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The Lord visited Joshua because he needed encouragement; the Lord assured that He will be with him

as He was with Moses. When Moses served, he sent spies among the tribes to spy out the promise land,
but all the spies except Joshua and Caleb brought bad report of the land which they had spied out. The
report gave by the weak tribes/spies brought weakness to the Israelites; they only thought of their own
situation, but in the spiritual perspective it was not according to the will of God. That’s is why Moses
strongly warned them. After the death of Moses, the Lord through Joshua changed the perspective of
the Israelites, they need to be brave and be courageous as they conquer the promise land. This is very
encouraging for me, the Lord also has changed my perspective. I was so down before, I cannot really
overcome but really with this quarantine time the Lord is teaching me to trust Him and be faithful to
Him. This faith must overcome all fears. I must follow the ark of the covenant which the Lord Jesus
Christ brought into me thru the Holy Spirit and with the Ark of the Covenant that is in me I must stand
firm in the Jordan river- waters of death, temptations and all lies of evil satan- until my heart be
changed like a living stone, a rock that serpent cannot eat, and be used to built up the Ekklesia.

The two spies sent by Joshua had to be faithful people like him and Caleb. When Joshua had gone out
earlier to spy out the land together with the other spies, only him and Caleb were able to tell that the
giant people who are living in the promise land are their bread, unlike the other spies who said that
they were like grasshoppers compared to the giants. Joshua did not sent a lot of spies but he only sent
two spies but have clearly decided to live and die for the people.

The mission of the two spies was not easy. It was a very dangerous and crucial mission but the Lord
encouraged their heart, the living hands of God were with them. God led them into the correct place
even though outwardly it was the place of the Harlot woman, Rahab; but she believed in the God of the
Israelites. God saw her heart, she was desperate for change that’s is why God used her, saved her and
her entire household. In Ekkelsia our elder Brs. and Srs. have also bravely decided to be sent in a
foreign country. It’s not according to their will but according to the will of God. And God led them to me.
I was like Rahab who have not only heard of God but believe. But I could not overcome my weaknesses.
I did not know of the Holy Spirit. In my heart there is something missing and I was desperate for change.
Now, I am in His true Ekklesia and like Rahab who trusted the spies I also trust Brs and Srs in Ecclesia. It
was God who led them to me, God have chosen me. It was not by accident, but God purposely used
them so that I can also overcome sins, repent, and be saved together with them and my entire
household on the judgement day. But I must do my part, while waiting for the coming of the Lord I must
trust and obey His laws. I want also to be diligent, to be found by Him in peace, without spot and
blameless. I do not want to mourn but be joyful at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

If people do not know the living God they only become arrogant and over confident.
But servants with all humility, with the fear of God must continually fight against the slavery of satan;
and thru their service believers must be set free.

Joshua was strongly encouraged with the testimony/ report of the two spies. So immediately Joshua and
all the people of Israel rose early in the morning and went towards Jordan. In my life of faith, I must
also clearly decide for the Lord. I must devote my heart to Him and strongly desire that He would use
me to lead people. Thru my testimony people must be encouraged to follow the Lord Jesus so that they
can also enter eternal life. Now I understand that He really brought me into His Ekklesia and I must
devote my life for Him so that I could be useful and also experience His living hands.

The officers had to give instructions to the people just like how Joshua instructed them. They gave
instructions not in a self-willed manner but according to the instructions of their leader, according to the
instructions of God, according to the leading of the ark of the covenant. In this lockdown period God is
teaching me to be led by the Holy Spirit. I hear the voice of God but I also hear other voice and follow it
thinking that it’s the voice of the Holy Spirit but after following that voice and doing what it says I find
that from satan and with that I suffer. As a sheep of God I must with whole hearted devotion know the
voice of the true Shepherd, Jesus Christ. This world offers a lot of things which can only confuse
believers whether what voice they should follow. Actually the God true the Holy Spirit continually
speaks inside of believers, but they cannot follow Him they instead the follow the voice of strangers
confusingly but often purposely. In order for us to clearly hear and follow the Holy Spirit we must
desperately seek the Lord, we must not have fellowship with various spirits , we must be diligent in
reading the bible and do what it says, and steadfastly pray, until the time that we become one with God
thru the Holy Spirit that is in us.

The ark of the covenant was in the most holy place in the tabernacle of God. This Ark of the Covenant
relates to the Lord for the salvation of people; it particularly relates to Jesus Christ His Cross, it relates to
His death and resurrection, it relate to Jesus Christ who after His resurrection have become reality for us
in many aspects, and became the Life Giving Spirit and came into the believers. Jesus Christ became the
spiritual food, the might and power of the Holy Spirit which inside Jesus when He served on earth came
inside believers and becomes a Life Giving Spirit. Believers must know in detail the Ark of the Covenant
so that they can know God and Jesus Christ and have an eternal life without this salvation believers
cannot have eternal life with GOD.

In Joshua 3:4, although God’s covenant led the people, there had to be space approximately 200 meters
between the Ark of the Covenant and the people except the Levite priests who carried it. The space was
necessary so that the Israelites may know the way by which they must go, for they have not passed the
way before. Also the Israelites might die, except the priest if they accidentally or purposely touch it.
Moreover, there must be space because the sin of the Israelites has not been forgiven. But through the
Cross of Christ, after his death and resurrection this Ark of Covenant had come directly unto us because
of the Blood of Christ in spiritual aspect was poured on the mercy seat, the Ark of Covenant. And
through the Holy Spirit the Ark of Covenant is inside of us that’s why we can come to the throne of God
and call Him ‘Abba’ Father.

In this time we know this way. We are going this way through our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus even said in
John 14: 6, “ I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”.
Jesus have become reality for our salvation. At this time our spiritual eyes must be open. We must be
led by the Holy Spirit.

In our life of faith, we need Godly fear. Although we don’t live at the time of the old testament, we must
have Godly fear. In Exodus 19:10-14 The Lord commanded Moses to consecrate the people, and let
them wash their clothes, and let them be ready for the third day, because the Lord would come down
on mount sinai in the sight of all the people. But there is a bound, the people nor animals are not
allowed to come on mount sinai or even touch it’s base, or else they will be killed. Before I am curious
why the people nor animals which are innocent will be killed though they have wash themselves or
consecrated themselves and what they will touch is only the base of the mountain, but I came to know
the reason and that is because God is Holy and man are sinners. Sin were running in their blood which
they have inherited from adam and eve. Same after the death of Moses when Joshua commanded the
people to consecrate themselves as they cross the Jordan river the people cannot come near the Ark of
the Covenant nor touch it; there was space in between the people and the ark. Sin were still in the
blood of the Israelites, their sins cannot be totally forgiven thru the blood of animals which is poured in
the mercy seat. But once and for all through Jesus Christ, who knew no sin, had become sin for us, and
through His blood our sins are forgiven, we are totally washed of our wickedness, our sins which we
inherited from Adam and Eve are no more. Brs and Srs I am really amazed by this by His blood I can
come near to the Lord. The blood of Christ was not easily given but He suffered so much for us on the
cross. His blood was poured out there on the calvary so that our sins may be forgiven and have eternal
life. What a great love of Jesus for us.

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