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Education In Canada

English Level VI

Miguel Eduardo Arcos Arevalo / Kevin Leonardo Espinosa Cuestas

General Summary

It can be seen how the universities of Canada specifically the University of Toronto has a
good perspective seen from other countries since it was compared with large universities for
their similarities especially in their lines of research, so there is also a great reference to the
good position in the different rankings of universities worldwide. Reference is also made to
the comfort of living and studying in this country thanks to its friendly and socially advanced
society and its educational system. Although the easy access was specifically characterized,
especially at an economic level, that Canadian universities have in the exchange of students
from other countries because the country's teaching culture is characterized by wanting a
diverse culture in which different ideas are shared in order to to generate great projects.

Some particular conclusions

 Mainly, it was possible to show that Canada is an excellent option for students from all
over the world and even our own colleagues helped us to confirm it through their
comments, since many of them said that they would very much like to carry out some
type of study in this country, for all the benefits that exist there.

 A slightly more particular conclusion we could observe that education in Canada and
in the United States is quite similar, since both countries use a fairly similar educational
model, which has allowed them to consolidate as two nations with excellent quality in
terms of education university, which makes them very attractive to foreign students.

 We were able to observe that Canadian universities, particularly Toronto, have

excellent exchange opportunities for foreign students, as well as many others around
the world, which makes this country a focus for multiculturalism in the student

 On the other hand, we could also observe that both the presentation and the video
made by us were very pleasing to our colleagues, since many of them expressed in
their comments that the information was quite clear and that the presentation was
aesthetically beautiful.

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