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Name: Roy Garcia Ibarra

1. My company’s name is Biocombustibles sostenibles del Caribe

and it specialises in Fuel Production .

2. My organization’s first strength is in management and support of

fedebiocombustibles .

This is because this entity watches over the interests of each of the actors
in the sector and its actions are
Aimed at increasing the growth, development and competitiveness of the

[justify with evidence].

3. My organization’s second strength is in level of productive chain .

This is because This chain is evident in the construction of economic

groups that carry out various activities that, in turn, make up the
biodiesel production chain and that have laid the foundations
for the establishment of industrial clusters.

[justify with evidence].

4. My organization’s first weakness is in the high cost of biodiesel

production .

This is because which is due to the high cost of vegetable oils.

[justify with evidence].
5. My organization’s second weakness is in The production of biodiesel and
the transformation of biomass into
Colombia are not adjusted to the environmental and quality standards of
some international markets .

This is because International standards are not met and it becomes a

barrier when exporting biodiesel

[justify with evidence].

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