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Abase(V.) अऩभाननतकयना Acquit (V.)ननदोषठहयाना, अऩयाधभुक्तकयना

Syn. :Scorn, Belittle, Degrade Syn. : Absolve, Exonerate
Ant. :Extol, Cherish Ant. : Punish, Convict

Abate (V.) सभाप्तकयना Acrimony (N.)उग्रता, कटुता, तीक्ष्णता

Syn. :Minimize, Diminish Syn. : Animosity, Bitterness, Rudeness
Ant. :Expand, Prolong, elaborate Ant. : Civility, Politeness, Sweetness

Abbreviate (V.) सॊक्षऺप्तकयना Adage (N.)कहाित, रोकोक्क्त, सूक्क्त

Syn. :Abridge, Condense, concise Syn. : Aphorism, Dictum, Maxim, Precept
Ant. :Expand, Prolong, elaborate
Adjudicate (V.)न्मामननणवमकयना, पैसराकयना
Abdicate (V.) अधधकायकोत्मागना, ऩदकोत्मागना Syn. : Decide, Mediate, Referee, Umpire
Syn. :Resign, Renounce Ant. : Defer, Ignore, Not Judge
Ant. :Retain, Uphold

Aberration (N.) हटना, साभान्मसेविचरन

Syn. :Delusion, Eccentricity, Oddity
Ant. :Conformity, Normality, Regularity

Abet (V.) उकसाना

Syn. :Conspire, Connive
Ant. :Dissuade, Deter

Abhor (V.) घण ृ ाकयना

Syn. :Detest, Dislike
Ant. : Like, Value

Abide (V.) दृढ़यहना, ऩारनकयना, टटकना

syn. : Comply, Follow
Ant. : Breach, Value

Abjure (V.) सशऩथत्मागकयना, प्रनतऻाऩूिक

व त्मागकयना
Syn. :Abandon, Relinquish
Ant. :Accept, Avow

Abridgement (N.) सॊऺेऩण

Syn. : Outline, Abbreviation, Summary, Abstract
Ant. : Accept, Avow

Acquaint (V.) ऩरयधचतहोना, जानकायीप्राप्तकयना

Syn. : Familiarize, Introduce
Ant. : Conceal, Deceive Ado (Adj.)गड़फड़ी, उऩद्रि, फतॊगड़, हरचर, ऩये शानी
Syn. : Bustle, Commotion | | Page 1
Apprise (V.)जताना, सूचनादे ना, फताना
Adroit (Adj.)दऺ, चतयु , चाराक, ननऩुण, ऩटु Syn.: Familiar, Cognizant
Syn. : Proficient, Dexterous. Ant.: Unknown, Nondescript
Ant. : Awkward, Dull
.Arcane (N.)बेदकयना
Advent (N.)प्रादब
ु ािव, आगभन Syn.: Distinguish, Discriminate
Syn. : Arrival, Coming
Ant. : Departure, Outgoing Aloof (Adj.)ऩथ
ृ क, अरग
Syn.: Segregated, Isolated
Adversity (N.)भुसीफत, विऩक्त्त, दब
ु ावग्म Ant.: Together, Concerted
Sny. : Distress, ill luck
Ant. : Fortune, Prosperity .Amalgamate (V.)मभरजानामामभरादे ना
Syn.: Merge, Consolidate
Aeon (N.)शाश्ितता, ननत्मता, अथाहअिधध Ant.: Separate, Disband
Sny. : Eternalness, Perpetuation
Ant. : Transitory, Evanescent Ambient (Adj.)चायोओयसेघयनेिारा, व्माऩक
Syn.: Best, Beleaguer
Aloof (Adj.)ऩथ
ृ क, अरग Ant.: Free, Uncover
Syn.: Segregated, Isolated
Ant.: Together, Concerted Amnesia (N.)शब्द्स्भनृ तरोऩ, शब्द्द्भनृ तभ्रॊश
Syn.: Loss of memory power, Blackout, Memory loss
Amalgamate (V.)मभरजानामामभरादे ना
Syn.: Merge, Consolidate Amorphous अननमतरुऩी, अनाकाय, आकायहीन, आकृनतहीन
Ant.: Separate, Disband
Syn.: Indefinable
Ant.: Crystalline, definite
Ambient (Adj.)चायोओयसेघयनेिारा, व्माऩक
Syn.: Best, Beleaguer Anomaly (N.)असॊगनत, ननमभहीनता, अननममभतता
Ant.: Free, Uncover
Syn.: Abnormality
Ant.: Normality
Amnesia (N.)शब्द्स्भनृ तरोऩ, शब्द्द्भनृ तभ्रॊश
Syn.: Loss of memory power, Blackout, Memory loss Apiary (N.)भधभ
ु क्षऺका-ऩारनगह
ृ , भधभ
ु क्षऺकारम
Amorphous अननमतरुऩी, अनाकाय, आकायहीन, आकृनतहीन
Syn.: beehive, hive
Syn.: Indefinable
Ant.: Crystalline, definite
Apprehensive (Adj.)आशॊकािान, बममुक्त, सॊदेही
Anomaly (N.)असॊगनत, ननमभहीनता, अननममभतता Syn.: Doubtful, Dubious
Ant.: Certain, Sure
Syn.: Abnormality
Ant.: Normality
Apprise (V.)जताना, सच ू नादे ना, फताना
Apiary (N.)भधभ
ु क्षऺका-ऩारनगह Syn.: Familiar, Cognizant
ृ , भधभ
ु क्षऺकारम
Ant.: Unknown, Nondescript
Syn.: beehive, hive
Arcane (N.)बेदकयना
Apprehensive (Adj.)आशॊकािान, बममुक्त, सॊदेही Syn.: Distinguish, Discriminate
Syn.: Doubtful, Dubious
Ant.: Certain, Sure Auspicious (Adj.)शुब, अच्छा, सौबाग्मशारी, भाॊगमरक
Syn.: Favorable, Consistent
Ant.: Unfavorable | | Page 2
Abortive (Adj.) गबवऩात, ननयथवक, असपर
Austere (Adj.)कटठन, कठोय, तीक्ष्ण, कट्टय, ककवश, अनतसादा Syn. : ineffective, futile, vain, fruitless
Syn.: Stevn, Tough Ant. : fruitful, successful
Ant.: Flexible, Moderate
Abrogate (V.) यद्दकयना
Avow (V.)्ऩष्टअॊगीकायकयना, ्िीकायकयना Syn. : quash, repeal, cancel, abolish
Syn.: Accept, Consider Ant. : enact, implement
Ant.: Deny, Reject
Absolution (N.)ऩाऩभुक्क्त
Abeyance (N.)ननरम्फन, दवु िधामारटकाि Syn. : pardon, liberation, forgiveness, acquittal
Syn. :Postponement, Adjournment Ant. : condemnation, blame
Ant.: Continuation, Successiveness
Absorbing (Adj.) योचक
Abnegation (N.)अ्िीकाय, इनकाय, त्माग, आत्भननषेध Syn. : interesting, enjoyable, engaging
Syn.: Refusal, Denial Ant. : boring, dull
Ant.: Approval, Acceptance
Abstain (V.) दयू यहना
Absolve (V.)विभक्ु तकयना, दोषभक्
ु तकयना, भक्ु क्तऩाजाना Syn. : refrain, avoid, demur, desist
Syn.: Pardon, Exonerate, Exempt Ant. : indulge, engage
Ant.: Accuse, Inculpate
Abstemious (Adj.) सॊमभी
Acclimate (V.) जरिामुकेअनुकूरफनाना Syn. : abstinent, self-restrained, temperate
Syn.: Incure, Accustom Ant. : greedy, flagrant
Ant.: Renew, Unfamiliarise
Abstruse (Adj.) दफ ु ोध, जटटर
Adumbrate (V.)रूऩ-ये खाप्र्तत
ु कयना, झरकटदखाना Syn. : obscure, perplexing, puzzling
Syn.: Produce, Introduce Ant. : lucid, facile
Ant.: Withdraw, Remove
Alive (Adj.)जीवित
Aegis (N.) सॊयऺण Syn. :living, live, operative, breathing
Syn.: Abetment, Advocacy, Ant. :dead, non-living
Ant.: Disfavor, Opposition
Allegation (N.)आयोऩ, दोषायोऩण
Affray (N.)हॊ गाभा, दॊ गा, करह, दॊ गा-पसाद, शाॊनत-बॊग Syn. : accusation, charge, indictment, blame
Syn.: Conflict, fight Ant.: impunity, pardon
Ant.: Tranquility, Peace
Allegiance (N.)ननष्ठा
Ablution (N.) शुवि, ्नान Syn. :fidelity, loyalty, obedience, fealty
Syn. : bathing, cleansing, purification, washing Ant. :treason, disloyalty
Ant. : pollution, contamination
Ally (N.) दो्त, साथी, सहमोगी
Abolish(V.) उन्भूरकयना Syn. :accomplice, confederate, partner, aide
Syn. : eradicate, destroy annihilate, repeal Ant. :opponent, competitor
Ant. : support, create
Altitude (N.)ऊॉचाई
Abomination (N.) घण ृ ा Syn. :height, loftiness, elevation
Syn. : abhorrence, antipathy, dislike, reluctance Ant. :depth, depression
Ant. : liking, love
Altruistic (Adj.)जनटहतैषी | | Page 3

Syn. :philanthropic, unselfish, charitable
Ant. :selfish, self-seeking
Accede (V.) सहभतहोना, ्िीकायकयना
Amateur (Adj.)शौककमा Syn. : consent, comply, agree, accept
Syn. :fond Ant. : dissent, defy
Ant. :professional, expert
Accentuate (V.) फराघातकयना, जोयदे ना
Ambiguous (Adj.)सविअथी, अ्ऩष्ट Syn. : emphasize, highlight, stress, bring out
Syn. :equivocal, obscure, vague, dubious Ant. : overlook, ignore
Ant. :lucid, explicit
Acceptance (N.) ्िीकृत, सहभनत
Attenuate (V.)दफ ु रामाऩतराकयना, असयकभकयना Syn. : approval, agreement, acknowledgement
Syn. : reduce, rarefy, diminish, lessen Ant. : refusal, rejection
Ant. : increase, magnify
Access (V.) ऩहुॉच
Attraction (N.)आकषवण Syn. : approach, reach, entry, admission
Syn. : allurement, draw, pull Ant. : exit, distance
Ant. : repulsion, repugnance
Accolade (N.) प्रशॊसा
Attractive (Adj.) आकषवण, सुन्दय Syn. : commendation, approval, appreciation, praise
Syn. : lovely, charming, alluring, fascinating Ant. : criticism, condemnation
Ant. : repulsive, graceless
Accomplice (N.) सहअऩयाधी
Audacious (Adj.) ननबीकसाहसी Syn. : helper, associate, assistant, confederate
Syn. : brave, dauntless, bold, daring Ant. : opponent, obstructer
Ant. : modest, timid
Accuracy (N.) सटटकता
Augment (V.)िवृ िकयना Syn. : precision, exactness, correctness, nicety
Syn. : increase, enhance, enrich, amplify Ant. : error, fault
Ant. : reduce, abate
Accusation (N.) दोषायोऩण, अमबमोग
Augur (N.)शकुन, सॊकेत Syn. : indictment, impeachment, charge, blame
Syn. : omen, portend, sign, presage Ant. : defense, save

August (Adj.)शानदाय, िैबिऩूणव Acerbic (Adj.) कटु, अबद्र

Syn. : majestic, grand, noble, sublime Syn. : curt, rude, bitter, acute
Ant. : vulgar, indecent Ant. : mild, modest

Austere (Adj.)कठोय Acquittal (N.) रयहाई

Syn. : ascetic, strict, rigid, hard Syn. : release, liberation, clearance
Ant. : loose, compromising Ant. : conviction, punishment.

Authentic (Adj.) प्रभाणणकविश्िसनीम Accede (V.) सहभतहोना, ्िीकायकयना

Syn. : accurate, pure, real, genuine Syn. : consent, comply, agree, accept
Ant. : spurious, duplicate Ant. : dissent, defy

Authenticate (V.)सहीप्रभाणणतकयना, सच्चाठहयाना Accentuate (V.) फराघातकयना, जोयदे ना

Syn. : attest, prove, ratify, substantiate Syn. : emphasize, highlight, stress, bring out
Ant. : confute, disprove Ant. : overlook, ignore | | Page 4

Adduce (V.) साक्ष्मप्र्तत
ु कयना
Acceptance (N.) ्िीकृत, सहभनत Syn.: quote, mention, give, cite
Syn. : approval, agreement, acknowledgement Ant.: retract, withdraw
Ant. : refusal, rejection
Admire (V.) प्रसॊसाकयना
Access (V.) ऩहुॉच Syn.: appreciate, esteem, praise
Syn. : approach, reach, entry, admission Ant.: despise, dislike
Ant. : exit, distance

Accolade (N.) प्रशॊसा Admonish (V.) चेतािनीदे ना, पटकायना

Syn. : commendation, approval, appreciation, praise Syn.: chide, reprove, rebuke
Ant. : criticism, condemnation Ant.: encourage, embolden

Accomplice (N.) सहअऩयाधी Adorn (V.) सजाना, सुन्दयफनाना

Syn. : helper, associate, assistant, confederate Syn.: decorate, embellish, beautify, deck
Ant. : opponent, obstructer Ant.: mar, deform

Accuracy (N.) सटटकता Adroitness (N.) ननऩण ु ता,

Syn. : precision, exactness, correctness, nicety Syn.: skill, expertise, mastery, adeptness
Ant. : error, fault Ant.: clumsiness, inexpertise

Accusation (N.) दोषायोऩण, अमबमोग Adulation (N.) खुशाभद, चाऩरूसी

Syn. : indictment, impeachment, charge, blame syn.: flattery, praise, blandishments, compliment
Ant. : defense, save Ant.: obloquy, criticism

Acerbic (Adj.) कटु, अबद्र Adversary- शत्रु

Syn. : curt, rude, bitter, acute Syn. Foe, antagonist, opponent, rival
Ant. : mild, modest Ant. Ally, friend

Acquittal (N.) रयहाई Affable- मभरनसाय

Syn. : release, liberation, clearance Syn. Genial, Cordial, Benign, amiable
Ant. : conviction, punishment. Ant. Haughty, rude

Acrid (Adj.) तीक्ष्णा, तीखा Affectation - टदखािा

Syn.: bitter, pungent, acrimonious, sharp Syn. Pretense, hypocrisy, artifice, guile
Ant.: sweet, mild Ant. Naturalness, simplicity

Acumen (N.) वििेक, कुशाग्रफुवि Affection- अनुयाग

Syn.: sagacity, sharpness, talent, perception Syn. Fondness, love, feeling, liking
Ant.: stupidity, foolishness Ant. Indifference, disregard

Adamant (Adj.) हठीरा, क्जद्दी Affirm-्िीकायना

Syn.: stubborn, persistent, rigid, unyielding Syn. Accept, accede, endorse
Ant.: obedient, lenient Ant. Reject, refute

Adaptable (Adj.) अनुकूरनीम Affluence - सभधृ ध

Syn.: adoptable, adjustable Syn. Wealth, riches, opulence abundance
Ant.: rigid, constant Ant. Poverty, destitution | | Page 5

Aggravate - तीव्रकयदे ना Arable (Adj.)कृवषमोग्म
Syn. Worsen, increase, exaggerate, enhance Syn. : cultivable, tillable
Ant. Mitigate, allay Ant. : barren

Aggregate - जोड़ना
Syn. Total, whole, lump, amount Archaic (Adj.)प्राचीन, ऩयु ाना
Ant. Unit, part Syn. : ancient, old, antique, obsolete
Ant. : new, recent
Syn. Violent, attacking, encroaching, invading Ardent (Adj.)उत्साहऩूण,व जोशीरा
Ant. Meek, humble Syn. : passionate, fervent, earnest, fiery
Ant. : modest, moderate

Agony-द्ु ख Arduous (Adj.)कटठन, दष्ु कय

Syn. Pangs, pain, distress, anguish Syn. : hard, difficult, uphill, toilsome
Ant. Ease, comfort Ant. : easy, simple

Aptitude (N.)कुशरता Argue (V.)तकवकयना, फहसकयना

Syn. : ability, disposition, talent, genius Syn. : discuss, dispute, debate, reason
Ant. : stupidity, inability Ant. : acquiesce, agree

Arid (Adj.)शुष्क, फॊजय

Syn. : barren, parched, dry, sterile
Ant. : fertile, fecund

Arrive (V.)भॊक्जरऩाना, ऩहुॉचना

Syn. : attain, come, reach, land
Ant. : depart, leave

Arrogance (N.)अहॊ काय, दम्ब

Syn. : haughtiness, rudeness, loftiness, insolence
Ant. : modesty, meekness

Artful (Adj.)कऩटी, धत ू ,व चारक

Syn. : cunning, sly, devious, crafty
Ant. : artless, frank

APODICTIC (सुननक्श्चत)
necessarily true or logically certain

ASPERITY(कयिाहट,तीऺण,तीखाऩन )-
the quality of being hard to endure, uninviting or

BEATITUDE(ऩयभसुख,ऩयभआनॊदकीअि्था )
- a state of supreme happiness or blessedness

CAPRICIOUS(उथरा,उभॊगी,सनकी)- changeable; | | Page 6

determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than
by necessity or reason Belated (adj)(विरॊबफत) –
Past the normal or proper time
- tending to find and call attention to faults Civility(noun)(अनग्र
ु ह,कृऩा,मशष्टता )-
CHOLERIC(क्रोधी,गु्सैर)- Synonyms: courtesy, consideration
easily moved to anger
Clairvoyance (noun) (सूक्ष्भदृक्ष्ट) –
CORNUCOPIA(ज्मादाभात्रभें,प्रचयु ) Ability to see things beyond ordinary perception
symbolizing prosperity; the property of being extremely Synonyms: divination, foretelling
Clarity (noun)(्ऩष्टता,शुिता) –
DENOUEMENT(उऩसॊहाय,धभकी,ननन्दा)- Clearness
the unraveling of a plot or story; the outcome of a Synonyms: lucidity, limpidity
complex sequence of events
ू व )-
DILATORY(सभमव्मथवगिानेंिारा, स् ु त)- Immense, enormous
slow to act; intended to cause delay Synonyms: gigantic, tremendous

EXTEMPORE (बफनातैमायीके ,तात्कामरक)- Combative(adj)(जॊगी,पौजी,रड़ाकू) –

with little or no preparation or forethought Eager to fight
Synonyms: aggressive belligerent
Apathetic (adj)(उदासीन,िेऩयिाह ) –
Showing little or no emotion Combustion(noun)(जरन,दहन)
- Act of burning
Appalling (adj)(घटटमा,बमािह,डयािना) – Synonyms: igniting, kindling
Inspiring dismay or disgust
Commemorate(verb)( उत्सिभनाना,्भयणकयना )–
Appraise (verb) (आॊकना,भोररगाना, भूलमाॊकनकयना)- To mark by a ceremony
Synonyms: observe, remember
To evaluate the worth of

Comparable(adj) (तल ु म,तल

ु मननए) –
Archaic (adj)(ऩुयाना ,प्राचीन,अप्रचमरत )-
Similar, equivalent
Characteristic of an earlier time
Synonyms: akin, analogous
Archetypal (adj) (आसमप्ररुवऩमे)-
Composed(adj)( अॊगबूत,शाॊत)-
Characteristic of the original model or perfect example
Synonyms: serene, unperturbed
Augment (verb) (आगभ,वव्रधी)-
To make greater Comprehensible(adj) (सभझनेमोग्म,सुफोध)-
Authoritarian (adj) (अधधकायफादीदफॊग,सत्ताफादी) Synonyms: intelligle, coherent
Favoring absolute obedience to authority
Drub (verb)(ठोकना,ऩीटना)-
Avian (adj)(ऩक्षऺमोंका,ऩऺीसम्फॊधी) – To defeat decisively
Relating to birds Synonyms: beat, thrash
Awe (noun) (आदय ,डय,बम) –
Emotion combining dread and wonder Dubious (adj)(सॊटदग्ध,सॊदेहऩण
ू )व - | | Page 7
Questionable Having definite limits
Synonyms: suspect, doubtful Synonyms: limited ,circumscribed

Duplicity (noun) (कऩट,छर,दयु ॊ गीऩन) Flagrant(adj)(खुरा,घोय)-

-Deceptive thought, speech, or action Noticeably offensive
Synonyms: deceit, dishonesty Synonyms: glaring, outrageous

Ecstatic (adj)(उन्भत्त,उलरामसत)- Flaunt(verb)(अकयना,इठराना,झूभना)-

Overwhelmingly emotional To display showily
Synonyms: overjoyed, rapturous Synonyms: parade, brandish

Egotist (noun) (अहभिादी,्िाथी) Flaw(noun)(करॊक,त्रटु ी,दोष)-

-Self-important person An imperfection
Synonyms: blowhard, braggart Synonyms: defect ,blemish

Elate (verb)(पुराना,उत्तेक्जतकयना,टदरफहराना)- Flourish(verb)(सुशोमबतकयना,सभि ृ होना)-

To fill with joy To make bold, sweeping gestures
Synonyms: delight, thrill Synonyms: brandish ,wave

Eloquent (adj)(िाग्भी,शब्द्दचतयु )- Foil(noun)(चभकी,ऩणणवका)-

Fluent, expressive One that enhances or under scores by contrast
Synonyms: articulate, persuasive Synonyms: complement

Elusive (adj)(चारक,भामािी,भ्राक्न्तजनक) Fragile(adj)(भुरामभ,कोभर)-

-Hard to grasp Delicate
Synonyms: evasive, obscure Synonyms: frail, brittle

Embellish (verb)(सिायना,सजाना,सुन्दयफनाना)- Fraud (noun)(कऩट,चार,छरी)-

To decorate Synonyms: deceit, racket
Synonyms: adorn, garnish
Frugal (adj)(अलऩव्ममी,मभताहायी)-
Entangle (verb)(घेयना,पसाना,उरझाना)- Thrifty, cheap
To involve in trouble Synonyms: sparing, provident
Synonyms: embroil, implicate
Futile (adj)(असाय,तच्
ु छ,व्मथव)-
Extol(verb)(सयाहना,प्रशॊसाकयना)- Without purpose, completely ineffective
To praise highly Synonyms: hopeless, vain
Synonyms: glorify, exalt
Gargantuan (adj)(भहाकाम,विशार)-
Facade(noun)(अग्रबाग,भुखौटा)- Gigantic
false or superficial appearance Synonyms: enormous, colossal
Synonyms :mask ,deceit
Garish (adj)(सह ु ािना,बड़कीरा,टदखािटी)-
Fidelity(noun)(अनयु ाग,बक्क्त,िपादायी)- Offensively bright
State of being faithful .Synonyms: gaudy, loud
Synonyms: loyalty, devotion
Genial (adj)(सुखप्रद,मभरनसाय)-
Finite(adj)(ननमत,सािधध)- Sympathetic, friendly
.Synonyms: pleasant, cordial | | Page 8

Grandiose (adj)(प्रताऩी,बव्म)- Incidental (adj)(आकक््भक,घटटत)-
With an affectation of grandeur Minor
Synonyms: pretentious, pompous Synonyms: petty, insignificant

Gravity (noun)(गॊबीयता,अहमभमत)- Incisive (adj)(तीखा,तीक्ष्ण,प्रबािशारी)-

Importance, significance Impressively direct and decisive
Synonyms: seriousness, magnitude Synonyms: keen, acute

Incongruous (adj)(अनुप्मुक्त,असॊगत)-
Gruff (adj)(अमशष्ट,कठोय)- Not harmonious, incompatible
Rough or stern in manner or speech Synonyms: inappropriate, absurd
Synonyms: surly, brusque
Incumbent (adj)(उधचत,अिरम्फ)-
Hedonism (noun)(सुखिाद)- obligatory
Belief that pleasure is the sole aim of life Synonyms: compulsory
Synonyms: sensualism, libertinism
Indecorous (adj)(अनधु चत,अबद्र)-
Heed (verb)(चौकसीयखना,ध्मानयखना)- In bad taste
To pay attention to Synonyms: vulgar, uncouth
Synonyms: mind, mark
Induce (verb)(प्रेरयतहोना,उकसाना)-
Heinous (adj)(घणृ णत,घोय,जघन्म)- To influence or cause
Shockingly evil Synonyms: incite, spur
Synonyms: odious, villainous
Inflammatory (adj)(सूजाहुआ,उत्तेजक,दाहक)-
Illuminate (verb)(सजाना,प्रकाशकयना,उजागयकयना)- Tending to excite anger
To make clear Synonyms: seditious, hostile
Synonyms: elucidate, edify.
Insinuate (verb)(सॊकेतकयना,इशायाकयना)-
Immoderate (adj)(अत्मॊत,अत्मधधक)- To suggest indirectly
Beyond usual or proper limits Synonyms: imply, allude
Synonyms: excessive, intemperate
Insolence (noun)(शोखी,अविनम)-
Impenitent (adj)(अनुताऩी,ऩश्चाताऩी)- Boldness or rudeness
Lacking remorse Synonyms: impudence, impertinence
Synonyms: obdurate, unrepentant
Implausible (adj)(अविश्िसनीम,असॊबि)- Never ending, or seemingly endless
Unbelievable Synonyms: ceaseless, monotonous
Synonyms: improbable, doubtful
Implement (verb)(अभरभें राना,अॊजाभदे ना)- Having complex and interrelated parts
To carry out or accomplish Synonyms: complicated, convoluted
Synonyms: execute, realize
Inauspicious (adj)(अभॊगरकायी,भनहूस)- Secure from assault of trespass
Not favorable Synonyms: untouchable, sacrosanct
Synonyms: ominous, portentous | | Page 9

Iridescent (adj)(इन्द्रधनुषी,चभकदाय)- Synonyms: evident, unmistakable
Having a lustrous or attractivve quality
Synonyms: shimmering, sparkling Mediate (verb)(फीच-फचािकयना,दरारीकयना)-
To come between parties in order to reconcile
Synonyms: arbitrate, negotiate

Melee (noun)(गोरभार,दॊ गा,हाथाऩाई)-

A tumultuous fight among several people
Synonyms: brawl, skirmish

Melodious (adj)(कोभर,नम्र,भधयु )-
Having a pleasing melody
Synonyms: dulcet, mellifluous

Methodical (adj)(यीनतफि,विधधफि)-
Performed in an orderly manner
Synonyms: systematic, meticulous

Raucous (adj)(उग्र,ककवश,बायी)-
Noisy, rowdy

Recrimination (noun)(उलटादोष,अमबमोग,आयोऩ)-
A retaliatory accusation
Synonyms: counterclaim

Redouble (verb)(दोहयाना,फढना,फढ़ाना)-
To make twice as great
Synonyms: intensify, strengthen

Refurbish (verb)(निीकयण,न्माकयना)-
Lenient (adj)(उदाय,कोभर,भुरामभ)- To brighten or freshen
Mild or tolerant Synonyms: renovate, renew
Synonyms: merciful, clement
Regale (verb)(बोजखाना,दाितदे ना)-
Liability (noun)(घफयाहट,फोझ)- To amuse
encumbrance Synonyms: entertain, delight
Synonyms: handicap
Regurgitate (verb)(उरटे फहना,उगरना)-
Lurid (adj)(शानदाय,सनसनीखेज)- To pour out or throw back
Causing horror, shocking Synonyms: spew, disgorge
Synonyms: gruesome
Rehash (verb)(पेंटना,मभराना,दोहयाना)-
Mandate (noun)(अधधदे श,आदे शऩत्र)- To discuss again
decree Synonym: review
Synonyms: command
Repel (verb)(प्रनतयोध,टारना,योकना)-
Manifest (adj)(व्मक्त,साफ़,सुन्दय)- To resist, reject
Obvious Synonyms: repulse, rebuff | | Page 10

Repentant (adj)(ऩश्चाताऩी)- Stern (adj)(ननदव म,कठोय)-
Feeling regret Harsh, severe
Synonyms: contrite, penitent Synonyms: strict, adamant

Retroactive (adj)(ऩि ू व्व माऩी,ऩि

ू प्र
व बािी)- Stifle (verb)(दफाना,फझ
ु ाना)-
effective as of a prior time or condition To repress or discourage
Synonym: retrograde Synonyms: suppress, check

Retroactive (adj)(ऩूिव्व माऩी,ऩूिप्र

व बािी)-
effective as of a prior time or condition Straddle (verb)(दोनोंओयपैराहोना)-
Synonym: retrograde To favor opposing sides
Synonyms: waffle, equivocate
Revive (verb)(दफ ु ायाप्रचमरतकयना,)
-To bring back to life Supple (adj)(आधीन,कोभर)
Synonyms: reanimate, quicken -Flexible
Synonyms: pliant, elastic

Revoke (verb)(हटाना,यद्दकयना,उठादे ना)- Surplus (noun)(ऩमावप्त)

To cancel by taking back -Excess
Synonyms: rescind, annul Synonyms: surfeit, remainder

Scamper (verb)(बागजाना)- Trove (noun)(खजाना,गुप्तकोष)-

To run quickly Valuable collection
Synonyms: dash, scurry Synonyms: cache, treasure

Scapegoat (noun)(फरीकाफकया,बें टकाफकया)- Turmoil (noun)(उत्ऩाद,फखेड़ा)-

Someone who bears the blame for others Extreme confusion, agitation
Synonyms: dupe, victim Synonyms: chaos, tumult

Serenity (noun)(सपाई,धीयता)- Turpitude (noun)(नीचता,भ्रष्टता)-

Calmness Essential baseness, depravity
Synonyms: peace, tranquility Synonyms: corruption, perversion

Servile (adj)(दासोंको,दासोंजैसा)- Unscrupulous (adj)(अनैनतक,फेशयभ)-

Fearfully submissive Lacking principles
Synonyms: slavish, menial Synonyms: corrupt, immoral

Sociable (adj)(भेरी,साभाक्जक)- Untenable (adj)(अऩुष्ट,अक््थय)-

Inclined to seek companionship Not able to be defended
Synonyms: genial, gregarious Synonyms: baseless, implausible

Solace (noun)(आश्िाशन,टदरासा)- Raucous (adj)(उग्र,ककवश,बायी)-

Source of consolation Noisy, rowdy
Synonyms: comfort, relief
Recrimination (noun)(उलटादोष,अमबमोग,आयोऩ)-
Stealth (noun)(उऩाम,कऩट,छर)- A retaliatory accusation
The act of moving secretly or unnoticed Synonyms: counterclaim
Synonyms: furtiveness, slyness | | Page 11

Redouble (verb)(दोहयाना,फढना,फढ़ाना)- Scapegoat (noun)(फरीकाफकया,बें टकाफकया)-
To make twice as great Someone who bears the blame for others
Synonyms: intensify, strengthen Synonyms: dupe, victim

Refurbish (verb)(निीकयण,न्माकयना)- Serenity (noun)(सपाई,धीयता)-

To brighten or freshen Calmness
Synonyms: renovate, renew Synonyms: peace, tranquility

Regale (verb)(बोजखाना,दावतदे ना)- Servile (adj)(दासोंको,दासोंजैसा)-

To amuse Fearfully submissive
Synonyms: entertain, delight Synonyms: slavish, menial

Regurgitate (verb)(उरटे फहना,उगरना)- Sociable (adj)(भेरी,साभाक्जक)-

To pour out or throw back Inclined to seek companionship
Synonyms: spew, disgorge Synonyms: genial, gregarious

Rehash (verb)(पेंटना,मभराना,दोहयाना) Solace (noun)(आश्िाशन,टदरासा)-

-To discuss again Source of consolation
Synonym: review Synonyms: comfort, relief

Repel (verb)(प्रनतयोध,टारना,योकना)- Stealth (noun)(उऩाम,कऩट,छर)-

To resist, reject The act of moving secretly or unnoticed
Synonyms: repulse, rebuff Synonyms: furtiveness, slyness

Repentant (adj)(ऩश्चाताऩी)- Stern (adj)(ननदव म,कठोय)-

Feeling regret Harsh, severe
Synonyms: contrite, penitent Synonyms: strict, adamant

Retroactive (adj)(ऩि ू व्व माऩी,ऩि

ू प्र
व बािी)- Stifle (verb)(दफाना,फझ
ु ाना)-
effective as of a prior time or condition To repress or discourage
Synonym: retrograde Synonyms: suppress, check

Retroactive (adj)(ऩूिव्व माऩी,ऩूिप्र

व बािी)-
effective as of a prior time or condition Straddle (verb)(दोनोंओयपैराहोना)-
Synonym: retrograde To favor opposing sides
Synonyms: waffle, equivocate
Revive (verb)(दफ ु ायाप्रचमरतकयना,)-
To bring back to life Supple (adj)(आधीन,कोभर)-
Synonyms: reanimate, quicken Flexible
Synonyms: pliant, elastic

Revoke (verb)(हटाना,यद्दकयना,उठादे ना)- Surplus (noun)(ऩमावप्त)-

To cancel by taking back Excess
Synonyms: rescind, annul Synonyms: surfeit, remainder

Scamper (verb)(बागजाना)- Trove (noun)(खजाना,गुप्तकोष)-

To run quickly Valuable collection
Synonyms: dash, scurry Synonyms: cache, treasure | | Page 12

Meaning :-कभहोना, Cause to become smaller or less
Turmoil (noun)(उत्ऩाद,फखेड़ा)- intense.
Extreme confusion, agitation Synonyms : Depress , fall though , Cut short , lower.
Synonyms: chaos, tumult
Turpitude (noun)(नीचता,भ्रष्टता)- Meaning- घण
ृ ाकयना,
Essential baseness, depravity To Regard With Horror Or Loathing; Detest
Synonyms: corruption, perversion Synonyms- Abominate, Hate, Nauseated, Dislike,
Unscrupulous (adj)(अनैनतक,फेशयभ)-
Lacking principles
Synonyms: corrupt, immoral Meaning- असपर, Failing To Produce The Intended
Untenable (adj)(अऩुष्ट,अक््थय)- Synonyms- Fruitless, Rudimentary, Miscarrying, Sterile,
Not able to be defended
Synonyms: baseless, implausible
Meaning- To Officially End A Law, Cancel, यद्दकयना
Abscission Synonyms- Suspend, Waive, Terminate, Repeal,
Meaning- कटाई, Any Act Of Cutting Off Obliterate

Meaning -धभकाना, घूयकयडयना, Intimidate (Someone),
Meaning- सभामोजजत कयना, Provide Lodging Or
Typically Into Doing Something, With Stern Or Abusive
Sufficient Space For
Synonyms- Bully, Domineer, Cow, Intimidate, Bulla
Synonyms- Adapted, Suitable, Reconcile, To, Hold
Meaning- Muddle, Make Unable To Think Clearly; Meaning- फचाव, A Person, Institution, Or Principle That
Confuse Acts As A Defense
Synonyms- Dregs, Lees, Ripen, Muddled, Muddle Synonyms- Breakwater, Rampart, Parapet, Fortification,
Meaning- सॊमभयखना, Bequest
A Person Who Refrains From Drinking Intoxicating Meaning- वसीमतनाभकयजाना,
Beverages The Act Of Giving Or Leaving Personal Property By A
Synonyms- Abstemious, Temperate, Continent Will
Synonyms- Gift, Devise, Donation, Willing
Meaning-Difficult To Understand Belligerent
Synonyms- Abstract, Recondite, Profound, Dark Meaning- झगडारूऩन,
Inclined Or Eager To Fight; Hostile Or Aggressive
Synonyms- Contentious, Pugnacious, Bellicose, Warlike,
Meaning- Foreclose, Renounce Or Reject
Synonyms- Abjure
Meaning- Abstain, A Person Who Refrains From Meaning-Humorous Conversation, भजाककमा
Drinking Intoxicating Beverages Synonyms- Pleasantry, Banter
Synonyms- Abstemious, Temperate, Continent
Abate Meaning :-फडफडाना | | Page 13

Synonyms- Twaddle, Prating, Blather, Cackle Meaning - झगडार,ू Bad-Tempered, Argumentative, And
Synonyms- Ugly, Contentious, Malicious, Ill-Tempered,
Meaning- गुप्तदर, Perverse
A Cabal Is A Group Of People United In Some Close
Design Together Capitulate
Synonyms- Message, Conspiracy, Rope, Conductor Meaning- आत्भसभऩवणकयना, शत्रक
ु ीआधीनतास्वीकायकयना
Synonyms- Surrender, Agree
Meaning- ववनाश, Disaster Caprice
Synonyms- Extremity, Infelicity, Adversity, Catastrophe, Meaning- अचानकसेफदरजाना,
A Sudden And Unaccountable Change Of Mood Or
Synonyms-Kink, Turn, Fancy, Notion, Freaky
Meaning- आबाव, कभी,
Scarcity, Shortage, Lack
Synonyms- Shortage, Famine, Deficiency, Paucity,

Meaning- सुॊदय, Delicately Small And Pretty
Synonyms- Estimation, Nice, Pretty, Delicacy,

Synonyms- Choosing, Selecting, Heterogeneous

Desultory (अननममभत, असॊगत)

Meaning: Something that is desultory is done in an
unplanned and disorganized way, and without

Meaning: debacle is an event or attempt that is a
complete failure.

Diffident (सॊकोची, शभीरा)

Meaning: Someone who is diffident is rather shy and
does not enjoy talking about themselves or being
notices by other people.

Meaning- उत्साहहीनकयना,
To Abate The Courage Of; Discourage
Synonyms- Appall, Dismay, Dishearten, Overcome Carmine
Meaning- गहयारार, Carmine Is The Color Of Dried
Blood, The Color Is Sometimes Used To Represent
Meaning- सववनाश, A Sudden, Disastrous Collapse, Crime
Downfall, Or Defeat; A Rout Synonyms-Cochineal
Synonyms- Fiasco
Cantankerous Meaning- उत्तेजजत, ऩागर | | Page 14
Synonyms- Wild, Insane, Frenzied, Deranged, Raving Meaning- भभथ्मा, भ्रभजनक, झूठ
Synonyms- Delusive, Deceptive, Erroneous, Misleading,
Meaning- व्माख्माकयना, प्रकाशडारना
, Make (Something) Clear; Explain Fallacy
Synonyms- Illuminate, Explicate, Demonstrate, Clarify, Meaning- बर
ू , Mistake
Synonyms- Mistake, Error, Absurdity, Sophism
Meaning- उद्धायकयना, Set Free
Meaning -खुल्रभखुल्रा,Conspicuously Bad
Synonyms- Manumit, Free, Liberate
Synonyms -Offensive, Or Reprehensible: A Flagrant
Miscarriage Of Justice
Meaning- ऩयभानन्द, कववमोंजैसीउभॊग, Frugal
An Overwhelming Feeling Of Great Happiness Or Joyful Meaning- ककपामती Economical
Synonyms- Abstemious, Sparing, Chary, Economical,
Entice (पुसराना, फहकाना)
Meaning: To entice someone to go somewhere or to do Frenetic
something means to try to persuade them to go to that Meaning- अत्मधधकउत्तेजजत, Fast And Energetic In A
place or to do that thing.
Rather Wild And Uncontrolled Way
Synonyms- Phrenetic, Mad, Distracted, Frantic
Meaning- चमनशीर{ववभबन्नस्रोतोंसेचनु नेवारा}, Flamboyant
Selecting Or Employing Individual Elements From A Meaning- बडकीरा, आडम्फय
Variety Of Sources
Synonyms- Wavy, Bright

Exacerbate (ख़याफ कयना) Facetious

Meaning: If something exacerbates a problem or bad Meaning- हॉसानेवारे,
situation, it makes it worse.
Lacking Serious Intent; Concerned With Something
Nonessential, Amusing
Synonyms- Merry, Witty, Funny, Jocular, Humorous
Meaning- शजततघटना, Lacking In Energy Or Vitality.
Synonyms- Emasculate, Soften, Paralyze, Enfeeble, Facile
Unnerve Meaning- Having A Superficial Or Simplistic Knowledge
Or Approach, नम्रस्वबावी
Synonyms- Pliant, Expert, Yielding, Skillful, Fluent
Meaning- ऊफ,
Synonyms- Listlessness And Dissatisfaction Resulting
From Lack Of Interest; Boredom Fallacious
Meaning- भभथ्मा, भ्रभजनक, झठू
Meaning- ऩोंछना, हटाना Delusive, Deceptive, Erroneous, Misleading, Absurd
Synonyms -Destroy, Annihilate, Efface, Obliterate, Erase
Fetter Meaning- बूर, Mistake
Meaning- फेडी, A Chain Or Shackle For The Ankles Or Fee Synonyms- Mistake, Error, Absurdity, Sophism
Synonyms- Bond, Restraint, Enchain, Bind, Shackle
Fallacious Meaning- ढे यरगाना, Collect Gradually And Bit By Bit | | Page 15
Synonyms-Obtain, Cleaning, Get, Learn, Harvest
Grandiose Meaning- सन्दे शवाहक
Meaning- प्रबावकायी, ववशार , Anything That Foreshadows A Future Event; Omen;
Synonyms-Striking, Turgid, Imposing, Bombastic, Sign
Splendid Synonyms-Sign, Predecessor, Omen, Prophet,
Meaning- Useless, फेकाय, Senseless Hampered
Synonyms- Gibberish, Nonsense Meaning- रूकावटऩैदाकयना, Hinder Or Impede The
Movement Or Progress Of
Meaning - उछरकूदकयना Harbinger
Synonyms- Frisk, Skip, Hop Meaning- सन्दे शवाहक, Anything That Foreshadows A
Future Event; Omen; Sign
Gainsay Synonyms- Sign, Predecessor, Omen, Prophet,
Meaning- भनाकयना, Deny Forerunner
Synonyms- Dispute, Deny, Contradict, Controvert,
Meaning- Happy, Joyful, Carefree, खुशगवाय
Meaning- आनॊद, उल्रास Ignominy
Meaning- Public Shame Or Disgrace, करॊक
Galimatias Synonyms- Discredit, Reproach, Opprobrium, Dishonor,
Meaning- Useless, फेकाय, Senseless Infamy
Synonyms- Gibberish, Nonsense
Meaning- Faultless
Synonyms- Flawless, Sinless
Meaning- उछरकूदकयना
Synonyms- Frisk, Skip, Hop Impetuous
Meaning- प्रफर, तीव्र, Acting Or Done Quickly And
Without Thought Or Care
Meaning- Collection, Gather Or Collect
Synonyms- Headlong, Passionate, Ferocious, Hasty,
Synonyms-Granary, Store, Treasure, Accumulate
Meaning-Of poor quality
Meaning- Extremely Happy, Peaceful
Synonyms-Knickknack, Gewgaw, Toy, Trinket
Synonyms- Poetic
Meaning-ज्मादाफारवारा Meaning-Continuing Without Pause Or Interruption,
Synonyms-Boorish, Shaggy, Hair रगाताय
Synonyms-Unceasing, Continuous, Perpetual, Constant,
Meaning -पीका, नीयस, साधायण
Synonyms-Monotony, Dull, Boring, Bore, Doldrum Inept
Meaning-अमोग्म, भूखव
Synonyms-Unbecoming, Silly, Awkward, Nonsensical,
Meaning- Unfortunate, Unlucky, अबाग्मवान Unfit
Synonyms- Unhappy, Unfortunate, Luckless, Unlucky | | Page 16

Juxtapose Synonyms- Sorrow, Moaning, Weeping, Bemoan, Regret
Meaning-To Place Side By Side, ऩासऩासयखना
Jocular Meaning- ननॊदारेखभरखना
Meaning- भजाककमा Synonyms- Libel, Satirize, Lash, Defame
Synonyms- Jocose, Silly, See, Merry, Unemotional
Jaunty Meaning- शोकऩूणव
Meaning- भौजी, Cheerful, Lively Synonyms- Tearful
Synonyms- Showy, Gay, Airy, Finical
Meaning- शानदाय, प्रबावशारी
Jitters Synonyms- Pompous, Imperial, Sublime, Magnificent,
Meaning- घफयाना, Act Nervously Dignified
Synonyms- Nerves, Nervousness
Meagre (अलऩ, तच् ु छ)
Jubilant Meaning: If you describe an amount or quantity of
Meaning- हवषवत something as meager, you are critical of it because it is
very small or not enough.
Synonyms- Joyful, Thrilled, Gay, Triumphant, Exulting
Meaning: If you describe a person or their interest in
something as morbid, you mean that they are very
Meaning -फुवद्धभान, Having, Showing, Or Done With Good interested in unpleasant things, especially death, and
Judgment Or Sense you think this is strange.
Synonyms- Judgmatic, Sensible, Discreet, Judicial,
Skillful Malcontent
Meaning- असॊतष्ु ट, Dissatisfied With Existing Conditions
Synonyms- Uneasy, Irreconcilable, Dissatisfied
Meaning- कुशरता, चतयु ाई Malice
Synonyms- Knickknack, Facility, Skill, Toy, Crack Meaning- दबु ाववना, The Intention Or Desire To Do Evil
Synonyms- Grudge, Ill Will, Spite, Maliciousness,
Meaning- प्रशॊसा, Glory; Fame; Renown; Praise
Synonyms- Renown, Fame, Glory, Glorify, Praise Marshy
Meaning - दरदर
Synonyms - Boggy, Morassy, Miry, Plashy, Fenny
Meaning- Muffled, Wrapped
Meaning - बीषण, बमप्रद
meaning-काभक ु , Having Or Showing Excessive Or
Offensive Sexual Desire
Synonyms-Lascivious, Dissipated
Synonyms- Insalubrious, Harmful, Hurtful, Fetid, Ill-
Meaning - स्वच्छ, ऩायदशी
Synonyms-Clear, Pure, Pellucid, Clean, Bright Necromancy
Meaning- काराजाद,ू तॊत्र-भॊत्र
Synonyms -Conjuration, Magi
Meaning- द्ु खकाप्रदशवन, A Passionate Expression Of Grief | | Page 17
Neophyte Platitude
Meaning- Tyro, Beginner Meaning- साधायणफात, नघसीवऩटीफात
Synonyms- Novice, Convert, Tyro, Beginner
Synonyms-Saying, Truism, Triteness, Commonplace
Meaning- Be irritated, stung
Synonyms-Irritate Meaning- पीका
Synonyms- Ghastly, Wan, Ashen, Pal, Pale
Meaning-Highly Unpleasant, ख़याफ Palpable
Synonyms- Gross, Spiteful, Drizzling, Dangerous, Meaning- स्ऩष्ट, जजसे Touch ककमाजासके
Unpropitious Synonyms- Obvious, Evident, Noticeable, Tangible,
Meaning- शादीकेमोग्म, Quandary
(Of A Girl Or Young Woman) Sexually Mature; Suitable Meaning- दवु वधा, असभॊजस,
For Marriage A State Of UncertaintyOr Perplexity.
Synonyms- Marriageable Synonyms- Doubt, Perplexity, Predicament, Uncertainty

Obfuscate Meaning- अव्मवहारयक, Unrealistic And Impractical
Meaning- जानफुझकयभ्राजन्तऩैदाकयना, अपवाह Synonyms-Visionary, Unachievable
Synonyms- Becloud, Obscured, Bewilder, Darken,
Confuse Quorum
Meaning- गणऩूनतव,
Obese The Minimum Number Of Members Of An Assembly
Meaning- Grossly Fat Or Overweight That Must Be Present To Make A Meeting Valid.
Synonyms- Fleshy, Fad, Fat
Obliterate (मभटाना , काटना) Meaning- ननयॊ तयकष्टदे ना, Continue To Be Painful
Meaning: If something obliterates an object or place, it Synonyms- Embitter, Inflame, Pain, Fester, Irritate
destroys it completely.
Perennial (िषव-बय यहनेिारा, सािवकामरक) Meaning- भगन, रीन, Completely Fascinated By What
Meaning: You use perennial to describe situations or One Is Seeing Or Hearing
states that keep occurring or which seem to exist all the Synonyms- Abducted, Ecstasy, Ecstatic, Absorbed,
time; used especially to describe problems or Enraptured
Patronize (सॊयऺण कयना) Meaning- ज्ञानी, A Profoundly Wise Man
Meaning: If someone patronizes you, they speak or Synonyms- Wiseacre, Solemn, Sagacious, Ramona, Wise
behave towards you in a way which seems friendly, but
which shows that they think they are superior to you in Salubrious
some way.
Meaning- स्वास्थकय, पामदे भॊद
Painstaking Synonyms- Wholesome, Healthful, Salutary, Healthy
Meaning- ऩरयश्रभी, Studious, Assiduous
Synonyms- Meticulous, Elaboration, Attentive,
Meaning- प्रनतफॊधधत
Industrious, Careful | | Page 18

Meaning- कभफोरनेवारा Verve
Synonyms- Silent, Reticent, ,Reserved Meaning- उत्साह, जोश, Vigor And Spirit Or Enthusiasm
Synonyms- Enthusiasm, Order, Spirit, Rapture, Energy
Meaning- शाखाओॊभेंववबाजजतकयना Veracity
Meaning- सत्मकथन, सच्चाई
Mendicant Synonyms-Truth, Truthfulness
Meaning- Beggar, भबखायी
Meaning-Of An Unnatural Or Sickly Pallor; Pallid;
Lacking Color, पीका
Meaning- दरार, To Solicit Customers
Synonyms-Pallid, Pal, Pale, Won
Synonyms- Solicitor, Spruik, Pitchman, Pimp, Promote
Meaning-पुसराना, Flattery To Persuade Someone To Do
Meaning- अननमॊत्रत्रत, Uncontrolled
Synonyms- Licentious, Violent
Synonyms-Coax, Get, Cajole, Flatter
Meaning- Of A Strange Nature; Weird;
Meaning- जॊगरी
Mysterious, ववधचत्र
Synonyms- Lout, Greenhorn, Yokel
Synonyms- Strange, Unnatural, Weird, Ghostly, Unsafe

Meaning- Acting with Great Force; Furious, प्रफर
Synonyms-Raging, Passionate, Forcible, Mighty, Hot

All The Best !!! | | Page 19

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