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INFERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 9223 Firat editton 1002.02.15 Corrosion of metals and alloys — Corrosivity of atmospheres — Classification Corroston des métaur ef alliages — Corrosivité dos atmospheres — Classification Refaranise numbar Is 9223:199246) CopmrgMt bythe Intentional Urganization Por Standardization Sal fu D4 15-58 200 150 9293:1992(E) Foreword ISO (tho Intornatlonal Organizaton for Standardvation is a workowiee federation of national standards bodies (ISO "nomber bodies). Tha work of prepariag inlernalional Standards is normally carried out through {60 technical committees. Each mamber body inlorested In a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right ta be represented on that committee, Intornatlersl organizallons, gevorn mental and ron-govammettal, Ii ilzlson wilt (SC, also take part in the work, ISG collaborates tlosely with the Intemational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all mallers of clectrotechnicat standardization. Draft International Standards adopled by lie iechnical committees are circulated to tho member bodies for voting. Publication as an Inter- national Standard requires approval by al least 75% of the member bodies casting a vole. Intornalional Standard 180 9223 was prepared by Technical Committer IBOITC 188, Corrosion of metals and alfoys. Annex A lorms an Integral part of this International Standard. Annex B ig for information only, © 130 19% Ail rlghts reserved, No part of Pris puldlelun trey be repronnied or ullizedin ary fora fr by any meane, electronic oF mecharleal, eluding sfietacopying arl ty crotiin, wlihout FParerlanton In ting frarn the publisher Intemational Organization for Standardization (Caee Potala S6® CIt1241 Geneve 20» fullzarinel Fined In Gwitzarland Copyright bythe Intcnational Grganization Por Standardization Sal do 04 16-02 200 ISO 9228:1992(6) Introduction Motals, alloys and mataille coatings may suffer almeaphatie corrosion when their Surlarcs are wetted. The nature and rate of the aitack will depend upcn the properties of surface-formed electrolytes, particularly vith regard to the level and type of geseotts and particulate pollutants in the aimosphere and te tha duration of thoir action on the metallic surface. Bala on the corrosivity of the atmosphere are essential for the devel- opment aad specification of optimized corrosion resistance far mantl- factured product Thove are two ways of determining the corrasivity estegary of a given location according to thls International Standard (see figure 0.4) Tho corrosivity catogorioe ore definod by the corrosien effects on etan- dard specimens ex shccified in ISO 9226. The corrosivily categories may be assessed in terms cf the most significant atmospheric factors {ufli- eneing the corrosion of motals and alloys Le. lime af welnoss and pol lution level ‘The corrosivity category is a technical characteristic whieh provides a hasis for the selection of mintorlats and protective measures In almos- pheric envitonmonts subject to the demands of the specific applleation, particularly wilh rogard to service Ife This International Standard doos nol take into consideration the design and mode of operstion of the product which can influenée Ils corrosion resistance, since these effects are highly apecife and cannot be gener allzet CopmrigMt bythe Intentional Urganization Por Standardization Sal fo 04 16-05 200 ISO 9223:1892(E) CLags'Featton af afmaspherte carsoshtty ve mettods) 080 9223) sof welness and elton wvtronmentel elaselticatfen in ferme ot na lanetfieatien Beeaden corvanfonrate rmeanrenert ard standard metel epecinans Conrostvty cotegortes Ws09270 ulna values for speciflemetals tisos2ze) sf cerrasfonrate tor each cetegory T I I | [ I { | I I | I I i I I | I I | [ ( 4 | I I | | Hl | | | | ' 609225 Mecsurenent of poltuon Dstermination ef cerroslon atoaf standard specinant ‘aso 9726) Figure 0.1 — Classification of atmospherle corrostvity Copyright bythe Intcenational Urganization Por Slandardastion Sal fo 04 16-05 200 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 180 9223:1992(E) Corrosion of metals and alloys — Corrosivity of atmospheres — Classification 4 Scope JA This International Standard specifies the key factors in the atmospheric corrosion of metals and alloys. These are the time of wetness (ri, pollution by sulfur dioxide (80) (P) and sir-horne salinity (8. Corosivily categores {C), which are defined en the basis of these three faciors, sre used for the classification of atmospheres. 1.2 The classification given in this International Standard can be uscd directly Ia evaluate the correalvily of almospheres for meta's and alloys under known coniliticns of time of wetness, pallaticn by sulfur dioxide (80,) and/or airhorna salinity, This International Standard does not characteriza the corrosivity of specific service atmospheres. ¢.4 atmospheres in the chemical or metallurgical in dustries, The poliuiion and {Ine of weiness cherac- ferization of these environments cannot be neneralived The classitied pollution and corvosivily calarories eon be directly used for technical and economical analyses. cf corrosion damage and for a rational hofce of protection measeres. Aanox 4 summarizes the technical content of this Inlernationat Standard In en easily read form, 2 Normative references The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this tex, constilule provisions of thia Inlerational Standard, At the time ef publl- cation, the editions indicated wore valid. All stan- dards’ are subject to ravision, and parties to agreements based on this Infernational Standard are cncauraged 10 investigate the possibility of ap plying the most recent editions of the slandards in- 1) See 180 8044;1209, cubciouse 2.18, CopmrigMt bythe International Urganization Por Standardization Sal fo 04 16-05 200 Aicated below, Members of IEC and 180 maintain registers of currently valid Internatonat Standards, 180 8044-1888, Corroston of metals and alloys - Vow cabulary, 180 9224:1902, Corrosion of metals and alioys — Corrosivity of atraspherés — Guiding valties fer te corresivity categories, ISO 92281992, Corrosion of metais and alfoys — Carrnsivity of atmospheres — Measurenient of pole lution 180 9298:1992, Corrosion of metals and alloys — Corrasteily of atmospheres — Determination of cor resion rata of standard spocimeas ior the evaluation of corrosivity. 3 Definitions For tha purposes of this tnlemationat Standard, the {cllowing definitions apply. 34 corrostvity" of the atmosphere: The sbillly of the almusphore to cause corrosion ina given col fasion system (e.9. atmospheric corrosion of a given metal or alloy) 32 time of wetness: The period during which a. metallic surface is covered by adsorpilve and/or quid fils of clecttolyte that ave capable of causing almesphotie cortosion 32,1 calculated time of wetness: The tma of wetness estimaled from the temperature-humidiy complex (see 5.2}, 3.2.2 experimental tlme of wetness: The time of wetness indicated diractly by various measuring systems {s3e 5.3), 1S0 9228:1992(6} 3.3. pollotion catagory: A numbered rank based on quantitative measurements of specific chemically aellve substances, corrosive gasos or alinpanded patticles in the air (both natural and the result of human activity) thal are different from the normal components of the air. 34. type of atmosphere: Characterization of the at- mosphere ot the basis of appropriate classification eriterla other than corrosivity (Industrial, marine, etc) or of complementary opcrational factors (chemical, etc.) 2.8 tampersture-humidity complex: Tha combined effect of temporaturo and relative humidity on the corrosivity of the atmosphere, 3.8 category of tocatlon: Conventionally defied ‘ypleat exposure condiors of a component or structure, e.g. in the open air, under shelter. in a closed space ete. Symbols and abbreviations + Tima of wetnass ? Pollution category with sulfur compounds hased on suliar dioxide (80, levels & Pollution eatepory baeed on aithorne salinity contamination © Altpospherle corrosivity category # — Alr temperature Ma Hours per year Fearr COrTOsION Fale for the first year of almespherle exposure ‘atmaspherle exposure Tily Steady state corrosion rate detived fiom long term atmospheric exposure 5 Characterization of the atmoephere In relation to Its corrosivity 5.1 For the purposes of this Intemational Standard, the Koy corrosion fectors of the atmosphere for moials and alloys are time of wetnass, and sulfur dloxide (80,) and chloride poiluiécn tovels. 4.2 Tho wolling of susfaces is caused by many faciors, for axample, dew, rainfall, metting snow anti a high humidity level. The length of time when the relative humidity is greater than 80% at a lom- perature (@) greater than 0 °C is used to esimate Copmralt bythe Intcnstional Urganization Por Slandardastion Sal fo 04 16-05 200 Averape corroston rate for the firs! 10 years oF the cafculated time of watness (1) of corroding sur- faces (see note 1) 3.3 Tho exparimontal tine of wetness can be de- termined directly by various moasuring systems {see note 2) 5.4 Tho most important (actor within a particular category of time of wetness la the poltulon level caused by sulphur dioxide or alrborne salinity. 5.5. The pollution lovet shall be measured in 3c pordance with the specifications of ISO 9225 5.6. Other kinds of pollution can alsa exert an effect [oxides of nitrogen, (NO,) and Industrial dust ir populated and Industrial Zonea]] or the specific op- eratlonal and. technological pollution of mlcroctl- mates [chloride. (Cl). hyyrogen sultida, (H,S) organics acids and de-leeing agents), These types of pollution have not been used as classification ctl- teria According to this International Standard, Ihe olher Kinds of pollution should be considered as a companying ones [for example: oxides of nitrogen (NQ,) in urban atmospheres] or specific operalionat ones (Tor evample: vapours of acids Ip operattonal microclimates}. Notes 1. The time of wetness calculated by this method does not necessarily correspond with the actual time of a: posure ta watnass, kocause wetness Ig Influenced by. the type of metal, the shape, mass and orientation of the ob- inet. the quantity of corrasion pratkiet, the nnlure of potlutanls on the surface and other Factars. Thesa con- siderations may morease or decrease tha actual time of walness. Howover, this criterion ts usually auffofentty ac- urate far the characterlzatlon of atmospheres. The rel. ovance of the time of watness dacrezsos with the degree ft shetteriog. 2. Tha Indicated time may depend ypon the wpe of “tr Strument and the sensor user. The tlmos of weiness ind ented ky various ayclama are not slreelly cemparasle and ara convertibie only within a limited extent of tempera ture-humicity characteristics, @ Classification of flme of wetness 6.1 The time of wetness (according to 5.2 and 53 depends upan te macroclimetic zone and the cat- egoty of the loration. @.2 The classification of Hime of wetness for at- iospliares is piven in table 4. The olassified values are tased on tho long term characteristics of ‘macroclimatic zongs for typleal condllians of the fo- cation categories. 150 9223:1992(2) 6.3 The calculated times of wetness and selected For times of wetness. 7,, almost no conden- climatoiogical characteristics of the mactoclimatic —_ sation #8 expected, For r,, the probability of liquld zones of the Earth are shown inannex Bae genoral forming on the metallle autface is low. Thnss 08 + | \a i Bie ris 2 sis|swe]sly| + [aise] roe [ucla] cor faejs| 1 | commence 4 eo>%e>or Fie elt . r e t se 5 Pe >DL fd ee > aL eis|ree|s)r| c friv| coelejis] + folio z e. 4 Opa "3 ase Te 7 | g} ale 2) gg) ef se} gale] stg) alee i a nf aE aL BSP a] & ! al 2} S Ba 4) a) os} €) a] Spal apape al ale neal wal «| 2) ¢ (qu) oa nt tale 28 28 g| 8 18 gE g & seesuopadeg | Kusbaney woneauacung s : | z tetes|telis te[te ts] [| te Sts] os 5s | es] 's | Fos) eppoin ayn fe ysbomeed esp e [(e,u):5u] ayes porsedan apuoH 2 vp AMUN aueeure ls i a E Leginmeoas | 29 5 | Sos yor +3 a : soon fy 2) > ocr 55 Ee spas | spaispawenvmun | sjedist sau One a> OF 23 = papiniann | semana speus paxsuman | cues ul exo ae 13 z vpuuna seu | stesstue pies | stu acu En clmpul sioorne | steocmg | unui siomno |" au"eieapu| Ea Caen) Create) |B seer) Gaon ‘lasses sboreo EE ass<> | ooss>=zoee | oogzz2>0% | oses>e: ae: ee ES 2A 3.040% 02-4114 GWA GnoN Uy road yeromoM Jo Ou eS :1992{E) Iso 9229: Table A.2 — Derlvation of corrosivity of atmospheres for zine “amass ts 0108 &85 (y (escixa 9 enue Wie ul ed pahie9 aes LorSDL40 BIS ABBEIS] #27 OBES gmce1 925 (2 vara 985 it ore 928 — (1/8 pra | RULES oH ON MANbaNE ANTSELID ey Jo USE ERAT eID SE HOSSGIOKS 1 AnnISEH09 — ALON ¢ ¢ s| | ser jp jo a ‘ we Be SOE fa gz = °y > 06 (le z s| cmp |s} | toe ris e ufoo one ose %s oe aor = ! s> Eee orp teat: sel eme|s)r] « ‘ sf orste Woe =) ol ela > wie zie) 1 BB) el ef sf 8 a ne Sj ala SpA) G) Sf als $ og a] ey 6 2) Z| 8 e| & a els (pu) yen Al gis ‘lg 8 g| 2 fen) g & ret uonsedeg | Above - uoqenuraueg tels| sls [ts [5 | a eit |e |e £08) opmele aie Ka yuorrwod verre [je1) ou] ete vorrsadap epuerso Ane ewecey sevear ume 2 spew euerueN wa piace 89 “Tate & buen 5 set Ut secur zemsgo | “eens $3 epoye eooue sptonun | eqnacsy sep tasce | soe Zo oo poisson Sceuie | a: sacs peeron sori fos 13 splunysesmus | saodus, ene arsioopet | UL giouninD 2h feels core: | owseit hee wma | ics) fobs $ s ‘yng Len) 2, 0< #'% 09 e fee] « fefSl i | omsenm | o> Uren ' ® t | : + z sur is |e] ewe ls [aol ¢ Boel ems fete ‘ bes eee a > Er Or ie; vi I ® z | sexta 46 oer eh sis|emejs|s| 6 | eel oe Jealous ; = vt 2 i oa ha 8g ae a g gle] elu: gl gi gle] «| gi ef ele tT : Salata es a] el ap 8B) a) a] a e poglal ie el Rea) | 2) SER) Od gor Lele S S gpey 8 ‘lers] [4] 3,3 eh : s & 3 z| = zs] & 8 8 8 & & aye: uayssodag Kase | woneausag ts[ | 5 | | fs] *s | ‘sos | | % tsi ts|ts| is | tits] zs |'s|'s Fos} sppoip aps Ke omnrued eicenety {[(e.u}\0)] ops wooden apu0K9 ve Aes ouegny Sie barn | 2 eet 3 somucn someone Taos 33 spas | spave poteuanun sa semize0 23 attic peri eur are dos 28 8 conan ‘soiou | steed momo | ronan ane duspti secre | Srsmerno | sGeuiswamo | ou-cop (eae Cues) Chaser a ser) sep) | tie) avbate> aasex3 | cose >s>ons2 | oasz>+>one | ose spo ! ws wwese9 : epeauonoateg " e é B E ISO 9223:1999(6) ‘Table 4.4 — Derivation of corrosiuty of atmospheres for aluminum Zea 395 ‘pene was 1eunscek suoudscL Ae Ifuo} Uo.) 99%149p aie! 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