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Name : Siti Nissaul Khoiriyah

Class : Tbi 4-D

Nim : 12203183005


1. The writer want to her reader is provides information about wisdom teeth and the impact of wisdom
teeth on health, and advice on wisdom teeth extraction for all people.

2. Wisdom teeth are normally the last teeth to appear. This usually happens when people are in their
late teen years or early twenties in other words, when they are older and wiser. Wisdom teeth are
molars, or chewing teeth, at the back of the mouth. The third set of molars, if you have them, are your
wisdom teeth.

3. Impacted wisdom teeth should be removed before the teeth cause problems or pain, and young
adults are the best candidates for wisdom teeth removal.

4. Murlock and his wife

5. Murlock did not cry over his wife's death, even when his wife died he realized what he had to do as he
had to prepare for burial. Actually he was also devastated but Murlock still did not cry over it.

6. Previously Murlock felt fear, without a definite plan and acted like a madman Murlock ran fast to the
wall, he took his rifle, then he saw a large panther dragging his wife Murlock as if unconscious and silent.
When he regained consciousness it turned out that morning was the body of the Murlock lying and like a
helpless person by seeing the situation around him that contained a pool of blood, and others.

7. When Murloc is left by his wife to die, we can take lessons that when there is death we may be sad,
beaten but all of that must always be conscious. And when the incident of his wife is dragged by a
panther we can take lessons we must not be careless or big things we do not expect will happen

8. After his wife's death Murlock lived alone in a house of logs surrounded on all sides by the great
forest. He seemed a part of the darkness and silence of the forest, for no one had ever known him to
smile or speak an unnecessary word. His simple needs were supplied by selling or trading the skins of
wild animals in the town. Until Murlock was found dead then was buried near the cabin, next to his
wife's burial place.

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