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Teachers, fellow classmates and friends, good day!

Frist I want you to open up your mine about the issue of teenage depression. Now a day many
teenager commit suicide because of being depress, too much stress, and pressure. I chose this
topic because I know many teens can relate on this issue and for me it is easy to discuss and
understand. If you hear the word “depression and teens” in your own I idea, what conclusion
drawn in your mind. Is it important to people to realize depression in teens? Is adult depression
and teen depression is the same? What are those symptoms of depression? Is it treatable? To
know the answer let as talk about this issue.

A depressive disorder is s disease that affect mood, thoughts and behavior. When a bad day turns
into a bad week, month or more there may be a medical explanation for this change of behavior
and feeling of hopelessness. Experts estimate 5% of all teenager suffers from depression.
Unfortunately, only 20% of depressed teens are appropriately diagnosed and treated. The
symptoms of depression and bipolar disorder in young people can differ from adults. Symptoms
can be missed if you do not know what to look for. Well-meaning parents or teacher may think
that a young person is moody or unhappy because it is a natural part of being young. This is
especially for adolescents, who are expected to be hormonal.

Dear Maya
Thank you very much for your last letter. It was great to hear from you after so many months.
You seem to be having a nice time in France.

Thanks also for the photographs. I absolutely loved that snap of your standing in front of the
Eiffel Tower. France looks stunning. Someday, I would definitely like to go there.

There’s not much happening here. I am busy with my work and kids.

By the way, are you coming home anytime soon? If you are, let me know the dates and we can
arrange to meet up.

Hope to see you soon!


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