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Sedation in the ICU

AM Travers

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Anaesthesia and Analgesia, 16:1, 96-100, DOI: 10.1080/22201173.2010.10872647

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Refresher Course: Sedation in the ICU

Sedation in the ICU

Travers AM
Private practice and part-time consultant, UFS
Correspondence to: Anthony Travers, e-mail:

Introduction easy to use. Variations of this scale include a scale with extremes of
measurement anchored by numerical (1 – 10), descriptive (“no pain”
The ICU is a hostile environment, and while pain is often the root cause to “worst pain ever”), or diagrammatic (smiling face to crying face)
of distress experienced by the patient in the unit, anxiety, dyspnoea, variables.9
delirium and sleep deprivation may be additive or synergistic.1,2 Factors
that provoke these components of distress include underlying medical In patients who are unable to indicate their pain, pain levels are
conditions, acute medical/surgical illness, and “routine” critical care inferred by observing patient behaviour. The Behaviour Pain Scale
practices like mechanical ventilation, the presence of indwelling tubes (BPS) is based on a sum score of three parameters: facial expression,
and catheters, iatrogenic illness, medication side effects, turning and movements of upper limbs, and compliance with mechanical
suctioning, and excessive noise and light in the ICU.3 ventilation. Each parameter is scored from 1 (no response) to 4 (full
response), with a maximum score of 12.10
With pain being central to ICU discomfort, current sedation strategies
are based on providing analgesia first, and adding sedation as required The Adult Numerical Pain Scale evaluates five parameters: face,
(“analgo-sedation”). Sedation needs vary widely and are influenced by activity, guarding, physiologic I (vital signs), and physiologic II (skin
many pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic variables in this group of and pupils).11 The Critical care Pain Observation Tool (CPOT) has four
patients. Therefore, all sedation techniques must be patient-focused and components: facial expression, body movements, muscle tension
individualised to patient needs. This goal directed approach improves and compliance with ventilator/vocalisation.12 Current recommended
patient outcome and reduces the use of sedative drugs.4 practices include a combination of a numeric pain scale and either
the BPS or CPOT.13

Aims of analgo-sedation
Evaluation of sedation
ICU sedation is aimed at keeping the patient comfortable but easily
rousable.5 Deep sedation with or without muscle relaxants is rarely The Ramsay Sedation Scale has been used for the past three
indicated,and is associated with a higher incidence of delirium and decades as a tool to evaluate sedation in the ICU (Table I).14
death.6,7 Analgo-sedation is administered to relieve pain, anxiety Sedation should be targeted to a Ramsay score of 2 to 3. Other
and discomfort, and to facilitate treatment and nursing.4 Effective sedation scales that have evolved are the Sedation-Agitation
patient-focused sedation strategies encompass targeted analgo- Scale (SAS), the Motor Activity Assessment Scale (MAAS), the
sedation using both pharmacological and non-pharmacological Vancouver Interactive and Calmness Scale (VICS), the Richmond
methods, and sedation scoring parameters to direct the level of Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS), the Adaptation to Intensive Care
sedation. These strategies must also include methods that strive to Environment (ATICE), and the Minnesota Sedation Assessment
maintain sleep cycles and allow for daily awakening from sedation. Tool (MSAT).15-20
Early recognition and treatment of delirium is of cardinal importance,
Table I: The Ramsay Sedation Scale (RSS)
as delirium is associated with higher ICU morbidity and mortality.8

Awake levels Asleep levels

Evaluation of pain, sedation and delirium
1 Anxious, agitated or restless 4 Brisk response to light glabella
tap or loud auditory stimulus
Sedation scales and pain evaluation instruments are important in
patient-focused therapy, establishing a target level of sedation and 2 Cooperative, orientated and 5 Sluggish response to light
tranquil glabella tap or loud auditory
ensuring that pain is addressed and treated adequately. stimulus

3 Responds to commands only 6 No response to light glabella tap

Pain evaluation or loud auditory stimulus

In patients who are able to report their level of pain by speaking, All these scales share common evaluated parameters. The first
pointing or nodding, the 10 cm visual analogue scale is relatively parameter is consciousness, usually ranging from alert to comatose,

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Refresher Course: Sedation in the ICU

with subdivisions of arousal or awakeness, often in response to but they may be of use in the patient receiving muscle relaxants or
stimuli of increasing intensity (RSS, RASS, ATICE, MSAT). Higher levels paralysed by disease, where inadequate sedation may be detrimental.
of consciousness are tested by noting cognition or comprehension
(RASS, ATICE). The second parameter measured using these scales
Drugs used for analgesia and sedation in the ICU
is agitation or, conversely, calmness. Identification of agitation
facilitates prompt therapeutic intervention and treatment of factors
The move away from deep sedation to analgo-sedation has led to a
that may cause the agitation, such as pain, delirium, a malpositioned
endotracheal tube or myocardial ischaemia.21 reduction in the use of hypnotic drugs.26

Objective measurement of cerebral function Analgesia

Cortical activity monitors record cortical EEG signals and analyse Analgesia should be titrated according to individual patient needs,
the frequency and power to determine the status of the patient. consisting of a basal regimen accounting for elements like pain
Fast Fourier transformation allows a power vs. frequency histogram perception, age and body mass in combination with rescue dosing
to be displayed as a spectral array. Various forms of this concept for incidental and procedural pain. Parenteral administration is the
have been developed commercially, including Bispectral Index (BIS) preferred route, as enteral and transcutaneous absorption may be
monitoring, Patient State Index (PSI), Central State monitor, and the unpredictable in the ICU patient. Epidural administration of local
Narcotrend Monitor.22-25 anaesthetics and opioids can also provide effective analgesia.
Opioids form the mainstay of analgesia in the ICU. Morphine, fentanyl
None of these monitors has been adequately proven in the ICU, and remifentanil are used most widely.


The hydrophilic opioid, morphine, has been used as an analgesic for 200 years.


Onset 15 – 20 min Hepatic metabolism Loading dose Respiratory depression

- 80% morphine-3-glucuronide 1 – 1,5 mg iv every 5 min
Offset 30 min – 8 h with no analgesia Maximum 0,5mg/kg Histamine release with hypotension
- 20% morphine-6-glucuronide
Dependent on organ function and with potent analgesia Maintenance
duration of infusion 2 – 4 mg/h
Both metabolites accumulate with Infusions lead to prolonged
renal dysfunction. elimination half-life.


Fentanyl and sufentanil are fat soluble opioids with large volume of distribution and the risk of accumulation and delayed recovery with prolonged


Onset 2 – 5 min Hepatic metabolism to non-active Loading dose Respiratory depression

metabolites 0,5 - 1 µg/kg iv every 5 min
Offset unpredictable due to Maximum 2 µg/kg
prolonged context sensitive half- Accumulation due to organ-dependent
life with continuous infusion metabolism Infusion
5 – 10 µg/kg/h titrated at
1 – 2 µg/kg/h increments


Mean duration of mechanical ventilation is reduced when a remifentanil-based regimen is used, as opposed to a morphine-based regimen or
midazolam-morphine/fentanyl-based regimen.27,28


Onset 1 min Metabolised by non-specific esterase in plasma, red Starting infusion Respiratory depression
blood cells and interstitial tissue 6 – 9 µg/kg/h
Offset 10 min, regardless of infusion duration Hypotension
Titrate 1,5 µg/kg/h
Half-life about 3 min even after 8 h infusion

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Refresher Course: Sedation in the ICU


Both ketamine and dexmedetomidine possess analgesic and sedative properties.


Ketamine is an NMDA-receptor antagonist with centrally mediated sedation and amnesia, and spinally mediated analgesia. The drug facilitates
endogenous catecholamine release, thereby countering hypotensive effects. A benzodiazepine should be co-administered to prevent neuropsychiatric
side-effects, although this seldom occurs with low doses used for sedation.


Onset 1 min Metabolised in liver to norketamine Loading dose Neuropsychiatric effects seldom a
0,1 - 0,2 mg/kg every 10 min to problem at low doses
Offset dependent on dose and Excreted in urine and bile maximum 0,5 mg/kg
duration of administration
Elimination half-life 2,5 - 3,5 h 0,5 – 1 mg/kg/h


Dexmedetomidine is a centrally acting α2-agonist with sedative and analgesic properties. Patients are highly rousable and cognitive function is
well maintained. Dexmedetomidine has an opioid-sparing effect.


Onset anxiolytic and analgesic Complete biotransformation in liver Loading dose Biphasic cardiovascular effect:
effects almost immediate, 1 µg/kg over 10 min transient hypertension and
sedation within 20 min bradycardia with loading dose;
Maintenance hypotension and bradycardia is then
Offset about 2 h after 1 µg/kg, 0,05 - 0,7 µg/kg/h seen, especially in hypovolaemic
after infusion about 2 – 3 h patients


Sedative-hypnotic drugs interact with different components of the ϒ-amino butyric acid (GABA) receptor. These drugs cause sedation, anxiolysis
and amnesia, but have no analgesic properties. They may accumulate with liver and renal dysfunction, and with prolonged administration.



Onset 2 - 3 min Liver oxidation via CYP450; metabolism Bolus dose Respiratory depression at high
impeded by other drugs metabolised by 1 – 5 mg doses, or in combination with
Offset: short acting, but CYP450 (0,03 mg/kg/h) opioids.
accumulation with infusion
Active metabolite Continuous infusion not
1-hydroxymethylmidazolam. recommended; increase in
context sensitive half-life
Extensive protein binding



Onset 30 min Liver glucuronidation to inactive metabolites Bolus dose Independent risk factor for developing
2 – 4 mg every 2 - 4 h delirium
Offest: intermediate duration of
action Propylene glycol accumulation with
prolonged use leading to metabolic acidosis
and hyperosmolality

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Refresher Course: Sedation in the ICU

Propofol is about 3,5 hours. For deep sedation, emergence time is 25 hours
after a 24 hour infusion, and 3 days for infusion lasting 7 – 14 days.
Propofol is a lipophilic GABA-receptor agonist which crosses the Propofol sedation allows for more rapid extubation than midazolam,
blood-brain barrier rapidly. The offset of action is a function of the without influencing ICU discharge time.30 Propofol infusion syndrome
depth of sedation, duration of infusion and patient size and body is a rare but potentially fatal side effect observed when infusion rates
composition.29 The emergence time for light sedation up to 3 days > 5 ml/kg/h for more than 48 hours.31 Concomitant use of steroids
is rapid (< 35 min). For sedation up to 14 days, emergence time and catecholamines are also predisposing factors to the syndrome.


Onset rapid < 1 min Conjugation in liver to inactive metabolites 0,5 - 3 mg/kg/h Hypotension and respiratory depression in
Offset rapid, but increases with cardiomyopathy, sepsis, elderly patients and
deep/prolonged sedation with concurrent opioids use


Increased risk of infection

Metabolic acidosis in children

Propofol infusion syndrome

Volatile sedation Figure 1: Guide to sedation in the ICU (Mer M, Levy B)

Although not licensed for sedation in the ICU,

volatile anaesthetic agents hold promise as
a viable alternative to intravenous drugs.
Technical devices connected between the
patient and the ICU ventilator have simplified
the ease of administration of these drugs in
the ICU setting.32 Isoflurane administered
via this device has been shown to be safe
and effective, with shorter awakening times
when compared with midazolam.33


Effective analgo-sedation is essential in the

management of mechanically ventilated
patients. Structured assessment tools for
both pain and level of sedation and guidelines
for drug administration are essential to
optimise therapy and limit side effects.
The aim should be to treat pain first and
to minimise sedation, thereby maintaining
patient comfort and patient-examiner
interaction, while improving outcome.

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