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Nombres y Apellidos: Wilson Huanatico Ramos Fecha: 30/03/2020


The coronavirus are a family of virus, they can cause damage and various affections, common cold
to diseases but bass notes As it happens with the causing coronavirus of the respiratory syndrome
of half Orient. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a new virus that has not been detected
in humans to date; The virus causes a respiratory illness like the flu (flu) with various symptoms
(cough, fever, etc.) that, in severe cases, can lead to pneumonia. To protect yourself, you can wash
your hands regularly and avoid touching your face.

The actions that have been taken by the government are many. The president decided to close the
airports and borders. He also have given a supreme decree on staying in our homes during this
world pandemic, he also implement to give 380 soles for families with few resources in Peru. Then
he have arranged "quarantine" consisting of being at home from 8:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m.

There were many people who did not stay in their homes, also people detained because of that,
many military and police are controlling the streets, I heard on the radio that they ran over a
soldier, there are many people who have nothing to eat and there is no help for them it is an

In my case, the bond got my father, but he died last year, my mother and my brothers were sad,
we have been calling 101 and nobody answered us, my neighbors are also poors and did not
obtain the bond, I think that the sisfoh is not update data, the military ask for identification the
people who transiting the street and giving recommendations, only the banks worker people are
walking, and people who are going to buy products.

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