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English IV

Partial III
Name: Montserrat Dimas, Abraham Hernandez Group: 4°B Especial:
M: hello, it's been a pretty day today, isn't it?
A: yes, it is. your hobby is drawing, don't you?
M: yes, it is, i love it. You don't know how to draw, do you?
A: no, do not draw.
M: If I remember correctly, you've got a brother, haven't you?
A: yes, i have a brother. His name is ulises. And tell me, You like watching TV,
don't you?
M. no, i don’t like watch tv. you like ice cream' don't you?
A: yes, i like it. Do you like soccer, don't you?
M: yes, i like it, but I do not play anymore. You like to travel, don't you?
A: no, i don’t like. You like video games, don't you?
M: yes, i like. you've been working out today, haven't you?
A: no, i haven’t. You like chocolate cake, don't you?
M: yes, i like. You had changed your hair, isn't it? 
A: Yes i have changed my hair, i think it looks pretty cool, isn't it? 
M: yes, you look very Good.
A: do you like horror films, don't you?
M:don’t like, I prefer action movies. Do you like action movies, don’t you?
A: Yes, i like.
M:you don't listen music of rock, do you?
A: no, i don't like. I prefer rap. You aren't tired, aren you?
M: yes, I'm tired. you don't want to go to study, do you?
A: no, i don’t like. You like go to parties with your friends, don't you?
M: no, I prefer to stay at home watching series. you would like to go to the park
with me, wouldn't you?
A: Of course, I would like.

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