sense of guarantee that they won't be discriminated against based on their gender. These are human rights. These are the values our society should commit to. Not because we want to establish a matriarchal society, but because we want the rights to be enacted which are enshrined in the Constitution and allocated to them according tolslam. (€ Ai Va ‘STUDIES For CSS & All Other Competitive Exams Kabir Street Urdu Bazar, Lahore , i Phone: 042-373532510 HM GSAS Pelistan’ s ; Blodiverstty-Rich Regions are Fast Turning into “Hetspets’ of Human Impacts A biodiversity hotspot is a biogeographic region with significant levels of biodiversity that is threatened with humans and destruction. They represent just 2.3% of Earth's land surface, but between them they contain around 50% of the world's endemic plant species and 42% of all terrestrial vertebrates. Pakistan a number of world's ecological regions with its lat I spread and immense variations in altitude. These regions include the coastal mangrove forests of the Arabian Sea as well as some of the highest mountains of the world, where the western Himalayas, Hindu Kush and Karakoram ranges meet. This diversity encompasses a variety of habitats that supporta rich sity. A number of animals and plants have become endangered due to over-exploitation and loss of natural habitat. Rapid human population growth puts increasing pressure on the country's natural resource base. Increased poverty has forced rural people to exploit biodiversity at unsustainable rates. Deforestation, overgrazing, soil erosion, salinity and waterlogging have dive KMGSAIES become major threats to Pakistan's remaining biodiversity. The continuing loss of foresthabitat, with its associated fauna and flora, will have serious implications for the nation's other natural and agricultural ecosystems. Protected areas have been established for in-situ conservation of biodiversity. A wide range of laws also exists relating to conservation of various components of biodiversity. The key to protecting the biological diversity of Pakistan is involving local communities and obtaining support from relevant institutions in sustainable use initiatives. These are the most critical issues for biodiversity conservationin Pakistan: * the need for associated policy and institutional_reforms and_ institutional strengthening; ‘integration of biodiversity conservation measures into sectoral initiatives; ‘© better understanding’of all aspects of biodiversity and effective means for ensuring their sustainable use; « developing community-based biodiversity management system: developing and institutionalising systems to monitor key elements of biodiversity; and better implementation of existing plans. Human impacts on species occur across 84% of the earth's surface, finds a study published in PLOS Biology, an international journal dedicated to biological science. From the recently-updated Human Footprint data, it was found that a staggering 1,237 species are impacted by threats in more than 90% of their habitat; 395 species are affected by threats across their entire range. While the impact of roads is highest (affecting 72% of terrestrial areas), crop lands affect the highest number of threatened species: 3,834, The primary cause for this erosion of HM GEASS diversity is human greed. Never before has one species influenced the environmental conditions ali. over the planet to sucha magnitude as today. The human species now uses 40 percent of the planet's annual net photosynthesis production. The consumption of two-fifths of the planet's net food resources by one species is incompatible with biological diversity and stability. Loss and fragmentation of natural habitats, overexploitation of plant and animal species, the impact of exotics and invasive alien species, industrial effluents, climate change and, above all, the greed of man are causing the erosion The introduction of exotic species can pose a threat to indigenous diversity Invasive alien species include plants, animals and pathogens that are non- native to an ecosystem and that may cause economic or environmental harm oradversely affecthuman health. According to CBD reports, invasive alien species have contributed to nearly 40 percentofall animal extinction. Introduced fish species threaten to decimate the diverse fish fauna of big African lakes. Exotic weeds such as lantana and parthenium pose forest management problems. Pesticide, troposphere ozone, sulphur and nitrogen oxides from industries also contribute to the degradation of natural ecosystems. Poaching puts pressure on wild animals. Global warming and climate change pose threats to plant and animal species aS many organisms are sensitive to carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere that may lead to their disappearance. KMGSAIES Coolspots are the world’s last refuges where high numbers of threatened species still persist. Cool-spots could be the result of protection or because of intact habitat that has not been cleared yet Pakistan still has crucial refuges that need protecting. Identifying such areas DUId aid conservation and ent planning for count Sustainable use of biodiversity in production sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, forestry, tourism, and mining, For example, in agriculture, strategies to minimise the use of and optimise the application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides reduce negative impacts on soil, groundwater, surrounding habitats andwildlife Include biodiversity considerations in poverty reduction and national sustainable development plans. Community-based joint forest management, promotion of traditional multi-species and multi-variety agricultural practices Securing access to medicinal resources for local use, strengthening traditional and cultural practices, and governing the use of wild resources. Fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the use of biological resources The active involvement of Federal/Provincial Ministries and Departmentsis needed. Public and private entrepreneurs and entities as well as the public need to come forward to mainstream biodiversity. KMGSAIES Species Richness and Endemics for Major Plant and Animal Groups { Total reportedinPakistan | Endemic [Threatened Mammals 174 6 [20 Birds 668 nla [25 Reptiles 177 2B 6 Amphibians 2 9 [a Fish (freshwater) 198 29 1 Fish (marine) 788, = 5 Echinoderms 25 = 2 Molluses (Marine) 769 = 8 Crustaceans (Marine) | 287 = 6 Annelids (Marine) 101 = [a [insects 5000 = e ‘Angiosperms ‘5700 380 n/a Gymnosperms 21 = | n/a Pteridophytes 189 = n/a Algae 715, 20 nla Fungi 4500 2 n/a Importance of Biodiversity The ecosystems of Pakistan range from coastline in the south to the mountain ranges of the Himalayas and Hindu Kush in the north along ‘with deserts and plains, Of the total land area, ‘only 349 percent is utilized for cultivation, Forests form only 2.4 percent, and the remaining 62.7_percent area comprises desert, dry mountains and degraded uplands in moist and temperate biomes. Over 60 percent of population is rural and to some degree depends ‘on nature and natural resources for their daily subsistence needs — forage, fuel etc. Under growing population and increasing anthropogenic pressure, the ecosystems are heavily strained and are thus degrading. The rangelands which cover the bulk of the landmass, sustain a growing livestock industry. All these ecosystems have played a crucial role in providing the platform for economic development and growth. The coastal zones of Sindh and Balochistan are highly productive ecosystems, with over 1000 species of marine fish and a thriving shrimp industry. The forests are a valuable source of timber and provide vital ecological services that protect watersheds and maintain soil productivity. Despite the economic significance of these assets, there is no reliable baseline information to guide effective policy making. The only component of biodiversity whose value is well documented is trade in medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP). A market survey of medicinal plants in the year 2000, reported that Pakistan was the eighth leading country exporting MAPs with an estimated export volume of 8500 tons valued at US$5.45 million perannum. Exceptional Biodiversity and Ecosystems The following ecosystems of Pakistan are included in the list of global 200 priority ecosystems of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Seem eee nas ear eg ena an eas HSM New Arrival Kabir Street Urdu Bazar, Lahore Phone: 042-373532510 dy KIPS|Ss2"5 Rejoicing Years of Glory With 1400+ Civil Servants and Counting... >> Morning, Afternoon & Evening Sessions (( Purpose-Built CSS Campus Library Cafeteria AT UPPER MALL LAHORE Permanent Help-Desk Facility J Free Global Age Magazine 2 0 Discount on CSS Publications PAINS Pe eecia bee eee ees BOR Eee ee tre REE LL ate Peed eee RS eer es ene ae Tel:042-35941921 Col 0311-4345337 WAN: 03-111-999-101 Ca ea af 1 KIPS CSS NETWORK PT essa rectu cag USUI CSS Times} Blockchain Technology & Bitcoin Adoption in Pakistan There are some technologies that have the potential to revolutionize the world. Blockchain is touted to be one of them. However, even though it has been around for a while now, use case applications for blockchain have taken some time to develop. For the unaware, blockchain is simply a digital record of transactions and can be thought of asa digital distributed ledg Pakistan has been especially behind the curve when it comes to exploring use-cases for ckehain. Buta recent initiative by Telenor Microfinance Bank in partnership with Malaysian based, Valyou (also. owned by the felenor Group) is set to change that. It is good to see the State Bank of Pakistan facilitating the launch of this blockchain based remittance service and this is precisely the kind of financial innovation the central bank should be promoting, TMB has introduced the country's first blockchain based cross-border remittance service for remittance payments from Malaysia to Pakistan which currently to amount to $1 billion. This is the first time that the Telenor Group has deployed blockchain technology to this extent and the company considers this initiative a “litmus test for a long line of future global deployments.” According to the data, Malaysia had emerged as a new significant destination for remittances to Pakistan. During SMFY19, inflows crossed half a billion dollars for the first time as they soared by 29 USUI CSS Times} 53.3p¢ to $616 million, from $401.78m in the same period|last year Whatis blockchain technology? A blockchain is a list of records called blocks, which contain time stamps and transaction data that are linked and secured by using cryptography. It is virtually impossible to hack into or modify. Universally shared across the blockchain (in other words, a chain of blocks), everyone has a record of every transaction, hence there is no possibility of fraud or corruption. This removes middle-men, such as bank regulatory authoritic Howit operates? «The technology allows transactions to b simultaneously anonymous and secure, peer-to-peer, instant and frictionless. It does this by distributing trust f global mass collaboration, clever code and k, which throug cryptography, enables 2 tamper-proof public ledger of every transaction that's ever happened on thenetwork. A block is the “current” part of a bblockchain which records some or all of the recent transactions, and once completed, goes into the bloc as permanent database. Each time a block gets completed, a new block is generated. Blocks are linked to each other (like a chain) inp chronological order with every block containing a hash of the previous block. Benefits of Blockchain Technology: As a public ledger system, blockchain records and validate each and every transaction made, which makes it secure and reliable. ‘« Allthe transactions made are authorized by miners, which makes the transactions immutable and prevent it from the threat of hacking, ‘+ Blockchain technology discards the need 30 USICSs/Times} of any third-party or central authority for peer to-peer transactions. + It allows decentralization of the technology. Five Reasons Why Blockchain is the Future of Digital 1 Builds trust in the digital age At a time when tech giants such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google are under fire for using people's data unlawfully to generate insights which have been used to facilitate government elections and. provide an edge to certain businesses, blockchain being a permanent non- deletable record, offers super-encrypted security through cashless transactions. 2 Eliminates the need for third parties With blockchain being at the forefront of internet technology, it usage eliminates the need for third- party sources since it allows both parties a record and history of all verified transactions. It also reduces the cost required to use third- party entities to check and verify these transactions. 3 Eradicated the need for cash Every year, governments, as well as businesses, are realizing the importance of reducing the need for cash and the risks associated with it. Known to be a robust alternative to traditional currencies, cryptocurrencies allow for transactions to take place in real-time through secure encryptions. 4Security Businesses of today are increasingly investing in securing their online databases. There have been many examples in the recent past which show how easy its for hackers to infiltrate and access important customer data on servers such as credit card information, phone numbers, addresses, and their record of transactions. The blockchain is in this regard fool-proof. The level of encryptions behind a transaction based on cryptocurrency does not allow cybercriminals to access customer data. 5 Enables entrepreneurship Since blockchain transcends geographical boundaries or the need for people to be in physical proximity for transactions to take place, itallows entrepreneurs more leverage to work at their own convenience. The surge in startups using blockchain technology has been phenomenal in the recent past. Market growth in a report said, “Crypto startups use initial coin offerings (ICOs) to accelerate their business without the need to undergo capital-raising that banks and investors usually require. Basically, how it works is that startup owners are going to provide a percentage of their currency to early investors and what they get in return in legal tender or other cryptos”. 31 HSM New Arrival Plan Early« Start Early! Get Aheade Stay Ahead! Objective Murshid Salam Murshid 5Sy HM GSAS ler AirVisual 2018 WORLD A R QUALITY neta Air Pollution in Pakistan Can No Longer be Tackled With Short Term, Reactive Solutions he 2018 World Air Quality Report, compiled by Greenpeace and |QAir irVisual, used air pollution data from tens of. thousands. of public. and private monitoring stations across the world torank over 100 cities fromthe dirtiest. down to the cleanest. At a country level, weighted by population, Bangladesh emerged as the most polluted country on average, closely followed by Pakistan and India, with Afghanistan and Mongolia also within the top ten. Air pollution is estimated to contribute to 7 million premature deaths every year and is considered by the United Nations to be the single biggest environmental health risk While Delhi was again named the capital with the dirtiest air, in tenth place, neighbouring business 33 HM GEIS city Gurugram, which in 2016 changed its name from Gurgaon, took the not-so-coveted top spot. Cities in China and Bangladesh were also placed inthetop 30. lighlights of the report: * The report, based on a study of 3000 cities, said that 64 percent of the cities exceeded the World Health Organisation's annual exposure guideline for PM 2.5. In South Asia itself, Hotan, China Lucknow, India Rank City 4 = Gurugram, India 2 ae Ghaziabad, India 3 Faisalabad, Pakistan 4 SES Faridabag, india § — Bhiwadi, India 6 SES Noida, india 7 — Patna, India El — 10 Lahore, Pakistan OTe iia 99 percent of the cities exceeded the WHO's safe standard exposure of 10 micrograms/cubic metre annually. ‘+ The city in the top five list is Faisalabad, Pakistan. + Of the 10 cities with highest pollution, seven are in India, while one is in China and two are in Pakistan, Faisalabad and Lahore ‘+ Among the top 30 most polluted cities, India makes up for 22 with fivein China, 2017 AVG 2018 AVG Ee) rrr) ee) H-M G9 ‘two in Pakistan and one in Bangladesh. ‘+ Delhi was ranked as the most polluted capital in the world, with Dhaka at second and Kabul at third position, ‘* China made a remarkable improvement since 2013 as the country's pollution levels have gone down by 40 percent. In 2013, Beijing topped the pollution charts. Beijing ranks now as the 122nd ‘most polluted city in the world in 2018. ‘+ In South Asia, out of 20 most polluted cities in the, world, 18 are in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. ‘+ InSoutheast Asia, Jakarta and Hanoi are ‘the most polluted cities. The report looked at measurements of fine Particles known as PM2.5, which can penetrate into the airwaysto cause respiratory problems. Of the over 3,000 cities included in the list, 64 per ad est y cent exceeded the World Health Organisation's annual exposure guideline for PM2.5. Average concentrations of the pollutant in Chinese cities fell by 12 per cent from 2017 to 2018. Beijing now ranks as the 122nd most polluted city in the world Measures to improve air quality: As suggested by Greenpeace, following measures can be employes to fight air pollution inthe country: «Improving publictransport. * Limiting the number of polluting vehicles on theroad. * Introducing less polluting fuel (Bharat Vi. '* Strict emission regulations. Improved efficiency for thermal power plants and industries. Hv GSAS . Moving from diesel generators to rooftop solar. + Increased use of clean renewable energy. Electric vehicles. Removing dust from roads. Regulating construction activities. Stopping biomass burning, etc. About IQAir OAir is a Swiss and U.S. based company that specializes in technology solutions that help protect people from airborne pollutants. 1QAir implements this technology in residential, commercial and public buildings. IQAir also engages in international projects that create ultra-clean livingand working environments The company's history goes back to 1963, when brothers Manfred and Klaus Hammes introduced an air filter system for residential coal ovens in Germany. lOAir offers a variety of services for residential, commercial and institutional customers: + On-siteairquality evaluations ‘Installation services for its air cleaning products HM CSAS . Aircleaning verification and monitoring + Filter replacementand on-site maintenance Air quality and pollution city ranking 30 March 2019, Major city Us AQI 1 Chiang Mai, Thailand 2 —& Jerusalem, Israel 3 BD Hangzhou, China 4 Lahore, Pakistan 5 Krakow, Poland is ti Wroclaw, Poland Mumbai, India u Shanghai, China 10 London, United Kingdom 11 Delhi, India 12 = es es =a Es Kathmandu, Nepal = Es zs HH PHT I 17 L 16 Bt 5 F se Kolkata, India Bo} Karachi, Pakistan HSM New Arrival er eae essential @ HM GSAS rid Happiness i, ¢ e? tw — yy ~ ' i Pakistan Beats India in Happiness hen it comes to happiness Pakistan beats India big time. That's according to the recently published World Happiness Report, which ranks Pakistan in the 67° position, and India 0 position—near the bottom of the list of the 156 countriesranked. Mostnotably, thegap between the two has widened compared to two years ago, when Pakistan ranked in the €0th position, and India in the 122nd position ountries That's in sharp contrast with the performance of the equity markets of the two countries. Happy citizens usually help the economy grow and prosper — taking equity markets to new highs. But that isn't the case with the equity markets of these two countries. Pakistan's equities have been heading south in the last twelve months, as, India's equities moved north Pakistan's big edge in the happiness ranking over India may come asa surprise to some emerging market ob conomy hasbeen 39 KM GSAS outperforming Pakistan's ina number of metrics, like world competitiveness, GDP size and growth, and inflation rates-see table. Pakistan's, India's Key Metrics (2018) county India Pakican op S239749bilion $304.95 bilion {GDP Growth yoy 6% 570% Unemployment ax 58 Inflation Rate 251% exe World Compotivonass Ranking 58 107 Capita flows $231 milion -$1210.6 milion Government DebttoGDP__ 68% nk Qver the last four decades, India's top 1% earners’ share of the country's income rose from roughly 7% to 22%, as of 2014; Meanwhile, the income share of the bottom 50% earners declined from roughly 23% in the early 1980s to 15% in 2014. That's according to 2018 World Inequality Report, which compiles data from the 1950s to 2014. Meanwhile, India's income inequality is much her than that of both Pakistan, and Bangladesh, as measured by the Gini coefficient ofincome inequality. That's according to Standardized World Income Inequality data. Meanwhile, poverty rates are higher in India than they are in Pakistan and Bangladesh, according to World Bank. Then there's “vulnerable employment”— employment in unpaid family activities—which is much higher in India than in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Pee) The Economic Freedom report of Heritage Foundation measures such things as trade freedom, business freedom, investment freedom, and the degree of property rights protection in 186 countries. Though the two countries have ranked closely in the last couple of years, Pakistan's ranking has consistently beaten India's over longer periods. In fact, a closer look at the ranking components of the two countries reveals that Pakistan has fared better than Indiain the area of government spending, which matter a great deal when it comesto providing on welfare programs. Source: The Heritage Foundation 2018 ‘Simply put, Pakistan has been getting ahead of Indiain spreading the wealth to the masses. ‘And this strategy has begun to make a difference in the way Pakistanis create and spend wealth in, the pursuit of happiness - though they have long way to go before catching up with Indians on other economic metrics. World Happiness Report Key findings: + The list is topped by Finland for the second year ina row. «The US ranks at 19th place despite being one of the richest countriesin the world. Pakistan has ranked at 67 out of 156 countries, figures at 140th place, seven spots down from last year. ‘People in war-torn South Sudan are the most unhappy with their lives. The top 10 positions are held by the following countries: © Indi 1. Finland 2. Denmark 3. Norway | APRIL 2019 | For Fre: KGa 10 HAPPIEST COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD 4. Iceland 5. Netherlands 6. Switzerland 7. Sweden 8 NewZealand 9. Canada 10. Austria Pakistan Beats India & Other Bordering Nations While Pakistan has bagged the 67th spot in the list, India has ranked at 140, Bangladesh at 12, China is placed at 93, Afghanistan at 154, Iran at 117 and Iraq at 126. About World Happiness Report: The World Happiness Report is a landmark survey of the state of global happiness that ranks 156 countries by how happy their citizens perceive themselves tobe. ‘+ It is released by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network for ‘the United Nations by the UN General Assembly. ‘* _ Itranks the countries of the world on the basis of questions primarily from the Peet Gallup World Poll Howis it measured? It is based on a questionnaire which measures 14 areas within its core questions: (1) business & economic, (2) citizen engagement, (3) communications & technology, (4) diversity (social issues), (5) education & families, (6) emotions (well-being), (7) environment & energy, (8) food & shelter, (9) government and politics, (10) law & order (safety), (11) health, (12) religion and ethics, (13) transportation, and (14) work. The results are then correlated other factors, including GDP and social security. Significance: Happiness has come to be accepted as a goal of public policy. And this discourse has given a fillip to a new narrative where the interconnections between law, governance and happiness are being searched. Experiences from several nations confirm that the countries with higher GDP and higher per capita income are not necessarily the happiest ‘countries and there exists a link between the ‘state of happiness and rule of law. Seo eeaay HSN Nem Arrnicall Under Graduate 5-Years LL.B Degree Programme wu Law Admission Test HAT-UG-L, 12 Years Equal Education ND SS i ee ia pond SIZ OMe WA Loh Kabir Street Urdu Bazar, Lahore Phone: 042-373532510 KMS“ Life below water for people and planet World Wildlife Day was celebrated on March 3rd. March 3 is globally observed as "World Wildlife Day’ with the purpose to celebrate and raise reness of the world's als and plants. The 2019 theme is ‘Life below water: for people and planet’ aw ani 2019: The 2019 theme is “Life below water: for people and planet” 2018: The 2018 theme Is "Big cats- predators underthreat". 2017; The 2017 theme is "Listen to the young voices". 2016: The 2016 theme is "The future of wildlife is in our hands", with a sub-theme "The future of elephants is in our hands". 2015: The 2015 theme is "It's time to get serious about wildlife crime" The theme aligns with goal 14 of UN Sustainable Development Goals. 1. The ocean contains nearly 200,000 identified species, but actual numbers may 43 KMS“ beinthemillions. 2 Globally, the market value of marine and coastal resources and industries is estimated at USS3 trillion per year, about 5% of global GDP. Over three billion people depend on marine and coastal biodiversity for their livelihoods: Marines wildlife has sustained human civilization and development for millennia, from providing food and nourishment, to material for handicraftand construction. It has also enriched our lives culturally, spiritually, and recreationally in different ways. The capacity of life below water to provide these services is severely impacted, as our planet's oceans and the species that live within it are under assault froman onslaught of threats. ‘As much as 40% of the ocean is now heavily affected by the most significant and direct threat of over exploitation of marine species as well as other threats such as pollution, loss of coastal habitats and climate change. These threats have a strong impact on the lives and livelihoods of those who depend on marine ecosystem services, particularly women and men in coastal communities. On 20 December 2013, at its 68th session, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) proclaimed 3 March, the day of signature of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), as UN World Wildlife Day to celebrate and raise awareness of the world’s wild animals and plants. About CITE: The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is an international regulatory treaty between 183 party states Itwas formed in 1973 and regulates the international trade in over 35,000 wild species ofplants andanimals. The focus of the convention is not solely on the protection of species. It also promotes controlled trade that is not detrimental to the sustainability of wild species, The convention works primarily through a system of classification and licensing. Wild species are categorised in Appendices | to Ill, This often reflects species! threat status on the Red List of the IUCN, the International Union for HMGSAIES Conservation of Nature's Red List of Threatened Species first created in 1964. 1. Appendix 1 prohibits trade in species classified as highly endangered. 2. Appendix II allows trade under very specific conditions. This requires exporting countries obtaina permit, but not the importing country. 3. Appendix II species require only a certificate of origin to be traded. CITES is legally binding on state parties to the convention, which are obliged to adopt their ‘own domestic legislation toimplementits goals. UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that can withstand crisis, and drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves the quality of life for everyone. On the ground in nearly 170 countries and territories, we offer global perspective and local insight to help empower lives and build resilient nations. KMGSAIES Types of Animals: Animalsare of two types; 1. Wild Animals 2. Domestic Animals Animals that live in wild conditions like jungle are called wild animals, e.g., Lion, Squirrel, Rhinos, Crocodiles, etc. On the other hand, domestic animals are those that are used to gain economic benefits, can provide protection and can be used for working purposes, e.g., Sheep, Horse, Dog, etc. so to preserve the wildlife and reduce the threats, WWF world wildlife foundation was established and is workingin this regard. Wildlife: Wildlife means all those plants, animals and other living things that have not been domesticated and raised in an environment that is less controlled. To maintain the ecological balance and food chain, the wildlife animals are considered asa valuable asset toa country. Reasons for Extinction: Among many problems that we are facing today, extinction of species is one of them. Due to the overpopulation, poverty, and illiteracy many Geveloping countries are facing this issue as natural resources are getting sacred day by bay and due to which today's man is trying to making the best of it by changing the environment by making big industries and factories and making different vehicles n machinery that pollutes the air, Facts & Figures: We need to look at the facts to understand the severity of the situation. According to a report by the WWF, the global of wildlife has reduced by 52% which shows that the wildlife is being exploited n are not being conserved as it should be The reason behind their declining populations isaloss of habitat and prey, conflicts with people, poaching and illegal trade. Tiger population has decreased by 95%, and African lions population has declined by 40%. Pakistan and Wildlife Pakistan is a land of diverse species of plants and animals, which are essential for a healthy ecosystem in Pakistan. The wildlife of Pakistan comprises a diverse flora and fauna in a wide range of habitats from sea level to high elevation areas in the mountains, including 177 mammal and 660 bird species. This diverse composition of the country's fauna is associated with its location in the transitional zone between two major zoogeographical regions, the Palearctic, and the Oriental. Flora and fauna are under threats due to many reasons that include climate change, illegal trade and hunting, lack of healthy environment and ‘over-consumption for commercial purposes. The wildlife department at the federal level is being managed under the Ministry of Climate Change. There are separate wildlife departments in provinces and federating units. There area number of initiatives taken by the federal government in Pakistan. Pakistan is a signatory to Convention on International Tradein Endangered species and fulfilling its obligations. But before becoming its signatory, Pakistan was conscious of protecting wildlife in the country. Pakistan took many initiatives that include the establishment of Wildlife Inquiry Committee in 1968 and later on National Council for Conservation of Wildlife in Pakistan. But still, concrete steps were missing to protect wild! Pakistan. enteral 1 SIGs CSS, PMS, M.A. & All Other Competitive Exams BTS IE IVzLtE Kabir Street Urdu Bazar, Lahore Phone: 042-373532510 KMGSAIES his is the first time in the history of the awards that an airport has won this title for seven consecutive years. Changi Airport was also the repeat winner of the award for the Best Airport Leisure Amenities. The awards were held at Passenger Terminal EXPO in London, United Kingdom on 27th March 2019. The World's Top 10 Airports of 2019 are: Singapore Changi Airport Tokyo Haneda international Airport Incheon international Airport Hamad International Airport Hong Kong International Airport ‘Chubu Centrair International Airport Munich Airport NOY Sey SS TmeMM er Taree) London Heathrow Airport E Narita International Airport 10. Zurich Airport Award Winners at the 2019 World Airport Awards Best Airport Hotel in Asia : Crowne Plaza Changi Airport Best Airport Hotel in Australia / Paci Brisbane Airport Best Airport Hotel in China : Pullman Guangzhou Airport Best Airport Hotel in Europe : Sofitel Heathrow Airport Best Airport Hotel in North America : Fairmont Vancouver Airport Best Airport Hotel in South America: Courtyard ullman dl AL-BAHRIA hea SUPER SESSION FOR CSS 2020 il Featur The Course Will Be Categorised In Three Phases (2) EXON E Tae Ce (3) Quick Revision & Test SELECTION TEST WILL BE CONDUCTED ON 25 MARCH 2019 REGULAR CLASSES WILL BE STARTED FROM 02 APRIL 2019 q& 0333-4438610 0300-4069650 9 9-A SHARSHAH BLOCK, NEW GRADEN TOWN NEAR CENTRAL PLAZA BARKET MARKET, LAHORE KMGSAIES Incheon International Airport by Marriott Bogota Best Airport in Southern Europe : Adolfo Suérez Best Airport in Africa : Cape Town International Madrid-Barajas Airport irport Best Airport in Western Europe : London Best Airportin Asia: Changi Airport Singapore Heathrow Best Airport in Australia / Pa isbane Best Airport Staff in Africa : King Shaka Airport International Airport Best Airport in Central America : Panama Best Airport Staff in Asia : Narita International Tocumen International Airport Airport Best Airportin Central Europe : Munich Airport Best Airport Staff in Australia/Pacific : Gold Best Airport in China : Shanghai Hongqiao Coast Airport International Airport Best Airport Staff in Central America : Panama Best Airport in Eastern Europe : Budapest Tocumen International Airport International Airport Best Airport Staff in China ; Guangzhou Baiyun Best Airportin Europe : Munich Airport International Airport Best Airport in India / Central Asia + Indira Best Airport Staff in Europe : Vienna Airport Gandhi international, Delhi Best Airport Staff in India / Central Asia : Rajiv Best Airport in Middle East : Hamad Gandhi international Airport, Hyderabad International Airport Best Airport Staff in Middle East : Hamad Best Airport in North America : Vancouver International Airport International Airport Best Airport Staff in North America : Seattle- Best Airport in Northern Europe : Copenhagen Tacoma International Airport irport Best Airport Staff in Russia & CIS : Kazan Best Airport in Russia & CIS : Baku Heydar Aliyev International Airport International Airport Best Airport Staff in South America : Mariscal Best Airport in South America : Jorge Chavez ‘Sucre International Airport, Quito International Airport, Lima Best Regional Airportin Africa : King Shaka Hong Kong International Airport Chubu Centrair International Airport Dee Meee esi nas ae Neier me [50] KMGSAIES International Airport Best Regional Airport in Asia : Chubu Centrair International Airport Best Regional Airport in Australia / Pacific: Gold Coast Airport Best Regional Airport in China : Haikou Meilan International Airport Best Regional Airport in Europe : Cologne Bonn, Airport Best Regional Airport in India / Central Asia : Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad Best Regional Airport in North America : Denver International Airport Best Regional Airport in Russia & CIS : Koltsovo International Airport, Yekaterinburg Best Regional Airport in South America : Mariscal Sucre International Airport, Quito World's Best Airport : Changi Airport Singapore World's Best Airport Dining: Hong Kong International Airport World's Best Airport for Baggage Delivery : Kansai international Airport World's Best Airport Hotel: Crowne Plaza Changi Airport ‘World's Best Airport Immigration Service : Hong, Kong International Airport London Heathrow Airport World's Best Airport Leisure Amenities : Changi Airport Singapore World's Best Airport Security Processing : Zurich Airport World's Best Airport Shopping : London Heathrow Airport World's Best Airport Staff : Narita International Airport World's Best Airport Terminal : T5, London Heathrow Airport World's Best Domesti Airport World's Best Low Cost Terminal : T2, Kansai International Airport World's Best PRM / Accessible Facilities : Tokyo Haneda Airport World's Best Regional Airport : Chubu Centrair International Airport World's Best Transit Airport : International Airport World's Best Website & Digital Services : Houston Airports System World's Cleanest Airport : Tokyo Haneda Airport World's Most Improved Airport : Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Airport : Tokyo Haneda Incheon Narita International Airport Pee net renee naa ea Maar ae ee Zurich Airport ei Sure Success Magic Boo uy NC gpa According to New (HEC) Curriculum Law GraduateRseessaaclalm esi Eligibility to Seek Enrolment as an °* Advocate with Bar Council Atif Mushtaq Bhutte: Advocate Kabir Street Urdu Bazar, Lahore Phone: 042-373532510 www Wiese) ‘World's Longest Salt Cave’ pico elem) Israel OU aR ROU OR hie eo eee Re Co CU the Cave of the Three Nudes on Qeshm Island. CRU ue een eel mien oes Veto n eee UC eld UCL Rac CS Oud On eae aU eRe Uae ee ad 6.4 km cave, and the first to reach a length in the double-digits. CUCM LCE eee eee mC Reece Rar um eno Me ar ge Co UC eae eRe Mer hte eee re et ra ener aca is Netter BUC ol eR ik acre een Ue eee ec ore Se acu aura a asc Chon mata Keieed ale VAC het aon Bless a el Re oh ee an aed eel SU Cea eo tt Ru ee aU BEE RCL ara eee PERC Maeve ia RR UCAMC ne CAPAC PAC Er cl Pry diet ACM ioe ORR eeu CA ‘Malham has taken a 13-year record held since 2006 by the Cave of the Three Nudes, a 6.85km (four eer Meuse Cec) This is the world's longest salt cave ee « GRE-GAT General Local Test GRADUATE ASSESSMENT TEST Stone CMe CAUCE a AERTS we Ni ANSWER STOP U LOY HM Sharda Peeth corridor plan, which Is in news recently, is related to which of the following countries? (a)Afghanistan (b) India (©)China (d) None ofThese Answer: (b) Explanation: Following the Kartarpur Corrid a projectthat connects Gurdwara Darbar Sahil Pakistan's Narowal district with Dera Baba Nanak in India's Gurdaspur District — Islamabad on Peery March 25, 2019 gave a green single to open Sharda Temple Corridor in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) for Hindu pilgrims, particularly in the neighbouring country. Background: The temple has been completely deserted since Partition in 1947. Travel restrictions on Indians. also discouraged the devotees from visiting the shrine. About Sharada Peeth: Sharda temple is one of the most ancient temples of Hindus. This templeisabout 5,000 Cree ean es cea ee menee PN teams slaycclel Sy Gi tees “8 bf, 1S We Wes Prat Kabir Street Urdu Bazar, Lahore Phone: 042-373532510 KMGSAIES years old which was established in 237 BC during the reign of Maharaja Ashoka. Close to the temple, there is a pond called 'Madomati' ~ its waters as sacred to the community members as the water of Katasraj temple. * The temple is revered by Kashmiri Pandits among other Hindus across the globe. . Itwas once regarded as a major centre of higher learning of Vedic works, scriptures and commentaries. . The temple is also one of the 18 Maha Shakti Peethas, or a “Grand Shakti Peathas’, . It is considered to be the abode of Hindu Goddess Saraswati : The temple has close resemblance with the Martand temple (another religious site in Anantnag) in architecture, design and construction style. When wasit built? . One of the accounts of construction of the temple says that it was built during the rule of Kushans (early 1st century). While many other accounts say that Buddhists had a strong involvement in the Sharda region, the researchers have not been able to find evidence to support the claim. . Academics also believe that Raja Lalitaditya had built the Sharada Peeth for containing the religious and political influence of the Buddhism. The claim is supported by the fact that Lalitaditya was a master of building massive temples. Where isit located? Since partition, the temple has been out of bounds for indian pilgrims. The ancient Sharada temple, as well as the adjacent ruins of Sharada University, are situated in Neelam Valley, which is 160 km from Muzaffarabad, and close to the Line of Control. It is in a small village Shardi where the river Neelam joins Madhumati and ‘Sargun streams. Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) 2018 Which international organization has recently released the 2018 global Multi-dimensional Poverty Index (MP1)? (a) UNDP, (b) IMF (we (d) None of These ‘Answer: (a) Explanation: The global MPI covers seven countries in South Asia, representing more than 1.7 billion people of whom 546 million are poor. South Asia is the second poorest region in the world, behind only Sub-Saharan Africa in both MPI and poverty rate. Additionally, 11% of people in South Asia are severely poor, being deprived in at least half of the weighted indicators, and 19% are vulnerable to poverty, meaning that they are deprived in 20% to 33% of the weighted indicators. Even in 2009, the Maldives had by far the lowest poverty rates, with less than 2% of its population identified as multi dimensionally poor and 5% being vulnerable to poverty. In the poorest country, Afghanistan, over half (56%) of the population are poor. In Afghanistan and Pakistan one in four people lives in severe poverty. In South Asia, nutrition deprivations alone con tribute more KGa 2018 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) The 2018 global MPI estimations show: Today there are 1.3 billion MP1 ‘poor people. of the MPI poor live B3% in Sub-Sahaean ‘rica and South Asia Half of MPI poor xa people are children, eet , 32 million” ofall children are 90% wPipoorin south Sudan and Niger 35 stlessthatfot all children are Countries MPI poor. Countries with the largest = number of people living in multidimensional poverty “Two-thirds ofall smultidimensionally poor people tive in ‘middle-income counties secenia assstan Where Do 1.3 billion MPI Poor People Live? 118 million 1 $46 milion * of those who are multckmensionaly poor lvein severe poverty. meaning they are 4G% deprived at east haf ofthe weighted indicators in health education an ving standards 560 million SS ca For more information please visit than one-quarter to the overall MPI, even though nutrition information was not available for Afghanistan. This is more than in any other region except Europe and Central Asia, where low levels of poverty make analysis by indicator difficult. Child mortality and electricity each contribute less than 4%. Seventeen of the 19 poorest subnational regions in South Asia were in Afghanistan. The other two regions were Sylhet in Bangladesh and Balochistan in Pakistan. The poorest subnational regions were Nooristan and Urozgan in ‘Afghanistan, where 94% and 95% of people were poor, respectively. Other regions are doing bet- ter. In Kabul, the capital city, 18% of people are multi dimensionally poor and 5% are severely poor. The data in South Asia at present vary greatly in terms of years collected. The Maldives (2009) and Pakistan (2012/13) will both be Peet eter) updated shortly with datasets fielded in 2016—at which point in time Afghanistan, India, the Maldives, Nepal and Pakistan will all have data from 2015 or 2016, which will make for fascinating comparisons. ONG PMV eM ey weN Tae ydehk:} ‘Who of the following has /have won the 2018 ‘ACM A.M. Turing Award? (a) Geoffrey Hinton (b)Yoshua Bengio ()Yanntecun (d) All oftheabove Answer: (d) HM GSAS Explanation: The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) awarded Yoshua Bengio, Geoffrey Hinton and Yann LeCun with what many consider the "Nobel Prize of computing," for the innovations they've made in Al The $1 million prize, funded by Google, is named after the British mathematician Alan Turing, who laid the theoretical foundations for computer science. The three men who won developed Deep Learning with conceptual. and. engineering foundations for Al by using neural networks for computing. Bengio is a professor at the University of Montreal and the science director ‘of both Mila (Quebec's Al Institute) and the Institute for Data Valorization. Hinton is a vice president 2nd engineering fellow at Google, chief scientific adviser of the Vector Institute and Peet a professor at the University of Toronto. LeCun is avice presidentand chief Al scientist at Facebook and a professor at New York University. Bengio and LeCun are also co-directors of CIFAR's Learningin Machines and Brains program. The A. M. Turing Award is ACM's oldest and most prestigious award. Itis presented annually to an individual who has made lasting contributions of a technical nature to the computing community. The award is presented each June at the ACM ‘Awards Banquet andis accompanied by a prize of ‘$1,000,000 plus travel expenses to the banquet. Financial support for the award is provided by Google Inc. Hidden Gateways undermine fe lees tee ele eel loli The scientists from which country have discovered a network of lakes beneath Totten glacierinEast Antarctica? (a)China (b) Australia (c) United states (d) Noneof These Answer: (b) Explanation: Scientists from the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) have KMG@SAIES massive network of lakes located beneath the ice of East Antarctica's largest glacier. Using seismic equipment on the Totten glacier, scientists managed to find out what is located beneath, revealing supermassive subglacial lakes that they say could greatly change our estimates ofsea level rise on the icy continent. ‘The Totten glacier is the largestin East Antarctica, stretching 30 kilometers (19 miles) wide and up to 2 kilometers (just over 1 mile) thick, It's the biggest ice catchment and draining point for the East Antarctic ice sheet, and holds. enough ice that if it were all to melt, it could raise global sea levels by up to 7 meters (23 feet), It's also thinning faster than any other the area. The deeper of the two gateways identified in the study is a three-mile-wide seafloor valley extending from the ocean to beneath Totten ade 5) LF 0 cTDprties eee Glacier in an area not previously known to be floating. Identifying the valley was unexpected because satellite analyses conducted by other teams had indicated the ice above it was resting onsolid ground. United States Recognition of the Golan Heights as part of Golan Heights, sometimes seen in news, is the disputed region between which of the following countries? SYRIA a ah) | | (a)Jordon /Israel (b) Syria/ \srael (c) Egypt /Israel (d) None of these Answer: (b) Le VMiT Se —————— J (a er la) F / > i iit. SUC ore Red rots ee 8 ————————— A PRACTICAL COURSE IN COMPOSITION For College Students & Competitive Examination Candidates Sayyid Saadat Ali Shah ILMI KITAB KHANA Kabir Street, Urdu Bazar Lahore-54000 KMG@SAIES Explanation: On 25th March, US President Donald Trump has officially recognized Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights. The Golan was Syrian territory until 1967, when Israel occupied it in the Six-Day War and later annexed it. The 1981 annexation was not recognized internationally and UN Security Council Resolutions determined Israeli sovereignty over the area to be null and void pending negotiations with syria. Syria failed to regain control over the Golan inthe 1973 Arab-Israeli war, which ended in a 1974 armistice and placement of a UN observer force alongthe ceasefire line. Syria demands the return of all or part of the territory in exchange for any future peace deal with Israel. Repeated indirect and direct peace talks between Israel and Syria have failed to reach an agreement. Wholivesthere? There are about 40,000 people living in the Golan. Around half of them are Jewish settlers. The rest are Druze and a small minority of Alawites, Druze are Arabs who. practice an ‘offshoot of Islam. Many of them consider themselves Syrian, Alawites are/a branch of Shiite Islam. Syrian President Bashar Assad and key figures inhis regime are Alawites. ‘Why Golanis strategically important The Golanisz hilly, 1,200-square-kilometer (460- square-mile) plateau overlooking Lebanon, Syria andthe Jordan Valley. The Golan is only 60 km (40 miles) from Damascus and provides Israel with a strong defensive-offensive position and vantage point to observe military movements across the border. On the other hand, Syrian control over the Golan would provide it with strategic heights overlooking|srael. | APRIL 2019 | Fc The security dimension has been heightened by the civil war in Syria, which has seen tran and its Lebanese Shiite ally Hezbollah entrench themselves on Israel's doorstep through their support of the Assad regime. Israel says Iran and Hezbollah pose a threat and the Golan providesa security barrier. What resources does Golan have? Another key issue is water resources in an arid region. The Golan catchment area feeds into the Jordan River and Sea of Galilee, both major sources of water for Israel. The fertile land is used for agriculture, with ‘growing areas for vineyards and orchards. Itis also home to the only ski resortin Israel. What are the international repercussions of recognizing Israeli sovereignty? There is more than a security and water-resource dimension to President Donald Trump's announcement that the US should recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan. Itwould also seta precedent that territory can be captured in war in violation of international law. Russia, for example, will take note of the inconsistency after five years of Western condemnation following its annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in 2014. UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 497, both supported by the United States, provide the legal basis stating that Israeli unilateral annexation of Syrian territory is in violation of international law. Whyisitahottopicnow? The Syrian civil war has severely weakened the authority of the state, giving Israel an ‘opportunity to exert its claims over the Golan. It also comes as Israel's right-wing government has a friend in the Trump administration, which already recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital in 2017 and moved the US Embassy there. Trump's announcement may give 2 boost to = ant ‘a ) 1M GEES Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ahead of tight April 9 elections and distract attention away from multiple corruption investigations swirling around him. ‘Global Energy & CO2 Status Report’ Which international organization has recently published the ‘Global Energy & CO2 Status Report’? (a)wMo (b)IEA (Qwro (d) None of These well as higher heating and cooling needs in some parts of the world. Asa result of higher energy consumption, global energy-related CO2 emissions increased to 33.1 Gt CO2, up 1.7%. Coal-fired power generation continues to be the single largest emitter, accounting for 30% of all energy-related carbon dioxide emissions. Higher energy demand was propelled by a global economy that expanded by 3.7% in 2018, a higher pace than the average annual growth of 3.5% seen since 2010. China, the United States, and India together accounted for nearly 70% of the rise in energy demand. The United States had the largest increase in oil and gas demand worldwide. Gas consumption jumped 10% from the previous year, the fastest Global primary energy demand growth by fuel and leading regions, 2017-18 Explanation: Global energy consumption in 2018 increased at nearly twice the average rate of growth since 2010, driven by a robust global ‘economy and higher heating and cooling needs in some parts of the world. Demand for all fuels increased, led by natural gas, even as solar and wind posted double digit growth. Higher electricity demand was responsible for over half ‘of the growth in energy needs. Energy efficiency saw lacklustre improvement. Asa result of higher ‘energy consumption, CO2 emissions rose 1.7% last year andhit a new record. Energy consumption worldwide grew by 2.3% in 2018, nearly twice the average rate of growth since 2010, driven by a robust global economy as HSM CSS. @ topo @ urpe © Omer increase since the beginning of IEA records in 1971. The annual increase in US demand last year was equivalent to the United Kingdom's current gas consumption. Trends by Technology Global gas demand expanded at its fastest rate since 2010, with year-on-year growth of 4.6%. Oil demand grew 1.3% and coal consumption rose 0.7%. Oil and coal together accounted for a quarter of globaldemand growth. Renewables, which grew by over 4%, met around ‘one-quarter of the growth in total primary energy demand. This was largely due to expansion in electricity generation, where renewables accounted for 45% of the growth in Gee KGa Primary energy demand growth by fuel in major energy markets, 2017-18 2018. Nuclear also grew by 3.3% in 2018, mainly as a result of new capacity in China and the restart of four reactors in Japan. Worldwide, nuclear generation met 7% of the increase in energy demand Electricity continues to assert itself as the "fuel" of the future, with global electricity demand growing by 4%in 2018 to more than 23 000 TWh. This rapid growth is pushing electricity towards a 20% share in total final consumption of energy. Increasing power generation was responsible for a little more than half of the growth in primary ‘energydemand. Trends by Region China saw the most substantial increase in energy demand, which grew 3.5% to 3 155 Mtoe, the highest since 2012. This accounted for third of global growth. Demand expanded for all fuels, but with gas in the lead, replacing coal to meet, heating needs and accounting for one third of growth. Inputs to the power sector accounted for over, 95% of China's growth in energy demand, as generation from all technologies, especially coal, expanded to meet an 8.5% jump in the demand for electricity. In2018, China also had the world's largestincreasein solar and wind generation. After three years of decline, energy demand in the United States rebounded in 2018, growing by 3.7%, of 80 Mtoe, nearly one-quarter of global growth. A hotter-than-average summer and colder-than-average winter were responsible for around half of the increase in gas demand in the United States, as gas needs grew both for electricity generation and for heating. Emissions Driven by higher energy demand in 2018, global Global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions by source, 1990-2018 © conlteedpowerseneraion @ Other coalure Peet eter) nner fone fol HM GSAS energy-related CO2 emissions rose 1.7% to a historic high of 33.1 Gt CO2. While emissions fromall fossil fuels increased, the power sector accountéd for nearly two-thirds of emissions growth. Coal usein power alone surpassed 10 Gt C02, mostly in Asia. China, India, and the United States accounted for 85% of the net increase in emissions, while emissions declined for Germany, Japan, Mexico, France and the United Kingdom. Global energy-related CO2 emissions grew 1.7% in 2018 to reach a historic high of 33.1 Gt CO2. It was the highest rate of growth since 2013, and 70% higher than the average increase since 2010, Last year's growth of 560 Mt was equivalent to the total emissions from international aviation. The global average annual concentration of COZ in the atmosphere averaged 407.4 ppm in 2018, up 2.4 ppm since 2017. This is a major increase from pre-industrial levels, which ranged between 180and 280 ppm. Global Energy Demand and Electricity Generation by Source International Day of Btu Wem RAS RE a deur Mica Slave Trade 2019 a aelags ae Na What is the theme of 2019 International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and Transatlantic Stave Trade? (a) Remember Slavery: The Power of the Arts for Justice (b) Remember Slavery: Triumphs and Struggles for Freedom and Equality (c) Breaking theSSilence, Lest We Forget (d)Noneof These Answer: (a) fA Explanation: 2019 Theme: "Remember Slavery: The Power ofthe Arts forJustice" Since the time of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, the arts have been used to confront slavery, empower enslaved communities and honour those who made freedom possible. They have also been vital tools in commemorating past struggles, highlighting ongoing injustices and celebrating the achievements of people of African descent. The 2019 theme therefore draws attention to the many examples of artistic expression — including memorials, music, dance and architecture — that have helped us to remember the history and consequences of the Transatlantic Slave Trade. The transatlantic slave trade was the largest forced migration in history, and undeniably one of the most inhumane. The extensive exodus of Africans spread to many areas of the world over a 400-year period and was unprecedented in the annals of recorded human history. Asa direct result of the transatlantic slave trade, the greatest movement of Africans was to the ‘Americas — with 96 per cent of the captives from the African coasts arriving on cramped slave ships at ports in South America and the Caribbean |slands. From 1501 to 1830, four Africans crossed the Atlantic for every one European, making the demographics of the Americas in that era more Pee LG xenae eme HM GSAS of an extension of the African diaspora than a European one. The legacy of this migration is still evident today, with large populations of people of African descent living throughout the Americas. Commemorating the memory of the victims In commemoration of the memory of th victims, the General Assembly, in its resolution 62/122 of 17 December 2007, declared 25 March the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, tobe observed annually. The resolution also called for the establishment of an outreach mobilize educational institutions, civil society and other organizations to inculcate in future generations the "causes, consequences and lessons of the transatlantic slave trade, and to communicate the dangers of racism and prejudice.” On which date, the 2019 World Theatre Day (WTD)is observed recently? (a)31 March (b)27 March (c)25 March (d) None of These Answer: (b) Explanation: World Theatre Day was initiated in, 1961 by the International Theatre Institute ITI. It is celebrated annually on the 27th March by ITI Centres and the international theatre community. Various national and international theatre events are organized to mark this occasion. One of the most important of these is, the circulation of the World Theatre Day Message through which at the invitation of ITI, a figure of world stature shares his or her reflections on the theme of Theatre and a Culture of Peace. The first World Theatre Day Message was written by Jean Cocteau in 1962. Ever since, each year on the 27th March (date of the opening of the 1962 “Theatre of Nations’ HSM New Arrival HM GSAS season in Paris), World Theatre Day has been celebrated. in many and varied ways by ITI Centres - of which there are now more than 90 throughout the world. Moreover theatres, theatre professionals, theatre lovers, theatre universities, academies and schools celebrate it aswel ) oy (a) China (b) North Korea (c) UAE (d) None of These Answer:(c) Explanation: The United Arab Emirates (UAE) government has launched a programme to help overweight employers to shed extra kilos. The aim of the programme is to instruct and encourage those suffering from overweight to learn how to induce positive changes in their lifestyles, by adopting a healthy diet and practicing physical activity, so as to lose excessive weight within 8 weeks. The team of “Lose to Win" Programme comprises nutritionists and health educators from Health and Education Department. In the beginning, the team held an introductory session alongside another session on the first measurements with the participation of 320 employees. Among those, 110 employees, who fulfilled the conditions, have been selected. The programme team has provided the participants with information about the programme, rules of participation and importance of adherence, in addition to learning 68 KMGSAIES aboutthe programme's timeframe. Moreover, aworkshop ona healthy nutrition and physical activity was held to brief the participants about essential topics, including how to read food label and foundations of healthy choice and physical activity, as well as explaining the diet which includes all food ingredients with a special focus on a high percentage of vitamins, minerals 2nd fibers which are essential for the human body. World's Largest e-Waste Recycling Facility ‘The world's largest e-waste recycling hub has ‘opened in which of the following cities? (a) Karachi (b) Dubai (c) Mumbai (d) None of These Explanation: Dubai e-waste specialist Enviroserve has opened The Recycling Hub, the world's largest e-waste recycling facility at a total cost of Dh120 million. Located at Dubai Industrial Park, the 280,000 square-foot e-waste recycling plant, will process WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment), IT asset disposition (ITAD), refrigerant gas and specialised waste. The facility will utilise state-of-the-art reclamation technology, which surpasses EU standards for e-waste. The Recycling Hub has a processing capacity of 100,000 tonnes of total integrated waste per year, of which 39,000 tonnesis e-waste. The facility can process the entire range of WEEE from consumer and industrial to commercial and military. These include air conditioners, batteries, computers, household appliances, mobile phones, and even military avionics. The integrated facility will also recycle specialised waste material such as aerosol cans, light bulbs and FMCG products and is currently the only dedicated refrigerant gas reclaim facility in the UAE, The Dh120 million project is backed by the Swiss Government Export Finance Agency and represents one of the largest foreign direct investments in the field of environmental management to date in the UAE. Enviroserve's green recycling facility will service international e-waste recycling efforts across Africa, Middle Eastand Caucasus. World Tuberculosis Day 2019 What is the theme of the 2019 World Tuberculosis Day (WTD)? (a)It'sTime (b) Unitedto End TB (c)GearupToTB (d) None of These Answer: (2) Explanation: World Tuberculosis Day, observed on 24 March each year, is designed to build public awareness about the global epidemic of tuberculosis (TB) and efforts to eliminate the disease. In 2012, 8.6 million people fell illwith TB, and 1.3 million died from the disease, mostly in low and middle-income countries World T8 Day is one of eight official global public health campaigns marked by the World Health Gee

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