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ACADEMIES DE CRETEIL, PARIS, VERSAILLES, LILLE, AMIENS, ROUEN | DIPLOME NATIONAL DU BREVET EPREUVE : ANGLAIS. SERIES : TOUTES SESSION 2002 Repére JI Durée : | hes Coefficient : 1 Baréme I- COMPREHENSION DU TEXTE 6 points I1- COMPETENCE LINGUISTIQUE 5 points II- REDACTION 7 points L*usage du dictionnaire et de la calculatrice n'est pas autorisé Llorthographe et la présentation sont notées sur 2 points Le candidat répond directement sur le sujet Le sujet comporte 5 pages. Cette page ne fait pas partie de la numérotation du sujet POUR BIEN GERER VOTRE TEMPS, PRENEZ D’ABORD CONNAISSANCE DE *ENSEMBLE DU SUJET 1 ~ COMPREHENSION ECRITE (6 points) Barretstown is a camp in more difficult for the parents to Ireland where very sick children leave the children than for the can go to have a holiday. The children to leave the parents. actor Paul Newman started itand 39 += When a child is sick the parents he often comes to visit the are often very protective. They're ceampers and make sure they are afraid that if the kids go outside having a fabulous time. and play they will hurt ‘And they usually are. themselves or catch a virus from The campers are aged 6-17 and 25.-—_their friends. It's so much better 10 they all have cancer, leukaemia if children can go out and be or other serious diseases. They healthy and normal”. spend a lot of their lives in That's exactly what 250 hospitals, so they can't go to kids from Ireland, the UK, school or do many things that are 49-~=—=«Germany, France, the U.S. and 15. normal for other kids. At camp the Ukraine did this summer. they can go__ horse-riding, Each group of campers stayed for swimming, canoeing or camping, 10 days. The camp is free, and if and play tennis, basket-ball or campers don’t have the money to football. But best of all, they can 45. pay for transport, they get help 20 make friends with other kids from one of the camp's directors with similar problems. Richard Branson. He gives them Of course, there is free tickets on his Virgin Airlines medical supervision. Lindsay planes. Next year, the camp Richardson is @ nurse who 59 _organisers hope that 500 sick kids volunteered to work in the camp, will have a very special holiday. She explains : “It is sometimes from Easy Speakeasy, Sept-Oct 1995 Exercice 1: Complétez le résumé du texte & laide de mots que vows choisirez dans la liste suivante Germany - adults - holidays - Ireland - children - camp - ill - healthy - school The text is: ahout wha are ‘They go to a vo. during theit DIFLOME NATIONAL DU BREVET Epreuve ANGLAIS Série (): Toutes {Session 2002 [Durée 850 Cock 1 [Page 175) { GROUPEMENT Nord r REPERE ST Exereice 2 Relevez les noms propres qui correspondent aux fonctions suivantes : Fondateur Directeur Infirmiére Exercice 3 a) Expliquez en francais pourquoi ces noms de pays (Germany, France, the Ukraine, Ireland) igurent dans le texte (lignes 39 & 41) b) Que signifient les initiales suivantes ? UK. Exercice 4: Expliquez en francais & quoi correspondent les chifftes et nombres suivants 6-17 (ligne 9) 250 (ligne 38) 10 (ligne 43) 500 (ligne 50) Epreuve : ANGLAIS Repere TT Series Toutes Page 373 Exercice 5 ‘)_ Lisez le texte et indiquez si les affirmations du tableau sont vraies ou fausses (cochez les cass correspondantes). bb) Justfiez vos choix en précisant & chaque fois la(les) ligne(s) du texte vous donnant des indices. right | wrong lignes ‘The campers go to school everyday | During the schoolyear they often go to hospital ‘Atthe camp, they play with peuple like them | “The campers don’t have to pay Each camper spends ten days atthe camp I - COMPETENCES LINGUISTIQUES (5 Exercice | Dans cette liste, entourez 5 mots dont la partie soulignée se prononce comme dans « like ». diseases - outside - sick - virus - gives - riding - free - sometimes - protective - night Exercice Dans la phrase ci-dessous, soulignez les mots accentués a Toral. Each group of campers stayed for a few days. Exercice 3 Répondez & ces questions par des réponses courtes. Did you have a nice holiday ? Yes, Has your brother ever met Paul Newman ? No, os Will your parents try camping ? No, Does your sister like going to the cinema ? Yes, ‘Are you ready ? YES, cae [Epmne: ANGLATS Repee Ti Série Toutes Exercice 4 Brian poze das questions 4 Jane Compléter-Iec on utilicant 4 chaque fic nn pronom interengatit diffrent .-are you going next summer ? are you going with ? fe you going to stay ? is the ticket ? plaves will you visit ? Exercice 5 Ce panneau figure & l’entrée d’un camping, Reformulez les informations qu'il vous donne en utilisant can't - mustn't - can - needn't - must (attention : chaque modal n'est utilisé qu’ une fois). Green flag : awimming allowed. Keep the camping site clean. No dogs allowed. Free bikes. No parking in the camping site after 10 p.m. (Emene ANGLATS Repee [Sere = Toutes [Pases473_] Ill - PRODUCTION ECRITE (7 points) Le mois dernier, Brian est allé camper avec des amis au bord de la mer. A son retour, il écrit une lettre & sa grand-mére dans laquelle il raconte ce qu'il a fait et donne ses impressions. Rédigez sa lettre (une cinguantaine de mots), RAN ([Epeave ANGLAIS [Rape rit [seve Toutes sess]

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