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Do you remember

what day is today?

So far from Earth.

What difference does that make?

Whether it Monday or Friday...

every day is the same to us.

No stupid! Remember, exactly an year ago,

we left on this mission on 25th August.

25th August! Oh my God!

What happened?

I forgot to call my friend, Suhan.

Today is his birthday.


Yeah! He is an old friend of mine.

From Houston?

No. From Mumbai, India.

From India? -Yeah.

Well, what exactly are you trying to do..

...calling someone in India

at 5 in the morning?

That's true.

Well. Now that you have a

couple of hours before.. call him, why don't you tell me

about your friend, Suhan?

Well. Where do I start from?

Suhan. Let me start before I met him.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Good evening everybody.

And thank you Filmfare

Thank you Jury.

Thank you Meena.

I'd like to thank all my colleagues.

Kaka, Amit, Dharam, Sanjeev..

...Shammi, Shashi, Rajji,

thank you very much.

And better luck next time.

There's a person in my life.

Actually the only person who's really,

really important to me.

I'd like to thank my little..

Probably, someone's

cell phone is ringing..

...near the control.

Can you please switch it off?

Oh sorry. Sorry.

Vikas. Secretary.

Yes, tell me Vikas.

Do will I carry Bajirao's palanquin in the..

...whole film?

I've told you so many times,

no side roles.

I do only main leads.

I was saying my little uncle and..

Excuse me.

This is embarrassing.

Uncle. Uncle I was just talking about you.

Uncle will you call me in two minutes?

I'm giving a speech on the stage.

I've called many times,

are you still dreaming?



Yes, uncle.

Come to my office immediately.

Come, I've an urgent matter

to talk with you.

Uncle, I'll just come.

Suhan! My hero! My superstar!

Uncle, basket.

Uncle, what is the trouble?

That you woke me up early in the morning.

You are right.

Give it to me. Sorry! Sorry!

What were you trying to do?

Sorry, uncle. I was trying to help you.

I won't do it.

You want to help me

because I am a dwarf.

No, uncle! Tell me from where

do you look like a dwarf?

Exactly. You are my real friend.

I know.

Are you the new assistant?

Yes, sir. Pandey.

Mr. Pandey, henceforth knock

before entering my office.

Sorry, Bonny sir.

What did you say? - Bonny sir.

It's not Bonny sir. It's Bonney!

I don't know why my parents kept

my name such..

...that it suits my personality.

Bonny! - Bonney!

Bo.. - Okay. You can call me sir.

Okay, sir. Sir!

Don't you sit down! Stand up! Stand up!

Don't ever sit down in front of me. Okay. - Sir.

Yeah. - Sir, this is the bona fide certificate.

What certificate?
- Sir, bona fide certificate.

It's not bona fide.

It's bonafide certificate.

Even I can see that.

But what are these for?

Mr. Bawarchee.

Mr. Pandey.. are you doing this deliberately?

What, sir?

Because you know that I..

Sir, you what?

Because I am.. because I am.. - You?

Because I am a dwarf.

Sir, how can you even imagine this!

Sir, I can't even imagine this!

Okay! Okay! Relax! Don't get emotional.

Bonney Singh. Okay.

Thank you, sir.


Yes, Mr. Pandey.

Sir, todayl need a half-day leave.

Of course! Of course!

Why do you need a leave?

Sir, my car has broken down.

Its bonnet has broken.

Bonnet? Get out! Get out!

No need to hide your laughter, dear.

Very soon these tears of happiness..

...are going to be converted

into tears of sorrow.


A notice had come today in the morning.

Of Piya's lawyer.

A year ago Mr. Suhan Kapoor and

Ms. Piya Goyal had divorced.

The court had declared that

every month on the 1st..

...the husband Suhan Kapoor

will send a cheque of 25,000.. alimony to his wife Piya Goyal.

But even after a year Suhan Kapoor..

...has not sent even a single cheque of

alimony to Piya Goyal.

Because of Suhan Kapoor's

carelessness Piya Goyal..

...had to undergo tremendous financial,

physical and mental stress.

Because it has been proved

that Piya Goyal..

...can't depend on Suhan Kapoor every month.. Piya Goyal demands

a one time settlement"

...of 50 lakhs as an alimony

from Suhan Kapoor.

50 lakhs!

You have one month's time to

repay the settlement amount.

Suhan! Suhan! Suhan!

Catch the ball!


I had heard that poison is

used to treat poison.

But shock is used to treat shock..

...I am seeing it for the first time.

50 lakhs! Uncle,

from where will I get 50 lakhs?

I don't have enough money to even pay..

...the telephone and electricity bill.

I have not paid my house rent

for the past 3 months.

This has no connection with the law.

Law had decided the amount.

And you have not paid

a single penny to Piya.

But uncle, Piya doesn't need money.

I don't have work.

She should be giving me the alimony.

But when you got divorced,

at that time you had work..

...and Piya had no work.

Correct! Correct!

But now the tables have turned.

She has work.

That too in New York.

She is earning in dollars.

Uncle, I have no work.

So we have to go to the court

and re-evaluate this case.

And you will have to get me

the alimony. Correct.

Really? How much?

I think 50,000 per month is fine.

50,000! I will strangulate you!

Why? You didn't like my idea?

Not at all! At least some time

take your work seriously.

This is a court case.

You have not given a single penny.. Piya in the past one-year as alimony.

If you will go to the court,

then you yourself will get stuck.

Uncle, what should I do? I don't get any work.

Whatever money I had, I spent that..

...on bodybuilding and photo session.

Where will I get 50 lakhs?

Dear, you will have to arrange

for the money.

Otherwise you will have

to rot in the prison.

I will not go to the prison.

If I went to prison..

then my dream of becoming..

...a super star will be completely shattered.

I will somehow survive. But you won't.

I will think of a brilliant idea.

I could have never imagined!

I could have never imagined that

Piya would behave like this!

I don't know what have I done that..

...she is taking revenge from me!

She wants to send me to prison.

What is this?

I am showing you the flashback.

So that you will get a rough idea about my life.

People who live for love they are lucky.

People who die for love they too are strange.

My saga is precious. Beloved.

We are away and still we are near.

"I know.."

"Love is naive."

"Heart tends to make mistakes."

"Love is oblivious of patience."

"I know that love is naive."

"Heart tends to make mistakes."

"Love is oblivious of patience."

"I know that love is naive."

"Heart tends to make mistakes."

"Love is oblivious of patience."





If you had not given me the stupid idea..

...of eloping with Piya that night..

...then today my plight

wouldn't have been this.

I couldn't see your plight.

What did I know that Piya would

turn out to be like this?

She looked so innocent.

"What happened that is

the norm of the society."

"Mom didn't agree."

"Dad was angry."

"That was the sign of my downfall."

"This was the only style of love."

"They became angry."

"We were fervent and we escaped."

"I know that love is naive."

"Heart.. - Tends to make mistakes."

"Love is oblivious of patience."









My hero? No, no.

Sir. Sir, did you call me?

Hold on.

The assistant said that you are married.

Yes, sir. The girl who had come

in the office with me.

Sir, she is my wife. Piya.

Your wife?

If the public comes to know that

my hero is a married man..

...then who will come to watch my movie?

I'll lose millions.

If I knew you were married,

I wouldn't have signed you

You've to hide the fact

that you're married.

You've to stay away from your wife

till the film is released.

Okay, sir.

Are we going somewhere?

"I am worried about one helplessness."

"You will be sad to know it.

But I am with you."

"I will have to stay away from you."

"It's a matter of only a couple of months.

Please endure it."

"My future, I swear on you."

"My future is with Piya."

"I know that love is naive."

"Heart tends to make mistakes."

"Love is oblivious of patience."

I'm ruined.

It was my mistake to invest

money on you. Super flop hero!

"When I returned back defeated."

"Back to my home."

"Piya had already left."

"She didn't even answer my call."

"I wrote her letters throughout the year.

"But my voice didn't reach to her."

"My Piya got lost somewhere."

"I was hopeful that some day

she will also call me."

"I know that love is naive."

"Heart tends to make mistakes."

"Love is oblivious of patience."

It fell down.

Your story is very sad.

It is very emotional.

Even today I don't understand

why she did this to me.

She ditched me at the time

when I needed her the most.

Women are like this.

You can never trust women.

If you have wealth and fame,

then women will hover around you.

And when you are in trouble,

they will leave you in a lurch.

I understand all these things.

There is only one thing

that I don't understand.

From where will I get 50 lakhs?

Friend, you don't worry about that.

You don't worry about that.

Because the one who has given hunger..

...He will provide you with food too.

Because the one who has given thirst..

...He will provide you with alcohol too.

And the one who has given alcohol,

he will give snacks too.

The one who has given the trouble,

he will solve it too.

We will surely find a scapegoat"

...from whom we will get 50 lakhs.

What scapegoat, uncle?

What scapegoat?

A scapegoat that has 50 lakhs.

A foolish man who is willing

to give us 50 lakhs.

A fool who will dance to our tunes.

A fool who will listen to

everything that we say.

An idiot who will do whatever we say.

But from where will we find

such a foolish and idiot person?

Excuse me...the back one.

Listen to me. Sell this house.

This house doesn't belong to my father.

I am a tenant. And for the last 3 months,

I have not paid the rent.

How much will you get for your old car?

I already sold it 3 months back for 50 lakhs.

You can't sell your house and car.

Do you have something to sell?

Uncle. - Yes.

How much will I get for my kidney?

Don't talk rubbish.

The one who has nobody, God is with him.

I don't say this. It is written in the books.

Now only God can save us.

Let's ask God's help.


We don't have any other option.

First time I'm asking you something.

No other way too.

Send an Angel who will

solve all our problems.

Please! Please!

Let's see who has come.

Hi Guys. - Hi.

Like this I entered Suhan's life

as an angel.

What are you looking for?

- What are you looking for?

Piya. - Piya?

Piya does not stay here.

But the address says she is here.

Hold it. - Please help the child.

- I am not a child.

Excuse me. - I am sorry uncle.

She does not stay here.

She has been divorced.


Piya cannot go away like this.

How can Piya be compared to that guy?

Piya is anangel and that

man is a bloody animal.

It's all my mistake,

I shouldn't have let her go.

I should have been with her

God, don't know in what

condition she could be?

What? - Your introduction?

Is this a time for introduction?

Let us ask in English.

How are you bloody? Who are you?

Oh, I am sorry.

Actually sorry, I have stayed in the US

for the past seven years.

And so my Hindi is not that... - It's Ok.

Anyways, I am Agastya Rao from

NASA Houston Texas..

...United States of America.

And your Zip code? - Pin code?


Let's be serious guys.

Yes, serious, serious.

I am sorry, after hearing the news..

...of Piya's divorce I became a bit Hyper.

I am sorry. - I can understand.

Its Ok, can you help me?

Tell me know where she stays.

Aunty contact number,

address, E-mail lD..Anylhing.

She's gone. She's gone.

Where has she gone?

- New York! - New York!

New York? After seven years I..

...collected my wits and

came to meet Piya..

...and she is in New York?

And I have a surprise for her.

Should have called at least

before coming here.

This guy looks like an fraud to me.

Yeah. Sure.

How do you know Piya?

You are...?

My name is Suhan Kapoor.

Super Star!

This means you are the new owners

of this house. - Oh yes.

But the way you are asking questions to me.. if you know Piya very well.

As if you are her relatives, could be a brother

From your talks it looks like

you know Piya's family very well

Yes. - Is it? - How?

No, I don't know Piya's family,

but I know Piya very well.

She was my girl friend. - What?

Yes, she was my sweet heart?

But, Piya's marriage was going

to be with some one else..

What did I tell you?

She was surely my girl friend..

...but I was not her boy friend. - Oh!

Actually, Piya was surely going to marry me.

But then she married that bull.

Have you seen him?

He looked like King Kong.

I had already said that

Piya can't be happy with that Gorilla.

She was a delicate doll,

and the guy was a hairy bear!

But you did not tell,

how did you know her?

How did I know?

Actually we studied together.

She was the love of my life,

my sweet heart.

Who's snap is this?

This is me and Piya.

That is the only one copy with me.

Keep it carefully.

That was the last time I saw Piya.

She was very happy-

I don't know how she would be now.

No son, don't say like that.

You were saying how Piya was

going to marry you.

Yes. It is a long story.

It will take lots of time.

You don't worry about time.

We have enough.

What do you say? - Yes.

I still remember vividly...

My first day in college.

E = mc2. I don't know

how that genius cracked it.

Amazing. Einstein, genius.

What's the time?

Ok, ok. I am going. Bye, bye.

Ouch! Hey!


Love at first sight.

I remember. The first day of the college.

My foot!

What happened, then?

Days passed away,

we started coming closer..

Me and Piya were like one.

Whatever class, chemistry,

physics.. we sat together.

Then, one day..

'Find your last years forms'

Sure, sure. Sure.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

Who are you? What do you want?

Me, Agastya Roy. Your neighbor.

Always stay next to you.

Really? I never saw you before?

But I have seen you always. - What?

Your sister. She's calling you.

She's waiting outside.

Come here. Please pass my message..

- No. No.
Please.. - Ok, Ok.

Sir. I have one question, sir. -Yes?

Very good question, Agastya.

Go, go. Go.

Yeah, come in. You dropped your book.

Agastya! What are you doing?

It was the first time I remember.

I mean.. I had sacrificed for Piya.

I'm performing in your

college tomorrow night.

Who will you come with?

Somebody has to accompany me.

You know I've psychological problem,

I can't see you with any other man.

Suhan, please, buddy.

Your concert, and how can I go alone?

Don't get jealousy. Okay listen to me.

I'll come with the man you suggest.

Come with him.

You've already floored too many here.

I don't expect trouble from this idiot.

Ok. Ok. - Sorry.

Even today when I think of that day.. ears start ringing.

My sacrifice didn't got wasted.

I was sitting alone on the steps and thinking..

Hi Champu. Oh my god! Are you crying?

No. There was something in my eye.

Take this. - What's this?

I am sorry, it was because of me.

No. Not because of you. Don't be sorry.

You are a friend. And in friendship,

you never say..

...sorry or thank you.

Friends are friends. Ok?

Oh Champu, you are so sweet.

Don't cry. Ok, listen.

Will you come to the rock-show

along with me as my date?

I would love to.

I would love to come.

Champu, you are late.

Sorry, I had gone to buy a new suit.

How do I look?

Wow! -At least look at it once.

Come on. Come on.

Get rocking. Super star!

"Say A O - A O."

"A O. - A. O."

I can't hear you.


"Colour it, fly away, fly away."

"Spread the net, fly away."

"Colour it, fly away, fly away."

"Spread the net, fly away."

"Fly away, Fly away."

"This love.. of mine, is not new."

"Then why am I flying?"

"Because, colours in the eyes

it also brought me along."

"if you find a manof your choice, fly away."

"Colour it, fly away, fly away."

"Spread the net, fly away."

"I could take the lines of some ones palm."

"if some one wishes, I would treat him."

"Listen to what your heart says."

"And then fly away."

"This love.. of mine, is not new."

"Then why am I flying?"

"Fire. When it burns, does not extinguish."

"On this heart, it comes and settles."

"Love, if you find, then fly away."

"Fly away."

"Colour it, fly away, fly away."

"Spread the net, fly away."

"Colour it, fly away, fly away."

"Spread the net, fly away."

"Fly away, Fly away, Fly away."

"Puts your hands together!"

"Do you want more?"

After listening to such a sad story.. eyes water, and my throat is dry.

I will go and get tea.

I entered your character.

Shall I get something for you, Agastya?

Yeah, I will just have a.. Bourn vita.

Its not Bourn and then Vita.

It's Bournvita. Ok?

Come. Follow me.

What are you looking for?

Recipe for vita? - Shut up!

Found it!

What did you find uncle, 5 millions?

I did not find 5 million rupees,

but an idea to obtain it.

Now listen carefully. Section 25,

Under Hindu Marriage Act.

After divorce, a husband has to take care..

...of his wife's expenses,

unless she is married again.

Once your Ex-wife remarries..

...then her responsibility

passes to the second husband.

And you.. need not give money

towards expenses.

This means if Piya gets married to Champu..

...then we will get 5 million rupees?

Ok. This time nothing should go wrong.

As you wish. I am doing it for you,

as being your friend and lawyer.

I was doing my duty.

Now it is your wish.

There is no loss, uncle? - No.

So.. what do you say?

As you wish.

I was thinking, we wont find a

better suitor for our Piya.

So we should find a auspicious time..

...and get both of them married.

Even I was thinking the same.

You look, how things work out.

Take son. Bournvita for you. - Thank you.

So son, what have you thought?

What will you do in life?

Nothing uncle. I'm thinking

of going back home.

But you know, I'm worried about Piya.

- You should be.

I don't know what condition she might be in.

Look son, whatever happens in life is for good.

Had everything been alright in Piya's life..

...then today you would be having

Bournvita with her husband.

You wouldn't be having Bournvita

standing here with him and me.

You wouldn't be having Bournvita.

What? - He hasn't got it.

He hasn't got it.

Son, you are having Bournvita with us here..

...because Piya has been separated

from her husband.

He still hasn't got it.

One second uncle.

Are you telling me about

Piya or Bournvita?

Hey shut up, shut up.

You haven't got it, I'll explain to you.

You.. I'll tell you.

Piya has been divorced.

Has been divorced. -Yeah.

That means she doesn't stay

with her husband.

That means she is alone once again.

You have come here after 7 years,

crossing the seven seas, why?

To have Bournvita.
You haven't come for Bournvita!

You have come because

you are destined to be with Piya..

...and Piya is destined to be with you.

You are made for each other.

Made for each other. - Yeah.

Really? - Yes.

Yes. She is only yours, only yours.

- Only yours. - She's mine?

Yeah, she's yours.

Your name is written on her.

Otherwise why would she have divorced?

Why? - Why would you come here

after 7 years? - Why?

Yeah man, that makes sense.

Of course, that makes sense.

Then why are you here having

Bournvita with us?

Why? - Here is her address, that she had sent

for forwarding her letters etc.

Take a flight to New York and after 22 hours,

Piya will be in your arms.

One second. But..

What will I do there?

Do we have to explain to you?

Yes you will. -Will I?

You wait.. I'll tell you.

This is magic. See.

"It knows, it doesn't believe, it believes,

it doesn't know. The world.."

Please come in...

Hi...Hi...please come and sit here.

What are you doing here?

Who will play the music? Your father?

"It knows, it doesn't believe,

it believes, it doesn't know.."

"The whole world knows,

only Piya doesn't know.."

"It knows, it doesn't believe,

it believes, it doesn't know.."

"The whole world knows,

only Piya doesn't know.."

"The heart knows the beloved.."

"The heart knows the beloved.."

"But Piya doesn't know the heart.."

"It knows, it doesn't believe,

it believes, it doesn't know.."

"The whole world knows,

only Piya doesn't know.."

"In broken poetry.."

"I have written in the diary.."

"You are the last rain.."

"You are the last request."

"In broken poetry.."

"I have written in the diary.."

"You are the last rain.."

"You are the last request."

"Why don't you understand.."

"The heart is a deep well.."

"A fire burns every time.."

"There is smoke everywhere.."

"Jump, you will get Piya.."

"Move a little, the world will move too.."

"Die and fall in love.."

What are you doing uncle,

the song is so good.

You fool. If you playjust one song,

the audience will get bored.

"The whole world knows,

only Piya doesn't know.."

"Show some charm of yours.."

"if you love Piya.."

"Let life be lost, if it does.."

"It is a small risk.."

"Show some charm of yours.."

"if you love Piya.."

"Let life be lost, if it does.."

"It is a small risk.."

"if you cut it with your nail.."

"Even the diamond will be cut.."

"if you even look at it.."

"The bulb will explode.."

"The system of love is the same.."

"You need the same strength.."

If she is not there...

"The heart knows the beloved.."

"The heart knows the beloved.."

"But Piya doesn't know the heart.."

"It knows, it doesn't believe,

it believes, it doesn't know.."

"The whole world knows,

only Piya doesn't know.."

"It knows, it doesn't believe,

it believes, it doesn't know.."

"The whole world knows,

only Piya doesn't know.."

Hey guys, thank you very much.

You have opened my eyes,

you know?

You have made me feel that even..

...this could happen between Piya and me.

Leave it man, do you think it is yours?

Excuse me.

They have taken my make-believe Piya.

But I'm going to New York, for the real one.


Thank you. Thank you very much. Okay.

Hey guys. Thank you.

Really thank you very much.

What is the need for that?

This is our duty.

- We are friends. - Friends.

Uncle. Bon..

Bon? - Bon?


You bloody Bon Voyage!

Now there will be fun!

No chance. No chance.


Do you think, this Champu will be

able to impress Piya.

This Champu? Have you gone mad?

You will have to do this.

No problem.

But uncle.

How will I go to New York?

This is my lifelong saving.

I had saved it for my wedding.

Now it will be used for your divorce.

Take it son. -I have taken it uncle.

I promise, that after my divorce..

...I will get you married.

He was on flight...

I was down in a taxi. Proceeding to

New York in search of Piya.

What will I do there?

I didn't have any idea.

Who else knows it better than me.

Here's your boarding pass

and your passport.

Thank you.

Hi. Window or aisle?

Anything will do, but Agastya Rao..

...should be nearby.

Hey Sohan.

Ag astya

Agastya Rao. Champu.

"Piya knows the heart.."

Yeah man.

After all you have taken my advice.

You are going to New York?

Yeah. And what about you?

Where are you off to?

I am going to Ghatkopar.


Where is that?
I'll get down at the next stop.

Hey stop man.


Excuse me.

Can I have one hot chocolate please?

I need to relax before take off.

Sorry sir, there's no service before take off.

You will have to wait. - Okay.

Where's my belt?

Here it is.

May I have an apple juice

There's no service before take off sir.

But I'll see what I can do.

Oh and hot chocolate for this young man here.

Sure. - Thank you.

He needs to relax before take off.

Wow! How can you do it?

How can you do all these things?

Did you see that girl?

Had I been like you,

I would have been with Piya.

I don't even know how to talk to girls.

Wish I was like you man.

Me? In charming girls?


It's my luck, I was born with it.

There's nothing one can't do.

Cool. Cool.

Hot chocolate sir. - Thank you.

And your apple juice.

- Thank you sweetheart

And you know what?

This is for you.


I'm getting nervous thinking that when I.. Piya tomorrow,

what will become of me?

I don't even know what

she likes or dislikes.

I hope I don't make a fool out of myself.

God has sent me to solve your problem.

If this is not a miracle then what is it?

In the same flight,

we are both going to New York.

And that too, not alone,

but sitting together.


I promise you.

I'll help you out.

Specially after hearing your

about your pining for her.

I have promised uncle that, until I..

...get you married,

I won't catch a flight back to Mumbai.

Promise.- Our mission started like this.

And then begun the biggest

con in the history.

I completely surrendered myself to Suhan.

He was my Godfather.

Excuse me sir, can you

guide me to this address?

The sweet little girl next door.

Piya. - Yes.

My neighbor.

You've come to the right

address young man.

She's right up there in

her apartment.

But why is the window closed.

She's probably sleeping right now.

You must be the brother

she's been talking about.

Her brother?


Nice meeting you.

Hey guys.

"My love for you is not new"

"But still why...?"

"I will make a house in front

of your house.."

"I will make my world.."

"In my neighboring window,

there's a piece of moon.."

"It is regrettable that it is.."

What are you looking at?

You have forgotten the

mission so soon.

Oh yes. Piya. Show me.

She is probably sleeping. - Okay.

You keep watching. Call me quickly

when she wakes up.

What happened?

What happened?

You were right.

She has grown so much in 7 years.

Behave yourself. - Sorry.

Relax. - Sorry. - Chill. - Sorry.

Just hold. - Right.

Have you gone crazy?

She looks like Piya to you?

Then who is she?

Please. Get the number of your specs

checked Mr. Agastya Rao, okay?

I am an Indian, not Russian.


Ag astya, Ag astya

Agastya Rao.


Can I see once, once?


A9 astya!

What is this?

What is this?

I am an astronaut and this is a telescope.

Father of binoculars.

Move. Let me see.

Why are you pushing me?

Hold this.

Amazing. - Isn't it?

Something will have to be

done about you.

Suhan understood I can't impress Piya.

So he changed my

personalityjust like him.

I am looking just like you, right?

Rock Star. -Yeah!

Sir, what can I get for you?

An apple juice and wine

- I'll have coffee.

Uncle! - Uncle?

How did you come here?

Who uncle and whose uncle.

Do you have a twin brother in India?

This small.

If I am this big then

how can my twin be this much?

I don't have a twin brother.

I'll ask my parents...

Saw that. Absolutely identical.

He is uncle's carbon copy.

How is it possible?

- Why it can't be possible?

It is written that there are

at least seven people in this..

...with similar face.

It is all nonsense.

No it is not nonsense.

It is a scientifically proven thing.

There are seven people

who look similar in this world.

And... -And?

Just a minute. That means that

there must be seven more..

...girls looking just like Piya.

I think I should be after them at least

I will get one of them. What say?

Do you love Piya's face

or her personality?


Then you forget all this

nonsense and concentrate..

...on the mission. - Ok. Tell me.

Today is the mission's first day

so we will do warm up today.

Listen, you do exactly

what I tell you to do.

Not a penny less or

not a penny more.

Otherwise the whole

mission will get ruined.

When Piya comes out of

her apartment"

...when you look at..

...her you react as if you have

seen her suddenly. - How?

Just show me once more.

Now I'll do it. Just look at me. - Ok.

You do wonderful false acting.

You should have been in Hollywood.

Now stop it.

Now listen further.

When she is walking ahead you'll.. her by her name.

Like this...Piya!

Piya! - Oh! My God!

Oh! My God! -You here?

You here? - How amazing!

- How amazing!

She will turn back and look at you.

Her air will fly in high speed.

Go my lion. My blessings

are with you.

You remember everything, right? - No.

What? - I forget everything

when I look at Piya.

You please come with me.

No! -Why?

Why? Why...Why? - No, why

...why am I asking this..

...question? I am asking you this.

Why? - Ok.

Come on, let us go back home. Please.

No. I'll do one thing.

I will go with you, I will be near you

but I will not be with you. Ok?

Ok. -Wait. You'll go like this to her.

Alright. I was just trying to help you

Please, don't pay attention to him.

You tell me what you wanted to say.

Oh! You are a good boy.

You know you put this one

behind your ear and the..

...other one you put it behind your ear.

And then what ever you want

him to do you tell him.

You will keep telling him and

he will keep doing them.

Wow! Uncle. At least

you were of some use.

Come on, now your work

will be done.

Thank you, very much.

But listen, remember its range

is only 100 metres.

Come on Punk, let's rock.

Come on, come on. Just say

it once more. Once more.

Come on Punk, let's rock.

You are bloody clear man.

Come on, punk let's rock.

Come on, give me your credit card.

Why? - Why?

Why am I asking this question?

Iamjust thinking this.

After all you are going for

my work, brother. - Right.

You are going for my work.

Not this one...give me this one.

After today this credit card

will remain with me and.. will keep sitting in the car.

It is Ok. He has taken my credit card.

Who the hell are you?

You did not recognise me? - No.

Have a look.

That means that nobody will be

able to recognise me.

And I will be at a distance of

100 metres from you.

This is a book on Picasso.

- But this is an old book.

Second hand, only then it will

appear like you've read it.

Excuse me, Can I help you?

Oh! Champu, it's you? I am sorry I...

No. From your mouth even

Champu sounds sexy.

But how come you are here?

I was passing by and I saw that

it was an Interiors shop...

You work here.

No. This is my store.

I do Interior designing

You own this store? - Yes.

These are your designs. - Yes.

You know these flowers.

Halcyon? Wonderful! Fabulous!

Do you like flowers?

Oh! What?

Do you like flowers?

I love flowers. - I love flowers.

Flowers are in my blood.

- Flowers are in my blood.

When you see me...

You feel I don't go well with flowers.

Neverjudge anyone with appearance.

You are the flower Halycon.

It's found in tropical forest of South America.

Very good. Shake hands now.

Of course.

I am impressed. In spite of

being a man you are so..

...Interested in flowers.
I do not believe in boy-girl thing.

I am a homosexual.

I am a homosexual.

Oh Shit! Don't say that.

You say, I am a heterosexual.


Oops! - Oops!

You like Picasso?

I like Picasso? I love Picasso.

Picasso is in my blood.

But how did you know? Oh!

Sharp observation.

I have read Picasso four times

You know what is the best thing

about Picasso? - What?


So, you were telling me

something about Picasso.

Oh! Yes, Picasso. Picasso...

Who are you? - Zorro.

You really want to know

about Picasso?

You are a fraud. Fraud!

You do this and show me.

How could you that Zubin?

No, I didn't do anything.

Zorro, it was him outside your boutique.

You guys can't believe it.

I am too glad that you've

come to our Casino.

I had done all the arrangements

for the Fresh food.

But suddenly how come

you are in a mood of having..

Italian food

You like Italian?

I like Italian? I love Italian.

Italian is in my blood.

Suhan never got an opportunity

to wear diff rent get ups.

So he used this opportunity to

wear different costumes.

Always came in a different costume.

And he was funny.

I'll have one Vinaigrette.

I'll have the same. Thanks.

And I'll have a diet coke.

Just diet coke. Come on, Zubin.

Order something.

No. I hate Italian food.

Specially spicy food.

You don't like spicy food?

You don't like spicy food? - No.

You like spicy food.

I like spicy food. I love spicy food.

Spice is in my blood.

Spice is in my blood.

Aditya, you are alright?

I am Ok. I love spicy food.

Eat more of that...what was that

ltaliano... -Vinaigrette

Yes, Vinaigrette. - Very nice.

Hey! Where is this man?

Where is this man?

You? You were at the boutique

too, right?

Nowl know. You are following us.

Come on, let us go.

What are you looking for Aditya?

What was I looking for?

Brooklyn Tower! I wanted to see

it since my childhood.

It's very beautiful, isn't it?

Thanks for everything.

You should not thank me.

You should thank Zubin.

He paid the bill.

No, I did not mean that.

I really had a great time this evening.

Me too. In fact after 7 years

I have laughed so much.

7 years? Can I ask you

something? Hope you will..

...not feel bad.

Did you love a girl in the college?

I heard that she broke your heart

so you left college and..

...went away.

We did not come to know

where you had gone.

You just disappeared. You used

to love that girl very..

...much, right? Do you

love her now also?

I am sorry...l think you

are unable to forget her.

You don't mind me asking...

Who she was.

Look if only you want it.

I might be of some help to you.

Please tell me who was she.


How can you help me?

Ok. Now she is already married.

Then you can get any good girl.

You forget her.

No. I will marry her only.

If I get married then I will marry

her only otherwise...

If Suhan hadn't come, the show

would've ended before the start.

In thirty seconds she will

come out wearing a nightie.

Oh! But where have I kept the remote?

Oh! Yes, in the kitchen.

She will jump on the couch.

Now she will watch..

...emotional films and cry

like Meena Kumari.

What are you doing?

I am eating chocolate and

studying the case.

That's enough. Excuse me.

What is it? Are you a wrestler?

What will you do by watching?

I don't think you should watch

like this. -Why?

Then you too will fall in love.

What? I don't need anybody's love.

I am happy alone. You keep

your Piya to yourself.

Now what have you done?

Satellite connection?

No. Telescope. - Oh! Fantastic.

Yeah. Pop corn? - Yeah.

"It is an unknown city."

"It is an unknown evening."

"Life is...


"What is your name?"

"Strange is this life."

"This life is strange."

"Here you meet then separate."

"After separation again we meet."

"It is an unknown city."

"Without you also I feel sadness is sweet."

"What? Is this your magic?"

"You are not aware that the

earth under your feet is saying

"What? Is this your thought?"

"It is an unknown city."

"I found life."

"Strange is this life."

"This life is strange."

"I had thought it is near."

But it is somebody else s fat

"It is the incident of one night."

"You were lying on the clouds."

"I remember you had called me."

"You were feeling cold."

"You had draped thin

moonlight on yourself."

"And you were sleeping in the

shawl of dreams."

"Let it be strange

...but you are merged in my breaths."

"Strange is this life."

"This life is strange."

"This life is not for me."

"It is the fate of somebody else."

First time I saw a faint hope of

love in Piya's eyes for me.

And it was interval for our mission.

You look stunning.

How do I look?

- Like a rock star.

Man, super star.

No, super star.

What happened?

No. Nothing. I just remembered something.

Good or bad?

Good or bad?

Hi, can I have a glass of Red wine please?

What will you have?

Apple juice...and wine

And wine...

Now drink the cocktail of it.

Why are you looking at me like this?

I am looking at your 6th smile.

I am looking at your 6th smile.

What! - Do you know you have

6 kinds of smiles?

Do you know you have

6 kinds of smiles?

Smile number one, when you

smile whole-heartedly.

Smile number one, when you

smile whole-heartedly.

Smile number two, when

you smile very late.

Smile number three,

when you smile coyly.

Smile number four, when

you smile mischievously.

Smile number five when you

smile to greet somebody.

And smile number 6..

When you smile to hide something.

When you smile to hide something.

Smile once please.

What are you hiding from me?

Agastya, go to Piya.

Suhan, these are 6 well built people.

And we are only two of us.

Actually there is only one person.

Just do what I've told you to do.

You please come out.

Please! These are very cheap people.

Don't lock horns with them.

I will be back.

Ag astya

Suhan was furious.

Itried in vain to stop him.

If there was any one who can

stop him it was Piya.

Oh my God, Agastya! Are you fine?

Listen, don't you ever,

ever say.. one second.

Don't you ever say

anything to her! Okay!

I'll send every one to moon.

What a knock-out punch

Suhan landed on my face.

I was stars in daylight.

Piya had great respect for me.

From an idiot Champu I had

become a Champion to her.


There is a small party at my home.

Sol have called to invite you.


Yes. A birthday party.

- Birthday party!

Okay. Yeah, yeah. Of course

I will come. I will come.

This evening?

I have a meeting this evening.

Oh no! It will be very good if you can come.

Any way no stress.

What comes first.

Yeah off course, what comes first.

Okay. Bye-bye. Take care.

Why did Suhan did like that?

Why did he stop me from

going to Piya's party?

I had many such queries in my mind.

But I didn't have the

courage to ask him.

Excuse me. - Yes.

I have been noticing you for

the last couple of days.

Are you an actor by any chance?

Yes. Do you want any autograph?

Actually no. - Don't waste my time.

Just a second. I have

something to tell you.

I am writing a major television

sitcom called Vikram and Juliet.

It's a comedy about this..

An Indian Vikram falling in love

with American Juliet.

And you want me to play Vikram?

- Well. Not exactly.

I am offering the role of

Vikram's driver. Chaukram.

What? You don't know whom

you are talking to right now.

You don't understand.

Chaukram is a major character.

I only do main leads.

I am a super star.

Now what do I do? The party has got over.

Everything is over. Should I

go to wash the vessels?

Agastya, you?

Wow! You had some urgent

work, didn't you?

Yes. I realised that no work is more..

...Important than friendship.

So I left everything and I came here.

Well, I am so sorry but

the party.. - Is over.

Everybody had their fill

and they have left.

It means your friend has

come at the right time.

Do you require my assistance?

Sure! Come on in!

Wow, my brave one!

You have reached to her house.

And in short period enter her heart too.

What are you talking? You fool!

Oh God!

Brilliant! Brilliant!

How beautiful!

Can ltouch?

Open the window.

You fool! Open the window.

Such a sweet baby!

Looks just like you.

He sits so quietly.

She sits very quietly.

Her name is Subhangini.

She is my little angel.

And today is her birthday.

Suhan. Suhan, please.

Now please get up.

Suhan. Thank God!

There is just 5 minutes.

I can't come.

Suhan, please get up.

If she talks something then to answer her..

Take her out to watch some film.

You needn't talk to her then.

Tell me which film I've to take her?

Hi. - Hello, young man.

Great! Great!

Hi. My name is Suhan Kapoor.

I am your father. I am your papa.

Hi. Handshake?

Finger shake.

Finger shake. Finger shake.

Your mama was right.

You are an angel.

Can I carry you in my arms?


Same smile. Same eyes.

Same nose. Same lips.

You are my replica.

Your smile is just like your papa.

Suhan forgot about time with his daughter.

When I and Piya returned.

How can you be so careless?

I don't believe this.

Oh my sweetheart!

I am so sorry! Come! Come here!

I will put the shawl around.

Can I ask you something? - Yes.


What's the matter?

Actually.. I.. I..

What happened?

Did you marry the guy whom

you used to like in the college?

I just wanted to ask that.

If you don't want to answer then it is okay.

I understand. It's okay. Just forget it.

Oh My God!


Then.. then..

All our wishes in life

will not be fulfilled.

Congratulations, Piya. You are pregnant.

Thank you, doctor.

Are we leaving?

"I am worried because of helplessness."

"You will be sad to know.

But I am with you."

"I will have to stay away from you."

"Just endure it for a while."

"My future, I swear on you."

"My future is with Piya."

"I know that love is innocent."

"Heart tends to make some mistakes."

"Love is ignorant of patience."

You didn't tell him?

How could I have told him?

That day he was very happy.

The greatest dream of his

life was going to be fulfilled.

But when I realized that

our marriage was creating..

...barrier for his dreams..

then I decided.

By giving him this news,

I couldn't break his dreams.

What did you do?

I waited for him

I tried many times to talk with

Suhan in my lonliness.

Ma'am, can I speak with Suhan please?

No.. I..

I was left with no choice.

The wait of a few weeks

converted into months.

But I received no news about Suhan.

I was all alone in that city.

And then one day..

My brother Vishal came to visit me.

He couldn't bear to see my condition.

I had eloped to marry

much against my family.

But still they forgave me.

Vishal told me not to stay

alone in such condition.


He didn't come back.

But I got divorce notice.

Forget about him.

You can easily find another good man.

I wanted to say the same dialogues near

the Brooklyn bridge, remember it?

You are so sweet.

Goodnight, Piya.

Now papa has to leave.

Don't worry. Papa will come again.

But there is a change in the plan.

This time I will take your

mummy along too.

She isn't that bad, you know.

Finger shake.

Bye, sweetheart.


Uncle. - Suhan!

What is the progress in the mission?

Suhan, what's the matter?

ls everything fine?

Uncle.. we were wrong about Piya.

Look.. we have committed

a grave mistake, Suhan.

Now what do you want to do?

What I should have done a

long time ago, uncle.

I want to take up my responsibilities.

Uncle, I want to take care of my child.

Uncle, what I did was wrong.

I want to rectify my mistake.

Uncle, I want Piya and the baby..

both back.
But.. how will you do all this?


You know the job,

which you offered me. I will do it

That part has already been cast.

You are a super star.

Why do you need anything?

If I need you, I will find you.

Nowjust get out of my face.

I am waiting.

I am sorry.

I'll take it.

I wasn't nice...l was rude

lnfact I was a jerk.

I'm really sorry. I'll change my nature.

But I will try to get you

an audition for another part.

Come to the studio tomorrow.

Suhan woke up earlier than me that day.

Piya, today I am going

to start my new life.

Wish me all the best.


Are you a princess?


But my father is very wealthy.

Why don't you live here then?

There will be a room for you

in such a big palace.

Yes. They all also want this.

But whenever I come here,

papa harps the same thing.

About my marriage. - Yes.

You must have informed them

that I am coming.

They may think a baby sitter is

coming along with you.

Of course, Agastya.

In fact papa is waiting for you.

Greetings Uncle.

What are you doing, Agastya?

He is not papa. He is our butler.

Hello. Agastya here.

Hi, everybody. I am home.

Hi Piya!

He is my friend, Agastya.

Hi! - Hi! - Hello!

Does he have a younger brother?

Does he have an elder brother?

Every mother wants the

best for her baby.

So do I.
That's why I have chosen

Booboo diapers.

Booboo diapers have a rapid dry system..

...with triple protection from leak.

Triple protection from leak.

That protects against leakage.

Day and night.

- So if you have a baby.

Buy Booboo.

Booboo diapers is the choice.

You are so good looking.

I'm sure you're an actor.

No, I'm not an actor,

I'm an Astronaut from NASA


Travelled to moon any time?

Who else is there in your family?

Actually I am alone.

From my childhood I was alone,

my parents...

I am Raj Goyal. Piya's father.

Pleasure meeting you.

Pleasure meeting you.

Happy anniversary.

- Thank you. Thank you.

I like good manners.

You know when I had come to New York.

Excuse me, when I came to New York,

I had just $5 in my pocket...

With those dollars...

He is the guy who is after Piya.

Today he has reached the house.

Since when are you seeing him?

What does the guy do?

Who else is there in his family?

Does he smoke cigarettes?

When are you guys marrying?

Next Tuesday is good to marry.


Specially with the software in...

Let me introduce my..

Uncle, let me guess.

He is Vishal, your son and Piya's brother?


How did you know? - Piya told me.

And she said that you are tall,

handsome.. intelligent, good looking.

I like this guy, dad. - Thank you.

Very good! Very good! You guys enjoy.

I will see you later.

Yeah, dad. - Okay, dear. - Bye.

Well, I think this calls for a drink. - I..

Champagne. - Okay.



Hi. I am Jaggu, Piya's cousin.

Even I want to be an astronaut like you.

Wow! Yummy!

So this didn't tell us

anything about him before.

Mom, now you too behave like everybody..

What do you expect darling?

For the first time you have

brought a guy home.

He is just a friend.

I don't love him.

Piya.. if you want to live happily..

...then choose the person

who loves you as your life partner.

The one whom you loved..

...he never gave you any happiness.

Why do you think that

Agastya loves me?

Are you serious?

Can't you see what we all can see?

So if you really love your child, clearly...

Booboo diaper is the choice.

Good morning,
my name is Suhan Kapoor.

Every mother wants the best

for her baby. And so do I.

That's the reason why

I have chosen Booboo diapers.

Booboo diapers have a

rapid dry system..

...with triple protection..

Every diaper in the town has...

The reason for whyl bought Boo Boo

diapers is because you can see the change

Even an alien like me who doesn't

know anything can easily change it

You needn't have to wake up

your wife at midnight.

To change diapers, I do. It just

takes 5 seconds to change.

So if you love your child,

if you love your wife..

...then Booboo diapers is the right choice.

That was brilliant, Mr. Kapoor!

As much as we want to work,

we cannot select you.

What we are looking for is a

mother talking about her baby.

A woman
He asked me to come

audition for this part.

I am afraid my friend,

you have come to the wrong audition.

That's next door.

Mr. Kapoor, you have changed

our advertising campaign.

For the last few days we have

auditioned hundreds of girls.

But none of them have acted

so well like you have.

If you love your child,

if you love your wife..

...then Booboo diapers is

the right choice.

It's brilliant!

So if we change our campaign..

...and instead of a wife and a

mother talking about her baby..

...we will use your idea of a father..

...talking about his baby and wife.

That's so very innovative!

Mr. Kapoor, would you like to be

the face of Booboo diapers?

Thank you, sir.

This is the study. - Okay.

And that is Vishal's room. - Okay.

You can pick anything

you like from his wardrobe.

I think it should fit you just fine.

Agastya. -What a beautiful painting!

When grandpa had proposed to granny..

...then he had captured this

romantic moment.

That's very romantic!

And this is the same ring. See.


You get ready. We are waiting

for you downstairs. - Okay.

Hello. - Can I speak to Piya please?

Who is calling? - Richa.

Hey, Richa! Where are you?

You have disappeared.

Forget about me, tell me about you.

I saw you with an handsome

man yesterday.

He is Champu.

You didn't recognize him?

Who? Champu?

Yeah. Champu from college.

That handsome! You lucky girl!

Oh no! Nothing like that.

Oh really?

Yes! He still loves the girl about..

...whom he was crazy in the college.

You were that girl.

Piya.. will you marry me?


No! No! - Come on! Come on! - No!

Let's go! - No! Wait! Wait! Wait!

Piya! Wait!

Oh my God!

"You have crossed your limit."

"What have you done."

"you've made him go mad on you."

"I used to love her."

"She was my classmate."

"She always used to be upset with me."

"She used to ignore me."

"She used to ignore me."

"Can't you see?

He is in love with you."

"Say I do. I do. I do."

"Sister, say yes. Say yes! Say yes!"

"Say yes! Say yes! Say yes!"

"Give your consent."

"Covertly and coyly say yes."

"Give your consent."

"Covertly and coyly say yes."

"Give your consent."

"By a gesture or a sign."

"Give your consent."

Ladies & Gentlmen, meet the new

face of booboo diapers...

Mr. Suhan Kapoor.

Congratulations.- Thank you.

"This guy is very nice."

"He seems to be of a kind nature."

"if you say 7 nuptial rounds."

"He can even take more than that."

"Listen! Listen!"

"The past never comes back."

"Come. Come on."

"Don't lose this chance."

"I love you."

"I can even give up my life for you."

"I have come with a request."

"if you permit, I want to marry you."

"He is so handsome. He is a dude."

"Say I do. I do. I do."

"Sister, don't say no now.

Don't harass us."

"Marry him and don't turn back."

"Give your consent."

"Grab the chance."

"Give your consent."

"It is the way of decent people."

"Give your consent."

"It is the desire of men."

"Give your consent."

"His voice is sweet."

"I think he is a jolly fellow

"Grab him with both the hands."

"if you think he is a bit weak."

"Yes. Yes."

"This is about coincidence."

"What? What happened?"

"This is the auspicious time."

"Whatever you like,

that will be my liking too."

"if you want the twilights to become long."

"I will shorten the day."

"Girl, he is too good to be true."

"Say I do. I do. I do."

"Sister, do say yes.

Listen to your children."

"Otherwise this auspicious time

will pass away."

"Give your consent."

"Give your consent."

"This is the best thing for you."

"Give your consent."

"You are destined for him."

"Give your consent."

"What has to happen, that will happen."

"Give your consent."

I have got work.

I have become a model.

The contract is in my hand.

Now I can take care

of Piya and Suhani.

But Sohan, what will

you say to Agastya?

I'll tell the truth.

I was the one who

committed the mistake.

I'm ready for any punishment

she hands to me.

Very good!

I accept it.



I want to tell you something.

You will be so happy. See this!

Sorry. Look. I got engaged to Piya.

She is going to be my wife.


Our mission was a success.

Piya has got engaged to Agastya.

They are going to marry very soon.

Now there is no need to worry

Everything is over.

Sohan, don't accept defeat so soon.

I have a brilliant idea.

You do one thing.

No, uncle. Not today. Today don't

give me any of your ideas.

You have always given me wrong advice.

Today I am not going to listen to you.

How had Piya wronged us?

She had not done anything.

And I.. I have only given her sorrows.

Now it's enough. I have seen Piya.

She is very happy.

Agastya loves her a lot.

And he will always keep her happy.

Because he is not like me.

His love.. is not changing with the

circumstances like me.

Do you know.. when he came to

know that Priya loves..

...somebody else..
still his love didn't change.

When he came to know that

Piya has married somebody..

...still his love didn't change.

And when he came to know

that Piya has a child..

...still his love didn't change.

Uncle, Agastya's love for

Piya will never wane.

He is really a messiah.

And I.. I never could make Piya happy.

But I can at least let her stay happy.


Yes. Who is it?

You got your love Piya.

I've kept my promise.

My role ends here.

You don't need me any more.

I'm sure you'll take good care of Piya.

Take care of yourself.

Suhan went away.

Me too.

I and Piya were to be married shortly.

I shifted to Piya's parental home.

Any one with wife and child

booboo diaper is the choice.

Suhan decided to go back to India after

completing the modelling assignment.

"There are a hundred pains.."

"There are a hundred ways of relief.."

"I have got everything, my love.."

"Only you aren't there.."

"There are a hundred pains.."

"There are a hundred ways of relief.."

"I have got everything, my love.."

"Only you aren't there.."

Without Suhan I was

just a soul less body.

Neither I could talk freely with Piya,

nor keep her happy.

I wanted Suhan to come and save me.

"This breeze that blows haltingly.."

"Why is it so indifferent."

"On the busy streets.."

"I come flying.."

"There are a hundred ways.."

"But there is no way for me.."

"There are a hundred pains.."

"There are a hundred ways of relief.."

"I have got everything, my love.."

"Only you aren't there.."

"The hearts says, forget it.."

"Let the time stand still.."

"if the sea has turned.."

"Let the waves stay as they are.."

"I have a hundred delights.."

"Only you aren't there.."

"There are a hundred pains.."

"There are a hundred ways of relief.."

Vishal, you had promised me..

Zubin, just take it easy.

Hi brother-in-law.

Come join us for a drink.

Just one drink, brother-in-law.

One drink. One drink.

You shouldn't say that.

This man is your brother-in-law.

And when brother-in-law says

you should drink..

...then you should. Here.

If this brother-in-law gets angry..

...your plight will be the same as that..

...of Piya's first husband.

What happened?

Didn't you know?- No

Piya had divorced because of Vishal.

Because of him.

Zubin, you are drunk.

You don't believe me?

You don't believe me?

I'll just show you. - Zubin! Zubin,

just take it easy.

All those letters that Piya's..

...husband had written for Piya.

But not one of these letters reached Piya.

Vishal had hidden all these letters here.

He didn't even give the two

a chance to reunite.

Scoundrel. - Shut up Zubin.

It was another matter with that guy.

He was good for nothing.

But he is not like that.

I'm sure he will take good care of Piya.

Am I right? - Yes.


Come on.

Come on.


Thank you.

Hi son. I'm back.

I have brought something for you.

Do you want to see what it is?

Here. This is for you.




Now do you recognise?

I thought I'll take you with me.

Then later on take your mother also.

But I have to go alone.

With all plans failing miserably.

Will you hear my words?

When you grow up..

Don't be like me, be like your mother.

All your plans failed.

So you have stooped to this?

No dad. Last time too

I was quiet because of you.

That is why all this has happened.

He has come to kidnap the child.

No. I will hand him over to the police.

Otherwise he will..

Vishal, enough is enough.

Suhan is part of our family

Let him go.

No need to call police.

Suhan, it's your child too.

I can understand your position.

But this isn't the right way.

If you want the child's custody,

fight it out legally in the court.

We will bind by the court's judgment

escort him out.

Suhan committed a grave mistake.

But that mistake was not his fault.

He too is a victim of misunderstanding

created by Vishal.

I know that Suhan loves you a lot.

And you love him too.

I don't know howl have fallen in between.

How can you love me?

I am only Champu.

An idiot.

I can't even talk to you properly.

And then you haven't fallen in

love with me but with Suhan.

Whatever I said to you.

Whatever I did for you.

That was not me, but Suhan.

I am only the body.

Wherever I met you,

Suhan was with me.

You both are made for each other.

Suhan loves you a lot.

He feels that you are not happy with me.

He left everybody for your happiness.

He will be shattered without you Piya.

He needs you.

He loves you a lot.

Without you he is incomplete.

No one has spoken like

this about Suhan.

Thank you very much for removing the..

...misunderstanding between us.

Please don't stop.

He's so handsome.

I like to hear good about him.

He's a good person.

Please don't stop.

He loves you a lot.

Hello! Hi Vikas!- When did you come?

Last night.

Anyjob for me?- Not much to offer.

Any role will do, even side roles...

I've an offer for Bhojpuri film?

- That is also okay to me.

What a great shot!

Come let's have a drink.

Autograph please!

Piya! How come you are here?

I've lot to explain...

- Please don't tell me anything.

We can't wait any more.

Champu, I know that

you are here only. Come out.

No Suhan, my role ends here.

I've to go now, my place

is some where else.

Thank you. - She's the only

woman you loved.

How did you then fall

in love with me?

You'll get the answers when

you speak to Piya and Suhan.

It's 8 now and they will be at home,

let's call them.

Switch it on.

Happy birthday, Suhan!

Thank you, Champu.

Not Champu. Agastya.

I am in the space.

Where had you disappeared?

It's a long, long story.

I will tell you some other time.

But where is Piya?

Fool! Now let her go.

She has now become your bhabhi.

Shut up! Just call Piya! Just call Piya!

Piya! - Yes.

Come here, Piya!

What happened?

- There is a surprise for you.

The surprise better be good.

Oh my God! Champu,

where had you disappeared?

Come out first.

I want to give both of you a surprise.

Are you ready for it?

Do it soon! - Shut up!

My girl friend Zinkova

- Zinkova?

Do you remember? I told you there

will seven look alike people.

She's Piya.

Wow! She looks exactly like me!

I mean I look exactly like you.

Oh my God! Yes! Suhan,

she looks exactly like me!

It will be wonderful if we could just meet.

We are going to be in the next 6 months.

We'll be back on Earth.

So you should come and see me.

But you must come to Mumbai first!

Yes! Yes! We will definitely

come to Mumbai!

Zinkova, I am a big TV star.

You know he is really funny.

That is his sense of humour.

I will kill you!

He keeps talking about you all the time.

How old are you?

Yes! You must take care of Agastya!

You know we absolutely love him!

I can't believe it

This is like a dream.

Yes! Take care of yourself!

Synopsis:Good Shepherd College nerd, complete with eye-glasses and

braces, Agastya Rao alias Champu, has a crush on Piya Goel, and is thrilled
when she invites him to go to a dance, only to be heart-broken when he
finds out that she really digs another guy. Years later, Agastya has
graduated, re-located to the U.S. where he is an astronaut with NASA,
and when he finds out that his college sweetheart is about to divorce her
husband, decides to try his hand at wooing her. He gets the unsolicited
help of one-time Bollywood wonder Suhaan Kapoor, who accompanies
Agastya to New York, assists him in successfully wooing and proposing to
Piya. On the night of their engagement, Agastya will find out that Suhaan
only wanted to help him because of Section 25 of the Hindu Marriage Act
- so that could relieve him of the financial burden of paying alimony to
Piya, who was the girl he had secretly married much against the wishes of
the entire Goel clan. Watch what happens when Suhaan finds out that he
has a da

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