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 toxic leader is a person who has responsibility over a group of people or an organization,

and who abuse the leader–follower relationship by leaving the group or organization in a
worse-off condition than when they first found them. The phrase was coined by Marcia
Whicker in 1996.

The Toxic leader is motivated by personal ambition and usually lacks self-awareness.
They use positional power and their authority to deceive, intimidate, and coerce people to
work for them. They can be quite successful in the short-term but over the long-term, they fail
their organizations because they don’t develop strong leaders and high performing teams.
their a have 6 characteristics, Autocratic,Narcissistic,Manipulative,Intimidating,Overly
Competitive, and Discriminatory. Their are several early warning sign of toxic leadership,
Identification of Targets. This is when the same person are repeatedly scolded. Next is

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