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Scene 1: Telling jokes

A—AK, B—Boh, C—Goh, D—Hon

A: Haha OMG guys, this is very funny. So what’s the difference between a bench and a
malay guy?

B: I don’t know, tell me.

A: OK, a bench can support a whole family, but Malay guy cannot.

A+B : (laughing)

C: OKOK, I got one, how do you blindfold a Chinese person?

B: I don’t know.

C: You use dental floss! (laughing)

A+B: (get shocked)

B: My God! That’s very racist!

A: Not cool man! Come on, let’s not befriend him anymore.

Scene 2: Shopping

A—Hon, B—Ak, C—Boh, D—Goh

Alarm was ringing.

A: It’s Ok madam, the alarm is spoilt. It’s not you.

B: You don’t need to check my bag?

A: no no no.

B: No need to check?

A: No need. Please go ahead. Thank you, please come again.

C(indian guy): (walking, Alarm was ringing.)

A: It’s Ok sir, the alarm is spoilt. It’s not you. So, don’t worry.
C: (watching the guard)

A: Thank you go ahead, have a good night.

(malay guy walking)

A: Wait stop! I must check you!

D: (shocked)

A: Wait, I’m checking! Check, check, check. Turn around please, hands up!

Scene 3: Driving

A—Goh, B—Hon, C—Ak, D—Boh

A: Hey! You’re getting back to Ipoh right? I can give you a lift.

B: Cannot, I’m wearing a dress.

A: So?

B: You ride a motorbike right?

A: No, I drive that car over there! The BMW.

B: Oh~ you drive a Grab right?

A: No, you know what? You can go back yourself.

B: Eh, don’t be like that! Come on I will give you 5 stars!

Scene 4: Eating Malay food.

A—Boh, B—Goh, C—Hon, D—Ak

A: yours is RM3, and yours is RM5.

(B+C was paying.)

B: Thank you!
C: (confusing) Why is yours so cheap, while mine is so expensive? Is it because you
are friends. Since you are all Malay.

B: No, it is because you added chicken, mutton, and potato!

C: Oh, ok.

B: Not my fault that you can’t afford it.

C: What you said?!

Scene 5: Mistaken identity.

A—Ak, B—Boh, C—Goh, D—Hon

A: His very lazy! The other day I asked him to bring me a newspaper. He just
pretended he is sleeping. Whoa this mat(common slang for Malay guy.) very useless,
only know how to eat and sleep!

B: Racist…

C: Very useless… this mat.

B: excuse me, you’re talking about mat here mat there, you think we have no feelings?
We are humans ok, humans! Can you watch your words! We are humans!

A: No I was talking about my sister’s dog.

B: Oh that is Mutt, Mutt.

A: yeah, he is very cute right?

B: Mutt, say it Mut-t! Not mat mat mat! Mutt!

Scene 6: Playing Music

A—Hon, B—Ak, C—Boh, D—Goh

A: (rush into the classroom.)

A: Hey guys, IPG got talent! Prize is RM300.

B: Okok, I can be the singer!

A: and I can play the flute! Fuzz?

A+B: Guitar?

C: Oh, I can’t play the guitar guys.

A+B: What?!

C: Guys, not all the Malays guy play the guitar! I just don’t play the guitar!

B: Ok, then at least the drums, right?

A: Yes! The “dikir barat”

B: You know the “dikir barat” right?

C: “dikir barat” has nothing to do with drums.

A+B: (simply dancing and acting like dikir barat)

C: that’s not dikir barat! Stop it! Guys this is not!

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