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MdLdula Trivedi

T. Prakash Trivedi

Foreword" Oy
(Hon'y Consultant Editor of "The Times of Astrology")
1, Hmdu Marriage In the Mirror of time 17
^The Purpose of Marriage: Origin & Development
+Ambit of Marriage * Marriage Ceremony
2, Elementary principles of the seventh house 40
* Planets in the 7 house &marriage facility
* Lords of varies house, placed in the 7lh house
* Significance of sign falling in the 7,,, house
^Lord of the 7th house placed in various Bhavas
* Planetary aspects on the 7ir' house & their effects
3. Significance of Navamsa Chart 71
• Best use Navamsa chart for the correct judgment of marital aspects
•Navamsa showing chaste and faithful wife
* Venus and Mars in Navamsa *Navamsa and Multiple marriage
4, Venns: the Karaka Indicator of Marriage 81
• Venus placed in different houses
• Judgment of qualities and appearance of wife by the
• Venus of the seventh houses * Venns and lord of the 7th house
•Combination of Mars and Venus, and Rahu
• Mutual exchange of sign or Navamsa by Mars and Venus
5. Roleof Jupiter in Marriage 102
•Jupiter in the 7!": malignant for marriage
•Jupiter-Mars nexus and marital affairs
6. Matrimony and evils of Mars (KujaDosha) 167
Mangaldosh : myth or reality
^Authoritative views: Mars in different houses
•Nullifying ill effects: Some opinions
•Weighing ofKuja Dosha
^Mathematical calculation ofKuja Dosha
7. Mars in eight for females. 194
•Grave for female: Mars in the 8lh house
* What does Mars do after marriage?
• Who will be harmed more, the husband or wife?
8. Mercury and Marital affairs 214
•Significators of mercury
• Role of mercury in various fields of life
•Mercury and the 7m house
9. Matching of horoscopes 242
• Horoscope matching: not a play
*Nakshatra Melapak •Destructive Constellations
•Graha Melapak • Bhava Melapak • Agreement of horoscope
10, A novel approach for multiple marriage 291
11. A perspective on the prospective spouse 317

• Moon sign and lagna of prospective spouse
•Birth Constellation oflife partner
•Direction and distance of the life partner
•Family status of the prospective spouse
*The beauty and Structure of prospective wife
A perspective on matrimony: Late or never
• Market factors: extra astrological consideration
•The planetary cansatives
Timing Marriage
•Rules propounded by sages and scholars
•To find out year and month of marriage
•Method evolved by Mr^H.R. Shanker
•Novel approach for timing of marriage by Mr, K.N. Rao
•According to Tajuk Shastra ^Transits
*Significanceof 4th house in timing marriage
Star & Sterility
• Children: Cementing Bond
•Sterility in the Male • Failure in the Female
Element of Love and Matrimonial Variable.
•Since the Dawan of Time* The Astrological Perception
• When will the love surface ^Summing up
• Love marriage • Love Relationship
• Secret Love marriage • Delayed Love marriage
• Inter-Caste love marriage • Inter-religion Love marriage
• Love marriage in lower caste • Love marriage in Higher Caste
• Love marriage in Same Caste * Marriage within Relations
•Unsuccessful Love marriage •Marriage Against Love marriage
Determinants of Divorce
• Planetary trespass into happy marriage
• Basic Principles tending Separation
•Timing Separation • Second Marriage
• Murder of the Native 'A few important observations
Pointers to Carnality
• Kama : Allusions to Godly Instincts
• Venus: Sexual Magnetism • Mars: Questions OfPassion
• Bhavas • The Twelfth House • Signs
•Scorpio: Intensity and strength
• Astrological Pointers to Carnal Tendencies
• Planetary Tendencies towards Carnal Pleasure
• Role of Venus in Adultery •Mars in the 7'" house
• Role of Mars and Venus in Carnality
•Role of Mercury in Carnality
•Role of Venus & Saturn in Relationship
•Adultery with the consent of Mother
•Native is lesbian
• Husband and wife both fall in Adultery
• When husband and wife both fall in Adultery

• Lord of 2nd house or venues
• Madan Gopal Yoga • Matrugam Yoga
• Shodaresangama Yoga
• The sun and Jupiter check adultery
Misogamous Role ofSun & Saturn
(When Sun and Saturn both work against Marriage)
(Peculiarities ofFemale Horoscope)
• Lagan Vichar • Saptam Bhava Vichar
• Who will Die Earlier: Husband or wife
•Combination for Widowhood: Vaidhavya Yogas
^Timing Windowhood • Sabhagya Yoga
+ Combinations for a Good wife in the horoscope of male
*Pativratapatni Yoga
•Pativarata Nari Yoga in female charts
•Griha Lakshmi Yoga
• Vish Kanya Yoga
•Prevention of Vaidhavya Yoga or Vish Kanya Yoga
•Santari Yoga
Mars in 5'" and marital maladies
•Electing Time of Marriage
• A few important pointers to Muhurta or Marriage
• Following Lunar Months should be chosen for marriage
•Inauspicious Date of marriage
•Best Lunar Days for Marriage * Best Days for Marriage
•The Best Nakshatras of Marriage
•Yogas, • Guru Bala for Girls
• Surya Bala •Chandra Bala
• Ten Dosha in Muhurta for Marriage
• Vedha dosha • Cancellation ofVedha dosha
•Paat Dosha • Yuti Dosha
• Kranti Samya dosha •Latta Dohsa
• Ekangil Dosha • Budha Panchak Dosha
• Dagdh Tthi Dosha • Dpgaraha Dosha
• Pamitra Dosha
Luminaries and Venus
• Association Of Venus with Sun and Moon
•Venus in Leo in Various Sign
• Moon in Various signs in opposition to Venus
• Venus in various signs in opposition to Moon
• Sun Venus Conjuction • Moon Venus Conjuction
Predicting Month of Marriage
• Sub Period for Marriage • Month of Marriage
Akhand Saubhagya Yoga Of Fe
•Akhand Saubhagya Yoga ofFemale
Publishers' Note about this book

Nishkaam Peeth Prakashan is very happy to bring out

the esteemed authors' firstbook's Second completely revised and
Enlarged Edition of in English entitled as 'PredictingMarriage'.
The authors have discussed the Navamsas occupied by various
Planets inmost of the illustrations wherein, the authors themselves
have described the position o/Navamsas/orimportant planets
necessary for their findings. However, dear readers of the First
Edition requested that they found difficulty in comprehancing
the astro-analysis in absence of the Navamsa Charts. Thus, in this
new edition, not only Navamsha Charts are given but also the
Dashamsha charts that would help the esteemed readers in making
further researches on their own for other important aspects of life
such as Profession, prosperity and happiness with the help of these
Divisional charts in traditional way, in case they consider necessary
to do the same for their further study of the subject with any of
the illustration. The size ofthe illustrations is widened to make it
more reader friendly. A lot of space is keptblankin thebook against
almost each of the horoscope to enable the readers to make their
own notes on the spot while reading the book. Thus, this book
may be used by the research scholars as an ideal work-book on
the subject.

The authors have followed Lahiri's Ayanamsa only.

However, it is found by us that the de-tails discussed by the authors
like Navamsa position etc. o/a planet, does not get changed even
if the Lahiri's Ayanamsa is replaced with Krishnamurthy's or
Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa being very close to Lahiri's Ayanamsa. The
illustrations are pro-vided with, therefore, in the book with the
horoscopes prepared with Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa by the help of
computer software to facilitate all the readers including the
followers of K.P. as well as Sri Sauatan Jyotish to do further
researches in the Divine field of Astrology.

Live! long!! Astrology!!!



By Daya Shanker

It was a great occasion of joy and pride when 1 accepted the offer of
the authors to write the foreword for their first big book in English
'Predicting Marriage'. They have already given "Vaivahik Vilamaba ke Vividh
Aayam Evam Mantra", "Santan Sukh :Sarvang Chintan", "Shani Shaman*:
"Vaivahik Sukh : Jyotishiya Sandarbha" &- "Shairu Shaman" in Hindi and "Shani
Shaman" in two Volumes & "Astrology for Life" in English also to the world of
Astrology, covering, almost all important aspects of life but profession being
under preparation. Late Dr. B.V. Raman, almost a synonymous with astrology
since a few decades in India, wrote the foreword for their first book "Vaivahik
Vdamba ke Vividha Aayam Evam Mantra". Had Dr. B.V. Raman not left for his
heavenly abode before the publication of this book "Predicting Marriage", the
first one in English by the authors, I am sure, this foreword would have also
been written by him only as he alone could have done full justice to the authors
who, since long, have been associated with him seeking his humble guidance
like other outstanding contributors to his illustrious magazine, The Astrological

It is the authors' love & affection that they requested me to write the foreword
which was supposed to be written by Late Dr. B.V. Raman, else, there is hardly
anything which can suggest even a slightest match between Late Dr. .B.V.Raman
& myself except that that I am also married to the lady having the gracious
name, Rajeshwari like Dr. BV. Raman. Obviously, there is no match to Dr. Raman
& the void created by him is difficult to fill in. Nevertheless, the mission left by
Prof, K.S. Krishnamurthy, Dr. B.V.Raman & Shri R.Santhanam, has to be taken
care of by the capable persons like Rajeshwari Shanker, the Editor of "The Times
of Astrology" and T.P. Trivedi ji & Mridula Trivedi ji, the authors of this book
through their original researches backed by experience as well as the principles
of Astrology propounded by our great seers & Acharyas since inception of the
Vedic Astrology.

I had a privilege to go through the monumental research work of the authors

contained in "Predicting Marriage11 prior to its publication. I also had a privilege
to discuss with the authors a few things contained in this book. It is immaterial
whether, I agree or not on a few researchful findings of the authors, but / must
congratulate them to have courage & conviction to slate that Jupiter does not influence
Mars favorably as mentioned in the classical text books to have cancellation of Kuja
Dosha. 1 reserve my opinion on this issue & 1 am sure, the readers come across
the other views on this very issue off and on through "The Times of Astrology"
under the able editorship of Rajeshwari Shanker ji who can not remain silent
over such topics for a long in the interest of the esteemed readers & scholars of
the divine science. However, it is noteworthy, that this finding of the authors,
found favour of the founder editor of "The Times of Astrology" in which, the
same was published for the first time.

Creative discussion always enriches the subject. Way back In 7990 when 1 was
posted in Luc know, this bookwas u nderprepamtion. During one of such discussions,
I suggested that in India at!east we could not ignore the fact that marriage is also
related to the happy home of the natives. The happy home Is signified by 4th house
& its loss house, the 12th to 4th, is 3rd house in a horoscope. My experience had been
that, broken marriages or breaks in married life or divorces and Judicial/forceful
separations are signifiedhy 3rd house. We may not predict such events correctly &
with precision without taking 3rd house into account. Now, if this is the case, how
can we ignore 4th house while predicting marriage? I requested to the authors to
look into it as till that time, I vras restricting mys elf to decipher divorces or separations
only with the help of 3rd house & did not venture into this new proposition. The
authors were very much in making of this book and they alone experimented
with this proposition of considering 4th house while predicting marriage. / am
more than glad, to hold that the creative flashes from cosmos capturedby our minds
transcend the limits of Time & can create sometimes History in any field Including
Astrology, the divine science.

This book is, undoubtedly, a compendium on Marriage & allied subjects in

Astrology and full of rare experiences & case studies not found anywhere in
any book. It will not be hyperbolic if I say that the world of Astrology is going to
receive this compendium for the first time only as there is available no such
book so complete in every sense of marriage. "Predicting Marriage" was simply
great, fascinating & complete in its first edition itself. However, the three new
Chapters in the Appendix- such as "Venus and Luminaries", "Akhand Saubhagya
Yoga" and "Predicting The Month of Marriage" are icing on the Cake in this
second Edition apart from its size, shape and presentability in view of its reader

I pray to God to bestow more vigour, insight, intuition & desire to serve the
whole population of the world, to Smt. Mridula Trivedi & Shri TP. Trivedi, the
authors so that more & more such onerous tasks can be completed by them. I
wish all success, prosperity & good things to them.

-Daya Shankar

Hon'YConsultant Editor
"The Times of Astrology"

Marriage is the most sacred social event and a pious bond between two
souls. It is a landmark in one's life which brings 'bouquets' for some
while 'brickbats' for some others. It can fill life with everlasting joy or can be the
begining of the end of happy life, 'Curiosity regarding marriage and life thereafter
is therefore, sometimes takes the shape of anxiety. Only. Astrology is capable of
meeting such queries. By suggesting suitbale solutions, astrology can definitely
provide solace to the anxious minds by predicting precisely the possible outcome,
and offer help to overcome certain planetary evils, lessen the maladies and soothe
the feelings.

Like all sciences, or arts, if one may call it, astrology too is a subjective study.
This is because words and thier connotations change with time. For example,
marriage, and a monogamous marriage at that, would have absolutely different
meaning in the life of a man than it would have in a polygamous society. Nawab
wazid Ali Shah, who is said to have 365 wives, one for each day in a year could
not have realised the importance of marriage more than taking a vitamin pill.
Classics have given Sutras to see for multiple marriages through Astrology. But
sutras of Yore cannot be applied verbatim in modem times. Today neither it is
economically viable nor socially and legally advisable or permissible to maintain
a fleet of wives. Therefore, the same sutras will not conform to decipher the
same results today. Likewise, various yogas have been enumerated in the
scriptures describing marriages at the age of one, two, three, four year etc. But
this may not be acceptable in any society today. These rules or aphorisms newer
& modern interpretation lest they lead to falliscious conclusions.

We have studied various combinations for marriage and its different aspects
and have presented them in the present book Predicting Marriage & Remedies.
Many of the older rules have lost their relevance in the present society and their
interpretation needs to be revised as we emphasised above. It has been our
sincere endeavour to find the meaning of such rules or aphorisms relevant to
the present times, and to maintain their authenticity. It has been done on the
basis of scientific analysis of thousands of birthcharts in our study.

The market is flooded today with a number of books on astrology discussing

various aspects of marriage. Apart from the classical works, most of the books
are repetitions of sutras without caring about their interpretations suitable to
Modem days. Those compilations may prove to be commerically viable for the
authors and publishers but certainly not to their gullible readers.

The Astrological Magazine, edited by Late. Dr. B.V, Raman had been the
pioneer in astrological research. New observations and research oriented articles
had been the salient features of this magazine. We are highly incfebted to Rev.
Babuji, Late Dr. BV. Raman, who had always been a source of inspiration to us.
Our first article was published in The Astrological Magazine way back in 1982 and
since then, in our overall astrological Journey of over 35 years, we have examined
thousands of marriages, verified sutras on nativities, and have written more than
300 articles published in various journals, mostly on marriage.

Various scholars of astrology have also done extraordinary and wonderful

research work on different facets of marriage. We felt that a lot of work still
remains to be done on this topic. The best we could find out of our study of so
many cases of marriages, we have sincerely endeavoured to encompas in
"Predicting Marriage" therefore. Study of this book will surely enable our
readers to understand the science of astrology in a different way applicable in
modem context. A few Keen readers may not agree with some of our
observations at first instance. However, when they apply the findings on
nativities, certainly they will find those useful, correct and rewarding.

We have made an honest effort to trace the missing links of practical

horoscopy related to marriage in this treatise. It gives us immense satisfaction
that our findings have been widely appreciated and acclaimed by many great
scholars of India.

Horoscope matching for marriage is a serious business and the rules therefore
have been handed down to us by our ancient sages, who wrote innumerable
treatisess on the rare art, summing up their life long experiences and keen
observations. We have tried to study the maximum number of ancient works
related to marriage and have even gone through the commentaries made by
eminent scholars from time to time, including the latest ones published
periodically in "The Astrological Magazine" and "The Times of Astrology".
Going through numerous works and practical experience, we realised that
horoscope matching is not just point matching, as it has been made out to be.
We have come across cases where over 90 percent of the points were perfectly
matched and still the marriage did not last long. At the same time, there are
cases of extremely happy married life by the God's grace with least number of
matching points. If tabulating points and matching them with the would be
spouse's horoscope had been the sole purpose and intent of horoscope matching
the computer would do the job perfectly. We have elucidated the importance of
point-matching, the pitfalls that the readers must watch for, and the degree of
reliance that ought to be placed on such match-making. We have modified the
traditional system of matching of horoscopes for a happy, Long lasting, married
life full of love, Joy, loyalty and devotion to each other.

We have suggested that Nakshatra Melapak may be ignored to some extent,

provided Bhava Melapak and Graha Melapak are present.

Kuja Dosh, another handy whip that the pundits use to cow down their clients

has been explained at length. Marriages solemnised and cleared by some
wayward pundits have been found to be seriously infected with Kujadosh, while,
at times, horoscopes rejected by many pundits have been found to be reasonably
compatible. Mathmatical calculation of Kujadosh and its use in horoscope
matching has also been explained with live examples. Presence of Mars in 5th
house in case of females, giving rise to Kujadosh has been our recent research
finding. It can also cause disturbances in married life, very much similar or
even more in other accepted positions of Mars for Kujadosh, This has been
proved by a number of live examples. The chapter Mars in Vth house has been
included in the later part of this work as chapter 20 to make the study exhaustive
on the effects of Mars on Marriages & Married life.

If is widely believed that the aspect or association of Jupiter with Mars

neutralises Kujadosh, However, in our research we found the results contrary. In
a number of cases, of almost all lagnas, we found that married life was full of
tregedy in spite of the influence of Jupiter on Mars either by way of conjunction
or aspect, particularly when Mars and Jupiter were placed opposite to each
other. We collected about 370 horoscopes where Jupiter was placed opposite
Mars and the native was Mangali, In most of the cases it caused havoc and
married life was disrupted. On the strength of these case studies we have not
found favour with the accepted view and submitted our humble observation
that adversities caused by Mars in Mangali persons, do not subside under the
influence of Jupiter, On the contraiy. Mars gets a boost and Mangal-dosh gets
enhanced. This observation was first published in "The Times of Astrology"
edited by Late Mr, R.Santhanam. Top scholars of the country like Dr. P,S. Sastri,
Mr.H.R. Shanker, Mr. P.S.Iyer, Mr. K.N.Rao, Mr. M.D. Trivedi and Dr. Nimai
Banerjeehave taken a note of it. The students of astrology may verify this finding
by their own experience and application.

Timing of any event is an extremely difficult exercise. Predicting the precise

period of marriage is no exception. The prediction of timing of marriage
accurately is the test of our ability, experience and knowledge and above all,
method of interpretation. To the existing set of rules for timing, we have added an
important and useful instrument and that is the consideration of fourth house in our
analysis. The fourth house is related to mind. A desire to own someone and be
responsible to him or her, comes under this house. That is the reason we have
taken fourth house into account for timing marriage. It has indeed given us
excellent results in our forecasts. This chapter also contains observations and
formulae laid down by many eminent scholars of astrology,

Navamsa Chart is a very important aid for astrological predictions and its
help, must be taken at the time of analysis of any birthchart -particularly when
tt is being analysed for marriage. Most of the authors of in astrology, seldom
consider Navamsa, as well as longitudes of planets, their direct and retrograde
movement etc. While doing so, they are not doing justice to this sublime science

of astrology. There are only a few, like Late Babuji Dr, B.V.Raman who had
never dealt with a single horoscope withoutWe have devoted a chapter
on Navamsa and of its interpretation and how we can make its best use for
predicting the timing of marriage. We thankfully acknowledge the help we
have taken from old issues of The Astrological Magazine and "The Times of
Astrology" in writing exhaustively on Navamsa,

The chapter entitled A Perspective on Prospective Spouse deals with the rules to
work out Rasi, Lagna, Nakshatra etc. of the would be life partner. The art of
foretelling the physical and facial appearance of the would be spouse, direction
and distance of the house of the would be partner, family background, nature
of occupation etc. have been explained with examples.

Delay in materialisation of marriage makes the parents worried and the

candidate dejected. It causes much tensions specially to girls. Many beautiful
and highly educated girls or respectable families lose their charm and
enthusiasm for marriage due to inexplicable delay and obstacles in marriage.
There are various sutras on this subject. We have presented all these in a brief
and useful manner for the convenience of our readers.

The intensity of influence of Saturn over the luminaries, the 7th or 2nd house,
Effects of retrograde planets and excessive distance between the Sun and Venus
are also very vital though more than often neglected factors in diagnosis of
delay. This chapter is a very useful part of predictive and remedial astrology.

Planetary relationship is still a great secret of astrological science. The more

we understand it, the more success we achieve in our practical observations.
We have always given great importance to this aspect in our study or analysis of
that birthcharts. The planetary nexus should be judged in the light of modem
social structure. Though polygamy was prevalent in ancient times, now, more
than one marriage is not so common these days. The set up and sturcture of
marriage keeps on changing with time. We have dealt with these aspects in the
chapter A Novel Approach to Multiple Marriages.

Children are cosmic cohesive force between husband & wife & contribute
much more than any thing else towards the happy married life. Hence, an
exclusive chapter Star & Sterility is also included in this work to make it
complete from all corners.

One should also know the dement of love & other matrimonial variables
becides children. If a few variables are missing, it may beocme difficult to pull
on marriage or married life. Initially, how love & afffections, play a role in marriage
& married life, is a separate study but without chapter on this exclusive topic,
no work on marriage can be said complete. The readers may find the chapter
15, Very much fascinating & thrilling with the live cases disussed therein.

One can not close his eyes also from the side of the closure of a married life.

Decreasing tolerance even in India, had caused in general, a thinking towards
Divorces. The chapter "Determinants of Divorce", may enlighten lot of new
comers in Astrology, We hope, it will not base the seniors in Astrology,

There is a very thin demercating line between a refined aalmic pleasure

(Anandam, transcendental joy) & sensuous pleasure which remains at the level
of body only. Nevertheless, the carnality affects the married life & an astrologer
has to decipher from the horoscope to this extent. The chapter "Pointers to
Caranality" has to be adopted carefully as the intention to include this chapter
in this work is not to hurt anybody not well versed in deep rooted knowledge
of Vedic Astrology. The new comers may read it for fun only till they get their
predictive skills enhanced to the advanced level.

There has been a separate branch Of Indian Astrology by the name of "Stree
Jatak" or female Horoscopy. The principles contained therein are also to be
interptreted with caution in Modem days. The chapter on STREE JATAK will
help the readers in nndertanding these principles in right prepective.

The efficacy of electing the auspicious time or Muhurta for marriage is proven
from the time immoriaL Not that, thai Muhurta can change the course of the
fruits to enjoy out of the marriage, but certainly, it helps in channelising the
energies of the couple in reaping the fruits of their Karmic actions in previous
incarnations to achieve the Goal of their life in a suitable manner without hurting
much the society as such. A brief discussion on Muhurta is in line with the
intentions of the authors to make the work as far as possible, complete one
covering all the aspects of Marriage & married Life.

We are highly grateful to Dr. Rakesh Asthana, who has carried out most of
the calculation work of birthcharts and has arranged the chapters in a proper*
sequence. Dr. Asthana, who is the Chief Medical officer, devoted time to edit
this work thoroughly despite his innumerable professional engagements. The
book in present form owes its existence to Dr. Asthana mainly, who is a close
family friend and well wisher of the authors. We will fail in our duty, if we do
not mention here the name of Great Soul, "Smt Rajeshwari Shaker", the present
editor of the illustrious magazine "The Times of Astrology" founded by Late
Shri R.Santhanam. She has not only achieved the heights of the divine science,
Astrology', By opening, a publication division of TOA, she has opened a new
arena for all research minded astrologers & scholars to gel their books published
under her auspices. Nishkaam Peeth Prakashan, a publication division of TOA
is serving the cause Of Astrology in a great way & we are proud of being
priveledged authors to get this work published by the same. May God bless her
& bestow more & more energy & grace to go on smoothly in her great mission
of serving the cause of Astrology, through the Magazine TOA as well as N,P,P,.
We realy owe our all sincere gratitudes to her & wish success in all of her

Lastly, we thank our readers who have given us this unique opportunity to
write for them. The appreciation of our writing by thousands of readers has
really given us great encouragement, energy and inspiration to express our
obsevations and to share our views with them. The readers are the best judge
and evaluators whose satisfaction and appreciation would be the biggest treasure
for us.

- Mridula Trivedi

T. Prakash Trivedi





Sex is the most basic instinct of practically all Jiving beings. The whole
creation is in a way the manifestation of the explosive yet regenerative
energy inherent in this instinct. The invisible force worldng behind the attraction
between two beings of opposite sexes is nothing else but this instinct.

Human civilization and culture have tried to contain this forceful

instinct in the form of marital relationships. The idea to discipline the
desire for togetherness born of this instinct lies at the very foundation of
the "concept of marriage. In fact marriage is the socially disciplined
expression of th sexual instinct. Marriage leads of family and family is
the primary unit of society. Family is the school,, laboratory and workshop
for the institutions and ideals of society. Marriage is the initial commitment
for family. It's importance, therefore, is indutable. Marriage alone provides
sexual gratification, emotional stability, economic security, personalty
growth, social sustenance and development and adequate scope for the
preservation of cultural values and beliefs all at once.

It is no wonder then that Grihasthashama has been accorded the pride of

place, for its multifarious utility and importance, in the Indian culture.
Manusmiriti applauds it in the following words :

"3jan tjrij qcfnl I

rTSIT Thf 3TT^FTT: I 1

18 Predicting Marriage

Eipf^ ^11

^ ^FCTPf; TPTc^f

^^BQRTT f^' I |"(M.S. 3.77-79)

that is, "just as all creatures depend on air for their life, similarly all Ashramas
are based on the Grihasthasharama. Since the Grihastha (the house holder) assists
the other three Ashramas with knowledge and food it is the Grihasthashrama
which is the best and highest. The person who desires happiness in this world
and in paradise should follow the Grihasthashrama. Persons with weak
constitution cannot sustain it." From this it is clear that marriage is the focal
point of all social activities.
Synonyms for Marriage - Right from the vedic age upto the present time
several synonyms for marriage have been in vogue, such as (1) Vivah, (2) Vahatu,
(3) Udvah, (4) Panigrahan, (5) Vedan, (6) Parinaya, (7) Upyaman. All these terms
described some one ritual of the marriage ceremony but with the passage of
time came to be used as synonyms formarriage itself. Different sages like Aparark,
Sayana, Katyayana, Parashar, Yogyavalkya, Yash, Panini and Manu validated
marriage as a ceremony and way of life through usage of these terms. But the
most widely used term remains "Vivah". To accord the status of wife to a young
woman all the ceremonies right from betrothal to sighting the Saptarishi taken
together are called "Vivah" ormarriage:-

TO? VWPT: Mlk114|:

: TTTmR:

crePT: I'

The Institution of Marriage ; Origin and Development - According to Proof.

Kaney (Vivah or marriage is a "Samskara" or ceremony which maintains the
contnity of progeny and unites a man and a woman through self-discipline, self-
sacrifice and cooperation leading to fulfilment in life.
But this body of thought did not take shape in a day. The history of the
development of human civilization and cultures is inseperably women with it.
The primitive man knew nothing but his natural instincts in Mahabharata
when Pandu motivates kunti for "Niyog" ("begetting children from a man other
than one"s husband with the consent of the latter) he quotes the episode of
Shwetaketu in which uninhibited and free sexual conduct being accepted and
endorsed by society has been mentioned.


Hindu Marriage in the mirror of time 19

cTRTf ^"kwid ^Tpt I

'TrERTS'^T % Ejrf: ^TSTWcf I I


vjti^ vjrI^ q Jcl i

^ 1% epf: ^RRFT: I I

^RT xm ^hf er4: ^HldH: |

SFTT^cTT ft quj^R^qHI | |

'TT^: f^ldl'tdm qFf cT®n TfuTT: I r(Maha../Adi 113,7,7)

that is 'women were uncontrolled in ancient times. They were sexually free
and promiscuous. In those days it was not considered sinful to have other men
apart from the husband. This was the convention of that time. Even sages have
acknowledged and respected this convention. The Uttarkurus still follow this
convention. This eternal convention is suitable for women/

But this primitive system which supported freeand uncontrolled sexual unions
and a marriage-less society changed, albeit gradually. At some prudent point in
the long journey of human civilization the institution of marriage came into being.
The natural urge of sexual gratification between the two members of opposite
gender, the need of having a familyand setting up a some, the desire to perpetuate
the Vansh or lineage, the need to life together with a feeling of belonging and
possession and, last but not the least, the notion of the formal division of labour all
went into the birth of the institution of marriage and family. It was already pretty
well-developed 30 thousand years before Christ. A host of Indian and western
socialogists and anthropologists have admitted the gradual development of the
institution of marriage.

In India, too, by the times of the Rigvedic society marriage was firmly
established. Some scholars believe Shwetketu, the son of sage Uddalaka, to be
the founder of this institution. But shwetketu himself supported his ideas with
quotes from the 'Shruti':

'cmrf^r RiCtklRi r

It is, therefore, proper to assume that the institution of marriage is the ultimate
fruition of natural human intelligence and prudence. Today it is found in almost
all human societes with various cultural differences.

In India Manu and Shatrupa are considered the first human married couple

$ iBffircrss ^ttt"

Marriage, since times immemorial, has been recognised more as a religious

20 Predicting Marriage

than social institution in India. That is why even now it is performed as a religious
and ceremonially integrated act.

The Smritikars have recognised eight types of marriages :

^ipEraT 11"

that is - Brahma, Daiva, Aarsha, Prajapatya, Aasura, Gandharva, Rakshasa

and Paishacha. These types have been classifed into two categories -

1. Recommended

2. Not recommended

The first four are recommended and the rest are not recommeded. They can
be described in brief as in the following
1. Paishacha - This was the worst and the lowest type of marriage. According
to sages like Gautama, Vishnu, Yagyavalkya, Devala and the Aashvtayana
Grihyasutra this type of marriage takes place when a girl who is asleep intoxicated
or in a swoon is forcibly abducted, raped and then married with. This uncivilized
and barbaric type of marraige was not prevalent anywhere except in primitive
tribal societies. According to Manu

"^clf BrTT JFfclf TT TFl |

f^TYRT I 1"
2. Rakshasa - Vishnu and Yagyavalkya believe this type of marriage to be born
of warfare. In the opinion of Menu

TAB ftJAB xf f^TAB B I

BW qfBBf FTcfl RISfffr | |"

that is-abducting a girl who is weeping and lamenting after killing or

wounding her family/relatives is the Rakshasa marriage.
Treating women as part of the loot in a battle was a practice of barbaric
cultures. Even now, though, in many civilized communities the bridegroom
simulates abduction of the bride as part of the marriage situals. In bygone ages
it was an act of valour, specially for the warrior class - the Kahstriyas (Righveda
: In certain cases the girl gave her tacit consent and her abduction,
then, was a symbol of power and bravery i.e.

1- (B. TfJ. 324) (Manu Smriti -324)

2- ^ tfafrurerecf battgri (m 1245) (Maha - 1245)

3- aid<bddll^ul4d STRT (BT^cl) (Hareel)

4- TBcR; 'H^gd^^fcl) (Deval)

Hindu Marriage in the mirror of time 21

But this mode of displaying valour and manliness was not appreciated.
During the 12th century A.D. after the decline of the Rajputs and the rise of
the agricultural and trading class among the Hindus this type of marriage
practice came to an end.

S.Gandharva - This type of marriage was practiced by the Gandarva

comunity inhabiting the Himalayan foothills. This was especially prevalent among
the Kshatriyas. Being the most natural it may be called the oldest also. According
to Manu when a girl and her groom mated voluntarily because of mutual love
and attraction it was called the Gandharva Yivah.

^ AHWAA: 11"

Sages Aashvatayana, Harret and Gautama etc. have described Jthis type of
marriage in detail. In Vedic times a girl who had come of age had the overt or
covert consent and permission of her parents/quardians t(>choose a suitable groos
for hereself.

"an ^nfrf ttaht <gAm ttf at wfc

(Atharvaved 2.36)

It was recommended because it was motivated by love but, at the same time,
not recommeded because it lacked religious ceremonies. With the rise of rights
over progeny and familial discipline this type of marriage also defined.

4. Aasura - The marriage which takes place after the groom gives money to
the girl and her family and then freely marries her is called Aasura
"strfcTRft Afar AfAT 3PAT3 xN SlfacRT; I

JfTATraATA spf AxArl ] |" (M.S. 3.31)

In the times when barbaric tendencies predominated, a publicly accepted

marriage which was entered into with mutual consentt because of any one of
several reasons, such as greed, profit, compulsion, promise, ownership etc.,
was relatively a better custom. Though wives bought for purpose of satisfying
carnal needs were untrustworthy and devoid of charater, it was believed.

"anjrT AT w APltfcI AT

flfldl Arft 31^; AARfcl I r(Maitrayani S. -1.10.11)

The patriarch of the kauravas and PandavasBhishmahad arranged for wives,

hich and been bought for the princes of the Kurus. But gardually the concept
of Kanyadan or giving away a girl in marriage was strengthened due to religious
reasons. In that case selling her or making monetary or otherwise gains through
22 Predicting Marriage

her marriage came to be deplored. The authors of the Smritis have

condemned it

(<£) fttfj fq^PT I

cfh^T I 1" (M.S. - 3.51)

(The learned father of the girl should not accept even a bit of money. He who
takes money because of greed is a seller of his child).

^IcHlldrhM"!: TfdT | |

qrrPri ^ ^rini i

(Those who blind with greed, give away their daughter for money are sellers
of self and heinous sinners. They fall into the worst hell and destroy the punya
the divine grace - earned by seven past generations.)

This type of marriage was never appreciated. On the flip side of the same we
see the widely prevalent practice of giving dowry to purchase a groom. We have
one example of this in the Vedic times (Rig Yeda : 10.85). Thus we see that while
on the one hand the practice of taking bride-price declined on the other paying a
price for the groom indirectly in the form of a dowry become the norm. The
cruel inhuman and monstrous form taken by the system of dowry in modem
times is there for everybody to see.

5. Prajapatya - In this type a man and woman got married to beget children
with religious sanction in order to pay the debt of Prajapati Aashwatayana,
Gautam and Manu have defined it thus only.

"WWt TOTf EFfPrfcT Y |

I I" (M.S. 3.30)

This type of marriage was more like a pact. But the later practice of chile-
marriages and the religious aspect of marriage discouraged this type.

6. Aarsh: This type of marriage was practiced among the priests belonging to
the Rishi tradition and those Brahmins who performed yogyas This marriage
took place on the gromm giving a couple rituals like the yogyas. Aashvatayana
and Baudhayana, Veermitrodaya Aapastamba and Manu have endorsed as much.

"Wb t cRKIdlT cnfrT: |

^ I I" (M.S. 3.29)

Though small it was still a bride-price. When the tradition of yogyas declined
and the importance of Kanyadan rose, this type of marriage became obsolete.
Hindu Marriage in the mirror of time 23

7.Daiva - Treating the daughter as a thing when the father gave her to his
Ritvij priest it was called the Daiva type of marriage. This type encouranged
polygamy :

4,^1 ^ WOT? |31T | ['(Aap.Grsu.-I.e)

As the glory and importance of priests declined so did this type of marriage.

5.Brahma - It is the most appreciated, highly recommended, pure, well-

developed and, at present, the most widely prevalent form of marriage. The
father of the bride himself invited the learned and well-bred groom, offered him
due respect and hospitality and, without accepting any money or bride-price,
gave away his daughter after bedecking her with clothes and jewels according
to his means alongwith Dakshina.

"31TWra WRkdl Tf -5|fcRflcra# TWI I

<F*rRTT ^1# enf: I I"

The Smritis consider it the most respectable form of marriage because it rules
out physical violence, forced sex, material contract, monetary gain and other
kind of unrestrained and dishonourable social behaviour. It requires a prolonged
culture of social practices. The marriage of Soma with Surya was the origin of
this type of marriage. Despite various shortcomings which have crept into it
owing to time and place specifies it still reamains the most genteel, sophisticated,
graceful. Safe and cultured form of marriage.

If we overlook those who remain unmarried due to social circumstances,

personal problems or purposes of renunciation we may safely assume that getting
married is the natural wish of almost everybody. From Vedic-times onwards
people have been mindful in some way or the other of their household.
Atharvaved has a prayer to Deveshwara for granting a wife

rR uFfakt tSTRT HcEF 11 (Ath. Ved- 6.82.3)

The glory of the Grihasthesh - Hardatta, the propounder of the Gautama

Sutra, opines that all the Vedas, Shastras, Itihasas and Puranas mainly expound
the obligations and duties of the Grihasthasharam. All the Aacharyas consider it
to be the central point. Those men who could not maintain it were advised to
follow other Aashramas. From these ancient texts up till now entry into this
Aashrama is considered the very basis of sociability. This Aashrama cannot
come into existence without a spouse.

Accordin to Parashar a man does not become a householder merely by having

24 Predicting Marriage

a home and being master in it. For that he must have a wife:-

Completion/perfection of personality - The concept of Ardhanarishwara

has existed in India since times immemorial. Only after getting married does a
young man or woman attain completion. The epithet Ardhangini depicts this
very concept. Literature, Science, Scriptures - all accept this truth. Before
marriage a man is half on incomplete

>PJtT: I (Sk. Pu. 123.62)

He should marry at a suitable age

THTf T R-dRl I

d^lld ^mr^f dWdR'JFBJ I' (Bliav. Pu.)

Manu includes children also alongwith the wife in this process of becoming

SdiqHq <tvAJii4iicni"Mvj)fn "^l (M.S. 9.45)

Repaying the debts - To repay the Four or the Three Debts, it is compulsory
to get married. A man is under the debt of gods, ancestors, fellowmen and
other creatures. They can only be paid back through marriage. Not paying the
debts causes the alroung downfall of a person. Besides begetting a son is also
important because he alone carries forward all worldly and religious duties and

Performing religious obligations - A wife is indispensable for performing

religious acts like yagya-yaga, worshipping gods, and 'Pitrishraddha' (annual
ceremonial) offerings for the peace of the departed souls of forefathers). If a
man performs these sans wife they do not bear fruit. Markandeya Purana states
that a man without wife cannot perform any religious duty

fl^T T r (MarkPu. -6723)

Domestic economy - Since the Vedic times wife has assisted her husband in
earning a livelihood and manging the earnings. That is why she is called the

Social repectability - In so many ways a wife helps her husband in leading a

disclipined and responsible life according to the tenets of religion and echics.
She saves him from ills

'^KqxrHqicl cfcl: 1' (SkPu. 12.15.19)

That is why a man with was considered trustworthy

^RT: iRMlfcl: 1' (MahaAadi 744.4)

He catharises his beasialify in her company. Consequently his sociability is

Hindu Marriage in the mirror of time 25

Gratification of libido - The chief goal of marriage is to satisfy the sexual

urge, which like hunger, sleep and fear is unavoidable, in a regulated, controlled
and socially beneficial manner. As physical of sexual relations outside marriage
are condemnable so religion has sanctioned satisfying of sexual needs, through
marriage. Aacharya Vatsyayana opines that for men of the four Varnas having
sex with a virgin of their own varna after marriage leads of children, fame and
prosperity. An excess of sex or total abstention both are equally harmful. Besides
it is only after experienceing its fulfilment that one can transcend sex. For the
maintenance of the highest moral values and virtuous conduct it is possible for a
man to be disciplined in every way. It is not possible for a man to excercise
contrdover his heart and the five senses unless he has a wife. Thus marriage is
necessary for him.

Salvation - Traditional Indian culture provides a very beautiful and balanced

combination of wordly tendencies and spiritual inclinations. Marriage makes
provisions for material fulfilment as well as it shows the way to detachment.
Detachment from sensual gratification is possible only after one has experienced
it. Therefore, those who stay away from marital life thinking it to be an
impediment to salvation, are unwise. A wife keeps her husband away from sin-
(Naradpurana: 28.53.54).

All these needs are common to both man and woman. Making any
discrimination between the two is a folly. Marriage is necessary for a woman as
much as for a man in order to fulfil the fourfold obligations of Dharma - Artha -
Kama and Moksha (i.e. piety, material issues, libido and salvation. Both equally
share the aims and objectives of marriage:-


that is in fufillmgreligious obligations,begetting children, performing yogyas

and making offering to Brahma-Dev-Rishis,man and woman equally participate.

Ambit of Marriage

The first requirment in marriage is a thorough knowledge of the families of

the bride and groom. Manu has instructed marriage with a good family

ftcS W^TFTTrrtvtRT |

(Veermitrodaya -2.587)

There is a general principle that in a marriage a girl is given to a family

rather than an individual. This principle was thoroughly abused. All qualities
and qualifications of the groom were neglected for the sake of his family. But
Manu has laid down very clear directions for judging between desirable and
undesirable families.
26 Predicting Marriage

The desirable ones are those that are known for following the ways of the
scriptures; these who have a high lineage; duly practise self-control, have
contact with other good families; enjoy prestige in society are contened, gentle
and religious; can discriminate between worthy and unworthy conduct; are
peace loving and free of greed, anger, jealousy, vanity and affectation.

The undersirables are those that are devoid of good conduct; have no male
progeny; have no tradition of knowledge of Shastras; have unwanted hair on
the body; suffer from tubercolosis, leprosy, leukoderma, syphillis or other
infectious diseases; are too tall or too thin : orphysically, disabled, having
excess bodypafts are too fair or too dark; have cruel disposition; are cowardly,
wicked or pmpotent; or earn their livelihood through prohibited means.

In fact the importance being given to a good lineage springs from

considerations of procreation. For the best kind of progeny both husband
and wife should be fully suitable mentally, morally and physically. The culture
and habits of the family are inherited by the children.

farplf Wl iftvf 1

^ cpsriR "Pi WRII I (Veermi. H - 258)

that is, offspring inharit qualifies from both mother and father. Children
born of bad parentage cannot got rid of its traits.

The tradition of marrying outside ones gotra and within ones caste or vama
has been present in soom form or the other since the Vedic times. Marriages
outside ones Gotra came to be practised because of reasons based on genetic
science, social well-being and purity of blood.

The term Gotra stood for a cowshed. But with the passage of time it came
to signify community or group. The oldest mention of it is found in the episode
of Satyakama Jabala, (Chhandogya Upanishada, 4.4.1). By the time of
Gautama the Buddha the system of Gotra was well established. At present
marriage with a person of the same Gotra is not appreciated. Although the
Hindu Code Bill has supported it. In this regard Kalidasa has analysed in his


TFrTFTt ^ RracT 4?nq|c|^M-

I l(U.K./karma/2)
He advises that the bride and groom should not have common
forefather in the past seven generations of the father and five generations of
the mother. Also :-
Hindu Marriage in the mirror of time 27


nqld Tfj1 'HMrifd^^TRT I

vfrM^leHHqu^'lciyull cTT cff 'T !(U.K./karma/7)11

that is, the son from the first wife shares the 'Pinda' with the offspring from
the second wife for next three generations. In this condition marriage is

Manu declared marriage within the same Gotra absolutely illegal. Such
marriages and children from such marriages are not legally valid:

3RTf^T ^ ^ TJI f^fcT; I

W M^IWI I l(M.S. 3.5)

Marriage within the same caste - He instructed that each Varna or caste
should marry within itself

^rrqf ^r4uff (M.S. 3.4)

Marriage outside the caste - The earliest form of intercaste marriage is ancient
India is to be found in those instances where a high caste man married a woman
from a lower caste. Many sages of the Rigvedic period, such as Vimad/ Chyavan
and Shyavashva, married girls from royal khastriya families. This kind ofmarriage
was termed 'Anulom Vivah1

In a reverse situation when a low caste man married a woman of a higher

caste, it is was called a Pratilom Vivah1. In Aashvatayana Grihyasutra it is said
that a slave of the familycould marry his master's widow, just as the late husband's
younger brother could marry her (Aash. Griha. 4.2.]8).

In fact in ancient India marriage with a woman of any other caste except a
Shudra woman was considered legally valid. Still, Manu has termed inter-caste
marriages, 'lust-born'.

In present times there are not only castes but sub-castes as well. Yet gradually
inter-caste and inter-religious marriages are taking place.

In present times there are not only castes but sub-castes as well. Yet gradually
inter-caste and inter-religious marriages are taking place.

Requirement for a good bride

In ancient India a good bride was selected only after a thorough consideration
was given to her Varna, caste, gotra, family, personlity traits and physical
characteristics, Brahma Purana instructs to pay careful attention to her lineage,
looks, age, financial position, education and character (Brahma Purana, Gautami
28 Predicting Ma rriage

Khand 95.J9-20). According to Aashvatayana Grihyasntra it is advisable to marry

a girl who passesses intelligence, good looks, good breeding and health alongwith
auspicious signs.

By "the Mahabharata time standards for the bride's physical attributes had
been established Kamasutra, Bhavishya Purana, Manusmriti, Padma Purana,
Brihatparashar Smriti, Vishnu Smriti, Narad Smriti etc. Furnish several detailed
descriptions of these attributes.

The parents or guardians of a girl did not consider the matter of her marriage
till she came of age even in the Vedic period. Usually a marriage was performed
only'after the girl reached puberty. She waited even a long time for a suitable
groom. Parents did not act irresponsibly by getting her married to an unsuitable
or unfit groom in order to be free from her burden.

Marriage at an unripe age came into existence with the gradual loss of India's
freedom and disregard for women's rights. Otherwise Sushruta had fixed 16
and 25 years as suitable age of marriage for a woman and a man respectively. In
modern times also child marriages legally for bidden.

The minutely detailed analysis of a bride's physical attributes, though available

in many ancient works, is totally irrelevant in the modern context. Save for the
characteristic of some visible parts, a scrutiny of herentire body is not supportable
from any point of view. It merely underscores the attitude of a male-priented
society towards women as a commodity for enjoyment. Only those traits that are
related to her mental soundness are, of course, worth considering.

The Brihatparashar Hovashastra in one of its chapters gives more than fifty
physical signs to be considered. If one wanted to select a bride on the basis of all
of these he would never get married. It is better to followthe advice of Bharadvaja

CTI Pieiiq 511^-1 <t>R«tfti | 1" ^fcT I (Bhara. Gr. -1.12)

that is, 'a man should marry the girl whom his heart desires, and whose
looks would always fascinatehis eyes. Such a girl is considered to be possessing
auspicious signs. What has one to do with her intelligence or knowledge?'

Sage Yagyavalkya also gave priority to grade and beauty like Manu who says.

"SJczprM I

dri.dWkMcHI I I" (M.S. - 3.10)

that is, 'a woman who is free from physical defects, who has a soft-sounding
name, who moves like a swan or an elephant, has the fight kind of hair on her
head and body, who has small even teeth and tender limbs is suitable for
Hindu Marriage in the mirror of time 29

marriage'. Shatatapa endorses this opinion. The traits for which girls are rejected
in marriage are as follows

"Light haired, with some extra body-part, sick hairless or hirsuit, garrulous,
yellow-eyed, ill-tempered, audacious, past-youth, suffering from jaundice, two
tall or too short, of fearsome looks, bearing an ugly name based on some star,
mounain, river, tree, bird of low species, snake or slave is not fit for marriage."
(Manusmiriti, 3.8. and 3.9).

A girl who did not have a brother was also not preferred. But one who was
younger than the groom, a virgin and potentially fertile was declared a suitable
prospective wife.

In acutal practice the sound elements out of all these recommended traits were
kept in mind. If all the instructions of these Shastras were followed then few
lucky girls would have got married. Some of these instructions were degarding,
inhuman and barbaric. For instance, one should only marry the girl who looks
beautiful even without clothes, because even an ugly woman looks attractive
bedeked with cloths and ornaments. Not all women are comely when totally
naked, says the Manav Grihyasutra (1.78). Thankfully, such tendencies lost their
force in the onward march of human knowledge amd wisdom. Yet sometimes
one has the queasy premonition that they are rearing their ugly head again.

Requirements of or a good groom - In this context the following qualities

have been traditionally accepted.

"Rich handsome, educated, healthy of a good character, having relatives and

friends, of a good lineage and well-bred, young, manly, kind and celibate."
Yagvalkya wants all those traits in him also which are desirable in a bride. All
sages have laid utmost stress on properly observed TJrahmacharya. Lingapurana
has given maximum importance to the youth of the groom ;-

crenl: I I" (Veer. II752)

that is, 'a age is prime consderation, all other characteristics come after that.
In a man, who is past marriageable age, what is the use of other traits?1

Yama has presented the most reasonable account of a groom's qualities :-

'q>d ^ tfioi "21 Iqtti Rtxi "q I

WFj ^TT j |" (Veer. 11-751)

that, is, family, character, physique, age, education, riches and means should
be examined and then the girl should be married. Apart from all these nothing
need be considered.
30 Pre diet ing Marriage

Manliness is a compulsory quality for a groom

^ WuHf ^RT: |

Hl41^ | | (Par. Gr. Su. -18) ■

that is, 'women are for having children. They are the fields and men are the
ones bearing seed. A field should be given to the seed bearer. A man without
seed is not fit for a woman.' But virginity was not extermely important for a

Insane, depraved, leper, impotent, of the same Gotra, blind, deaf, epileptic,
residing in a distant place, uneducated, over religious, poor, excessively rich,
very weak, jobless, and stupid grooms are to be rejected. This is the opinion of
Katyayana Smriti, Brihatparasharsmritiand Skandpurana. The parent or guardian
who gives (in marriage) an accomplished a girl to an unworthy groom; are sinners
and go to hell. If Kanyadan is made to such a groom by mistake then it should be

cmprRr ^rf r (vash. veer. n. 758)

But over the ages these qualities recommended for a worthy groom were
neglected and ignored because of several reasons.
Marriage Cermony

A whole system of marriage rituals was initiated and practised with a view to
codifying public conduct according to the instructions and opinions of the
Shastras as well attaining various direct and indirect objectives. In the begining
these ritulas were simple and uncomplicated. But with the passage of time they
gradually became complicated and complex. Rigveda and Atharva Veda in their
Suktas dealing with marriage provide a whole body of symobolic and
metaphorical matter in this context.

(Rigveda 108.5, Atharvaveda 141.2). In the period of the Sutras an effort was
made to give this matter a commonly acceptable shape by combining it with
place and people specifics. All the Samskaras were listed sequentially. Paraskar
Grihyasutra (1.4 -8) gives the nomenclature for the marriage rituals as follows

1. Arghya and Modhupark 2. Vastra-Paridhan

3.Saraanjan 4. Nishkramana

5. Sameekshana 6. Agni-Pradikshana

7. Vaivahik-hom, Aajyahuti and Abhyatan Home

8. Lajk horn a, 9. Panigriana

Hindu Marriage in the mirror of time 31

10. Ashmarohana 11. Gaatha Gaan

12. Agni-Parikramana 13. Shesha Laja Homa

14. Saptapadi 15. Moordhabhisheka

16. Suryadarshan 17. Hridayasparsha

18. Abhimantrana 19. Vrish Charma Aasana

20. Gram Vachana 21. Aacharya Dakshina

22. Dhruva Darshana 23.Tmatra Vrata

24. Aavasathya Homa 25. Udaahana

26. Chaturthi Karma 27. Moordhishinchana

28. Sthalipak Prekshana 29. Pativaratya Prathamopdesha

30. Garbhadhana

It is obvious from the above that alongwith Vedic rituals, local rituals were
also given an important place.

The marriage rituals currently practiced all over India have been classified
into modes as 'Paddhati' by Dr. Rajbali Pandeya

1. Mandalik Paddhati 2. Gadadhar Paddhati

(Hindu Samskara 262-263)

The frist is practised in the south and the second is popular in the north of
the country. They have most of the rituals common between them, with a few
variations or additions and delitions.

According to Shankarcharya

*HWl % WcT ifrfPTHpfa m 1'

that is, Samskara or cremony is an eraser of defects and establisher of virtues.

These various Sanskaras may be defined as follows

1. Vagdan (Betrothal) - According to Chandeshwara

W tpi dKlfRl xl |

^ TTRT ^ I | (Krit. Chintamani)

that is, 'the brother of the bride to be alongwith Brahamins should go to the
house of the groom-to-for fixing the marriage and present him flowers, fruited,
clothes and upaveeta etc.

Presently this ceremony is called Tilaka'and it also includes alongwith gifts a

sum of money also. In south India this ceremony is practised for seeing the
32 Predicting Marriage

bride to be and fixing the marriage. At some places it has been divided into tow
ceremonies Varechanand Phala Dana.

2. The Day of Marriage - After the betrothal or Vagadana the Aacharyas of

both the sides, i.e. the bride's and the groom's decide an auspicious time and
day of the marriage after considering astrological principles.

3. Mridaharana - This is a folk or local tradition. On some auspicious day the

family members bring some pure soil. In this ritual a paste made of turmeric
and oil is also applied on the body of the bride and the groom.

4.Ganapati Poojan - One day prior to marriage lord Ganesha is worshipped

with proper rituals, a canopy or'Mandap'is erected, an altar is built underneath
it and the father of the bride, together with his wife, puts on new clothes and
makes a pledge or 'Sankalpa' This is an essential ceremony.

5.Ghatika - In modern times everybody carries a watc to indicate time. But

in ancient it didn't exist. Besides it does not indicate the exact time Of lagna for
marriage as per local time. In olden days a 'ghatika' was used for this. It was a
small copper vessel shaped like a bowl with a hole at the bottom. This 'ghatika'
was floated on water in a wide-mouthed vessel. The bowl and the hole in it were
made with such exact-measurements that it took precisely 60 palas (24 minutes) to
sink in the vessel. A person sitting close by made a mark on the wall and at once
floated the 'ghatika' again on the water surface. Thus the prescribed lagna with
the precise 'ghati' and 'pala' could be arrived at Even today in hilly-regions this
method is used at the time of marriage or 'yagyopaveeta' (putting on the sacred
thread). THis ghatika is set at down. It is worshipped with the following mantra



(O Ghati, you were created by Brahma as the chief of instrments, because it

is you who mark the time indicate of the furture happiness or unhappiness of
the couple.)

6. Vaivahik Snana - This is the ritual bath that the groom takes before leaving
for the bride's place. He puts on fine clothes, perfumes and jewels after this and
then offers worship to the gods. A feast for the family follows.

7. Var Yatra - According to the sage Shaunaka -

that is after getting the 'kautuka-bandhan' tied (on his wrist) the groom gets on
some suitable mount and with his friends and family leaves for the bride's place.

Before the marriage ceremony certain auspicious articles in a small cloth-

Hindu Marriage in the mirror of time 33

piece are tied with a thread in the wrist of both bride and the groom to the
accompaniment of chanting of the mantras. This is called 'Kantuk Bandhanam'.
This thread indicates that the girl and the boy are going to get married.

8. Madhuparka - In ancient India this was quite an eleborately observed ritual.

It was reserved for persons of high status and prestige in society. But the bride's
father always performed it to accord respect to the groom at the time of
welcoming, him. Offering a seat and water, washing the feat and presenting
gifts were essentials of this ritual, washing the feat and presenting gifts were
essentials of this rituals. Giving away a cow is also recommended on this occasion.

9. Vadhu Satkar - The bride, who has offered worship to Goddness Gauri and her
family deity, is bedecked and then given a seat. The groom then arranges the holy fire.

10. Vastra dana - The groom presented to the bride clothes (for the lower half
of the body) siting under the marriage-canopy. Now-a-days these clothqs are
sent prior to the ceremony.

ll.Samanjan - The father of the bride anoints the brow of both the bride and
the groom with water. They recite a Richa at the time which means - 'Vishwadev
and water may join our hearts in one and Matarishwa, Dhata and Deshtri Devata
may unite us.' This is symoblic of love and, therefore, of the imminent ultimate
relation between the bride and the groom.

12. Gotrochara - Before Kanyadana the priests call aloud the 'gotras' of the
bride and the groom.

13. Kanyadana - This is the main part of the marriage ceremony. In this the
father gives away his daughter in marriage to the groom. On this occasion itself
the aims and objectives of marriage and the respective duties and obligations of
both bride and the groom are explained and pledged.

According to Vaikhanas Smartasutra the father gives away his daughter to

the groom to make her his companion, to perform religious duties, to beget
children, to perform yagyas and to satisfy Brahmin, deity, Rishis and the

The groom pledges that he would achieve the aims of Dharma, Artha, Kama
and Moksha alongwith his bride only.

"cTTfxnsf ^ HifcNRdciifcri" (JaiminiSu. -6.1.14)


^Trillv^l _ vto|TT gjcf: I" (La, Sm. 15.27)

Skandapurana states that the family and Brahmins of the giver of the bride
shonld ordain the during the life time of her husband and even after his death
she will remain his 'Shadharmacharini' -

'^-UlwHcldlSv^ddlsft^T 1 J" jlSk. Pu. 4.4.52)

34 Predicting Marriage

After Kanyadana the groom acquires total rights over the bride - so states
Manu :

'W^Pf ('(MS.5.152)

It is endorsed by his commentater Kullooka.

Mahabharata says that although Panigrahana (holding hands) and Saptapadi

(walking seven steps together) were necessary to complete the marriage yet it
was kanyadana which gave the rights of ownership of the bride to the groom.

Kanyadana could be performed by the father, grandfather brother, mother,

maternal grandfather, some person of the same family or the chief of the land.

14. Pratibandha - The guardian of the bride takes thrice the promise from
the groom that - T would not neglect or ignore her in the attainment of Dharma,
Artha and Kama.' After this promise he is presented with gifts.

15. Sameekshana - while having a look at the bride's face the groom expresses
this wish

' WIT: |

cn^^iHi ^TRI *Tcr |" (Rigvcda- 10.85.44)

that is, 'may the eyes of the bride be gentle, may she not be harmful for ther
husband's life, may she be the harbinger of good for the cattle, may she possess
a good heart and glory, may she give birth to brave sons, may she be affectionate
to the younger brothers of her husband, may she be beautiful and lucky for the
family members and the cattle.

This, in a way explains the future duties and obligations of the bride in her
marital home.

16. Nishkramana - This is the moment when the bride comes out of the conopy
where she has been given away. At this moment the her pain on leaving her
parental home.

f^uqi|U|T TT W I I" (Pa, Gr. Su. 1.4.15)

that is, 'where is your mind like the wind, roaming in all direction? May the
wind that scatterer of golden leaves, focus your mind in me.

17.Kankand Bandhanam - For protection from hurdles and problems right

from leaving the marriage-site to the consummation of marriage a thread of
protection is tied. But now-a-days it is merely a thing of decoration.

18.Home - After this various Homas are performed. In Rashtra-bhrita 12, in

Saya 13 and in Abhyatana 18 Aahutis (offerings in the fire) are given. The aim
Hindu Marriage in the mirror of lime 35

is to ensure protection and strengthening of the groom. It is followed by the

chanting of the 5 mantras from Chhandogya Brahmin while doing Aajya Homa.
This is for the longevity of the future offspring of the bride. For the long life of
her husband the bride performs the Laja Homa which is also symbolic of fertility
prosperity. Her brother puts handful of cooked-cereal in her han. The groom
prays to the Agni- (fire) and the bride porpitiates it-

'May my husband live long and our union be blessed with prosperity-Swaha. 1
have dropped this cereal in the fire, may it make you properous and join me withy ou-
Swaha. May the fire grant us these boons-Swaha.'

With this the girl given in marriage attains the honourable status of a wife.

19 Agani-Sakshi- The fire is witness of the sanctity and stability of marriage.

Many sages and Aacharyas have accorded profound recognition to this
witnessing by the Fire. Atharva Ved, Narad Purana, Kumara Sambhava etc.
have endorsed this sanction.

20. Agni-Pradikshana - Skand Purana says that by going round the sacred
fire the bride expresses that she will be the begetter of Dharma, Artha, Kama
and Moksha for her husband

RMIi^ I (SkandPu.6.144.139)

According to Dr. Mahesh Chandra Joshi its objective are to show respect to
the fire, destroying the sins committed earlier, assuring happiness and prosperity
in married life and enhancing love between the couple.

11. Panigrahana - It is symbolic of friendship, assurance, promise and

companionship. To bear the responsibility of the bride, given to him by the

deities and the father, is the groom's duty. A wife is obtained not by one's wish,

but by the grace and blessings of the gods. The mantras of panigrahana confer

wifehood on the girl. It also contains the deep meaning of proereation.

SFTtStFlft'l Tfi W TTTFTTtSlf |

TrnTFlFrf^T "tr-m ^ifTe? Atfi J | (Atharva Veda 14.2.71)

that is, 'the relationship of the bride and the groom is mutually dependant

like that of Sama and Richa and Earth.' Katyayana has used the term

'Panigriheetee' for the wife. Manusmriti, Naradmriti and Yama Prakarana etc.

have, called Panigrahana the conferor of wifehood

f^Tcf cfRcTSFFT 1" (Narad Sm. -122)

36 Predicting Marriage

According to Aapastamba Dharma Sutra only after this ritual do husband

and wife get the right to share euqally the performing of all actions and earning
and spending money as well as Punyas - the divine grace. The groom takes the
right hand of the bride with these words



T take you hand for good fortune. May you live long with me. The deities
Bhag, Savita, Vishnu and Purandhri have entrusted you to me - so that we may
manage our home. 1 am the Samaand you are the Rik. 1 am the sky and you the
earth. Let us get merried Let us join our power. Let us beget children. Till a
hundred winters may our hearts be full of love, purity and light. May we live for
a hundred winters. May our ears retain the power of hearing for a hundred
winters. (Hindu Sanskara pg. 276-277, by Dr. Rajbali Pandey).

The above prayers underline the conviction and meaningfulness of marital life.

22. Ashmarohana - The ^groom makes the bride put her foot on a stone with
these words.

that is, 'climb this stone. May you be stable like the stone, may you cursh
those, who act inimically, with your feet and defeat them.' This symbolises
evoking of stability.

23.Sapta Padi - This beautiful ritual expresses togetherness and cooperation

in actions of the bride and the groom. Invoking friendship between the two is its
objective (Chhandogya Brahmin - The Vedic Samhitas and Ashtadhyayi
provide the original conceptualisation of this friendliness. The rituals performed
prior to this for marital relationship are completed and the relationship itself
fully established after this Saptapadi.

rtef I 1"

(Saaptapadinam Sakhyam, Ashta 5/2/22)

Now the groom attains the status of the husband -


The girl enters her husband's Gotra, relationshiping her father's Gotra -

•anrsT R R

The husband walks wife for seven steps in the northern direction-
Hindu Marriage in the mirror of time 37

'May you take the first step for prosperity. May you take the second step for
energy. May you take the third step for possessions. May you take the fourth
step for comforts. May you take the fifth step for the cattle. May you take the
sixth stjpp for the seasons. May you take the seventh step for friendship Thus
may you be my follower,'

After this ritual the marriage is forxnally^andlegally complete.

24. Vadhu Abhishinchan - The bride's hand is anointed with water which is a
symbol of health and purity. May this fortunate, the most fortunate water, this
calm, the most calm, water confer health on you.'

25. Hridayalambhan - The groom touches the heart of the bride and recites
the following mantra -

Tft ^cf rT IctftTEnrr WJ RldH-i focf cTSTd, I |

GTTO yvdlMfcl^^T I (Ma. Gr. Su 1.10.13)

that is, T invite your heart to partake of my pledge. May your mind be the
follower or my mind. May you listen to me attentively. May the parjapatiappoint
you for me.'

He speaks in her ears -

m ^ fxTrf ^ TPT I

iftr 'HdfRM ^nf^r ^ 11" (N.G. su. 1.17)

that is, your mind, your eyes, your heart^all your senses and your knowledge
may enter my insides.

As a symbol of the unification of all that is external and internal, of adjustment

and togetherness this ritual is performed.

26.Sindoor Dan - It is also called Sumangali and Prekshkanumantrana. The

groom asks the married women present their to bless the bride.

According to the Gadadhar method:

Verraillion powder is applied in the hair parting of the bride.

21. Vrishabh - Charma. Asana - In ancient India the newly married couple
were made to sit on the ox-skin which was a symbol of fertility and prosperity.
But this is not followed now-a-days. Instead the coupled goes into a room for
sharing jokes with the brides relatives, friends and sisters.

28. Local customs - Even after the performance of the marriage ceremony,
many provincial or local customs retain their importance.
38 Predicting Marriage

29. Dakshina - The priest who has conducted the marriage ceremony receives
Dakshina (money and gifts) from his host.

30. Dhruva-Darshan - To make the newly wedded wife steadfast and firm
like the star Dhruva, she is shown this star at night.

The husband says -

sjcfr ■ejtq^rr xjfenft i

T^cTT ^(1 I (Pa. Gr. Su. 1.8.19)

'that is, 'may you be steadfast like the Dhruva, I shall remain your provider.
Brihaspati (Jupiter) has given you to me; may you live with me, alongwith our
children, for a hundred winters.1

According to some Aacharyas the Sun and the star Arundhati and the
constellation of Sapatarshi is also shown to the bride.

31. Tri-Ratra Vrata - Before the bride and groom consummated their marriage
it was expected of them to abstain for atleast three nights (Rig Vedic Culture pg.
381). But at present this custom is not observed. Its aim was to elevate marital
relationship with self-control, discipline and generate desire.

32. Chaturthi Karma - Before performing the Sthalipaka Homa, the dieties of
fire, air, Sun, Moon and gandharva are propitiated with afferingsto nullify any
harmful physical signs that the bride may have and which could adversely affect
her husband, the cattle, her home or the honour of the family. Afterwards the
bride is anointed for alround well-being and purity.

Now-a-days this ceremony is performed in the bride's house itself.

33.Udvaha - This ceremony is familiar as 'Gauna', the formal coming of the

bride to her husband's house.

34. Samashan - After Chaturthi Karma the couple take their first meal together.
The groom controlling his heightened desire, says

"RFtTcl WluHd. vTTT I

(Pa.Gr.Su. 1.1J5)

that is, I bear your breath with my breath, your bones with MY bones,
your flesh with my flesh and your skin with my skin.

35.Mandap Ulthanam - After marriage on some proper day all the invited
deities are seen off and the canopy of marriage is removed. Except for the 5th
and 7th day other uneven numbered dates are prohibited.

Thus the ritual-rich marriage ceremony comes to a close.

To Sum up we can quote the views of some scholars. For example according
Hindu Marriage in the mirror of time 39
to Proof. Kane the aim of the entire marriage ceremony is to bring the bride
and the groom on a level of self-giving and mutual cooperation. Seen from this
point of view marriage becomes a sacred performance.

Dr. Rajbali Pandey opines that the simple purpose of the marriage symbolism
is to unravel all the facets of marital life. Biological importance, physical and
mental union of the couple who have divergent, following the middle path. Social
interaction all these can be conveyed and communicated through symbols only.
Symbols lend them a unique strength, clarity and appeal.

Thus it is obvious that Indian culture regards marriage as the very backbone
of social life. Echoing the words of the author or the Padma Purana it can be said
that man and woman are the incarnation of Purusha and Prakriti, and their union
is eternal.

Wl ^ 'T tpEH ft | ["

(Padma Purana - 2.8.53)


Elementary Principles of

The Seventh House


Between Enemy and Death - In the world of astrology every moment of

human life is considered graced by tfre one or the other planet or
planets. Reducing this inexorable experience into rational phraseology, the
Indian sages envisioned the horoscope whose each house symbolises an array
of human aspects.

The seventh house, ruling matrimonial matters, is the middle house in a

horoscope, sandwiched between the houses of enemy and death. Symbolically,
this is significant. After marriage a person enters another realm of life. A host
of factors compel him to view his life in a new perspective. The very fact that
he now has a family which must be protected, nurtured & flourished and
saved from a host of enemies proves that he perceives a number of enemies
from whom he must save his family. Society will pounce upon him should he
or his spouse make one wrong move. Economic factors will draw him into a
vicious circle of troubles and problems unless he is careful. The rearing of
children in a proper way, countering adverse and vile pulls and pressures
from all around, and overall maintenance of a dignified family life-all denote
that a man has to gear himself up to a defensive posture. He has to keep this
stance up throughout his life and is liberated only after death. Thus the
positioning of the 7th house of marriage between the houses of enemy and
death seems a significant fact in itself.

This house is cardinal in monitoring man"s inherent position, emotion,

sentiments and experiences regarding marriage. His or her desire for sensual
enjoyments, love and passion generate from this house.
Elementar)> Principles of the Seventh house 41
According to Parashar, the seventh house is indicative of marriage. As
against this, Kalidas in his celebrated book, "Uttar Kalamrit; assigns 7th house
for deducing matters regarding sexual organs. According to the author, the
planets in the 7th house, decide the construction and sensitivity of his or her
sexual organs.

The social discipline born out of an individuaP's need for companionship &
love, and the urge to procreate, is known as marriage. Marriage is the turning
point in one"s life. Both, the individual's marriage and his later life, are ruled by
the seventh house. The 7th house is undisputedly stated to be the most important
house. Although seventh house throws light on some other areas of life besides
marriage, we shall consider only its influences on marriage.

The Seventh House - In the first step the planets in the seventh house should
be considered, thereafter the sign of the seventh house should be studied and
then the aspect of different planets on the planet posited in this house. The
influence of different planets on the planets posited in the seventh house, also
produce significant effects.

The Lord of the Seventh House - The lord of the seventh house plays an
important role. Its position, aspects of other planets on it, its conjunction, the
planet with whom the lord of the 7th house is positioned, whether it is rising or
setting, is to be considered.

Karak Grab or Significator (Planets which accentuate some aspect of life) -

The Karak Grah of 7th house for males is Venus, while for females it is Jupiter.
The understanding of Karak Grah or the pertinent planet, and aspects of other
planets on respective Karaka, Venus or Jupiter, is of utmost importance.

A planet displays different characteristics depending upon the house it is in

and at the degree it is placed in the house. Accordingly the results vary. Some
planets give auspicious results, others bad. The following is the description of
what different planets do in different circumstances.

Sun : Not honorable - The position of Sun in the seventh house has not
been described by the sages as favourable. The wife of such a native remains
disease-ridden though she may hail from a good and respectable family, having
good looks. The marriage of such a native is delayed. In the case of males, such
a native does not respect his wife. His mind is clouded with aversion for his
wife. Such native is not upright. He tends to develop physical contacts with
other eves. Till about 25th years of his life this feature governs his normal life.

However, the native may remain loyal to his wife under certain conditions
for example, if Sun is in its own sign i.e. Leo. The native gets drawn towards
other women only when the Sun is placed in enemy"s sign, or is conjoined
with malefics or"papi" planets, or is in the house of debility (neech rasigat).
4 2 Predicting Marriage
The native" s wife, meanwhile, develops her personality and succeeds in
subjugating the native. This causes discomfort and failure of marriage.

If the Sun, posited in the seventh house, is within the influence of malefics,
the native is subjected to disrespect and discomfort from the Government. In
this position, the native has to pay monetary penalty, because the native prefers
sedition and treason and he is thoroughly exposed. If there are other favourable
indications, the native escapes abroad.

Mantreshwar in the third Sloka in the Eighth Chapter of his "Phaldeepika"

states that the native suffers agony and physical pain, anguish and disease, if
Sun is posited in the 7th house. This is also borne out by our experience.

This position of the Sun affects marriage, marital life and character. The
marriage is often delayed. This is due to the fact that the Sun is a fiery planet
and its position in the 7th house deprives the native of control over his lustful
nature. Being subject to excessive sensnal enjoyment, he invariably yields to his
carnal desires. No single woman satisfies him nor does he want to be so
controlled. In such a situation the native, knowing his habits, resists marriage
and instead passes his life in physical contact with several women. He is,
therefore, dispossessed of marital bliss, dignity of character and social prestige.

Varah Mihir states in his "Brihat Jatak" that mostly such a native is run down
by ladies. According to "Sarawali", such a native is characterless. His face lacks
lustre and glow. He treats women as an instrument of enjoyment and hence has
no respect for them. "Horasar" states that such a native is of unsettled mind
and has no peace.

Moon Gives Doe-eyed Wife - A male native ought to be considered fortunate

if Moon is posited in the seventh house. His would be wife is of fair complexion
and doe-eyed. Her mien is charming and lovely, but she is fickle minded. She is
endowed with physical beauty. But, despite his wife being beautiful, such a native
is always in search of other women. These facts find support in the "Phaldeepika"
of Mantreshwar. According to him, the wife is extremely beautiful and fortunate.
There is harmony and attachment between the husband and the wife.

If the Moon is waning, the native is unfriendly and abrasive to women. He is

narrow minded and spiteful. The native is handsome polite and naturally
attracted towards women. But he cannot continue good relations with them for
long. The native is generally proud, irreligious lustful, greedy, flatterer and jealous.

He could be a chronic romantic and finds solace in the eve"s company. He

takes frequent flights to his fancy world to gain mental satisfaction. Speaking in
measured words is his speciality. He does not easily let out the secrets of his
inner self. According to Bhrighusutram, if Moon is debilitated, the marriage is
solemnised in the 32nd year of life. If Moon is aspected by the malefics the native
Elementary Principles of the Seventh house 43
gets veneral disease from physical contacts. This disease is not of permanent
nature and the married life of the native is satisfactory. Brihat Jatak states that
such a man always craves for love.

According to "Saravali", though the native is handsome, lust and passions

cloud his personality. If Moon is debilitated, the native" s wife is sickly and the
cause may be found in a blood disease. If Moon is full, conjoined with strong
planet and is in Taurus, the native leads a happy married life. If the lord of
seventh house is conjoined with strong and dignified planets, the native
establishes extra marital relationships. Moon is also indicative of the nature of
the native's, wife. If Moon is in its own sign, the disposition of native's wife
could be manly.

Mars : Impediments in Happiness -Sages have in general condemned

position of Mars in the seventh house saying it causes impediments in married
life. Mars in the seventh house keeps the native weak, sickly, poor, subdued by
the enemies, engrossed in imaginary anxieties, jealousy and hatred. Mars incites
anger and takes away peace. Consequently the native suffers losses. The situation
can, however, he improved by some remedial measures. Under the influence
of Mars, the native gets frequent bouts of anger and loss of self-control. This
affects his marital life. His patience tapers off. However, the native"s wife, is
said to possess great courage in life.

Mars posited in the 7th and adversely affected by planetary conjunction fosters
contact with two women. Mars in its own sign and posited in 7th indicates
undesirable results, besides marriage at a tender age. The native shows a liking
of young girls, and flirts around most of his life with girls. The eves, on the
other hand look down upon him.

If Mars is in the sign of a malefic planet, his wife will suffer grief. If Mars is
posited with benefic planets his wife could be defective. If Saturn is placed
with Mars, the native would be involved in reprehensible actions. Mars with
Ketu in 7th house makes one extremely lustful, even perverted. If Mars is with
its enemy planet, in some of the cases the wife may die early. Benefic aspects
may check evil results. If Mars is in its own house or is in exaltation, the wife
would be of fickle mind, seductive, crooked, and secretive. This condition,
however, ensures monogamy, if Mars is with malefics, second marriage may
take place. The native could have pain in the waist. A fact worth mentioning is
that the Mars in the seventh house, brings great trouble or loss of partner to
the native in the 32nd year.

Mars in the 7th house causes extramarital relationships. According to

"Bhrigusutra", if Mars in the 7* house is aspected by Saturn, the native may
even have oral sex.. If Mars and Rahu are in the same position, the native has
sexual perversion and even sex with his servants.
44 Predicting Marriage
"Saraavali", "Brihatjatak", "Bhrigusutra". "Brihatparashara", have all
delineated that Mars posited in the seventh house causes early death of the
native"s wife, or has to suffer lasting separation. This is subject to two conditions*.-

(i) If the Mars is in the seventh house, in its own sign or in exaltation, the
wife, instead, thrives. The yog also enhances marital bliss.

(ii) If the benefic Jupiter is aspecting the 7th house and the Mars, the native"s
Wife has a long life.

More effects of Mars and detailed exposition of its evils are discussed in the
chapter on "Kuja Dosha".

Mercury: Intelligence and Honour - The sages have described the position
of Mercury in 7th house as quite beneficial. The native"s wife has sharp
intelligence and is industrious. She hails from a high family, has an unshakeable
faith in ancient Indian traditions and culture in the matter of marital life. She
accepts the supremacy of her husband, and carries out his will. But she may be
talkative. Such a native is honoured by the State and wins laurels.

Bhrigusutra says that if Mercury is posited with Mars either the native or
his spouse suffers acutely in life. This yog causes disease in stomach. If Saturn,
Rahu or Ketu are posited with Mercury either the husband or the wife may die.

The conjunction of Venus or Jupiter with Mercury in the 7th house has been
held auspicious. The^onjunction gives dignity to the wife of the native. She is
beautiful and worthy to be admired. She would be quite beautiful and make
the marital life happy. Such wife inspires the native to reach the pinnacle of
success. If Mercury is in Gemini or Virgo Bhadrayog takes place. This yog endows
the native with strong physique. The native has strength, his chest is fleshy and
the body muscular. He lives a long life, helps himself and others. He is dignified
and likes attractive clothes. The wife of such a native is graced by Lakshmi and
Saraswati. But she may not be equally graceful. In fact she has often been found
less beautiful. The point to note is that all this comes true only when Mercury
posited in the 7th house, is aspected or influenced by the benefics.

If Mercury is influenced by the raalefics, the wife comes from an ordinary or

even lowly family and her conduct is undesirable.

Mercury is rated to be an important planet. It causes sexual weakness and

affects the personality of the native. The native lacks sexual desire, though his
wife"s beauty is markedly attractive.

If Mercury, posited in the 7th house of a girk's horoscope is conjoined with

malefics, or aspected or influenced by them, the husband dies an early death.
This aspect of Mercury takes away the beauty of the wife. The native suffers
from an incurable disease.
Elementary Principles of the Seventh house 45
It has been proved by experience that the position of Mercury in the 7th
house causes marriage of the native in the 24th year, or awards a good vehicle.

Jupiter ; Wise and well-mannered - An unblemished Jupiter leads to good

fortune, fame, comfort etc. such a native is polite sophisticated, reputed,
cultured, mannered and has a magnetic personality. He is an able son of a proud
father and achieves much more than his father. He is optimist and attains good
position in his life. He is conscious of others and respects their feelings more
than his own anxiety.

The wife of the native is a replica of beauty and character. But the native
hardly thinks about the purity of character. Such a native proves to be a good
householder and has a tender heart. He receives immovable property from his
wife"s side. His sons are able and handsome.

If Jupiter is in exaltation, or, in its own sign and is posited in the 7th house,
the native believes in monogamy in accordance with the Indian traditions. He
thrives under the benefic influence of his wife and achieves distinction,
reputation and comfort in the 34th year.

If Jupiter is posited in the 7th house and if the lord of the 7th lacks strength,
or is conjoined with malefics, or Jupiter is afflicted with malefics, the beauty
consciousness of the native lures him into a lustful life. Consequently he develops
many extramarital relationships.

Jupiter in the 7th house of a native having Capricorn ascendant is considered

exalted but because of the lordship of twelfth and the third houses, it looks like
a "papi or malefic planet. Explaining this fact, Kalidasa in the fourth chapter of
"Uttar Kalamrit" has written that Jupiter will give good results to the native
even though it is the lord of the third and the twelfth houses. This is logical
because Jupiter being in the 7th house and its own or exalted sign. "Hamsa
Yog", is automatically established. The native bom in this yog has lotus, fish,
conchshell sign on his feet indicative of affluence and supremacy. This native is
Ml of beauty is popular and has a magnetic figure. He has a chaste heart. People
are attracted towards him. He has unshakeable faith in religion. He is more
fortunate than his father. He is liberal by nature. His wife is learned and
knowledgeable. The wife of the native, due to her forsight, often guides her
husband. In the true sense, she is Ardhangini or better half. The native is of
good character and is not influenced by any evil.

Venus : Cause for Lust - The Karak planet for marriage is Venus while the
7th house depicts marriage and related affairs. It is an established fact of astrology
that if the Karak planet of a house is in that very house, the circumstances lead
to uncommon character. Accordingly, the Venus in the 7th house causes some
irregularities in marriage and the marital life. The marriage of such a native
4 6 Predicting Marriage
becomes a subject for gossip. The marriage is celebrated in an exceptional
manner. The wife of the native has to be extremely beautiful and qualified. If
the Venus is not influenced by papi planets, or malefics, the marital life passes
off smoothly and in an ideal way.

Venus being posited in the 7th House incites lustfulness of the native. He is
seeped in love and lust. He loses his virility and wastes his potency in sexual
matters. If the Venus is within the influence of the malefics, the virility is lost
due to some venereal disease. Because of excessive desire for sexual pleasures,
the native remains unsatisfied even after having a number of women. The native
is fond of wine and women. He draws many persons around him due to
specialities of his character and conduct.

If such a native undertakes some venture, with women, he gets exceptional

success. Venus, posited in the 7th house and influenced by malefics, indicates
separation or death of the native's wife, especially if the Venus is posited in the
7th house in Scorpio. If such a Venus is in Neech sign or is conjunct with malefics,
his wife is sure to die early and the native contracts a second marriage. The
number of second and subsequent marriages depends upon the malefic
conjunctions that the Venus in 7th has.

If Venus is conjoined with benefics, and is exalted in the 7th house and is also
influenced by benefics, the native's in-laws may be quite influential. The native
earns reputation and wealth from his wife's parents. He gets prestige and wealth
in good measure. His life is virtually abed of roses and he is often surrounded
by beautiful women. Venus in exaltation, and in the 7th house, gives rise to
"Malavya Yoga" which, in turn, endows the life of the native with comfort. He
leads a good life with worthy children and a wealthy wife. His body is able to
withstand adversities, he is handsome, has reputation and is educated. In respect
of women, the native cares more for other women that his own wife. In spite of
all this the marital life of the native is not affected as he skilfully circumvents all
these relations.

The conjunction of Jupiter with Venus in the seventh house further enhances
the auspicious events. In these circumstances both, the native and his wife, are
good examples of character. The beauty of the wife is uncommon and delightful.
All the sages have declared the conjunction as excellent. "Varahmihir",
"Mantreshwar". "Garga" and others, while explaining the position of Venus in
the 7th house state that such a native keeps mental, verbal and physical
relationship with other women. Experience also lends credence to this although
"Sarawali" opposing this statement opines differently.

If Venus is with the Moon in the 7th house and the conjunction is not
influenced by Saturn or Rahu the fortune of such a native is enviable and the
wife of such native is exceptionally beautiful. Venus posited in the 7th house
Elementary Principles of the Seventh house 47
begins to influence from very tender age. The native gets the blissful contact of
women at the age of 14 to 17 years.

The conjunction with or influence of some other planets on Venus have been
described by some writers as evil. The conjunction of Venus and Saturn indicates
infidelity and faithlessness in the native and his wife. Both lead an unchaste life.
The conjunction of Venus and Mars, Venus and Rahu or Venus and Ketu in the
7th house is quite inauspicious and not appreciated. Such natives lead an
indulgent life and their marital life is condemned by worthy men.

Saturn : Factor for delay - The position of Saturn in the 7th house of a
native makes the life full of mystery. If the Saturn is in own sign or in exaltation,
the marriage takes place at the right age, otherwise the native has a very delayed
marriage. He is dominated by his wife. The native is clever, cunning and selfish.
He has sexual relations with widows or those separated from their husband.
The native succeeds in politics due to his cunningness and double speech. Such
a man earns fame abroad. The wife of the native is skinny and may be older
than the native or may appear older. Her body may have burn or cuts and
cannot be rated as beautiful.

Generally, Saturn in the 7th house gives more than one marriage. If the Saturn
is posited with Ketu, the native has marital relations with married women older
than him. The position of Saturn with Mars in 7th makes the native a sexual
pervert who indulges in oral sex. Conjunction of Saturn with the Venus makes
the native run after prostitutes. The conjunction of Saturn with Rahu is most
undesirable. According to "Brihatjatak" such a native is humiliated by the eves.
"Phaldeepika" states that the Saturn posited in the 7th house incites the native
for physical contact with women of loose character, causes him to undertake
aimless travels and deprives him of happiness. Such a hapless native is not in
harmony with his wife, and stays with her for brief periods

If the Saturn in the 7th has delayed marriage, the marriage may mateialise in
the 37th year. Such a native has ill will towards woman and has no respect for
his wife. If the Saturnis conjunct with the Venus, the woman would be certainly
inclined to have ugly ways.

The position of Saturn in the 7th house is not auspicious or conducive to well
being. If the Saturn is conjoined with Rahu or Mars or Ketu or Sun the life of
the native is sapped by lasting discomforts. The Sun conjoined with the Saturn
destroys harmony in married life, leading to frequent quarrels with his wife.
Nevertheless, such a couple maintains an apparent poise.

Only "Shash Yoga" which is caused by the Saturn posited in the 7th house
either in Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius gives success to the native. The native
with this yoga attains high and very important position in life, though his
character draws frequent gossips. The Saturn posited in the 7th house generally
4 8 Predicting Marriage
keeps the hind side of the body sick and weak.

Rahu - The position of Rahu in the 7th house is not conducive to well being.
The native suffers from venereal disease or diabetes, throughout his life. He is
lustful and has sexual relations with widows. The wife has excessive bleeding
during menses. His second wife suffers from Jaundice and liver troubles.

In the matter of wife, the native is not fortunate. His wife is dominating and
spendthrift and accordingly causes problems. There is no harmony between
the husband and the wife. If the Rahu is with malefics, the wife suffers from
multiple physical troubles, suffers most during the 37th year of age. The only
mitigating effect comes if Rahu is conjoined with a benefic.

According to "Phaldeepika", the native loses his wealth, reputation and

comforts because of his wife. He wastes his wealth because of women.

If the Yoga is auspicious the native leads a comparatively peaceful life after
the death of his wife. Rahu makes the native indisciplined and without control.
If the right state of the Sun or the Saturn is associated with Rahu, he drifts away
from his wife leading to legal separation.

If the Rahu is aspected or influenced by the Jupiter, the bad effects of Rahu
are mitigated. In such a situation only one marriage takes place. Ordinarily the
marital life is happy. The native abides by his wife but keeps his extremist habits.
He is troubled by hidden diseases throughout his life.

Ketu - Ketu is generally of the same nature as Rahu, Ketu posited in the 7th
house, affects happy married life mostly due to outside enemies. The couple
seldom enjoy a peaceful life. The nature of the wife is quarrelsome and irritable.
Long drawn out struggle with the enemies drains out monetary resources. The
native has hydrophobia. He likes outside jaunts and is always anxious to meet
new women. He cannot concentrate on one subject. The 7th house posited
Ketu harms the wife at the age of 3 7, If the Ketu is conjoined with the Mars or
Saturn, the wife commits suicide. She is scared by water.

The wife remains sick, gets irritated on flimsy pretexts. She suffers from skin
diseases like boils etc. Ketu if posited in the 7th house in Scorpio sign causes
acute troubles during her periods. If adversely affected Influenced by malefics,
the problems are compounded and such a defiled Ketu is indicative of rumour
or malignant growth in the uterus of the woman. The uterus has to be operated
upon if the Sun or Saturn influence Ketu.

Ketu cannot be described beneficial. It uses all its power to destroy the marital
life of the couple. None of the sages have favoured it in the 7th house.

These are some of the general results of the planets in the 7th house. There
will be a marked variation in the results depending upon other factors such as
Elementary Principles of the Seventh house 49
the signs in which they are placed, elements or earthy, fiery, airy and watery
nature of signs and lordship of these planets, will result into variation of the
above mentioned notes. We will be discussing specific results on our research-
oriented observations separately.



Lordships of houses play a vital role in astrology. The same planet placed in
the same house can give different results depending on its ownership. Thus the
planets which are placed in the 7th house make, or mar the efficacy of the 7th
house. Here we will try to elaborate on the results of lords of various houses,
placed in the 7th house. The readers must note that the inherent nature of the
planet who owns a particular house is also equally important. Suppose the Saturn
is the lord of the 12th and is placed in the 7th. This may result in separation.
Mars as the lord of the 12th house may cause adultery if it falls in the 7th house
and Jupiter as 12th lord in the 7th will cause foreign travel. This is just one of
the factors which should be taken into consideration in the judgement of the
7th house. There are other factors also which should be carefully judged to
reach a correct conclusion. For example, the placement of the lord of the 7th
house in various houses, the Navamsa obtained by the 7th lord, the inherent
nature of the 7th lord and the sign occupied by it. The planets who are conjoined
with or aspecting the 7th house and its lord also have a great bearing upon the
results of the 7th bhava. The planets who are conjoined, or aspecting, or
influencing the 7th house in one or the other way, either by mutual exchange of
houses, of Nakshatras, or Navamsa etc. should be judged properly by looking
into their nature and lordship.

Here we will discuss the nature of the result when the lords of the various
houses occupy the 7th house. These results should be properly and intelligently
deduced after considering the other aspects etc. One should not hurry, for it
may lead to wrong conclusions.

L Lord of First house in the Seventh - Paaraashara has mentioned that the
wife will not live for long. She may die early. If the planet is a natural benefic, the
individual will wander aimlessly. He will facepenury and be dejected, If the planet
is strong and well disposed, the native will become a king or equivalent. This
means that he will be very powerful and prosperous and will have to do much
travelling. The native will go abroad if other factors of foreign travels are also
present. He will lead a licentious life or may become the puppet in the hands of
his parent-in-laws. In the later part of his lifehe may get detached with the worldly
affairs and lead an ascetic life. Many a times one gets married more than once.

Illustration No. (Horoscope No. 1) - The lord of the lagna Saturn is in the 7th
house and is afflicted by the Sun. This resulted into two marriages. The first
5 0 Predicting Marriage
marriage took place on 17.11.76 and divorce took place on 2.2.89 after the birth
of two children. The second marriage took place on 21.4.90. The second wife
left the native a month after the marriage. Thus the native lives without a wife
in spite of two marriages. He wanders aimlessly. The affliction of the 7tb lord
Moon may also be noted who joins the 8th house in association with Mars
under the mutual aspect of the Venus and Mercury. The aspect of Jupiter over
the Lagna lord did not kill the wife of the native. In a similar case where Lagna
lord was unaspected by Jupiter, the first wife died leaving two children. Second
marriage took place thereafter.

2. Lord of Second House in the Seventh - One may become a doctor. He

and his wife both may be adulterous if malefics join the 2nd lord in the 7th
house. The character of the wife of the native will be suspect. The subject will
waste money on sensual pleasures. If the 2nd lord joins the 7th house with the
strong 7th lord placed in own house, there will be influx of wealth and also of
frequent journeys to foreign countries. Such a native will do well in business, If
the Rasi, the Navamsa and the Nakshatra held by the 2nd lord happen to be
feminine, the native may earn money through his contact with women. In our
experience the lord of 2nd house may beco-me a killer for the wife or husband
of the native, provided it is afflicted. In one case of Taurus lady the 2nd lord,
Mercury, was in the 7th house in association with the 7th lord, Mars and Ketu.
The marriage took place in October 1987. The husband committed suicide in
January 1989. The reason was the physical affair of his wife with a Muslim boy
even after marriage. In another case of Geniini ascendant, the lord of the 2nd
house, Moon, fell in the 7th house.-The wife of the native died after second
delivery. In another case of Cancer native, the placement of the 2nd lord in the
7th house, killed the first wife. In all these cases, the character of the native was
also suspected.

3. Lord of third house in the seventh - This Is not an auspicious position.

The matters related with the 7th house may not be pleasant. The native will
incur the displeasure of superiors, rulers and authorities. The union will be
unfortunate. The 7th house governs public relationship of the native and also
business matters etc. The lord of 3rd house cannot be appreciated here. If the
7th lord joins lagna, a brother may settle in a foreign country and help the
native. There maybe a danger to life during travelling. This position may also
cause a tendency to steal.
Horoscope No. 1
(29/01/1948 Time07:00:00 Day Thursday Place Manmad Sfl Sanalan Ayanamsa 22:52
20:15:00 North Long 74:29:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr -0:32:04

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yogini

denial Time .:14:56:50 Hrs Gan.... : Manushya Venus: 3Y5M160 Ulka : 1Y0M 14D
£q.of Ifme 0:12:52 Hrs Yonl Mooshak Rahu
Sunrise :7:10;47 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 16/D7/1974 29/01/1948
Sunset :18:19:01 Hrs Varan : Kshalriya 16/07/1992 12/02/1979
Samvat : 2004 Vashya : Vanchar Rahu 28/03/1977 Ulka 11/02/1949
Saka : 1869 Varga ^ Shwan Jupiter 22/08/1979 Sidha 12/02/1956
Month : Magna Yunja : Madhya Saturn 28/06/1962 Sankta 12/02/1964
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Mercury 14/01/1985 Mangla 11/02/1965
Trthi at Sunrise..: 3 Name Alphabet Too-Tushar Ketu 02/02/1986 Pingla 12/02/1967
Nakshatra : P Phalguni Paya(Rast-Nak) Iron-Silver Venus 02/02/1989 Dhanya 11/02/1970
Yoga : Atigand Hora : Saturn Sun 27/12/1989 Bhramri 11/02/1974
Karan : Bava Chaugharia ^ IWvega Moon 28/06/1991 Bhadrika 12/02/1979

Planets Nirayana Bhava

[Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S^S
an Cap 15:11:03 Sat Mon Jup Man Asc Cap 11.38:44 Sat Mon Mar Ket
don Leo 24:21:29 Sun Ven Mer Ket 2 Aqu 18:00:39 Sat Rah Sun Ven
4ar -R Leo 11:58:35 Sun Ket Mer Ven 3 Pis 23:24:52 Jup Mer Mar Rah
tier Aqu 1:29:41 Sat Mar Mer Jup 4 Ari 23:48:33 Mar Ven Sat Jup
[up Sco 27:56:22 Mar Mer Sat Sat 5 Tau 19:52:58 Ven Mon Ket Mon
ten Aqu 20:32:17 Sat Jup Jup Mer 6 Gem 14:36:02 Mer Rah Ket Ven
Sat -R Can 27:15:44 Mon Mer Jup Ven 7 Can 11:38:44 Mon Sat Mon Sat
ah -R Ari 26:50:25 Mar Sun Sun Rah 8 Leo 18:00:39 Sun Ven Mar Sun
Ket -R Lib 26:50:25 Ven Jup Ven Ven 9 Vir 23:24:52 Mer Mar Mar Rah
lira -r Tau 29:40:02 Ven Mar Sat Rah 10 Lib 23:48:33 Ven Jup Sat Jup
fep -R Vir 20:03:56 Mer Mon Ket Rah 11 Sco 19:52:58 Mar Mer Ven Mon
lu -R Can 21:01:54 Mon Mer Ven Sat 12 Sag 14:36:02 Jup Ven Ven Jup

^ortuna; Leo 20;49;10 Navamsa Chsrt

Sun X \SaX Jup
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
\ 2 Nv12S
Ket 3XVen 1 X11
Rah Ura
Mar 4 Nap 10 Plu
Mer Ven/ \ /
5X 7 X9 R«h
\11/ \9/8Ju I Sal
W \V " e\Mer e^v
12X Sun 10 X P 2U' \ 12X Sun Mer Vg jUp 7i2 Ura N. yX won

7 Ket Rah 1 7 Ket
Mer\10y/ 8
llXX Sal Rah XX7
Ura 2 X Set 4 PluVeNep Sun yX\ / x Ufj
Ura 2 X Mar 4 Sal X 6
/ 3
\ / \ /5\
/ \ /MarManXl Nep Nep Man
X. 3 X5 Von
Jup/2\ Ket / 4\
Jup Ket
5 2 Predicting Marriage
IllustrationNo. (HoroscopeNo.2)-The native was born in Capricorn ascendant.
The lord of the 3rd house Jupiter is exalted in the 7th house. Happy results
should be expected. But it was just the reveres. Note 7th lord"s conjunction
with Rahu in Rashi and Navamsa. This beautiful lady met with many tragedies
in her conjugal life and finally separated. She is now dependant on others. People
are unhappy with her. In another case of Virgo born female Minister, the lord
of the 3rd house, Mars, fell in the 7th house in Pisces whereas 7th lord Jupiter
occupies Lagna. She got married on 30.479 at 21 years of age. She was leading
a very unhappy married life. She visited abroad a number of times and had her
primary education there.

4. Lord of fourth house In the seventh - The subject will be endowed with
a high class education. He will sacrifice patrimony. He will keep silence in the
assembly. This is generally a good disposition and the native will possess land,
house, vehicle and property. If 4th lord falls in a movable sign in the 7th house,
the native will earn his livelihood from a far-olf place from his birth. If the sign
is a fixed one, he will earn his living and his birth place.

5. Lord of Fifth house in the seventh - This is also a good disposition of the
5th lord. The individual will possess a charming personality. The sons of the
native will live in foreign country and will earn name, fame, honour, recognition
and distinction due to their merits. In case of an affliction to the 5th lord, one
son may die abroad. The native will be happy and prosperous, learned and
renowned. He will be devoted to his employer, will be honest and truthful. He
will be firm In disposition. If the 5th lord is in the 7th with the 7th lord, the
native will be benefited by his sons trip to a foreign country and his residence
will also be there. The native will enjoy the company of learned and pious persons.
Many times this combination results in a love marriage, especially if the
concerning planets are Mars, Venus or Moon.

6. Lord of 6th house In the seventh - This is an adverse disposition and

denies martial happiness. The native will be honourable, famous, virtuous,
adventurous and wealthy. Apart from unhappiness in the conjugal life, the native
will also be unhappy with his children. His wife will be inimical to him. It has
been observed in a number of cases that the occupancy of the 6th lord in the
7th house deprived the native of his conjugal bliss. The native sufferedseparation
or his wife was sickly or the relations with wife remained tense. In fact this
depends upon the particular planet which owns the 6th and falls in the 7th
house. The nature of that planet plays a vital role. For example Sun, Saturn and
Rahu have a separatist tendency. Their placements in the 7th house may cause
divorce. In addition to this, the ownership of the other house also plays a role in
respect to the 7th house. Placement of the 7th lord, conjunctions, aspects, their
Navamsa, associations and mutual exchanges or their hemming in between
benefics or malefics also play a role in the effect produced by the 7th house.
Horoscope No. 2
28/04/1956 Time 01:50:00 Day Saturday Place Dehradun Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:
at 30:19:00 North Long 78:03:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time CoiT -0:17:48

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SWerialTime 15:55:20 Hrs Gan. i Rakshas Mercury: 16Y11M 13D Bhadrika : 4Y11M 25D
Eq.of time :0:02:22 Hrs Yoni : Mrig Ketu
Sunrise :5:40:01 Hrs Nadi Adya 11/04/1973 28/04/1956
Sunset :18:51:25 Hrs Varan Vjpra 11/04/1980 23/04/1992
Samvat : 2013 Vashya ■ Keetak Ketu 07/09/1973 Bhadrika 23/04/1961
Saka : 1878 Varga : Sarp Venus 08/11/1974 Ulka 23/04/1967
Month : Vaisakha Yunja Anlya Sun 15/03/1975 Sidha 23/04/1974
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) r Jal Moon 14/10/1975 Sankta 23/04/1982
Tithl at Sunrise..: 2 Name Alphabet : No-Naunihaal Mars 12/03/1976 Mangla 23/04/1983
Nakshatra : Jyestha Paya{Rasi-Nak) : Go!cf-Copper Rahu 30/03/1977 Pingla 23/04/1985
Yoga : Parlgh Hora : Sun Jupiter 06/03/1978 Dhanya 23/04/1988
Karan : Vishti Chaugharia ,• Amrrt Saturn 15/04/1979 Bhramri 23/04/1992

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Ari 14:32:33 Mar Ven Ven Jup Asc Cap 23:52:52 Sat Mar Mar Ven
Mon Sco 16:42:08 Mar Mer Mer Mer 2 Pis 5:29:16 Jup Sat Mer Mer
Mar Cap 15:10:03 Sat Mon Jup Mon 3 Ari 10:36:56 Mar Ket Sat Mon
Mer Tau 4:19:12 Ven Sun Sat Mon 4 Tau 7:59:30 Ven Sun Ven Ven
Jup Can 28:39:46 Mon Mer Sat Ven 5 Gan 1:28:32 Mer Mar Mer Jup
Ven Tau 29:14:55 Ven Mar Sat Mon 6 Gem 25:07:30 Mer Jup Mer Rah
Sat -R Sco 8:09:28 Mar Sat Ven Ven 7 Can 23:52:52 Mon Mer Mar Ven
Rah -S Sco 15:17:33 Mar Sat Jup Sat 8 Vir 5:29:16 Mer Sun Mer Ket
Ket -S Tau 15:17:33 Ven Mon Jup Mon 9 Lib 10:36:56 Ven Rah Sat Sat
Ura Can 5:27:16 Mon Sat Mer Mer 10 Sco 7:59:30 Mar Sat Ket Sat
Nep -R Lib 5:50:02 Ven Mar Mon Rah 11 Sag 1-28:32 Jup Ket Ven Mar
Plu -R Leo 3:08:03 Sun Ket Sun Rah 12 Sag 25:07:30 Jup Ven Mer Rah

Fortuna: Leo 26:02:27 Navamsa Chart

\VQn Sat/ /V /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chailt-Cuspal
\6 / X 4/
7X ^un Ur0>^3
Sun Mer 48
Rah 8 NepXXet 2 Mar
Ket ■

Mon 9X 11 XI Plu
\11/ \ 9/Mon Jup MerV? / loX^^ Mer 12
12)<^MarlO VsSat Ura

7 Nap Ven 2 Ket y Sat 8 Mon

V / \ Rah /
Ket 3 X Ure 1 \%M9r
Van 2 X Jup 4 Ura Ye 3XJup 4 Plu V7 XX Mar
Mar Mey^Sn. /5\ 3X. /3X
/ \ / PIu Ura \ / Nep
Rah t
Sun 5X 7 XC9 jup
Sat / 6 X. Ven SXmoo
Mon Nep Ysat PfXv / Nep Xj
54 Predicting Marriage
Generally placement of the 6th lord in the 7th house, leaves the character of the
wife suspect. If the planet is afflicted, the wife may die early. If the lagna lord
also falls in the 7th with the 6th lord in a hermaphrodite sign, the native may be
a eunuch and may not be able to perform sex. There will also be trouble with
disrespectable women.

7. Lord of seventh house in the seventh - The native will possess a charming
and handsome physique. Generally women will be attracted towards him. His
wife will be dignified and will belong to a reputed family. But if the lord is
afflicted, it will result in denial of marriage and friends. There will be loss of
money in marriage negotiations. He will suffer from rheumatism or arthritis.

8. Lord of eighth house in the seventh - The health of the native"s wife will
suffer or she may not live long. The health of the native may also suffer from
diseases. He may go to a foreign country if the lord of the 7th house is also
conjoined, but at the same time he may have to face many problems and suffer
a disease abroad. If the planets are strong and well fortified, the native may go
abroad on a diplomatic mission and may even win laurels. Parashara writes
that the native will have two wives. If the 8th lord is conjoined with malefics in
the 7th house, the native will suffer a downfall in his business i.e. there will be
problems in earning his livelihood. It is believe that this combination gives
difficulty and problems in married life of the native. There may be
misunderstandings between the husband and his wife. The spouse will be sickly
and prone to diseases. He or she may be subjected to difficulties, unpleasant
surprises and dangers. The native may pretend to be God-fearing, but may be
uncouth actually. Stealing may be his most favourite passtime. In short the
placement of the 8th lord in the 7th house is undesirable. For persons bom in
cancer ascendant the lord of 7th and 8th house will be Saturn. In that case, the
placement of the 8th lord Saturn may not be so adverse as in the case of Gemini
ascendant. In both cases Saturn will be the ruler of the 8th house.

9. Lord of ninth house in the seventh - This is a fortunate position of the

7th house as the house of fortune is itself involved. One will be lucky in respect
of women. He will be blessed with a virtuous wife who will become famous.
Native will attain happiness only after marriage. His fortune will smile on him
and he will get financial status. The native may go abroad provided other
combinations also support him. The father of the native may also prosper abroad.
If there is a mutual exchange between 7th and 9th lords, the native, working in
the name of his wife, shall earn repute and recognition. The native will be
particularly rewarded if the concerned planet be the Sun, though in that case
the importance of wife may be ignored. If Moon or Venus becomes the lord of
9th house, the native will enjoy the company of a number of charming young
ladies, in any case the family life will be happy and prosperous. If the 7th house
is -well-disposed and the lord thereof is unafflicted, the wife will be dedicated
Elementary Principles of the Seventh house 55
to the native and will possess high moral values. She will be deeply attached to
her husband.

10. Lord of tenth house in the seventh - The native will be blessed with an
understanding wife who could assist him in his work. The native may be famous
for his style of working and could be a good go-getter. Such a native will thrive
in business, especially a partnership or a joint venture. The subject may be
involved in vices and may suffer a loss of reputation, if the JOth lord is afflicted.
The native may also go abroad on diplomatic mission. His wife will be virtuous,
eloquent, faithful and religious. The 10th lord, if placed in the 7th house with
the 7th lord, will enable the native to earn recognition and distinction abroad.
His wife will come from a good and reputed family. She will be a working
woman or would assist her husband in his work. The individual would visit
shrines, holy rivers and religious places. If the concerned planet is Moon, the
native will deal in transport. If the combination falls in airy signs the native may
become a pilot. If fiery sign is involved, he may be in the Railways. In earthy
signs, the combination may lead the native to automobiles. If the JOth lord is
afflicted the native will not get the desired success and will suffer poverty. The
wife of the native, in that case, will be quarrelsome and would come from an
uncultured family. If the 7th house is afflicted by Mars, she will leave the native
during the adverse period.

11.Lord of eleventh house In the seventh - Such a native will be dominated

by his wife. He would gain from his wife and her relatives. He will be liberal,
virtuous and a sensitive man. He may be affluent, but may lack wisdom. He
may not be good at money matters and may be thrifty and his investments
may go waste. He would have a strong liking for girls and could be laughed at
for his overtures. If the eleventh lord is afflicted, the native may be lured by
women having loose character. The native may have more than one marriages
if the 7th house is a common sign and Mercury and Jupiter are involved in the
combination. If the lord of the Jlth house is well-disposed and well-fortified
the native will get married once, with a nice and beautiful girl from a rich family.
He will always get money, presents, articles and valuables from the family of his
wife. If there is a mutual exchange between the 7th and Uth lord, native will
earn his livelihood through business and not by service. He will generally carry
the orders of his wife.

12. Lord of twelfth house in the seventh - This is an undesirable combination

for a happy family life. The J2th house signifies Josses and separations. The wife
may come from a poor family. The conjugal life will be unhappy and may
ultimately result separation. Late in life the native may take to asceticism. His
health will be poor and he may fall sick due to any phlegmatic trouble. The
native will be devoid of learning and property. He may have to incur expenditure
on account of his wife, either on her sickness or litigation with her. If the I2th
5 6 Predicting Marriage
lord is posited in the 7th house with the 7th lord, the wife of the native may
have to face danger. She may also die if the Marak period for wife is running
else he may live abroad. If benefics aspect, the wife will suffer crisis of money in
spite of acquisition of wealth. If malefics afflict, the native will wander aimlessly,
shall not get comforts and will get tired. He will be full of sorrows and his
family life will be destroyed by slanderous talks. He will face numerous problems
relating to the 7th house, such as loss of business and indulgence in other
irrelevant activities. The possibility of liaison is more when the 12th lord is either
of Venus, Moon or Mars and is afflicted in the 7th house. Separation may easily
be predicted if the Sun or Saturn own the 12th house and join the 7th in
association with Rahu or the 6th lord. J am illustrating a case below to show that
placement of the 12th lord in the 7th house may result in separation, provided
the 7th lord or 7th house is afflicted.

Illustration No. 2.3. (Horoscope No. 3) - Th native is a qualified woman and

runs a beauty parlour. Her marriage was considerably delayed due to the
affliction of the lord of the 7th house, Saturn. She got married in th 32nd year
on 27.1.89 during the sub-period of Mercury in the major period of Mercury
who is the lord of 2nd and 11 th house and is placed under debilitation in the
8th house. Soon after marriage, she came to know about the fraud played on
her in marriage. She came back to her house within ten days after facing a lot of
mental and physical torture. Finally she sought legal divorce in November 1991.
The placement of the 12th lord Moon in the 7th house is responsible for the
divorce as Moon is placed in the sign of Saturn, Aquarius and the 7th lord,Saturn
is retrograde and afflicted due to mutual aspect with Mars.

C. Significance of signs falling in seventh house:-

1. Aries - If Aries falls in the 7th house, that is the Lagna is Libra, the spouse
will be cruel, wavering minded, a sinner and greedy. He would be liked by
wicked people because of his unrighteous deeds. He may have lack of self-
respect and could stoop to begging.

2. Taurus - Nice couple, polite, kind-hearted, humble, gentle, pious, high

moral values, coward, God-fearing and respectful to Brahmins, Pandits and
religious persons.

3. Gemini - The spouse will be rich and well-natured. She would be humble,
beautiful modest and will have many virtues.

4. Cancer - This is a good sign in the 7th house for Capricorn Ascendant. The
wife or wives will be pleasing and good-natured, prosperous, lucky and blessed
with conjugal bliss.

5. Leo - The native will get a bold wife. She will be of wavering mind,
Horoscope No. 3
te 29/03/1957 Time 15:12:00 Day Friday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:59
.at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr ^0:06:24

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vtmsottarl Yogini

Siderial Time 3:31:42 Hrs Gan ^ Manushya Jupiter; 12Y0M22D Bhrsmri : 3Y 0M 5D
Eq.of time - 0:04:54 Hrs Yoni i Simha Mercury
Sunrise 6.02:32 Hrs Nadi - Adya 20/04/1988 29/03/1957
Sunset 18:20:30 Hrs Varan i Shoodra 21/04/2005 04/04/1992
Samvat 2013 Vashya i toansv Msrcury 17/09/1990 Bhramri 04/04/1960
Saka 1878 Varga Mesha Ketu 14/09/1991 Bhadrika 04/04/1965
Month Chaitra Yunja - Antya Venus 15/07/1994 Ulka 04/04/1971
Paksh Krishna Hansakffatva) Vayu Sun 22/05/1995 Sidha 04/04/1978
Tfthi at Sunrise. 13 Name Alphabet Say-Sainjlt Moon 20/10/1996 Sankta 044D4/1986
Nakshatra P Bhadrapad Paya(Rasi-Nak) Mars 17/10/1997 Mangla 04/04/1967
Yoga Shukla Copper-Copper Rahu 06/05/2000 Pinglg 04/04/1989
Karan Vishti Hora i Moon Jupter 11/08/2002 Dhanya 04/04/1992

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Pis 15:26:19 Jup Sat Jup Mer Asc Leo 4:08:24 Sun Ket Mon Sat
Mon Aqu 23:16:55 Sat Jup Sat Mar 2 Vir 0:16:38 Mer Sun Rah Mer
Mar Tau 14:13:45 Ven Mon Jup Sat 3 Lib 0:07:33 Ven Mar Mer Mer
Mer Pis 24:19:58 Jup Mer Rah Rah 4 Sco 2:16:16 Mar Jup Rah Mer
Jup -R Vir 2:23:46 Mer Sun Jup Sun 5 Sag 4:22:51 Jup Ket Mon Mer
Ven Pis 11:17:38 Jup Sat Mon Rah 6 Cap 5:06:45 Sat Sun Mer Mer
Sat -R Sco 21:17:06 Mar Mer Ven Mer 7 Aqu 4:08:24 Sat Mar Ven Sat
Rah -R Lib 27:24:45 Ven Jup Ven Rah 8 Pis 0:16:38 Jup Jup Mon Ket
Ket -R Ari 27:24:45 Mar Sun Mon Mon 9 Ari 0:07:33 Mar Ket Ket Ven
Ura -R Can 9:55:41 Mon Sat Ven Mer 10 Tau 2:16:16 Ven Sun Jup Ven
Nep -R Lib 8:51:00 Ven Rah Jup Jup 11 Gem 4.22:51 Mer Mar Ven Sat
Plu -R Leo 5:19:11 Sun Ket Mar Ket 12 Can 5:06:45 Mon Sat Sat Rah

Fortuna: Cancer 11:59:00 Navamsa Chart

Rah yS2 \ ^0n
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
4\( Mar
Ket Mar 9B- 102*
Ke?? 5 yC 11 Mer)

eo- \ Jup \s / JUP

3 jX 6 X.10
Nep\ / 7 Sun y/
rVpiu 5 Ven /Nep Kei\
■ * Rah/ \
Sat 6 2 Mar Sal 6 2 Mar

9X II XI Ket ^ I
ss* /l0\ Men y/ \ Nep 9 3 Uray
/ Ven ^
Mer Sun
Se2r v. Mar
Ket 10X 12 X2
Nep /itN. tXJup
Sat Rah 42* 30* X /an Setx > Sun x
5 B Predicting Marriage
audacious, shabby and have a vast array of friends. Her voice wili be harsh. She
may be lean and have few children. Generally daughters will be more in number,
marital happiness will be short lived.

6. Virgo - The wife will be charming, modest, will be blessed with riches,
prosperity and happines. She will be loving honest and a smart lady. However,
she may not have any issues

7. Libra - The wife will be stout, pious, devout, charitable and of varied
qualities and character. She will be blessed with many issues.

8. Scorpio - The native will have a miserly, lazy and unloving wife and her
character will be suspect.

9. Sagitarius - The spouse will be ignorant, harsh, bereft of devotion or rules

and regulations and stalwart like the native.

10 Capricorn - The wife will be devoted, chaste, honest, prosperous and will
have high moral character.

11. Aquarius - The wife of the native will be very dutiful, steady, pious and
she will be devoted to God and Brahmins. She will be inclined to charity. She
will be happy but may believe in pomp and show.

12. Pisces - The spouse will not be good looking and will be of an evil mind.
She will be bereft of religion, love, affection and moral values. She will be
quarrelsome. The progeny will also be equally bad as the wife.

These are very general results of the various signs falling in the 7th house.
These should be regarded just as guiding rules while making a judgement about
the seventh Bhava. Planets who occupy the 7th house play an important role in
7th house judgement, particularly according to houses owned by them and
aspects and conjunction influencing those planets. Similarly, the placement of
the lord of the 7th and the Navamsa position of these planets should be judged
in addition to the significator, Venus, for reaching at the correct judgement
regarding the 7th house.

D. The Lord of Seventh House Placed in Various Bhavas

1. Lord of the Seventh house placed in Lagna - The native will be skillful.
He will be interested in other's as well as his own spouse. He will be a person of
low morals and will lack courage. He may be wicked, with the degree of,
Wickedness depending upon the amount of affliction. He may also suffer from
windy complaints and may not keep his words. He will be happy, prosperous
and will destroy his rivals. The native may marry someone who has, been known
since childhood, or has been brought up in the same family. The partner might
have even played with the native during school days or might have met her
quite early in life. The native will be intelligent and quite aware of the
consequences of his actions. If the 7th lord is Venus, the native will be quite
Elementary Principles of the Seventh house 59
sensual and may have clandestine relationships. This kind of placement awards
an intelligent life partner. Travelling is frequent.

2. Lord of the seventh placed in 2nd house - The subject will have many
wives, or develop hush-hush relations with, a number of eves depending upon
other factors. He will certainly gain money from his wife. The prosperity of
such a native will have a gradual enhancement after marriage. Kalyan Varma
says in ''Saravali" that the wife may be combative, bilious, unhappy,
disobedient, childless but intelligent. The person may be fickle minded and
will always be in search of sensual pleasures. If a dual sign falls in the 2nd
house, more than one marriage may he predicted. If the 7th lord is afflicted
in the 2nd house, the earnings may be by unethical means, such as flesh trade.
He may even use his wife provided the 7th lord is heavily afflicted in the 2nd
house by conjunction or aspect of malefics.

If the lord of 7th house joins 2nd with the 2nd lord, the native will get much
wealth in marriage. He may get married during the dasa-bhukti of the 2nd
or the 7th lord. The marriage may take place with a working, girl who will
bring in regular income. The native may earn money through a partnership, an
agency in a distant land. If afflicted, the death of either of the partner may be
evident during the period of the concerning planet. If there is a yoga for a Jong
life, separation with wife is quite likely during the period of the lords of the
2nd and 7th house. If the lord of the 2nd house falls in the 8th house from
Navamsa Lagna, the native's wife may not die and he may marry another
woman at a distant place. The wife may be too greedy and miserly and may
even make his husband suffer. She may not even care for her family reputation
where her interests clash.

3. Lord of the seventh house placed in 3rd - Parashara opines that placement
of the 7th lord in the 3rd house may be bad for children. There may, generally
be, loss of children. The possibility of a living son may be remote. However, the
daughters may survive, and may bring happiness to the native. The sons may
even die unless the 5th house and Santankarak Jupiter is strongly disposed
off. This is a fortunate position for brothers. They may prosper in foreign country.
If the 7th ford is afflicted in the 3rd house and is without any banefic aspect,,
or association, one may indulge in an immoral relation with the wife of the
younger brother, or with a remote sister, cousin or daughter of a maternal
uncle. Prosperity of brothers may be hampered in case of affliction of the 7th
lord. The native will be self-reliant and friendly to relatives. In case the placement
of the 7th lord in the 3rd house with the 3rd lord,, the native"s wife will hail
from a reputed family. The father-in-law will be fortunate and well placed.
Nevertheless, the life of a brother or a sister may he threatened during the
dasa-bhukti of the afflicted lord of the 3rd house. If the malefic effects are
powerfull, the second marriage may take place, but this should be
considered only as an additional factor for second marriage, and not as a
6 0 Predicting Marriage
rule. The wife will be emotionally in favour of her co-boms than those of her
husband. She will be bold, and at times cruel.

4. Lord of the Seventh Placed in the 4th - One gets a fortunate and a nice
wife & leads a happy married life. The subject owns a number of vehicles and
acquires a high educational qualification. The native may have an indecent,
mean & immature life-partner if the lord is afflicted. He will have to face
innumerable problems of account of property matters, lands, houses & vehicles.
If 4th lord is afflicted by Rahu or Ketu, the wife's character may be suspect.
Much will depend upon the inherent nature of the 4th lord whether it is benefic
or a malefic. The partner will be submissive, kind, adjusting and of cheerful
temperament if the concering planet is auspicious. Otherwise the case may
reverse. The native will be truthful, religious and intelligent. He may also suffer
from dental problems. According to Rama Dayalu, the wife of the native will be
respected for her chastity and devotion towards her husband (native). She will
be modest.

If the 7th lord joins the 4th lord in the 4th house, much travelling is expected.
The domestic life of the native will be happy. However, if 4th house is afflicted,
the mother of the native will suffer crisis. Her health will suffer and she may
even die. The native will get due returns and the due respect because of his high
education and will be assigned suitable job. He may go abroad to serve. If 4th
lord is well fortified, the native will buy a nice car, a beautiful house and real
estate during the period of the 4th lord.

5. Lord of the Seventh placed in the Fifth house - The native will be
honourable and a man of principles. He will always be delightful and will be
blessed with wealth. But this is not an encouraging disposition in respect of
marriage and marital life. The conjugal life will be seldom satisfactory. Problems
regarding children will also be there. There may either be less of progeny or
unhappiness on account of children. It has often been observed that mutual
exchange of 7th and 5th lords have denied marriage. The native will be virtuous,
wealthy, honourable and happy. However, the happiness in respect of marriage
and children will be absent. The native will get the company of great men and
will always be in high spirits, If the 7th lord is severely afflicted in the 5th house,
the native's wife may beget children from others. Birth of illegitimate children
may take place if Mercury also afflicts the 5th house in one or the other way
(Mercury is the illegitimate son of Moon). Daughters will be born if the 7th lord
is under the influence of benefics and malefics both.

Illustration No. 2.4 (Horoscope No. 4) - This horoscope belongs to a famous

lady of international repute. She is one of the richest in the country running
many industries. She is one of the charming & pretty women and was educated
in London. She was born with Pisces ascendant. The lord of the 7th house,
Horoscope No. 4
^ate 05/08/1960 Time 21:02:00 Day Friday PfaceChennai Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:02
^at 13:05:00 North Long 80:18:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr -0:08:48

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottarl Yoglnl

Siderial Time . 17:49:56 Mrs Gan.. Manushya Sun :4Y8M17D Sankta : 6Y 3M 120
Eq.of time - 0:05:55 Mrs Yonl Nakul Mars
Sunrise 5:56:11 Mrs Nadi Anlya 24/04/1975 05/08/1960
Sunset 18:33:05 Hrs Varan Kshatriya 23/04/1982 18/11/1994
Samvat 2017 Vashya Manav Mars 20/09/1975 Sankta 18/11/1966
Saka 1882 Varga Ntaoshak Rahu 07/10/1976 Mangla 18/11/1967
Month Sravsns Yunja Antya Jupiter 13/09/1977 Pingla 18/11/1969
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Agni Saturn 23/10/1978 Dhanya 18/11/1972
Tithl at Sunrise. 13 Name Alphabet Bhay-Bhairav Mercury 20/10/1979 Bhramri 18/11/1976
Nakshatra Uttarasadha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Kelu 17/03/1980 Bhadrika 18/11/1931
Yoga Priti Copper-Copper Venus 18/05/1981 Ulka 18/11/1987
Karan Gara Hora Mercury Sun 22/09/1981 Sidha 18/11/1994

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S

Sun Can 20:08:21 Mon Mer Ven Rah Asc Pis 3:54:15 Jup Sat Sat Mer
Mon Sag 29:31:27 Jup Sun Rah Jup 2 An 8:29:01 Mar Ket Jup Ven
Mar Tau 9:14:24 Ven Sun Ven Sat 3 Tau 8:13:14 Ven Sun Ven Sun
Mer Can 0:59:51 Mon Jup Mar Mer 4 Gem 4:38:42 Mer Mar Ven Mer
Jup -R Sag 1.0456 Jup Ket Ven Ven 5 Can 0:49:20 Mon Jup Mar Sat
Ven Leo 2:15:54 Sun Ket Ven Sal 6 Can 29:53:59 Mon Mer Sat Jup
Sat -R Sag 20:04:08 Jup Ven Rah Mar 7 Vir 3:54:15 Mer Sun Sat Ven
Rah -R Leo 22:46:54 Sun Ven Sat Ven 8 Ub 829:01 Ven Rah Rah Mon
Ket -R Aqu 22:46:54 Sat Jup Sat Ven 9 Sco 8:13:14 Mar Sat Ven Ven
Ura Can 27:49:56 Mon Mer Jup Rah 10 Sag 4:38:42 Jup Ket Mon Ven
Nep Lib 13:24:38 Ven Rah Mer Mon 11 Cap 0:49:20 Sat Sun Rah Ven
Plu Leo 12:03:04 Sun Ket Mer Ven 12 Cap 29:53:59 Sat Mar Sat Jup

Fortuna: Leo 13:17:21 Navamsa Chart

NPlu M«r
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal
Rah n. 8
5 X3
2£' 36*- Sa./

Ket / \ X X X Kal
10/ 1 Si1 Men 11 Xx1 ^
^XlO Nv Nep A 12\jup
Ke2a- Mar 2 X10 1 Mev ^X Sun -Xlira Mar x.

Jup 9 Mon Sat 9 Mon
A Ven
Sat X10 X X
/ Rah Ura\ Nep 1 iXXjup 9 UraX/
UraX / / PI 12'
Mer4x' Mer4\ 8 Jup Ra2y
X^ X. piu x^
Sun/ 5\ n V Sun/ 4 yMer 12 Rah/XMon 6 Sljri
/ Plu \ / Plu \
/Van Rah Van Rah \ / \ Kat

9a- Ba-
6 2 Predicting Ma rriage
Mercury, joins the 5th house in association with the 6th lord Sun. We have
discussed above that the Placement of the 7th lord in the 5th house is adverse
for marriage and progeny. The native whose birth chart has been illustrated
here married at 21 years of age in one of the richest family of India. Still she is
not leading a happy marital life. She has no issues and in fact childlessness has
created a void in her life.

If the lord of 7th house falls in the 5th house with the lord of the 5th, or there
is a mutual exchange of the 5th and 7th lords, there may he acute unhappiness
both in respect of spouse and children. There may be separation due to
misunderstandings, or the children may die, if not denied completely. A mishap
may result in loss of children. If benefic effects are strong over the 5th house,
the native may be blessed with one or two daughters. If Rahu, Saturn or Sun is
involved with the 7th lord in 5th by conjunction or aspect, the possibility of
divorce becomes grave due to the separative tendencies of these planets. The
adverse affect may be further enhanced if the 7th lord falls in the 6th, 8th or
12th place from Navamsa Lagna. If the 5th lord fall in the 6th, from Navamsa
Lagna, the children may be sickly and also be frequently hospitalised. If the
affliction of the 7th lord in the 5th house with 5th lord is very adverse and the
5th house is heavily afflicted in addition to Santan Karaka Jupiter, the children
may even be murdered unfortunately. If the 5th lord falls in the 12th house
from Navamsa Lagna, the children may suffer because of enemies, thieves or
smugglers, by being used by them in their gangs, if the signs of poverty are also
present the children may be compelled to do begging. Judgement should be
made intelligently. If children, both male and female, do exist, the native is sure
to suffer due to misconduct and ill-behaviour of the children towards him.

Illustration No. 2.5 (Horoscope No. 5} -This horoscope belongs to an extremely

close relative of the author. She was the mother of ten children. She got married
when she was 16 year old. The placement of the lord of 7th house, Mars, in the
5th house resulted into early, but unhappy, married life. Her husband was more
than ten years elder to her and it was his second marriage, (first wife having
died). She was not allowed to visit her parents for about 24 years after marriage,
and passed a torturous married life, all due to the placement of the 7th lord in the
5th house. The 5th lord, Saturn, is well disposed in the Lagna in its sign of
exaltation. Mars who joins the 5th house obtains Vargottam Navamsa and is
unafflicted as there is no malefic aspect or conjunction. This resulted in the
birth for seven sons and three daughters. The first son and a daughter expired
in childhood. None of her son rose to desired status and remained unsettled
even late in life. Her husband expired on 22.10.69 and she had to pass a miserable
life until she died due to a heavy myo-cardial infraction on 19.8.86. Some of her
children tortured her to the extent that she died of unbearable tension which
caused heart ailments. She had to support many of her children till the end of
Horoscope No. 5
1/1924 Time 05:37:00 Day Sunday Place Chandausi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:32
at 28:06:00 North Long 77:50:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:18:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time 8:29:55 Mrs Gan Deva Mercury : 8Y 2M 6D Ulka :2Y2M 5D
Eq.of time ,0:16:14 Hrs Yon) Gaja Venus
Sunrise ,6:36:13 Hrs Nadi Antya 15/01/1938 09/11/1924
Sunset 17:28:26 Hrs Varan Vipra 1501/1958 1401/1957
Samvat : 1981 Vashya Jalchar Venus 16/05/1941 Ulka 15/01/1927
Saka 1846 Varga Simha Sun 17/05/1942 Sidha 15/01/1934
Month Kartika Yunja Poorva Moon 15/01/1944 Sankta 1501/1942
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Jsl Mars 17/03/1945 Mangla 1501/1943
Tithi at Sunrise.. 12 Name Alphabet Cha-Cha ndan Rahu 16/03/1948 Pingla 14/01/1945
Nakshatra Revati Paya(Ras!-Nak) Gold-Gold Jupiter 15/11/1950 Dhanya 15/01/1948
Yoga Vajra Hora Mars Saturn 15/01/1954 Bhrami 15/01/1952
Karan Taitila Chaugharia Labha Mercury 15/11/1956 Bhadrika 1401/1957

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 23:46:33 Ven Jup Sat Jup Asc Lib 10:21:14 Ven Rah Jup Rah
Mon Pis 25:09:01 Jup Mer Rah Mer 2 Sco 9:20:09 Mar Sat Ven Jup
Mar Aqu 15:29:12 Sat Rah Ven Ven 3 Sag 10:13:29 Jup Ket Sat Ven
Mer Sco 2:03:16 Mar Jup Rah Sat 4 Cap 12:34:33 Sat Mon Rah Sat
Jup Sco 28:47:55 Mar Mer Sat Ven 5 Aqu 14:48:47 Sat Rah Ket Rah
Ven Vlr 15:03:55 Mer Mon Jup Sun 6 Pis 14:30:40 Jup Sat Rah Sun
Sat Lib 13:56:46 Ven Rah Mer Jup 7 Ari 10:21:14 Mar Ket Sat Ven
Rah -R Can 26:11:36 Mon Mer Jup Jup 8 Tau 9:20:09 Ven Sun Ven Sat
Ket -R Cap 26:11:36 Sat Mar Jup Jup 9 Gem 10:13:29 Mer Rah Jup Rah
Ura -R Aqu 25:11:04 Sat Jup Mer Rah 10 Can 12:34:33 Mon Sat Mar Mer
Nep Can 29:58:22 Mon Mer Sat Jup 11 Leo 14:48:47 Sun Ven Ven Sat
Plu -R Gem 20:52:49 Mer Jup Jup Yen 12 Vir 14:30:40 Mer Mon Jup Mer
Fortuna: Pisces 11:43:41, Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal


\Mer Jup/ \ Ven / Juj> / \ Ven

\ 8 / \6/ Rah
gX/ Sun Sat Vs xy V/
9VSun 7 Mar Vs
^ \ Sat / ^
/ \
QKet 10 \ Nep 4 Rahy m io Nap 4 Rah Sat X N. Plu NapiX
V 11 / \ 9/
Mar\ / \/ 4i3- Ma:\ 12>c 10 X9 Rah
X 11 1 X3 Plu
Ura/i2\ /A. Jup 1 Ura 7 Van
X Mon \
/ \ Mer
JU291 Su24 I2l5* Sun Xy
2XMon 4
Jup Sat 22' Sai<# 110- Veis Ket/aX / 5\
| Mer Sun Mar
6 4 Predicting Marriage
her "life though the children were expected to support their mother. One of her
daughter who got married on 24.11.68 got separated from her husband for
seven years. Thus the placement of the 7th lord in the 5th house caused early
but unhappy marriage and brought miseries from her children.

6. Lord of Seventh placed in the Sixth House - There may be two marriages
for both the living partners. The marriage may take place with a cousin. If Venus
and the 7th house both are afflicted, one may suffer from veneral diseases. The
wife will be jealous and diseased, denying her husband the desired marital bliss.
One may lose his married partner by indiscreet acts if Venus is unafflicted but
weak. The native may suffer from consumptive diseases. The combination is
adverse for conjugal bliss. In a number of cases we have seen that one gets
separated from his/her spouse when 7th house is owned by the Sun and it
joins the 6th house. If the 7th lord occupies the 6th house in association with
the 6th lord, the wife may bring insult or notoriety. She will sufferfrom a chronic
trouble, depending upon the nature of the planet in question. One may get
involved in a long drawn-out litigation due to wife or husband, as the case
may be. Cause of death of maternal uncle may be a suspect and doubtful. If
benefics also influence the 7th lord and house, the problems regarding wife
and married life will disappear after sometime.

Illustration No. 2.6 (Horoscope No. 6) - Note that the 7th lord, Sun, is Posited
in the 6th house. She is a strong Mangali as well. She got married on 24.11.68
and suffered separation within a month after marriage following a false
and fabricated charge of having stolen a hundred rupees. She remained
separated for seven years but got reunited thereafter. She lost her dear
maternal uncle who was of 50 years of age in a mysterious manner. He was a
noble and a truthful person. He went to a Police station to lodge an F.I.R. of a
crime done against his son by a hooligan. Police instead locked him up and
tortured him to death. Perhaps the culprit had already greased the palm of the
sub-inspector of Chandausi. He died in the police station. The mystery of the
death of the maternal uncle still remains unsolved.

The native has a younger brother born under Aquarius ascendant. The same
combination of the placement of the 7th lord Sun in the 6th house is present in
his birthchart too. He also suffered divorce and the story of the maternal uncle
narrated above becomes true for him also. This is most undesirable placement
of the lord of the 7th house.

7. Lord of the Seventh placed in the Eight House - This position of the 7th
lord is also adverse, somewhat like the 6th house. The wife may die or she could
be a sickly woman. There may he quarrels between the husband and the
wife and marital bliss will he absent. The marriage may not last even long.
If Mercury and Moon are involved, the native may he impotent and this
Horoscope No.6
20/07/1948 Time 20:28:00 Day Tuesday Place Faizabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:
1 26:46:00 North Long 82:08.00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:01:28

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottart YOgini

Siderial Time . 16:19:43 Hrs Gan Manushya Sun :4Y8M 21D Sankta :8Y3M17D
Eq.of time - 0:06:12 Hrs YonL Nakul Moon
Sunrise 5:21:07 Hrs NadL Antya 11/04/1953 20/07/1948
Sunset 18:64:07 Hrs Varan. Kshatriya 11/04/1963 07/11/1982
Samval 2005 Vashya Manav Moon 09/02/1954 Sankta 07/11/1954
Saka 1870 Varga Mooshak Mars 10/09/1954 Mangle 07/11/1955
Month Asadha Yunja Antya Rahu 11/03/1956 Pingfa a7/11/v957
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Agni Jupiter 11/07/1957 Dhanye 07/11/1960
Tithi at Sunrise. : 14 Name Alphabet Bhay-Bhairav Saturn 10/02/1959 Bhramri G7/11/1964
Nakshatra Uttarasadha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Gold-Copper Mercury 11/07/1960 Bhadrika 07/11/1969
Yoga Vlshkumbh Hare Sun Ketu 09/02/1961 Ulka 07/11/1975
Karan. Bava Chaugharia Labha Venus 11/10/1962 Sidha 07/11/1982

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 4:53:18 Man Sat Sat Rah Asc Aqu 3:)2:44 Sat Mar Ven Mon
Man Sag 29:30:05 Jup Sun Rah Rah 2 Pis 13:24:40 Jup Sat Rah Jup
Mar Vir 9:06:02 Mer Sun Ven Jup 3 Ari 17:00:48 Mar Ven Mon Mer
Mer Gem 15:07:02 Mer Rah Ket Mer 4 Tau 13:53:48 Ven Mon Jup Jup
Jup Sco 27:16:59 Mar Mer Jup Surv 5 Gem 7:46:56 Mer Rah Rah Mer
Ven Gem 2:07:20 Mer Mar Ket Man 6 Can 2:37:18 Man Jup Rah Ven
Sat Can 29:33:58 Mon Mer Sat Rah 7 Leo 3:12:44 Sun Ket Sun Rah
Rah Ari 17:58:39 Mar Ven Mar Ven 8 Vir 13:24:40 Mer Mon Rah Ven
Ket Lib 17:58:39 Ven Rah Sun Ket 9 Lib 17:00.48 Ven Rah Ven Mer
Ura Gem 5:20:14 Mer Mar Sun Mer 10 SCO 13:53:48 Mar Sat Rah Mer
Nep Vir 17:33:48 Mer Mon Sat Jup 11 Sag 7:46:56 Jup Ket Jup Jup
Plu Can 21:09:50 Man Mer Ven Mer 12 Cap 2:37:18 Sat Sun Jup Mon

Fortuna: Cancer 27:49:31 Navamsa Chart

N. Lira S Rah
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
Mon sSc Yen 7 5 Sun1

317* 414
Raia* Plu 10

MerliX 1 3 Nep
\12/ \10/ Sun \10/ 63' X12\
Rahl)<^ 11 ^<9 Man Sat 11 X9Mon Sus XSat KetV
S Jup Mar X .
f 2 Y 8 Jupy Ven 2 Ura 8 Jup Sun JupX >

UraV / N. y/ aVKe! 12
VenSyNy 5 /x Ket
Mer/ \ / 6\ Mar / 6 Ven 3 9 Set
/ Plu \ / \ | ^ pru \ /
Ne Mer
/Sun Sat\/ P \ Mar
Sun Sat\/ NeP
Ju27* Keie- Ura 4/\Mon 6
RahXe mr
1014' 917'
Jup Kel I / Mar jr Plu .NepX.
6 6 Predicting Marriage
would cause marital unhappiness. Involvement of Saturn, Rahu or Sun may
lead to separation. If the 8th lord Joins the 7th lord in 8th house, evil results
will be experienced during the period of the 7th lord. The spouse may have
either severe health trouble or may expire, he may go abroad but that journey
may cause many problems, tensions and troubles. Accident is also likely,
particularly if the Saturn and the Mars are placed in the 8th house. The marriage
may bring some wealth. The death of the native may take place in a foreign
country. This disposition gives an ill-tempered and a wicked wife or a husband
leading to discord.

8. Lord of the Seventh placed in the Ninth House - This is a welcome

position of the lord of the 7th house. The native may get involved with many
females. He will respect and love his own wife. He will always pay maximum
attention to his wife even if there are other charming and young women in
his life. The wife will be virtuous, religious, gentle, chaste and kind-hearted.
She will be beautiful and will bring fortune to the native. She will coax the
native to become religious and lead the path of truth and honesty. This is all
the more so if the 7th lord is well disposed off and unafflicted. The native will
have many works at hand or may have job-offers from many concerns. If the
combinations support, the native may live abroad and earn fortunes. The father
may die soon if the 7th lord is afflicted. In case of affliction the partner will
compel the native away from religious acts and will also guide him wrongly so
that the wealth is wasted. If the 7th lord occupies the 9th house in association
with the 9th lord, the fortune comes through marriage during the period of the
lord of the 7th house. The subject will take to pilgrimage and donate money in
charity. He will donate for temples, wells, dharamshalas, schools, hospitals etc.
He will be inclined to religion and virtues. He will earn wealth in right earnest
and will be blessed with a chaste, sincere, honest and dedicated wife. He will
enjoy all kind of comforts and will also acquire property. Such a native will
earn heavy advantages by working in the name of his wife. The wife will
he devoted to her duties with a high sense of her responsibilities" If malefics
join the 7th lord in the 9th house the native would be disgraced for his extra
marital relationships. Association of Saturn and Mars is all the more harmful in
this regard.

9. Lord of the Seventh placed in the Tenth House - The native will get a
defiant wife but will be endowed with wealth, blessed with a son and will
religiously be inclined. The native may earn honours abroad in his profession.
The native" s spouse would be working and would be faithful. The husband
will be a famous and a reputed person. The wife will contribute to the income
of the native, either by working herself, or by doing an independent job
(She will help promote the career of her husband). If the 7th lord is afflicted
in the 10th house, the native will be ambitious and avaricious without ability.
The professional prospects of her husband i.e. native will suffer. The native
Elementary Principles of the Seventh house 67
wiJI earn repute and recognition by his merits if the 7th ford falls in the
10th house with the lOth lord and is well-disposed off and unafflkted. lie
will be regarded for his noble acts, intelligence and generosity. The native will
earn fame and reputation for his distinct merits. The affliction and weakness
of the 10th lord will produce adverse results. If the lord of the 7th house is a
cruel planet the native may indulge in illegal acts an may develop contacts with
criminals and smugglers. The spouse may he tortured by the parents of the
native. If there is mutual exchange between the 7th and the 10th lords, the
native may be a successful businessman. Hushand and wife both will work
successfully to become prosperous. Both will assist in promoting each other"s
career. However, the horoscope of wife should also be judged for employment
or business activities. Since the 7th house deals with partners in business as
well, the merit of this combination may benefit the business partner. The native
will do well in partnership in any business provided the lords are unaf flicted.
There will he all round advancement and success in all his undertakings.

10. Lord of Seventh placed in Eleventh house - The native will acquire
wealth and property through spouse. He will get much happiness through
his daughters but not so from his sons. There is a possibility of losing a child.
Sons will he dependent on the native, if other good indications are there, but
sons will not keep the native happy while the daughters would certainly do.
Sons in unfortunate cases may not survive at all. There may be more than one
marriage of the native and he may be associated with a number of females. If
the 7th lord is well-disposed off in the 11 th house, the wife will come from a
rich family and bring wealth. If afflicted, the native will marry more than once.
If the 11th lord is strong, the the native will fare well in trade and partnership
business. The business will expand and may even thrive abroad. The elder
brother of the native will prosper. If afflicted the opposite results would be
realised. The mutual exchange between the 7th and the 11th lords will make
the native a famous and rich businessman. Family life will also be happy.
6 8 Predicting Marriage
Illustration No. 2.7. ( Horoscope No. 7 )- The native is a multi-millionaire and
deals in tobacco. His products are popular all over the country. He is recognised
for his wealth in northern India as a successful businessman. He is also a Mayor
of a big city. The lord of the 11 th house. Moon falls in the 7th house and 7th
lord Jupiter occupies the exaltation sign in the llthhouse. The mutual exchange
of the 7th and 11th lords have raised the native to the present height. The wife
of the native is beautiful well-educated and leading a very happy married life
by God's grace. Under such placement of the 7th lord the spouse will be of
adjustable nature sensitive to the needs and emotions of the life-partner. She
will save money. In case of affliction of the 7th lord in the 13 th house, the
earnings of the native may be from illegal sources.

11. Lord of the Seventh placed in the Twelfth house - This is an adverse
position for the lord of the 7th house. The subject may be poor and miser.
Parashara says that such a native will do business of cloth. The wife will be
extravagant. There may be more than one marriage of the native. If favourably
disposed off, the native will have both the wives living. If the 7th lord is afflicted
by malefics, the second marriage may take place only after the death of the first
wife or after separation from her. If the lord of the 7th house and significator
Venus both are weak, the native may just dream of marriage and will roam
around here and there in search of a woman. The native will be devoid of
pleasure. His wife comes from a poor family or even from among the servants.
If the Mercury joins or aspects the 7th lord in the 12th house, the wife may be
adulterous, if Lagna lord, Venus and 12th lord join the 12th house, the native
and his wife will live abroad. Both may have immoral relationships. The subject
will decidedly lack the bliss of conjugal life, mostly due to wife.

E. Planetary Aspects on the Seventh House and their_effects - There are

various factors which influence the 7lh house and related other aspects of the
life. So far we have only considered the results of the effects of planets placed in
the 7th house and consequences of the lord of the 7 th house in various positions
in general. The aspect of planets on the 7th house is also quite important to
improve the happiness of the married life, beauty of the spouse, family of the
partner etc. The aspects of a planet may allow materialisation of a love-affair
into marriage or may break happy life by separating husband and wife.

The prime factor in correct judgement of a particular house is to study and to

analyse, the various influences in a holistic manner keeping in view the
contemporary situation, period and the country. The modification of the results
of the 7th house should be judged on the basis of following guidelines in as far
as the aspects of various planets are concerned:

The Sun - If Sun aspects the 7th house from the 7th place, the person will
tend to lose sexual urge and even lose his wife. Further, he will be affected by
Horoscope No. 7
Bte 20/04/1944 Time 19:30:00 Day Thursday PlaceBanda Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:49
•t 25:28:00 North Long 80:20:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -1:08:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SWerial Time .:fl:15:18 Mrs Gan Manushya Saturn : 15Y9M 19D Bhadrika : 4Y1M 27D
Eq.oflime. :0:01:04 Hrs Yonl : Gau Venus
Sunrise :6:43:15 Hrs Nadi j Madhya 08/02/1984 18/06/1979
Sunset :19:32:27 Hrs Varan : Vipra 08/02/2004 18/06/2015
Samvat : 2001 Vashya ; Jalchar Venus 10/06/1987 Bhadrika 17/06/1984
Saka : 1866 Varga : Sarp Sun 09/06/1988 Ulka 18/06/1990
Month : Vaisakha Yunja : Antya Moon 08/02/1990 Sldha 17/06/1997
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Mars 10/04/1991 Sankta 17/06/2005
Tithi at Sunrise..: 12 Name Alphabet Doo-Dooqay Rahu 10/04/1994 Mangla 18/06/2006
Nakshatra : U Bhadrapad Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Gold Jupiter 09/12/1996 Pingla 17/06/2008
Yoga : Endra Hora : Moon Saturn 08/02/2000 Dhanya 18/06/2011
Karan : Gara Chaugharia : Shubh Mercury 09/12/2002 Bhramri 18/06/2015

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Ari 7:29:39 Mar Ket Rah Mar Asc Lib 7:30:25 Ven Rah Rah Sat
Mon Pis 5:34:36 Jup Sat Mer Mer 2 Sco 6:33:06 Mar Sat Mer Rah
Mar Gem 19:15:08 Mer Rah Mar Mar 3 Sag 7:02:43 Jup Ket Rah Ven
Mer Ari 23:29:23 Mar Ven Sat Rah 4 Cap 8:45:45 Sat Sun Ven Rah
Jup Can 24:18:04 Mon Mer Rah Rah 5 Aqu 10:43:46 Sat Rah Sat Sat
Ven Pis 19:31:03 Jup Mer Ven Ven 6 Pis 10:50:46 Jup Sat Sun Mer
Sat Tau 29:58:40 Ven Mar Sat Jup 7 Ari 7:30:25 Mar Ket Rah Mar
Rah -R Can 9:51:47 Mon Sat Ven Sat 8 Tau 6:33:06 Ven Sun Mer Jup
Ket -R Cap 9:51:47 Sat Sun Ven Mer 9 Gem 7:02:43 Mer Rah Rah Jup
Ura Tau 13:52:48 Ven Mon Rah Mar 10 Can 8:45:45 Mon Sat Ven Mon
Nep -R Vir 9:19:47 Mer Sun Ven Sat 11 Leo 10:43:46 Sun Ket Sat Mar
Plu -S Can 13:35:05 Mon Sat Rah Sat 12 Vir 10:50:46 Mer Mon Mon Ket

Fortuna: Virgo 5:35:22 Navamaa Chart

Lsgni Chart X / XPIu Mtr,

Nirayana Bhava Challt^Cuapal
10 8
\ X X /
Jup 11 XV»n 9 x7
Sun Sit Su?' 8T
Mir Ura 71' W
Mir 12 K«lJXR«h 5 Sif)
MlJi' Se"*
N. Nip N. . jr
\ Nap
3 Mon
\8 / XV
^^z\Sun /
7 Ve VSNap lO"-
/ \ Rlio1
/ \ PIK- Dasamaa
Ktt 10 Rth 4 Jup Kil 10 B u . 1 N
Rth 4 Jup y J" '
V X \ Jup Mir/
0 e
\ Plu / \ P!u / V X \ X
N 11 Mon 9
Kais* Xx MtrSrt Sat
llVSun 1 M»rV3M«r 49* MennlX
1 1 X3 Mir XX Kit XX
Ket /l2\ /2\ /t2\ Mer / 2 \
/ Mon V»iv\ y/Ura 5ar\| Nap Sun Ven\ /Ura Sal\

1if Xxun 3 R|,
2?' Van UraV S Ptu Nv
7 0 Predicting Marriage I
the enemies and may be pale in complexion. |

The Moon - his wife will be very beautiful, good natured but ficikle minded,
stout, may always find fault and have a bad behaviour, if the Moon aspects the
7th house.

The Mars - Unfortunately, divorce or even death of wife may be indicated, if

Mars aspects the 7th house, there may be kidney affliction, numerous disputes
due to wife and the native may avoid travelling due to fear.

The Mercury - The aspect of Mercury on the 7th house confers happiness in
the married life. The person will be handsome, intelligent, and will be blessed
with wealth. He may, however frequently develop corns.

The Jupiter - Happy married life, worthy children, success in merchandise

and fame are indicated, if Jupiter aspects the 7th house. The native will be wealthy
and charitable as well.

The Venus - In addition to happy married life and a number of worthy

children, the person will have quite a success in merchandise and will be blessed
with a sharp intellect, if Venus aspects the 7th house. If a banefic is associated
with the seventh house, the positive results will be all the more pronounced.

The Saturn - If Saturn aspects the 7th house, death of wife, affliction by
anaemic diseases, fever, dysentery and diarrhoea are likely.

The Rahu - If aspected by Rahu the 7th house makes the person lecherous
and stubborn and during the Dasa period of Rahu, may even unfortunately
cause the death of his wife.

If the lord of the 7th is either associated with or aspected by a benefic, the
native will be fully blessed with prosperity and will be a lord and good-natured.
He will get wealth, luck and will gain by his wife. If the lord of the 7th is in
exaltation, or in exaltation, or in retrograde motion the person may be very
good and quite wealthy. But if the lord is inimical, debilitated or eclipsed, the
effects will be otherwise.

NOTE : - This chapter has been penned to explain the elementary principles of the
7th house. The results are general and must be taken as a guideline. There are numerous
other factors which do play a vital role in correct judgement of a house. These factors
should not be overlooked otherwise we will reach at an incorrect conclusion. These
points have been repeatedly mentioned at different places and also at the beginning
of this chapter. The description for convenience, has been made mostly for male
nativities. These results hold equally good for female nativites as well. The general
principles of the placement of a particular planet at a particular place will give the
same results for the wife as for husband. Thus all the results are equally applicable
for male and female nativities.


Navamsa chart is the most important part in predictive astrology. Those,

who do not consider Navamsa chart in prediction, in effect do great
injustice to astrology. Navamsa chart is a supporting chart which shows pre-
cise details, strength and the tendency of the planets.
The zodiac consists of 360°, divided into 12 equal parts of 30° each, named as
Sign or Rasi. The zodiac is also divided into 27 constellations, each having span
of 13° 20\ Each Nakshatra has fourpadas or charans of 3° ICTeach. Thus the
sum total of 27 Nakshatras has been divided into 27x4=108 padas. Each sign of
30° consists oflVt Nakshatras i.e. 9 padas each of 3° 2(T or you can say that each
sign contains 9 padas consisting of 214 Nakshatra. The signs are bound by
Nakshatras because a part of a Nakshatra falls in one sign and the remaining
padas fall in the subsequent sign. Every a sign has been divided into 9 parts of
3° 2(r each having a planet as its owner. Thus we arrive at a Navamsa sign. The
remaining three Navamsa sign are carved out from the subsequent sign. For
example in Aries, first 9 Navamsa sign starting from Aries to Sagittarius will
cover 30°. The remaining 3 Navamsa sign will be taken in the sign Taurus.. We
notice that the 3 padas of Nakshatra fall in the other sign and 3 Navamsa sign
out of 12 go under the next Rasi signs. Thus Navamsa and padas or Nakshatras
are 108 in number consisting of 3° 20v each.
Thus the key for understanding the Navamsa is to understand the essential
fact that the Nakshatra pada (quarter) is identified with Navamsa. Both are of
the same length 3o20\ Their lines of demarcation are also identical. This is the
reason why the Navamsa division is considered the most important among the
16 other divisions. In our view Navamsa chart carries much more weight and,
accuracy than the Rasi chart.
Navamsa: The chart shows a magnified picture of a planet in a modified
form. Jataka Parijata clarifies Navamsa in the 85th Sloka of the second chapter,
7 2 Predicling Maniage
that the zodiacal sign in which a planet is exalted and Navamsa, which is
owned by that, is said to be in walking or moving state. Navamsa belonging to
a friendly sign is a dreaming of the planet whereas the planet placed in the
Navamsa of its debilitation or in the inimical Navamsa is in the sleeping state.
Each Navamsa consists of 3o20' or 20° minutes. The average time taken by
each planet in transiting a Navamsa is as follows.. -
1. The Sun 3 days 8 hours
2. The Moon 0 day 6 hours and 30 minutes
3. The Mars 4 days 10 hours and 30 minutes
4. The Mercury 2 days 5 hours and 30 minutes
5. The Jupiter 40 days 0 hour 0 minute.
6. The Venus 60 days 16 hours 0 minute
7. The Saturn 90 days 10 hours and 0 minute
8. The Rahu 60 days 2 hours and 0 minute
9. The Ketu 60 days 2 hours and 0 minute.
The time taken by the arc covered by one Navamsa in east i.e. the 1 Navamsa
of the rising Lagna is covered within 20ox4 Mts. = 13 Degree 20 minutes.
Nava Navamsa : A Navamsa can be further divided into 9 equal parts each
measuring 200/9=22-2/9 minutes =22 minutes 13 seconds and 10 sub seconds.
Navamsa Dwadasamsa : Each Navamsa can be divided into 12 parts, each
measuring 200/ 12= 16 2/3 minutes = 16 minutes 40 seconds. This is known as
Navamsa Dwadasamsa.
The interesting point to note is that every exaltation or debilitation sign has 9
Navamsas containing a Navamsa of the exaltation sign and one of the debilita-
tion sign. The Moon is an exception to this rule. Moon is exalted in Taurus and
debilitated in Scorpio. The Taurus contains the Navamsa of Taurus and not that
of Scorpio where Moon is debilitated. Similarly Scorpio contains Navamsa of
Scorpio and not that of Taurus where Moon is exalted.
Conjunction in Navamsa : If two planets are placed in the same pada of the
same Nakshatra, they will conjoin in the samesignas well as in the same Navamsa.
The planets who are 40° apart from each other, will fall in the same Navamsa. It
holds equally good for all the planets which are 40°, 80°,120°,160°, 200°, 240°,
280° or 320° apart from each other.
Vargottam ; A planet is called Vargottam when it falls in the same sign in
zodiac and Navamsa chart both. Suppose the Sun is at 1° of Cancer, it will
obtain the Navamsa of Cancer. The Sun will be Vargottam, in this case.
A planet if placed in a movable sign i.e. Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn
from 0° to 302Cr, will always be Vargottam as it will occupy the same Navamsa.
Similarly a planet falling in a fixed sign between 1302Cr and 16° 40", will also be
Vargottam, A planet placed in dual sign from 26o40v to 30° will also be in
Vargottama Navamsa.
A planet gains strength when in Vargottam Navamsa. If the planet is well
disposed the strength provided by its Vargottam position will be beneficial.
Significance of Navamsa Chart 73
Similarly it will be harmful if those planets were adversely placed.
Retrograde planets Saravali, mentions in the 39th Sloka of chapter 5th.

Benefic planets in retrogression give power and authority. Retrograde ma-

lefic planets give worries and futile wanderings. In Jataka Parijata Vaidyanath
also holds the view that retrograde planets are strong. Kalidas has written in
Chapter 2 Sloka 6 in his Uttarkalmrita:
cishl cicT

c|fi>l ci". i

M: qrqwt: ^ ^ 11
A retrograde planet is as strong as in its sign of exaltation. A planet associated
with a retrograde gets medium strength. A planet retrograde in its sign of exal-
tation behaves like a debilitated planet. Similarly a debilitated planet exhibits
I. the results of exaltation if it is retrograde.
Thus we see that a retrograde planet if exalted in Rasi but debilitated in
Navamsa, in fact gives the results of debilitation. Similarly a retrograde debili-
tated planet placed in the Navamsa of exaltation sign, will give the result of an
exalted planet.
Navamsa Kalatra Saukhayam
1. If the lord of the 7th house is placed in the Navamsa of its debilitation, the
spouse will be unwise, uncultured and will not be good. The matter could be
further spoilt if the 7th lord is stronger than that of Lagna, and gets a Neech
Navamsa in conjunction with a malefic planet.
2. If the lord of the Navamsa, occupied by the 7th lord, is a malefic planet,
the wife will be cruel and unkind. She will not be noble or generous. The situ-
ation will be further deteriorated if the lord of the 7th house is associated with
3. If the 7th house falls in the Navamsa of Mars in case of males or if the 1st
house of a female falls in Navamsa of Mars and the Navamsa lord occupied by
the 7th lord is weak or eclipsed then the wife will be either a maid servant or
will become vicious in her youth and will be abandoned by her husband.
4. If the Moon occupies the first or seventh house and obtains the Navamsa
of the Sun, the wife will be wicked.
5. If the lord of Navamsa occupied by the 7th lord be in conjunction with a
malefic, the wife of the native will be voloptuous. If 7th lord occupies the
7 4 Predicting Marriage
Navamsa of its debilitation, a person gets a bad wife. She will be unchaste if the
Navamsa lord is afflicted by the association or aspect of malefics.
6. If the 7th lord be Moon i.e. the Lagna be Capricorn and Moon be in con-
junction with malefics, or be aspected by malefics or joins an evil Navamsa, the
wife of the native will be wicked.
Illustration No. 3.1.( Horoscope No.8) - In this birthchart the lord of the 7th
is Moon which gets Sun's Navamsa and is influenced by malefics like Mars and
the Sun in Navamsa. The above rule is applicable here. The native got married
during the sub-period of Saturn in the major period of Saturn ( from9.5.86 to
12.5.89) on 8.4.87. This was more or less a kind of love marriage which took
place under compulsion. The wife of the native managed a friendship with the
native and established all kinds of relation. She entered in the family way as he
had never thought of that union to be converted into marriage. The ethics and
moral values compelled the native to marry with the same woman.
Navamsa showing chaste andfaithful wife
7. The native will marry a chaste, faithfulgirl if the 7th lord falls in the Navamsa
of a benefic Planet. The lord of the 10th house should also be strong and well
8. If Venus or the 7th lord obtains the Navamsa of exaltation the wife of the
native will be dignified. The wife will hail from a respectable family even if the
7th lord gets Neecha Navamsa, provided the 7th lord is stronger than that of
9. If the 7th lord falls in a benefic Navamsa and is also associated with benefics,
the wife will be virtuous, chaste, dutiful and dignified.
10. If the 7th lord be Moon and Moon & Venus obtain the Navamsa of ben-
efic planets, the wife of the native will be good and charitable.
11 . If the lord of the 7th house falls in a benefic Navamsa and a benefic
planet lends its favorable aspect on the 7th lord who in turn joins a quadrant,
the wife will be devoted and will be religious. She will be dignified, of high
morals and will be loyal to her husband.
Navamsa Position of Planets from Atmakaraka Planet
12. If the Jupiter and the Moon are placed in the 7th house from the Navamsa
position of the Atmakaraka planet, the wife will be beautiful and charming.
13. If the Saturn occupies the 7th house from the Navamsa position of the
Atmakaraka planet, the wife will be quite older than the native.
14. If the Mars occupies the 7th house from the Navamsa position of the
Atmakaraka planet, the will have defective limbs.
15. If Mercury is placed in the 7th house from the Navamsa position of the
Atmakaraka planet, the wife will have many qualifies. She will be very intelli-
These positions of planets from Atmakaraka planet in the Navamsa Chart
should be taken only as guidelines and should be applied with the caution,
considering other indications in birth chart.
Horoscope No. 8
06/1071946 Tlfll© 15:21:00 Day Sunday Place Najibabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:51
it 29:37:00 North Long 78:19:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tlma COIT - 0:16:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlrrsottari Yoglnl

Sidarial Tune 16:02:06 Hrs Gan ^ Rakshas Mars: BY10M29O Plngla :1Y11M210
Eq.oftima :0:11:39 Hrs Voni : Slmha Jupiter
Sunrise. :6:13:41 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 05/09/1971 06/10/1946
Sunset :17:56:04 Hrs Varan : Vaishya 05/09/1987 27/09/1982
Samvat : 2003 Vashya Jalchar Jupiter 23/10/1973 Pingla 27/09/1948
Saka : 1868 Varga : Marjar Saturn 06/05/1976 Dhanya 27/09/1951
Month : Asvina Yunja Antya Mercury 12/08/1978 Bhramri 27/09/1955
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) »: Bhocmi Ketu 18/07/1979 Bhadrika 27/09/1960
nthi at Sunrlsa..: 10 Name Alphabet Gaa-Gagan Venus 18/03/1982 Ulka 27/09/1966
Nakshatra : Dhanishtha Paya(RasLNakJ : Gcld-Copper Sun 05/01/1983 Sidha 27/09/1973
Yoga : Dhrati Hora - Mercury Moon 05/05/1984 Sankta 27/09/1981
Karan : Vanij Chaugharia-.. .j: Rcga Mars 12/04/1985 Mangla 27/09/1982

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 19:41:11 Mer Mon Ket Kef Asc Cap 26:28:16 Sat Mar Jup Sat
Mon Cap 23:29:46 Sat Mar Mar Jup 2 Pis 7:50:08 Jup Sat Ket Jup
Mar Lib 15:07:17 Ven Rah Ket Mer 3 Ari 12:33:08 Mar Ket Mer Rah
Mer Lib 4:53:49 Ven Mar Sun Sun 4 Tau 9:44:32 Ven Sun Ven Mer
Jup Lib 9:25:46 Ven Rah Jup Mer 5 Gem 3:16:36 Mer Mar Ven Mon
Ven Sco 1:50:18 Mar Jup Rah Jup 6 Gem 27:12:07 Mer Jup Ven Mon
Sat Can 14:12:30 Mon Sat Rah Ven 7 Can 26:28:16 Mon Mer Jup Sat
Rah -R Tau 20:57:06 Ven Mon Ven Mon 8 Vir 7:50:08 Mer Sun Ven Ven
Ket ■R Sco 20:57:06 Mar Mer Ven Sat 9 Ub 12:33:08 Ven Rah Sat Jup
Ura -R Tau 28:54:56 Ven Mar Sat Ven 10 Sco 9:44:32 Mar Sat Ven Sat
Nep Vir 15:40:01 Mer Mon Sat Sat 11 Sag 3:16:36 Jup Ket Sun Jup
Plu Can 20:09:40 Mon Mer Ven Rah 12 Sag 27:12:07 Jup Sun Sun Ket

tuna : Gemini 0:16:50 Navamsa Chart

Ura Vtny
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chaitt-Cuapai
TxMon fl No Sun
■ ■ 4

a R
U Mw fl 8«t 2 Ntp

BliaHliB JUP 5LX 11 yKI

\J1/ V/Ktt Sal /ia\ Mir /12
XKtt Wu\ X
'P<r'° Xv.n
Mer 7 Mar X S X Mon y
\ Jup / VtfiX 5 X \ 1 X
0t 2
2X$« 4 PiuVe |>Xx /xM
Mon |U™/3 5\Nap

Jup K«Jr Phj 9X Sun fl Mir X 10

K0i Mar 10if Miis' flu' 7 9
Van Mar Vtr Jur Mis- X \ X v<!
Xln NipX s x
7 6 Predicting Marriage
Venus and Mars in Navamsa
16. If Venus falls in Mars Navamsa and Mars obtains the Navamsa of Venus
or is conjoined with Venus, the woman may become even a self-willed whore.
She may even commit adultery due to extreme passion.
17. If Venus and Mars have mutual exchange of houses, falling in a malefic
Navamsa the wife commits adultery with the consent of her husband. There
may be wife swapping as well.
18. If the Moon joins the 1st or the 7th house and falls in Pisces, Cancer or
Scorpio in Navamsa, the wife will be dissatisfied wiyh her husband or be un-
chaste or may even become widow.
These rules have great importance. Almost all classical works have written
about the mutual exchange of the Navamsa of Mars and Venus mentioning
that it results into adulterous activities of the native. The girl having such plan-
etary position must be kept under strict watch and should not be allowed to
mix with the males of any age or class. The exchange of Mars and Venus either
in Rasi or Navamsa whip up sexual passion.
Illustration No. 3.2 (Horoscpe No. 9) - This is the horoscope of an extremely
beautiful and intelligent lady who has been married to a Class-1 officer. Her
husband is a smart and handsome man.
Mars falls in the Navamsa of Venus and Venus falls in the Navamsa of Mars,
Both occupy Lagna and the 7th house in Navamsa chart and thus have a mu-
tual aspect also. She has had adulterous relation with her real brother-in-law for
about last 15 years. The relationship started during the sub-period of Venus in
the major period of Venus. We were astonished when we learnt that the combi-
nation has given a keen desire to marry her lover even at the cost of her hus-
bands life.
18 A. If the Taurus or the Libra ascendant is rising, and falls in the Navamsa
of Aquarius, the girl has excessive passion and is not easily satisfied by men.
She may even indulge in lesbinism. If the same combination is present in a
male chart, he may even indulge in incest. We know a smart, handsome person
who was bom in Libra ascendant under Aquarius Navamsa. He had developed
physical relations with his sister-in-law.
Now, we mention some planetary results on the basis of Navamsa of the 7th
house and concerning planets. These are based on various classical works. The
readers, who are interested in the detailed study of these aphorisms, can refer
the issues of the Astrological Magazine (edited by Dr. B.V.Raman) of the year
1969 and 1970.
19. If Moon occupies the 7th Bhava and falls in a Navamsa owned by Saturn
or Mars, the woman may sleep with another person on the advice of her hus-
20.1f benefic planets join the Venus, and the Moon combines the Navamsa
Rasi of Saturn or Mars, the owner of the chart may adopt prostitution, along
with her Mother.
Horoscope No. 9
ite 26/01/1957 Time 09:09:00 Day Saturday Place Umao Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa
at 26:32:00 North Long 80:30:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimeottari Yoglni

Sideria/ Time .:17:21:40 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Mercury :11Y8M 90 Bhadrika :3Y5M80
Eq.of tima 0:12:35 Hrs Yoni : M'Jg Venus
Sunrise :6:57;06 Hrs Nadi : Adya 06/10/1975 26/01/1957
Sunset :17:44:08 Hrs Varan r Vfcra 06/10/1995 06/07/1991
Samval : 2013 Vashya : Keelak Venus 06/02/1979 Bhadrika 05/07/1960
Saka : 1878 Varga : Mrlg Sun 06/02/1980 Ulka 06/07/1966
Monlh : Magha Yunp : Antya Moon 06/10/1981 Sidha 05/07/1973
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) ..: Jal Mars 06/12/1982 Sankta 06/07/1981
Tithi at Sunrise..: 11 Name Alphabk .: Yaa-Yatendra Rahu 06/12/1985 Mangla 06/07/1982
Nakshatra : Jyestha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Jupiter 06/08/1988 Pingla 05/07/1984
Yoga : Dhruva Copper-Copper Saturn 06/10/1991 Dhanya 06/07/1987
Karan : Balava Hora...... ..r Nfers Mercury 06/08/1994 Bhramri 06/07/1991

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 12:56:09 Sat Mon Rah Mer Asc Aqu 23:44:07 Sat Jup Sat Jup
Mon Sco 20:49:45 Mar Mer Ven Sat 2 Ari 2:37:50 Mar Ket Ven Mer
Mar Ari 5:31:13 Mar Ket Mar Mon 3 Tau 3:05:45 Ven Sun Sat Sat
Mer Sag 19:24:00 Jup Ven Rah Ven 4 Tau 28:11:57 Ven Mar Sat Sat
Jup -R Vir 8:39:02 Mer Sun Ven Rah 5 Gem 22:08:00 Mer Jup Sat Mer
Ven Sag 23:37:52 Jup Ven Sat Rah 6 Can 19:01:57 Mon Mer Ket Jup
Sat Sco 18:44:47 Mar Mer Ket Sun 7 Leo 23:44:07 Sun Ven Sat Jup
Rah -R Sco 3:28:45 Mar Sat Sat Sat 8 Lib 2:37:50 Ven Mar Ket Mer
Ket -R Tau 3:28:45 Ven Sun Sat Mer 9 Sco 3:05:45 Mar Jup Rah Mon
Ura -R Can 11:54:20 Mon Sat Mon Ven 10 Sco 28.11:57 Mar Mer Sat Sat
Nep Lib 9:35:13 Ven Rah Jup Ven 11 Sag 22:08:00 Jup Ven Sat Sat
Plu -R Leo 6:46:15 Sun Ket Rah Ket 12 Cap 19:01:57 Sat Mon Mer Rah

Fortuna: Capricorn 1:37:42 Navamca Chart

Plu X
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalh-Cuspal
v 3 /
■ 4XM* 2
Mar Kei 23' Zr
Uzr Kai- ,
420* R$h 5 11 Kil

Sun /
Piter 6X a XlOMon
W 10/Ven Ura 10/yen / 7\ Vtn / 9 \
Manx 11 i"" ket 2 V9 Un2- / Uri \/N«p 8«t\
'XMer \Sun
\ 6ir Dasamsa
Kei 2 Sat 8 Mon 8 Mer ,
\ Ran /

4 \ piu / e 4\ Jup / 7 \Mon

Jup \l Jup Plu P Ny
7 8 Predicting Marriage
21. if the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the Jupiter belongs to a friend, the
native will have only one wife.
Navamsa and Multiple Marriages
22. If the lord of Navamsa occupied by the Jupiter belongs to itself, he will
have two or three wives.
23. If the lord of Navamsa occupied by Jupiter belongs to its exaltation, the
person will have many wives.
24. If the lord of the 7th and Venus, both are occupied by the dual Navamsa,
the person will have two wives.
25. If the lord of the 7th house falls in the Navamsa of its debilitation, or
obtains a common sign in the signs ruled by Jupiter or Mercury and malefic
planets lend the aspects on it, multiple marriages are indicated.
26. One will have a number of wives if the Navamsa lord occupied by the 7th
lord obtains the sign of exaltation, or a benefic Navamsa.
27. One will have another wife, if the Navamsa Lagna or the 7th lord falls in
the Navamsa of its debilitation, or in that of its enemy or is eclipsed i.e. falls over
the axis of nodes.
28. One will have more than one wife if the 7th house in the Navamsa chart
is Taurus or Libra, provided the 7th house in other Shadvarga chart is owned
by a benefic.
29. The subject will have a number of wives if the lord of the 7th house falls
in own sign in Navamsa as well as other Shadvargas.
Navamsa of Jupiter
30. If the 7th lord obtains the Navamsa of Jupiter and is not aspected by any
malefics, the native will have only one wife.
31. If the 7th house falls in the Navamsa owned by Saturn, the husband
would be old and stubborn.
32. If the Taurus or Libra falls in the 7th house, or their Navamsa rise at the
time of birth, the husband will be handsome and blessed with amiable charac-
33. The husband or wife of the native will be very intelligent if the 7th house
is ruled by Mercury. The intelligence will be further enhanced if the Navamsa
of Mercury rises in the 7th house. The results will be more pronounced and the
native will be blessed with a sharp intelligence, memory, deep analytical power
and judgement, if the lord of the 7th house falls in the Navamsa of Mercury.
34. If the 7th Navamsa rises in Leo or Leo becomes the 7th house, the partner
will become engaged in business and craves for women.
35. It the Sagittarius or Pisces rises at the 7th at the time of birth or its Navamsa,
the husband will be a virtuous and a pious gentleman.
36. The person will suffer death of his wife, if Mars occupies a Navamsa
owned by Venus in the 7th and the lord of that Bhava is in the 5th.
37. If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the owner of 8th Bhava is also
malefic, the woman will certainly become a widow.
Significance of Navamsa Chart 79
38. If the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord or the 7th attains debili-
tation or falls in an unfriendly Navamsa, or is housed between two malefics,
aspected by malefics, loss of wife is certain.
39. If the Rahu is in the 7th from Navamsa occupied by Atmakaraka, the
wife of the native may lead a widow's life.
40. When the 8th is occupied by a malefic planet, the woman will become
widow and widowhood is likely to occur at the age signified by the ruler of the
Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 8th house.
41. If the 7th lord is weak and combines debilitation Navamsa predict loss of
wife early in life.
42. If the lord of the 7th in Rasi combines his debilitation Navamsa and Ve-
nus joins in the 12th, the 8th, or the 6th, one will be deprived of his partner.
43. If the lord of the ascendant joins debilitation Navamsa/Rasi, the lord of
the 7th in the 8th, the native wife will pass away when he is 40.
44. The wife of the native will be barren if in the husband's horoscope the
Saturn is in the ascendant and Venus is standing in the last Navamsa of Cancer,
Scorpio or Pisces whilst no benefic is standing in the 5th house.
45. Venus with her Navamsa falling in Virgo, Capricon or Aquarius in the
12th whilst the Sun and the Moon are posted in the 7th,aspected by Saturn,
irrespective of his birth in a royal family his mother will work as maid servant
under another.
46. If the Navamsa of Mars becomes the 7th house and the Moon aspects the
said Navamsa, the woman will have a diseased organ.
47. If the Navamsa of the 7th house be that of Mars, and Sun and the Moon
aspect it, the woman will have a diseased womb.
48. If the Navamsa of the 7th house is owned by Mars or Mercury and aspected
by the Sun, the female born will have a diseased womb.
49. When the Mars occupies the setting Navamsa, aspected by Saturn, the
female will be unlucky and disliked by the husband.
50. If the Mars in the above position occupies the Navamsa of Venus in the
Rasi representing the 7th Bhava and aspected by benefics, she will be a favourite
of her husband.
51. When the Navamsa of the 7th Bhava belongs to a benefic planet and is
aspected by the Sun and the Mercury, the woman will be liked by her husband
and will possess many children.
52. If the Venus occupies her own Navamsa, tlhe person would be extremely
53. If the Saturn and the Sun combine together in Navamsa, decanate and
the Trimsamsa, the person will become outcaste because of his connection with
a woman belonging to a very low caste.
54. The subject will be expelled from his caste, (provided the person is of a
high caste), if the Moon, the Mercury and the Saturn are either in the sign of
their debilitation or these are in inimical Navamsa.
8 0 Predicting Marriage
55. If the Sun is posited in the 7th house reckoned from navamsa occupied
by the Atmakaraka graha, the wife of the native will be devoted to her hus-
band but will have a deficient or defective limb
56. If Jupiter occupies his depression Navamsa/sign and the Sun is in Navamsa
owned by Jupiter, the person will be miserable and be bereft of wife.
57. If the lord of the ascendant falls in the 7th Navamsa, the lord of the 7th
joins the 12th house; the native's marriage will take place at the age. of 25 or 26.
58. If Venus gets debilitation Navamsa, the native will suffer after marriage.
59. Observe the number of Navamsas elapsed by the lord of the 7th house,
the native may have wives as many.
60. If the Venus or the lord of the house occupied by the lord of he 7th
progresses through the Rasi owned by the lord of the ascendant or Navamsa of
the ascendant or its trines, marriage will take place.
61. When the Jupiter travels in the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 7th
or its trines, the marriage of the subject take place.
62. If the lord of the 7th be Jupiter and attains a benefic Navamsa with the
aspect of the benefics, the native will enjoy plenty of butter, milk, ghee etc.
63. If the 7th mid-point falls in a watery Navamsa and the Moon or Jupiter
becomes the lord of the said Navamsa, aspected by watery planets, the subject
will enjoy lot of milk and other watery edibles.
64. The Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 7th will give the clue for pre-
dicting the direction the wife will come from.
65.The direction indicated by Navamsa occupied by the Venus will furnish
the clue for predicting the direction from which the wife is supposed to come.
66. The Navamsa of the. lord of the ascendant or the lord of the 7th or the
Rasi which fall in their trines will be the ascendant of he wife.
67. Find out the Navamsa occupied by the lord of ascendant or the lord of
7th. Also mark the Rasis falling in their trines. The ascendant of the wife will be
one among them.
These aphorisms should be used as an aid in the judgement of the natal chart.
The indications may be modified accordingly.

Venus : The Karaka of Marriage

J^ites of Exotic Love- The planet Venus, considered Goddess of love

JLVsymbolizes beauty, passion, amour and all the attendant pleasures
connected with flesh. It stands for all the pious emotion of love. Both the western
and the eastern cultures have erotica as an innate part of their tradition. The
Ajanta and Ellora arts bear witness to the fact of life.

Venus is the brightest planet after Moon visible to us at night. After Sunset, it
twinkles with an unmatched brilliance, arousing a loneliness among the young
and old alike. Poets and lovers sing its praises and see it as the culmination oftheir
love. Venus brings all this.

When the ancient poets, artists, musicians sat to compose their work under
the influence of a heady Venus in the galactic sky, they were always swayed by
undefinable passions of noble love.

It was under the sway of such a love that Shah Jahan built for his beloved
Mumtaz Begum the immortal Taj Mahal and even on his death bed, blinded,
held his face towards the mausoleum where his beloved lay buried. Such is the
grip of Venus on the hearts of mortals who aim to snatch in one moment of love .
all the secrets of the universe.

Little wonder, then, that Venus holds a special place in any astrological inquiry,
being a Karaka planet for marriage for men.

A feminine planet, Venus devolves habits of grace, courtesy and gallantry to

men. Habits that naturally draw women towards them. These aspects of feminity,
that Venus bestows on a man actually serves to provide his Bi-sexual mentality
so desirable in exotic love.

It will be worthwhile to consider important psychological points of this love

where games of high intelligence and frequent situations of win and lose arise.
Predicting Marriage

In this, the Bi-sexual man finally comes to submit to the woman his total self.
He himself adopts a sort of womanhood, accepts that he "receives" the woman,
"takes" what she gives herself, a reverse copulation where the woman takes the
dominating position, psycho-sexually "penetrates" his soul. This woman then
gives to the man her all... body and soul and at the same time meditates "he
knows what I want".

But, for this exotic Bi-sexual woman" s elevating love, man has to himself
become a "woman". This is what Venus does to him. In actuality, a highly
pleasurable and ennobling prospect for man provided he could keep aside his
male ego, worthless in times of love. Venus helps him here.

This temperance or softening of male sexuality through the influence of Venus

can also be understood by how a ruling Mars in the female horoscope provides
to her natural feminity the much indeed "male" assertiveness, making her to
challenge her mate, make demands on him and by and large prepares him to
"take" her. Whenboth the intelligent-mellowed man and the intelligent-assertive
woman get at the game, they alone can understand the ideal of Michael ASngelo's
love as is conceived in his enigmatic Mono Lisa whose enchanting smile has
captivated the hearts of millions down the centuries.

The Astrological Analysis-Venus is a planet of beauty, love, passion, lust,

liking, sensual pleasure, comfort, luxury, entertainment and all kinds of
happiness of marital life. First observe the sign and the house occupied by Venus
in a horoscope. Whether it is friendly, enemical, neutral, exaltation, debilitation
or own sign?

Judge all about husband or wife, by taking the sign occupied by Venus as an
Ascendant and consider this new setting as an independent horoscope. Venus
controls pleasures of the marital happiness. Venus should not be combust or be
afflicted for a happy married life.

Therefore, the understanding of Venus and its effectiveness in various signs,

houses and conjunctions with other planets is essential.

Venus and its influence - there are so many rules described by the sages
that it is rather difficult to remember all of them. Therefore, we shall make an
attempt to understand what kind of results are expected when Venus falls in a
particular sign, Navamsa or Vargas

Venus in the sign, Navamsa or Vargas of Mars-In the sign of Mars, Venus
gets fiery and uncontrollable and the native is attracts towards very young girls.
He keeps relations with women in addition to his wife. Married life thus involves
frequent disputes on petty excuses. The native loses money on such matters. If
afflicted, he keeps physical relations even with the wives of others and with
public women. Loss of reputation, prosperity and wealth is also possible. If
Venus is aspected by Moon, his lust is never satisfied. He marries a woman out
of the class even.
Venus: the Karaka Indicator of Marriage 83

Venus in own Vargs - In Own Vargas that is in Taurus or Libra sign, leads to
flirting with number of girls or women. If Venus is aspected by the Sun, the
wife will be good and the husband will be henpecked. If aspected by the
Mars, the native marries an ill-tempered woman and homely happiness is
spoilt. The Just of the wife remains ungratified. This may happen with any
other woman who is associated with the native having Venus in own sign and
aspected by Mars. If Saturn does so, the native marries a woman of lower
classes of the society.

Venus in the House of Mercury - The native is oversexed if Venus falls in

the sign or Amsa of Mercury. If it is aspected by Moon, the native enjoys luxury
and comforts of life. He wastes money on young women and is very lustful, if
such a Venus is aspected by Mars.

Venus in Moon's sign or Vargas - If Venus is posited in Cancer in Rashi or

Navamsa, the native gets chaste wife who hails from a high reputed family. She
is usually hot tempered. If aspected by Mars, the native gets addicted to women
and wine. He gets into trouble due to women or wife. If Venus in Cancer receives
the aspect of Mercury, the wife will be learned. If Saturn aspects Venus, the
native will be henpecked.

Venus in the sign of the Sun - The native gets money from women and
always tries to please them. The marriage of the native takes place with a girl of
an aristocratic or a royal family. These qualities are more pronounced if such
Venus receives the aspect of the Sun. But if Moon aspects Venus, the native
suffers on account of women.

If Mars's aspects Venus placed in Leo, the native receives lot of wealth from
the girl whom he loves very much. But he is notloyal to any one woman or wife
whosoever she may be. He takes interest in other women as well.

If Mercury aspects such a Venus, the native gets an educated, learned

and an intelligent wife. He is attracted towards intelligent girls and strongly
believes that the beauty is not just skin deep. He prefers an intelligent woman.
If Saturn aspects such a Venus, the native has relations with maidservants
and lowly women.
Venus in Jupiter's sign - If Venus is posited in Jupiter "s sign Sagittarius or
Pisces or the Vargas or Amsa of Jupiter, one gets good beautiful and a religious
minded wife. This also ensures conjugal happiness and good family adjustment.
The wife follows all religious customs and rituals. She is appreciated by all.
If such a Venus receives the aspect of Mars, the native has frequent quarrels
with wife. Marital life gets damaged.
There are so many factors, which are essential for proper judgement of a
horoscope. All those should be taken into consideration.
Venus and various dispositions
1. The Venus is an enemy of the Sun and the Moon. Hence if the Sun and
Horoscope No. 10
11/12/1960 Time 01:45:57 Day Sunday PiaceSltapur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa
at 25:11:00 North Long 80:52:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0

Panchang Avakahada Chakr'a Vimaottari Yoglni

SkJarialTime ,:6;57:36 Hrs Gan - Manushya Vanua: 10Y9M3D Ulka : 3Y 2M 22D
Eq.of time :0:07:10 Hrs Yoni ^ Mooshak Mats
Sunrise :6:42:31 Hrs Nadi : -Msdhya 14/09/1987 11/12/1960
Sunset :17:16;09 Hrs Varan : Kshatriya 14/09/1994 04/03/1994
Samvat : 2017 Vashya : Vanchar Mars 10/02/1988 Ulka 03/03/1964
Saka : 1882 Varga : Shwan Rahu 28/02/1989 Sidha 04/03/1971
Month : Pausa Yunja : Madhya Jupiter 04/02/1990 Sankta 04/03/1979
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agnl Saturn 16/03/1991 Mangla 03/03/1980
Tithl at Sunrise..: 7 Name Alphabet Taa-Tarun Maxmy 12/03/1992 Pingla 04^)3/1982
Nakshatra : P Phalguni Paya{Ras{-Nak) : iron-Silver Ketu 08/08/1992 Dhanya 04/03/1985
Venus 08/10/1993 Bhramri 04/03/1989
Yoga : Priti Hora : Mercury
Karan : Sava Chaugharia. : Roga Sun 13/02/1994 Bhadrika 04^1994

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sco 25:44:35 Mar Mer Rah Sun Asc Vir 19:58:29 Mer Mon Ket Mar
Mon Leo 19:29:39 Sun Ven Rah Ven 2 Lib 18:50:06 Ven Rah Mon Mer
Mar -R Gem 22:45:14 Mer Jup Sat Ven 3 Sco 19:08:50 Mar Mer Ket Sat
Mer Sco 11:36:04 Mar Sat Mon Sat 4 Sag 20:12:44 Jup Ven Jup Jup
Jup Sag 16:11:13 Jup Ven Sun Ven 5 Cap 21:33:10 Sat Mon Ven Rah
Ven Cap 7:31:36 Sat Sun Ket Jup 6 Aqu 22:01:32 Sat Jup Sat Sat
Sat Sag 24:07:21 Jup Ven Mer Mer 7 Pis 19:58:29 Jup Mer Ven Mon
Rah -R Leo 16:57:01 Sun Ven Mon Mer 8 Ari 18:50:06 Mar Ven Rah Sat
Ket -R Aqu 16:57:01 Sat Rah Ven Sal 9 Tau 19:08:50 Ven Mon Mer Jup
Ura -R Leo 2:42:42 Sun Ket Ven Mer 10 Gem 20:12:44 Mer Jup Jup Jup
Nep Lib 17:13:04 Ven Rah Ven Mer 11 Can 21:33:10 Mon Mer Ven Ket
Plu -S Leo 15:04:55 Sun Ven Ven Sat 12 Leo 22:01:32 Sun Ven Sat Sat

Fortuna: Gemini 13:43:33 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspat

Jup/ X Mar
818* | 918*
Won 6 Rah X Ktt 12 Van
* \ 1020*
\Nap /NMon gy / Ma23
Me\7/ \6/ 5/Ura
Sun/ \
\plu Dasamsa
Jup 9 Set 3 Mar Ven 9 S£l 3 Mar

Vert0 12 Vey KellOX 12

X X2 piu

Suw 219'
Mer Zw Nai7

KH Sun Nep Ma"*
Venus: the Karaka Indicator of Marriage 85

the Moon are conjoined with Venus, the conjugal bliss will be hampered. There
can be no marital happiness, if the Venus is hemmed between the Sun and the
Moon or if Venus falls in Leo or Cancer with the Sun and the Moon.
If Venus is afflicted by the association of malefics, there will be frequent
disturbances in marital life. But if, benefics like Jupiter, Mercury or a strong
Moon are associated with Venus, or Venus is hemmed between the benefies,
the conjugal happiness is assured.
2. If malefies fall in the 4th, 8th or the I2th houses from Venus, the longevity
of wife is suspect or the marital happiness is disturbed. If strong malerics like
Mars, Saturn and Rahu etc. fall in the 4th and 8th from Venus, the wife meets
with an accident or is caught by fire, or may even die in an accident.
3. If there are malefics in the 4th, 8th and 12th from Venus the marital life
will be very unhappy. If the 7th lord is also afflicted there will be disturbances
and discord immediately after marriage.
llustration No.4.1.(Horoscope No.10) - This horoscope belongs to a lady
who was bom in a royal family though with a bad luck.
Her marriage was considerably delayed. She got married in her 31st year
on 28.4.90. Whenever Saturn obstructs. The marriage takes place in 31st or
36th year. If the Mars or the Saturn own the 7th and are opposed by Saturn or
Mars respectively, marriage takes place in 31st year. Here the 7th lord Jupiter
joins his own sign Dhanu in the 4th house and Jupiter is associated with Saturn.
There is a mutual aspect between Saturn, Jupiter and Mars.
Lord of the 2nd and 9th houses Venus joins Capricorn, the sign owned
by Saturn. The Sun obtains the Navamsa of Saturn. Thus Saturn delayed
the marriage.
It has also been observed that the influence of the retrograde planets on the
2nd or the 7th house creates delay in marriage. Here retrograde Mars is aspecting
the Lord of the 7th house Jupiter and also the lord of the 2nd house Venus.
It may further be noted that there are malefic planets in the 6th, 8th and
12th from Venus. Venus is hemmed between malefic planets Saturn and Ketu
resulting into Papakartari Yoga. This resulted in discord with the husband
immediately after marriage. We have been given to understand that they did
not come close to each other, even once.
Readers can see that there is no case for Kuja Dosha, still she suffered badly
and miserably and failed to enjoy conjugal bliss even for a day. First of all she got
a delayed marriage at 30 and then faced divorce on the next day of marriage.
She could not even get time to understand the meaning of married life. We can
see the importance of affliction on Venus, regarding the bliss of marital life.
Horoscope No. 11
20/10/1961 Tlmt 09:08:00 Day Friday Ptact BuIandShSlT Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
at 28:30:00 North Long 77:49:00 East Zone 82:30,00 East Tfttti COIT -0:18:44

Penciling AvakahadaChikra VImaottarl Yoglnl

SldarlalTlma .;10:42:43 Hra Oan Rakihia {UhurdYIIMSD Dhanyi: 1Y7M 260
Eq.oiftlma :0:15:08Hrs Yoni Aihwa Situm
Sunrise :6:23:39 Hra Nadi Adya 29/09/1967 20/10/1901
Sunset :17j43:17 His Varan Sho&dra 26/09/2000 16/06/1990
Samvat : 2018 Vaahya Miniv Situm 01/10/1990 Dhanya 17/06/1903
Saks ; 1883 Varna Meiha P.lercury 11/00/1993 Bhramri 17/06/1967
Month : Aavina Yunja Anlya Ketu 20/07/1964 Shadrika 16^08/1972
PaKah : ShuKla HanaaKfTaM) viyu Venus 19/09/1997 Ulka 17/06/1978
Nama Wphabtt Sia-Simlr Sun 01/09/1998 Sidha 17/06/1966
Tlthi atSunrlaa..: 11
Nakshatra... Sattbhtoha Paya(Rafll-Nak) Iron-Coppar Moon 01/04/2000 Saokta 17/06/1993
Men 11/05/2001 Mangla 17/06/1994
Yoga.... : Vradhl iVbon
Rahu 17/03/2004 Rngla 10/00/1996
Karan : Vlahtl Chaugharla Labha

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin ■R Rat) Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S Houss Raai Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 3:26:54 Ven Mar Ven Mar Asc Sco 8:06:13 Mar Sat Ket Mer
Mon Aqu 12:38:12 Sat Rah Mer Mer 2 Sag 8:24:39 Jup Ket Jup Ket
Mar Lib 19:28:49 Ven Rah Mar Jup 3 Cap 11:39:55 Sat Mon Mar Ven
Mer Lib 9:19:30 Ve n Rah Jup Mer 4 Aqu 16:01:34 Sat Rah Ven Rah
Jup Cap 5:22:46 Sat Sun Mer Ket 5 Pis 17:43:03 Jup Mer Mer Mar
Ven Vlr 9:26:43 Mer Sun Ven Sat 6 Ari 14:44:58 Mar Ven Ven Jup
Sat Cap 0:35:09 Sat Sun Rah Ven 7 Tau 8:06:13 Ven Sun Ven Ven
Rah Leo 2:18:14 Sun Ket Ven Sat 8 Gem 8:24:39 Mer Rah Rah Mon
Ket Aqu 2:18:14 Sat Mar Ket Rah 9 Can 11:39:55 Mon Sat Mon Mer
lira Leo 6:29:19 Sun Ket Rah Mer 10 Leo 16:01:34 Sun Ven Sun Mer
Nep Lib 17:26:43 Ven Rah Sun Sun 11 Vir 17:43:03 Mer Mon Sat Jup
Plu Leo 16:20:54 Sun Ven Mon Mar 12 Lib 14:44:58 Ven Rah Ket Mar

Fortuna: Places 17:17:31 Navamaa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chattt-Cuapa)

Mr 9
\Sun Mar/
NNt^ar/ 1 Jup Sit/ \Nep Mtr 12 v#fl
ioX^ X2
5*V Kit\5/ \ 7/Mer 6it/ll\ /l\ I
10/ 4ir tQV 8 Va 9ir
Jup/ Mou Mon/ \ / \Sun
Mon 11 Ket X ^ 5 Rah L ^ 11 Xplu 5 Ven \Jup Ur«/\R«h V#n
v /\ /l Roh \ /\ /I
\ / \?{li / Ura \ / \ / Urt*
3ir \ / \ /Rah 101^ Sun 8S/Sit 6 >0
A/ \/ Flu
12Y 2 Ya Jus^ ^v\ PI18'
Sar /l\ /3\Ura 3 Mon
' \ / \ Ven
^ Vou*
Mate; 11l8.
10X 12 X2
Nep Mer No^ 12151 11 N0p
Mar Sun 18' - I Me** Sur X /
/ Kot \ / Mflf
Venus: the Karaka Indicator of Marriage 87

llustrition No. 4.2 (Horoscope No.ll):- In this horoscope of the husband

of the above mentioned unfortunate lady, the ford of 7th house is Venus, which
falls in the sign of its debilitation in the llthhouse. Venus is also involved in
Papakartari Yoga being hemmed between Rahu and Sun. In the Navamsa chart,
the Venus falls in the Jupiter's Navamsa i.e. her exaltation Navamsa. The Mars is
associated with the Venus in the Pisces in the 7th house and the Saturn is also
aspecting it. Here also Venus is afflicted heavily.
The Lagna too is very weak as the lord of Lagna, Mars, conjoins its bitterest
enemy, the lord of the 8th and llthhouse. Mercury. The Saturn is also aspecting
the Mars, Mercury and the Sun who occupy the I2th house. There is a mutual
aspect between Mars and Saturn. The Venus and Mercury have mutual ex-
change of houses.
Note that the Venus is heavily afflicted in a weak chart with a weak Lagna.
Affliction of the 12th house and the Venus signifies immoral character of the
native, which resulted in divorce on the very next day of his marriage, which
took place on 28.4.90.
Venus placed in different houses - If Venus is placed in the Lagna, the
native should be well versed in erotic arts and loved by women. If such a Venus is
associated with Saturn, the native enjoys others" wives, but is always in distress.
The Venus in-the 2nd house makes one highly passionate and he enjoys
luxury, comforts, wealth and women. The Venus in the 3rd house makes a man
The Venus posited in the 4th house, gives a nice comfortable house, ve-
hicles and luxray. If other planets indicate love affairs and illegal relationships,
one may keep concubine at home.
The Venus in the 5th house makes the native amorous. If Venus conjoins
malefics, marital happiness may be missing. In case of conjunction with Mars in
the in the 5th house, the native remains ever ready for lovemaking. He believes
in enjoyment with women and invariably has loose morals. Eves are his most
favorite pass time. If Saturn or the nodes do not afflict the combination, one has
a love marriage.
The Venus is not good in the 6th house as it causes diseases like diabetes,
discharge, weak, Moral, disease of semen and other fluids related to the repro-
ductive organs. Women dislike such a man.
The Venus in the 7th house gives a handsome husband, or a beautiful wife.
It makes one passionate. The native has relations with women before and even
after marriage. If the Venus is placed in any Gandant (any junction of constella-
tions) with the Saturn in the first house, one may marry an infertile woman.
The Venus in the 7th makes one loose characlorparticularly when it falls in
the sign of Mars or that of his own, or even their Navamsa.
If the Saturn and Venus conjoin in the 7th house, one develops physical
relations with a number of women. Women of inferior class like maidservant
etc. also come into his contact.
Predicting Marriage

The Venus in the 7th house makes the native quarrelsome. He is fond of
pleasure and drinks. Such a person is quite successful in keeping friendship
with women. He possesses winning manners and masters the art of impressing
others, particularly the opposite sex. His partner possesses large eyes and he or
she is well loved. The partner is of attractive built and is of fair complexion. Her
hair is generally long.
Placement of the Venus in the Scorpio in the 7th house affects the longev-
ity of wife. The afflicted Venus in the 7th house creates unhappiness in marital
life. The Venus in an odd sign in the 7th house bestows good results, while in
the even signs it gives adverse results.
VENUS OF THE 7TH HOUSE -If the Venus falls in Aries, Gemini or Libra, the
wife has a manly built and appearance. Long face, bright eyes, tall structure,
attractive built, long hair and speech full of authority is bestowed if the Venus
joins the above signs. It also makes the wife intelligent, well educated, adjust-
able, sexy, and fond of pleasure, interested in various kinds of arts, music and
enjoyment but has less number of issues.
If the Venus falls in Leo or Aquarius in the 7th house the wife will be corpu-
lent, serious and of average built. The eyes seem to be sexy and intoxicated and
her nose is snubbed. She is intelligent. In the male signs, the wife does not get
much involved in worldly things. She gets nervous when in trouble.
In the Sagittarius, the Venus gives a beautiful wife with tall and attractive
body. Her eyes are extremely beautiful, complexion fair, long dense hair and is
attractive. She is less passionate and keeps her family in order. She is sober,
sincere and simple. She is of good manners. Her general behavior is like that of
any modest mature lady who takes well thought-out decision. However, she is
not much liked by her husband.
If the Venus is posited in a watery sign like Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, in
the 7th house, it gives lean and tall constitution, brilliant eyes, shining and long
hair, soft skin and an overall attractive appearance to the wife. She is hauty and
quarrelsome, unadjustable and does not care to be criticized. She tries to boss
over others.
In earthy signs like Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, the wife is of short struc-
ture with round face. Her hairs are sparse but dense. She is God fearing and
serves the elders and respects people. She knows her household chores and
does them enthusiastically.
If Venus falls in a female sign, the wife has lady like qualities. If the Venus
is afflicted one may not get married at all, depending upon other factors. The
Venus can even deny marriage, separate the husband and wife and may result
in more than one marriage. These factors are more pronounced in its position in
Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces, Gemini and Sagittarius. The Venus
in male signs in the 7th house makes one extremely passionate. The Venus can
cause inter-caste marriage or marriage with an elder girl if it falls in Aries,, Scor-
Venus: the Karaka Indicator of Marriage 89

pio, Capricorn and Aquarius. In Leo and Pisces, Venus gives fortune after mar-
riage. In such a sign, the progress of the native is stopped after the death of wife.
One gets married at 24 or 25.
If the Venus is placed in the 8th house, there are indications of love marriage
and extra-marital affairs. One may even have a separate home for his beloved.
The Venus in the 9th house checks matrimonial happiness if it is associated
with the malefics. If the Venus falls in the 9th house in Cancer and the disposi-
tion Moon joins the 7th house, one is extremely fortunate with his wife. She
brings in a lot of good luck to the native. One enjoys a number of beautiful
virgins and befriends many girls.
The Venus in the JOth house provides ample sex and gains from women.
Strong Venus brings more gains with less efrort whereas a weak Venus in the
10th house gives less money from women even after hard efforts. This Venus
may bring prosperity through a woman, like mother, wife or sister etc. Similar
results are realized, if the Venus occupies the llthhouse. One has a number of
lady friends and is very emotional in respect of love afrairs. If the Venus in the
11 is conjoined with Mars, more than one marriage can be predicted.
Venus in the 12th house makes the native amorous, well versed in music,
poetry, drama, acting etc. He enjoys a number of women and gets luxuries. If
Venus conjoins the lord of the 7th house, the native is extremely passionate.
Venus and the lord of the 7th house - A comparison of strength between
the lord of the 7th and the Venus, should be made. In the decision of marriage
or matters related to the 7th house, the stronger planet should be taken into
consideration and less emphasis should he placed on the weaker planet.
If the Venus or the 7th lord joins the sign of exaltation and is well placed,
aspected or conjoined with Jupiter, the wife is expected to be virtuous and beau-
tiful. It will be opposite if Venus or 7th lord (whichever is stronger) is under the
of malefic planets, or falls in the sign of debilitation, or is aspected by or
conjoined with, evil planets like Mars, Saturn or Rahu.
If Venus or the lord of the 7th, or both join the dual sign like Gemini,
Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces or obtain dual Navamsa, more than one marriage is
expected. It is also said that Rahu in the 7th gives more than one marriage.
If malefic planets fall in the 2nd and the 12th houses from the radical posi-
tion of Venus or if there are malefic planets in the 4th and 8th from Venus
marital happiness will be hampered.
Horoscope No. 12
>te 16/02/1948 Time 23:26:38 Day Monday PllCt BIJnor Sri Sanatan Ayenemia 22:52
at 29:22:00 North Long 76:09:00 East Zona 62:30:00 East Tim# Corr -0:17

Pinching Avakahada Chakra Vlnisottarl Yoglnl

Sldarlal Time .;8;51:49Hra Oan Manuahya Vanua; ITVIOMSO Bhadrlka ; 9Y 2MIBD
Eq.ofllma :• 0:14:17 Hrs Yonl Oa]a Moon
Sunrise :8:58:20 Hrs Nadl f/adhya 2O/12/10M 18/02/1948
Sunsst :18:05:08Hn Varan Kahafriya 20/12/1976 04/08/1982
Samvat : 2004 Vaaliya Chatuapada Moon 21/10/1987 Bhadrika 04A)6/1991
Sake : 1889 Varga H-Ifl Mrs 21/08/1066 Ulka 04/05/1957
Month : Magha Yunja Pootvl Rahu 20/11/1989 Sldha 03/06/1984
Pakah. :■ Shukla Hanaak(Tatva) /gnl Jupiter 22/03/1971 Sankta 03/05/1972
Tfthl it Sunrise..: 6 Name Alphabet , Loo-Loonaah Situm 20/10/1972 Mansla 04/03/1973
Nakahatra : Bharanl Paya(Raai-Nak) Copper^old Mercury 22/03/1974 Plngla 04/08/1978
Yoga : Brahma Hora Jupiter Ketu 21/10/1974 Dhanya 04/06/1976
Karan : Gara Chaughirla Lahha Venus 20/06/1978 Bhnmrl 04/08/1982

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Aqu 4:06:53 Sat Mar Ven Sat Asc Lib 14:23:59 Ven Rah Mer Sat
Mon Ari 18:06:19 Mar Ven Mar Mon 2 Sco 13:28:02 Mar Sat Rah Sat
Mar Leo 5:25:31 Sun Ket Mar Ven 3 Sag 14:44:46 Jup Ven Ven Jup
Mer Aqu 10:59:00 Sat Rah Sat Mer 4 Cap 17:37:44 Sat Mon Sat Jup
Jup Sag 1:08:37 Jup Ket Ven Ven 5 Aqu 20:00:33 Sat Jup Jup Jup
Ven Pis 13:03:47 Jup Sat Rah Rah 6 Pis 19:15:10 Jup Mer Ket Mer
Sat -R Can 25:45:07 Mon Mer Rah Sun 7 Ari 14:23:59 Mar Ven Ven Rah
Rah -R Ari 24:58:44 Mar Ven Mer Mar 8 Tau 13:28:02 Ven Mon Rah Ven
Ket -R Lib 24:58:44 Ven Jup Mer Rah S Gem 14:44:46 Mer Rah Ket Mar
Ura -R Tau 29:18:41 Ven Mar Sat Mar 10 Can 17:37:44 Mon Mer Mer Mar
Nep -R Vir 19:49:41 Mer Mon Ket Ven 11 Leo 20:00:33 Sun Ven Rah Mar
Plu -R Can 20:35:31 Mon Mer Ven Jup 12 Vir 19:15:10 Mer Mon Mer Jup

Fortuna: Sagittarius 28:23:26 Nsvamta Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Shava Challt-Cuapal X / Xfhj Vr

\12 / X10S
Jup 1XS«1 11 x®
Mon Ura 7
Rah M Sis*
R Urz* Mar 2 KilXRih 8 Sun

\ / \ N»p / Jup / \ N«p

.p3X 8 V«n
\8/ \8 / Sat fl
/ \ /
Jup sV^Ket 7 VsMif Plu S X Ket 7 X5 / X/Urt Mon\

: 10 XIPlu 4 Sat: Sun tO Mar X Ssl 4 Mar \Sun Van/X. S
XJ / \10/Reh
Sun\/ \/ 11
llVMon 1 RahVa Venll^Mon 1 1l20. x \ XX j
Wer/i2\ / 2 \
Mer 2 Nep 8 Set
Ura \| Nep
2\y j 114'
I ■
Venus: the Kanaka Indicator of Marriage 91

Illustration No.43 (Horoscope No.l2);-This birth chart belongs to a very

unfortunate woman. She got married on 13.6.69. Her parents married her to a
person of high social standards but the parents of the husband had more financial
expectations. She had to lead a torturous life and was treated like a maid servant.
Ultimately she escaped from her husband house and sought divorce in
December 1984 i.e. after 15 years of marriage.
Let us examine her birthchart where the Lagna lord is placed in the 6th
house in exaltation sign Pisces and is hemmed in between malefics like Rahu
and Sun. The lord of the 7th house Mars is retrograde and aspects Venus,
Mercury and the Sun. The placement of Lagna lord and 7th lord should either
be a triangular or quadrangular even sextile, but khadastak and Dwidwad
positions of these two planets are always bad. In this case lagna lord Venus and
the 7th lord Mars are situated in unwanted Khadastak position in Rasi and
Navamsa charts. This adversely affected her marital life. Lord of the 7th house
Mars obtains the Navamsa of Venus. This is a negative factor. The Mars, Saturn
and Rahu play adverse role in the Navamsa or sign of Venus and it becomes
worst if Venus also obtains the Navamsa of Mars or Saturn.
Let us now consider the placement of other planets in relation to Venus.
Mars is situated in the 6th house, Ketu in the 8th and the Sun in the 12th house,
which resulted in unhappy married life of the native. The malefic should not
join 6th, 8th and 12th houses from Venus. Now consider the 7th lord Mars,
which happens to be a Marak for Libra ascendant. The 4th and 6th houses from
Mars are vacant. In the 7th house the worst enemy of Mars i.e. Mercury is
placed. In the 8th house from Mars, Venus is placed, afflicted by Papakartari
Yoga. In Navamsa chart Venus is hemmed in between both the luminaries i.e.
the Sun and Moon. When we judge any of the houses in a chart, the Navamsa
chart must also be taken into consideration with equal importance and weightage.
If Lagna lord is placed in the 6th, 8th or 12th from the lord of any particular
house, the good effects of that house can be hampered. In the present case Mars
is the lord of 7th and the Lagna lord Venus is placed in the 6th house from Mars,
which is quite adverse and therefore marred the happiness of her marital life.
We have explained the combinations for adverse marital life. But in the
present case divorce took place. How should we differentiate between an
unhappy marriage and the failure of marriage? In fact the Sun, Saturn and
Rahu have separate tendencies. If these planets too have an influence over the
7th house, unhappiness in married life will result ultimately in a divorce. Here
Rahu occupies the 7th house and Saturn aspects the 7th house. Both have a
tendency for divorce. The Lagna lord and Karaka of marriage Venus are hemmed
in between Rahu and the Sun, which also confirms the separation aftermarriage.
The separation took place after 15 years of marriage. Jupiter's aspect over the
7th house, the 7th lords Mars and over the 9th house is responsible forthe delay
in separation. Exalted Venus and its placement in own Navamsa made her cling
on to her miserable married life for 15 long years.

She got married on 13.6.69. in the sub-period of Jupiter and the major
period of Mars. Mars is the lord of the 2nd and the 7th houses and falls in the
llth house and the Navamsa of Venus. Therefore it strongly indicates that the
marriage should take place in the major period of Mars. Jupiter aspects the 7th
house as well as the 7th lord Mars. It has obtained the Navamsa of 7th lord
Mars. Therefore the marriage is indicated in the sub-period of Jupiter and the
major period of Mars. The separate tendencies and adversities are indicated by
various planets as we have mentioned. Rahu occupies the 7th house; therefore,
the separation could take place in the Mahadasa of Rahu. It actually came in
evidence in December 1984 when sub-period of Ketu which is in the Rahu's
Nakshatra was running on this unfortunate lady, who is now living with her
parents and brothers.
If Venus is strong and owns the 7th house, its position in the 3rd, 6th, 10th
or 11th house is favourable as it brings prosperity and happiness after marriage.
On the contrary if a weak Venus owning the 7th house occupies 8th or 12th
house, marital happiness can be curtailed. It must be made clear that a good
Venus or 7th lord will not give good results, if they are posited in TRIK house,
even if they occupy their own exaltation or friend"s sign of Navamsa.
If Venus conjoins a malefic and 7th lord too is a natural malefic and occupies
either the 5th or the 9th house, the marriage will take place at a distant place. If
Venus joins the lord of 7th house and both are suitably placed, there will be a
number of wives. The number of wives may be as many as the number of
planets conjoined with Venus and the planets lending their full aspect on Venus.
If Venus joins the lord of 2nd, 6th or 7th and thoLagna is under the influence of
malefic planets, the person flirts with the wives of other people. If Venus owns
the llthhouse, it indicates happy union with women who will offer him money.
If there is exchange of lords of the 7th house and 9th house, one derives fortune
after marriage and if either of the planet is Venus, the native derives luck by
working in the name of his wife.
If Venus is conjoined with Saturn, one prospers through women. Women
will patronize his profession. There will be increase in wealth through the
patronage of women. However, opposition of Venus and Saturn is regarded as
adverse. Placement of Venus in the Vargas of Mars and the aspect of Mars on
such a Venus make the native addicted to others" wives. So is the case with
females. The word addicted has been used here to denote physical relations and
not love even if he or she pretends to love the other partner.
Combination of Mars and Venus - The combination of Mars and Venus
is not regarded well in a birth chart so far as the character and chastity of woman
is concerned. We have seen innumerable disasters where this combination had
sepeatedly. We have repeated by mentioned that the Sun, Saturn and Rahu
have separate tendencies whereas Mars and Venus attract each other and create
passion, lust and adultery. Let us see what happens if Rahu conjoins with Mars
and Venus in the Lagna itself.
Venus: the Karaka indicator of Marriage 93

Combination of Mars, Venus and Rahu - This combination results in an

extreme sexual indulgence and false promises of marriage. If the combination is
in a girl's horoscope, she will start going through all kinds of physical enjoyments
at a very tender age. She develops sexual relations with the person. She loves
and would regard him her husband. Unfortunately ithas generally been observed
that boy and girl fail to marry despite having relations with each other for years
together. We have seen that such infatuations usually result in a naught. They
lost interest, or one of them lost interest in the other and inspite of the persuasion
by the other, the marriage did not take place. Rahu separated them. In all such
cases the sufferers and losers were the natives who contained this combination
of Mars and Venus and Rahu in their horoscopes.
Predicting Marriage

lllustratioii No. 4.4 (Horoscope No. 13) - In this chart of a female the
presence of Mars, Venus and Rahu may be noted in the Lagna. She belongs to a
respectable family. She fell in love with a boy who was not even properly
employed when she was 17 years old. This was during the Saturn/Venus period
and this affair gradually resulted into sexual relationship. It lasted till the end of
Saturn/Rahu period. The boy at last refused to marry her after dragging the
affair till Saturn/Rahu period. Both the planets have separate tendencies.
Therefore, they were separated and the girl had to face a lot of disgrace,
humiliation and agony.
The Jupiter, lord of the 7th house, is well placed in the 11th house in a
friendly sign and his own Navamsa. Such a beneficial and strong Jupiter is
aspecting not only the 7th house but also the lord of the Lagna, Mercury. Mars/
Venus and their conjunction with Rahu are so adverse that even a beneficial
Jupiter could not help materialize her marriage with the boy she loved. At 32
years of age, she is still unmarried though the karaka of marriage Venus, the
lord the lord of the 7th house Saturn and the lord of the llthhouse Mars are in
their own Navamsa. Except the Sun and Moon all planets fall in their own
Navamsa. All these planets failed to overcame the adversities created by the
combination of Mars and Rahu.
Mars and Venus in Lagna - Mars and Venus are extremely sensual. This
combination has a special reference to the ascendants ruled by Mars and Venus
i.e. Aries, Taurus, Libra and Scorpio. One makes contacts with a number of
women and obviously marital life and conjugal happiness suffers.
Horoscope No. 13
{ate 28/07/1964 Ti me 02:40:00 Day Tuesday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:06:
at 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tim© Corr -0:21:08

Pinching Avakahadl Chakra Vlmaottarl Yoglnl

SldarlalTlma .:22:41:10Hrs Gan - Rakahaa Rahu: 1Y0M 7D Dhanya : 0Y3M1D
Eq.oMlma >0:06:26 Hrs Yonl : Ashwa Situm
Sunrise :5:40:56 Hrs Nadl Adya 03/02/1982 28/07/1964
Sunset :19:13:53 Hrs Varan ^ Shoodra 03/02/2001 28/10/1997
Samvat : 2021 Vashya : f/anav Saturn 06/02/1985 Dhanye 28/10/1964
Saka : 1086 Varga : Mesha Mercury 17/10/1987 Bh ramri 28/10/1968
Month : Sravana Yun]a - AnXya Ketu 26/11/1988 Bhadrika 28/10/1973
Paksh : Krishna Hanaak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 25/01/1992 Ulka 29/10/1979
Tfthi at Sunrise..: 3 Name Alphabet Soo^Sooraj Sun 06/01/1993 Sidha 29/10/1986
Nakshatra : Satabhisha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Copper Moon 08/08/1994 Sankta 29/10/1994
Yoga : Shobhan Hora ^ Mercury Mars 16/09/1995 Mangla 29/10/1995
Karan : Bava Chaugharia : Shubh Rahu 23/07/1998 Pingla 28/10/1997

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Raal Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 11:43:26 Mon Sat Mon Mer Asc Gem 1 18:54 Mer Mar Mer Rah
Mon Aqu 18:52:25 Sat Rah Man Mer 2 Gem 24 21:35 Mer Jup Mer Ven
Mar Gem 4:57:29 Mar Mar Sun Mon 3 Can 18:01:29 Mon Mar Mer Jup
Mer Lao 7:25:25 Sun Kat Rah Mon 4 Leo 15:34:04 Sun Van Sun Sun
Jup Ari 29:20:59 Mar Sun Rah Rah 5 Vir 19:02:32 Mer Mon Mer Rah
Ven Gem 1:46:27 Mer Mar Mer Sat 6 Lib 26:17:13 Ven Jup Kat Jup
Sat -R Aqu 10:32:20 Sat Rah Sat Sat 7 Sag 1:18:54 Jup Ket Van Mon
Rah >R Gem 8:34:25 Mer Rah Rah Mar 8 Sag 24 21:35 Jup Ven Mar Ket
Ket -R Sag 8:34:25 Jup Ket Jup Van 9 Cap 18:01:29 Sat Mon Mer Mer
Ura Leo 15:06:52 Sun Ven Ven Mer 10 Aqu ! 5:34:04 Sat Rah Va n Van
Nap -S Lib 21:57:35 Van Jup Sat Sat 11 Pis 19:02:32 Jup Mar Ket Jup
Plu Leo 19:31:56 Sun Ven Rah Ven 12 Ari 26:17:13 Mar Ven Ket Rah

■tuna: Capricorn 8:27:53 Navamsa Chart

X Mar / 7\ PI" /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
RahX6 yS
Sun VanN^s ura
1v Mas-
1275* Ras*
JU29- Ver v Sat 10 >C 4 ;
■n 224-

M&r\ 4 / \ 2 / Sun tlX. 1 X3

Uia\3/ \1/
Ura SX^Mar 3 Ven Vl Jup Moi®" 4 V Mar 3 VenV12 Suir
jS Mon X. X.
101. Ma/\ Rah /\
Pin 5 11 Mon . X, Mer /^jX^ep Sety^
\ /\ /E / Mer Reh\. 4 / X 2X
5\X Sun Ven XXi
\/ \/Mon p|u , / Uns- Manx X XX
Ne 7
P X 9
X11 )M0Sat 4ir
/8\ Kat /lo\Sat 9\ P|20'

XX Kot
y ici\piu
Ura JupX
Predicting Marriage

Illustration No.4.5( Horoscope No.14) - The native got married on 29.5.64

with an unattractive simple lady. They have three sons. The native had liaison
with a number of women and was successful in developing relations with a
princess, who has been a minister in the Govt. There is a big difference of age
about 20 years. This relationship brought about a disaster in the lives of four
persons of the two families. However, those knowing astrology, could easily
understand the truth at the very first appearance of this horoscope. In Navamsa
Mars and Venus aspect each other which played the havoc.
Mars and Venus in the 7th house - Combination of Mars and Venus is
certainly adverse in the 7th house and Mars marital happiness. Usually Mars
and Venus do not exhibit very adverse results in their respective signs but in
other sign, the conjugal happiness is lost. Many disputes and frequent tiffs make
their life hell. He/she is of loose morals, if the 5 th house is also afflicted or contains
the lord of TRIK houses or the lord of the 5th joins any of the TRIK houses. One
should not rely upon girls who have Mars-Venus combination in the 7th house.
Mars and Venus always give rise to carnal desires particularly in he 7th house.
If this combination takes place in the sign of Mars or Venus, marital life will not be
much disturbed, provided there is no other planet interfering in the affairs. If
Mars and Venus join the 7th house along with the 7th lord other than Saturn and
Mercury, the adversity will be reduced but immoral conduct will persist.
Horoscope No. 14
07/01/1941 Time 03:05:36 Day Tuesday Place SUtanpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22l46
it 26:l5:00North Long 82:04:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tim© COIT-0:01:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yoglnl

Sidarial Time . 10:08:08 Hrs Gan : Deva Ketu : 2Y11M 0D Bhramri ;1Y8MM>
Eq.oftime -0:05:46 Hrs Yoni j Ashwa Sun
Sunrise 6:52:01 Hrs Nadi : Adya 09/12/1983 07/01/1941
Sunset 17:22:58 Hrs Varan : Kshatri
Kshatriya 08/12/1969 08/09/1974
Ssmvst 1997 Vashya ^ Chatuspada
Chatus Sun 27/03/1964 Bhramri 08/09/1942
Saka 1862 Varga ^ SImha Moon 26/09/1964 Bhadrika 08/09/1947
Month Pausa Yunja j Poorva Mars 01/02/1985 Ulka 08/09/1953
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Agni Rahu 26/12/1965 Sidha 07/09/1960
Tithi at Sunrise.. 8 Name Alphabet ChoChoIukya Jupiter
ChO-CI 15/10/1966 Sankla 07/09/1968
Nakshatra Asvini Gold-Gold
Faya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-G Saturn 27/09/1967 Mangia 08/09/1969
Yoga Sidha Hora : Mercur
Mercury Mercury 02/08/1968 Pingla 08/09/1971
Karan Kautava Chaugharia : Shubh Ketu 08/12/1968 Dhanya 08/09/1974

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sag 23:26:17 Jup Ven Sat Rah Asc Sco 1:52:51 Mar Jup Rah Jup
Mon Ari 7:46:27 Mar Ket Jup Jup 2 Sag 1:34:52 Jup Ket Ven Rah
Mar Sco 8:37:32 Mar Sat Ven Mon 3 Cap 3:37:50 Sat Sun Sat Mer
Mer Sag 20:41:21 Jup Ven Jup Mer 4 Aqu 7:10:08 Sat Rah Rah Jup
Jup Ari 12:59:03 Mar Ket Mer Jup 5 Pis 9:17:53 Jup Sat Ven Jup
Ven Sco 28:29:52 Mar Mer Sat Mer 6 Ari 7:30:07 Mar Ket Rah Mar
Sat -R Ari 15:07:39 Mar Ven Ven Mer 7 Tau 1:52:51 Ven Sun Jup Mer
Rah -R Vir 12:45:11 Mer Mon Rah Sat 8 Gem 1:34:52 Mer Mar Mer Jup
Ket -R Pis 12:45:11 Jup Sat Mar Ven 9 Can 3:37:50 Mon Sat Sat Sat
Ura -R Ari 29:36:42 Mar Sun Rah Jup 10 Leo 7:10:08 Sun Ket Rah Ven
Nep -R Vir 4:54:25 Mer Sun Sat Jup 11 Vir 9:17:53 Mer Sun Ven Sat
Plu -R Can 10:47:37 Mon Sat Sun Me r 12 Lib 7:30:07 Ven Rah Rah Sat
rtuna: Aquarius 16:13:01 Navamsa Chart
\. Sal / Nw Mon
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal
S 3 y
Mar Jup 4 /Cl
Man Jup
Sat Ura
C^f 7 Ket y: 1 Reh\y
\^Piu N.
Sun Mer/ \ \Sun Mar/ \
Sun X^Ven
\ /War 8 ^/Nepf
Nv / P'u v/8\ t/
10X Yen ye loX Wsr Van V6Rah S Ura xs Nop n.

11 5 Napy
\ /\
MarX 5
2 2 Y4 Plu Reh /
Ketl2X Keny/
/Jup MonXy /jup M«i\/ i

Mar I
Predicting Marriage

Illustration No.4.6(Horoscope NO. 15) - Presence of Mars and Venus

may be noted in the 7th house in Sagittarius. The lord of the 7th Jupiter aspects
the 7th house from Lagna. Mars and Venus both obtain the Navamsa of Mercury,
She confessed maintaining a regular physical relationship with her young tutor
for years. Jupiter's aspect on the 7th house. Mars and Venus confirm this. She
got married to a handsome businessman but her carnal habits created
disturbances soon after her marriage in 1987.
Venus and Mars association results in happy marital life. Venus should not
be ignored and Venus should be careftilly judged corresponding to the horoscope
under reference.
Conjunction of Mars and Venus in the 7th house is adverse for chastity, but
generally happy marital life is indicated by this combination provided the birth
takes place in any of the sign ruled by Venus or Mars. Usually the chastity is
spoilt at an early age, 16 and 18 years.
Marital life will also be happy if the lord of the 7th house is Jupiter and
aspects the 7th house from Lagna. In case of Saturn or Mercury the marital life
will not be happy if Mars, Venus fall in 7th and 7th lord falls in Lagna.
Mutual Exchange of signs or Navamsa by Mars and Venus - When
Mars is posited in the Navamsa of Venus and Venus is posited in the sign of
Mars, the native will be adulterous. If the same combination is present in woman's
horoscope, she will take paramours and prefer them to her husband. If the
Mars and Venus exchange their Navamsa sign in a woman's chart, she may
have a long lasting physical relationship with some one she loves.
Horoscope No. 15
15/11/1965 Time 20:37:00 Day Monday Place Allgarh Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:07
t 27:54:00 North Long 78:04:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:17:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarl Yoglnl

SiderialTima 53:57:15 Hrs Gan ^ Rakshas Marcury : 7Y7M290 Bhramri : 1Y9M 19D
Eq,of time :0:15:26 Hrs Yoni ^ Maqar Vanus.
Sunrise :6:40:21 Hrs Nadi Anlya 15/07/1980 15/11/1965
Sunset :17:24:09 Hra Varan - Vpra 15/07/2000 05/09/1999
Samvat : 2022 Vashya 4 J al char Venus 15/11/1983 Bhramri 05/09/1967
Saka : 1887 Varga ^ Shwan Sun 14/11/1984 Bhadrika 04/09/1972
Month : Margshlrsh Yunja .: Madhya Moon 16/07/1986 Ulka 05/09/1978
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) . .: Jal Mars 15/09/1987 Sidha 04/09/1985
Tithi at Sunrise..: 7 Name Alphabet Day-Daivendra Rahu 14/09/1990 Sankta 04/09/1993
Nakshatra : Aslesa Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-SItver Jupiter 15/05/1993 Mcngta 05/09/1994
Yoga : Brahma Hora Mercury Saturn 15/07/1996 Pingla 04/09/1996
Karan : Balava Chaugharia - Roga Mercury 16/05/1999 Dhanya 05/09/1999

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Ub 29:55:29 Ven Jup Mon Sat Asc Gam 18:10:12 Mar Rah Mon Mon
Can 23:59:23 Mon Mer Mar Ven 2 Can 10:57:48 Mon Sat Sun Ven
Sag 7:52:50 Jup Ket Jup Sat 3 Leo 6:10:17 Sun Ket Rah Sat
Sco 22:21:54 Mar Mar Mon Mar 4 Vir 6:07:40 Mer Sun Mer Mar
Gem 7:00:44 Mer Rah Rah Jup 5 Lib 10:44:24 Van Rah Sat Sat
Sag 17:03:13 Jup Van Mon Ket 6 Sco 16:02:57 Mar Sat Jup Ven
Aqu 17:22:10 Sat Rah Van Ket 7 Sag 18:10:12 Jup Ven Rah Rah
Tau 11:38:45 Ven Mon Mar Ket 8 Cap 10:57:48 Sat Mon Mon Ven
Sco 11:38:45 Mar Sat Mon Sat 9 Aqu 6:10:17 Sat Mar Mon Sat
Leo 25:47:24 Sun Ven Mer Sal 10 Pis 6:07:40 Jup Sat Mer Ven
Ub 26:44:18 Ven Jup Ven Ven 11 Ari 10:44:24 Mar Ket Sat Mar
Leo 25:00:32 Sun Ven Mar Mar 12 Tau 16:02:57 Ven Mon Sat Mer

Fortuna: Pisces 12:14:06 Navamsa Chsrt

Rah S Mon /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
^/Sat 12 ^/lOMar

llir Rair
Sun 3 Mar 9 Jup
■ 1218*
\ Nep /'
\ Mon / \ Rah / \ fr?0fi
Plu\4 / \ 2 / I Mon VX
/ SN. yen X 7 \
sYjup 3 | X / Ket X.

Sun\/ \/ Mar / \
7^ Mar 9 VenVusat
Nop/6\ /ioN. i/8\
/ VKI\
/Mar Ke\ / ^ Mar Mer
p,u X / XX
Ura 1y^X ® Xx ^
Ket Nep Rah/2 Nep ./
Mer Sun / Ven \ /Sat Sun X
Horoscope No. 9
ate 26/01/1957 Time 09:09:00 Day Saturday Place Urmao Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa
at 26:32:00 North Long 80:30:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tlftie Corr -0:

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmeottari Yoglnl

Siderial Time .;17:21:40 Mrs Gan ^ Rakshas Mercury : 11YaM90 Bhadrika :3Y5M8D
Eq.of time 0:12:35 Hrs Yoni Wr)g
: Wag Venus
Sunrise :S:57:06 Hrs Nadi : Adya 06/10/1975 26/01/1957
Sunset ;17:44:08 Hrs Varan Vipra
Vipra 06/10/1995 06/07/1991
Samvat : 2013 Vashya : Keet
Keetak Venus 05/02/1979 Bhadrika 05/07/1960
Saka : 1878 Varga I Mrig Sun 05/02/1930 Ulka 06/07/1966
Month : Magha Yunja Antya
: Antys Moon 06/10/1981 Slffie 05/07/1973
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Mars 06/12/1982 Sankta 05/07/1981
Tithi at Sunrise..: 11 Name Alphabet Yaa-'
Yaa-Yatendra Rahu 06/12/1985 Mangla 06/07/1982
Nakshatra : Jyestha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Jupiter 06/08/1988 Pingla 05^)7/1984
Yoga : Dhruva Copper-Copper Saturn 06/10/1991 Dhanya 06/07/1987
Karan : Balava Hora ^ Mars Mercury 06/08/1994 Bhramri 06/07/1991

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degre^ R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 12:56:09 Sat Mon Rah Mer Asc Aqu 23:44:07 Sat Jup Sat Jup
Mon See 20:49:45 Mar Mer Ven Sat 2 Arl 2:37:50 Mar Ket Ven Mer
Mar Ari 5:31:13 Mar Ket Mar Mon 3 Tau 3:05:45 Ven Sun Sat Sat
Mer Sag 19:24:00 Jup Ven Rah Ven 4 Tau 28:11:57 Ven Mar Sat Sat
Jup -R Vir 8:39:02 Mer Sun Ven Rah 5 Gem 22:08:00 Mer Jup Sat Mer
Ven Sag 23:37:52 Jup Ven Sat Rah 6 Can 19:01:57 Mon Mer Ket Jup
Sat Sco 18:44:47 Mar Mer Ket Sun 7 Leo 23:44:07 Sun Ven Sat Jup
Rah -R See 3:28:45 Mar Sat Sat Sat 8 Lib 2:37:50 Ven Mar Ket Mer
Ket -R Tau 3:28:45 Ven Sun Sat Mer 9 Sco 3:05:45 Mar Jup Rah Mon
Ura -R Can 11:54:20 Mon Sat Mon Ven 10 Sco 28:11:57 Mar Mer Sat Sat
Nep Lib 9:35:13 Ven Rah Jup Ven 11 Sag 22:08:00 Jup Ven Sat Sat
Plu -R Leo 6:46:15 Sun Ket Rah Ket 12 Cap 19:01:57 Sat Mon Mer Rah

Fortuna: Capricorn 1:37:42 Navamaa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chaltt-Cuapal
v 3/
4X Mar 2 V^2 Jup
Mar Ket 2r 33-
Ma«' Key
42r 11 Ket

Mar 8X. 8 y\10Mon

i24* \m 2 X9 Urr
S Ura N. s Sat\
\ 6^ Dasamsa
Kfl 2 Sat 8 Mon 8 Mer Rah X
\ Rah / /ven
\X WRah
Ura 3V 5 Vs Set lu
4 \ Piu /4\ Jup / 7\Mon Ura 3 Mar
Ura \ Nop \

Set/ 11
i / Ket
Venus: the Karaka Indicator of Marriage 101

Illustration No. 4.7.(Horoscope No.9) - This horoscope belongs to an

extremely beautiful, fair, smart and bold lady who got married on 30.1.75 and
has been blessed with two daughters. She is the wife of a senior officer whose
remarkable performances and courage are some of the landmarks for his
The lady is not loyal to her husband. She had carnal relationship with the
younger brother of her husband. They have been living like husband & wife
since 1983, as soon as Mars
Bhukti in the major period of Venus began. Their relationship resulted in a
daughter, an illegitimate child.
This charming young woman was born under Aquarius ascendant, which
falls in the Navamsa of Taurus. Mars is in the Taurus ascendant while Venus
occupies the 7th house of the Navamsa chart in the sign of Mars. Thus Venus
falls in Mars Navamsa Scorpio, while Mars obtains the Navamsa of Venus, that
is Taurus. In Rashi chart Mars and Venus are placed in the 3rd and llthhouses
respectively, which also show the carnality with a brother like person, in this
case her brother-in-law. During her childhood her servant also abused her when
she was quite innocent.
Like us, the readers will also be surprised to know the unbelievable truth
that the lady was shocked when we told her during an astrological inquiry that
she possessed Akhand Saubhagya i.e. the death of her husband will take place
only after her death. A few others had made a contrary forecast. She personally
wished an early death of her husband so that she could live happily with her
A woman has irrepressible passions if her Lagna is Taurus between 3/20
and 6/40 or Libra between 13/20 and 16/40. It means that if the Lagna is ruled
by Venus, but obtains Navamsa of Saturn, the intensity of passion will go beyond
control leading to adultery.
We have found that this holds well in all such cases where Lagna is ruled by
Venus or Saturn and falls in the Navamsa of Saturn or Venus respectively.
In the above example too it may be noted that the woman was born in
Aquarius Lagna which has fallen in the Navamsa of Venus. That is the cause for
extreme passion and involvement in her immoral acts.
Venus is a planet, which is deeply related to marital bliss, love affairs and if
perverted, to immoral acts. While examining a horoscope for marital happiness,
we must look into the overall disposition of Venus. We should not reach hurried
conclusions. Many times Venus may not have any relation with the 7th or the
2nd houses, still its consideration is quite important to reach a correct conclusion
about the state of the marital life.


Role of Jupiter in marriage


Noble Among Planets - Of all the planets Jupiter is the

most benefic. It represents grandeur, learning, patience and mercy, fan-
play and is, therefore, called "Guru" in the astrological parlance. Its presence in
a house promotes benefic influence in that house, and reduces the faults
associated therewith. If Jupiter owns a triangle, joining one of the angles, it is
highly beneficial. However, through a natural benefic, it is said to behave
otherwise in some extraordinary situations. For example when: -

(i) It owns a kendra (kendradhipati)

(ii) When situated in a house for which it is a significator?

When Jupiter owns a kendra it suffers from Kendradhipati Dosh, unless, of

course, it is placed in its own sign. Whenever Jupiter owns a kendra, it
automatically becomes the lord of two kendras i.e., Pisces and Sagittarius and
the other two kendras viz. Gemini and Virgo are owned by Mercury.

If Jupiter is situated in a house for which it is a Karaka, or significator, it

effects adversely to the native. Thus, if it is posited in the house of children or
wealth, it causes many hardships.

Largely, however, Jupiter is understood to impart to the native wisdom,

intelligence, and all the satwik qualities of good breeding, respect and dedication
to religion, customs, traditions and charity. Therefore, Jupiter is regarded as a
priest or minister of Devtas and is an inspiration for Satkarma or good deeds to
be performed by the humans.

The planet is said to produce best results in its exaltation sign. Cancer. However,
Role of Jupiter in Marriage 103
in our experience Jupiter gives most auspicious results in Leo, not in Cancer.
This may, of course, be debated.

Jupiter is placed in a quadrant in Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces, comstitutes

Hamsa yoga giving the native sterling qualities, noble behaviour and subtle
thinking and makes him a king or king-like. The yoga is well defined in our
ancient texts.

The Link Breaks - Where Jupiter Weakens - In this chapter we intend driving
home a point that Jupiter has a deceptive nature in some respects.

In our study of astrological practice for over two decades we have come to
the conclusion that traditionalists have over emphasised the benefic and malefic
effects of Jupiter and Saturn respectively. If we may be permitted to express our
understanding of the situation, based in actual case studies "and observation,
Jupiter is not always sacrosanct nor Saturn so banal as has been made out to be.

We have observed that Jupiter"s placement in the fifth house affects children.
In the present chapter our attempt is to evaluate Jupiter and its corresponding
maligancy when positioned in the Seventh house, under certain specific

The Classical View - First let us see that results the classical texts and
authoritative sages ascribe to Jupiter in the Seventh house.

Dr. B.VRaman, an authority on the subject, has noted in his book, "How to
judge a Horoscope" that

* Jupiter in the seventh house makes the subject kind-hearted.

* the native gets a virtuous, good-looking and chaste wife and gains are
achieved through and after matrimony.

*the subject attains high level of education.

* he is sensitive to other"s feelings.

* he has a speculative mind and does well in the field of agriculture.

* he is inclined to go on pilgrimages to distant places.

* he will be superior to his father in qualities, and

*the native will be blessed with worthy sons.

Saravali states that Jupiter in the seventh house makes one a good speaker,
poet, head of village/institution, knowledgeable, intelligent, fortunate, kind and
noble, famous and superior to his father.

Vaidyanath says that Jupiter in the seventh gives a beautiful wife, incites envy
in parents and teachers. His wife is virtuous and is blessed with worthy sons.

If the Jupiter is placed in a debilitation sign. Capricorn, the wife dies or is

abused by a Brahmin, according to Vaidynanth.
104 Predicting Marriage
Garg says that the Jupiter in the seventh house gives only one wife. He gets
bed-pleasure like a king. He is handsome and intelligent.

Brihat Jatak describes that such a native gets married at 22 years of age. He
takes interest in studies, becomes a minister and is polite. He is blessed by his
father and is loved by his wife.

Parashar says that such a Jupiter awards a position in the army and lot of

Gopal Ratnakar holds that such a person is proud and able. He has a chaste
wife. He has business relations with high class persons and that such a Jupiter
promotes business.

Narain Bhatt mentions that Jupiter in the seventh house makes one
disinterested in his own wife. He is intelligent, rich and best among his brothers
and sisters. He is handsome.

Hilla Jatak holds absolutely a different opinion. According to it the Jupiter in

the seventh house results in early marriage, precisely at 12 years of age.

Phaldeepika opines that such a native will get a good wife, will be blessed
with children and will be more generous than his father.

Chamatkar Chintamani says the native will be highly intelligent. He will not
care for women, except his own.

Bhrigu Sutramspecifies that Jupiter in the seventh house gives high education
and makes the native a thinker (Chintak). He is said to have frequent financial
gains and his wife is learned, chaste and devoted to her husband. If Jupiter in
the seventh house is associated with benefics or posited in own or exaltation
signs, the native will have only one wife. He will be attached to her. He will gain
wealth through his wife. He will be happy and will earn great honours in the
34th years of his life.

These are the views expressed in different texts. Most of the results described
are similar. However, there are common denominaters; native is superior to his
father in virtues; gets married at 12-22 years of age, receives honour at 34th
year, gets a chaste wife, at times is subject to jealousy of father and teacher, gets
one wife only, is handsome, polite and possesses sterling qualities, is generous,
happy and is blessed with worthy children.

As can be seen, almost all the authors describe Jupiter as auspicious in

seventh house. The sages should not be criticised. Many of them were
endowed with an inner vision and siddhis to adjudge the behaviour of various
heavenly bodies. Varah Mihira was said to have the Surya Siddhi. The sages
have rightly described these results for a particular position, and most of
these results are manifest when Jupiter falls in a odd sign or male signs.
However, good results of the position of Jupiter in the seventh house do not
Role of Jupiter in Marriage 105

accrue when Jupiter is placed in the seventh in the even signs or female
signs. In that case adverse results are obtained.

A. Jupiter in the seventh House in Watery Signs i.e. Cancer, Scorpio,

Pisces(for Capricorn, Taurus & Virgo Lagnas).

A1 Jupiter in the Seventh in Cancer - For Capricorn ascendant Jupitor gets

exalted in the Seventh Bhava and forms Hamsa Mahapurusha Rajyoga. Here it
owns third and twelfth house. Kalidasa has described in "Uttar Kalamrit" -

That is, the native will be productive, good to others, prosperous rich and
educated etc. If Jupiter joins its exaltation sign Cancer. Kalidasa has not mentioned
anything about the matters related with the seventh house even in the Sloka.
But exalted Jupiter in the seventh gives a good and chaste wife. She is dedicated
to husband and elders, advises her husband like a Guru, is beautiful, full of
virtues, learned etc. But in the 34th year some devastation takes place in marital
life, either the wife dies or she gets separated due to some reason. Kalidasa has
mentioned in "Raghuvansh Kavya" that Induvati wife of the king Aja i.e., mother of
king Dashrath died at the age of 34 years when a flower from the Veena of Narad
fell on her chest, while Narad was moving in the sky.
Horoscope No. 16
1/1931 Time 09:45:00 Day Tuesday Place LouisTrichardi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:
23:01:00 South Long 29:43:00 Easr Zone 30:00:00 East Tim© Corr - 0:01:08

Ranchang Avakahada Chakra VImsottavi Yogini

Sktaria] Time 13:53:06 Hrs Gan. : Rakshas Sun : 5Y8M SD Ulka : 5YBM 6D
Eq.of tima :0:13:29 Hrs Yoni : Mesh Rahu
Sunrise :5:08:52 Hrs Nadi .r lotya 31/07/1954 24/11/1931
Sunset :18:26:40 Hrs Varan - Kshatriya 31/07/1972 31/07/1967
Samvat : 1988 Vashya Chstuspada Rahu 12/04/1957 Ulka 31/07/1937
Saka : 1853 Varga Garuda Jupiter 06/03/1959 Sidha 31/07/1944
Month : Kartika Yunja : Poorva Saturn 13/07/1962 Sankta 31/07/1952
Paksh : Shukla Hanaak(Tatva) Agni Mmty 29/01/1965 Mangla 31/07/1953
Kelu 17/02/1966 Pingta 31/07/1955
Tithi at Sunrise.,: 14 Name Alphabet Aa-Aayush Dhanya 31/07/1958
Nakshatra : Krlttlka Paya(Ra9hNak) : Iron-Gold Venus 16/02/1969
Sun 11/01/1970 Bhramri 31/07/1962
Yoga : Parigh Hora Moon Bhadrika 31/07/1967
Karan : Vishti Chaugharia Char Moon 13/07/1971

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sco 8:25:16 Mar Sal Ven Ven Asc Cap 11:46:54 Sat Mon Mar Ven
Mon Ari 27:22:12 Mar Sun Mon Mon 2 Aqu 6:51:56 Sal Rah Rah Rah
Mar Sco 25:29:10 Mar Mer Rah Ven 3 Pis 5:34:58 Jup Sat Mer Mer
Mer Sco 27:46:48 Mar Mer Jup Rah 4 Ari 7:44:15 Mar Ket Jup Jup
Jup Can 29:36:27 Mon Mer Sat Rah 5 Tau 10:45:34 Ven Mon Mon Mer
Ven Sco 28:07:02 Mar Mer Sat Sal 6 Gem 12:14:24 Mer Rah Sat Rah
Sat Sag 27:07:01 Jup Sun Sun Mer 7 Can 11:46:54 Mon Sat Mon Mer
Rah -R Pis 11:12:26 Jup Sal Men Rah S Leo 6:51:56 Sun Ket Rah Ven
Kel -R Vir 11:12:26 Mer Mon Mar Rah 9 Vir 5:34:58 Mer Sun Mer Ven
Ura -R Pis 23:11:59 Jup Mer Men Ven 30 Lib 7:44:15 Ven Rah Rah Mer
Nep Leo 15:15:39 Sun Ven Ven * Mer 31 Sco 10:45:34 Mar Sat Sun Mer
Plu -R Gem 29:19:20 Mer Jup Sun Kel 32 Sag 12:14:24 Jup Ket Mer Mon

Fortuna: Cancer 0:43:51 Navamaa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt'Cuapal X. 2 X^vtnyZ

piu aVKtt 1 VriMtr
Mc^ 10 Un
Sat / Sat SrS
g /Mir .9 /m Nip aX 7 X9
Uray1 Un\^. yS 9 v. Rih yS 8
12/ V8>' 12V Ve Mtc 7iy / Sun xy X
Rah/ RtiyS /
, \ L Mon 1 7 Sun \Mof> Ni^Z
\ 10/
RahllxJup Q
*X 4 X8 Ket
3 Jup / 6 3 \ Jup / 9 Mr 12 PluX8«l 8 Sun
Pin \/ Nep \] Ket

Ven Mer ■■
1X 3 Xa Kit
Ven/2 \ Un / ♦ \
Mar Sun il ■■
Role of Jupiter in Marriage 107
I am illustrating the following horoscope where Jupiter joins the seventh house
in Cancer

Illustration No. 5.1 (Horoscope No.16) - This horoscope belongs to a

multimillionaire of India who is living in London in connection with his business.
He rose to this position by his own efforts. He had a very good wife but he
divorced her in 1964 when he came to know that the last son of the native
belonged to a famous Tantrik, the fact that his wife had also accepted.

This divorce occurred when the native was running under Rahu-Mercury
period in 1974.
Horoscope No. 17
^ato 21/12/1919 Time 08:48:00 Day Sunday Place Bareilfy Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa
at 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottaii Yogini

SiderialTime 14:30:11 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Mercury 10Y11M 5D Bhadrlta: 3Y2M17D
Eq.of time :0:02:19Hrs Yoni : Mrig Rahu
Sunrise :7:01:13 Hrs Nadi : Adya 25/11/1980 09/03/1954
Sunset :17:18:44 Hrs Varan : Vipra 26/11/1996 09/03/1990
Samvat : 1976 Vashya : Keetak Rahu 08/08/1983 Bhadrika 09/03/1969
Saka : 1841 Varga r : Mrig Jupiler 01/01/1986 Ulka 09/03/1965
Month : Fausa Yunja : Antya Saturn 07/11/1988 Sidha 08/03/1972
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Mercury 27/05/1991 Sankta 08/03/1980
Tlthl at Sunrise..: 14 Name Alphabet Yaa-Yatendra Ketu 14/06/1992 Mangla 09/03/1961
Nakshatra : Jyestha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Copper Venus 14/06/1995 Pingla 09/03/1983
Yoga : Shool Hora : Vanus Sun 08/05/1996 Dhanya 09/03/1986
Karan : Shakuni Chaugharia : Char Moon 07/11/1997 Bhramri 09/03/1990

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-3
Sun Sag 5 43:51 Jup Ket Rah Rah Asc Cap 1:00:21 Sal Sun Rah Mon
Mon Sco 21 25:34 Mar Mer Ven Ket 2 Aqu 91)3:49 Sat Rah Jup Sal
Mar Vir 18 34:14 Mer Mon Mer Mon 3 Pis 16:25:51 Jup Sat Jup Rah
Mer Sco 14 03:38 Mar Sat Rah Ket 4 Ari 17:28:46 Mar Ven Mar Rah
Jup -R Can 25 15:30 Mon Mer Rah Mer 5 Tau 12:57:37 Ven Mon Rah Mer
Yen Lib 20 58:48 Yen Jup Jup Ven 6 Gem 6:10:26 Mer Mar Mon Sat
Sal Leo 19 11:49 Sun Yen Rah Mer 7 Can 1:0021 Mon Jup Mar Mer
Rah -R Sco 2 06:26 Mar Jup Rah Sat 8 Leo 9:03:49 Sun Ket Jup Mar
Ket -R Tau 2 06:26 Yen Sun Jup Ven 9 Vir 16:25:51 Mer Mon Sat Ven
Ura Aqu 6 04:17 Sat Mar Mon Sat 10 Lib 17:28:46 Ven Rah Sun Mon
Nep -R Can 18 42:37 Mon Mer Ket Ven 11 Sco 12:57:37 Mar Sat Rah Rah
Plu 41 Gem 14 25:04 Mer Rah Mer Sat 12 Sag 6:10:26 Jup Ket Rah Sat

Fortuna: Sagittarius 16:42:04 Navamaa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Btiava ChalK-Cuapal Jup WuXX Ntp /

V1/Won \9Xuri
12 ^ 6
Kea- XX xx Mtr
<"• Sir
Van 1

Sun /
Sun 4 Sit
9/Mon; Jup \Y \0/Sun / 3\ Rth / eX
8 Mer Nep 12Vura 10 VsMon / Mir \
s; /\ /V Dassmaa
7 Ven Rfth 7 Ven
MiirV \ 5
Mr 8
Ket 2X JUP 4 Nep Xfi Mer 1r 2VJup 4 Nap Ve Mir Sl1y

/ 3 \ / 5 \
Set \ Mar / Phi \ / Set \
Rah Sun xX^ xX
lOX 12 X2
Mer 1
Ket/l X. 1 X.
Mon Ven XMon Sit\ X^Un Vn
Role of Jupiter in Marriage 109
Illustration No.5.2 (Horoscope No. 17) - Jupiter is pos ited in the seventh house
in the sign of exaltation. The native is wife of a famous and rich MJL.A., who
never lost an election since independence. Her marital life is extremely unhappy.
Her husband has a concubine and has relations with various women even at
the age of 75 years. She failed to receive the real bliss from her children too. one
daughter committed suicide, other faced widowhood at a young age and the
son got involved in criminal activities.

In this case Jupiter owns the third and the twelfth house and as such is a
malefic posited in the seventh house. Any retrograde planet if placed in the sign
of its exaltation, behaves like a debilitated one. Here Jupiter is exalted and
retrograde in the seventh house.

In both the above illustrations exalted Jupiter in the seventh created havoc in
the lives of both the natives and their partners, who had extramarital relations
110 Predicting Marriage
A2 Jupiter in Scorpio in the Seventh House

Illustration No. 53 (Horoscope No. IS) - In the case, the native got married
on 6.4.83 and divorced his wife on 22.10.83. Jupiter"s placement in the seventh
house may be noted. Jupiter is the lord of the eighth and the eleventh house
and is placed in the seventh house in Scorpio. Placement of Jupiter in Martian
sign is bad. Saravali may also be referred for the same. That is why Jupiter here
resulted into marital discord. In addition, here the seventh house is hemmed in
between malefics like Saturn and Mars.

The wife of the native was mentally retarted which was not known to him
prior to his marriage. Later, on the husband thought that this could affect his
progeny. Keeping this fear in his mind. He divorced his wife. Seeing the position
of Jupitor in the seventh house, many astrologers were sure that they can never
be separated and will have a happy married life.

Here we would just like to state that one should not be misguided by the
misleading presence of Jupiter in the seventh house, which alone is not enough
for the marital bliss.
Horoscope No. 18
ite 12/10/1959 T(me 21:22:00 Day Monday Place Sitapur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:02
it 25:11:00 North Long 80:52:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:32

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yoglnl

Siderial Time . 22:37:22 Mrs Gan Rakshas Rahu: 14Y1(JM3D Dhanya: 2Y5M 20D
Eq.of time. 0:13:16 Hrs Yoni - Ashwa Jupiter
Sunrise 6:04:19 Hrs Nadi Aiya 16/08/1974 12/10/1959
Sunset 17:41:54 Hrs Varan _ Shoodra 16/08/1990 03*4/1995
Samvat 2016 Vashya i Manav Jupiter 03/10/1976 Dhanya 03/04/1962
Saka 1881 Varga .: Majar Saturn 16/04/1979 Bhramri 0304/1966
Monfri Asvina Yunja Anlya Mercury 22/07/1981 Bhadrika 03/04/1971
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Ketu 28/06/1982 Ulka 03/04/1977
Tithi at Sunrise.. 11 Name Alphabet .: Go-Gopsl Venus 26/02/1965 Sidha 02/04/1984
Nakshatra Satabhisha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Sun 15/12/1985 Sankta 02/04/1992
Yoga Gand Copper-Copper Moon 16/04/1987 Mangla 03/04/1993
Karan : Bava Hora Saturn Mars 2203d 988 Pingla 0304/1995

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 25:32:10 Mer Mar Rah Ven Asc Tau 28:39:34 Ven Mar Sat Ven
Mon Aqu 9:00:19 Sat Rah Jup Sat 2 Gem 22:29:16 Mer Jup Sat Ket
Mar Lib 1:05:10 Ven Mar Mer Rah 3 Can 16:45:19 Mon Mer Mer Mer
Mer Lib 12:13:56 Ven Rah Sat Rah 4 Leo 14:37:17 Sun Ven Ven Jup
Jup Sco 8:16:47 Mar Sat Ven Ven 5 Vir 17:51:50 Mer Mon Mer Mer
Ven Leo 13:33:48 Sun Ven Ven Ven 6 Lib 24:17:03 Ven Jup Mer Ven
Sat Sag 8:33:19 Jup Ket Jup Ven 7 Sco 28:39:34 Mar Mer Sat Ven
Rah Vir 11:01:13 Mer Mon Mon Ven 8 Sag 22:29:16 Jup Ven Sat Mer
Ket Pis 11:01:13 Jup Sat Mon Mon 9 Cap 16:45:19 Sat Mon Sat Ven
Ura Can 27:06:41 Mon Mer Jup Ven 10 Aqu 14:37:17 Sat Rah Ket Sun
Nep Lib 12:59:19 Ven Rah Mer Ven 11 Pis 17:51:50 Jup Mer Mer Rah
Plu Leo 12:19:36 Sun Ket Mer Mon 12 Ah 24:17:03 Mar Ven Mer Ket

Fortuna: Libra 12:07:43 Navamta Chart

Mar K«l/ \V*n Sun/
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chailt-Cuapai
sS^Jup 6 sC* Plu

1224' Mon 9 3 Sat
B Mar X / xX
Ven\ 3 10 X. 12 X?
W W ura Un X l\
Ura 4V 2 x 12Ket Ura4V / X X Rih X.
1015- Pfu/ ^
Mo©1 / Daaamsa
ven 5 P u 11 Won S 11 Ket
^nX 8 ^SNsX6y'
Ura 9 Mar 7 Rflh
B YltMon
Mar y\
!K/\ Mef/ ' Sat /9\
/ Nap \ JUP /9 Sun 10
/ Mar Mar Sat \ Sun
■ N Rah ,.1/ ^
Nair Matz*
112 Predicting Marriage
A3 Jupiter in Pisces in the Seventh House

Illustration No. 5.4 (Horoscope No. 19) - In this birthchart of a lady, Jupiter
is present in the seventh house in Pisces and Saturn is posited in the Lagna.
Jupiter owns the seventh house and forms Hansa Mahapurusha Rajyoga. But,
though, there is no severe affliction of the seventh house, except that Jupiter
obtains own Navamsa of Sagittarius, and is conjoined with Mars in the same
Navamsa, the lady had to face various problems in the materialisation of her
marriage. Soon after her marriage, she felt that she would not be able to adjust
with her orthodox and miser husband. The marriage broke-up after some time.

In the above cases we see that Jupiter "s placement in the seventh house does
not give blanket guarantee of conjugal happiness. Even Jupiter"s renowned
magnanimity and munificence is curbed in cases where it falls in watery signs.

6. Jupiter in the Seventh House in Airy Signs i.e. Gemini, Libra and
Aquarius (Aries, Leo & Saggitarius lagnas)

The role of Jupiter in the seventh house in airy signs viz. Libra, Aquarius and
Gemini is quite different than as in watery signs i.e. Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
We have observed that Jupiter in seventh in watery signs is responsible for
separation, miserable family life, adulterous behaviours of the spouse and
disintrest and lack of attachment with husband or wife as the case may be. But
it is not so in case of airy signs. There will be happy married life. The husband
or wife will be quite good looking. The native will be prosperous and rich.
However, he will suffer where the children are concerned, particularly sons.
Gemini is not good for the loyality of the partner. There may be more than one
marriage if other factors are also supportive. The husband and wife may not be
honest to each other. Both may be licentious.
Horoscope No. 19
g 04/07/1951 Time 12:49:00 Day Wednesday PiaceAHgarh Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 27:54:00 North Long 78:04:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:17:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Srderial Time .:7:17;15 Mrs Gan _■ Manushya Rahu 2Y2M10D Mangla : 0Y1M 14D
Eq.of time 0:04:05 Mrs Yoni. . Shwan Ketu
Sunrise :5:27:19 Mrs Nadi. - Arfya 13/09/2005 17/08/1986
Sunset : 19:16:24 Hrs Varan . Shoodra 12/09/2012 17/08/2022
Samvat : 2008 Vashya - Manav Ketu 09/02/2006 Mangla 13/08/1987
Saka : 1873 Varga : Sfrnha Venus 11/04/2007 Pingfa 17/08/1989
Month : Asadha Yunja Madhya Sun 17/08/2007 Dhanya 17/08/1992
Paksh : Krishna HansakfTatva) .. : Vayu Moon 17/03/2008 Bhramri 17/08/1993
Tithi at Sunrise..; 15-Amavasya Name Alphabet Mars 13/08^2008 Bhadrika 17/08/2001
Nakshatra : Ardra Chha-Chhatrapati Rahu 31/03/2009 Ulka 18/08/2007
Yoga : Dhruva Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Silver Jupiter 07/08/2010 Sidha 17/08/2014
Karan : Naga Hora Mercury Saturn 16/09/2011 Sankta 17/08/2022

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pfn -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L &ub S-S
Sun Gem 18:36:00 Mer Rah Mon Sat Asc Vir 24:09:36 Mer Mar Rah Rah
Men Gem 18:22:27 Mer Rah Mon Rah 2 Lib 22:49:26 Ven Jup Sat Ven
Mar Gem 7:17:42 Mer Rah Rah Sat 3 Sco 23:18:28 Mar Mer Mon Sun
Mer Gem 28:45:14 Mer Jup Ven Ket 4 Sag 24:54:16 Jup Ven Mer Mon
Jup Pis 19:44:00 Jup Mer Ven Sun 5 Cap 26:41:06 Sat Mar Jup Mer
Ven Leo 3:42:52 Sun Ket Mon Mon 6 Aqu 26:59:24 Sat Jup Ven Sun
Sat Vir 3:42:32 Mer Sun Sat Ket 7 Pis 24:09:36 Jup Mer Rah Rah
Rah -R Aqu 18:42:02 Sat Rah Mon Sat 8 Ari 22:49:26 Mar Ven Sat Ven
Ket -R Leo 18:42:02 Sun Ven Rah Sat 9 Tau 23:18:28 Ven Mon Sun Ven
Ura Gem 16:52:51 Mer Rah Ven Sat 10 Gem 24:54:16 Mer Jup Mer Mar
Nep Vir 23:50:37 Mer Mar Mar Ket 11 Can 26:41:06 Mon Mer Jup Mer
P)u Can 25:24:40 Mon Mer Rah Ven 12 Leo 26:59:24 Sun Sun Sun Sat

Fortuna; Virgo 23:56:03 Navamsa Chart

Kat >/\.
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
\6/ x. 4 y
7XN0p 5 X3

823' I 923*
\Kat Van/ ^Nep Sal/ Mar \ 4 X /
627- V 7 5 Q/CSet ^ PiuXj
\ /Kot jij
p /io\ y12X
aVsat N«pV4 Plu RaH ax 8 V4 y x yura Rari\
/Xven X \XSun Monv
X Moriar X / \ PI25*
<^Mon 3 Sun . XPiu 3 Mer) -1^ x Ket XxMon Sun X
Uray \ \ y11
ii y \
\ / \ /Ura Mer12X 10
X 8
Vi Sun y\ y\ Ura
10 12
X X /\Mon Kew
/11\ Jup /1\ / 1 \Mar 1227-
/ Rah \ 425' I / Jup
/ \J

■ Rah Mar
114 Predicting Marriage
B1 Jupiter in Libra in the Seventh House

Illustration No.55 (Horoscope No. 20) - The native is a senior LA.S. officer
and is working as Principal Secretary to the Government. Hegot married around
25 years of age during the sub-period of Venus in the major period of Mercury.
Venus is the lord of the 7th house and is associated with Mercury in the tenth
house. Presence of Jupiter in the seventh house may be noted, who is the lord
of the ninth and twelfth houses. The native has been blessed with an extremely
beautiful, fair complexioned, decent, noble and highly educated wife who
belongs to a rich family. She has a most loving domestic life, full of conjugal
bliss of a high order. He has been blessed with three beautiful daughters who
are quite obedient and intelligent. The native went to Paris recently with his
wife and children. There had been rise in fortune after his marriage. Here*
unafflicted ninth lord Jupiter has blessed the native with such a decent wife and
conjugal happiness etc.

Though Jupiter is an enemy to Venus it gives auspicious results in respect of

matters of the seventh house. This happens due to its ownership of the ninth
house. Unafflicted lord of the ninth house if posited in the seventh promotes
family happines and gives a beautiful and chaste wife who brings good luck
and wealth to the native. Other factors supporting, he may also go abroad.

B2 Jupiter in Gemini in the Seventh House - Here the Lagna would be

Sagittarius and Jupiter thus suffers finm kendradhipati Dosha. Moreover, the
seventh house, happens to be the Badhak house for dual signs. Marriage gets
generally delayed. The wife may not be charming and fair complexioned, but
she will be well-educated, logical and intelligent. Due to her obstinate, non-
cooperative and non-adjusting temperament marital life may not be happy.
Separation is also possible due to her bad temperament. Gemini is owned by
Mercury, Jupiter and Mercury both represent learning, intelligence and science
but Mercury is logical and the logics of Mercury are generally unacceptable to
Jupiter. Mercury gets debilitated in the sign of Jupiter. However, Gemini is an
airy sign, therefore, the wife is quite practical, wise and economical but
un adjusting.
Horoscope No. 20
i^e 05/02/1946 Time 11:16:00 Day Tuesday Place Gofakhpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
wLat 26:45:00 North Long 83:23:00 East Zone 82.30:00 East Time Corr 0:03:32

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yogini

SiderialTime 20:10:39 Hrs Gan : Manushya Jupiter: 2Y3M 23D Bhramri :0Y6M28O
Eq.oftima - 0:14:06 Hrs Yoni j Simha Mercury
Sunrise 6:4131 Hrs Nadi j Adya 31/05/1967 05*2/1946
Sunset 17:39:39 Hrs Varan Vipra 30/05/1984 04*9/1978
SamvaL 2002 Vashya : Jalchar Mercury 27/10/1969 Bhramri 04*9/1946
Saka 1867 Varga Sarp Kelu 24/10/1970 Bhadrika 05*9/1951
Month Magha Yunja ^ Ant^ Venus 24/00/1973 Lka 04/09/1957
Paksh ShukJa Hansak(Tatva) JaJ Sun 30/06/1974 Sldha 0409/1964
TJthl at Sunrise.. : 3 Name Alphabet Moon 30/11/1975 Sankta 04/09/1972
Nakshatra PBhadrapad Dee-Deepankar Mars 2611/1976 Mangla 04/09/1973
Yoga Shiva Paya(Ra$(-Nak) : Iron-Copper Rahu 15/06/1979 Phgfe 05*9/1975
Karan Vanlj Hora i Moon Jupiter 20/03/1901 Dhanya 04^59/1978

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 22:59:17 Sat Man Sun Sat Asc Ari 22:54:23 Mar Ven Sat Ven
Man Pis 1:24:17 Jup Jup Rah Rah 2 Tau 21:12:11 Ven Man Ven Mar
Mar -R Gem 23:03:30 Mer Jup Sat Mon 3 Gem 15:15:29 Mer Rah Ven Ven
Mer Cap 18:41:29 Sat Mon Mer Mon 4 Can 9:32:41 Mon Sat Ven Sat
Jup Lib 4:27:52 Ven Mar Ven Mer 5 Leo 7:50:32 Sun Ket Jup Sat
Ven Cap 23:51:55 Sat Mar Mar Ket 6 Vir 13:05:59 Mer Mon Rah Ket
Sat -R Gem 26:43:11 Mer Jup Ven Ven 7 Lib 22:54:23 Ven Jup Sat Sun
Rah -R Gem 5:58:43 Mer Mar Man Jup 8 Sea 21:12:11 Mar Mer Ven Mer
Ket -R Sag 5:58:43 Jup Ket Rah Jup 9 Sag 15:15:29 Jup Ven Ven Mer
Ura -R Tau 20:40:05 Ven Mon Ven Ven 10 Cap 9:32:41 Sat Sun Ven Sat
Nep -R Vir 15:35:19 Mer Mon Jup Rah 11 Aqu 7:50:32 Sat Rah Rah Ket
Plu -R Can 17:40:19 Mon Mer Mer Mar 12 Pis 13:05:59 Jup Sat Rah Rah

Fortuna; Gemirt 1:19:24 Navamaa Chart

\Jup R«h
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
n. a y

173- 221' C 10 V'Mon 4 Sun^
>v s s
Mon |\ Ura \ Mon \ Rah / Xy X / Mer
MaX 2 \l2/ tlX 1 X3
Sat\2/ /l2\ Mar S 2\Sat
Sat aV i Yn 3YUra 1 1Mon 410' / Nw/l^ep Ket\
Rah/ Mar/ \ V Phfl-
Plu 4 Mar 10 Sun p;u 4 \ Mer 10 Sun
\ /X Nap x
Kat\ ^x
Ven \ 10X Mon Jjp
Mar / X /x
Sun /6 Jup / 8 Sat 11 5 Plu
Jup Nep
82r 72*
Mar 12

i Sun Ven
116 Predicting Marriage
Illustration No. 5.6 (Horoscope No. 21) - The native is an astrologer of Delhi.
He visited us during June 1993 and pretended only to be a reader of our articles.
Immediately on looking at his birthchart, 1 asked him whether he had suffered
separation by then? He was astonished because he had never expected that
Jupiter in the seventh house can result in separation. The native got married on
6.1.83 First daughter was born on 5.12.83 and second on 15.9.985. His wife
was unhappy with him and was not prepared for adjustment, especially when
the native had told her of his physical relationship with some one else. She left
the native and went away to London. He also confessed that the
misunderstanding between him and his wife started due to his involvement
with other females, and lack of interest in his wife.

Thus Jupiter "s placement in the seventh house in Gemini may also result
into loose character of wife or the native himself. Generally daughters are born
as long as Other positive indications for male progeny are not present. If Jupiter
is afflicted, there may be two marriage particularly if the seventh lord Mercury
also falls in a dual sign. The wife will not be beautiful, her complexion will be
dull, but she will be intelligent and educated though of unadjusting nature.
How can, thus, we say that Jupiter in the seventh house in Gemini is auspicious?

B3 Jupiter in the Seventh House in Aquarius - Aquarius is an airy sign

and for Leo ascendant Jupiter own the fifth and the eighth house. Placement of
such Jupiter in seventh is a good position for a happy family life, but not good
for progeny. If jupiter is afflicted there may be denial of childbirth. The wife will
be good looking but there will be several problems with her. There will remain
anxiety for male children, sons mostly do not survive. Generally both the partners
live happily. Dominance of wife over the native will, however, always be there.
Horoscope No. 21
^ate 14A)4/1955 Time 23:59:55 Day Thursday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:58:18
Lat 28:39:00 North Lang 77:13:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tim© CoiT - 0:21:08

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yogini

SidehalTime . 13:07:23 Hrs Gan j Manushya Venus: 4Y11M 140 Sldha : 1Y8M24D
Ep.oftime. - 0:00:30 Hrs Yoni : Vanar Mars
Sunrise 5:59:17 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 29/03/1976 14/04/1965
Sunset 18:44:30 Hrs Varan : Kshatriya 30/03/1983 07*1/1986
Samvat 2012 Vashya j Manav Mars 25/08/1976 Sidha 07*1/1957
Saka 1877 Varga : Shwan Rahu 13/09/1977 Sankta 07*1/1965
Month Vaisakha Yunja Anlya Jupiter 20/08/1978 Mangla 07/01/1966
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Satum 28/09/1979 Pingla 08/01/1968
Trthi at Sunrise. 7 Name Alphabet Mercury 25/09/1980 Dhanya 08/01/1971
Nakshatra Purvasadha Dhaa-Dharmesh Ketu 21/02/1981 Shramrt 08/01/1975
Yoga Shiva Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Copper Venus 23/04/1982 Bhadrika 08/01/1980
Karan Bava Hora - Mercury Sun 29/08/1982 Ulka 07/01/1986

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Ari 1:03:36 Mar Ket Ven Ven Asc Sag 9:55:42 Jup Ket Sat Mer
Mon Sag 23:21:44 Jup Ven Sat Mar 2 Cap 14:28:48 Sat Mon Jup Mer
Mar Tau 9:36:02 Van Sun Ven Mar 3 Aqu 21:31:59 Sat Jup Jup Rah
Mer Pis 22:02:16 Jup Mer Sun Mar 4 Pis 25:17:41 Jup Mar Rah Ket
Jup Gem 28:12:31 Mer Jup Ven Sat 5 Ari 23:12:07 Mar Van Sat Mon
Van Aqu 25:13:09 Sat Jup Mer Rah 6 Tau 17:01:52 Ven Mon Sat Mon
Sat -R Lib 26:39:15 Ven Jup Ven Ven 7 Gem 9:55:42 Mer Rah Jup Mon
Rah -S Sag 5:46:16 Jip Ket Rah Rah 8 Can 14:28:48 Mon Sat Rah Ven
Ket -S Gem 5:46:16 Mar Mar Man Rah 9 Leo 21:31:59 Sun Ven Jup Mar
Ura Can 0:42:03 Mon Jup Mar Rah 10 Vir 25:17:41 Mer Mar Rah Ket
Nep -R Lib 3:59:08 Ven Mar Ven Jup 11 Lib 23:12.07 Ven Jup Sat Mar
Plu -R Leo 1:26:32 Sun Ket Ven Mon 12 Sco 17:01:52 Mar Mer Mer Ket

Fortuna: Virgo 2:13:49 Navamaa Chart

Ura Van
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapai R h
< 44 X
X \ * /y1PkJ
X 92X
3 /
Sun Mar HE9 msm SuJ' Maio'
Sir 12 Mar>

Em m
\ /9\ / . 7X 9 Xll
Va25' VenVO/ 0
VertlxWon RahVj 322" 11V MonO X X
/ Nap \ X 10
' X\
Mer/ \ Won Kit Xx

Mar 12 Sun 12 8 Nap Way'

Jup Ura XlORah

Sun lY Jup 3 Kol Ys Plu Mar lYJup 3 Ura V5 \
/ \
/ \ / 4 \ / 2 \ / ^ 3 Sat 9 y
/ Mar \ / Ura \ / Ket \ / Plu <
Sa?7- Mon \ ./ \VyX
6 ^>\8 Nap
12»7' 1113' KaliX 5 \
Nav x
■ / Plu \ Van N.
118 Predicting Marriage
Illustration No.5.7. (Horoscope No> 22) - She got married on 18.4.87 with a
bank employee. The husband is good looking, smart and gentle. She was blessed
with a daugther on 17.7.88. But there is no second child so far inspite of desire
and all efforts. She had all kinds of relations in her early youth, with a handsome
boy. A unique factor of her married life is that soonafter her marriage, younger
brother of her husband lost his mental balance, though he was the topper of a
famous Engineering College of UP. He is missing since 1988. Sometimes later,
next brother of her husband lost his mental balance. He failed to complete his
Engineering Degree Course even after passing out the third year, though he
was throughout a position holder. One day he killed his own aged father on
13,1.93 under a severe mental aberration. 1 expect that a serious tragedy may
fallon her sis-in-law also, the only member left in that family, after her marriage.

There are so many cases of Leo ascendant where Jupiter occupies the seventh
house. This has mostly resulted in the problems connected particularly with
childbirth. This is an undesirable position in context of male issues. Family life
is generally happy. The husband is handsome or wife is charming. The husband
may serve in any financial organisation such as treasury, bank, insurance, finance
ministry (Income Tax) etc. or he may deal in such a business which has main
relation with finances such as lottery, money lending etc. The wife may be a
teacher in any school or collage.

To sum up we may say that if Jupiter falls in airy signs in the seventh house,
except in Gemini, one leads generally a happy marital life. In last two airy signs
viz. Libra and Aquarius Jupiter will give a beautiful life partner who will be
loving and adjusting. The spouse will be rich, prosperous, happy, gentle, noble,
religious and honest. But the moral values of the native may be questionable.
The husband may deal in finance either through the service of banks, financial
institution, insurance, loaning bodies or treasury etc. or in lottery, brokerage of
share-market, money-lending or chit-funds or such other organisations.
Educational engagements are also possible.

In case of Gemini in seventh having Jupiter, family life will be troublesome.

More than one marriage is possible and spouse may not be handsome. In all the
cases of airy signs falling in the seventh house with Jupiter, worries from the
side of children, particularly males, will be there.
Horoscope No. 22
09/10/1962 Time 04 10:00 Day Tuesday Place Gorakhpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
Lat 26:45:00 North Long 83 23:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:03:32

Panchanj Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yogini

SiderialTime .iSiSISI Mrs Gan : Deva Moon 3V6M23D Mangla :OY4M0D
Eq, of time :0:12:16 Hrs Yoni : Vanar Rahu
Sunrise :5;53;17 Hrs Nadi : Anlya 02/05/1973 09/10/1962
Sunset :17:34:46 Hrs Varan : Vaishya 03/05/1991 16/02/1998
Sam vat : 2019 Vashya : Jalchar Rahu 13/01/1976 Mangla 16/02/1963
Saka ; 1884 Varga : Maijar Jupiter 08/06/1978 Pingla 15/02/1965
Month : Asvina Yunja : Anlya Saturn 14/04/1901 Ohanya 16/02/1968
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Bhoomi Mercury 01/11/1933 Bhramri 16/02/1972
Trthiaf Sunrise..: 9 Name Alphabet Kelu 19/11/1904 Bhadnka 15/02/1977
Nakshatra : Sravna Khay-Khaimchand Venus 20/11/1987 Ulka 16/02/1903
Yoga : Dhrati Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-O
Gold-Copper Sun 13/10/1988 Sidha 16/02/1990
Karan : Gara Hora : Salum Moon 14/04/1990 Sankta 16/02/1998

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degrae R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 22:05:20 Mer Mon Ven Sat ASC Leo 28:23:57 Sun Sun Mon Sun
Mon Cap 18:34:52 Sat Mon Mer Mon 2 Vir 26:18:51 Mer Mar Jup Jup
Mar Can 5:17:15 Mon Sat Sat Jup 3 Lib 26:45:01 Van Jup Ven Ven
Mar Vir 17:16:47 Mar Mon Sat Rah 4 Sco 28:09:43 Mar Mer Sat Sat
Jup Aqu 10:26:32 Sat Rah Jup Rah 5 Sag 29:25:11 Jup Sun Rah Rah
Ven Sco 0:58:44 Mar Jup Mar Mer 6 Cap 29:48:55 Sat Mar Sat Jup
Sat Cap 11:41:07 Sat Mon Mar Van 7 Aqu 28:23:57 Sat Jup Ven Mar
Rah Can 13:19:16 Mon Sat Rah Jup S Pis 26:18:51 Jup Mer Jup Jup
Ket Cap 13:19:16 Sat Mon Rah Ven 9 Ari 26:45:01 Mar Sun Sun Mon
lira Leo 10:29:06 Sun Ket Sat Sun 10 Tau 28:09:43 Ven Mar Sat Sat
Nep Lib 19:07:19 Van Rah Mon Ven 11 Gem 29:25:11 Mer Jup Sun Van
PiU Leo 17:58:55 Sun Van Mar Ven 12 Can 29:48:55 Mon Mar Sat Jup

Fortuna; Sagittarius 24:53:29 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana fihava Challt-Cuspal Jup

11X Q

1028- m 12 6 Piu

Sun Mr/ \R«h Mr/ \ Nap /XPtu Dry/ tHi'

iVMon 3 MtrXs Mir
\a / \ 4 / | Mar jit- \ 8/ \ 4 /R,h Mas-
N«p7X Ur,l plu
X3 Ral Van 7^7 Sun Mar NA X XX Url X
1 X Xx Vm Sun X
/ \ / XMar Ran
Van 8 \ S \ N«P M«rx
R«h\ / N.1 X
K,l\/ 4>;Jup 2 Xt2Mon
Venx \ xx
8It SV
Mon Sat 5JS' 1/ Jup
42r 327* 5 9
Naifl' X\ XX10
^Un /s\Ptu
Ver Mer x x Sun\
120 Predicting Marriage
C. Jupiter's Placement in Fiery Signs in the Seventh House i.e._Aries, Leo
and Sagittarius (Libra, Aquarius & Gemini Lagnas).

We have observed that Jupiter in the seventh house is auspicious in airy signs
but malefic in watery signs. Let us now analyse the behaviour of Jupiter in the
seventh house in fiery signs.

Cl Placement of Jupiter in the Seventh House in Aries

Illustration No.5.8. (Horoscope No. 23) - The native is a qualified electrical

engineer. He served as Chief Engineer in JJL Cements till 36 years of his age.
He possessess a dashing, dynamic and captivating personality. Any decent
girl, of what so ever high level will have desire for such a lifepartner. His
intelligence and foresightedness has been properly blended on 9.5.77 with a
beautiful, fair and tall girl, who blessed the native with two daughters and
one son on 3.2.1978, 31.5.82 and 11.9.84 respectively. The marriage took place
during Saturn-Mercury period. We have repeatedly specified the importance
of the fourth and ninth house and their lords in timing marriage. Here Saturn
owns the fourth and Mercury owns the 9Th house. The purpose to illustrate
this case is to show the presence of Jupiter in the seventh house in Aries, a
fiery sign. Jupiter resulted in a good looking wife who belongs to a rich family
but the native is extremely unhappy on account of his miserable married life
due to undesirable behaviour of his wife.

In the horoscope of the native, Jupiter is placed in the seventh house in

Aries and the seventh lord Mars falls in the Lagna Libra, Mars and Jupiter
have a mutual aspect over each other. The native extremely loved his wife and
never took even the least interest in any other beautiful girls who were roaming
around him. But on the other hand self oriented and indecent behaviour of
his wife was full of self-ego and pride. She did not pay due regards to her
parents-in-law and her husband. That resulted into gradual bitterness in the
married life of the native.

Both husband and wife are now leading quite an unhappy and miserable
conjugal life, full of unaccountable tensions. If Jupiter provides everlasting marital
happiness why the native is so unhappy with his wife? It is not so that Jupiter in
the seventh house essentially results into a high class conjugal happiness. Of
course Jupiter in the present case proivded a beautiful and extremely chaste
wife to the native, but her quarrelsome nature has marred the marital happiness.
Horoscope No. 23
te 20/07/1952 Time 12:45:00 Day Sunday Place Jabalpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:56
at 23:10:00 North Long 79:57:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr-0:10:12

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoginl

SiderialTime .:8:26:5l
8:26:51 Hrs Gan ^fenushya Rahu : 5Y1M 260 Mangla :0Y3M 130
Eq.of time 0:06:
-0:06:13 Mrs Yoni Shwan Satum
Sunrise :5:36:4:
5:36:43 Hrs Nadi Adya ]5A)9/1973 20*7/1952
Sunset :18:56:<
18:56:01 Hrs Varan Shcxxira 15/09/1992 02/11/1987
Samvat : 2009 Vashya fk^anav Saturn 1809/1976 Mangla 02/11/1952
Saka : 1874 Varga Maijar Mercury 29/05/1979 Pingla 02/11/1954
Month Sravana
: Srav Yunja Madhya Ketu 0707/1980 Dhanya 02/11/1957
Paksh : Krisl"
Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 07^09/1983 Bhramri 02/11/1961
Tithi at Sunrise..: 14 Name A'phabet Sun 19/08/1984 Bhadrika 02/11/1966
Nakshatra : Ardrj
Ardra Nga-Gyanchand Moon 2003/1986 Uka 02/11/1972
Yoga : Vyaghat Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Silver Mars 29/04/1987 Sidna 02/11/1979
Karan Vishti Hora Sun Rahu 0503/1990 Sankta 02/11/1987

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 4:33:49 Mon Sat Sat Mon Asc Lib 10:29:29 Ven Rah Sat Sat
Mon Gem 16:10:50 Mer Rah Ven Rah 2 Sco 9:38:50 Mar Sat Ven Sat
Mar Lib 17:19:38 Ven Rah Ven Ket 3 Sag 9:57:29 Jup Ket Sat Mer
Mer Leo 0:40:37 Sun Ket Ket Mer 4 Cap 11:26:34 Sat Mon Mar Sat
Jup Ari 24:00:39 Mar Ven Mer Mer 5 Aqu 13:20:19 Sat Rah Mer Sun
Ven Can 11:34:21 Mon Sat Mon Sat 6 Pis 13:34:23 Jup Sat Rah Sat
Sat Vir 16:32:40 Mer Mon Sat Ven 7 Ari 10:29:29 Mar Ket Sat Sun
Rah Cap 28:42:21 Sat Mar Sat Ven 8 Tau 9:38:50 Ven Sun Ven Mer
Ket Can 28:42:21 Mon Mer Sat Ven 9 Gem 9:57:29 Mer Rah Jup Mon
Ura Gem 22:06:54 Mer Jup Sat Mer 10 Can 11:26:34 Mon Sat Mon Jup
Nep Vir 26:06:16 Mer Mar Rah Mar 11 Leo 13:20:19 Sun Ven Ven Ven
PlU Can 27:29:59 Mon Mer Jup Mon 12 Vir 13:34:23 Mer Mon Rah Sun

Fortuna: Virgo 22:06:29 Navamaa Chart

n. Mon y
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChalK-Cuapa)
Kit 12^>/ 10
eio* P'U N.
JU2V in- ■Cwtr 1 Ur« xT 7 v<
/ N^Nflp Sat/ / \Nep Sat
\ 8 / \ 8 / 4
V/ \8 /
fl War 7 x5 Mer ex Ma; 7 X5 s. y/tSun

f Rah 10 X Van 4 Sun \ Rah 10 X Van 4 War \ y\K*i Jup y
\ /\ A Mer XH /10X PlU y/
\ / \Ket /
\ / \ /Won ManaSXUra NepX/e Mon
llX X3 4u- HX 1 X 3Mon
Rah /^2\ jup /2\Ura I / 12\ Jup / 2\sun 7 Sal
' \V// \M Sat X
Wav 2
115* /\ 4 Xe
210* / 3 X
Von RaXv A Mar
122 Predicting Marriage

Illustration No. 59. (Horoscope 24) - This is the birthchart of a goodlooking,

fair and well-educated girl of 31 years, who is unmarried so far inspite of sincere
efforts. She was born in Libra ascendant with absolutely unafflicted Jupiter in
the seventh house. The father of the native expired on 16.11.88, who had made
all the possible efforts as long he was alive. She has five brothers who too have
failed to find a suitable match for her up to now.

For Libra Lagna, placement of Jupiter in the fiery sign Aries should not be
regarded as auspicious for early marriage, particularly for females. Jupiter owns
the third and the sixth houses here and, therefore, it becomes a malefic in the
seventh house. We have discussed that Jupiter's occupation in Martian signs is
most underisable for a happy married life.

In another case of Libra ascendant with Jupiter in the 7th house in Aries and
Saturn in the Lagna in its exaltation sign wheatish complexion. But she started
sufferig from acute rheumatic trouble so severe so as to restrict her movement
completely. There is no improvement inspite of the best treatments available
with the Medical Science. As such the native is suffering mentally because his
marital bliss has been paralysed due to illness of his wife. In few other cases the
same combination has delayed the marriage.

Observation - Thus Jupiter "s placement in the seventh house in Aries devoids
the native with marital bliss due to one reason or the other. The health of the
partner may be questionable if afflicted by Saturn or Rahu, and her nature will
be quarrelsome if Jupiter is afflicted by Mars or Ketu. However, one gets a
chaste and beautiful wife or husband, as the case may be.
Horoscope No. 24
^ate 03/01/1965 Time 02:59:45 Day Sunday PJace Gonda Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa
Lat 27:08:00 North Long 81:58:00 East Zone 8230:00 East Time Corr -0:

Panchang Avakahada Cha^ra Vimsottari Yoglnl

Siderial Time :9:46:50 Hrs Gan : Manushya Venus: 10Y11M18D Sidha :3Y10M1D
Eq.oftime 0:03:59 Hrs Yoni ^ Vanar Moon
Sunrise :6:53:28 Hrs Nadi ^ Madhya 22/12/1981 03/01/1965
Sunset :17:16:50 Hrs Varan - Kshalriya 23/12/1991 05/11/1997
Samvat : 2021 Vashya : Manav Moon 22/10/1982 Sidha 05/11/1968
Saka : 1886 Varga - Sarp Mars 23/05/1983 Sankta 05/11/1976
Month : Pausa Yunja : Antya Rahu 21/11/1984 Mangla 05/11/1977
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Jupiter 23/03/1986 Pingla 05/11/1979
Tithi at Sunrise..: 15 - Amavasya Name Alphabet Saturn 23/10/1987 Dhanya 05/11/1982
Nakshatra : Purvasadha Dhaa-Dharmeodra Mercury 23/03/1989 Bhramri 05/11/1986
Yoga Dhruva Paya(Rasi-Nak) Ketu 22/10/1989 Bhadrika 05/11/1991
Karan : Kinstughna Copper-Copper Venus 23/06/1991 Ulka 05/11/1997

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R4. N-L Sub S-S
19:11:32 Jup Ven Rah Mer Asc Lib 2639:02 Ven Jup Ven Ven
19:21:18 Jup Ven Rah Ket 2 Sco 26:09:45 Mar Mer Jup Jup
1:1328 Mer Sun Jup Jup 27:57:10 Jup Sun Mon Sat
27:02:23 Mar Mer Jup Ven 1:18:04 Sat Mar Mer Rah
Jup -R Ari 23:05:39 Mar Ven Sat Sun 3:33:18 Jup Sat Sat Sat
Ven Sco 25:05:57 Mar Mer Rah Mer 2:05:03 Mar Ket Ven Jup
Sat Aqu 8:21:23 Sat Rah Rah Sun 26:39:02 Mar Ven Ket Mer
Rah -R Tau 29:52:25 Ven Mar Sat Jup 8 Tau 26:09:45 Ven Mar Jup Jup
Ket -R Sco 29:52:25 Mar Mer Sat Jup 9 Gem 27:57:10 Mer Jup Ven Jup
Ura -R Leo 21:39:12 Sun Ven Jup Rah 10 Leo 1:1834 Sun Ket Ven Mon
Nep Lib 26:15:40 Ven Jup Ket Jup 11 Vir 3:33:18 Mer Sun Sat Mer
PIu -R Leo 23:09:40 Sun Ven Sat Mon 12 Lib 2:05:03 Ven Mar Ket Sun

Fortuna; Libra 26:48:47 Navamaa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal

Jup Rah
Ju2r 826'
727' RiJO4
\Mer Van/ Mr / |\Mon Sun
\ Ket / /srKef/
8 \z/
Mon\8 / v /Plu
0^ Nep 7 9X Ven 7
Sun/ \
Sat 11 Ura 5 Mar

s t11 1
" A A3
/12 \ jup /a\
R«h \ Mar
Mar Na
Horoscope No. 25
ate 21/04/1 957 Time 03:52:03 Day Sunday PlaceKanpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:60
at 26:28:00 North Long 80:41:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:07:16

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottarl Yogini

Sklerial Time .:17:39:42 Hrs Gan Nfenushya Venus ;0Y9M2D Sldha :0Y3M 5D
Eq.of time :0:01:01 Hrs Yoni. Vanar Pahu
Sunrise :5:40:58 Hrs Nadi Madhya 22/01/1981 21/04/1957
Sunset :18:32;01 Hrs Varaa Kshatriya 23/01/1999 27/07/1986
Samvat : 2&i4 Vashya Manav Rahu 05/10/1983 Sidha 27/07/1957
Saka : 1879 Varga. Shwan Jupiter 28/02/1986 Sankta 27/07/1965
Month Vaisakha Yunja Antya Saturn 04/01/1989 Mangla 27/07/1966
Paksh :* Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Mercury 24/07/1991 Pingla 26/07/1968
Tithi at Sunrise..: 6 Name Alphabet Ketu 11/08/1992 Dhanya 27/07/1971
Nakshatra : Purvasadha Dhaa-Dharmesh Venus 12/08/1995 Bhramri 27/07/1975
Yoga : Sidha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Gold-Copper Sun 05/07/1996 Bhadrika 26/07/1980
Karan : Bava Hora Jupiter Moon 04/01/1998 Ulka 27/07/1986

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Ari 7:33:19 Mar Ket Rah Mar Asc Aqu 29:57:23 Sat Jup Man Sat
Mon Sap 26:09:41 Jup Ven Ket Mon 2 Ari 8:03:34 Mar Ket Jup Sat
Mar Tau 28:23:26 Ven Mar Sat Mer 3 Tau 7:37:06 Ven Sun Ket Sat
Mer Ari 25:33:12 Mar Ven Mer Jup 4 Gem 2:20:36 Mer Mar Ket Jup
Jup -R Vir 0:01:07 Mer Sun Rah Sat 5 Gem 26:26:54 Mer Jup Ket Mer
Ven Ari 9:12:31 Mar Ket Jup Rah 6 Can 24:06:25 Mon Mer Mar Man
Sat -R Sco 20:40:53 Mar Mer Ven Jup 7 Leo 29:57:23 Sun Sun Rah Sat
Rah Lib 26:44:20 Ven Jup Ven Ven 8 Lib 8:03:34 Ven Rah Rah Ven
Ket Ari 26:44:20 Mar Sun Sun Mon 9 Sco 7:37:06 Mar Sat Ket Mar
Ura Can 9:54:49 Mon Sat Ven Mer 10 Sag 2:20:36 Jup Ket Ven Sat
Nep -R Lib 8:15:22 Ven Rah Rah Ven 11 Sag 26:26:54 Jup Ven Ket Sat
Plu -R Leo 5:00:35 Sun Ket Mar Jup 12 Cap 24:06:25 Sat Mar Mar Man

Fortuna: Scorpio 18:33:44 Navamsa Chart

V Plu
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChalM-Cuspal
X/Sun 3 VenX/l
Sun Mer Mar Sue' 38' Rah y/X
Ven Ket 2a' Ve®*
Me^' Ke^?- Masa* War 6 UraXc 12
\Mef Ven/\
VenV2 \ Ket / \ 7^0<at 9 Nepali
10/ Ura 1 10
Mer xv / fiXv \
VeMon 130>
Mer X
2 X/ Sun 11 \/
Vt Won MerV Sat Jup
sun y\
^Mar 2 8 Sat S Mon \M®r Ket
X Map
Sat 10X 8

eX^ep 4 \ Jup /7 5 Won

Jup \| Jup N3p Rah\| Juo*
f—■... ■
Sa^" Raz 12X. 2
Nep Nefi / 1 X. Jup
gr 1
Sat Rah i fifl*
Role of Jupiler in Marriage 125
C2 Jupiter's Placement in the Seventh House in Leo

Observation - Leo is a fiery sign and it fallsin the seventh house for Aquarius
ascendants. Jupiter owns the Uth and the 2nd house and it is the significator
or wealth also. Therefore, for the natives of Aquarius ascendant, Jupiter's
placement has a lot to do with the financial status of the person. The native
having such a Jupiter will receive wealth through wife, but the married life
will be unhappy. Daughters may be more than sons. The husband will be a
famous person and will have a good social status. He will be dignified person
but is liable to lose his patience soon. He may be a businessman. The sons will
be few and not as bright as the daughters. The life of the native will be
comfortable but happiness will be absent. There will be scandals as far as the
moral character of the spouse is concerned.

Illustration No. 5.10 (Horoscope No. 25) - We are illustrating two similar
horoscopes having retrograde Jupiter in the 7th house in Leo. In both the
charts Saturn is retrograde in the 10th house who aspects the 7th house and
Jupiter as well.

In horoscope rio.25 the lady is leading the life of a rich person being the wife
of a multi-millionaire and has been blessed with two daughters and one son
who were born on 3.2.78, 31.5.82 and 11.9.84 respectively. The married life was
extremely good in thebeginingbut after a few years it became miserable due to
interest of her husband in another beautiful lady who was of captivating
appearance and intelligent behaviour.
Horoscope No. 26
15/05/1957 Time 01:20:00 Day Wednesday Place Hardoi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
at 27:23:00 North Long 80:06:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:09.36

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarl Yogini

SiderialTime .:16:39:31 Mrs Gan : Deva Saturn ; 6Y11M 10D Bhramri : 1Y5M 160
Eq.of time X):03:44 Mrs Yoni : Mrig Venus
Sunrise :5:23:26 Mrs Nadi : Madhya 25/04/1988 15*5/1957
Sunset : 18:48:40 Mrs Varan : Vlpia 25/04/2008 31/10/1990
Sam vat : 2014 Vashya - Keelak Venus 25/08/1991 Bhramri 31/10/1958
Saka : 1879 Varga : Sarp Sun 24/08/1992 Bhadrika 31/10/1963
Month : Jyestha Yunja - Madhya Moon 25/04/1994 Ulka 30/10/1969
Paksh :• Krishna Hansek(Tatva) Jai Mars 25/06/1995 Sidha 30/10/1976
Tithi at Sunrise..: 1 Name Alphabet Nao-Nrihah Rahu 25/06/1998 Sankta 30/10/1984
Nakshatra : Anuradha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Jupiter 23/02/2001 Mangla 30/10/1985
Yoga : Parigh Copper-Copper Salum 25/04/2004 Pingia 31/10/1987
Karan : Kaulava Hora j Saturn Mercury 24/02/2007 Dhanya 31/10/1990

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun 0:43:36 Sun Rah Asc Aqu 9:18:27 Sat Rah Jup Mer
Mon 11:47:31 Sat Mon 2 Pis 19:37:21 Jup Mer Ven Ven
Mar 13:23:20 Rah Mer 22:16:37 Mar Ven Sat Mer
Mer -R 17:38:56 Ven Mar 18:25:28 Ven Mon Mer Ven
Jup -R 28:51:50 Sun Mar 12:07:01 Mer Rah Sat Rah
Ven 8:40:28 Sun Ven 7:24:35 Mon Sat Ket Ven
Sat -R 19:18:59 Mer Ket 9:18:27 Sun Ket Jup Rah
Rah 26:37:50 Jup Ven 8 Vir 19:37:21 Mer Mon Mer Sat
Ket 26:37:50 Ven Ket 9 Lib 22:16:37 Ven Jup Sat Mer
Ura 10:23:10 Sat Sun 10 Sco 18:25:28 Mar Mer Mer Sat
Nep -R 7:37:24 Rah Rah 11 Sag 12:07:01 Jup Ket Mer Ven
Plu 4:55:46 Ket Mar 12 Cap 7:24:35 Sat Sun Ket Rah

Fortuna; Leo 20:22:22 Navamaa Chart

Vy Sun ^/ Kef /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
10 a
N. /' / Ura
Mar 11^/Jup 9 Satp/7
Mer Sun Meis* Sur / X Nap / NM'n
Kel Ven 322- Ves-
Kear- 4^8, Ven 12 6 Mer

\ Mer
12 10 Ura Sun\l2> IX 3 X5
Ket\ / \ /
1X 11 Ven ip/
X9 Rah Plu\/ \
Mer/\ Ket/ ^
^Sun 2 Ven^^Sat 8 Mony 8 Sal Rah Ura / N. S

4V^Jup 2 ^N/l2VBri
X. / /Rah
Mar 3VJup 5 PluVy
/ 4\ /s \Nep Jup / 6\Rah Ju29-
\ / Nep X
Mer \ / \. / Sun
6X 8 XjO
Sal Nep Plu X7 X y/9 \5al
Man Rah / \Mon MaiX /\Uep KatX
Role of Jupiter in Marriage 127
Illustration No. 5.11 (Horoscope No. 26) - In the other case the native is a
decent lady of almost the same age i.e. 39 years but she is unmarried so far. In
this case both luminaries, the Sun and the Moon and significator Venus are
under the influence of Saturn by aspect and conjunction. In fact many astrologers
saw this horoscope for predicting the time of her marriage. Jupiter's placement
in the 7th house proved their judgement wrong because they had considered it
auspicious for an early and happy marriage. In both these cases the Navamsa
chart makes the position very clear.
728 Predicting Marriage
lllustratian No. 5.12 (Horoscope No. 27) - Jupiter occupies the 7th house
in Leo and is unaspected by any malefic or benefic planet. She is wife of an
Income-Tax Advocate and also earns money by liaison works. She has been
blessed with two daughters and one son. Marital life is very unhappy due to
interest of her husband in other females. She is a beautiful and highly educated
lady belonging to a very respectable family. Many times the bitterness was drawn
to the level of separation but the pressure of elders saved the situation.

In two of the above cases, there is frustration and mental tension on account
of unhappiness caused to them by the activities of their husbands. Aquarius
ascendant as such is bad for marital happiness in general, Position of Jupiter in
the 7th house should not, therfore, be a misguiding factor to reach at the
conclusion of happy and early marriage.

C3 Jupiter in the Seventh house in Sagittarius - Jupiter owns the 7th and
the 10th house for the persons born in Gemini ascendants. Sagittarius is a dual
sign and the 7th house happens to be a Badhak Sthana for Gemini Lagna. Jupiter
is Badhak lord. This is a tolerable position of Jupiter as regards to marital
happiness. Jupiter in the 7th house in Sagittarius forms Hamsa panch
Mahapurusha Raj yoga.

We have observed that under such placement of Jupiter the native will have
a disturbed married life. The life partner will not be intelligent and at times the
native will be devoid of the feeling of real love and attachment with his wife.
The wife will be God-fearing, beautiful, fair and will possess an attractive
physique. She will be a chaste lady, dedicated to the native. The native will be
intelligent and will be well employed. He will have social honour and respect.
Many such persons may be involved in professions connected with law, finance
or teaching. One gets the wife of his choice but if Mercury is posited in the
Lagna and the Sun, Saturn or Rahu are also involved in this combination, there
will be two marriages. In case of heavier affliction second marriage will take
place after the divorce is obtained from the first wife. However, Jupiter's
placement in fiery signs should be treated as better than other placements. There
will be disputes and dissatisfaction but the things will not go beyond tolerance.
A feeling of rejection by the partner may be there in an unexposed way.

For Gemini ascendant, Jupiter in the 7tb house also suffers from kendradhipati
Dosha. We cannot say that the native will never indulge in immoral acts but at
least this is certain that the wife will be honest, chaste and dutiful. She will be
blessed with children. She will help her husband in his professional engagements
or she will herself be earning. In any case the married life will be unsatisfactory
on certain points.
Horoscope N0.27
09/12/1955 Time 11:35:44 Day Friday PJacoBanda Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:58:51
25:28:00 North Long 80:20:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:08:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmaottari Yoglnl

Sideria! Time 6:35:54 Mrs Gan :Rakahaa Mars: 4Y7M 290 Mangla ;0Y7M SOD
Eq.of lime. :0;07:5a Hrs Yonl j Vvaohra Saturn
Sunrise :6:44:02 Hrs Nadl :Msdhya 08/03/1094 09/08/1991
Sunaat M 7:17:16 Hra Varan :Valshya 08/08/2013 09/08/2027
Sam vat : 2012 Vashya :Manav Satum 11/08/1997 Mangla 08/08/1992
S^<a : 1877 Varga :Mooehak Mercury 20/04/2000 Plngla 09/08/1994
Month : Margahlrsh Yunja :Madhya Ketu 30/05/2001 Dhanya 08/08/1997
Paksh : Krishna HansakfTatva) Bhooml Venus 30/07/2004 Bhramri 09/08/2001
Tlthl at Sunrise..: 11 Name Alphabet Pc-Pourav Sun 12/07/2006 Bhadrika 09/08/7006
Nakshatra : Chttra Paya(Rasl-Nak) : Irorvlron Moon 10/02/2007 Ulka 08/08/2012
Yoga : Sobhagya Hora : Jupiter Mars 21/03/2008 Sfdha 09/08/2019
Karan : Bava Chaugharia : Kaal Rahu 26/01/2011 Sankta 09/08/2027

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sco 23:24:11 Mar Mer Mar Rah Asc Aqu 8:44:26 Sat Rah Jup Jup
Mon Vir 27:46:55 Mer Mar Jup Rah 2 Pis 18:20:04 Jup Mer Mer Sat
Mar Lib 13:37:47 Ven Rah Mer Rah 3 Ari 21:05:11 Mar Ven Jup Ven
Mer Sco 25:59:27 Mar Mer Rah Mon 4 Tau 17:35:50 Ven Mon Sat Jup
Jup Leo 8:23:46 Sun Ket Jup Ket 5 Gem 11:37:31 Mer Rah Sat Sun
Ven Sag 18:20:35 Jup Ven Rah Rah 6 Can 7:06:15 Mon Sat Mer Sat
Sat Sco 3:26:54 Mar Sat Sat Sat 7 Leo 8:44:26 Sun Ket Jup Sun
Rah -R Sco 24:24:60 Mar Mer Rah Jup 8 Vir 18:20:04 Mer Mon Mer Ven
Ket -R Tau 24:24:50 Ven Mar Rah Jup 9 Lib 21:05:11 Ven Jup Jup Ven
Ura -R Can 8:56:05 Mon Sat Ven Rah 10 Sco 17:35:50 Mar Mer Mer Mon
Nep Lib 6:38:28 Ven Mar Mon Sun 11 Sag 11:37:31 Jup Ket Mer Mer
Plu -R Leo 5:36:52 Sun Ket Rah Rah 12 Cap 7:06:15 Sat Sun Ket Ven

Fortuna: Sagittarius 13:07;10 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspai \

Mer\ 10
9 X7

41^ 6 Mo,
32r 12 y
yS N. Ura y'
\12/ \io/ lira >C 3 X5
8 Ven
'l Nv Jup 4X^01
1X 11 X8Ven 11 X ^ P)u X X X
/\ Urv
Kett 2 Sun 1 Ket 2 Mar 8 Sun XRah Meiy^
/\ / Jup
XS^12 /Surii
/ \ / Plu 1 yO 1 W0"
\/ \ /Mar X Mar
3VJup 5 PIUV7
3 5
/4\ /s\N«P ^ A A58'
s Plu \ S Nep ^
Ura \ / Mon \ Mon Jup UraX/Mer Mon
Sat sXi 7 XV
Rah Sat Nep >^6 X. Jup S
Mer Sun Mar X <01 PluX / X
Horoscope No. 28
17/06/1913 Time 06:13:00 Day Tuesday Place Bareilly Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:23
at 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82^0:00 East Time Corr-0:12:24

Panchang Avakahada ChaJcra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime . 23:39:17 Hrs Gan : Deva Saturn :7Y1M20D Bhramri : 1Y6M 1D
£q.of time -0:00:50 Mrs Yen! . : M/ig Rahu
Sunrise 5:16:29 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 07/08/1987 18/12/1982
Sunset 19:09:49 Hrs Varan Vipra 06/08/2005 18/12/2018
Samvat 1970 Vashya - Keetak Rahu 19/04/1990 Bhramri 18/12/1966
Saka 1835 Varga ^ Sarp Jupiter 11/09/1992 Bhadrika 18/12/1991
Month Jyestha Yunja : Madhya Saturn 19/07/1995 Uka 17/12/1997
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Jal Mercury 05/02/1998 Sidha 17/12/2004
Tithiat Sunrise.. 14 Name Alphabet Noo-Nrihari Ketu 23/02/1999 Sankta 17/12/2012
Nakshatra Anuradha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : GoW^epper Venus 23/02/2002 Mangla 17/12/2013
Yoga Sadhya Hora i Mais Sun 18/01/2003 Pingla 18/12/2015
Karan Gara Chaugharia : Roga Moon 19/07/2004 Dhanya 18/12/2018

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Gem 2:49:27 Mer Mar Ven Ven Asc Gem 15:08:53 Mer Rah Ket Mer
Mon See 11:39:27 Mar Sat Mon Mer 2 Can 7:49:51 Mon Sat Ket Jup
Mar Ari 7.36:50 Mar Ket Jup Jup 3 Leo 2:34:08 Sun Ket Ven Mer
Mer Gem 19:32:51 Mer Rah Mar Sat 4 Vir 1:58:01 Mer Sun Jup Mer
Jup -R Sag 22:50:47 Jup Ven Sat Ven 5 Lib 6:29:32 Ven Mar Mon Ven
Ven Ari 27:45 Mar Ven Rah Jup 6 Sco 12:23:40 Mar Sat Mar Sat
Sat Tau 31:35 Ven Mon Sat Jup 7 Sag 15:08:53 Jup Ven Ven Mer
Rah -R Pis 49:30 Jup Sat Mer Jup 8 Cap 7:49:51 Sat Sun Ven Ven
Ket -R Vir :49:30 Mer Sun Mer Sal 9 Aqu 2:34:08 Sat Mar Ket Mer
Ura -R Cap 14:40:27 Sat Mon Jup Ket 10 Pis 1:58:01 Jup Jup Rah Sat
Nep Can 2:11:51 Mon Jup Rah Sal 11 Ari 6:29:32 Mar Ket Rah Mer
Plu Gem 03:40 Mer Rah Rah Jup 12 Tau 12:23:40 Ven Mon Rah Jup

Fortuna: Scorpio 23:58:53 Navamsa Chart

Mer Ket
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal

Mar Sat 118'

Ven Mar 12iy
Saif Ura 2
I Ven-
/ \Sat SunmB
Rah | \ Nap / \ Sat / / 3 \ Plu / MBr
2 \4 / \2/van Na2' Sal / a
\*X \ /Ven Nep 5V Mar Nep V-j 2*'
5^ Sun 3 Mar^l
/ \ / XMar /\ / XMar
Kat 6 12 Rah Ke! 8 12 Rah N. Wer X.Vftn Won
UraX9 >
10X 8 ^^6
Reh / ^
7 9 11
/\ y\
/ 8\ Jup / I0\ 8\ Jup /10 5 Plu
Mon \ / Ura \ I Ket \ / Ura
6t2- 2
Nap12X X4
Moir XIX /3XKel
5e* S/ X\sXMar Sat SunXX
Role of Jupiter in Marriage 131
Illustration No.5.13 (Horoscope No-28) - The native was a man of versatile
personality. He was extremely successful engineer and a gazetted officer. People
of various walks of life sought his valuable advice whenever they were in trouble.
The native got married during the sub-period of Jupiter in the major period of
Mercury. The native lost his wife during ketu Mahadasa. Two of their children
also died with in this Mahadasha of ketu.

The second marriage took place during the sub-period of Jupiter in the major
period of Ketu. Thus both the marriages took place during the sub-period of
Jupiter (in the major period of Mercury and ketu respectively). Mercury in the
Lagna and Jupiter in the 7th for persons of Gemini ascendant results into more
than one marriage. The second married life was also not a happy one due to
various reasons. He did not allow his wife lo go to her father"s abode for 24
years after the marriage due to severe annoyance on certain points. The native
was father of six alive sons and two daughters. He was a rich and famous person
and built number of properties.

Most of the results of Jupiter's placement in the 7th house in Sagittarius as

mentioned above under "observation" hold good in the presents case.
132 Predicting Marriage
Illustration No.5.14 (Horoscope No. 29) - The native of this horoscope got
married on 132.60 with a very handsome and smart person. Her father was an
IA.S., but the husband was in the business dealing with waste-paper cuttings
etc. She was unhappy due to repeated failures of the business undertakings of
her husband. She belonged to a rich and highly educated family but had to
pass her married life in crisis. She was blessed with only one female child who
was bom on 15.64 and was married on 28.7.94. Marital life of the native is
below average as far as conjugal bliss is concerned. However, her husband is
devoted absolutely to her and is loyal. After facing lot of finanical crisis she
started a "Cookery Institute" and thus assisted him in running her home. Here
Jupiter"s placement in the 7th house in Sagittarius may be noted.
Horoscope No. 29
10/09/1937 Time 01:00:52 Day Friday Place Ja'pur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:43:34
it 26:53:00 North Long 75:50:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0.26:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarl Yogini

SkJarlalTima ..23:47:53 Hrs Gan Rakshas Jupiter :15Y2M11D Dhanya : 2Y10M 5D
Eg.oftima 0:02:31 Hrs YonJ Vyaghra Saturn
Sunrise :6:10:32 Hrs Nadi Antya 21/11/1952 10/09/1937
Sunset :1B:37:21 Hrs Varan Shoodra 21/11/1971 17/07/1973
Sam vat : 1994 Vashya Manav Saturn 24/11/1955 Dhanya 16/07/1940
Saka : 1859 Varga Sarp Mercury 04/05/1958 Bhramri 16/07/1944
Month : Bhadra Yunja Madhya KeOi 12/09/1959 Bhadrika 17/07/1949
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) _ Vayu Venus 12/11/1962 Ulka 17/07/1955
Trthi at Sunrise..: 4 Name Alphabet Sun 25/10/1963 Sldha 17/07/1962
Nakshatra : Visakha Tae-Taerath/Tifak Moon 25/05/1965 Sankta 17/07/1970
Yoga : Endra Paya(Rasi-Nak) Silver-Copper Mars 04/07/1966 •Mangla 17/07/1971
Karan : Balava Hora Mercury Rahu 10/05/1969 Pingla 17/07/1973

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 23:57:17 Sun Ven Sat Jup Asc Gem 15:59:55 Mer Rah Ven Mar
Mni Lib 20:40:06 Ven Jup Jup Mer 8:59:54 Mon Sat Ven Rah
Mar Sco 24:10:35 Mar Mer Rah Rah 4:11:08 Sun Ket Mon Sat
Mer Mr 3:01:08 Mer Sun Sat Sat 3:58:17 Mer Sun Sat Ven
Jup Sag 24:46:58 Jup Ven Mer Sun 825:34 Ven Rah Rah Mon
Ven Can 18:51:19 Men Mer Ket Mar 13:44:37 Mar Sat Rah Sat
Sat Pis 10:09:03 Jup Sat Ven Mer 15:59:55 Jup Ven Sun Mer
Rah Sco 16:57:55 Mar Mer Mer Ket 8 Cap 8:59:54 Sat Sun Ven Jup
Ket -R Tau 16:57:55 Ven Mon Sat Mon 9 Aqu 4:11:08 Sat Mar Ven Sat
Ura -R Ari 20:46:51 Mar Ven Jup Mer 10 Pis 3:58:17 Jup Sat Sat Ket
Nep Leo 25:53:46 Sun Ven Ket Ket U Ari 8:25:34 Mar Ket Jup Ket
Plu Can 6:50:37 Mon Sat Mer Jup 12 Tau 13:44:37 Ven Mon Rah Mon

Fortuna: Lao 12;42;44 Navamsa Chart

Nw Mir
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
\l2X XjO/Rah
Mon iVfMir 11
Ura I Ket iiv >/\. >/Xven
v 2 6 Suny
Saiov , y/
Nep s
Set (\ven Plu/' Ket / 104- j\ Van / X/ X/ Si!
Su^\4 / Ket 3X 5 X7
.2 / I Ven 4
>/ 3 1 Ura PI7' X^ y/ flX^ra
Xl Ura Plu
Sim/V \ 2* S X.y/ ft" X^
Nep/ \
\ Vaic' Daaamsa
Mer 6 12 Sat 12 Set

MonTY 0 & Mon7y 9 Yii

/e\ Jup / ® Jup / Sit 11 S Jup
/Mar Rah\ / Rel\ /
M ■ Moar Sun 1X / \/
m 2X 2 X4
Rab R 1 1
Mar Mon 6■ Nw Ru S 3
/Mon NiXv/kH Mir
Horoscope No. 30
ato 30/10/1960 Time 21:13:00 Day Sunday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:02:57
at 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 Easl Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:21:08

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottarl Yoglnl

SiderialTima . 23:27:41 Mrs Gan ^ Manushya Jupiter : 7Y 6M 26D Bhramrl: 1Y10M 14D
Eq.of lima 0:16:20 Hrs Yoni Slmha Mercury
Sunrise 6:33:05 Hrs Nadl. AJya 28/04/1987 30/10/1960
Sunset. 17:36:20 Hrs Varan. Shoodra 27/04/2004 14/09/1994
Samvat 2017 Vashya Manav Mercury 24/09/1989 Bhramri 14/09/1982
Saka 1882 Varga Sarp Ketu 21/09/1990 Bhadrika 15/09/1967
Month Kartika Yunja Antya Venus 22/07/1993 Ulka 14/09/1973
Paksh Shukla Hansak{Tatva) Vayu Sun 28/05/1994 Sidha 14/09/1980
Tithl at Sunrise. 11 Name Alphabet Moon 28/10/1995 Sankta 14/09/1988
Nakshatra P Bhadrapad Daa-Daamodar Mars 24/10/1996 Mangla 14/09/1989
Yoga Vyaghat Paya(Rasi-Nak) SiVer-Copper Rahu 13/05/1999 Pingla 15/09/1991
Karan Bava Hora Sun Jupiter 18/08/2001 Dhanya 14/09/1994

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 14:10:25 Ven Rah Mer Sal Asc Gem 12:03:25 Mer Rah Sat Rah
Mon Aqu 27:05:29 Sat Jup Ven Mon 2 Can 4:41:50 Mon Sat Sat Mon
Mar Gem 22:47:52 Mer Jup Sat Ven 3 Can 29:08:31 Mon Mer Sat Man
Mer -R See 0:17:39 Mar Jup Mon Kel 4 Leo 28:09:22 Sun Sun Mon Ket
Jup Sag 7:44:34 Jup Ket Jup Jup 5 Lib 2:34:15 Ven Mar Ket Mer
Ven Sea 17:51:22 Mar Mer Mer Rah 6 Sco 8:51:03 Mar Sat Ven Mar
Sat Sag 20:21:56 Jup Ven Jup Sat 7 Sag 12:03:25 Jup Ket Mer Ven
Rah -R Leo 21:09:56 Sun Ven Jup Ven 8 Cap 4:41:50 Sat Sun Sat Rah
Ket -R Aqu 21:09:56 Sat Jup Jup Ven 9 Cap 29:08:31 Sat Mar Sat Man
Ura Leo 2:17:53 Sun Ket Ven Sal 10 Aqu 28:09:22 Sat Jup Ven Sat
Nep Lib 15:45:46 Ven Rah Ven Mon 11 Ah 2:34:15 Mar Ket Ven Mer
Plu Leo 14:39:41 Sun Ven Ven Jup 12 Tan 8:51:03 Ven Sun Ven Rah

Fortuna: Libra 24:58:29 Navamta Chart

Sun N8d/n
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal
X11 /
12X 10
113- 12^
Mir 1 KstX^
\. Un Nv >/
\ 4
Rah\4 RsS\4 S XX XX
jT 3 N. M«f yS 5 Vy
Ura4XQ^r 3 /MOft PKJ N
T/T3 A P!u/\
v 6 X 12 1 n. Mon Ket /
\ /\ A Rah
Pkj\3 / 6
\ /
\ / \ / Ura Nep\/ 9X 7 Ura
Sun\ / \ /Mon piu
7VJup 9 SatVn Mer7V 9 Van/
P/8\ Ao\M 85- Sun/ s\ Set loVet
(Mar 10 jA 4 MeO
/Mar Ven\ / \ / Jup Vari\ y
Vow Now Sun\ A
iiX 1 X3 Sat
Ven Nep IV 64- Suw JUP/ 12 Xy
MfrS- / 2 X
Mer Sun 53- j/Htb Nap\X
Role of Jupiter in Marriage 135
Illustration No.5.15 (Horoscope No. 30) - This is an unique case where
Jupiter in own sign Sagittrarius in the 7th house resulted into divorce on the
very first day after marriage. The Jupiter is associated with 8th lord Saturn
whereas 6th lord Mars occupias the Lagna and aspects Saturn and Jupiter both.
There is a mutual aspect between Mars, Saturn and Jupiter i.e. the 6th, 8th and
7th lords. Retrograde Venus(?) falls in Martian sign Scorpio under Papakartari
Yoga formed by the Sun and Saturn. We have repeatedly said the Jupiter-Mars
opposition enhances Kuja Dosha as inthe present case. One thus becomes
stronger Magali to face more adverse marital life. In this case Saturn's association
is further adverse. Jupitor could not be of any help. We are not aware so far if
there was a second marriage.

We have thus seen the Jupiter's placement in own sign Sagittarius in the 7th
house, does not bless the native with happy prosperous and long lasting marital
life. However, this gives a good character of the spouse though the moral values
of the native may be questionable. Two marriages are also possible depending
upon various other supporting factors. Even in the best cases the amount of
attachment lacks and marital life is below par.

D. Placement of Jupiter in the seventh House in Earthy signs

(Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn)

Observation - Jupiter "s placement in earthy signs in the 7th house produces
best results in the matters of the 7th house particularly the married life which
will be extremely good, loving and peaceful. The wife will be beautiful, chaste,
sincere, well-varsed in all affairs, well-educated, intelligent, influential, polite,
well-mannered and sweet-tempered. She will be dedicated and dutiful and will
take due care of everybody at home. She will beget good progeny and will also
bring wealth by virtue of her fortune. The good results described about Jupiter's
placement in the 7th house in various texts pertain mostly to its position in
earthy signs in the 7th house.

D1 Jupiter's placement in the 7th house in Taurus - The persons who are
born in Scorpio may have Jupiter in Taurus in the 7th house. Jupiter owns 2nd
and the 5th house and is benefic for Scorpio ascendant. Taurus is owned by
Venus and Jupiter is inimical to it. Even then Jupiter in earthy sign makes one
practical and adjustable even in adverse circumstances. The wife will have all
the good qualities as detailed above. The married life will also be quite happy
provided Jupiter in the 7th house is unafflicated and the lord thereof is also
136 Predicting Marriage
Illustration No. 5.16 (horoscope No. 31) - She is daughter of an ordinary
businessman but was fortunate enough to get married to the only son of
multimillionaire. Her husband is looking after many industries and one of the
industries of biscuits and won the award for the best biscuits factory. She got
married on 29.7.87 and 1.1.92. She is very beautiful, spiritual, noble, good
adviser, dedicated to her and is highly skilled in art and has various other qualities
too ; Thus Jupiter in the 7th house in Taurus is very auspicious for all matters of
the 7th house i.e. spouse and marital happiness.
Horoscope No. 31
J 9/09/1964 Time 12:20:00 Day Saturday Place Farrukhabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
at 27:23:00 North Long 79:35:00 East Zone 82.30:00 East Time Corr -0:11:40

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vimaottari

SidarialTime ..*12:01:10 Mrs Gan Rakshas Mars: 1Y8M19D
Eq.oftima :0:06:10 Hrs YonI : SImha Jupiter
Sunrise :5:59:57 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 09/06/1984 19/09/1964 •
Sunset :1B:10:34 Hrs Varan : Shoodra 09/06/2000 18/03/1999
Samvat : 2021 Vashya : Manav Jupiter 28/07/1986 Pingle 18/03/1965
Saka : 1886 Varga : Maiiar Saturn 07/02/1989 Dhanya 17/03/1968
Month : Bhadra Yunja r Antya Mercury 16/05/1991 Bhremri 17/03/1972
Paksh : Shukla HanaakfTatva) Vayu Ketu 21/04/1992 Bhadrike 18/03/1977
Tithl at Sunrise..: 13 Name Alphabet Gay-Gairik Venus 21/12/1994 Dike 18/03/1983
Nakshatra : Dhanishtha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Sron-Copper Sun 09/10/1995 Sidha 18/03/1990
Yoga : Dhrati Hora : Moon Moon 07/02/1997 Sankta 18/03/1998
Karan : Taitila Chaugharia : Char Mers 14/01/1998 Mangla 18/03/1999

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 3:15:09 Mer Sun Sat Sat Asc See 25:30:40 Mar Mer Rah Ven
Mon Aqu 3:23:24 Sat Mar Ven Mar 2 Sag 27:30:52 Jup Sun Mon Rah
Mar Can 9:23:44 Mon Sat Ven Jup 3 Aqu 2:39:20 Sat Mar Ket Mer
Mer Leo 15:26:11 Sun Ven Ven Ket 4 Pis 7:13:08 Jup Sat Mer Sat
Jup -R Tau 2:59:30 Ven Sun Jup Rah 5 Ari 7:15:53 Mar Ket Rah Sun
Ven Can 18:34:45 Mon Mer Ket Ket 6 Tau 2:36:02 Ven Sun Jup Mon
Sat -R Aqu 6:44:29 Sat Rah Rah Rah 7 Tau 25:30:40 Ven Mar Rah Ven
Rah -R Gem 4:40:02 Mer Mar Ven Mer 8 Gem 27:30:52 Mer Jup Ven Rah
Ket -R Sag 4:40:02 Jup Ket Mon Ven g Leo 2:39:20 Sun Ket Ven Mer
Ura Leo 18:21:37 Sun Ven Rah Rah 10 virr 7:13:08 Mer Sun Ket Mon
Nep Lib 22:42:52 Ven Jup Sat Van 11 Lib 7:15:53 Ven Rah Rah Sat
Plu Leo 21:19:44 Sun Ven Jup Sun 12 See 2:36:02 Mar Jup Rah Ket

Fortuna: Aries 25:38:55 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart NIrayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal

5r 63*
72r Kst 2 Rah 8 Mon

Nop / SI,
.7/ I Mar SitV/
x 8 Sun Van 7 Nap Ma»"
Sqt- Mon/\
Mor / \ Daaamaa
Monll Sat 5 Mar \
< /\ / Mer
\ / \ / Ura
\/ \ /M,r Plu
X 2
X4 2 n',,,
/X Mar Urn'
/1\ jup /3\y«n Reh / 3 \ur« Pb1'
' \ / R«h \ Sun
12r U7*
Horoscope No. 32
14/02/1954 Time 02:25:00 Day Sunday PJaceJodhpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:57
t 26:18:00 North Long 73:08:00 Easf Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:37:28

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottarl Yoglnl

Siderial Time 11:20:56 Hrs Gan Manushya Rahu: 5Y10M0D Mangla : 0y3M27O
Eq.of time - 0:14:21 Hrs Yon! Shwan Saturn
Sunrise 7:16:42 Hrs Nadi Adya 16/12/1975 14/02/1954
Sunset 18:27:00 Hrs Varan Shoodra 15/12/1994 12/06/1989
Samvat 2010 Vashya Manav Saturn 19/12/1978 Mangla 12/06/1954
Saka 1875 Varga Majjar Mercury 28/08/1981 Pingla 11/06/1956
Month Magha Yunja Madhya Ketu 06/10/1982 Dhanya 12/06/1959
Paksh • : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 06/12/1985 Bhramri 12/06/1963
Tithi at Sunrise. 11 Name Alphabet Sun 18/11/1986 Bhadrika 11/06/1968
Nakshatra Ardra Nga-Gyanchand Moon 18/06/1988 Ulka 12/06/1974
Yoga Priti Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Silver Mars 28/07/1989 Sidha 12/06/1981
Karan Bava Hora Mercury Rahu 03/06/1992 Sankta 12/06/1989

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Aqu 1:40:41 Sat Mar Mer Sat Asc Sco 17:22:25 Mar Mer Mer Sun
Men Gem 15:40:41 Mer Rah Ven Sun 2 Sag 18 14:06 Jup Ven Rah Rah
Mar Sco 9:17:55 Mar Sat Ven Jup 3 Cap 22.01:59 Sat Mon Ven Sat
Mer Aqu 19:48:21 Sat Rah Mar Ven 4 Aqu 2625:03 Sat Jup Ket Sat
Jup Tau 23:28:40 Ven Mar Mar Rah 5 Pis 27:30:55 Jup Mer Jup Mon
Ven Aqu .5:15:49 Sat Mar Sun Sat 6 Ari 23 59:12 Mar Ven Sat Jup
Sat Lib 16:23:14 Ven Rah Ven Jup 7 Tau 17:22:25 Ven Mon Sat Rah
Rah Cap 0:45:16 Sat Sun Rah ^Ven 8 Gem 1814:06 Mer Rah Mon Mar
Ket Can 0:45:16 Mon Jup Mar Jup 9 22 01:59 Mon Mer Sun Mer
Ura Gem 26:47:05 Mer Jup Ven Ven 10 Leo 2625:03 Sun Ven Ket Jup
Nep Lib 3:01:25 Ven Mar Ven Ven 11 Vir 27:30:55 Mer Mar Jup Mon
Plu Leo 0.49:13 Sun Ket Ven Ven 12 Lib 23 59:12 Ven Jup Mer Mer

Fortuna; Aries 1:22.25 Navamaa Chart

Rah Van
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspai
Sat\lO> s®/N5p
Moo / ^ />v Sun
■ 717*
62 1 Juw vMar 12 6 Mar

\ / \Nep Sat/ \ R^fi

\ 9 / \ 7 / Ket Sun\ 9y 7/Nep Ker
RehoVMar 8 X6 Mericn/
Van/ >
Sun 11 Mar 5 Plu \. Moiy/
UraV10/ X /0
11 x 9 x7 Ma^
2 Jup V4 plu Suni / yr
12X 2 X4 Ket
/ 3 \ ■BUI
Rah | /1 Jup /3Nl 1 s^en 12 Sal\Q 8 Ral^)
/ \
/ \ /Ura Mon\ \ /Ura Kel\

Nep 1 i7* Ox ^ Xx® Jup

X 2\ / 4\Mar
Mar Set
Role of Jupiter in Marriage 139
Illustration No. 5.17 (Horoscope No. 32) - We are illustrating one more case
of Jupiter in Taurus in the 7th house. The native is an engineer. The native got
married on 22.11.78 to a good looking, well educated and loving wife during
the sub-period of the 2nd and 5th lord Jupiter, who occupies the 7th house, in
the major period on Saturn who owns 4th house and is exalted and obtains
own Navamsa. Jupiter obtains the Navamsa of its exaltation. The native has
quite satisfactory married life and has been blessed with two sons who were
born on 10.1.80 and 2.2.82 during the sub-period of Mercury and Ketu
respectively, in the major period of Mercuiy.

Aspect of Mars over Jupiter has caused certain problems due to ill health of
the wife, but most of the evils of Mars have been properly balanced in the birth
chart of the wife of the native.
140 Predicting Marriage
D2 Placement of Jupiter in the 7th house in Virgo - For Pisces ascendant,
Jupiter owns the JOth and Lagna and the placement in the 7th house in Virgo
gives good results. Seventh house is Badhak Sthana for Pisces ascendant. Jupiter
may, therefore, become cause for the late Marriage. The Partner may be known
to the native prior to marriage because Jupiter is Lagnadhipati and falls in the
7th house. The wife will be virtuous, dutiful sincere and will be employed in
bank or school i.e. in any financial or education institution. She will be good
looking, chaste, religious, well-educated, intelligent and logical. In case of
affliction two marriages are also possible. Jupiter is inimical to Mercury and if
Mercury joins Lagna, there will be a probability of two marriages.

Illustration No. 5.18 (Horoscope No. 33) - The native is a sub-inspector of

police. He got married with a slightly plumpy girl on 7.1251 i.e. during Rahu-
Rahu period and was also blessed with a daughter during the same Bhukti of
Rahu. The married life of the native is quite happy. Both have feeling of love for
each other. The wife is a teacher in a Govt. College.

D3 Placement of Jupiter in the 7th house in Capricorn - For Cancer

ascendant Jupiter is the ruler of the 6th and 9th house and gets debilitated in
the 7th house. The lordship of the 6th house is adverse towards the health of
the life partner. Married life is generally happy and there is also risk to the
fortune after marriage. The wife will be sickly but virtuous and spiritually
inclined and will be blessed with good children.
Horoscope No. 33
07/08/1957 Time 21:35:00 Day Wednesday PlaC9Varanasi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
Lat 25:20:00 North Long 83:00:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:02:00

Psnchtng Avakahada Chakn Vlmiottarl Yofllni

SWerialTime , 18:40:38 Hrs Gan..... - Manushya Vtnut: 10Y4M28D Sidht ;3Y7M22D
Eq.oftlmai -0:05:44 Hrs Yonl - Vanar Rahu
Sunrise 5:28:54 Hrs Nidi - Madhya 05/01/1991 31/03/1990
Sunset 18:38:14 Hr* Varan ^ Kthilrlyt 04/01/2009 31/03/2028
Samvit 2014 Vashya : Manav Rahu 17/09/1993 Sldhi 30/03/1997
Saka 1879 Varga : Sarp Jupiter 10/02/1996 Sankta 30/03^00$
Month Sravana Yunja Antya Saturn 17/12/1999 Mangla 31/03/2006
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) AflOl Mercury 06/07/2001 Pingla 30/03/2008
Tithl at Sunrise.. : 12 Name Alphabet Ketu 24/07/2002 Dhanya 31/03/2011
Nakshatra Purvasadha Dhaa-Dharmendra Venus 24/07/2006 Bhramri 31/03/2015
Yoga Vishkumbh Paya(Rasi-Nak) Sir 18/00/2000 Bhadrika 30/03/2020
Karan Kaulava Copper-Copper Moon 18/12/2007 Ulka 31/03/2026

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 21:51:26 Mon Mer Sun Jup Asc Pis 20 51:25 Jup Mer Ven Sat
Mon Sag 19:43:35 Jup Ven Rah Ven 2 Ari 25 15:32 Mar Ven Mer Rah
Mar Leo 6:38:35 Sun Ket Rah Mer 3 Tau 22 12:38 Ven Mon Ven Sat
Mer Leo 18:31:46 Sun Ven Rah Jup 4 Gem 16 19:47 Mer Rah Ven Rah
Jup Vir 7:05:59 Mer Sun Ket Ven 5 Can 1139:52 Mon Sat Mon Mer
Ven Leo 22:08:40 Sun Ven Sat Sat 6 Leo ■12 16:31 Sun Ket Mer Mon
Sat -R SCO 14:41:35 Mar Sat Rah Mon 7 Vir 20:51:25 Mer Mon Ven Sun
Rah -R Lib 22:20:37 Ven Jup Sat Mer 8 Lib 25 15:32 Ven Jup Mer Jup
Ket -R Ari 22:20:37 Mar Ven Sat Mer 9 Sco 22 12:38 Mar Mer Sun Ven
Ura Can 14:46:23 Mon Sat Rah Mar 10 Sag 16 19:47 Jup Ven Mon Mar
Nep Lib 7:00:54 Ven Rah Rah Jup 11 Cap -|^:39:52 Sat Mon Mar Ven
Pfu Leo 6:37:15 Sun Ket Rah Mer 12 Aqu 2 16:31 Sat Rah Sat Jup

Fortuna:Leo 18:43:34 Navamsa Chart

LagnaChart Nirayana Bhava Chalrt-Cuspal v Nep X

^ /Ura
Jup 12 X Sun 10 XS
/N. Sat
2K' 32? Rah 1 Ket 7 VeiO

MarX • X. /Mon
\11/ Sun Plu/3 / 5 xMer
12 Vio Ura \y
2XKel 12 \/

: 3 X 9 Mon \ 9 Mon Mon /^Xw
\ xx /I ^ar UraX. ® /^ 1 //^
\ / \ / Mer
Sun ^ 4^Hah 2 XQ2Van
\/ \/ Ven
4yC 6 X® Sat pjy
Ura/5\ jUpH /7\
/VanPluX /. \ —- v 5 11 Mar/
/Mar Mar\/NapRah\ Jup /—
9?? 825' e/Set 8 KetXio
Nep Sai5- Razs'
Sal Rah m■ I Na?' PKj^S. y ^
I Sun MarX/ Nap
Horoscope No. 34
^ate 05/11/1926 Time 23:27:50 Day Friday Place Rampur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:34
at 28:48:00 North Long 79:03:00 East Zone 62:30:00 East Time Corr-0:13:48

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderlalTlme .:2:10;52 Hrs Gan Rakshas Jupiter :14Y CM 20D Dhanya :2Y7M19D
Eq.of time :0:16:23 Hrs Yoni Vyaghra Venus
Sunrise :6:29:46 Hrs Nadi Antya 27/11/1983 25/06/1962
Sunset :17:24:50 Hrs Varan Shoodra 27/11/2003 25/06/1998
Samvat : 1983 Vashya Manav Venus 28/03/1987 Dhanya 25/06/1965
Saka : 1848 Varga Sarp Sun 27/03/1988 Bhramri 25/06/1969
Month : Kartika Yunja Madhya Moon 26/11/1989 Bhadrika 25/06/1974
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) ~ Vayu Mars 26/01/1991 Ulka 25/06/1980
Tithi at Sunrise..: 15- Amavasya Name Alphabet Rahu 26/31/1994 Sidha 26/06/1987
Nakshatra : Visakha Tee-Teerath/Tilak Jupitef 26/09/1996 Sankta 26/06/1995
Yoga : Sobhagya Paya(RashNak) : Iron-Copper Saturn 27/11/1999 Mangla 25/06/1996
Karan : Kinstughna Hora - Moon Mercury 27/09/2002 Pingla 25/06/1998

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L HL Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 19:59:29 Ven Rah Mar Mon Asc Can 17:4637 Mon Mer Mer Rah
Mon Lib 21:37:08 Ven Jup Jup Rah 2 Leo 11:55:52 Sun Ket Mer Ven
Mar -R Ah 18:09:50 Mar Ven Rah Rah 10:10:03 Mer Mon Mon Rah
Mer Sco 13:11:41 Mar Sat Rah Jup 1235:33 Ven Rah Sat Jup
Jup Cap 25:34:28 Sat Mar Rah Ven 16:05:34 Mar Sat Jup Sun
Ven Lib 16:03:26 Ven Rah Ven Rah 18:11:57 Jup Ven Rah Rah
Sat Sco 4:12:08 Mar Sat Sat Ven 17:46:07 Sat Mon Sat Jup
Rah -R Gem 16:0232 Mer Rah Ven Rah 8 Aqu 11:55:52 Sat Rah Sat Mar
Ket -R Sag 16:0232 Jup Ven Sun Mer 9 Pis 10:10:03 Jup Sat Ven Mer
Lira -R Pis 3:18:43 Jup Jup Rah Mar 10 Ari 122533 Mar Ket Mer Mar
Nep Leo 4:15:01 Sun Ket Mon Sat 11 Tau 16:05:34 Ven Mon Sat Mer
Plu -R Gem 23:17:29 Mer Jup Sat Rah 12 Gem 18:11:57 Mer Rah Mon Mon

Fortuna: Cancer 19:23:46 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal

lO^y 11 w
Ura \ Nap / \Plu Rah
\s/ \z/ \5 /
(yOtep 4

//eV€n\ Daaamaa
Sun 7 Mon 1 Mar Sun 7 Mon V 1 Mar Nep n.
\ Set / \ 4y
Mar JK Sat 5 X3
8 X 10 X iSUra K« 8y 10 Xl
SB y' Jup /II
Jud \ y 9 \ Jup /ll\ 8 Rah Jup 2 Mony
/ Ket \ / \ / N. / Ura \ Ket y/
Ven 5"' M02r Su20
Ura 11 /\1 Sun
Sat Mon Maiv Vew 4iy
Mer Sun Sa** X Piu \X Ven \
Role of Jupiter in Marriage 143
Illustration No. "5.19 (Horoscope No. 34) - Jupiter falls in the 7th house in
Capricorn. The native was General Manager of Unchahar Thermal Power Project.
He has a good and sincere wife but she remains sick and is of weak constitution.
Marital life is quite happy.

We may sum up as below, what Jupiter does in the 7th house, if it is posited

I.It causes obstruction in marriage provided other powerful combinations

do not overcome it. It may be noted the Jupiter's presence in the 7th house can
delay the marriage but it never denies the marriage.

2. In most of the signs. Jupiter's placement in the 7th house provides a

beautiful wife or a handsome and smart husband.

3. If Jupiter 7th house synchronising with even or female signs, the marital
life will be below par. The wife will dominate and have influence over husband.
In male or odd signs, Jupiter gives better results as far as happiness of conjugal
life is concerned.

4. If Jupiter falls is Gemini, Leo or Aquarious in the 7th house there will be
obstruction in the birth of male children. If son is born then worries will start.

5. In watery signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, Jupiter exhibits his worst nature
and causes great damage to marital life. That may result in separation, illegal
relationships, deaths and other adverse developments between the couple.

6. If Jupiter falls in Libra or Sagittarius in the 7th house, there is likelihood of

two marriages. Many a times, we have observed that this combination results
in the native keeping a concubine in addition to his wife. However, it is possible
only when other supplementary combinations for adultery support it.

7. Jupiter's placement in certain male signs does not damage the marital life
seriously but treatment towards wife is inhuman. Such persons do not care for
their wives even a bit, though in presence of others, they pretend to adore and
love their wife too much.

8. In case Jupiter joins the 7th house in martian sign Aries or Scorpio and
Mars aspects Jupiter, the marital life becomes most unbearable.

9. Presence of well fortified Jupiter in the 7th house presents a man with a
chaste, beautiful and fair-complexioned wife. But the native gets involved with
other women who behave with him almost like his wife. He makes contacts
only with beautiful girls, married women or spinsters, who will fulfill his desires
regularly for many months or few years.

10. If Saturn and Jupiter aspect each other in connection with Lagna and the
7th house, physical problem like rheumatism, gout backache, poverty and
difference of opinion will remain present. Husband will be deeply involved
with other women and will face defamation also, if he has Libra ascendant.
144 Predicting Marriage
11. In case of affliction of the 7th house by other combinations of malefic
nature alongwith Jupiter in the 7th house, it will be an error to predict good
about Jupiter's influence over there.

We have discussed the results of the placement of Jupiter in the 7th house for
all the sings and ascendants. The benefic results of Jupiter, as have been described,
are mostly for earthy signs. Jupiter produces the worst results in the 7th house
in watery signs. It is remarkable to note that even the exalted Jupiter in the 7th
house produes adverse married life and the debilitated Jupiter causes happiness

A remarkable point with respect to Jupiter is its relations with Mars,

over which we have worked quite seriously, Jupiter is regarded always a
benefic so much so that aspect or association of Jupiter can cancel the Kuja
Dosha. We have found this impractical in our day to day observations. We
will now be discussing this unique relationship of Jupiter and Mars in
relation to happiness of married life.

It is most essential to understand the behavior of planets at a particular point

of aspect and conjunction. Let us also see how do Jupiter and Saturn behave
together when they lend their aspect over each other or if they conjoin. This
will make our study of the 7th house more scientific and correct.


Unlike friends, though friends - The computation of planetary positions

and weighing of their relative strengths is a task that arrives at a high degree of
accuracy provided due care is taken with respect to all astrological factors. As
observed elsewhere in this book, several operational factors have to be taken
into account concerning the planets while judging a horoscope.

There are certainly a few traditional interpretations which yield to certain

definitive, down-to-earth and practical predictions, forming the guiding
principales for most of the practitioners of astrology.

Among the many intriguing problems and aspects of esoteric astrology, the
nexus of Mars and Jupiter is held very important. Their mutual stationing, nature
of aspect, and ownership of Mars and Jupiter are usually considered auspicious.
This is based on the views that Jupiter's high degree of wisdom influencing
Mar"s agressive pride acts as encouragement to the latter to move ahead in
wisdom and bold action.

In actual cases, the result often proves quite opposite. Especially, much depends
on the signs on which Mars and Jupiter are posited. A mistake in taking this
into consideration introduces elements of inaccuracy. We may take here one
example. The relationship between Mars and Moon is considered good. Both
are friendly to each other. But do they yield good result when aspecting each
other? Mars is debilitated in Moon"s sign, while Moon is debilitated in Mars"
sign. Likewise, with Saturn and Sun. Sun is debilitated in Libra, while Saturn
Role of Jupiter in Marriage '145
gets exalted in it. Similarly, Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn, while Mars gets
exalted in it.

Here an attempt has been made to enquire into the queer aspect of this quite
unfriendly behaviour exhibited by staunch friends Mars and Jupiter.

The general understanding is that Mars and Jupiter are good friends. That
Jupiter's aspect on or conjunction with Mars reduces the evils caused by the
malefic nature of Mars. Kuja Dosha, for example, is considered as cancelled if
Mars is associated with Jupiter or is aspected by it. However, blindly following
this as a rule leads to miscalculations. Kuha Dosh is not cancelled or mitigated if
Jupiter provides its aspect to Mars.

If we examine the nature of Mars and Jupiter we will find that Mars is exalted
in Capricorn where Jupiter gets debilitated, while Juipiter's exaltation sign is
Cancer where Mars is debilitated. This incicates that they are not actually friendly,
though they show signs of friendship.

-Tfi. -4/28
Mars actualy has twin streaks. It is aggressive and short tempered. These
play havoc in various forms in the native's life. These faults cause accidents,
injuries, fires, burns and hatred. They give rise to personality defects which
actually tend to harm the native himself. Ultimately, they also prove very costly
to those persons who remain in close association with such persons. On the
other hand, the good points in favour of the Martian persons is that they are
bold and frank.

With Jupiter the opposite is the case. For total lack of patience and tolerance
in Mars, Jupiter exhibits remarkable tendency in holdings on the itself against
the onslaughts of misfortunes. The ascendance of Jupiter means that the subjet
is gentle, sober, wealthy, intelligent and blessed with happiness and children.
He has a saintly temprament and possesses a lot of patience and tolerance.

These opposite natures of Mars and Jupiter have made pundits to proclaim
that Jupiter nullifies all evils of Mars or to certain extent minimise them.

Thus, Jupiter's placement in Lagns counteracts all evils :


Tf^TT TnpvT TmPI: I I

^TT. - 12/1
146 Predicting Marriage
The classics have mostly opined that the native having Mars and Jupiter
together in his birth chart will be an artisan, vedic scholar, an intelligent and
voluble person. The native will be fond of using weapons

TrTTWqt: ||

TTT. - 15/14 '

Our own experience and interpretation of actual happenings in lives of some
natives has made us to come to conclusion that though Mars and Jupiter are
friends, the result of their actions is often adverse. They are together like the
legendary triumverate of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, the creator, the preserver
and the destroyer, existing next to each other, but each facing in opposite
direction. So is the condition of Mars and Jupiter, together back to back, each
looking in the other direction : Janus faced. This curious nature of their inter-
relationship and its effect on a native"s life is a matter of serious consideration.

Mar's Influence : The Sinner's Wink - Mars is violent and fearless planet
excessively proud of itself and aggressive to all intents and purpose. When Mars
is positioned along with Jupiter, Who is considered a "Guru" among planets,
the aggressive nature of Mars does not permit Jupiter to exhibit its goodness to
full extent.
The friendship of Mars and Jupiter may be seen as that between a criminal
and a saint. Under the nefarious influence of the criminal, most of the good
qualities of the saint get subdued, if not cancelled altogether. Mars, on the other
hand, gets a lot of shelter from Jupiter, the large-hearted planet. Underneath
this easily acquired shelter, Mars exhibits its worst nature resulting in much
hardship and harm to the native. When Mars is conjoined with or when it
opposes Jupiter is totally curtailed. Jupiter then confers its auspicious effect on
only those areas of life which are beyond the pale of Mars.

Any area, where Mars has no role to play, will not be deprived of the
beneficence of Jupiter and, in fact, Jupiter will not be a hindrance to Mars in
such martters. Jupiter may be seen, in fact, as provoking Mars with its endless
preaching and sermonising.

Contrary to the view popularly held view, we therefore, cannot blindly

conclude that Jupiter checks the evils of Mars. In fact, being friends, it unwittingly
aids and abets Mars in its evil designs at places.

Wanted to do Wrong : Role of Mars - Now, if Mars occupies the sign ruled
by Jupiter, i.e., Sagittarius or pisces, it will damage the house as is its wont. It is
difficult to change one"s nature unless one is kept under strict administrative
control like that of the Sun. Jupiter lacking in ability at administrative control,
Mars takes over the reins when posited in Jupiter's sign.
Role of Jupiter in Marriage 147
Again, if Jupiter is placed in the sign of Mars, good result should not be
expected from that house. It is like a sage residing in a ruffian"s house due to
which the good qualities of the sage are somehow subdued on accound of
ruffianMs activities.

There is much difference in the effects of Mars residing in the sign of Jupiter
and Jupiter residing in the sign of Mars. In the former case, the damaging effects
of Mars are observed while in the latter, the benefic effects of Jupiter are curbed.

This, in our view, makes for a curious and complex case of friendship
between Mars and Jupiter. For those who are not able to accept it easily
that Jupiter and Mars are hot good to the native if they dispose each other.
We would like to put it in a different way for them to understand the
significance. In Vedas Jupiter is named as Brihaspati and Mars as Angarak.
The nomenclature Brihaspati is derived in Samskrit from Brih, Dhatu
which basically implies expansion. So the main significance of Brihaspati
is expansion of everything which is aspected by it. In astrology the Jupiter
is treated to be the most benefic planet and all virtuous things are assigned
to it. Friendship, is, undoubtedly, nothing but a very virtuous thing and it
cannot happen that Jupiter can betray the friendship with a friend like
Mars. Such is the commitment of the friendship of Jupiter. But we all know
that no such virtuous and pious commitments are attached in astrology to
Mars. Therefore, it happens that whenever Jupiter aspects Mars, it helps
Mars to get its all qualities extended to the maximum extent. If Mars becomes
the dispositor of Jupiter then it is the Jupiter who looses everything to
Mars and gets characterised himself as Mars. Hence it is crystal clear that
whenever unblemished Jupiter aspects Mars it creates all situations
conducive to the expansion of the fullest KujaDosh in a nativity. Therefore,
our experience is not contrary to the logical conclusions of the astrological
principles and attributes of both the planets - Jupiter and Mars.

In another instance, if Jupiter occupies its own sign but is aspected by Mars,
there will be some evil effects. If Mars occupies its own sign, much of the expected
auspicious effects of Jupiter will be suppressed. If Mars occupies its own sign
and Jupiter aspects its, Mars is very perturbed and it has a tendency to display
its harmful nature. The increase in Mars" tendency to harm in such a combination
is directly proportional to the degree of aspect. The greater the aspect the greater
is the danger of disaster in the native"s life.

In this connection, Saravali notes

STrt: djlllJll TTS: I

148 Predicting Marriage

If Mars occupies Sagittarius, the native will receive many wounds, shall be
emaciated, will be harsh in speech, shall be crafty, alienated, a warrior endowed
with chariots, elements and armymen. He will throw arrows on enemies army
from his chariot, be happy with hard work, will lose his happiness and suffer
many losses, and will not honour elders,

Kalyan verma hints that Mars, if in Pisces, does not favour the native.

TOT ^ n
^ TOT^T: I
ffvfmtrTl WIT 11

W. - 25/23-24

Should Mars be in Pisces at the time of one's birth, the person will be troubled
by diseases, will have indifferent children, will live in foreign lands, will be
insulted by his own relatives, will lose all his money on account of cunning and
deceicful disposition, will be depressed in spirits, shall be very miserable. Will
disrespect elders and Brahmins, shall be unkind, will try to gauge other's desires,
will be fond of others praise and become famous.

Thus, Mars gives malefic results in the signs owned by Jupiter because of its
inherent nature. The doing of Mars cause upheavals in the life of the native and
may even become a cause of total destruction of the man. There is a great need
to understand this if such a ruling of planets exists is one's birth chart and take
the remedial measures in all respects.

Habits of Grandeur: Stand of Jupiter-What happens when Jupiter occupies

the sign of Mars?

TTTOTteTO TOf ^ 11
3ffc5R<fr en? I

If Jupiter is posited in Aries at birth, one will be argumentative in disposition,

will acquire precious stones and ornaments out of his own effort. Sons and
wealth attain eminence, the native will go in for much expenses, will have an
injured body and will confer cruel and fierce punishment.

cTOimf: ' I

cn#T t|4PKdl TR f^RrRxl' I I

TIT.— 27/16
Role of Jupiter in Marriage 149
If Jupiter occupies Scorpio, the native will be an expert in Shastras, shall be a
king, a commentator of many "Bhashas", skilful" will construct temples and
towns, will possess many wives but only few sons, shall be troubled by diseases
and undergo many difficulties. The native will be virtuous but at the sometime
will indulge in contemptuous acts.

Varahmihira also has stated in Chapter 18 of Brihat Jatak that a person born
with Jupiter in Aries or Scorpio will be a commander of army, will be very rich,
will have many wives and children, will be liberal in giveing gifts, will be master
of good servants, possess a patient nature and bright apperance, will be happy
with his wives and will be very popular. But if Mars occupies Jupiter's sign, the
subject will have several enemies, will be the minister of a king, will attain
widespread popularity and will be fearless, but will have very few children.
This is expressed thus

3R11: I

31^<fr Plcimhlc^d WsfW: 11

W. - 25/9
If Mars occupiesta Jupiterian sign, i.e.Pisces or Sagittarius, and is aspected by
Jupiter, the reverse is the position and the native is devoid of wife and happines.

f^TW ^ I


Should Jupiter occupy a Martian sign, i.e. Aries or Scorpio and is also aspected
by Mars, one has a disobedient wife and children.

"Aspects" of Love and War - Kalyan Verma finds that if Jupiter occupies the
Martin sign and is aspected by Mars or Mars occupies Jupiterian sign and is
aspected by Jupiter, one will have problems in marriage, subsequent marital
life and conjugal harmony.

Trtn^f ftchdiq
& wt
Cv *> i

uHilfci "c^l (I

Should Jupiter occupy its own sign and Mars lends its aspects on it, the native
will get injured in war, will be of cruel nature, will tortune and harm others and
will loose children.

We observe that when Jupiter occupies Martian sign or Mars occupies

Jupiterian sign or even if they are aspected by their dispositors, the results will
be on the adverse side as far as family life, health and children are concerned.
The exact results will depend upon various other factors such as the house
50 Predicting Marriage
occupied, Lagna, aspect of other planets etc. The nature of planets so posited
should be carefully interpreted on the basis of placements.

Jupiter is unabe to exhibit talents whenever it is in contact with or is under

the influence of Mars one way or the other. Mostly, Jupiter "s Karakatwa is
married under such positions and malefic nature of Mars gets chanced depending
upon the house occupied.

So, it is evident from the above that when Mars and Jupiter get influenced by
each other, either by aspect or by the placement in each other's signs, Mars'
influence will predominate over that of Jupiter.

Authoritative Version - The following instances are noted as corroboration

of the above views regarding the mutually inimical position of Mars and Jupiter
when linked to each other.

Astrologers before the time ofVarah Mi him, in fact considered Mars and Jupiter
as mutually inimical. It was Varah Mihira who first adopted a different stand tried
to yoke a friendly knot between Mars and Jupiter and this has been wrongly persisted
to this day.

But if we look into the opinions of the famous astrologers evenof this period,
we find that they have rejected the stand ofVarah Mihira. Kalyan Verma finds
faults with Varah Mihira's "Hora Tantra", Jagdeva, in his monumental "Jatak
Chandrika", does not give much credit to Varah Minihra and accepts the stand
of Yavaneshwara.

Accordinlgy, the combinations of Mars and Jupiter or the mutual aspect

between them creates in natives desire of acquiring wealth or makes their nature
jealous, greedy and ambitious. If the combination takes place in the sign of
Mars or Saturn i.e. Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius, the native becomes
rebellious and resentful and becomes controversial inspite of having several
resources and energy at his command.

Vaidyanathsays that if Jupiter falls in 7th house in the sign owned by Mars or Saturn,
the native will have affairs with other women. The conjunction of Mars/Jupiter or Mars/
Saturn is also responsible for various involvements with opposite sex.

Dr. B.V. Raman has also mentioned in "Three Hundred Important

Combinations" that an exalted Jupiter if posited in Lagna opposite to Mars,
which occupies the 7th house, Mati-Bhanga Yoga is caused i.e., one loses his

The founder of the Astrological Magazine and author of many astrological

books. Prof. Suryanarain Rao, has also described in "Satyoga Majari" under the
heading "Various Forms of Imprisonment".

(1) If Kuja (Mars) joins the 7th and Guru (Jupiter) occupies Lagna the person
will suffer from brains diseases;
Role of Jupiter in Marriage 151
(2) Jupiter/Mars association curtails the accumulation of wealth even if in
good position.

This combination of Mars and Jupiter is particularly bad for marital life, spouse,
progeny and for the health of the children. One should never think that evils of
Mars get cancelled by the aspect of Jupiter.

Similarly, if Mars and Jupiter are related to each other in respect to the 5th
house, one will have to undergo serious mental torture on account of progeny.
Jupiter-Mars opposition in the 5th and llthhouses will be the cause of death of
young child or the denial of happiness is respect of children. Incase of many
other good factors and where the Lagna is quite storng, one may have only
female issues.

If Jupiter and Mars are related or have a mutual exchange of houses in respect
to 5th , 6th, 8th or 12th houses, denial of happiness from children is to be

How to Read the Rules - All the verses of Saravali discussed in this chapter
denote either the results of Mars under influence of Jupiter or the results of
Jupiter under the effects of Mars. However these rules cannot be applied
verbatim and must be seen in their complete perspective.

In the Sloka No. 17 and 18 of Chapter 25 of Saravali it is written of Mars

occupying Sagittarius

(a) "The native receives many wounds and shall be emaciated." This does not
mean that one would receive wound and his body will be emaciated if Mars in
Sagittarius occupies any of the twelve houses of the horoscope. These results
should be expected when Mars in Sagittarius occupies Lagna., the 6th or 8th
i.e., this part of the rule is applicable for Sagittarius, Cancer and Taurus
ascendants only.

(b) "The native"s speech will be harsh" - This is true for Scorpio ascendant.
Under that position, Mars will occupy 2nd house in Sagittarius resulting in
harshness of his speech.

(c) "The subject will be crafty, alienated, a warrior or an armyman."

This part is applicable if Mars in Sagittarius falls in the 10th or 4th house i.e.,
it true for Pisces and Virgo ascendants.

(d) "He will throw arrows on enemies" forces" or in modern parlance inflict
grave losses on the army through today's methods. This part is applicable for
Mars in Sagittarius in the 6th house i.i. for Cancer ascendant.

(e) "The native will lose his happiness and money due to anger and will not
honour elders."

This part of the Sloka is applicabe if Mars in Sagittarius occupies 4th house
and Lagna to some extent i.e., for Virgo and Sagittarius ascendants.
152 Predicting Marriage
Thus we see that any position of a planet needs to be properly and precisely
defined lest unnecessary mistakes creep in.

In the Sloka No.6 of Chapter 27 Kalyan Verma describes about the results of
Jupiter in Scoipio. He writes that so placed Jupiter gives many wives. Bhattotpal
also has the same opinion. This is applicable for Jupiter in Scorpio in the 7th
house. Jupiter in the 5th in Scorpio may bestow few sons only, as the author
writes. So placed Jupiter also gives diseases and other difficulties. This should
be read for Jupiter in Scorpio in the 6th or 8th house.

Similarly. Mars in Jupiterian sign under the aspect of Jupiter keeps the native
devoid of wife. This means that if Mars falls in the 7th house or the 2nd house,
identical to the sign of Pisces or Sagittarius, under the aspect of Jupiter, the
native will not get marital bliss or may not get happiness from wife or may not
get married at all.

Before conforming the results of any nativity, other factors and placements
must also be taken into account. In this chapter, an attempt has been made
to evaluate the finer aspects working in relation to planets in various
positions. Such rendering also establishes thatMars' evils are enhanced under
the influence of Jupiter while Jupiter does not exhibit its good qualities under
the influence of Mars. This is the essence of the Sloka and views of Sages as
quoeted in the chapter.

In our own experience, we have come across cases where even exalted Jupiter
in the 7th house and exalted Mars in Lagna have created severe difficulties in
the native's life. Generally, this placement of Jupiter in Cancer is treated very
beneficial for marital life. Similarly, we have invariably noticed thatMars in the
4th house in any sign and Jupiter in the 10th house results in separations,
sometimes temporary but mostly permanent, If Mars is tenanted in the 11th
house and Jupiter is opposite to Mars in the 5th house, the native is found to
suffer loss of young children or children will be altogether denied to him.

The following adversities have been recorded during our practice of astrology
which indicate severe losses under the baneful influence of the undesirable Mars-
Jupiter conjunction. It may be noted that there are beneficial results also out of
such configurations but overall the native ends up in heavy losses.

1. The conjunction bestows authority on the native and provides him with
good job, but his/her employment is not permanent. The native may get
transferred frequently or may have to switch over form one job to another.

2. The accumulated wealth is lost and one suffers from diseases, wounds and
operations. Even deformities of limbs may occur if Mars occupies a Jupiterian
sign and is aspected by the Moon. If the aspect is powerful. Deformation of
limbs will exist right from birth. If not so powerful, a deformity in some form
or the other is likely to strike at a later stage of life. If Mars, stationed in a
Role of Jupiter in Marriage 153
Jupiterian sign is aspected by Saturn, there will be physical deformation, lack
of happiness and will follow religion different from his own.

3. This combination is most undesirable from the point of progeny,

particularly if the 5th house is afflicted due to the placement of either Jupiter or
Mars in it while the other is in opposition to him. If the affliction is powerful
there may not be any children or the children will not live for long after birth or
the pregnancy may end up in miscarrage. If the aspect or conjuntion of Jupiter
and Mars is not so strong, only female children will be born in the beginning. If
at all the native is blessed with a male child, it will be late in life. One sad and
common feature of this combination of Jupiter and Mars is the death of a young
son or sons, if they are born in the first place.

4.The native will have contacts with highly placed officers and ministers,
etc. If the Mars-Jupiter combination occurs in Pisces, Cancer or Scorpio, the
native will be blessed with many children. The fortune will shine at the age
of 28 or thereafter. This combination causes much evil if found in female
signs. Either there is a break in education or it is not completed. The native
is liable to be a liar, will backbite his associates, will be proud, selfish, arrogant
and will not fulfil his commitments. In male sings, marriage is either delayed
or he marries twice.

5. If Mars and Jupiter conjoin in the 7th house or are placed under the aspect
of each other, synchronised with the 7th house, there will be a second marriage
after separation from the first spouse. If the conjunction takes place in a female
sign, many difficulties will crop up in the settlement of marriage and during

6. If Mars, Jupiter and Venus are placed in a quadrant from each other, there
will be serious porblems like separation, death murder or total curtailment of
marital happiness.

7. For Virgo ascendant, if Mars occupies the 7th house (i.e. the sign of Jupiter,
Pisces) the wife's life will be short. There will be danger to the life of the wife
during the Mars' Dasa. Also this period will be generally full of miseries. For
Aries and Virgo ascendant, if Jupiter is stationed in a Martian sign, the native
will not live for long.

8. It is believed that Kuja Dosh is nullified if Jupiter aspects Mars or conjoins

it. We have tried to discuss earlier in the chapter how Kuja Dosh is enhanced if
Jupiter opposses it and more so if Mars is in Jupiterian sign.

Thus Kuja Dosh should be taken to be more powerful when Jupiter and
Mars in opposition and Venus is in a quadrant to them or is associated with
either of them, particularly with reference to the 7 th house. Even if Mars, Venus
and Jupiter are associated, there will be discord in marriage.

There are certain exceptions that we have found in our observations. For
54 Predicting Marriage
instance, the evils of Mars remain very much under control when the Sun also
comes into picture. If Mars and Sun are associated and conjoin Jupiter or are
placed in opposition to Jupiter, one may not expect destruction or disaster. Even
if Mars occupies Leo, its evil effects will be kept in check. The placement of
Mars in Jupiterian sign or the placement of Jupiter in a Martian sign casuses
damage in certain aspects of life but if Mars comes under the influence of the
Sun either by aspect or conjunction, good results are assured.

Conclusions on a Strange Astrological Relationship - the relationship

between Jupiter and Mars chiefly and adversely influences the state of health
(especially deformities). Different case histories cited in the following discussion
establish the veracity of the fundamental principles, as elaborated above. What
needs to be stressed is that caution is very much needed in selecting the match
for matrimony when the horoscope of the prospective match shows a queer
relationship between Mars and Jupiter.

The conclusion regrarding the chart can only be arrived at safely after
judgement of the sign, house, ownership, aspect and association of the two
planets. The nature of results will vary according to the position of Mars. Afew
cases of various positions of Mars in opposition to Jupiter are quoted as below.

Illustration No.5.20 (Horoschope No.35)

Mars in 2nd Challanges Jupiter - See that is placed in 2nd house opposite
to Jupiter. Jupiter joins Martian sign, Venus is also in a quadrant to them. The
rule is applicable. Her husband was a doctor. He committed suicide on 19.3.85
due to family quarrels, within three yeaij of the marriage. The lady of this
horoscope is now leading a very miserable life.
Horoscope No. 35
te 19/07/1952 Time 11.23.00 Day Saturday PItCBHardoi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:
at 27:23:00 North Long 80:06:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tjmfl Corr -0:09:36

Panchang Avakahsda Chakra Vlmsottari

SkJerlal Tima „7:01:17 Hrs Gan : Deva Mara: 1Y6M 130
Eq.oftlma >0:06:09 Hrs Yoni ^ Sa/p Jupltar
Sunrise :5:27:33 Hrs Nadi Madhya 02/04/1972 19/07/1952
Sunset : 19:03:60 Hrs Varan : Shoodra 02/04/1988 30/06/1982
Samvat : 2009 Vashya : Manav Jupiter 21/05/1974 Sankta 30/06/1954
S8ka : 1874 Varga Marja/ Saturn 01/12/1976 Mangla 30/06/1955
Month : Sravana Yunja - Poorva Mercury 09/03/1979 Pingla 30/06/1957
Paksh... : Krishna Han8ak(T8tva) vayu Ketu 13/02/1980 Dhanya 29/06/1960
Tlthi at Sunrise..: 13 Name Alphabet Kfi^KIShor Venus 14/10/1982 Bhramri 29/06/1964
Nakshatra : Mtigalra Paya(RaiLMfl5c) : Copper-Gold Sun 02/06/1983 Bhadrika 30/08/1969
Yoga Dhruva Hora : Mercury Moon 01/12/1984 Ulka 30/06/1975
Karan : Gara Chaugharia : Udvega Mars 07/11/1985 Sidha 30/06/1982

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L Sub S-S House Ra»l Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Can 3:33:17 20:40:48 Mer Mon Ven Ven
Gem 3:25:22 19:19:03 Ven Rah Mar Rah
Lib 16:54:04 19:44:46 Mar Mer Ven Sun
Can 29:53:59 21:10:25 Jip Ven Jip Ven
Ari 23:51:19 22:47:41 Sat Mon Sun Rah
Can 10:16:1^ 23:10:39 Sat Jup Sat Mar
Vir 16:28:44 20:40:48 Jip Mer Ven Jip
R Cap 28:46:10 19:19:03 Mar Ven Rah Ket
p Can 28:46:10 19:44:46 Ven Mon Ket Ven
Gem 22:03:07 21:10:25 Mer Jup Jif) Sun
Vir 26:05:37 22:47:41 Mon Mer Mon Sat
Can 27:28:08 23:10:39 Sun Ven Sat Mon

Fortuna; Leo 20:32:54 Navamta Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chsllt-Cuapal


\ mm
/ a\ Sat /
:y V/ \5 /Mar m
sV S« en* ay^War ^X4

/ \ / \p,u
^ e /\Ven 3
X p,u X
\ / \ Ura / Nsp\9 /
10>< Jifl) 8
Rah OX "•2 ^X2Monl Ura/\
Rah /II

mam 21^ X4
3M' Mair
x 3 \
I Rah Ven
756 Predicting Marriage
Illustration No. 521 (Horoscope No. 36)

Mars in 4tli Challanges Jupiter - The native is a smart and talented engineer
in R.D.S.O. in Lucknow. He got married in 1980 with the daughter of Managing
Director of L.S.C.ED. But they were issueless upto 1985 when they lost all
hopes of begetting children. Gradually this feeling of never becoming a father
overwhelmed the native who started disliking his wife. Thereafter, this created
lots of serious problems in both the families which eventually resulted in

In this horoscope, the native has a minor Kuja Dosha due to placement of
Mars in the 4th house. The aspect of Jupiter on Mars aggravated the evils of
Kuja Dosha so much that they have been separated. It should be taken for
granted that Jupiter-Mars opposition in a horoscope will create serious problems
and losses in marital life. In case of such natives the partners should also have
similar afflictions.
Horoscope No. 36
to 17/03/1954 Time 18:01:00 Day Wednesday Place Muzaffamagar Sri San atari Ay anams>^^|

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

Siderial Tlmaa ^SMeiSSHrs Gan : Rakshsa Ketu: 1Y1M16D Bhadrika : OY 9M 20D
Eq.oftime 0:08:35 Hrs Yonl : Mooshak Sun
Sunrise :6:29:05 Hrs Ned I : Ankra 04/05/1975 17/03/1954
Sunset : 18:28:53 Hra Varan...... ...: Kanalrlya 03/05/1981 06/01/1986
Samvat : 2010 Vashya : Vanchar Sun 21/08/1975 Bhadrika 06/01/1955
Saka 1875 Varga .: Mooshak Moon 20/02/1976 Ulka 05/01/1961
Month : Phalguna Yunja : Madhya Mars 27/06/1976 Sidha 06/01/1968
Paksh Shukla HansakfTatva) Agni Rahu 21/05/1977 Sankta 06/01/1976
Tithi at Sunrise.
ise..: 13 Name Alphabet May-Mais! Jupiter 10/03/1978 Mangla 05/01/1977
Nakshatra : Magha Paya{Rasl-Nak) : Gold-Silver Saturn 20/02/1979 Pingla 06/01/1979
Yoga : Dhrall Hora : Mars Mercury 27/12/1979 Dhanya 06/01/1982
Chaugharia : Labha Ketu 03/05/1980 Bhramri 06/01/1986
Karan : Gara

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Pis 3:25:31 Jup Sat Sat Sat Asc Leo 28 17:20 Sun Sun Mon Ven
Mon Leo 11:10:57 Sun Ket Sat Jup 2 Vir 2542:36 Mer Mar Rah Ven
Mar Sco 25:45:46 Mar Mer Rah Sun 3 Lib 2604:35 Ven Jup Ket Mar
Mer Aqu 9:09:16 Sat Rah Jup Sat 4 Sco 27 50:56 Mar Mer Jup Rah
Jup Tau 25:25:36 Ven Mar- Rah Ven 5 Sag 2932:27 Jup Sun Rah Jup
Ven Pis 14:46:25 Jup Sat Rah Mar 6 Aqu 002:09 Sat Mar Mer Mer
Sat -R Lib 15:43:38 Ven Rah Ven Mon 7 Aqu 28 17:20 Sat Jup Ven Sat
Rah -R Sag 29:02:40 Jup Sun Mar Ven 8 Pis 2542:36 Jup Mer Rah Ven
Ket -R Gem 29:02:40 Mer Jup Sun Jup 9 Ari 2604:35 Mar Ven Ket Sun
Ura -R Gem 26:05:21 Mer Jup Ket Mar 10 Tau 2750:56 Ven Mar Jup Rah
Nep -R Lib 2:29:13 Ven Mar Ket Sat 11 Gem 29 32:27 Mer Jup Mon Mar
Plu -R Leo 0:05:32 Sun Ket Ket Ven 12 Leo 002:09 Sun Ket Ket Ket

Fortuna: Aquarius 6:02:46 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chaiit-Cuspal

n 928* 102S'

195 XSal Nbd/ \Phi Mon

723- \ 6 X \ 5 / Ptu iX 3 Xs
Nep\6/ \4/Ura 2 Nv Ket 4\J^P
/VMon PluVj M6r7X 5 X3 / Ura nv s Mon
Sat / \ / \ Kat
Mar 6 2 Jup Rah 6 Ura 2 Ket

4>(Mer 2 yWar'
Rah9Y Xl11 gVSun 11 Ven Vi jup
/Mo\ Mer /l2\ /ll\ /l2\ 126- Plu 5 11 Ura
/ \ /Ven Sun
\s MB
42i' 3w
Nep Haw Saw Vx
Rah/ 7\Mon /^X.10
9 \
Mar Sat Ne^' / Nap s Sun
158 Predicting Marriage

Illustration No.5.22 (Horoscope No. 37)

Mars in 7th Challenges Tupiter - See that exalted Mars joins 7th house.
Jupiter occupies Lagna in the exaltation sign. Both Jupiter and Mars are exalted
and aspect each other in this position. This position, even of exalted Jupiter and
Mars could not check the ruin in the marital life of this most beautiful and
talented girl. She got married with an engineer in February 1975. This was a
love and intercaste marriage. After a continuous tension for 5 years in their
marital life, the wife divorced her husband.

We can see that Kuja Dosha is enhanced due to opposition of Jupiter, resulting
in the miserable married life, trouble and disaster.
Horoscope No. 37
ate 05/11/1954 Time 23:50:00 Day Frfday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:57:5§
Lat 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 32:30:00 East TlmOCorr -0:06:24^

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottarl Yoglnl

SfderlalTime .:2:41:2
2:41:21 Hrs Gan Rakshas Rahu : 9Y 2M 2BO Dhanya :1YeM14D
Eq.oftime :0:16:25 Hrs
:0:16:2 Yoni. - Ashwa Jupiter
Sunrise :6:19:4
:6:19:46 Hrs Nadl j Adya 04/02/1964 05/11/1954
Sunset :17:20:04 Hrs
:17:20: Varan 1 Shoodra 04/02/1980 22/05/1989
Sam vat :: 2011 Vashya i Manav Jupiter 24/03/1966 Dhanya 21/05/1956
Saka :: 187t
1876 Varga Mesha Saturn 04/10/1968 Bhramri 21/05/1960
Month :: Karti
Kartika Yunja Antya Mercury 10/01/1971 Bhadrika 22/05/1968
Paksh :: Shukla
Shu} Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Ketu 17/12/1971 Ulka 22/05/1971
Tlthl 81 Sunrise..: 9 Name Alphabet Saa-Samlr Venus 17/08/1974 Sidha 22/05/1978
Nakshatra Satabhisha
: Sata PayafRasLNak) : [ron-Copper Sun 05/06/1975 Sankta 22/06/1986
Yoga : Dhn
Dhruva Hora Salum Moon 04/10/1976 Mangla 22/05/1987
Karan : Taitil
Taitila Chaugharia ^ Shubh Mars 10/09/1977 Pingla 22/06/1989

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 19:50:20 Ven Rah Mar Ven Asc Can 23:14:41 Mon Mer Mon Ven
Mon Aqu 13:09:04 Sat Rah Mer Ven 2 Leo 18:24:27 Sun Ven Rah Rah
Mar Cap 17:08:43 Sat Mon Sat Mar 3 Vir 17:31:13 Mer Mon Sat Jup
Mer -R Lib 6:22:41 Ven Mar Mon Ket 4 Lib 19:49:24 Ven Rah Mar Ven
Jup Can 6:45:57 Mon Sat Mer Rah 5 Sco 22:40:17 Mar Mer Mon Jup
Ven -R Sco 4:39:21 Mar Sat Sat Mon 6 Sag 23:57:39 Jup Ven Sat Jup
Sat Lib 19:12:12 Ven Rah Mon Sun 7 Cap 23:14:41 Sat Mon Sun Ven
Rah -R Sag 14:14:57 Jup Ven Ven Rah a Aqu 18:24:27 Sat Rah Man Rah
Ket -R Gem 14:14:57 Mer Rah Mer Sat 9 Pis 17:31:13 Jup Mer Mer Mon
Ura -R Can 4:44:21 Mon Sat Sat Mar 10 Ah 19:49:24 Mar Ven Rah Sun
Nep Lib 3:27:50 Ven Mar Ven Rah 11 Tau 22:40:17 Ven Mon Sun Sun
Plu Leo 3:42:02 Sun Ket Mon Mon 12 Gem 23:57:39 Mer Jup Mer Mer

tuna: Scorpio 16:33:26 Navamsa Chart

\ Ket
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal
12 X MO" 19
Sun / \ \ Mer
Ket / \ / \lJra Jup/
9 4 Jup
\:/\ 3 MeX 5 / \ 3/ Ur^" "
eV Jup Ura Sat aVpju 4 y(2 Ket Ju?* Mar \.XReh UraVeX\
/Hep\ / \ 123 Daaamsa
/ \ / \ '
i^Sun 7 Mer^ 1
/ k Sun 7 Van x 1 > X. Nep yTK Plu /
\. Set / x. \a y/ \8 /
/ Mer 7 V8n

VansX^ 10 Vl2 RahaV ID

/Sx. Mar / /9\ fAon 4 y
/ Rah \ / Mon \ / Mar \ > \ x
^ r x. / Rah \ S
Mar1 1 SiO<3 MOfl
Nep Sat Vvl,n
12 Ura
Ven Mer Sun " Vsi* iiBW y X / 2 N.
xy Jup X^
Horoscope No. 38
07/01/1957 Time 12:27:00 Day Monday Place BuIartdShahr Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 28:30:00 North Long 77:49:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr -0:18:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlnroottari Yoglnl

Sideriainma .:19:14:34 Hrs Gan Manushya Jupltsr :2Y5M27D Bhnmrl: 0Y7M 140
Eq.oftlme 0:06:14 Hrs Yoni Slnr.ha Mercury
Sunrise :7:13:56 Hrs Nadi Adya 06/07/1&78 07/01/1957
Sunset :17:36:04 Hrs Varan Vipra 07/07/1995 23/08/1989
Sam vat : 2013 Vashya Jalchar Mercury 02/12/1980 Bhramri 23/08/1957
Sake : 1878 Varga Sarp Ketu 29/11/1981 Bhadrika 23/06/1962
Month : Pausa Yunja Anlya Venus 29^)9/1984 Ulka 22/08/1068
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Jal Sun 05/D8/1985 Sldha 23/08/1975
Tlthl at Sunrise..: 6 Name Alphabet Moon 05/01/1987 Sankta 23/06/1983
Nakshatra : P Bhadrapad Dae-Deepankar Mars 02/01/1988 Mangla 22/08/1984
Yoga : Variyan Paya(Rasr-Nak) Iran-Capper Rahu 21/07/1990 Ping la 23/08/1986
Karan : Taitila Hora Venus Jupiter 26/10/1992 Dhanya 23/08/1989

Planets Nlrayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s
Sun Sag 23:44:07 JlK) Ven Sat Jup Asc Ari 3:04:36 Mar Ket Sun Mon
Mon Pis 1:15:21 Jup Jup Mar Sun 2 Tau 5:24:38 Ven Sun Mer Ket
Mar Pis 24:18:29 Jup Mer Rah Rah 3 Gem 0:42:48 Mer Mar Mer Sun
Mar -R Cap 1:16:20 Sat Sun Jup Jup 4 Gem 24:12:01 Mer Jup Mer Ket
Jup Vir 3:40:21 Mer Sun Ven Rah 5 Can 20:00:33 Mon Mer Ven Mar
Ven Sag 0:03:32 Jup Ket Ket Ven 6 Leo 22:23:24 Sun Ven Sat Mer
Sat Sco 16:58:02 Mar Mer Mer Ket 7 Ub 3:04:36 Ven Mar Ven Sun
Rah -R Sco 4:41:54 Mar Sat Sat Mon 8 Sco 5:24:38 Mar Sat Sat Jup
Ket -R Tau 4:41:54 Ven Sun Sat Rah 9 Sag 0:42:48 Jup Ket Ket Mer
Ura -R Can 12:42:40 Mon Sat Mar Ven 10 Sag 24:12:01 Jup Ven Mer Mer
Nep Lib 9:24:20 Ven Rah Jup Mer 11 Cap 20:00:33 Sat Mon Ket Rah
Plu -R Leo 7:08:41 Sun Ket Rah Ven 12 Aqu 22:23:24 Sat Jup Sat Mer

Fortuna: Gemini 10:35:51 Navamaa Chart

Jup S
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
. 12/Ket
PIU 3 x Ven 1 X11
Kas- Mar
13" 2s-

rn / NMarMan Mar Mon

Rah 5X 7 Xa
\2/ v/ 1222- 3XKet 1
SN. Ura /^ 6\W»P
3X 1 X11 / s Sun X.

Ura 4 10 Mar Ura 3
Jup\ 3
Mar V,
Sun Vv
Plu SX 7 Yg Piu 4VRah 7 Nap Vg Sun ^ Ura/
Mer I /6\ Nep /8\Ven Men / / N. I ^ Rah 5 11 Ket
/ Jup \ / Rah Sat\| Jup / Jup \ /Sal Ven\
San* Mer fiX 8 XjONep
Rah 85- Nw 7 XMon yS
Sat Nep mSm Ray 73- ■ / Plu X y Set VwiX
Role of Jupiter in Marriage 161
Illustration No. 523 (Horoscope No. 38)

Mars in 12th Challenged by Tuniter - See that Mars joins 12th house and is
tenanted in the sign of Jupiter. Jupiter also aspects him by sitting in opposition
to him. The J2th house is connected with bed-pleasure. The husband of this
beautiful lady has slept with her three times only in her married life of 8 years.
Her husband has a concubine. The native is leading a very criticl and miserable
life without him. Had Jupiter ended Kuja Dosh, why did this disaster come into
her life?
7 <52 Predicting Marriage
Illustration No.5.24 (Horoscope No, 39)

Mars opposing Tupiter - This kind-hearted and beautiful gitl had suffered a
lot of miseries after her marriage. She got married in Bombay on 6.4.83. and
got separted on 22.10.83. The reason was very simple. The treatment of her
mother-in-law was worst possible. She was compelled to leave a good husband
who could not take a stand against his mother.

See the position of Mars in 4th house and opposition of Jupiter and Venus in
10th. Thus, Mars caused a Kuja Dosha in 4th which is neither minimised nor
cancelled on account of Jupiter "s aspect, rather Jupiter has enhanced it.

Various examples can be given in reference to our findings. There is a great

need for further researech on the valuable combination to avoid many a
mishaps. But the research must be conducted on the basis of classical texts
under practical experience.
Horoscope No. 39
16/10/1956 Time 09:10:00 Day Tuesday Place Varanasi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
Lat 25:20:00 North Long 83:00:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:02:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottarl Yoglni

S We rial Time 10:50:32 Hrs Gan Rakshas Rahu ; 2Y11M 17D Ohenya : OY SM 28D
Eq.of time :0:1423 Hrs Yonl Ash^ Saturn
Sunrise :5:58:10 Hrs Nadi Adya 04/10/1975 16/10/1956
Sunset. :17:28:48 Hrs Varan ^ Shoodra 03/10/1904 15041990
Samvaf : 2013 Vashya Manav Saturn 06/10/1973 Dhanya 14/04/1957
SaKa : 1878 Varga Mssha Metaiy 16/06/1931 Bhramri 14041961
Month : Asvina Yunja ^ Antya Ketu 25/07/1982 Bhadrika 1 SOI/1966
Paksh : Shukla HansakfTafva) Vayu Venus 2409/1985 Uka 14/04/1972
Tlthl at Sunrise,,: 12 Name Alphabet Soo-Sooraj Sun 0609/1986 Sidha 1S041979
Nakshatra : Satabhisha Paya(Rasl-N3k) : kon-Copper fvbon 06/04/1988 Sankta 15/04/1987
Yoga : Vradh: Hora Mercuiy Mars 16/05/1989 Mangla 14/04/1988
Karan : Balava Chaugharia Char Rshu 22031992 Pingla 15/04/1990

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 29:45:49 Mer Mar Sat Jup Asc Sco 11:09:58 Mar Sat Mon Rah
Men Aqu 17:48:14 Sat Rah Sun Sat 2 Sag 11:22:36 Jup Ket Sat Jup
Mar Aqu 20:22:43 Sat Jup Jup Sat 3 Cap 14:12:08 Sat Mon Jup Sat
Mer > Vir 12:38:05 Mer Mon Rah Sat 4 Aqu 18:10:58 Sat Rah Mon Mon
Jup Leo 27:50:45 Sun Sun Mon Sat 5 Pis 19:51:59 Jup Mer Ven Mon
Ven Leo 18:31:10 Sun Ven Rah Jup 6 Ari 17:13:58 Mar Ven Mon Ven
Sat See 7:33:25 Mar Sat Ket Mon 7 Tau 11:09:58 Ven Mon Mar Rah
Rah -R Sco 6:38:21 Mar Sat Mer Rah 8 Gem 11:22:36 Mer Rah Sat Ven
Ket -R Tau 6:38:21 Ven Sun Mer Jup 9 Can 14:12:08 Mon Sat Rah Ven
Ura Can 13:39:41 Men Sat Rah Sat 10 Leo 18:10:58 Sun Ven Rah Rah
Nep Lib 6:53:14 Ven Rah Rah Rah 11 Vir 19:51:59 Mer Mon Ket Sun
Plu Leo 6:55:11 Sun Ket Rah Ven 12 Lib 17:13:58 Ven Rah Ven Mer

Fortuna: Pisces 29:12:24 Navamaa Chart

X Ura XXVsn Sun /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuepal \ ^ / \ Sat S
NepXa X X® X Rah
©X' 7
6i7- 7ir

\ ./ \ Rah Sat/
9 7
Kel nXMar 1 MerX^ Plu
\ / \ /Mar Ura / v. ^/Nep 12
N. ^x 2
X Sat Reh Vg MmO)/ a XB X Mon X X x
/ \ / \sun Urn*
/ \ / N^un
/ \ / \ 914' Dasamaa
Monll MarX^Ven 5 Jupy ^Mar 11 Xjup 5 X X XSat Rah MarX
v /\ / Jup X. a .X X. x^
\ / \Plu / Ven / n. Ven / p|7-
Nep 9XPIu 7 x^5 Mar
\/ \/ Plu \/ \/ 101«*
2y 2 Y4 Ura 12^/ 2 /O Vaio*
/ l\ Kd / 3\ / 1 \ / 3 \ Ju2®* C io X/3 4 Mon

/ Kel \ / Ura \
SunX^ S X^^ S
11 1
xX xv
Rah Vaiy^uX^^ X^2\.
Sat Nep Kat X J^p X
Horoscope No. 40
09/04/1952 Time 12:04:00 Day Wednesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22::
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zona 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakia Vlmsottarl Yoginl

SidarialTima 1:07:23 Hrs Gan j Deva Moon : 7Y 6M 23D Sankta :6Y0M18O
Eq.of time 0:01:38 Hrs Yoni i Mahish Rahu
Sunrisa ;5;50:30 Hrs Nadi. Adya 02/11/1966 09/04/1952
Sunset :18:26:03 Hrs Varan i Vaishya 01/11/1984 28/04/1986
Samvat : 2009 Vashya .: Manav Rahu 15/07/1969 Sankta 28/04/1958
Saka : 1874 Varga Mooshak Jupiter 09/12/1971 Mangla 29/04/1959
Month : Chartra Yunja -■ Madhya Saturn 15/10/1974 Pingla 28/04/1961
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) .. Bhoomi Mercury 03/05/1977 Dhanya 28/04/1964
Tithi at Sunrise..: 14 Name Alphabet Ketu 21/05/1976 Bhramri 28/04/1968
Nakshatra : Hasta Poo-Purushonam Venus 21/05/1981 Bhadrika 28/04/1973
Yoga : Dhruva Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Silver Sun 15/04/1982 UiKa 29/04/1979
Karan : Vanij Hora : Venus Moon 15/10/1983 Sidha 28/04/1986

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Pis 26:25:24 Jup Mar Jup Sat Asc Can 3:05:16 Mon Jup Rah Mon
Mon Vir 13:14:49 Mer Mon Rah Van 2 Can 26:40:19 Mon Mar Jup Mer
Mar -R Lib 24:09:49 Van Jup Mer Ket 3 Leo 23:44:27 Sun Ven Sat Jup
Mer -R Pis 19:40:09 Jup Mer Van Van 4 Vir 25:20:10 Mar Mar Rah Kat
Jup Arl 2:21:29 Mar Ket Van Sat 5 Lib 29:33:17 Van Jup Mon Mar
Van Pis 6:12:44 Jup Sat Mer Sun 6 Sag 2:43:35 Jup Ket Ven Mer
Sat -R Vir 18:05:33 Mar Mon Mar Kat 7 Cap 3:05:16 Sat Sun Sat Sat
Rah -R Aqu 6:40:48 Sat Rah Rah Rah 8 Cap 26:40:19 Sat Mar Jup Mar
Ket -R Lao 6:40:48 Sun Ket Rah Mer 9 Aqu 23:44:27 Sat Jup Sat Jup
Ura Gem 17:11:20 Mer Rah Ven Mer 10 Pis 25:20:10 Jup Mer Rah Ket
Nep -R Vir 27:26:42 Mer Mar Jup Mon 11 Ari 29:33:17 Mar Sun Rah Jup
Plu -R Can 26:16:13 Mon Mer Jup Jup 12 Gem 2:43:35 Mar Mar Van Van

rtuna: Sagittarius 19:54:41 Navamaa Chart

Kel Set /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
Nap 6X V2 Mar
Jyp 1 Mon

\ Kel / 6X 10 X. 12 Ura
Mon\ 5 /
Sat 6\(piu 4 924' sVpiu 4 -X11 N.
XMor R«h\ XpIu Sun
Ra7* / \ Dasamsa
Mar 7 1 Jup Msr G Nep X Jup 12 Sun Mer /N, /
2 yX Xv 12yX
v / Mer Mar 3X Jup Rah XllNap
1l\sun loNVen
4 10 Von
Rah \ Rah \

SX 7
Ura Sat
Role of Jupiter in Marriage 165
Illustration No.5.25. (Horoscope No. 40) - This horoscope is of an excutive
officer of U.P.D.E.S.C.O. This marriage was an inter-caste as well as an inter-
religion as the girl was Christian and the boy a Hindu.

The couple met while they were studying in the University. The boy proposed
to the girl which she willingly accepted as the boy appeared exceptionally simple,
interested in his studies and did not belong to a very highly placed family. A
court marriage was solemnised on October 19, 1978, but this was not revealed
to their families. On 22nd April 1979, the boy's father arranged a marriage which
was solemnised according to Arya Samaj rites. Prior to second marriage, both
boy and girl were in deep love with each other and did not leave each other
even for a minute.

The husband of the girl nevertheless had the tendency to be attracted towards
any girl he saw. He kept drifting from the wife towards extra-marital affairs
neglecting the wife and leaving her at the mercy of her in-laws. There were
many fights basically with the family. They are at the moment separated
practically, though the boy's parents are trying now to get back the girl the
repent for their misdeeds.

The position of Mars in the 4th house may be noted in opposition to Jupiter.
It is clear that thus Mars Dosh has been enhanced to a considerable extent. So,
Mars alone will not cause so many evils as and when there is also an opposition
of Mars by Jupiter.

Therefore, following conclusions are established :-

A. Should Mars occupy Jupiterian sign Sagittarius or Pisces the results will
be disastrous.

B. Should Jupiter occupy Martian sign Aries or Scorpio the results will be
quite unhappy.

C. Should Mars occupy Jupiterian sign and is also aspected by Jupiter, the
greater havoc will be there in respect to the house having Mars. Here Mars
comes under the provocation through well-intentioned influence of Jupiter.

D. Should Jupiter occupy Martian sign and is also aspected by Mars the results
are near fatal and evils are evident.

And if Mars and Jupiter, related to each other, have by-combination, combined
or square influence, on Venus, Marital disharmony is sure to be there.

As such, following points should be kept in mind while commenting on the

relationship of Mars and Jupiter ;-

1.Jupiter is exalted in Cancer where Mars is debilitated. On the contrary

Mars is exalted in Capricorn where Jupiter gets debilitated.

2. Jupiter does not harm Mars, but Mars harms Jupiter. If Mars gets stationed
166 Predicting Marriag e
in Jupitarian sign, there will be certainly one or the other loss due to the malefic
nature of Mars.

3. Similarly if Jupiter occupies Martin sign, he will not be able to exhibit his
good qualities due to the terror of Mars.

4. Mars does not speak to Jupiter or allow Jupiter to benefit the native in
those areas which are under the control of Mars. Thus the native will be affected
by Jupiter "s goodness only in those areas where Mars has nothing to do and are
out of the area of Mars.

5. Mars and Jupiter are peculiar friends. So Jupiter does not check the evils of
Mars. Under such a position when Jupiter (Guru) is with Mars, Mars gets
encouraged to harm more and more because of Jupiter's friendship and shelter.

6. We have observed that though Jupiter and Mars are friends but they are
opposite in nature. Mars in the sign of Jupiter is more harmful than in any
other again. Similarly Jupiter in the sign of Mars should not be treated as good.
We are referring all this in context to the 7th house in particular. So if both of
them come in contact either by aspect or association, there is bound to be harm.
Mars in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th house causes Kuja Dosha which is
treated as bad for matrimonial happiness in one way or the other. If Jupiter is
also associated with so placed Mars, Kuja Dosh is enhanced and not cancelled
or minimised.

7. If Venus, Mars and Jupiter are in quadrant from each other, the havoc after
marriage will come with great intensity.

8. Sun is the kindest of all the planets. It is honoured for discipline and strict
control. Jupiter and Mars both are friends of the Sun. So, when the combination
of Jupiter and Mars is under the influence of the sun, the evils or Mars are very
much minimised.

9. If Mars and Jupiter are placed together or in opposition to each other, the
native must get married to a person having similar affliction in her or his

Matrimony and evils of Mars


The Pivotal Role of Marriage - The Indian culture divides

man's life into 16 Sanskaras of which marriage is the central. After
marriage, man enters into Grihasta Ashram which is the pivot on which rest all
our social institutions and customs. A householder not only performs his duties
towards his family, he replies to all soical debts and keeps the wheels of society
moving. The married life is not only upholding individual intersts but on it also
lies the burden of raising a worthy next generaton. All this is implicit in our
familiar structure.

Therefore, marriage in Indian customs is not a physical or soical contract

alone, but a sanctified event. It is witnessed by the Panch Mahabhuta, nine
planets, thirty-three Koti Devas, Parijan and Purjan and is blessed by Lord
Saptapadi through the chanting of Vedic Mantras. So solemnised, the marriage
unites the bride and the bridegroom for seven births, both vowing to help each
other and share alike the joys and sorrows together.

It is sad to note these and several other aspects denoted by the Indian marriage
are getting dim. Yet one may take heart in the fact that Indian people are resilient.
Perhaps when the novelty of the new life is faded, we will reinforce our own
ways of life. At least individually we can subscribe to a view of life that embraces
modernism but does not leave its own virtues.

Mangal Dosh - (Myth and Reality) - As a consequence of our receding faith

in our highly developed science of astrology, or even due to creeping of
superficiality in our outlook, our consultation of a horoscope is guided by sheer
negligence and ignorance. A cursory definition, a ruling by an astrologer and
168 Predicting Marriage

the die is set for boy or girl. A true picture is never presented before parents to
know as to what is in store for their wards in future. Astrologer may take from
few hours to few days to plot his chart to know about a particular effect. Again
tallying of a person's horoscope with his/her prospective partner to examine if
or not they cancel each others evil influences is by no means an easy task. This
factor should be of a prime consideration before the mariage, only to avoid
problems or a series of problems which the couple have to face after mariage. If
this factor is not taken into consideration at first instant then it often becomes
too late to do anything about iL

As for Mangal Dosh afflicting a couple, it may be stated here that there are
more myths than reality prevalent in this respect More often unscrupulous,
illogical and immature judgements are passed resulting in untold turmoil and
anguish for the concerned person which is totally wastefull. It must be kept in
mind that if astrological mathematics go wrong, mischievous or incomplete
calculation of avilable facts and figures upset the entire forecasting mechanism
and give a completely wrong picture. Instead of the malady being cured or
minimised a person is only lost in the maze of the problems.

It is, therefore, necessary that the term Mangal Dosh be first understood.
Also known as Kuja Dosh because the planet Mars is involved, Mangal Dosh
though resulting in unease and adversities is not always fatal, as it is made out
by numerous astorlogers and later day theorists. There are proven remedial
measures in the form of hymns and chants that reduce, if not nullify, the intensity
of the evil in the life of a couple. There are psychological explanations, which
we will discuss later, to clarify how and why these hymns prove effective in
countering the Mangal Dosh. All the same as per our own wide, ranging study
of a particular case of Mangal Dosh operating in a couple" s life, except in some
severe cases, we have found that it is rarely that it results in death of a person or
of the spouse. Fatality is not ruled out, but it is not a rule with Mangal Dosh.

In fact, the five ancient Indian authoritative texts on astrology do not even
take up a systematic treatment of the subject and it is left to a later day south
Indian Book to broach the topic in any definitive detail. Though these texts - the
Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra, Jatak Parijat, Sarawali, PhalDeepika and Prasna
Marg - do discuss threadbare the effectsand ills of Mangal Dosh, but it is passing
alongwith several other astrological factors governing a person"s life.

The result of a confusing stand on Mangal Dosh is often, anon-Mangali subject

is declared Mafrgli on the basis of the birth chart without taking into account
related factors that may have reduced or even totally, cancelled out the Mangal
Dosh. The search for a matching Mangali suitor begins with distortion of the
available facts which becomes disastorous in the future. In the case of girl
particularly, this plays a havoc because she will have fewer suitors to choose
from. Then the balancing mechanism having been distorted from the beginning,
Kuja Dosh 169

wrong partner will be finally selected. This is the least unpardonable. Worst,
sometimes, the parents of the girl in desperation resort to falsehoods in getting
wrong horoscope prepared, compounding the entire problem.

It rests, therefore, with all those connected with astorlogy as also the conerned
party/parties to carefully ascertain the parameters of Manga! Dosh operating in
a particular case before laying out the case of an individual.

This exact charting of the Manga! Dosh pattern in all its manifestation is the
starting piont of the present investigation.

Mangal Dosh: Some Home Truths - Manga! Dosh, as will be discussed late,
is casused chiefly by adverse positioning of the planet Mars, but other planets
like Rahu, Ketu, Saturn and Sun also cause the affliction in certain position.
The net Mangal Dosh for any person is defined by Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu
and Sun and by certain cancellations effected by favourable planets and
favourable positioning of certain planets which reduce the intensity of Mangal
Dosh, sometimes rendering it almost ineffective. Nerverthless Mangal Dosh
once discovered to be present in one's birth chart, invariably affects the
personality, the outlook and the destiny of the person and those nearest to him.
. With the result the person needs to pay special attention to this affliction, train
his mental affectations to counter evil emanations - instincts - and mould his
thoughts in patterns that conform to successful living. This can be achieved
through a proper understanding of his own Mangal afflicted psychology, which
is driving him towards a particular aggressive and aggravated behaviour harmful
in the end, and through comparing himself with the psychology of others who
live a benign but progressive life, easily surmounting the difficulties that come
in the way.

Mars, considered the most malefic planet as faras Manga! Dosh is considered,
has been regarded by astrologers since the times immemorial as the worst culprit.
Largely, Mars is at its cruellest when it occupies Lagna, 2nd, 4th, 7th or 12th
house. Some scholars also add the 8th house in the list.

The prediction in Bhave Deepika of Kerala says

^ cfrdt 1

But scholars regard this statement, that the spouse of a Mangali native dies,
with a pinch of salt. Large scale experience also proves that this is not properly
interpreted. Another Sloka states

(Jemini Aphorism, 1.2.26)

If Ravi and Rahu are with Atmakarak in the Navamsa chart and they are also
aspected by Mars, one burns his own house or helps others to burn theirs.
170 Predicting Marriage

Kalidasa explains in "Uttara Kalamrita" that Kuja Dosh should be considered

from Lagna, Moon or Venus depending on which is the strongest. Manteshwar
also holds the same view in "Phaldeepika".

EFt cZI^ -g mdlcA uilM wW ^

Narad Samhita mention that Kuja Dosh should be considered for the sign of
Mars as reckoned from Venus.

Jatak Parijat, Agastaya Samhita find Kuja Dosh present in 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th
and 12th houses.

Sarvartha Chintamani also suggests Kuja Dosh in 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th and 12th
houses, whereas Narada Samhita takes Lagna also in consideration.

Mantreshwar says that Ketu should also be regarded as Mars. A few classics
like "Vachaspatyam" suggest that Kuja Dosh should only be considered if Mars
joins 8th house and nowhere Mars is debilitated, combust or joins inimical
sign in 8th house there is no Kuja Dosh.

This means if Mars joins 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house in the horoscope of
the boy as well as the girl, Kuja Dosh gets cancelled. Mars position should be
reckoned from Lagna, Moon or Venus. This brings marital happiness, wealth,
prosperity, health and friends etc.

This means that if Mars joins 1st, 2th, 4fh, 7th, 8th or 12th house in one of
the matching horoscope and Saturn occupies either of these houses in the other
birth chart, Mars Dosh gets cancelled Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Sun are
raalefics. For the consideration of Kuja Dosh these planets are to examined and
reckoned from -

(i) Lagna; (ii) Moon; (hi) Venus, the significator.

Some more aphorisms which have been considered elsewhere in this chapter
during categorisation of the Dosh are quoted below. Our sages had deep vision
and intuitive power, though there are some contradications in their enunciation
on these aspects of Mangal Dosh. In practice most of these aphorisms turn out
to be true and reveal deep psychological understanding of the subject afflicted
by different positions and various kinds of set-up ofpanets, Lagna, Navamsa
etc. Today all we have to do is to grasp where these particular aphorisms apply
and in which case they do not hold good.

cK«*viim4> sfawNWr: 11
Kuja Dosh 171

Should Mars occupy an adverse place with reference to Lagna, Moon or Venus,
adversity during life is certan.

Should Mars happen to rule at about the time of a contemplated marriage,

wisdom dictates that we put off the proposal till the Dasa is over. If it comes at
old age or had alrealy come in childhood, it may be ignored.

czmzpf I

fl-qwrTol - ^Icf I

ufl^dl^dl "T *iRlRfcl" RTf^lfri ^TT; I I

Should in the nativities of a couple, Mars occupy the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or
the 12th house with reference to Lagna, the Moon and/or Venus equally (i.e. in
both of them) the couple will live for long, be wealthy, beget children and possess
friends. Should only one of them be so, he is often afflicted with death. So says
great Rishis like Atri.

cF^ ^TFT f^Tm: WTrT ^ "qpi f^NrT: 11

Should Mars occupy the 4th or the 7th house indentical with Aries, Cancer,
Scorpio or Capricorn, Kuja Dosh does not arise. It is of benefic disposition.

cT^ RR f^TRT: VRtl VR MRrT: 11

Should Mars occupy the 1st, 2nd, 4th, Sth house in movable signs, then he
becomes innocuous. In other signs he is a malefic.

^ qlqsRtl ^ ^ I I

Should Mars occupy any of the above five houses but is accompanied by the
Moon, Jupiter or Mercury the Dosh does not arise. When aspected by them,
one should not even think of any harm.

d'^ ^ riHl^d f^fxFtT^c! I

dHI^ VnT dHlP^RK 11

The unit of Dosh counted from Lagna is I, from the Moon 3/4 and from
Venus ]/2. Should they synchronise, then they should be treated from Lagna
alone. So say the great Rishis.

Tpfjt qR TRt TrT: I

qRt Trf f^fhTuT W: 11

Should the rulers of the 2nd and the 7th houses be malefics, they cause harm
to the wife. Should marlefics occupy the 7th or the Sth house they harm the
172 Predicting Marriage

Mars in the 7th or the 8th house fetches one fullunit of Dosh for women; for
men one unit in the second and the 7th from Lagna, 3/i from the Moon and 1/2
from Venus. Rahu should be treated at par with Mars (in the matter of Dosh).
Saturn and Gulika fetch 1/4 Dosh. The Sun there fetches 1/2 Dosh. Should
Jupiter aspect them or be exalted, the evil effects are curtailed to half.

3PrR<£ ftft ^ 11

Mars does not confer Dosh, should it occupy (in those houses) its own sign,
its exaltation, or own or exaltation Navamsa. It is harmless in Cancer and Leo,

4,KqiUii^i vtnfVn i

Others say that even as the 7rh house and Venus are considered for the
husband, the 8th and the Saturn too should be considered so.

wr mm -wtft \

Mmipqcl qmWPTT 11

Should the lord of the 7th or the Sun occupy a malefic sign or Navamsa, conjoined
with or aspected by malefics, the wife will be perverted and do sinful acts.

^RfT ^fldl 4>cH«ll ^TT^: I

^fcf TRlf ^TcTT | [

(Garga Samhita)

A malefic planet in the 7th house of the male chart, when occupying own or
exaltation house and with full rays bestows an ideal wife who belongs to a
reputed family and bears good character and has qualifications. However, if it is
debiltated or is combust it gives a wife, who is a flirt and lacks character.

Mars, when debilitated or occupies enemy house in the 7th, kills the wife
and gives second marriage. Should, however, the house be its own, exalted or
aspectd by benefics if gives a good and fortunate wife.

■ ^ ^ ^TSPr Trsar^T tftA I

If Venus or Jupiter is disposed in Lagna or the 7th house and Mars is weak,
Kuja Dosh becomes ineffective. If Mars is placed in the sign owned by Saturn,
evils of Mars get neutralised.
Kuja Dosh 173

Authoritative Views on Mangal Dosh - The views of Brihat Jatak, Sarawali,

Jatak-Parijata and Phaldeepika about the position of Mars in 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th,
8th and 12th houses are significant guides to the entire mystery.


Brihat Jatak - The subject will have an injured limb.

Sarawali - Jatak will be cruel, courageous, dull, short-lived, egoistic, valiant,

will have injured body, otherwise good looking, if retrograde wavering.

Jatak Parijat - The person will be cruel, daring, wandering, very fickle
and sickly.

Phaldeepika - The subject will have an injured limb, will be short lived, cruel
and adventurous.

Comments - By Lagna, a person individuality, body constitution, character,

childhood, health and vitality is decided. Laganasth Mangal denotes angry
nature, physical warmth, blood complaints, accident, mental excitement,
confusion in thoughts. Health is affected and the man has no control over his
stubbornness and arrogance. The 7th and 8th houses are also aspected by
Lagnasth Mars. As a result many harmful effects are withnessed in individuaP's
physical health, house, property and age. Thus Lagnasth Mangal affects a man'^
life with Mangal Dosh. If Mars is placed with Moon or weak Venus, the same
type of afflictions are to be expected.


Brihat Jatak - The person will eat food.

Sarawali - Poverty, bad food, deformed face, depending upon bad people,
devoid of knowledge.

Jatak Parijat - The subject will be engaged in wandering in pursuit of

mettallurgy and agriculture, hot tempered.

Phaldeepika - The Jatak will be ugly faced, deviod of learning and wealth,
will be dependent on bad people.

Comments - The thorough investigation of family, countenance Dakkhin

Netra, eloguence, cause of death etc., is done by the placement of Mars in the
second house. Due to full aspect (Puma Drishti) of Mars from second Bhava on
fifthBhava, there will be loss of Dhan (finance) and progeny. Drishti Nikshepe
on 8th house and 9th house (Bhava) causes damage to health and luck
respectively. There is a saying in Sanskrit

OO '4T 4V'vr|
-O riTtf . \ |

TOT *Tcffe djfcCdK TJri: ^ dKHM: j |

The Second Bhavasth Mangal unually deranges the health of life partner and
174 Predicting Mar ring

increases undesirable problems in the family. Generally under this position of

Mars difference of opinion between couple, family quarrels and money
problems prevail.


Brihat Jataka - The subject will have no happiness and will be of troubled

Sarawali - Devoid of relatives, garments, food and house without vehicle,

unhappy and will be living in other "s house.

Jatak Parijat - The person will have little connections with relations and will
be a henpecked husband thogh valiant and unconquered by women.

Phaldeepika - The person is without friends, mother, lands, happiness house

and vehicles.

Comments - In the matter of marital aspect the 4th house is called Sukh
Sthana (happiness) also. Pleasure objects like house, land vehicle, household
goods (utensils and furniture etc.), mental harmony are an accordance of this
Bhava only. Although fourth Bhavasth Mars is a good disposition of immovable
property, this position is malefic for the stability of happiness and peace. From
here Mars casts full aspect on seventh Bhava on account of which it becomes
impossible to establish proper equation with the life Partner. Preceptors have
explained harmful effects (Mars Dosh), caused by fourth Bhavasth Mars. Here
evil of Mars is only 5%. So one having Mars in the 4th house is said to be a light
Mangali. Under this position of Mars, stubborrness, hot temperament and lack
of ability of adjustment with each other causes damage to marital life.


Brihat Jatak - The subject suffers humiliation at the hands of women.

Sarawali - The subject" s wife dies, troubled by diseases, following bad path,
unhappy, sinful life devoid of wealth. Troubled mind and charmless body.

Jatak Parijat - Jatak will be quarrelsome about women and fond of war.

Phaldeepika - The person is born to do improper acts, suffer afflictionthrough

diseases, wanders on roads and loses his wife.

Comments - For marriage considerations this is the main Bhava. The marital
happiness, harmony, physical appearance, nature, amorous relations etc. of the
partner are deduced from this bhava. As a result of this configuration factors
like, decline in health of spouse, impediment in marital happiness, uncertainty
of occupation etc., are manifested. Mars' disposal here influences Lagna and
Dhana Bhava on account fo full aspect due lo which financial loss, deformities
in family, character decline, accidents, boils and pimples etc. occur. Spouse is of
superb beauty, but of pugnacious nature. Mars of Aries, Seorpio, Capricorn,
Kuja Dosh 175

Aquarius Rasi enforce the possibility of second marriage. By nature Gemini,

Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Scorpio and Leo Rasis make the Mars native
intelligent, arrogant, grumpy, adulterer (mostly with consent of the spouse)
and unfriendly. Mars" presence in the 7th house causes heavy Kuja Dosh where
the effect of Mars is 100%. This type of Mangli persons must not ignore Mars
while matching birth charts for the purpose of marital life.


Brihat Jatak - If in the Nidhan Bhava, Jatak will have limited number of issues
and will have defecive eye sight.

Sarawali - Diseased, short-lived, unattractive body, doer of bad deeds, grief


Jatak Parijat - The native will be plain in attire, rich and possess authority
over a multitude.

Phaldeepika - The person will have a deformed body, will be poor, short lived
and cursed by people.

Comments - Since obstacles, impediments, calamities, life process, sorrow

and cause of death are represented by this bhava, this position of Mars is the
ultimate limit of Mars Dosh. Total destruction of marital happines should be
understood from this Bhava position. Agonies and maladies destroy physical
appearance. There is a strong posibility of widowhood due to death or murder
of the spouse of the person having eighth Bhavasth Mars. The native may have
to endure mental agony, wrath of family and social contempt. If this Bhava is
placed with or aspected by Venus and Jupiter, the problems become more
terrible. Mar's disposition here casts Purna Drishti on Kutumb Bhava.
Consequently, one has to bear the household and financial loss.

According to Parasara, there is financial loss and defeat. Mostly all the
shastrakara have interpreted this position as the most malefie. Such natives
collect illegal wealth, are fond of eating good food and suffer from diseases like
pneumonia, blood pressure, boils, cuts, injuries, accidents and have to undergo
operations etc. Besides diseses, Mars in the 8th house in the female horoscope
damages Mangalya (Saubhagya) of a lady. Destructions are caused due to
seperation or death.


This Bhava signifies expenditure, travelling, bed-pleasure, purchasing power,

enjoyment, sleeplessness etc. Due to Purna Drishti on seventh Bhava Mars
becomes directly responsible for hindrance in the marital happiness, health of
spouse and dissipation. Mentality to oppose Bandhu (brother, friend, relation)
develops. There is decline of control over sex life. The native intends cruelty,
fault-finding-contemptuousness, blemish of others and courts trouble with
176 Predicting Ma triage

others. The natives of this Yoga are excessive eaters, short tempered, rebellious
and debauch. There is wealth loss and poverty in life. There is excessive fury of
agonies and maladies like accident, suicide, headache, migraine, blood
complaints and indigestion.

According to Kalyan Verma the native is eye patient, corrupt, disgraced, wife"s
murderer and criminal. However, one is not considered strong Mangali if Mars
joins the 12th house. Only 50% Dosh of Mars should be taken into account
while weighing Kuja Dosh.

The number of malefic results are maximum in Scorpio and Capricorn. In

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Cancer and Pisces, the rate of malefic re suits are medium
and in Gemini, Libra and Aquarius it is less.


Before making a final decision of Kuja Dosh on any native, the disposition
and combination (the Yog) of all planets, Rasis and Drishti, should be studied
thoroughly in detail. A minute negligence in the study of the details will bring
extremely fallacious predictions. In reference to Man gal Dosh astrologer should
always study deeply on the following combinations. It is widely believed that in
these dispositions there are no residual Mangal Dosh as they get cancelled with
the influence of benefic factors in the birth chart

(a) If Mars is in fourth or seventh Bhava and Aries, Cancer, Scorpio or

Capricorn signs fall in these houses.
(b) If Mangal is disposed with strong Moon, Jupiter or Mercury in Lagna,
second, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth Bhava.
(c) If Taurus or Libra signs fallin seventh or fourth Bhava having Mars.
(d) If Gemini or Virgo sign falls in the second house occupied by Mars.
(e) For Leo Lagna, if Mars joins seventh house.
(f) If Mars of own sign is in seventh, fourth, eighth or twelfth Bhava.
(h) If Mars joins the fourth house identical with Libra or Taurus.
(i) If eighth house Mars is in Sagittarius or Pisces.
(j) If twelfth house Mars is in Virgo, Gemini, Taurus or Libra.
Special Comments based on our own experience - There are so many
position of Mars, where the Kuja Dosh appears to be cancelled according to
many research scholars. These views vary from scholar to scholar, but our
experience is that evils of Mars never get cancelled fully. The evils may at the
most get reduced or minimised if corrective measures are undertaken. We have
observed Mars doing harm in all positions. So it is our sincere advice that we
should not neglect Kuja Dosh. The intensity can and should be properly judged
and weighed. For example. Mars in Leo in the J2th house will not be as harmful
as Mars in Cancer in the 7th or 8th house.

Evils of Mars or Kuja Dosh as discussed earlier are often wrongly understood
by the common man that if a non-mangali gets married to a mangali partner,
Kuja Dosh 177

he or she will die as a result of that marriage. This is absolutely a false and misguiding
view. If any of the partner dies or separation takes place, this does not necessarily
mean that either of the couple has Kuja Dosh. There are many other combinations
of planets leading to unhappy married life, discord and disharmony. We cannot
blame Kuja Dosh only for all cases of tragedy in married life.

Many writers have dealt with KujaDosh at length as applicable for each
ascendant. An essence of that is presented in this chapter. These two points
should always be kept in mind

First, the position of Mars, where this has been said to be cancelled, neutralised
or becomes ineffective. If so placed Mars comes in opposition to Jupiter or in
association with Jupiter, the evils of Mars should be treated as many times
increased. Several case studies have proved it. This is dealt with in detail in the
chapter-Re-understanding of Jupiter in Marital Life.

The second point worth considering is the position of Saturn in opposition or

in association with Mars. This will also enhance the evils of Mars. Under such
conditions, rules of neutralisation of Kuja Dosh do not hold good.


It can thus be seen that Mangal Doshis generated by malefic planets occupying
certain positions at the time of the birth of an individual. In this the planet Mars
or Mangal is the most fiery and depressing and hence the most feared.
Astrologers of the world over see Mars as a heavenly body ever seeking collision
with other planets and thereby affecting the mentality and behaviour of the
individual it affects. Such subjects are affected in their inherent and in-built
psychological make-up and not only themselves suffer in their life time, but
cause incalculable miseries in the life of those they are intimate with, the spouse,
for example, but others also. In extreme cases their tendencies and evil influence
cause fatal injuries resulting in the death of those who are in close contact with
them. This psychological basis to Mangal Dosh is widely accepted as one
important aspect of the malady.

There is an interesting astronomical account as to how Mars came to be

considered the most fearsome of heavenly bodies. This study was carried out
by a Russian scientist who compared ancient accounts of cataclysmic event on
Earth and came to certain conclusions.

According to ImmanuelYelikovsky in "Worlds inCollission" (1950) the planet

Venus which had two close brushes with Earth in 2000 B.C. and 1400 B.C.
(approximately a few years plus or minus) made its third wayward visitation in
the orbit of Mars this time on March 23, 687 B.C. Mars being one eighth of the
size of Venus was pulled out of its orbit into a new path in direct confrontation
with Earth. The Earth was tilted off its axis, so much so that the old calender of
12 months of 30 days each had to be redrawn into a 365 days year. In VeIikovky"s
178 Predicting Marriage

'Although Mars did far less damage than Venus had some seven centuries
eariier, it now became a dominant fierce god in the pantheon on Man's heavenly
forces, Velikovsky studying the Old Testament and other texts, relates that in
687 B.C, the Assyrian King Senna Cherib marched against Hezekiah, King of
Judah, planning to capture Jerussalem. On the evening of March 23, the first
night of the Behrew passover. Mars unleashed a blast from heaven that,
according to the Book of Chronicles left King and 185000 men of the invading
army dead.

That same night the Chinese recorded a great disturbance in the sky. Stars
fell like rain, the Bamboo Books report. The Earth Shook. Accounts of these
cataclysmic events have been found recorded in faraway lands as Greece, Egypt,
China, India and Mexico and appear to be therefore authentic versions.

Thus Mars came to be associated wilh war and for Romans, who celebrate
March 23 as Mars Day, it became the God of War. The personality of persons
born when Mars is in transit becomes war like, hot-headed inclined towards
collision and destruction.

Hence the astronomical basis behind the concept of Mangal Dosh. Mars and
Venus in a particular birth chart cause innumerable passion related problem
leading to love marriages, multi-love affairs, demeaning of character resulting
in unhappiness, break-ups of marriages and sometimes death of the spouse.
Sexual aberations and marital disharmony are the results of the evil nexus
between Mars and Venus, The above astronomical study relating to Venus
confronting Mrs seems to support this theory.

In sexual matters, Mars represents passion, creative force, circulation of vital

force etc. Venus denotes the actual perception of the sexual act and attainment
of pleasurable sensations. This seems to be corroborated by the astronomical
account of the historical conjunction between Mars and Venus as given above.
In contrast, Neptune and Ketu cause coldness and inactivity in sexual matters.
If they afflict Mars and Venus they cause resistance to sexual matters,

WEIGHING OF KUJA DOSH) - After witnessing rempant misconception

and misguidance on the subject we took up the task to find out a safe method
of chariting out the correct coordinates of this affliction.
Numerous people have suffered due to wrong and/or incomplete
interpretations of the birth chart. We became deeply concerned to see that if a
clear calcualationof the influence of Mars evil is possible, a mathematical approach
for the same should be adopted for the benefit of all. During our subsequent
investigations and case studies using these methods, we have discovered to our
utmost satisfaction that our predictions, matching of charts and ways of aleviating
the evils have met with a high degree of success.
Kuja Dosh 179

These ate discussed in greater detail herewith. The most important aspect of
the method is that not only it helps in a careful matching of prospective partners,
it enables an understanding of the influence of Kuha Dosh in all its manifestations
in one's life so that one can go about first setting his own house in order.

The first rule in matching a Mangali native with a Mangali native of the opposite
sex is that Looking into the two horoscopes alone is not enough, the effect of
the Dosh and its consequences according to the Bhava have to be taken into
Secondly Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu all are counted as cruel planets-all
leading to Mangal Dosh. But their strength is relative. Depending on which
house they are placed in the authentic birth chart, their strength varies. Their
comparative investigation in any particular case is necessary. For example Mars
(Mangal) place in Uchch Rasi (Uchch Rasisth Mangal) is less defining there
than when it is placed in Enemy Rasi (Satni Rasisth Mangal) or Neech Rasi
(Neech Rasistha Mangal).
Thirdly, the good and bad effectes of all the planets are interchanged and
intensified or reduced as a result of Bhava, Rasi, Drishti etc. Their weightage,
effectiveness and destructive powers can be accurately calculated by the following
method to get the net result of Mangal Dosh in any native.

This understandably requires a series of investigtions into the horoscope of

the native.
The following paragraph gives at a glance the Mangal Dosh as obtained by
the planets" placement in various houses and Rasi. In this it is assumed that
Mangal Dosh is maximum in Jst, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th Bhava, The
contamination of Mangal, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu is 75% in these places. Sun
indicates only 50% Dosh Bal in these Bhavas.
180 Predicting Marriage

Friendship Table

Own Exaltati- Debilita-

Planet Friends Neutrals Enemies
Sign on Sign tion Sign

Sun Leo Aries Libra Mars, Mercury

Sun, Me- Jupiter,
Moon Cancer Taurus Scoipio none
rc ury Venus,

Aries, Caprico- Venus,
Mars Cancer on, Mercury
Scorpio rn Saturn

Mercury Virgo Pisces Jupiter, Moon

Caprico- Sun, Mo- Mercury,
Jupiter ius, Cancer Saturn
rn on, Mars Venus

Taurus, Mercury, Mars, Sun Mo-

Venus Pisces• Virgo
Libra Saturn Jupiter on

Mercury, Sun,Mo-
Saturn rn, Libra Aries Jupiter
Venus on, Mars

Sagittar- Mercury, Sun,Mo-

Rahu Aquarius Gemini Venus
ius, Venus on, Mars

Sagittar- on, Venus,
Ketu Scorpio Gemini Mercury
ius, Mars, Saturn
Kuja Dosh 181

Table of Mathematical calculation for Kuja Dosh

. , ^ _iT_ 4th, • 4th, 4th,

— &8th &$th &8th fHh& f*& f.h&
2nd 2nd 2nd

Saturn, Saturn,
Mars Rahu, Sun Mars Rahu, Sun
Ketu Ketu

3750 25

6750 33.75 2250


5250 26.25 1750

Own 60 2250 15

3750 25 18.75 1250

Incomplete balancing of Manga! Dosh spells disaster. Therefore, the ghT's

and boy"s horoscopes should be scanned thoroughly and the Dosh determined
mathmatically. If in either case the aptitude of Mangal Dosh does not exceed
more than 25% the marriage can be settled. This figure is opined by renowned
authority in these matters - Dr. B.V. Raman.

Parents often act in haste when it comes to arrangement of the marriage of

their daughters espcially. This is really a criminal neglect on their part as it
sometiems involves, wilful distortion of the horoscope to suit a particular match.
There can be no pardon for this misdeed. If there is Mangal Dosh and it is kept
secret and no remedial measures are undertaken it inevitable leads to destruction
of marriage, as well as, at times loss of life or limb. There is much distress, dis-
182 Predicting Marriage

satisfaction among partners, even hatred and intolerance develop for each other.
At its fury, Mangal Dosh becomes murderous.

Suppose Mars joins 8th houses in one horoscope and in the 4th house of the
matching partner, then half of the evil effects of former will be cancelled and
half will remain present under such a position.

Mars Evil are balanced by Saturn, Rahu and Ketu to 75%. It Mars joins 7th
house in one horoscope and Saturn joins 1st, 7th, or 8th house the evils will be
neutralised upto 75%. But if Saturn occupies 2nd, 4th or the 12th house, only
37.50% of evil will be reduced and the remaining 62.50% will be effective. The
Sun is also regarded as a malefic planet. If the Sun is posited in either of 1 st, 7th
or 8th house, 50% of evil of Mars will be cancelled. If Sun joins 2nd, 4th or 12th
house, only 25% evil will be balanced.
Horoscope No. 6
e 20/07/1948 Time 20:28:00 Day Tuesday Place Faizabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 26:46.00 North Long 82:08:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr'0:01:28

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vfmsottari Yogini

SiderialTime .:16:19:43 Hrs Gan : Manushya Sun : 4Y BM 210 Sankta :8Y3M17D
Eq.of time :- 0:06:12 Hrs Voni j Kskul Mars
Sunrise :521 ;07 Hrs Nadi i Antya 11/04/1963 20/07/1948
Sunset : 18:54:07 Hrs Varan : KshaUiya 11/04/1970 07/11/1982
Samvat : 2005 Vashya : Mansv Mars 08/09/1963 Sankta 07/11/1954
Sake : 1870 Varga. : Mooshak Rahu 25/09/1964 Mangta 07/11/1955
Month : Asadha Yunja : Antya Jupiter 01/09/1965 Pingla 07/11/1957
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Agni Saturn 11/10/1966 Dhanya 07/11/1960
Tithi at Sunrise..: 14 Name Alphabet Bhay-Bha]rav Mercury7 08/10/1967 Bhramri 07/11/1964
Nakshatra : Uttarasadha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Go!cKk)pper Ketu 05/03/1968 Bhadrika 07/11/1969
Yoga : Vishkumbh Hora : Sun Venus 05/05/1969 Ulka 07/11/1975
Karan : Bava Chaugharia - Labha Sun 10/09/1969 Sidha 07/11/1982

Planets Ni ray ana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 4:53:18 Mon Sat Sat Rah Asc Aqu 3:12:44 Sat Mar Ven Mon
Mon Sag 29:30:05 Jup Sun Rah Rah 2 Pis 13:24:40 Jup Sat Rah Jup
Mar Vir 9:06:02 Mer Sun Ven Jup 3 Ari 17:00:48 Mar Ven Mon Mer
Mer Gem 15:07:02 Mer Rah Ket Mer 4 Tau 13:53:48 Ven Mon Jup Jup
Jup See 27:16:59 Mar Mer Jup Sun 5 Gem 7:46:56 Mer Rah Rah Mer
Ven Gem 2:07:20 Mer Mar Ket Mon 6 Can 2:37:18 Mon Jup Rah Ven
Sat Can 29:33:58 Mon Mer Sat Rah 7 Leo 3:12:44 Sun Ket Sun Rah
Rah Ari 17:58:39 Mar Ven Mar Ven 8 Vir 13:24:40 Mer Mon Rah Ven
Ket Lib 17:58:39 Ven Rah Sun Ket 9 Lib 17:00:48 Ven Rah Ven Mer
Ura Gem 5:20:14 Mer Mar Sun Mer 10 Sco 13:53:48 Mar Sat Rah Mer
Nep Vir 17:33:48 Mer Mon Sat Jup 11 Sag 7:46:56 Jup Ket Jup Jup
Plu Can 21:09:50 Mon Mer Ven Mer 12 Cap 2:37:18 Sat Sun Jup Mon

Fortuna : Cancer 27:49:31 Navamsa Chart

\ Ura /X Rah /
Lagna Chart Nlrayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
X.8 ^V8
Mon sx Van 7 & Sun

3^ 414'
Raia- PRj 10
10/ Sun \10/ 63" MerllX 1 X3 h
/12\ /2 \
XQMon Sat 11 XSMon Sus- /Set KetX / X
\ Plu /Jup Mar X /

8 Jup Yen 2 U/a 8 Jup \Sun Jup y/

Ufa zVM 12
\ / \ /
Ven3V 5 V? Kflt MsrSV S Y7 Kel
Mar/ 4\ / eX 123- /z\ Mar /b\
/ Plu \ / \ . / Plu \ / „ \ Yen 3 9 Sal
/Sun Sat\/ NaP Mar\I Mar /Sun Sal\/ NeP \
Y T"^ ^eP
Jus?- Kca*
Ura 4/\Mon 6 RifO\e Mar
IQir Si?'
Jup Kat S Mar N./plii Nap\
Horoscope No. 41
Date 24/01/1941 Time 03:35:00 Day Friday Place Agra Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:46
at 27:09:00 North Long 78:00:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TimeCorr-0:18:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottaii Yogini

Siderial Time .:11:28:22 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Mercury: 4Y8M 170 Bhedrika : 1Y4M190
Eq.oftlme 0:11 ;53 Hrs Yonl : Mng Venus
Sunrise .7:09:09 Hrs Nadi : Adya 12/10/1952 24/01/1941
Sunset .:17:50:36 Hrs Varan j Vipra 12/10/1972 14/06/1973
Samvat : 1997 Vashya Keetak Venus 11/02/1956 Bhadrika 14/06/1942
Saka : 1862 Varga - Mng Sun 11/02/1957 Ulka 14/06/1948
Month Magha Yunja Anlya Moon 12/10/1958 Sidha 14/06/1955
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Mars 12/12/1959 Sankta 14/06/1963
Tithi at Sunrise..: 11 Name Alphabet Yee-Yugesh Rahu 12/12/1962 Mangla 14/06/1964
Nakshatra : Jyestha Paya(Rasl-Nak) : Gold-Copper Jupiter 12/03/1965 Pingla 14/06/1966
Yoga : Dhruva Hora Saturn Saturn 12/10/1968 Dhanya 14/06/1969
Karan : Kaulava Chaugharia - Udvega Mercury 13/08/1971 Bhramri 14/06/1973

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 10:46:01 Sat Mon Mon Mer A so Sco 18:47:16 Mar Mer Ket Mon
Mon Sco 26:18:05 Mar Mer Jup Jup 2 Sag 19:54:17 Jup Ven Rah Mon
Mar Sco 20:07:48 Mar Mer Ven Rah 3 Cap 24:05:18 Sat Mar Mar Mon
Mer Cap 19:09:57 Sat Mon Mer Jup 4 Aqu 28:37:14 Sat Jup Ven Mer
Jup Ari 13:52:09 Mar Ven Ven Mon 5 Pis 29:30:19 Jup Mer Sat Rah
Ven Sag 19:44:48 Jup Ven Rah Sun 6 Ari 25:38:57 Mar Ven Mer Sat
Sat Ari 15:18:49 Mar Ven Ven Mer 7 Tau 18:47:16 Ven Mon Mer Mar
Rah -R Vir 11:08:29 Mer Mon Mar Mar 8 Gem 19:54:17 Mer Rah Mar Sun
Ket -R Pis 11:08:29 Jup Sat Mon Mar 9 Can 24:05:18 Mon Mer Mar Mon
Ura -R Ari 29:23:41 Mar Sun Rah Rah 10 Leo 28:37:14 Sun Sun Mar Jup
Nep -R Vir 4:45:04 Mer Sun Sat Rah 11 Vir 29:30:19 Mer Mar Sat Rah
Plu -R Can 10:24:53 Mon Sat Sun Mon 12 Lib 25:38:57 Ven Jup Mer Sat

Fortuna: Libra 4:19:20 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChalK-Cuspal

ItXUra 9
Jup Sat Won/\
6 Van)

\surt Mar/ /jup

\T/ 8
\ \ /
Mar\ ®/ \77 /Nap
/ \ 0/ v/ RahX2
1l)V Mon Mar V© loVMon 8 MarVe
Sun/\ /xRah Ven / x.
/ \ Dasamaa
11 \^Nep 5 Rah) Sun
\ ^ XioX
Jup \ / \ / 12X Mar Ura
Kel12 12 Monx x XX
Mar X 2
Sun / Slx 1 \
/ 3 \
/ Ura X / Plu \

Mar XX 4 Xa Sat
Mon r PHJ \ ^
Vtn NapXx x
Kuja Dosh 185

Illustration No. 6.1 (Horoscope No. 6 and 41) - The horoscope of the boy
and girl were matched. Sufficient points were obtained, but this marriage resulted
in serious disaster. The cuouple were married on 24.11.1968. Soon after the
marriage unbearable situations were created for the girl. The circumstances
became so critical that the husband discarded her. Her doting father could not
bear the tragedy and due to this sudden shock passed away soon thereafter.

An examination of the girl's horoscope reveals that the lord of the 7th house
Sun joins 6th and Mars joins 8th house in the most inimical sign Virgo. The 7th
house is hemmed in between malefic planets resulting into a Papkartari Yog. A
very strong Kuja Dosh is present in the horoscope. Such types of Kuja Dosh
often cause separation, accident to husband or even death, if one gets married
to a non-Mangali partner. This is especially true for females as the 8th house
belongs to her Mangalaya or Saubhagya. In the present case the couple were
married during Mars Mahadasa and Rahu Bhukti, when Jupiter was transitting
in the girf's 7th house. They were separated immediately thereafter. After a
long course and observation of remedial measures they were reunited on 5.3.1976
during Rahu-Sun period i.e. her 28th year. Mars" effects get automatically
inffectiveby 27th year of age. Thus in the 28th year reunion took place.



Mars 60 points 90 points

Saturn 75 points




60 points 165 points

If we examine the Kuja Dosh alone in both these horoscopes, it appears

balanced to acceptable limits. But the evils of Mars as shown above i.e. in
conjunction with the evil of Saturn, we find that the Kuja Dosh of male is 60
points against 165 points of the female. Kuja Dosh of the female is 275% stronger
than that of the male. This unbalanced Kuja Dosh is the cause of havoc. Thd
husband met with two serious accidents after the marraige, first on 23.3.1973
and the second on 7.10.1975, due to which his left leg got fractured resulting
into a parmanent defect. Ths leg was operated upon and a few bones were cut
short. Thus, Mars in the 8th house in the most inimical sign Virgo separated
both for seven years and also gave a defective leg to the husband.
Horoscope No. 35
,16 19/07/1952 Time 11.23:00 Day Saturday Place Hardoi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:56:0
.at 27:23:00 North Long 80:06:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:09:36

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottarj Yoginl

SiderfalTime .:7;01:17Hrs Gan Deva Mars: 1Y8M 13D Sankta: 1Y11M 100
Eq.oftime > 0:06:09 Hrs Yoni ^ Sarp Jupiter
Sunrise :5:27;33 Hrs Nadi Madhya 02/04/1972 1907/1952
Sunset : 19:03:50 Hrs Varan i Shoodra 02W1988 300^1982
Sam vat : 2009 Vashya Manav Jupiter 21>05/1974 Sankta 30/06/1954
Saka : 1874 Varga Ma^ar SatLin 01/121976 Margla 3Q061955
Month -: Sravana Yunja ^ Poorva Meroty 09031979 Pingla 30/06/1957
Paksh : Krishna HansakfTatva) Vayu Ketu 13021980 Dhsnya 29061960
Tithi at Sunrise..: 13 Name Alphabet Kea-Kishor Venus 14/101982 Bhramri 29061964
Nakshatra : Mrigsira Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Gold Sir 02/08/1983 BhacH<a 30061969
Yoga : Dhruva Hora ^rcu/y Mbon 01/12/1984 Lte 30/06/1975
Karan : Gara Chaugharia Udvega Mars 07/11/1985 Sicha 30061982

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 3:33:17 Mon Sat Sat Sat Asc Vir 20:40:48 Mer Mon Ven Ven
Men Gem 3:25:22 Mer Mar Ven Mar 2 Lib 19:19:03 Ven Rah Mar Rah
Mar Lib 16:54:04 Ven Rah Ven Sat 3 Sco 19:44:46 Mar Mer Ven Sun
Mer Can 29:53:59 Mon Mer Sat Jup 4 Sag 21:10:25 Jup Ven Jup Ven
Jup Ari 23:51:19 Mar Ven Sat Jup 5 Cap 22:47:41 Sat Man Sun Rah
Ven Can 10:16:17 Men Sat Ven Ket 6 Aqu 23:10:39 Sat Jup Sat Mar
Sat Vir 16:28:44 Mer Men Sal Ven 7 Pis 20:40:48 Jup Mer Ven Jup
Rah -R Cap 28:46:10 Sat Mar Sat Ven 8 Ari 19:19:03 Mar Ven Rah Ket
Ket -R Can 28:46:10 Men Mer Sat Ven 9 Tau 19:44:46 Ven Mon Ket Ven
Ura Gem 22:03:07 Mer Jup Sat Sat 10 Gem 21:10:25 Mer Jup Jup Sun
Nep Vir 26:05:37 Mer Mar Rah Mar 11 Can 22:47:41 Men Mer Men Sat
Plu Can 27:28:08 Mon Mer Jup Mon 12 Leo 23:10:39 Sun Ven Sat Mon
Fortuna; Leo 20:32:54 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart \Sun Nep^y

Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
Nw5 X3 y
Rah GX 4

Sis- 920*
JU74" Van 7

y 6 \ Sat
Jup/g ii \K;
8x Sat M8r Nep 4 Ket
V\ xx
\ / \ Plv
Ura 3 Won 9 AVer 3 Sun , XMer Ket
Nep \9 / x
10>XJuP 8

Rah OX 12 X2 2 Mom ^23* Ure x'^x

Rah | /11\
/ \ / Jup

yiX 2 ZN.Mon
X ^ Sun \ x Rati Ven\
Horoscope No. 42
to 12/03/1951 Time 20:10:00 Day Monday Place Hard war Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:54
at 29:58:00 North Long 78:09:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:17:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time3 .7:10:2*
^10:20 Hrs Gan .: Manushya Venus 3Y11M2D Bhadrika : 0Y11M23D
Eq.oftime -0:10:04 Hrs Yoni. Gaja Rahu
Sunrise 6:3336 Hrs Nadi .j Madhya 13/02/1978 12/03/1951
Sunset 18:21:41 Hrs Varan. .a Kshatriya 13/02/1996 05/03/1983
Samvat 2007 Vashya Chatuspada Rahu 26/10/1980 Bhadrika 05/03/1952
Saka 1872 Varga Mrig Jupiter 21/03/1983 Ulka 05/03/1958
Month Phalguna Yunja Poorva Saturn 25/01/1986 Sidha 05/03/1965
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Agnl Mercury 14/08/1988 Sankta 05/03/1973
Tithi at Sunrise.. : 5 Name Alphabet Lo-Lokesh Ketu 01/09/1989 Mangla 05/03/1974
Nakshatra Bharani Paya(Rasi-Nak) : kon-Gokj Venus 01/09/1992 Ptngla 05/03/1976
Yoga Vafdhrlti Hora .a Mercury Sun 27/07/1993 Dhanya 05/03/1979
Karan Balava ChaughahcL Roga Moon 26/01/1995 Bhramri 05/03/1983

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Aqu 28:18:05 Sat Jup Ven Sal Asc Vir 22:23:25 Mer Mon Ven Mer
Mon Ari 24:03:00 Mar Ven Mer Mer 2 Lib 20:48:03 Ven Jup Jup Ket
Mar Pis 15:19:09 Jup Sat Jup Sat 3 Sco 21:23:33 Mar Mer Ven Mer
Mer Aqu 29:25:18 Sat Jup Sun Ven 4 Sag 23:17:51 Jup Ven Sat Mar
Jup Aqu 27:37:56 Sat Jup Ven Rah 5 Cap 25:16:26 Sat Mar Rah Mer
Ven Pis 26:19:44 Jup Mer Jup Jup 6 Aqu 25:30:09 Sat Jup Mer Sat
Sat -R Vir 6:41:41 Mer Sun Mer Jup 7 Pis 22:23:25 Jup Mer Mon Rah
Rah -R Aqu 26:00:43 Sat Jup Ket Mon 8 Ari 20:48:03 Mar Ven Jup Mer
Ket -R Leo 26:00:43 Sun Ven Ket Ven 9 Tau 21:23:33 Ven Mon Ven Rah
Ura -R Gem 12:29:20 Mer Rah Sat Jup 10 Gem 23:17:51 Mer Jup Sat Rah
Nep -R Vir 25:58:02 Mer Mar Rah Mon 11 Can 25:16:26 Mon Mer Rah Mer
Ptu -R Can 25:00:37 Mon Mer Rah Mer 12 Leo 25:30:09 Sun Ven Mer Jup

Fortuna: Scorpio 18:08:20 Navamsa Chart

Nac / \ Mer Sun
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chailt-Cuspal
.5 X

M024- 921-

Mar 9 X. 10 Sat
W \5/ Plu Moo/ 9 N. Ura n.
gV Sat NapV4 Plu
/ / Plu VenV

3 Ura Nep /\Sun Mar/
v ^ / NPIu JupX
\10/ \a X ura
11 X Won 9 Nr?
10 V Mar 12 Ven V2
/ll\ /\\
/Ju|Rah\ / Mon
Mer Sun\ /
1X 3 Xs
Kat>X 2
X Xw Ven
Horoscope No. 43
^26/08/1941 Time 22:03:00 Day Tuesday Place Bulandshahr Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:4'
at 28:30:00 North Long 77:49:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tlm0 Corr -0:18:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakrt Vlmaottavi Yoglni

SiderialTime 20:02:23 Mrs Gan Rakshas Maim: 2Y7M 11D Mangla : OY4M140
Eq.oftime - 0:01:63Hrs Yoni vyaghra Saturn
Sunrise 5:54:49 Hrs Nadi Madhya 08/04/1976 10/01/1977
Sunset 18:46:00 Hrs Varan Shoodra 07/04/1997 10/01/2013
Samvat 1998 Vashya Manav Saturn 10/04/1981 Mangla 1001/1978
Saka 1863 Varga Mrig Mercury 20/12/1963 Pingla 10/01/1960
Month Bhadra Yunja Madhya Ketu 27/01/1985 Dhanya 1001/1983
Paksh t... Shukla Kansak(Tatva) vayu Venus 29/03/1988 Bhramri 10/01/1967
Tithi at Sunrise. 4 Name Alphabet RHa-Rake"sh Sun 11/03/1969 Bhadrika 10/01/1992
Nakshatra Chitra Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Iron Moon 10/10/1990 Ulka 10/01/1996
Yoga Shukla Hora Venus Mars 19/11/1991 Sidha 1001/2005
Karan Bava Chaugharia IWvega Rahu 25/09/1994 Sankta 1001/2013

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Raal Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Ratl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 10:14:40 Sun Ket Sal Ven Asc Ari 18:48:07 Mar Ven Rah Sat
Mon Lib 1:41:17 Ven Mar Mer Sal 2 Tau 17:52:54 Van Moh Mer Mer
Mar Ari 0:04:31 Mar Ket Ket Ven 3 Gem 11:54:59 Mer Rah Sat Mar
Mer Leo 17:39:08 Sun Ven Mar Sat 4 Can 5:41:50 Mon Sat Mer Mer
Jup Tau 25:34:26 Ven Mar Rah Ven 5 Leo 3:11:13 Sun Ket Sun Rah
Yen Vir 14:01:13 Mer Mon Jup Jup 6 Vir 7:59:21 Mer Sun Ven Ven
Sat Tau 5:33:58 Ven Sun Mer Ven 7 Lib 18:48:07 Ven Rah Mon Mer
Rah Vir 0:03:36 Mer Sun Rah Sal 8 Sco 17:52:54 Mar Mer Mer Rah
Ket Pis 0:03:36 Jup Jup Mon Sat 9 Sag 11:54:59 Jup Ket Mer Ven
Ura Tau 7:31:45 Ven Sun Ket Jup 10 Cap 5:41:50 Sat Sun Mer Ven
Nep Vir 3:44:14 Mer Sun Sal Ket 11 Aqu 3:11:13 Sat Mar Ven Mon
Plu Can 11:57:44 Mon Sat Mon Ven 12 Pis 7:59:21 Jup Sat Ket Sat

Fortuna; Gemini 10:14:43 Navamsa Chart

Mon P)iy Jup S
Lagna Chart NIraysna Bhava Chaltt-Cuspal
Mar Jup ' \ Sun
Ura 12r I
II 1 /
Jup" Stt/ K©o* \ Jup / - \ Mar /
\ Ura / RahiqX 12 X2 Van
\2/ \ 2/ \12/ I 484
3 X Mar 1 2Y Sat Ura )c HKstl PI "
/Stt \

PIu 4 ^PJ'J 4 \Sun Ktt/ \ytn Ju^/
\a / \6x
Sun\ / \/ Nepv SOc Mon 7 XS
5 7
Sun X.
X X9 War y;
Men /6\ lea- Mer 10
/ Nep \ /
/Van Rah\ /
Sat 1lX 1 X3
ats 7*r /12\ Mar / 2X^0
MoJ- / Ura \/ Rail \
Kuja Dosh 189

Illustration No. 6.2 (Horoscope No. 35 and 42) - Kuja Dosh is neutralised ;
but marraige leads to suicide.

The couple were married on 63.1979. The husband was very unhappy and
deeply depressed at this marriage. After an inner struggle for six years, he
eventually committed suicide on 19.3.1985 by consuming cynide. He was a
doctor by profession. Let us weigh the Kuja Dosh in their horoscopes.


Mars 60 40
Saturn 52.50
Ketu 26.25 '
Sun — —
148.75 points 40 points
The husband overall has 370% more Kuja Dosh of his wife. We have found
that generally the person who has stronger Kuja Dosh, suffers more than his or
her partner. But this observation cannot be taken as a rule and needs further

Illustration No. 63 (Horoscope No. 43 and 44) - Kuja Dosh appears balanced
in both the charts. But it is a case of early widowhood.

Marriage of a scholar of Geology, Reader in a reputed University, was performed

with a Mahgali girl as he had a heavy Kuja Dosh in his horoscope. But he
suddenly expired at 41 years of age. The Indian government had acknoledged
him for his contribution to the study of Himalayas and had been benefited by
his research work there.

In his horoscope Kuja Dosh is caused by Mars only, whereas in his wife's
birth chart, it is caused by Mars Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.


Mars 70.00 90.00

Saturn - 3730

Sun — —

Rahu - 3730

Ketu - 3730

Total 70.00 points 20230 points

Apparently Kuja Posh is cancelled as Mars is posited in the Lagnas of both
the natives. But on b^pcing we found 70 points of Kuja Dosh in male chart,
while 202.50 points in the female chart. Thus the Kuja Dosh of the female is
around 275% higher than that of the male. This caused husband's sudden death
on 19.7.1981, while his wife suffered the curse of widowhood at a young age.
Horoscope No. 44
te 27/09/1945 Time 00:30:00 Day Thursday Place Bareilly Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 1:12:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimeottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime Hrs Gan Manushya Moon ; 3Y10M 6D Sldha : 2Y 8M 100
Eq.oftime :0:08:09 Hrs Yoni Sarp Jupiter
Sunrise :7:03:46 Hrs Nadi Antya 04/08/1974 26/09/1945
Sunset : 19:03:36 Hrs Varaa ^ Vaishya 04/08/1990 08/06/1977
Samvat : 2002 Vashya Chatuspada Jupiter 21/09/1976 Sidha 07/06/1948
Saka : 1867 Varga Mrig Saturn 04/04/1979 Sankta 07/06/1956
Month : Asvina Yunja .z Poorva Mercury 10/07/1981 Mangla 08/06/1957
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Ehoomi Ketu 16/06/1982 Pingla 08/06/1959
Tithi at Sunrise..: 5 Name Alphabet Wee-Veepui Venus 14/02/1985 Dhanya 08/06/1962
Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Gold Sun 03/12/1985 Bhramri 08/06/1966
Nakshatra : Rohlni
Yoga : Sidhi Hora .j Jupiter Moon 04/04/1987 Bhadrika 08/06/1971
Karan : Vanij Chaugharia Char Mars 10/03/1988 Ulka 08/06/1977

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 10:26:03 Mer Mon Mon Jup Asc Gem 14:28:42 Mer Rah Ket Ket
Mon Tau 18:11:49 Ven Mon Mer Ven 2 Can 7:09:50 Mon Sat Mer Sat
Mar Gem 17:49:50 Mer Rah Sun Sat 3 Leo 1:52:58 Sun Ket Ven Rah
Mer Vir 5:46:47 Mer Sun Mer Ven 4 Vir 1:15:05 Mer Sun Jup Jup
Jup Vir 14:00:24 Mer Mon Jup Jup 5 Lib 5:45:55 Ven Mar Mon Rah
Ven Leo 9:40:52 Sun Ket Sat Mer 6 Sco 11:41:31 Mar Sat Mon Mer
Sat Can 0:33:54 Mon Jup Mar Mar 7 Sag 14:28:42 Jup Ven Ven Jup
Rah -R Gem 11:34:38 Mer Rah Sat Sun 8 Cap 7:09:50 Sat Sun Ket Ven
Ket -R Sag 11:34:38 Jup Ket Mer Mer 9 Aqu 1:52;58 Sat Mar Mer Sat
Ura -R Tau 24:36:36 Ven Mar Rah Jup 10 Pis 1:15:05 Jup Jup Mar Sun
Nep Vir 13:13:33 Mer Mon Rah Ven 11 Ari 5:45:55 Mar Ket Rah Rah
Pill Can 18:28:18 Mon Mer Mer Sal 12 Tau 11:41:31 Ven Mon Mar Ven

Fortune '.Aquarius 22:14:29 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
Nep\12Nv 10 /
iXMer 11 X9
Sun X \ X\

Uup 2 8 J

\Sat Plu/^\Ura Mon \R£h Mon Mon\ / \ X'^

3 5
VenX4X\ xv
VensNf Mar Rah Vi Ven 5 x Mar - Sat x 1 27' Xset KeiXx^^ X

/ Nep \ / / \ Dasamsa
Sun 6 12 Sun 6 Mer \Mer
\ Jup / \ y \ Jwp /
7 V's.n
7V 9 \M1
/ a\ Ket / I0\ 4 Mon

11X. 1
/12 \
5®* Set KQt\ .
Horoscope No. 45
jate 21/09/1946 Time 12:05:00 Day Saturday Place Dibai Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22.51
Lat 28:13:00 North Long 78:15:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:17:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoginl

SiderialTime ,:11:46:10 Hrs Gan Deva Saturn 4Y2M20D Ohanya : 0V 8M OD
Eq.oftime. :0:06:40 Hrs Yoni Mesh Sun
Sunrise :6:05:48 Hrs Nadi Madhya 12/12/1994 22/05/1980
Sunset : 18; 14:24 Hra Varan Vipra 11/12/2000 22/05/2016
Samval : 2003 Vashya Jalchar Sun 31/03/1995 Ohanya 23/05/1983
3eka : 1868 Varga Shwan Moon 30/09/1995 Bhramri 23/05/1987
Month j Asvina Yunja Madhya Mars 05/02/1996 Bhadrika 22/05/1992
Paksh.... : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jsl Rahu 30/12/1996 Ulka 22/05/1998
Tithi at Sunrise..: 11 Name Alphabet Jupiter 18/10/1997 Sidha 22/05/2005
Nakshatra : Pushya Daa-Daemodar Saturn 30/09/1998 Sankta 22/05/2013
Yoga : Shiva Paya(Rasi-Nak) Silver-Silver Mercury 06/08/1999 Mangla 22/05/2014
Karan : Balava Hora Mercury Ketu 12/12/1999 Pingta 22/05^018

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 4:49:06 Mer Sun Sat Rah Asc Sco 22:04:24 Mar Mer Sun Ket
Mon Can 13:42:09 Mon Sat Rah Sal 2 Sag 23:45:46 Jup Ven Sat Jup
Mar Lib 4:50:57 Ven Mar Ven Ket 3 Cap 28:41:02 Sat Mar Sat Ven
Mer Vir 10:05:51 Mer Mon Mon Mar 4 Pis 3:22:46 Jup Sat Sat Sat
Jup Lib 6:18:27 Ven Mar Mon Mer 5 Ari 3:45:24 Mar Ket Mon Mon
Ven Lib 20:18:56 Ven Jup Jup Sat 6 An 29:17:14 Mar Sun Rah Rah
Sat Can 12:53:46 Mon Sat Rah Rah 7 Tau 22:04:24 Ven Mon Ven Sat
Rah -R Tau 22:21:26 Ven Mon Ven Mer 8 Gem 23:45:46 Mer Jup Sat Jup
Ket -R Sco 22:21:26 Mer Mer Mon Mer 9 Can 28:41:02 Mon Mer Sat Ven
Ura Tau 28:55:40 Ven Mar Sat Ven 10 Vir 3:22:46 Mer Sun Sat Mer
Nep Vir 15:06:20 Mer Mon Jup Sun 11 Lib 3:45:24 Ven Mar Ven Rah
Flu Can 19:51:36 Mon Mer Ven Mon 12 Lib 29:17:14 Ven Jup Sun Mer
- Navamsa Chart
Fortuna: Libra 0:57:26
Sun yS N P'u /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
V 1 9 ywonl
12 X/Kal 10 S/e Mar'
5*' 722* X Jup
61? Ur29- Mer 1 Ven 7 Sat)
/ \Jup Mar /
v / \ Ven / Nap 2 X. 4 >^6 Ura
V9 / \ 7 /Sun Mon \ 9 S \ 7 /Mar
/ 3 X Rah X 5\
ioVK6* 8 X6Mer 831 Ky/^Ke! 8 /\} JuP
/ \ / \Nep P'u S Ny y \ven
12 >CMer 6 Sun ^
Van X
1XXKei 11 XX
12V Rah 2 Ura V4 Sat I^QRah 2 ^3X4
\ / ]Plu\ C 2 XT 8 Mar)
1 \ /Sal Mon
Ven Ura
Sun 3XMer 8 RahyK. 7
Jup v/4 X. //6 xNep
Ket Mar /Mon Sai\ / Pfu X
Horoscope No. 46
late 09/11/1952 Time 13:45:00 Day Sunday Place H/Ieerut Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:56:
Lat 29:00:00 North Long 77:42:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr -0:19:12

Panchang Avakahada Chakre Vimtottari Yog In!

SiderialTime .:16:39:35 hfcs Can : Rakshas Mercury 12Y 0M 6D Bhramri :2Y9M280
Eq.oftime 0:16:10 Hrs Yoni : Ma^ar Moon
Sunrise :6:39:04 Hrs Nadi Antya 16/1.1/1997 08/09/1907
Sunset :17:26:51 Hrs Varan : Vipra 17/11/2007 08/09/2023
Samvat : 2009 Vashya : Jalc^iar Moon 17/09/1998 Bhramri 08/09/1901
Saka : 1874 Varga : Shwan Mar$ 16/04/1099 Bhadrika 07/09/1606
Month : Margshirsh Yunja : Maiiya Rahu 17/10/2000 Ulka 08/09/2002
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Jupiter 16/02/2002 Sldha 08/09/2009
Tlthi at Sunrise..: 7 Name Alphabet Dco-Doo^ay Saturn 17/09/2003 Sankta 08/09M17
Nakshatra : Asiesa Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Silver Mercury 15/02/2005 Mangla 08/09/2018
Yoga : Shukla Hora ^ Sun Ketu 16/09/2005 Pingla 07/09/2020
Karan : Balava Chaugharia : Shubh Venus 16/05/2007 Dhanya 08/09/2023

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 23:56:25 Ven Jup Mer Mer Asc Aqu 8:51:31 Sat Rah Jup Jup
Mon Can 20:34:24 Mon Mer Ven Jup 2 Pis 19:51:29 Jup Mer Ven Mon
Mar Sag 27:39:06 Jup Sun Mon Rah 3 Ari 22:34:30 Mar Ven Sat Ket
Mer Sco 16:44:37 Mar Mer Mer Mer 4 Tau 18:30:00 Ven Mon Mer Sun
Jup -R Ari 22:50:35 Mar Ven Sat Ven 5 Gem 11:5425 Mer Rah Sat Mar
Ven Sco 29:10:41 Mar Mer Sat Mon 6 Can 6:56:30 Mon Sat Mer Jup
Sat Vir 28:29:23 Mer Mar Sat Mer 7 Leo 8:51:31 Sun Ket Jup Mon
Rah -R Cap 23:56:19 Sat Mar Mar Ven 8 Vir 19:51:29 Mer Mon Ket Sun
Ket -R Can 23:56:19 Mon Mer Mar Ven 9 Lib 22:34:30 Ven Jup Sat Ven
Ura -R Gem 25:29:11 Mer Jup Mer Sat 10 Sco 18:30:00 Mar Mer Mer Sat
Nep Vir 29:26:13 Mer Mar Sat Rah 11 Sag 11:54:25 Jup Ket Mer Ven
Plu Leo 0:16:21 Sun Ket Ket Mon 12 Cap 6:56:30 Sat Sun Mer Sat

Fortuna: Scorpio 5:29:30 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

\10/ \6/
Ket 11X Mar MarN/? Jup

Van 12 Nap 6 Sat

\ / \ / 3
12 10
\ / x /
Jup 11 9 Mar XSun Ura

{ 2 XVen 8 Mer : 8 Van Sun /

Vea Rah^
7 un
lUra 3 V ^ X ^
Rah I X4\ piu /sV x*,
/won Ket\ /Nep SaX | Sat Won Ket\ /NeP Set
Ve»* SU24-
Plu 5X 7
Van 1019- 923* /e \ Kst
H Mar Sun i Mair /Mon Mar\ / I
Kuja Dosh 193
Illustration No. 6.4 (Horoscope No, 45 and 46) - Marriage between Mangali
and non-Mangali natives leads to unhappy life normally. The husband is Mangali
while the wife is not. But both are leading happy life.
The husband has his Mars in the I2th house whereas the wife has her Mars
in the 1 Ith house.
Mars 30.00
Saturn — 52.50
Sun —
Rahu 52.50
Ketu 52.50 26.25
Total 135.00 points 78.75 points
The above weighing of the horoscope show that the Kuja Dosh of the husband
is J70% stronger than that of his wife. Generally so much variations should not
be permitted.
In this case the wife has various kinds of physical sufferings i.e. she does not
enjoy a good health most of the time. But on a general note the husband and
wife are happy.
So, if one is Mangali by Mars and the evils are balanced in the other chart by
Saturn, Rahu, Ketu etc., the marriage should be permitted upto a varitation of
150%. Anyway marriage cannot be avoided in love marriage etc., and the couple
must be prepared to suffer certain losses - money, health and mutuality. Under
this compulsion marriage may be allowed upto 199% variation.
If the Kuja Dosh in one horoscope is double or more than the other, the
marriage will cause serious damages, discords, deaths, heavy losses of health,
wealth and harmony. Dr. B.V. Raman,however,does not permit a mariage where
variation of Kuja Dosh exceeds 25%.
In illlustration 1, we see that wife is a stronger Mangali and she suffered a
miserable life and separation for seven years. In illustration 2, we see that the
husband is stronger Mangali and suffered continuously from mantal torture
due to the acts of his wife and ultimately committed suicide. In illustration 3,
we see that the wife suffered widowhood as she was a stronger Mangali. In the
fourth case, the wife"s health problem is there though the husband is stronger
Mangali. But in all the above cases the partners suffered in one way or the other.

Our experience shows that the individual with heavier Kuja Dosh suffers
more. Kuja Dosh relates directly with the mind, whether one acts or speaks
rashly or suffers passively. Due to behaviour of others, the violence to the mind
is more in his/her case. Accident, suicide, anxiety, distress are all forms of mental
suffering caused by Mangal Dosh inherent in a person's psychology due to his
birth at a particular point of time and place. He/she needs to make some remedial
redressal. *



Grave for Females : The position of Mars in a horoscope bears

considerable significance fronn many angles. The presence of Mars
Dosh may cause marital delay, discord and disharmony, unless suitably matched.
Sometimes some kind of Puja and effective "Mantras" are also required to curtail
the evils of Mars. Presence of Mars Dosha in a female horoscope is as such not
desirable. In our experience placement of Mars in the 8th house is the worst
disposition. Here in a few cases illustrate how Ashtam Mangali girls fare poorly
in marital matters.
Dr. B. Surya Narain Rao has mentioned in "Stree Jatak" that the 8th house
form Lagna must be consulted for marital life and widowhood. In a woman's
chart the 8th house from her Lagna reveals sexual passions, her husband's
character, her fortune and general happiness.
Dr. BY. Raman has also repeated this fact in "Hindu Predictive Astrology"
Chapter XXX on female Horoscopy, that marital happiness must be adjudged
from the 8th house. From 7th house passion, her husband's and her own character
and fortune should be determined.
Dr. BY. Raman has pointed our following combinations for widowhood
1. Conjunction of the lords of 7th and 8th house with malefic combinations.
2.Rahu and Moon in the 8th house will evil aspects.
3. Lord of the 7th house with Saturn and aspected by Mars,
4. Moon and Rahu in the 8th house and the lord of the 7th house with
Mars In Eighth house for Females 195

Saturn aspected by Mars.

5,The conjunction of the lords of 1st and 8th houses in her 12th house with
a malefic aspect of Mars on the 8th house.
6. The 7th house and its lord between two malefics without any beneficial
In the horoscope of males, presence of Mars in the 8th house is not so harmful
as in the case of females, particularly in respect to the marital happiness.
Before preceding further it would be worthwhile to enumerate other results
of Mars if it occupies 8th house in any horoscope. This position is an such bad
for longevity and natural death. As Mars lends aspect over the second house, so
usually eye porblemds arise. Eighth house represents the 8th part of the body,
so there will be Urinary troubles or problems in reproductive organs, piles or
fistula or boil in anus may be expected. There is a fear of fire, injury or cut etc.
There will be innumerbale physical complaints, rheumatism and often a
disturbed family life and only few children. One will usually be devoid of true
friends, whild many friends may turn inimical. He will have to face obstacles in
his endeavours and success will be attained only after a hard labour. This is not
a good disposition for father's longevity as 8th house is 12th from 9th.
v Itis well known that the 8th house governs "Mangalaya" or marital happiness
of females. A girl should be treated as strongest Mangali if Mars is positioned in
the 8th house of her horoscope. As regards the Kuja Dosh in the female native,
we have observed that presence of Mars Dosh in the 8th, 7th and the Lagna
mostly causes havocs. Severity of Mars Dosh is maximum when Mars is in 8th
house. Mars often causes obstructions to a timely marriage.
What does Mars do after Marriage - A few of the probabilities of presence
of Mars in 8th house in respect to marital life are given below
1. There will be seperation from husband, if marriage has taken place around
21 years. There will be a reunion or reconciliation around 28th year or, otherwise
there will be a litigation after marriage and will be finalised around 28th year,
2.The husband may receive some injury due to accident or his health may
suffer seriously. Mental troubles to husband are most likely to take place.
3.The husband will expire soon after marriage in a tragic way or will suffer
4.There will be serious danger in very unbalanced marital life. Exact nature
of the sorrow depends on the exact set up of planets and needs study and practical
Who will be harmed more, the husband or wife - Kuja Dosha must be got
balanced while matching the horoscope as per table given in our book Vaivahik
Vilamb Ke Vividh Ayam Evam Mantra". If the difference is around 25%, the
marriage will be happy. There will not be much harm even if 50% difference is
there. But in a diference of more than 50% of Kuja Dosh, marriage should not
be permitted. If a heavier Kuja Dosh is present in the horoscope of wife, the wife
will suffer more. She will have to face trageides of life. If the husband has a
196 Predicting Marriage

heavier Kuja Dosha, he will suffer more. Generally one"s Kuja Dosh harms the
partner but the tragedy is to be suffered by the affected person more heavily.
Illustration No.7.1 (Horoscope No. 47) - This is a case of a beautiful girl
who has Mars in her 8th house. Her marriage took place on 7.8.88. She
suffered seperation soon after and lived with her husband only upto 13.8.88
i.e. for seven days.
The girl's marriage took place during Rahu Venus period on 7.8.88 when
Jupiter transited over her 7th house and radical Venus. She was 22 years of age
at that time. Presence of Mars caused this tragedy of seperation within a week.
Jupiter "s association with Mars in the 8th house could not nullify the evils of
Mars, on the other hand it expedited the same.
She was tortured by her father-in-law very much. The husband also
misbehaved with her parents. The husband is an engineer and is living in U.S.A.
He is not at all Mangali (Bom on 7.9.69 at 8.00 hours at Delhi). Had there been
proper matching of the horosopes, this tragedy would not have occured. Mars
in the Mercurian sign gives worst results.
After this tradgedy, she met me for reconciliation and to change the mind of
her husband. I advised her a few measures which she did with sincerity and
devotion. This girl had never done any kind of Puja earlier. Only after performance
of a few Mantras for a month, she talked happily with her husband on telephone.
He was happy to talk to her and even asked her to write to him.
I have noted in six cases that the husband went into mental depression after
marriage with a woman with Ashtam Mangal Dosh. I am illustrating one such
case here.
Horoscope No. 47
05/07/1966 Time 17:00:00 Day Tuesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmtottarl Yoglnl

SiderialTlme .:11:45:40 Hr» Gan : Deva Moon 2Y3M26D Mangli :0Y2M 23D
Eq.oftime 0:04:22 Hrs Yonl : Vanar Rahu
Sunriae '.5:18.55 Hrs Nadl : Anlya 31/10/1975 05/07/1966
Sunset 19^)2:37 his Varan : Valshya 31/10/1993 28/09/2001
Samvat : 2023 Vashya : Jalchar Rahu 13/07/1978 Mangla 26/09/1966
Saka : 1888 Varga : Mafjar Jupiter 06/12/1980 Pingla 28A)9/1968
Month : Sravana Yunja Antya Saturn 13/10/1983 Dhanya 28/09/1971
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Bhooml Mercury 01/05/1956 Bhramri 28AD9/1975
Trthi at Sunrise..: 3 Name Alphabet Kho-Khoya Ketu 20/05/1987 Bhadrika 28/09/1980
Nakshatra : Sravna Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Venus 19/05/1990 Ulka 28/09/1986
Yoga : Vlshkumbh Copper-Copper Sun 13/04/1991 Sidhd 28/09/1963
Karan : VlShtl Hora : Moon Moon 12/10/1992 Sankta 28/09^001

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Gem 19:51:37 Mer Rah Mar Ven Asc Sco 22:20:41 Mar Mer Mon Mar
Mon Cap 20:14:14 Sat Mon Ket Sat 2 Sag 23:51:00 Jup Ven Sat Jup
Mar Gem 3:01:58 Mer Mar Ven Ven 3 Cap 28:26:15 Sat Mar Sat Mer
Mer Can 14:57:59 Mon Sat Jup Jup 4 Pis 2:58:02 Jup Jup Rah Sun
Jup Gem 19:56:22 Mer Rah Mar Mon 5 Ari 3:27:44 Mar Ket Sun Mer
Ven Tau 17:30:03 Ven Mon Sat Jup 6 Ari 29:15:08 Mar Sun Rah Rah
Sat Pis 6:31:42 Jup Sat Mer Rah 7 Tau 22:20:41 Ven Mon Ven Mer
Rah Tau 1:04:22 Ven Sun Rah Mon 8 Gem 23:51:00 Mer Jup Sat Jup
Ket Sco 1:04:22 Mar Jup Mar Ket 9 Can 28:26:15 Mon Mer Sat Mer
Ura Leo 23:08:50 Sun Ven Sat Mon 10 Vir 2:58:02 Mer Sun Jup Rah
Nep Lib 26:27:46 Ven Jup Ket Mer 11 Lib 3:27:44 Ven Mar Ven Mar
Plu Leo 23:04:05 Sun Ven Sat Sun 12 Lib 29:15:08 Ven Jup Sun Mer

Fortuna: Gemini 22;43:17 Navamaa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal

12XR«h 10
Van 53' Rai- Sun/X
Rah Veiv
n 828* 722' Urt 7 Mir
\ Ru /
4y |\ Mon
\ 9 Nep 2/\Mon 4
MonOX Kat 8 IOX Ven N.Sal N.

Flu 5 Una f Sa! 12 \Mon UraRah Set /
X P(u X \ 10 X
\12/ X XJUP
iX X9
Sat12 VVen 2 Rah V4 Mer iXSun 2 MarV4 /\ X \ Sun
Mon / 1 \ /i \ / 1 /'3 \^,u Ur^3-
/ \ / Jljp \ Ven R2]\ / Mer \ 103'
/ \/Mar Sun\
122- i 1229* Ven \ X
Nese' NepX 4\ '
Ket | Nep Ker 113* X Kal \
1 X Mar Mer
Horoscope No. 48
15/11/1955 Time 13:22:00 Day Tuesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:58:4^
tat 26:50:00 North Long 80:64:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24^

Panchang Avakahada Chakia Vlmsottarl Yoglnl

SidarialTime .: 16:50:06 Mrs Gan : Deva Saturn :11Y11M0D Bhramri :2YSM3D
Eq.of time :0:15:31 Mrs Yoni : Mrig Mercury
Sunrise :6:26:47 Hrs Nadi. - Madhya 16/10/1967 15/11/1955
Sunset :17:14:52 Hrs Varan ^ ^ Vipra 15/10/1984 19/05/1990
Samvat : 2012 Vashya : Keetak Mercury 14/03/1970 Bhramri 19/05/1958
Saka : 1877 Varga : Sarp Ketu 11/03/1971 Bhadrika 20/05/1963
Month : Kartika Yunja : f^Aadhya Venus 09/01/1974 Ulka 19/05/1969
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Jal Sun 15/11/1974 Sidha 19/05/1976
Tithi at Sunrise1 Name Alphabet Nee-Neeraj Moon 16/04/1976 Sankta 19/05/1984
Nakshatra : Anuradha Paya{Rasi-Nak) Mars 13/04/1977 Mangla 19/05/1985
Yoga : Atigand Copper-Copper Rahu 31/10/1979 Pingla 20/05/1987
Karan : Bava Hora : Jupiter Jupiter 05/02/1982 Dhanya 19/05/1990

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 29:11:29 Ven Jup Sun Sat Asc Aqu 13:00:09 Sat Rah Mer Ven
Mon Sco 0 18:12 Mar Sat Ven Ven 2 Pis 22:55:21 Jup Mer Mon Mer
Mar Vir 28 08:12 Mer Mar Sat Sat 3 Ari 25 00:52 Mar Ven Mer Mar
Mer Lib 18 07:36 Ven Rah Mon Mon 4 Tau 20 54:45 Ven Mon Ven Sun
Jup Leo 6:50:36 Sun Ket Rah Ven 5 Gem 1441:15 Mer Rah Ket Mon
Ven Sco 18:32:38 Mar Mer Mer Sat 6 Can 10:23:55 Mon Sat Sun Mon
Sat Sco 0 37:43 Mar Jup Mar Rah 7 Leo 13:00:09 Sun Ket Mer Jup
Rah -R Sco 24:28:43 Mar Mer Rah Jup 8 Vir 22 55:21 Mer Mon Sun Jup
Ket -R Tau 24 28:43 Van Mar Rah Jup 9 Lib 25:00:52 Ven Jup Mer Rah
Ura -R Can 9 20:04 Mon Sat Ven Jup 10 Sco 20 54:45 Mar Mer Ven Sat
Nap Lib 5 52:55 Ven Mar Mon Jup 11 Sag 14:41:15 Jup Van Ven Jup
Plu Leo 5 34:10 Sun Ket Rah Rah 12 Cap 10:23:55 Sat Mon Mon Jup

Fortuna: Aquarius 22;06;52 Navamsa Chart

\ Rfth x. Van
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspai
Nit N. 9/
Mar12><C 10 ><8 Nap

N. / X / Ura
PkJ 2X 4 yc* Mar
>^3 Sal SxUon
/Sun Jupx.Ket X^

Ket 2 X Ven 8 Won 1 Ket 2 8 Rah ; xSun Sat/ /
/ \ / Jup / Pla
. / \ Sat / PIU
sV^Ura 3 Msri
\ / \ /^eP Sun 713
3\^Jup 5 PluVf/Mer 12ia - /2<Mon
/ 4 /6 \Sun I / 4\ /Nep^6" CMon 6 Ket XT 12 Rahy^
Ura \ / Mar \ Mar Ju Plu
/ P \/Mer Mar\ X. PIU y^ X^^ y^
Nep Jup iyC 9 y\11 Marl
Rah Sat Mer y/e X. to X.
Ven Mon Sun y^ Nap s Van
Mars In Eighth house for Females 199

Illustration No7.2 (Horoscope No. 48) - This is the birthchart of a highly

qualified and able girl who is well employed. She is born in Aquarius ascendant
with Mars in the 8th house in Virgo. She is Ashtam Mangali. Jupiter"s presence
in the 7th house also speaks good about her marital life. She got married in her
25th year of age on 11.5.80 with a major in the Army who is a qualified engineer,
during Jupiter's Bhukti in Mercury Dasa (18.3.80 to 24.6.82). Soon after her
marriage, the husband started feeling mental trouble. Married life is quite happy
but the mental depression of her husband has resulted into a serious worry. This
happened first of all during August 1983 when she was 28 years old. 1 have
mentioned earlier that Mars often causes troubles in 28th year. She again faced
the serious problem of mental depression of her spouse during early 1988 i.e. in
her 33rd year during Ketu-Mars period (6.9.87 to 3.2.88). Thus, Mars has not
caused any marital unhappiness but it resulted in mental disorder of the husband.
Her husband is not Mangali at all.
200 Predicting Marriage

Illustration No.73 (Horoscope No. 49) - This is the horoscope of a lady

sub-inspectoress of schools who had a love marriage with a boy deeply attached
to her. Her elder sister was unmarried and her parents disliked the idea of
marriage of the younger daughter first. One day, her father came to me with the
horoscope of her daughter and the boy who loved her and wanted to marry. I
saw that Mars was posited in the 8th house in the sign of debilitation. She is
Ashtam Mangli girl while the boy was not. 3 advised against the marriage. But
they were ultimately married in June 1978 during Satum-Venus period.
The bridegroom slowly fell into the habit of drinking and gradually things
became unbearable. Differences started increasing and they started living
seperately. On learning of her plight,! advised her a few strong remedial measures.
She followed it rigorously and religiously for four months. With the grace of
God they have united and are now leading a smooth married life.
Horoscope No. 49
^te 06/09/1951 Time 14:30:00 Day Thursday Place Barailly Sri Sanatan Ayanamaa 22:55;1J
Lat 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:12:24.

Panchang Avakahada Chakra VImiottarl Yoglnl

SiderialTime Hrs Gan : Deva Rfthu : 1Y2M 23D Pingfa :0Y1M19D
Eq.oftime :0:01:21 Hrs Yonl : Wlahlsh Saturn
Sunrise ;5;53l52 Hrs Nadi : Antya 29/11/1968 06/09/1951
Sunset ;10:27:45 Hr» Varan j Shoodra 30711/1987 26/10/1985
Samvat : 2008 Vashya : Manav Saturn 03/12/1971 Pingla 26/10/1951
Saka : 1873 Varga : Saxp Mercury 12/08/1974 Dhanya 26/10/1954
Month : Bhadra Yunja..^... ^ Madhya Ketu 21/09/197S Bhramri 26/10/1958
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 20/11/1978 Bhadrika 26/10/1963
Name Alphabet Taa-Tamn Sun 02/11/1979 Ulka 26/10/1969
Tithi at Sunrise..: S Sidha 25/10/1976
Nakshatra : Svati Paya(Ra5f-Nak) r Gold-lron Moon 02/06/1981
Hora - Mars Mars 12/07/1982 Sankta 25/10/1984
Yoga : Endra Mangla 26/10/1985
Karan : Balava Chaugharia.........^ ArnrJ! Rahu 18/05/198S

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi 30
Dec ree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S

20".02:37 Sun Ven Rah Mar Asc Sag 12:12:33 jup Ket Mer Sun
Lib Ven Rah Mon Ven 2 Cap 17:03:10 sat Mon Sat Mon
Can Mon Mer Ket Sat 3 Aqu 24:10:25 Sat Jup Mer Ket
■R Leo9:35:24 Sun Ket Sat Sat 4 Pis 27:42:11 Jup Mer Jup Rah
■R Pis
19:30:57 Jup Mer Ven Ven 5 Ari 25:22:13 Mar Ven Mer Jup
-R Leo
15:41:49 Sun Ven Sun Rah 6 Tau 19:07:57 Ven Mon Mer Jup
Vir9:44:20 Mer Sun Ven Mer 7 Gem 12:12:33 Mer Rah Sat Rah
-R Aqu
17:01:18 Sat Rah Ven Mer S Can 17:03; 10 Mon Mer Ma Ven
■R Leo
17:01:18 Sun Ven Mon Mer 9 Leo 24:10:25 Sun Ven Ma Ma
20:13:15 Mer Jup Jup jup 10 Vir 27:42:11 Mer Mar Jup Rah
25:02:15 Mer Mar Rah Mer 11 Lib 25:22:13 Ven Jup Mer Jup
& 27:18:48 Mon Mer Jup Sun 12 Sco 19:07:57 Mar Mer Ket Sat
Fortuna: Aquarius 11:15;13 Navamaa Chart
\V*1 Nep/ X M«r
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal X. 5yS X/y
Ket 6XT 4 Xr2

■ 819'
Sun 7
\Rah r
A . N 10 yX12
\ 8 / Mar \o/ \Bx / B X >^11 XRah
9 V7Mon Plu JupllV 9 Mer JupX. X
Jup 12 v 8 Mon^- Jup X X. X
/\ / Sui
A \2 yX \^2yX
6 sxmoo 1 yell Sun
,■ \X/Sun v
Vei 3
\ / ^
/V Mer Ket X\
Ura / 4 Nyan / 2\\ lira
. /Mar 4 sun\ Reh .4 XT Ket 10 Ven/
v /Plu Mar\ Sat X/Kei Ven Mer \ Nep yS
^ Nep /
■ 1125" X. / ura
12 IB' MQIS* /eX. ptu
202 Predicting Marriag e

Illustration NO. 1A (Horoscope No. 50) - The girl of the horoscope belongs
to a very respectable and orthodox brahmin family. She loved a very ordinary
boy who was not even properly educated and was a TV. mechanic. He was
also poor. The development of their love affair was quite slow and the courtship
lasted for four or five years. Both were from different castes but after a lot of
dispute in the families, they got married on 5.12.87 during the Dasa-Bhukti of
Mars-Jupiter (26.10.87 to 2.10.88).
Only one year after their marriage, the relationship became so tense that the
marriage came on the verge of collapse. The presence of Mars in the 8th house
can be noted here which obtains Vargottam Navamsa in the 7th house from
Amsa Lagna. Mars in the sign of Mercury causes very bad results as regards
conjugal bliss.
Horoscope No. 50
09/08/1965 Time 20:00:00 Day Monday Place Lucknow Sfl Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottarl Yoglnl

SiderialTime .:17;05:06 Hrs Gan Manushya Vanus : 4Y4M 21D Sldha : 1Y6M 13D
Eq.oftime > OlOS'.SO Hra Yoni Vanar Mars
Sunrise :5:36:04 Hrs Nadi Wadhya 31/12/1985 09/06/1965
Sunset :18:47:18 Hrs Varan Kshatriya 30/12/1992 22/02/1996
Samvat : 2022 Vashya Manav Mars 29/05/1986 Sidha 22/02/1967
Saka : 1887 Varga Shwan Rahu 16/06/1987 Sankta 22/02/1975
Month : Sravana Yunja Antya Jupiter 22/05/1988 Mangla 22/02/1976
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Agni Saturn 01/07/1989 Pingla 22/02/1970
Tithi at Sunrise..: 12 Name Alphabet Mercury 26/06/1990 Dhanya 21/02/1981
Nakshatra : Purvasadha Dhaa-Dharmesh Ketu 24/11/1990 Bhramri 21/02/1985
Yoga : Priti Paya(Rasi-Nak) Gold-Copper Venus 25701/1992 Bhadrika 22/02/1990
Karan : Taitila Hora Moon Sun 31/05/1992 Ulka 22/02/1996

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 23:39:27 Mon Mer Mar Sat Asc Aqu 17:54:32 Sat Rah Sun Mer
Mon Sag 23:44:18 Jup Ven Sal Jup 2 Pis 27:27:53 Jup Mer Jup Mon
Mar Lib 0:06:57 Ven Mar Mer Mer 3 Arl 28:46:48 Mar Sun Mar Sat
Mer -R Leo 4:25:49 Sun Ket Mon Mer 4 Tau 24:15:20 Ven Mar Rah Rah
Jup Gem 0:56:44 Mer Mar Mer Mar 5 Gem 18:03:19 Mer Rah Sun Ven
Ven Leo 24:57:40 Sun Ven Mer Mar 6 Can 14:17.06 Mon Sat Rah Ven
Sat -R Aqu 22:42:30 Sat Jup Sal Ven 7 Leo 17:54:32 Sun Ven Mar Ven
Rah -R Tau 18:37:25 Ven Mon Mer Mon 8 Vir 27:27:53 Mer Mar Jup Mon
Ket -R Sco 18:37:25 Mar Mer Ket Ven 9 Lib 28:46:48 Ven Jup Sun Sun
Ura Leo 20:18:31 Sun Ven Jup Jup 10 Sco 24:15:20 Mar Mer Rah Rah
Nep Ub 24:08:55 Ven Jup Mer Mer 11 Sag 18:03:19 Jup Ven Mar Mon
Plu Leo 21:56:16 Sun Ven Sal Sal 12 Cap 14:17:06 Sat Mon Jup Sat

Fortuna: Cancer 17:59:22 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart \ Sun

Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
12 X10
32r 424' 9 Kat

\12/ \10/ Slln

1X Sal 11 X9Mon Rah yy
IX Sat 11 /)K\ /Plu UraV
/ \x Mar Jup x.

: Rah 2 X 8 Kat ; Jup 2 X /i x. vluo/
\ /\ /I Mw
\ / \ / 'l/'er
\ / Ura\ / Ven \ /PluX / 7i»- 6
\/ \ /Mar Ura 12w \/ \ / Ui^o' xv Mon Rah y(2
Jup 3 Y Mar 5 Van Y? p|u sVVen 5 Ura V? Ket p^- Mer /\ /\
/4\ Ptu /eNNap /4 \ / 8 \ Vezs* Sun 7 Mar 1 Ven
Sun Mer\ /Nep Mar
1024' 929* a>x. 10 X. 12 piu
Nep Keis* Neav ^ 9x. Ket 11
Ket Mar | Mao- Xv x Ura x^
Horoscope No. 51
10/08/1960 Time 10:40:00 Day Wednesday Place Sitapur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
t 27:33:00 North Long 80:40:00 East Zona 82:30:00 East Tim© Corr -0:07:20

Panchang Avakshada Chakra VlmsottaH Yoglnl

SiderialTime ..7:47:24 Mrs Gan : Manushya Saturn 114Y9M 290 Bhadrika : OY10M 28D
Eq.oftime >0:06:18 Hrs Yoni r Gau Mercury
Sunrise :5:36:34 Hrs Nadl : Madiya 10/06/1975 10/08/1960
Sunset :18:48:19 Hrs Varan : Vfera 09/06/1992 06/07/1995
Samvat : 2017 Vashya : Jafchar Mercury 05/11/1977 Bhadrika 05/07/1964
Saka. ..: 1882 Varga. : Sarp Ketu 02/11/1978 Ulka 06/07/1970
Month : Bhadra Yunja : Anlya Venus 02/09/1981 Sidha 06/07/1977
Paksh Krishna HansakfTatva) Js! Sun 10/07/1982 Sankta 06/07/1985
Trthi at Sunrise..: 4 Name Alphabet Dao-Doorjay Moon 09/12/1963 Mangla 06/07/1966
Nakshatra : UBhadrapad Paya(Rafll-Nak> : Gofd-Gold Mars 05/12/1984 Pingla 05/07/1988
Yoga : Sukarma Hora : Sun Rahu 25/06/1987 Dhanya 06/07/1991
Karan : Bava Chaugharia : Shubh Jupiter 30/09/1989 8hramri 06/07/1995

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Raai Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 24:30:58 Mon Mer Rah Jup Asc Lib 0:42:50 Ven Mar Mer Sun
Mon Pis 6:15:35 Jup Sat Mer Mon 2 Lib 29:32:30 Ven Jup Mon Mar
Mar Tau 12:13:19 Ven Mon Rah Jup .3 Sag 0:05:45 Jup Ket Ket Ven
Mer Can 6:13:31 Mon Sat Mer Sun 4 Cap 1:52:05 Sat Sun Jup Mer
Jup ~R Sag 0:54:07 Jup Ket Ven Ven 5 Aqu 3:48:46 Sat Mar Ven Jup
Ven Leo 7:53:27 Sun Ket Jup Sat 6 Pis 3:58:24 Jup Sat Sat Ket
Sat -R Sag 19:48:48 Jup Ven Rah Sun 7 Arl 0:42:50 Mar Ket Ket Mer
Rah Leo 22:36:07 Sun Ven Sat Ket 8 Arl 29:32:30 Mar Sun Rah Jup
Ket Aqu 22:36:07 Sat Jup Sat Ven 9 Gem 0:05:45 Mer Mar Mer Mer
Ura Can 28:06:54 Mon Mer Sat Sat 10 Can 1:52:05 Mon Jup Rah Jup
Nep Lib 13:27:38 Ven Rah Mer Mon 11 Leo 3:48:46 Sun Ket Mon Mar
Plu Leo 12:11:53 Sun Ket Mer Sun 12 Vir 3:58:24 Mer Sun Sat Ven

Fortuna: Taurus 12:27:27 Navamsa Chart

Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal Sit /

Lagna Chart
.6 / Mer
9 X R«t> 7 5
71' SX\ Mon
8M* 4 PIU>
llyX^Mar 1 JupVs Ven
SalV/. SalV/ 8 /Ven 1Qr
"12 N. 2NX
B X Nep 7 sV^ep 7 YSRah Me«- S Ura s N.
Jup/\ \piu
\ Su25* Daaamaa
Mer 4 Sun Mer 4 Sun N. Sun
\ Ura / Jup \^8 /
Ura 9\^Ven 7
4r C Won 10 X
1 Sa,
30- . /Mer MalX
Mars In Eighth house Jar Females 205

Illustration No.7.5 (Horoscope No. 51) - This is the horoscope of a Mangali

girl who got married on 7.5.82 in her 22nd year of age with a very handsome
boy. From the very first day, misunderstandings started developing. One day
when they were talking very intimately, the girl told all about her past love
affairs. The husband was shocked to leam all about her past life and started
beating her badly almost every day. She was not allowed even to see her parents.
The husband was so deeply hurt that he enquired all about it and as a result left
her forever.
The girl who never believed in worshipping came to me with her eyes flooded
with tears. I advised her certain remedial measures. She observed all the measures
very sincerely and the couple were reunited after 6 months. It cannot be said
that she is now leading a very happy married life, but they are living together
with an agreement free of adjustments.
206 Predictlng Marring e

Illustration No,7,6 (Horoscope No, 6) - This is the horoscope of the daughter

of a class 1 officer who held a high status in society. Her father was very deeply
attached to her. He made very sincere efforts for the timely marriage of his
loving child. He settled her Marriage with a smart and handsome boy who was
a topper of the university in the subject of physics and was very ideal in all
respects. The marriage took place on 24.11-68 in a very decent way at a very
high scale.
After reaching her in laws" house, she had to face innumerable troubles.
She was not allowed to meet her husband. She had to work there like a maid
servant. She lost all the grace and charm within a month and was reduced to a
skeleton. Her father could not bear this shock that his most loving daughter
worked like a servant in that large family. Her husband could not dare to support
her. The father expired after this shock. After father"s death, the in-laws did not
call her back. They refused to accept her because there was non after her father
who could fulfil their heavy demands.
She lived with her mother for 7 years. During those years, she visited, her in
laws" house many times but she had to undergo great torture and was not
allowed to see her husband. All efforts went in vain. One day she went to a
pandit of Prayag, who performedfew pujas for her and advised her certain
remedial measures. He assured that her husband will come to her on 41 st day.
To her utmost surprise it happened so. He took her with him and lived seperately.
Now they are leading a very happy life with three children. They were reunited
in 1976 around her 28th year.
Mars disposition in the 8th house in Virgo is very harmful in this horoscope.
Saturn occupies the 7th house and papkartari Yoga is also present around the
7th house. Marns position in the 8th house caused havoc and torturous life
from 21th year to 28th year of age.
Horoscope No. 6
20/07/1948 Time 20:28:00 Day Tuesday Place Faizabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22 52:j
at 26:46:00 North Long 82:08:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:01

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

Siderial Time 16:19:43 Hrs Gan Manushya Sun : 4Y 8M 21D Sankta : 6Y 3M 17D
Eq.oftime - 0:06:12 Hrs Yoni - Wakul Mars
Sunrise 5:21:07 Hrs NadL : Antya 11/04/1963 20/07/1948
Sunset 18:54:07 Hra Varan : Kshalriya 11/04/1970 07/11/1982
Samvat 2005 Vashya - Manav Mars 08/09/1963 Sankta 07/11/1954
Saka 1870 Varga : Mooshak Rahu 25/09/1964 Mangla 07/11/1955
Month Asadha Yunja Antya Jupiter 01/09/1965 Pingla 07/11/1957
Paksh Shukla Hansak{Tatva) Agni Satum 11/10/1966 Dhanya 07/11/1960
Tithi at Sunrise.. 14 Name Alphabet Bhay-Bhairav Mercurv 08/10/1967 Bhramri 07/11/1964
Nakshatra Uttarasadha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Goid-Copper Ketu 05/03/1968 Bhadrika 07/11/1969
Yoga Vishkumbh Hora.. Sun Venus 05/05/1969 Ulka 07/11/1975
Karan Bava Chaugharia : Labha Sun 10/09/1969 Sidha 07/11/1982

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 4:53:18 Mon Sat Sat Rah Asc Aqu 3:12:44 Sat Mar Ven Mon
Mon Sag 29:30:05 Jup Sun Rah Rah 2 Pis 13:24:40 Jup Sat Rah Jup
Mar Vir 9:06:02 Mer Sun Ven Jup 3 Ari 17:00:48 Mar Ven Mon Mer
Mer Gem 15:07:02 Mer Rah Ket Mer 4 Tau 13:53:48 Ven Mon Jup Jup
Jup -R See 27:16:59 Mar Mer Jup Sun 5 Gem 7:46:56 Mer Rah Rah Mer
Ven Gem 2:07:20 Mer Mar Ket Mon 6 Can 2:37:18 Mon Jup Rah Ven
Sat Can 29:33:58 Mon Mer Sat Rah 7 Leo 3:12:44 Sun Ket Sun Rah
Rah -R Ari 17:58:39 Mar Ven Mar Ven 8 Vir 13:24:40 Mar Mon Rah Ven
Ket -R Lib 17:58:39 Van Rah Sun Ket 9 Ub 17:00:48 Ven Rah Ven Mer
Ura Gem 5:20:14 Mer Mar Sun Mer 10 See 13:53:48 Mar Sat Rah Mer
Nep Vir 17:33:48 Mer Mon Sat Jup 11 Sag 7:46:56 Jup Ket Jup Jup
Plu Can 21:09:50 Mon Mer Ven Mer 12 Cap 2:37:18 Sat Sun Jup Mon

Fortuna: Cancer 27:49:31 Navamsa Chart

Ura Rah S
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspai
N. 8 \6
Mon flSc Van 7 xb Sun

317- 414
Raifl" Plu 10

Mar 11 X 1 X
\l2/ \10/ Sun w
10I/ 63" /12\ /2
RahlV 11 VgMon Sat Rah t X 11 X9Mon Sue- SSal Kel\ /
/Jup Mar \/

8 Jup ven 2 Ura 8 Jup Sun Jup / N. >

UraX / \ / rb/Ket 12 ^>/w

Ven3V^ 5 Vj Ket 5 X 7 Ket
Mer/ / 6 \ Msr / 6 \ Ven 3 9 Sat
/ Ptu \ / \ , AN
/Sun Sat\ /N0P Mar . Sun Sst
' ^ Nep
Ura 4y\Mon 6 Rahp\8 Mar

Jup | Ket ■ / Mar \/PIu NapX

Horoscope No. 52
t« 06/03/1927 Time 21:15:00 Day Sunday PlacaAmbala Srt Sanatan AyanamM 22:34:
at 30:19:00 North Long 76:49:00 East Zona 82:30:00 East Tlma Corr - 0:22:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottarl Yoglnl

SlderialTime .:7:45:47 Hm Gan Deva Ke1u;6YBM 2BD Bhramri :3Y1M20D
Eq.oftima. 0:11:38 Hrs Yonf Ashwa Moon
Sunrise :6:46:13 Hrs Nadi Ad/a 03/09/1958 06/03/1927
Sunset : 18:22:46 rts Varan Kshatrlya 02/09/1963 26/04/1962
Samvat : 1983 Vashya Chatuspada Moon 04/07/1959 Bhramri 26/04/1930
Saka ; 1848 Varga Simha Mars 02/02/1960 Bhadrika 27/04/1935
Month Pha]guna Yunja Foava Rahu 03/08/1961 Ulka 26/04/1941
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) - Agnl Jupiter 03/12/1962 Sidha 26/04/1948
Trthi at Sunrise..: 3 Name Alphabet Saturn 04/07/1964 Sankta 26/04/1956
Nakshatra : Asvini Chu-Churamani Mercury 03/12/1965 Mangla 26/04/1957
Yoga : Brahma Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Gold Ketu 04/07/1966 Pingla 27/04/1959
Karan.... : Vanij Hora Sun Venus 04/03/1968 Dhanya 26/04/1962

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Dag re a R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Aqu 22:29:58 Sat Jup Sat Ket Asc Lib 0:19:33 Ven Mar Mer Kat
Mon Ari 2:51:59 Mar Ket Ven Mer 2 Lib 28:55:41 Ven Jup Sun Rah
Mar Tau 14:04:27 Ven Mon Jup Jup 3 Sco 29:42:31 Mar Mer Sat Rah
Mer -R Pis 4:30:56 Jup Sat Sat Sun 4 Cap 1:57:01 Sat Sun Jup Mer
Jup Aqu 18:32:22 Sat Rah Mon Jup 5 Aqu 4:08:57 Sat Mar Van Sat
Ven Pis 17:25:54 Jup Mar Mer Sun 6 Pis 4:06:32 Jup Sat Sat Ven
Sat Sco 14:58:42 Mar Sat Jup Jup 7 Ari 0:19:33 Mar Ket Ket Rah
Rah -R Gem 11:38:03 Mer Rah Sat Sun 8 Ari 28:55:41 Mar Sun Mar Mer
Ket -R Sag 11:38:03 Jup Ket Mer Mer 9 Tau 29:42:31 Van Mar Sat Rah
Ura Pis 5:59:43 Jup Sat Mar Van 10 Can 1:57:01 Mon Jup Rah Sat
Nep -R Leo 2:30:08 Sun Kat Ven Sat 11 Leo 4:08:57 Sun Kat Mon Sat
Plu -R Gam 21:17:23 Mer Jup Jup Mon 12 Vlr 4:06:32 Mer Sun Sat Sun

tuna: Scorpio 10;41:33 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

Men Mar 70- ^\Mer
Mov Mai4'
82r 93<r Rah 10 4 KaO
yS Nep N.
IW^un 1 Morw^3
yXl2Xv P'U yX2 N.
y Jup n. >/ Mar x.

4 Ncp N. Sal yX \ Rah Sun/
UraVSy/ x.
Sun\ /
Ju 2 P|U 4r Jup/12\ 'APIu
/ Ura\\Won//2\ \ PltJ 10 yXf 4
Mar / Ura\ Mar \
/Mer Van\ / \ / Mar Ven
1 iyX^Mon 1 Ven\^3
>Xl2 y'2\
' Kel X/ Mar
Mars In Eighth house for Females 209

Illustration No.7.7 (Horoscope No. 52) - Opposition of Saturn and Mars

causes appreciable delay in marriage if it relates to the 7th and 2nd house. In
this birth chart, Mars owns the 2nd and the 7th house. Saturn occupies 2nd and
Mars is poisted in the 8th under mutual aspect and opposition. This is very bad
for marital bliss.
This is the horoscope of a lady Producer in all India Radio. She was very
charming in her Young age and possessed an exceptionally attractive and
impressive personality. She got married on 11.3.61 at 34 years of age. Just after
a lapse of 10 months of her married life, the husband expired in an air crash on
17.1.63. The husband Was not Mangali as per the version of this lady. Mars in
the 8th house causes such disasters and changes the course of marital life towards
sorrows and deaths.
Horoscope No. 53
18/10/1958 TImO 08:22:00 Day Saturday PJace Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimaottarl Yoglni

Siderial Time .:9:59:58 Hrs Gan ^ Rakshas Ketu ;0Y2M 3D Ulka : OY1M 24D
Eq.oftime ;0:14:42 Hrs Yoni Shwan Moon
Sunrise :6:08:32 Hrs Nadi Adya 21/12/1984 18/10/1956
Sunset : 17:34:36 Hrs Varan ^ Kshatriya 21/12/1994 11/12/1988
Samvat : 2015 Vashya i Manav Moon 21/101985 Ulka 12^12/1958
Saka : 1880 Varga > Mooshak Mars 22/05/1966 Sidha 12/12/1965
Month : Asvina Yunja : Anlya Ffehu 21/11/1987 Sankta 12/12/1973
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Agni Jupiter 22031989 Mangla 12/12/1974
Tithi at Sunrise..: 6 Name Alphabet Bhee-Bheema Satum 21/10/1990 Rrxjla 11/12/1976
Nakshatra : Moola Paya(Rasi-Nak) Mercury 22/03/1992 Dhanya 1212/1979
Yoga : Atigand Copper-Copper Ketu 21/101992 Bhramri 12/12/1983
Karan : Taitila Hora Mars Venus 22061994 Bhadika 11/121988

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 1:12:20 Ven Mar Mer Rah Asc Lib 29:39:45 Ven Jup Mon Rah
Mon Sag 12:59:52 Jup Ket Mer Jup 2 Sco 29:17:48 Mar Mer Sat Mar
Mar -R Tau 9:04:05 Ven Sun Ven Jup 3 Cap 1:17:02 Sat Sun Jup Jup
Mer Lib 9:47:25 Ven Rah Jup Ven 4 Aqu 4:47:22 Sat Mar Ven Ket
Jup Lib 15:10:58 Ven Rah Ket Mer 5 Pis 6:58:21 Jup Sat Mer Jup
Ven Vir 24:59:52 Mer Mar Rah Mer 6 Ari 5:16:02 Mar Ket Mar Mer
Sat Sco 28:24:57 Mar Mer Sat Mer 7 Ari 29:39:45 Mar Sun Rah Jup
Rah -R Vlr 29:21:17 Mer Mar Sat Mar 8 Tau 29:17:48 Ven Mar Sat Mar
Ket -R Pis 29:21:17 Jup Mer Sat Mar 9 Can 1:17:02 Mon Jup Mar Mon
Ura Can 22:46:53 Mon Mer Mon Sat 10 Leo 4:47:22 Sun Ket Mar Mar
Nep Lib 11:06:42 Ven Rah Sat Ket 11 Vir 6:58:21 Mer Sun Mer Sat
Plu Leo 10:36:12 Sun Ket Sat Mon 12 Lib 5:16:02 Ven Mar Sun Sat

tuna: Capricorn 11:27:17 Navamsa Chart

XMon Plu /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
v. 4 2 >
Ven 5X 3 1
65" Mas*

820* Rah 6 Sat 12 Mar

\ Kel /
Ket I \ Sat / \Rah Ven / Mon / Jup Mer /
\ Nep / Sun T/C 9 yAJt Jup
\ 8 / jii|Nep\ 6 / I Ura \ 8 / \ 7 /Sun .91* B \. Mer y/ 1o\
Mon9 >C Sun 7 Mer a 5 Ptul 10X Sa! 7 V'eVen / / Nap Ura\
/ \Rah
/ V Ur
4 Ura 5 Piu ,

1 \ Mar (Sun 7 Ura^X'Mer 1 MojO

N. XeXsat/
22S ■ 130* |
Plu SyXyMier 10 VenX<yi2 Jup
Nep Jup Sa2 JuisNei
Sat ■ Mer Sun MQio*25*Sur /^9 N. >/ 1tNv
1 / \ / Rah X
Mars In Eighth house for Females 211

Illustration No.7.8 (Horoscope No. 53) - This is the horoscope of a Mangali

girl which is similar to the previous horoscope. This girl is related to me as elder
sister's daughter. I told my sister that she had Ashtam Mangal mutually aspected
by Saturn. Therefore, her marriage will be delayed till 28th year of her age. I
advise her to look for her daughter a Mangali boy, having a balanced Kuja Dosha,
Ultimately, a boy working with her in a bank as P.O himself proposed to her.
Her mother directed him to see me with the horoscope. 1 found that Kuja Dosh
was equally balanced. Jupiter's association with 9th lord Mercury and aspect of
both over the 7th house made it possible though with much difficulty. She got
married nicely on 16.11.86 and is leading a very happy married life inspite of
presence of Ashtam Mangal in her horoscope. 1 illustrate this case to explain
that astrological assistance in matching horoscope can be of great use.
Many say that Kuja Dosh works only till 28th year of age. I agree with it but
only partial Kuja Dosh gets reduced after 28th year of age. Saturn and Jupiter's
aspect or association with Mars increases Kuja Dosh.
Horoscope No. 54
ale 26/08/1956 Time 04:08:00 Day Sunday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:59:27
at 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:21:0e

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yoglni

Sklerial Time .:2:03:30 Hrs Gan : Deva Ketu : 6Y 10M 26D Bhramri : 3Y11M 10D
Eq.oftime :• 0:02:04 Hrs Yoni j Ashwa Venus
Sunrise :5:56:44 Hrs Nadi - Adya 23/07/1963 26/08/1956
Sunset :18:49:13 Hrs Varan Kshalriya 23/07/1983 06/08/1992
Samvat : 2013 Vashya i Chatuspada Venus 22/11/1966 Bhramri 06/08/1960
Saka ; 1878 Varga : Simha Sun 22/11/1967 Bhadnka 06/08/1965
Month : Bhadra Yunja - Poanra Moon 23/07/1969 Ulka 07/06/1971
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Mars 22/09/1970 Sidha 07/06/1976
Tithi at Sunrise..: 4 Name Alphabet Rahu 22/09/1973 Sankta 07/08/1986
Nakshatra : Asvini Chu-Churamani Jupiter 23/05/1976 Mangla 07/08/1987
Yoga : Gand Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Gold Saturn 23/07/1979 Ping [a 06/08/1989
Karan.. : Kaulava Hora : Jupiter Mercury 23/05/1982 Dhanya 06/08/1992

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 9:40:33 Sun Ket Sat Mer Asc Can 15:43:51 Mon Sat Jup Ket
Mon Ari 0:10:41 Mar Ket Ket Sun 2 Leo 9:47:37 Sun Ket Sat Mer
Mar -R Aqu 29:08:45 Sat Jup Sun Sat 3 Vir 7:53:28 Mer Sun Ven Ven
Mer Vir 6:17:46 Mer Sun Mer Rah 4 Lib 10:06:00 Ven Rah Jup Mar
Jup Leo 16:59:19 Sun Ven Mon Mer 5 Sco 13:51:15 Mar Sat Rah Mer
Ven Gem 23:59:01 Mer Jup Mer Mer 6 Sag 16:04:51 Jup Ven Sun Ket
Sat Sco 3:43:35 Mar Sat Sat Mer 7 Cap 15:43:51 Sat Mon Sat Sat
Rah -R Sco 10:26:00 Mar Sat Sun Mar 8 Aqu 9:47:37 Sat Rah Jup Ven
Ket -R Tau 10:26:00 Ven Mon Mon Jup 9 Pis 7:53:28 Jup Sat Ket Sat
Ura Can 11:29:56 Mon Sat Mon Sat 10 Ari 10:06:00 Mar Ket Sat Ven
Nep Lib 5:14:47 Ven Mar Sun Sat 11 Tau 13:51:15 Ven Mon Rah Mar
Plu Leo 5:26:59 Sun Ket Mar Ven 12 Gem 16:04:51 Mer Rah Ven Rah

Fortuna: Pisces 6:13:59 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal ssUra^ RBhyS
\9 7 .X
toV Nep 8 X6 Jup
Mon Ket Moo* /
ICpo* Keio* /
1114* j <^Mer 11 5 SeX
\Sijn Jup > Ven / \Mer Jui)/^\Ura Very'
- \ Plu X 51a
12>< Ven 2 >\A
\5/ \y 3
Mer GyMJra 4 V2 Ket 7
N0P X^Mofi ^Mer Sun\
/\SUn P,lJ
/v Ur12

\ Daaamsa
- (uep 7 1 Mon . - Sa] 7 Rafr 1 Ket X Ru /X Mer
Sat\ / Rah 5 ^S,X/3 Ura
X 10 3X
Sun B 2 y
/ \ Nep
X / \ /Mon
9/C 11 X.1
Rah >/l10 12\Ket
Sat Nep XJup VenX X'^ X.
Mars In Eighth house for Females 213

Illustration No.7.9 (Horoscope No. 54) - In this horoscope of Mrs. Maneka

Gandhi, one can see that she is Ashtam Mangali. Mars is posited in the 8th
house in Saturn" s sign Aguarius, but Jupiter aspects Mars mutually from 2nd
house. Jupiter"s aspect could not elimate Kuja Dosh of Mars. Maneka Gandhi
and her husband became an unfortunate victim of an air crash. She had to face
the curse of widowhood at quite a young age.
There was a time when she and thousands of country men thought Mr.
Sanjay Gandhi would become the Prime Minister of India after Mrs. Indira
Gandhi. But destiny lay else where which dragged down the prospective Prime
Minister's wife on the road, She had to leave the Prime Minister's house.
The Mangali girls should observe few time-tested remedial measures in
existence for reduction of their miseries to get success in their marriage.
"Savitri" and "Mangla Gauri Vrats" are advised for girls with Ashtam Mangal,
"Kumbh Vivah" may also be performed to nullify the original taints of the Mars"
affliction, but this must be performed under proper guidance.


Mercury and Marital affairs

The dualist Mercury has a significance no less than Jupiter but it is neglected or is
endowed with very little importance as compared to him. Mercury rules over
faculty of brain, wisdom and intelligence, logic and power of understanding. The
mind is of the foremost importance, Being an itellectual planet, Mercury can give
highly intelligent, ingenious and analytical brain while afflicationof Mercury, on the
other hand, under certain specific conditions, mean, loss of mental power resulting
into insanity.
Age of Mercury according to sign under occupation - Mercury behaves like a
boy (Kumar Awastha) if it is posited in Gemini, libra or Aquarius. It provides a great
desire of learning throughout the life, unexpressable enthusiasm and love and curiosity
towards knowledge of different subjects and their various branches. Such persons
have a powerful mental inclination towards acquisition of knowledge and to
understand the logic and complications. They are also easily provoked to anger and
passion, and talk too much. They try to make other convinced by their own views
and with logic.
In Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, Mercury is dealt as a youth (Tarun Awastha). Natives
having this position of Mercury are most knowledgeable persons. They have a clear
and wide understanding of many subjects. They are mostly experts but such persons
are also very proud of their knowledge, who do not usually compromise with the
circumstances. They are aggressive and can easily get involved into quarrel and can
create a dispute, as they cannot tolerate their opposition or even their criticism. They
are very passionate too.
Mercury attains maturity in Praudha Awastha in Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
This is a good disposition of Mercury as it provides balanced thoughts and firm ideas.
The thoughts are not changeable and there is no vacillation of ideas. He advises
appropriately and correctly. He is not proud of knowledge as such he never misuses
his intelligence.
Mercury and Marital affairs 215

Mercury reaches its old age or Vriddha Awastha in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
signs. This is not a good disposition of Mercury in general. They mostly misuse
their brain power. They do not perform their duties in a righteous manner.
They have a tendency to criticise and try to find fault in others and are mostly
expert in that. They use their intelligence for the adverse causes.
Significance of Mercury - Mercury is the significator of speech, intelligence,
expression, discrimination, educaton, learning, knowledge, mathematics,
accounts, logics, medical knowledge, profession, writing, publishing, leafy trees,
ability, trade, business, printing work, composition, memory and remembrance,
poetry, sculpture, astrologer, author, chief servant, clerk, teacher, neighbours,
advocate, broker,brain, lungs,hands, tongue, stomach, leprosy and leucoderma,
post and telegraph services, bank, insurance, translator, typist, mills, railway
services and chartered accountant or accounts officer etc.
The branches of education signified by Mercury - Mercury is the Karaka
of eudcation in general and in particular it signifies mathmatics, dance, teaching,
medical science, astrology, grammar, examinations and tests, acts and law,
palmistry, psychology, typing, trignometry, calculus, engineering-maths, expert
of finger prints etc.
Mercury also signifies ambassadors of the country, policy making,
compromise, accumulation of wealth, minister and secret documents etc.
Profession which come under the control of Mercury
1. Writer, author, poet, Editor, novelist and story or essay writer.
2. Teacher, lecturer, professor, research scholar and inventor.
3. Astrologer, palmist, expert in occult sciences like numerology and face
reading etc.
4. Trader, businessman and manufacturer.
5. Registrar, peshikar vendor (reader to Magistrate) and stamp seller.
6.Publisher, printer, compositor, proof reader and typist.
7. Tailor, engineer, measurement taker and statistician.
8. Post master, clerks, services of posts and telegraph departments.
9. Sculptor, artist, dancer, speaker and debator.
10. Logicians, Homeopath and Ayurveda.
Mercury is a complicated planet - Similarly its study and accurate judgement
of its results are also very tough. Mercury gets heavily influenced by the planets
who are associated to it either by opposition or conjunction, aspect or by mutual
exchange of signs.
Role of Mercury in various fields of life - Mercury plays vital role in the
life of every native. It has a specific role over certain events of life which are
mostly kept secret. In a few charts when we come to know about the
occurences that are outcome of the position of Mercury, we get astonished
and at times our views also change about that particular person. I am trying
to draw the attention of the readers towards following aspects of life where
Mercury has to play a key role:
Mercury and Marital affairs 216

I. Adoption of child 2. Illegitimate birhts 3. More than one marriage 4.

Concubine, keeps. 5. Mental depression of insanity. 6. Brilliance, intelligence,
observations, logics, power of experssion and interpretation. 7. Jmpotency. 8.
Adultery. 9. Affliction of nervous system, brain haemorrhage, nervous disorder
or even breakdown and paralysis. 10. Skin infections, sense of sight,
perception andunderstanding. 11. Nervous system, solar plexus, bowels, arms,
mouth and tongue. 12. Travelling and journeys, transfers and professional
promotions. 13. Teaching, writing, poetry, mails and correspondence. 14. skill,
methodical way of work, strong and retentive memory, logical thinking,
researches and profession etc.
Out of all the nine planets. Mercury is nearest to the Sun. The diameter of
Mercury is 3200 miles and it revolves around the Sun within 88 days. Mercury
is said to be an illegitimate child of Moon. Since Mercury is a young, Prince the
person born under the influence of Mercury generally possess a youthful
appearance. Mercury is neutral, dualistic, cold, moist, convertible and eunuch
planet. It is combust within 8° 30' of the Sun and in no case Mercury is beyond
28° from the Sun. It is said to bestow best results while leaving the Sun.
Strong and well placed Mercury is a great asset to any horoscope. That will
provide immense intelligence, astonishing way of justifications of actions and
undertakings, perfect logics, correct interpretations and art of expression,
powerful speech and power of grasping the complications, Mercury provides
good skill and strong and retentive memory, methodical way of working, account
keeping and systematic manners. Mercury is the chief planet to be considered
first of all for education. An afflicted Mercury can create havocs. One may be a
great liar, cheater, decepter, corrupt, mad or insane.
The Sun and Venus are friends while Moon is inimical to Mercury, Mars,
Saturn and Jupiter are treated as neutral. However, we have observed that
Mercury should be treated as an enemy of Mars. Mars is inimical to Mercury.
Both show adverse influence when they come in contact with each other.
Here, we propose to deal with the role of Mercury over the matters of the
7th house only. Mercury mostly exhibits its results in the 32th year.
Mercury and the Seventh House - If Mercury is the lord of the 7th house,
i.e. when the Lagna is ruled by Jupter, Mercury will automatically own the 7th
house and in that case, if Mercury joins a malefic, specially Mars and obtains the
Navama of its debilitation or inimical Vargas or Mercury is combust and
alongwith it such an afflicted Mercury fall in the 6th or the 8th house as the 7th
lord and is also hemmed in between malfics forming papkartari Yoga, the wife
of the native kills him, pathetically inch by inch and cause misery to the whole
family. Suppose Mercury owns 7th house and it is conjoined with Mars in the
8th house, Saturn joins 7th house and Rahu 8th house and Mercury obtains the
Navamsa of Mars. If such a combination is present in the horoscope of a native
it may be understood that the actions of the wife will be responsible for his
unnatural and untimely death.
Mercury and Marital affairs 111

Mercury and Jupiter in the 4th house show conjugal happiness provided
they are related with the 7th or 2nd houses and are absolutely unafflicted.
Mercury, Venus and Saturn, if placed together in the 7th house, make the native
adulterous. In case Mercury owns the 7th and joins Venus and Saturn, in one
way or the other, the native will be attracted towards wives of others.
Mercury has a very specific role to play in the matters of the 7th house. If
Mercury joins the 7th house and the dispositor of Mercury is well placed, it
provides the native the art to win hearts of women and natural ability to cleverly
impress and attract women towards him. He will always be favoured by women
of his own choice. Mercury in the 7th house provides an intelligent wife. She
likes to be well dressed and is well qualified. She may not belong to a high
family but will have quarrelsome nature. Mercury in the 7th house attracts the
native towards other"s wives. He gets inspiration and strength to work in the
association of females and loves them too, depending upon the exact situation.
Mercury curtails the longivity of wife, if posited in the 7th house for persons
born under Scorpio ascendant. Whenever Mercury indicates liasion with a
woman in any horoscope, it will be with a young woman because Mercury is
regarded as kumar. It may also indicate prostitution under certain specific
aflictions. Placement of Mercury in the 7th house without affliction provides an
intelligent and good looking wife whose breasts are well developed and
proportionate. She also begets goods number of children.

If Mercury is associated with Jupiter in the 7th house, the native will be
fortunate to get a good wife and enjoy sex with a number of other beautiful
women. If Venus is accompained with Mercury in the 7th house, the native will
be liked by innumerable beautiful females.
In most of the cases, presence of Mercury in association with Mars in the
7th house has played havoc. If Mars and Mercury are present anywhere in
the horoscope, the results will be inauspicious. If Mercury is Markesh i.e.
lord of the 2nd and 7th houses and joins the 7th house in association with
Mars, the death of the husband by one way or the other, will be in evidence
soon after the marriage.
Mercury and Marital affairs 218

Illustration No. 8.1. (Horoscope No.55) - This is the horoscope of a beautiful

daughter of a Superintending Engineer who is bom Taurus ascendant. The lord
of the Lagna Venus joins the 8th house and obtains the Navamsa of Mars. The
lord of the 2nd and 5th house Mercury is associated with the lord of the 7th and
12th house Mars in the 7th house. Ketu has also accompanied Mars and Mercury.
There is mutual aspect between Mars and Saturn and both of these planets are
in their own signs but they fall in the 8th house in the Navmsa Chart. Thus 7th
house is heavily afflicted by Mercury which resulted into suicide by her husband
soon after marriage. She was married in October 1987 and with in one year her
husband committed suicide due to shock he received by learning that his wife
was lustfully involved with a Mohammedan boy since her childhood and she
was continuing carnal relations even after marriage. She got married and suffered
widowhood during the sub period of Jupiter in the major period of Jupiter.
Jupiter is a malefic for Taurus ascendant and joins the sign of Mercury. It is the
dispositer of Mercury. Mars and Saturn join the Navamsa of Jupiter in the Stir
house from Navamsa Chakra. The 2nd house deals with happiness of family life
and 8th house governs Mangalya of a lady. Both these bouses are afflicted, under
Rashi and Navamsa chart both, by Jupiter. Jupiter "s Dasa proved fatal for her
husband. Fifth house deals with emotions and sensual thoughts, whose lord
Mercury is associated with the 7th lord Mars in the 7th house. The girl, therefore,
in her childhood fell in love with a Mohammedan boy during Rahu Mercury
period which damaged her conjugal bliss. Unfortunate part was that the
relationship continued even after marriage. Certain amount of defamation of
the girl has only made her shameless to son-.o extent.
Horoscope No. 55
ta 02/11/1965 Time 19:42:00 Day Tuesday PIaC9Aligarh SriSanatan Ayanamsa 23:07
t 27'.54:00 North Long 78:04:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tim©Corr -0:17.44

Ptnchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarl Yoglni

SiderialTime . 22:10:50 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Mara: 3Y 4M 0D Pingia :0Y11M13D
Eq.oftime 0:16:26 Hrs Yoni ^ SImha Jupiter
Sunrise 6:30:42 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 05/03/1987 02/11/1965
Sunset 17:31:47 Hrs Varan : Shoodra 05/03/2003 16/10/2000
Samvat 2022 Vashya ^ Manav Jupiter 22/04/1989 Pingia 16/10/1966
Saka 1887 Varga Majjar Saturn 04/11/1991 Dhanya 16/10/1969
Month Kartika Yunja Anlya Mercury 09/02/1994 Bhramri 16/10/1973
Paksh Shukla Hansak{Tatva) Vayu Ketu 15/01/1995 Bhadrika 16/10/1978
Tlthl at Sunrise.. 9 Name Alphabet Goo-Gunakar Venus 15/09/1997 Uika 16/10/1984
Nakshatra Dhanishtha Paya(RasF-Nak) Sun 06/07/1998 Sidha 17/10/1991
Yoga Vradhi Copper-Copper Moon 04/11/1999 Sankta 17/10/1999
Karan Kaulava Hora Jupiter Mars 10/10/2000 Mangle 16/10/2000

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 16:49:48 Ven Rah Ven Sat Asc Tau 23:35:09 Ven Mar Mar Jup
Mon Aqu 0:18:47 Sat Mar Mer Ket 2 Gem 17:20:40 Mer Rah Ven Ket
Mar Sco 28:06:46 Mar Mer Sat Sat 3 Can 10:49:24 Mon Sat Sun Mer
Mer Sco 7:20:05 Mar Sat Ket Ket 4 Leo 7:31:40 Sun Ket Rah Mar
Jup -R Gem 7:52:41 Mer Rah Rah Ket 5 Vir 10:04:37 Mer Mon Mon Mon
Ven Sag 3:26:06 Jup Ket Sun Mer 6 Lib 17:26:42 Ven Rah Sun Sun
Sat -R Aqu 17:29:03 Sat Rah Sun Mon 7 Sco 23:35:09 Mar Mer Mar Jup
Rah -R Tau 11:50:45 Ven Mon Mar Mon 8 Sag 17:20:40 Jup Ven Mar Mar
Ket -R Sco 11:50:45 Mar Sat Mon Ket 9 Cap 10:49:24 Sat Mon Mon Ket
Ura Leo 25:16:01 Sun Ven Mer Rah 10 Aqu 7:31:40 Sat Rah Rah Sat
Nep Lib 26:15:03 Ven Jup Ket Jup 11 Pis 10:04:37 Jup Sat Ven Mer
Plu Leo 24:43:35 Sun Ven Mer Sun 12 Ari 17:26:42 Mar Ven Mar Rah
tuna: Virgo 7:04:08 Navamaa Chart
Mor y/- y
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal 4
Kal\a/ X /
7X X3
MonX X S X.

vUn a PIUX^P 2 V«n

Jup /
Jup 9 11 Xl Rih
s. s 12\
\y \ / sit x
4V Rah 2 4XJUP 2 \x Mir Sun

Ura 5 Plu X Sa IIMon Ura 5 Pkj 11 Sal X Mer X X. Sit XI

5 Ne
Kei /X^P P^
\/ 8 MerVio
aVMar \/ glr SunBXMar 8 VenXlWon p|25

/7\ /Nep\
Sun Nep Mer Ket

a? Sun \
Horoscope No. 56
:e 15/01/1948 Time 17:28:28 Day Thursday Pface Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:52
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmaCorr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoginl

Siderial Time . 0:57:30 Hrs Gan - Rakshas Rahu '.4Y4M 29D Dhanya : 0Y 8M 25D
Eq.oftime - 0:09:07 Hrs Yoni ; Ashwa Saturn
Sunrise 6:58:23 Hrs Nadi - Adya 15/06/1968 15/01/1948
Sunset 17:32:42 Hra Varan - Shoodra 15/06/1987 10/10/1981
Samvat 2004 Vashya j Manav Saturn 18/06/1971 Dhanya 10/10/1948
Saka 1869 Varga Masha Mercury 25/02/1974 Bhramri 10/10/1952
Month Pausa Yunja : An?ya Ketu 06/04/1975 Bhadrika 10/10/1957
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 06/06/1978 Ulka 11/10/1963
Tithi at Sunrise. : 4 Name Alphabet Soo-Soora) Sun 19/05/1979 Sidha 10/10/1970
Nakshatra Satabhisha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Coppar Moon 17/12/1980 Sankta 10/10/1978
Yoga Variyan Hora : Venus Mars 26/01/1982 Mangla 11/10/1979
Karan Vishti Chaugharia Shubh Rahu 02/12/1984 Pingla 10/10/1981

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 1:23:13 Sat Sun Jup Jup Asc Can 1:01:07 Mon Jup Mar Mer
Mon Aqu 16:43:48 Sat Rah Ven Sat 2 Can 24:28:54 Mon Mer Rah Jup
Mar -R Leo 14:25:35 Sun Ven Ven Rah 3 Leo 21:18:35 Sun Ven Jup Sun
Mer Cap 8:56:43 Sat Sun Ven Jup 4 Vir 22:44:13 Mer Mon Sun Mon
Jup Sco 25:17:59 Mar Mer Rah Ket 5 Ub 27:03:13 Ven Jup Ven Mon
Ven Aqu 3:56:30 Sat Mar Ven Jup 6 Sag 0:28:39 Jup Ket Ket Jup
Sat -R Can 28:15:52 Mon Mer Sat . Mer 7 Cap 1:01:07 Sat Sun Rah Mon
Rah -R Ari 28:09:46 Mar Sun Mon Ket 8 Cap 24:28:54 Sat Mar Rah Jup
Ket -R Lib 28:09:46 Ven Jup Ven Sat 9 Aqu 21:18:35 Sat Jup Jup Mon
Ura -R Gem 0:05:00 Mer Mar Mer Mer 10 Pis 22:44:13 Jup Mer Mon Sat
Nep -S Vir 20:07:20 Mer Mon Ket Jup 11 Ah 27:03:13 Mar Sun Sun Sat
Plu -R Can 21:20:31 Mon Mer Ven Mer 12 Gem 0:28:39 Mer Mar Mer Ven

Fortuna: Leo 16:21:43 Navamsa Chart

Mar XX Ket
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspaf
\5 X Nv3 /
6Nep 4 X2

Ura 7
\ Mar / \ Ura / \ Mar Sal/
3 Ven S/ySun 10 P[jXl2Mer
\ 5/ \ 3 / 1 Sat /Ura / s 11 \Mon
Nap 6\; Sat Flu NA Plu NepsVpiu A <1 1
I* / Rah X. / Jup X.
\Rah PUv
Ket 7
V/ U V!x
2X J P VenX/iORah
Mer Jup sVSun 10 MerVi2 SuiH 7>QSun 10 Mar Vii
Sun /9\ /^1\ Ket/gV
C Ura 3 /XSet 9 M0r
/ \ /venMoii\| Nep / . \ /ven Mon
JU25' Kesa1 MonX x x X Mer
4X\ 6
527' K8x 5 XSm x 7 xep
Jup Ket
Mercury and Marital affairs 221

Illustration No. 82 (Horoscope No. 56) - In the present chart Mercury is

the lord of the J2th and 3rd houses and occupies the 7th house in association
with the Sun. Lord of the 7th house Saturn is posited in the 1st house. Thus
Saturn is retrograte in Cancer Lagna and the Sun and Mercury are placed in the
7th house. Mercury obtains the Navamsa of its debilitation in association with
Saturn. Position of Mercury in the 7th house and its placement in the Navamsa
of Jupiter has resulted in two marriages of the native. The first marriage took
place in 1974 and second marriage on 29.11.85. In this chart, the Lagna, Mars,
the Sun and the Moon obtain Vargottara Navamsa. The planet responsible for
two marriage is none other than Mercury.
Mercury and Marital affairs 222

Illustration No. 83 (Horoscope No. 57) - The study of this horoscope shows
that the native was born when Leo was rishing in ascendant. Mercury is the lord
of the 11th house alongwith Ketu. Mercury obtains the Navamsa of Saturn in
association with Saturn. The 7th house is hemmed in between malefic planets
Saturn and the Sun. Generally under this combination marital happiness is
denied. The marriage of this girl took place on 13.12.87 during Venus Moon
period. She was blessed with a daughter on 16.10.88 after a major operation.
The marital life of this girl was extremely unhappy and full of tensions due to
undesirable behaviour of her husband. Inspite of innumerable efforts of the
father of the girl, the girl failed to get conjugal bliss. Ultimately they have seperated
in 1990 and the case of seperation is going on in the court. Presence of Mercury
in the 7th house and Pap Kartari Yoga shows that the seperation will be granted
to her and she will be able to get remarried. There may be other combinations
for remarriage but the role of Mercury for the second mariage cannot be denied.
One important point which we want to make clear is about the complication
of the 7th house. Placement of planets in the 7th house may result into happy
marriage. Divorce, unhappy married life, more than one marriage, carnal
relationship, illegitimate wife or concubine and delay or absolute denial of
marriage. All these aspects are worked out by looking the position of planets in
respect to the 7th house, whether the marriage of the native will be delayed or
it will be completely denied or she will be low moral character or she will have
unhappy married life or she will be divorced or she will have more than one
marriage or she will suffer from widowhood or she will die herself. We have
mentioned these points clearly in the different chapters of this book. It may be
noted that afflicted Mercury in respect to 7th house will result into unhappiness
of married life or second marriage, exactly depending on the situation and
association of Mercury. In this chart Mercury is 2nd lord and obtains Vargottam
Navamsa. Lord of the 7th house Saturn is placed in the 6th house with debilitated
Jupiter. The lord of the Lagna, Sun, occupies the 8th house. Mars lends his
aspect over Saturn and Juptier. Due to Pap Kartari Yoga around 7th house, she
was destined to lead unhappy married life. Presence of Mercury in the sign of
Saturn alongwith Ketu suggests that the native will get married again after
obtaining seperation from her first husband. Saturn has a separative tendency
and Mercury will bring the second marriage.
Horoscope No. 57
ate 27/03/1961 Time 16:08:12 Day Monday PJ3C0 Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
Lst 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottarl Yoglnl

SiderialTime .4:20:18 Mrs Gan Rakshas Mercury : 13Y2M 11D Bhramn : 3Y1M 8D
Eq.oftlme 0:05:30 Hrs Yoni i
Sunrise :6:04:42 Hrs Nadi : Anlya 07/06/1981 27/03/1961
Sunset :18:19:32Hrs Varan : Vipra 07/06/2001 04/05/1996
Samvat : 2018 Vashya Jalchar Venus 07/10/1984 Bhramn 04/05/1964
Saka : 1883 Varga ^ Shwan Sun 07/10/1985 Bhadrika 05/05/1969
Month : Chaltra Yunja Madhya 08/06/1987 Ulka 05/05/1975
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Jal ^ 07/08/1988 Sidha 05/05/1982
Tithi at Sunrise,.; 11 Name Alphabet Dee-Deepak oa/08/1991 Sankta 05/05/1j$0
Nakshatra : Aslesa Paya(Rasi-Nak) : [ron-Sitver Jupiter 0^4/1994 Mangla
Yoga : Sukarma Hora z Mais Satum 07/06/1997 Pingla 05/05/1993
Karan : Vishti Chaugharia i Labha Mercury 07/04^000 Dhanya 04/05/1996

Planets Nlrayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Pis 13:28:26 Jup Sat Rah Sat Asc Leo 14:45:18 Sun Ven Ven Jup
Mon Can 19:38:57 Mon Mer Ven Ven 2 Vlr 11:46:06 Mer Mon Mar Ven
Mar Gem 18:30:47 Mer Rah Mon Jup 3 Lib 12:01:48 Ven Rah Sat Rah
Mer Aqu 16:41:20 Sat Rah Ven Sat 4 See 13:51:12 Mar Sat Rah Mer
Jup Cap 9:00:03 Sat Sun Ven Jup 5 Sag 15:26:10 Jup Ven Ven Ket
Ven -R Ari 5:08:23 Mar Ket Mar Sat 6 Cap 15:54:06 Sat Mon Sat Sat
Sat Cap 5:19:07 Sat Sun Mer Mer 7 Aqu 14:45:18 Sat Rah Ket Mar
Rah Leo 12:52:41 Sun Ket Mer Jup 8 Pis 11:46:06 Jup Sat Mon Mer
Ket Aqu 12:52:41 Sat Rah Mer Ket 9 Ari 12:01:48 Mar Ket Mer Ven
Ura -R Can 29:04:01 Mon Mer Sat Sun 10 Tau 13:51:12 Ven Mon Rah Mar
Nep -R Lib 17:45:27 Ven Rah Sun Jup 11 Gem 15:26:10 Mer Rah Ven Ven
Plu -R Leo 13:04:44 Sun Ket Mer Sat 12 Can 15:54:06 Mon Sat Jup Ven

rtuna: Sagittarius 20:55:49 Navamsa Chart

Plu Rah/
Lagna Chart Nlrayana Bhava Chalrt-Cuspal
N*X N4 ^X
Vas- XN
9124 1014*
^Sun 8 2 vary
\ / \Ura Mon / \Mon Rah /
\ / 5 \ X . NPJu UraX Mon 9 11
\ 6X ♦ \4 X r Mon Sat
Plu XioN
Nap 7 X Rah Va Mar Ura / Ket /Mer 12 Mar\
LiKep Ura Ji* \

VlO/RshUraXS /
JU Ipx^Mar 9 Sal
6ie- P\X \X
gVMer 11 Ket Vi van jur SX 11
/io\ Sas* Saj/ioX Mar / 12\ Sun 12 Nap 6 Mon
Jup SarV / Sun \ / Ka! \ Xen Sun
IX 3 X£
414* 3124 2 Nv Kat 4
| Van x X Mer
Mercury and Marital affairs 224

Illustration No. 8.4. (Horoscope No. 58) - The native is a mutimillionaire

and is involved in manufacturing of PVC pipes. He is a qualified Chartered
Accountant. In this birth chart, Mercury and Venus are placed in the 7th house.
Mars is posited in the Lagna.
Thus Mars Mercury and Venus are opposite to each other. Mars, Jupter,
Saturn and Mercury are retrograde. Mars obtains Vargottam Navamsa. Sun
who obtains its own sign, obtains the Navamsa of its exaltation. Saturn is
retrograde in the sign of debilitation and therefore as per rule of retrograde
planets it will exhibit the results of its exaltation. The moral character of the
native is quite doubtful due to opposition of Mars and Venus in respect to
Lagna and 7th house. The marriage of the native took place on 23.6.1959
during Jupiter-Jupiter period. The first wife died on 13.6.82 leaving two
children. The second marriage took place on 17.2.86 during Saturn Venus
period with an extremely beautiful girl who was 22 years younger to the
native. Juptier and Mars are aspecting the 7th house. Why the wife of the
native should die? Why should there be two marriages? Mercury is
'responsible for Jwo marriages in this case. Mercury obtains the Navamsa of
Juptier. Therefore, the native brought this girl in his house by making her
his wife. Opposition of Mars and Mercury or their association makes the
relations of a person with a woman other than his wife, if these planets are
related to the 7th house in one way or the other. In case of favourable aspect
or influence of Juptier over there, the relations with other woman may come
in a respectable position in the shape of another wife of the native.
Horoscope No. 58
te 19/08/1939 Time 17:30:00 Day Saturday Place MAHUA Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:45:1
.at 21:46:00 North Long 72:11:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr-0:41:16

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime » 14:36:29 Hr$ Gan Rakshas Mars: 1Y11M4D Mangla :0Y3M9D
Eq.ot time -0:03:45 Hrs Yoni..... Vyaghra Saturn
Sunrise 6:21:22 Hrs Nadi Madhya 25/07/1975 28/11/1974
Sunset 19:08:25 Hrs Varan... Shoodra 24/07/1994 28/11/2010
Samval 1996 Vashya Manav Saturn 28/07/1978 Mangla 28/11/1975
Saka 1861 Varga Mrig Mercury 06/04/1981 Pingla 27/11/1977
Month Sravana Yunja Madhya Ketu 15/05/1982 Dhanya 27/11/1980
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 15/07/1985 Bhramri 27/11/1984
Tithi at Sunrise.. 5 Name Alphabet Raa-Rakesh Sun 27/06/1986 Bhadrika 27/11/1989
Nakshatra Chltra Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Iron Moon 26/01/1988 Ulka 28/11/1995
Yoga Shubh Hora Venus Mais 06/03/1989 Sidha 28/11/2002
Karan Chaugharia Amrit Rahu 11/01/1992 Sankta 28/11/2010

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin ■R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 2:51:02 Sun Ket Ven Mer Asc Cap 5:40:26 Sat Sun Mer Ven
Mon Lib 2:59:24 Ven Mar Ven Ven 2 Aqu 11:61:56 Sat Rah Sat Mar
Mar -R Cap 1:18:21 Sat Sun Jup Jup 3 Pis 17:46:38 Jup Mer Mer Rah
Mer ■■R Can 19:28:54 Mon Mer Ven Ven 4 An 18:48:15 Mar Ven Rah Sat
Jup R Pis 15:20:42 Jup Sat Jup Sat 5 Tau 15:06:28 Ven Mon Jup Sun
Ven Can 28:05:54 Mon Mer Sat Sat 5 Gem 9:31:13 Mer Rah Jup Ket
Sat ■R Ari 8:29:28 Mar Ket Jup Ven 7 Can 5:40:26 Mon Sat Mer Mer
Rah •■R Lib 8:40:18 Ven Rah Jup Jup 8 Leo 11:51:56 Sun Ket Mer Ven
Ket R Ari 8:40:18 Mar Ket Jup Ven 9 Vir 17:46:38 Mer Mon Sat Jup
Ura Ari 29:10:47 Mar Sun Mar Mon 10 Lib 18:48:15 Ven Rah Mon Mer
Nep Leo 29:17:28 Sun Sun Rah Rah 11 Sco 15:06:28 Mar Sat Jup Jup
Plu Can 9:00:52 Mon Sat Ven Rah 12 Sag 9:31:13 Jup Ket Sat Sat

Fortuna : 1Pisces 5:48:48 Navamsa Chart

Mdr /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chaiit-Cuspal 10 Ara
/V Mer
Sat Ket \Nftp
fl Jup^5

3X 5 X7 Mon
Ket/ 4 S
\7 W
Jup12X Mar 10 Vs / X/ Plu N.

/Sat t Katy/Rah 7 Mon XMer Ma/^
RahV >7 X.6
9xMon 7 X5 Sun
Ve/w/ y7 X.
/\^ef 4 VenA6
Mar / 3\ / 5 \ Cxira 10 4 y
/ \ /^ep Sun \
y7 X. y7 pfu
11/\ 1 y\3 Ket
/l12 X. Jup yX2 \ S9t
s s Nep Xy
Mercury and Marital affairs 226

Illustration No, 85 (Horoscope No, 59) - She is the daughter of a Senior

IAS officerand is extremely beautiful, tall fairandpossesses atractive personality.
She got married on 27.2.91 to very handsome Railway Engineer. She is strong
Mangli because Mars is posited in 8th house in Saturnine sign in association
with Rahu. Mercury who is the lord of the 12th and 3rd houses joins the 7th
house in Capricorn. Saturn lends its aspect over his own 7th house. Presence of
Mars in the 8th house resulted into unhappy married life. One surprising feature
at the time of Vidai was that she did not have a single tear in her eyes as she was
extremely happy and full of pleasure. After a month, when she came to us on
her first return to her parent" s house, we noted that there was a non-stop flow
or tears from her eyes. Within one month she lost about half of her charm.
Anyway we arranged certain preventive measures for her. Now she is leading
almost a satisfactory family life. Her husband is also strong Mangli and 27 points
were matching. Still the unhappiness of the married life resulted due to the
presence of evil Mercury in the 7th house. We called Mercury evil because it
owns the 12th and 3rd houses and is hemmed in between malefic Sun, Rahu
and Mras and is being aspected by Saturn.
During her school days, she started liking a boy who was related to her. Both
were living in the same house. They used to study late in night, in a seperate
room on the first floor. Her parents and sister lived on the ground floor. The
native and her relative who used to study jointly developed carnal relations
between them. This immoral act continued for years together. Similarly she
developed physical relations with two other persons which lasted for months
tegether. In the present case, who expect Mercury should be hold responsible
for such immoral character of the native? presence of Mercury in the 7th house
should be properly judged, if afflicted. If the Mercury is exalted or unafflicted, it
will result into a very happy married life, fully dedicated to the spouse. In that
case person will be blessed with a highly learned and intelligent wife or husband,
as the case may be.
Horoscope No. 59
^ate 29/12/1969 Time 20:27:00 Day Monday Place Baraut Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:10
at 29:06.00 North Long 77:15:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TimeCorr -0:21:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time ..:2:37:33 Mrs Gan : Manushya Venus: 12Y2M28D Uika :3Y8M2D
Eq.oftime > 0:01:68 Hrs Yoni : Mooshak Moon
Sunrise .;7:15:28 Hrs Nadi j Marihya 2803/1988 29/12/1969
Sunset .:17:30:33 Hrs Varan ^ Kshatriya 29/03/1998 0209/2003
Samvat 2026 Vashya 4 Vanchar Moon 2701/1989 Uika 0109/1973
Saka 1891 Varga 4 Shwan Mars 2808/1989 Sdia 0109/1980
Month Pausa Yunja : Madhya Rahu 27/02/1991 Sankta 0109/1988
Paksh Krishna HansakfTatva) Agni Jupiter 23/06/1992 Mangla 010^1989
Tithi at Sunrise. ,: 5 NameAfphabet Taa-Tamn Salum 2701/1994 Pingla 0209/1991
Nakshatra P Phalgunl Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Silver Mercury 28/06/1995 Dhanya 01/09/1994
Yoga .: Ayusman Hora 4 Mercury Ketu 23/01/1996 Bhramri 01/09/1998
Karan .: Gara Chaugharia : Roga Venus 27/09/1997 Bhadrika 02/09/2003

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sag 14:33:20 Jup Ven Ven Jup Asc Can 22:56:22 Mon Mer Mon Mer
Mon Leo 18:30:11 Sun Ven Rah Jup 2 Leo 17:32:30 Sun Ven Mar Jup
Mar Aqu 17:17:09 Sat Rah Ven Mer 3 Vir 16:16:51 Mer Mon Sat Mer
Mer Cap 4:08:02 Sat Sun Sal Sun 4 Lib 18:38:53 Ven Rah Mon Sat
Jup Lib 8:49:01 Ven Rah Jup Jup 5 Sco 21:56:55 Mar Mer Sun Sat
Ven Sag 8:17:02 Jup Ket Jup Mer 6 Sag 23:37:45 Jup Ven Sat Rah
Sat -R Ah 8:54:12 Mar Ket Jup Mon 7 Cap 22:56:22 Sat Mon Sun Jup
Rah -S Aqu 21:01:43 Sat Jup Jup Ven 8 Aqu 17:32:30 Sat Rah Sun Mar
Ket -S Leo 21:01:43 Sun Ven Jup Ven 9 Pis 16:16:51 Jup Sat Jup Mon
Ura Vir 15,30:47 Mer Mon Jup Rah 10 Ari 18:38:53 Mar Ven Rah Jup
Nep See 6:38:07 Mar Sat Mer Rah 11 Tau 21:56:55 Ven Mon Ven Sat
Piu -S Vir 4:12:57 Mer Sun Sat Mon 12 Gem 23:37:45 Mer Jup Sat Jup

Fortuna: Pisces 26:53:13 Navamsa Chart

N-Mer Pluy/ Xv
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chaiit-Cuspai
N. 11 y/ X. 9 >
Mar 12>c 10
1122' 7 Kei

\ Men Key \ \Ket Mon /

XUraPlu/ Ura 2/\. 4 Mon
Piu\s/ \3 j
eV 4 X2 Jup 6X /Van SalN. Sun\.
Ura / \ /\
Jup 7 1 Sat Nep 7 Xy y^.XyNep Rahy
Xy8 / X
Jup 9Mar Ura
Nap BY 10 yi2 ay io yi2sat
Mer /9\ Mer / 9\ War /ll\
y 10 pC 4 M8ly
/ Sun Ven\ /Rah MaXl Ura / Mer \ / Rah \
/ x/
^ Plu MonX// /^ Sal
11X i Xs
4t9* Vaiy^XxSun /
I Nep Jup ■ Ktr Jus* X Ket \ X \
Horoscope No. 60
11/04/1951 Time 23:51:00 Day Wednesday Place BiKaner Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 28:01:00 North Long 73:22:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:36:32

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yoglnl

Skleriai Time 12:31:05 Hrs Gan...... ^ Deva Mare: 4Y7M220 Sankta : 5Y3M21D
Eq.oftlme > 0:01:17 Hrs Yoni ^ Sarp Jupiter
Sunrise :6:18:26 Hrs Nadl j Madhya 03/12/1973 11/04/1951
Sunset :18:57:42 Hrs Varan - Vaishya 03/12/1989 02/08/1984
Samvat : 2008 Vashya z Chatuspada Jupiter 21/01/1976 Sankta 02/08/1956
Saka : 1873 Varga AArig Saturn 03/08/1978 Mangla 02/08/1957
Month - : Chaitra Yunja .: Poorva Mercury 08/11/1980 Pingla 02/08/1959
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) : Bhooml Ketu 15/10/1981 Dhanya 02/08/1962
Tithi at Sunrise..: 5 Name Alphabet : Wo-Vyom Venus 15/06/1984 Bhramri 02/08/1966
Paya(Rasl-Nak) : Gold-Gold Sun 03/04/1985 Bhadrika 02/08/1971
Nakshatra : Mrigsira
Hora Jupiler Moot 03/08/1986 Ulka 02/08/1977
Yoga : Shobhan Sidha 02/08/1984
Karan : Balava Chaugharia z Char Mars 10/07/1987

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Pis 28:08:15 Jup Mer Sat Sat Asc Sag 2:01:47 Jup Ket Ven Jup
Mon Tau 27:49:07 Ven Mar Jup Rah 2 Cap 5:05.00 Sat Sun Sat Jup
Mar All 8:05:56 Mar Ket Jup Mer 3 Aqu 11:10:17 Sat Rah Sat Ket
Mer Ari 15:10:01 Mar Ven Ven Mer 4 Pis 15:32:52 Jup Sat Jup Mer
Jup Pis 4:49:53 Jup Sat Sat Mar 5 Ari 14:39:58 Mar Ven Ven Jup
Ven Tau 2:48:29 Ven Sun Jup Rah 6 Tau 9:15:09 Ven Sun Ven Sat
Sat -R Vir 4:23:47 Mer Sun Sat Mar 7 Gem 2:01:47 Mer Mar Ket Ven
Rah -R Aqu 25.35:48 Sat Jup Mer Sat B Can 5:05.00 Mon Sat Sat Rah
Ket -R Leo 25:35:48 Sun Ven Mer Sat 9 Leo 11:10:17 Sun Ket Sat Jup
Ura Gem 12:50:25 Mer Rah Mer Ket 10 Vir 15:32:52 Mer Mon Jup Rah
Nep -R Vir 25:10:26 Mer Mar Rah Mer 11 Lib 14:39:58 Ven Rah Ket Mon
Plu -R Can 24:34:37 Mon Mer Rah Jup 12 Sco 9:15:09 Mar Sat Ven Jup
Fortuna: Aquarius 1:42;3d Navamaa Chart
R»h Sun S
Lagna Chart Nirayana Shava Chalit-Cuspal
2 2
V / 1 V / ^
3X x 11
Mar Mon Mar V yV y^V Sat
Mer Van Sis- 6
al 4 XUra 10 Van ;
Mess* M SB
■HE Nflp
Jup 5 X
y Mon .y Kat
. Sun 12 Jup X 6 Sat 1 ^Sun 12 Mar 8 Nep Ven Plu
\ /\ /I VlOyX \. 8 XMon
Mar \ / / MerV / llSXjup 6 yX? Rah
3 yX n. n. Ura
1X Xs Ket Z8"
Mar/2\ ura X4\ 25* Ven/2\ ura «Vet
12 >< 6 Marb
/MonVen\ / Plu \ Sat / Mon \ > Ptu \
Ket lX^®r 3
Sap<^5 Sun
129- BHB
Mercury and Marital affairs 229

Illustration No.8.6. (Horoscope No. 60) - The native was born in Sagittarius
ascendant. He was an advocate by profession who later is missing from his house
and is believed to have been killed due to rivalry. The native got married on
11.5.80. It became known to him on the very first night that his wife was carrying
5 months pregnancy. In his anger he took out his pistol and immediately sent
her back to her house and soon got a divorce. Though the marriage had taken
place afer a long courtship but the native never had physical relationship with
her neither before marriage nor after. He got married again on 8.12.82. First
wife was exceptionally beautiful and the second was quite simple. The beauty of
the first wife in comparison to the seond wife became the reason of his mental
frustration and lack of conjugal harmony in the second marriage.
The lord of the 7th house Mercury joins the 5th house in association with
the lord of the 5th and the 12th house Mars. Here the 7th lord Mercury is heavily
afflicted which had denied happiness of marriage. Afflicted Mercury mostly
results into multiple marriages particularly for the persons born in the ascendants
ruled by Mercury or Jupiter. In the present case following combinations may be
1. Mercury owns 7th and 10th. Mercury is allicted by Mars as it is placed in
the sign ruled by Mars and in association with Mars;
2. The 2nd lord Saturn is retrograde and falls in Virgo, the sign ruled by
3. Saturn lends his aspect over the 7th house. The 7th lord Mercury is
surrounded by benefics Jupiter Venus and Moon resulting into formation of
Shubh Kartari Yoga. The marriage was not denied to the native but conjutal
bliss was absent. The native was blessed with two children.
Conjunction of Venus with Moon in the 6th house can also not be appreciated
though Moon is exalted here and Venus joins own sign.
Mars and Moon obtain the Navamsa of Mercury. Thus both have obtained
inimical Navamsa.
Moon is the lord of the 8th house and falls in the Nakshatra of Mars, Mrigsira.
Mars also aspects the 8th house. This indicates unnatural and untimely death.
Since the 7th lord afflicts Mars, therefore, the cause of his death could have
been a female.
Mercury and Marital affairs 230

Illustration No.8.7. (Horoscope No. 61) - The native got married to an IAS
officer on 8.7.73 and after the birth of three children, she was divorced. The lord
of the 7th house Mercury is afflicted by Mars. The lord of 2nd house Saturn is
posited in the 10th house and has a mutual relation of aspect with Jupiter. The
8th lord Moon also joins Saturn and aspects inimical Mercury. Thus Mercury
who is the lord of the 7th house has been heavily afflicted by Mars. Saturn and
8th lord Moon have spoiled the 7th house. This resulted into unhappy married
life which ultimately resulted into seperation.
Horoscope No. 61
20/04/1951 TfrTO 23:21:00 Dty Friday Place Rsmnagar Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
24:12:00 North Long 01:10:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:05:20

Panchang Avakahada Chakra VImsottari Yog In!

SiderialTTme2 .:13:07:41 Mrs Gan. Deva Moon : 1Y 5M 10 Sankta :1Y1M 19D
Eq.oftime ... .:0:00:54 Mrs Yoni Mahish Rahu
Sunrise :5:41:48 Mrs Nadi Adya 21/09/1959 20/04/1951
Sunset :18:27:31 Mrs Varan Vaishya 21/09/1977 09/06/1980
Samvat : 2008 vashya Mtnav Rahu 03/06/1962 Sankta 09/06/1962
Saka 1873 varga. Shwan Jupiter 27/10/1964 Mangla 09/06/1953
Month : Chaitra Yunja. Saturn 03/09/1967 Pingla 09/06/1955
Paksh : Shukla HansakfTatva) Bhoomi Mercury 22/03/1970 Dhanya 09/06/1958
TKhi at Sunrise..
ise..: 13 Name Alphabet Tha-Thansingh Ketu 10/04/1971 Bhrawi 09/06/1962
Nakshatra : Hasta Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Sltver Venus 09/04/1974 Bhadrika 09/06/1967
Yoga : Harshan Hora. Satum Sun 04/03/1975 Uka 09/06/1973
Karan : Vanij Chaugharia. Lkfvega Moon 02/09/1976 Sidha 09/06/1980

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Raai Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rtsi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Ari 6:55:21 Mar Ket Rah Ven Asc Sag 12:21:11 Jup Ket Mer Mon
Mon Vir 23:26:22 Mer Mon Ven Rah 2 Cap 15:57:45 Sat Mon Sat Sat
Mar Ari 14:44:31 Mar Ven Ven Jup 3 Aqu 21:54:20 Sat Jup Sat Sat
Mer -R Ari 13:57:44 Mar Ven Ven Mon 4 Pis 25:25:59 Jup Mer Rah Ven
Jup Pis 6:53:09 Jup Sat Mer Jup 5 Ari 23:52:00 Mar Ven Sat Jup
Ven Tau 13:27:35 Ven Mon Rah Ven 6 Tau 18:31:09 Ven Mon Mer Sun
Sat -R Mr 3:49:17 Mer Sun Sat Ven 7 Gem 12:21:11 Mer Rah Sat Jup
Rah -R Aqu 25:31:28 Sat Jup Mer Sat 8 Can 15:57:45 Mon Sat Jup Ven
Ket -R Leo 25:31:28 Sun Ven Mer Jup 9 Leo 21:54:20 Sun Ven Sat Sat
Ura Gem 13:05:35 Mer Rah Mer Ven 30 Vir 25:25:59 Mer Mar Rah Ven
Nep -R Vir 24:55:47 Mer Mar Rah Sat 11 Lib 23:52:00 Ven Jup Sat Jup
Plu -R Can 24:31:10 Mon Mer Rah Jup 12 Sco 18:31:09 Mar Mer Mer Sat

Fortuna: Taurus 26:52:12 Navamaa Chart

\ Mar Mar Sun S
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChalK-Cuapal
Jup eS/Mon 4 X2
Sun Mar Van

Ket eX. 10 X12

R»hVO/ / 9 N. Ura 11
nV s / XX ^ S«t\
Jup/ \
fJup 12 Sat 6 Mon Sun 12 lAat N. Van >
SalX 2 jS 12
M«r\ . 3XKat t X11
y 3 \yz suny x. y X.
MtrlV 3
\ /V Sat 9m-
Sun/2 2\ Ura / 4 \m Ke»- C 4 JXNep 10 Jup
/ Ven
\/^ \
112<- 5XRah 7 UraXg Mon
i2ir M
®rX a n. y 6 N.
Horoscope No. 62
^Date 21/10/1938 Time 17:25:00 Day Friday Place Agra Srii Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:44:30
tat 27.09:00 North Long 78.00:00 East Zone 8Z30;00 East Time Corr -0;18;00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Sidarial Time 19:04:04 Hrs Gan Dava Moon : 8Y11M 18D Sankta :7Y2M2D
Eqxtftime :0:15:14 Hrs Yoni Mahish Saturn
Sunrise :6:22;03 Hrs Nadr Adya 09/10/1988 24/12/1973
Sunset :17:43:15 Hrs Varan Vaishya 10/10/2007 24/12/2009
Samvat : 1995 Vashya Manav Saturn 13/10/1991 Sankta 24/12/1981
Saka : 1860 Varga Mooshak Mercury 22/06/1994 Mangla 24/12/1982
Month : Kartika Yunja, Madhya Ketu 01/08/1995 Pingla 23/12/1984
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) » Bhoomi Venus 30/09/1998 Dhanya 24/12/1987
Tithi at Sunrisa..: 13 Nama Alphabet Sun 12/09/1999 Bhramri 24/12/1991
Nakshatra : Hasla Poo-Purushottam Moon 13/04/2001 Bhadrika 23/12/1996
Yoga ; Endra Paya(Rasi-Nak] Copper-Silver Mars 22/05/2002 Ulka 24/12/2002
Karan ; Vishti Hora Jupitar Rahu 28/03/2005 Sidha 24/12/2009

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 4:41:08 Ven Mar Ven Mer Asc Pis 29:24:39 Jup Mer Sat Rah
Mon Vir 11:22:34 Mer Mon Mar Jup 2 Tau 2:25:45 Ven Sun Jup Sun
Mar Vir 4:52:48 Mer Sun Sat Jup 3 Tau 28:17:20 Ven Mar Sat Mer
Mer Lib 12:03:04 Ven Rah Sat Rah 4 Gem 22:00:44 Mer Jup Sat Sat
Jup Cap 29:39:34 Sat Mar Sat Rah 5 Can 17:41:47 Mon Mer Mer Mar
Ven Sco 10:37:41 Mar Sat Sun Jup 6 Leo 19:29:27 Sun Ven Rah Ven
Sat •R Pis 20:51:06 Jup Mer Ven Sat 7 Vir 29:24:39 Mer Mar Sat Rah
Rah •R Lib 25:11:01 Ven Jup Mer Rah 8 Sco 2:25:45 Mar Jup Rah Mer
Ket •R Ari 25:11:01 Mar Ven Mer Rah 9 Sco 28:17:20 Mar Mer Sat Mer
Ura R Ari 23:48:21 Mar Ven Sat Jup 10 Sag 22:00:44 Jup Ven Sat Sat
Nep Leo 29:27:09 Sun Sun Rah Rah 11 Cap 17:41:47 Sal Mon Sat Jup
Plu Can 8:44:09 Mon Sat Ven Men 12 Aqu 19:29:27 Sat Rah Mar Sat

Fortuna: Pisces 6:06:06 Navamsa Chart

Mir S
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChalitCuapal

Ke^s' 321' 9 Nip
Sat | V&t Ura/ \ / / \ Sat /
12 oOup 6PtuXa Kit
\ 1/ 11
\ / Plu \ 2 \11/ |
/5 S 7 \Sun
2X Sat 12 X1CJUP 2)/UraVtojup! PI^ N.Vtn N.

Pin 3
\8 X X 4 XMt
van T^XMon 5 NX3 juf
Plu 4VMon 8 MerVaVen ^XSun 6 FjtarVQ X \ X
/, * \ / Rsh \ / Nep\ / ..8 ^un 6 UnNoJtp 2 SiU
/ Nep \ /MBr sun\ Moo Mer\ / ^ yX x. pia X^
1 Reh Siv Ra2S'
Kit 11 yXl
Mer - Vflir Mei2- X iO X Mir x 12 X
Van Sun 82- Sus*
Mercury and Marital affairs 233

Illustration No. 8.8. (Horoscope No. 62) - The native is a professor of physica
who got married four times. All the marriages were unsuccessful. At present he
is suffering from severe mental depression due to his aloof life.
Lord of the 7th house Mercury joins the 8th house or it is afflicted by Rahu.
The 7th house has been occuiped by Moon and Mars. Both are inimical to
Mercury in whose sign they are placed. SatmrTs position in Lagna and its aspect
over the 7th house. Moon and Mars has damaged the 7th house further. Jupiter's
aspect over the 7th house arranged wives one after another but it could not
completely check the adversity of Mars, Mercury and Moon.
Mercury and Marital affairs 234

Illustration No. 8.9 (Horoscope No. 63) - The lord of the 7th house Mercury
joins the 8th lord Venus. The 6th lord Sun is placed in the 7th house. Mars who
joins the sign of Mercury, aspects the 7th house. The 7th lord Mercury has been
further afflicted as it obtains the Navamsa of Mars. The native got married on
9.2.87 with a Junior Engineer. She could not adjust with him due to her
mischievous temperament. This resulted into divorce within a year of marriage.
The following points are of worth to be noted
*The 6th lord Sun joins the 7th house and receives aspect of Saturn. Sun in
the 7th house is always adverse towards happiness of marital life;
* The 7th lord Mercury joins 8th house alongwith 8th lord and obtains the
Navamsa of Mars. Thus lord of the 7th house Mercury is heavily afflicted.
* Mars falls in the sign of Mercury. Jupter and Saturn are 7th from Mars
resulting into mutual aspect. Thus the 2nd lord Mars is afflicted by Mercury
and Saturn both ;
* Mars falls in the sign of Mercury. Jupiter and Saturn are 7th from resulting
into mutual aspect. Thus the 2nd lord Mars is afflicted by Mercury and Saturn
both ;
* The Lagna lord Jupiter is also afflicted by the association of Saturn and
aspect of Mars. It also obtains inimical Navamsa.
On the basis of above points, we had already forewarned her parents that
she will definitely suffer seperation and never be happy in respect of marriage.
Horoscope No. 63
[te 14/10/1960 Time 17:10:00 Day Friday Pface Chandausi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:02:5;
at 28:06:00 North Long 77:50:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Coir -0:18:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime .:18:23:25 Hrs Gan ^ Rakshas Mercury: 16Y3M 3D Bhramri: 3Y9M 27D
Eq.oftime :0:13:57Hrs Yoni Waijar Venus
Sunrise ;6:19:46 Hrs Nadi. - Anlya 17/01/1984 14/10/1960
Sunset :17:49:20 Hrs Varan - Vipra 17/01/2004 11/08/1996
Samvat : 2017 Vashya : Jalchar 19/05/1987 Bhramri 11/08/1964
Saka : 1882 Varga : Shv;an 18/05/1988 Bhadrika 12/08/1969
Month : Kartika Yunja ^ Madhya 17/01/1990 uika 12/08/1975
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal 19/03/1991 Sidha 12/03/1932
Rah u
Tithi at Sunrise9 Name Afphabet Dee-Deepak _ 19/03/1994 Sankta 12/08/1990
Nakshatra : Aslesa Paya(Rasi-NakJ Silver-Silver Jupiter 17/11/1996 Mangla 12/08/1991
Yoga : Sadhya Hora : Saturn Saturn 17/01/2000 Pingla 12/08/1993
Karen : Vanij Chaugharia - Char Mercury 17/11/2002 Dhanya 11/08/1996

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 28:04:22 Mer Mar Sat Sat Asc Pis 15:14:15 Jup Sat Jup Sat
Mon Can 17:14:53 Mon Mer Mer Ven 2 Ari 21:10:57 Mar Ven Jup Ven
Mar Gem 17:35:10 Mer Rah Sun Rah 3 Tau 18:31:36 Ven Mon Mer Sun
Mer Lib 22:43:27 Ven Jup Sat Ven 4 Gem 12:19:26 Mer Rah Sat Jup
Jup Sag 5:05:15 Jup Ket Mar Sat 5 Can 6:51:10 Mon Sat Mer Jup
Ven Lib 28:06:38 Ven Jup Ven Sat 6 Leo 6:28:58 Sun Ket Rah Mer
Sat Sag 19:26:06 Jup Ven Rah Ven 7 Vir 15:14:15 Mer Mon Jup Mon
Rah Leo 21:58:13 Sun Ven Sat Sat 8 Lib 21:10:57 Ven Jup Jup Sun
Ket Aqu 21:58:13 Sat Jup Sat Sat 9 Sco 18:31:36 Mar Mer Mer Sat
Ura Leo 1:44:10 Sun Ket Ven Rah 10 Sag 12:19:26 Jup Ket Mer Mon
Nep Lib 15:09:58 Ven Rah Ket Mer 11 Cap 6:51:10 Sat Sun Mer Sat
Plu Leo 14:17:06 Sun Ven Ven Rah 12 Aqu 6:28:58 Sat Mar Mon Ven
tuna : Capricorn 4:24:47 Navamsa Chart
Man X Rah X
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
9 . 7/Sal
10V/ 8 X6
/ Sun

Nep 11 5 PUO

\Ket/ Mar 12 X. /X
\ 11/ I Mon u 3
Kc 2 2'l 2 10 57* X^ Ura J p X^^
X^ .. x.
12 X10 Ven
S Moi?" XMer KetXX X
Mar 3 Sal 9 Jup Mar 3 9 Sat \. Mer >X \Nap Rah/
.x \v12X//^
Sal 3x 1 X11 Sun
117 6 jup
5 7 1u
/ Plu\\ Sun /ZNap \ —— 10 Jup
Rah Ura\ /Van Mer\ Sun Rah PluN^^/Ven MerN^
Ve^fl' Me23' y15. MonX z
9i9' Neis' 7
| Su2fl- xR''
X Kat X Mar x
Mercury and Marital affairs 236

Illustration No. 8.10 (Horoscope No. 64) - this is a wonderful horoscope

for the purpose of astrological findings about Mercury. We have seen a number
of horoscope where Mars conjoins with venus in Lagna or the 7th house and
both of these planets own either Lagna or the 7th house. In this case of Aries
ascendant, Mars is posited in the Lagna with the 7th lord Venus. Mercury joins
Venus and Mars in Lagna. Let us study what disasters Mercury can do when it
afflicts Mars and Venus in respect to the 7th house.
Mars and Venus can indulge one in deep carnal pleasure or love affair followed
by physical relationships. When Mercury afflicts this combination, disaster takes
place as we have studied in a few cases described here. In the present case
Merauy" s association created many disharmonious problems innative"s marital
life. The native got married at around 25 years of age. The wife of the native
came to know about one of the serious affairs of her husband just after a couple
of years of marriage. Serious misunderstandings developed between the couple
and they stopped seeing each other. In spite of living in the same house they
have not talked to each other for last fifteen years. The native is forced to take
his meals and breakfasts outside. The wife of the native threats him to disclose
the affair of the native to the husband of the woman who was involved with
him. This threat always stops the native to seek seperation for the sake of his
beloved, whose life will also be spoiled like him if he wentfor seperation. Mercury
should be held responsible for such tragedies iu marital life.
Horoscope No. 64
^Date 06/04/1951 Time 06:41:00 Day Friday Place Agra Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:54
at 27:09:00 North Long 78:00:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:18:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime 19:17:05 Hrs Gan Deva Mercury : 15Y7M4D Ulka :5Y6M 1D
Eq.oftime - 0:02:41 Mrs Yoni Gaja Ketu
Sunrise 6:05:53 Hrs Nadi Antya 09/11/1966 0604/1951
Sunset 18:35:58 Hrs Varan Vipra 09/11/1973 07/10/1986
Samvat 2007 Vashya Jalchar Ketu 07/04/1967 Ulka 06/10/1956
Saka 1872 Varga Sarp Venus 0606/1968 Sidha 07/10/1963
Month Chaitra Yunja Peofva Sun 12/10/1968 Sankta 07/1071971
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Moon 13/05/1969 Mangla 06/10/1972
Tithi at Sunrise., 15-Amavasya Name Alphabet Dey-Devanshu Mars 09/10/1969 Pingla 07/10/1974
Nakshatra Revati Paya(Rasi-Nak) Ijon-Gotd Ffehu 28/10/1970 Dhanya 06/10/1977
Yoga Encfra Hora Venus Jupiter 04/10/1971 Bhramri 06/10/1981
Saturn 11/11/1972 Bhadrika 07/10/1986
Karan Naga Chaugharia Char

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Pis 22:31:13 Jup Mer Mon Rah Asc Ari 3:35:05 Mar Ket Sun Ven
Mon Pis 17:46:07 Jup Mer Mer Rah 2 Tau 5:42:36 Ven Sun Mer Ven
Mar Ari 3:50:06 Mar Ket Mon Rah 3 Gem 1:08:33 Mer Mar Mer Rah
Mer Ari 11:32:13 Mar Ket Mer Mer 4 Gem 24:52:06 Mer Jup Mer Mar
Jup Pis 3:29:41 Jup Sat Sat Sat 5 Can 20:56:31 Mon Mer Ven Sat
Ven Ari 25:58:13 Mar Ven Ket Ven 6 Leo 23:24:42 Sun Ven Sat Rah
Sat -R Vir 4:48:06 Mer Sun Sat Rah 7 Lib 3:35:05 Ven Mar Ven Rah
Rah -R Aqu 25:57:13 Sat Jup Ket Sun 8 Sco 5:42:36 Mar Sat Mer Mer
Ket -R Leo 25:57:13 Sun Ven Ket Ven 9 Sag 1:08:33 Jup Ket Ven Ven
Ura Gem 12:42:48 Mer Rah Mer Mer 10 Sag 24:52:06 Jup Ven Mer Mon
Nep -R Vir 25:19:52 Mer Mar Rah Ket 11 Cap 20:56:31 Sat Mon Ven Mon
Plu -R Can 24:37:56 Mon Mer Rah Jup 12 Aqu 23:24:42 Sat Jup Sat Rah

Fortuna: Pisces 28:49:59 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

Mar Mer
fjup S Nep^^Plu 11 Sat/
/ XMon Sun/ / \Sun Mon/ 1
/ \V7 XRahJup/ Nv s S Sun
6>CVen 6 KetX^IO
\2/ \11/ / / 9
Mar 1 Mer XI Rah Ura 3VMer 1 Mer VlO / N.Mon >.

/ \«/ \ Dasamsa
' 3 ■ 9 ^Sun Sat/XKet Mon/
Mer 4VMar 2 >^12
Plu 4X 1 Vp
/ 5\ / sX
/ Nep\ / \
Sat Nep /Sat Ker\/ \
eX e /x0h
/ 7\ Plu y' 9
Rah Ura\ Van Jup
Mercury and Marital affairs 238

Illustration No. 8.11 (Horoscope No. 65) - This native of Aquarius ascendant
got married three times. First marriage took place on 28.2.71 with an extremely
beautiful girl .She was proud of her beauty and could not find her husband
worth to her in most of the respects and divorced the native. The native had a
Gandharva Vivah with a Bengali girl which could never be brought to light and
ultimately the parents of the girl married her elsewhere. The native took poison
as he could not bear this shock, but was saved. Lastly the native got married
with a girl of an orphanage.The following combinations may be noted
* Papa Kartari Yoga around the 7tb house and Venus, formed by the Sun
and Saturn;
* The lord of the 7th house Sun joins the 6th house and the Lagna Lord
Saturn is posited in the 8th house;
*The 8th lord Mercury is place in the 7th house with Ketu;
* Mars occupies the 5th house in the sign Gemini, ruled by Mercury and has
a mutual aspect with Saturn. Saturn and Mars both occupy the signs of Mercury ;
* Mars and Venus obtains their own Navamsa in respect of Lagna and the 7th
house. The Sun joins Venus in Navamsa. This has also damaged the 7th house.
The native got married three times. He is quite handsome and smart person.
The first two wives of the native were of outstanding beauty and the last one is
below average but the native is happy with her and his three daughters.
If Mercury is well placed in the 7th house without any afflication, the native
will be bestowed with all kinds of happiness in marital life. His wife will be
beautiful, intelligent and tactful. She will be submissive and kind hearted too,
but slightly hot tempered. Similarly if a well placed and unafflicted Mercury
owns the 7th house, same results should be expected. Unafflicted Mercury is as
good as any other benefic planet but afflicted Mercury creates disasters. In the
above examples. We have studied that Mercury is heavily afflicted by ketu and
it alongwith 7th house is in Papkartari Yog hemmed between Sun & Saturn.
Mars is the bitterest enemy of Mercury. Placement of Mars in the sign of Mercury
or Mercury"s occupation of any of the sign ruled by Mars is most
undesirable.Conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the 7th house or in respect to
7th house or its lord is most adverse so much so that it can even kill either of the
partners or can depress one to the extent that he or she may commit suicide.
Such a combination can ruin the marital life. Mutliple marriage are also caused
by the affliction of Mercury in respect to the 7th house. We have observed in the
above illustrations that affliction of Mercury has resulted into more than one
marriage in number of cases.

Mercury is also responsible for illegitimate relationships. If Mercury is

associated with the lord of the Lagna or the 7th house, the moral character of
the native will be questionable. One seeks pleasures from persons other than his
own wife or husband. This type of conjunction of Mercury has been named as
Madan Gopal Yoga which signifies low character.
Mercury provides a good and beautiful wife, if it joins an odd sign in the 7th
Horoscope No. 65
27/07/1951 Time 20:55:00 Day Friday Place Faizabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:55:
at 26:46:00 North Long 82:08:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0.01:28

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime :17:11:32 Mrs Gan ^ Rakshas Sun : 3Y 8M 22D Ulka : 3Y 8M 22D
Eq.oftlme 0:06:24 Hrs Yoni i Mesh Mars
Sunrise :5:24:18 Hrs Nadi - Antya 19/04/1965 27/07/1951
Sunset :18:61:14 Hrs Varaa i Vaishya 18/04/1972 19/04/1985
Samvat 2008 Vashya ... .Chatuspada Mars 15/09/1965 Ulka 19/04/1955
Saka : 1873 Varga - Garuda Rahu 03/10/1966 Sidha 19/04/1962
Month Sravana Yunja - Poorva Jupiter 09/09/1967 Sankta 19/04/1970
Paksh : Krishna Hanaak(Tatva) .: Bhooml Saturn 18/10/1968 Mangla 19/04/1971
Tithi at Sunrise.,: 9 Name Alphabet Ee-lahwar Mercury 15/10/1969 Pingla 19/04/1973
Nakshatra : Krittika Paya(Rasi-Nak) : fron-Gold Kelu 13/03/1970 Dhanya 18/04/1976
Yoga : Gand Hora Mercury Venus 13/05/1971 Bhramri 18/04/1980
Karan : Vanij Chaughaha i Kaal Sun 18/09/1971 Bhadrika 19/04/1985

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 10:51:48 Mon Sat Sun Ket Asc Aqu 20:18:13 Sat Jup Jup Sat
Mon Tau 1:42:55 Ven Sun Jup Sat 2 Pis 29:38:19 Jup Mer Sat Rah
Mar Gem 22:51:30 Mer Jup Sat Ven 3 Tau 0:37:16 Ven Sun Rah Ven
Mer Leo 7:04:52 Sun Ket Rah Ven 4 Tau 25:56:16 Ven Mar Rah Mon
Jup Pis 21:09:47 Jup Mer Ven Mer 5 Gem 19:46:25 Mer Rah Mar Ven
Ven Leo 20:41:43 Sun Ven Jup Mer 6 Can 16:14:59 Mon Sat Jup Mon
Sat Vir 5:25:57 Mer Sun Mer Ket 7 Leo 20:18:13 Sun Ven Jup Jup
Rah -R Aqu 17:34:23 Sat Rah Sun Rah 8 Vir 29:38:19 Mer Mar Sat Rah
Ket -R Leo 17:34:23 Sun Ven Mar Jup 9 Sco 0:37:16 Mar Jup Mar Rah
Ura Gem 18:15:33 Mer Rah Mon Mar 10 Sco 25:56:16 Mar Mer Rah Mon
Nep Vir 24:03:19 Mer Mar Mar Mon 11 Sag 19:46:25 Jup Ven Rah Sun
Plu Can 26:04:09 Mon Mer Rah Mar 12 Cap 16:14:59 Sat Mon Sat Mer

Fortuna: Sagittarius 11:09:20 Navamsa Chart

S Lira Rah
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chaltt-Cuapai
X2/ \12/PI
Mer 3XMar 1 X11 li
/N. /X Sat

C 4 10 MoflX

Jup \ Jup /
Nep sXSun 7 ' VenX_9
10/ Sun
\2/ N/V 7
1 X Rah tl X9 PI"

Man 2 Ura 2 \ > Rah
> 7
\6/ w Sun
Mer 7X 5 Jup
MarX / \ / 12i6- Sun /V5 Sal
aVMer 5 VenV? 3XVen 5
SatVs /\ y/\
Ura/(v\ /8\ Mer/
/ Ru 2
/Sun Plu\ /Nep Sat X >
102ft* Ura aX 11
/ipX Ven X /12X
9r /Ket NepX
/ Mar Mon X/ \
Mercury and Marital affairs 240

house. The face of the native will be long and will have authoritative looks. Her
hair will be black and long but dry. She will often quarrel with the native and
may pass insulting remarks. She will have strong and manly physique. Her
voice will not be sweet and she will not be polite but will be intelligent, educated
and fond of logic, beautiful silky black shining hair. She will pay due respect
and honour to her husband and also love him even if he is lesser educated than
her. She will be practical, even if he is lesser educated than her. She will be
practical, beautiful and attractive. If Mercury occupies Aries or Virgo in the 7 th
house, the rise of fortune of the native will come in evidence only after marriage.
He will hafe to undertake lot of travel.
Proper judgement of the position of Mercury is most essential before arriving
at any conclusion with regard to the matters of the 7th house. An afflicted
Mercury, if it influences the 7th house either be placement or ownership, aspect
or conjunction with the 7th lord etc. in any way, will result either into multiple
marraiges or carnal relationship or lack of bliss of married life and marital
harmony, death of either of the partner, concubine or kept, tensionous married
life, seperation or loose moral character.
Mercury has only two enemies Mars and Moon. No other planet can afflict
Mercury as much as Mars does. In other words affliction of Mars by Mercury is
heavier than by any of the other planet. Placement of Mars in the 7th house is
bad for longevity of the partner but it becomes stronger if Mercury afflicts Mars
in the 7th house. Similarly the goodness of any house will be curtailed if that
house comes under the influence of afflicted Mercury. In 4th or 5th house it can
result into mental depression, hysteria or even insanity. In 5th house it may
hamper the birth of children or may cause the birth of illegitimate child. In
latter case position of the 7th house should also be looked into in respect of
moral character. We do not intend to touch the prospects of the 5th house here,
but in number of cases, we have found that a women having an aflicted 7th
house, Venus or having a mutual exchange of Navamsa of Mars and Venus,
Saturn and Venus etc. obtains a child by her lover provided 5th house is owned
by Mercury and it is afflicted, or the 5th house is under the influence of afflicted
Mercury. In the case of ilegitimate child birth, Jupiter "s position must also be
taken into consideration. An unaflicted Jupiter having an influence over 5th
house or Mercury or over 5th lord will never permit illegitimate birth. In that
case possibility of an adopted child will be there.
If Mars and Mercury are in the 5th house for Taurus ascendant, one may
himself or hereself be an adopted child. There are so many other conditions
with one will be adopted by others. Generally Mercury plays a significant role in
almost all such cases. It is easy to write about any planetary combination and its
result but it is really very tough task when we face difficulties due to other
planets and their varied positions. When a particular combination come under
the influence of number of other planetary conjunction or aspect, and a few are
malefic and others are benefic among them, the judgement contains lots of
Mercury and Marital affairs 241

confusions. So the vast study or practical horoscope can enable us to arrive at

the correct judgement without any confusion. The subject should first be studied
deeply and should be applied in number of cases to judge the correctness of
results of any combination in the practical life. In two horoscopes,the same
combination give different results due to various other different factors. Proper
judgement is the test of our knowledge and skill of interpretation.
However, we conclude that Mercury is no less important than Jupiter in its
respective scope and field and equal importance must be attached during
interpretation of the results of the house having concern with. It is Mercury
only which provides us skill of Judgement and art of interpretation of any birth
chart. Without strong Mercury, one can become rich but not great, as Mercury
is most essential in all cases.





Horoscope Matching : Not a Play of kids -How useful is the matching

of horoscope of a boy and girl, in predicting a peaceful, prosperous and
productive union? The answer, as the phrase goes, is yes and no.
Generally, for matching, Nadi Dosh, Gana Dosh and Mangal Dosh are
examined. Manga! or Mars Dosh can exist in 12 house as counted from Lagna,
Moon and Venus. Matching points are generally calculated from the chart. Where
kuja Dosh fortunately does not exist or exists in a neutralised state, other defects
Nadi Dosh, Bhukut Dosh etc. can be calculated for cautionary notice and for
remedial steps where applicable and possible.fNakshatras Table on Page No342).
If a proper procedure is followed and the horoscopes of the prospective
bride and groom are dealt with in totality to arive at a compatible solution
either through natural cancellations of evil or through rectification rites
wherever possible, the efforts are of immense importance in porviding a
compatible, happy and lasting union.
The process of matching of horoscope is, however, not so easy as it is
understood. The methods normally adopted are neither helpful in checking the
defects exhibited in either horoscope nor in removing those defects. Sometimes
even the preparation of charts is done on wrong notation generally due to lack
of knowledge of exact birth time.
There are instances of Pandits pronouncing the results of matching on the
basis of calling names of boy and girl. If such unscientific methods are relied
upon how should astrology be blamed? In cases of failure in finding a match for
Matching of the horoscopes 243

their daughter, the parents get a horoscope prepared for a postdated date. In
these cases it is futile to read any significance in the matching of horoscope.
Three-pronged Study Necessary - The most prevalent method of matching
horoscopes is the matching points by Nakshatra Melapak. It is a general view
that the agreement of more matching points here ensures a happy married
life. But this type of matching does not always give the best results. In our
own experience we have come across many cases where appreciably good
matching points were present but the married life eventually resulted in
divorce or death. There were also cases where couples were living very happily
with less matching points.
In horoscopes no-47 and 66 there are 31.5 matching points which are
appreciably good and ensure a happy and long lasting marital life as per the
normal calculations. But the opposite, took place. The girl who got married on
7.8.88 was seperated from her husband only after seven days.
In horoscopes no. 67 and 68 there are only 13 matching points. They got
married on 16.11.78 and are living very happily.
In horoscopes no. 69 and 70 there are 145 matching points. They got married
27 years ago and living happily and unitedly. The best way of matching
horoscopes in our opinion, is the consideration of the following:-
Longevity of bridegroom and bride should bejundged first, then the nature,
behaviour, mental adaptability, physical fitness, character and the general strength
of the horoscopes should be adjudged. Indications of more than one marriage
in the horoscope should also be looked into. Matching on the three following
points should be carried for best results
(a) Nakshatra Melapak (Matching by constellation)
(b) Graha Malapak (Matching by Planets)
(c) Bhava Melapak (Matching by mental compatibility)
Horoscope No. 47
05/07/1966 Time 17:00:00 Day Tuesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:07:4^
-at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

SiderialTime .:11:45:40 Hrs Gan Deva Moon : 2Y 3M 26D Mangla :0Y2M 23D
Eq.ottime > 0:04:22 Hrs Yoni Vanar Rahu
Sunrise :5:10:55 Hrs Nadi Antya 31/10/1975 05/07/1966
Sunset :19:02:37 Hrs Varan Vslahya 31/10/1993 28/09/2001
Samvat : 2023 Vashya Jalchsr Rahu 13/07/1978 Mangla 28/09/1966
Saka : 1888 Varga Marjar Jupiter 06/12/1900 Pingla 28/09/1968
Month : Sravana Yunja Antya Saturn 13/10/1983 Dhanya 28/09/1971
Paksh : Krishna Han5ak(Tatva) Bhooml Mercury 01/05/1986 Bhramri 28/09/1975
Tithi at Sunrise..: 3 Name Alphabet Kho-Khoya Ketu 20135/1987 Bhadrika 28/09/1980
Nakshatra : Sravna Paya(Rasl-Nak) Venus 19/05/1990 Ulka 28/09/1986
Yoga : Vishkumbh Copper-Copper Sun 13134/1991 Sidha 28/09/1993
Karan : Vishti Hora » Moon Moon 12/10/1992 Sankta 28/09/2001

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Gem 19:51:37 Mer Rah Mar Ven Asc Sco 22:20:41 Mar Mer Mon Mar
Mon Cap 20:14:14 Sat Mon Ket Sat 2 Sag 23:51:00 Jup Ven Sat Jup
Mar Gem 3:01:58 Mer Mar Ven Ven 3 Cap 28:26:15 Sat Mar Sat Mer
Mer Can 14:57:59 Mon Sat Jup Jup 4 Pis 2:58:02 Jup Jup Rah Sun
Jup Gem 19:56:22 Mer Rah Mar Mon 5 Ari 3:27:44 Mar Ket Sun Mer
Ven Tau 17:30:03 Ven Mon Sat Jup 6 Ari 29:15:08 Mar Sun Rah Rah
Sat Pis 6:31:42 Jup Sat Mer Rah 7 Tau 22:20:41 Ven Mon Ven Mer
Rah Tau 1:04:22 Ven Sun Rah Mon 8 Gem 23:51:00 Mer Jup Sat Jup
Ket Sco 1:04:22 Mar Jup Mar Ket 9 Can 28:26:15 Mon Mer Sat Mer
Ura Leo 23:08:50 Sun Ven Sat Mon 10 Vir 2:58:02 Mer Sun Jup Rah
Nep Lib 26:27:46 Ven Jup Ket Mer 11 Lib 3:27:44 Ven Mar Ven Mar
Plu Leo 23:04:05 Sun Ven Sat Sun 12 Lib 29:15:08 Ven Jup Sun Mer

■tuna : Gemini 22:43:17 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhav'a Chalit-Cuspal

jup v i / n. 9 /
12XRah 10
X.3 Mar
ven 5v Rar sunt N.
Rah Ve^a*
I Q7r 722- \ yx0^ 7 Ma
N. / N. PlU

Won Ox Ket 8 S Von y/ Sat

Plu 5 Ure Sat 12 \Men u™/\. Rah Sat /
\ Piu y x 10 yu
\12/ x y J p
1 11
X X9
Sa112X Ven 2 Rah X 4 Mer lXSun 2
Mer X4 y X / \ Sun
3 XPiu I Ur7y
/\ /5\ Ven Rah
Mar Sun ^x
122' 122&* Van X / \ /
3X 5 X?
Nese- Napy^4\ / ftX
Ket Nep Kef 113- X Ket X. X
X Mar MarXX
Horoscope No. 66
te 07/09/1960 Time 08:00:00 Day Wednesday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:
at 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:21:08

Ranchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsoltari Yogini

SiderialTime .:6:43:34 Mrs Gan : Manushya Saturn : 5Y 6M 29D Bhadrika: 1Y5M 19D
Eq.oftime :0:01:57 Hrs Yoni : Gau Ketu
Sunrise :6:03:17 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 0ami983 07/09/1960
Sunset : 18:34:34 Hrs Varan : Vlpra 0804/1990 2&02/1993
Samvat : 2017 Vashya : JaJchar Ketu 0409/1983 Bhadrika 25/02/1962
Saka : 1882 Varga : Simha Venus 03/11/1984 Uka 2602/1968
Month : Asvina Yunja Antya Sin 1103^1985 Sidha 26021975
Faksh : Krishna HansakfTatva) Jat Moon 10101985 SanWa 25/02/1983
Tithi at Sunrise..: 2 Name Alphabet Jha^ihunjhun Mars 08/03/1986 Mangla 26/02/1984
Nakshatra : U Bhadrapad Payg(Rasi-Nak> : Copper-Gold Rshu 27/031987 Pingla 25/02/1986
Yoga : Gand Hora : Moon Jip'ter 02/03/1988 Dhanya 2502/1989
Karan : Gara Chaughana : Amrit Saturn 10/04/1969 Bhramri 25/02/1993

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 21:24:58 Sun Ven Jup Mon Asc Vir 16:32:34 Mer Mon Sat Ven
Mon Pis 12:44:58 Jup Sat Mar Ven 2 Lib 14:55:29 Ven Rah Ket Jup
Mar Tau 29:17:21 Ven Mar Sat Mar 3 Sco 15:23:40 Mar Sat Jup Sat
Mer Leo 27:52:17 Sun Sun Mon Sat 4 Sag 16:57:49 Jup Ven Mon Mer
Jup Sag 1:12.04 Jup Ket Ven Sun 5 Cap 18:38:43 Sat Mon Mer Mon
Ven Vir 12:13:58 Mer Mon Rah Jup 6 Aqu 19:01:31 Sat Rah Mon Ven
Sat -R Saq 18:50:13 Jup Ven Rah Sat 7 Pis 16:32:34 Jup Sat Jup Rah
Rah Leo 22:32:19 Sun Ven Sat Ket 8 Ari 14:55:29 Mar Ven Ven Sat
Ket Aqu 22:32:19 Sat Jup Sat Ven 9 Tau 15:23:40 Ven Mon Jup Mar
Ura Can 29:49:30 Mon Mer Sat Jup 10 Gem 16:57:49 Mer Rah Ven Sat
Nep Lib 13:59:24 Ven Rah Mer Jup 11 Can 18:38:43 Men Mer Ket Ven
Plu Leo 13:08:05 Sun Ket Mer Sat 12 Leo 19:01:31 Sun Ven Rah Mer
tuna : Aries 7:52:34 Navamsa Chart
'XVen Jup /
, Lagna Chart Ntrayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal X Kel Y
2 Ura

Bis- 915'
Ma29' C 5 X. I1 ^ep
NepK / \Sljn Mer/ \Sun Me; / Mar
/ NPIuRah/ xRahVen/p 6X 8 XlO
V/ \5/ Ura
V/ V/Piu Sal y 9X.
8 x Ven 6 x4 Ura Jup S^Nep 5 V4 / Rah \ / Mer X
XSun Mon \X ^
Jup 9 Sat Sal 9 X ^ ■1 \ X \ Ket Ven .
V / \ /I P|13 * Jup\ 6X^^ \^6X''^
\ / \ / l219^ Ura 9XXMaf 7
\/ \/ Plu X \ XX
/\ )2
A2Mar Plu I2 Ms; Ra23"
/ll\ Mon /1\ /ll\ / l\ Me^a
Ket \ / \ Ven Man Kel
2i5- Nepil^X 1 X\3 Sal
3iy ■
RahXv 2
H X Sun Mon MerX\
Predicting Marriage

BOY ->
P.Trr IK-'iffYlWPi-'I i*rrvi Wi^.-1■ ^Mi*immaiT-'Mn i :■»
Rcfiini lM.iin| W-Tt\ P.sua IP. vuu S53 Mafhs [gjl ES3
2V/i 1 I 23% 22% 23% 16% 22% 30% 2? 20 34 D4% 9% 10% 12%

28 26% 114% 17% 35% 32% 34% 19 Jl7 19 118% 113%

19 128 18% 126% 17 nag 23 19 19 121

T«n 23% 11 120 28 130 26% 23 422 26 22 1)2 101/2 1241/3 251/2 251/2 118%
Tauns 23% 18% 27% 33 28 18% 23% 122% 126 19 hi 19% 13% 124% 15 23% 111%
21% J9 26% 19% 28 31% ll&% 11% 113% 33% 11% b7% 31% 34 20

18% j2<yi2 21% 19 24 23% 28 23 Jn 20% 12% 31% 27% 20% h4% 24% 24% 127

21% 19 22 23 31% 34 128 14 2) 15% 31% 35% 119% 24% 126%

21% 23% 24% 21 24 25 17% to I is ha 34 28% 16% 20% h4% 16% 17% 19%

29% 20% 26% 23 23 18 10% 18% 134 134 28 139 18% 14% 133% 15% 151/2- 11%

21% 18 11 19 11% 28 28 1/2 19% 191/2 124%

13% 16% 91^ 17% 20% 20% 15% 165%

16% 18% 28 130 C6% 14% 14% 119%

Lao 19 20 23% 15% 18% 36% 125% 22% 16% 110% 30 138 24 20%
20 21 26 j 24% 27% ISM 117% 114% 23% 118% 36% 34 16 1 13 1)2%

16 20% 25% 24 31% 21% 123% 1)7% 20% 13% 23 28 27 24%

Vup) Haita I 11 16 20% 23% 124% 132% IS% 123% 118% 21% 16 20% 26 21 |28
Vugo CJiitra I 12% 18% 23 18% 122 24% 31% M]% 135% 20% 16% 13% 24% £37 28
Libra Chitra (22 28 23 J18% 10% 12 20 118% (19 n J 25 24% 10% (17% 27% | 20 130
Libra Swiu 16 LI 1 14 24 126 26 127 127% 20 13 12% |24 25% 27% 121
Llbn 20 1J 9 17 ItfA 30 (20 20 20% 17 16% |)8% 117% 17% 18% 126
Scoprpio M% 119% 1.3%' 31% 11 13% 112% 18 18 14% 24% 22% 131% 17 |g 26
Scorpio IH% 23% 27% 120% 10 IS JlV% 35 17 20 24% 20% 34 | 25 111
23% 28% 22% 129% 112 9% 19 125 31 123% 113% 11 II 24

SA^fiUinu 111% 23 19% 12% 112% |2I 14 i)2 2% 17% 123 24 118 13 13 (26
Moola I
Sagttunu 12 jb 19% 114% 18% jl0% 19 26 127 32% 14% j 16% 19 12 28% 23 II
P. ilttdla
Sagitiianiu 24 11% 6 10 116% 25 26 127 22% 22% 18% 8% 124 28% 28% |20
Cspricom H 112 16 22% 19% 21% 28 28 U 4% 30 24 24 15%
Capuconi 14% 12 26 23 19% j2J% 28 28 14 5% 18% 24 1 17
Capricorn 26 23% 19 I) 18 16 |l4% 21 13 23 28% 4% 10-% 13% 17 IS
Aqiaxnu 25% 30 23% 17% II 18 1)7 )2 18 24% j 10% 17% 19 17
Aq\arua 26% 31 25 J 26% 20 12 112 6% 13 19 23% 19% 11% 10% 10% 23
Aqttthmm |17% 19% 24 30 30 23% n 11? |ii% 19% 12 18% 24% 15% 3% 17%
P. bMn [
Places 11% 16% 119 25 24 17% 11% 1)7 23 17% 116% 22% 14% 16 I 18
Piscea Revalij 23 10% 113 17 26 23 24 1 25 (24% 26 13 24 I 25 1 19
Matching of the horoscopes 247



Z2 . MW Ik7« 127/, 20 24 114/6 IC/i I \2n

2i 19/1 li'A 12y/i ixrA 117 124 18'/ I l2Vi
19 I^S k7 I k7 121 19 21 22 18 125
4 21'/ tt 122 126 101/2 1241/2 127 251/2 118/

21/ 127/ 25 19/ 115/ 124/ 23'/ III/

17 123/ 25 133/ 119/ 27/ 18/ 127/ 34 120
25 112 120/ 27/ 20/ 2+/ 24/ 137
20 13/ 24 1 28 14 21/ 25/ 19/ 24/ im

23 I 14/ 0 113 128 16/ 20/ 14/ 17/ 119'/

19/ 14/ 23/ 151/2 111/
20/ 19 15/2 171/2 191/2 134/
Lm 124 16 I 14/ 28 1M 21?/ H/ I 19/
mnM I
Lm 125/ » 28 20"/ 15/
nuirrt ]
LM 9/ 17/ 24/ 15 17/
Vnd 16"/ 16/ 115/ 15/ 23 17 27 1 24/
Vk^IUitt (16/ 16/ 127/ 16 120/ 115
Vkfo Quirt | 29 19/ 18 13/ 24/ 27
Libra Chrtrt I 19 23/ I 20 24/ 10/ 17/
LibctSwtU 29 33/ 27 17/ 124 125/ 27/ 21
Libra 20 22 \9A 119/ 17/ 19/ 126
Soomno » 9 24/ 122/ 121/

Soocpui 15 16 24-/ I TO/ 118/

31 123/ 13/ 11 124

10 28 24 IIS 9'/ U 126

St^nma 26 31/ 19 117 23

Stgwviu I 12 20 22/ 8/ 124 25
U.ihtdu I
Ctpnoom 120 12 16 4/ 120 21 24 I 15/
U.ahtJu I
Capriccm 122/ 14/ 18/ 5/ 118/ 120 24 117
Snvmt I
Ctpriccm 124 29/ 14/ 110/, 17 | 15
DhinithU 1
Aqiwiut 29/ 112 241/ >10/ 118/ 19 17
Aquviut 24/ 126 23/ 119/ 111/ 10.6 125
Aqutricuia 20 26 123 IS1/ 24/ 16/ 5/ 117/
P. bhtdn
Pixta 19/ 20 126/ 27/ 14/ ||6
Piicta II 17/* I 20/ 12 5 27/ 22/ 25 | 19
Pbcei 2 11/ 119 12 122/ 22/ 23 119
Horoscope No. 67
06/11/1951 Time 19:59.00 Day Tuesday Place Farrukhabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 27:23:00 North Long 79:35:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:11:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoginl

SidenalTime :22:47:19 Hrs Gan j Rakshas Mars: 6Y4M 23D Pingla : 1Y9M28D
Eq.oftime :0:16;23 Hrs Yoni : Simha Jupiter
Sunrise 6:26:19 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 30/03/1976 06/11/1951
Sunset : 17:24:06 Hrs Varan : Vaishya 30031992 04091987
Samvat : 2008 Vashya : Ja!char Jupiter 19051978 Pingla CM091953
Saka : 1873 Varga Maijar Saturn 29/11/1980 Dhanya 01091956
Month : Kartika Yunja 1
: Antya Mercury 07031983 Bhramri 0109/1960
Paksh ; ShuWa HansakfTatva) Shoomi Ketu 11X32/1984 Bhadfte 0409/1965
Tithi at Sunrise,,: 8 Name Alphabet Gaa-Gagan Venus 12/10/1986 Ulka 0409/1971
Nakshatra : Dhanishtha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Copper Sun 3107/1987 Sidha 0409/1978
Yoga : Vradhi Hora - Jupiter Moon 29/11/1988 Sankla 0409/1986
Karan : Bava Mars 05/11/1989 Mancja 0109^1987
Chaugharia ^ Labrta

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 20:26:47 Ven Jup Jup Sat Asc Gem 2:15:49 Mer Mar Ket Rah
Men Cap 24:28:52 Sat Mar Rah Jup 2 Gem 25:30:01 Mer Jup Mer Sat
Mar Leo 26:46:44 Sun Sun Sun Mar 3 Can 19:29:32 Mon Mer Ven Ven
Mer Sco 4:41:34 Mar Sat Sat Mon 4 Leo 17:23:25 Sun Ven Mar Rah
Jup R Pis 12:16:05 Jup Sat Mar Rah 5 Vir 20:57.42 Mer Mon Ven Mon
Ven Vir 4:01:47 Mer Sun Sat Ven 6 Lib 27:46:37 Ven Jup Ven Jup
Sat Vir 17:05:49 Mer Mon Sat Mar 7 Sag 2:15:49 Jup Ket Ven Sat
Rah R Aqu 14:26:19 Sat Rah Mer Sat 8 Sag 25:30:01 Jup Ven Mer Jup
Ket R Leo 14.26:19 Sun Ven Ven Rah 9 Cap 19:29:32 Sat Mon Mer Sat
Ura R ^em 20:56:46 Mer Jup Jup Ven 10 Aqu 17:23:25 Sat Rah Ven Ket
Nep Vir 27:13:47 Mer Mar Jup Ven 11 Pis 20:57:42 Jup Mer Ven Sat
Plu Can 28:33:17 Mon Mer Sat Ket 12 Ari 27:46:37 Mar Sun Mon Jup

Fortuna: Virgo 6:17:54 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Ghava Chalit-Cuspal
8 /^Mon
Mar 9 jup 7 Mer

\ Plu /\ /
nXSun 1 UraXs Sa!
KetV*/ \2 X Plu\3 / Ra
Xl2X X 2\
sV^Ura 3 10"- 4X^-3 3
Mar/ \ RaM" Ke!/ \
M/en 6 Sal\^ 12 Jup") ^Mar 5 Veny^ 11 Jup
N. Nep / ^\ / 9i9- Sal / \4X ^ X2XMar
SunX / /Won Ke"" Mar pXVan Rah ^
Sun tX 9 yM Rah 6
/\ 9 A'O 4,7.
8 10
Nep/ jX 9 \Rati wa:?'
/ \ / \ 12 Jup
/ Mer / Mon \ 826- / Me; \
628' I Sal tXK01 9 UraXliNap
SlJ20' /e\ / ioX
Mer Sun Mas-
Horoscope No. 68
, ,
e 06/08/1956 Time 03.34.00 Day Mancfay Place Allahabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 25:27:00 North Long 81:50:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:02:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

SiderialTime 0:29:01 Hrs Gan : Dava Saturn : 5Y 11M 22D Dhanya :0Y11M9D
Eq.oftime 0:05:55 Hrs Yoni : Mesh Mercury
Sunrise :5:32:34 Hrs NadL : Madhya 29/07/1962 06/08/1956
Sunset .18:44:18 Hrs Varaa - Vipra 29/07/1979 17/07/1990
Samvat 2013 Vashya j Jalchar Mercury 25/12/1964 Dhanya 16/07/1957
Saka 1878 Varga Masha Ketu 22/12/1965 Shramri 16/07/1961
Month Sravana Yunja : Madhya Venus 22/10/1968 Bhadrika 17/07/1966
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Sun 28/08/1969 Ulka 16/07/1972
Tithi at Sunrise.. 14 Name Alphabet Moon 28/01/1971 SIdha 17/07/1979
Nakshatra Pushya Ho-Hoshiarsingh Mars 25/01/1972 Sankta 17/07/1987
Yoga Sidhi Paya(Rasf-Nak) : Silver-Silver Rahu 13/08/1974 Mangla 16/07/1988
Karan Chatuspada Hara : Venus Jupiter 18/11/1976 Pingla 17/07/1990

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 20:25:38 Man Mer Ven Rah Asc Gem 24:06:39 Mer Jup Mer Mer
Man Can 12:28:19 Mon Sat Mar Sat 2 Can 17:35:40 Man Mer Mer Man
Mar Pis 0:30:45 Jup Jup Man Sun 3 Lea 13:58:19 Sun Ven Ven Man
Mar Lea 7:13:17 Sun Kel Rah Sun 4 Vir 14:54:29 Mer Man Jup Ven
Jup Leo 12:44:00 Sun Ket Mer Rah 5 Lib 19:14:15 Ven Rah Mar Mar
Ven Gem 7:58:35 Mer Rah Rah Ven 6 Sea 23:07:20 Mar Mer Man Ven
Sat Sea 3:12:24 Mar Jup Rah Man 7 Sag 24:06:39 Jup Ven Mer Mer
Rah Sea 12:49:34 Mar Sat Mar Man 8 Cap 17:35:40 Sat Mon Sat Jup
Ket Teu 12:49:34 Ven Man Rah Mer 9 Aqu 13:58:19 Sat Rah Mer Jup
Ura Can 10:19:23 Man Sat Ven Ket 10 Pis 14:54:29 Jup Sat Jup Jup
Nep Lib 4:51:32 Ven Mar Van Ket 11 Ari 19:14:15 Mar Ven Rah Mer
Plu Lea 4:48:06 Sun Ket Mar Mar 12 Tau 23:07:20 Ven Mon Sun Mer

Fortuna: Gemini 16:09;20 Navamsa Chart

Mer Ket
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
WarV 3 1 y
Jup 4\QPlu 2 yV2
Sat / n. X
Ills- Kei3-
I 1223'
\Sun Men/ Mer Sun
\ Ura / JupPIu/ 3 \ / 6X. 8 >sJ0Sun
,Mer\ 4 / \4 / \2 / 9
/ Ura \ / wX
Jup sVven 3 5/x Men Ura V-i Ur>o' Ven \
/\ M012- Mon Rah\/ \
Plu/ \
\ / \ Suzo*
12 Mar Nep 6 x ^ ;
/\ / ^
V2x \10/
8ia- \ / \/ JU13" IX 11 X9 Jup
Nep7y 9 7/\ 9
XllMer 3^.
Ket. 2 Rah 8 Mar
/Sat Rah\ \ Nep Z
623- 5
Ura S*y\7 Mer
Rah Raia- 519'
Sat Nep Say Nes- y/ Mon N. X \?lu SunV
Horoscope No. 69
ate 20/10/1942 Time 08:30,00 Day Tuesday Place Kota Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:47
at 25:11:00 North Long 75:58:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -1:26:08

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

Siderial Time :8:55:29 Mrs Gan : Rakshas Rahu : 8Y 11M 5D Dhanya :1Y5M26D
Eq.oftime :0:15:04 Hrs Yoni : Ashwa Saturn
Sunrise :7:27:55 Hrs Nadi : Adya 25/09/1967 20/10/1942
Sunset :18:63:59 Hrs Varan : Shoodra 25/09/1986 16/04/1977
Samvat : 1999 Vashya : Manav Saturn 28/09/1970 Dhanya 16/04/1944
Saka : 1864 Varga : Mesha Mercury 07/06/1973 Bhramri 16/04/1948
Month : Asvina Yunja : Antya Ketu 17/07/1974 Bhadrika 16/04/1953
Paksh : Shukla HansakfTatva) Vayu Venus 16/09/1977 Ulka 16/04/1959
Tithi at Sunrise..: 11 Name Alphabet SeB-Seetaram Sun 29/08/1978 SkJha 16/04/1966
Nakshatra : Satabhisha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Copper Moon 29/03/1980 Sankta 16/04/1974
Yoga : Vradhi Hora : Sun Mars 08/05/1981 Mangla 16/04/1975
Karan Vishti Chaugharia : Roga Rahu 14/03/1984 Pingla 16/04/1977

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 3:15:13 Ven Mar Ven Mon Asc Lib 16:26:44 Ven Rah Ven Jup
Mon Aqu 13:23:00 Sat Rah Mer Mon 2 SCO 15:37:15 Mar Sat Jup Mer
Mar Vir 28:36:43 Mer Mar Sat Ket 3 Sag 16:24:02 Jup Ven Mon Rah
Mer Vir 17:48:02 Mer Mon Mer Mer 4 Cap 18:36:52 Sat Mon Mer Mon
Jup Can 1:32:47 Mon Jup' Rah Rah 5 Aqu 20:48:03 Sat Jup Jup Ket
Ven Vir 26:18:37 Mer Mar Jup Jup 6 Pis 20:29:16 Jup Mer Ven Jup
Sat -R Tau 19:10:18 Ven Mon Mer Jup 7 Ari 16:26:44 Mar Ven Mon Rah
Rah -R Leo 10:08:26 Sun Ket Sat Ven 8 Tau 15:37:15 Ven Mon Jup Rah
Ket -R Aqu 10:08:26 Sat Rah Jup Mar 9 Gem 16:24:02 Mer Rah Ven Jup
Ura -R Tau 11:09:11 Ven Mon Mar Mar 10 Can 18:36:52 Mon Mer Ket Ven
Nep Vir 7:47:15 Mer Sun Ven Ven 11 Leo 20:48:03 Sun Ven Jup Mer
Plu Can 14:22:24 Mon Sat Rah Ven 12 Vir 20:29:16 Mer Mon Ven Ven

rtuna: Aquarius 26:34:31 Navamsa Chart

Nep S Kit
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal
Nv 12 X N,10/
Ura 1 Mon 11
716' 816 ■
a Plu
Sai ||
/\Mar Mer / Mar Sun /
/ \Nep/en/ . \ Ven / 3 X. 5 y\7 Sun
\8/ \6/ JUP \8/Nep Jus- Ssl yS 4 Von yr
9 X Sun 7 X 5Rah| Plu Xjup Ran\yS Mar
XxMer Pli4*
Plu 4 Jup Man 10 Kel 4 Rah Ura Mar /

McnX / \ / Ket zY'jup t2 Venl

nY X3 11* >
^y\2\ / 2\ /iz\ lira z\plu
/ \ Xlra Sat
Plu \ / Sun
116- Nep Ay(, Xa
2i6- Sat / 5 7 \Rah
Horoscope No. 70
ate 28/04/1947 Time 05:15:00 Day Monday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:51:38^
at 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:21:08.

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTlme 19:14:20 Mrs Gan ^ Deva Saturn 2Y 8M 4D □hanya : 0Y5M2D
Eq.oftime 0:02:15 Mrs Yoni - Mesh Ketu
Sunrise 5:46:19 Mrs Nadi : Madhya 31/12/1966 28/04/1947
Sunset : 18:52:01 Mrs Varan : Vipra 31/12/1973 28/09/1980
Samvat 2004 Vashya ^ Jalchar Ketu 29/05/1967 Dhanya 29/09/1947
Saka 1869 Varga ^ Shwan Venus 28/07/1968 Bhramri 29/09/1951
Month Vaisakha Yunja : Madhya Sun 03/12/1968 Bhadrika 28/09/1956
Paksh Shukla HansakfTatva) Jal Moon 04/07/1969 Ulka 29/09/1952
Tithl at Sunrise.. : 7 Name Alphabet Mars 01/12/1969 Sidha 29/09/1969
Nakshatra Pushya Dad-Daamodar Rahu 19/12/1970 Sankta 29/09/1977
Yoga Shool Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-SiKrer Jupiter 25/11/1971 Mangla 29/09/1978
Karan Bava Hora ; Mercury Saturn 03/01/1973 Pingla 28/09/1980

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Ari 14:00:12 Mar Ven Ven Mar Asc Ari 3:10:50 Mar Ket Sun Rah
Mon Can 14:47:14 Mon Sat Rah Mar 2 Tau 5:32:06 Ven Sun Mer Ven
Mar Pis 19:32:04 Jup Mer Ven Ven 3 Gem 0:49:17 Mer Mar Mer Mon
Mer Pis 25:39:31 Jup Mer Rah Ven 4 Gem 24:16:51 Mer Jup Mer Ven
Jup -R Sco 1:51:10 Mar Jup Rah Jup 5 Can 20:03:39 Mon Mer Ven Mar
Ven Pis 10:34:05 Jup Sat Sun Jup 6 Leo 22:26:02 Sun Ven Sat Mer
Sat Can 9:36:53 Mon Sat Ven Sal 7 Lib 3:10:50 Ven Mar Ven Mon
Rah -S Tau 9:51:56 Ven Sun Ven Mer 8 Sco 5:32:06 Mar Sat Mer Mer
Ket -S Sco 9:51:56 Mar Sat Ven Sat 9 Sag 0:49:17 Jup Ket Ven Ven
Ura Tau 26:28:18 Ven Mar Jup Sat 10 Sag 24:16:51 Jup Ven Mer Ket
Nep -R Vir 15:50:57 Mer Mon Sat Sat 11 Cap 20:03:39 Sat Mon Ket Rah
Plu Can 18:07:23 Won Mer Mer Jup 12 Aqu 22:26:02 Sat Jup Sat Ket

rtuna: Cancer 3:57:51 Navamsa Chart

\ R^h yr
Lagna Chart Rfcayana Bhava Chaft-Cuspal
1 >/i1 Mar
UrM' C Jup 4 X. 10 y
M Mer Mar
R3hUra/\ er Mar Rail via/ Sun X / Mar
V / \ Ven / \ Ven / 5X 7 X9
\ 2 / \ll/
\2/ \l2/ Ur
x 6
\Ven X a\Plu
3 a Sun 1 X11 3x Sun 1 X 10 Xsai Kat\ X Mon \

Mon 4 Sat Mon 3 Sal X Sat X^
MorNv^ yS
Mar 4^XMflr 2
Jup y

s^Sun 5 X 11 Ven
Ket Jup
Keio- Ufa N. x'
■■ eX 8
Ket 85- Plu/ 7 \
Jup | 7y X'KSl Nep\ .
252 Predicting Marriage

Nakshatra Melapak For Mental Compatibility - In Nakshatra Melapak,

which is very commonly known and adopted for judging the compatibility of
the boy and girl for the purposes of marriage, there are in all 36 matching points.
A minimum of 18 points must match for declaring prospects of a successful
marriage, In fact, we take Moon for all purposes while judging compatibility. Moon
indicates mental configuration and the structure of mind. Simply matching by
Nakashatra means mental compatibility e.g. we take Gana for sobriety or harshness
of nature, Yoni for sexual compatibility of the person and Nadi is considered for
the purpose of long life, intelligent and healthy children and so on.
Graha Melapak : Element of Chance - There must be a compatibility and
matching between planets of both the prospective partners. Kuja Dosh comes
under this consideration. Planets Sun, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Mars are taken
up for this purpose. Several factors ruling the position, combination etc. of the
target and associating planets are taken into account. In the chapter dealing
with Kuja Dosh this factor has been discussed in detail.
Bhava Melapak : Where do the planets reside? - Bhava Melapak is a new
consideration we are introducing here as one essential factor in conjugal life.
The factors studied under Nakshatra Melapak must also be judged in the light
of Bhavas of each horoscope, it is quite often observed that despite a number of
matching in Nakshatra Melapak one is not blessed with chldren. Jf the house of
progeny is weak in the horoscope of one partner, the other partner must have a
strong 5th house and Jupiter. Again, if there are malefic and evil indications for
married life, a partner should be selected with similar affliction of planets that
neutralises the evil effects of the malefi" planetary combination in the other
partner. These come under Bhava Melapak.
The matching and suitability of the ascendant or Moon sign which comes under
Bhava Melapak should also be judged properly. If the girl of Taurus ascendant gets
married with a boy of Scorpio ascendant, the marriage will generally be happy and
lasting. Dr. B.V Raman specifies that if the 7th house of one partner becomes the
Lagna of the other partner or if one's Moon sign becomes the Lagna or 7th house of
the other or vice-versa, it is a good indication for lasting and happy married life.
A matching in any one direction may not assure a happy married life. There
must be at least 50% matchig points in all the three factors i.e. Nakshatra, Graha
and Bhava.
Where Minds Meet: Nakshatra Melapak - Our sages have given maximum
importance to Moon as it is nearest to the earth. Mental compatibility and
adaptation between husband and wife during difficulties, obstructions, wants
and unfulfilled ambitions, are important factors for a happy married life.
Jf both partners do exhibit mental agreement, many, problems of life can be
solved without increasing the rifts between them. The couple may be poor,
issueless, having health problems or afflicted with other misfortunes, joblessness
etc but under mental compatibility or Nakshatra beneficence, they will not
quarrel with etach other and, on the contrary, will inspire each other.
Matching of the horoscopes 253

In olden days, there use to be no tensions and worries of the sort we encounter
today. People were not so much driven by unending ambitions to reach higher
and higher, to become richer than the richest, or of getting children to excel in
all the fields of life. Nor were there as many disappointments. Married life meant,
at that time, a happy union. There were set norms that were to be followed
which took proper care of an individual's life, education and upbringing of
children etc. without putting undue presseures on them.
Today, the parameters of a happy maixied life are entirely different. The
couple must be sufficiently rich, should be blessed with children, preferably
both the partners should be well occupied in case of middle class families, they
should both be fortunate for each other, bring for each good luck, money and
property and should be blessed with admirable children all this in addition to
all kinds of mental adjustments from either side.
However, we can only assume that in a particular case, a couple will fend for
other in daily life's needs and adjustments. In our discussion here we deal with
Nakshatra Melapak which concerns the mental aptitude of the partners to
respond to each other's requirements of understanding and adjustments.
Given 36 points of possible compatibility score, Nakshatra Melapak has been
divided into eight parts, each carrying a certain number of points. These are
Vama (1 Point); Vashya (2 points); Tara (3 points); Yoni (4 points); Grahamaitri
(5 points); Gana (6 points); Bhukut (7 points) and Nadi (8 points).
Vama Kuta - The sages have categorised men into four castes depending
upon their lineage and determining their occupations, which were more
often in accordance with their ability, intelligence, strength etc. Thus
Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra, all these four castes perform
different duties and play seperate roles of responsibility in the society.
The signs Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer represent the highest developmental
stages of man i.e. Brahmins. Leo, Sagittarius and Aries indicate the second
rung for Kshatriyas; Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn represent the Vaishyas;
and Gemini, Libra and Aquarius stand for Shudras.
In marriage, a girl of higher Vama or caste should be married to a boy
of lesser development or of equal development, moon-sign wise. This was
so decreed because the girl's abilities to work must be either more or equal
to that of her husband for the happiness of married life. Only one point
has been allotted to this Kuta.
Vashya Kuta - Two points have been given to Vashya Kuta. This is
important for the degree of magnetic control or amenability, the wife or
husband would be able to exercise on the other. Persons born in Aries are
amenable for Leo and Scorpio borns. Persons of Taurus are amiable towards
Cancer and Libra; of Gemini towards Virgo; Cancer towards Scorpio;
Sagittarius towards Virgo; Scorpio towards Cancer, Sagittarius towards Pisces;
Capricorn towards Aries and Aquarius; Aquarius towards Aries; and Pisces
towards Capricorn.
254 Predicting Marring e

Tara or Dina Kuta - Three points to Tara or Dina Kuta are allotted, The
constellation of the boy should be reckoned from that of the girl and that
principal should be divided by 9- In case the balance remains either 2, 4, 6, 8
or 0 it is good.
Yoni Kuta - Yoni Kuta is mainly concerned with sex life of husband and wife. There
must be a compatibility between both of them where the sex is concerned. In case one
is over sexed and other's response is low, differences are bound to crop up. All the
constellations have been divided into male and female constellations and certain names
have been fixed for the Yoni allotted to that particular constellation. Mainly we have to
see that two persons of same Yoni i.e. male or female should not get married. If both will
haye male Yonis there will be lot of quarrels for sexual incompatibility. In case both have
female Yonis the amountof incompatibility will be lessbutstill there will not be desired
satisfaction. It is always advised that a male having a male Yoni should be married with
a woman having a female Yoni for adaptability. In case the husband is of female Yoni
and the wife is of male Yonh the wife will exhibit more sexual desire,
Graha Maitree Kuta - As it is evident from its very name Graha Maitree, the
consideration is on the friendship of the lords of the Moon sign of boy and girl. If lords
of the Moon sign of husband and wife remain friendly, the married life will also be
happy and they will live as friends. If their lords are inimical both will have differcnes of
views and will quarrel on small issues. There will certainly be differences leading to
conflicts, dissatisfaction, misunderstandings and possible seperation. They may live
together under the same roof, but their attitude will not be of husband and wife towards
each other, if their matching points are not sufficient. In the matter of matching Graha
Maitree, temporary friendship should not be taken into account. Only permanent
freindship should not be considered and five points are given to Graha Maitree Kuta. If
both are having friendship of the Rashi Lords, they willbe sincere and will try to sacrifice
their own interest in the interest of his or her partner. In case Graha Maitree does not
exist between the lords of Moon sign of the boy and the girl, the Navamsa Chart should
be looked into. Also should be seen if the Navamsa lord occupied by the Moon of boy
and girl are friend then Maitree Dosha is automatically abolished.
Gana Kuta - Each Nakshatra has been allotted certain Gana according to its
characteristics. There are 3 Ganas, Deva, Manushya and Rakshasa. These Gana Kuta
generally signify the inherent nature and resultantbehaviours of the concerned person.
One who is born in a Nakshatra of Rakshasa Gana will be of harsh and cruel nature.
Persons born in Deva Gana will be kind hearted, sober, sensitive, gentle, in Manushya
Gana willbe ptecticat submissive, hardworking, intelligent and desirable. If a person of
Rakshasa Gana gets married to a person of Deva Gana, there will be many differences in
their inclinations and behaviour resulting into frequent rows, disturbances,
misunderstadings and unhappiness- Similarly, a Manushya Gana nautnre should
preferably marry a Manushya Gana or a Deva Gana nature and vice-versa. A person of
Rakshasa Gana should not marry Deva Gana or even Manushya Gana, The Nakshatra
of Mannshaya, Deva and Rakshasa Gana are listed below
Matching of the horoscopes 255

(i) Deva Gana : Ashwani, Mrigasira, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Swati,

Anuradha, Sravan, Revati.
(ii) Manushya Gana - Bharni, Rohini, Aridra, Poorva Phalguni, Uttara
Phalguni, Poorva Shadh, 4 uttarashadh Poorva Bhadra, Uttara Bhadra.
(iii) Rakshasa Gana - Krittika, Ashlesha, Magha, Chitra, Vishakha, Jyestha,
Moola, Dhanishtha, Shatbhisa.
So, Gana determines the nature and behaviour of a native, while the
compatibility or Yoni shows a suitable adjustment in the sex life of the couple,
Nadi Doshi refers to progeny, while Bhukut is important for all general
materialistic comfrot, health and mental adaptability.
Bhu Kuta - Bhu Kuta has been considered as one of the vital points for
marriage compatibility as seven points are alloted to it. Whether the Rasis yield
a benefic result or adverse is defined under Bhu Kuta. The Moon sign of the boy
and girl should not be 2nd and 12th of each other, 6th and 8th form each other
or 5th and 9th from each other. However when the Moon sign of both are 3rd
and 11th from each other. 4th and 10th from each other, they are treated as
good positions, Khadashtak (6/8) is supposed to be the worst because it concerns
the health and life of the native. In case of Dwidwadesh position of the Moon
sign, there will be disbalance of economy. In case of 5/9 position, there will be
problems regarding children and hteir learning aptitude. Every Moon sign has
been allotted certain "element" Which again determines their basic urges and
responses. Thus Aries, Leo and Sagitarius are fiery elements. Cancer, Scorpio
and Pisces watery elements, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are earthy element,
while Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are airy element. If both are of same element
there will certainly be misunderstandings and quarrels or conjugal life will be
absolutely harsh. Suppose one is born in Aries and the partner is born in Leo or
Sagittarius, both will have a fiery temperament and the result will be conflict
and harshness in marital life. In other cases, there may be excessive coldness or
sobriety which may become a negative factor for a happy marital life. The 9th
and 5th Rasis are also concerned with religious activities. The couple may be so
inclined towards religious activities sincerely, loyalty to traditions, customs, love
for meditation, spiritualism etc. due to which they may not like to indulge in
sex, love and material attainments.In such cases there will, at times, be harshness
in married life or the problems of children may become a source of worry.
The Bhu Kuta Dosha should notbe taken into account if Khadashtak position
of Rasi is present but the lords of both are the same. For instance, if Aries and
Scorpio are 6/8 from each other but the lord of both are ruled by Venus; or
Capricorn and Aquarius are governed by Saturn though they are 2/12 from
each other. Bhu Kuta Dosh should not be taken into account in such cases. If
Nadi Dosh is absent inthe horoscope of boy and girl the importance of Bhu
Kuta Dosh will become very less.
Nadi Kuta - It is mentioned in our ancient books that there are three general
ailments in us i.e. Vat (winds), Kapha (phlegm) and Pitta (bile). All the 27
256 PrediclingM?rri^<?

constellations have been divided into three Nadis. Adi, Madhya and Ant
respectively signifying Vat, Kapha and Pitta will be source of various kinds of
diseases and troubles. Pitta (bile) changes the food juice into blood. Kapha greases
the joints, bones and other organs. Balance of Vat keeps the body free from
certain ailments. The children of a couple belonging to the same Nadi have
deficiencies like less homoglobirt in blood or lack of concertration in studies/
work, A couple needs to be of different kinds of nerves and innumerable pulse.
So a proper compatibility of Nadi is very essental and has been allotted the
maximum points for marital harmony.
The 27 constellations have been divided in three Nadis, Adi, Madhya and
Ant. If the Nadi ofboth boy and girl are different they may be encouraged for a
union progeny, Now-a-days scientists have taken blood group compatibility in
place of Nadi Dosh for a good progeny "A" group agrees with "A" and "AB" but
not with "O"or "B"; while "B" agrees with "B" or "AB" and disagress with "O"
and "A". In like manner, similar "Moon signs" agree.
It is said that if both have Adi or Vat Nadi there will be various kinds of
ailments and diseases or sufferings. If both are in the second line i.e. of Madhya
or Kapha Nadi, there will be widowhood or death of the wife and if in the third
line, the Ant or Pitta Nadi death of children is indicated.
If both are born in the same Nakshatra there will certainly be Nadi Dosh
because both will have the same Nadi. It has been observed that if the Padas of
constellation are different in the horoscope of the boy and girl, the Nadi Dosh
will not exist. If both have same Moon sign and Nadi are the same, Nadi Dosh
sign ofboth boy and girl will be the same. Different quarters of each Nakshatra
are governed by different Nadis which may be decided on the following basis >
Aswini 1 Aswini 2 Aswini 3
Bharani 2 Bharani 1 Aswini 4
Bharani 3 Bharani 4 Krittika 1
Krittika 4 Krittika 3 Krittika 2
Rohini 1 Rohini 2 Rohini 3
In horoscope no.67 and 68 there is Nadi Dosh as both are born in Madhya
Nadi and there are few problems regarding the health of children. The elder
son continuously suffers from ill health, weakness and psychological
complexes; the second child was late in speaking though both are quite
intelligent. In horoscopes No. 90 and 91 Nadi Dosh is present due to which
couple has not been blessed with any children. There are only 13 matching
points. In horoscopes no.71 and 72 Nadi Dosh and Yoni Dosh both are present
with only 14.5 matching points. The married life is very unhappy and the
children have problems. Both are born in Adi Nadi and are living miserably
though they are very rich. In horoscope no. 73 and 74 there are only 11
matching points with Nadi Dosh, Yoni Dosh and Mangali Dosha. The native
is a famous politician but his wife always suffers from miseries due to which
he has interest in other females. A few children who were born died early.
Matching of the horoscopes 257

The native is unhappy from the side of progeny in many respect. In

horoscopes no. 75 and 76 Nadi Dosh is present alongwith Kuja Dosh. They
are blessed with two sons but the health of children is less than desirable.
In our view, Nadi Dosh must be considered seriously in all horoscopes
irrespective of castes. A few Karma Kandi pandits advise considering of Nadi
Dosh only in Brahmins and not in other vamas. It is wrong. Nadi Dosh plays a
veiy vital role in the prosperity and health of children. Various exceptions have
been given for the neutralisation of Nadi Dosh. In our view these exceptions
should not be given much importance. Particularly when matching points are
less than 18. The Nadis of different Nakshatras are listed as follows
Vata Pitta Sleshina
Aswini Bharani Krittika
Aridra Mrigasira Rohini
Punarvasu Pushyani Aslesha
Uttara Pubba Magha
Hasta Chitta Swati
Jyesta Anuradha Visaha
Moola Poorvashadha Uttarashadha
Satabhisha Dhyanishta Sravana
Poorvashadha Uttarabhadra Revati
Mostly, these eight Kutas are taken into consideration for the purpose of
matching horoscopes. The more the unit match, the better is the understanding
that exists between the couple. There are four more Kutas which are generally
ignored, though they are of equal importance.
Of the next four Kutas, Rajju Kuta is more important. Its influence is on a
long-term basis rather than towards day-to-day life. It indirectly determines the
nature, education and prospects of the natives. This is what prepares them in
their struggles of the daily life. If other Kutas predict faulty marriage, strong
indication of the following four Kutas goes a long way in cancellation of the
other Doshas.
Rajju Kuta (Span of married life) - Rajju Kuta indicates the span of married
life : How long the couple will live together. This is really very important as the
longevity of married life is a very essential factor in marital compatibility which
may come later if not sooner. There may be good agreement in horoscopes but
in absense of Rajju Kuta they may not Jive together for long enough due either
to death or seperation or some other reason. All the 27 Nakshatras have been
divided into 5 Rajjus
(a) Pada Rajju (Foot) - Ashwani, Ashlesha, Magha, Jyestha, Moola
and Revati.
(b) Kati Rajju (Waist) - Bharani, Pushy am, Poorva Phalguni,
Anuradha, PoorvaShadh/Uttara Bhadra Pad.
(c) Nabi or Udar Rajju - Krittika, Punarvasu, Uttara, Visakha,
(Stomach) Uttarshada and Poornabhadra.
Horoscope No. 71
te 30/10/1952 Time 02:40:00 Day Thursday Place Assam Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:56:1
Lat 23:42:00 North Long 86:58:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:17:52

Panehang AvakahadJ Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SkJeriat Time :5:30:24 Hrs Gan j Manu shy a Jupiter; 0Y iOM loo Bhramri : 0Y 2M 17D
Eq.oftime :0:16:16 Hrs Yoni j Simha Mercury
Sunrise :5:47:34 Hrs Nadi Adya 09/09/1972 30/10/1952
Sunset :17:04:04 Hrs Varan Vipra 09/09/1989 16/01/1985
Samvat : 2009 Vashya „ Jalchar Mercury 06/02/1975 Bhramn 16/01/1953
Saka : 1874 Varga .: Sarp Ketu 03/02/1976 Bhadrika 17/01/1958
Month : Kartika Yunja j Anlya Venus 04/12/1978 Ulka 17/01/1964
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Jal Sun 10/10/1979 Sidha 17/01/1971
Tithi at Sunrise..: 11 Name Alphabet Moon 11/03/1981 Sankta 17/01/1979
Nakshatra : P Bhadrapad Dee-Deepankar Mars 08/03/1982 Mangla 17/01/1980
Yoga : Vyaghat Paya(Rasi-Nak) Rahu 24/09/1984 Pingla 17/01/1982
Karan : BaJava Copper-Copper Jupiler 31/12/1986 Dhanya 16/01/1985

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 13:27:24 Ven Rah Mer Men Asc Vir 0:17:22 Mer Sun Rah Mer
Men Pis 2:36:55 Jup Jup Rah Ket 2 Vir 28:48:28 Mer Mar Sat Ven
Mar Saq 19:52:46 Jup Ven Rah Mon 3 Lib 29:17:19 Ven Jup Sun Mer
Mer Sco 3:56:37 Mar Sat Sat Mer 4 Sag 0:16:03 Jup Ket Ket Mon
Jup -R Ari 24:15:15 Mar Ven Mer Mer 5 Cap 1:03:45 Sat Sun Rah Mon
Ven Sco 16:26:06 Mar Sat Jup Rah 6 Aqu 1:21:59 Sat Mar Mer Jup
Sat Vir 27:15:58 Mer Mar Jup Ven 7 Pis 0:17:22 Jup Jup Mon Ket
Rah -R Cap 25:20:43 Sat Mar Rah Ket 8 Pis 28:48:28 Jup Mer Sat Ven
Ket -R Can 25:20:43 Men Mer Rah Ket 9 Ari 29:17:19 Mar Sun Rah Rah
Ura -R Gem 25:35:02 Mer Jup Mer Sat 10 Gem 0:16:03 Mer Mar Mer Mer
Nep Vir 29:03:54 Mer Mar Sat Sun 11 Can 1:03:45 Mon Jup Mar Ket
Ph Leo 0:10:06 Sun Ket Ket Ven 12 Leo 1:21:59 Sun Ket Ven Mon

Fortuna: Capricorn 19;26:52 Navamaa Chart

Sun Kel/
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal 9
\VX /Ven
12 x 10

Plu 1
Men |\ Sun \Suji Nep/ / \X \/Nep
Kel 5 3
Ura llC 4 Xs Sei
VenV/ V/ \ / fu yX8 x. Mon 5\Mar
Sat Nep V4 Kat 7Vsal 8 X4 / ^ah MerV
Mer/ \
/ \Ket
/ Dasamsa
Mar 9 3 Ura ^Mar 9 3 Ura^ \. Mar yX n. /
\ /><
4VRah 2 >Xl2
Rah OX., 12 X2 R3W0X 12
Rah /11\ Men / 1s Mon j/1r\ Mer 5 Plu^XSat 11 Sun
x Jup \ \ Ura y/
/ \/
329- 8 Ke
Ven Vets' Suiy
Mer Sun Me^* X \ / Ven Jup^
Horoscope No. 72
ate 13/09/1957 Time 03:50:00 Day Friday Place Patna Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:00
Lat 25:37:00 North Long 85:12:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:10:48

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time 327:23 Hrs Gan j Deva Ketu : 2Y11M 18D Bhramri : 1Y8M 10O
Eq.oftlme 0:03:35 Hrs Yoni - Ashwa Venus
Sunrise :5:34:55 Hrs Nadi : Adya 31/08/1960 13/09/1957
Sunset :17:55:52 Hrs Varan j tfehatriya 31/08/1980 25/05/1991
Samvat : 2014 Vashya : Chatuspada Venus 01/01/1964 Bhramri 25/05/1959
Saka : 1879 Varga : Simtia Sun 31/12/1964 Bhadrika 24/05/1964
Monlh : Asvina Yunja : Poorva Moon 01/09/1966 Ulka 25/05/1970
Paksh ; Krishna HansakfTatva) Agni Mars 01/11/1967 Sidha 24/05/1977
Tithi at Sunrise,,, 3 Name Alphabet Cho-Cholukya Rahu 01/11/1970 Sankla 24/05/1985
Nakshatra : Asvint Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Gold Jupiter 02/07/1973 Mangla 25/05/1986
Yoga Dhmva Hora : Mars Saturn 31/0571976 Pingla 24/05/1988
Karan : Bava Chaugharia : Shubh Mercury 02/07/1979 Ohanya 25/05/1991

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi. Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 26:51:32 Sun Sun Sun Rah Asc Leo 2:53:19 Sun Ket Ven Ket
Mon Ari 7:40:53 Mar Ket Jup Jup 2 Leo 29:11:44 Sun Sun Mar Mon
Mar Leo 29:44:13 Sun Sun Rah Jup 3 Vir 29:07:21 Mer Mar Sat Mon
Mer -R Leo 20:59:32 Sun Ven Jup Ven 4 Sco 1:12:50 Mar Jup Mar Ven
Jup Vir 14:15:35 Mer Mon Jup Sat 5 Sag 3:10:28 Jup Ket Sun "Rah
Ven.. Ub 5:25:21 Ven Mar Sun. Kei - -—6 Gap - 3:48:05 Sat Sun Sat Ven
Sat Sco 15:29:27 Mar Sat Jup Mer 7 Aqu 2:53:19 Sat Mar Ven Ven
Rah -R Lib 18:39:52 Ven Rah Mon Sat 8 Aqu 29:11:44 Sat Jup Sun Sat
Ket -R Ari 18:39:52 Mar Ven Rah Jup 9 Pis 29:07:21 Jup Mer Sat Mon
Ura Can 16:50:50 Mon Mer Mer Mer 10 Tau 1:12:50 Ven Sun Rah Mar
Nep Lib 7:49:53 Ven Rah Rah Mer 11 Gem 3:10:28 Mer Mar Ven Mon
Plu Leo 7:48:01 Sun Ket Jup Sat 12 Can 3:48:05 Mon Sat Sat Mer

Fortuna: Pisces 13;42:40 Navamsa Chart

Nw Jup
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
Mos- 10i" Mon /X N


Jup / \ Urs \Mar top/ \ Ura / \ / \ / Nep

V\ 71 xX XG Sun
Ven\ 6 /MerPlu \ 4 / 82a* VeXs / \. 4/ '
X 6 x Mer s \Ura
Rah7^>^Sun 5 MaryO RahB\^Siin 5 i X^^ N. X^ 381
Nap/ \ / \ pju
.Sat 8 X 2 \^S2l B 2 ^ \ ^p x\ x
piuXx^ \4x
\ / \ /Mon 7xTUra 5 X3 Won
Ket XX XX -
gV u ViMOn| plu 9V 11 Vl2
/io\ /l2\Ket /io\ /ll\Kel Ven 8 2 Mar
,, - f
Ne ■MM Rais- Sat \x/^ nX/^ Sun
Rs Saiy Nea' Nepxi0\ Mer Xl2\Ran
Sat Ve 4r Ves*
Horoscope No. 73
20/11/1920 Time 19:45:00 Day Saturday PFace Bareilly Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:29:3'
.at 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tfme Corr -0:12:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsattari Yogini

Ju jter: 9Y 5M 160
SiderialTime :23:29:45 Hrs Gan ^ Manushya P Bhramri : 2Y4M 11D
Eq.oftime 0:14:23 Hrs Yoni : Simha Saturn
Sunrise 6:39:37 Hrs Nadi I Adya 09/05/1930 20/11/1920
Sunset :17:16:11 Hrs Varan. i Shoodra 08A)5/1949 03/04/1955
Samvat : 1977 Vashya - Manav Saturn 12/05/1933 Bhramri 03/04/1923
Saka : 1842 Varga Mesha Mercury 20/01/1936 Bhadrika 03/04/1928
Month : Kartika Yunja Anlya 27/02/1937 Ulka 03/04/1934
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 29/04/1940 Sidha 03/04/1941
Tithi at Sunrise .: 9 Name Alphabet So-Sourav Sun 11/04/1941 Sankta 03/04/1949
Nakshatra : PBhadrapad Paya{Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Copper Woon 10/11/1942 Mangla 03/04/1950
Yoga : Harshan Hare - Moon Mexs 20/12/1943 Pingla 03/04/1952
Karan : Taitila Chaugharfa : Udvega 26/10/1946 Dhanya 03/04/1955

Planets Nirayanlsi Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sco 5:29:13 Mar Sat Mer Mer Asc Gem 12:54:55 Mer Rah Mer Ket
Mon Aqu 25:26:51 Sat Jup Mer Jup 2 Can 5:37:03 Mon Sat Mer Mer
Mar Cap 2 10:21 Sat Sun Jup Ven 3 Leo 0:09:39 Sun Ket Ket Ven
Mer -R Lib 25 54:28 Ven Jup Ket Ven 4 Leo 29:16:19 Sun Sun Rah Rah
Jup Leo 23 28s19 Sun Ven Sat Rah 5 Lib 3:41:16 Ven Mar Ven Rah
Ven Sag 11 00:03 Jup Ket Sat Rah 6 Sco 9:50:10 Mar Sat Ven Sat
Sat Vir 032:31 Mer Sun Rah Ven 7 Sag 12:54:55 Jup Ket Mer Jup
Rah Lib 13:57:03 Ven Rah Mer Jup 8 Cap 5:37:03 Sat Sun Mer Ven
Ket Ari 13:57:03 Mar Ven Ven Mon 9 Aqu 0:09:39 Sat Mar Mer Mer
Ura Aqu :17:41 Sat Rah Jup Mer 10 Aqu 29:16:19 Sat Jup Sun Mer
Nep -R Can 21:15:55 Mon Mer Ven Mer 11 Ari 3:41:16 Mar Ket Mon Mon
Plu -R Gem 16 05:49 Mer Rah Ven Rah 12 Tau 9:50:10 Ven Sun Ven Mer
tuna: Libra 2.52:33 Navamsa Chart
Rah Flu/ XUra /
Lagna Chart Nlrayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
12V'Mar 10 SatV^B Jup
ll-a* 12ib / \ Nep / \

\ Nep / \ / MonX / \X
\4 / \ 2 / Nep \ 4/ \ 2 / I 28' vX Xs
Jup 5X Ptu 3 XI Ket Jup 5XFJu 3
Xj Ket \vVen
/ X. /Xet Sun\

Sat 6 Sal 6 PIU X^/X Mar y/
Xy 8 yX Xy 6 XKat
Rah\ S 9\X Mon Nep XXg
v Vin X^v Xx Sun
06* Mer ® X^on
Mar Rah/a\ Ven /o\Ura Mar Sun/ 8\ Mar to\Ura
/ Sun \ / Mar \ Sat / Ven \ /
Maze- RahllX. 1 X3 Mer
Rah ■ 6^' Ran- 12
Sun Mer Su5' 5^ ,X N. yX2
X^Jup VenX Ura Sat\
Horoscope No. 74
21/12/1919 Time 08:48:00 Day Sunday Place Bareilly Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:28
at 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:12:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

SiderialTime .:14:30:11 Mrs Gan : Rakshas Mercury : 10Y 11M 50 Bhadrika : 3Y 2M 17D
Eq.oftime :0:02:19Hr$ Yoni. : Mrig Venus
Sunrise .7:01:13 Mrs Nadi : Adya 25/11/1937 21/12/1919
Sunset :17:18:44 Hrs Varan : Vipra 25/11/1957 09/03/1954
Samvat : 1976 Vashya : Keetak Venus 27/03/1941 Bhadrika 09/03/1923
Saka : 1841 Varga, : Mrig Sun 27/03/1942 Ulka 09/03/1929
Month : Pausa Yunja : Antya Moon 26711/1943 Sidha 08/03/1936
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) JaJ Mars 25/01/1945 Sankta 08/03/1944
Tithl at Sunrise..: 14 Name Alphabet Yaa-Yalendra Rahu 26/01/1948 Mangla 09/03/1945
Nakshatra : Jyestha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Copper Jupiter 26/09/1950 Pingla 09/03/1947
Yoga : Shool Hora. : Venus Saturn 25711/1953 Dhanya 09/03/1950
Karan : Shakuni Chaugharia : Char Mercury 25/09/1956 Bhramn 09/03/1954

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sag 5:43:51 Jup Ket Rah Rah Asc Cap 1:00:21 Sat Sun Rah Mon
Mon Sco 21:25:34 Mar Mer Ven Ket 2 Aqu 9:03:49 Sat Rah Jup Sat
Mar Vir 18:34:14 Mer Mon Mer Mon 3 Pis 16:25:51 Jup Sat Jup Rah
Mer Sco 14:03:38 Mar Sat Rah Kel 4 Ari 17:28:46 Mar Ven Mar Rah
Jup -R Can 25:15:30 Mon Mer Rah Mer 5 Tau 12:57:37 Ven Mon Rah Mer
Ven Lib 20:58:48 Ven Jup Jup Ven 6 Gem 6:10,26 Mer Mar Mon Sat
Sat Leo 19:11:49 Sun Ven Rah Mer 7 Can 1:00:21 Mon Jup Mar Mer
Rah -R Sco 2:06:26 Mar Jup Rah Sat 8 Leo 9:03:49 Sun Ket Jup Mar
Ket -R Tau 2:06:26 Ven Sun Jup Ven 9 Vir 16:25:51 Mer Mon Sat Ven
Ura Aqu 6:04:17 Sat Mar Mon Sat 10 Lib 17:28:46 Ven Rah Sun Mon
Nep -R Can 18:42:37 Mon Mer Ket Ven 11 Sco 12:57:37 Mar Sat Rah Rah
Plu -R Gem 14:25:04 Mer Rah Mer Sat 12 Sag 6:10:26 Jup Ket Rah Sat
tuna: Sagittarius 16:42:04 Navamsa Chart
Jup PluX Nep X
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal
1 9
V X X /Ure
t2x^ Mon Kel ySS
Kez Ax Ax Mer
417 5J3

9 /Sun 7t Sun 2 4 Sal

9 /Mon Jup
\y /3 N. Reh X 5 \v
XjBMer Nep 12 X Ura 10 >^8 Mon >/ Mar X^^X
XRah XMer
7 Ven ; Ket 1 Rah 7 Ven \ Piu XX X
MaXr yS Nv 5 >X
Mer ^><^^Rah
Ket 2 a JuP 4 NepVe Mar 4 Mer Sal9

Sat \ Mar
Rah Sun \ X \ X
10 X 12 Ax?
Mer KetX11 Nv X^^ 1^v
Mon Ven Xmoo SatX. XOre Ven
Horoscope No. 75
^te 14/06/1955 Time 09:20:00 Day Tuesday Place Jullundur Sri Sanalan Ayarramaa 22:58
Lat 31:19:00 North Long 75:34:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:27:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime .2:18:57 Hrs Gan : Manushya Saturn : 13Y4M 24D Bhadrika : 3Y 6M 9D
Eq.oftime :0:00:04 Hrs Yoni : Gau Mercury
Sunrise :5:24:24 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 06/11/1968 14/06/1955
Sunset :19:31-.16 Hrs Varan : Vipra 07/11/1985 23/12/1989
Samvat : 2012 Vashya. Jalchar Mercury 05/04/1971 Bhadrika 23/12/1958
Saka : 1877 Varga ^ Sarp 01/04^972 UJka 22/12/1964
Month .: Asadha Yunja : Antya Venus 31/01A975 Sidha 23/12/1971
Paksh : Krishna HansakfTatva) Jal Sun 08/12/1975 Sankta 23^2/1979
Tithi at Sunrise..: 8 Name Alphabet M000 08^)5/1977 Mangla 22/12/1980
Nakshatra : U Bhadrapad Tha-Thanendra 05/05/1978 Pingla 23/12/1982
Yoga : Ayusman Paya(Rasl-Nak) : Silver-Gold 22/11/1980 Dhanya 23/12/1985
Karan : Taitila Hora I Mercury Juprter 27/02/1983 Bhramri 23/12/1989

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Tau 29:21:29 Ven Mar Sat Mar Asc Can 19:58:17 Mon Mer Ven Mon
Mon Pis 7 15:46 Jup Sat Mer Sal 2 Leo 13:43:54 Sun Ven Ven Sun
Mar Gem 19 29:02 Mer Rah Mar Jup 3 Vir 11:46:15 Mer Mon Mar Ven
Mer -R Gem 2:33:28 Mer Mar Ket Mer 4 Lib 14:06:30 Ven Rah Mer Jup
Jup Can 7 15:05 Mon Sat Mer Sat 5 Sco 18:06:00 Mar Mer Mer Jup
Ven Tau 7 59:45 Ven Sun Ven Ven 6 Sag 20:27:58 Jup Ven Jup Sat
Sat -R Lib 22 29:12 Ven Jup Sat Kel 7 Cap 19:58:17 Sat Mon Ket Mar
Rah -R Sag 3 24:54 Jup Ket Sun Sat 8 Aqu 13:43:54 Sat Rah Mer Rah
Ket -R Gem 3:24:54 Mer Mar Ven Mar 9 Pis 11:46:15 Jup Sat Mon Mer
Ura Can 2:48:45 Mon Jup Rah Ven 10 Ari 14:06:30 Mar Ven Ven Mar
Nep -R Lib :38:12 Ven Mar Ket Mer 11 Tau 18:06:00 Ven Mon Mer Ket
Plu Leo :40:17 Sun Ket Ven Rah 12 Gem 20:27:58 Mer Jup Jup Sat
Fortuna; Aries 27:52:35 Navamaa Chart

Lagna Chart Nlrayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal

V0yA x. s /Nep
11X * X7
Sun V XX X\M«f
Van tO"" 1 1 Mr 12 VifwOdon 9 Suny
IB s mm\
Plu / \Mef Mar / \ / \ Jup X
Ijra Jup/
v c / 4 \Ket / , \ 3 /Mflr
V/ \3/Van Jup
eV Jup Ura V2 Ura Nap SX Ru <
y\ /\sun
Sat 7 Nap Set 7 1 Van \5un N«py V Plu /
\7 rX 5
e Vd Ket
10 10 X12 >\
/•X 3 Mer)
, / Mon
■ ■ SflH' MonV / \ / Jup
10 9<. v«n 12 UrtXs '
514' 414- Rih/ll 1 11
X N?
■ I Nea- \
Horoscope No. 76
■at© 30/11/1952 Time 05:00:00 Day Sunday Plage Karnal Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:56
^at 29:41:00 North Long 76:59:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:22:04

Panchang Avakahacfa Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime .:9:13:04 Hrs Gan : Manushya Venus: 1Y0M 20D Bhadrika : 0Y4M 20D
Eq.oftime :0:11:40 Hrs Yoni. : Gaja
Sunrise :6:59:24 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 21/06/1970 30/11/1952
Sunset :17:2l:14Hrs Varan : Kshatriya 21/06/1977 21/04/1984
Samvat : 2009 Vashya : Chaluspada 18/11/1970 Bhadrika 21/04/1953
Saka : 1874 Varga : Mrlg Rahu 06/12/1971 uika 21/04/1959
Month : Margshirsh Yunia : Poorva Jupiter 11/11/1972 SEdha 21/04/1966
Paksh : Shukla HansakfTatva} Agni Saturn 21/12/1973 Sankta 21/04/1974
Tithi at Sunrise..: 13 Name Alphabet Lo-Lokesh Mercury 18/12/1974 Mangla 21/04/1975
Nakshatra : Bharani PayafRasi-Nak) : Copper-Gold 16/05/1975 Pingia 21/04/1977
Yoga : Parigh Hora : Jupiter Venus 15/07/1976 Dhanya 21/04/1980
Karan : Gara Chaugharia : Kaal Sun 20/11/1976 Bhramri 21/04/1984

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sco 14:46:23 Mar Sat Rah Mar Asc Lib 18:45:52 Ven Rah Mon Mer
Mon Ari 25:37:43 Mar Ven Mer Sat 2 Sco 17:59:20 Mar Mer Mer Rah
Mar Cap 13:16:42 Sat Mon Rah Ven 3 Sag 19:36:24 Jup Ven Rah Ven
Mer -R Sco 15:52:57 Mar Sat Jup Ven 4 Cap 22:52:01 Sat Mon Sun Rah
Jup -R Ari 20:12:42 Mar Ven Jup Jup 5 Aqu 25:16:05 Sat Jup Mer Jup
Ven Sag 24:08:54 Jup Ven Mer Mer 6 Pis 24:06:20 Jup Mer Mar Mon
Sat Lib 0:42:24 Ven Mar Mer Sun 7 Ari 18:45:52 Mar Ven Rah Sat
Rah -R Cap 21:58:16 Sat Mon Ven Sat 8 Tau 17:59:20 Ven Mon Mer Mer
Ket -R Can 21:58:16 Mon Mer Sun Sat 9 Gem 19:36:24 Mer Rah Mar Sat
Ura -R Gem 25:01:41 Mer Jup Mer Rah 10 Can 22:52:01 Mon Mer Mon Sat
Nep Lib 0:05:39 Ven Mar Mer Mer 11 Leo 25:16:05 Sun Ven Mer Rah
Plu -R Leo 0:19:25 Sun Ket Ket Mar 12 Vir 24:06:20 Mer. Mar Mar Mon

Fortuna: Pisces 29:37:12 Navamaa Chart

\M«r Plu / X /
. Lagna Chart NIrayana Bhava Chailt-Cuapal
Ora rx 15 XJO Kat
HZ Q' mmmm
■Ke 2V S2(r
\Sun \ / xi
Nap Sal/ uw
a Va 5un
\ 8/ \ 8/ | Kat SSJ' Mar\6 / \6/ /TX Wonr
V«n9X Sat NepVs Plu xN.pX«
v/ Sat Jup X
Mar 10 Rah 4 Kat 4 P)u

3X Rih 1
Rah ii/\ 3n 1 11VMan l Jup V3
Mar /12\ /i\ /12 \ /2\Ur» ins- r 4 yc 10 MaO
Van x.
\ / Ket x.X / y/
5 XJup 7 SitXfl
Mar Nap v lie Ptu\Y{e Nv Nep / 8 NMer
Sun Sat i* Sar Neo- ■12: / \ / Sun \
264 Predicting Marriage

(d) Kantha Rajju (Neck) - Rohini, Aridra, Hasta.Swati^ Sravana

and Satabhisha.
(e) Siro Rajju (Head) - Dhanishta, Chitta and Mrigasira
The Janam Nakshatra of both, the boy and Ihe girl, should not fall in the
same Rajju. If both fall in the same Rajju. If both fall in Pada Rajju the couple
will be wanderng here and there throughout life. In case they get married in
Kati Rajju poverty will prevail between them. If the match is so that the Nakashatra
of both fall in Nabhi Rajju or Udar Rajju, the children may die. In case the
Janma Nakshatra of husband and wife fall in Siro Rajju, husband's death is likely.
Therefore, the boy and girl should be got married having different Rajjus for a
long lasting and happy married life.
Vedha Kuta - Vedha means obstructions or afflictions, A few constellations
are capable of afflicting certain other constellations situated at a particular principal
reckoned from that. For instance, Ashwani causes Vedha to the 18th Nakshatra
from it i.e. Jyestha. Similarly, Bharani causes Vedha to J6th Nakshatra; Kritika
and Vishakha, Rohini and Swati; Aridra and Sravan; Punarvasu and Uttar Shadha;
Poorva Phalguni and Uttara Bhadra Pad; Uttara and Poorva Bhadra-Pad; Hasta
and Satabhisha; Mrigasira and Dhanishtha; are the pairs in whichone partner
causes "Vedh" the other. The couple should not marry if the boy and girl were
born in given pairs of constellation, Otherswise, there will be innumerable
obstructions in the path of their progress, works, elevations, prosperity, resulting
into certain kinds of unhappiness.
Stree Dirgha Kuta - The constellation of the boy should preferably be beyond
9th from that of the girl. Another school of thought says that it should be more
than 7 constellations away. Certain other authorities say that the constellation of
boy should be beyond the 13thconstellation to that of girl. Some, accept that it
should not be less than between 18th and 27th, while a few want it to be between
8th and 27th, In our view, stree Dirgha should be completely ignored and must
not be taken into consideration not only because of difference of views of
authorities but due to the fact that it does not hold good in modern times.
Mahendra Kuta - The constellation of the boy counted from that of the girl
should be 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, 19th and 22nd or 25th. This promotes
longevity. In our view much imortance cannot be given to this Kuta also.
Thus describing the twelve Kutas for the purpose of matching horoscopes
certain views are listed about common Janma Nakshatra and common Janma
Rashi. To repeat, common Moon sign is not permitted unless the Nakshatras
are different and even if Nakshatras are same their Padas must be different. If
the Moon signs of both the partners are same, but the constellations are different,
there is a possibility of a Nadi, with no Nadi Dosh, But, if the constellation are
same, the Nadi of both will also be same. If Pada of constellations are different,
Nadi Dosh should be treated as cancelled.
Desructive Constellation - There are certain constellations which are termed
as destructive constellations. It is a matter of dissatisfaction that generally pandits
Matching of the horoscopes 265

do not possess correct knowledge on this subject and just say that if the girl is
born in Jyestha Nakshatra, the elder brother of the husband (Jyestha) would
expire after marriage. Similarly, Vishakha is treated as bad for younger brother
of husband. In fact, most of the authorities have accepted that there are certain
Padas of few constellations which are of destructive nature. If a person is born
under that particular Pada or part of that very constellation, certain tragedies in
family will ouccur.
(i) First Pada of Moola causes the death of father-in-law. But all the three
Padas are not harmful.
(ii) First Pada of Jyestha will casue the death of elder brother of husband.
(iii) Fourth Pada of Vishakha will cause the death of younger brother of
(iv) First Pada of Ashlesha will cause the death of mother.
(v) First Pada of Ashlesha and Moola Nakshatras ae destructive for mother
and father of the couple. This is not essential for the parents of the boy.
Where Planets Rule: Graha Melapak- In overall consideration of all planets
resulting in happiness or unhapiness of the married life, various combination of
the planets ruling in one's horoscope become essential when a marriage is being
If Mars and Venus are placed in the 7th house of a girl and the horoscope of
the boy does not show this conmbination, the pair will predictably show different
sexual behaviour. One will be over sexed whereas the other will be cold. Likewise
if Venus and Moon occupy the 7th house or the 7th house is hemmed in between
the malefics, Saturn and Mars, or the lord of 7th is under Papkartari Yoga or if
Venus is placed in the 7th house having both the luminaries in the 2nd and J2th
house from that position unhappiness in conjugal life results. If one partner has
such a horoscope, the native must marry a partner with a horoscope with similar
malefic combination. These adverse combinations are taken up for a detailed
discussion herewith;-
Venus-Mars - The position of Venus and Mars is held very important in all
the horoscope where compatibility in sexual activity is related. In case Venus
and Macs are placed in 7th house or Lagna, the parents of the native should take
care of their child from the very childhood to check his precocius sexual
inclination. Such a child should be brought up in a religious atmosphere and
proper training to restrain from mixing with opposite sex should be inculcated
from the very childhood. Most of the sex crimes in the world take place due to
the affliction of Venus and Mars. A girl having Mars in a particular sign will
automatically be attracted towards a boy having Venus in the same sign. Similarly
if a girl's Moon sign is ruled by Mars and that of boy"s ruled by Venus and their
Lagnas or Moon sign are opposite to each other, there will be a mutual attraction
and love without a care of what their relationship might develop into. Should a
boy having Mars-Venus in the 7th house in Taurus get married with a girl having
the same combination in the Scorpio Lagna, both pass a very happy and
266 Predhcting Marriage

successful married life. Similarly, if the Venus of the boy has an aspect over the
Mars of the girl and the Mars of the girl aspects the Venus of the boy there will
be a mutual harmony between them.
It has been generally observed that if other afflictions are not present, the
Aries native if wedded to Libra; or Scorpio native married to Taurus, finds happy
life in marriage. In horoscpe no.42 Venus and Mars are posited in the 7th house
in Pisces having mutual aspect of Saturn in Lagna. The native got manied with
the girl illustrated in horoscope no.35. Both husband and wife are born in the
same Lagna Virgo with the placement of Saturn. The combination of Mars and
Venus could not be balanced properly though there were 18 matching points.
Managali Dosh was also neutralised but Nadi Dosh was present. Rashi Kuta i.e.
Graha friendship between the Moon sign lord is also absent, they being Mars
and Mercury. Soon after the marriage difference of views created a deep
misunderstanding between the couple. After a tension-filled married life, the
husband committed suicide with in five years of marriage. It is indeed
unfortunate that planets forced a deep misunderstanding in one"s marital life
so much so that for one it became impossible to survive.
In the horoscope no.69 and 70, the husband is born in Libra ascendant having
Mars-Venus and Mercury in the 12th house i.e. the Lagna and 7th lord are
Venus and Mars and they afflicted by Mercury in the 12th house Virgo. Exact
opposite combination is present in the horoscope of the wife. Bom in Aries
ascendent, the sign of the 7th house of husband's horoscope becomes the Lagna
of the wife. The husband's Sun is in the Lagna in Libra. The wife's Sun is in Aries
in Lagna, both having a mutual aspect. The I2th house in the horoscope of the
wife Saturn is tenanted in Cancer, while is husband's horoscope Jupiter is posited
in Cancer. In the wife's horoscope Jupiter is tenanted in the 8th house in Taurus
i.e. the evils of Saturn of the horoscope of husband are reduced by the Jupiter
of the horoscope of wife whereas the malefic effects of Saturn of wife are
appreciably reduced by Jupiter of husband.

The evils of the combination of Macs, Mercury and Venus in the 12th house
are fully counter-balanced by Mars, Mercury and Venus in the horoscope of
wife as in both the horoscopes the combination is present in opposite signs i.e.
virgo and Pisces respectively. The Sun of the horoscope of husband has been
balanced by the Sun of the horoscope of the wife, being opposite to each other.
Such a combination is highly appraciated even if it is exceedingly malefic or
afflicted in both the charts. This couple has only I4Vi matching points and got
married 25 years from now and are living very happily.
Mars-Saturn - The Mars-Saturn combination is also evil and even if Mars
and Venus are conjoined or opposite to each other synchronising with the
concerning houses of manage i.e. 2nd and 8th or 1 st and 7th or in J2th house,
the severity of Mars-Saturn combinations is not mitigted. There must be proper
balancing of such combinations in both the horoscopes so that the evils of one
may be counteracted by the other. In horoscopes no.77 and 78 the husband is
Matching of the horoscopes 267

born in Gemini ascendant with Mars in the Lagna and Saturn in the 7th house.
Here Mars is associated with Jupiter. Both Mars and Jupiter have a mutual aspect
with Saturn. A havoc ruled the marital life of the native as the evils have not
been neutralised in the horoscope of the wifeby the presence of Mars and Saturn
;n her 7th house and the aspect if Jupiter over Lagna. The lord of Moon sign of
both is Venus. Therefore mutual mental compatibility is also indicated. Both are
born in the ascendants ruled by Mercury. TLiere are 28 matching points. With
the cancellation of Kuja Dosh but Nadi Dosh is present though it gets nullified
as the Padas of their birth constellation Swati are different i.e. 1st and 3rd. Their
married life is smooth, though certain adjustments are certainly being made by
them. The husband is a doctor, the wife is an actress with interest in music and
poetry in the begining, the couple faced certain probems in adjustments. But
both have been living happily for the past 30 years.
In horoscope no. 79 and 80 the husband is born in Taurus ascendant with
Saturn, Mars and Rahu in Scorpio in the 7th house. In fact, this is a very adverse
combination. Strong Kuja Dosh is also present. This evil of the conjunction of
Mars, Saturn and Rahu has been counter-balanced in the horoscope of wife due
to the presence of Mars and Saturn in her 12th house in Scorpio. Both have the
same Moon sign Libra ruledby Venus having different constellations Chitta 4th
Pad and 4th Pad of Swati respectively. Thus, Nadi Dosh is also present. However,
all evils are counter-balanced by the placement of malefic planets Mars and
Saturn in the same sign scorpio in both the horoscopes. The couple as a result
are living very happily and have three children.
Moon-Venus - Apparently, this is a softcombination, but in factit has created
disaters in married life. There have been seperations or unsatisfactory married
life, full of tensions and worries. If such a combination is present in the horoscope
of boy and girl in the Lagna or the 7th house or the 2nd house, proper importance
must be attached to it. Otherwise the married life will be unhappy. In horoscope
no. 70 Venus is assoicated in the 7th house with both the luminaries Sun and
Moon in Virgo, which is the sign of debilitation for Venus. This combination
has not been balanced in the horoscope no. 69 of the husband. There are only
13 matching points and Nadi Dosh is also present. The native got married 40
years ago. The lady did not get real bliss in married life even for a day.
Unfortunately, she could not beget children either. Six to seven years after their
marriage, the husband started living with a woman who in fact got married to
one of his younger brother, with the arrangement that she will live with him
and not with his brother. This was to protect the government job. The wedded
wife passed her days in the servant quarters, while illegitimate wife lived with
him with all comforts. The native is a Class I officer. The horoscope of the
unfortunate wife is solely responsible for the miseries she has been going through.
The conjunction of Venus, the Kalatra Karaka, is very bad with both the
luminaries Sun and Moon. Here, Venus is the lord of the 8th house occupying
the 7th house in association with her bitterest enemies Sun and Moon, spoiling
Horoscope No. 77
te 25/09/1930 Time 00:54:00 Day Thursday Place Etawah Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 26:46:00 North Long 79:02:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr -0:13:52

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yogini

SiderialTime .:0:5t:44 Hrs Gan Deva Rahu : 13Y 7M 230 Pingla : 1Y6M60
Eq.oftime :0:07:41 Hns Yoni : Mahish Jupiter
Sunrise 6.04.05 Hrs Nadi : Antya 19/05/1944 25^)9/1930
Sunset : 18:07:52 Hrs Varan : Shoodia 19/05/1960 01/04/1966
Samvat : 1987 Vashya : Manav Jupiter 07/07/1946 Pingla 31703/1932
Saka : 1852 Varga ^ Mrig Saturn 17^)1/1949 Dhanya 01/04/1935
Month : Asvina Yuqa ^ Madhya Mercury 25/04/1951 Bhramri 01704/1939
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Ketu 31/03/1952 Bhadrika 31/03/1944
Tithi at Sunrise..: 2 Name Afphabet Roo-Rupesh Venus 30/11/1954 Ulka 01/04/1950
Nakshatra Svati Paya(Ras]-Nak) : Silver-Iron Sun 18/09/1955 Sldha 01/04/1957
Yoga : Vaidhriti Hora j Mais Moon 17/01/1957 Sankta 01/04/1965
Karan : Gara Chaugharia : Roga Mars 24/12/1957 Mangla 01/04/1966

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Vir 8::22:58 Mer Sun Ven Mon 29:59:21 Mer Jup Mon Sat
Lib 9::53:23 Ven Rah Jup Sun 23:24:04 Mon Mer Mar Rah
Gem 23 46:55 Mer Jup Sat Jup 20:05:59 Sun Ven Rah Mar
Vlr 2: 29:39 Mer Sun Jup Mon 21:25:28 Mer Mon Ven Rah
Gem 24 51:36 Mer Jup Mer Mar 25:46:56 Ven Jup Ket Ket
Lib 24::06:12 Ven Jup Mer Mer 29:20:35 Mar Mer Sat Mar
Sag 12 48:29 Jup Ket Mer Jup 29:59:21 Jup Sun Rah Sat
Ari 1 08:30 Mar Ket Ven Ven 23:24,04 Sat Mar Mar Rah
Lib 1 08:30 Ven Mar Mer Rah 20:05:59 Sat Jup Jup Jup
Pis 21 15:29 Jup Mer Ven Mer 2t:25;28 Jup Mer Ven Mer
Leo 11 42:56 Sun Ket Mer Ket 25:46:56 Mar Ven Mer Sat
Gem 28::O6:06 Mer Jup Ven Sal 29:20:35 Ven Mar Sat Mar
Fortuna: Leo 1:29:45 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

Plu 3

1125- 1229' 12 SuX

\ D
Nep / \Jup Mar
Ket 7X 9 ><11
MeX* >/8 Nv Mon ION.
Nep 5 X Mar 3 Jup X1 Rah 920- sV
/ Lira MarV
Sun/ N
Sun 6 Mer 12 Ura Mon 6 Ven 12 Rah \Sat Jup y^
Mer 2yfPlu 12 YlO
Ket y S \ Mon
Ven7 Y 9 \/
Mon/sX Sat / lo\ vVen 3 UraX; 9 >

629* 526' Ve24

Horoscope No. 78
te 23/01/1938 Time 23:44:00 Day Sunday Place Rampur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:43
at 29:48:00 North Long 77:27:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time CoiT -0:20:12

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsattari Yogini

Siderial Time ..7:33:28 Hrs Gan. : Deva Rahu :6Y8M 1D Pingla : 0Y8M 27D
Eq.aftime >0:11:49 Hrs Yani i Mahish Jupiter
Sunrise :7:16:20 Hrs Nadi : Antya 25/09/1944 23/01/1938
Sunset :17:47:43 Hrs Varan - Shoadra 25/09/196Q 21/10/1972
Semvet : 1994 Vashya Manav Jupiter 13/11/1946 Pingla 21/10/1938
Sake : 1859 Varga : Mrig Saturn 27/05/1949 Dhanya 21/10/1941
Month... : Magha Yunja Madhya Mercury 01/09/1951 Bhramn 21/10/1945
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) ..: Vayu Ketu 07/08/1952 Bhadrika 21/10/1950
Tithi at Sunrise..: 8 Name Alphabet Ro-Rohit Venus 08/04/1955 Ulka 21/10/1956
Nakshatra : Svati Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Iron Sun 26/01/1956 Sidha 21/10/1963
Yoga : Shool Hara : Mercury Moan 27/05/1957 Sankta 21/10/1971
Karan : Kaulava Chaugharia - Roga Mers 02/05/1958 Mangla 21/10/1972

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 10 22:22 Sat Mon Mon Jup ASC Vir 27:36:20 Mer Mar Jup Mar
Mon Lib 15:03:31 Ven Rah Ket Sat 2 Lib 26:10:40 Ven Jup Ket Rah
Mar Pis 2 11:53 Jup Jup Rah Sal 3 Sco 26:51.02 Mar Mer Jup Mer
Mer Sag 16 16:00 Jup Ven Mon Mon 4 Sag 28:53:25 Jup Sun Mar Mer
Jup Cap 15:12:54 Sat Mon Jup Mon 5 Aqu 0:58:18 Sat Mar Mer Mar
Ven Cap 37:58 Sat Sun Ket Sat 6 Pis 1:04:05 Jup Jup Mar Ket
Sat Pis 00:21 Jup Sat Ket Mer 7 Pis 27:36:20 Jup Mer Jup Mar
Rah -R Sco 11 28:47 Mar Sat Mon Sat 8 Ari 26:10:40 Mar Ven Ket Mar
Ket -R Tau 11 -28:47 Ven Mon Mar Sat 9 Tau 26:51:02 Ven Mar Jup Mer
Ura Ari 16:59:47 Mar Ven Mon Mer 10 Gem 28:53:25 Mer Jup Sun Mar
Nep -R Leo 28-09:24 Sun Sun Mon Ket 11 Leo 0:58:18 Sun Ket Ven Ven
Plu -R Can 6-10:37 Mon Sat Mer Sun 12 Vir 1:04:05 Mer Sun Rah Mon

rtunaiCancer 2:17:28 Navamsa Chart

Rah X ^\^[j MerXj
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspat
Set Ura\X4 Merf
Ura Ket
U; Ken*
927' Nap 9
\ Rah /
lOX. 12 X.2 Jup
5 / Plu /llX. Ven 1
X4 Plu Mar 8 x Mon 6 5 Nap PI®' Mon \ /Ket Sunx

Mer 9 Sun 9 Jup X 3 PJu N. Mon Sat
\. Ven / \12 / \ 10
KQI IV* Jup 11 \(9 Sun
JuploVMar 12 Sat Y2 Kal i 12 \ /
v\ \
Sun/ll\ /1\ /12\ Ura (Mer 2 Nep Xy«n Q Mey3
/Mar Sarv . NPiu
r \ y
5 Xj Rah
4 \
Rah Mon \ Ura
Horoscope No. 79
02/02/1956 Time 13:29.00 Day Thursday PlaceAadra Road Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa
at 24:37:00 North Long 72:43:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:39:08

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SkierialTime .21:35:51 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Mars;1Y4M13D Mangla :OY2M10D
Eq.oftime >0:13:42 Hrs Yoni : Vyaghra Jupiter
Sunrise :7:22:45 Hrs Nadi Madhya 1706/1975 02/02/1956
Sunset :18:22:57Hrs Varan : Shoodra , , 17/06/1991 1404/1991
Samvat : 2012 Vashya : Manav Jupiter 04/08/1977 Mangla 14/04/1956
Saka : 1877 Varga Mm Saturn 1502/1980 Pingla 1404^958
Month : Magha Yunja J Madhya Meroiy 2305/1982 Dhanya 14041961
Paksh Krishna HansakfTatva) Vayu 11^!^
Tithi at Sunrise..: 6 Name Alphabet Ree-Ritesh Venus 28121^5 1404/1970
Nakshatra : Chitra Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Iron fin 1404/1976
Yoga : Shool Horn.. Saturn Man 16/02/19BS Sdha 14/04/1963
Karan : Vishti Chaugharia Labha Mars 2101/1989 Sankla 14/04/1991

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 19:28:16 Sat Mon Mer Sat Asc Tau 13:10:18 Ven Men Rah Ket
Mon Lib 4:03:24 Ven Mar Ven Jup 2 Gem 8:29:11 Mer Rah Rah Mon
Mar See 19:37:20 Mar Mer Ven Ven 3 Car, 2:24:15 Mon Jup Rah Mer
Mer -R Cap 7:10:02 Sat Sun Ket Ven 4 Can 28:36:07 Mon Mer Sat Ket
Jup -R Leo 5:20:44 Sun Ket Mar Ven 5 Leo 29:58:34 Sun Sun Rah Sat
Ven Aqu 26:11:24 Sat Jup Ket Rah 6 Lib 6:33:22 Ven Mar Mon Ven
Sat Sco 8:34:48 Mar Sat Ven Sun 7 Sco 13:10:18 Mar Sat Rah Rah
Rah -R Sco 22:32:57 Mar Mer Mon Jup 8 Sag 8:29:11 Jup Ket Jup Ven
Ket -R Tau 22:32:57 Ven Mon Ven Ket 9 Cap 2:24:15 Sat Sun Jup Sun
Ura -R Can 6:47:32 Mon Sat Mer Jup 10 Cap 28:36:07 Sat Mar Sat Ket
Nep -S Lib 7.26:13 Ven Rah Rah Sat 11 Aqu 29:58:34 Sat Jup Mon Sat
Plu -R Leo 4:45:17 Sun Ket Mon Sun 12 Ari 6:33:22 Mar Ket Rah Mer
Fortuna: Capricorn 27:45:27 Navamsa Chart
\Jup VanMer
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal P!u / X. 12 >
Sun y/ i Vii
12^ IIS4
10 Reh
Ke23- et 4 X. /

N. Mar
113Q'I \3/ V/ sX X9
\ / \1/ Ura /8 N. g \Nep
Ura 4 X Ket 2 X12 Veza- ura 4X Kel 2 X 11 Sat UrX\ / Mon N,

Jup 5 Plu 11 Ven Jup 4 Piu 10 Ver>

4 x Ura 2 A
S / Rah X/Sun ar 8 Rah
sVMar 8 SatV^iO Me7. Mon5VM XlO
AX /9\Mer 92* / \ / ^X^erj 530" Ka) 5
Mon Nep /Sal tiep\ / -\
Rah Sal Mon 8 Mer/
Sat Nep Jup 7 '
Mar Mon Ven / N
Horoscope No. 80
ate 14/01/1958 Time 07:23:00 Day Tuesday PlaceAjmer Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:00:3^
at 26:29:00 North Long 74:40:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TimeCorr -0:31:20

Panchang Avakahada ChaKra Vimsottari Yoginl

Siderial Time 14:23:47 Hns Gan ^ Deva Rahu : 0Y7M 29D Pingla : OYOM 26D
Eq.oftime >0:08:57 Mrs Yoni ^ Mahish Saturn
Sunrise :7:22:38 Hns Nadi - Antya 14/09/1974 14/01/1958
Sunset :17:58;00 Hrs Varan ^ Shoodra 13/09/1993 10/02/1992
Sam vat ; 2014 Vashya i Manav Saturn 17/09/1977 Pingla 10/02/1958
Saka : 1879 Varga— : Sarp Mercury 27/05/1980 Dhanya 10/02/1961
Month : Magha Yunja : Madhya Ketu 05/07/1981 Bhramri 10/02/1965
Paksh : Krishna HansakfTatva) Vayu Venus 04/09/1984 Bhadrlka 10/02/1970
Tilhi at Sunrise..: 10 Name Alphabet Taa-Tarun Sun 17/08/1985 Ulka 10/02/1976
Nakshatra : Svati Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Go!d-Iron Moon 18/03/1987 Sidha 10/02/1983
Yoga ; Shool Hera j: Mars Mars 26/04/1988 Sankta 10/02/1991
Karan : Vanij Chaugharia : Roga Rahu 03/03/1991 Mangla 10/02/1992

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 0:23:09 Sat Sun Rah Mer Asc Sag 29:47:24 Jup Sun Rah Sat
Mon Lib 19:30:26 Ven Rah Mar Sat 2 Aqu 6:58:21 Sat Rah Rah Jup
Mar Sco 22:19:35 Mar Mer Mon Mar 3 Pis 13:58:07 Jup Sat Rah Mer
Mer Sag 6:40:53 Jup Ket Rah Mer 4 Ari 15:18:44 Mar Ven Ven Mer
Jup Lib 7:02:33 Ven Rah Rah Jup 5 Tau 11:14:39 Ven Mon Mar Rah
Ven -R Cap 22:33:00 Sat Mon Ven Ket 6 Gem 4:49:08 Mer Mar Ven Ket
Sat Sco 27:51:58 Mar Mer Jup Rah 7 Gem 29:47:24 Mer Jup Mon Jup
Rah -R Lib 14:19:32 Ven Rah Mer Sat 8 Leo 6:58:21 Sun Ket Rah Ven
Ket 'R Ari 14:19:32 Mar Ven Ven Rah 9 Yir 13:58:07 Mer Mon Jup Jup
Ura R Can 17:17:38 Mon Mer Mer Ven 10 Lib 15:18:44 Ven Rah Ven Ven
Nep Lib 11:37:52 Ven Rah Sat Sun 11 Sco 11:14:39 Mar Sat Mon Rah
Plu R Leo 8:55:12 Sun Ket Jup Mon 12 Sag 4:49:08 Jup Ket Mar Mar

Fortuna: Libra 18:54:41 Navamsa Chart

v^Sun Maf/\
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal \ Nap / 9 X\9ay>
Rahll >c Jup Ura Xf 7

Kei4- 5ii' 6
415- Mon 12 Sat/T X

Sun Ven/\Sat Mar/

l/^Mer 3 PliOx Kat
\l0/ \8/Rah ^
\y \9/ Sa,
Ketl2X Sun Ven
X8 s yS Ven
/\ /XMar Uri7-
7 Mon Plu / Ufa Kat
/ 8?' \5 /
/Nep pjg. \/4
Ven Ket 1Y 3 Yd Plu 2X 3 X6Rah
6 Rah
Sun / 2\ / 4\ /3\urai/5 \Jljp Jup 9
/ \ / Ura \
Sa^a- M020- 1015-J Nep 10X 12 X2
Sat Nep Rah Ma22- Rai4- XllX X 1 X
Mar Jup Mon j • lir JUT* | Ran X^ X^ Sal n
X Mar Mer XX Van Mon
272 Prediding Marriage

all the marital happines.

Mars-Moon - Mars and Moon make for Chandra Mangla Yog if they are
associated. This Yog is good in certain aspects but not for marital happiness if
present in the Lagna 7th, 8th or 2nd houses. The opposition of Moon and Mars
also creates serious problems in marital life. A native Moon and Mars in the
Lagna and 7th house will have a wife opposite in nature or if Moon and Mars
are conjoined in the 8th or 2nd house, they must be counter-checked by similar
placement, in the horoscope of the other partner. In horoscope No. 41 the native
was born in Scorpio ascendant with presence of Mars and Moon in Lagna. He
got married with a Mangali girl after proper matching of horoscope. There was
no Nadi Dosh and the Manga! Dosh was properly balanced,.with 19V2 points
matching. The native was married on 24.1.68. Soon after the marriage, both
husband and wife were seperated under very critical circumstances, due to which
the father of the girl died of shock. The presence of Moon and Mars in Lagna
should be held responsible for this destruction of family life.
In 1976, soon after we had come to grasp with the basic tenets of astrology,
we got speical "Anusthan" done for this girl of horoscope no.6 and were
overjoyed to see the couple reunited. Today, they are living happily and have
three children. Several examples of the malefics caused by opposition or
conjunction of Moon and Mars, can be cited.
Mars and its Conjunction - The ancient texts mention that Kuja Dosh is
neutralised if Mars is aspected by lupiter or Moon. In our experience of interpreting
several hundred horoscopes, we have not found this version correct. Here, we
would Ijke to concern ourselves with Mars and Moon. Mars is debilitated in the
sign of Cancer which is owned by Moon while Moon gets debilitated in the sign
Scorpio owned by Mars i.e. Moon and Mars are bebilitated in each other's sign. It
has been written in classics that Moon and Mars are good friends. How can a
friend harm sitting in his friend's house or who would like to call it a friendship?
Similarly, Saturn gets debilitated in the sign of Mars i.e. Aries while Mars
gets exalted in the sign of Saturn i.e. Capricorn though both are inimical to each
other in nature. Mars and Jupter have a typical relationship. Mars is exalted in
the sign of Capricorn where lupiter is debilitated and Jupiter gets exalted where
Mars is debilitated. Both are considered friends. Elsewhere, we have considered
that Jupiter and Mars enhance Kuja Dosh appreciably instead of minimising or
mitigating it. This has been discussed on the basis of Saravali and Brihatjatak.Thus
the combination of Saturn and Mars and Moon, and Jupiter and Moon should
be treated as adverse even if they are associated or placed in opposition to each
other. This needs a cancellation of counter-balancing in the horoscope of the
other life partner as far as the matching of the horoscope is concerned.
Jupiter-Mars - Jupiter and Mars should not be treated as good if both are
conjoined or placed opposite to each other, especially when Mars occupies all the
six houses, where it is said to cause Kuja Dosh. In our observations, we have
found that Kuja Dosh gets enhanced by the opposition of Jupiter. The readers will
Matching of the horoscopes 273

certainly commit a mistake if they presume the cancellation of Kuja Dosh due to
the aspect of Jupiter or Moon. This opinion of many pandits have ruined thousands
of lives of the girls and boys having Kuja Dosh. In horoscope no. 37, horoscope
no.63, horoscope no. 81 and horoscope no. 35, we find that Mars and Jupiter are
placed opposite to each other in a very favourable position. The Kuja Dosh should
not have produced any adverse effect over them. But the experience in each case
is just the reverse. In horoscope no. 37, Jupiter is exalted in the Lagna while Mars
is exalred in Capricorn. She got separated from her husband after four years of
marriage. In horoscope no. 63, Mars is posited in the 4th house and Jupiter in
own sign in assoication with Saturn. Jupiter and Mars, Saturn and Mars are posited
opposite to each other, synchoonising with 4th and 10th house. She could not
adjust with her husband and got separated in the very first year of marriage. In
horoscope no.35 Mars is posited in the 2nd house in Libra and Jupiter occupies
the 8th house. Both are opposite to each other. The husband committed suicide
after five years of marriage out of frustration in marital life.
Jupiter is said to form Akhand Saubhagya Yoga if it is posited in the 8th
house. Why did it not give this Saubhagya to the concerned native? In horoscope
no. 81 Mars is posited in the 4th house in Aquarius. Jupiter occupies the 10th
house in opposition to Mars and is associated with Venus. Here Mars, Jupiter
and Moon and Venus are placed opposite to each other synchronising with 4th
and 10th house. When this girl and her mother came to us, we predicted that
within one year of marriage she will have to face separation from her husband,
but the boy being good looking, well-placed and belonging to a royal family the
parents of the girl could not resist their temptation to this marriage. They
consulted other astrologers also. A total 32V2 points were matched between the
couple. The unhappy mamage took place only to be annulled with in a month.
The husband (horoscope no. 82) and the wife agreed for a mutual divorce.
In horoscope no. 47 and 66, we had warned that Jupiter and Mars are posited
in the 8th house in the horoscope of the girl and she will not live together with
her husband for long. Here again the matching points were sufficient, Nadi
Dosh was also not present and the Kuja Dosh was neutralised by the association
of Jupiter as per the versions of classics and by so many other astrologers. This
beautiful wife had all the qualities, high education, respect-able family
background, dowry etc., but lived with her husband only for seven days i.e.
from 7.8.88 to 13.8.88. The husband flew to the United States and sought divorce
from there. We can illustrate hundreds of such cases where separation and death
took place inspite of high matching points and cancellation of the Kuja Dosh by
the aspect of Jupiter, there being no other plausible reason for such tragedies.
Under such circumstances, it is proved that Jupiter if associated with Mars or in
opposition with Mars, when it should have neutralised Kuja Dosh, aggravates
the KujaDosh instead.
Kuja Dosh : The Dictates of Mars - Manga! Dosh or Kuja Dosh caused by
the presence of Mars is considered a serious affliction. In a separate chapter we
274 Predicting Marriage

have discussed the nature and scope of Mars Dosh in detail. Here some specific
cases have been taken up. If Mars Dosh is present in one horoscope but Graha
Melapak does not show much difference in the strength, there will be no
disharmony between the partners. When strong Kuja Dosh is present in one
horoscope and is not counter-balanced in Graha Malapak chart, it is not essential
that the partner will suffer. In our experience most of the sufferings have been
experienced by the partner having Knja Dosh rather than his or her partner.
This is countrary to the popular view.
In horoscope no. 47 the wife had strong Kuja Dosh which became the cause
of sufferings. In horoscopes no. 75-76, 35-42, 41-6, 37, 63, 81-82, 83-84, 90-91,
13-14 each, the wife had Kuja Dosh and suffered. In horoscope 85-86, 43-44
husbands died and 87-88 the husbands were sufferers. There are various other
factors to be considered for the marital sufferings and maladies. But in most of
cases it has been observed that the person who has more evils in Graha, Melapak
suffers more.
The presence of Mars in the 8th house in the horoscope of females is more
harmful than in the horoscope of males. If Mars is aspected by or is opposite to
Jupiter, the intensity of Kuja Dosh will increase. If the Lagna is Leo the 7th lord
Saturn occupies the 2nd house, he becomes a puppet in the hands of wife. A
detailed discussion on this is made seperately in the chapter "Mars in Eighth"
for Females".
Bhava Melapak : Status of Residence
An Essential Consideration - Bhava Melapak or matching of houses is an
important factor for consideration in marital life. In our view Bhava Melapak
plays a vital role in deciding the state of happiness of marital life and its durability.
First of all, the Lagna and Moon sign of each should be taken into account. If
both husband and wife have the same Lagna or the 7th from each other, many
expected miseries will automatically be cancelled. In horoscopes 67 and 68 there
are only 13 points which match, but both are born in the same Lagna Gemini
and they are leading a very happy married life. The handsome couple have a lot
of property, wealth, vehicles, respect in society and happiness. The Navamsa
lord of both^usband and wife is Venus. The Moon sign of the wife is Cancer,
while that of husband is Capricorn. Both are 7th from each other. A good Bhava
Melapak is present in both of these horoscopes and many evils have been
cancelled. This is the reason why the couple is very happy, though only 13 points
match andNadi Dosh and Yoni Dosh are also present.
In another case, horoscopes no. 69 and 70. the husband is born in Libra
ascendant, while wife is born in Aries ascendant both having Sun in their
ascendants i.e. their Lagna and the Sun are 7th from each other. Mars, Venus
and Mercury are in the J2th house in both of these horoscopes. In husband"s
horoscope these are in Virgo while in the horoscope of wife, these planets are
placed in Pisces, cancelling all the evil effects. However, the wife is born in
Vargottam Navamsa, Aries with Vargottam Sun. Jn her horoscope, Jupiter's
Matching of the horoscopes 275

presence in Scorpio is cancelling the evils of husband"s horoscope by placement

of Saturn in the 8th house. Similarly, the Jupiter of husband is exalted in the
10th house and is cancelling the evils of Saturn of wife"s horoscope which falls
in Cancer. The Lagna and the 7th lord in both these horoscopes are conjoined
and are aspecting the Venus and Mars of each other. The couple is leading a
happy married life though has only 14Vi matched points.
In horoscopes 47 and 66, 3]Vi points are matching but there is absence of
Bhava Melapak. She suffered divofce only after 7 days. In horoscopes 81 and
82, 32Vi points match but she also suffered divorce after 4 months. In the
horoscope of husband (82), Moon and Venus are placed in the Lagna and the
7th house. This is also a malefic combination that curtails marital happiness.
There are various cases when matching points have been much more than what
is required for a proper compatibility but hardships existed due to lack of Bhava
Melapak. Bhava Melapak, therefore, is of prime importance and should be judged
in the following ways
(a) The Lagna of husband should be same as that of his wife or it should be
7th from each other. In case the lord of the Lagna and the 7th house are friends
or have a quality of mutual attraction towards each other, the married life will
be very happy. For instance, persons born in Taurus, Libra, Aries ascendant.
(b) If the Moon sign of the boy and girl are same there will be very good
understanding between them though there may be controversy on views as far
as Nakshatra Melapak of the same Moon sign is concerned. We have found that
persons of same Moon sign have a good understanding between themselves not
only in the case of wife and husband but even in the case of friends of the same
Moon sign. We can say with confidence that there will a lasting friendship without
any confrontation, misunderstanding and break. Generally, both will have a
feeling of sacrifice for each other. Certainly there are various other factors also to
be counted alongwith the similar Moon sign. The couple will lead harmonious
life if the Moon sign of both are 7th from each other.
(c) If the Navamsa of the husband becomes the Lagna of the wife and the
Lagna of wife becomes the Lagna of the husband or i.e. to say that the 7th lord
of both, generally there will be happiness throughout life.
(d) Incase severe afflictions of the 2nd and 7th houses are present in one
horoscope and the same kinds of malefics are there in the horoscope of the
other partner either in the 7th house or in the 7th sign from there, the evils will
be counter balanced and they will live happily. We have discussed above
horoscopes 77 and 78, 79 and 80 having similar evils in the 7th house but duly
counter-balanced in the horoscope of husband.
(e) If the Moon sign of husband is the Lagna of wife and wife"s Moon sign
becomes the Lagna of husband or such parities are there in Navamsa chart, the
marital life will be happy. In fact the horoscope of both husband and wife, should
be kept side-by-side for comparison to come to final conclusion. The overall
view of one horoscope and the placement of planets in different Bhavas will be
Horoscope No. 81
^Je 16/10/1956 Time 09:10:00 Day Tuesday Place Varanasl Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
wLat 25:20:00 North Long 83:00:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:02:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime .:10:50:32 Hns Gan : Rakshas Rahu : 2Y 11M 17D Dhanya : 0Y 5M 23D
Eq.oftime :0:14:23 Hrs Yoni. : Ashwa Saturn
Sunrise :5:58:10 Hrs Nadi : Adya 04/10/1975 16/10/1956
Sunset :17:28:48 Hrs Varan : Shoodra 03/10/1994 15/04/1990
Samvat : 2013 Vashya : Manav Saturn 06/10/1978 Dhanya 14/04/1957
Saka : 1878 Varga : Mssha Mercury 16/06/1981 Bhramri 14/04/1961
Month - : Asvina Yunja : Antya Ketu 25/07/1982 Bhadrika 15/04/1966
Paksh : Shukla Hansakflatva) Vayu Venus 24/09/1985 Ulka 14/04/1972
Tithi at Sunrise..: 12 Name Afphabet Soo-Sooraj Sun 06/09/1986 Sidha 15/04/1979
Nakshatra : Satabhisha Paya(Ras]-Nak) : Iron-Copper Moon 06/04/1988 Sankta 15/04/1987
Yoga : Vradhi Hora : Mercury Mars 16/05/1989 Mangla 14/04/1988
Karan : Balava Chaughana : Char Rahu 22/03/1992 Pingla 15/04/1990

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 29:45:49 Mer Mar Sat Jup Asc Sco 11:09:58 Mar Sat Mon Rah
Mon Aqu 17:48:14 Sat Rah Sun Sat 2 Sag 11:22:36 Jup Ket Sat Jup
Mar Aqu 20:22:43 Sat Jup Jup Sat 3 Cap 14:12:08 Sat Mon Jup Sat
Mer Vir 12:38:05 Mer Mon Rah Sat 4 Aqu 18:10:58 Sat Rah Mon Mon
Jup Leo 27:50:45 Sun Sun Mon Sat 5 Pis 19:51:59 Jup Mer Ven Mon
Ven Leo 18.31:10 Sun Ven Rah Jup 6 Ari 17:13:58 Mar Ven Mon Ven
Sat Sco 7:33:25 Mar Sat Ket Mon 7 Tau 11:09:58 Ven Mon Mar Rah
Rah -R Sco 6:38:21 Mar Sat Mer Rah 8 Gem 11:22:36 Mer Rah Sat Ven
Ket -R Tau 6:38:21 Ven Sun Mer Jup 9 Can 14:12:08 Mon Sat Rah Ven
Ura Can 13:39:41 Mon Sat Rah Sat 10 Leo 18:10:58 Sun Ven Rah Rah
Nep Lib 6:53:14 Ven Rah Rah Rah 11 Vir 19:51:59 Mer Mon Ket Sun
Plu Leo 6:55:11 Sun Ket Rah Ven 12 Lib 17:13:58 Ven Rah Ven Mer

Fortuna: Pisces 29:12:24 Navamsa Chart

Set ^unjr/
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal 8 6
NepN. / X /
9 X 7 X 5 Rah
6 7ii4

sRah Sat/
9 7
Kat llXMar 1 MerX^ Plu
\ / \ /Mer Ura \7/Nep
x 12 X / 2
X6 ^/ Mon X.
/ \sun Urw
/ \ 914' Dasamsa
Ven 5
Man 11 Mar X JUP /i Mar II Jup 5 Mer, \ / \Sat Mar X
x 8 x X X
\ /\ p.. /i &
Nep Xplu 7 ><5 Mar,

1 \ Ket / 3 X^Ura 4 Mon

; f.... _ Sun \ >
1217- X3
Rah V.^ 2
Sat Nep Ra B Ne?1 X \
X Kal .x ^
Horoscope No. 82
14/10/1954 Time 20:51:00 Day Thursday PJace Bombay Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:57:^
at 18:58:00 North Long 72:50:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:38:40.

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogfni

SiderialTime :21:42:52 Hrs Gan ^ RaKshas Sun :3Y6M 90 Ulka r 3Y 6M 9D
Eq.oftime :0:13:50 Hrs Yonf. : Mesh Rahu
Sunrise :6;33:37 Hrs Nadi : Antya 25/04/1975 14/10/1954
Sunset : 18:15:53 Hrs Varan - Vaishya 24/04/1993 24W1988
Samvat : 2011 Vashya Chatuspada Rahu 0501/1978 Ulka 2404/1958
Saka : 1876 Varga Garuda Jupiter 31/05/1980 Sdha 24/04/1965
Month : Kartika Yunja : Poorva Satum 06/04/1983 Sankla 24/04/1973
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Bhoomi Mercury 24/10/1985 Mangla 2404/1974
Tlthi at Sunrise..: 3 Name Alphabet .: Ea-fehwar Ketu 11/11/1986 Rngfe 2404/1976
Nakshatra : Krittika Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Gold Venus 11/11/1989 Drerya 25/04/1979
Yoga : Sidhi Hora : Jupiter Sun 06/10/1990 Bhramri 2504/1983
Karan : Vishti Chaugharia : Char Mocn 06/04/1992 Bhadrika 2404/1988

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s^s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 27:46:41 Mer Mar Jup Rah Asc Tau 12:20:01 Ven Mon Rah Jup
Mon Tau 2:09:47 Ven Sun Jup Ven 2 Gem 8:20:42 Mer Rah Rah Sun
Mar Cap 2:40:38 Sat Sun Jup Mar 3 Can 3:15:24 Mon Jup Rah Mar
Mer Lib 20:59:25 Ven Jup Jup Ven 4 Leo 0:25:01 Sun Ket Ket Rah
Jup Can 5:12:41 Mon Sat Sat Jup 5 Vir 2:07:17 Mer Sun Jup Ven
Ven Sco 4:52:56 Mar Sat Sat Rah 6 Lib 7:34:40 Ven Rah Rah Mer
Sat Lib 16:34:34 Ven Rah Ven Jup 7 Sco 12:20:01 Mar Sat Mar Jup
Rah Sag 15:47:42 Jup Ven Sun Jup 8 Sag 8:20:42 Jup Ket Jup ' Ket
Ket Gem 15:47:42 Mer Rah Ven Mon 9 Cap 3:15:24 Sat Sun Sat Sat
Ura Can 4:33.49 Mon Sat Sat Mon 10 Aqu 0:25:01 Sat Mar Mer Ven
Nep Lib 2:38:42 Ven Mar Ket Mer 11 Pis 2:07:17 Jup Jup Rah Sat
Plu Leo 3:20:27 Sun Ket Sun Sat 12 Ari 7:34:40 Mar Ket Jup Jup

rtima : Sagittarius 16:43:07 Navamsa Chart

Plu X
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
3 >: Mer 1 %k"
12a* \ Set
Mar 1D Mon

\Ket / 112' \ Kel Ura X

Jup X/
Ura\3 / 1 / Jup yen 5A
Rah/ 8
4X^0" 2 K12 Ura Ur
^ / Sun
J"P/\ Jup/
PJu 5 pru s xx Jup Mer X
3 z' N. Ura ^x
OcRah 2 \/l2 Sat
8 Xl CMar 33' eX
Ven / Mfi3- NepX7 Ven 5
' Nap \ ^ Sat \ / ^
Mer Sat v / Rah \| Sun War VenV /War
Nep We2i Mar X
Sat 2* Sa^' p.-jk
Ven Mer i 5* 60' Na3*
Horoscope No. 83
Jte 21/03/1959 Time 04:30:00 Day Saturday Place Bareiiiy Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:01:3g
Lat 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:12:24_

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari YoglnJ

SiderialTinne :16:08:30 Mrs Gan Deva Saturn :1YGM 19D Dhanya: 0Y 2M 28D
Eq.oftime 0:07:46 Mrs Yoni Mesh Ketu
Sunrise :6:18:58 Hrs Nadi Madhya OaiO/1977 21/03/1959
Sunset :18:21:46 Hrs Varan... VIpra 08101984 18061992
Samvat : 2015 Vashya Jalchar Kelu 067031978 Dhanya 18/06/1959
Saka : 1880 Varga.. Shwan Venus 0605/1979 Bhramri 18/06/1963
Month t : Phalguna Yunja.. Madhya Sun 1109/1979 EhacLka 18/06/1968
Paksh : Shukla HansakfTatva) Moon 11/04/1980 Ulka 18061974
Tithi at Sunrise,,: 10 Name Alphabet Mars 08/09/1980 Sidha 18/06/1981
Nakshatra : Pushya Daa-Daamodar Rahu 26091981 Sankta 16/06/1989
Yoga : Sukarma Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Silver Jupiter 02/09/1982 Man^a 16/06/1990
Karan : Vishti Hora Mercury Saturn 1210/1983 Rnqla 18/06/1992

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Pis 6:33:46 Jup Sat Mer Rah Asc Cap 28:52:50 Sat Mar Sat Ven
Mon Can 15:34:36 Mon Sat Jup Mer 2 Pis 9:42:59 Jup Sat Ven Sat
Mar Tau 25 46:36 Ven Mar Rah Sun 3 Ari 13:59:25 Mar Ven Ven Mon
Mer -R Pis 19 54:21 Jup Mer Ven Mon 4 Tau 11:05:20 Ven Mon Mon Sun
Jup -R Sco 8 57:26 Mar Sat Ven Rah 5 Gem 4:47:25 Mer Mar Ven Ket
Ven Ari 701:37 Mar Ket Rah Ven 6 Gem 29:05:32 Mer Jup Sun Jup
Sat Sag 13 27:22 Jup Ven Ven Ven 7 Can 28:52:50 Mon Mer Sat Ven
Rah -R Vir 19 59:14 Mer Mon Ket Mar 8 Vir 9:42:59 Mer Sun Ven Mer
Ket -R Pis 19 59:14 Jup Mer Ven Mon 9 Lib 13:59:25 Ven Rah Mer Jup
Ura -R Can 19 35:46 Mon Mer Ven Ven 10 Sco 11:05:20 Mar Sat Mon Mon
Nep -R Lib 13 29:00 Ven Rah Mer Mon 11 Sag 4:47:25 Jup Ket Mar Mar
Plu -R Leo 9 17:58 Sun Ket Jup Rah 12 Sag 29:05:32 Jup Sun Mar Ven

Fortuna: Gemini 7:5.3:40 Navamaa Chart

X XX Sun
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal X. 7 / XT Sat V
Mon SS/jup 6
Ven Mar
Mer 9 Ket X Rah 3 Van
Mer ven
Sun\l 1 W\ 9 / Mon vs/
Mer12V 10 X Jup Ura IX Sun 10 X 9 Set
v Ven 1 7 Nep Mar 2 /et Mer/
Nv 4 / Nv 2 /^
Mon 3 X/ Set
Mar 2Y1Mon 4 Ura Ve Rah 3X 4 X7 Jup
/3\ Plu / 6\ v Mar 6 Jup XT 12
/ \ / Plu \| Rah Mon ura\ /Nep Rah y
NvUra /
v \/
Vx 9 /XllNep
10"- Nei3 8
Jup { ' Nap Ju9* X / 10X
/Rah PI»J\/^ Sun \
Horoscope No. 84
13/08/1963 Time 08:20:00 Day Tuesday Place Kanpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:05
.at 26.27:00 North Long 80:19.00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr '0:08:44

Ranchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime :5;34;35 Hrs Can :Rakshas Sun: 0Y11M 22D Ulka: OY11M 22D
Eq.oftime 0:04:56 Hrs Yoni :Mesh Rahu
Sunrise .:5:40;40 Hrs Nadi :Anlya 04/08/1981 1308/1963
Sunset :18:46:17 Hrs Varan i Vaishya 0508/1999 0508/1994
Samvat : 2020 Vashya _•Chatuspada Rshu 17y04/1984 Ulka 04/08/1964
Saka : 1885 Varga :Gaaida Jupiter 10/09/1986 S'dha 0508/1971
Month : Bhadra Yunja Poorva Saturn 17/07/1989 Sankta 0508/1979
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Bhoomi Meteury 04/02/1992 Mangla 04/08/1980
Tithi at Sunrise..: 9 Name Alphabet Ay-AikJavya Ketu 21/02/1993 Pingla 05/08/1982
Nakshatra : Krittika Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Gold Venus 22/02/1996 Dhanya 04/08/1985
Yoga : Dhruva Hora Venus Sin 1601/1997 Bhramri 04/08/1989
Karan : Taitila Chaugharia Udvega Moon 1707/1998 Bhadnka 05081994

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 26:33:46 Mon Mer Jup Sat Asc Vir 1:13:05 Mer Sun Rah Mar
Men Tau 7:49:32 Ven Sun Ven Ven 2 Vlr 29:19:37 Mer Mar Sat Mar
Mar Vir 17:20:04 Mer Man Sat Rah 3 Lib 29:46:07 Ven Jup Mon Jup
Mer Leo 21:29:32 Sun Ven Jup Mon 4 Sag 1:04:48 Jup Ket Ven Ven
Jup -R Pis 26:22:29 Jup Mer Jup Sat 5 Cap 2:16:48 Sat Sun Jup Ven
Ven Can 21:54:55 Mon Mer Sun Sat 6 Aqu 2:40:31 Sat Mar Ven Ven
Sat -R Cap 26:40:47 Sat Mar Jup Mer 7 Pis 1:13:05 Jup Jup Mar Ven
Rah Gem 27:01:51 Mer Jup Ven Sun 8 Pis 29:19:37 Jup Mer Sat Mar
Ket Sag 27:01:51 Jup Sun Sun Sat 9 Ari 29:46:07 Mar Sun Rah Jup
Ura Leo 11:32:43 Sun Ket Mer Mer 10 Gem 1:04:48 Mer Mar Mer Rah
Nep Lib 19:53:30 Ven Rah Mar Ven 11 Can 2:16:48 Mon Jup Rah Mer
Plu Leo 18:01:39 Sun Ven Mar Sun 12 Leo 2:40:31 Sun Ket Ven Mer

Fortuna: Gemini 12:28:51 Navamsa Chart

11 N?
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
NepV11 x'
12\QVen 10
101' Mon/ X

Nep /\Ura Mer/ Nep / \ap,uWy Ra^

'/ \ Plu / 2 Xw
\ 7 / \ 5 /yen Sun V ^y 5 / ven 1V
sVMer 6 V4 Ven 7VMar 6 V4 / 3 \
Mar Rah
/ \ / xSun / \ / \Sun
\ / \ Ve22- Dasamsa
\/ _ ^ .\ SU27'
Ket 9 3 Rah Kel 9 3 Rah"

Jup 4XSet 2
Satioy 12 y2Mon Salioy 12 yiMon p|id°
Sat 1
/ll\ Jup / \ 5r | y13 \ JUP / ,2 \ Me2f

Kel eXSun 8 Ura Xiq

X Mar Venx /
Horoscope No. 85
^te09/07/1957 Time 12:24:00 Day Tuesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:00:1
Lat 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoginl

Siderial Time . 7:25:23 Mrs Gan - Rakshas Mercury : 9Y 0M 25D Bhadrika :2Y8M dD
Eq.oftime - 0:05:02 Hrs Yoni i Ming Venus
Sunrise 5:20:39 Hrs Nadi ^ Adya 04/08/1973 09/07/1957
Sunset 19:02:12 Hrs Varan j Vipra 04/08/1993 10/03/1991
Samvat 2014 Vashya : Keetak Venus 03/12/1976 Bhadrika 09/03/1960
Saka 1879 \/arga : Mrig Sun 04/12/1977 Ulka 10/03/1966
Month Asadha Yunja - Antya Moon 04/08/1979 Sidha 10/03/1973
Paksh Shukla HansakfTatva) Ja! Mars 04/10/1980 Sankta 10/03AI981
Tithi at Sunrise., 13 Name Alphabet Yaa-Yatendra Rahu 04/10/1983 Mangla 10/03/1982
Nakshatra Jyestha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Ju piter 04/06/1986 Pingla 09/03/1984
Yoga Shukla Copper-Copper Saturn 04/08/1989 Dhanya 10/03/1987
Karan Kaulava Hora ^ Mars Mercury 04/06/1992 Bhramri 10/03/1991

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Gem 23:47:14 Mer Jup Sat Jup Asc Vir 26:01:13 Mer Mar Rah Mar
Mon Sco 22:53:07 Mar Mer Mon Mer 2 Lib 24:49:14 Ven Jup Mer Mon
Mar Can 18:08:34 Mon Mer Mer Jup 3 Sco 25:14:58 Mar Mer Rah Mer
Mer Gem 29:46:16 Mer Jup Mon Jup 4 Sag 26:43:21 Jup Sun Sun Mon
Jup VIr 2:27:58 Mer Sun Jup Sun 5 Cap 28:26:36 Sat Mar Sat Mer
Ven Can 16:32:53 Mon Sat Jup Rah 6 Aqu 28:46:29 Sat Jup Ven Ket
Sat Sco 15:33.15 Mar Sat Jup Mer 7 Pis 26:01:13 Jup Mer Rah Mar
Rah Lib 25:08:32 Ven Jup Mer Rah 8 Ari 24:49:14 Mar Ven Mer Mon
Ket Ari 25:08:32 Mar Ven Mer Rah 9 Tail 25:14:58 Ven Mar Rah Mer
Ura Can 12:58:52 Mon Sat Rah Rah 10 Gem 26:43:21 Mer Jup Ven Ven
Nep Lib 6:49:29 Ven Rah Rah Rah 11 Can 28:26:36 Mon Mer Sat Mer
Plu Leo 5:45:33 Sun Ket Rah Rah 12 Leo 28:46:29 Sun Sun Mar Sat

Fortuna: Aquarius 25:07:07 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal

QIS- 2
Ke75- 925' I (VeA fl Sun
\Mon Sat/\ jUp mm
/ Kel y/ Plu Z
\ Rah Nep/ Plu / Mar / \/
Rah Ay 5 y' 9X 11 Xj
Sat\ /7 5 /Mar Mar 623- \7/ \ / Nep/10 12 x.
8X JuP 6 Vaven Ven ex NeP 6
A4 Plu Ur13
" /lMon Jup\^/^ n
XUre Ura / \ / \ Ve,r
/ N. / Ura Meis* Dasamsa
Mer 3 Sun K 9 x Mer 3 Mar ; \. Mon / ..
11 -/ IP/
Mar12XSun 10 >/fi
y\ /xSun
/11 Ny / 1 1229'
4^i/ \ / Kel \
Jup 2yX 4 Xa
Sat Ne y/ 3 N. Ura 5 \ PiJ
Mon Ra ■I
Lull y Rati Nv y Ven n.
Matching of the horoscopes 281

having certain kind of relationship synchronising with other horoscope. Either

a few planets will be in opposite signs or in the same signs. If such relation and
similarity or certain oppositions are found in both the horoscopes, it may be
said that marriage will cetainly be happy.
Agreement of Horoscope - For happy and long married life there must be at
least 50% marks in each : Nakshatra, Graha and Bhava Melapak of the matches.
A horoscope may have weak points in one Melapak but may have strong in the
other two for a happy marriage and lasting happiness. Let us consider a few
illustrations for proper matching of horoscope.
Illustration No. 9.1 (Horoscope No. 81 and 82) -
(i) Nakshatra Melapak - SSVz points match out of 36 which is very good.
The wifehas "Adi" Nadi while husband has "Ant" Nadi therefore, no Nadi Dosha
is there, This is very good matching as far as Nakshatra Melapak is concerned,
(ii- Graha Melapak Horoscope No.
(Kuja Dosh) 81 82
Mars in 4 in Acq (Enemy) 45
Saturn in 1 in Sco (Enemy) 60
Rahu in 1 in Sco 60
Ketu in 1 in Tau 52.52
Rahu in 8 in Sag 60
Ketu in 2 in Gem30
Total 217.7 90
Here we find that 90 points of Kuja Dosh are present in husband's horoscope,
while 2175 points are there in the horoscope of wife. We have referred that if a
variation in excess of 75% exist, the marriage should not be allowed. Here there
is a variation of 241.66%. Therefore, this marriage should not have been
suggested. There is no matching of planets in these horoscopes.
Horoscope No. 86
26/08/1961 Time 22:45:00 Day Saturday Place Calcutta Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
Lat 22:30:00 North Long 88:20:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:23:20

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime 21:27:11 Hrs Gan. Rakshas Rahu : 2Y1M 7D Dhanya :0Y4M6D
Eq.oftime >0:01:52 Hrs YonL . . . Ashwa Saturn
Sunrise :5:18:30 Hrs Nadi. Adya 04/10/1979 26/08/1961
Sunset :17:58:12 Hrs Varan. Shoodra 04/10/1998 02/01/1995
Samvat : 2018 Vashya Manav Saturn 07/10/1982 Dhanya 02/01/1962
Sake : 1883 Varga Mesha Mercury 16/06/1985 Bhramri 02/01/1966
Month : Sravana Yunja Antya Ketu 26/07/1986 Bhadrika 02/01/1971
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 24/09/1969 Ulka 01/01/1977
Tithi at Sunrise..: 15 - Purnima Name Alphabet Soo-Sooraj Sun 06/39/1990 Sidha 02/01/1984
Nakshatra : Satabhisha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Moon 07/04/1992 Sankta 02/01/1992
Yoga : Sukarma Copper-Copper Mars 17/05/1993 Mangla 01/01/1993
Karan : Kaulava Hora Rahu 23/03/1996 Pingla 02/01/1995

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 10:09:02 Sun Ket Sat Ven Asc Tau 9:48:44 Ven Sun Ven Mer
Mon Aqu 18:26:28 Sat Rah Mon Jup 2 Gem 5:44:26 Mer Mar Mon Rah
Mar Vir 13.07:32 Mer Mon Rah Ket 3 Can 0:01:34 Mon Jup Mon Sat
Mer Leo 21:31:21 Sun Ven Jup Mar 4 Can 26:18:49 Mon Mer Jup Jup
Jup -R Cap 5:29:19 Sat Sun Mer Ket 5 Leo 27:26:34 Sun Sun Mon Mar
Ven Can 3:33:12 Mon Sat Sat Sat 6 Lib 3:31:31 Ven Mar Ven Rah
Sat -R Cap 0:59:12 Sat Sun Rah Man 7 Sco 9:48:44 Mar Sat Ven Sat
Rah -R Leo 4:14:42 Sun Ket Mon Sal 8 Sag 5:44:26 Jup Ket Rah Rah
Ket -R Aqu 4:14:42 Sat Mar Ven Sat 9 Cap 0:01:34 Sat Sun Rah Sat
Ura Leo 3:32:45 Sun Ket Sun Ket 10 Cap 26:18:49 Sat War Jup Jup
Nep Lib 15:50:37 Ven Rah Ven Mon 11 Aqu 27:26:34 Sat Jup Ven Rah
Plu Leo 14:37:52 Sun Ven Ven Jup 12 An 3:31:31 Mar Ket Sun Ket

tuna; Scorpio 18:06:10 Navamsa Chart

X Mar ✓'XNap Jup/
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal
UrX 1 / V1X
2XMon 12 Vl0 Sat
Rah /X /X

/ 30*
Ven4 12 1\ Ve^ Van Plu\/ Mer N

/ HaUra \ / \ /RaUraX / \ Dasamsa

Sun 5 Mer\M<et 11 Won Sun 4 MeOO<el lOMon , /\Ket Mer
\ Plu / \ / \ Ptu / \ / \ 25 X \ Nep >
x / X12x
\ / \ / Jup 3XVen 1 X 11
Jus- \/
5 6
Mar 6 ar 5X
Sav ^sr X X10
9Q- /7\ / 9\Sat
Nep / Nsp
Mon SyC Plu
Neie' S Jup s ®^X
710* 64" XRahUraX -*/ Sun
. X
XSal MarXX X
Horoscope No. 87
JO 24/01/1956 Time 01:45:00 Day Tuesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime .:9:47:11 Hrs Gan Manushya Moon : 4Y 6M 8D Sidha : 3Y 1M 30D
Eq.oftime >0:11:40Hrs Yoni Sarp Jupiter
Sunrise :6:57:09 Hrs Nadi Antya 02/08/1905 24/01/1956
Sunset J17:39:04 Hrs Varaa Vaishya 02/08/2001 24/03/1908
Samvat : 2012 Vashya Chatuspada Jupiter 20/09/1987 Sldha 25/03/1959
Saka : 1877 Varga Mrig Saturn 02/04/1990 Sankta 25/03/1967
Month : Pausa Yunja Poorva Mercury 08/07/1992 Mangla 24/03/1968
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tat\ra) Bhoomi Ketu 14/06/1993 Pingla 25/03/1970
Tithi at Sunrise..: 10 Name Alphabet Wee-Veepul Venus 13/02/1996 Dhanya 24/03/1973
Nakshatra : Rohini Paya(Rasi-Nak) Iron-Gold Sun 01/12/1996 Bhramri 24/03/1977
Yoga : Brahma Hora Sun Moon 02/04/1998 Bhadrika 25/03/1982
Karan : Vishti Chaugharia Udvaga Mars 09/03/1999 Ulka 24/03/1988

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 9:49:59 Sat Sun Ven Mer Asc Lib 26:57:11 Ven Jup Ven Sun
Mon Tau 17:18:09 Ven Mon Sat Rah 2 Sco 26:27:40 Mar Mer Jup Sat
Mar Sco 13:23:55 Mar Sat Rah Jup 3 Sag 28:12:33 Jup Sun Mon Ven
Mer -R Cap 17:54:51 Sat Mon Mer Mer 4 Aqu 1:30:48 Sat Mar Mer Jup
Jup -R Leo 6:26:24 Sun Kat Rah Mer 5 Pis 3:45:47 Jup Sat Sat Mer
Ven Aqu 14:39:29 Sat Rah Ket Sun 6 Ari 2:19:43 Mar Ket Ven Sat
Sat Sco 7:55:30 Mar Sat Ket Sal 7 Ari 26:57:11 Mar Sun Sun Jup
Rah -R Sco 23:30:57 Mar Mer Mar Jup 8 Tau 26:27:40 Ven Mar Jup Sat
Ket -R Tau 23:30:57 Van Mar Mar Jup 9 Gem 28:12.33 Mer Jup Van Sat
Ura -R Can 7:12:04 Mon Sat Mar Sat 10 Leo 1 ".30:48 Sun Ket Van Mar
Nep Lib 7:25:02 Van Rah Rah Sat 11 Vir 3:45:47 Mer Sun Sat Ven
Plu -R Leo 4:58:23 Sun Ket Mar Jup 12 Lib 2:19:43 Ven Mar Ket Rah

tuna: Pisces 4:25:21 Navamsa Chart

Plu Jup
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal
\4 / \2 /
Kot 6>: Mon MerN/i

■ 727 Sat 6 Ura 12 Sun

Mar Sat/ \ / 5r \ / \ Nep / 92^
\ Rah / \ / x/ \ / Van
\8/ \6/Plu Ura
Mer\ / 8
\ / 7 S\ XV1
jr \Nap y' 10\R«h
gVNep 7 V5 -9XWar7SalV0 Urr / Mar
/ \ / \jup Veis* Sun / \ ■ /\
Sun 10 Mer 4 Ura Ven 11 Plu 5 Jup Ura
\\ \ X
Kat S^x VonX/i
Mer VenllX 1 12 X Man 1 Kel X3 Ura
Sun /12\ Sat 6 Piu
Kat Mon
Ra/i Jup 7XSun 9 Nep")X 11
Sal X8 \ /l0\Rah
Mar Nep
Horoscope No. 88
t© 07/01/1961 Time 21:25:00 Day Saturday PiSCGGonda Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:
at 27:08:00 North Long 81:58:00 East Zone 82:30-00 East Time Corr -0.02:08

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time 4:30:46 Hrs Gan _ M an u shy a Venus :1Y0M24D Utka : 0Y 3M 25D
Eq.ottime - 0:06:14 Hrs Yoni i Mooshak Rahu
Sunrise 6:54:25 Hrs Nadi i Madhya 01/02/1985 07/01/1961
Sunset 17:22:22 Hrs Varan. ^ Kshalriya 01/02/2003 05/05/1991
Samvat 2017 Vashya Vanchar Rahu 15/10/1987 Ulka 04/05/1961
Saka 1882 Varga ^ Shwan Jupiter 10/03/1990 Sidha 04/05/1968
Month Magha Yunja Madhya Saturn 14/01/1993 Sankta 04/05/1976
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Mercury 03/08/1995 Mangla 04/05/1977
Tithi at Sunrise.. 5 Name Alphabet Too-Tushar Ketu 20/08/1996 Pingla 05/05/1979
Nakshatra P Phalguni Paya(Rasl-Nak) : Gofd-Silver Venus 21/08/1999 Dhanya 05/05/1982
Yoga Sobhagya Hora Saturn Sun 15/07/2000 Bhramri 05/05/1986
Karan Gara Chaugharia .1 Shubh Moon 14/01/2002 Bhadrika 05/05/1991

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sag 24:04:45 Jup Ven Mer Mer Asc Leo 17:07:06 Sun Ven Mon Ven
Mon Leo 25:57:20 Sun Ven Ket Ven 2 Vi; 14:14:43 Mer Mon Jup Sat
Mar -R Gem 12:32:57 Mer Rah Sat Jup 3 Lib 14:32:29 Ven Rah Ket Ven
Mer Sag 25:06:57 Jup Ven Mer Rah 4 Sco 16:19:13 Mar Sat Jup Mar
Jup Sag 22:35:21 Jup Ven Sat . Ket 5 Sag 17:52:13 Jup Ven Mar Ket
Ven Aqu 9:47:00 Sat Rah Jup Ven 6 Cap 18:19:46 Sat Mon Mer Ven
Sat Sag 27:19.00 Jup Sun Sun Ven 7 Aqu 17:07:06 Sat Rah Ven Mer
Rah Leo 14:22:13 Sun Ven Ven Rah Pis 14:14:43 Jup Sat Rah Ven
Ket Aqu 14:22:13 Sat Rah Mer Sat 9 Ari 14:32:29 Mar Ven Ven Jup
Ura -R Leo 2:07:58 Sun Ket Ven Jup 10 Tau 16:19:13 Ven Mon Sat Ket
Nep Lib 17:55:30 Ven Rah Sun Mer 11 Gem 17:52:13 Mer Rah Sun Mer
Flu -R Leo 14:52:27 Sun Ven Ven Sat 12 Can 18:19:46 Mon Mer Mer Sat
Fortuna; Aries 18:59:40 Navamaa Chart
N. Jup y XPIu Rah
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
SunV 7yS
9t5' f 1016
v Van 9 Sat
\ / \Ura Rah
\ 6 / \ piu y
\ 6 / UraPlu \ 4 /
nX Nep y i
Nep/V^Won 5 Rah X3 Mer NepTx Men 5 X3 Ket XX Ura

2 Mar \ 7T.Flu Rahy^
N.H /
Nap 12^>x 10
X1 / Ns
i - 10
Jup/ \ /l2\ C^lon 1 7 MaO
/Ven Ket X
Nei®* Van zX 4 Sal
4ie* 315* 3 Jup y SN.
yX \V / lire \
>/ Ket Mar SunX
Horoscope No. 89
.ate28/06/1953 Time 15:20:00 Day Sunday Place Bareilly Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22 56:4^
at 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 Easl Zone 82:30:00 East TimeCorr - 0:12:24-

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

9:32:23 Hrs Gan : Manushya Sun : 4Y 6M 9D Sankta : 6Y 0M13D
- 0:03:01 Hrs Yoni. : Nakul Mars
5:19:03 Hrs Nadi j Antya 07/01/1958 2806/1953
19:11:57 Hrs Varan - Kshatriya 07/01/1975 1207/1987
2010 Vashya Wanav Mais 0406/1968 Sankta 1207/1959
1875 Varga f^Iooshak Rahu 2306/1969 Mangla 1107/1960
Asadha Yunja Antya Jupiter 3005/1970 Rngla 1207/1962
Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Saturn 0907/1971 Dhanya 1107/1965
1 Name Alphabet Bhay-Bhairav Mercuiy 0507/1972 Bhramri 1107/1969
Uttarasadha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Ketu 01/12/1972 Bhadnka 1207/1974
Endra Copper-Copper Venus 3101/1974 Ulka 1107/1980
Tartila Hora fvbcn Sin 0806/1974 Sidha 12/07/1987

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Gem 13:26:33 Mer Rah Mer Mon Asc Lib 23:18:15 Ven Jup Sat Rah
Mon Sag 29.56:21 Jup Sun Rah Sat 2 Sco 22:42:02 Mar Mer Mon Sat
Mar Gem 16:31:46 Mer Rah Ven Jup 3 Sag 24:25:41 Jup Ven Mer Ven
Mer Can 8:56:47 Man Sat Ven Rah 4 Cap 27:45:04 Sat Mar Jup Rah
Jup Tau 18:35:04 Ven Men Mer Mon 5 Pis 0:04:31 Jup Jup Mon Sat
Ven Ari 27:52:30 Mer Sun Mon Sat 6 Pis 28/3:36 Jup Mer Sat Ven
Sat Vir 27:37:23 Mer Mar Jup Rah 7 Ari 23:18:15 Mar Ven Sat Mar
Rah -R Cap 10:22:46 Sat Man Mon Jup 8 Tau 22:42:02 Ven Mon Sun Mon
Ket -R Can 10:22:46 Men Sat Sun Mon 9 Gem 24:25:41 Mer Jup Mer Ven
Ura Gem 25:02:09 Mer Jup Mer Rah 10 Can 27:45:04 Mon Mer Jup Rah
Nep -R Vir 28:10:02 Mer Mar Sat Sat 11 Vir 0:04:31 Mer Sun Rah Sat
Plu Can 28:33:50 Men Mer Sat Ket 12 Vir 28:43:36 Mer Mar Sat Ven

Fortuna: Taurus 9:48:03 Navamsa unart

lira N. Plu S
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChaEit-Cuspal
\2 X \12 Xar
Jup 3>/Rah 1 y/H
Ven Jup
723- Juis*
Veza- 823*
V\Nep Sal \/ \ / Men
SX X.9
Rah\® ^ /Nep 6
XX,NepXX Ket// B\Ven
7 XS A6 X Mer Sat XX N
Mions Sal
Rah 10 X Ket 4 MeM 4 piu ; Ket "x\" "/
\ P'lj / Jup 4XMer 2
\ / Mar
1 /\* 1 Ven V3 Kel
Rah /12 Ven / 2\sun /2 yMer ^^Ura 11 ?al
Jup \ Sat \ /Mar Sun\ Nep\ /
l N Nep i 223* 123*
B y><J0Vfl
Mar QX.
•v X 3lu Reh n
Horoscope No. 90
11/01/1927 Time 03:45:28 Day Tuesday Place Bareilly Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
28:20.00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:12:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

Siderial Time .:10:50:49 Hrs Gan - Deva Ketu 6Y4W130 Bhramri-. 3Y7M 2C0
Eq.Qftime > 0:07:16 Hrs Yoni j Ashwa Sun
Sunrise .;7:07:26 Hrs Nadi j Ariya 25/05/1953 11/01/1927
Sunset .;17:31:49 Hrs Varan ^ Kshatriya 26/05/1959 01/09/1962
Samvat : 1983 Vashya - Chatuspada Sun 12/09/1953 Bhramri 01/09/1930
Saka : 1848 Varga ^ Simha Moon 13/03/1954 Bhadrika 01/09/1935
Month : Pausa Yunja ^ Poorva Mars 19/07/1954 Ulka 01/09/1941
Paksh : Shukla HansakfTatva) Agm Rahu 13/06/1955 Sidha 01/09/1948
Tithi at Sunrise.'.: 7 Name Alphabet Jupiter 31/03/1956 Sankta 01/09/1956
Nakshatra : Asvini Chu-Churamani Saturn 13/03/1957 Mangla 01/09/1957
Yoga : Sidha Paya(Ras[-Nak) : Gold-Gold Mercury 18/01/1958 Pingla 01/09/1959
Karan : Bava Hera Mercury Ketu 25/05/1958 Dhanya 01/09/1962

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sag 27:06:56 Jup Sun Sun Mer Asc See 10:22:59 Mar Sat Sun Men
Men Ari 1:12:04 Mar Ket Ven Sun 2 Sag 10:49:25 Jup Ket Sat Mar
Mar Ari 18:41:18 Mar Ven Rah Sat 3 Cap 14:15:04 Sat Mon Jup Sat
Mer Sag 16.21:43 Jup Ven Men Mar 4 Aqu 18:40:31 Sat Rah Men Sat
Jup Aqu 5:46:29 Sat Mar Men Rah 5 Pis 20:14:33 Jup Mer Ven Rah
Ven Cap 9.13:27 Sat Sun Ven Sat 6 Ari 17:06:10 Mar Ven Men Ven
Sat See 11:40:11 Mar Sat Men Mer 7 Tau 10:22:59 Ven Men Men Jup
Rah -R Gem 14.29:36 Mer Rah Ket Ven 8 Gem 10:49:25 Mer Rah Sat Mer
Ket -R Sag 14:29:38 Jup Ven Ven Jup 9 Can 14:15:04 Men Sat Rah Ven
Ura Pis 3:30:07 Jup Sat Sat Sat 10 Leo 18:40:31 Sun Ven Rah Jup
Nep -R Leo 3:56:36 Sun Ket Mon Rah 11 Vir 20:14:33 Mer Men Ket Sat
Plu -R Gem 22:11:13 Mer Jup Sat Mer 12 Lib 17:06:10 Ven Rah Ven Mer

Fortuna: Aquarius 14:28.07 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart N. Jup Mar yX

Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
8^X N.6yXwer
Sun 9SXSal 7 Kel
X^ \ s Ura

\Sun Mer/ \Mef Sun

\ Ket / WenKel/ R0h1lX.Mon 1 PIV>V
\9/ /12\. >X 2X
VenIO x Sat 8 419, i JuplOXSal
N!/ 8 VYe >X ven N. yX fjep

Jup 11 5 Nep Ura II N. Sun
Ura\ 6y/
9j>XMar 7 Sat^XS
Ural 2 X 2 X4 ye3. 2 ^^Nep ^019* \ R0hX
Ven /1 /3 \ C Plu 10 >c 4
/MenMai\ /Plu Rah PJu Rah
r——-r——-n sm
Sair ■ ■ llXMon 1 KaiVs
12ir miQi /X^X yX 2 n
1lD- ■ I Jup X. Mer
Horoscope No. 91
ate 08/10/1934 Time 17:30:00 Day Monday Place Agra Sri Sanalan Ayanamsa 22:41:
at 27:09:00 North Long 78:00:00 East Zone 8230:00 East Time Corr -0:18:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

SiderialTime .:18:17:42 Hrs Gan Deva Moon : 2Y 3M 6D Sankta : 1Y 9M 23D
Eq.dftima :0:12:12 Hrs. Yoni. Mahish Rahu
Sunrise :6:14:54 Hrs Nadi Adya 15/01/1944 08/10/1934
Sunset :17:56:19 Hrs Varan Vaishya 14/01/1962 01/08/1964
Samvat : 1991 Vashya Manav Rahu 27/09/1946 Sankta 01/08/1936
Saka : 1856 Varga Shv/an Jupltar 20/02/1949 Mangla 02/08/1937
Month : Asvina Yunja Madhya Saturn 28/12/1951 Pingla 02/08/1939
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Bhoorrn Mercury 16/07/1954 Dhanya 02/08/1942
Tithi at Sunrise..; 15-Amavasya Name Alphabet Tha-Than slngh Ketu 03/08/1955 Bhramri 02/08/1946
Nakshatra : Hasta Paya(Rasi-Nak) Capper-Silver Venus 03/08/1958 Bhadrika 02/08/1951
Yoga : Endra Kara Sun Sun 28/0671959 Ulka 02/08/1957
Karan : Naga Chaugharia Am fit Moon 27/12/1960 Sidha 01/08/1964

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 21:49:49 Mer Man Ven Jup Asc Pis 13:30:49 Jup Sat Rah Sat
Mon Vir 20:18:28 Mer Man Ket Sat 2 Arl 19:39:22 Mar Ven Rah Ven
Mar Leo 1:30:24 Sun Ket Ven Mar 3 Tau 17:21:26 Ven Mon Sat Rah
Mer Lib 16:46:44 Ven Rah Ven Sat 4 Gem 11:22:37 Mer Rah Sat Ven
Jup Lib 6:44:02 Ven Rah Rah Rah 5 Can 5:56:33 Mon Sat Mer Van
Ven Vir 11:16:04 Mer Man Mar Rah 6 Leo 5:20:00 Sun Ket Mar Ven
Sat -R Cap 29:05:31 Sat Mar Sat Sun 7 Vir 13:30:49 Mer Mon Rah Sun
Rah -R Cap 15:14:08 Sat Man Jup Mon 8 Lib 19:39:22 Ven Rah Mar Mer
Ket -R Can 15:14:08 Man Sat Jup Sal 9 Sco 17:21:26 Mar Mer Mer Ven
Ura -R Ari 7:22:28 Mar Ket Rah Mon 10 Sag 11:22:37 Jup Ket Sat Jup
Nep Lea 20:37:09 Sun Ven Jup Sat 11 Cap 5:56:33 Sat Sun Mer Mon
Plu Can 3:18:43 Mon Jup Rah Mar 12 Aqu 5:20:00 Sat Mar Sun Mer

Fortuna: Pisces 11:59:28 Navamsa Chart

Jup Nv Nap
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
10\/Ket 8 Sat
220* 317-

Mer 12X 2 >\4 Mon
1 Reh yS S^ySun
12 /Mar Ven Ura X.
' Flu 3 X 9 N. Plu y^ x.Nep Rahly
Se29- V /\
ven \ / / Mer\\/ > 2VMer 12 >/l0
Ket Rais- Mar\
4XSun 6 Mon Va
110* 3 Jup 7% Set 3 Ura Y/ Jup 9 Sun
/ven Nap\ /
4X 6
Sir Me^ / 5\
Ju?* y Ket \
Mar Ven
288 Predicting Marriage

(iii) Bhava Melapak - To some extent Bhava Melapak will get some points
as the Lagna of both are 7th from each other. There is no counter-balance of the
presence of evil planets of the horoscope of wife in husband's horoscope. In
horoscope 81, Mars and Moon are present in the 4th house Saturn and Rahu is
the Lagna, Jupiter and Venus in the JOth house Ketu in the 7th house, the 7th
house and the 7th lord Venus is receiving the aspect of Saturn and Mars both.
Thus the lord of the 7th house and Karaka of marriage Venus are adverse. The
combination of opposition of Mars and Jupiter. Saturn and Rahu all are factors
for a miserable married life in this horoscope. These are not balanced in the
chart of husband. Therefore, this Marriage ended in permanent seperation within
3-4 months despite good Nakshatra Melapak, Graha Maitree and Lagna, being
Scorpio and Taurus respectively.
lllustrationNo. 92. (Horoscope No. 65 and 89) -
(i) Nakshatra Melapak - SVi points only which are quite advese.
Nadi Dosha is also present.
(ii) Graha Melapak (Kuja Dosh) - Horoscope No.
65 89
Rahu in 1 in Acq (Friend) 52.50
Ketu in 7 in Leo (Neutral) 60.00
Saturn in 8 in Virgo (Friend) 52.50
Saturn in 12 in Virgo (Friend) 2625
Rahu in 4 in Cap (Friend) 26.25
Total 165.50 53.00
311.12% variation is there in Graha Melapak.
(iii) Bhava Melapak - Bhava Melapak is also absent. In this particular case
the horoscope of husband and wife do not tally in either of the Melapak. The
couple got married on 28.2.71. Immediately after the marriage, differences started
taking place which resulted in separation.
The wife was extremely beautiful, fair, tall and well proportionate attractive
figure and very well educated, whereas the husband was lowly educated and
lowly employed. The girl belonged to a poor family while the boy came from
rich family. The excessive beauty of the wife became the reason of their separation
as many friends of the husband started not only liking her but they applied all
their efforts to take her off.
Illustration No.9.3 (Horoscope No.41 and 6) -
(i) Nakshatra Melapak - 19V2 points match, no Nadi Dosha is present.
(ii) Bhava Melapak - The Moon sign of both are Dwidwadash. The Lagna is
Chaturth-Dasham (4-10). Apparently,There are no similarities. So Bhava Melapak
is absent. There are many evils in the horoscope of the girl signifying unhappy
married life such as Papkartari Yoga around 7th house and the 7th lord Sun
occupying the 6th house in association with Lagna lord Saturn. The 2nd house
is also afflictedby the aspect of Mars. These evils have not been counter-balanced
in the horoscope of the male. They were married on 24.11.68. Soon after their
Matching of the horoscopes 289

marriage misunderstandings in the family started and the wife was sent back to
father "s place. The father could not bear this and expired due to shock. But
since Graha Melapak and Nakshatra Melapak had sufficient points in agreement,
both reunited after 7 years and now they are leading a quite happy married life
with three children.
Illustration No. 9.4 (Horoscope No. 43 and 44) -
(i) Nakshatra Melapak - 19 points match, no Nadi Dosh.
(ii) Graha Melapak - Gets 65.25 points in the horoscope of wife, whereas it
is 87.50 in the horoscope of husband. There is variation of 303.14% Pas far as
Graha Melapak is concerned which is highly objectionable.
(iii) Bhava Melapak - Bhava Melapak is also absent. The couple got nicely
married and were blessed with three children but neither the husband nor the
wife were satisfied with each other. The husband was a professor and had done
certain very valuable works for the Govt. of India. The wife became an
obstruction in his path of success owing to her selfish nature. The native suffered
a massive heart attack on 14.7.82 and expired within 15 days. The wife is now
leading a miserable life.
Illustration No. 9.5 (Horoscope No. 83 and 84) -
(i) Nakshatra Melapak - There are 23 points.
(ii) Graha Melapak - There are 30 points to husband and 116.25 to wife.
The variation of 367.50% is there. But the Bhava Melapak of high order is present
as the husband is born in Capricorn ascendant and Virgo Navamsa. So the Graha
Melapak is absent but the Bhava Melapak and Nakshatra Melapak are sufficiently
strong. The marriage took place and problem of childlessness created certain
disputes between busband and wife initially but soon they managed to sort out
their problems and now they are living happily with a son.
Illustration No. 9.6 Horoscope No. 71 and 72) - 14.5 points match as far as
Nakshatra Melpak is concerned. Yoni Dosh and Nadi Dosh are also present.
In Graha Melapak 104.00 points are there in hnsband"s chart, while 112.50
are in wifer's chart i.e. 8.17% variation which is quite normal but the Bava
Melapak is also not present. However, the husband is very rich and.a
recongnised personality of the country. The wife is also expectionally beautiful
and daughter of a multimillionaire,but their lives are extremely miserable
and unhappy. It is understood that this has drawn a very deep line of division
between them. Both are living together but are leading a very unhappy
married life.
Conclusion - The present practice of the matching of horoscope is faulty.
It is better not to match the horoscope of boy and girl merely on the basis of
matching units. If we really want to take the assistance of astrology for a
suitable matching of horoscope, So that the couple may live happily, we are
required to understand the real meaning and sense of our sages what they
had meant by matching, was matching with constellations. This really means
to lay great importance to mental compatibility which should certainly be
290 P redi cth rg Marriage

judged with all other factors in addittion to that of matching points. We have
evolved and explored this new method of matching of birth charts.
In fact many good matches are not recommended by astrologers for marriage
only because those lack in matching points and/or Mangal Dosh. If we follow
the above method, it may appear, that it becomes very difficult to search out
suitable match, if horoscopes are required to be judged from so many angles
though in this kind of matching, there is overall lesser botheration. Those who
understand astrology, can easily understand that our approach makes the
process of searching a suitable match is much easier, if followed properly.
In most cases the couples whose horoscopes were so matched and recomended
for marriage, have led a very happy, successful and lasting married life. May
God Bless Them.





As against the western culture, where changing life partners is a

common feature, multiple marriages are not so common in the Hindu
society. Shastras have permitted only one marriage unless "Kul-Chhaya" is there.
Rishis have described number of Yogas indicating more than one marriage in a
In Sloka No. 63 and 64 of Jatak Tatwa, it has been mentioned that number of
powerful planets placed in the 7th and 8th house, if aspected by the 7th and 8th
lords respectively, indicte the number of marriages. The number of Navamsas
occupied by the 7th lord indicates the numeber of marriages. If Jupiter or Venus
obtains Navamsa of the Sun or Mars, there will be only one marriage. If Mercury
joins the Navamsa of Juptier in the 7th house, there will be only one marriage.
Lords of 2nd and 7th house under debilitation provide only one marriage,
provided Kendras and Trikonas are occupied by benefics.
If the lord of Navamsa occupied by Jupiter belongs to his exaltation the person
concerned will have many wives.
If the Moon and Venus, both strong, are conjoined together there will be
more than one wife. This however, does not work as it is. It has been observed
that conjunction of Moon and Venus results in giving the native concubines, if
they are posited in the Lagna or the 7th house, especially corresponding to the
Lagna Taurus of Scorpio.
In fact very many combinations have been described for counting number
of marriages. If Mars and the Sun are conjoined in the 7th house, one will be
292 Predicting Marriage

blessed with a single marriage. The Sun is the most disciplined planet and keeps
Mars under control.
If the lord of Lagna and the 7th house are conjoined, either in the Lagna or
inthe 7th house, there will be two marriages.
If the lord of 2nd or 7th house joins Venus in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the
second marriage will take place after the death of first wife. This judgement,
however, should be carefully made.
If the lords of the 2nd I or 7th house fall in their own signs or obtain exaltation
or these are in auspicious Vargas, only one maniage will take place.
Second marriage is sure to take place if malefics occupy 7th or 8th houses
and Mars is situated in the 12th house, provided the 12th lord is combust.
If the Lagna, the 7th house, Moon, Moon Rasi lord and Venus fall in dual
signs, there will be two marriages. More than one marriage also takes place if
the 7th house is occupied by malefic planets and the lord of the 7th house joins
6th, 8th or 12th house in association with benefics.
In case the Lagna is occupied by Langa lord and the lord of the Lagna obtains
own Navamsa or thate of exaltation, Mool Trikona or friends, the native will
have many wives.
In this case, if Lagna lord is posited in the 8th or 12th house, two marriages
come in evidence.
Number of rules have been described in texts for mare than one marriage. If
the evil sign falls in the 7th house and contains malefic planets and the lord of
the 7th is debilitated, more than one marriage will take place. It has been described
that Venus does play a vital role in the judgement of number of marriages.
If Venus is debilitated or joins matefics or falls in the Navamsa of its
debilitation, or it is aspected by malefics, there will be more than one marriage.
If 2nd or the 7th house contain malefics or are aspected by malefic planets
and the lords of these houses are weak, two marriages will take place. If is also
said that placement of Mars in the 7th, 8th or 12th house provides two marriages,
if it is unaspected by the 7th lord. This should be taken only as a supporting
Three marriages may come in evidence, if a single malefic planets occupies
either of the Lagna, 2nd or the 7th house, provided the lord of the 7th house is
weak, combust or debilitated.
If the lords of the 7th and 11th are associated or aspected by each other and
also fall in a powerful Trisamsha, two marriages will be there.
If the 9th lord occupies the 7th house and the 7th lord joins 4th house or if
the lords of the 7th and 11th houses are posited in the quadrants, many wives
are predicted. This Yoga is named as Bahujaya Yoga.
If Jupiter obtains Amsa of a friendly planet, there will be only one marriage
but if it obtains its own Navamsa, there will be two or three mamages, provided
Jupiter has a vital concern with 2nd or 7th house.
If the lord of Lagna, Moon sign, the 7(h house and Venus fall in their exaltation

sign, More than one marraige will take place. Number of marriages shoud be
decided by counting the planets placed with the 7th lord or 2nd lord or Venus
or inthe 2nd or 7th house. Those planets who fall in their own or exaltation signs
should not be taken into consideration.
If Aries is ascendant and Venus is associated with Mercury and Mars in the
2nd house, two marriages will take place and not three because Venus will be
there in its own sign Taurus.
If a strong 7th lord is retrograde in the Lagna, there will be two marriages.
If the lord of the 7th house and Venus both fall in dual signs, there will be
two marriages and both wives will live together.
This is a brief summary of the planetary combinations for mutiple marriages.
There are hundreds of rules which may be quoted here but practical study of
horoscopes is really a tough job. It is easy to quote the rules but application of
the rules during the judgement of a horoscope creates lot of confusions.
The word AFFLICTION is very much in practice in astrology. Affliction covers
all aspects and explains everything. This may be carefully noted that afflicting of
the 7th house, 2nd house, their lords and Venus can cover everything regarding
marriage. In that case, one may be married very late or his marriage may be
slightly delayed. It is also possible that he or she may not get married at all. This
afflctionmay cause unhappy unions, plightful condition of disharmony, divorce
or even death of one partner. Immoral relations and loss of chastity can also be
denoted. The same affliction can result into number of marriages, love or inter-
caste marriage etc. So this word affliction is most deceptive. With minor changes,
wide variation in the results take place. There will be altogether different effects
even if one planets is shifted. We propose to write how to differentiate all the
above adversities indicted by affliction of the concerned houses.
We have repeatedly said in our writings, at different places, that to write
about astrological combinations and events is quite easy but practical judgement
and accurate predictions are really very difficult.We have experienced it ourselves
as we study number of cases every day. This is so because clear cut combinations
are usually not found. Many other planets influence those concerning planets.
This is the reason that we try to touch on those difficulties in our writings which
we face number of times. For example, in the present study of multiple
marriages,so many combinations have been written in texts that we cannot
remember all of them. Many combinations do not prove correct in practical
observations. How then to predict whether the native will have more than one
marriage. In this field our approach and findings are mentioned below
1. Mercury and Jupiter are the only planets who own dual signs i.e Gemini,
Virgo and Sagittarius, Pisces,Whenever the Lagna will be owned by one out of
these two planets, the 7th house will be governed by the other one. So the
persons born in dual sign ascendant, whose Lagna and the 7th house are under
the influence of Jupiter and Mercury may have two or more marriages depending
upon other factors.
294 Predicting Marriage

2.Lord of the 2nd house or Venus should either be under the influence
of Mercury or Jupiter or it should join common sign or the Navmsa of
jupiter or Mercury.
3; The reasons of second marriage is mostly to fulfil the need of passion and
secondary aspect is to look after family. So Venus and Mars do play vital role in
more than one marriage. Either Venus joins Mars or obtains the Navamsa of
Mars or Mars does so by being placed in the Navamsa or signs of Venus or both
aspect each other. This factor will result into more than one marriage if Lagna
and 7th house or their lords are under the influence of Mercury and Jupiter.
More emphasis should be given to Mercury. Mercury always indicates multiple
events. It indicates plurality.
4. Position of Moon should also be looked into because Moon"s position
shows the style of living and thinking. It governs one"s outlook and mental
aptitude. The Rasi and Amsa occupied by Moon or the planets associated with
Moon or those who lend their favourable or unfavourable aspect over her, must
be considered.
5. If the 7th house or 2nd house or the lords thereof are afflicted, one will
seek divorce from first wife and will marry again. If the influence of Marak
planets and houses is prominent over the 7th or 2nd houses or their lords, the
second marriage will be only after the death of first wife. If separation or death
is not indicated the native will live with more than one wife.
6. The 2nd house and its lord should also be given equal importance.
Placement of Mercury in the 2nd house or with the lord thereof, must of
studied properly.
7. Many learned astrologers consider 9th house for second wife and llthfor
the third one, as these houses are 3rd from each other, considering the second
wife as sister to the first wife. However, some other consider that second wife is
inimical to first wife and as such 6th house from 7th i.e. 12th house should
denote second wife and similarly 5th house (being 6th from I2th ) the third
wife. But in our view, all wives come under the sphere of only 2nd and 7th
house and no other house is required to be considered. Timing of second or
third marriage has not been considered here, which we will deal separately in
the chapter "Timing Marriage"
Illustration No. 10.1 (Horoscope No. 47) - This birthchart belongs to a very
beautiful girl who was decently married to an extremely handsome boy on
7.8.1990. The boy left her on 13.8.90 and flew to U.S.A. After a few months, she
came to know that she had become the victim of his designs. Ultimately she got
divorce and her parents managed to get her remarried after about a year. Let us
analyse the horoscope in the light of our findings of more than one marriage.
*The 7th lord Venus is posited in the 7th house itself and obtains the Navamsa
of Mercury.
* Saturn aspects the 7th house and 7th lord.
* Lagna lord Mars joins the 8th house in association with Jupiter and the
Horoscope No.47
05/07/1966 Time 17:00:00 Day Tuesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanetan Ayanamaa 23:07:^
26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tlma Corr - 0:06:24.

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

SWerial Time .:11:45:40 Hrs Gan - Deva Moon 2Y3M26D Mangla : 0Y 2M 23D
Eq.of time :- 0:0422 Hrs Yoni Vanar Mars
Sunrise ;:5:18:55 Hrs Nadi Antya 30/10/1968 05/07/1966
Sunset : 19:02:37 Hrs Varan Valshya 31/10/1975 28/09/2001
Samvat : 2023 Vashya Jafchar Mars 28/03/1969 Mangla 28/09/1966
Saka : 1888 Varga Maijar Rahu 10/04/1970 Pingla 28/09/1968
Month : Sravana Yunja Antya Jupiter 23/03/1971 Dhanya 28/09/1971
Paksh : Krishna HansakfTatva) Bhooml Saturn 01/05/1972 Bhramri 28/09/1975
Tithi at Sunrise..; 3 Name Alphabet Kho-Khoya Mercury 28/04/1973 Bhadrika 28/09/1980
Nakshatra : Sravna Paya(Ra9l-Nak) Ketu 24/09/1973 Ulka 28/09/1986
Yoga : Vlshkumbh Copper-Copper Venus 24/11/1974 Sidha 28/09/1993
Karan : vlshti Hora Moon Sun 01/04/1975 Sankta 28/09/2001

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Gem 19:51:37 Mer Rah Mar Ven Asc Sco 22:20:41 Mar Mer Mon Mar
Mon Cap 20:14:14 Sat Mon Ket Sat 2 Sag 23:51:00 Jup Ven Sat Jup
Mar Gem 3:01:58 Mer Mar Ven Ven 3 Cap 28:26:15 Sat Mar Sat Mer
Mer Can 14:57:59 Mon Sat Jup Jup 4 Pis 2:58:02 Jup Jup Rah Sun
Jup Gem 19:56:22 Mer Rah Mar Mon 5 Ari 3:27:44 Mar Ket Sun Mer
Ven Tau 17:30:03 Ven Mon Sat Jup 6 Ari 29:15:08 Mar Sun Rah Rah
Sat Pis 6:31:42 Jup Sat Mer Rah 7 Tau 22:20:41 Ven Mon Ven Mer
Rah -R Tau 1:04:22 Ven Sun Rah Mon 8 Gem 23:51:00 Mer Jup Sat Jup
Ket -R Sco 1:04:22 Mar Jup Mar Ket 9 Can 28:26:15 Mon Mer Sat Mer
Ura Leo 23:08:50 Sun Ven Sat Mon 10 Vir 2:58:02 Mer Sun Jup Rah
Nep -R Lib 26:27:46 Ven Jup Ket Mer 11 Lib 3:27:44 Ven Mar Ven Mar
Plu Leo 23:04:05 Sun Ven Sat Sun 12 Lib 29:15:08 Ven Jup Sun Mer

Fortune: Gemini 22:43:17 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal

JUp Nj1S
12X Rah 10 X8
53* R mwm Sunx N. N.
V liiUH
8:a' y i XxUr# 7 w,
$ev .v
Av \\ Man
Nap 2^^on 4
MonOX Ket 6 XrNep S Van yS Sat N.
Plu 5 Ure Sflt 12 U
X^PIu Sat/
1 11
\ /Ura X >x9
S8I12XVen 2 RehV4Mer Mer V4 /X X X Sun
/;jX. Plu
- /\ /£\
Mar Sun Van Ren / Mar Xv 103-
Van X/
Hsn 5
mmm Nep /X
Ket Nep / Ket \
■■■ x Mar Mer
296 Predicting Marriage

Sun, which has certainly enhanced Kuja Dosh. Ashtam Mangal is certainly very
bad for females as far as happiness of their married life is concerned. In fact
Mars is supposed to exhibit worst results in the company of Mercury. This
combinations of the 8th house is responsible for creating disaster in the bliss of
marital life of this girl.
* The 2nd house is being aspected by Mars, Jupiter, the Sun and Saturn.
* The 7th house falls under Papa Kartaii Yoga.
* Lagna lord Mars also obtains the Navmsa of Venus.
* Thus seventh house is under the influence of Mars, Venus and Mercury.
This is quite strong also as it contains its own lord Venus. The 2nd house is also
influenced by Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and the Sun.
* The 8th house which denotes Mangalya in the charts of females is also
influenced by Mercury and Mars, because Mars is posited here in Gemini and
its lord Mercury obtains the Navamsa of Mars.
These combinations should be properly studied for the purpose of remarriage.
Illustration No. 10.2 (Horoscope No, 56) - The native got married in 1974 for
the first time and got remarried on 29.11.85. He has two sons from his first wife
and two daughters from the second. The native is a contractor. Following
combinations may be noted for remarriage.
* Lagna lord Moon is placed in the 8th house and obtains Varogottam
Navamsa. Moon is associated with Venus and is aspected by Mars (R). Mars-
Venus and Mars-Moon are placed opposite to each other.
* The The 7th lord Saturn joins Lagna and 2nd lord Sun joins the 7th. Sun
and Saturn are placed in the Lagna and the 7th house respectively which is
certainly bad for happiness of marriage.
* There is mutual exchange of lords of Lagna and the 8th house i.e. house
Moon and Saturn have mutual exchange of signs.
*Mars, Sun and Moon and the Lagna obtains Vargottam Navamsa.
None of these combinations is responcible for second marriage though this
placement of panets has certainly resulted into the death of his first wife. In fact
placement of Mercury in the 7th house and aspect of Jupiter over Lagna is
responsible for the remarriage of the native. In Navamsa chart, it can be seen
that 7th lord Saturn who occupies dual sign Pisces is also associated with Mercury
and the Lagna lord Moon is conjoined with Jupiter in the sign of Saturn.
The Lagna and the 7th house should come under the influence of planets
who own dual signs i.e. Jupiter or Mercury. Similarly Mercury and Jupiter's
relation with these houses has a prominent role to play.
Horoscope No. 56
15/01/1948 Time 17:28:28 Day Thursday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:
.at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Vogini

SkJarial Time .:0:S7:30 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Rahu :4Y4M 29D Dhanya :0Y8M25D
Eq.oftime > 0:09:07 Hrs Yoni..... - Ashwa Saturn
Sunrise :6:5B:23 Hrs Nadi : Adya 15/06/1968 15/01/1948
Sunset : 17:32:42 Hrs Varan : Shoodra 15/06/1987 10/10/1981
Samvat : 2004 Vashya ^ Manav Saturn 18/06/1971 Dhanya 10/10/1946
Saka .: 1869 Varga j Mesh a Mercury 25/02/1974 Bhramn 10/10/1952
Month : Pausa Yunja - Antya Ketu 06/04/1975 Bhadrika 10/10/1957
Paksh....Shukla Hansak{Tatva) Vayu Venus 06/06/1978 Ulka 11/10/1963
Tithi at Sunrise..: 4 Name Alphabet Soo-Sooraj Sun 19/05/1979 Sidha 10/10/1970
Nakshatra : Satabhisha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Copper Moon 17/12/1980 Sankta 10/10/1978
Yoga : Variyan Hora : Venus Mars 26/01/1982 Mangla 11/10/1979
Karan : Vishtl Chaugharia ^ Shubh Rahu 02/12/1984 Pingla 10/10/1981

Planets Nirayana Bhava

1 Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Cap 1:23:13 Sat Sun Jup Jup Asc Can 1:01:07 Mon Jup Mar Mer
Aqu 16:43:48 Sat Rah Ven Sat 2 Can 24:28:54 Mon Mer Rah Jup
1 Leo 14:25:35 Sun Ven Ven Rah 3 Leo 21:18:35 Sun Ven Jup Sun
Cap 8:56:43 Sat Sun Ven Jup 4 Yir 22:44:13 Mer Mon Sun Mon
Sco 25:17:59 Mar Mer Rah Ket 5 Ub 27:03:13 Ven Jup Ven Mon
Aqu 3:56:30 Sat Mar Ven Jup 6 Sag 0:28:39 Jup Ket Ket Jup
Can 28:15:52 Mon Mer Sat Mer 7 Cap 1:01:07 Sat Sun Rah Mon
' Ari 28:09:46 Mar Sun Mon Ket" 8 Cap 24:28:54 Sat Mar Rah Jup
Lib 28:09:46 Ven Jup Ven Sat 9 Aqu 21:18:35 Sat Jup Jup Mon
Gem 0:05:00 Mer Mar Mer Mer 10 Pis 22:44:13 Jup Mer Mon Sat
Vir 20:07:20 Mer Mon Ket Jup 11 Ari 27:03:13 Mar Sun Sun Sat
i Can 21:20:31 Mon Mer Ven Mer 12 Gem 0:28:39 Mer Mar Mer Ven

Leo 16:21:43 Navamsa Chart

Mar AX Kat
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Ciiapal
\5 X.3 y
8X Nap 4 X2

Ura 7

\ Mar / \ Ur« / \Mar Sa^ \ /

4 Van SXSun 10 PIuXl2 Mar
\s/ \3/ I Sat
\4/ JU \3/Ura 8
N. yA llX^Mon
Nep6X Sal Plu
A2 Piu
NepSXP 4 X1 yA Rah Xl yA jup X.
/\ / \Rah
Kel 7 1 Rah

2Vjijp v^VlORah
Sun t0 Msr 11
Mer Jup bYSuii 10 MerVi2 Sur 7X X 321-
Sun | /9 /H 7r 9\ / i0\
sVr* 3 Sat 9 Mar;
/ \ /van Mon\ I Nep Van Mon
MonX. \ Awer
4X X. 8
Kflt As >A 7\Nflp
Jup I Ket A piu X
Horoscope No. 92
^te 28/06/1953 Time 15:20:00 Day Sunday Place Barellly Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa
28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime :9:32:23 Mrs Gan : Man u shy a Sun : 4Y 6M 9D Sankta : 6Y OM 13D
Eq.oftima 0:03:01 Hrs Yoni : Nakul Mars
Sunrise :5:19:03 Hrs Nadi ^ Anlya 07/01/1968 23/06/1953
Sunsat :19;11:57 Hrs Varan : Kshatriya 07/01/1975 12/07/1987
SamvaL 2010 Vashya : Wtanav Mars 04/06/1966 Sankta 12/07/1959
Saka : 1875 Varga : Mooshak Rahu 23/08/1969 Mangla 11/07/1960
Month Asadha Yunja : Antya Jupiter 30/05/1970 Pingla 12/07/1962
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Saturn 09/07/1971 Dhanya 11/07/1965
Tithi at Sunriaa.,: 1 Nam a Alphabet »: Bhay-Bhairav Mercury 05/07/1972 Bhramri 11/07/1969
Nakshatra : Uttarasadha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Ketu 01/12/1972 Bhadrika 12/07/1974
Yoga : Endra Coppar-Coppar Venus 31/01/1974 Ulka 11/07/1980
Karan : Taitila Hora ^ Moon Sun 08/06/1974 Sidha 12/07/1987

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rssi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Gem 13:26:33 Mer Rah Mer Mon Asc Lib 23:18:15 Ven Jup Sat Rah
Mon Sag 29:56.21 Jup Sun Rah Sat 2 Sco 22:42:02 Mar Mer Mon Sat
Mar Gem 16:31:46 Mer Rah Ven Jup 3 Sag 24:25:41 Jup Ven Mer Ven
Mer Can 8:56:47 Mon Sat Ven Rah 4 Cap 27:45:04 Sat Mar Jup Rah
Jup Tau 18:35:04 Ven Mon Mer Mon 5 Pis 0:04:31 Jup Jup Mon Sat
Ven Ari 27:52:30 Mar Sun Mon Sat 6 Pis 28:43:36 Jup Mer Sat Ven
Sat Vir 27:37:23 Mer Mar Jup Rah 7 Arl 23:18:15 Mar Ven Sat Mar
Rah -R Cap 10:22:46 Sat Mon Mon Jup 8 Tau 22:42:02 Ven Mon Sun Mon
Ket -R Can 10:22:46 Mon Sat Sun Mon 9 Gem 24:25:41 Mer Jup Mer Ven
Ura Gem 25:02:09 Mer Jup Mer Rah 10 Can 27:45:04 Mon Mer Jup Rah
Nep -R Vir 28:10:02 Mer Mar Sat Sat 11 Vir 0:04:31 Mer Sun Rah Sat
Plu Can 28:33:50 Mon Mer Sat Ket 12 Vir 28:43:36 Mer Mar Sat Ven

tuna: Taurus 9:48:03 Navamta Chart

Urt Plu X
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal X /
Jup 1
Van Jup

\^ep Sal XX X XMon

sX 7 Xa
X n«p \
x K«l x/ 8 \VBn
7 X5 XMif SttxX X
Rah 10 Kat 4 MaM 4 Plu Xs^ Ket xx y
\ P'u /
\ /Ura Jup 4XMBf 2 ><^12
y(%mx RaiQ* 12VJup 1 Van V3 Kat
Rah /12 / 2\sun /12 \ /z\mr C 5 11
y Sa

* Jup \ Mar Sun Nep^y

Moo aX^ yXflOVan
yS 7 X. Mar
/ Sun \ Xl^lu Rah X

Illustration No. 10.3 (Horoscope No. 92) - This extremely beautiful lady got
married on 28.2.71. She sought divorce in 1976 and got remarried with an officer
at Bangalore. In fact her beauty became a curse for her. Many people were
attracted towards her and approached her with their evil intentions. This first
husband was a class four employee whereas the second husband is a senior
officer. Following combinations may be noted
* Lagna lord Venus is placed in the 7th house in Aries whereas the lord of the
7th house Mars falls in the 9th house in the sign Gemini ruled by Mercury.
* Lagna lord Venus obtains the Navamsa of Jupiter and is associated with
Moon in the same Navamsa.
* 7th lord Mars is being aspected by Moon and Saturn. Both the aspects are
considered bad.
Mars owns the 2nd house also, therefore, the afflictionsof 2nd lord is present.
2nd and the 7th lords obtains the Navamsa of Saturn and the house recives
the aspect of Saturn as well. In Rasi chart Saturn and Mars under the relationship
of mutual aspect.
Thus the 7th house is under the influence of Mars, Venus and Mercury. The
2nd house is influenced by Jupiter, Mars, Saturn and Mercury. Mars and Saturn
both are in dual signs. The 4th lord (peace and plassure of home) Saturn falls in
Virgo and obtains Navamsa of Pisces in association with Mercury. The affliction
of the 7th house and lord Mars resulted into divorce and influence of Mercury,
as analysed above, caused second marriage.
Horoscope No. 93
i{e 27/01/1953 Time 06:00:00 Day Tuesday Place Allahabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:56
uat 25.27:00 North Long 81:50:00 Easl Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:02:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime , 14:21:18 His Gan M an u shy a Rahu : 12Y 3M 29D Mangla : 0Y 8M 6D
Eq.oftime -0:12:35 Mrs Yoni Shwan Jupiter
Sunrise 6:49.58 Hrs Nadi - Adya 28/05/1965 27/01/1953
Sunset 17:40:35 Hrs Varan Shoodra 28/05/1981 04/10/1988
Samvat 2009 Vashya Manav Jupiter 16/07/1967 Mangla 04/10/1953
Saka : 1874 Varga. - Ma/jar Saturn 26/01/1970 Pingla 04/10/1955
Month Mag ha Yunja , Madhya Mercury 03/05/1972 Dhanya 04/10/1958
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva} Vayu Ketu 09/04/1973 Bhramri 04/10/1962
Tilhi at Sunrise. : 12 Name Alphabet Venus 09/12/1975 Bhadrika 04/10/1967
Nakshatra Ardra Gha-Ghanshyam Sun 26/09/1976 Ulka 04/10/1973
Yoga . Vaidhriti Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Silver Moon 26/01/1978 Sidha 04/10/1980
Karan Kaulava Hora i Jupiter Mars 02/01/1979 Sankta 04/10/1988

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 13:50:38 Sat Mon Rah Mar Asc Sag 29:45:01 Jup Sun Rah Jup
Men Gem 10:51:56 Mer Rah Sat Mer 2 Aqu 6:30:42 Sat Mar Mon Ven
Mar Aqu 27:54:11 Sat Jup Ven Jup 3 Pis 13:17:28 Jup Sat Rah Jup
Mer Cap 9:04:48 Sat Sun Ven Jup 4 Ari 14:44:51 Mar Ven Ven Jup
Jup Ari 18:50:11 Mar Ven Rah Sat 5 Tau 10:53:46 Ven Mon Mon Ven
Ven Pis 0:41:13 Jup Jup Mar Rah 6 Gem 4:40:05 Mer Mar Ven Mer
Sat Lib 4:17:04 Ven Mar Ven Sat 7 Gem 29:45:01 Mer Jup Mon Rah
Rah -R Cap 19:24:15 Sat Mon Mer Sat 8 Leo 6:30:42 Sun Ket Rah Mer
Ket -R Can 19:24:15 Mon Mer Ven Ven 9 Vir 13:17:28 Mer Mon Rah Ven'
Ura -R Gem 22:42:42 Mer Jup Sat Ven 10 tlb 14:44:51 Ven Rah Ket Mar
Nep -S Lib 0:56:45 Ven Mar Mer Mar 11 Sco 10:53:46 Mar Sat Sun Ven
Plu -R Can 29:28:26 Mon Mer Sat Rah 12 Sag 4:40:05 Jup Ket Mon Ven

rtuna: Taurus 26:46:19 Navamsa Chart

Mon X
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
\ 1° /
11 X Kal 9

415" Sir / \
Juia1 CMar 12 Plu

Ven 1 \Sun Mer/ Ver \Mar Ven/ \
\Reh/ Lira 3
\10/ 8 /Nep Me23' \l1/ \9/
Wlerll x 9 X? Plu 12 Sun 9 Mer x8 jA gun vfln
\ Sat
Ven 12 Jup 1 \Jup Nap/ n.
MarV 7 /. \5y
Van 6Mon Kel \Sa
Sat// N. /X
Mer JUP 3 Ura
V5 UeH 2yKet 3 Piu Y6
Sun X2\^ /4 AX /sVep piu 3
/3\ C^Mar 9 /\
/ \ /Plu Ket Mon Ura
1015' SunNv10
/ y/
X 12 X?
in.- Sa4- Ur£
/11 \ Rah / 1 N
| Nar

Illustration No. 10.4 (Horoscope No. 93) - The chart belongs to the daughter
of a chief Engineer who got married with a boy settled in U.S.A. Proper enquiries
about the boy could not be made due to obvious reasons. When the lady, whose
horoscope is under consideration, went to U.S.A. with her husband she was
shocked to learn that he already had one wife and intorduced this lady to his
first wife as maid servant brought for her from India. The husband treated her
very harshly. Whenever he went outwide, he locked her in a room just like an
animal. She was not able to contact or phone or even write a letter to her parents.
After hearing nothing from their daughter for long, parents went to U.S.A. and
with great difficulty and unbearable humiliation they brought their daughter
back to India. After a few years, she got remarried. When this girl was quite
young, studying in the high school or so, we had told her that her marital life
will be a curse for her and she will have two marriages, let us note the
* Lagna and the 7th house, both are dual signs. Lagnesh Jupiter aspects Lagna
and falls in the sign of Mars and obtains Navamsa of Mercury.
* The 7th lord Mercury is placed in the 2nd house and obtains the Navamsa
of Jupiter. Thus the Lagna lord Jupiter and the 7th lord Mercury both have
exchanged their signs in Navamsa.
* 8th lord Moon occupies the 7th house.
* 12th lord Mars falls in the 7th house from Navamsa Lagna and that too in
" the sign of Mercury.
* Rahu, Sun and Mercury are conjoined in the 2nd house. The lord of the
2nd house Saturn is exalted in the 11th house and obtains Navamsa of Mars.
In this case, we see that Lagna and 7th house are under the influence of
Jupiter, Mercury and Moon. The 2nd house is also afflicted as analysed above
and Mercury joins that combination in the 2nd house. The 12th lord Mars in
again under the influence of Mercury. All these make clear that she will have an
unhappy life and will be got married twice.
Horoscope No. 94
16/09/1949 Tta|%.Q6:01:00 Day Friday Place Faizabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:53:3
at 26:46:00 Nofth^ong 82:08:00 Easl Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:01:28

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlirisottarl Yoglnl

Siderial .:5:38:04 Hrs Gan : Deva Mars: 0Y11M 25D Sankta :1Y1M16D
Eq. of time. :0:04:59 Hrs Yonl : Sarp Jupiter
Sunrise :5:48:24 Hrs Nadi i Madhya 11/09/1968 16/09/1949
Sunset : 1^:04:07 Hrs Varan i S&JQdra 11/09/1984 02/11/1978
Samvat : iQQfi Vashya i Jupiter 30/10/1970 Sankta 02/11/1950
Saka : id^t Varga : Kfeijar Saturn 12/05/1973 Mangla 02/11/1951
Month : Asvfn* Yunja - Poorva Mercury 10/08/1975 Pingla 01/11/1953
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Ketu 24/07/1976 Dhanya 01/11/1956
Tithi at Sunrise..: 8 Name Alphabet Kee-Kishor Venus 25/03/1979 Bhramri 01/11/1960
Nakshatra : Mrigsira Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Gold $un 11/01/1980 Bhadrika 01/11/1965
Yoga : Vyatipat Hera : Venus Mopn 12/05/1981 Ulka 02/11/1971
Karan : Kaulava Chaugharia Char Mar*. 18/04/1982 Sidha 02/11/1978

Planets Nin^ana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Degree.
Sun Leo 29:54:49 Sun Sun Rah Sat 2:12:09 Mer Sun Jup Ven
Mon Gem 4:47:15 Mer Mar Ven Ket 0:17:47 Mar Mer Ket
Mar Can 12:37:37 Men Sat Mar Ket 0:44:01 Mar Jup Mar Jup
Mer Vir 24:55:29 Mer Mar Rah Sat 2:04:21 Jup Ket Ven Jup
Jup -R Sag 29:27:18 Jup Sun Rah Rah 3:19:10 Sat Sun Sat Sat
Ven Lib 8:38:43 Ven Rah Rah War 3:43:34 Sat Maj Ven Rah
Sat Leo 18:23:16 Sun Ven Rah Rah 2:12:09 Jup Jup Rah Sat
Rah -R Pis 24:02:11 Jup Mer Mar Sun 0:17:47 Mar Ket Ket Mar
Ket -R Vir 24:02:11 Mer Mar Mar Sun 0:44:01 Ven Sun Ven
Ura Gem 11:50:48 Mer Rah Sat Mar 2:04:21 Mer Mar Ket Sun
Nep Vir 21:11:49 Mer Men Ven Mar 3.19:10 Men Jup Rah. Mar
Plu Can 24:23:10 Men Mer Rah Rah 3:43:34 Sun Ket Men Mon
Fortuna: Gemini 7.04:35 Navamsa Chart
Lagna Chart \Rah PlUy/\ Jup
Nirayana Bhava ChalitCuspal \ Van
x. It \ 9/
12X Ura 10 Won
7 MaX
\' /
\ Ven /\sat Sun/ Ven / \ Sat Sun / X
\ 7 / \ 5/Plu s. A Xs Sat
\J / \ 5 /p|u 113* Map 5
8 Mer 6 Ket X4 8\^Wer 6 KelY4 \ / \
/\ 'rat Mar\
\Mar /\ _ / XMar
/ \Nep /
{jup 9 3 MOPy Jup 9 Ura 3 Won

10 t2\
/\ X2 1 12
7\ Rail /v
/\Y\ Rah / l\ 53- /1l\ / l\


3i- 20'

'illttifrationNo. 10.5 (Horoscope No. 94) - The native is an architect and

befeihgs to a royal family. The first marriage of the native took place on 1.7.75,
but the wife sought divorce without giving any specific reason. The parents-in-
laws wanted the boy to get himself transferred to Baheri which is a very small
Kasba near Bareilly. The husband failed to do so in spite of his best efforts which
eventually resulted in divorce with his wife. Second marriage of the native took
place on 19.2.80. Let us analyse the horoscope of the native.
The native is born in Virgo ascendant whose lord Mercury joins the Lagna
itself in its exaltation sign. The lord of the 7th house Jupiter is also placed in its
own sign Sagittarius in the 4th house and obtains Yargottam Navamsa. Lord of
the 2nd house Venus occupies its own sign in the 2nd house. Mars asepects
Venus and obtains Navamsa of Venus. Lagna and the 7th house fall in dual signs
and the lords of these houses are in own signs who are dual in nature. Venus is
under the influence of Mars and obtains dual Navamsa of 7th lord Jupiter. This
makes it quite clear that the native will get married more than once.
In the present case we find that if the Lagna and the 7th house are under the
influence" of mercury and Jupiter and Venus the Karaka of marriage is influenced
by Mars, two marriages will take place.
304 Predicting Marriage

Illustration No. 10.6 (Horoscope No. 28) • The native was an ex-engineer
and founder of subrodinte institution of P.W.D. He got married twice. He got
married in a decent way with a beautiful lady and loved her very much. After
giving birth to two loving children, she expired and so did children. After a few
years, he got mafried again with a lady who was about 11 years younger to him.
The marriage took place in 1949 and first son from the second wife was born in
1942 who expired before completing four years of age. The native was a successful
preson throughout his life but he could not enjoy much of marital happiness.
Presence of Jupiter in the 7th house in its own sign may be noted. We have
given in the chapter (Jupiter in the 7th -.malignant for marriage) that Jupiter in
the 7th house is not good. In the present case Jupiter is placed in the 7th house
in its own sign Sagittarius and Mercury joins theLagna in its own sign Gemini.
Jupiter and Mercury both are aspecting each other synchronising with dual
signs in 1st and the 7th houses. This much is sufficient for predicting two

Karaka of marriage Venus is assoicated with Mars in Aries in the llthhouse

and Venus obtains the Navamsa of its debilitation i.e. in dual sign Virgo. Venus
is further afflicted as it is under Papakartari Yoga. Mars and Mercury obtain the
Navamsa of each other. These are the indications of more than one marriage.
The 2nd house is also equally important for the judgement of the number of
marriages. Mars and Saturn both are aspecting the 2nd under debilitation. Thus
2nd house and its lord Moon come under the adverse influence of Mars and
Saturn. Lagna and 7th house are common signs containing their own lords which
resulted in two marriages of the native.
Horoscope No. 28
ate 17^06/1913 Time06:13:00 Day Tuesday Place BareiJIy Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:
at 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:12:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Sideriamme .:23:39:17 Hrs Gan : Deva Saturn 7Y1M20D Bhramri: 1Y 6M ID
Eq.of time 0:00:30 Hrs Yoni : Mng Rahu
Sunrise :5:16:29 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 07/08/1987 18/12/1982
Sunset :19:09:49 Hrs Varan : Vjpra 06/08/2005 18/12/2018
Samvat : 1970 Vashya : Keelak Rahu 19/04/1990 Bhramri 18/12/1986
Saka : 1835 Vargs : Saip Jupiter 11/09/1992 Bhadrika 18/12/1991
IVIonth : Jyestha Yunja : Madhya Saturn 19/07/1995 Ulka 17/12/1997
Paksh : Shukla Hansak{Tarva) Jal Mercury 05/02/1998 Sidha 17/12/2004
Trthi at Sunrise..: 14 Name Alphabet Noo-Nrlhari Ketu 23/02/1999 Sankta 17/12/2012
Nakshatra : Anuradha Paya(Rasr-Nak) : GoW-Copper Venus 23/02/2002 Mangla 17/12/2013
Yoga : Sadhya Hora : Mars Sun 18/01/2003 Pingla 18/12/2015
Karan : Gara Chaugharia : Roga Moon 19/07/2004 Dhanya 18/12/2018

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Gem 2:49:27 Mer Mar Ven Ven Asc Gem 15:08:53 Mer Rah Ket Mer
Mon Sco 11:39:27 Mar Sat Mon Mer 2 Can 7:49:51 Mon Sat Ket Jup
Mar Art 7:36:50 Mar Ket Jup Jup 3 Leo 2:34:08 Sun Ket Ven Mer
Mer Gem 19:32:51 Mer Rah Mar Sat 4 Vir 1:58:01 Mer Sun Jup Mer
Jup Sag 22:50:47 Jup Ven Sat Ven 5 Lib 6:29:32 Ven Mar Mon Ven
Van Ari 18:27:45 Mar Ven Rah Jup 6 Sco 12:23:40 Mar Sat Mar Sat
Sat Tau 17:31:35 Ven Mon Sat Jup 7 Sag 15:08:53 Jup Ven Ven Mer
Rah Pis 6:49:30 Jup Sat Mer Jup 8 Cap 7:49:51 Sat Sun Ven Ven
Ket Vir 6:49:30 Mer Sun Mer Sat 9 Aqu 2:34:08 Sat Mar Ket Mer
Ura Cap 14:40:27 Sal Mon Jup Ket 10 Pis 1:58:01 Jup Jup Rah Sat
Nep Can 2:11:51 Mon Jup Rah Sat 11 Ari 6:29:32 Mar Ket Rah Mer
Plu Gem 7:03:40 Mer Rah Rah Jup 12 Tau 12:23:40 Ven Mon Rah Jup
Fortuna ; Scorpio 23:58:53 Navamsa Chart
Mer Kei/ n. S
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
\12 / \101/
1X 11 X9 Plu
Mar Sat in-
Ven Mas' 12^
Ve^* Sa^' (Urn 2 B y
\Set Sun MarN. yS s
Rah I \ N«P / \ /
am Sat 3 \ Flu /mm 5
\y V/Vanl Nep 2/Ven Vx
Sat / 4 X. Mon
e XSuh
5xSun 3 Merxl I SY Mer Nep Yl
/ Nep X. ^eh VonX

Kct 6 12 Rah Kai 6 12 Rah Mer XVen Mon
UraX 9 .
Uns- \ io x a ><^6
RehX N
7X 9 Xll 86- Mon?
/ Jup / 8\ Jup /10N 5 Plu
Mon \ / Ura \ | Ket \ / Ura
612* ■ ■ Nep 12 X 2 X4
Moir X 1 X /3\Ket
5«' / \ s B8t x
S X/Mer SunX
306 Prediciing Marriage

Illustration No. 10.7 (horoscope No. 1) - We have invariably found

opposition of the Sun and Saturn synchronising with the Lagna and the
house is very adverse factor for happiness of marriage. Many times marriaj
completely denied and in certain other cases one is extremely unhappy in s
of having one or number of wives. Such cases should be carefully studied keet
all factors into consideration.
In case no. 2 we have observed that Saturn in Cancer Lagna and the Su
Capricorn resulted into death of first wife and second marriage thereafter. I-
we illustrate a case which is just reverse to that of case no. 2. The lagna is Capri<
with the Sun therein and Saturn in Cancer in the 7th house. In case no.2 h
joins the second house and Venus 8th house. Here Mars is posited in the
and Venus in the 2nd house. Jupiter aspects Saturn in both the cases. Rahu 1
are also placed in the reverse order in the same signs. Only Moon and Men
are different
In the present case first marriage of the native took place on 17.11.76 du
Rahu-Rahu period. Two daughters were bom on 122.11 and 17.7.85. Div
took place on 2.2.89. The second marriage of the native took place on 21.'
Both the wives are working women and both want the native to live with tf
at their places which is not possible for the native as he is a Bank Manager wl
is a transferale job. Second wife has also left the native now. Thus the opposi
of the Sun and Saturn has resulted into denial of marital happiness in spil
two marriages. Jupiter lends his aspect over the 7 th house and Lagna lord Sat
The 7th lord Moon is placed in the 8th house under debilitation and is ape
by inimical Mercury and Venus. Opposition of Venus and Mars, Mars
Mercury synchronise with the 2nd and 8th houses. Karaka of marriage Veni
assoicated with Mercury and obtains Navamsa of Mars. In Navamsa c
Mercury obtains Navamsa of Venus and is aspected by Venus in the 7th h<
from Navamsa Lagna. The 7th lord Moon is placed in the 8th house, in Nava
chart, in the sign of its debilitation i.e. Scorpio and is associated with Rahu.
has resulted in innumerable miseries in martial life.
Horoscope No. 1
129/01/1945 Time 07:00:00 Day Thursday Place Manmad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:52:1^
Lat 20:15:00 North Long 74:29:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:32:04 _

Panchang Avakahada Chakia Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime 14:56:50 Hrs Gan - Manushya Venus: 3YSM16D Ulka : iV 0M14D
Eq.oftime > 0:12:52 Hrs Yoni ^ Mooshak Rahu
Sunrise :7:10:47 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 16/07/1974 29/01/1948
Sunset :18:19:01 Hrs Varan : Kshatriya 16/07/1992 12/02/1979
Samvat : 2004 Vashya. j Vanchar Rahu 28/03/1977 Ulka 11/02/1949
Saka : 1869 Varga Shwan Jupiter 22/08/1979 Sidha 12/02/1956
Month : Magha Yunja : Madhya Saturn 28/06/1982 Sankta 12/02/1964
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Mercury 14/01/1985 Mangla 11/02/1965
Tithi at Sunrise..: 3 Name Alphabet .: Too-Tushar Ketu 02/02/1986 Pingla 12/02/1967
Nakshatra : P Phalguni Paya(Rasr-Nak) : !ron-Silver Venus 02/02/1989 Dhanya 11/02/1970
Yoga : Atigand Hora : Saturn Sun 27/12/1989 Bhramri 11/02/1974
Karan : Bava Chaugharia : Wvega Moon 28/06/1991 Bhadrika 12/02/1979

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 15:11x13 Sat Mon Jup Mon Asc Cap 11 38:44 Sat Mon Mar Ket
Mon Leo 24:21:29 Sun Ven Mer Ket 2 Aqu 1800:39 Sat Rah Sun Ven
Mar Leo 11:58:35 Sun Ket Mer Ven 3 Pis 23 24:52 Jup Mer Mar Rah
Mer Aqu 129:41 Sat Mar Mer Jup 4 Ari 23 48:33 Mar Ven Sat Jup
Jup Sco 27:56:22 Mar Mer Sat Sat s Tau 19:52:58 Ven Mon Ket Mon
Ven Aqu 2032:17 Sat Jup Jup Mer 6 Gem 14 36:02 Mer Rah Ket Ven
Sat Can 27:15:44 Mon Mer Jup Ven 7 Can 11:38:44 Mon Sat Mon Sat
Rah -R Ari 26:50:25 Mar Sun Sun Rah a Leo 1800:39 Sun Ven Mar Sun
Ket -R Lib 26:50:25 Ven Jup Ven Ven 9 Vir 23 24:52 Mer Mar Mar Rah
Ura -R Tau 29:40:02 Ven Mar Sat Rah 10 Lib 23 48:33 Ven Jup Sat Jup
Nep -R Vir 20:03:56 Mer Mon Ket Rah 11 Sco 19:52:58 Mar Mer Ven Mon
Plu -R Can 21:01:54 Mon Mer Ven Sat 12 Sag 14:36:02 Jup Ven Ven Jup
Fortuna: Leo 20:49:10 Navamss Chart
Sun S XSat Jup
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
\2 / X12X
Ket 3xvan 1 V11
Rah Ura
Mar 4 Nep 10 Plu

Mer Ven / \ /
9 5X 7 Xfi Rah
\ll/ \ / I ^
6 N. Mar 8
12X Sun 10 Vs Jup Plu A/sun MerVa jup 712'
/ Ufa s Mon N.

/Rah 1 V 7 Ket; Rah 1 7 Ket \. y/^^S^Nep Mar/
Mef\ 1®/ \ >lu
1lN/ Sat Rah ySl
Ura 2^XSat 4 PluVe Nep Sun xx xx Ura
Ura 2XMar 4 Sat V$
Sun /Sn. /s\
/ \ y^arMGnXl Nep Nep Man

1 3
••up/ 2X Kal / 4\
Jup Ket
Horoscope No. 58
19/08/1939 Time 17:30:00 Day Saturday PItCt MAHUA 9rl Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
it 21:46:00 North Long 72:11:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TJmeCorr -0:41:16

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

SiderialTime .:14:3$:29 Hr» Gan Rakshas Mars: 1Y11M40 Mangla : 0Y 3M 90
Eq.oftime I- 0:03:45 Hrs Yoni. VVaghra Saturn
SunrtoOL :6:21:22 Hrs Nadi Madhya 25/07/1975 28/11/1974
Varan 24/07/1994 28/11/2010
Sunset 19:08:25 Hrs Shoodra
Samvat : 1996 Vashya Manav Saturn 28/07/1978 Mangla 28/11/1975
Saka : 1881 Varga Mrig Mercury 06/04/1981 Pingla 27/11/1977
Month : Sravana Yunja Madhya Ketu 15/05/1962 Dhanya 27/11/1980
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 15/07/1965 Bhramri 27/11/1984
Tithi at Sunrise..: 5 Name Afphabet Raa-Rakesh Sun 27/06/1986 Bhadrika 27/11/1989
Nakshatra : Chitra Pay8(Rasi-NaJ() Copper-Iron Moon 26/01/1986 Ulka 28/11/1995
Yoga : Shubh Hora Venus Mars 06/03/1909 Sidha 28/11/2002
Karan : Kaulava Chaugharia Amrit Rahu 11/01/1992 Sankta 28/11/2010

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub 8-S House Rttl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Leo 2:51:02 Ket Ven 5:40:26 Sat Sun Mer Ven
Lib 2:59:24 Mar Ven 11:51:56 Sat Rah Sat Mar
■R Cap 1:18:21 Sun Jup 17:48:38 Jup Mer Mer Rah
■R Can 19:28:54 Mer Ven 18:48:15 Mar Ven Rah Sat
■R Pis 15:20:42 Sat Jup 15:06:28 Ven Mon Jup Sun
Can 28:05.54 Mer Sat 9:31:13 Mer Rah Jup Ket
■R Ari 8:29:28 Ket Jup 5:40:26 Mon Sat Mer Mer
■R Lib 8:40:18 Rah Jup 11:51:56 Sun Ket Mer Ven
■R Ari 8:40:18 Ket Jup 17:46:38 Mer Mon Sat Jup
Ari 29:10:47 Sun Mar 18:48:15 Ven Rah Mon Mer
Leo 29:17:28 Sun Rah 15:06:28 Mar Sat Jup Jup
Can 9:00:52 Sat Ven 9:31:13 Jup Ket Sat Sat
Fortuni: Pisces 5:48:48 Navamit Chtrt
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalft-Cuapal
/V Mtr
Sat Ket \Nep
8 Jupy

\ /NJ Mar /
\ 9 / 3X 6 X7 Mon
/ Ket 4
Jup12X Mar 10 Vs 12 to / X X 8 \
X /V X XX x
Sat / N
\ / \ Daaamsa
'Sat 1 Ket YRah 7 Mon (Ura 1 7 ^ XMor Mar/
Rah\ >X X6X
\ y^Ven V / 9xMon 7 X5 Sun
a^VMar 4 VenXe Sun 4 MerXe Ven/X. S X^
Mar / N. 5
\ Pkj /sXRah (u™ 10 /X 4 /
/ \ /Nep Swv- < Nep
/ V^y
IOIO4 x"^ \.x'/^ ^
H/T 1 X3 Ket
1115* Res* / 12\ Jup /2 N.8®
MOJ' S \X Ne
P nJ

Illustration No. 10.8 (Horoscope No. 58) -This is the horoscope of a person
who is multimillionaire and deals in PVC pipes and has number of factories all
over the country. He started his career as a Chartered Accountant. He got married
on 23.1059 during Jupiter Jupiter period. First wife died on 13.6.82 due to cancer
in the ovary. Within 6 months the native got married again on 5.12.82 during
the sub period of Venus in the major period of Saturn, with an extremely
beautiful girl who was 22 years younger to him. Following combinations of this
rare and unique horoscope may be noted
* Mars is exalted and retrograde in the ascendant and also obtains Vargottam
* Jupiter joins its own sign Pisces in the 3rd house and it is retrograde.
* Retrograde Saturn is posited in the 4th house under debilitation. As per
rules of retrograde planets, Saturn will give the results of its exaltation.
* The lord of the 7th house Moon who joins Libra in the 10th house obtains
Vargottam Navamsa and the 10th lord Venus is placed in the 7th house. Thus
there is a mutual exchange of the 10th and 7th lords and Moon. Both of these
planets indicate occupation related with plastic. Therefore, the native is quite
successful in this trade. Lord of the 8th house Sun who is placed in own sign
Leo obtains the Navamsa of its exaltation. The lord of 10th house Venus also
obtains the Navamsa of its exaltation.
*Mars and Saturn have mutual exchange of houses.
This is a very powerful horoscope as far as the success and prosperity of life
is concerned. Let us analyse the horoscope in aspect of marriage.
* The lord of the Lagna Saturn obtains the Navamsa of Mercury and Mercury
is placed in the 7th house from where it aspects the Lagna. Jupiter also lends his
aspect over 7th house, Mercury and Karaka Venus. Jupiter and Mercury have
thus influenced the 7th house and Kalatrakaraka Venus,
* Mars and Venus are aspecting each other in reference to the Lagna and the
7th house.
* Saturn and Mars are under mutual exchange of houses and aspect each
*Moon and Venus have aslo mutually exchanged their houses.
* The second lord Saturn who obtains the Navamsa of Mercury is aspected
by Mars and Moon both.
* Except Sun, all planets are in movable sign and Jupiter is in dual sign.
These planetary set ups resulted into two marriages.
First wife is denoted by 7th lord Moon who brought lot of fortune to the
native. She died as the 7th Lord Moon and second lord Saturn aspect each
other. Both are Markesh and both are afflicted by nodes Rahu and Ketu. Jupiter
in own sign in the 3rd house is quite auspicious. It aspects the 7th house, the
planets Mercury and Venus who are placed in the 7th house, house of fortune
and its Lord and the Karaka of marriage Venus. Thus the native is quite fortunate
in respect of marriage. Therefore, he got married with a captivating and very
310 Predicting Maniage

young lady within six months after the death of first wife. However, opposition
of Ma^s and Mercury cannot be appreciated. The first wife suffered from cancer
and second wife also suffers from serious mental depression at times. Venus
and Mercury both treat Moon as their enemy and receive the aspect of Mars.
The marital life of the native is not of a high order, ideal or peaceful though he is
fortunate in respect of wives.
Illustration No.10.9 (Horoscope No.65) -The native got married three times
including his first Gandharva Vivah with an inter caste girl. The Lagna Lord
Saturn is placed in the 8th house in the sign of Mercury, Virgo and is aspected
by Jupiter. The 7th Lord Sun is posited in the 6th house whereas 8th Lord
Mercury joins Ketu and Yogakaraka Venus in the 7th. The second marriage or
the first legal marriage took place on 28.2.71. The wife was exceptionally beatiful
girl. At that time sub period of Venus was under progress. Venus is an Yogakaraka
for Aquarius ascendent. It has been observed number of times that Venus in the
7th house for Aquarius and Capricorn ascendant, give a very beautiful wife. The
beauty of his wife became a curse for the native as many persons were attracted
towards her. She divorced her husband and got remarried. Third time native
got married with a girl from an orphanage who was most ordinary in appearance.
Third marriage took place on 24.10.82 i.e. during Rahu Mercury period. First
marriage had taken place during Mars Venus Dasa Bhukti.
* Lagna lord Saturn and the 2nd lord Jupiter both are in dual signs and
aspect each other.
* Mercury is placed in the 7th house in conjunction with Yoga-Karaka Venus
and malefic Ketu.
* The 7th house is hemmed between the Sun and Saturn, hence it is afflicted
due to Papa Kartari Yoga.
* Saturn and Mars aspect each other. Similarly Saturn and Jupiter aspect
each other. The Saturn aspects Jupiter and Mars and Mars and Jupiter aspect
Saturn. Jupiter, Mars and Saturn are in quadrant from each other.
* Venus obtains own Navamsa in the 7th house and Mars obtains his own
Arasa in Navamsa Lagna Aries. Venus and Mars both aspect each other.
* The 7th lord Sun obtains the Navamsa of its debilitation and is influenced
by Moon in Rasi (Falls in Cancer) and is aspected by Mars, whereas it is associated
with Venus in the 7th house in Navamsa chart.
This is an overall analysis of the 7th house of the native.
Horoscope No. 65
it© 27/07/1951 Time 20:55:00 Day Friday Place Falzabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:55:1
at 26:46:00 North Long 82:08:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:01:28

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time :17 11:32 Hrs Gan Rakshas Sun : 3Y 8M 22D Ulka : 3Y 8M 22D
Eq.of time 0:06:24 Hrs Yoni Mesh Mars
Sunrise ...:5.24:18 Hrs Nadi Antya 19/04/1965 27/07/1951
Sunset 18:51:14 Hrs Varan Vaishya 18/04/1972 19/04/1985
Sarnvat : 2008 Vashya Chatuspada Mars 15/09/1965 Ulka 19A)4/1955
Saka : 1873 Varga Garuda Rahu 03/10/1966 Sidha 19/04/1962
Month : Sravana Yunja Poorva Jupiter 09/09/1967 Sankta 19/04/1970
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Bhoomi Saturn 18/10/1968 Mangla 19/04/1971
Tithi at Sunrise.e..: 9 Name Alphabet Ee4shwar Mercury 15/10/1969 Pingla 19/04/1973
Nakshatra : Krittika Paya(Rasi-Nak) Iron-Gold Ketu 13/03/1970 Dhanya 18/04/1976
Yoga : Gand Hora Mercury Venus 13/05/1971 Bhramri 18/04/1980
Karan Vanij Chaugharia Kaal Sun 18y09/1971 Bhadrika 19/04/1985

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 10:51:48 Mon Sat Sun Ket Asc Aqu 20:18:13 Sat Jup Jup Sat
Mon? Tau 1:42:55 Ven Sun Jup Sat 2 Pis 29:38:19 Jup Mer Sat Rah
Mar- Gem 22:51:30 Mer Jup Sat Ven 3 Tau 0:37:16 Ven Sun Rah Ven
Mer- Leo 7:04:52 Sun Ket Rah Ven 4 Tau 25:56:16 Ven Mar Rah Mon
Jup Pis 21:09:47 J up Mer Ven Mer 5 Gem 19:46:25 Mer Rah Mar Ven
Ven Leo 20:41:43 Sun Ven Jup Mer 6 Can 16:14:59 Mon Sat Jup Mon
Sat Vir 5:25:57 Mer Sun Mer Ket 7 Leo 20:18:13 Sun Ven Jup Jup
Rah -R Aqu 17:34:23 Sat Rah Sun Rah 8 Vir 29:38:19 Mer Mar Sat Rah
Ket -R Leo 17:34:23 Sun Ven Mar Jup 9 Sco 0:37:16 Mar Jup Mar Rah
lira Gem 18:15:33 Mer Rah Mon Mar 10 Sco 25:56:16 Mar Mer Rah Mon
Nep) Vir 24:03:19 Mer Mar Mar Mon 11 Sag 19:46:25 Jup Ven Rah Sun
Plu Can 26:04:09 Mon Mer Rah Mar 12 Cap 16:14:59 Sat Mon Sat Mer

fortuna: Sagittarius 11:09:20 Navamsa Chart

N. X \ Uri
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal
X2 X \12X ^
3X 1
Jup 10 Mon

Jup / v
120' V2/ Nap 5XSun 7 Van X 9
\ / \10/
ix Reh 11 X9 Mon2X Jup 11

'Won 2 X. 8 Ura 2
4 Ssun
\ / 1218' Sun\/ \/ X3 JUP
Mar 5 YenY7 X st
Mar/ 4X /3 \
/ x /s x / Plu \ /
/Sun Plu\ j/ntp Sat 1138.l/Mer Kel\/
Ura SX 11 XI
Xl0\ van X^IS!^
XMtr MonX^X X
312 Predicting Marriage

Illustration No. 10.10(HoroscopeNo. 62) - He was an associate professor of

Physics who got married four times but could not get marital happiness from
any of his wives. This had a severe setback over the mind of the native resulting
into mental disorder.
The native was" born in Pisces ascendant. The lord of the Lagna Jupiter is
debilitated in the llthhouse and aspects the 7th house. Jupiter obtains Navamsa
of Mercury and is 7th from Navamsa lagna. The 7 th lord Mercury is placed in
the 8th house and it is afflicted due to association with Rahu. The 2nd house
lord Mars falls in Virgo in the 7th house and is heavily afflicted due to mutual
aspect with the 12th lord Saturn. In fact opposition of Saturn and Mars denied
marital happiness to the native in spite of four marriages. Venus falls in the sign
of Mars. The lord of the 2nd house Mars is situated in Virgo in the 7th house
and it is heavily afflicted by the position of mutual aspect with Saturn and being
placed in the Navamsa of Saturn. The 2nd house is owned by Mars and is aspected
by Mercury and Mars both. Moon has also joined the 7th house in association
with the 9th lord. We have always found that placement of Mars and Moon is
bad for marital happiness particularly in case of affliction. Here the Jupiter and
Saturn both are aspecting 7th house. The aspect of JupiteJ-resulted into various
marriages and Saturn" s aspect denied happiness. Moon and Mercury both are
afflicted and they own 5th and 4th houses respectively. This resulted into serious
mental depression to the native.
Horoscope No. 62
21/10/1938 Time 17:25:00 Day Friday Placa Agra Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:44:30
it 27:09:00 North Long 78:00.00 Easl Zona 82:30.00 East Time Cotr -0:18;00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoginl

SidarialTima 19:04:04 Hrs Gan Deva Moon : 8Y11M 180 Sankta : 7Y2M2D
Eq.oftime 0:15:14 Hrs Yoni Mahish Saturn
Sunrisa 6:22:03 Hrs Nadi Adya 09/10/1988 24/12/1973
Sunset 17:43:15 Hrs Varan Varshya 10/10/2007 24/12/2009
Sam vat 1995 Vashya Manav Saturn 13/10/1991 Sankta 24/12/1981
Saka 1860 Varga Mooshak Mercury 22/06/1994 Mangla 24/12/1982
Month Kartika Yunja Madhya Ketu 01/08/1995 Pingla 23/12/1984
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Bhoomi Vanus 30/09/1998 □hanya 24/12/1987
Ttthi at Sunrise.. 13 Name Alphabet Sun 12/09/1999 Bhramri 24/12/1991
Nakshatra Hasta Poo-Purushottam Moon 13/04/2001 Bhadrika. 23/12/1996
Yoga Endra PayatRas^Nak) Copper-Silver Mars 22/05/2002 Ulka 24/12/2002
Karan Vishti Hora Jupiter Rahu 28/03/2005 Sidha 24/12/2009

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 4:41:08 Van Mar Ven Mer Asc Pis 29:24:39 Jup Mer Sat Rah
Mon Vir 11:22:34 Mer Mon Mar Jup 2 Tau 2:25:45 Ven Sun Jup Sun
Mar Vir 4:52:48 Mer Sun Sat Jup 3 Tau 28:17:20 Ven Mar Sat Mer
Mer Lib 12:03:04 Ven Rah Sat Rah 4 Gem 22:00:44 Mer Jup Sat Sat
Jup Cap 29:39:34 Sat Mar Sat Rah 5 Can 17:41:47 Mon Mer Mer Mar
Ven Sco 10:37:41 Mar Sat Sun Jup 6 Leo 19:29:27 Sun Ven Rah Ven
Sat -R Pis 20:51:06 Jup Mer Ven Sat 7 Vir 29:24:39 Mer Mar Sat Rah
Rah -R Lib 25:11:01 Ven Jup Mer Rah 8 Sco 2:25:45 Mar Jup Rah Mer
Ket -R Ari 25:11:01 Mar Ven Mer Rah 9 Sco 28:17:20 Mar Mer Sat Mer
Ura -R Ari 23:4821 Mar Ven Sat Jup 10 Sag 22:00:44 Jup Ven Sat Sat
Nep Leo 29:27:09 Sun Sun Rah Rah 11 Cap 17:41:47 Sat Mon Sat Jup
PIu Can 8:44:09 Mon Sat Ven Mon 12 Aqu 1929:27 Sat Rah Mar Sat

Fortuna: Pisces 6:06:06 Navamaa Chart

tagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal

KeJV 3a-
Sat [VCet Ura/ \ /
v/ \v \ P'u
iV^Slrt 12 VlCJupi Ufa
PIu 3

V*y 5 OO R
PIu 4^Mon 8 Mar^SVen Sun 8
/s\ / e\
/ Nep\ /t. 8 2 S*t
X/W Sun\J Mon Mef\/ Ven
Rah JJV Rtss- ■ K«t cX 11
Mer Vetv Msts- /10 \ Uftf X12 x.
Van Sun ■ 8s -
Horoscope No. 95
jte 08/03/1906 Time 09:13:00 Day Thursday Place Bareilly Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:17:1
kat 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:12:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time 20:00:22 Hrs Gan Rakshas Mercury 13Y 3M 28D Bhramrl: 3Y1M 190
Eq.of time -0:11:10 Hrs Yoni Marjar Jupiter
Sunrise 6:32:36 Hrs Nadi Antya 06/07/1987 26/04/1977
Sunset 18:14:43 Hrs Varan Vipra 06/07/2003 26/04/2013
Samvat 1962 Vashya Jalchar Jupiter 23/08/1989 Bhramri 26/04/1981
Saka 1827 Varga Shwan Saturn 05/03/1992 Bhadrika 27/04/1986
Month Phalguna Yunja Madhya Mercury 11/06/1994 Ulka 28/04/1992
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Jal Ketu 18/05/1995 Sidha 27/04/1999
Tithi at Sunrises. 12 Name Alphabet Dee-Deepak Venus 16/01/1998 Sankta 27/04/2007
Nakshatra Aslesa Paya(Rasi-Nak) Iron-Silver Sun 04/11/1998 Mangla 26/04/2008
Yoga Atigand Hora Sun Moon 05/03/2000 Pingla 27/04/2010
Karan Kaulava Chaugharia Roga Mars 09/02/2001 Dhanya 26/04/2013

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L ISI-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S

Sun Aqu 24:23:05 Sat Jup Mer Ven ASC Art 18:35:52 Mar Ven Rah Jup
Mon Can 19:32:50 Mon Mer Ven Ven 2 Tau 17:49:04 Ven Mon Mer Mer
Mar Ari 0:53:45 Mar Ket Ven Ven 3 Gem 11:55:21 Mer Rah Sat Mar
Mer Pis 7:49:52 Jup Sat Ket Jup 4 Can 5:42:31 Mon Sat Mer Mer
Jup Tau 7:28:19 Ven Sun Ket Jup 5 Leo 3:08:23 Sun Ket Sun Rah
Ven Aqu 29:43:07 Sat Jup Mon Rah 6 Vir 7:49:51 Mer Sun Ven Ven
Sat Aqu 14:30:23 Sat Rah Ket Ven 7 Lib 18:35:52 Ven Rah Mon Sat
Rah Can 28:28:19 Mon Mer Sat Mer 8 Sco 17:49:04 Mar Mer Mer Rah
Ket Cap 28:28:19 Sat Mar Saf Mer 9 Sag 11:55:21 Jup Ket Mer Ven
Ura Sag 15:38:44 Jup Ven Sun Mar 10 Cap 5:42:31 Sat Sun Mer Ven
Nep -R Gem 15:21:24 Mer Rah Ven Ven 11 Aqu 3:08:23 Sat Mar Ven Sun
Plu -S Tau 28:25:22 Ven Mar Sat Mer 12 Pis 7:49:51 Jup Sat Ket Jup

ortuna: Virgo 13:45:36 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal V
e XM«r
Mer Jup Mar Jl Plu
■I >
Plu 2
118* P ^Mon 9 X 3 VfllO
I y
Mer |\Jup Plu/ Mer / \ P(u / \Maf Mar/
\ 2 / 10 XJUP 12 Rilw^ Sun
JZVSun Mon \ 2/ \ 12/Sun y 11X
NepSXMar 1 \T1Ven Reh Nep3^<\Jup 1 VllVan XSat Ntp^ ' Mar
^ \ Sat
Mon 4 Reh 10 Ket; Men 4 Rah 10 Kat \Vfln Nao/^v Mon
\e yS Nv6 y
Rah 9X SlJn Plu N/5

%\ Mar 10

Ura \

Illustration No. 10.11 (Horoscope No. 95) - The Principal of a College of

Ayodhya is still quite energetic even at an age of 89 years. At present he is happy
with his second wife and has three daughters, one from first wife and two from
second wife. First wife expired soon after marriage.
The lagna lord Mars obtains Vargottam Navamsa. The lord of the 2nd and
7th house and the Karaka of marriage is Venus. Therefore study of Venus should
be made carefully and deeply. Venus obtains Navamsa of Mercury and in Rasi
chart, it is associated with the Sun and Saturn in the J 1th house. Thus Venus is
afflicted by the Sun and Saturn and the 2nd house is occupied by Jupiter. This
will result into more than one marriage.
Navamsa chart will make it very clear. Navmsa lagna is Virgo where Mercury
obtains the Navamsa of its exaltation. In the 7th house of Navamsa chart Jupiter is
placed in own Pisces. Both are dual signs containing their own lords and are afflicted
by nodes. Moon has also something to do with two marriages as it moves fast.
Moon also joins its own sign and Navamsa of Jupiter. Moon and Venus are
opposite to each other showing more than one marriage. Navamsa lagna and 7th
house, 2nd and 7th lord Venus, Karaka of maniage, Venus, Moon and Jupiter
who occupy the 2nd house and own 12lh house are all placed in dual signs
Navamsa. In such a case two marriages are sure to take pake. First wife died
because 8th lord Mars occupies Lagna and receives the aspect of Saturn. Saturn
and Mars also aspect the 8th house. 8th house is 2nd from 7th and lagna is 7th
from the 7th house. Both 8th and 1st houses are the marak housses for wife. In
present case 1st and 8th houses both are under the adverse influence of Mars and
Saturn. Moreover Karaka of wife Venus is also afflicted by Saturn and the Sun.
Therefore, 2nd marriage of the native is indicated only afterthe death of firstwife.
Many more cases may be illustrated to prove that we can depend on our
findings about the influence of Mercury and Jupiter over the 7th house and
lagna, in addition to the 2nd house, their lords and Venus etc., as we have
mentioned above, resulting into more than one marriage. Effects of Mars over
Venus or 7th house and the position of Moon should also be taken into
consideration in addition to these rules. However, we can never afford to ignore
the general rules for mutiple marriages as we have discussed in the beginning of
the present study.
Position of Venus is quite important for creating the circumstances for more
than one marriage. Venus should be in the sign owned by Mars or should come
under the influence of Mars either by conjunction or by aspect or by exchange
or in Navamsa.
Position of Venus in Cancer or in conjunction with Moon synchronising
with the 7th house or as its lord may also result in more than one marriage.
Mercury's position in Taurus in the 7th house may bring more than one marriage.
Venus, Mars, Moon and Saturn, if conjoined in the 7th house may bring
many marriages. If Venus is posited in the signs owned by Mercury or Jupiter
and the lord of the sign is exalted, may bring two marriages, provided the other
316 Predicting Marriase

conditions are fulfilled. Opposition of Moon, Mercury and Venus also bring
mutiple marriages, if they synchronise with the Lagna and the 7th house.If
Venus and the 7th lord both occupy dual signs, more than one marriage will
take place.
Many combinations have been described for single marriage e.g. If Mercury
joins the 7th house and obtains the Navamsa of Jupiter, there will be one marriage.
If Mercury and Jupiter fall in the Navamsa of the Mars and the Sun, there will
be one marriage only. Many constellations have also been mentioned which
give one marriage, if ascendant Jupiter and Mercury fall in the specific Padas of
a particular constellation. Our view is different. There are hundreds of planetry
combinations for one, two or multiple marriages in different texts but the
application of all those rules is not practicable and contradictory results will be
obtained. So we should carefully judge if, there are combinations for more than
one marriage, with the help ofRasi and Navamsa chart both. If the combinations
of two or more marriages are not present, it automatically holds that only one
marrige will be there provided denial of marriage is not indicated.
Overall study and the careful judgement is most essential before coming to
any conclusion in respect of more than one marriage.




Difficulty in Selection-Man performs his evolutionary role in two

direction. One in the domain of matter and one towards spiritual
attainments. It is an irony that more he progresses materially more he encounters
pain, helpessness and unhappiness. Sometimes he is lost on the sentimental or
emotional level. And, just imagine, a man who, is adorned with all the insignia
of splendour in the world of matter feels immeasurably miserable. This has a
bearing on his personality and his choice, selection etc. of the vital things of life.
The selection of spouse is a difficult task for future marital life. Many persons
face moments of insecurity and indecision when, it comes to giving the final
consent for marraige becasue it is a once-in-a-lifetime affair.
Everyone is quite eager to know about his or her future life partner. The desire
to marry with a decent, healthy, good looking, smart, well educated partner
from an unconservative family background is quite natural. The expectation of
a loving, caring, affectionate, faithful, dedicated and charming life-partner who
may bring good fortune, honour, fame, wealth, prosperity, cheerfulness and
long life is always present in the minds of one and all.
Probably, all matters relating to physiognomy of the sopouse, direction of
marriage settlement, birth or Moon sign of the spouse and the nature of the
alliance can be predicted on the basis of astrological principles.
Moon Sign and Lagna of Prospective Spouse - In this connection following
Sloka may be referred

The Moon sign of the native's spouse will be one of the following
318 Preticting Marriage

1.The Rasi (Moon sign), Navamsa or the signs falling triangular to them.
2. The ascendant or Navamsa occupied by the ascendant or the sign traiangular
to them.
3.The sign falling 7th from the sign so obtained. The sign falling at 7th, 8th or
9th from the Moon sign, lord of the 7th or from the lord of the lagna.
4. The sign of debilitation or exaltation of the 7 th lord or of Moon or Lagna Lord.
Phaldeepika has also the same version. The following Sloka may be referred

I I"
(Phal. 10/11)
See that the Lagnesh and Saptamesh fall in which sign and Navamsa. That
sign or that Navamsa or the sign triangular to that will be the Janam Rasi of
native's wife. The debilitation or exaltation sign of the lord of the Lagna or lord
of the 7th house may be the Janam Rasi of the wife of the native. The sign where
the maximum number of favourable points fall in the Moon's Astakwarga, may
be the Moon sign of the wife.
We will illustrate this with the help of the following example
Illustration No. 11:1 (Horoscope No. 28) - The Moon sign of the native in
Scorpio. The triangular signs reckoned from Scorpio are Pisces and Cancer. Jupiter
occupies 7th house in own sign, therefore. Moon sign of the wife of the native
will be Piseces out of these two signs.
That ascendant of the native is Gemini at 14° 53' which falls in the Navamsa of
Aquarius. The signs occupied by the Lagna, Navamsa Langa and the sings falling
triangular to them are Gemini, Aquarius and Libra. Since Moon and the 7th
lord Jupiter obtain the Navamsa of Libra, Libra must be the ascendant of wife.
The wife of the native is born in the Libra ascendant and the Pisces Moon'sign
is clear by the horoscope of the native's wife. To select one sign out of the two or
three, one must apply a bit of intellect. The sign which is prominent from various
angles and has the influence of the 7th lord or its occupant should be derived as
the birth or Moon sign of the native's wife.
Similar rules can be applied to the horoscope of femlaes while finding out the
birth or Moon sign of their prospecitve husband.
To illustration this, we will take the horoscope of the wife of the above native.
Horoscope No.28
te 17/06/1913 Time 06:13:00 Day Tuesday Piace Bareilly Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:12;

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari

Siderial Time . 23:39:17 Mrs Gan Deva Saturn 7Y1M20D
Eq.of time - 0:00:30 His Yoni Mrig Mars
Sunrise 5:16:29 His Nadi Madhya 06/08/1980 18/12/1946
Sunset 19:09:49 Hrs Varan Vipra 07/08/1987 18/12/1982
Samvat 1970 Vashya Keetak Mars 02/01/1981 Bhramri 18/12/195(
Saka 1835 Varga Saip Rahu 21/01/1982 Bhadrika 18/12/195'
Month Jyestha Yunja Madhya Jupiter 28/12/1982 Ulka 17/12/196
Paksh ShuWa Hansak(Tatva) Jal Saturn 05/02/1984 Sidha 17/12/1961
Tithi at Sunrise. 14 Name Alphabet Noo-Nrihari Mercury 02/02/1985 Sankta 17/12/197(
Nakshatra Anuradha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Gold-Copper Ketu 01/07/1985 Mangla 17/12/197'
Yoga Sadhya Hora Mais Venus 31/08/1986 Plngla 18/12/197!
Karan Gaia Chaugharia Roga Sun 06/01/1987 Dhanya 18/12/198;

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S

Sun Gem 2:49:27 Mer Mar Ven Ven Asc Gem 15:08:53 Mer Rah Ket Met
Mon See 11 ;39:27' Mar Sat Mon Mer 2 Can 7:49:51 Mon Sat Ket Jup
Mar Ari 7:36:50 Mar Ket Jup Jup 3 Leo 2:34:08 Sun Ket Ven Mei
Mer Gem 19:32:51 Mer Rah Mar Sat 4 Vir 1:58:01 Mer Sun Jup Mei
Jup -R Sag 22:50:47 Jup Ven Sat Ven 5 Lib 6:29:32 Ven Mar Mon Ver
Ven Ari 18:27:45 Mar Ven Rah Jup 6 See 12:23:40 Mar Sat Mar Sat
Sat Tau 17:31:35 Ven Mon Sat Jup 7 Sag 15:08:53 Jup Ven Ven Mei
Rah -R Pis 6:49:30 Jup Sat Mer Jup 8 Cap 7:49:51 Sat Sun Ven Ver
Ket -R Vir 6:49:30 Mer Sun Mer Sat 9 Aqu 2:34:08 Sat Mar Ket Met
Una -R Cap 14:40:27 Sat Mon Jup Ket 10 Pis 1:58:01 Jup Jup Rah Sat
Nep Can 2:11:51 Mon Jup Rah Sat 11 Ari 6:29:32 Mar Ket Rah Mei
Plu Gem 7:03:40 Mer Rah Rah Jup 12 Tau 12:23:40 Ven Mon Rah Jup

Fortuna: Scorpio 23:58:53 Navamsa Chart

Mer Key^\"
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal \. 12 N.10L/
IX 11 X9 P
Mar Sat
\Sat Sun
Rah | \ Nep / \ Sat S 3 \ Plu /
N*/ \2/ven N
ep 2 / Ven I Na2
* S&iyU XX Mt
/ 6 \Si
S^Sun 3 Mer^l 5 V Mer Nep V-j 2a Rah Ven'
' /\ / \Mar /\ / xMar
Ket 8 12 Rah Ket 6 12 Rah XVen Mon
lira N. 9
Uns* \/ \/ ioV 8 ><^6
7y 9 V11 Reh X
aa. MonTV 9 Xjl
/ B Jup /lo\ / 8\ Jup /l0\
Won \ / Lira \ \ Ket / \ / Ura
6t2- Nepia^
56 Mar Sun
320 Preticting Marriage

Illustration No. 11.2 (Horoscope No. 5) - The wife of the native is born at 19°
50' of libra ascendant. The signs falling in triangles are Aquarius and Gemini
and either of these signs should be the birth sign of the husband. In fact as given
above, her husband was born in Gemini ascendant and Aquarius as Moon sign.
The Moon sign of the lady is Pisces and the signs triangular to this are Cancer
and Scorpio. Here Scorpio is more prominent because the lord of the Moon sign
Jupiter and Lord of 7th form the Moon sign. Mercury, are tenanted in Scropio.
So Scorpio should be the Moon sign of the husband. In fact the husband"s
Moon sign is Scorpio.
We will illustrate one more example of an ideal couple living very happily.
The husband is a class I officer and he is livingjoyfully with his simple housewife.
Horoscope No. 5
09/11/1924 Time 05:37:00 Day Sunday Place Chandausi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22 32
at 28:06:00 North Long 77:50:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Coir -0:18:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimaottari Yogini

Slderial Time 8:29:55 Hrs Gan : Deva Mercury : 6Y 2M 6D Ulka :ZY2M5D
Eq.of tima 0:16:14 Hrs Yoni. : Gaja Venue
Sunrise 6:36:13 Hrs Nadi : Antya 15/01/1938 09/11/1924
Sunset 17:28:26 Hrs Varan, Vlpra 15/01/1958 14/01/1957
Samvat 1981 Vashya : Jalchar Venus 16/05/1941 Uka 15/01/1927
Saka 1846 Varga : Slmha Sun 17/05/1942 Sidha 15/01/1934
Month Kartika Yunja : Poorva Moon 15/01/1944 Sankta 15/01/1942
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Jal Mars 17/03/1945 Mangla 15/01/1943
Tllhi at Sunrise.. 12 Name Alphabet Cha-Chandan Rahu 16/03/1948 Pingla 14/01/1945
Nakshatra Revati Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Gold Jupiter 15/11/1950 Dhanya 15/01/1948
Yoga Vajra Hora : Mars Saturn 15/01/1954 Bhramri 15/01/1952
Karan Taitila Chaugharia : Labha Mercury 15/11/1956 Bhadfika 14/01/1957

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N>L Sub s-s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S

Sun Lib 23:46:33 Ven Jup Sat Jup Asc Lib 10:21:14 Ven Rah Jup Rah
Mon Pis 25:09:01 Jup Mer Rah Mer 2 Sco 9:20:09 Mar Sat Ven Jup
Mar Aqu 15:29:12 Sat Rah Ven Ven 3 Sag 10:13:29 Jup Ket Sat Ven
Mer Sco 2:03:16 Mar Jup Rah Sat 4 Cap 12:34:33 Sat Mon Rah Sat
Jup Sco 28:47:55 Mar Mer Sat Ven 5 Aqu 14:48:47 Sat Rah Ket Rah
Ven Vir 15:03:55 Mer Mon Jup Sun 6 Pis 14:30:40 Jup Sat Rah Sun
Sat Lib 13:56:46 Ven Rah Mer Jup 7 Ari 10:21:14 Mar Ket Sat Ven
Rah -R Can 26:11:36 Mon Mer Jup Jup 8 Tau 9:20:09 Ven Sun Ven Sat
Ket -R Cap 26:11:36 Sat Mar Jup Jup 9 Gem 10:13:29 Mer Rah Jup Rah
Ura -R Aqu 25:11:04 Sat Jup Mer Rah 10 Can 12:34:33 Mon Sat Mar Mer
Nep Can 29:58:22 Mon Mer Sat Jup 11 Leo 14:48:47 Sun Ven Ven Sat
Plu -R Gem 20:52:49 Mer Jup Jup Ven 12 Vir 14:30:40 Mer Mon Jup Mer

Fortuna: Pisces 11:43:41 Navamsa Chart

Lagrta Chart Nirayana Bhava Chaltt-Cuapal

7ir 9
- r\
X.Mftf JUD/_ V Ven / V Jup / \ Van y
\8 / \6/ \^8 / N. 8 /
Sun Sat Vs

/ \Sat / \ Dasam&a
(m. io Nep 4 Rahy Kat 10 X^Nep 4 Rah Sal S\ Piu
Nv11 N.9 s
Mar\ / 12 10 xa flah
nV X3 PI"
Ura/i2\ /2\ Ura/12 \Jup 1 Ura 7 Van
/ Mon \ / \
2>XMon A MarXe
Jup Sat Kat x 3 \ N.
Mer Sun
522 Preticting Marriage

Illustration No. 113 and 11A (Horoscope No. 96 and 97) - The ascendant of
the native is Scorpio. 5052' which falls in Leo in Navamsa. From the Lagna,
Pisces and Cancer fall in triangles while considering form Moon sign Cancer,
Scorpio and Pisces occupy triangular position. The Moon being at 14° 38' of
Cancer falls in the Scorpio in Navamsa. How to know the Moon sign of his
wife. The Scorpio is the most prominent one. Therefore, Scorpio should be the
Janam Rasi or Moon sign of the native^s wife. In fach Scorpio is his wife's Moon
Rasi. The Lagna of the wife is Cancer which is the Moon sign of the native.*
Cancer and Scorpio happen also mutually in triangles.

So by seeing such placements of the Moon and Lagna in Rasi and Navamsa
chart, these signs of the prospective wife can also be foretold.
Horoscope No. 96
20/09/1938 Time 10:34:01 Day Tuesday Place Allahabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:44
.at 25:27:00 North Long 81:50:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Coir -0:02:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarl Yogini

Siderial Time .:10:25:04 Hrs Gan u Deva Saturn 2Y6M140 Dhanya :0Y4M 240
Eq.oftime :0:06:17 Hts Yoni : Mesh Moon
Sunrise :5:51:22 Hrs Nadi u Madhya 05/04/1991 14/02/1972
Sunset :18:00:58 Hts Varan : Vipra 05/04/2001 14/02/2008
Samvat : 1995 Vashya : Jalchar Moon 04/02/1992 Dhanya 13/02/1975
Saka : 1860 Varga : Shwan Mars 04/09/1992 Bhramri 13/02/1979
Month : Asvina Yunja : Madhya Rahu 05/02/1994 Bhadrika 14A)2/1984
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Jupitar 05/07/1995 Ulka 12/02/1990
Tithi at Sunrise..: 11 Name Alphabet Saturn 03/02/1997 Sidha 13/02/1997
Nakshatra : Pushya Daa-Daamodar Mercury 05/07/1998 Sankta 13/02/2005
Yoga : Shiva Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Silver Katu 03/02/1999 Mangla 13/02/2005
Karan : Balava Hora : Mom Venus 04/10/2000 Pingla 14/02/2008

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Raoi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 3:50:12 Mer Sun Sat Ven Asc Sco 5:52:08 Mar Sat Mer Ven
Mon Can 14:53:03 Mon Sat Rah Mar 2 Sag 5:43:40 Jup Ket Rah Rah
Mar Leo 15:06:00 Sun Ven Ven Sat 3 Cap 7:59:27 Sat Sun Ven Ven
Mer Lao 18:03:26 Sun Van Mar Mon 4 Aqu 11:39:23 Sat Rah Sal Sun
Jup -R Aqu 1:00:48 Sat Mar Mer Mar 5 Pis 13:38:59 Jup Sat Rah Sat
Ven Lib 19:43:04 Ven Rah Mar Mar 6 Ah 11:35:43 Mar Ket Mer Mer
Sat -R Pis 23:15:39 Jup Mer Mon Ven 7 Tau 5:52:08 Ven Sun Mer Sun
Rah -R Lib 26:31:05 Ven Jup Ket Mer 8 Gem 5:43:40 Mer Mar Mon Rah
Ket -R Ah 26:31:05 Mar Ven Ket Sat 9 Can 7:59:27 Mon Sat Ket Sat
Ura -R Ah 24:46:36 Mar Ven Mer Sun 10 Leo 11:39:23 Sun Ket Mer Mer
Nep Leo 28:21:36 Sun Sun Mon Ven 11 Vir 13:38:59 Mer Mon Rah Mon
Plu Can 8:22:24 Mon Sat Ven Ven 12 Lib 11:35:43 Ven Rah Sat Sun

Fortuna: Virgo 16:55:00 Navamsa Chart

\Mer Plu X ^
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuepai
Jup 7S<^Mar 5
812' la'
Kbw ^lon 8 KalX< 7 Rah
Nv Ura s
/ \R«hV«n/ NReri Ven/
Nap eX . I1 Xl
\9/ \ 7 / [ Mon 10
/ \ Sun yS 12 N
10X 8 Vesun Plu 8 X8 W / Sat XX Van
/\ PW
/NepX Mou' Dasamaa
Jup 11 Mtr 6 Mir), )^Mar 5 Suny v ■Mon S
. A Mar
\N«P / Mar Mer / 1012' \ 4 /Sun!
V/Mon Nap X/Mon X3
2 Mb18,
! ^
^ / 3 \Plu Nesa* Plu 2 NepX
Ket Lira Kel Ura
Rt27' oXMar 11 JupXi Van
VB»" UraXio\ x^^Xw
18' 1212- ■ X Mar X X
Horoscope No. 97
ite 24/09/1944 Time 04:50:00 Day Sunday Place Varanasi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
it 25:20:00 North Long 83:00:00 East Zona 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:58:00

Panehang Avakahada Chakna Vimsotlari Yoglnl

SiderialTime 4:02:33 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Hercuty: 13Y 9M 12D Bhadriks :4Y0M19D
Eq.oftlme 0:07:32 Hrs Yoni Mng Venus
Sunrise 8:48:05 Hrs Nadi : Adya 07/07/1965 24/09/1944
Sunset 18:52:26 Hrs Varcn : Vipra 07/07/1985 14/10/1979
Samvat 2001 Vashya : Ketlak Venus 05/11/1968 Bhadrika 13/10/1948
Saka 1866 Varga : Sarp Sun 06/11/1969 Ulka 14/10/1954
Month As vina Yunja : Antya Moon 07/07/1971 Sldha 14/10/1961
Paksh ShuWa Hansak(Tatva) Jal Mars 05/09/1972 Sankta 14/10/1969
Tithi at Sunrise. 6 Name Alphabet No-Naunihaal Rahu 06/09/1975 Mangla 14/10/1970
Nakshatra Jyestha Paya(Rasj-Nak) : Iron-Copper Jupiter 07/05/1978 Pingla 13/10/1972
Yoga Ayusman Hora : Jupiter Saturn 07/07/1981 Dhanya 14/10/1975
Karan Taitila Chaugharia : Kaal Mercury 07/05/1984 Bhramri 14/10/1979

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rati Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 7:55:20 Mer Sun Ven Ven Asc Leo 10.46.42 Sun Ket Sat Mar
Mon Sco 19:11:22 Mar Mer Ket Sat 7:47:08 Mer Sun Ven Ven
Mar Vir 24:04:18 Mer Mar Mar Man 8:03:07 Ven Rah Rah Ven
Mer Leo 20:09:03 Sun Ven Jup Jup 9:52:26 Mar Sat Ven Sat
Jup Leo 19:58:52 Sun Ven Rah Mor 11:22:21 Jup Ket Sat Jup
Ven Lib 1:51:12 Ven Mar Mer Sat 11:46:06 Sat Mon Mar Ven
Sat Gem 17:10:44 Mer Rah Ven Mer 10:46:42 Sat Rah Sat Sat
Rah -R Can 2:17:48 Mon Jup Rah Mer 7:47:08 Jup Sat Ket Jup
Ket -R Cap 2:17:48 Sat Sun Jup Ven 8:03:07 Mar Ket Jup Sat
Ura -R Tau 20:18:02 Ven Mon Ket Sat 9:52:26 Ven Sun Ven Ket
Nep Vir 11:02:22 Mer Mon Mon Ven ^ Gem 11:22:21 Mer Rah Sat Ven
PIU Can 16:55:53 Mon Mer Mer Mer Can 11:46:06 Mon Sat Mon Mer

Fortuna: Libra 22:02:44 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChafK-Cutpal

9®' lOio-

Urw 7 Vtn 1 Ntp

\Su" May \plu Rah/ \M»f Sun

\N«p/ 5 \ ■ / ( _ . \Vt^/
ViWep/ 5 \ /9 x/ x /2 Suni
tyC to Xj
\e / \ 4/ Rah \6 / \< /Rrt R"2" / e\ Ktt / "Xf
M r Ju 12ir
Vfln7X « JuP X 3 Sad Ptu TyC p Va Mon P^XnJ
/\ / \ Sat PI""
Mon 8 2 Ura Mon 5 2 Ura
M«r\. 9 A \7A
10 X Sal 6 Ve Kat
MonXX xx '
9X 11 Xl et2* /\ 1
^ I J"29*
Ket I Aio\ AiS K$2- / 1o\ /12\ Meatr yMar H Jup/Xpju 5
/ Ket \ /
sn x/ xx Sun
m Rah12X 2 X4
Moi^ & Xl X /axUra
Mon Ven 41D' Ve2- bksi
rROSPEcnvE spouse.. 325

One more principal of finding out the Moon sign of the prospective spouse
has been given in Jatakadesh Marg.

(a) Add the longitudes of the lord of the lagna and Venus. Divided the sum
of 12 sign if is more than 12 signs. The remainder may be the Moon sign of the
spouse of the native.

(b) Add the longitudes of the lords of the lagna and the 7th house. Substract
the sum of 12 signs if the sum is more than 12 signs. The remainder will be the
Moon Rasi of the spouse.
326 Pretictlng Marriage

There will be two different Rasis, when worked out as mentioned above. See
which is more prominent, as also synchronises with the Rasi obtained by the
aforesaid principle.

Let us apply this principal in the horoscope no. 28 -

Sign Deg Min

(a) Longitude of the lord of the Langa 2 19 18

Longitude of Venus 0 18 12

Total 2 37 30

or 3 7 30

Cancer at 7° 30'

(b) Longitude of the lord of the Lagna 2 19 18

Longitude of the lord of 7th Jupiter 8 22 35

Total 10 41 53

or 11 11 53

Pisces at 11° 53'

This means that the Moon sign of the wife of the native will be Pisces or
Cancer. Pisces is more prominent as the 7th house is very much under the
influence of Jupiter. So the wife's Moon Rasi is Pisces.

The seventh and trainaglar signs should also be considered if the signs so
obtained do not correspond with that as obtained by the principal.
Horoscope No.28
17/06/1913 Time 06:13:00 Day Tuesday Place Barelily Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:23
at 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0;12."24

Penchang Avakahacfa Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

Sideria) Time .:23:39:17 Hrs Gaa ^ Deva Saturn ; 7Y 1M 20D Bhramri : 1Y 6M 1D
Eq.oftime > 0:00:30 Hrs YonL : Wing Mars
Sunrise :5:16:29 Hrs Nadi z Madhya 06/08/1980 18/12/1946
Sunset :19:09:49 Hrs Varaa : Vipra 07/08/1987 18/12/1982
Samvat : 1970 Vashya Keetak Mars 02/01/1981 Bhramri 18/12/1950
Saka : 1835 Varga Sarp Rahu 21/01/1982 Bhadrika 18/12/1955
Month ; Jyestha Yunja i Madhya Jupiter 28/12/1982 Ulka 17/12/1961
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) .: Jal Saturn 05/02/1984 Sidha 17/12/1968
Tithi at Sunrise..: 14 Name Alphabet Noo-Nrihari Mercury 02/02/1985 Sankta 17/12/1976
Nakshatra : Anuradha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Copper Ketu 01/07/1985 Mangla 17/12/1977
Yoga ; Sadhya Hora Mars Venus 31/08/1986 Pingla 18/12/1979
Karan : Gara Chaugharia - Roga Sun 06/01/1987 Dhanya 18/12/1982

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Gem 2:49:27 Mer Mar Ven Ven Asc Gem 15:08:53 Mer Rah Ket Mer
Mon Sco 11:39:27 Mar Sat Mon Mer 2 Can 7:49:51 Mon Sat Ket Jup
Mar Ari 7:36:50 Mar Ket Jup Jup 3 Leo 2:34:08 Sun Ket Ven Mer
Mer Gem 19:32:51 Mer Rah Mar Sat 4 Vir 1:58:01 Mer Sun Jup Mer
Jup -R Sag 22:50:47 Jup Ven Sat Ven 5 Lib 6:29:32 Ven Mar Mon Ven
Ven Ari 18:27:45 Mar Ven Rah Jup 6 Sco 12:23:40 Mar Sat Mar Sat
Sat Tau 17:31:35 Ven Mon Sat Jup 7 Sag 15:08:53 Jup Ven Ven Mer
Rah -R Pis 6:49:30 Jup Sat Mer Jup 8 Cap 7:49:51 Sat Sun Ven Ven
Ket -R Vir 6:49:30 Mer Sun Mer Sat 9 Aqu 2:34:08 Sat Mar Ket Mer
Ura -R Cap 14:40:27 Sat Mon Jup Ket 10 Pis 1:58:01 Jup Jup Rah Sat
Nep Can 2:11:51 Mon Jup Rah Sat 11 Ari 6:29:32 Mar Ket Rah Mer
Plu Gem 7:03:40 Mer Rah Rah Jup 12 Tau 12:23:40 Ven Mon Rah Jup

Fortuna; Scorpio 23:58:53 Navamsa Chart

Mar Kel/\.
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
\ 12XlOy/
VX 11 X9 Plu
Mar Sal 116' SiF
Ven 12i2* '
Veia- SaiB-
Rah \ Nep / \ Sat / iHLj\ Mar\/ \ / Jup
3X 5 Xj Mon
\y \yven \4 / \ 2/ven Ne2,
Sat/4Y. * / 6\Sun
sYSun 3 MerY1 5V Mer Nep Vi 28•
[S ttep Y. VenY.
/ \ ^ / XMer / \ /\Mar
Ket 6 12 Rah Ket 6 12 Rah n. Mer \Ven Mon
Ure \ 9 .
X 8 >^6
Uns' \ Rah / ^
7Y 9 Y11 as- Mon7
Ura /8 Jup y I0V 6\ jup /10> 5 Plu
/ Mon \ / Ura \ I Ket \ / Ura
61 r f Nep12 X 2 X, 4
M012' Xl\ / 3 X Ket
/ \ / Sat \
■ I 50' / \X Mar Sun \
Horoscope No. 98
te 16/10/1947 Time 09:06:08 Day Thursday Place Kaapur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
al 26:27:00 North Long 80:19:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:08:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsotfari Yoglni

SidenalTlme .:.:10:32:41 Hrs Gan Raksbas Jupiter; 12Y11M280 Dhanya ;2Y5M7D
Eq.oftime .:0:14:13Hrs Yoni. ^ Vyaghra Saturn
Sunrise ,.:6:09:18. Hrs Nadi Anlya 13/10/1960 16/10/1947
Sunset .:17:39:28 Hrs Varan Shoodra 14/10/1979 24/03/1983
Samvat 2004 Vashya - Manav Saturn 17/10/1963 Dhanya 24/03/1950
Saka 1869 Varga - Sarp Mercury 26/06/1966 Bhramri 24/03/1954
Month Asvina Yunja > fwladhya Ketu 05/08/1967 Bhaprika 24/03/1959
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) : Vayu Venus 04/10/1670 Ulka 24/03/1965
Tithi at Sunrise.. 2 Name Alphabet Sun 164)9/1971 Sidha 23/03^1972
Nakshatra Vis^kha Tee-Teerath/Tilak Moon 17/04/1973 Sankta 23/03/1980
Yoga Prjti Paya{Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Copper Mars 27/05/1974 Mangla 24/03/1981
Karan K^rulava Hora - Sun Rahu 02/04/1977 Rngta 24/03/1983

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 29:03:42 Mer Mar Sat Sun Asc Sco 6:59:17 Mar Sat Mer Jup
Mon Lib 22:30:16 Ven Jup Sat Ket 2 Sag 7:00:28 Jup Ket Rah Ven
riVter Can 15:^:22 Mon Sat Jup Mer 3 Cap 9:37:28 Sat Sun Ven Mer
Mer Lib 23:47:54 Ven Jup Sat Jup 4 Aqu 13:32.47 Sat Rah Mer Mar
Jup Sco 5:30:42 Mar Sat Mer Mer 5 Pis 15:26:05 Jup Sat Jup Mer
Ven Lib 10:20:38 Ven Rah Jup Rah 6 Ah 13:02:38 Mar Ket Mer Sat
Sat Can 27:39:29 Mon Mer Jup Rah 7 Tau 6:59:17 Ven Sun Mer Sat
Rah R Tau.- 0:47:14 Ven Sun Rah Ven 8 Gem 7:00:28 Mer Rah Rah Jup
Ket R Sco 0:47:14 Mar Jup Mar Jup 9 Can 9:37:28 Mon Sat Ven Sat
Ura R Gem 3:13:42 Mer Mar Ven Mon 10 Leo 13:32:47 Sun Ven Ven Ven
Nep Vir 18:06:28 Mer Mon Mer Ket 11 Vir 15:26:05 Mer Mon Jup Rah
Plu Can 21:51:15 Mon Mer Sun Jup 12 Lib 13:02:38 Ven Rah Mer Ven

Portuna; Sagittarius 0:25:51 Navamaa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal Xv Jup
Mtr fiS/sun C kJ

X 0 X NID)
/ \Mflr Mon / \Mon Mor/
NKdjup/ Rih 10^>\ 12 Mar
\ / 8 \Vfln / /Sun
XV V/Nap Van/11\^ Set yS 1X.
10V Jup m Ve 6 Van 910' / X / Mon \
/\ / XSun \N0P
\jup Mei/^
X. S/ure
X/P'u /Plu 6 X4
y 4 Sat X4 Sat /\ Kit
^aXMar 3\Mar
Sit 9
Ura \
Van Me24' Mow' VanX/ Xv/Mon
oX 12 X2
HH Mer t2ir Vflifl! Rah/llX. S1 XWtr
Horoscope No. 99
ate08/03/1948 Time 10:06:41 Day Monday Place Hapur Sri Sanstan Ayanamsa 22".52:22
at 28:43:00 North Long 77:47:00 East Zone 82:30.00 East Time Corr -0:18:52

Panchang Avakahada Ghakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTfrne :20:51;00Hrs Gan. Rakshas Mars :6Y 1M0D Pingla : 1Y8M 26D
Eq.oftime 0:10:55 Hrs Yoni Simha Rahu
Sunrise :6:38:19 Hrs Nadi Madhya 08/04/1954 08/03/1948
Sunset :18:21:32 Hrs Varan Vaishya 07/04/1972 03/12/1983
Samvat : 2004 Vashya Jalchar Rahu 19/12/1956 Pingla 03/12/1949
Saka : 1869 Varga.... Marjar Jupiter 15/05/1959 Dhanya 03/12/1952
Month : Phalguna Yunja Anlya Saturn 21/03/1962 Bhramri 03/12/1956
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tarva) Bhoomi Mercury 07/10/1964 Bhadrika 03/12/1961
Tithi at Sunrise..; 13 Name Alphabet Gaa-Gagan Ketu 26/10/1965 Ulka 03/12/1967
Nakshatra : Dhanishlha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Silver-Copper Venus 25/10/1968 Sidha 03/12/1974
Yoga Shiva Hora Mars Sun 19/09/1969 Sankta 03/12/1982
Karan Chaugharia Shubh Moon 21/03/1971 Mangla 03/12/1983

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Aqu 24:39:19 Tau 3:15:06 Ven Sun Sat Sat
Cap 25:04.45 Tau 29:36:44 Ven Mar Sat Rah
-R Can 28:08:27 Gem 22:54:35 Mler Jup Sat Sun
Cap 29:32:53 Can 17:25:29 Mon Mer Mer Sun
Sag 3:52:43 Leo 16:51:56 Sun Ven Mon Sat
Ari 7:00:46 Vir 23:32:02 Mer Mar Mar Jup
■R Can 24:14:52 Sco 3:15:06 Mar Jup Rah Mar
■R Ari 23:06:21 Sco 29:36:44 Mar Mer Sat Rah
■R Lib 23:06:21 Sag 22:54:35 Jup Ven Sat Ven
Tau 29:15:49 Cap 17:25:29 Sat Mon Sat Rah
■R Vir 19:23:52 Aqu 16:51:56 Sat Rah Ven Sat
■R Can 20:09:32 Pis 23:32:02 Jup Mer Mar Jup

Fortuna: Arias 3:40:32 Navamaa Chart

X Sat yXX
Lsgnfa Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal
\11 / \9 y
Mer 12 X PIU 10 X8
1 V8 Ura Ve?" 13*
Una- 2J0' Kat 1 7 Rah
\ / \Rah Ven > / \ Rah Van / Sun \ / X / Mar
2 4
Ma\ 3 / \i / \7 / \l2/ j y\ X®
Jup S3 x^ yX 5 \ Ur8
Sat4Vura 2 Vl2 3X Ura 2 XllSun W yVen Mon
Plu/ \ /\
0 5 X 11 Sun Mar 4 Sal V Mar 10 Mon
\ Plu / \ /
v /Mon
Mar N8PSX X10
Mon /7 aXMer
^Mon 2 Katy^Rah 0 Sat
/ Kat Jup \ I Nap yX Xv Nap y^
— >
K&y War Xx Xx 5u
3X 5 X?
Vflny4 x y 9 xUr
330 Preticling Marriage

Illustration Nos. 11.5 and 11.6 (Horoscope Nos. 98 and 99] - Suppose we have
to find out the Moon sign of the native of horoscope no. 98. To find out the
Moon sign of the wife of the native-
Add the longitudes of the Lagna lord Mars 3 15 20
Add the longitudes of the 7th lord Venus 6 10 04

Total 9 25 24

i.e. Capricorn at 25° 24'

It means that the Moon sign of the wife should be Cpricorn. After an
examination of the horoscope of the wife of the native we find that her Moon
sign is really Capricorn only.

Let us find out the Lagna of the wife of the native

(a) Lagna is Scorpio and the lord thereof falls in Cancer. The Lagna may be
the 5th, 7th or 9th from these signs i.e. Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn or
Taurus (8, 4, 12, 10, 2).

(b) Lagna lord Mars obtains the Navamsa of Scorpio. The 5th, 7th and 9th
places from there are Pisces, Taurus and Cancer (8, 12, 2, 4).

(c) The 7th lord Venus obtains the Capricorn Navamsa. The 5th, 7th and 9th
signs are Taurus, Cancer and Virgo (10, 2, 4, 6).

(d) Navamsa Lagna is Virgo. The 5th , 7th and 9th signs from there are
Capricorn, Pisces and Taurus (i.e. 6, 10, 12, 2).

The most common sign in (a), (b), (c) and (d) is Taurus which should be the
Lagna of the wife of the native. A glance over the horoscope of his wife makes
clear that her Lagna is really Taurus.

The second-most common signs are Capricorn and Cancer either of which
should be the Moon sign of the wife of the native. Both Cancer and Capricorn
are 7th from each other. By adding the longitudes of the Lagna and the 7th lord,
we have worked out Capricorn. So reject Cancer and conclude that only
Capricorn will be the Moon sign of the wife and Taurus will be the Lagna.

With practice one can attain perfection in working out the Lagna and Moon
sign of the sopouse within no time.

We have also said that exaltation or debililtation sign of the lord of the Lagna,
the 7th or that of the Moon sign may be Moon sign of the would be partner.
Here the Lagna lord Mars gets exalted in Capricorn where the Moon of the wife
falls. In the horoscope of wife the Moon sign lord Saturn gets exalted in Libra
which happens to be the Moon sign of the husband. Such analysis in matching
of horoscope helps a lot not only in finding out the suitable match but also in
the calculation of Moon sign, Lagna and birth constellation of the prospective
spouse. This also helps us a lot in deciding the porbable match even if the

matching points are insufficient.

We have found that Samasaptak Lagnas of husband and wife are best even if
the matching points are less than the required number. If the sign occupied by
the Lagna lord becomes the Moon sign or Lagna of the partner and the sign
occupied by the Lagna lord of the wife becomes the Lagna or Moon sign of the
husband, it signifies a very happy, prosperous and long lasting married life.

Birth Constellation of Life Partner - The birth constellation of the native's

spouse will be either of the following

1. The constellation owned or joined by the 7th lord.

2. The constellation owned or joined by the planet who is stationed at 7th


3. The constellation owned or joined by the planet aspecting the 7th house.

After fixing the Moon sign of the spouse, examine the Nakshatras of planets
placed in the 7th house, planets aspecting the 7th house and owner of the 7th
house. The Nakshatra in which the most prominent and effective planet falls,
will be the Janam Nakshatra or the wife or husband as the case may be.

In horoscope no. 28 Mercury is aspecting the 7th house. Therefore, the

constellation of his wife falls in Revati, the constellation of Mercury. In case of
the wife (horoscope no. 5) Saturn aspects 7th house, therefore, the husband's
birth constellation is Anuradha, i.e. of Saturn.

In the horoscope no.96 we have fixed that the Moon sign of the wife of the
native should be Capricorn, which consists of three constellations. 1.
Uttarashadha. 2. Sharavana. 3. Dhanishtha.

Let us examine the occupant of the 7th house, Rahu, which falls in the Krittika
Nakshatra ruled by the Sun. The 7th lord Venus falls in Swati Nakshatra ruled
by Rahu, Jupiter aslo aspects the 7th house which falls in Anuradha Nakshatra.
Thus the concerning planets fall in Krittika, Swati and Anuradha which are
owned by the the Sun, Rahu and Saturn respectively. Constellation of Capricorn
sign, which we have fixed the Moon sign of the wife, are owned by the Sun,
Moon and Mars. The Sun is common in both. Therefore, Sun"s Nakshatra
Uttarashadha should be the Janam Nakshatra of the wife.

We have introduced a new method for finding out the Janam Nakshatra of
wife provided we can first of all correctly fix up the Moon sign of the spouse.
Examine which planet out of the three lords of constellation of the particular
Moon sign is most prominent in respect to the 7th house. Also examine the
Navamsa of the concerning planets for the correct judgement.

For instance in horoscope no. 28 following are the possible constellations

constellation ruled by Jupiter.

332 Pre tic ting Marriage

constellation ruled by Mercury.

constellation of the 7th lord Jupiter i.e. Poorvashadha.

constellation of the Mercury i.e. Aridra.

The Moon sign as we have worked out above can only be Pisces. Pisces consists
of three constellations. Poorva Bhadrapada one Pada and Uttarabhadrapada 4
Padas and Revati 4 Padas owned by Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury respectively.
So the possibility of Poorvashadha and Aridra are ruled out. Thus, the birth
constellation of the native's wife should either be Poorvabhadrapada or Revati.
And, the native's wife was indeed born under Revati.

In the case of the native of horoscope no.98 Jupiter and Venus are playing
quite prominent role in respect th the 7th house. Jupiter falls in the Navamsa of
the Sun whereas Venus falls in the Navamsa of Saturn. Capricorn contains the
Nakshatra of the Sun i.e. Uttarashadha and not of Saturn. Therefore, the Janam
Nakshatra of the wife will be Uttarashadha only. Similarly in the horoscope no.
4 we see that Mars owns the 7th house and falls in Jupiter's Navamsa Pisces.
There is no other planet which is influencing the 7th house. The Moon sign of
her husband may be worked out as Libra which contains Chitta, Swati and
Vishakha respectively ruled by Mars, Rahu and Jupiter. The 7th lord Mars falls
in the Navamsa of Jupiter. So the Nakshatra of Jupiter i.e. Vishakha, as it falls in
Libra will be the birth constellation of her busband.

There is a close connection in Navamsa and Nakshatras. Single Pada of

Nakshtra donsists of 302(T whereas one Navamsa also contains 3° 20\ Total
Pada of 27 constellations are 27° x 4= 108 and total number of Navamsas are
also 12 x 9 =» 108. Therefore, Nakshatras and Navamsa go side by side and play
a prominent role in the judgement of various aspects of the spouse. Nine Pada
i.e. 4 Padas of two constellations and I Pada of the 3rd constellation form one
sign. Similarly, one Moon sign contains nine Navamsas. It is better to find out
the Navamsa occupied by the planets influencing the 7th house in one way or
the other. Nakshatra contained in the sign of the lord of Navamsa occupied by
such planets influencing the 7th house will decide the birth-constellation.

Direction and Distance of the Life Partner - Mantreshwar has specified the
direction of the prospective wife or husband in the following Sloka

"gJIWr TFfeFTPJtf f^TT SrafcT Ic^SfT: I

mniRI to ftw 11"

(Phaldeepika ch.10/12)

The authors opine that the direction of the wife will be indicated by any of
the following planets :

1.^ The sign which falls in the 7th house.


2. The sign occupied by the lord of (he 7th house.

3. The sign tenanted by Venus.

The direction controlled by these planets will indicate the directional

whereabouts of the wife.

Further it is added in this Sloka that the marriage takes place when the 7th
lord or Venus transits in the Navamsa of the Lagnadhipati or in a triangle from

Jatak Desh Marga has a different opinion about the directional whereabouts
of the propective spouse.

TRrf ||"

(Ch. 13/13)

The wife will come from the direction controlled by (i) the planet which is
posited in the 7th house (ii) the planet which aspects the 7th house.

Add the longitudes of the lord of the 7th house in that of Venus. Substract 12
signs from the sum if it is more than 12 signs. The lord of the sign represented
by the remainder will indicate the direction of the wife. See that the sign of
remainder falls in which Navamsa. If the Navams a occupied is a stationary sign,
marriage will take place at a nearby place. In case of common sign the residence
of wife will neither be far off nor very near. Should the moving sign be occupied
by the Navamsa the wife comes from a very distant place. In horoscope no. 28
lord of the 7th house Jupiter indicates south-east while the aspecting planets
Sun, Mercury indicate east and north directions. None of the indicated directions
appear to be correct in this case. So add


The longitudes of Jupiter 8 22 35

In the longitudes of Venus 0 18 32

8 40 47

(X 9 10 47
The native got actually married in Badaun which is on the west side. Jatak
Desh Marga suggests that Navamsa lord of the resultant will indicate the
approximate distance. Here 10o47" of Capricorn falls in the Aries in Navamsa.
Aries is a moving sign. So the marriage should take place at a far off distance.
They were actually living more than 500 kms. apart.

In our experience this formula is found to be applicable in the horoscope of

males only.
In the horoscope of girls, if the significator Jupiter or the lord of the 7th house
334 Pref feting Marriage

is associated or aspected by malefics in the 5th or 9th house, the in-laws" house
will be far off depending exactly upon the amount of affliction. Similarly if
Saptamadhipati or Jupiter joins 2nd or I0(h house in conjuntion with malefics,
the husband will belong to a distant place. If 2nd ,5th, 7th and 10th house have
connection with malefics or if they are aspected or joined by malefics and fall in
the evil Navamsa, the residence of the husband will be far off.
If the Sun, Moon, Venus and the lord of the 7th house are posited in first to
7th house, the husband's residence will be quite near. If these planets join 8th to
12th house the residence will be at much distance. If all these planets join 1st to
4th house, the husband will be from the same town or city. If these planets join
5th, 9th and 8th houses, the husband will be residing within 40 miles.
Family status of the propective spouse - To know the status of the family of
the prospective spouse, one should judge the strength of the lord of the 7th
house. A strong lord of the 7th house assures that the spouse will come from a
rich family while a weak lord of the 7th house represents that the girl of a poor
family will become his wife.
[eld 1^1 qfVrf ^bdlcf I

dfWuil m W I l"
(JatakaDesh MargCh. 13/14)
The second line of the above Sloka means that weak lord of the 7th house
does not bestow a beautiful wife. This is rfotcorrect as far as practical observation
is concerned. In our experience the planets which are aspecting the 7th house,
or are placed there in Rasi as well as Navamsa chart, indicate the physical
appearance of the spouse.
If the lord of the 7th house is stronger than that of the Lagna, occupies a
banefic Navamsa or is placed favourably without any aspect, the wife will belong
to a very respectable high caste family and will have a prestigious poistion in
society. In case, the Lagna lord is stronger than the 7th lord, the native will
himself belong to a better family than that of his wife.
If the lord of the 2nd house is posited in the sign of its exaltation the wife will
come from a rich family. Should the 2nd lord be placed in the sign of debilitation,
the wife will belong to a poor family.
In horoscope no. 28 the lord of the 2nd house Moon occupies Scorpio which
happens to be the sign of her debilitation. The wife of the native belongs to a
poor family though Jupiter in the 7th house has made her highly religious,
devoted, good looking, gentle and intelligent- Here the lagna lord Mercury is
stronger than the 7th lord Jupiter though both occupy their own signs resulting
into Bhadrika and Hamsa Yoga. Here the native belongs to a higher family
than wife's.
The Beauty & Structure of the Prospective Wife - As soon as the growing
children start thinking of their marriage, the first point which they aspire for, is
a deep concern for beauty, appearance, structure, health and nature of the life

partner. Let us discuss about the physical character of the prospective wife. The
7th house, its lord, planet or planets placed therein, Navamsa lord of
Saptamadhipati and planets who are aspecting the 7th house or its lord or are
influencing the 7th lord by way of conjunction, play vital roles in the judgement
of the physical structure, appearance and nature etc. of the wife.
Complexion of the wife- First of all, try to judge which planet predominates
over the 7th house. If the Moon, Venus or Jupiter have stronger influence, the
complexion of the wife will be fair. If Saturn, Rahu or Ketu are dominating, the
complexion of the wife will be dark. If Mars controls the 7th house, the wife
will be having a reflexion of pink colour over her fair skin. The Sun or Mercury
give a wheatish complexion.
Apperarance & Nature of the wife - Sun - If the Sun predominates over the
7th house, the complexion of wife will be wheatish. She will appear quite aged
even in her young age. She will be of average height. The voice or speech of the
wife be deep. She may not be very charming.
Moon - If waxing Moon predominates over the 7th house, the wife will be
good looking, and will be of childish behaviour. She will be innocent and
will possess large eyes. The innocence of her nature will be an attraction in
her personality.
If the Moon is waning, the childish behaviour will be indecisive and irritating
at times. She may suffer from diseases connected with blood or skin infections.
The complexion will be rough and not so far as is indicated in case of waxing
Moon. In that case the complexion of the wife will be fair and skin too will be
silky, smooth and spotless, provided such a waxing Moon is unafflicted. If Moon
is afflicted the defect in any organ is quite possible.
Mars - If the influence of Mars predominates over the 7th house, the wife will
be beautiful. She will have a well developed physical structure. The wife will be
very active, short tempered and quite smart and talkative. If Mars is weak or
afflicted, she will be quarrelsome and not good looking.
Mercury - The wife will be good looking, intelligent, witty and well educated,
when Mercury has the most signigicant role over the 7th house. If the Mercury
is malefic and is badly associated, the wife will not be good looking, will be dark
and unintelligent. This is an adverse position in respect of mental disposition of
Jupiter - Predominance of Jupiter over the 7th house gives a beautiful wife
inclined towards corupulence. She will be intelligent,fair and possesses a magnetic
personality. She may have a few masuline quailities too.
Venus - If the predominance of Venus is there over the 7th house, wife will
generally be beautiful and fair. She will be very attractive and will possess decent
manners. She will be blessed with all femanine qualities and will have interest
in music, fine arts, etc. She will love to lead a life full of comfort and luxury. In
case of exalted Venus, the wife will be exceptionally beautiful and will have
immense charm in whole of herpersonilty. Venus is a planet which rules beauty.
336 Pre tiding Marriage

Saturn - If Saturn predominates over the 7th house it will result into a wife
having an old and aged appearance at times. She will be unimpressive. The organs
may be defective if Saturn is afflicted in the 7th house. She may have irritating
temperament and may be cold and quarrelsome. In case of exalted or Swakshetriya
Saturn, the wife will be all right and will not appear old.
Rahu and Ketu - If nodes have an upper edge over the 7th house, the wife will
be unattractive, quarrelsome and of wicked nature. She will be ill-tempered. The
appearance and behaviour of wife will invite tensions to her husband. If benefics or
Yogakaraka planets are associated with Rahu or Ketu, the evils may be minimised
but may not produce perfect good results.
Masculine & Feminine Qualities - It will be required to judge whether Moon,
Venus or Mercury play an important role in having a predominnce over the 7th
house. The wife will bear generally all feminine qualities in her nature and
behaviour if it is so, but the case will be different if these planets do not
predominate over the 7th house. The wife may be endowed with masculine
qualities of the Sun, Mars or Jupiter if these play predominance over "Kalatra
Bhava". Saturn, Rahu and Ketu may bless the wife with a mixed nature, jf either
of these predominate over the 7th house.
Good or Bad Appearance of wife - Find out the Atma Karaka planet in a horoscope
and see the Navamsa occupied by that Atma Karaka planet. The planet who is at
highest degrees leaving signs aside is called Atma Karaka planet and has his own
importance in any horoscope. Now see the Navamsa occupied by the Atma Karaka
planet. It Saturn is placed in the 7th house from the Navamsa occupied by the Atma
Karaka planet, the wife will be older to her husband. If Jupiter and Moon are placed
in the 7th house from Atma Karaka planet in Navamsa chart the wife will be very
charming. We have distinctly observed that Mercury and Jupiter if placed opposite to
each other in Lagna and 7th house synchronising with dual sign will give more than
one marriage to the native.
Illustration No. 11.7 (Horoscope No. 100) - Venus is Atma Karaka planet as it has
degree 28038, of Cancer and obtains the Navmsaof its exaltation. Saturn occupies the
7th place in Navamsa of Venus in Lagna chart. Therefore, the wife of the native must
be older than the native. In fact, the native of this horoscope has a love marriage with
a woman who was ten years older to him. The lady who enjoyed as many as four
marriages earlier to this marriage was working in TV Centres as an actress. The
native was trapped by her falselove and got married to her. None in the family of the
native ever thought that he would marry a thirty two year old lady who has so many
divorces. As Soon as he was twenty one she forced him for a court marriage. The
astrology can explain this, Saturn being placed in 7th in Navamsa of Atma Karaka,
Venus . The birth of two male children took place and the wife of the native again
sought divorce with the native and left him under serious mental depression and
acute tension. She is in search of her next partner.
If Mars is placed in the same situation, the wife may have defective limbs or organs.
But she will have a good looking face. If a benefic Mercury falls in the same position
Horoscope No. 100
^3/08/1960 Time 03:15:00 Day Wednesday Place Bhagalpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
J-at 25:14:00 North Long 86:59:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:17:56

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SideriaUime .:0:18:51 Mrs Gan Rakshas Mercury 14Y 4M 9D Bhadrika : 4Y 2M 20D
Eq.oftime 0:06:11 Mrs Yoni. Mrig Venus
Sunrise :5:10:54 Mrs Nadi- Adya 12/12yi 981 03/08/1960
Sunset : 18:25:17 Hrs Varan Vipia 12/12/2001 24/10/1995
Samvat : 2017 Vashya Keelak Venus 13/04/1985 Bhadrika 23/10/1964
Saka : 1882 Varga Sarp Sun 13/04/1986 Ulka 24/10/1970
Month : Sravana Yunja Antya Moon 13/12/1987 Sidha 24/10/1977
Paksh : ShukJa HansakfTatva) Jal Mars 11/02/1989 Sankta 24/10/1985
Tithi at Sunrise..: 10 Name Alphabet No-Naunihaa! Rahu 12/02/1992 Mangla 24/10/1986
Nakshatra : Jyestha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Gold-Copper Jupiter 13/10/1994 Pingla 23/10/1988
Yoga : Endra Hora Sun Saturn 12/12/1997 Ohanya 24/10/1991
Karan : Vanij Chaugharia Roga Mercury 12/10/2000 Bhramri 24/10/1995

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 17:30:55 Mon Mer Mer Mon Asc Gem 21:43:57 Mer Jup Jup Rah
Mon Sco 18,44:14 Mar Mer Ket Sun 2 Can 15:11:33 Mon Sat Jup Sat
Mar Tau 7:25:47 Ven Sun Ket Rah 3 Leo 11:22:08 Sun Ket Sat Jup
Mer Gem 28:51:22 Mer Jup Sun Mon 4 Vir 12:05:25 Mer Mon Rah Rah
Jup -R Sag 1:13:12 Jup Ket Ven Sun 5 Lib 16:25:41 Ven Rah Ven Jup
Ven Can 28:53:21 Mon Mer Sat Ven 6 Sco 20:32:11 Mar Mer Ven Jup
Sat -R Sag 20:13:57 Jup Ven Jup Jup 7 Sag 21:43:57 Jup Ven Jup Rah
Rah -R Leo 23:00:48 Sun Ven Sat Sun 8 Cap 15:11:33 Sat Mon Jup Mon
Ket -R Aqu 23:00:48 Sat Jup Sat Mon 9 Aqu 11:22:08 Sat Rah Sat Ven
Ura Can 27:39:47 Mon Mer Jup Rah 10 Pis 12:05:25 Jup Sat Mon Sun
Nep Lib 13:23:08 Ven Rah Mer Mon 11 Arl 16:25:41 Mar Ven Mon Rah
Plu Leo 11:57:52 Sun Ket Mer Ven 12 Tau 20:32:11 Ven Mon Ven Ven

Fortuna: Libra 22:57:16 Navamsa Chart

\ XX Ven Mar y
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
2 s 1 XT Ura S
Mer 3\C JuP Ket
><11 Nep
\ Sun Ven/ \ Mar / \Sifn Ven/ \ /
\ Ura / \ / 5XSat 7 RahVg
Pto\4/ V// Sun Plu\4 / \2/ / 6 X /8
. sV^er 3 Vl Ven Ke23- sVMer 3 Vl Mar 215"
Rah/ \ /\ Ura Rah/ \ / \ Suts-
9«' / \ / \ Dasamsa
/ \/ \ Ve29'
^Nep 6 V 12 } \ Nep 7\Ven
X / X Ura X
\ / \ / 3ii' Merl2X<^Mon 10 /(* P!u
\/ ■ \/ Ph2'
NeprVJup 9 SatVliKet MonTV 9 VilKet Ra2r
8 10
8 / \ / \
/ \ /10\
\ / \ /Jup Sai\ / .\
62r 516"
M013' Nets*
Men Nep Sat X .
Horoscope No. 101
^21/10/1940 Time 17-.02:17 Day Monday Place Muzaffamagar Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa
Lat 29:28.00 North Long 77:42:00 Eas( Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:19:12

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottarl Yoginl

SiderialTlme .:18:42:07 Hrs Gan. Deva Mars: 2Y 4M 21D Sankta ; 2Y 8M 24D
Eq.oftime :0:15:19 Hrs Yoni Sarp Saturn
Sunrise :6:25:44 Hrs Nadi Marihya 13/03/1977 16/07/1971
Sunset :17;41:45 Hrs Varan Shoodra 13/03/1996 16/07/2007
Samvat : 1997 Vashya Manav Saturn 16/03/1980 Sankta 16/07/1979
Saka : 1862 Varga Marjar Mercury 24/11/1982 Mangla 16/07/1980
Month : Kartika Yunja Poorva Ketu 03/01/1984 Pingla 16/07/1982
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 04/03/1987 Dhanya 16/07/1985
Tithi at Sunrise..: 5 Name Alphabet Ka-Kamal Sun 14/02/1988 Bhramri 16/07/1989
Nakshatra : Mrigsira Paya(Rasi-Nak) fran-Gold Moon 15/09/1989 Bhadrika 16/07/1994
Yoga : Parigh Hora Mars Mars 25/10/1990 Ulka 16/07/2000
Karan : Taitila Chaugharia Am rit Rahu 31/08/1993 Sidha 16/07/2007

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 5:09:02 Ven Mar Sun Jup Aso Pis 22:20:06 Jup Mer Mon Mar
Men Gem 2:06:43 Mer Mar Ket Mon 2 Ari 27:08:46 Mar Sun Sun Mer
Mar Vir 17:29:22 Mer Mon Sat Rah 3 Tau 23:30:36 Ven Mar Mar Jup
Mer Lib 29:27:57 Ven Jup Mon Mon 4 Gem 16:54:30 Mer Rah Ven Sat
Jup -R Ari 19:31:50 Mar Ven Rah Ven 5 Can 11:38:58 Mon Sat Mon Mer
Ven Leo 23:58:07 Sun Ven Sat Jup 6 Leo 12:14:06 Sun Ket Mer Mon
Sat -R Ari 19:35:47 Mar Ven Rah Ven 7 Vir 22:20:06 Mer Mon Ven Mer
Rah -R Vir 18:14:00 Mer Mon Mer Ven 8 Lib 27:08:46 Ven Jup Ven Mon
Ket -R Pis 18:14:00 Jup Mer Mer Jup 9 Sco 23:30:36 Mar Mer Mar Jup
Ura -R Tau 2:23:55 Ven Sun Jup Sun 10 Sag 16:54:30 Jup Ven Mon Mer
Nep Vir 3:39:40 Mer Sun Sat Ket 11 Cap 11:38:58 Sat Mon Mar Ket
Plu Can 11:31:17 Mon Sat Mon Sat 12 Aqu 12:14:06 Sat Rah Sat Rah

rtuna: Scorpio 19:17:46 Navamsa Chart

Nep Ket S
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal
Nv11 /^ 9
12 V' Ura 10 X8
Jup Lira sun
1 Plu 7 Mon y
Ket |\Jup Sat/ \ /
2X 4 4"
\ 1 / \y | Plu
T/"\,r 5\53l
Ura 2 X Ket 12 X10 Mon2V Sat
YlO PI12 / RabX.
Mar MerX^
f Mon 3 Y 3 Pu 3 Mer >y X. Ket
\ 4 / \^2y
\ / Nep \ / sXmoh 3 Nepy/l
Plu 4y^M3r 6 RahS/e mr 4X 6 XIS Va24 / \ Piu / >
/ 5
\ / \ 7 / P,\ Sun / 7 12 Ven
/ Ven \ /Mer Sun
Jup 7X
/Sun Rah

the wife will be learned and intelligent. The wife will be stupid if afflicted or malefic
Mercury is in the same position.
Saturn and Mercury's conjunction results in a marriage with a widow. Moon and
Satum will result in the marriage with a divorced woman if they fall in the 7th house.
The wife may be the daughter of a divorced lady if the combination is well aspected.
If the lord of the 5th house is Satum or 5th house is in the Navamsa of Saturn and the
Moon is in opposition of any planet, the native will marry a widow. If Venus owns the
5th house or the Navamsa of Venus falls in the 5th house and the Sun is opposed by
any planet, the wife will get widow. One may be gotmarried with a divorced lady if
afflicted Mars be there in the 7th house in a friendly sign.
The wife will not be good looking if the 7th lord receives the aspect of malefic planets
by being placed in the 6th, 8th or I2th house.
If the 7th lord and Venus fall in even signs the wife will be blessed with perfect
feminine look. It will enhance the beauty of the wife if the Navamsa occupied by the
7th lord Venus is an even sign. The appearance,nature and behaviour will be inclined
towards masculine, in case the 7th lord and Venus fall in odd signs and Navamsa.
These qualities will be further enhanced if the signs so occupied by the concerning
planets belong to the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Satum. This also holds good for female
appearance if the concerning planets stay tnthe signs of Moon, Venus or Mercury. All
planets own two signs except the luminaries, the Sun and Moon. If the 7th lord Sun
and Kalatra Karaka Venus fall in the sign of Moon, Mercury or Venus, the degree of
masculine qualities will be very little, but if the same planets fall in the signs of Mars,
Sun, Saturn or Jupiter the wife will be of masculine nature and temperament. A
further study may also be made. If the lord of the 7th house and Venus fall in the
origin of masculine planef's sign and that too in the odd signs out of the ownership
over two signs, the wife will be very masculine in qualities and appearance.
If the lord of the 7th house and Karaka Venus faliin the even signs and Navamsa, the
wife will be beautiful. If the owner of the 7th house is a femlaeplanet, the beauty will
be further increased. If the even sign and Navamsa occupied by the 7th lord pertain
to female planets, the wife will be extremely beautiful. If the 7th house and Venus are
well placed or femaleplanets stay in the 7th house, absolutely unaspectedby maleffcs,
in addition to the above conditions, the wife will be exceptionally beautiful. The same
may be applied for masculine planets and odd sign. In that case the wife will be below
average in appearance. Let us illustrate the above in horoscopes.
Illustration No.11.8 (Horoscope No. 101} - The 7th lord Mercury is a female planet
but it falls in odd sign and in own but odd Navamsa i£. Gemini. Kalatra Karaka Venus
also joins the 6th house in odd sign Leo. Venus joins Mars Navamsa. The native is very
handsome but wife is not beautiful. In this chart Mercury plays a prominent role over
the 7th house as an owner of Saturn and Jupiter. We have mentioned above that if
afflicted Mercury predominates over the 7th house, the wife will be unattractive and
will not be intelligent and may not be well mannered. We have also said that wife will be
bad looking if 7th lord joins 6th, 8th orl2th house and is aspected by malefics. Therefore,
the handsome native has been blessed with a dark and below average looking wife.
Horoscope No. 102
28/08/1963 Time 10:15:00 Day Wednesday Place Dholpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
at 26.43:00 North Long 77:53:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TimeCorr -0:18:28

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderlalTlme .:8:19:18 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Mercury : 11Y 4M 10D Bhadrika : 3Y4M30
Eq.oftime 0:01:26 Mrs Yoni - Mng Ketu
Sunrise :5:57:04 Hrs Nadi i Adya 07^)1/1975 28/08/1963
Sunset-. :18:42:18 Hrs Varan. i Vipra 07/01/1982 30/12/1997
Samvat : 2020 Vashya : Keetak Ketu 05/06/1975 Bhadrika 31/12/1966
Saka : 1885 Varga : Mrig Venus 04/08/1976 Ulka 30/12/1972
Month : Bhadra Yunja : Antya Sun 10/12/1976 Sidha 31/12/1979
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Jal A/loon 11/07/1977 Sankta 31/12/1987
Tithi at Sunrise..: 9 Name Alphabet Yaa-Yatendra A/lars 07/12/1977 Mangla 30/12/1988
Nakshatra : Jyestha Paya(Rasi-Nak) ; Silver-Copper Rahu 26/12/1978 Pingla 31/12/1990
Yoga : Vtshkumbh Hora ^ Mais Jupiter 02/12/1979 Dhanya 30/12/1993
Karan : Balava Chaugharia ^ Keal Saturn 09/01/1981 Bhramri 30/12/1997

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin ■■R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 11:05:01 Sun Ket Sat Rah Asc Lib 7:50:06 Ven Rah Rah Ket
Mon Sco 21:05:19 Mar Mer Ven Sat 2 Sco 6:50:01 Mar Sat Mer Jup
Mar Vir 26:56:33 Mer Mar Jup Ket 3 Sag 7:29:06 Jup Ket Rah Mar
Mer Vir 7:58:49 Mer Sun Ven Ven 4 Cap 9:27:40 Sat Sun Ven Sat
Jup Pis 25:49:35 Jup Mer Rah Sun 5 Aqu 11:32:43 Sat Rah Sat Ven
Ven Leo 10:34:23 Sun Ket Sat Mon 6 Pis 11:30:15 Jup Sat Mon Sat
Sat Cap 25:34:12 Sat Mar Rah Ven 7 Ari 7:50.06 Mar Ket Jup Sat
Rah Gem 26:25:40 Mer Jup Ket Sat 8 Tau 6:50:01 Ven Sun Mer Sat
Ket Sag 26:25:40 Jup Ven Ket Jup 9 Gem 7:29:06 Mer Rah Rah Sat
Ura Leo 12:28:53 Sun Ket Mer Mar 10 Can 9:27:40 Mon Sat Ven Jup
Nep Lib 20:05:54 Ven Jup Jup Jup 11 Leo 11:32:43 Sun Ket Mer Mer
PIu Leo 18:32:21 Sun Ven Rah Jup 12 Vir 11:30:15 Mer Mon Mar Mer

rtuna : Capricorn 17:50:25 Navamsa Chart

\ Mon /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
\10 /
Jtp 11 >/ 9

Mer 12 PIu S Mar

\ Mon / Mer Mar/ \ Mon / \ Mar /

6/Ura Nep r/C 3 )\5. Sat
\ 8 / \ 8 / \ 6 /Mer
Ket SX^Nep 7 Ket sVViep 7 V,5 Ura 109" / Rah SVen UraNs,
Sun x
\ Sun
/ \ / \PIU
Sat 10 fsat 10 X Ven 4 Sun^ Mar ^Ven Sun\ /
Mon\iO 1/ B y/
Reh 1 o/llra 9 \
Pkl >v
11 X 3 Rah pju /
Sat /12 12 6 y
\ /S
/ Jup \
Nep I^Xf 3 ><5 Ket
Mon Nep i / Sat Oup Mer\

Illustration No. 11.9 (Horoscope No. 102} - This horoscope belongs to an engineer
who has been blessed with an exceptionally beautiful wife possessing very feminine
appearance and almost pinkish fair complexion. She is extremely intelligent, highly
educated, possesses outstanding good qualities of a dedicated wife and devoted mother.
The native is very fortunate to be blessed with such a life partner. The 7th lord Mars
joins the even sign Virgo in association with femaleplanetMercury. The 7th lord Mars
obtains Vargottam Navamsa and Kalatra Karaka Venus obtains the Navamsa of the
Moon, the most feminine planet.

Jupiter lends his benefic aspect over the 7th house as it also aspects the 7th house.
Predominance of Mars over the 7th house provides a beautiful active wife having well
developed and most proportionate figure. Association of Mercury and due to placement
in the sign and Navamsa of Mercury, immense intelligence has been allotted to her by
the Almighty. Any keen reader may ask about the placement of the 7th lord Mars in the
12th house and that too in an inimical sign. This however gives a remarkable black and
brown birth mark on her neck which slightly eclipsed the beauty of the most beautiful
wife. Thanks to the benefic aspect of Jupiterover Mars who has saved her a lot and even
the present scar has enhaced her beauty.

If the Sun aspects the 7th lord, the wife will be dull and unintelligent. If malefics like
Saturn and Mars aspect 7th house, the wife will be of wicked nature. If Mars and
Saturn are associated in the 7th house, the evils will be kept under check appreciably
instead of multiplying. In this regard, we have repeatedly pointed out that the evils of
Mars accelerated by the aspect or association of Jupiter and the malefic influence of
Mars is retarded by Saturn. General opinion in the public is just opposite. We have
illustrated on this point exhaustively in our number of articles. The limbs and organs
of the wife will be proportionate, which will by an addition to her beauty, if the 7th
house is owned or aspected by Jupiter or Venus. It will be even so if the 7th lord is well
associated with the lord of 7th house. If the lord of the 7th house be a malefic and is
associated with malefics like Rahu, Ketu, Saturn or Mars, etc. the organs of wife may
not be symmetrical. If the Sun or Mars join 7th or 1st house, the breasts of the wife
will be well developed and strong.The breasts of wife will be broad and large if Jupiter
or Venus join the 7th house or they are conjoined. Presence of Mercury in the 7th
house or the conjunction with Venus may result into moderate development of the
4th part of the body of the wife. Rahu is the 7th house promotes the over-development
whereas Saturn or Ketu, if placed in the 7th house or conjoin Venus, result into under
development of the breasts of the wife.

First of all. one has to find outthe planet which has a predominance over the 7th house.
This will decide the beauty and physical structure of one's wife. One has also to judge
between strengths of the lord of the 7th house and the lord of the sign occupied by
Karaka Venus. The appearance of wife. Though not an easy task but with a careful and
serious analysis of the birthchart and lot of practical experience, one will be able to judge
the qualities of the prospective spouse with ease and confidence. ^
Mao la
Ff shad ha










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Market Factors : Extra Astrological Considerations - In our country a

large number of young people remain in a gleeful suspense as to when they
would get married. This comes only after the question if they would get married
at all or not.
Sociologically, these questions have their own signification and importance
and therefore, cannot be ignored in an astrological study on the subject. The
issues of population explosion, deteriorating, social values, economic structure,
hardships in the form of joblessness, dependence of the youth on the job market
on the state and government are all connected with their marriage prospects.
Today, especially among the middle classes, there is a great hassle on the part
of parents as to the marriage of their wards. Economic stability any settlement
come first. In a number of cases, there is a wide dissatisfaction on this score. Even
when this is corssed, question of better choice, availability, exposure to a wider
range of prospective spouse arises. Sometimes one prospective partner agrees,
the other not and the whole hunt begins all over again.
To return to our enquiry of marriage late or never, the partners expecting to
marry lay a great importance on the timing of their marriage. Girls themselves
start worrying after the age of 20 and become somewhat hopeless once they
cross 25. For the boy a glow of hope and desire remains upto 28th year of life or
even upto 30th year.
The most suitable age of marriage for the girl should be considered 20 and
25 for the boy even in today's world, where many factors must be considered
before the couple make final decision.
Three questions in this connection may be delineated from the astrological
point of view.
(i) Whether the horoscope indicates marriage or not?
344 Predicting Marriage

(ii) If yes, then whether there is delay to finalise the marriage?

(hi) If yes, then to determine how much delay is there and if not, then
how much early is the marraige?
A horoscope gives ample evidence as to when a native will get married. Before
delving into this further we might revert for a moment to the sociological analysis.
Should a girl be married in haste, for fear of her becoming overage, or for
getting hold of a "nice" boy who is available now? The problem of a daughter is
not solved even after marraige, as is evident today in a numeber of cases. All
must well be considered before hand, and for her it should not become "marry
and perish".
Our age-old supersitious craving for "my child" "my son" who will lit my
pyre forthe last journey and such ill-placed notions have created havoc in modern
conditions of life also, giving way to large families of many daughters interspersed
with a son or two. When these daughters come of age, the parents with limited
means find it impossible to arrage for a decent match for their marriage. Many
ills and evils are born out of these.
There is, of course, no remedy to this. The boy when he gets a better offer or
choice will certainly go for it. Market economy rules here too as elsewhere in
modern life. The only point, We as well wishers of those unfortunate girls who
find it difficult to get a spouse in time, can suggest to them that they should stop
giving priority to marriage forthwith because even if marriage is attempted to
be forced or hurried through, against planetary trends, the efforts will go in vain
and frustrations will creep in. After completion of the education of girls, the
parents must give equal importance for further engagements which will keep
them away from frustration and anxiety for marriage.
If the marriage is getting delayed in spite of sincere efforts, the parents of the
girl should seek the advice of a good astrologer and the effort should be made
to find out what Astrological factors are obstructing the marriage. Suitable
remedial measures should be suggested to the parents which should be followed
rigorously and religiously.
In this chapter we propose to deal with the planetary combinations which
create obstructions in marriage. In another section on remedical measures we
give solutions which might help a native out of an unhappy situation.
The Planetary Causatives - Human beings are helpless creatures in the
hands of destiny. It has generally been observed that beauty and education;
affluence and opulence are of no use for a person to get married at proper age.
As the natal chart itself portrays such indications, the native should apply proper
remedial measures. While considering various astrological combinations to
determine the chances in matrimony, it should also be remembered that Jupiter
and Saturn, and also Pluto, Uranus and Nepture, are slow moving planets. Saturn
completes its one cycle in 30 years i£ 21/2 years in each Rasi. It affects the
luminaries and causes delay in marriage. Therefore, the 7th house, lord of the
7th house, its significator and the luminaries; and their relationship with Jupiter
Late or Never 345

and Saturn should be taken into account. Further, the planets responsible for
marriage, if placed in fixed signs, cause delay in marriage. Similar effects have
been observed if a retrograde planet is connected with the 2nd or 7th house
either by ownership, aspect or conjunction. Above] all, Saturn"s role is most
prominent in causing late marriage.
Following observation/principles may be enumerated as causes for late
marriage :
1. Saturn aspects Venus and at least one of the lumiaries Sun or Moon or
one of the luminries is aspected by Saturn and the other falls in the constellation
of Saturn. This must be judged by both the Rasi chart and Navamsa chart.
2. If Venus occupies the sign of either of the luminaries i.e. Leo or Cancer
and adjoining houses happen to be occupied by luminaries Sun and Moon;
marital happiness is altogether denied.
3. Lord of the ascendant, lord of the sign occupied by Moon and a malefic
posited together in the 7th house while its lord (7th) falls in the J2th house.
4. If Saturn and Sun are placed in Lagna or Lagna lord or Lagna is hemmed
in between Sun and Saturn or Saturn and the Sun join the 7th house, there is
either total denial of marriage or very long delay.
5. Aspect of Saturn on the 7th house or the lord of the 7th house or Venus
delays marriages. Saturn"s occupation in the 1st, 5th and the 10th from the
ascendant or the 4th, the 7th or the 11th from the lord of the 7th house or
Venus, casuses delay. Generally Saturn" s occupation of the 7th from Lagna does
not delay marriage in case of males but is does so in females.
6. Occupation on the 7th house by retrograde planets or the aspect of
retrograde planet on the 7th house or its lord or Venus cause delay even if Venus
is situated in own sign or exalted sign. In the case of retrograde Venus or
Saptamadhipati (the 7th lord) the same results may be expected.
7. If the lord of the 7th house is placed in 5th house and the lord of 5th
house occupies the 7th house there will be no marriage, unless some other
powerful factor is present.
8. There is delay if Saturn or Jupiter occupy the 7th house from Lagna or
Moon. But it will not be so if both of them occupy the 7th house.
9. Lord of the 7th house or Venus associated with or is in opposition to
Jupiter or Saturn, the marriage will be delayed.
10. Rahu-Venus assoication in the ascendant or the 7th delays marriage. Rahu
in the 7th or the 9th aspected by maiefics gives denial.
11. In the case of girls, if the lord of the 7th or the 9th house occupies the 8th
house or any constellation of the occupant of the 8th house delay is there.
12. If the 2nd house is severely aflicted by maiefics and Lord of the 2nd is
retorgrade and occupies the 12th house or the 2nd house is aspected by retrograde
planets or retrograde planets join the 2nd house or lord there of, the native
marries late.
13. In case Lagna, Venus the 7th house and lord of the 7th house fall in fixed
346 Predicting Marriage

signs, delay is evident. In the case of afflictions of these by Papakartari Yoga,

more delay is pronounced At times complete denial may be there if there are
severe afflictions in addition to Papakartari Yoga.
14. If Mars and Saturn are opposite to two other planets and if one of the
opposing planet is either Sun or Jupiter and if the other is either Moon or Venus,
considerably long delay is there.
15. If Moon and Venus join the 7th house being afflicted by Mars and Saturn
and if at the same time Jupiter aspects either Moon or Venus or Saturn and
Mars, it indicates late marriage.
16. Phaldeepika says that Sun and Mars in the case of women and Moon
and Venus in the case of men with malefics, delay marriage.
17. Placement of Saturn and Moon in the 7th house will result in late marriage.
18. According to Bhava Chandrika if Venus, lord of the 7th house, the Lagna
and lord of the Lagna fall in fixed signs and a weak Moon is in movable sign,
marriage takes place around 30 years of age. If Saturn is also connected with the
above combination marriage takes place at 50 years of age and at 60 if Gulika is
also related with this combination.
19. Mars and Saturn falling in the 7th house from Moon and Venus or an
eunuch planet in the 7th results in late marriage.
20. Maximum distance between Sun and the Venus does not exceed 48° If
the distance of Venus from Sun is more than 43° 20' the marriage gets delayed.
Moreover if Sun or Venus are under the influence of Saturn by conjunction or
aspect or otherwise any of these are debilitated, marriage is either denied or it
does not last long. Engagment may also be broken.
21. If the 7th cusp, its lord, Sun and Moon, occupy fixed signs or are
connected with other planets in fixed signs and if 5th and 9th houses and their
lords are also afflicted or are under the influence of Saturn, there is a distant
possibility of marriage.
22. If Venus and Moon are conjoined in a house and Mars and Saturn join
the the 7th house, the native does not many.
23. If the lord of the 7th house is posited in the 6th, 8th or 12th house or is
combust or the lords of 6th, 8th and 12thjoin the 7th house, obstructions occur
in marriage.
All of these principles are important in consideration of late marriages. All
the rules cannot be applicable in a single horoscope. A few of these combinations
present in a horoscope will delay marriage. If affliction is greater, more delay in
marriage will take place.lfmany of these combinations are found in the horoscope
of one native there will be absolute denial of marraige or marital happiness.
Cancellation of the influences of planets causing delay in marriage or denying
marital bliss completely also occur, when the following placements of planets
are present in the same birthchart ;
1. Jupiter and Saturn both occupy 7th house and both of them own 5th or
7th house.
Late or Never 347

2. Jupiter in Libra in the 7th house.

3. Saturn in Pisces in the 7th house.
4. A strong Lagna and the 7th or aspect of powerful benefic planets on lagna
and the 7th house.
A few examples of denial and late marriage are illustrated below to understand
the principles and their practical application :
Horoscope No. 103
ate 01/09/1935 Time 11:30:00 Day Sunday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:41:53^
at 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 East Zone 82:30.00 East Time Corr -0:21:08 .

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

Siderial Time .:9;46;45 Mrs Gan : Deva Moon:2Y4M30D Sankta : 1Y11M 50
Eq.oftime 0:00:16 Hrs Yoni. : Mahish hu
Sunrise :5:59:50 Hrs Nadi : Adya 30/01/1945 01/09/1935
Sunset : 18:42:33 Hrs Varan ; Vaidhya 30/01/1963 07/08/1965
Samvat : 1992 Vashya : Manav Rahu 13/10/1947 Sankta 07/08/1937
Saka : 1857 Varga ; Shwan •Jupiler 08/03/1950 Mangla 07/08/1938
Month : Bhadra Yunja : Madhya Satum 12/01/1953 Pingla 07/08/1940
Paksh : Shukla HansakfTatva) Bhoomi Mercury 01/08/1955 Dhanya 07/08/1943
Tithi at Sunrise..: 3 Name Alphabet Tha-Thansingh Kstu 19/08/1956 Bhramri 07/08/1947
Nakshatra : Hasta Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Silver Venus 19/08/1959 Bhadrika 07/08/1952
Yoga :' Shubh Hora : Jupiter 13/07/1960 uika 07/08/1958
Karan : Gara Chaugharia 4 Amril Moon 12/01/1962 Sidha 07/08/1965

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S H0US9 Rssl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 15:10:33 Sun Ven Ven Mer Asc Lib 26:30:27 Ven Jup Ket Mer
Mon Vir 20:06:46 Mer Mon Ket Jup 2 Sco 26:02:53 Mar Mer Rah Mar
Mar Lib 27:14:34 Ven Jup Ven Mar Sag 28:05:03 Jup Sun Mon Mer
Mer Vir 3:59:22 Mer Sun Sat Ven 4 Aqu 1:41:19 Sat Mar Mer Sat
Jup Lib 24:26:45 Ven Jup Mer Ven 5 Pis 3:57:31 Jup Sat Sat Mer
Ven -R Leo 26:13:34 Sun Ven Ket Rah 6 Arl 2:16:05 Mar Ket Ven Sat
Sat -R Aqu 14:03:20 Sat Rah Mer Jup 7 Ari 26:30:27 Mar Ven Ket Sat
Rah -R Sag 28:14:23 Jup Sun Mon Ven 8 Tau 26:02:53 Ven Mar Rah Mar
Ket -R Gem 28:14:23 Mer Jup • Ven Sat 3 Gem 28:05:03 Mer Jup Ven Sat
Ura -R Ari 12:38:39 Mar Ket Mer Rah 10 Leo 1:41:19 Sun Ket Ven Rah
Nep Leo 21:22:30 Sun Ven Jup Mon 11 Vir 3:57:31 Mer Sun Sat Ven
Plu Can 4:02:09 Mon Sat Sat Ket 12 Lib 2:16:05 Ven Mar Ket Rah

Fortuna: Sagittarius 1:26:39 Navamsa Chart

K0t/ Nv /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chaiit-Cuapai
4XJup 2 X12
M&n S / N.

^Sun 5 Plux^Set 11 Mer

y| 920
Mer Mon Jup
/ US!
\ 8 / \ 8 /Sun Plu J/Mer P'4*
Rah sV Mar JupVsven Rah 9 X Mar 7 X6
/ / \Nep XMon
r An 4A Plu Sal 11 van 5 Sun ; \. Mr /7^ y
V / "lO2" \4 /
\ Nfip / \. J/Plu
XJ/Ket suifl Ura 5XMer 3 Jup yS 1
' NVen
BatuX 1 X3 Kat Ne21 Sal
/V D, /
/12\ Ura /2\ / 2\plu Veie Nep 12 KeO
9 Xj1
/8 \ 10
/ Sun X\
/ Mon N
Late or Never 349

Illustration No. 12.1 (Horoscope No. 103)-Thi native is a scholar of physics

and has the degree of D.Sc Hundreds of his research papers have been published
in the country and abroad.
A tragedy occurred to the native at his marriageable age. The native was
engaged to a charming girl. But there were other suitors who wished to stall this
marriage and they criminally threw acid on his face.
Following combinations in his horoscope may be observed which are
responsible for the denial of marriage ?-
1. According to rule no. 6 retrograde Saturn is aspecting the 7th house and
significator Venus. In the case of retrograde Venus, marriage is also delayed.
2. According to rule no. 9 lord of the 7th house. Mars is in association with
Jupiter causing delay in marriage.
3. According to rule no. 12, the 2nd house is being aspected by retrograde
4. Venus joins the inimical sign Leo and Moon is in the adjoining house and
the luminary Sun receives the aspect of Saturn as per rules no. 1 and 2.
5. According to rule no. 5 Saturn's occupation of the 5th house from Lagna
and the 7th from Venus also show late marriage.
Jupiter and Mars have also harmed the native greatly. Even in his Navamsa
chart Rahu and Venus fall in the 7th from Navamsa Lagna having an aspect of
Saturn. Opposition of Sun with Saturn and Jupiter with Venus is also there. So
many combinations of late marriage resulted in complete denial of marriage in
this case.
Horoscope No. 104
02/09/1944 Time 18:20:00 Day Saturday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
Lat 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 Easi Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -1:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialKme . 15:59:37 Mrs Gan :Rakshas Rahu ; 10Y10M3D Dhanya :1Y9M20D
Eq.oftime 0:00:17 Hrs Yoni :Ashwa Saturn
Sunrise 6:47:23 Hrs Nadr r Adya 07/07/1971 02/09/1944
Sunset 19:24:26 Hrs Varan i Shoodra 07/07/1990 24/06/1979
Samvat 2001 Vashya - :Manav Satum 10/07/1974 Dhanya 24/06/1946
Saka 1866 Varga i Mesha Mercury 19/03/1977 Bhramri 24/06/1950
Month Bhadra Yunja :Antya Ketu 28/04/1978 Bhadrika 24/06/1955
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 28/08/1981 Ulka 24/06/1961
Tithi at Sunrise.. 15-Purnjma Name Alphabet Saa-Samir Sun 10/06/1982 Sidha 24/06/1968
Nakshatra Satabhisha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Copper Moon 09/01/1984 Sankta 24/06/1976
Yoga Sukarma Hora i Venus Mars 17/02/1985 Mangla 24/06/1977
Karan Bava Chaugharia Kaal Rahu 25/12/1987 Pingla 24/06/1979

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 17:02:29 Sun Ven Mon Ket Asc Cap 26:56:09 Sat Mar Jup Ket
Mon Aqu 1V.5B:0B Sat Rah Sat Rah 2 Pis 7:03:31 Jup Sat Mer Sat
Mar Vir 10:03:34 Mer Mon Mon Mon 3 Arl 11:35:02 Mar Ket Mer Mer
Mer -R Leo 25:34:09 Sun Ven Mer Jup 4 Tau 9:10:46 Ven Sun Ven Jup
Jup Leo 15:22:11 Sun Ven Ven Mer 5 Gem 3:13:32 Mer Mar Ven Mon
Ven Vir 5:27:32 Mer Sun Mer Ket 6 Gem 2735:43 Mer Jup Ven Rah
Sat Gem 15:42:28 Mer Rah Ven Mon 7 Can 26:56:09 Moh Mer Jup Ket
Rah -R Can 4:12:08 Mon Sat Sat Ven 8 Vir 7:03:31 Mer Sun Ket Ven
Ket -R Cap 4:12:08 Sat Sun Sat Sun 9 Lib 11:35:02 Ven Rah Sat Sun
Ura Tau 20:12:08 Ven Mon Ket Jup 10 Sco 9:10:46 Mar Sat Ven Rah
Nep Vir 10:15:50 Mer Mon Mon Rah 11 Sag 3:13:32 Jup Ket Sun Rah
Plu Can 16:26:10 Mon Sat Jup Rah 12 Sag 27:35:43 Jup Sun Mon Rah

Fortuna : Cancer 21:51:47 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart
Fortuna: Cancer 21:51:47 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart X Rah Jup\ /

Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
PluX7/ 5
aX^Sun 6 "><^4 Ura
49 Mar X X X X
I Ur?o
Man /
MonlO^X 12 /S?
\11/ 9/ Rah 2
12 X Kal 10 /s Plu \ /
IXMonlO \y
x9 Ke{ N. /C '
/Van Sat\/NeP Mar

Ura 2 X^ Van / \Rah Mar

Ufa 4V/Mon 2 ^Xl2

Ura 2VRah 4 p|uV6Ven Sal\/
3VSun 4' MerV7
Ket I / 3\ /5\Mar Ke^* s 3 \ Yen / 1 6^ Mar 5 Nep X. 11 /
/ Cot \ / JUP \ Rah RuN^^/Nep Mar \[ Ves-
/ 531 \/Mer Sun\ "x Plu X. i
X. y X. y Sun
eX. b. Xjo
912* y Sat y/ 9\jup
109* ■ / Kel X / X
Late or Never 351

Illustration No. 12.2 (Horoscope no. 104) - This is one of the best case for the
astrological study of late marriage and immediate separation resulting in denial
of marital happiness.
The native is a highly placed officer in Geological Survey of India. But he is
most unhappy on account of his conjugal clashes. He got married with a beautiful
girl on 1.3.1978 i.e. at the 34th year of his age. However, she could not live with
him even for two months.
Here, we are only concerned with his late marriage
1.As per rule no.l, Saturn is aspecting one of the luminaries Sun. The Moon
has joined the sign of Saturn and also occupies Satunf's Navamsa. Hence, Moon
in also influenced by Saturn.
2.Venus is adversely afflicted due to conjunction of Mars and also obtains
Saturn's Navamsa in association with Saturn as per rule no.l.
3. The 7th house is hemmed in between Saturn and Sun as per rule No. 4.
4. Lord of the 7th house Moon is in opposition to Jupiter alongwith aspect
of Saturn, being placed in Saturn"s fixed sign and Navamsa as per rule no. 9.
5. According to rule no. 16 affliction to or malefic influence on Moon and
Venus in the case of men delays marriage. Here Venus is afflicted by Mars and
Moon is in influenced by Saturn.
6.The 5th and 9th houses are also afflicted as per rule no. 21.
7. The ruler of Lagna and Moon sign, Saturn, tenants in the 6th house. Lord of
the 12th Jupiter and lord of the 8th Mercury join the 8th as given in rule no. 23.
So the native got married very late in life but could not enjoy the bliss of
marital life even for two months because of many other serious afflictions like
conjunction of Venus-Mars etc.
Horoscope No. 105
te 14/10/1955 Time 18:20:54 Day Friday Place LllCknOW Sri Sanatan Ayanamaa 22:58
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 Easl Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahacfa Chakra Vimsottari Yoginl

SiderialTime 19:43:40 Hrs Gan. Deva Moon : 8Y 3M 24D Sankta :6Y7M25D
Eq.oftime 0:13:46 Hrs Yoni Mahish Jupiter
Sunrise 6:06:12 Hrs Nadi Adya 06/02/1989 14/10/1955
Sunset 17:38:46 Hrs Varan Vaishya 06/02/2005 09/06/1990
Samvat 2012 Vashya Manav Jupiter 27/03/1991 Sankta 09/06/1962
Saka 1877 Varga Mooshak Saturn 08/10/1993 Mangla 10/06/1963
Month Asvina Yunja Madhya Mercury 13/01/1996 Pingla 09/06/1965
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Bhooml Ketu 19/12/1996 Dhanya 09/06/1968
Tithi at Sunrise. 14 Name Alphabet Venus 20/08/1999 Bhramri 09/06/1972
Nakshatra Hasta Poo-Purushottam Sun 08/06/2000 Bhadrika 09/06/1977
Yoga Endra Paya(Rasi-Nak) Gold-Silver Moon 08/10/2001 Ulka 10/06/1983
Ka ra n Shakuni Hora Mars 13/09/2002 Sidha 09/06/1990

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 27:25:13 Mer Mar Jup Mon Asc Ari 12:01:56 Mar Ket Mer Ven
Mon Vir 12:14:42 Mer Mon Rah Jup 2 Tau 12:24:16 Ven Mon Rah Jup
Mar Vir 7:42:06 Mer Sun Ket Mer 3 Gem 7:08:57 Mer Rah Rah Jup
Mer -R Vir 25:56:54 Mer Mar Rah Mon 4 Can 1:02:48 Mon Jup Mar Mer
Jup Leo 2:33:29 Sun Ket Ven Mer 5 Can 28:02:25 Mon Mar Sat Sat
Ven Lib 8:54:05 Ven Rah Jup Jup 6 Vir 1:48:28 Mer Sun Jup Mer
Sat Lib 26:57:11 Ven Jup Ven Sun 7 Lib 12:01:56 Ven Rah Sat Rah
Rah -R Sco 26:07:34 Mar Mer Jup Jup 8 Sco 12:24:16 Mar Sat Mar Sat
Ket -R Tau 26:07:34 Ven Mar Jup Jup 9 Sag 7:08:57 Jup Ket Rah Ven
Ura Can 9:04:38 Mon Sat Ven Rah 10 Cap 1 ;02:48 Sat Sun Rah Mon
Nep Lib 4:42:54 Ven Mar Ven Mer 11 Cap 28:02:25 Sat Mar Sat Sat
Plu Leo 5:05:11 Sun Ket Mar Sat 12 Pis 1:48:28 Jup Jup Rah Jup

rtuna: Pisces 26:51:25 Navamaa Chart

\Mer Ket
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspai
Sun X \
112- 2*'
Ke2B- Jup 1 Mon

f Ura 4 10 Ura 4 Mon Kat/\ Mar /]
V Plu / \ X
\ / Nep \ x6X x X Ura
Jup\ / \ y 7jXjup 5 jX3
5VVen 7 SatVj XX x X Sat
Plu /e\ /§' Sat
/MaMer\ /n. Nep 9
/MonSunX/ "ah WarMerVenX/
La re or Never 353

Illustration no. 12.3 (HoroscopeNo. 105) - The native is son of a

multimillionaire physician but is still a bachelor. In this horoscope Saturn joins
the 7th house in association with Venus. The 7th house is badly hemmed in
between five malefics. In Navamsa chart Venus and Saturn mutually aspect
each other.
Horoscope No. 106
13/10/1950 Time 00:50:00 Day Friday Place Moradabad Sri Sanalan Ayanamsa 22
at 28:50:00 North Long 78:45:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:15:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsollari Yoglnl

S iderial Time 1:58:10 Hrs Gan : Deva RshLi:$Y2M120 Pingla *. 1Y0M 0D
Eq.oftime :0:13:19 Hrs Yoni : Wahish Saturn
Sunrise :6:15:0S Hrs Nadi : Antya 25/12/1975 13/10/1950
Sunset :17:47:55 Hrs Varan Shoodra 24/12/1994 20/10/1985
Samvat : 2007 Vashya - Manav Saturn 28/12/1978 Pingla 21/10/1951
Saka : 1872 Varga i Mng Mercury 06/09/1981 Dhanya 21/10/1954
Month : Asvina Yunja : Madhya Ketu 15/10/1982 Bhramri 21/10/1958
Paksh : ShukJa Hans ak(Tatva> Vayu Venus 15/12/1985 Bhadrika 21/10/1963
Tithi at Sunrise,/, 1 Name Alphabet Ray-Revati Sun 27/11/1986 Ulka 20/10/1969
Nakshatra : Svati Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Iron Moon 27/06/1988 Sidha 20/10/1976
Yoga : Vishkumbh Hora : Mercury Mars 06/08/1989 Sankta 20/10/1984
Karan : Balava Chaugharia : Labha Rahu 12/06/1992 Mangfa 20/10/1985

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 25:59:02 Mer Mar Rah Mon Asc Can 14:45:02 Mon Sat Rah Mon
Mon Lib 13:11:07 Ven Rah Mer Ven 2 Leo 8:40:45 Sun Ket Jup Ven
Mar Sco 19:05:33 Mar Mer Ket Jup 3 Vir 6:37:47 Mer Sun Mer Jup
Mer Vir 12:13:08 Mer Mon Rah Jup 4 Lib 8:47:53 Ven Rah Jup Jup
Jup -R Aqu 4:54:03 Sat Mar Sun Sun 5 Sco 12:39:51 Mar Sat Mar Ven
Ven Vir 17:46:47 Mer Mon Mer Mer 6 Sag 15:01:55 Jup Ven Ven Sat
Sat Vir 3 02:55 Mer Sun Sal Sat 7 Cap 14:45:02 Sat Mon Jup Ket
Rah -R Pis 5;29:24 Jup Sat Mer Mer 8 Aqu 8:40:45 Sat Rah Jup Jup
Ket -R Vir 5:29:24 Mer Sun Mer Ven 9 Pis 6:37:47 Jup Sat Mer Rah
Ura Gem 16:34:35 Mer Rah Ven Jup 10 Arl 8:47:53 Mar Ket Jup Sun
Nep Vir 24:15:09 Mer Mar Rah Rah 11 Tau 12:39:51 Ven Mon Rah Sat
Plu Can 26:34:41 Mon Mer Jup Sat 12 Gem 15:01:55 Mer Rah Ket Sat

Fortuna: Leo 1:57:07 Navamsa Chart

N. M«r S
lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chaltt-Cuapal
Sat\9 / \ V
10^)^ Jup 8
10a- Mon/ \ / \
CKel 11 Ura^YRah 5 Sun
N. Plu / N. Nop /
Ura / Ra5-|\Sel Ket
v /\
^' 5 / \ 3/ Ven
\5/ xix 2 / X
Z [
Ka 8 V Plu 4 /V
4 / Mbt Nv y' Von >
Nap/ \ / \ Daaamaa
MUlon 7 Mon 7 \- Sat/
Mer OC 4
MareV^ 10 Vlflah
: / 9\ /\ Jup / 11 Von 7
/ \ / Jup \ . / Rah
8 XT Sun 10 Mar XT 12 Jup
Plu / gNv yX iiX.
Mar Mon / Rih X / Mon \
Late or Never 355

Illustration No. 12.4 (HoroscopeNo. 7(76) - The native is principal of a degree

college and holds the degree of Ph.D. She got married in January 1982 in her
32rd year of age. Lord of the 7th house Saturn is in conjunction with the lord of
the 2nd house Sun. As per rule no. 12 aspect of retrograde Jupiter on the 2nd
house is also harmful for an early marriage. Lagnesh (ascendant lord) is weak
and also under the influence of apakartari Yoga. According to rule nd.31 lord of
the 9th house. Jupiter falls in the 8th house. All these caused delay in marriage.
Horoscope No. 107
te 07/10/1947 Time 06:30:00 Day Tuesday Place Bareilly Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:52
at 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:12:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Virnsottarl Yoglni

SiderialTime :7:16:5BHrs Gan _• Manushya Rahu : BY 11M 10D Mangla :0Y4M19D
Eq.oftime :0:11:52 Hrs Yoni. j Shwan Saturn
Sunrise :6:09:14 Hrs Nadi - Adya 16/09/1970 07/10/1947
Sunset : 17:51:26 Hrs Varan. - Shoodra 16/09/1989 24/02/1983
Samvat : 2004 Vashya Manav Saturn 19/09/1973 Mangla 25/02/1948
Saka : 1869 Varga : Majjar Mercury 29/05/1976 Pingla 24/02/1950
Month : Asvina Yunja : Madhya Ketu 08/07/1977 Dhanya 24/02/1953
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 07/09/1980 Bhramri 24/02/1957
Tithi at Sunrise.,: 8 Name Alphabet Sun 20/08/1981 Bhadrika 24/02/1962
Nakshatra : Ardra Nga-Gyanchand Moon 21/03/1983 Ulka 25/02/1968
Yoga : Parigh Paya(Rast-Nak) : Copper-Silver Mars 29/04/1984 Sidha 24/02/1975
Karan : Balava Hera Mars Rahu 06/03/1987 Sankta 24/02/1983

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 20:03:01 Mer Mon Ket Rah Asc Vir 24:05:34 Mer Mar Mar Mon
Mon Gem 1451:20 Mer Rah Ket Rah 2 Lib 22:42:45 Ven Jup Sat Ven
Mar Can 1032:19 Mon Sat Sun Rah 3 SCO 23:13:25 Mar Mer Mon Ven
Mer Lib . 1404:01 Ven Rah Mer Jup 4 Sag 24:53:28 Jup Ven Mer Mon
Jup See 344:40 Mar Sat Sat Mer 5 Cap 26:43:04 Sat Mar Jup Mer
Ven Vir 28 59:03 Mer Mar Sat Ven 6 Aqu 27:00:02 Sat Jup Ven Sun
Sat Can 26 51:22 Mon Mer Jup Mer 7 Pis 24:05:34 Jup Mer Mar Mon
Rah Tau 1 20:24 Ven Sun Jup Jup 8 Ari 22:42:45 Mar Ven Sat Ven
Ket See 1 20:24 Mar Jup Rah Rah 9 Tau 23:13:25 Ven Mon Sun Ven
Ura Gem 3 17:58 Mer Mar Ven Mon 10 Gem 24:53:28 Mer Jup Mer Mar
Nep Vir 1746:15 Mer Mon Sat Jup 11 Can 26:43:04 Mon Mer Jup Mer
Plu Can 21 42:27 Mon Mer Sun Rah 12 Leo 27:00:02 Sun Sun Sun Sat

Fortuna; Gemini 18:53:54 rlavamsa Chart

\ v#n Kat Sun
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chailt-Cuspal
UraX 8 . \ 4 /
Jup 5

823- 923"
jup Kei/^XNep Sury^ 9
9XMon 11 Mar
\/ 7
v/ Mar yS 10 12 N
Mer Ven
8^ Sun 6 Ven Sat 8x X4 Set Mavr Rah PliX s Sat ■

/ \Nep/ \lu Dasamaa

{ 9 Ura 3 Mon ^ PIu 3 Mar Mar VenX \ /

l2XRah 10 X8
yA Av \ Sun
«x ,, x,» 12 2
/1 1227*
1 jXNap 7 Mony
. / Rah \
"S/ \ A. P.u
323* 223* 4 UraX^S
Ket JlK Met4'
Jup Mer Ker ■ Mar \ / Jjp \
Late or Never 257

Ilustratiomo. 12.5. (HoroscopeNo. 107) -The Sun joins Lagna in association

with Venus. Saturn aspects Lagna, significatov Venus and Sun, Moon and Saturn
conjoin the Navamsa of Saturn as per principal no. 1. Moon and Saturn conjoin
in Navamsa chart with Lagnadhipati Mercury. Jupiter rules and aspects the 7th
house being placed in Saturn" s constellation Anuradha and is in fixed sign with
fixed Navamsa. Jupiter, lord of the 7th house from Lagna and Moon, Sun, Lagna,
Mercury and Lagna lord all are under the influence of Saturn in one way or the
other in natal and Navamsa chart. The combinations are responisible for causing
her late marriage on 8.12.81.
Horoscope No. 108
g06/10/1954 Time 12:52:00 Day Wednesday Place Meerut Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 29:00.00 North Long 77.42:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tim© Corr -0:19:12

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoginl

SiderialTime :13:30:28 Mrs Gan i Manushya Sun :3Y 7M 5D Sankta. 4Y9M17D
Eq.oftime 0:11:40Hrs Yonl ^ Kakul Rahu
Sunrise :6:15:56 Hrs Nadi i Antya 13/05/1975 06/10/1954
Sunset :17:58:44 Hrs Varan. - Vaishya 12/05/1993 25/07/1987
Samvat : 2011 Vashya - Jalchar Rahu 23/01/1978 Sankta 25/07/1959
Saka : 1876 Varga i Mcoshak Jupiter 17/06/1980 Mangla 24/07/1960
Month : Asvina Yunja Antya Satum 24/04/1983 Pingla 24/07/1962
Paksh : ShukJa HansakfTatva) Bhooml Mercury 11/11/1985 Dhanya 24/07/1965
Tithi at Sunrise..: 9 Name Alphabet Bho-Bhomik Ketu 29/11/1986 Bhramri 24/07/1969
Nakshatra : Uttarasadha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : StVer-Copper Venus 23/11/1989 Bhadrika 24/07/1974
Yoga : Sukarma Hora Venus Sun 24/10/1990 Ulka 24/07/1980
Karan : Kaulava Chaugharia Roga Moon 24/04/1992 Sidha 25/07/1987

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pfn -R Raal Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 19:32:37 Mer Mon Mer Sat Asc Sag 15:11:32 Jup Ven Ven Mer
Mon Cap 2:00:12 Sat Sun Jup Ket 2 Cap 20:48:22 Sat Mon Ven Ven
Mar Sag 27 34:50 Jup Sun Mon Rah 3 Aqu 28:18:14 Sat Jup Ven Sat
Mer Lib 14 55:44 Ven Rah Ket Jup 4 Ari 1:27:46 Mar Ket Ven Mar
Jup Can 4 16:44 Mon Sat Sat Ven 5 Ari 28:35:23 Mar Sun Mar Rah
Ven SCO 0 47:00 Mar Jup Mar Jup 6 Tau 22:02:29 Ven Mon Ven Sat
Sat Lib 15 37:35 Ven Rah Ven Sun 7 Gem 15:11:32 Mer Rah Ket Mer
Rah -R Sag 17:02:44 Jup Ven Mon Ket 8 Can 20:48:22 Mon Mer Ven Sat
Ket -R Gem 17:02:44 Mer Rah Ven Mer 9 Leo 28:18:14 Sun Sun Mon Ven
Ura Can 4 23:08 Mon Sat Sat Ven 10 Lib 1:27:48 Ven Mar Mer Jup
Nep Lib 2 20:16 Ven Mar Ket Jup 11 Lib 28:35:23 Ven Jup Ven Mer
Plu Leo 3 09:18 Sun Ket Sun Rah 12 Sco 22:02:29 Mar Mer Sun Mer

Fortuna; Pisces 27:39:06 Navamsa Chart

Vy Rlh J y Van S
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt'Cuapai
Ve /JtJ
Nap 7X P ^ V3 Sun

Mar 9XMar 11 SatXj Plu

vv \/ Ju4 /10 N. y/12
ly/won 9 MarV? Van Ur- s Mon s Kal

12 6 Sun Sat 7 Mar X / XUra uud/
\ N0P /
Van^Vfiah 2 >^12 Sat
1V Jup 3 Kat V5 Sun

\ / PlU \
Nep Mar 0 XSun 6 , KaiXjO
Sat M0
Van Mer X S C N
/ Nap Nvy/
Late or Never 359

Illustration No. 12.6 (Horoscope No. 108) - This is the case of a delayed
marriage which is a clear proof of what 1 have noted in the begining. The girl is
exceptionally beautiful with a fair complexion. She is tall and possesses a
captivating physique. She became Doctor of medicine in her 24th year of age.
Her father is the Chairman of a big organisation in India. Her academic career
has been extremely bright. She possesses all that a man dreams to see in his wife
alongwith very soft speech, polite nature and pleasing behaviour.
The significator of marriage Venus is hemmed in between four malefics and
falls in the inimcial Navamsa of Moon. Lagna and lord of Lagna, Jupiter are
receiving the aspect of Saturn. Moreover, Lagna lord Jupiter (9401>) falls in the
first Pada of Pushyami constellation whose ruler is Saturn. Lagna is also weak
because Lagnesh Jupiter is posited in the Bth house where it is receiving the
malefic aspects of Mars and Saturn. Lord of the 12th house, Mars, joins the
lagna in association with Rahu, Saturn also aspects Lagna. So Lagna and
Lagnadhipati both are under the influence of Saturn.
Lord of the 7th house Mercury is associated with Saturn both in natal chart
as well as in Navarhsa chart. Mercury and Moon also fall in the Navamsa of
Saturn. Jupiter tenants the 7th from Moon receiving the adverse aspect of two
first rate malefics, Saturn and Mars.
Thus we wee in this birth chart that Lagna, the 7th house, Lagnesh,
Saptamesh (7th lord) and Moon have been influenced adversely by Saturn in
natal chart as well Navamsa chart. These astrological factors delayed the marriage
of this pretty and charming girl. Sun is very well placed in the 10th house as the
owner of 9th. There is no evil aspect or influence of any slow moving planet on
Sun. Therefore, marriage is sure to take place more so because both the slow
moving planets. Jupiter and Saturn, are in their signs of exaltation. She will earn
great recognition in medical field for which sun is the Karaka. She ultimately
got married on 14.1.1984.
Horoscope No. 109
27/11/1953 Time 21:00:00 Day Friday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:57
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnf

SiderialTime 1:18:35 Mrs Gan ^ Rakshas Ketu. 4Y6M 3D Bhadrika :3Y4M2D
Eq.oftime 0:12:26 Mrs Yoni :Mcoshak Moon
Sunrise 6:36:13 Mrs Nadi :Antya 01/08/1984 27/11/1953
Sunset. 17:11:34 Mrs Varan. i Kshatriya 01/08/1994 31/D3/1988
Samvat 2010 Vashya :Vanchar Moon 01/06/1985 Bhadrika 31/03/1957
Saka 1875 Varga :Mooshak Mars 31/12/1985 Ulka 01/04/1953
Month Margshirsh Ymja.- ^ Madhya Rahu 02/07/1987 Sidha 01/04/1970
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Jupiter 31/10/1988 Sankta 01/04/1978
Tithi at Sunrise.. 7 Name Alphabet Mee-Mhir Saturn 01/06/1090 Mangla 01/04/1979
Nakshatra Mag ha Paya{Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Silver Mercury 01/11/1991 Plngla 31/03/1981
Yoga . .Endra Hora i Venus Ketu 01/06/1992 Dhanya 31/03/1984
Karan Bava Chaugharia ^ LaWia Venus 31/01/1994 Bhramri 31/03/1988

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sco 12:09:06 Mar Sat Mar Mar Asc Can 5:28:14 Mon Sat Mer Mer
Mon Leo 4:25:34 Sun Ket Mon Mer 2 Can 29:12:18 Mon Mer Sat Mon
Mar Vir 23 08:31 Mer Mon Sun Mer 3 Leo 26:32:41 Sun Ven Ket Sat
Mer Lib 22 46:07 Ven Jup Sat Ven 4 Vir 28:18:29 Mer Mar Sat Mer
Jup Gem 0 33:59 Mer Mar Mer Ven 5 Sco 2:24:00 Mar Jup Rah Mer
Ven Lib 26:57:03 Ven Jup Ven Sun 6 Sag 5:17:41 Jup Ket Mar Ket
Sat Lib 11 16:42 Ven Rah Sat Ven 7 Cap 5:28:14 Sat Sun Mer Ket
Rah Cap 2 18:52 Sat Sun Jup Ven 8 Cap 29:12:18 Sat Mar Sat Mon
Ket Can 2 18:52 Mon Jup Rah Mer 9 Aqu 26:32:41 Sat Jup Ket Mer
Ura Gem 29 46:52 Mer Jup Mon Jup 10 Pis 28:18:29 Jup Mer Sat Mer
Nep Lib 2:07:01 Ven Mar Ket Mon 11 Tau 2:24:00 Ven Sun Jup Sun
Plu Leo 2:03:59 Sun Ket Ven Jup 12 Gem 5:17:41 Mer Mar Sun Sat

Fortuna: Pisces 27:44:43 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
Sun\6 V^/Urt
Jup rv X3
Nip/ /\ Ver>

2 Mon

\ Won Ply/\.Ura Jup/ \ Mon Plu/ MJra Kat \/ \/M#r

027' ] \. 4 / \. 3 /
/ Kea* oX 11 Xi
\ 5 X
Mar sN^Kef 4 Mar 5X 4 X2
>6 .jup /sit RahX S Nv
/Nap ^ / Nep \ Oasamaa
V //
QMer 7 Ven x Mar 8 Van Mar S \ Ura Kel/
i )
' \
Sune^f 10 75« Sun
Rah Rea' | /9 10 Sat
/ Rah

5X 7
Nap Sat X 8 Nap
Sun Ven Mer Mon RahNv /
Late or Never 361

Illustration No. 12.7 (Horoscope No. 109) - She is very attractive girl and
possesses a well proportionate figure, high education and royal manners. She
got married very late on 21.11.1984.
According to principle no. 6, retrograde Jupiter aspects the lords of the 7th,
Saturn and Venus. The Lagna falls in Saturn's asterism Pushyami and that also
receives the aspect of Saturn. The Sun falls in Anuradha constellation which is
owned by Saturn. Venus and lord of the 7th house are hemmed in between Sun
and Mars.
Conjunction, in the 4th house, of Mercury with the lord of the 8th Saturn,
in association with the lord of the 4th house in Suhha Bhava is also an adverse
factor for early marriage or early pleasure of home.
Horoscope No. 110
27/04/1946 Time 12:28:00 Day Saturday Piace Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
it 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82-30:00 East Tims Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SkJerial Time .2:40:16 Hrs Gan Rakshas Rahu :5Y10M 25D Dhanya ; OY11M 240
Eq.oftime 0:02:17 Hrs Yoni. Ashwa Saturn
Sunrise :5:33:42 Hrs Nadi Adya 22/03/1968 27/04/1946
Sunset.... : 18:35:04 Hrs Varan -■ Shoodra 230^1987 21/04/1900
Samvat / : 2003 Vashya Manav Saturn 26031971 Dhanya 21/04/1947
Saka : 1868 Varga , Mesha Mercuiy 03/12/1973 Bhramri 21/04/1951
Month : Vaisakha Yunja - Antya Ketu 12/01/1975 Bhadrika 21/04/1966
Paksh - : Krishna HansakfTatva) Vayu Venus 13031978 Ulka 21/04/1962
Tithi at Sunrise..: 10 Name Alphabet See-Seetaram Sun 23/02/1979 Sidha 21/04/1969
Nakshatra : Satabhisha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : fron-Copper Moon 24/09/1980 Sankta 21/04/1977
Yoga : Brahma Hora Mcon Mas 02/11/1981 Mangla 21/04/1978
Karan : Bava Chaugharia .. Char Rahj 08091984 Pingla 21/04/1980

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Ari 13:33:47 Mar Ven Ven Ven Asc Can 23:07:43 Mon Mer Mon Ven
Mon Aqu 15:37:40 Sat Rah Ven Sun 2 Leo 18:16:12 Sun Ven Rah Rah
Mar Can 9:08:56 Mon Sat Ven Rah 3 Vir 17:21:48 Mer Mon Sat Rah
Mer Pis 16:45:32 Jup Mer Mer Mer 4 Lib 19:40:02 Ven Rah Mar Mer
Jup -R Vir 27:51:01 Mer Mar Jup Rah 5 Sco 22.31:56 Mar Mer Mon Rah
Ven Tau 4:30:06 Ven Sun Sat Mar 6 Sag 23:50:14 Jup Ven Sat Jup
Sat Gem 26:23:13 Mer Jup Ket Sat 7 Cap 23:07:43 Sat Mon Sun Mer
Rah -R Tau 28:56:26 Ven Mar Sat Ven 8 Aqu 18:16:12 Sat Rah Mon Rah
Ket -R Sco 28:56:26 Mar .Mer Sat Ven 9 Pis 17:21:48 Jup Mer Mer Sun
Ura Tau 22:19:54 Ven Mon Ven Mer 10 Ari 19:40:02 Mar Ven Rah Ven
Nep -R Vir 13:38:06 Mer Mon Rah Mon 11 Tau 22:31:56 Ven Mon Ven Mer
Plu Can 16:35:27 Mon Sat Jup Rah 12 Gem 23:50:14 Mer Jup Sat Jup

Fortuna: Taurus 25:11:36 Navamaa Chart

\Mon Van/ N. Mtf
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal
Kit 1^< 10 >^9 Plu

S4t / \Sal M«r / S«t\/ \/R,h

\ . /<
3 yvenl Mar \ plu / 2yC 4 Jup
VV 3
8Y Mar Plu Y2Rah Piu fi11" Jup 8 4 Rih Wafl' XUra X 6
M0"1 / /\ Ph7- s Sun Ny
■/ \ 123U
1 sun X Ura 1 Van > X. Nip Xj
J^Rlh 7 yXx
KM BX 10 KM aY 10 Y1 SSun jii'
Won /n.
C 10 4 Mor^j
Mon \ Jup / \ / Mir \
^ Nap
Kasfl' VtnllYMir 1 KitYs Mir
&231 430* as Jup/12 X /2\
i ■KSj
Late or Never 363

Illustration No. 12.8 (Horoscope No. 110) • The native is a "Lakhpati"

(millionaire) businessman and occupies a respectable position in society. But he
could not get married earlier than 12.10.1979. At that time he was running in
34th year of age. For males too, this is late marriage. In his birth chart we find that:
1 .Venus is hemmed in between Saturn and Sun according to rule no. 4.
2. Retrograde Jupiter is aspecting the 7th house and Karaka Venus as per
rule no. 6.
3. Moon falls in the sign of Saturn in Rasi and Navamsa chart both.
4. Lagna lord Moon is in the fixed sign of Saturn in the 8th house, lord of
the 7th Saturn tenants the 12th house in association with Rahu which indicate
late bed pleasure according to rule no. 23.
The 2nd house is also being aspected by Saturn and Moon. Mars which is
positioned in Lagna, falls in Saturn"s constellation Pushyami. Debilitated
Mercury, lord of the 12th house, has joined the 9th house and occupies Saturn's
constellation Uttarabhadrapada. Thus the 5th house, Mars, lord of Moon sign,
lord of Lagna, lord of the 12th, Mercury and Venus are afflicted by Saturn either
in birth chart or in Navamsa chart or in both alongwith the affliction to Lagna,
7th, 5th and 9th as per rule no. 21. These factors should be held responsible for
late marriage of this native.
Horoscope No. 111
18/04/1937 Time 11:53:00 Day Sunday Place Azamgarh Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
J-at 26:03:00 North Long 83:10:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:02:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SideriaiTime ,:1;39:26Hrs Gan Deva Saturn :9Y3M 3D Dhanya : 1Y5M 16D
Eq.oftime :0:00:33 Hrs Yoni Mesh Ketu
Sunrise 5:33:29 Hrs Nadi Madhya 22/07/1963 18/04/1937
Sunset :18:20-.35 Hrs Varan Vipra 22/07/1970 04/10/1971
Samvat : 1994 Vashya Jalchar Ketu 18/12/1963 Dhanya 04/10/1938
Saka : 1859 Varga Mesha Venus 17/02/1965 Bhramri 04/10/1942
Month : Chaitra Yunja Madhya Sun 24/06/1965 Bhadrika 04/10/1947
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Jal Moon 23/01/1966 Ulka 04/10/1953
Tithi at Sunrise,,: 8 Name Alphabet Mars 22/06/1966 Sidha 03/10/1960
Nakshatra : Pushya Ho-Hoshiarsingh Rahu 10/07/1967 Sankta 03/10/1968
Yoga : Dhrati Paya(RashNak) Gold-Silver Jupiter 15/06/1966 Mangla 04/10/1969
Karan : Bava Hora Mars Saturn 25/07/1969 Pingla 04/10/1971

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Ari 5:05:05 Mar Ket Mar Sal Asc Can 9:52:50 Mon Sat Ven Sat
Mon Can 10:10:06 Mon Sat Ven Mer 2 Lao 4:05:50 Sun Ket Mon Jup
Mar -R Sco 12:43:49 Mar Sat Mar Ven 3 Vir 2.03:11 Mer Sun Jup Ket
Mer Ari 24:48:29 Mar Ven Mer Mon 4 Lib 4:04:49 Ven Mar Ven Jup
Jup Cap 3:26:47 Sat Sun Sat Mer 5 Sco 7:46:21 Mar Sat Ket Rah
Ven -R Ari 4:44:20 Mar Ket Mon Sun 6 Sag 10:02:40 Jup Ket Sat Ket
Sat Pis 6:29:47 Jup Sat Mer Mar 7 Cap 9:52:50 Sat Sun Ven Ket
Rah -R Sco 23:35:19 Mar Mer Mar Jup a Aqu 4:05:50 Sat Mar Ven Sat
Ket -R Tau 23:35:19 Ven Mar Mar Jup 9 Pis 2:03:11 Jup Jup Rah Sat
Ura • Ari 16:09:53 Mar Ven Sun Ven 10 Ari 4:04:49 Mar Ket Mon Jup
Nep -R Leo 23:51:35 Sun Ven Sat Jup 11 Tau 7:46:21 Ven Sun Ket Mer
Plu Can 3:47:17 Mon Sat Sat Mer 12 Gem 10:02:40 Mer Rah Jup Mon

Fortuna: Libra 14:57:53 Navamaa Chart

\won J*/
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChaKt-Cuapal
Nap X X X5 /
ex «
Sun Mer Kai Mar / \ X X
Van Ura

Sat \ Nep \ Nap /^

\ P,U / iqX 12 <2^
\5 / V/ Won \ 3/ y11 x. iXven
ex Mori Plu
Vz Ket Plu 8V Mon .4 yZ Ket Jup RihX .

/ Ura \ / \ /Ura Daaamaa

Mer 1 Sun 7 Mer 1 Suny Van Sun /I
\ X
\ Van / \ / \ Ven / \ 2 I
Marv / \ / Kel 6XMon 3 XI Plul
10 Xl2Sat aV io Vl2S6t
Jup | 76\ Jup /1l Rlh/gV /ll\ Ura 6 12 Nap
\// \
Jup 7
Rah Mali*
Mar 5fi' Ai*
Late or Never 365

Illustration No. 12:9 (Horoscope No. Ill)- The native is a tall and handsome
perosn with a maganetic personlity and physique. He got married at 33 years of
age. Following combinations of late marriage may be noted
1. From Moon, Jupiter joins the 7th house in the sign of Saturn as per rule
no.8. Debilitated jupiter is in Vargottam Navamsa of Saturn.
2. According to rule no.l Lagna at 11052' of Cancer falls in the asterism of
Saturn. Moon also joins Pushyami, the constellation of Saturn. Lord of the 7th,
Saturn, tenants its own Nakshatra, Uttrabhadra Pada.
3. Lord of the 5th, Mars is retrograde, also occupies Saturn"s constellation
Anuradha and afflicts the 5th house due to its association with Rahu. The 9th
house is also afflicted as the lord of 7th and 8th, Saturn, join 9th. Lagna and
Lagna lord Moon get SatunT's with inimical lord of the 2nd as per rule no. 12
and 21. So the marriage of the native was late.
Horoscope No. 112
ate 27/07/1951 Time 20:50:00 Day Friday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22 55
It 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TimoCoiT -0:21:08

Panchanfl Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yoginl

SiderlalTlme .:16:46:51 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Sun :3Y8M29D Ulka : 3Y 8M 290
Eq.oltime > 0:06:24 Hrs Yoni : Mesh Rahu
Sunrise :5:40:27 Hrs Nadi : Antya 25/04/1972 27/07/1951
Sunset :19:14:23 Hrs Varan j Vaishya 26/04/1990 25/04/1985
Samvat : 2008 Vashya j: Chatuspada Rahu 06/01/1975 Ulka 26/04/1955
Saka ; 1873 Varga ^ Garuda Jupiter 01/06/1977 Sldha 26/04/1962
Month : Sravana Yunja ^ Poorva Saturn 07/04/1980 Sankta 26/04/1970
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Bhoomi Mercury 25/10/1982 Mangla 26/04/1971
Tithl at Sunrise..: 9 Name Alphabet Ee-tehwar Ketu 13/11/1983 Pingla 25/04/1973
Nakshatra : Krittika Paya(Rasi-Nak) : iron-Gold Venus 13/11/1986 dhanya 25/04/1976
Yoga : Gand Hora - Mercury Sun 07/10/1987 Bhramri 25/04/1980
Karan : Vanij Chaugharia : Kaal Moon 07/04/1989 Bhadrika 25434/1985

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Ptn -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 10:51:36 Mon Sat Sun Ket Asc Aqu 11:26:21 Sat Rah Sat Van
Mon Tau 1:40:25 Ven Sun Jup Sat 2 Pis 22:09:45 Jup Mer Sun Ven
Mar Gem 22:51:21 Mer Jup Sat Ven 3 Ari 24:28:18 Mar Ven Mer Ven
Mer Leo 7:04.36 Sun Ket Rah Ven 4 Tau 20;12:52 Van Mon Kat Sat
Jup Pis 21:09:46 Jup Mer Ven Mer 5 Gam 13:40:23 Mar Rah Mar Rah
Ven Leo 20:41:37 Sun Ven Jup Mer 6 Can 8:59:58 Mon Sat Ven Rah
Sat Vir 5:25:56 Mer Sun Mer Ket 7 Leo 11:26:21 Sun Ket Sat Jup
Rah -R Aqu 17:34:23 Sat Rah Sun Rah 8 Vil 22:09:45 Mer Mon Ven Sat
Ket -R Leo 17.34.23 Sun Ven Mar Jup 9 Lib 24.28:18 Ven Jup Mar Van
Ura Gem 18:15:32 Mer Rah Mon Mar 10 Sco 20:12:52 Mar Mer Van Rah
Nep Vir 24:03:19 Mer Mar Mar Mon 11 Sag 13:40:23 Jup Ven Ven Ven
PIu Can 26:04:08 Mon Mer Rah Mar 12 Cap 8:59:58 Sat Sun Ven Jup

Fortuna: Sagittarius 2:15:10 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal x" P/io\

UraXn/ XV
12 X Mon Xf8
M020 Rah / \ /X

324* 420* Ven 7 Sun

Jup / m
X12/ X 101/
1V Rah 11 Men IX JuP Rah
X9 ^ Mar \ .

'Man 2 X 8 \Sun Jup^
X Sat /
Ket X3/
k\ //
MarX \ /
\ / MarX / \ / Rah 4'V 2
aVMer 5 VenV7 12fl- 3XVen 5 SatX?
Ura//g\ Ura/4\ /A \
/ PIu \ / 5 11 Very
\ ><
/Sun Plu\ / Nep Sat /Sun Mer\/ NeP X
X /Nap
lOW 924" 8 xioMan
Vx XVV Mar
7 PIu ./ 9 \Ka(
/ Mer ^ Ure \
Late or Never 367

Illustration No. 12.10 (Horoscope N0.112) - The native is a pilot in Indian

Air Force. He got married at the age of 31 years. In this birth chart, lord of 7th,
Sun, joins 6th and the lord of Lagna, Saturn, join 8th and the lord of 8th is
posited in 7th house. Thus, the 7th house and Venus both are hemmed in
between malefics, Sun and Saturn as per principle nos. 4 and 23. Moon falls in
the Navamsa of Saturn and Sun occupies Saturn's constellation Pushyami. There
is mutual aspect between Saturn and Jupiter and Saturn and Mars. Venus is
placed in the inimical sign Leo. For Aquarius ascendant placement of Sun in the
6th house is a very evil factor for manage. So he got married a bit late. His
married life too is not happy.
Now let us take a few example of late marriage or denial of marriage to
understand the given rules in practical light.
Horoscope No. 113
ite 16/02/1929 Time 05:09:45 Day Saturday Place Bareilly Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:36
at 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:12:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsoltari Yoglnl

Siderial Time :14:39:13 Hrs Gan Manushya Venus 8Y7M9D Bhadrika : 2Y 1M2SD
£q of time 0:14:20 Hrs Yoni : Gaja Saturn
Sunrise :6:52;28 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 27/09/1 994 13/04/1932
Sunset :18:01-.01 Hrs Varan i Kshatriya 27709/2013 13/04/1998
Samvat : 1985 Vashya Chatuspada Saturn 30/09/1997 Bhadrika 13/04/1967
Saka : 1850 Varga : Mrig Mercury 09/06/2000 Ulka 12/04/1973
.Month Magha Yunja : Poorva Ketu 19/07/2001 Sidha 12/04/1980
Paksh : Shukla Hansak{Tatva) Agra Venus 17/09/2004 Sankta 12/04/1988
Tithi at Sunrise..: 6 Name Alphabet Le-Lekhpal Sun 30/08/2005 Mangla 12/04/1989
Nakshatra : Bharani Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Gold Moon 01/04/2007 Pingla 13/04/1991
Yoga : Brahma Hora : Mercury Mars 09/05/2008 Dhanya 13/04/1994
Karan : Gara Chaugharia : Char Hahu 16/03/2011 Bhramri 13/04/1998

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Aqu 4:13:17 Sa Mar Ven Sat Asc Cap 3:17.49 Sat Sun Sat Sat
Mon Ari 20:55:35 Mar Ven Jup Ket 2 Aqu 11:44:08 Sat Rah Sat Mon
Mar Gem 0:33:36 Mer Mar Mer Ven 3 Pis 18:58:49 Jup Mer Ket Rah
Mer -R Cap 17:04:32 Sat Mon Sat Mar 4 Ari 19:39:54 Mar Ven Rah Ven
Jup Ari 12:08:28 Mar Ket Mer Sun 5 Tau 14:54:51 Ven Mon Jup Ven
Ven Pis 20:44:47 Jup Mer Ven Jup 6 Gem 8:08:06 Mer Rah Rah Ven
Sat Sag 5:42:48 Jup Ket Rah Rah 7 Can 3:17:49 Mon Jup Rah Mar
Rah -R Tau 3:07:54 Ven Sun Sat Sat 8 Leo 11:44:08 Sun Ket Mer Ket
Ket -R Sco 3:07:54 Mar Jup Rah Mon 9 Vir 18:58:49 Mer Mon Mer Rah
Ura Pis 12:33:07 Jup Sat Mar Mer 10 Lib 19:39:54 Ven Rah Mar Mer
Nep -R Leo 7:29:29 Sun Ket Rah Mar 11 Sco 14:54:51 Mar Sat Jup Jup
PIu -R Gem 23:56:28 Mer Jup Mer Mer 12 Sag 8:08:06 Jup Ket Jup Mer
Fortuna; Pisces 20.00:07 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit^Cuspal

\11 / \9/
12>/ Ven Reh^V^ Sun
Won Rati cur Ra3
Jup po- 515'
I [021- V >< Mar 7 Mon
Lira i\ /v / N. Ura /
Ven | \ Sun / \ Sat / Set \ / X/
2y<Jup ^ KeiXe
Ura\l / VenVy \9/ 73 3 X. >/5 Nv
llYuer-iO X8 Ket 12^Sun Mer sal
/v/er Nep\ / >
Ven/ \ / \
Won 1 Jup I Mon 1 Rah 7 Ket
s 6
9\/ /Mon Nep\\/5/ Ket
v/^x /X Jup
Rah2Y Mar 2 X 4 X6
Mer / 3%. /' x. Nep /5 > Set 10 PIu >C 4 )
/Mar PIu / PIu \ /

llX. 1 X3 Mar
Rah/i2X / 2
/Sun Ure \ / Ven x
Late ar Never 369

Ilustration No. 12.11 (Horoscope. No. 113) - The lady is running in her 66th
year of age. She did not marry at all. This is the case of denial of marriage. This
lady sacrificed her youth in looking after her four younger sisters. She was the
eldest and employed in a Government GnT's School. She thought that there
was none after her marriage to take care of her family. So she decided not to
many at ail and to spend her life with her,old parents and younger sisters. All
her sisters studied well and two receive Ph.D. and got settled with highly placed
persons. After helping all her four sisters to setde well in life this lady has no
satisfaction in her own life and now spends her life as a recluse.
Now, looking into her horoscope, we find that the lord of Lagna, Saturn,
occupies the 12th house and the lord of 6th house. Mercury, is posited in Lagna.
Mars aspects Lagna, Lagnadhipati Saturn and Mercury which is placed in Lagna.
So Lagna became very weak and indicates quite a troublesome life. Sun is placed
in the 2nd house and Saturn in the 12th house. Saturn also aspects Sun resulting
in a severe Papkartari Yoga signifying uncomfortable life full of obstructions,
defamations, humiliation and without the pleasure of family Life. Saturn tenants
12th house and receives the evil pleasure and also obstructs the accumulation of
wealth and high experditure.
1. So if Lagna is tenanted by Sun and. Saturn or if Lagna or lord of Lagna is
hemmed in between Sun and Saturn or the same is the case with 7th house or
the lord of 7th hduse, there will either be denial of marriage or delay in marriage
or the happiness of marriage will be denied completely.
2. If Venus is placed in the inimical sign Leo or Cancer and is hemmed in
between Sun and Moon, there will be no marriage at all. In this case. Venus is
hemmed in between Sun and Moon which signifies denial of marriage.
3. If both the luminaries and Venus are under the influence of Saturn by
conjunction or aspect and if they fail in the constellation of Saturn, there will be
a delayed marriage or marriage may completely be denied if there are greater
afflictions. In this case, we find that Sun receives the aspect of Saturn, while
Moon, lord of 7th house, conjoins with Jupiter, which is 12th lord and also a
slow moving planet. Moon is dispositor of Mars which is in opposition to Saturn.
4. Mars should be taken as significator of marriage for females and if it is
under the mutual aspect of Saturn or associated with Saturn, unhappiness and
obstructions and delay in marriage should be predicted. Here Mars and Saturn
are under mutual aspect because Saturn tenants 7th from Mars causing
obstruction in marriage.
Horoscope No. 114
ate 13/06/1938 Time 06:00:00 Day Monday FiaceBijncir Sri Sana tan Ay ana maa 22:44:12^
at 29:22:00 North Long 78:09:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Kma Corr-0:17:24^

Panehang Avakahacfa Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime . 23:05:15 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Mercury: 1Y4M 11D Bhadrika : 0Y 4M 24D
Eq.oftime 0:00:17 H/s Yeni : Mng Rahu
Sunrise 5:18:45 Hrs Nadi : Adya 23/10/1989 06/11/1969
Sunset 19:15:54 Hrs Varan : Vipra 24/102007 06/11/2005
Samvat 1995 Vashya : Keetak Rahu 06/07/1992 Bhadrika 06/11/1974
Saka 1860 Varga Mng Jupiter 29/11/1994 Ulka 06/11/1980
Month Asadha Yunja ; Antya Saturn 05/1 (VI997 S'dha 07/11/1987
Paksh Krishna HansakfTatva) Jal Mercury 23/04/2000 Sankta 07/11/1995
Tithi at Sunrise, 1 Name Alphabet Yoo-Yoovraj Ketu 12052001 Manqla 06/11/1996
Nakshatra Jyestha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Geld-Copper Venus 12/05/2004 Pingia 06/11/1998
Yoga Shubh Hera : Moon Sen 05/04/2005 Dhanya 06/11/2001
Karan Balava Chaugharia : Amrit Meon 05102006 Bhramri 06/11/2005

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Raal Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Tau 28:36:38 Ven Mar Sat Ket Asc Gem 7:40:01 Mer Rah Rah Mer
Mon Sco 28:55:49 Mar Mer Sat Ven 2 Can 0:16:37 Mon Jup Mon Ket
Mar Gem 11:12:46 Mer Rah Sat Ven 3 Can 24:10:16 Mon Mer Rah Rah
Mer Tau 16:54:08 Ven Mon Sat Mon 4 Leo 22:23:47 Sun Ven Sat Mer
Jup Aqu 9:23:45 Sat Rah Jup Mer 5 Vir 26:28:53 Mer Mar Jup Sat
Ven Can 0:30:37 Men Jup Mon Sun 6 Sco 3:28:40 Mar Sat Sat Sat
Sat Pis 23:25:28 Jup Mer Mar Rah 7 Sag 7:40:01 Jup Ket Jup Jup
Rah -R Sco 4:06:29 Mar Sat Sat Ven 8 Cap 0:16:37 Sat Sun Rah Mer
Ket -R Tau 4:06:29 Ven Sun Sat Ven 9 Cap 24:10:16 Sat Mar Rah Rah
Ura Ari 23:06:32 Mar Ven Sal Mon 10 Aqu 22:23:47 Sat Jup Sat Mer
Nep Lee 25:40:25 Sun Ven Mer Sat 11 Pis 26:28:53 Jup Mer Jup Sat
Plu Can 5:53:33 Mon Sat Mer Ven 12 Tau 3:28:40 Ven Sun Sat Mer

Fortuna: Sagittarius 7:59:13 Navamsa Chart

\. Mar Nap
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
Ket\10>X Nv 8 >/
11XJUP 0
Ura SiiiHI 123' Ke^'l Sat X \ / \
. Me Met 7' I8'
Vvr Mon 12 xr 0 Sui
Mer Sun \van pm/\Mer Sun
Sal |\yen plu/ H ' X. / Reh
, \ / \ Kflt / 3 X5
\ 4 / XT/ \4 / \22/ / 2a- \ Mar / 4 \ Plu
Nep5\f Mar 3 1 Ura Flu 102r 4VMar 3 Yl2l
XlZUra Ve'- Van X.
\ PJfl*
12 Sat Nep 5 11 Sat

Sun 7 X Rah 5 X53'
X Mer
7X 9 X10JuP 422'
/ \8
B 10\ Ne25' Ura 8 2 Jup
/ \
Won Rah\ Won Rati
/V Nep
10\ Ket Xl2\Mon
Late or Never 371

Illustarion No. 12.12 (HoroscopeNo. 114) - This is also a case of denial of

marraige. She is a famous scholar of repute in the country and has been awarded
with numerous honours and titles. She is the only D.Sc. lady in the country
working on virus of plants. However, one corner of her heart and a part of her
life is bleak as she is unmarried.
Sun, Mercury and Ketu occupy 12th house and they are receiving the aspect
of Saturn. Mars and also aspect 7th house. So Lagnadhipati and lord of 4th
house Mercury and 4th and 7th are under the influence of Saturn due to its aspect.
Saptamadhipati Jupiter tenants the sign of Saturn. Moreover 12th lord Venus is
placed in the sign of an enemy, in 2nd house. Lord of 2nd Moon is in opposition
to Sun, placed in 6th. Malefic Mars as owner of 6th and 12th houses tenants
Lagna. These afflictions have denied marriage possibilities. According to rule no.5,
we also note that Saturn in JOth house caused much obstruction to marriage.
The mutual exchange of the lords of 9th and 10th houses, Saturn and Jupiter,
can be noted which has given a great professional success to the native.
In Navamsa chart too Saturn, Mars and Ketu occupy the 2nd house from
Navamsa Lagna and Venus and Rahu are placed in the 8th house resulting in
great affliction to significator Venus and Mars. So the lady has remained a spinster
throughout .
1/1944 Time 01:55:^0 Dny W^Jnesdax UucKnow SiiS^wwttri Ayanamsa
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 Eas^Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -1:06:24

Panchang iftvatetwiJuCbakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time I:5:18:52 Hrs Gan Rakshas Sun^XflM 26D USka :JIY 8M 26D
Eq.oftime :0:12:02 Hrs Yoni M.>:«i\/lesh
, Jupiter
Sunrise :7:37:07 Hrs NadL i, Antya *26/08/1985 26/08/1980
Sunset :18:11:28 Hrs Varan ^ ^Kshatriya 26/08/2001 , 26/08/2016
Samvat : 2001 Vashya C^yspsda Jupiter 14/101987 Ulka 26/08/1986
Saka : 1866 Varga »: Gafuda Saturn 26/04/1990 Sidha 2008/1993
Month :M Margshirsh Yunja i. Poorva Mercuy 01/08/1992 Sankta 260a2001
Paksh .V : Shuida NanseWatva) Agni Ketu 08/07/1993 Mangla 2G08£002
Tithi at Sunrise..: 13 , Name Alphabet Venus 08/03/1996 Rn^a 260^2004
Nakshatra : Krittika PeyaCRftsTNak) : SitYer-Gold Sin 25/12/1996 Dhanya 26/08^57
Yoga Parigh lior'a a:. Moon Mbon 26/04/1998 Bhramri 26/08/2011
Karan : Vanij Chaygharia ; Amrit Mars Phadrika 26/08/2016

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree N-L Sub; S-S ^Oagree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sco 13:38:04 Mar Sat Rah Sat ASC- Leo 27:59:24 Sun Sun Mon Mer
Mon Ari 27:14:39 Mar Sun Sun Ven 2 Vir 25:51:17 Mer Mar Rah Mon
Mar Sco 9:24:38 Mar Sat Ven Jup 3 Lib 26:17:15 Ven Jup Ket Jup
Mer Sag 3:3f53 Jup Ket Sun , Ven 4 Sco 27:43:31 Mar Mer Jup Rah
Jup Vir 1:43:04 Mer Sun Jup Sat 5 Sag 29:00:05 Jup Sun Mar Ven
Ven Sag 22:18:19 Jup Ven Sat Mer 6 Cap 29:23:56 Sat Mar Sat Mar
Sat -R Gem 16:46:12 Mer Rah Ven Sat 7 Aqu 27:59:24 Sat Jup Ven Sat
Rah -R Gem 26:21:54 Mer Jup Ket Sat 8 Pia 25:51:17 Jup Mer Rah Mon
Ket -R Sag 26:21:54 Jup Ven Ket Jup 9 Ari 26:17:15 Mar Ven Ket Rah
Ura -R Tau 18:28:36 Ven Mon Mer Sun 10 Tau 27:43:31 Ven Mar Jup Rah
Nep Vir 13:09:36 Mer Mon Rah Ket 11 Gem 29:00:05 Mer Jup Sun Rah
Plu -R Can 17:22:10 Mon Mer Mer. Sun 12 Can 29:23:56- Mon Mer Sat Mar

Fortuna: Aquarius 11:35:59 * ■■ amaa Chart

jup X-XKct Sun/
Lagna Chart 10 8
\ / x /
11V Mon Plu\/7 Ven

926' Una-
M027' 1020- Sai?* ySsi 12 /Xf
6 Mar
Raw y
jup Nep/ \ Plu / 1129' \ / \X
Nop iX 3 X5
^ / 6
\ 4/Rah PI" 720* |Ma\6 X2\ Ura / 4\
7 5 7y Jup Map ys Plu
X X3 Mor Rah
/ \ / \ Sat
( Sun 8 Mar y 2 Ura Mer 8 Ven y Rah 2 Sat
UraX 3 /
Ket\ / 4 X jL|P 2
Van\X X.
VensV 11
MarXcX ^ " 12VH 1W CKat 5 Plu X 11 Rah

hep 6XSun 8 Sat

Mar /7 \ / 9
Sun |
Late or Never

Illustration No. 12.13 (Horoscope NO. 115) '*■ The native is unmarried so far.
VenuS1 and Saturn are in opposition to e'dclv bthrer. According to Phaldeepika
conjufictioflof Lagna lord Sun With Mars delays marriages, which can be seen
in this horoscope.
Moreover, Lagna and Venus are apecled by Saturn while Lagnadhipati Sun
falls in the constellation of Saturn, Anuradha, which indicate delay in marriage.
Mars has an aspect over 7th house and the lord of 7th house Saturn and due to
these afflictions this 50-years old lady is still devoid of marriage.
Horoscope No. 116
te 13/10/1946 Time 17:38:00 Day Sunday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:51
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr -0:06:24

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari

SiderialTime :18:57:25 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Sun; 3Y4M00
Eq of time :0:13:34 Hrs Yoni : Me^i Jupiter
Sunrise :6:05:46 Hrs Nadi : Antya 12/02/1985 13/02/1980
Sunset :17:39:36 Hrs Varan : Vaishya 12/02/2001 13/02/2016
Samvat 2003 Vashya : Chatuspada Jupiter 03/04/1987 Ulka 13/02/1986
Saka : 1868 Varga : Gamda Satum 14/10/1989 Sidha 12/02/1993
Month Kartika Yunja : Poorva Mercury 20/01/1992 Sankta 12/02/2001
Paksh : Krishna HansakfTatva) Bhoomi Ketu 26/12/1992 Mangla 13/02/2002
Tlthi at Sunrise..: 3 Name Alphabet Ee-lshwar Venus 27/08/1995 Pingla 13/02/2004
Nakshatra : Krittika Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Gofd Sun 14/06/1996 Dhanya 13/02/2007
Yoga : Sidhi Hora : Saturn Moon 14/10/1997 Bhramri 13/02/2011
Karaa, : Vjshti Chaugharia : Udvega Mars 20/09/1998 Bhadrika 13/02/2016

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 26:41:48 Mer Mar Jup Mer Asc Pis 26:58:27 Jup Mer Jup Ket
Men Tau 2:35:14 Ven Sun Jup Mon 2 Tau 0:25:39 Ven Sun Rah Ket
Mar Lib 20:00:59 Ven Jup Jup Jup 3 Tau 26:33:57 Ven Mar Jup Sat
Mer Lib 15:25:27 Ven Rah Ven Ven 4 Gem 20:21:25 Mer Jup Jup Sat
Jup Lib 10:56:29 Ven Rah Sat Mer 5 Can 15:54:00 Mon Sat Jup Ven
Ven Sco 5:50:39 Mar Sat Mer Ven 6 Leo 17:20:44 Sun Ven Mar Mar
Sat Can 14:43:04 Men Sat Rah Mon 7 Vir 26:58:27 Mer Mar Jup Ket
Rah -R Tau 20:02:17 Ven Men Ket Rah 8 Sco 0:25:39 Mar Jup Mon Ven
Ket -R Sco 20:02:17 Mar Mer Ven Mar 9 Sco 26:33:57 Mar Mer Jup Sat
Ura -R Tau 28:50:30 Ven Mar Sat Ven 10 Sag 20:21:25 Jup Ven Jup Sat
Nep Vir 15:55:44 Mer Mon Sat Sat 11 Cap 15:54:00 Sat Mon Sat Sat
Plu Can 20:16:25 Men Mer Ven Rah 12 Aqu 17:20:44 Sat Rah Ven Ket

Fortune : Scorpio 2:51:53 Navamaa Chart

Mir /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
11 /Y*1

20" Mos1 XPIu
327' Urtt*
XMQn / v / Ur 811
\ Rih 8 Xx
Mon\ 1 \ 2/ 11
X /
Rah2\ Ure 2^/ 12
A Dasamsa
^Sal 3
X /
\ / Jup \ / Plu 6VS«1
Sat \ / \ /Ven
4 V Sun 8 NepVfl Plu 4^Mar 6 MarXa
Piu/sX /7\Ket
/ \ / Jup \ , e S 5 \ / 0 \ Un 7 Nep 1 Mir
/ \/Mer Mer\J ? un /iSun Nap^ /kat VeX.
Y ....—r* 1
Nep \y
eXSun 10 MoiXi2Mir
/fiX Kit / 11 X
Lafe or Never 375

IllustratonNo. 12.14 (Horoscope No. 116) - She is music teacher and quite
a good looking but still at 44 years of her age. She is not married.
Lord of 6th house, Sun, tenants 7th house, receiving the aspect of Saturn.
Lord of 7th Mercury, is placed in the 8th house with its great enemy Mars and
with Venus. The 2nd house of kutumba is also is in 7th house form Moon. So,
according to above principle she could not get married as yet.
Horoscope No. 117
26/12/1951 Time 16:08:00 Day Wadnssday Place Lansdowne Sri Sanatan Ayanarnsaj

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yog In i

Sidarial Time 22:09:17 Hrs Gan Dava Saturn : 6Y 6M 60 Shramrl : 1Y4M 14D
Eq.oftima - 0:00:13 Hrs Yoni Mrig Venus
Sunrise 7:09:56 Hrs Nadi Madhya 03/07/1982 26/12/1951
Sunset 17:20:52 Hrs Varan Vipra 03/07/2002 10/05/1985
Samval 2008 Vashya Keetak Venus 02/11/1985 Bhramri 10/05/1953
Saka 1873 Varga Sarp Sun 02/11/1986 Bhadrika 11/05/1958
Month Pausa Yunja Madhya Moon 03/07/1988 Ulka 10/05/1964
Paksh Krishna HansakfTatva) JaJ Mars 02/09/1989 Sidha 11/05/1971
Tithi at Sunrise.. 13 Name Alphabet Woo-Nrihari Rahu 01/09/1992 Sankta 11/05/1979
Nakshatra Anuradha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Jupiter 03/05/1995 Mangla 10^)5/1980
Yoga Shool Copper-Copper Saturn 03/07/1998 Pingla 11/05/1982
Karan Vanij Hora Mercury 03/05/2001 Dhanya 10/05/1985

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sag 10:55:19 Jup Ket Sat Rah Asc Tau 24".27:44 Ven Mar Rah Jup
Mon Sco 12:05:32 Mar Sat Mon Sun 2 Gem 17:50:31 Mer Rah Sun Sat
Mar Vir 24:50:35 Mer Mar Rah Sat 3 Can 10:55:53 Man Sat Sun Ven
Mer -R Sco 23:09:16 Mar Mer Man Ven 4 Leo 7:18:48 Sun Ket Rah Man
Jup Pis 12:29:28 Jup Sat Mar Sat 5 Vir 9:49:49 Mer Sun Ven Mer
Ven Lib 28:22:48 Ven Jup Ven Mer 6 Lib 17:42:44 Ven Rah Sun Jup
Sat Vir 21:17:36 Mer Mon Ven Rah 7 Sco 24:27:44 Mar Mer Rah Jup
Rah -R Aqu 9:31:30 Sat Pah Jup Ket 8 Sag 17:50:31 Jup Ven Mar Ket
Ket -R Leo 9:31:30 Sun Ket Sat Sat 9 Cap 10:55:53 Sat Man Mon Ven
Ura -R Gem 19:22:12 Mer Rah Mar Rah 10 Aqu 7:18:48 Sat Rah Rah Sat
Nep Vir 28:33:39 Mer Mar Sat Ket 11 Pis 9:49:49 Jup Sat Ven Sat
PIU -R Can 28:22:25 Man Mer Sat Mer 12 Ari 17:42:44 Mar Ven Mar Sat

Fortuna: Aries 25:37:58 Navamaa Chart

Set Sun/
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
JupXv e s V4s Y<et
7X/Mar 5 X3
Mon/ X / \ ven

X. Lira / \ /
\ 1
/ Rah eX 11 X1
\ /
10 12
Plu 4^/ 2 XnSJup piuV
4y 2 12Jup Su* / Nw S N
Raia- / \ X Mar X /Plu Ura
107 Daaamaa
/ \
(^Ket 5 11 Rah ; ^Ket 5 ■ \ 11 Rah}
\ /
A7 kXv7^/ Xy5/^
NepX / Nep\ yS .
/ ' BX 6
/C4 Yen
\y/ \/ Ke">* Mon\X X^^ S
Sat GyOton'S Mer / IO 9?1. s.«l eV V X10
Mar/7\. Mar/ 7 \ Su Sun / 9
/ 1■ \ Ven \ (sat 6 Ure\<^ 3
/ Ven \ ./ Sun \ Mon Mer
Mar1o)><^un 12 Jup^X^Reh
Mon Ven /wer NepX/ N.
Late or Never 377

Illustration No. 12.15. (Horoscope NO. 117 - She is running her 44th year
but remains unmaried. The mutual exchange of inimical lord of 5th, Mercury
and lord of 7th, Mars, may be noted as they occupy 7th and 5th respectively.
This is not the only combination which has delayed the marriage. Lord of 7th
Mars, is in conjunction with Saturn in 5th. Saturn is aspecting 7th, and Mercury
and Moon tenanted in 7th. Moon in Scorpio falls in the asterism Anuradha
whose ruler is Saturn. The 2nd and its lord Mercury are also receiving the aspect
of Saturn. So, lords of 2nd and 7th and planets placed in 7th are under the
malef'': influence of Saturn. Moon and Jupiter both arre receiving the aspect of
Saturn. According to rule no.9 Jupiter opposes the lord of 7th Mars and Saturn
associaed with that, resulting in a combination for late marriage.
If several combinations are found in a single horoscope to delay the marriage,
the possibility of marriage is absolutely denied.
Horoscope No. 118
13/07/1949 Time 13:26:00 Day Wednesday Race Lxicknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
,at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:0624

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time . 8:43:05 Hrs Gan. ^ Rakshas Mars: 1Y8M 8D Pingla :0Y5M24D
Eq.oftime - 0:05:33 Hrs Yonl. : Simha Jupiter
Sunrise 5:22:25 Hrs Nadi ^ Madhya 22/03/1969 13/07/1949
Sunset 19:01:27 Hrs Varan j Shoodra 22/03/1985 06/01/1984
Samvat 2006 Vashya Manav Jupiter 10/05/197-1 Pingla 05/01/1950
Saka 1871 Varga Marjar Saturn 20/11/1973 Dhanya 05/01/1953
Month .Sravana Yunja : Antya Mercury 26/02/1976 Bhramri 05/01/1957
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Ketu 01/02/1977 Bhadrika 05/01/1962
Tithi at Sunrise.. 3 Name Alphabet Gay-Gairik Venus 03/10/1979 Ulka 06/01/1968
Nakshatra Dhanishtha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Capper Sun 21/07/1980 Sidha 06/01/1975
Yoga Ayusman Hora Moon Moon 20/11/1981 Sankta 06/01/1983
Karan : Vis hit Chaugharia : Roga Mars 27/10/1982 Mangla 06/01/1984

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Gem 27 41:03 Mer Jup Ven Rah Lib 13:11:30 Ven Rah Mer Ven
Mon Aqu 326:52 Sat Mar Ven Mar Sco 12:16:52 Mar Sat Mar Jup
Mar Gem 0 22:32 Mer Mar Mer Ket Sag 13:08:38 Jup Ket Mer Sat
Mer Gem 12 46:06 Mer Rah Mer Mer Cap 15:27:18 Sat Mon Jup Rah
Jup -R Cap 5 16:13 Sat Sun Mer Mer Aqu 17:40:21 Sat Rah Sun Jup
Ven Can 20 55:36 Mon Mer Ven Sat Pis 17;20;20 Jup Mer Mer Ven
Sat Leo 10 37:09 Sun Ket Sat Mon Arl 13:11:30 Mar Ket Mer Sat
Rah -R Pis 28 06:25 Jup Mer Sat Sat Tau 12:16:52 Ven Mon Rah Jup
Ket -R Vir 28:06:25 Mer Mar Sat Sat Gem 13:08:38 Mer Rah Mer Ven
Una Gem 9:04:28 Mer Rah Jup Sat Can 15:27:18 Mon Sat Jup Mer
Nep Vir 1936:22 Mer Mon Mer Sat Leo 17;40:21 Sun Ven Mar Sat
Plu Can 22 29:45 Mon Mer Mon Rah Vir 17:20:20 Mer Mon Sat Rah
Fortuna: Taurus 18:57:19 Navamta Chart
Jup Ur«
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt'Cuapal
Rihl^^Mir 10 VinN<^ Mon
eu- u
Mi { 1 7 MiO

\N#P Kay' XNep Key/ Si

2X 4 Xe K»l
\b / Ven
/ 3 \ Sit 5\
7 X5 Sal Plu Sun Nip\ / X

Jup 10 Man 10 Set 4 ven Sun Mon/ X /
"U 4
12 1Q
X S X /
IX Kit 11 Xfl
NvYsun 1 XZ Sun
MonlX 11X
A\Mw Jus>
/m /2\
Jup / / 2 \/ar / Ura \ C 2 /T Nip 8 Sip
/ Rah ' \ Ket / Rah /Mer Mer\
^ Nep
Mir 5 yv Jup
/4 X^ Rih / 6 \Mir
/ x y Jri Vin x
Lale or Never 379

Illustration No. 12.16 (Horoscope No. 118) - This is the birth chart of the
daughter of a Chief Engineer of a State Government Department. Her marriage
took nlace with an aged but mutli-millionaire person on 22.JO.1982 i.e. in the
34th year of age. According to rule no.4 Venus is hemmed in between Sun and
Saturn, especially Venus has joined inimical sign. Saturn is aspecting Lagna,
Moon and lord of 7th house. Mars tenants 8th house. There is mutual aspect
between Mars and Saturn i.e. between the lord of 5th and 7th houses. Lord of
7th hosue Mars is also under Papakartari Yoga and it owns and aspects 2nd
houses. These factors have delayed the marriage considerably.
h If
iQSW^WQiST ^flme 20*03:00 Day • Wednesday ^Piadittt^ndvi?' Sri Si^ilftftf AyaitSrii'Sa23
iK26;50;00 Norttf L6ng-'80r54^)0€asF26neir>82:30.,00 East Time febir0i06:24

Pandfi^rt# Ava^ai^ifChikri^ Vimabftarl Yoginl
SiderialTimee 14:41:59 Hrs Gan. i Manushya sun fivewiet) Sldha : 1Y9M 190
Eq.oftime 0:04:01 Hrs Yoni. - Gau Rahu
Sunrise :5:18:12 Hrs Nadi : Adya 19/01/1976 03/07/1957
Sunset 9:02:42firs Varan " :Vaishya ' 19/01/1994 22/04/1988
Samvat 2014 Vashyf. : f^fen^Vv'- Rahu 02/10/1978 Sidha 23/04/1959
Saka ..1879 Varga : Mooshak Jupiter 24/02/1981 Sankta 23/04/1967
Month : Asacfh^ Yunja... Twfedily^ Saturn 01/01/1984 Mangle 22/04/1968
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tdlva) Bhodrfii Mercury 20/07/1986 Ping la 23/04/1970
Tit hi at Sunrise..
se..: 6 Name' Alphabet Paa-Pawan Ketu 08/08/1987 Dhanya 23/04/1973
Nakshatra .UPhalgiint" Paya(R83l-Mak) : Silver-Silver Venus 08/08/1990 Bhramri 23/04/1977
Yoga : Variyan Hora ^ Mercury Sun 02/07/1991 Bhadrika 23/04/1982
Karan : Vani] Chaugharla Udvega Moon 31/12/1992 Uka 22/04/1988

Plarifetft Nirayana Bhava

Plh -R Raslvq>egrtfte'" *R-L N-L Sub s-s Houa^Raal' Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s
Sun Gem 18:22:19 Mer Rah Mon Rah Asc Cap 4:25:06 Sat Sun Sat Mar
Mon Vir 6:33:50 Mer Sun Mer Jup 2 Aqu 12:26:17 Sat Rah Sat Jup
Mar Can 14:34:43 Mon Sat Rah Sun 3 Pis 19:18:32 Jup Mer Ket Mer
Mer Gem 17:36:18 Mar Rah Sun Rah 4 Ah 19:56:54 Mar Ven Rah Mon
Jup Vir 1:44:48 Mer Sun Jup Mer 5 Tau 15:22:03 Ven Mon Jup Mar
Ven Can 9:37:48 Mon Sat Ven Sat 6 Gem 8:52:56 Mer Rah Jup Jup
Sat -R Sco 15:51:19 Mar Sat Jup Ven 7 Can 4:25:06 Mon Sat Sat Ven
Rah -R Lib 25:10:35 Ven Jup Mer Rah 8 Leo 12:26:17 Sun Ket Mer Mar
Ket -R Ari 25:10:35 Mar Ven Mer Rah 9 Vir 19:18:32 Mer Mon Mer Jup
Ura Can 12:39:01 Mon Sat Mar Ket 10 Lib 19:56:54 Ven Rah Mar Mon
Nep -R Lib 6:50:28 Ven Rah Rah Rah 11 Sco 15:22:03 Mar Sat Jup Sat
Plu Leo 5:37:04 Sun Ket Rah Rah 12 Sag 8:52.56 Jup Ket Jup Mon

Fortuna: Pisces 22:36:37 Navamsa Chart '

Sun Jup /
Lagna Chart MrayanaBhavaGhallt-Guapal
X 12 / N.10/
IX I Mon 11 y/a Nap

Rah 2 Plu ><: Sat a Mar?

\ >X \K.I
IShbbhhB 5 Xo Ura
\ 9/
V io Ya sat XX
12x 10 Y/
X8 Sat X Xv >X yBn N.

A Daaamaa
<AYwap 7 Rah^ Ket 1 7 Rah

Ura\ X / Ura \ /
\ /Mon
zYwar 4 Van Ye 4 VanYsNep
/5 XJup /3\ Plu /sX
X 3 \
XSun Men, / Pfu \ Sun Xlup Mon \
Saio* Rasa*
Ne 1115' 1020'
Sat Ra■1
fll ■ I Nf
Late or Never 381

lllustmtionNo. 12.17 (Horoscope N.otll9) - According to rule no. 2. Venus

is positioned in the sign of luminary i.e. Cancer. Conjunction of Venus with
debilitated Mars in the 7th house has most adverse effeeton account of its malefic
aspect on Lagna and 2nd house. This is the reason why the daughter of an honest
Superintendant of Police could not get married till very late age.
Horoscope No. 53
18/10/1958 Tima 08:22:00 Day Saturday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
-at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime .:d:59;5d Hrs Gan - Rakshas Katu : 0Y 2M 3D Ulka : 0Y1M240
Eq.oftima :0:14:42 Hrs Yoni : Shwan Moon
Sunrisa 6:08:32 Hrs Nadi : Adya 21/12/1984 18/10/1958
Sunset :17:34:36 Hrs Varan : Kshatriya 21/12/1994 11/12/1988
Samvat : 2015 Vashya - Manav Moon 21/10/1985 Ulka 12/12/1958
Saka 1880 Varga : Mooshak Mars 22/05/1986 Sidha 12/12/1965
Month : Asvina Yunja : Antya Rahu 21/11/1987 Sankta 12/12/1973
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(TatvaJ Agni Jupiter 22/03/1989 Mangla 12/12/1974
Tithi at Sunrise..: 6 Nama Alphabet .: Shee-Bheems Saturn 21/10/1990 Pingla 11/12/1978
Nakshatra : Moola Paya(Rasi-Nak) Mercury 22/03/1992 Dhanya 12/12/1979
Yoga : Atigand Coppar-Coppar Ketu 21/10/1992 Bhramri 12/12/1983
Karan : Taitila Hora : Mars Venus 22/06/1994 Bhadrika 11/12/1988

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Raal Dagrea R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 1:12:20 Ven Mar Mer Rah Asc Lib 29:39:45 Van Jup Mon Rah
Mon Sag 12:59:52 Jup Kat Mer Jup 2 Sco 29:17:48 Mar Mer Sat Mar
Mar -R Tau 9:04:05 Ven Sun Van Jup 3 Cap 1:17:02 Sat Sun Jup Jup
Mer Lib 9:47:25 Van Rah Jup Van 4 Aqu 4:47:22 Sat Mar Van Kat
Jup Lib 15:10:58 Ven Rah Ket Mer 5 Pis 6:58:21 Jup Sat Mar Jup
Ven Vir 24:59:52 Mer Mar Rah Mar 6 Ari 5:16:02 Mar Kat Mar Mar
Sat Sco 28:24:57 Mar Mer Sat Mer 7 Ari 29:39:45 Mar Sun Rah Jup
Rah -R Vir 29:21:17 Mar Mar Sat Mar 8 Tau 29:17:48 Van Mar Sat Mar
Ket -R Pis 29:21:17 Jup Mer Sat Mar 9 Can 1:17:02 Mon Jup Mar Mon
Ura Can 22:46:53 Mon Mer Mon Sat 10 Leo 4:47:22 Sun Ket Mar Mar
Nep Lib 11:06:42 Ve n Rah Sat Kat 11 Vir 6:58:21 Mer Sun Mer Sat
Plu Lao 10:36:12 Sun Kat Sat Mon 12 Lib 5:16:02 Van Mar Sun Sat
Fortuna: Capricorn 11:27:17 Navamaa Chart
NvMon Plu
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
Van sX: 3
6i* Ma

730* 829* (Rah 6 Sat 12 MaO

Ket | \ Sat / \ Rah Ven / Men / Mar N. s /

. / \ Nap / Sun iyC 9 yV11 JuP
\ 8 /ju|Nap\ 6 / I Ufa 7 /Sun 9^
i /0 Mar /
Mon9xSun 7 MarxS Plul 10 X Sat 7 ^8 Van
\s Nv ^ap Uri\
\ Urs: Daaamaa
4 Ura 5 Plu^

KB112X 1 X4 Ura
A' 3t' ■ /1\ Mar /2\ v Sun 7 Ura^/Mar 1 Mon^
Ket \

■ 229* 130* j
Pki or 10 Veny><^l2 Jup
Nep Jup Sa^' Juis^gir va25' 9
Sat Mer Sun Meio^s-Sur Rasa- / \ / 11 X
/ X / Rah X
Late or Never 383

Illustration No. 12.18 (Horoscope No. 53) - The ascendant is weak because
Lagna lord Venus is debilitated in 12th house and lord of 12th house Mercury
joins Lagna in association with the debilitated Sun, its enemy, Jupiter and Rahu.
Lord of 7th house, Mars occupies 8th house in a stationary sign and Saturn is
placed 7th from that in 2nd having mutual aspect on each other. This is an
adverse factor for marriage as per rule nos. 5,9 and 11. She got married at the
age of 31 years and led a very miserable married life till she died of Cancer on
May 29, 1993.
We have discussed here about the delay or denial of marriage. It is a tough
analysis to distinguish whether the marriage of a particular person will only be
delayed or absolutely denied. If the influence of Saturn is strong enough over
Venus, 7th and 2nd lords and luminaries the marriage will be denied. Before
reaching this conclusion the strength of the Lagna and 9th house should also
be taken into sincere consideration. If these houses are strong, marriage will
take place in spite of various obstacles. Other combinations like Papakartari
Yoga caused by Sun and Saturn, Mars and Saturn or hemming of Venus
between Sun and Moon or conjunction of Venus Moon, Venus-Sun and Venus
Saturn etc. also play important role in denial of marriage as Lagna and 9th
house are weak.
What are the remedial measures to reduce the evil effects of planets causing
delay in marriage? Chanting of which Mantra will be useful to curtail the malefic
tendencies of planets who are denying marriage? Which is the suitable birth
stone and what are the other methods for warding off the undesirable influence
of the planets and to get the marriage materialise early? These questions are
dealt with in a separate chapter on remedial steps in detail, in the second volume
of this book. #


When does marriage in a native's case takes place?

This question is troubling the minds of all concerned. As practising

astrologers for over two decades we have taken up this problem
extensively. There are innumerable rules in he astrological texts for the factor of
timing in marriage. There are hundreds of resarch findings of various scholars
for determining the exact time of a particular marriage. During our enquiry on
the subject, we have kept in touch with the leading authorities in the field of
astrology who have already done extensive work on this specific topic. Not
withstanding all such valuable research work of the stalwarts of astrology, the
questions is yet to see its master solution.

We have a strong belief that sincere effort, honesty, real desire, hard work,
repeated endeavours and full dedication can make it possible to make correct
predictions in any sphere including the timing of marriage.

Regarding marriage two questions are equally important as to whether at all

the native will be blessed with it, sooner or later, and if so, then at what time it
will take place.

Marriage is definitely an important turning point in one"s life, as it changes

the course of life of the native and he begins his own family life from this point
only, V entering into Grihastha Ashram. A new tree takes firm roots and it is
for the native to help, preserve and nurture it. This is an inexorable law of
nature and divinity.

In this chapter, we are going to deal with the question of timing in

marriage. First we will mention the rules and laws as propounded by Our
sages and scholars.

A. Dr. B.VRaman writes in "How to judge a Horoscope" Volume-II in chapter

11, about the timing marriage
Timing of Marriage 385

1. The lord of the sign where Saptamadhipati is placed may arrange marriage
during its effective vibrations over the native.

2. The Navamsa lord of the Saptamadhipati may result into marriage during
its influence over the native.

3. The significator of marriage Venus can give marriage during its period.

4. The period of Moon may also cause marriage.

5. The lord of the 7th house can cause marriage in its Dasha Bhukti provided
it is assoicated with Venus.

6. The marriage can take place during the period of the 2nd lord.

7. The lord of the sign occupied by the 2nd lord may result into marriage,
when its Dasha Bhukti comes under operation.

8. The lord of the sign occupied by the second lord in Navamsa chart, may
also be seen becasue the marriage can come during that Dasa Bhukti.

9. The marriage may also come in evidence during favourable vibrations of

the 10th or 9th lords.

10. Add the longitudes of the lords of the Lagna and that of 7th lord. When
Jupiter transits the resultant Rasi or trines, the marriage comes in evidence.

11. Add the longitudes of the Moon and that of the 7th lords from the Moon.
Marriage will take place when Jupiter transits over the resultant so obtained or
its trines.

12. Add the longitudes of the Moon and that of the lords of the 5th
and 9th houses from the Moon. Marriage may take place when Jupiter
transits over there.

B. Certain other classics also describe the following for timing in marriage

13. Add the longitudes of the Moon and that of the 8th lord. Marriage would
take place, when Jupiter will cross that location.

14. The marriage takes place during the Dasa Bhukti of the stronger lords of
the Rasi and Navamsa chart occupied by the 7th lord.

This will exactly come under so determined Dasa Bhukti when Jupiter
happens to transit over those signs of Rasi and Navamsa chart where the 7th
lord is posited or when Jupiter transits in triness Rom there.

C. According to Phaldeepika :

15. When the lord of the Lagna transits in the 7th house from Lagna, marriage
takes place.

16. When the lord of the 7th house or Venus transits in the sign of Navamsa
occupied by the Lagna lord or in trines from there, marriage may take place.
386 Predicting Marriage

17. The marriage does takes place during the Dasa Bhukti of the planets who
are lending their aspect over the 7th house.

18. Dasa Bhukti, many times, cover many years. If the planet which will
cause manage is a benefic and occupies the sign of a malefic, the marriage will
take place in the earlier part of this Dasa. If it is a benefic planet and falls in the
sign of a malefic, the marriage will lake place in the middle period of that very
planet. If the planet responsible for marriage is a malefic and occupies a malefic
sign, marriage will take place in the last part of the Dasa of that planet. If the
Dasa lord is malefic but occupies the sign of a benefic and also associated with
other benefic planets, the mariage will take place at any time of the Dasa Bhutki
of that very planet.

19. During the Dasa period of the planet causing marriage, the marriage will
come in evidence whe Jupiter trasits in the trine of the sign and Navamsa
occupied by the lord of the 7th house.

20. Find out the stronger of the Moon and Venus, marriage will take place
during transit of Jupiter in trine from that planet or when Jupiter transits the
Navamsa occupied by that planet.

21. When the owner of the Navamsa of the stronger of the two lords of the
ascendant and the 7th Bhava, enters in his own sign during the transit, marriage
takes place.

22. Vidyanatha has mentioned that marriage may take place with the Moon
and Jupiter in their transit arrive at the 2nd place from the lord of the Navamsa
occupied by the ascendant lord at birth. When Jupiter reaches the sign occupied
by the 7th lord or Venus, there is a chance for marriage.

23. The 7th house, the lord of the 7th and the Karaka Venus should be free
from afflictions. Saturn should also be taken into account while timing marriage.

24. Apart from Lagna, the 7th house must be considered from Moon and
the Karaka Venus as well. The Ashtakvarga of Venus should contain sufficent
points in the 7th house.

25. After judgement of above, we know if the marriage is at all indicated. We

should then find out the Dasa Bhukti for marriage as indicated by the natal

26. Consider the transits of the concerning planets to find out the exact time
of marriage. To be very precise, take the transitof7th lord and Venus as reckoned
from Lagna, Moon and Venus into consideration. When these transiting planets
pass over the sensitive points, marriage comes in evidence.

To find out the year and month of marriage

1. Add together the longitudes of the lords of the lagna and the 7th house.
Find the Rasi and the Navamsa indicated by the result.
Timing of Marriage 387
2. Jupiter's transit over the Rasi or Navamsa indicates the year of marriage.

3. Add together the longitudes of Moon and 7th lord. When Jupiter will
transit over the Rasi or Navamsa obtained by the resultant, the marriage will
take place.

4. See that which Rasi and Navamsa has been occupied by the 7th lord,
Which is stronger between the two? Marraige takes place during the Dasa or
Bhukti of the stronger one.

5. Marriage takes place when Jupiter transits in Trikona from Rasi or

Navamsa occupied by the 7th lord.

6. See that which is stronger, Moon or Venus? The marriage may take place
in the Dasa Bhukti of the stronger planet.

7. If Venus is well associated with the 7th house or with the lord of the 7th
house, the marriage may take place in Dasa Bhukti of Venus,

8. If marriage doesn,,t take place in any of these periods, it will take place
in the Dasa Bhukti of the 9th or 10th house. After all considerations of the 7th
house, the houses which should be taken into consideration for marriage are
the 9th and 10th.

9. Therefore, consider the planets posited in the 7th house or associated

with the lord of the 7th house. During the Dasa Bhukti of one of these, marriage
will take place.

Following rule may also be applied for deciding the year of marriage.

Find out which sign falls in the 7th house. Add 8 and the number of the sign
of the 7th house together. The sum should be added to the mutiples of 5 for
working out the age of marriage. Suppose one is born in Cancer Lagna.
Capricorn falls in the 7th house. Add 8 to it. This is 18 now. The native may be
got married :

18 + 5 = 23rd year

18+10 = 28th year

18 •+ 15 = 33rd year and so on

According to Mantreshwar marriage takes place when Venus or the 7th lord,
or 1st lord transits in trine to the the sign occupied by the lord of the ascendant
in Rasi or Navamsa, This holds good if the 7tb lord is a slow moving planet like
Jupiter or Saturn, otherwise many periods will crop up during any given year,

Manteshwar gives another rule

RdHlRmRl: "cR I I"

(Phaldeepkach. 10/13)
388 Predicting Marriage

Marriage takes place in the period of the planet in the 7th house, planet
aspecting the 7th house and the lord of the 7th house. It can also take place,
when the lord of the ascendant comes to the 7th house during its transit.

Find out where the lord of the 7th house is in Rasi and Navamsa. Then
ascertain the relative strength of the lord of these house, the major period of
the stronger one gives rise to marriage. When Jupiter a trine to the sign in Rasi
or Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 7th house, marriage can take place.

I I"
(Phaldeepka ch. 10/14)

See who is stronger between the lords of the sign or Navamsa occupied by
the 7th lord. Also see who is stronger between Venus and Moon. When the
Dasa Bhukti of the stronger planet operates, the marriage takes place, provided
the Jupiter transits in the trine to the lord of the sign occupied by the 7th lord in
Rasi chart or Navamsa.

Method evolved by Mr. H.R. Shanker - Mr. H.R. Shanker, an eminent

astrologer, has evolved a new technique in timing of marriage. We will mention
the main points of this technique here below :

Find out the eclipse point in a horoscope which is being judged for timing of
marriage. Mathematically, deduct the longitudes of Rahu from that of ascendant.
Find out the Kendra position by additing 90°, 180° and 210°.

Suppose longituede of ascendant-longitude of Rahu — X

Eclipse points are X,X + 90o,X-i- 180o,X + 270o

If there is any planet exactly on the eclipse point, marriage will be denied to
the native, Mainly the Sun, Moon, Mars and Venus are the planets who play
prominent role in the judgement of marriage. So, the longitudes of the Sun,
Moon, Mars and Venus should not be similar to that of effective eclipse points.
Otherwise, the marriage will be denied. This will indicate the impediments and
obstacles resulting into delay of marriage, if not denied due to other powerful
and positive indications.

The complement point is obtained by reversing the formula. Deduct the

longitude of Lagna from the longitude of Rahu i.e. Rahu - Langa = Y.

Effective complment points would be Y, Y + 90, Y + 270.

Mr. H.R. Shanker has also given that

Timing af Marriage 389

Ascendant - Venus = Say T

and Sensitive points T; T + 90, T + 180, T + 270

If Jupiter or Saturn transit either of these sensitive points marriage takes place.

Jatak Paripat mentions that if the lord of the 7th house is associated with
Venus, its dasa and Bhukti may lead to marriage.

The lord of the sign occupied by the 2nd lord may give marriage. Dasa Bhukti
of the 9th or 10th lord comes next in order. Jatak parijat also states that time of
marriage can also be determined by the total of the figures of the ruler of the
constellation occupied by the Moon and the the lord of the 7th house. Jupiter's
transit over such obtained sign or triangle thereof will give marriage. Add
together the figures for the lord of the Lagna and 7th lord. When Jupiter transits
over the sign and Navamsa indicated by the result or trines, marriage takes
place. Marriage also takes place when Jupiter transits in triangle from Rasi and
Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 7th house.

There are some other principles based on transits.

Add the longitude of Moon and 8th lord. When Jupiter transits over this or
the 2nd house from Navamsa position of the lord of the Lagna or Jupiter and
Moon together, manage is indicated. If Moon happens to be the 7th lord,
marriage takes place in ts Dasa Bhukti.

A Novel Approach for Timing of Marriage by Mr. K.N. Rao - Besides

these classic rules, in trems of Dasa Bhukti and Gochar, there is another school
of thought based on latest researches carried out by Mr, K.N Rao, a famous
astrologer of India, who has made a long and deep research in timing of events.
According to him the transit of Saturn and Jupiter and their aspectal relation to
the 7th house is the primary indication of marriage. "It is the Saturn who unites
the bride and bridegroom. Saturn in consultaton with Jupiter proposed how
and when to tie the conjugal knot". So the timing of event, the Saturn should
have aspected or have an aspect on Lagna and the 7th house, (ii) Lagna lord and
the 7th lord, (iii) Lagna lord and 7th house, (iv) Lagna and the 7th lord. The
Same principle applies to Jupiter also. The deviation of aspect is two and a half
years in case of Saturn and 12 to 15 months in case of Jupiter. Beside Saturn
who proposes, Jupiter who disposes (by giving his sanction and authority), the
Mars also plays very important in executing the event. The method according
to him is as follows

1. First of all locate the block of two years within which marriage would
take place by first showing how Jupiter and Saturn cover 1/7 axis.

2. Now we consider, how two years period of marriage can be reduced to only
one year. The year in which marriage is indicated to take place, Juptier must cover
any one of the following factors, in direct or retrograde motion or both :
390 Predicting Marriage

(a) Venus and the 5th house,

(b) Venus and the5th lord,

(c) 5th house and the 5th lord,

(d) 5th house, 5th lord/9th house and 9th lord.

Thus by the consideration and proper application of Jupiter"s transit, the

span of 12 months will be known during which the marriage would take place.
Now to further reduce it, help of Mars" transit should be taken into

(A) like Jupiter and Saturn, Mars must cover 1/7 axis within 6 months of

(a) Mars should aspect Lagna and the 7th house, or

(b) Lagna and the 7th lord, or

(c) Lagna lord and the 7th house, or

(d) Lagna lord and the 7th lord

(B) Just like Jupiter, Mars should cover any one of the following with in 6
months of marriage :

(a) Venus and 5th house,

(b) Venus and 5th lord,

(c) 5th house and the 5th lord.

This is most valuable research work of Mr. K.N Rao and his team. He has
used more 100 practical horoscopes to establish the reliability of this system.
The interested readers may look into the great work of Mr. K.N. Rao which
appeared in the issues of the Astrological Magazine in 1986 and 1987.

Now coming to the timing of marriage event, according to Tajik Shastra,

the following rules have been laid down by Neel Kantha Kesava and
Yavanacharya which have been sythesised by Dr. B.V. Raman in his book
"Varshapal". They are as follows

1. In a progressed horoscope (PH) when Venus is in 7th house or as a

lord of 7th house gets an aspect of Jupiter.

2. The lord of Lagna or its sign in birth chart (BC) is well disposed in
7th house of PH.

3. Sign occupied by Venus in BC is in 7th house of PH and venus

becomes lord of the year.

4. If Varshesh (lord of the year) is in the 7th house occupied by Venus

in BC or if Venus holding one of the Panchadhikaris is associated with or
aspected by Mars.
Timing of Marriage 391

5. If Rasi held by Venus at Radix happens to be the 7th house in PH and

Venus becomes the Varsh lord (lord of the year).

6. If the lord of the 7th house is in Jthasal with Vivah Saham (Vs = Venus -
Saturn + Lagna) or Lords of Lagna or Vivah Sanam are in Ithasal.

7. If Mars as a lord of the year aspected by Venus or vice versa or if Vivah

Saham is asected by Mars and Venus.

8. If the lord of the 7th house becomes Munthesh or lord of the year, it
indicates marriage and happines from all sides.

Besides these rules of the Tajik, it has been observed in number of cases
that a well disposed Muntha in the 7th house of Varsh Kundli or 7th house of
BC becoming Lagna in the Kundli and Muntha in the 7th house has been
found to be instrumental in marriage. The PH deals with the aspect of timing
of marriage event as per Tajik rules. But the underlying assumptions behind
the Varsh Phal Kundli(PH) is that it is derived firom the birth chart. So all the
fruits during the year in Varsh Kundli cannot lie realised unless they are
promised in the birth chart. If there is no Yoga of marriage in birth chart,
making Prediction about marriage will have no meaning. This, precisely, is a
pre-condition that the birthchart should guarntee for any specific event to
happen in Varsh Kundli (PH).

Method Evolved by Shri Daya Shanker (Before taking over the

responsibilities of Hon'y Consultant Editor of The Times of Astrology in
1997) - He strongly believes that "Upachaya Sthan" and Navamsa Lagna play
vital roles in one's life in the field of marriage and married life in addition to the
normal and well known significations of the 7th house. He has also made new
observations about the peculiar role of Venus while timing the marriage. His
method is given below

1. Determine whether marriage is promised in the horoscope at all, or not. If

yes, then observe whether the marriage is too early or there are indications of
considerable delay in the marriage. This can be done on the basis of known
principles of the subject seen anywhere in the standard books. According to
him, the indications and principles enumerated in authors' book "Vaivahik
Vilamb Ke Vividh Aayam Evam Mantra" are tested ones and give almost
accurate results.

2. Now, see the places 7, 2 and 9 from Lagna in cuspal chart and also from
7th house. The Planets there in or lords thereof may be the Dasa lords, of which
one might be operating at the period estimated on the basis of observations as
per step 1 above. Dasa lord may also belong to the set of planets, being lord of
Navamsa Lagna or 7th place from it and having planets therein.

3. Generally the horoscopes do not cast on the correct birth time, therefore, it
may happen that the acutal Lagna may not have the same Navamsa as shown
392 Predicting Marriag e

in the horoscope. The correct Navamsa may be either of the previous or post
no. of Navamsa appearing at 12th or 2nd in the Navamsa chart. Hence, if
other things are going to synchronise, consider all the three Navamsa charts
for the purpose of getting Antardasa lord.

4. Jupiter is the only planet whose sanction is necessary to call an act

perfomed like marriage to be actually marriage. Marriage is such an important
act, that its consequential effects are supposed to enlarge and expand the canvas
of human life. Apart from the other places in the horoscope, the Upachaya
places are such which control such actions in the life. Hence Jupiter in transit
must be in one of Upachaya places from either Lagna or 7th and this benefic
transit should be free from any kind of Vedha.

5. Till now, we have selected Dasa Bhukti and probable year with the help of
Navamsa and Jupiter. If we get more than one year in this way, the year, in
which more singificators of marriage are aspected/affected through transit of
the Jupiter, should be selected. The period of retrogression of Jupiter should be
excluded unless the native has natal Jupiter also retrograde.

6. If Venus is fully combust and not retrograde in the natal chart the
marriage takes place in the period zone ranging from 3rd April to 3rd
October in the year, most likely unless Venus and Sun do not occupy
separate houses in the Cuspal chart. This holds good unless and until, this
period is totally outside the Dasa Bhukti so determined. Hence, we can, further
select the piece of the year out of the two zones viz.. One from 3rd April to 3rd
October and second from 4th October to 2nd April. Thus we reach upto six
months small period to consider in place of one full year.

7. Through synchronisation of Dasa Bhukti, year specified by Jupiter and six

months period specified by Venus, we may get a period lesser than six months
to consider.

8. Now, select out of the period arrived at upto step 7 above, the day on which
each planet, out of all 7 planets, offer maximum possible benefic points in its own
Prastharastaka Varga including Lagnastaka. This selected day must collect the
maximum possible benefic points from all the planets together in the aforesaid zone.
In this way we arrive at the auspicious marriage day.

After reading so much about others, we will try to find out our way of timing
of events.

Let us tell our readers, there is no method which is fool-Proof. The astrology
is the sicence of tendencies as per planetary directions. The planetary indications
are to be studied and applied quite intelligently to get successful! and correct
observations. We cannot afford to miss even the smallest point in our
consideration otherwise success will be far off

We will study few cases and apply the appropriate rules of timing of marriage
Timing of Marriage 393

as laid down by other celebrated authors and writers. Thereafter we will try to
discover certain new observations which may be easier and simpler and more
reliable and applicable to almost all cases.

In other chapters we have dealt with the rules of late marriages in length.
We will mention a few important rules of late marriage or denial marriage, in
brief, hereunder

1. Saturn causes dealy in marriage and at times when the influence of Saturn
is too strong, on the concerning bodies, the denial comes in evidence. If Saturn
aspects Moon and Venus and Sun joins the sign of Saturn i.e. Capricorn or
Aquarius, the marriage gets delayed. In others words, if Saturn has an influence
overMoon, the Sun and Venus, marrige gets delayed. This should bejundeged
by Rasi as well as Navamsa chart. Greater the influence of Saturn over these
points, more the delay in marriage. Saturn's infuence over the 5th lord is also a
factor resulting into delay of marriage.

2. The maximum distance of Venus with the Sun cannot exceed 48° 20'. If
the distance exceeds more than 43o20, and Venus is debilitated and is also
aspected by Saturn, the marriage gets delayed and engagements can be broken.
In such cases marriage does not last for long even if it takes place.

3. When the 7th house is vacant and there is no planet and Sun, in case of
females and Moon, in case of males are under the adverse aspects of malefics,
the marriage gets delayed. In case of Scorpio ascendant that rule is very much
applicable, if Sun or Moon receive the adverse aspect of Saturn.

4. The lords of the ascendant, the 7th house and the Venus fall in barren
signs i.e. Gemini, Leo, Virgo and Sagittarius the marriage will be delayed.

5. The 2nd house and its lord must also be taken into consideration in the
same manner as the 7th house, retrograde planets have also a concern with the
late marriage. If the 7th or 2nd house is ruled by the retrograde planet or
retrograde planet is placed there, the marriage will be delayed considerably.
This will also happen if retrograde planet aspect these houses or their lord^r
even aspect the lords of the 2nd or 7th.

There is as such no definition of late or early marriage. In old times a marriage

at 20 years of age was considered late and today a marriage at 27 is supposed
to be an early marriage. However, we consider that if a male gets married till
29 years of age and & female till 25 years of age, this is not late but if the age
limit exceeds, only then we can tall it a late marriage.

Marriage at Appropriate Age

1. The Moon for males, in the ist or the 3rd quadrants i.e. if Moon joins 1,
2, 3, 7, 8 or 9 house. The Sun, for females, if similarly placed.

2. The Moon passing ffomnew to full i.e. the birth took place in the bright lunar half.
394 Predicting Marriage

3. Venus and many other planets are posited in watery signs i.e. Cancer,
Scorpio and Pisces.

4. The strong Moon is placed in the 5th or 7th.

After the proper judgement of horoscope that there is no reason for delay in
marriage, we should look into the Vimshottari Dasa Bhukti running over the
native for finding out the time of marriage. There may be so many Dasas when
the marriage will be possible.

Generally Venus and Jupiter are attached with the maximum importance of
materialising marriage in their Dasa Bhukti. In practise it does not hold so good
that we may adopt it for granted.

Our study reveals that marriage mostly takes place in the Dasa Bukti of
Rahu if the Dasa of Rahu comes at marriageable age. The 9th house and its
ruler is most important for finding out the time of marriage. The planets who
aspect the 9th house or aspected by the 9th lord have a great concern with the
time of marriage.

1. Any planet whose Mahadasa is in progress and that planet is friendly to

7th lord or a benefic, would bring marriage if it is 7th from 7th lord or if it is the
lord of the 7th house from the 7th house lord e.g. 7th lord is Venus and joins
Cancer. The 7th from Cancer is Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and
Saturn is friendly to the 7th lord Venus. Therefore, Saturn Dasa Bhukti can
bring marriage.

2. If the Mahadasa of a planet isrunning and Antardasa of a benefic, who is

placed in the 7th or aspecting the 7th, is also running, that Antardasa may bring
about marriage.

3. During the Mahadasa of the lord of the firsthouse, marriage will come in
evidence when the Antardasa of the 7th lord will come.

4. During the Mahadasa of the Sun, when Antardasa of Moon, Jupiter,

Mercury or Venus comes, marriage takes place.

5. If Moon is posited in the 7th house and the Antardasa of a benefic omes
during the Mahadasa of Moon, marriage will come.

6. Irrespective of Lagna, Dasa of an unafflicted Venus causes marriage. A

planet conjoined with Venus, friendly to the 7th lord, may also bring marriage.

7. Rahu and Ketu conjoined with 7th lord or in 7th house may result into
marriage. They will also do so if conjoined with 1, 5 9th lords.

8. In Dasa Bhukti of 7th lord, marriage takes place.

9. Marriage may take place in the Dasa of the constellation in which 7th
lord falls.
Timing of Marriage 395

So, consider the appropriate Dasa Bhukti in which marriage is likly to take
place. Mostly people depend over the transit of Jupiter for the timing of marriage.
But it is not always dependable. Many times it appears that appropriate Dasa
Bhukti is not coming under operation at marriageable age. In that case,
consideration of Dasa is overlooked and transit of Jupiter becomes the only
consideration. In fact we just depend on the 2nd and 7th house, their lords and
the significator of marriage i.e. Venus and want to see result only after simple
and direct application.

In our view direct applications of these factors for marriage are not sufficient.

First of all see if the planets placed in the 7th and 2nd houses and their lords
are strong or weak, afflicted or unafflicted. If any planet is influencing 2nd or
7th by its strong aspect, it should be taken into consideration. Thereafter, judge
the event of marriage by taking the position of the 7th lord as Lagna, position
of Venus is also important for such considerations.
Navamsa chart should be judged as Lagna or Rasi chart for finding out the
appropriate Dasa Bhukti for marriage timing.
The 9th house does play a very important and significant role in marriage
timing. Marriage can take place in the Dasa Bhukti of the 9th lord or the planets
placed in the 9th house or influencing the 9th house by others means like aspect
or association with its lord. Marriage especially happens in the Dasa Bhukti of
the 9th lord if the planet is also related with 2nd or 7th house. Dasa Bukti of
Rahu has also to do much with the time of marriage just like Venus. Dasa or
Antardasa of Rahu, if comes at marriageable age does result into marriage.
Fourth house also plays a vital role in timing of marriage, which has been
discussed in detail at the end of this chapter.
This is simple to write but it is very tough job to pinpoint the planets
whose Dasa Bukti will casue marriage of the native. We will make an honest
attempt to decide the particular Dasa Bukti in which marriage takes place
and we will try to make it as simple as possible, avoiding all complications
of timing of events.
Transits - After deciding the Dasa Bhukti, let us consider the Transits which
do play a prominent role in timing of marriage.

1. Transits modify the timings. The transits can accelerate or retard the
timings if these are favourable or unfavourable, as the case may be.

A planet if transitting in the favourable position from Moon and Lagna and
that too in his own, exalted or friendly sign, will show very good results.

2. The effect of the transits in the 7th house is marked when it is exactly
180° apart from its radical position i.e. exactly at 180° from there. When more
than one planet is transitting at ISO" or are 7th from its radical position, the
help of Ashtakvarga charts should be taken to find out which one will be
effective for timing of marriage.
396 Predicting Marriage

3. To find out the month, judge the Dasa and Bhukti of the planets which
indicate marriage. See when does the Sun transits in the sign ruled by the main
planets i.e. Bukti lord. Marriage may also take place when the Sun transits in
the signs just opposite to the sign owned by the Bhukti lord. Suppose marriage
is indicated during the Saturn's Bhukti. Saturn owns Capricorn and Aquarius.
The Sun transits here from middle of January to middle of March.

Therefore, marriage may take place from mid January to mid March. The
opposite signs from Capricorn and Aquarius are Cancer and Leo. The Sun transits
here from mid July to mid September. Therefore, marriage may take place in
this period also.

4. Jupiter's transit is most essential for a serious consideration. In transit,

Jupiter must influence either Lagna or the 7th house or their lords by either
moving over their radical position or by aspecting over these positions. Transit
of Jupiter over the sign held by the Navamsa in which the 7th lord or Venus is
posited is important for marriage.

The addition of the Lagna lord and the 7th lord's longitude and the 7th and
180° from that point should be taken into consideration. If Jupiter transits over
these points or in triangle from them the marriage will be in evidence.

Significance of the 4th house in timing of marriage

The 4th house is related with mind. Maniage influence the mind by bringing
various changes in the way of thinking such as the feeling to care, attachment,
love and responsibilty, One feels himself or hereself fully concerned about the
spouse as she or he becomes part and parcel for the other. The feeling of belonging
and duties towards spouse is created after marriage. None will be able to imagine
the changes which he or she would have to undergo after marriage. Many lives
are blessed with immense pleasures and many go through mental setbacks
resulting into depression of mind, after their marriages. These types of mental
variations do come which are under the control of the 4th house. Therefore, we
strongly believe that the 4th house plays a vital role in timing of marriage, in
addition to the 7th, 2nd and 9th houses. The 9th house is also equally important
as one's fortune does play a significant role in marriage. One can be blessed
with an extremely well-placed husband or outstandingly charming wife inspite
of self being very ordinary. Satyavati, the daughter of an ordinary boatman got
married to king Shantanu, as she was very beautiful and attractive and was
very fortunate girl as for as the marriage was concerned. Therefore, she became
a historical figure of "Mahabharata". The 4th and 9th houses have a singnificant
importance in timing of marriage which is generally overlooked.

A number of illustrations can be presented to show that the 4th house plays
as important and singificant role in timing of marriage. But it should not be
applied verbatim. We never mean to say that all marriages take place during
Timing of Marriage 397

the Dasa Bhukti of the planets influencing the 4th house but we certainly
emphasise that most of the marriage definitely do not tke place during the Dasa
Bhukti of the 2nd or 7th lords or the planets placed therein. Many times the
observations on timing of marriage fail miserably because we take the 2nd and
7th house, their lords, the planets placed therein and the significator Venus
only. This observation of the importance of the 4th house is timing of marriage
will really be of great assistance in timing of marriage correctly.

Let us explain our point observation by way of practical horoscopes.

(Timing Marriage Accurately)

Illustration No. 13.1 (Horoscope no. 720) - Marriage at 23rd year. This is the
horoscope of a most beautiful girl., we have seen so far. She is 5 '6Tall and has
always topped in the list of merit in her educational career. Her father is S£.
and she own about Rupees 25 lakhs of own in white. Many IAS officers have
offered her for marriage. Now let us work out the time of her marriage,
astorlogically. She was passing throgh the major period of the Sun around the
end of her 20th year of age.

First of all, we will obseve whether she will be married at all or not. The lord
of the 7th Jupiter is exalted in the Ilth house and lends its favourable aspect
over the 7th house. Seventh lord is unafflicted. Therefore, marriage of this girl
will take place.

Second step should be to observe if the marriage will be delayed? In this

chart, the 2nd lord Venus joins the 6th house in Saturn's sign Aquarius. Venus
is also hemmed in between malefics like Sun and Saturn. Saturn occupies the
7th house. One of the luminary, the Sun, also falls in the sign of Saturn i.e.
Capricorn . These all are negative factors for early marriage. The exaltation of
7th lord Jupiter and aspect of Jupiter over the 7th house and the Sun has reduced
the intensity of the planets causing delay. Jupiter's placement in the 7th house
in Sun's Navamsa has also curtailed many evils. According to this the marriage
of this girl should have taken place neither early nor late as the factors causing
delay, have been neutralised more orless. Thus the marriage of the girl should at
her 20th year and lasts till her 30th year. Marriage can take place in the major
period of Moon only if Moon's Dasa denotes marriage at all.

In the present case, the 7th lord Jupiter joins Cancer i.e. the sign of Moon. So
the major period of Moon signifies marriage as the rule of timing of marriage
exists that it can take place in the Dasa of the planet occupied by the lord of the
7th house. So our half of the work has been completed. Now we have to judge
Antardasa or Bhukti which indicates the occurence of marriage.

Consider all the Bhukties of major period of the Moon and try to judge which
one is really related with marriage. Moon-Moon Dasa-Bhukti could cause
398 Predicting Marriage

marriage but it comes at 20-21 years. This is early marriage according to the
prevalent marriage age today. Moon-Mars can also result into marriage because
Mars occupies the 2nd house and is also 9th from major Dasa lord Moon.
Moon-Jupiter can result into the performance of marriage becasue Jupiter is
the lord of the 7th and joins the 11th house in his exaltation and also lends his
favourable aspect over the 7th house. Jupiter joins the 7th house in Navamsa
chart. Therefore, Jupiter is most favourably and strongly placed planets as far as
the marriage is concerned.

Next comes the Dasa Bhukti of Moon/Saturn. Saturn is placed in the 7th
house and is also 8th from Moon. Saturn joins the Navamsa of Moon. Under
such circumstances Saturn delays the marriage. So, the marriage cannot take
place in Satum"s Bhukti. Mercury, Ketu and the Sun are not indicating marriage.
Venus can result into marriage as it is the lord of the 2nd house and is 7th from
Moon. Since Venus is afflicted due to Papkartari Yoga, it can also be ruled out.
Thus Moon/Jupiter is most Probable period of her marriage which runs from
17.11.89 to 17.3.91.

As per Phaldeepika, marriage takes place in the earlier part of Bhukti of the
planet, if it is a benefic and joins the sign of a benefic. Here Jupiter is a benefic
and joins the sign of Moon, in exaltation. Therefore, marriage will take place in
the earlier part of the Bhukti of Jupiter. Sub-period of Jupiter in the major period
of Moon started on 17.11.89 and lasted till 173.91. The marriage should take
place around the middle of 1990. It finally took place on 7.5.90. When the Dasa
Bhukti can decide the time of marriage precisely, we should not essentially
depend upon the transits. The transits should only be taken into consideration
when the time of marriage falls during the Bhukti of long periods like that of
Venus, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter and Rahu. The transits can also be used for
accuracy, confirmation and observation.

Pratyanter Dasa may also be worked out to know the expected month for
marriage. But that may prove wrong if there is slightest error in time of birht
due to obvious reasons. In the present case, lets us find our the probable
Pratyanter Dasa or Mercury. Mercury owns Lagna and the 10th house and
joins the 5th house. Mercury is 7th from Bhukti lord Jupiter. Thus marriage
should have taken place during the major period of Moon, sub-period of Jupiter
and the sub-sub-period of Mercury which lasted from 7.4.90 to 15.6.90. Sub-
sub-period of Jupiter is also important for marriage which ran from 17.11.89 to
21.1.90. In fact the marriage was settled in this Pratyanterdasa of Jupiter. Thus
the time of marriage has been confirmed from various conrners.

Jupiter's transit is very important and that should be judged properly. At the
time of marriage Jupiter was transitting at 74° i.e. in Gemini which is 11th from
Moon and 10th from Lagna. Transitting Jupiter aspected the 2nd house and
2nd lord Venus. 2nd lord Venus was transitting in the 7th house. Saturn
Horoscope No. 120
ite28/01/1967 Time 21.40:36 Day Saturday Place Meerut Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:08:
at 29:00:00 North Long 77:42:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:19:12

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnf

SiderialTime 5:50:21 Hns Gan : Manushya Venus : 13Y 6M 4D Ulka :4Y0M1M)
Eq of time -0:12:54 Mrs Yonl : Mooshafc Moon
Sunrise 7:11:55 Hns Nadi : Madhya 03/08/1986 2301/1967
Sunset 17:52:25 Hrs Varan : Kshatriya 02/08/1996 1602/2001
Samvat 2023 Vashya : Vanchar Moon 0306/1987 Ulka 1702/1971
Sana 1888 Varga : Shwan Mars 0201/1988 Sidha 17/02/1978
Month Magha Yunja : Madhya Rahu 0307/1989 Sankta 1702/1986
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Jupiter 02/11/1990 Mangla 17/02/1987
TithI at Sunrise. 3 Name Alphabet Taa-Tamn Saturn 0306/1992 Pingla 16/02/1989
Nakshatra P Phalguni Paya(RashNak) ; Iron-Silver Mercury 02/11/1993 [Hnya 17/02/1992
Yoga Shobhan Hora : Saturn Ketu 03/06/1994 Bhramri 17/02/1996
Karan Vishti Chaugharia : Shubh Venus 0202/1996 Bhadiika 16/02/2001

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 14:54:47 Sat Mon Jup Ven Asc Vir 4:44:36 Mer Sun Sat Rah
Mon Leo 17:39:32 Sun Ven Mar Sat 2 Lib 2:36:31 Ven Mar Ket Mer
Mar Lib 2:25:05 Ven Mar Kel Jup 3 Sco 3:02:16 Mar Jup Rah Sun
Mer Cap 22:15:49 Sat Mon Ven Mer 4 Sag 4:38:59 Jup Ket Mon Ven
Jup -R Can 5:11:44 Mon Sat Sat Jup 5 Cap 6:14:10 Sat Sun Mer Rah
Ven Aqu 4:13:31 Sat Mar Ven Sat 6 Aqu 6:41:01 Sat Rah Rah Rah
Sat Pis 3:04:41 Jup Jup Rah Mon 7 Pis 4:44:36 Jup Sat Sat Mar
Rah -R Ari 18:36:17 Mar Ven Rah Jup 8 Ari 2:36:31 Mar Ket Ven Mer
Ket -R Lib 18:36:17 Ven Rah Mon Sat 9 Tau 3:02:16 Ven Sun Sat Sat
Ura -R Vir 0:53:50 Mer Sun Rah Sun 10 Gem 4:38:59 Mer Mar Ven Mer
Nep Sco 1:00:29 Mar Jup Mar Mer 11 Can 6:14:10 Mon Sat Mer Mon
Plu -R Leo 27:10:17 Sun Sun Sun Mer 12 Leo 6:41:01 Sun Ket Rah Mer

tuna: Aries 7:29:22 Navamaa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChaiH-Cuspal

83' 93-
Sun 2 6 Ven

Sat | \Mar Key \Plu Mon / Ket Nap/VJra Mon

5 X?
\ 7 / \ 5 / | Jup \ 7 / \ p,u / JUp yS 6 N.
NepSV^Ura 6 }CA Jup) 8X Mar 6 X4
Mer^ Sat\y//pah Mon


StinX / Ven\
Mer 10
X 56- JMenoX
Sun Mei/llN /\
Sat /1 \ ISun/II
/ Ven v / Rah

Nep Mar
400 Predicting Marriage

transitted at the time of marriage in the 5th house from where it aspected the
7th house and the lord thereof, Jupiter. Thus Jupiter and Saturn"s transit adding
strength to the 2nd and the 7th house and their lords simultaneously at the
time of marriage. One more important factor should be the transit of Venus
which should be in the sign of DasaBhukti lords. Here Venus was transitting in
Pisces the sign of sub-period lord Jupiter.

The marriage of the native is indicated Moon/Jupiter Dasa Bhukti and in the
Pratyanter Dasa of Jupiter or Mercury especially when Jupiter transits in Gemini
and Saturn transits in Capricorn and Venus transits in Pisces. This has happened
as predicted.

Illustration No. 13.2 (HoroscopeNO. 121) - Marriage at 21 years. This is the

birth chart of the so-called most beautiful minister in a state. She is honoured
as "Rani Sahiba". Let us analyse her birth chart for the purpose of timing her
marriage. She was born on 31-5.-58. We should first of all judge the general
prospects of her marriage and the strength and benefic influence over the
concerned houses of marriage.

The lord of her 7th house is Jupiter who joins Lagna under retrograde motion.
This is most benefical. Retrograde Saturn and malefic Mars aspect the 7th lord
Jupiter. This is in adverse position for the matters conneted with the 7th house.
Both the liminaries, the Sun and Moon, fall in the sign of Venus and are
unafflicted. The 7th and 2nd houses are also free from any afflction of Saturn
which cannot delay marriage as Jupiter is very powerful, owns and aspects
7th and it is also the dispositor of Saturn. Thus, owing to aspect of Jupiter over
the 7th house, marriage is not denied. Other factors do not show any signs of
delay in marriage also.

Dasas - Thus a timely marriage at most appropriate age should take place
and it should come arund 18 to 25 years or os. For avoiding any confusion, we
will take it within 18 years to 30 years. She was born on 31.5.58. So her marriage
should come in evidence between 1976 to J988. Jupiter's major period ends on
12.5.68. Next comes the major period of Saturn which runs from 12.5.68 to
12.5.87. We will be considering the Mahadasa will come at 30th year of age. So,
Mercury Dasa should also be taken for consieration. Since the delay in the
marriage is not indicated, the major period of Mercury may be rejected. So, the
marriage will take place only in the major period of Saturn.

Saturn aspects the Lagna, falls in the sign of the 7th lord Jupiter and Saturn
obtains the Navamsa of Mars who joins the 7th house in Rasi and Navamsa
both, So Saturn's Mahadasa indicates marriage. Fourth house plays a significant
role in triangle lord and is unafflicted. Therefore, Saturn's Mahadasa caused the
marriage of the native. Now we will consider the Bhukti which will indicate
Horoscope No. 121
31/05/1958 Time 13.09:00 Day Saturday Place Namital Sll Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:00
at 29:23:00 North Long 79:27:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Coir -0:12:12

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime ,:5:30:0OHrs Gan. - Rakshas Jupiter : 9Y7M 19D Dhanya : 1Y9M20D
Eq.oftime :0:02:31 Hrs Yoni Vyaghra Saturn
Sunrise :5:14:57 Hrs Nadi : Anlya 18/01/1968 31/05/1958
Sunset :19:04:52 Hrs Varan Shoodra 18/01/1987 21/03/1993
Samvat : 2015 Vashya - Manav Satum 21/01/1971 Dhanya 21/03/1960
Saka : 1880 Varga Sarp Mercury 30/09/1973 Bhramri 21/03/1964
Month : Jyestha Yunja - Madhya Ketu 09/11/1974 Bhadrika 21/03/1969
Paksh : Shukla Hansak{Tatva) Vayu Venus 09/01/1978 Ulka 22/03/1975
Tithi at Sunrise..: 13 Name Alphabet .: Too-Tookaram Sun 22/12/1978 Sidha 21/03/1982
Nakshatra : Visakha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Copper Moon 22/07/1980 Sankta 21/03/1990
Yoga : Parigh Hora Saturn Mars 31/08/1981 Mangla 22/03/1991
Karan : Gara Chaugharta Char Rahu 07/07/1984 Pingla 21/03/1993

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Tau 16:20:12 Ven Mon Sat Ket Asc Vir 0:24:55 Mer Sun Rah Ket
Mon Lib 25:18:13 Ven Jup Mer Jup 2 Vir 27:58:50 Mer Mar Sat Sat
Mar Pis 1:59:37 Jup Jup Rah Sat 3 Lib 28:22:22 Ve n Jup Ven Mer
Mer Ari 26:57:02 Mar Sun Sun Jup 4 Sag 0:05:47 Jup Ket Ket Ven
Jup -R Vir 29:15:58 Mer Mar Sat Mon 5 Cap 1:45:13 Sat Sun Jup Mer
Ven Ari 6:00:19 Mar Ket Rah Jup 6 Aqu 2:13:52 Sat Mar Ket Rah
Sat -R Saq 0:23:48 Jup Ket Ket Rah 7 Pis 0:24:55 Jup Jup Mon Ven
Rah -R Lib 7:53:19 Ven Rah Rah Ket 8 Pis 27:58:50 Jup Mer Sat Sat
Ket -R Ari 7:53:19 Mar Ket Jup Sat 9 Ari 28:22:22 Mar Sun Mon Ven
Ura Can 15:26:01 Mon Sat Jup Mer 10 Gem 0:05:47 Mer Mar Mer Mer
Nep -R Lib 9:28:18 Ven Rah Jup Ket 11 Can 1:45:13 Mon Jup Rah Jup
Plu Leo 6:51:33 Sun Ket Rah Ven 12 Leo 2:13:52 Sun Ket Ven Sat

rtuna: Aquarius 9:22:56 Navamsa Chart

Reh Mer"/
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspai Nap
10 y/s Ura
.Mer Ven Sun
Ma?' v .
Mon Rah /> Plu / 7n. \Jup Mon Ven X
\^Nep / — NRalNep/ Mon 4 /N® JuP
V5/ I Ura SunX^3 y/ 5X.
aVjup 6 X4 Ura XKet Plu \ X X

Sat 9 Sal 9 XMon Sun
XVen Kety
Ven Ketx
OT 2
12 X2Sun 10 X 12 X1 Sun
rfiar / ^ \ /1l\ Mar Ura 5 11 Jup
/ Ket \ i ,
Ju /^\
, /Ven Mer\ P Ven Mer \
32 X 10Nep
X 9 X
X Rah X.
Sal MerX
402 Predicting Marriage

Around her 18th year, Satum/Venus period was under operation till 4.5.78.
Generally Venus causes marriage but due to affliction of Venus in the 8th house,
this period will not result into marriage. Moreover when we make our judgement
for Satum/Venus or Venus/Saturn period, we should remember what Kalidas
says in "Uttarakalamrit". Saturn gives his effects in Venus and so does Venus in
Saturn's period. Thus the possibilities of her marriage in Saturn-Venus can be
ruled out. Next comes the Bhukti of the Sun in Saturn. The Sun obtains
Vargottam Navamsa and is placed inthe inimcal sign Taurus. The Sun is the 6th
from Saturn and 9th from 7th lord Jupiter. The Sun also is the 9th house as
reckoned from Mahadasa lord Saturn. So marriage could be possible during
this Dasa Bhukti. But Saturn never indicates marriage in the Bhukti of Sun due
to the peculiar enemity of the "son" with "father". So Saturn/Sun period should
be discarded for timing of marriage.

Now let us take a judgement of Moon's Bhukti. Moon joins the 2nd house
form Lagna as well as from the 7th lord Jupiter. The Moon is placed in the 11th
house as reckoned from Dasa lord Saturn. Moon obtains the Navamsa of
exaltation in association with Venus. Therefore, marriage should take place in
Saturn-Moon period which runs from 14.4.79 to 14.11.80. Since the sub period
lord Moon is benefichere and joins the sign of benefic planet Venus, so marriages
should take place in thebegining of this period. The sub-period of Moon started
on 14.4.79 and marriage took place on 30.4.79. Pratyanshi Dasha may also be
considered for further verification. If we consider Moon's Bhukti in Saturn's
Dasa, we will find that Moon's Pratyanter Dasa is strong enough for marriage
which was running from 14.4.79 to 1j6.79.

Transits - The transit of Jupiter should influence the 2nd or 7th house. During
Saturn/Moon period Jupiter was transitting in the sign of exaltation in the 11th
house from where it aspected the 7th house. Jupiter's aspect over the 5th house
also expedited marriage.

Illustration No. 13.3. (Horoscope No. 92) - Marriage in the 18th year. This is
the horoscope of an extremely beautiful girl having most captivating physical
appearance but she is not well educated and was born in the family of a poor
school teacher.

She was born on 28.6.53 and the balance of the Sun's Mahadasa was there
at birth for 4 years 7 months and 21 days. After making sure that denial or late
marriage is not indicated to her, we find that her marriage should take place in
the major period of Mars. Mars is the lord of the 2nd and 7 th houses and is well
placed in the 9th house. So marriage should take place in the major period of
Mars as it runs from her 15th year to 22nd year. An early marriage of the native
is indicated as the lord of the Lagna Venus joins the 7th house in Aries, the sign
ruled by Mars. The 7th and 2nd lord Mars joins the 9th house and that is also
7th from Moon. Subhakartari Yoga has also been formed around Mars, which
Horoscope No. 92
^ate 28/06/1953 Time 15:20:00 Day Sunday PJace BareiJIy Sri Sanalan Ayanamsa 22:56:
Lai 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 Easl Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:12:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time 9:32:23 Hrs Gan Manushya Sun : 4Y 6M 9D Sankta :6Y0M13D
Eq oftime - 0:03:01 Hrs Voni Nakul Mars
Sunrise 5:19:03 Hrs Nadi Antya 07/01/1968 28/06/1953
Sunset 19:11:57 Hrs Varan. Kshatriya 07/01/1975 12/07/1987
Samvat 2010 Vashya Manav JVtars 04/06/1968 Sankta 12/07/1959
Saka 1875 Varga Mooshak Rahu 23/06/1969 Mangla 11/07/1960
Month Asadha Yunja Antya Jupiter 30/05/1970 Pingla 12/07/1962
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Saturn 09/07/1971 Dhanya 11/07/1965
Tithi at Sunrise.. 1 Name Alphabet Bhay-Bhairav Mercury 05/07/1972 Bhramri 11/07/1969
Nakshatra Uttarasadha Pays(Rasi-Nak) Ketu 01/12/1972 Bhadrika 12/07/1974
Venus 31/01/1974 Ulka 11/07/1980
Yoga Endra Copper-Copper
Karan Taitila Hora Sun 08/06/1974 Sidha 12/07/1987

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Gem 13:26:33 Mer Rah Mer Mon Asc Lib 23 18:15 Ven Jup Sat Rah
Mon Sag 29:56:21 Jup Sun Rah Sat 2 SCO 2242:02 Mar Mer Mon Sat
Mar Gem 16:31:46 Mer Rah Ven Jup 3 Sag 24 25:41 Jup Ven Mer Ven
Mer Can 8:56:47 Mon Sat Ven Rah 4 Cap 27 45:04 Sat Mar Jup Rah
Jup Tau 18:35:04 Ven Mon Mer Mon 5 Pis o 04:31 Jup Jup Mon Sat
Ven Ari 27:52:30 Mar Sun Mon Sat 6 Pis 28 43:36 Jup Mer Sat Ven
Sat Vir 27:37:23 Mer Mar Jup Rah 7 An 23 18:15 Mar Ven Sat Mar
Rah -R Cap 10:22:46 Sat Mon Mon Jup a Tau 22 42:02 Ven Mon Sun Mon
Ket -R Can 10:22:46 Mon Sat Sun Man 9 Gem 24:25:41 Mer Jup Mer Ven
Ura Gem 25:02:09 Mer Jup Mer Rah 10 Can 2745:04 Mon Mer Jup Rah
Nep -R Vir 28:10:02 Mer Mar Sat Sat II Vir 004:31 Mer Sun Rah Sat
Plu Can 28:33:50 Mon Mer Sat Kel 12 Vir 2843:36 Mer Mar Sat Ven

Fortuna: Taurus .9:48:03 Navamsa Chart

\ Ura /X. Plu /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspa)
Jup 3X Rah 1 Xll
Ven Jup
723' Ju
Ve2aa 82
\Nep Sat \ / NT X Won
a /\ 6. / 5V 7 X9
\ 6 / Rah\ // \ /Nep /J\ Ket / e\Ven
7 Vs 9V 7 Ve Me^
Man/ \ / \ Sat Keio1
/ \ / \ Dasamsa
/ \/ \ PN
Rah 10 Ket 4 Mer . 10 x 4 piu; \ Kel /
\ ™ /
\ /Ura Jup 4N/Mer 2
1 Va Mar Raio- 12yjup 1 Van Vs Kel
Rah /*
/12 Ven /2\sun /12 \ /2\Mer
X 5 xx Ura 11 Sal//
v / Jup \| Sat Mar Sun /
x/ X^ N. Nep y/
^ Nep
Uy Mon 6xC 3 x\10Yen
yS 7 Mar
I X^^ Sun X XfHu Rah\
404 Predicting Marriage

is well associated with the 11th lord Sun.This indicated early marriage. Mars
Mahadasa runs at appropriate time. Therefore, marriage will take place in the
major period of Mars only. But how can we ignore the aspect of Saturn over
the Sun and the 2nd and 7th lord Mars. Saturn has a separative tendency,
therefore, it separated her from her husband soon after marriage and also
resulted into development of the matters of the J2th house.

The benefic planets resulted in the early marriage when they were strong
and the malefic planets denied her marital happiness when they came in power
for their operation on the native.

Now consider the sub-periods during the major period of Mars, starting from
17th year, sub-periods of Saturn, Venus and Mercury and Moon are the probable
periods. Mercury appears probable as it is 9th lord and Mars also occupies the
sign of Mercury. So the marriage should have taken place during Mars or
Mercury period. But it did not happen so. Marriage took place on 28.2.71 when
Saturn's Bhukti was running. Thus we see that marriage also takes place during
the period of Yogakaraka if it is strong. Here Saturn is Yogakaraka and also
obtains Vargottam Navamsa and falls in Mercury's sign. Saturn is the dispositor
of Mercury in this way. Therefore, Saturn resulted into the marriage of the
native during its period as Saturn is not only strong but also heavily influenced
by Mars and Mercury both in one way or the other.

Sub-sub period may also be considered if the time of birth is accurate.

Navamsa chart will be of much value for finding out the Pratyanterdasa for
marriage. In the present case Pratyanterdasa of Venus resulted in marriage, as
Venus is posited in the 7th house as Lagna lord in Aries, the sign of Mars. In
Navamsa Chart, Venus owns the 2nd and the 7th house and occupies the 9th.
So, major period of Mars, sub-period of Saturn and sub-sub period of Venus
resulted into marriage (minor difference of only few days is there is this birth
chart which is due to error in the time of her birth).

Jupiter was transitting in Scorpio in the 2nd and Saturn in the 7th house in
Aries. The 7th lord Mars was Transitting in Scorpio in the 2nd house. Transits
play an important role, particularly that of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and the
Sun. The role of the transit of Venus or/and the Sun is a matter of further research.
We have found in number of cases that marriage takes place during transit of
Venus in the sign of Dasa Bhukti lord. Generally Venus and the Sun transit
close to each other with maximum difference of 48 20\ So the month of Sun in
the sign of Dasa Bhukti lord may be the month of marriage. But it does not hold
good in all cases. This should be taken just for a support and further verification.
In the present case it is Saturn's Bhukti which resulted into marriage. The Sun
transits in Saturn's sign from 14th February to 14th April. So the marriage took
place on 28.2.71. Venus was also transitting in Capricorn i.e. the sign of Saturn
at the time of marriage.
Timing af Marriage 405

Ilustration No. 13.4. (Horoscope No. 9) - Marriage at 17th year. This horoscope
belongs to the wife of a DIG of Police. She is extremely beautiful, very fair and
courageous. In fact this is a very interesting horoscope for the study of
astrological combinations for various surprising aspects of her life. We will be
discussing those factors of this horoscope in other chapters.
As regrads marriage, the denial and delay of marriage is ruled out. We are
not discussing the same in each chart because our readers are quite wise to
judge the afflictions of the 7th, 2nd, 9th, Venus, Moon, Lagna and excess
influences of Saturn over luminaries, the 7th house, Venus and over the 2nd
house and their lords etc. Which result into delay or denial as the case may be.
At the time of birth, there was a balance of Mahadasa of Mercury which
lasted for 12 years and 11 days. Ketu Mahadasa runs till her 19 years of age.
Thereafter, major period of Venus begins from 19 years to 39 years. So the
marriage will take place either in Ketu or in Venus Dasa.
Let us find out whether marriage will take place in Ketu or Venus Mahadasa.
Venus had the best probability of marraige as it is the lord of the 4th and 9th i.e.
Yogakaraka and has been placed very well in the 9th house. But it is under
Papakartari Yoga, formed by Saturn in the 12th and the Sun in the 2nd from
Venus. So marriage could take place only under the major period of Ketu. From
her 17th year, the Bhukti which were operative, were Ketu-Saturn, Ketu-
Mercury. Now judge about Saturn and Mercury. We have said above that there
is a great possibility of marriage during the sub-period of dispositor of the 7th
lord. 7th lord Sun joins Capricorn. So the marriage of the lady was indicated in
Ketu-Saturn period. Saturn is the Lagna lord, placed in the 7th from Ketu and
aspects 7th house and its lord Sun. The marriage took place during Ketu-Saturn
period which was running from 1.1.79 to 10.2.75. This marriage took place as
soon as the lady completed her 17th year.

In this example, the aspect of early marriage is very essential for forecasting
the time of marriage. Jt is quite easy to justify the events astrologically after
their occurence. If we fail to observe following points of early marriage, we will
make wrong observation in timing of marriage :
The second lord Jupiter is retrograde and it is aspecting the 7th lord Sun, the
2nd and the 4th house and Ketu. Lagnesh Saturn is also aspecting the 7th lord
Sun, the 7th house, 4th house and Ketu. What is most responsible of all for
early marriage, is that the Lagna falls in Tarurus. Which comes under the rulership
of Yogakaraka Venus. The Mars joins the Navamsa of Venus whereas Venus
joins the Navamsa of Mars. Venus and Mars both are aspecting each other in
Navamsa chart Synchronising with the Lagna and the 7th house respectively.
The second lord Jupiter obtains own Navmasa and the 7th lord Sun joins the
Navamsa of exaltation. In Navamsa chart Jupiter aspects the 7th house,Venus
and the 2nd lord Mercury. In Navamsa chart which is mainly referred for
marriage prospects, we see that Mercury and Sun have obtained the Amsa of
their exaltation Jupiter has obtained own Amsa, Mars and Venus have obtained
HoroScope No.9
ate 26/01/1957 Time 09:09:00 Day Saturcfay Place Unnao Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:
Lat 26:32:00 North Long 80:30:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmoCorr -0:08:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Sidarial lima .:17:21:40 Hrs Gan :Rakshas Mercury 11Y8M9D Bhadrika : 3Y 5M 8D
Eq.oftime 0:12:35 Hrs Yoni :Mrig Ketu
Sunrise :6:57:06 Hrs Nadi :Adya 06/10/1 968 26/01/1957
Sunset 17:44:08 Hrs Varan. ^ Vipra 06/10/1975 06/07/1991
Samvat : 2013 Vashya :Keetak Ketu 04/03/1969 Bhadrika 05/07/1960
Saka : 1878 Varga :Mrig Venus 04/05/1970 Ulka 06/07/1966
Month : Magha Yunja :An!ya Sun 09/09/1970 Sidha 05/07/1973
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Moon 10/04/1971 Sankta 05/07/1981
Tithi at Sunrise..: 11 Name Alphabet „ Yaa-Yatendra Mars 06/09/1971 Mangla 06/07/1982
Nakshatra : Jyestha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Rahu 24/09/1972 Pingla 05/07/1984
Yoga : Dhruva Copper-Copper Jupiter 30/08/1973 Ohanya 06/07/1987
Karan : Balava Hora Mars Saturn 09/10/1974 Bhramri 06/07/1991

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 12:56:09 Sat Mon Rah Mer Asc Aqu 23:44:07 Sat Jup Sat Jup
Mon Sco 20:49:45 Mar Mer Ven Sat 2 Ari 2:37:50 Mar Ket Ven Mer
Mar Arl 5:31:13 Mar Ket Mar Mon 3 Tau 3:05:45 Ven Sun Sat Sat
Mer Sap 19:24:00 Jup Ven Rah Ven 4 Tau 28:11:57 Ven Mar Sat Sat
Jup -R Vir 8:39:02 Mer Sun Ven Rah 5 Gem 22:08:00 Mer Jup Sat Mer
Ven Sag 23:37:52 Jup Ven Sat Rah 6 Can 19:01:57 Mon Mer Ket Jup
Sat Sco 18:44:47 Mar Mer Ket Sun 7 Leo 23:44:07 Sun Ven Sat Jup
Rah -R Sco 3:28:45 Mar Sat Sat Sat 8 Lib 2:37:50 Ven Mar Ket Mer
Ket -R Tau 3:28:45 Ven Sun Sat Mer 9 Sco 3:05:45 Mar Jup Rah Mon
Ura -R Can 11:54:20 Mon Sat Mon Ven 10 Sco 28:11:57 Mar Mer Sat Sat
Nep Lib 9:35:13 Ven Rah Jup Ven 11 Sag 22:08:00 Jup Ven Sat Sat
Plu -R Leo 6:46:15 Sun Ket Rah Ket 12 Cap 19:01:57 Sat Mon Mer Rah
Fortuna: Capricorn 1:37:42 Navamsa Chart
Plu Sun S
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
^X/f^r 2 Jup1
Mar Ket 23' ■ 3v
Maa Ke3'
Rah S 11 Ket
■ 423*

1( Mer 8// ^ }\10Mon

\12/ \10/ven Ura VVen yr 7 Ven >/ 9XV
Ket 2 V9 Lin?' y Ura Xv /lNep Sat n.
A " Xte XSun
\ 6t9a
Ket 2 Sat 8 Mon 8 Mer^ Rah S
\ Rah / / PI?' v 5 /ven
3y 5
X7 Nep Sal 724"
/4\ P!u /eX Jup / 7 \Mon Ura 3 Mer
Ura \ / Jup \| Jup V / Nep \
Sat won
Men Nep i / Ket
Timing of Marriage 407

the Amsa of each other with mutual aspect. Thus Navamsa chart is most
powerful for an early marriage.
Marriage took place on 30.1.75 during the sub-period of Saturn, in the major
period of Ketu, Ketu joins the 4th house in the sign of Venus and Saturn is 7th
from there. For fruther verification let us consider the transits of planets. Jupiter
was trasitting in the Lagna from where is was aspecting the 7th house. Saturn
was trasitting in Gemini from where it aspected the 7th and 2nd houses. Mars
transitted in the 2nd house and Venus transited in the Lagna in Aquarius, the
sign of Saturn whose Bhukti was running at the time of marriage. Ths Sun was
also transitting in the sign of Antardasa lord Saturn. Thus the marriage should
have taken place from 14.1.75 to 153.75. If we further analyse, it will be
Pratyanter Dasa of Jupiter which indicates time of marriage and runs from
17.12.74 ot 10.2.75. Jupiter is the lord of the 2nd house, it is retrograde and
aspects 2nd house and also obtains own Navamsa. Let us blend both the dates
to work out the shorter span of time for marriage. Jf we mix both the dates i.e.
from 14.1.75 to 15.3.75 and 17.12.74 to 102.75, it will out that her marriage
should take oplace from 14.1.75 to 10.2.75.
Horoscope No. 122
ite 14/09/1949 Time 18:32:00 Day Sunday Place LuckHOW Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa
26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTIma ,:15;56:05 Hrs Gan. Deva Ketu : 5Y11M ID Bhramri : 3Y4M 18D
Eq.oftime > 0:04:40 Hrs Yoni, Ashwa Venus
Sunrise :5:38:29 Hrs Nadi Adya 17/07/1955 14/08/1949
Sunset :18:43:18 Hrs Varan Kshalriya 17/07/1975 01/01/1985
Samvat : 2006 Vashya Chatuspada Venus 16/11/1958 Bhramri 01/01/1953
Saka ; 1871 Varga Sim ha Sun 16/11/1959 Bhadrika 01/01/1958
Month ; Bhadra Yunja Poorva Moon 17/07/1961 Ulka 02/01/1964
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) figni Mars 16/09/1962 Sidha 02/01/1971
Tithi at Sunrise..: 5 Name Alphabet Rahu 16/09/1965 Sankta 02/01/1979
Nakshatra : Asvini Chu-Churamanf Jupiter 17/05/1968 Mangla 02/01/1980
Yoga : Gand Paya(Rasi-Nak) Iron-Gold Saturn 17/07/1971 Pingla 01/01/1982
Karan ; Gara Hora Jupiter Mercury 17/05/1974 Dhanya 01/01/1985

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 28:29:36 Mon Mer Sat Mer Asc Cap 25:46:39 Sat Mar Rah Sun
Mon Ari 2:03:14 Mar Ket Ven Jup 2 Pis 5:51:31 Jup Sat Mer Ven
Mar Gem 21.54:41 Mer Jup Sat Sat 3 Ari 10:32:06 Mar Ket Sat Sun
Mer Leo 1 6:02:37 Sun Ven Sun Mer 4 Tau 8:15:47 Ven Sun Ven Mon
Jup Cap 1:20:51 Sat Sun Jup Jup 5 Gem 2:20:52 Mer Mar Ket Jup
Ven Leo 29:55:05 Sun Sun Rah Sat 6 Gem 26:38:52 Mer Jup Ven Ven
Sat Lao 14:19:00 Sun Ven Ven Rah 7 Can 25:46:39 Mon Mer Rah Sun
Rah Pis 25:14:52 Jup Mar Rah Mar 8 Vir 5:51:31 Mer Sun Mer Sun
Ket Vir 25:14:52 Mer Mar Rah Mer 9 Lib 10:32:06 Ven Rah Sat Sat
Ura Gem 10:44:50 Mer Rah Sal Sat 10 Sco 8:15:47 Mar Sat Ven Ven
Nep Vir 20:11:38 Mer Mon Ket Jup 11 Sag 2:20:52 Jup Ket Ven Sat
Plu Can 23:27:18 Mon Mar Mar Rah 12 Sag 26:38:52 Jup Ven Ket Mer

Fortuna: Virgo 29;20;17 Navamsa Chart

_/ N. Nip
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
v6/ 4/
T/QMer 5 SitV3
^02* ■ ^ X Ket / >

26* |\ Mon Rah/ \ Jup

Ven aX^eh 11 Plu/Tl
\l2y \9 y
/lONv S 12\Mir
Rah2X JuP 10 1 X 10 X£ / Jup UnN. y Sun

Mon 1 X 7 ' Mon
\ /\ / ^r X Vv y
\ / \ / Ven
Rih o/ven 2
\/ \/Ket Sal
2VSun 4 PluVe 3VSun 4 MarV?
/3\ /5\Nep Juv Uray sX sat / 6 ^
/Mar Ur\/^nSatMe\h<er 227' / Riu \ /Nap Ket

0 /UO f
9ii' Ura/ 7\ Nep / 0
108" mmm S Plu X s Sun
Timing of Marriage 409

Illustration No. 13.5 (Horoscope No. 122) - Marriage at 19 year. This birth
chart belongs to a very pretty lady who was always appreciated for her charming
appearance and magnetic personality. She expired at the age of 35 years only, on
30.1.84, when she took heavy quantity of sleeping pills empty stomach. The
married life as clearly denoted by the placement of the Sun in the 7th under
Papa kartari Yoga was below par. Mary Got let her soul rest in eternal peace forever.
Let us analyse this birth chart for the purpose ot timing of marriage. The lord of
the 7th house Moon is free from any affliction and obtains Vargottam Navamsa in
a movable sign Aries. Retrograde Jupiter in the sign of debiitation in the Lagna
itself will provide the results of exalted Jupiter who is aspecting the 7th house, the
Sun and Venus. The lord of the 2nd house Saturn aspects his own 2nd house. The
Jupiter, Saturn, Moon, Mercury obtain Vargottam Navamsa. All these planets are
concerned with her marriage in one way or the other. Therefore, an early marriage
is indicated. The 7th house is under Papakartari Yoga. The 8th lord Sun, joins the
7th house and Venus is under debilitation. A doubt may arise for obstruction in
the materialisation of marriage. Venus obtains Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga and other
malefic indications are for unhappy marital life. There are various powerful points
which suggest than an early marriage can take place.
At the time of birth, there was balance of Ketu Dasa for 6 years and 20 days. So
the major period of Venus lasted from 7th year to 26th year. Marriage should
take place within this period. It is convenient if we sketch the chart by keeping
the position of Dasa lord as Lagna. This will give better analysis for timing of
marriage. Now take Virgo as Lagna and see which period is strong enough for
marriage. The 7th lord from Venus is Jupiter who joins the Lagna under
debilitation in retrograde motion. Jupiter also aspects the 7th house, 9th house
and Venus. Jupiter obtains Vargottam Navamsa as well as Neecha Bhanga is also
present. Therefore, marriage should take place during Jupiter's sub-period. Venus
is a Yoga Karaka and also place during Jupiter's sub-period, Venus is a Yoga
Karaka and also obtains Neecha Bhanga, therefore, Pratyanter Dasa of Venus or
Moon should have caused marriage. These periods run from 26.4.68 to 6.10. 68
and from 26.11.68 to 16.2.69 respectively. At this stage, honestly speaking a great
confunsion arises as to which of the two periods will materialise in marriage.
Venus is Yogakaraka as well as karka for marriage and it is also well placed in the
9th house, so the sub-sub-period of Venus which runs from 26.4 68 to 6.10.68,
will be the time of her marriage. The marriage actually took place during Venus-
Jupiter-Venus period, on 9.5.68.
Let us further confirm the observaton on the basis of transits of planets. Jupiter
resumed diredct motion in Loe on 22.4 68. Jupiter influenced the 7th lord Moon
by aspect and Lagna and 2nd influenced 2nd house and transitted in the triangle
from the 7th marriage. Saturn was transitting in Pisces from where Saturn aspected
the 5th house and the 5th lord Venus. Venus was crossing the location of the 7th
lord Moon as it was transitting in Aries from 28.4.68 to 22.5.68. Thus if we work
out the common period of transit and Dasa, the time of marriage works out from
Horoscope No. 123
g 06/10/1954 Time 12:52:00 Day Wednesday Place Meerut Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
.at 29:00:00 North Long 77:42:00 East Zone 82:30.00 East Time Corr -0:19:12

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime . 13:30:28 Hrs Gan : Manushya Sun 3Y 7M 5D Sankta :4Y9M17D
Eq.oftime 0:11:40 Hrs Yoni : Nakul Rahu
Sunrise 6:15:56 Hrs Nadi : Antya 134)5/1975 06/10/1954
Sunset 17:58:44 Hrs Varan : Vaishya 12/05/1993 25/07/1987
Samvat 2011 Vashya - Jalchar Rahu 23/01/1978 Sankta 25/07/1959
Saka 1876 Varga :Mooshak Jupiter 17/06/1980 Mangla 24/07/1960
Month Asvma Yunja Antya Saturn 24/04/1983 Pingla 24/07/1962
Paksh Shukla Hansak{Tatva) Bhoomi Mercury 11/11/1985 Dhanya 24/07/1965
Tithi at Sunrise. 9 Name Alphabet Bho-BhomiK Ketu 29/11/1986 Bhramri 24/07/1969
Nakshatra Uttarasadha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Copper Venus 29/11/1989 Bhadrika 24/07/1974
Yoga Sukarma Hora : Venus Sun 24/10/1990 Ulka 244)7/1980
Karan Kaulava Chaugharia : Roga Moon 244)4/1992 Sidha 25/07/1987

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 19:32:37 Mer Mon Mer Sat Asc Sag 15:11:32 Jup Ven Ven Mer
Mon Cap 2:00:12 Sat Sun Jup Ket 2 Cap 20:48:22 Sat Mon Ven Ven
Mar Saq 27:34:50 Jup Sun Mon Rah 3 Aqu 28:18:14 Sat Jup Ven Sat
Mer Lib 14:55:44 Ven Rah Ket Jup 4 Ari 1:27:46 Mar Ket Ven Mar
Jup Can 4:16:44 Mon Sat Sat Ven 5 Arl 28:35:23 Mar Sun Mar Rah
Ven SCO 0:47:00 Mar Jup Mar Jup 6 Tau 22:02:29 Ven Mon Ven Sat
Sat Lib 15:37:35 Ven Rah Ven Sun 7 Gem 15:11:32 Mer Rah Ket Mer
Rah -R Saq 17:02:44 Jup Ven Mon Ket 8 Can 20:48:22 Mon Mer Ven Sat
Ket -R Gem 17:02:44 Mer Rah Ven Mer 9 Leo 28:18:14 Sun Sun Mon Ven
Ura Can 4:23:08 Mon Sat Sat Ven 10 Lib 1:27;46 Ven Mar Mer Jup
Nep Lib 2:20:16 Ven Mar Ket Jup 11 Lib 28:35:23 Ven Jup Ven Mer
Plu Leo 3:09:18 Sun Ket Sun Rah 12 Sco 22:02:29 Mar Mer Sun Mer
iuna : Pisces 27:39:06 Navamsa Chart
v Reh / $ \ Ven y
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
Nep Jup UraXX gun

529* 622

\10X \ 8 / Ju4' Mar QXMer 11 SafXl P'u

1 ly^Mon 9 Mar V? Ven Urv / Mon Ket
12 6 Sun Sat 7 Wer \ Ura Jup
\ Wep /
Ven 4VRah 2 ^>/l2 Sat
5 Pu 1 VJup 3 Ket V 5 Sun
Ket ' 2\. /4\. 928- 11 Mer
Ura Jup \ Sun \ / Plu \
Nep Mar 6 X.sun 8 KetXjO
Sat 115- Mon/ 7\ 9 \
Ven Mer / Nep
Timing of Marriage 411

28.4.68 to 22.5.68. In fact the marriage was solemnised on 9.5.68 with a very
handsome, smart, brilliant and wealthy engineer.
Illustration No. 13.6 (Horoscope No. 123) - Marriage at 31 year. This girl was
at a time most beautiful girl while studying at K.G. Medical collage, Lucknow,
and a number of boys wanted to marry her. She was a topper and daughter of
the chairman of UP. State. Electricity Board. She had fallen in love with an
equally handsome boy, who was cunning and clever. He kept on making false
promises and the girl as the time passed by, gradually grew older and older.
She never thought of marrying any other boy though she had received a number
of good offers. She didn't even yield to repeated persuasion by her parents.
Let us look into this horoscope. The lord of the Lagna Jupiter joins the 8th
house in the sign of his exaltation. Mars and Saturn both are aspecting Jupiter.
The lord of the 12th house Mars joins Lagna in association with Rahu. Thus the
Lagna is weak. The significator of marriage Venus falls in the sign of Mars and is
under Papakartari Yoga formed by Mars and Saturn. The lord of the 7th house.
Mercury is associated with the 2nd lord Saturn. Saturn is aspecting lagna, lagna
lord Jupiter and Mars who is posited in the Lagna. Moon falls in Capricorn, the
sign of Saturn and that too under Vargottam Navamsa. In Navamsa chart, 7th
lord Mercury and 2nd lord Saturn join the 7th from Navamsa lagna and they are
also spoiling Jupiter. So the delay in marriage and various ups and downs in her
marital life are indicated.

Venus is hemmed in between malefics like Mars, Rahu and Saturn. This is
adverse for martial happiness. The 12th lord Mars occupies the lagna in association
with Rahu under the adverse aspect of Saturn. This will create delay and
obstructions in marriage. The 7th lord Mercury is also associated with Saturn in
Rasi and Navamsa chart. Moon falls in Capricorn under Vargottam Navamsa.
Influence of Saturn is quite prominent as it lends its adverse aspect over Jupiter
in Rasi as well as Navamsa chart. Thus the lagna, the Lagna lord Jupiter, Moon,
the 7th lord Mercury are under the influence of Saturn in one way or the other
obstructing marriage till 31st year. It is our observation that Mars can delay the
mamage upto 28 years and Saturn can do so till 31st year of age.
Rahu Mahadasa runs from 21st year to 39th year. Rahu Dasa will give the
marriage. Bhukti of Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn may be rejected as the position of
these planets are causing obstacles in her marriage. The sub-period of Mercury
appears to be powerful enough for materialisation of the marriage. Mercury is
not only lord of the 7th and the 10th house but it is also well placed in the 11th
house in a friendly sign and also falls in the 7th house from Navamsa lagna. Thus
the sub-period of Mercury in the major period of Rahu which runs from 3.6.83
to 23.12.85 will casue marriage. Saturn's influence may check the marriage till
31st year only, mostly if other powerful afflictions are not present. Saturn is the
lord of 2nd house and is exalted in the 1 Jth and also obtains own Navamsa in the
7th house from Navamsa Lagna. Therefore, sub-sub-period of Saturn in Rahu/
Mercury Dasa Bhukti which runs from 28.7.85 to 23.12.85 should bring marriage.
412 Predicting Marriage

Let us also further verify the time of her marriage with the help of transits of
planets. During the year 1985 Jupiter was transitting in the 2nd house over the
7th lord Mercury. Transitting Saturn aspects the 5th house and the 5th lord both.
Venus was passing through the 7th house and Mars radical Moon. Thus the time
of marriage as worked out on the basis of Dasa from 28.7.85 to 23.12.85 is further
confirmed by the transits of planets. Jupiter should transit in Capricorn, Saturn
in Libra. Both the major planets Jupiter and Saturn transitted in Capricorn and
Libra in the year 1985. Venus transitted in Gemini from 28.7.85 to 23.8.85 whereas
Mars transitted in Cancer from 16.7.85 to 1555. The marriage should take place
in the most common period which workd out from 28.7.85 to 23.8.85. The
marriage of the native actually took place on 15.85 at London.
Illustration No. 13.7 (Horoscope No. 124) - She was born with Venus in Leo
lagna, Jupiter and Mercury are exalted inthe J2th and 2nd house respectively .
Lagna lord Sun is adversely aspected by retrograde Saturn. Saturn rules the 7th
and aspects the 2nd house and the lord of the second. Retrograde planets place
obstructions in marriage, if they have anything to do with the concerning house
and planets. But in this case, the lady got married at 18 years of age. We do not
find any reason of early marriage except that Mercury is exalted in the second
house and Venus aspects the 7th house. If 7th house is taken as Lagna, Venus
becomes Yogakaraka and its position confirms early and love marriage.
She got married to a German. This is a case of inter-religion and inter-national
marriage of a girl whose age was half to that of her husband.
To be very honest with our readers, we believe that we would have predicted
late marriage of this girl though the case is just reverse. The error in observation
is quite likley because it is a quite complicated case.
Jupiter's Mahadasa started from 6th year to 2Jst year and Saturn"s Dasa lasted
from 21 st year to 40th year. The marriage was possible either in Jupiter's
Mahadasa or that of Saturn's. Saturn is the lord of the 7th house and is placed in
the 8th house under the affliction of the aspect of Sun. Saturn plays a negative
role as far as happiness of marital life and early marriage is concerned. So Saturn's
Dasa cannot give marriage. So it is only Jupiter's major period which will result
into the materialisation of marriage. Mars is a YogaKaraka and it is the lord of
the 9th and 4th houses. So marriage could take place in Jupiter-Mars period.
Mars also lends its aspect over the 7th house. Jupiter-Rahu period is also possible
as Rahu is posited in the 9th house in the sign of Mars and also obtains the
Navamsa of Mars. These Dasas run from 11.11.84 to 17.10.85 and from 17.10.85
to 11.3.88. Mars Bhukti is more probable as it is the Yogakaraka here. So the
marriage took place in Jupiter-Mars Dasa-Bhukti which lasted from 11.11.84 to
17.10.85. It was 10.1.85 when the marriage of the native was solemnised finally.
Sub-sub-period of Rahu runs from 1.12.84 to 21.1.85. Rahu is in the sign of
Yogakaraka Mars which should bring the marriage as Rahu joins 9th house.
Jupiter was transitting in Sagittarius till 11.1.85. Venus was transitting in her 7th
house in Aquarius from 29.12.84 to 26.1.85. Both transits of Mars ans Venus are
Horoscope No. 124
ate 18/09/1966 Time 05:40:00 Day Sunday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
La( 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime . 5:19:30 Hrs Gan Deva Rahu; 5Y0M 20 Pingla ;0YGM20D
Eq.oftime 0:05:17 Hrs Yoni Mahish Jupiter
Sunrise 5:53:42 Hrs Nadi Antya 20/09/1971 18/09/1966
Sunset 18:08:03 Hrs Varan Shoodra 20/09/1987 08/04/2001
Samvat 2023 Vashya Manav Jupiter 08/11/1973 Pingla 09/04/1967
Saka . 1888 Varga Mrig Saturn 21/05/1976 Dhanya 09/04/1970
Month Shadra Yunja Madhya Mercury 27/08/1978 Bhramri 09/04/1974
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva] Vayu Ketu 03/08/1979 Bhadrika 09/04/1979
Tithi at Sunrise.. 3 Name Alphabet Ro-Rohit Venus 03/04/1982 Ulka 08/04/1985
Nakshatra Svati Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Iron Sun 20/01/1983 Sidha 08/04/1992
Yoga Vaidhriti Hora Mars Moon 21/05/1984 Sankta 08/04/2000
Karan Vishti Chaugharia Labha Mars 27/04/1985 Mangla 08/04/2001

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 1:30;34 Mer Sun Jup Sal Asc Leo 27:49:25 Sun Sun Mon Sat
Mon Lib 16:17:29 Ven Rah Ven Rah 2 Vir 25:41:46 Mer Mar Rah Ven
Mar Can 21:39:07 Mon Mer Sun Mar 3 Lib 26:07:44 Ven Jup Ket Rah
Mer Vir 8:01:44 Mer Sun Ven Ven 4 Sco 27:33:49 Mar Mer Jup Mar
Jup Can 5:21:05 Mon Sat Sat Jup 5 Sag 28:50:19 Jup Sun Mar Mer
Ven Leo 18:01:55 Sun Ven Mar Sun 6 Cap 29:14:11 Sat Mar Sat Mon
Sat -R Pis 3:15:42 Jup Jup Rah Mar 7 Aqu 27:49:25 Sat Jup Ven Jup
Rah -R Ari 24:11:55 Mar Ven Mer Mer 8 Pis 25:41:46 Jup Mer Rah Ven
Ket -R Lib 24:11:55 Ven Jup Mer Ket 9 Ari 26:07.44 Mar Ven Ket Mon
Ura Leo 27:11:26 Sun Sun Sun Ket 10 Tau 27:33:49 Ven Mar Jup Mar
Nep Lib 26:52:26 Ven Jup Ven Ven 11 Gem 28:50:19 Mer Jup Sun Mon
Plu Leo 25:21:33 Sun Ven Mer Jup 12 Can 29:14:11 Mon Mer Sat Mon
: Libra 12:36:21 Navamsa Chart
\Sun Mar/ Raf>
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
10 8
\ x \
MonllXlira 9 V7

9w 1028' Mer 12

Sat IXstin Mer/Xjup XMon Ket/\Vra V0n/

MonV 6 / \4 / Mar \ 6 / 5 \ p,u /
\ / \4/ Jup
Ket 7Vven 5 UraVs Jup Nep7X 5110 M€f X3
Nep/X Plu / \
\Kat Nep/Jup
Mer 4S4 LraXx12^
X1 Rah
Set\\ ~
428' r Ne27' 328' r
8 ^ XlO
y 9 N
. XRah Sat
Horoscope No. 98
te 16/10/1947 Time 09:06:08 Day Thursday Place Kanpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:62:03
at 26:27:00 North Long 80:19:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:08:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime ..10:32:41 Hrs Gan .Rakshas Jupiter: 12Y11M26D Dhanya :2Y5M 7D
Eq.oftime :0:14:13 Hns Yoni : Vyaghra Saturn
Sunrise :6:09:18 Hrs Nadi ^ Antya 13/10/1960 16/10/1947
Sunset :17:39:28 Hrs Varan ^ Shoodra 14/10/1979 24/03/1983
Samvat : 2004 Vashya Manav Satum 17/10/1963 Dhanya 24/03/1950
Saka : 1869 Varga : Sarp -V'jrcury 26/06/1966 Bhramri 24/03/1954
Month : Asvina Yunja : Madhya Ket.; 05/08/1967 Bhadrika 24/03/1959
Paksh : ShuMa Hansak(Tatva) Vayu kiS 04/10/1970 Ulka 24/03/1965
Tithi at Sunrise.,: 2 Name Alphabet Sun 16/09/1971 Sidha 23/03/1972
Nakshatra : Vtsakha Tee-Teerath/Ttfak Moon 17/04/1973 Sankta 23/03/1980
Yoga : Priti Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Copper Mars 27/05/1974 Mangla 24/03/1981
Karan : Kaulava Hora : Sun Rahu 02/04/1977 Pingia 24/03/1983

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 29:03:42 Mer Mar Sat Sun Asc Sco 6:59:17 Mar Sat Mer Jup
Men Lib 22:30:16 Ven Jup Sat Ket 2 Sag 7:00:28 Jup Ket Rah Ven
Mar Can 15:36:22 Mon Sat Jup Mer 3 Cap 9:37:28 Sat Sun Ven Mer
Mer Lib 23:47:54 Ven Jup Sat Jup 4 Aqu 13:32:47 Sat Rah Mer Mar
Jup See 5:30:42 Mar Sat Mer Mer 5 Pis 15:26:05 Jup Sat Jup Mer
Ven Lib 10:20:38 Ven Rah Jup Rah 6 An 13:02:38 Mar Ket Mer Sat
Sat Can 27:39:29 Mon. Mer Jup Rah 7 Tau 6:59:17 Ven Sun Mer Sat
Rah Tau 0:47:14 Ven Sun Rah Ven 8 Gem 7:00:28 Mer Rah Rah Jup
Ket Sco 0:47:14 Mar Jup Mar Jup 9 Can 9:37:28 Mon Sat Ven Sat
Ura Gem 3:13:42 Mer Mar Ven Mon 10 Leo 13:32:47 Sun Ven Ven Ven
Nep Vir 18:06:28 Mer Mon Mer Ket 11 Vir 15:26:05 Mer Mon Jup Rah
Plu Can 21:51:15 Mon Mer Sun Jup 12 Lib 13:02:38 Ven Rah Mer Ven

Fortuna: Sagittarius 0:25:51 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

Rah Rat*
613° IV m
\ /\Mer Mon /■ \ /\Mon Mar /
\ / 8 \ Ven / ii \ / \Ket Jup/ n
\9 / V /NeP Mar \9 / \7/Sm
10 V Jup Ket Ve Sat lOV^ 8 Ve Ven 9io-
n Plu 414- Maie-
/ Nv >/\Su s s \Nep PI22*
Sa^a- Dasamsa
\ " /\ 5
/ \ 11
/\ 5
/ Plu Jup Mar

P,U 1014' Nep 8

\ / \ / ^ \/ \ / Sat
12^ 2 Vj* Sat 3io- 12^ 2
/1\ Rah /3\Mar / t\ Ura /3 \Mar Sal 9
ra Sun / Rah \ / \
/ ^ Nep i—
Ven Me^f MD22: Van
i 1115' 10 12
Ket Mer 1213* Vetoj Neta*
Jup Mon ■ SU29' Sun
Ti mingof Ma rriage 415

promoting radical Venus by their mutual aspect. Therefore, marriage should have
taken place from 29.12.84 to 26.1.85. It was 10.1.85 when the marriage of native
took place and soon thereafter the native flew to Canada,
Illustration No. 13.8, (Horoscope No, 98) - The native is a rich engineer in the
Irrigation Department of U.P, He got married on 4.12,73 during the sub-period
of Mars in the major period of Saturn (from 23,1,13 to 2.9.74). Saturn and Mars
both are placed together in the 9th house. How will we explain this marriage
during Saturn-Mars Dasa Bhukti? Now let us make an attempt to explain the
importance of the 4th house in this marriage. The 4th lord Saturn joins the 9th
house in assocation with Lagna lord Mars. Both are being aspected by the lord of
2nd house Jupiter who has added strength for the materialisation of marriage to
these planets. Mars who rules Lagna is lending his aspect over the 4th house. We
find that two planets Saturn and Mars who are influencing the 4th house, brought
marraige during their vibrations of Dasa BnktL
One may raise a doubt that it is the aspect of the 2nd lord Jupiter over Saturn
and Mars which resulted into marriage. We do not think it in that way. Had the
Jupiter been more powerful, the marriage would have taken place during the
sub-period of Jupiter and not Mars. Why did the native got married in the
major period of Saturn? Placement of Saturn in the 7th house in the Navamsa
chart in the sign of the 2nd lord Jupiter may be the answer to justify it. We can
give many more justifications in this paritcular case because the marriage
actually took place during the Pratyanter Dasa Le. the sub-sub-period of Jupiter.
We again emphasise over the consideration of the 7th and 2nd houses, in addition
to the 4th and 9th houses. It is marriage which is represented by the 7th and
2nd house which will bring mental variations ruled by the 4th house. Therefore,
it is not the 4th house which represents marriage but it plays a vital role in
doing so. Look over the 4th house and its lord, if that is under the influence of
the 7th or 2nd house or their lords.
Horoscope No. 57
jte 27/03/1961 Time 16:08:12 Day Monday PlaceLucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 Easl Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

SkJerial Timo .:4;20.18 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Mercury :13Y2M11D Bhramri :3Y1M80
Eq.oftime :• 0:05:30 Hrs Yoni : Ma^ar Vanus
Sunrise :6.*04:42 Hrs Nadi : Antya 07/06/1981 27/03/1961
Sunset :16:19:32 Hrs Varan : Vipra 07/0672001 04/05/1996
Samvat : 2018 Vashya : JaJchar Venus 07/10/1984 Bhramri 04/05/1954
Saka : 1883 Varga : Shwan Sun 07/10/1985 Bhadrika 05/05/1969
Month ; Chaltra Yunja : Madhya Moon 06/06/1987 Lflka 05/05/1975
Paksh.... : ShuWa HansakfTatva) Jal Mars 07/08/1988 Sidha 06/05/1962
Tlthi at Sunrise..: 11 Name Alphab^ Dee-Deepak Rahu 08/08/1991 Sankta 05/05/1990
Nakshatra : Aslesa Paya(Rasi-Nak) : kon-SiJver Jupiter 08/04/1994 Mangla 05/05/1991
Yoga : Sukarma Hora ; Mars Saturn 07/06/1997 Pingla 05/05/1993
Karan : VjsM Chaugharia : Labha Mercury 07/04/2000 Ohaiya 04^)5/1995

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S^S House Raal Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Pis 13:28:26 Jup Sat Rah Sat Asc Leo 14:45:18 Sun Ven Ven Jup
Mon Can 19:38:57 Mon Mer Ven Ven 2 Vlr 11:46:06 Mer Mon Mar Ven
Mar Gem 18:30:47 Mer Rah Mon Jup 3 Ub 12:01:48 Ven Rah Sat Rah
Mer Aqu 16:41:20 Sat Rah Ven Sat 4 Sco 13:51:12 Mar Sat Rah Mer
Jup Cap 9:00:03 Sat Sun Ven Jup 5 Sag 15:26:10 Jup Ven Ven Ket
Ven -R An 5:08:23 Mar Ket Mar Sat 6 Cap 15:54:06 Sat Mon Sat Sat
Sat Cap 5:19:07 Sat Sun Mer Mer 7 Aqu 14:45:18 Sat Rah Ket Mar
Rah Leo 12:52:41 Sun Ket Mer Jup 8 Pis 11:46:06 Jup Sat Mon Mer
Ket Aqu 12:52:41 Sat Rah Mer Ket 9 Arl 12.01:48 Mar Ket Mer Ven
Ura -R Can 29:04:01 Mon Mer Sat Sun 10 Tau 13:51:12 Ven Mon Rah Mar
Nep -R Lib 17:45:27 Ven Rah Sun Jup 11 Gem 15:26:10 Mer Rah Ven Ven
Plu -R Leo 13:04:44 Sun Ket Mer Sat 12 Can 15:54:06 Mon Sat Jup Ven

Fortuna: Sagittarius 20:55:49 Nsvamsa Chart

Ptu Rah
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chaiit-Cuapai

Sun 8 2 Van
\Mon Rah /
\ / XUraMon/i NPIu Ura/
6 / \^4 / I Mon Mon 11
X1o\ Sat
Nep7XR^ PluV3Mar Ura X Kat X > M«r Ufa
12 M

XlO XRahUraX 8 X
618- Jup\/ \/ t^XMar 9 Sat
9X^Mer 11 KaTXi ven jus- sY 11
Sas- SaJ/ioX War /12\ Sun 12 Nap 6 Mon
Jup Sat / Kel \ /Ven Sun
IX 3 X5
414- 312- / 2\ Kal X 4 N
/ Van Mar
Timing of Marriage 417

IllusstratiofiNq. 13.9 (HoroscopeNo. 57)- This is the birth chart of an unlucky

daughter of a rich ^businessman who got married on 13.12.87 during the sub-
period of Mars in the major period of Venus (from 2.9.87 to 2.11.88). Mars
owns the 4th and 9th houses are quite clear in marriage of the present lady.

Association of Mercury and Ketu in the 7th house which is hemmed in

between the two malefics the Saturn and the Sun resulted into the separation
after the birth of a female child.
Horoscope No. 125
19/04/1953 Time 11:32:30 Day Sunday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:56
.at 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr-0:21:08

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SidenalTime :0:59:32 Hrs Gan Manushya Rahu: 5Y9M 29D Mangla :0Y3M27D
Eq.oftime :0:00:48 Hrs Yoni Shwan Saturn
Sunrise :5:53:33 Hrs Nadi Adya 17/02/1975 19/04/1953
Sunset :.18:47:38 Hrs Varan Shoodra 17/02/1994 15/08/1988
Samvat : 2010 Vashya Manav Saturn 20/02/1978 Mangla 15/08/1953
Saka : 1875 Varga f^aijar Mercury 30/10/1980 Pingla 1G0671955
Month : Vaisakha Yunja Madhya Ketu 09/12/1981 Dhanya 16/08/1958
Paksh : Shukla HansakfTatva) Vayu Venus 07/02/1985 Bhramri 16/06/1962
Tithi at Sunrise..: 6 Name Alphabet Sun 20/01/1986 Bhadrika 16/08/1967
Nakshatra : Ardra Nga-Gyanchand Moon 22/08/1987 Ulka 15/08/1973
Yoga .: SukarmQ Paya(Rasi-Nsk) : Iron-Sliver Mars 30/09/1988 Sidha 15/08/1980
Karan : Taitila Hora Jupiter Rahu 06/08/1991 Sankta 15/08/1988

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun 5:56:28 Ket Rah Jup Asc Can 2:10:20 Mon Jup Rah Sat
Men 15:40:48 Rah Ven Sun 2 Can 25:15:44 Mon Mer Rah Mer
Mar 28:36:52 Sun Mar Jup 21:49:53 Sun Ven Jup Rah
Mer 8:47:51 Sat Ven Mar 23:12:45 Mer Mon Sun Ket
Jup 2:23:11 Sun Jup Ven 27:46:26 Ven Jup Ven Jup
Ven -R 26:35:15 Mer Jup Sat 1:31:18 Jup Ket Ven Mar
Sat -R 0:38:20 Mar Mer Ven 2:10:20 Sat Sun Jup Ven
Rah -R 15:41.55 Men Sat Sat 25:15:44 Sat Mar Rah Mer
Ket -R 15:41:55 Sat Jup Ket 21:49:53 Sat Jup Sat Sat
Ura 21:49:16 Jup Sat Sat 10 Pis 23:12:45 Jup Mer Mon Ven
Nep -R 29:24:04 Mar Sat Mar 11 Ari 27:46:26 Mar Sun Mon Jup
Plu -R 27:53:46 Mer Sat Sat 12 Gem 1:31:18 Mer Mar Mer Jup

Fortuna: Virgo 11:54:40 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

Nep 3 /Rah

Sun Jup SU6' Ju2* wmm Mer A Xsun

Mar 1128*
Ma29' 9 Sat 7 1 Ufa;

\ / \Ura Mon / lira Mon SH

5 4 [X 10 X12 Plu
\ / \ 3/ Kel \ 4/ \3 /Jup JtJ
Nep eY Ket Pluy2jup Plu 922' SYKel 4 X1 12
' 9 P yr
Mar \ /Ven MonX.
/\ / \Mar Keic
/ \ / \ 225'
\/ Sal 6 Nep \/
Y Ven 12 Sun\7 P|28'
Mar 1 Sun Nep Rah/
\ 11 /^P'
\12 7
A 10
A11Mer 322'
1l\Van 72' I / 9\ Rat) /l0\ 9 Plu
Timing of Marriage 419

illustration No. 13.10 (Horoscope No. 125) - The native is a chief Medical
Officer who is extremely popular, polite, intelligent and very good looking. He
got decently married to a quite beautiful girl on 8.2.83 when he was passing
through the sub-period of Venus in the major period of Saturn (from 1.4.82 to
1.6.85), Major period lord Saturn is exalted in the 4th house and the sub-period
lord Venus is exalted in the 9th house. The Venus whoseBhukti brought marriage
owns the 4th house and obtains the Navamsa of Saturn, who is the lord of the
7th house and is tenanted in the 4th house.

The marriage took place during the Pratyantar Dasa of Lagna lord Moon
who is 4th from 4th lord Venus whose Bhukti was in operation and 9th from
the 7th lord Saturn who is posited in the 4th house whose major period was
running. Moon also obtains the Navamsa of Saturn and is associated with Venus
in Navamsa. This horoscope clearly explains the importance of the 4th house
in the timing of marriage. Students may find it interesting to note that three
planets Sun, Venus and Saturn are exalted in the quardant and triangle and
two out of them are retrograde. Mars is Swachetri and Saturn Vargottam. The
native is the only son of his parents and is endowed with lot of perperty,
prosperity, popularity, power and pelf.
Horoscope No. 126
30/05/1962 Time 15:30:12 Day Wednesday PJace Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:
al 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

Siderial Time .:T:53:34 Hrs Gan : Deva Ketu: 5YOM 11D BhhsmH :2Y10M 15D
Eq.oftime. :0;02:39 Hrs Yoni j Ashwa Venus
Sunrise :5:14:50 Hrs Nadi - Adya 11/06/1967 30/05/1962
Sunset :18;53:06 Hrs Varan ^ Kshatrlya 11/06/1987 14/04/1997
Samvat : 2019 Vashya : Chatuspada Venus 10/10/1970 Bhramri 14/04/1965
Saka : 1884 Varga : Simha Sun 10/10/1971 Bhadrika 14/04/1970
Month : Jyestha Yunja : Poorva Moon 10/06/1973 Ulka 14/04/1976
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agnl Mars 10/08/1974 Sidha 15/04/1983
Tithi at Sunrise..: 12 Name Alphabet Che-Chetan Rahu 1(VD8/1977 Sankta 15/04/1991
Nakshatra : Asvini Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Gold Jupiter 1Q/D4/1980 Mangla 14/04/1992
Voga : Sobhagya Hora - Jupiter Saturn 11/06/1983 Pingla 14/04/1994
Karan : Taitila Chaugharia : Char Mercury 11/04/1986 Dhanya 14/04/1997

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S^S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Tau 15:26:21 Ven Mon Jup Rah Asc Lib 2:10:27 Ven Mar Ket Mar
Mon Ari 3:45:02 Mar Kel Mon Mon 2 Sco 1:04:34 Mar Jup Mar Ket
Mar Ari 7:59:43 Mar Ket Jup Sat 3 Sag 1:35:38 Jup Kst Ven Rah
Mer -R Tau 26:43:49 Ven Mar Jup Mer 4 Cap 3:18:13 Sat Sun Sat Sat
Jup Aqu 17:55:26 Sat Rah Sun Mer 5 Aqu 5:13:33 Sat Mar Sun Sat
Ven Gem 15:42:14 Mer Rah Ven Mon 6 Pis 5:23:54 Jup Sat Sat Jup
Sat -R Cap 18:16:08 Sat Mon Mer Ven 7 Ari 2:10:27 Mar Ket Ven Jup
Rah -R Can 18:03:20 Mon Mer Mer Jup 8 Tau 1:04:34 Ven Sun Rah Mon
Ket -R Cap 18:03:20 Sat Mon Mer Ket 9 Gem 1:35:38 Mer Mar Mer Sat
Ura Leo 3:37:27 Sun Ket Sun Ven 10 Can 3:18:13 Mon Jup Rah Mar
Nep -R Lib 18:20.39 Ven Rah Mon Rah 11 Leo 5:13:33 Sun Ket Mar Mer
Plu Leo 14:28:47 Sun Ven Ven Jup 12 Vir 5:23:54 Mer Sun Mer Ket

rtuna: Leo 20;29;08 Navamsa cnart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chaltt-Cuapal

7 V5 P
Mon Sun 72- 8i'
Mar Mer Mo4' Suis*
Maa' Me27-

■ / XX K
1 X 3 s
V8 / \ 6 /p[U Rah 8 / 103'
\ / 2
9X NeP 7 A 5 Plu / UrB Sun\
K"" Xur.
Sat 10 Ket 4 Rah Sat 10 Ket X Ura 4 Rah \ Van /\Rahn
X. g S X^^ura /
Plu 9X 7 X5
|jup11/(Mon 1 Mar V3 Ven
Ket Jup11 VMon 1 MarVaVen
Sat /12\ / 2\ 43- | /v\ / \ 4 juX;
/ \ AMer Sun\ / \ /Mer Sun\| 12^
v / Sun
nX 1 X3
/Nap 2 \Mar
Set KeiX / Won X
Timing of Marriage 421

Illustration No. 13.11 (Horoscope No. 126) - This is the horoscope of the wife
of above native who got married on 8.2.83 (Illustration no. 13.10., Horoscope
No. 125) during the sub-period of Saturn in the major period of Venus (from
1.4.80 to 1.6.83). The lord of the Lagna Venus whose Mahadasa was operating
at the time of marriage is posited in the 9th house and the sub-period lord
Saturn occupies the 4th house of his own. In the present case Saturn has no
relation either with 2nd or the 7th house except that it joins the 7th house in
the Navamsa chart in the sign Gemini, sign of the 9th lord Mercury. Venus
obtains Saturn's Navamsa. The lady got married during Venus-Saturn period
whereas her husband got married during Saturn-Venus period. But it is simply
a coincidence.
Horoscope No. 23
20/07/1952 Tima 12:45:00 Day Sunday Placa Jabalpur Sri Sanatan Ayanam
.at 23:10:00 North Long 79:57:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tlma Corr • 0:

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime .;8:26:51 Hrs Gan Manushya Rahu: 5Y 1M2$D Mangia :0Y3M13O
Eq.ottima 0:06:13 Hrs Yoni Shwan Saturn
Sunrise ;5:36:43 Hrs Nadi Adya 15/09/1973 20/07/1952
Sunsat :18:56:01 Hrs Vararu Shoodra 15/09/1992 02/11/1987
Samvat : 2009 Vashya. Manav Saturn 16/09/1976 Mangia 02/11/1952
Saka : 1874 Varga Wlarjar Mercury 29/05/1979 Pingla 02/11/1954
Month : Sravana Yunja Madhya Ketu 07/07/1980 Dhanya 02/11/1957
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 07/09/1983 Bhramri 02/11/1961
Tithi at Sunrisa..: 14 Name Alphabet Sun 19A)8/1984 Bhadrika 02/11/1966
Nakshatra : Ardra Nga-Gyanchand Moon 20/03/1986 Ulka 02/11/1972
Yoga : Vyaghat Paya(Rasi-Nak) Silver-Silver Mars 29/04/1987 Sidha 02/11/1979
Karan : Vlshll Hora Sun Rahu 05/03/1990 Sankta 02/11/1987

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin - R Rasi Dagraa R-L N-L Sub S-S Housa Rasi Dagraa R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 433:49 Mon Sat Sat Mon Asc Lib 10:29:29 Van Rah Sat Sat
Mon Gam 16 10:50 Mar Rah Van Rah 2 Sco 9:38:50 Mar Sat Van Sat
Mar Lib 1719:38 Ven Rah Ven Ket 3 Sag 9:57:29 Jup Ket Sat Mar
Mar Leo 0;:40:37 Sun Kat Kat Mer 4 Cap 11:26:34 Sat Mon Mar Sat
Jup Ari 24:00:39 Mar Van Mar Mar 5 Aqu 13:20:19 Sat Rah Mar Sun
Van Can 11:34:21 Mon Sat Mon Sat 6 Pis 13:34:23 Jup Sat Rah Sat
Sat Vir 1632:40 Mer Mon Sat Ven 7 Ari 10:29:29 Mar Ket Sat Sun
Rah Cap 2842:21 Sat Mar Sat Van 8 Tau 9:38:50 Van Sun Van Mar
Kat Can 2842:21 Mon Mar Sat Van 9 Gam 9:57:29 Mar Rah Jup Mon
lira Gem 22:06:54 Mer Jup Sat Mar 10 Can 11:26:34 Mon Sat Mon Jup
Nap Vir 26 06:16 Mar Mar Rah Mar 11 Leo 13:20:19 Sun Van Van Van
Plu Can 2729:59 Mon Mar Jup Mon 12 Vir 13:34:23 Mar Mon Rah Sun
Fortuna : Virgo 22:06:29 Navamit Chart
N. Mon y
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal
Mir\ 11
Kit 12X io Xa Jup,
Bio* Ptui / \
7ir I
JU24' ^Mir 1 Un X 7 viy
/ \Nep &*y / \N»p Sat/
4 Rih
\e/ \ 6 / v 5 / \ 6y/ SuS"
axMif 7 VsMer X x
SXMar 7 Vs 10ii- I^ip 8afV\
/\ / \ Va,^

\ / Plu \ Pf" Daaamaa
/ \/plu\ .\A. . .. \ K»M*
/Rah 10 y/Ven 4 Sun^ Rah 10 Van 4 Mar X xXKit Jup/
N. t1 lOxT Plu^/
\ / \ Ket / \ Kat y
\ / \ /Men Mir 12s/ Ufl Nipvf Mon'
11 1 11Y 1 XSMon
X X3
Reh /12 \ Jup /zVJ™ /12 \ Jup / 2\8un Sun 1 7 Sat

Van Rah ./ Mar
Timing af Marriage 423

Illustration No. 13.12 (Horoscope No. 23) - The native is an industrialist and
a self-made man. He had earned million of rupees during Saturn-Jupiter period
and started a plastic imdustry during Saturn-Venus period. Within a short span
of five years from the start of his business, he is honoured as the king of plastic
industry in India. He got decently married on 9.5.77 with a beautiful life-partner.
The native was passing through the sub period of Mercury in the major period
of Saturn at the time of marriage (from 28.1.77 to 7.10.79). Saturn owns the 4th
house and obtains the Navamsa of Venus. Mercury whose sub-period was
operating is the owner of 9th house and falls in the Navamsa of 7th lord Mars.
Horoscope No. 127
^ate 12/03/1966 Time 23.00:00 Day Saturday Place Barot Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:07:
t-at 29:00:00 North Long 77:44:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:19:04

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Side rial Time .:10:00:35 Hrs Can : Deva Saturn ; 4Y 6M CD Bhramri :0Y11M11D
Eq.oftime 0:09:57 Hrs Yonl : Mrig Mercury
Sunrise :6:34:32 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 12/09/1970 12/03/1966
Sunset : 18:23:52 Hrs Varan. . . . : Vipra 12/09/1987 22/02/1999
Samvat 2022 Vashya : Keetak Mercury 07/02/1973 Bhramri 22/02/1967
Saka : 1887 Varga : Sarp Ketu 05/02/1974 Bhadrika 22/02/1972
Month : Chaitra Yunja : Madhya Venus 05/12/1976 Ulka 21/02/1978
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Sun 12/10/1977 Sidha 21/02/1985
Tithi at Sunrise.,: 6 Name Alphabet Nay-Nainshukh Moon 13/03/1979 Sankta 21/02/1993
Nakshatra : Anuradha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Copper Mars 10/03/1980 Mangla 21/02/1994
Yoga : Vajra Hora : Mars Rahu 27/09/1982 Pin^a 22/02/1996
Karan : Vishti Chaughana j Amrit Jupiter 02/01/1985 Dhanya 22/02/1999

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Aqu 28:33:46 Sat Jup Ven Mer Asc Lib 28:53:30 Ven Jup Sun Mar
Mon Sco 13:30:27 Mar Sat Rah Sat 2 Sco 28:35:57 Mar Mer Sat Ket
Mar Pis 9:20:55 Jup Sat Ven Jup 0:58:14 Sat Sun Rah Mon
Mer -R Pis 12:35:18 Jup Sat Mar Mer 4:50:47 Sat Mar Ven Ket
Jup Tau 29:10:39 Ven Mar Sat Mot 7:01:27 Jup Sat Mer Jup
Ven Cap 15:13:51 Sat Mon Jup Mot 4:58:36 Mar Ket Mar Jup
Sat Aqu 26:58:21 Sat Jup Ven Sun 28:53:30 Mar Sun Mar Mer
Rah Tau 4:33:45 Ven Sun Sat Rah 28:35:57 Ven Mar Sat Ket
Ket Sco 4 33:45 Mar Sat Sat Mon 0:58:14 Mon Jup Mar Mer
Ura Leo 24 17:16 Sun Ven Mer Ket 10 Leo 4:50:47 Sun Ket Mar Rah
Nep Lib 2857:53 Ven Jup Sun Rah 11 Vir 7:01:27 Mer Sun Ket Ket
PIu -R Leo 23 55:11 Sun Ven Sat Jup 12 yb 4:58:36 Ven Mar Sun Mon

Fortuna: Cancer 13:50:11 Navamaa Chart

N. V»n
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChalitCuflpal
Kit ^^8un 3
Rlfi' y/ X. Nip ^/n
72? 6 JupS/ 12
Mer ,v y,
Mar l\Mon Ket/
Mar 7X 9
\ 6 / fl/Plu \fl/ \7 /
9X Nflp 7 VenloV^Mon 7 KetV^ / PIu \
XMoo_ UraXy
y' N. Napy/
'Ven 10 \ , Sun It Sit X PIu 5 Un S. Kfl / N

Suiv\ / 4i
Viie* Mir\ / \/
11 1 12 1
X X X4
Ven s
«y I2\ 3,. Mtr/1\ Rgh /j\
A Jup 7 SatS^ 1 Ura
/Mer Me\ R»h Jup / \ / Jup
233' N«3Q' Sunx/ xx Wr
eX io /C12
Ket Mom* 139* Mon/9\ / HX Plu
Mon Nep Kir 128' / X / Rah X
/ \/Van MarX
Timing of Marriage 425

Illustration No. 13.13 (Horoscope no. 127) - She got married with an I.A.S.
officer on J9.7.87 during the sub-period of Saturn in the major period of Mercury
(from 12.5.85 to 2.1.88). Mercury is the lord of the 9th house whereas the sub-
period lord Saturn is the lord of the 4th house. Though the rule of the 4th and
9th lords in certainly important in timing of marriage but we cannot ignore the
2nd and 7th house as well. We should look whether the 4th or9th lords have
anything to do with the 2nd or 7th house or their lords. Venus is a significator
of marriage. Similarly Moon should also be taken as the significator as it owns
the 4th house of the natural Zodiac. 4th house and Moon both represent mind
in one way or the other. In the present case Saturn whose sub-period was
running at the time of marriage, aspects 7th and 2nd houses whereas Mercury
whose major period was operating, joins the 2nd and 7th lords Mars. Saturn
obtains the Navamsa of the 9th lord Mercury and Mercury obtains the Navamsa
of Venus in association with the Moon. Thus the 4th lord Saturn and 9th lord
Mercury are related to the 2nd and 7th houses. If we judge a horoscope in this
fashion by considering the 4th and 9th houses, the timing of marriage will be
more accurate, precise and dependable.
Horoscope No. 128
ata 30/0471965 Tlma 09:25:00 Day Friday Piaca Dalhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:06:43
Lat 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 East Zona 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:21:03

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime :23:35;26 Hrs Gan Deva Mercury: OY 9M 5D Ulka : 0Y3M7D
Eq.of time 0:02:46 Hrs Yoni. Gaja Venus
Sunrise :5:43:05 Hrs Nadi Antya 03/02/1973 30/04/1965
Sunset :18:54:11 Hrs Varan VJpra 03/02/1993 07/08/1995
Samvat : 2022 Vashya Jatchar Venus 04/06/1976 Ulka 06/08/1965
Saka : 1887 Varga Ssmha Sun 05/06/1977 Sidha 06/08/1972
Month : Vaisakha Yunja Poorva Moon 03/02/1979 Sankta 06/08/1980
Paksh ' : Krishna HansakfTatva) Jal Mars 04/04/1980 Mangla 06/08/1981
Tithi at Sunrise..: 14 Name Alphabet Chae-Chaarag Rahu 05/04/1983 Pingla 07/08/1983
Nakshatra : Revati Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Gold Jupiter 04/12/1985 Dhanya 07/08/1986
Yoga : Prrti Hora Saturn Saturn 03/02/1989 Bhramri 07/08/1990
Karan : Shakuni Chaugharla Amrit Marcury 05/12/1991 Bhadrika 07/08/1995

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Dagraa R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Dagraa R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Ari 16:28:49 Mar Ven Mon Rah Asc Gem 13:43:26 Me r Rah Mer Rah
Man Pis 29:24:01 Jup Mer Sat Mar 2 Can 6:20:39 Mon Sat Mer Mon
Mar Leo 16:13:44 Sun Ven Mon Mon 3 Leo 0:56:43 Sun Ket Ven Ven
Mer PiS 21:10:00 Jup Mer Ven Mer 4 VJr 0:11:44 Mer Sun Rah Mer
Jup Tau 8:34:37 Ven Sun Ven Rah 5 Lib 4:42:25 Ven Mar Ven Mer
Van Ari 21:09:55 Mar Ven Jup Van - 6 Sco 10:47:19 Mar Sat Sun Mer
Sat Aqu 21:23:08 Sat Jup Jup Mon 7 Sag 13:43:26 Jup Ven Ven Sun
Rah -R Tau 20:58:22 Ven Mon Ven Mon 8 Cap 6:20:39 Sat Sun Mer Rah
Ket -R Sco 20:58:22 Mar Mer Ven Sat 9 Aqu 0:56:43 Sat Mar Mer Mar
Ura -R Leo 17:43:57 Sun Ven Mar Mer 10 Pis 0:11:44 Jup Jup Mon Mer
Nep -R Lib 25:46:55 Ven Jup Ket Ket 11 Ari 4:42:25 Mar Ket Mon Ven
Plu -R Leo 20:43:29 Sun Ven Jup Mer 12 Tau 10:47:19 Ven Mon Mon Mer

Fortuna: Taurus 26:38:39 Navamaa Chart

\Mon Jup S \ Kit Mir
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal 12
X S N. 10/
Sat IX 11 X9
Sun Jup 113'
Ven Reh Sun1 ■
Vesr ^Ntp 2 XT a y

\Rah Jup/ N. / van

SyCSun 5 MirX^7
Mar\4 \2/ven
mam / 4 \ / eNPiu
Ura5\ / Rah N. y/ Ura
Plu / /\Sun
Mer 12Mon . \5at Sun/
N. fl j
7 X5 Mon

vMar 10 Ket X 4 Rah

KaJi' Naa" p
X War
)u i X3y
6ii-. 12
2 XNap
Ket Nep x X
" i X X>
Timing of Marriage 427

Illustration No. 13.14 (Horoscope No. 128) - The girl who belongs to this
horoscope was very proud of her beauty. She was quite confident of her early
and decent marriage. Number of Students were sensitive about her, during her
university life. She rejected number of I.A.S. officers as they were not so smart
and handsome as she had thought of her life partner. She came to us with her
mother when she was of 21 years. We analysed time of her marriage and told
her that the marriage will take place during the sub-period of the 4th lord
Mercury in the major period of Venus. She and her mother could not rely on
our observations. They informed us that many Class-I officers were willing to
marry her but she was not prepared due to certain shortcomings in them.
Gradually four years passed and they kept on asking us about the time of
marriage of the girl. Our reply was always the same. We said to her that the
marriage will be settled and solemnised between 16.5.89 to 16.5.92 with a boy
settled in a foreign country. Ultimately marriage took place on 13.10.90 and she
left India, only at the fag end of the sub-period of Mercury in the major period
of Venus.

Mercury is the lord of the 4th house and lends its aspect over the 4th house.
It is associated with Moon in the 10th in the sign of the 7th lord Jupiter. Many
astrologers were consulted by her parents but their observation proved wrong
as they had not taken 4th house into consideration.
Horoscope No. 129
ate 01/07/1957 Time 06:20:00 Day Monday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamaa 23
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderielTime .:0;48;51 Hrs Can. Rakshas Mercury : OY10M 20D Bhramri :0Y2M 150
Eq.oftime 0:03:36 Hrs Yoni : Marjar Venus
Sunrise :5:17:29 Hrs Nadi An!ya 22/05/1965 01/07/1957
Sunset :19:02:41 Hrs Varan Vipra 22/05/1985 15/09/1989
Samvat : 2014 Vashya Jalchar Venus 20/09/1968 Bhramri 15/09/1957
Sake : 1879 Varga Shwan Sun 20/09/1969 Bhadrika 16/09/1962
Month : Asadha Yunja Madhya Moon 22/05/1971 Ulka 15/09/1966
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Jal Mars 21/07/1972 Sidha 16/09/1975
Tithi at Sunrise..: 4 Name Alphabet .: Do-Doulat Rahu 22/07/1975 Sankta 16/09/1983
Nakshatra : Aslesa Singh Jupiter 22/03/1978 Mangla 16/09/1934
Yoga : Vajra Paya(Rasj-Nak) Silver-Silver Saturn 22/05/1981 Pingla 16/09/1986
Karan : Vishti Hora Saturn Mercury 22/03/1984 Dhanya 1M9/1989

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Gem 15:55:12 Mer Rah Ven Mar Asc Gem 29:01:13 Mer Jup Sun Jup
Mon Can 29:18:07 Mon Mer Sat Mar 2 Can 22:23:17 Mon Mer Mon Rah
Mar Can 12:57:56 Mon Sat Rah Rah 3 Leo 19:00:19 Sun Ven Rah Mer
Mer Gem 12:00:29 Mer Rah Sat Rah 4 Vir 20:16:14 Mer Mon Ket Sat
Jup Vir 1:26:35 Mer Sun Jup Jup 5 Lib 24:39:34 Ven Jup Mer Sun
Ven Can 6:29:42 Mon Sat Mer Mar 6 Sco 28:18:36 Mar Mer Sat Mer
Sat -R Sco 16:00:12 Mar Sat Jup Ven 7 Sag 29:01:13 Jup Sun Mar Ven
Rah -R Lib 25:22:58 Ven Jup Mer Jup 8 Cap 22:23:17 Sat Mon Ven Mer
Ket -R Ari 25:22:58 Mar Ven Mer Jup 9 Aqu 19:00:19 Sat Rah Mon Ven
Ura Can 12:30:13 Mon Sat Mar Mer 10 Pis 20:16:14 Jup Mer Ven Rah
Nep -R Lib 51:14 Ven Rah Rah Rah 11 Ari 24:39:34 Mar Ven Mer Ven
Plu Leo 33:27 Sun Ket Rah Rah 12 Tau 28:18:36 Ven Mar Sat Mer
rtunt: Leo 12:24:08 Ntvamaa Chart
X Plu R«h
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChalftCuspal
n. 2 y
3 Vl

' 11:8'
Ifci'. 2 Men
\Mir Mon \Mon Pl'J/ \M«r 6ua/ i:r
WerUrt/ 3 \ 2„ / 7X 9 xnsun
\4/ \ / Moh \ 4/ \2/ V**" Ur
J/a\ n«P/ i0\
Plu 5X Sun M«r xi Ket Mar 9"' Jup SX M»r 3 VenVl Ket Unr /Sit Ktrx /jup Mir\
V\ Ven M, ,,
/ \ lln / \ '
/ N. / \ Duamaa
CJup 8 X 12 , V " ^
jup y
Rih/e / N,P \
I 3 8tt a Men
/^V V Kit X
62S1 Re2!
I Nap Siis* Sss- U«/8\ Plu
Sat Rah
Timing of Marriage 429

Illustration No. 13.15 (Horoscope No. 129) -The marriage of the native took
place on 21.2.84 when sub-period of Mercury in Venus (from 20.9.81 to 20.9.84)
was running. Mercury is the lord of the 4th house and is placed in his own sign
inthe Lagna and lends its aspect over the 7th house. Venus is associated with
Mars and Moon in the 2nd house. In number of horoscope, we have found that
the major period lord was posited 2nd to the sub-period lord. We do not know
whether it is merely a coincidence or it has some singnificance of the 12th house.
This needs a detailed survey of hundreds of birth charts. We believe that we
will be able to do so in the near future. One other important point in the timing
of marriage is consideration of the Lagna. There are particular planets which
bring marriage, for various ascendants, during their Dasa Bhukti when placed
under specific houses. It is not difficult to work it out if hundred horoscopes of
each ascendants are taken for study and analysis. This all needs immense spade
work, before coming to any final observations.
Horoscope No.1
29/01/1948 Time 07:00 00 Day Thursday Place Manmad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:
at 20:15:00 North Long 74:29:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:32:04

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime 14:56:50 Hrs Gan. z Manushya Venus: 3Y5M 160 Ulka : 1Y0M 140
Eq.oftime -0:12:52 Hrs Yoni : Mooshak Mars
Sunrise 7:10:47 Hrs Nadi - Madhya 17/07/1967 29/01/1948
Sunset 18:19:01 Hrs Varan i Kshatriya 16/07/1974 12/02/1979
Samvat 2004 Vashya : Vanchar Mars 13/12/1967 Ulka 11/02/1949
Saka Varga ^ Shwan Rahu 30/12/1968 Sidha 12/02/1956
Month Mag ha Yunja 4 Madhya Jupiter 06/12/1969 Sankta 12/02/1964
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Saturn 15/01/1971 Mangla 11/02/19QS
Tithi at Sunrise.. 3 Name Alphabet Too-Tushar Mercury 12/01/1972 Pingla 12/02/1967
Nakshatra P Phalguni Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Sliver Katu 09/06/1972 Dhanya 11/02/1970
Yoga Atigand Hora Saturn Venus 09/08/1973 Bhramri 11/02/1974
Karan Bava Chaugharia : Udvega Sun 15/12/1973 Bhadrika 12/02/1979

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 15:11:03 Sat Mon Jup Mon Asc Cap 11:38:44 Sat Mon Mar Ket
Mon Leo 24:21:29 Sun Ven Mer Ket 2 Aqu 18:00:39 Sat Rah Sun Ven
Mar R Leo 11:58:35 Sun Ket Mer Ven 3 Pis 23:24:52 Jup Mer Mar Rah
Mer Aqu 1:29:41 Sat Mar Mer Jup 4 Arl 23:48:33 Mar Ven Sat Jup
Jup Sco 27:56:22 Mar Mer Sat Sat 5 Tau 19:52:58 Ven Mon Ket Mon
Ven Aqu 20:32:17 Sat Jup Jup Mer 6 Gem 14:36:02 Mer Rah Ket Ven
Sat R Can 27:15:44 Mon Mer Jup Ven 7 Can 11:38:44 Mon Sat Mon Sat
Rah R Ari 26:50:25 Mar Sun Sun Rah 8 Leo 18:00:39 Sun Ven Mar Sun
Ket R Lib 26:50:25 Ven Jup Ven Ven 9 Vi; 23:24:52 Mer Mar Mar Rah
Ura R Tau 29:40:02 Ven Mar Sat Rah 10 Lib 23:48:33 Ven Jup Sat Jup
Nep -R Vir 20:03:56 Mer Mon Ket Rah 11 Sco 19:52:58 Mar Mer Ven Mon
Plu -R Can 21:01:54 Mon Mer Ven Sat 12 Sag 14:36:02 Jup Ven Ven Jup

Fortuna: Leo 20:49:10 Navamsa Chart

\ Sun S XSat Jup
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspai
X 2 / Nv12/
Kel 3XVen 1 Vll
Rah Ura
Mar 4 Nep 10 Phr

Mer Vsn/ \ /
5 X. 7 A9 Rah
\11/ \9/ I Sat uVsun MerVs Jup 712*
Mer yS
12XSun10 XSJup Plu Ura x / Mon \

'Rah 1 y 7 KeM Rah I 7 Ket \ yX 9N\eP
Mer\l0/ Xs/Plu
HX/ Sat Rah NXy
Sun/\ /X Ura
Ura^X^31 112- Ura aY Mar 4 Sat Ve
4 p,u
Sun ®
/ '\ /MarMon\| Nep // \ /5Mon
\ /Nep \

Ju2B' Ke^r 1
X 3 X5 ven
1120* 10^* Jup/2\ Ket / 4\
Jup Ket 1
Timfncr of Marriage 431

Illustration No. 13.16 (Horoscope No.I) - The native got married on 17.11.76
during the sub-period of Rahu in the major period of Rahu (from 9.12.74 to
21.8.77). Rahu is placed in the 4th house from the Lagna whose Dasa and Antar
Dasa is powerful enough for performance of marriage. The 2nd marriage of the
native took place during the sub-period of Sun in the major period of Rahu.
The Sun is placed in the Lagna as lord of the 8th house and aspects the 7th.
Sun and Saturn have joined Lagna and the 7th house respectively. This position
is always adverse for marital happiness. The marriage became unsuccessful
immediately after it was performed and the native went back to his first wife
aftermaking a compromise with her. Thus the marriage which took place during
the sub-period of Rahu who was influencing the 4th house, continued, and the
second one became unsuccessful.

Conclusion - We have dealt with a few cases in timing of marriage precisely.

It needs a careful judgement and skill of interpretation. Time of marriage can
be worked out precisely on following few steps

1. Judge whether the native will get married at all? Will it be early or late
marriage. In case of males see the major peirod running from the age of 21st year
to 36th year. There will be hardly two periods. See which planet out of the two is
more powerful for mamage. If late marriage is indicated, take the laterr period.

2. Decide the sub-period of which planet is favourable for marriage.

Consider each sub-period one by one and reject those which are not related
with the concerning houses responsible for mamage. It must be remembered
that the 4th house, planets placed therein and the lord thereof have a vital role
to play in timing of marriage. The 9th and JOth houses should also be taken
seriously into consideration alongwith the 2nd and the 7th houses. Rahu's
Bhukti should be carefully judged if that can bring marriage. Venus and Moon
should be treated as significators of marriage. Sadesati of Saturn does not
obstruct marriage provided the birth chart indicates marriage at that time.
Mars can obstruct marriage upto 28th year and Saturn upto 3Jst year and
Saturn-Rahu upto an age of 36 years. Venus mostly gives marriage in 25th
year but Jupiter may delay the same.

3. After deciding the planet whose sub-period will bring marriage, the
transits should be taken into consideration. Many rules have been laid down
our sages and have been referred by all modern writers repeatedly. We have
also given the important rules about transits, in this chapter. But we suggest
that the transit of Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Mars should be considered from
Lagna of the native. Judge when the transit of Jupiter will be promoting the
concerning houses, the 5th, 7th and 2nd.

The Upchaya position is also very important as Jupiter aspects the 7th house
from 3rd and 11th house and aspects 2nd house from the 6th and 8th and the
lOthhouse. Transit of Jupiter over radical Lagna and Moon also brings marriage.
432 Predicting Marriage

Similarly the transit of Saturn should influence the 5th or the 7th house at the
same time when Jupiter's transit will be promoting marriage probabilities. The
transit of Venus and Mars helps to work out the precise time of marriage.

4. After deciding the appropriate transit periods, judge which

Pratyantardasa or sub-sub-period will bring the marriage. Navamsa chart will
be vey useful for this purpose. The planets of sub-sub-period responsible for
marriage should have something important to do with the Navamsa Lagna or
the 7th house or otherwise that should be the singnificator. Find out the most
common period of all, which will be most suitable time for the marriage of the
native. A consideration of the country, circumstances and the period must also
be kept in mind before making any judgement and reaching to any conclusion.
If we work on a birth chart step by step we will have amazing success in our
observations of timing of marriage.

Most of the time Rahu and Ketu are rejected for consideration in timing this
important event. We have found that number of marriages have takenplace
during the major and sub-period of Rahu, If Rahu has anything to do with any
of these house, which we have taken into consideration in our above study, the
marriage should be predicted during the periods of Rahu. Sade Sathi of Saturn
never obstructs marriage, if the Dasa Bhukfi permits marriage. Students should
not think that Saturns transit of Sade Sathi will obstruct the materialisation.
Timing of marriage is certainly one of the most important part of astrology and
we must exercise all our intelligence in working out percent accurate results
in support of science of astrology. If we work on the above lines, we are sure
that we will be quite successful in fingdingout the correct time of marriage.

Stars & Sterility

("A Planetary Focus on Sterility")

1. ChUdren; Cementing Bond

2. Sterility in the Male
3. Failure in the Female

A Planetary Focus on Sterility

Children : Cosmic Cohesive Forces

The desire for children in normal woman is strong. It even
exceeds the normal self-interest associated with all living beings. It is
stronger than the claims of a career and it is more intense than in a man.
Childlessness is generally a tragedy to the women, and can be a cause of upset
marital as well as in personal happiness and health. Children cement upset in
marital environment the bonds of marriage and when a breakdown of the
partnership is threatened, as is found in many marriages, the thought of the
future of the offsprings often deters the couple from separated. Children give
them the time gap and the need for reconciliation and adjustments. However,
around 8 percent of couples of reasonable age, though desirous of having
children, prove sterile. The incidence of infertility may be decreasing now with
improved general health and efficient treatment.
The terms sterility and infertility both mean inability to conceive after one
year of normal co-habitation. Some distinguish the terms with sterility being an
absolute state of inability to conceive and infertility as a temporary failure towards
conception curable in due course. Medically, almost in the 40% cases of infertility,
it is found that the male partners of the couples are deficient of the normal
434 Predicting Marriage

procreative capabilities. The case maybe more, undetected through medical reports
but those can be scanned completely thro ugh Astro logy as it is quite possible to judge
which one of the couple is responsible for the denial of children.
In the horoscope of males, the consideration of potentiality of conceiving
a child should be made by Sun and the strength of semen should be judged
by \enus.Ifboth Sun and Venus are weak and they occupy even sign, the obstruction
in childbirth will be due to the male partner; if both Sun and Venus are strong and
occupy odd sign, the nude is capable of producing child and the failure may lie with
the woman. In the birth chart of a woman, the strength of Moon should be
taken into consideration for the ability of conception. Mars is considered
for ovum and vitality of fertility. If both Moon and Mars are strong and occupy
even signs the female is capable of conceiving a child. But if Moon and Mars
occupy odd signs and are weak in strength, the lady can be responsible for want
of child (Jataka Desh Marg).
Navamsa chart should also be considered. For fertility in a woman, Moon
and Mars should not occupy even navamsa. In the horoscope of men, the
navamsa occupied by Sun and Venus should not have even signs. Phaldeepika
and other texts have given various methods of judging the strength of Beeja
and Kshetra. Following factors are necessary for conception as far as medical
science is concerned :
1.The testicles must produce healthy, unsluggish and motile "sperms" -
the male seed, and in sufficient quantity, say not less than 120 million per c.c. in
the normal case. These sperms after passing through a duct in the male genital
organ should be deposited in the female organ (at about the external opening of
cervix of the female) normally through coitus. To judge the sperms, see Venus in
Rasi and navamsa Chart that must be strong in odd signs.
2. In the female, the ovaries must produce a healthy ovum, "the female
seed", which should pass through the tubes (fallopian tubes). In the
horoscope, this is shown by the position of Mars. The Mars should be strong
in Rasi and navamsa and should occupy even signs.
3. Union of ovum and sperm must exist without any hindrance in the
tubes and the fertilised ovum should get implanted in the healthy
endometrium (inner layer) of uterus. Here, it evolves into & foetus capable of
developing into a mature baby.
Interference in one or more of these factors leads to infertility, in a broad
sense. Our astrological science is equally powerful to study and even prejudge
those medical factors of sterility.

Sterility in the Male

• If the testicles are not able to produce sperms in sufficient numbers
capable of fertilising the ovum it may be due to weak Venus or afflicted Venus.
• Incomplete development of testicles can be judged by careful study of
the 8th house of the horoscope.
Stars & Sterility 435

• Damage to testicles from operations, accident, exposure to X-Rays,

prolonged exposure to heat, the huge hydrocele elc. are all the subjects related
to 8th house.
Therefore, the presence of Mars, Saturn and Venus in the 8th house or the
8th sign may cause this problem. If the 8th house is occupied by afflicted and
weak Venus and Mercury, under the malefic aspect of Mars, Saturn and Sun,
there too arises this problem. The lord of the 8th house should also be analysed
for this malady.
• Damage (atrophy) of testes may follow severe infections, diseases of
endocrine glands, coital error, infections such as mumps (orchitis), and diseases
of varicose veins. If Venus and Mars occupy the 8th house in a horoscope of a
male or Venus in 8th is badly affected by malefics, the person will have the
diseases of either testicles or varicose veins. Generally under such position one
will have insufficient, weaker, lethargic and immotilesperms to fertilise the ovum.
If Venus and Mars occupy Aries or Scorpio, the person concerned will suffer
from undeveloped testicles. If Mars is placed in 8th, Saturn in 6th, Sun in 5th,
Moon in 12th, the native will suffer from various complicated diseases aud will
not be able to produce a child.
Malefics in 8th house will generally cause weakness of sexual organs, while
Jupiter in J2th may also enhance the debility of such organs by virtue of casting
its aspect over 8th house.
(i) Obstruction in the genital canal or varicose veins so that sperms which
are produced by the testes are not able to pass through. This may result 'from
inflammatory diseases, accidents, operation and abnormalities since birth. Venus
and Moon cause it, if afflicted by Mars or Rahu in reference to the 8th house.
(ii) Both the above factors are normal (I & II) but even then there may be a failure
to transfer sperms in the organ of the female properly. This may be due to; —
Impotency is one of the causes of denial of childbirth as there is inability to
perform coitus. Following are the astrological causes of impotence : —
(i) Rahu or Saturn in the 2nd, Mercury in the 8th house and Moon in.the
12th house make a man impotent.
(ii)If Mercury is conjoined with Saturn aud Moon in the 8th house and
Rahu also afflicts the combination, the native will be impotent.
(iii) If Moon is under Papakartari Yoga with the placement of Ketu and
Mercury in the 8th house, the impotence is sure to be there.
(iv) Placement of Mercury in the 8th house is treated as one of the reasons of
impotence. Actually, Mercury also controls veins in the body. So this placement
in 8th house means weakness in veins and affliction means diseased veins
resulting in impotence.
Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculatiou is caused by a weak and afflicted 8th house
and its lord.
436 Predicting Marriage

Failure in tlie Female

1. There may be failure by the ovaries to produce ovum or the produced
ovum is not healthy. A weak or afflicted Mars with a weak fifth house will do it.
2. There may be interference in the passage of ovum from ovary to tube, as
in partial or complete tubal obstruction. Saturn's aspect on Mars and Jupiter in
reference to 5th house will cause this problem. Wherever obstruction is indicated,
be it male or female, the role of Saturn is certain, as Saturn is the main blocking
head everywhere.
3. Due to various diseases of female genital canal, union of male and female
'seeds' or implantation of fertilised ovum is sometimes not possible. Fifth house
of horoscope should be judged in addition to Jupiter to check this factor. Apart
from these factors there may be various diseases of endocrine glands which may
cause infertility. Psychological causes such as mental tension, marital disharmony,
emotional shock may also lead to infertility for which affliction of Moon is to be
seen deeply, apart from the 5th house and Mercury.
4. Saturn, Rahu and the Sun have separative tendencies. So, if these planets
occupy 5th house, the 5th lord is weak and Jupiter is also afflicted, there will be
a tendency of repeated mis-carriages.
5. Frigidity : In ladies, frigidity is one of the reasons of inability in producing
a child as it makes the native disinterested in cohabitation. This is caused on
account of the following reasons: —
(a) When Saturn owns Lagna and receives the aspect of Mars and/or Ketu.
(b) When Lagna is conjoined with Rahu and Saturn, and lord of 5th and Jupiter
are also afflicted.
(c) The lord of 8th is hemmed in between Rahu and Saturn and is devoid of
any benefic aspect.
(d) When Rahu and Saturn are combined with Moon with an afflicted Jupiter
and the lord of the 5th.
(e) When Ketu or Mars afflict Saturn and Moon in the 5th house or 8th house.
(f) When the 8th house is owned by Mercury and is joined by Saturn and
Rahu or Saturn and Mars.
(g) When Rahu joins 7th house and Saturn is placed in Lagna as owner of 8th
and 5th house.
(h) Rahu, Saturn in Lagna with Ketu, Mercury in the 7th cause frigidity. Rahu
should also be weak for this type of situation.
(i) When Rahu is in the 7th and Saturn in the 8th with an afflicted Jupiter.
These combinations cause frigidity of various kinds which is certainly the
strongest obstruction to produce a child.
Illustration No.: 14.1 (Horoscope No. 130) :This is the horoscope of a senior
artist working in National Botanical Garden, Lucknow. She is now 68 years old,
without a child, inspite of the best medical treatment available in India and abroad.
Conjunction of the lord of the 6th house Mercury with Mars in the lagna and
the aspects of Saturn on the lord of the 8th house Sun and lord of the 5th house
Horoscope No.130
20/09/1932 Time 04:54:00 Day Tuescfay Place Lucknaw Sri Sanalan Ayanamsa 22
26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari

SiderielTime .:4;42:11 Hrs Gan. j;Rakshas Sun : 4Y 3M 7D
Eq.Qftima ;0:06:06 Hrs Yon i i Mesh Rahu
Sunrise :5:54:40 Hrs Nadi i Antya 28/12/1953 20/09/1932
Sunset :18:05:30 Hrs Varan i Vaishya 29/12/1971 28/12/1966
Samval : 1989 Vashya j Chatuspada Rahu 09/09/1956 Ulka 28/12/1936
Saka : 1854 Varga _ Garuda Jupiter 03/02/1959 Sidha 29/12/1943
Month : Asvina Yunja Poorva Saturn 10/12/1961 Sankta 29/12/1951
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Ta(va) Bhoomi Mercury 28/06/1964 Mangla 28/12/1952
Tithi at Sunrise..; 4 Name A!phabet Ee-fehwsr Ketu 17/07/1965 Pingla 28/12/1954
Nakshatra : Krittika Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Gold Venus 16/07/1968 Dhanya 28/12/1957
Yoga : Harshan Hora Saturn Sun 10/06/1969 Bhramri 28/12/1961
Karan : Taitila Chaughana - Char Moon 10/12/1970 Bhadrika 28/12/1966

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 4:07:39 Mer Sun Sat Sun Asc Leo 19:59:50 Sun Ven Rah Mar
Mon Tau 0:30:29 Ven Sun Rah Ven 2 Vir 17:21:35 Mer Mon Sat Rah
Mar Can 6:49:41 Mon Sat Mer Jup 3 Lib 17:43:14 Ven Rah Sun Jup
Mer Leo 26:06:44 Sun Ven Ket Mon 4 Sco 19:23:16 Mar Mer Ven Ven
Jup Leo 15:55:18 Sun Ven Sun Sat 5 Sag 20:48:43 Jup Ven Jup Mer
Ven Can 18:36:54 Mon Mer Ket Ven 6 Cap 21:13:38 Sat Mon Ven Mar
Sat -R Cap 5:35:36 Sat Sun Mer Ven 7 Aqu 19:59:50 Sat Rah Mar Mon
Rah -R Aqu 24:30:34 Sat Jup Mer Ven 8 Pis 17:21:35 Jup Mer Mer Sun
Ket -R Leo 24:30:34 Sun Ven Mer Ven 9 Ari 17:43:14 Mar Ven Mar Sat
Ura -R Pis 29:42:35 Jup Mer Sat Rah 10 Tau 19:23:16 Ven Mon Mer Sat
Nep Leo 15:47:04 Sun Ven Sun Jup 11 Gem 20:48:43 Mer Jup Jup Ket
Plu Can 0:32:58 Mon Jup Mon Sun 12 Can 21:13:38 Mon Mer Ven Mer

Fortuna: Aries 16:22:40 Navamaa Chart

N. jr XNep Jup/
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
Ket\.7 yX
Md* Mir xx Xx
Van 9

Sun /VenMr Nap Jup/

/ \ Plu / MonlO/C 12
\6 /KeNep\ 4 / \ 4 /Marl Pit'
720^ 7Y Sun 6 Mer X 3 Van Ma?' 11 X. Un XIN.
^ JupX3 Xsun Si?\ X X

2 Mon X pin "XxJup WonX
X Vo
2 X^
Kel V / X\(QX X
Mir X \ X X
Sl1 11
v\ X1Mon
10\ Rah /12 S«r / 1o\ Rah /12\ Mir 2

Sun 3y< 5 Xj
/4 ura / 6\Rah
x xx Van \
438 Predicting Marriage

Venus in this case are responsible for causing sterility.

1 would like to draw the attention of our readers towards one aspect that the
astrological causes of childlessness are quite complete and may be different from
the combination of their medical reasonings. For example, the combinations as
described above in this horoscope are responsible for sterility but the reasons
for childlessness are several, other than this also. So the wise man should first
find if there are no indications of childbirth. Thereafter, the exact medical reason
should be traced on the basis of various combinations for different kinds of
inability to produce child.
In the present horoscope, the lord of the 3rd house, Jupiter, is stationed in
the inimical sign, Taurus in the 5th house. Invariably for Capricorn ascendant,
Jupiter's placement in the 5th house is bad for progeny because Jupiter owns
3rd and 12th houses.
The lord of the 5th Venus is associated with the bitter enemy Sun and is
receiving the adverse aspect of malefic Saturn.
In navamsa chart childlessness is further verified when the lord of the 5th
Venus obtains Saturn's navamsa and receives the adverse aspects of Mars and
inimical Moon. In addition to this. Mars is posited in the 5th from navamsa-
ascendant, in inimical sign Gemini.
Illustration No.: 142 (Horoscope No. S<5J:This is the birth chart of a charming
girl who married an intelligent engineer of IIT. She could not conceive even
after four years of her marriage. Medical examination and treatment proved of
no avail. Mars' placement in the 5th house in Virgo has caused tumours in her
Uterus. Lord of the 5th house Mercury is posited in the 8th in navamsa chart,
Jupiter's aspect on Mars, Saturn's aspect on the lord of Lagna Venus and the
conjunction of Saturn with Jupiter, particularly here, as both are retrograde, are
all adverse for child bearing. In Sripati Paddhati Bhava chart, Mercury is shifted
to the 5th house and Mars and Mercury's combination is very bad for the
possibility of child birth. Here, this combination of Mercury and Mars as the
lord of 5th and 7th inimically conjoined in the 5th should be held responsible
for sterility.
Horoscope No. 86
^le 26/08/1961 Time 22:45:00 Day Saturday Place Calcutta Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:03
J-at 22:30:00 North Long 88:20.00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:23:20

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yog in i

SiderialTIme .:21:27:11 Mrs Gan : Rakshas Rahu 2Y1M7D Dhanya : OY 4M 6D
Eq.oftime :-0111:52 Mrs Yoni. : Ashwa Saturn
Sunrise :5:18:30 Hrs Nadi : Adya 04/10/1979 26/08/1961
Sunset :17:58:12 Hr$ Varan ^ Shood/a 04/10/1998 02/01/1995
Samvat : 2018 Vashya : Manav Saturn 07/10/1982 Dhanya 02/01/1962
Saka : 1883 Varqa : Mssha Mercury 16/06/1985 Bhramri 02/01/1966
Month : Sravana Yunja : Antya ^etLJ 26/07/1986 Bhadrika 02/01/1971
Paksh : Shukla Hansakffatvaj Vayu Venus 24/09/1989 Ulka 01/01/1977
Tithi at Sunrise. : 15-Piirnima NameAfphabet Soo-Sooraj 06/09/1990 Sidha 02/01/1984
Nakshatra : Satabhisha Paya(Rasf-Nak) 07/04/1992 Sankta 02/01/1992
Yoga : Sukarma Copper-Copper ^ars 17/05/1993 Mangia 01/01/1993
Karan : Kaulava Hora : Sun Rahu 23/03/1996 Ptngla 02/01/1995

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 10:09:02 Sun Ket Sat Ven Asc Tau 9:48:44 Ven Sun Ven Mer
Mon Aqu 18:26:28 Sat Rah Mon Jup 2 Gem 5:44:26 Mer Mar Mon Rah
Mar Vir 13:07:32 Mer Mon Rah Ket 3 Can 0:01:34 Mon Jup Mon Sat
Mer Leo 21:31:21 Sun Ven Jup Mar 4 Can 26:18:49 Mon Mer Jup Jup
Jup -R Cap 5:29:19 Sat Sun Mer Ket 5 Leo 27:26:34 Sun Sun Mon Mar
Ven Can 3:33:12 Mon Sat Sat Sat 6 Lib 3:31:31 Ven Mar Ven Rah
Sat -R Cap 0:59:12 Sat Sun Rah Mon 7 Sco 9:48:44 Mar Sat Ven Sat
Rah -R Leo 4:14:42 Sun Ket Mon Sat 8 Sag 5:44:26 Jup Ket Rah Rah
Ket -R Aqu 4:14:42 Sat Mar Ven Sat 9 Cap 0:01:34 Sat Sun Rah Sat
Ura Leo 3:32:45 Sun Ket Sun Ket 10 Cap 26:18:49 Sat Mar Jup Jup
Nep Lib 15:50:37 Ven Rah Ven Mon 11 Aqu 27:26:34 Sat Jup Ven Rah
PIu Leo 14:37:52 Sun Ven Ven Jup 12 Arl 3:31:31 Mar Ket Sun Ket
Fortuna: Scorpio 18:06:10 Navamsa Chart
Nv M«r S \Ntp Jupy
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
UraN. ^ j/
2X 12 X10 Sal
Rah XX / X

Sun 4X 0 OO Kit
V/ V/ 3°'
von 4 12 Ven 4 x 2 XII Vo<" Xvtn Piu\vX/^ War X.

' RsUra \ / \ / RalUra \ / n Daaamaa

Sun 5 Mer^O<et llMon Sun 4 Mer\(^K0i tOMon X X\Kal Mar /
\ PIu / \ / X. 2 X^ X. NapyS
3xVen 1
7'/ \ /=
Mare Ma; 5y 6

Mon 5>x X\9 p,u
Netr ' 6 JuD s 0
i 7ir 64- XRahUraX JupX e X
/Sat Mar\/ Sun \
Horoscope No.131
19/11/1959 Time 16:22:00 Day Thursday PlaCO Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
at 26:50.00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

SiderialTime .:20:06:29 Hrs Gan Manushya Rahu : 3Y 7M 6D Mangfa ;0Y2M12D
Eq.oftime lO; 14:46 Hrs Yoni Shwan Saturn
Sunrise :6:29:48 Hrs NadL Adya 26/06/1979 19/11/1959
Sunset : 17'. 13:22 Hrs Varan Shoodra 26/06/1998 31/01/1995
Samvat : 2016 Vashya Manav Saturn 29/06/1982 Mangla 31/01/1960
Saka : 1881 Varga Sim ha Mercuiy 08/03/1985 Pingla 31/01/1962
Month : Margshirsh Yunja Madhya Ketu 17/04/1986 Dhanya 31/01/1965
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 17/06/1989 Bhramri 31/01/1969
Tithi at Sunrise..: 4 Name Alphabet Sun 30/05/1990 Bhadrika 31/01/1974
Nakshatra : Ardra Chha-Chhatrapati Moon 29/12/1991 Ulka 31/01/1980
Yoga : Sadhya Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Silver Mars 06/02/1993 Sidha 31/01/1987
Karan : Balava Hora Sun Rahu 14/12/1995 Sankta 31/01/1995

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Raal Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun See 3 19:13 Mar Jup Rah Mar Asc Ari 19:04:50 Mar Ven Rah Mer
Mon Gem 17'. 19:57 Mer Rah Ven Kel 2 Tau 18:03:33 Ven Mon Mer Ket
Mar Lib 26:54:28 Ven Jup Ven Ven 3 Gem 12:18:38 Mer Rah Sat Jup
Mer -R See 14:25:35 Mar Sat Rah Ven 4 Can 6:25:32 Mon Sat Mer Mar
Jup See 16 11:01 Mar Sat Jup Mon 5 Leo 4:15:00 Sun Ket Mon Sat
Ven Vir 16:53:50 Mer Man Sat Mon 6 Vir 9:02:05 Mer Sun Ven Jup
Sat Sag 11:38:19 Jup Ket Mer Mer 7 Lib 19:04:50 Ven Rah Mon Ven
Rah -R Vir g: 17:58 Mer Sun Van Sat 8 Sco 18:03:33 Mar Mer Mer Jup
Ket -R Pis 9 17:58 Jup Sat Ven Jup 9 Sag 12:18:38 Jup Ket Mer Mon
Ura Can 20:00:45 Men Mer Sat Sat 10 Cap 6:25:32 Sat Sun Mer Rah
Nep Lib 14 22:59 Ven Rah Mer Sal 11 Aqu 4:15:00 Sat Mar Ven Sat
Plu Lee 13:01:55 Sun Ket Mer Jup 12 Pie 9:02:05 Jup Sat Ven Rah

Fortuna; Sagittarius 3:05:34 Navamu Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal j

upV X /Sun
IXKit 6 X4 Sat
Mir/X /
Van 3 MaO

\ /\ Ket / X Ket
\ 2/ \12/ \y
MonsV 1 XII

OJrt 4 Uri 4 \Mon Ma/^X. /l
/x / Jup\e / Xih
Ura flXv,n 7 X6
Plu nOtof 7 NtpS^ Sit Plu/X /Xflun
10r Pf" S/fSun 7 MirVa
/ ® \ 1 /\f\ Jup / e\
/ Nip \ r ,
/ven Ri\ /MerXnS /V#n Reh\/ 8,t
Jup 11X 1 X3 Mar
Mer Nep Nap/i2\ / 2 \
Sun Mer I / Cat X x X
Stars & Sterility 441

Illustration No.: 14.3(Horoscope No. 131): This is the horoscope of a lady

who hails from hills and is the wife of an executive engineer of U.P. JalNigam.
In this birth chart sterility is clearly indicated. The lord of the 5th house Sun
joins Mercury and Jupiter in the 8th house, as well as in the 8th sign Scorpio.
The combination is hemmed in between first rate malefics Mars and Saturn.
Saturn and Moon are also aspecting each other. The lord of the 7th house Venus
falls in virgo under the aspect of Saturn. Moon and Mars both fall in odd signs
which in the horoscope of females is not conducive for the progeny.
Santan Karaka Jupiter is under Papakartari Yoga in the 8th house. The lord
of the 5th house Sun is also afflicted in the 8th. This woman got married on
23.12.78 but so far has not been blessed with a child so far.
Horoscope No.132
te 10/10/1960 Time 01:30:00 Day Monday Place Kanpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamaa 23:02
it 26:27:00 North Long 80:19:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0.08:44

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

Siderial Time :2:35:00 Hrs Gan Manushya Moon :1Y2M200 Sidha : OY10M 80
Eq,of time :0:12:41 Hrs Yoni Sarp Rahu
Sunrise :6:06:09 Hrs Nadi Antya 30/12/1968 10/16/1960
Sunset :17:45:36 Hrs Varan. Vaishya 30/12/1986 18/08/1990
Samval : 2017 Vashya Chatuspada Rahu 12^)9/1971 Sidha 18^)8/1961
Saka : 1882 Varga Mrig Jupiter 04/02/1974 Sankta 18/08/1969
Month : Kartika Yunja Poorva Saturn 11/12/1976 Mangla 18138/1970
Paksh i.: Krishna HaneakfTatva) Bhoomi Mercury 01/07/1979 Pingla 18/08/1972
Tithl at Sunrise..: 5 Name Alphabet Woo-Vrishbh Ketu 18/07/1980 Dhanya 19/08/1975
Nakshatra : Rohini Paya(Rasi-Nak) Gold-Gold Venus 13/07/1983 Bhramri 134)8/1979
Yoga : Vyatipat Hora Jupiter Sun 124)6/1984 Bhadrika 18/08/1984
Karan : Taitila Chaugharia Labha Moon 12/12/1985 Ulka 1808/1990

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 23:28:04 Mer Mar Mar Rah Asc Can 21:40:04 Mon Mer Sun Mar
Mon Tau 21:42:13 Ven Mon Ven Jup 2 Leo 16:47:24 Sun Ven Mon Sat
Mar Gem 15:42:52 Mer Rah Ven Mon 3 Vir 15:50:24 Mer Mon Sat Sat
Mer Lib 17:28:11 Ven Rah Sun Sun 4 Lib 18:07:54 Ven Rah Mon Mon
Jup Sag 4:25:07 Jup Ket Mon Mer 5 Sco 21:00:58 Mar Mer Ven Sat
Ven Lib 22:24:58 Ven Jup Sat Ket 6 Sag 22:20:31 Jup Ven Sat Mer
Sat Sag 19:14:19 Jup Ven Rah Mer 7 Cap 21:40:04 Sat Mon Ven Jup
Rah -R Leo 22:04:07 Sun Ven Sat Sat 6 Aqu 16:47:24 Sat Rah Ven Sat
Ket -R Aqu 22:04:07 Sat Jup Sat Sat 9 Pis 15:50:24 Jup Sat Jup Ven
Una Leo 1:32:22 Sun Ket Ven Mar 10 Ari 18:07:54 Mar Ven Rah Rah
Nep Lib 15:00:01 Ven Rah Ket Sat 11 Tau 21:00:58 Ven Mon Ven Mon
Plu Leo 14:09:34 Sun Ven Ven Rah 12 Gem 22:20:31 Mer Jup Sat Mer

Fortuna: Pisces 19:54:13 Navamaa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chailt-Cuapal
Wer 12X 10 yft

lOii' 1121'
M022' Van 1 Kal 7 Rah
\R»h Un/ \ ur« y
\ Rah /4\ /
\ Plu / Sun\5 / \3/Mir
Jup 4 Xe sit
\s/ 3 N^^Mon yS 5
Sun6x 4 "'WerSVUre Plu V2
X N. /Plu SunN.
Nep/ \ / NMon
Mer 7 Ven < Ven 7 1 . \ Mar K«t /
\ Nap / Plus®/ Xfl/ura

Sat/J Jup 10
Jup Sit
Stars & Sterility 443

Illustration No.: 14.4 (Horoscope No. 132)

This is the chart of girl having captivating appearance, and belonging to a
very high class family. She is highly educated, talented, wealthy and still has an
ocean-wide thirst of getting child. What a pity! The doctors diagnosed her ovum
as infertile and there are also obstructions in the canal. The presence of Ketu in
♦he 8th house in Aquarius under the aspect of Saturn is bad. The lord of 5th
joins inimical sign Gemini where it receives the mutual aspect of Saturn. This
caused the trouble and the association of Jupiter with this combination in the
6th house caused infertile ovum.
The lord of 5th Mars, lord of 8th Saturn, and the Santan Karaka Jupiter, all
are under mutual aspect denying child birth to this beautiful lady.
For sterility, frigidity, impotency or infertility etc. one must first judge if
childlessness is indicated in astrological terms. After confirmation, the horoscope
should be studied for the exact medical cause behind it. Many times where
medical science fails to diagnose thp defect, astrology provides an answer with
the help of medical astrology.
As the opening lines of this chapter show, the purpose of married life is
almost lost if the couple is denied children. In fact, the progeny is the natural
fruit of marriage and married life and the children, in real sense, are the cohesive
force in between the couple to let them united and unified. No book, therefore,
is complete on marriage, if this aspect of married life is not touched. However,
the readers are advised to go through, the authors' famous book 'Santan-Sukh-
Sarvang Chintan' published in Hindi, for further details on progeny.


Element of Love


Matrimonial Variables

Since the Dawn of Time

Man's loneliness in that dawn of time when he firstcame to the realisation

that he was indeed different foom all living beings on Earth, must
have been limitless because, while he had no recorded history of his past, he
had no religion either, no way of connecting himself with the universe. But,
even at that time we can imagine love sustaining a couple in a multitude of
bonds. Perhaps a keener love than we care to have these days, perhaps stronger
bonds than we know today.
The earliest stoneman, we can picture, sat by the side of his beloved and the
two cast a longing look at the Moon gliding across the blue. Love bloomed,
then, amidst the endless expanse of emptiness on this planet when wild bears
and mammoth pachyderms held a sway and saber-toothed lions roamed in
ultimate kingship.
Man's receptivity to tine fragrance of love is as old as his own history on this
planet. As a matter of fact, the attempt to define love is trying to encompass its
vastness. Its role in the lives of human beings is so great that the world owes to
it its existence as an ever-evolving humanity, evolving despite the many
onslaughts of nature and man's own foolhardy nature. The stimulus of love and
its reciprocity results in the being together and feeling together of two partners
on the most private sense, but also in respect of various social, cultural, ethnic
relations with the world and with other individuals. Today, love is still the only
fulfilment of loneliness, the only means of warding olf the frightening emptiness
Element of Love and Matrimonial Variables 445

and the abyss that gape at man whenever he looks into himself and tries to
unravel the mystery, purpose and end of humanity.
Love is the elixir of life. Its presence repletes and the absence depletes the
very strength to live. The sentiments of one's love for another generate ripples
of ineffable joy in the mental and cardial domain of the two individuals. And, it
will not be an exaggeration to state that love is the only foundation for the
institution of marriage, sex comes only afterwards. In other words, love gives a
meaning to life and directs the ship of marital life in the most comforting manner
through the turbulent seas of the world. Though marriage may either be on
conventional lines or follow unconventional patterns, but the element of love
definitely takes precedence over things in both kinds of possibilities.
The Astrological Perception

The study and analysis of myriad forms of love marriage make up the central
theme of this chapter. Therefore, it would be pertinent to attempt a definition of
love for the obvious purpose. Love is a state of mind which arouses feelings of
warmth and affection, tenderness and longing for any person. This feeling
manifests undauntedly regardless of any other consideration. The reciprocity of
such specific emotions, by the person at the other end, positively affirms the
abstract relationship between the two minds.
Needless to say, the "coming" of love and its subsequent culmination into
marriage take place due to some specific planetary combinations in the horoscopes
of the natives.
Mental inclination, feelings, emotions,choice, desire, courtship, love etc. form
the subject matter of the Fifth house, while the Seventh house signifies union,
marriage, and partnership etc.
Thus, there must be one or the other combination or relationship between
5th and 7th houses or lords thereof, either by association or mutual aspect or
due to mutual exchange of lords, for the marriage as the sequel to love.
The 9th house is also considered for the possibilities of inter-caste, inter-
religion, inter-racial marriage or marriage within the same caste. In common
parlance, only houses stated above play the dominant role in the matrimonial
variables. But, the Jlth house i.e. the house of accomplishment of ambitions
and 2nd house i.e. that of family must also be viewed carefully in the current
As regard the study of horoscope of man and woman for the purpose of
matrimony the role of Venus and Mars must be accepted as determinative. Venus
signifies beauty, attraction, emotion, love, sex and romance, love and liking for
opposite sex. Mars indicates boldness in spirit and courage. The greater the
influence of Mars, the more dashing any person is. Such a person will not hesitate
to come forward in any juncture of trial and test. The 5th house and the influence
of Mars on that house or its lord, causes fondness and courage to express the
feelings. Role of 3rd house cannot be overlooked in this reference. This house
446 Predicting Marriage

concerns with the courageous deeds of a person. Therefore, it may safely be

observed that despite very strong and deep feelings for the partner in love, the
person having a weak 3rd house and weaker Mars cannot express his/her position
boldly. The person shall find a great deal of difficulty in facing elders.
Moon's contribution in this context is also worthy of note. It is softer than
Venus and governs the state of mind, mental inclinations, nature, emotions,
desire, feelings, ambitions. These areas of native's life should be speculated by
the position and strength of Moon; and its associates or planets influencing it.
The ascendant and its lord show the attitude of the native. In case, the
ascendant or its lord is under the influence of planets which relate to love-affair,
the native becomes prone to love-affair or love marriage subject to the presence
of other factors. Therefore, Mars, Venus, Moon, and Lagnadhipati around the
main area of 5th, 7th, 9th, and the lagna (ascendant) have tendency for carnal
relationship. .
It is to be borne in mind that the 9th, house rules over tradition, customs
and religion. And, the planet Jupiter is regarded the Karaka (significator) for the
affairs of customs and religion. Thus, if the 9th house and Jupiter are afflicted,
particularly by Saturn, Rahu and Ketu, and the lord of the 9th house also falls
under the evil influences, the possibility of inter-caste marriage can be
pronounced. In case, the affliction assumes greater proportions, the probability
of marriage in other religious group may be foretold. The relationship of the 9th
house with planetary combinations for love-marriage indicate inter-caste, inter-
religious or inter-racial alliance depending on the nature of affliction of the 9th
house or its lord and Jupiter.
The following rules sum up the factors responsible for love-marriage : —
1. The relationship among the lords of 5th, 9th and 7th houses, either by
association or aspect or due to mutual exchange of house-lords impells one
towards love-marriage. The possibility is further strengthened if the lords of 5th
and 7th houses are aspected by the ascendant Lord.
2. If Venus or Mars or both have any relation with the ascendant, or with the
lords of 5th or 7th or 9th house, either by occupation or aspect or mutual
exchange of houses; there will be love-affair and in the absence of any malefic
indication, the affair turns into the marital status.
3. The Moon should be associated with the ascendant or the 7th lord or
should occupy these places in addition to the above for a love marriage.
4. Affliction of 9th house, 9th lord and Jupiter indicate inter-caste marriage.
The greater the affliction, the greater the distance of the castes. When the affliction
registers higher degree, even inter-religion marriage may happen.
Venus, conjoined or aspected by Saturn or Rahu gives the native a chance to
be acquainted with a female out of sheer passion. Further, if the 7th lord receives
the aspect of Saturn or joins it, one is likely to marry a person already known. In
case, Venus and 7th lord are aspected or conjoined by Saturn, one is likely to
marry out of choice (in love).
Element of Love and Matrimonial Variables 447

Saturn's aspect or conjunction with Venus results in intimacy with females

and make for deep attraction, but such an intimate beginning does not augur
well. It breaks down. It shows no prospects of successful end of the affair.
However, if Rahu is well placed and generates beneficial vibrations, the love-
affair will end up in marriage after some delay, controversy and hindrances
(marriage will take place, of course, due to other favourable factors also).
The conjunction or aspect of Saturn on the 7th house, its lord, Venus, Sun,
Moon, Lagna and Lagnadhipati account for the delay or denial of marriage. The
greater the affliction of Saturn, the greater will be delay and there may be no
marriage if other adverse factor also find place in the horoscope of the native.
When Saturn and Rahu, both of them, aspect or conjoin Venus and/or 7th
lord, one will have may love-affairs with the opposite sex. Saturn's aspect over
Venus or its conjunction with it causes attraction towards opposite sex. The
individuals may be deeply attracted towards each other but in absence of other
planetary factors, the affair does not materialise into marriage. There may be an
abrupt end to the relationship or marriage may be delayed. Nevertheless, it has
been observed that Rahu might enable a culmination into marriage, if its
placement is favourable. Any person may have several deep acquaintances with
more than one opposite member under the influence of Saturn and Rahu.
Generally, such conjunctions with Venus or the play of 12th house leads into
carnal habits also. In case, Ketu becomes involved or joins the 7th lord or Venus,
there will be secret love-affairs. The situation is more so when Ketu is posited in
the 7th house with Venus or the lord of the 7th house.
Horoscope No.133
19/11/1917 Time 23:33:55 Day Monday Place Allahabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:26
at 25:27:00 North Long 81:50:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:02:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

Siderial Time 3;24:00 Hrs Gan Manushya Sun : 1Y 9M 7D Sankta : 2Y4MSO
Eq.oftime 0:14:40 Hrs Yoni „ Nakul Rahu
Sunrise 6:23:48 Hrs NadL.., Antya 27/08/1936 19/11/1917
Sunset 17:11:59 Hrs Varan... « Vaishya 28/08/1954 31/03/1948
Samvat 1974 Vashya. Ja!char Rahu 10/05/1939 Sankta 31/03/1920
Saka 1839 Varga.. .: Simha Jupiter 03/10/1941 Mangla 31/03/1921
Month •. Kartika Yunja.. Antya Saturn 09/08/1944 Pingla 31/03/1923
Paksh Shukla HansakfTatva) Bhooml Mercury 26/02/1947 Dhanya 31/03/1926
Tithi at Sunrise, 5 Name Alphabet Jaa-Jayant Ketu 16/03/1948 Bhramri 31/03/1930
Nakshatra Uttarasadha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Copper Venus 17/03/1951 Bhadrika 31/03/1935
Yoga Gand Hora Mars Sun 08/02/1952 Ulka 31/03/1941
Karan Kaulava Chaugharla Labha Moon 09/08/1953 Sidha 31/03/1948

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sco 4:24:20 Mar Sat Sat Ven Asc Leo 2:39:30 Sun Ket Ven Mer
Mon Cap 6:03:59 Sat Sun Mer Mar 2 Leo 28:56:06 Sun Sun Mar Mer
Mar Leo 16:38:51 Sun Ven Mon Jup 3 Vir 28:50:30 Mer Mar Sat Ven
Mer Sco 13:31:05 Mar Sat Rah Sat 4 Sco 0:56:35 Mar Jup Mar Sat
Jup Tau 15:15:53 Ven Mon Jup Mon 5 Sag 2:55:19 Jup Ket Ven Ket
Ven Sag 21:17:12 Jup Ven Jup Sun 6 Cap 3:33:21 Sat Sun Sat Mer
Sat. Can 22:03:08 Mon Mer Sun Mer 7 Aqu 2:39:30 Sat Mar Ket Mer
Rah Sag 9:34:32 Jup Ket Sat Sat 8 Aqu 28:56:06 Sat Jup Sun Rah
Ket Gem 9:34:32 Mer Rah Jup Ven 9 Pis 28:50:30 Jup Mer Sat Ven
Ura Cap 27:31:05 Sat Mar Jup Mon 10 Tau 0:56:35 Ven Sun Rah Mon
Nep Can 14:38:01 Mon Sat Rah Mon 11 Gem 2:55:19 Mer Mar Ven Ven
Plu Gem 12:43:14 Mer Rah Mer Mer 12 Can 3:33:21 Mon Sat Sat Sat

Fortuna: Libra 4;19;09 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal

Plu 10 Sal

/ \Nep Sat/ Nep Sat/

\ 6 / \ 4 /p|U Sat \ 4 /p\u 124° 5 7 X9 Kat
MWyS 8 Nv Ven y/
6 X Mar 5 A3 / Ura N. /Nap Mars.
A1""5 X« Nep
/ \ Ket
/ \ Sasr Daaamsa
Sun 8 Mer 2 Jup Sun 8 Mer 2 Jup 7 Kaf y/ NNep Van/
Plu N.6 /ura
Ven\ 7 >C Sun 6 yc 3
aJ/t Mos- „
Men Rty/10 64- to\ Mon 0 Mer
Mon Ura /Mon Ura

" As
v s Rah
Element of Love and Matrimonial Variables 449

Illustration No. 15.1 (Horoscope No.: 133) : The following horoscope shall
suffice to illustrate the running theme of the above hypothesis.
It is a matter of common knowledge that Late Mrs. Gandhi, the greatest
stateswoman of 20th century, had an inter-religious marriage. She was born of
Hindu patents while her husband was Parsi. Their "s was a love-marriage.
As we look into her horoscope. (I) Mars joins Lagna and Venus, Rahu occupy
the 5th house, (ii) Lord of 7th house, Saturn, receives the aspect of Moon, (iii)
Inter-religious marriage gets confirmed due to the aspect of Saturn on the 9th
house (iv) The 5th and 9th lords, Jupiter and Mars, aspect the lord of Lagna
Sun. (v) Lord of 11th, Mercury, and 5th lord Jupiter are also under mutual
aspect (5) This signifies that her love-affair would materialise into marriage.
Horoscope No.134
17/12/1952 Time 19:15:00 Day Wednesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tlmo Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time . 0:53:06 Hrs Gan :Rakshas Ketu: 2Y2M16D Ulka : 1Y10M22D
Eq.oftime 0:03:52 Hrs Yoni :Shwan Sun
Sunrise 6:50:12 Hrs Nadi :Adya 05/03/1975 17/12/1952
Sunset 17:14:47 Hrs Varan :Kshal/iya 04/03/1981 09/11/1984
Samvat 2009 Vashya :Manav Sun 22/06/1975 Ulka 10/11/1954
Saka 1874 Varga Mooshak Moon 22/12/1975 Sldha 09/11/1961
Month Pausa Yunja Antya Mars 28/04/1976 Sankta 09/11/1959
Paksh Krishna HansakfTatva) Agni Rahu 23/03/1977 Mangla 10/11/1970
Tithi at Sunrise. : 15 - Amavasya Name Alphabet Bhaa-Bharat Jupiter 09/01/1978 Pingla 09/11/1972
Nakshatra Moola Paya(Rasi-Nak) Gold-Copper Saturn 22/12/1976 Dhanya 10/11/1975
Yoga Gand Hora Sun Mercury 28/10/1979 Bhramri 10/11/1979
Karan Bava Chaugharia : Shubh Ketu 04/03/1980 Briadrika 09/11/1984

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sag 2:38:49 Jup Ket Ven Mer ASC Can 0:00:05 Mon Jup Mon Sat
Men Sag 9:07:18 Jup Ket Jup Rah 2 Can 23:24:53 Mon Mer Mar Rah
Mar Cap 2647:02 Sat Mar Jup Mer 3 Leo 20:08:08 Sun Ven Jup Jup
Mer Sco 11:13:08 Mar Sat Mon Rah 4 Vir 21:28:55 Mer Mon Ven Rah
Jup -R Ah 18:38:27 Mar Ven Rah Jup 5 Lib 25:50:13 Ven Jup Ket Ven
Ven Cap 15 07:28 Sat Mon Jup Sun 6 Sco 29:22:32 Mar Mer Sat Mar
Sat Lib 2:17:08 Ven Mar Ket Rah 7 Cap 0:00:05 Sat Sun Rah Sat
Rah -R Cap 20:20:25 Sat Mon Ket Mer 8 Cap 23:24:53 Sat Mar Mar Rah
Ket -R Can 20 20:25 Men Mer Ven Rah 9 Aqu 20:08:08 Sat Jup Jup Jup
Ura -R Gem 24:24:49 Mer Jup Mer Ven 10 Pis 21:28:55 Jup Mer Ven Ket
Nep Lib 0:31:59 Ven Mar Mer Ven 11 Ah 25:50:13 Mar Ven Mer Sat
Plu -R Leo 012:17 Sun Ket Ket Sun 12 Tau 29:22:32 Ven Mar Sat Mar

Fortuna: Cancer 6:28:34 Navamsa cnart

v. Won /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspai 5
Jup^v y/ >w^yure
6 X Rflh 4 X2
Mar / \ / X Yen
■ Mar 7 Set Plu 1 Sun
■ 1176' 1229*
\ Nep /
\ Plu / \ Ura /
3 /
\v ^
eV Ket 4 Kel 4
-(^Sat 7 Nepy^ 1 Jup ■ Sat 5 Nep 12 Jup

\ /Rah^ / Mar 2X Mc,n

Mar 8y0^ar 10 Ven Mer 7XV€n ID Rah V11
/ 9
\ / X /8\ /10 9 Sun
/Sun Mon\ / \ Sun Mon\ / Mar
. 629 526'
Nep Sar
Mer Sat Ner P|LJ
^ar Jup\
Element of Love and Matrimonial Variables 451

Illustration No. 152 (Horoscope No. :134) : Lord of 7th house Jupiter
receives the aspect of Saturn. Thus, Saturn aspects both the 7th lord and the 7th
house. Rahu too joins Venus. Therefore, the native carried on many affairs but
all went in vain in spite of his best efforts. The fury of frustrated love-affairs
made him very sad and morose. He even tried to commit suicide. The native
erred while falling in love. He chose a below average girl and sacrificed all his
wealth and splendour at the alter of love and sex but eventually found himself
in the prison of melancholy when his beloved left him in the lurch.
In the horoscope, Saturn's aspect on Sun, Moon, the 7th lord and the
placement of Venus in the sign of Saturn in association with Rahu, Saturn's
aspect on 2nd and 2nd lord, ail show delayed marriage. There would have been
no marriage of the native, if there were not the aspect of Jupiter on Saturn, 7th
house, the Sun & the Moon.
Thus, under the influence of Saturn and Rahu, the person will relations
with the opposite sex, provided 7th house, lord thereof and Venus are influenced.
In the absence of other combinations of love-affairsythe love may not materialise
into marriage. Moreover Saturn, Venus or the 7th lord's inter-relationship
generally indicate indulgence in such matters.
Horoscope No. 135
22/10/1956 Time 11:22.00 Day Wednesday Place Allahabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:0
t 25:27:00 North Long 81:50.00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:02:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

Siderial Time : 13:19:58 Hrs Gan Rakshas Mars: 0Y2M 230 Plngla :OYOM240
Eq.oftlme ;0i15:25 Hf$ Yonl Simha Jupiter
Sunrise :6:05:49 Hrs Nadi Madhya 14/01/1977 22/10/1958
Sunset : 17:28:28 Hrs Varan Shoadra 14/01/1993 15/11/1992
Samvat : 2015 Vashya Manav Jupiter 04/03/1979 Ping la 15/11/1958
Saka : 1880 Varga Marjar Saturn 15/09/1981 Dhanya 15/11/1961
Month : Asvina Yunja Anlya Mercury 22/12/1983 8hramri 15/11/1985
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Ketu 27/11/1984 Bhadrika 15/11/1970
Tithi at Sunrise 10 Name Alphabet Gay-Gaink Venus 29/07/1987 Ulka 15/11/1976
Nakshatra : Dhanishtha Paya(Rasj-Nak) Sun 16/05/1988 Sidha 15/11/1983
Yoga : Gand Copper-Copper Moon 15/09/1989 Sankta 15/11/1991
Karan : Vanij Hora Mars 22/08/1990 Mangla 15/11/1992

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree Sub S-S House Degree R-L N-L
Sun Lib 5 18:21 Ven Sun Sat 14:30:54 Ven Ven
Mon Aqu 6 13:29 Sat Mon Mer 18:50:58 Mon Mer
Mar -R Tau 8 28:04 Ven Ven Mar 25:17:45 Jup Mer
Mer Lib 1617:31 Ven Ven Rah 28:36:43 Mer Sat
Jup Lib 1604:32 Ven Ven Rah 26:31:31 Ven Ket
Ven Lib 0:09:43 Ven Mer Mer 20:46:43 Mon Ven
Sat Sco 2845:27 Mar Sat Ven 14:30:54 Rah Ket
Rah Vir 29 21:07 Mer Sat Mar 18:50:58 Mer Ket
Ket Pis 2921:07 Jup Sat Mar 25:17:45 Ven Mer
Ura Can 22:54:10 Mon Mon Mer 28:36:43 Mar Sat
Nep Lib 1 1; 15:53 Ven Sat Ven 26:31:31 Jup Ket
P)U Leo 10:41:45 Sun Sat Mon 20:46:43 Mer Ven

Fortuna: Aries 15:26:01 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal


527- gzr CSun B Mony<r 2 y

fiyOylsr 11 Jupy\ 1
7io\ /12\
Xtra NapV/sa, Ka,MaX

\ / Vanup \ Daaamaa
Ket 122 \^Mer 6 Sun XX Mar Mar /
/ \ Napah / X 29 X 1 \ Jl12iP /
X /
aXXMon X /
\ /V
■ \ / 4 \ X 4
XX 10 N0p
\ /Plu Ura>
Sa29' 1127* Meie-
Ket 5 >0/en 7 UraJXffi
122r Juia* Nen*
// 8 X^
Su5' Va^' / N,. XfPfu SunX i
Element of Love and Matrimonial Variables 453

Illustration No. 15,3 (Horoscope No. 135) : This case amply illustrates the
beginning and end of an affair. By profession an engineer, the native made
advances towards a lady of 40. The native started harbouring tender feelings for
her as he sincerely loved her; but the lady's reciprocity was just for the quenching
of carnal desire.
In the natal chart, Rahu (mean) conjoins Venus, Saturn aspects 5th lord Mars
which is placed in the house of Venus. Saturn is posited in the I2th house having
mutual aspect with Mars. Lord of 7th Mercury is hemmed in between Saturn
an Rahu. This all resulted in the failure of the love-affairs. The 9th house is also
afflicted because of the aspects of Mars and Saturn. This explains the native's
fiance being of senior age group.

When will the Love surface

Among the planets, Venus rules the sex-life of male and Mars the same of
female. If Mars in the female horoscope and Venus in the male horoscope are of
the same sign, there will be a good amount of attraction between them. The closer
the degrees of these two planets, the greater will be attraction. In case the degree
and sign of Mars in female and the same of Venus in male's horoscope are one
and the same, they will enjoy the most sought after and perfect love, liking and
need for each other.
If Mars in femaleand Venus in the male horoscope are placed in mutual kendras
or trikones, the attraction will depend on the degrees. But if these are in 2nd and
12th or 6th and 8th from each other, there will be disliking between them. The
couple would like each other if these planets are 3rd and 11th ftom each other.
As a matter of fact, the mutual attraction and liking between the two sexes
depends on the position of Mars in the female horoscope and Saturn or Rahu in
the male horoscope. If Mars in the female is aspected or conjoined by either Rahu
or Saturn of the male, there will be intimacy and liking between them. However,
females are advised in such cases to remain carefulas such affairs are sex-oriented.
The male members generally take undue advantage of female's susceptibilities
and make them victim of their carnal urge. Therefore, a female should be careful
of a man who has Saturn or Rahu in such a position that affects her Mars.
When Saturn or Rahu in transit crass or aspect the radical location of Mars in
the female chart, there arises a possibility of sexual indulgence with any male
member. Timing can also be computed by aspect or conjunction of transit of Venus
on the 7th lord.
On having such a configuration of planets, both of them will feel loved by
each other irrespective of their caste, race, relationship or religion. In the absence
of other favourable combination for love marriage, there will be mere sex-
relationship and not marriage.
Incestuous Relationship : If the 7th house, 7th lord or Mars has some
connection with the 2nd house or the lord thereof, one is likely to be married with
a closely related person.
454 Predicting Marriage

Illustration No. J5.4 (Horoscope No. 124) : The horoscope belongs to a

Brahmin girl who at the age of 18 blindly fell in love with a German national of
37 years. The foreigner was a divorcee and father of a son. The girl had some
fancy notions and unfounded liking for white skinned foreigners. She on having
met him once paved the way for regular encounters, both public and private.
The result of all this came out as an immoral episode, but the institution of
marriage provided enough cosmetics to subdue the ugliness of the affair. Their
marriage took place on llthFebruary 1985 after much thought and deliberations.
The couple presents an apt illustration of inter-racial love affair. This has to be
noted that author had predicted the likelihood of such a situation to the girf's
parents when she was just 15.
Placement of Venus in the Lagna, lords of 5th house and 9th house enjoined
in J2th and combination of Mars with lord of 5th house, Jupiter are strong
factors for love marriage.
The 9th house and Jupiter, indicators of customs and religious bias, are
severely afflicted. Presence of Rahu in 9th may be noted. Lord of 9th house,
Mars, is debilitated in the J2th house. The significator of religion, Jupiter, is also
afflicted due to the conjunction of Mars. Thus, 9th Lord, 9th house and Jupiter
are severely afflicted. This total affliction resulted into a non-traditional inter-
religion and inter-racial marriage. Rahu's presence in the 9th house also indicates
marriage in another religion.
In Navamsa Chart, the Lords of 7th, Saturn; and of 9th, Mars have mutual
aspect involving the Lagna lord Sun also. This explains the seniority of he mart
as compared to the girl.
The marriage took place during the Jupiter's major period and sub-period of
Mars. However, the aspect of Mars on 7th lord, Saturn in Rasi and Navamsa
chart both may not create the joys of marital life.
Horoscope No. 124
,te 18/09/1966 Time 05:40:00 Day Sunday Place Lucknow SflSanatan Ayanamsa 23:07:52
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24 .

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time 5:19:30 Hrs Gan Deva Rahu: 5YOM 2D Pingla :0Y6M20D
Eq.oftime 0:05:17 Hrs Yoni. Mahish Jupiter
Sunrise 5:53:42 Hrs Nadi Antya 20/09/1971 18/09/1966
Sunset 18:08:03 Hrs Varan. Shoodra 20/09/1987 00/04/2001
Samvat 2023 Vashya Manav ■Jupiter 08/11/1973 Pingla 09/04/1967
Saka 1S88 Varga Mrig Saturn 21/05/1976 Dhanya 09/04/1970
Month Bhadra Yunja Madhya Mercury 27/08/1978 Bhramri 09/04/1974
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Ketu 03/08/1979 Bhadnka 09/04/1979
Tithi at Sunrise.. 3 Name Alphabet Ro-Rohit Venus 03/04/1982 Ulka 00/04/1985
Nakshatra Svati Paya(RasHNak) Copper-Iron Sun 20/01/1983 Sidha 08/04/1992
Yoga Vaidhriti Hora — Mars Moon 21/05/1984 Sankta 08/04/2000
Karan Vishti Chaugharia Labha Mars 27/04/1985 Mangla 08/04/2001

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 1:30:34 Mer Sun Jup Sat Asc Leo 27:49:25 Sun Sun Mon Sat
Mon Lib 16:17:29 Ven Rah Ven Rah 2 Vir 25:41:46 Mer Mar Rah Ven
Mar Can 21:39:07 Mon Mer Sun Mar 3 Lib 26:07:44 Ven Jup Ket Rah
Mer Vir 8:01:44 Mer Sun Ven Ven 4 Sco 27:33:49 Mar Mer Jup Mar
Jup Can 5:21:05 Mon Sat Sat Jup 5 Sag 28:50:19 Jup Sun Mar Mer
Ven Leo 18:01:55 Sun Ven Mar Sun 6 Cap 29:14:11 Sat Mar Sat Mon
Sat -R Pis 3:15:42 Jup Jup Rah Mar 7 Aqu 27:49:25 Sat Jup Ven Jup
Rah -R Ah 24:11:55 Mar Ven Mer Mer 8 Pis 25:41:46 Jup Mer Rah Ven
Ket -R Lib 24:11:55 Ven Jup Mer Kel 9 Ari 26:07:44 Mar Ven Ket Mon
Ura Leo 27:11:26 Sun Sun Sun Kel 10 Tau 27:33:49 Ven Mar Jup Mar
Nep Lib 26:52:26 Ven Jup Ven Ven 11 Gem 28:50:19 Mer Jup Sun Mon
Plu Leo 25:21:33 Sun Ven Mer Jup 12 Can 29:14:11 Mon Mer Sat Mon

Fortuna: Libra 12:36:21 Navamaa Chart

NySunin M«r/\Plu
S Rah
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
MonllxU''" 9

928* Mar 12 0 Van
Sat [\Sun Mtx/ \jup M«r/^ \Mon Kat/
\ « / 6 \PllJ / 3 /\5 Jup
MonV 6 / \ 4 / Mar 2 X. Nap X
\ / \4/Jup
Ket 7Vven 5 UraVs Jup Nep7V Sun Mer V3
/ Kat \y Sal \
Nap/ \ pin / \
\Ka( Nipy jNyPlu Jupy
Mer 4S/5un UraXy^Mon

x\ Sal
/10\ K 11 van
Sat \ Sun
^ Mer
438' Ne3?" 32/ e
Ka24' Moi«j
k >/Rah aaN
Horoscope No.136
tfi 08/03/1957 Time 02:59:00 Day Friday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:59
at 26.50.00 North Long 80:54.00 East Zone 82:30.00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

.Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime :13;53:54Hrs Gan..... : Rakshas Sun : 2Y5M 18D Ulka : 2Y5M 180
Eq.oftime > 0:11:12 Mrs Yoni : Mesh Rahu
Sunrise 6:26:17 Hrs Nadi : Antya 25/08/1976 08/03/1957
Sunset :18:09;10 Hrs Varan ^ Vaishya 25/08/1994 25/08/1989
Samvat : 2013 Vashya ^ Chatuspada Rahu 08/05/1979 Ulka 26/06/1959
Saka : 1878 Varga : Garuda Jupiter 01/10/1981 Sidha 25/08/1966
Month : Phalguna Yunja POorva Satum 07/08/1984 Sankta 25/08/1974
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Bhoomi Mercury 24/02/1987 Mangle 26/08/1975
Tithi at Sunrise..: 6 Name Alphabet .: Oo-Uday Ketu 13/03/1988 Pingla 25/08/1977
Nakshatra : Krittika Paya(Hasi-Nak) : Gold-Gold Venus 14/03/1991 Dhanya 25/08/1980
Yoga : Vaidhriti Hora ^ Salum Sun 06/02/1992 Bhramri 25/08/1964
Karan : Taitila Chaugharia 4 Udvega Moon 07/08/1993 Shadrika 25/08/1989

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S^S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S^S
Sun Aqu 24:03:26 Sat Jup Mer Mer Asc Sag 22:02:22 Jup Ven Sat Sat
Mon Tau 4:31:07 Ven Sun Sat Rah 2 Gap 28:05:16 Sat Mar Sat Sat
Mar Tau 0:43:32 Ven Sun Rah Ven 3 Pis 5:12:39 Jup Sat Sat Jup
Mer Aqu 12:51:03 Sat Rah Mer Ket 4 Ari 7:35:46 Mar Ket Jup Jup
Jup -R Vir 5:08:58 Mer Sun Mer Mer 5 Tau 4:18:32 Ven Sun Sat Mon
Ven Aqu 14:31:41 Sat Rah Ket Ven 6 Tau 27:57:16 Ven Mar Sat Sat
Sat SCO 21:05:34 Mar Mer Ven Sat 7 Gem 22:02:22 Mer Jup Sat Sat
Rah Lib 29:03:03 Ven Jup Sun Jup 8 Can 28:05:16 Mon Mer Sat Sat
Ket Ari 29:03:03 Mar Sun Mar Ven 9 Vir 5:12:39 Mer Sun Mer Mer
Ura -R Can 10:20:59 Mon Sat Sun Sun 10 Lib 7:35:46 Ven Rah Rah Mer
Nep -R Lib 9:18:17 Ven Rah Jup Mer 11 Sco 4:18:32 Mar Sat Sat Ven
Plu -R Leo 5:46:32 Sun Ket Rah Rah 12 Sco 27:57:16 Mar Mer Sat Sat

Fortuna: Pisces 2:30:03 Navamu Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal

9 X Un 7 x5
Kat Mon 48' Mar mi XX / \
Mar Mqr 4
yMir 10 Wiyx
(tor 6ar
Sun Mar \ Sit / \ X
y Van / NwX N./
Jup lOC 1 X? R
Sun\lO B/Nep Ura \iq/ 12
MojX N. x^2 X.
MerllV 12X 8 Sit Ufio'
X \.X^Plu Sun
Ven/ \Rah
6 Jup if Jup
239' S\M,f 1 K#t
ANeP 7
Ru eXRih 4 X2
Kit 1 X 3
/4\ Sun 7 1
/Mon Mir\ PJu Jup
N. y/lNip^v jS
12" 10 Kl^^2
Nap Sati
Sat Rah I IK' S X XSit Mon
Element of Love and Matrimonial Variables 457

Illustration No.IS.S (Horoscope No. 136) : The native is a member of a fine,

orthodox Brahmin family. She is indeed a beautiful and glamorous girl. In addition
to this physical attraction, she is really high in academic qualifications. Her
charms have disturbed the minds of many love-lorn suitors.
She works at State Bank of India. On observing that the members of her
family were bothered about her marriage, she embraced the ties of an inter-
caste marriage on 11.12.1981 with a handsome Kayastha boy.
The Chart shows Mars is lord of the 5th house and association of Venus with
7th lord, Mercury and 9th lord Sun is in 3rd house. Lords of 7th and 9th, Mercury
and Sun, are placed together. This explains the love-marriage. Lords of 7th and
5th occupy the same Navamsa, while Venus and Moon occupy 5th house in the
Navamsa Chart.
The 9th house is afflicted due to the aspect of Saturn and occupation of 9th
lord Sun, in an enemy's sign. This justifies the inter-caste marriage.
Here, it would not be out of place to state that in case of affliction of 9th
house and its lord, in absence of other love generating combinations, inter-caste
marriage should not be predicted.
Horoscope No. 8
06/10/1946 Time 15:21:00 Day Sunday P!ace Najlbabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 29:37:00 North Long 78:19:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr-0:16:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime ,: 16:02:06 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Mars :6Y 10M 29D Plngla :1Y11M21D
Eq.oftime :0:11:39 Hrs Yoni : Simha Jupiter
Sunrise :6:13:41 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 05/09/1971 06/10/1946
Sunset : 17:56:04 Hrs Varan : Valshya 0509d987 27/09/1982
Samvat : 2003 Vashya : Jaichar Jupiter 23/10/1973 Rngla 2709/1948
Saka : 1868 Varga Maijar Saturn 0605d976 Dhaiya 2709/1951
Month : Asvina Yunja Antya Meraiy 12/081978 Bhramri 27/09/1955
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Bhooml Ketu 1807/1979 Bhadrika 27/09/1960
Tithi at Sunrise,.: 10 Name Alphabet Gaa-Gagan Venus 180019^ Ulka 27/09/1966
Nakshatra : Dhanishtha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : GokJ-Copper Slt 0501/1983 Sidha 2709/1973
Yoga : Dhrati Hora : Mercury Moon 06/05/1984 Sankta 27/09/1981
Karan : Vanij Chaugharia Roga Mars 12/04/19B5 Mangla 27/09/1982

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 19:41:11 Mer Mon Ket Ket Asc Cap 26:28:16 Sat Mar Jup Sat
Mon Cap 23:29:46 Sat Mar Mar Jup 2 Pis 7:50:08 Jup Sat Ket Jup
Mar Lib 15:07:17 Ven Rah Ket Mer 3 Ari 12:33:08 Mar Ket Mer Rah
Mer Lib 4:53:49 Ven Mar Sun Sun 4 Tau 9:44:32 Ven Sun Ven Mer
Jup Lib 9:25:46 Ven Rah Jup Mer 5 Gem 3:16:36 Mer Mar Ven Mon
Ven Sco 1:50:18 Mar Jup Rah Jup 6 Gem 27:12:07 Mer Jup Ven Mon
Sat Can 14:12:30 Mon Sat Rah Ven 7 Can 26:28:16 Mon Mer Jup Sat
Rah -R Tau 20:57:06 Ven Mon Ven Mon 8 Vir 7:50:08 Mer Sun Ven Ven
Ket -R Sco 20:57:06 Mar Mer Ven Sat 9 Lib 12:33:08 Ven Rah Sat Jup
Ura -R Tau 28:54:56 Ven Mar Sat Ven 10 Sco 9:44:32 Mar Sat Ven Sat
Nep Vir 15:40:01 Mer Mon Sat Sat 1 11 Sag 3:16:36 Jup Ket Sun Jup
Plu Can 20:09:40 Mon Mer Ven Rah 12 Sag 27:12:07 Jup Sun Sun Ket

Fortuna: Gemini 0:16:50 Navamsa Chart

Urt / \Rih V«ry^
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuepal
V6 S Nv4 S
7x Mon 6 X3 Sun

Mtr 6 Sit 2 Nip

Jup 11 XI
/loXMif X12N
XKit PluX X
Mir 7 Mar Rah 2 lira 8 Kat
\ Jup /

2XSit 4 PIUX6 3X 4
Moo Uri
/3 / 3\ 9\Ven
Sat Pl\ Sun Mer
PJu «xeun t MirX 10
XTX. X a\Kit
i Xun NiX X \
Element of Love and Matrimonial Variables 459

Illustration No. 15.6 (Horoscope No. 8} : The native is a son of an executive

engineer acclaimed for his stupendous administrative ability. Being himself also
an engineer in the P.WD., he leads a life of enough ease and comforts. He is very
handsome and full of irresistible magnetism. Perhaps this made him a
philanderer. After having affair with many girls, he chose to marry a girl of his
liking. The girl was also extremely beautiful having a great deal of feminine
charms. Both belonged to Brahmin caste, hence the marriage took place without
much ado on 20.2.1969.
The chart shows the combination of Mars and Venus in the 5th house with
lagna lord. This is a determinative factor for his voluptuous habits. Lord of 5th,
Venus and 7th Jupiter are also associated in the 5th house. Moon aspects Lagna
and joins the 7th house. This explains his love-marriage. Another point worth
observing is Jupiter "s aspect on the 9th house and the unafflicted 9th house.
This resulted his marriage in the same caste.
Horoscope No.137
14/03/1953 Time 14:10:00 Day Saturday Place luck now Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsollari Yoglnl

1:30:16 Mrs
SiderialTime :1:30:1( Gan Rakshas Rahu : 6Y11M 6D Dhanya. 1Y1M 26D
Eq.oftime > 0:09:
0:09:23 Hrs Yoni : Ashwa Saturn
Sunrise :6:18:5 -
6:18:57 Hrs Nadi : Adya 19/02/1976 14/03/1953
Sunset : 18:12:'
18:12:55 Hrs Varan : Shoodra 19/02/1995 11/05/1967
Samval : 2009 Vashya : Manav Saturn 22/02/1979 Dhanya 10/05/1954
Saka : 1874 Varga : Mesha Mercuy 01/11/1981 Bhramri 10/05/1958
Month : Chai
Chaitra Yunja : Antya Ketu 11/12/1982 Bhadri<a 11/05/1963
Paksh : Krish
Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 10/02/1986 Uka 1005/1909
Tithi at Sunrise..: 14 Name Alphabet See-Seetsram Sun 2301/1987 Sidha 10/05/1976
Nakshatra : Sata
Satabhisha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : IrorvCopper Moon 2308/1988 Sankta 10051984
Yoga : Sadt
Sadhya Hora : Saturn Mars 02/1 Oh 989 Man^a 10/05/1985
Karan :: Shah
Shakuni Chaughaha ^ Lab ha Rahu 0308/1992 Pin^a 11051987

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Pis 0:31:58 Jup Jup Mon Sun Asc Can 7:59:22 Mon Sat Ket Sal
Mon Aqu 14:51:45 Sat Rah Ket Rah 2 Leo 1:53:42 Sun Kel Ven Rah
Mar Ari 2:42:36 Mar Ket Ven Mer 3 Leo 29:30:48 Sun Sun Rah Rah
Mer -R Pis 8:11:08 Jup Sat Ven Ven 4 Lib 1:25:39 Ven Mar Mer Jup
Jup Ari 25:00:20 Mar Ven Mer Mar 5 Sco 5:22:09 Mar Sat Sat Jup
Ven Ari 6:55:14 Mar Ket Rah Ven 6 Sag 7:59:17 Jup Kel Jup Sat
Sat -R Lib 3:12:14 Ven Mar Ven Mon 7 Cap 7:59:22 Sat Sun Von Von
Rah -R Cap 18:51:57 Sat Mon Mer Rah 8 Aqu 1:53:42 Sat Mar Ket Ket
Ket -R Can 18:51:57 Mon Mer Ket Mar 9 Aqu 29:30:48 Sat Jup Mon Mon
Ura -R Gem 21:31:27 Mer Jup Jup Rah 10 Ari 1:25:39 Mar Ket Ven Mon
Nep -R Lib 0:20:28 Ven Mar Mer Ket 11 Tau 5:22:09 Ven Sun Mer Mer
Plu -R Can 28:23:28 Mon Mer Sat Mer 12 Gem 7:59:17 Mer Rah Rah Ven
Fortuna: Gemini 22:19:09 Navamta Chart
\Slt Nip/
Lsgna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChalitOutpai
Jup aScMr a
Mar Jup
Van IliilUIB
Kit B Rih 3 van

MnnsMi Url
. 0 / X 3 y \ /4\ 10X. 12 /\2
\5 / \3 /
AlX PJu /1\
X' K«t Plu X2 NepSXK|t P'u V* Mon N. s\Jn Mir

Sat 7 NapV'jup 1 Mar Sil ? X P ^ y. Mon Vin/X Mr /
V /\ / 22'
\ / \ Van /
\ / \ Van / 4X 2 X12Rlh
\/ \/Sun
aX 10 X12 BY IO Vn
/o\ R«h /ll\Mar / Rah /1 t\War 330-
\ / Mon \ f \ / Mon \
Sir Kit aXSun S fliiXio
Nto' X X / 8 X^™
/ Nip \Yr|u Jup\
Element of Love and Matrimonial Variables 461

Illustration No. IS.l(HoroscopeNo. 137): This is the chart of girl who serves
in the 1. A.S. She fell in love with an engineering personal. Justout of her obstinacy,
she forced her parents to support her view and got wedlocked. The parents
were quite reluctant but could not resist the might of blind love. The marriage
did not last long. It shattered just after six months of marriage.
Lord of 7th house, Saturn, 5th lord. Mars and Lord of 9th house, Jupiter, are
under mutual aspect and conjunction. Venus is also associated with the lord of
5th house Mars. Mars and Venus aspect 7th lord Saturn. This explains the
beginning of the love-affair and its maturity into marriage. Lord of 9th house,
Jupiter is under severe affliction due to conjunction of Venus and Mars besides
additional aspect of Saturn. This factor caused inter-caste marriage.
Horoscope No. 37
05/11/1954 Time 23:50:00 Day Friday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:57:
at 26:50.00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr -0:06.24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

SiderialTime .:2;41:21 Hrs Gan j Rakshas Rahu :9Y2M28D Dhanya : 1Y6M 140
Eq.oftime :0:16:25 Hrs Yoni. _ Ashwa Jupiler
Sunrise :6:19:46 Hrs Nadi. - Adya 04/02/1964 05/11/1954
Sunset : 17:20:04 Hrs Varan i Shoodra 04/02/1980 22/05/1989
Samvat : 2011 Vashya Manav Jupiter 24/03/1966 Dhanya 21/05/1966
Saka : 1876 Varga _ Mesha Saturn 04/10/1968 Bhramri 21/05/1960
Month : Kartika Yunja c Antya Mercury 10/01/1971 Bhadrika 22/05/1965
Paksh. : Shukla Hansak(Tatya) Vayu Ketu 17/12/1971 Ulka 22/05/1971
Tithi at Sunrise..: 9 Name Alphabet Saa-Samir Venus 17/08/1974 Sid ha 22/05/1978
Nakshatra : Satabhisha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Copper Sun 05/06/1975 Sankta 22/05/1986
Yoga : Dhruva Hora ^ Saturn Moon 04/10/1976 Mangla 22/05/1987
Karan : Taitila Chaugharia r Shubh Mars 10/09/1977 Pingfa 22/05/1989

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 19:50:20 Ven Rah Mar Ven Asc Can 23:14:41 Mon Mer Mon Ven
Mon Aqu 13:09:04 Sat Rah Mer Ven 2 Leo 18:24:27 Sun Ven Rah Rah
Mar Cap 17:08:43 Sat Mon Sat Mar 17:31:13 Mer Mon Sat Jup
Mer Lib 6:22:41 Ven Mar Mon Ket 19:49:24 Ven Rah Mar Ven
Jup Can 6:45:57 Mon Sat Mer Rah 22:40:17 Mar Mer Mon Jup
Ven Sco 4:39:21 Mar Sat Sat Mor 23:57:39 Jup Ven Sat Jup
Sat Lib 19:12:12 Ven Rah Mon Sun 23:14:41 Sat Mon Sun Ven
Rah Sag 14:14:57 Jup Ven Ven Rah 8 Aqu 18:24:27 Sat Rah Mon Rah
Ket Gem 14:14:57 Mer Rah Mer Sat 9 Pis 17:31:13 Jup Mer Mer Mon
Ura Can 4:44:21 Mon Sat Sat Mar 10 Ari 19:49:24 Mar Ven Rah Sun
Nep Lib 3:27:50 Ven Mar Ven Rah 11 Tau 22.40:17 Ven Mon Sun Sun
Plu Leo 3:42:02 Sun Ket Mon Mor 12 Gem 23:57:39 Mer Jup Mer Mer
Fortuna: Scorpio 16:33:26 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChalftCuspal X *** /

12 X Mon 10
Sun / x X Mer
\ PI" / \ Ket / Ura Jup/
■ 4
PIU 2Xv yAsS Jup,
v/4 \\3 / Mer\ 5 / \3/ I Ur*
eV Jup Ura Sat V2 Kat Jur* ^ ^X /''urs^X
XV V\Pkl 4
/ Mar \/R,h V«n\
Nep/ N.
/ Nap\. / \ Dasamsa
^Sun 7 Mery^ 1 ( Sun 7 Ven X n»P / \. piu y
\ Sat / \ \fiy Xe j
,/ Mer JTx Kat 7 Van;
VeneV^ 10 RehflY 10 yi2
Mar / /9\ Mon / 11\
/ Rah / Mon \ / Mar \ /
523- SU20' 420' MarnXSun 1 SatYs Mon
Nep Sat Sai9' i2XvUra// 2
Mer Sun Vas- Me^ Naa-
Element of Love and Matrimonial Variables 463

Illustration No. 15.8 (Horoscope No. 37) : The native came from the
educational precincts of a convent of Lucknow. Her immature and tender mind
tilted in the favour of the charms of a Kayastha boy who met her at the college
fete. She belonged to a Brahmin family. Her father is a leading doctor in the city,
while her brothers are very well placed. An inter-caste marriage took place on
The reasons of girl's falling for the inter-caste love marriage is the presence of
5th lord Mars in the 7th house under the mutual aspect of Jupiter, the 9th lord.
So, the Lords of 5th and 9th are under the aspect of each other. Venus joins the
lord of 7th Saturn. Thus, this caused the love marriage. Although exalted Jupiter
owns and aspects 9th, but is severly afflicted by the aspect of Saturn and Mars.
This explains the wedding in different castes.
464 Pre dieting Marriage

Illustration No. J5.9 (Horoscope No. 138) : This example refers to the
libidiuous overtures of a high caste girl with a boy from low caste family. The
affair, however, was nipped in the bud when her parents changed the place of
her stay to another city, but even this measure against her did not extinguish the
fire of evil desires in her body and mind. She initiated another affair with a boy
who lived near her house. The thick veil of nights provided them enough
opportunity to give vent to their passionate deeds on the rooftop, as a regular
programme. The girl was once caught red handed with the boy and subjected
to due condemnation.
Looking into horoscope, the lord of the 5th house Saturn is receiving the
aspect of Astamadhipati Mars from the 9th house, Venus is posited in lagna, so
the girl has immense feelings of love in heart but Rahu"s conjunction with Venus
and mutual aspect between Saturn and Mars did not permit her a love marriage,
and instead she got condemnation. All this is evident from the Navamsa chart
where Mars, Saturn and Ketu conjoin in Navamsa Lagna and Rahu in 7th has
an opposition with them.
Horoscope No.138
ate 19/10/1958 Time 04:30:00 Day Sunday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:01
at 26:50.00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime .:6:11:17 Hrs Gan : Manushya Vanus: 3Y 5M 28D Sidha: 1Y 2M 200
Eq.oftlme :0:14:42 Hrs Yoni : Vanar Mars
Sunrise :6:08:32 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 17/04/1978 19/1C/1958
Sunset ;17:34:36 Hrs Varan : Kshatriya 17/04/1985 08/01/1989
Samvat : 2015 Vashya : Manav Mars 1309/1978 Sidha 0901/1960
Saka : 1880 Varga : Shwan Rahu 02/10/1979 Sankta 09.01/1968
Month : Asvina Yunja : Antya Jupiter 07/09/1980 Mangla 0801/1969
Paksh : Shukla HansakfTatva) Agni Saturn 17/10/1981 Rngla 0801/1971
Tithi at Sunrise..: 6 Name Alphabet Mercury 14/10/1982 Dhanya 03/01/1974
Nakshatra : Purvasadha Dhaa-Dharmesh Ketu 12/03/1983 Bhramri 0801/1978
Yoga : Sukarma Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Copper Venus 11/05/1984 Bhadrika 0801/1983
Karan : Vanij Hora : Jupiter Sun 16/09/1984 Ulka 0801/1989

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 2:02:19 Ven Mar Ket Ven Asc Vir 9:29:58 Mer Sun Ven Sat
Mon Sag 24:20:11 Jup Ven Mer Ket 2 Lib 7:53:14 Ven Rah Rah Ket
Mar -R Tau 8:57:58 Van Sun Ven Jup 3 Sco 8:18:14 Mar Sat Ven Van
Mer Lib 11:07:36 Ven Rah Sat Ket 4 Sag 9:33:59 Jup Ket Sat Sat
Jup Lib 15:21:50 Ven Rah Ven Ven 5 Cap 10:52:36 Sat Mon Mon Ven
Ven Vir 26:02:52 Mar Mar Rah Mar 6 Aqu 11:18:32 Sat Rah Sat Ven
Sat Sco 28:29:02 Mar Mer Sat Mer 7 Pis 9:29:58 Jup Sat Ven Jup
Rah -R Vir 29:20:58 Mer Mar Sat Mar 8 Ari 7:53:14 Mar Ket Jup Sat
Ket -R Pis 29:20:58 Jup Mer Sat Mar 9 Tau 8:18:14 Ven Sun Ven Mon
Ura Can 22:48:26 Mon Mer Mon Sat 10 Gem 9:33:59 Mer Rah Jup Ven
Nep Lib 11:08:33 Ven Rah Sat Kat 11 Can 10:52:36 Mon Sat Sun Ket
Plu Leo 10:37:21 Sun Ket Sat Mon 12 Leo 11:18:32 Sun Ket Sat Jup

Fortuna: Sagittarius 1:47:50 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chatit-Cuspal S ^UP S

\1 yX N. 11 /Mar
iVjdar 12 SatNMO Ura
86- ' SV X X Ket / XNep

\ Mar Jupi / \ /
Ket l\Mar Sun/ \ Plu / m \ Nep / \ /
iw/.\ / m P'u 4X 6 Xa Mon
Ven \7 / \s /p,u 5 Rah
Sat 8X Rah X4 Ura Sat sV Sun 6 Van X4 1111
' / Van \ Sun
/ \ Rah / \U'a
6ii- / \naiiy \ Ur23. Dasamaa
Mon 9 {Mon 9 X 3 >

lOY 12 sl^V0" K
5Tr 10X 12 X2 Mar
/ii\ Ket /1l\ Ket /l\

Sa2S' Juts- 11 Xl Sal

Nep Jup Nenu Meir ve2fi" /.OX Rah yX 12
Sat Mar Sun 36' 2«0 Su2o Rasr X Nap X
Mar Van \ /yJup Mar\
Horoscope No.139
02/05/1957 Time 12:38:00 Day Thursday Ptace Gorakhpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
Lat 26:45:00 North Long 83:23:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:03:32

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime .:3;2T.16 Hrs Gan : Manushya Moon 5Y0M9D Sidha : 3Y6M 60
Eq.oftime :0:03:01 Mrs Yoni : Sarp Rahu
Sunrise :5:19:30 Hrs Nadi : Antya 12/05/1969 02/05/1957
Sunset 18:27:55 Hrs Varan Vaishya 12/05/1987 08/11/1989
Samvat : 2014 Vashya : Chatuspada Rahu 23/01/1972 Sidha 07A1/1960
Saka : 1879 Varga : Mrig Jupter 18/06/1974 Sankta 07/11/1968
Month : Vaisakha Yunja r Poorva Saturn 24/04/1977 Mangla 08/11/1969
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Bhooml Mercury 11/11/1979 Pingla 08/11/1971
Tithi at Sunrise,,: 3 Name Alphabet Wa-Vasu Ketu 29/11/1980 Dhanya 08/11/1974
Nakshatra : Rohini Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Gold Venus 29/11/1983 Bhramri 08/11/1978
Yoga : Shobhan Hora : Jupiter Sun 23/10/19S4 Bhadrika 08/11/1983
Karan : Taitila Chaugharia : Labha Moon 24/04/1986 Ulka 08/11/1989

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Ari 18:36:46 Mar Ven Rah Jup Asc Leo 1:50:26 Sun Ket Ven Rah
Mon Tau 16:37:50 Ven Mon Sat Ven 2 Leo 27:47:42 Sun Sun Mon Jup
Mar Gem 5:31:41 Mer Mar Sun Ven 3 Vir 27:31:36 Mer Mar Jup Mar
Mer Ari 24:24:20 Mar Ven Mer Ven 4 Lib 29:43:11 Ven Jup Mon Rah
Jup Leo 29:15:45 Sun Sun Rah Rah 5 Sag 1:57:20 Jup Ket Ven Jup
Ven Ari 23:14:35 Mar Ven Sat Mon 6 Cap 2:46:03 Sat Sun Jup Rah
Sat Sco 20:06:23 Mar Mer Ven Mar 7 Aqu 1:50:26 Sat Mar Mer Sat
Rah Lib 26:34:41 Ven Jup Ven Ven 8 Aqu 27:47:42 Sat Jup Ven Jup
Ket Ari 2 6 34:41 Mar Ven Ket Mer 9 Pis 27:31:36 Jup Mer Jup Mar
Ura Can 10:04:41 Mon Sat Ven Mer 10 Ari 29:43:11 Mar Sun Rah Jup
Nap Lib 7-56:49 Ven Rah Rah Ket 11 Gem 1; 57:20 Mer Mar Ket Ven
Plu Leo 4 56:14 Sun Ket Mar Rah 12 Can 2:46:03 Mon Jup Rah Ven

Fortuna: Leo 29:51:30 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal sT Ru X
vx 1
Sun Mer Mon
Ven Ket
IKi> 10 Sal

Mi \ Jup Ura /
5/\Ven 7 Ura^Xs
Nan\6/ X / 828, 5
iNepV / 4/ 123- XfiX /5\Nep
6 X PJu 5 X 3 Mar Uno- r.Sun X\/Mer
/ Ket Mar\
R» XJup 'vir
Sat 8 X 2 Mon 1I Sal 7 I Mon „ Plu Mar
\ /\ / JuP
\ / \ ./Ket P'" X
/Ket "
ni Sun 7
A/ ,, \Z Sun vXsim
/V Mer A^^er 239-
'/k" 12\ven Nven Juza" Ven 8 2 Jup

1 11
Nep 10 12
Sat Rah Set
Element of Love and Matrimonial Variables 467

Illustration No. 15,10 (Horoscope No.139) rTheboy is a famous LA.S. officer

who topped in 1980. He had a liking for the daughter of a chief engineer in his
University days. Both entertained sweet sentiments of true and honest love. The
girl was his classmate and she stood first in Allahabad University. The boy
considered himself fortunate enough that his beloved was also a brilliant girl
belonging to a top class family. However, after getting exemplary success in
1 .A.S., the parents of the boy were quite reluctant for this marriage and expressed
their views against their wedding. But the boy's sincerity in love brought the
loving couple together.
If we look into their horoscope, we can be sure that their attraction for each
other is true and sincere. In any case, if Mars of the girl and Venus of the boy
have occupied the same sign, there will be automatic generation of love between
them. There will be development of honest feelings of likings for each other.
However, in such a disposition they cannot keep themselves apart for a long
time as far as physical meeting is concerned.
Here, the lord of 5th house Jupiter is placed in Lagna., Lagna Lord Sun in
9th is receiving the aspect of Jupiter i.e. there is a relation between the ascendant,
5th and 9th. Lord of Lagna Sun is associated with Venus, and Mars aspects 5th
house representing love marriage. The Moon also has an aspect on the Lord of
7th house, Saturn. So, the native is having a strong combination of love-
marriage. Both the luminaries Sun and Moon are exalted in 9th and 10th houses
respectively and the aspect of 5th lord Jupiter to 5th, 9th, 7th from lagna gave
a brilliant and glamorous career to the native. See that the 9th house, 9th lord
and Karaka Jupiter all are unblemished. Therefore, they had a love marriage
in the same caste.

Swakchetri (own sign) Venus in 7th from Navamsa Lagna and the association
of 5th and 7th lords Jupiter and Saturn in Amsa chart is a decisive indicator of
love-marriage in equal status of family and caste.
Horoscope No. 140
1/1958 Time 23:05:00 Day Saturday Place Barailly Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23 01 2
28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:12:24

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vimsoltari Yoglnl

SiderialTime .:3:24:59 Hrs Gaa :Deva Jupiter: 14Y2M25D Pingla :1Y9M10D
Eq.oftime :0:11:51 Hrs Yoni i Maqar Saturn
Sunrise :6:46:35 Hrs Nadi :Adya 23/02/1973 29/11/1958
Sunset 17:14:25 Hrs Varan :Shoodra 24/02/1992 1009^9^
Samvat : 2015 Vashya :Manav Saturn 2702/1976 Rngla 09/09/1960
Saka : 1880 Varga :Maqar Mercury 0611/1978 Dhanya 10091963
Month : Margshirsh Yunja :Madhya Ketu 16/12/1979 Bhramri 10/09/1967
Paksh : Krishna Hansak{Tatva) Vayu Venus 14/02/1963 Bhadrika 0909/1972
Tithi at Sunrise..: 3 Name Alphabet Ke-Kevel Sun 2701/1984 Ulka 10/09/1978
Nakshatra : Punarvasu Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Silver Mocn 26/08/1965 Sidha 10091985
Yoga : Shubh Hora : Mars Mars 07/10/1986 Sankla 10/09/1993
Karan : Bava Chaugharia : Amrit Rahu 1308/1989 Mangla 10091994

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sco 13:58:41 Mar Sat Rah Mer Asc Leo 3:01:54 Sun Ket Sun Sun
Mon Gem 21:28:12 Mer Jup Jup Mar 2 Leo 28:43:38 Sun Sun Mar Sat
Mar -R Ari 26:25:03 Mar Ven Ket Jup 3 Vir 28:20:02 Mer Mar Sat Mer
Mer Saq 2:39:15 Jup Ket Ven Mer 4 Sco 0:36:26 Mar Jup Mar Rah
Jup Lib 24:28:06 Ven Jup Mer Ven 5 Sag 3:04:02 Jup Ket Sun Mon
Ven Sco 18:28:23 Mar Mer Mer Sat 6 Cap 4:01:56 Sat Sun Sat Ven
Sat Sag 2:40:12 Jup Ket Ven Mer 7 Aqu 3:01:54 Sat Mar Ven Ven
Rah -R Vir 28:13:15 Mer Mar Sat Sat 8 Aqu 28:43:38 Sat Jup Ven Ket
Ket -R Pis 28:13:15 Jup Mer Sat Sat 9 Pis 28:20:02 Jup Mer Sal Mer
Ura -R Can 23:18:53 Mon Mer Mon Sun 10 Tau 0:36:26 Ven Sun Rah Ven
Nep Lib 12:39:23 Ven Rah Mer Mer 11 Gem 3:04:02 Mer Mar Ven Sun
Plu Leo 11:11:51 Sun Ket Sat Jup 12 Can 4:01:56 Mon Sat Sat Ket

Fortuna: 1Pisces 10:31:25 Navamaa Chart

Jup X Ket y
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
\2 / \. 12/
SjX^Mon 1 MerVjl
4 ^X^Nep 10 Ura
Ket | \ Rah Ura /
Nep\ /6 4 / | lira Nep\5 /
7 X Plu 5 x3 Mont eVPIu 5 Rah . Mar Sun
Jupi / \
/ Sat \ Dasamsa
Sun 8 ven , Sun 8 Mcr a Ura
Plu \ 7.
Mer\ /

C Mar 9 Mar
Ket \ Rah Sal
Ven* Ju24* MonN. /
Ven Nep Suw Nen* Vany 11N.
Sun Jup 4i* | /Rah NepN
Element of Love and Matrimonial Variables 469

Illuslralion No. 15.11(HoroscopeNo.l^0) zThiis is the horoscope of the wife

of above referred I.A.S. Officer. They got married after a long courtship. Here,
lord of 5th house Jupiter and 9th lord Mars have a mutual aspect. Lord of 7th
Saturn occupies 5th under a mutual aspect with the Moon. Mars aspects and
Venus conjoins the Lagna lord Sun in the navamsa chart. Jupiter and 9th lord
are under mutual aspect which caused no deviation in their caste or religion.
Here, Mars of the girl occupies Aries, while Venus of the boy of the previous
example is also placed in Aries. The creation of love between them was automatic
once they happened to come near each other. The ascendant of both the natives
is I^eo and both have the same Navamsa Aries. Therefore, they saw each other
and became mutually loveable.
However, it must be noted that only Mars of girl and Venus of the boy is not
sufficiently strong to cause love marriage. This generates love between such a
couple, but if other planetary contribution of love marriage are absent in their
horoscope, the affair will not be converted into marriage. However, there may
be a physical understanding.
470 Predicting Marriage

Illustration No. 15.12(HoroscopeNo.l41) individual is a beautiful lady

doctor belonging to an orthodox Vaishya family. She was in deep love with a
Brahmin boy eight years elder to her. As soon as the parents of the native came
to know about her affair, they could not tolerate it. They immediately stopped
her going to medical college resulting in a very long break of 7 years in her
educational career. Even this long gap could not create any difference and distance
in their hearts and sentiments of love for each other. After seeing the extreme
love between them the parents of the girl handed over their most loving and
able daughter to that boy and an inter-caste love marriage was ceremonised.
Note the presence of lagna lord Mars in 7th house. Lord of 7th Venus,is in
9th whereas 9thlord Moon is placed in 5th house. Moreover, 9th lord Moon and
5th lord Jupiter are under mutual aspect, being posited in 5th and 11th,
respectively. Thus, lord of 5th, 9th and 7th are closely related to each other.
Venus is placed in an inimical sign and is hemmed in between malefics e.g. the
Sun and Saturn. This formed Papakartari Yog resulting in various types of
obstructions and considerable delay in marriage. Venus is a Brahmin planet
which join 9th and the lord of 9th Moon is also aspected by Brahmin planet
Jupiter. Hence, she got married with a Brahmin boy. However, this type of
interpretation for caste should not be applied without considering other aspects.
I hasten to add that affliction of 9th house or its lord by Saturn or the coming of
9th house under Papakartari Yoa indicates inter-caste marriage, provided other
conditions of love marriage are also found in the horoscope. Should Saturn be
the planet causing affliction between Sun and Saturn, there will be much
obstruction and delay. If the 9th lord and the house aspected are associated with
benefics and Jupiter is also unaffected, the caste of the partner will be superior
to his or her's.
Horoscope No. 141
ite 25/08/1945 Time 13:15:00 Day Saturday Place Bijnor Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:50:14^
at 29:22,00 North Long 78:09:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tim© Corr -1:17:24 ^

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SidenalTime .:10:10:18 Hns Gan : Manushya Jupiter : 0Y4M 15D Bhramri :0Y1M3D
Eq.oftime 0:02:09Hrs Yoni : Simha Venus
Sunrise :6:52:05 Mrs Nadi : Adya 09/01/1989 28/09/1977
Sunset .:19:46:35 Hrs Varan : Vpra 09/01/2009 28/09/2013
Samvat : 2002 Vashya : Jalchar Venus 11/05/1992 Bhramri 28/09/1981
Saka : 1867 Varga Sarp Sun 11/05/1993 Bhadrika 29/09/1986
Month : Bhadra Yunja : Anlya Moon 10/01/1995 Ulka 28/09/1992
Paksh : Krishna HansaK(Tatva) Jal Mars 11/03/1996 Sidha 29/09/1999
Tithi at Sunrise,.: 2 Name Alphabet Rahu 12/03/1999 Sankta 29/09/2007
Nakshatra : P Bhadrapad Dee-Deepankar Jupiter 10/11/2001 Mangla 28/09/2008
Yoga : Dhrati Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Copper Saturn 09/01/2005 Pingla 29/09/2010
Karan : Vanij Hora : Moon Mercury 10/11/2007 Dhanya 28/09/2013

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Degree House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun 8:51:21 Sun Ket Jup Mon Asc Sco t;05:45 Mar Jup Ket
Mon 3:01:09 Jup Jup Rah Sun 0:56:29 Jup Ket Ven
Mar 28:51:37 Ven Mar Sat Ven 3:35:16 Sat Sun Mer
Mer-R 0:47:16 Sun Ket Ven Ven 7.40:09 Sat Rah Mer
Jup 7:10:05 Mer Sun Ket Ven 9:45:28 Jup Sat Sat
Ven 1:00:06 Mon Jup Mar Mer 7:25:47 Mar Ket Mon
Sat 27:36:33 Mer Jup Ven Rah 1:05:45 Ven Sun Mon
Rah -R 14:49:30 Mer Rah Ket Rah 8 Gem 0:56:29 Mer Mar Mon
Ket -R 14:49:30 Jup Ven Ven Sal 9 Can 3:35:16 Mon Sat Sat
Lira 24:15:29 Ven Mar Rah Rah 10 Leo 7:40:09 Sun Ket Jup
Nep 12:04:46 Mer Mon Rah Rah 11 Vir 9:45:28 Mer Sun Mer
Plu 17:40:54 Mon Mer Mer Mar 1^ Lib 7:25:47 Ven Rah Sat

Fortuna: Taurus 25:15:33 Navamaa Chart

\K0t Ura/^XStt Sun/
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chattt-Cuapal
Mir a/^Mon V«n\X
67* 7i'
/ 7 /\N#P 1 M
Misfi' m
Mor|\ Ket
7/Nep Ven 7/ Vev XX xx2 Jup

/e Plu X8 Nep 0<' X P)u x Rth x.

Mer 5 Sun Mon 11 X JUP 5 Sun 1 XMir Plu / X,^^ X
/\ /I Mil*
v / \ / KH1 X X
\/ \ /Mr Sui* u /\ lJp 4
Mon^Mr 2 U
™X? p| 12X^ir 2 0reV4
/1\ /3\Plu Qun 7 M*// 1 Kit)
Rih Sil\| JUD \ / \
\ /Sit Ven\ X. Rub y/ Xw yT
^ Nep xx xx Vin
aX X12

S Mon Xx X
472 Predicting Marrlag e

Illustration No. 15.13(Horoscope No.142) : This is the horoscope of the

husband of the lady in Illustration No. 15.12. In Illustration No. 15.10 and 15.11,
we found Mars of girl and Venus of boy placed in same sign, which made one
attract towards other. But ifs not that in the absence of this type of placement
in the horoscopes, there will be no love or attraction. If the Rasi lord of male and
female are Venus and Mars, there will be attraction. If Lagna lords of the two are
so, then too there will be love for one another.
If Mars of the female or Venus of the male are placed in the signs of Venus or
Mars, there will be attraction. If the sign occupied by Mars is of Venus and in
the other partner, the sign occupied by Venus is of Mars, there will be attraction.
If their Mars and Venus are 7th from each other there will be attraction and
carnal relations as well. See if both have same Navamsa Lagna, in which case
there will again be attraction between each other.
Mars of the girl is positioned in the sign of Venus, while Venus of the boy is
placed in own sign which developed a deep longing for each other, resulting
ultimately into love and inter-caste marriage after eight years of secret affair.
Note that both have same Navamsa Lagna Cancer.
Lord of Lagna Mars and 7th lord Venus are conjoined in 12th resulting in
physical affairs too. Both have Kuja Dosh in their horoscopes. Their married life
is happy. Before getting into wedlock, such couples should ensure means for a
happy marital life. If it is not indicated, first remedial measures should be
observed sincerely before getting married.
Horoscope No. 142
15/12/1938 Time 05:03:00 Day Thursday Place Meerut Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 29:00:00 North Long 77:42.00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0".19;12

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsotlari Yogini

SidehalTime 10:15:41 Hrs Gan Deva Moon :9Y0M 2SD Sankta :7Y3M40
Eq.oftime 0:05:34 Hrs Yoni Mahish Mars
Sunrise 7:05:38 Hns NadL... Adya 1301/1948 15^12/1938
Sunset 17:21:28 Hrs Varan... Vaishya 12/01/1955 20/03/1974
Samvat 1995 Vashya Manav Mars 10/06/1948 Sankta 20/03/1946
Saka 1860 Varga.. Mooshak Rahu 28/06/1949 Mangia 21X^1947
Month Pausa Yunja... Madhya Jupiter 04/06/1950 Rngla 20/03/1949
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva} .. Bhoomi Saturn 14^7/1951 Dhanya 2CK)3/1952
Tithi at Sunrise. 8 Name Alphabet Mercury 10/07/1952 Bhramri 2003/1956
Nakshatra Hasta Poo-Purushottam Ketu 06/12/1952 Bhadrika 20/03/1961
Yoga Sobhagya Paya(Rast-Nak) Gold-Silver Venus 06/02/1954 Uka 2103/1967
Karan Taitila Hora Mercury Sin 13/06/1954 Sidha 20/03/1974

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r RasI Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sco 29:35:22 Mar Mer Sat Rah Asc Sco 2:28:20 Mar Jup Rah Mer
Mon Vir 11:13:43 Mer Mon Mar Rah 2 Sag 2:22:46 Jup Ket Ven Sat
Mar Lib 9:08:10. Ven Rah Jup Sat 3 Cap 5:04:49 Sat Sun Sat Jup
Mer -R Sco 28:12:20 Mar Mer Sat Sat 4 Aqu 9:10:34 Sat Rah Jup Sat
Jup Aqu 4:38:09 Sat Mar Ven Mer 5 Pis 11:12:44 Jup Sat Mon Rah
Ven Lib 27:10:11 Ven Jup Ven Mon 6 Ari 8:48:57 Mar Ket Jup Mon
Sat -S Pis 18:29:04 Jup Mer Mer Sat 7 Tau 2:28:20 Ven Sun Jup Sun
Rah Lib 24:28:34 Ven Jup Mer Ven 8 Gem 2:22:46 Mer Mar Ket Jup
Ket Ari 24:28:34 Mar Ven Mer Ven 9 Can 5:04:49 Mon Sat Sat Rah
Ura -R Ari 21:42:11 Mar Ven Jup Rah 10 Leo 9:10:34 Sun Ket Jup Rah
Nep Vir 0:33:23 Mer Sun Rah Ven 11 Vir 11:12:44 Mer Mon Mar Rah
Plu -R Can 8:23:40 Mon Sat Ven Ven 12 Lib 8:48:57 Ven Rah Jup Jup
tuna; Leo 14:06:40 Navamaa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chailt-Cuapai

A X2 Rih
6&- 72V
Kfl24- Ur« 7 1 Mon
/ \ven Mar / \ / \Van Mar/ Jup X X — X / Sun
/ 8 \R8h / \ / 6 \ Rah / e5, eX 10 X12
X? /Hop Ru \& / V/
Sun Mar Ve JuplOX Sun M3r
A6Mon p|8. x 6 xN,p/ 11
/Mir SalX r/ \v
Jup 11 5 Nep

4 /O |

35- I /1 < 7 PC Mer 1 Sun^

Ket Uri /Ket
/Kel Ura
dra\/ NJ
Reh Stfr Mesj'Ve:?'R»24' Mo11.
Ura dX. 10 X. 12Jup
Mer Ven Mefi- yS ® Mar yr 11
Sun Mar 22* 12* J 12^ X Ket X X X
474 Predicting Marriage

Illustration No. I5.I4(Horoscope No.52) : The native was a lady producer

in All India Radio. She had an inter-religion love marriage on 11.3.1961 and
only after ten months of marriage her husband expired in an air accident on
17.1,1962. She is a Punjabi woman, her husband was a Christian.
Mutual aspect between 5th and 7th lord and presence of Moon in 7th created
a love between them resulting into inter-religion love marriage.
For Libra Lagna, as in this case, Saturn in 2nd and Mars in 8th always denies
matrimonial happiness unless cancellation of this is present in the horoscope of
the husband. In the combinations of love marriage, if Rahu or Saturn, as here,
occupy 9th and Jupiter is blemished, marriage may take place in other religion.
Horoscope No. 52
06/03/1927 Thro 21:15:00 Day Sunday. PfawAmbeta Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa
it 30:19:00 North Long 76:49:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TkneCorr -0:

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime 7:45:47 Hr» Gan : Deva Ketu: 5V5W260 Bhramri : 3Y1M 20D
Eq.oftime -0:11:36 Hrs Yoni j Ashwa Moon
Sunrise 6:46:13 Hrs Nadi : Adya 03/09/195S 06/03/1927
Sunset 18:22:45 Hrs Varan : Ksnatriya 02/09/1968 26^4/1962
Samvat 1983 Vashya : Chatuspada Moon 04/07/1959 Bhramri 26/04/1930
Saka 1848 Varga : Simha Mars 02/02/1960 Bhadrika 27/04/1935
Month Phalguna Yunja : Poorva Rahu 03/08/1961 Uka 26/04/1941
Paksh ShukJa Hansak{Tatva) Agni Jupiter 03/12/1962 Sldha 26/04/1948
Tithi at Sunrise., 3 Name Alphabet Saturn 04/07/1964 Sankta 26^)4/1956
Nakshatra Asvini Chu-Churamani Mercury 03/12/1965 Mangla 26/04/1957
Yoga Brahma Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Gotd Ketu 04/07/1906 Plngla 27/04/1959
Karan Vanij Hora Sun Venus 04/03/1968 Dhanya 26/04/1962

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Aqu 22:29:58 Sat Jup Sat Ket Asc Lib 0:19:33 Ven Mar Mer Ket
Mon An 2:51:59 Mar Ket Ven Mer 2 Lib 28:55:41 Ven Jup Sun Rah
Mar Tau 14:04:27 Ven Mon Jup Jup 3 Sco 29:42:31 Mar Mer Sat Rah
Mer -R Pis 4:30:56 Jup Sat Sat Sun 4 Cap 1:57:01 Sat Sun Jup Mer
Jup Aqu 18:32:22 Sat Rah Mon Jup 5 Aqu 4:08:57 Sat Mar Ven Sat
Ven Pis 17:25:54 Jup Mer Mer Sun 6 Pis 4:06:32 Jup Sat Sat Ven
Sat Sco 14:58:42 Mar Sat Jup Jup 7 Ari 0:19:33 Mar Ket Ket Rah
Rah -R Gem 11:38:03 Mer Rah Sat Sun 8 Ari 28:55:41 Mar Sun Mar Mer
Ket -R Sag 11:38:03 Jup Ket Mer Mer 9 Tau 29:42:31 Ven Mar Sat Rah
Ura Pis 5:59:43 Jup Sat Mer Ven 10 Can 1:57:01 Mon Jup Rah Sat
Nep -R Leo 2:30:08 Sun Ket Ven Sat 11 Leo 4:08:57 Sun Ket Mon Sat
Plu -R Gem 21:17:23 Mer Jup Jup Mon 12 Vir 4:06:32 Mer Sun Sat Sun

tuna: Scorpio 10:41:33 Navamsa Chart

Lcgna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal

Vtn ex 7
Mon Mar w
ra Rth 10
\ s«t / \ / X X Ntp >
lly^un 1 MonX?
\8 / \e / /12\ PKj / 2 >
Ket 8^ Jup Mtr

4 N«p X sit
Sun\ / \ /Rth
11 1
X X3
/ 2 \,u ir Mon /l\P|u Pki 10
XiT VMV/ Mtr \ Mr Vtn
10* 11xXWon 1 VwOO
/ 12 X yX
i Ktt X/ Mtr
476 Predicting Marriage

Illustration No.l5.15(Horoscope No.143) ;This is the horoscope of a Hindu

native married with a Christian girl. The native is Bar-at-Law from London.
The Lord of 5th, Saturn, occupies 9ch while 7th lord Mars aspects 5th and is
aspected by 5th lord Saturn. There is a mutual aspect between lords of 5th and
9th respectively as they are placed in the 9th and 3rd respectively. Moon aspects
the lord of Lagna Venus Jupiter is afflicted due to Mars' aspect, while Saturn in
9th is afflicted through the aspect of Sun. So it was an inter-religion love marriage.
However, aspect of Jupiter on 9th in both Illustration No. 15.14 and 15.15
got marriage performed in a decent way with the permission of their parents.
Horoscope No.143
ate 24/12/1915 Time 02:08:00 Day Friday Place Sitapur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:25
at 25:11:00 North Long 80:52:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:32

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime . 8:06:39 Hrs Gan Deva Saturn: 16Y5M 14D Dhanya:2Y10M 290
Eq.oftime 0:01:19 Hrs Yoni MesJi Saturn
Sunrise 6:49:27 Hrs Nadi Madhya 24/12/1915 24/12/1915
Sunset 17:20:44 Hrs Varan... Vipra 08/06/1934 22/11/1951
Samval 1972 Vashya. Jalchar Saturn 11/06/1916 Dhanya 22/11/1918
Saka 1837 Varga.. Mesh a Mercury 18/02/1921 Bhramri 22/11/1922
Month Pause Yunja.... Madhya Ketu 30/03^1922 Bhadrika 22/11/1927
Paksh Krishna HansakfTatva) Jal Venus 2905/1925 Ulka 22/11/1933
Tithi at Sunrise,, 2 Name Alphabet Sun 11/05/1926 Sidha 21/11/1940
Nakshatra Pushya Hoo-Humanshu Moon 11/12/1927 Sankta 21/11/1948
Yoga Endra Paya{Rasi-Nak) Copper-Silver Mars 1801/1929 Mangla 22/11/1949
Karan Vanij Hora Moon Rshu 25/11/1931 Pinqfe 22/11/1951

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sag 8:31:32 Jup Ket Jup Ven Asc Lib 6:02:56 Ven Mar Men Sat
Man Can 3:42:54 Men Sat Sat Mer 2 SCO 5:05:15 Mar Sat Sat Rah
Mar Leo 6:59:34 Sun Ket Rah Ven 3 Sag 5:30:27 Jup Ket Mar Mon
Mer Sag 12:58:47 Jup Ket Mer Jup 4 Cap 7:04:43 Sat Sun Ket Ven
Jup Aqu 28:41:32 Sat Jup Ven Ket 5 Aqu 8:57:37 Sat Rah Jup Sat
Ven Cap 3:51:35 Sat Sun Sat Ven 6 Pis 9:10:28 Jup Sat Ven Rah
Sat -R Gem 21:34:21 Mer Jup Jup Rah 7 Ari 6;a2;56 Mar Ket Rah Jup
Rah -R Cap •16:05:31 Sal Men Sat Mer 8 Tau 5:05:15 Ven Sun Sat Jup
Ket -R Can 16:05:31 Men Sat Jup Sun 9 Gem 5:30:27 Mer Mar Sun Ven
Ura Cap 20:52:11 Sat Man Ven Sun 10 Can 7:04:43 Man Sat Mer Sat
Nep -R Can 9:39:02 Man Sat Ven Sat 11 Leo 8:57:37 Sun Ket Jup Mon
Plu -R Gam 9:52:49 Mer Rah Jup Sun 12 VI r 9:10:28 Mer Sun Ven Jup
Fortuna: Taurus 1:14:19 Navamaa Chart
Plu /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChalK-Cuspal
V 9
toxKet 8

Ven 11

Me\e/ SunX 8
X 7 X® Mar
V MersN
Sun/ \ Ven/
/\ Daaamaa
/ \
^Ven 10 RahX Ket 4 Mon^ Rah 10 Lira x Kat 4 Mar X Sal
\ Ura / \ Nep / Ne
P / Mar Rarl\10y
\ / \ / Sat / Piu
Jup11/^ 1 X3 Sat
/sXPiu 2\Mon
/ 12 \ Ure 12 6 Plu

5 Ket
Mer/ 2
Horoscope No.144
17/07/1973 Time 13:26:00 Day Tuesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:1
at 26;50-.00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

SiderfalTlme : 8:59:35 Hrs Gan : Deva Moon 1Y2M4D Mangla :0Y1M 12D
Eq.oftime 0:06:02 Hrs Yonf. : Vanar Rahu
Sunrise :5:24:25 Hrs Nadi : Arrtya 20/09/1981 17/07/1973
Sunset :19:00:16 Hrs Varan ...r Vaishya 21/09/1999 29/08/2008
Samvat : 2030 Vashya : Jalchar Rahu 02/06/1984 Mangla 29/08/1973
Saka : 1895 Varga Maijar Jupiter 27/10/1986 Pingla 30/08/1975
Month : Sravana Yunja - Antya Saturn 02/09/1989 Dhanya 29/08/1978
Paksh. : Krishna HansakfTatva) Bhoomi Mercury 21/03/1992 Bhramri 29/08/1982
Tithi at Sunrise..: 2 Name Alphabet Kho-Khoya Kelu 09/04/1993 Bhadrika 30/08/1987
Nakshatra : Sravna Paya(Rasr-Nak} : Iron-Ccpper Venus 09/04/1996 Ulka 29/08/1993
Yoga : Priti Hora : Sun Sun 03/03/1997 Sidha 29/08/2000
Karan : Gara Chaugharia Amrit Moon 02/09/1998 Sankta 29/08/2008

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 1:21:55 Mon Jup Rah Rah Asc Lib 16:26:30 Ven Rah Ven Jup
Mon Cap 21:45:43 Sat Mon Ven Jup 2 Sco 15:36:43 Mar Sat Jup Mer
Mar Pis 23:14:40 Jup Mer Mon Ven 3 Sag 16:39:11 Jup Ven Mon Jup
Mer -R Can 6:08:03 Mon Sat Mer Ven 4 Cap 19:12:22 Sat Mon Mer Jup
Jup -R Cap 15:39:20 Sat Mon Jup Rah 5 Aqu 21:28:51 Sat Jup Jup Mar
Ven Can 27:22:45 Mon Mer Jup Mon 6 Pis 20:54:34 Jup Mer Ven Sat
Sat Gem 4:57:28 Mer Mar Sun Mon 7 Ari 16:26:30 Mar Ven Mon Rah
Rah -R Sag 14:29:25 Jup Ven Ven Jup 8 Tau 15:36:43 Ven Mon Jup Rah
Ket -R Gem 14:29:25 Mer Rah Ket Ven 9 Gem 16:39:11 Mer Rah Ven Sat
Ura Vir 25:53:35 Mer Mar Rah Mon 10 Can 19:12:22 Mon Mer Ket Sat
Nep -R Sco 11:40:37 Mar Sat Mon Mer 11 Leo 21:28:51 Sun Ven Jup Mon
Plu Vir 8:47:11 Mer Sun Ven Rah 12 Vir 20:54:34 Mer Mon Ven Sun

Fortuna: Taurus 6:50:17 Navamaa Chart

Ven P3u/ Mer
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspai
\l2 / N. 10/
IX Ket 11 X9

716' 816*
Jup 2 8 Set
\ Nep / \Plu Ura / \ Rah /
\ 8 / \ 6 / \ 8 / 6 / Sui- 3y\M0r 5
Hah/w Nep
RahS^V 7 521* Jup 9 X NeP 7 /5 Plu MecB /Sun
{Mon 10 Jup V Mer 4 Sun) Mon 10 4 ven \Mon Rah/ Jup /
\ / \ Ven /
\ / \ /Sat Mar i/Sun 12 ^VV/10 Ura
nV 1 X3 A
V 1121"
/2\Ket 2\Mer
/ 12 \ 9 Ven
A Mar ./ \ Ket Sat
216" Sat \
Net2- lie- Plu / $
■ Nap Kat
Element of Lave and Matrimonial Variables 479

Illustration No. 15.16 (Horoscope No.144) .'The horoscope belongs to a very

average looking girl of dark complexion and small structure. She was deeply
influenced by a smart handsome intelligent and talented boy. during November
1989. The boy just took her in most casual way. It was just a matter of fun and
time pass for him. The boy got admission in H.B.T.1. Kanpur and completed the
degree with flying colours. The girl became serious for marriage. The boy never
thought of his marriage with such an average girl. Gradually the degree of
sensitiveness, sincerity, dedication, devotion and loyality impressed the boy so
much, that he started developing certain sentiments and feelings of belonging
towards her. But in the mean time the marriage of the girl was settled and she got
engaged inspite of her resistance. At this critical juncture, the boy realised what
was she for him and immediately got mauled with her in Arya Samaj on 28.6.1995
without any consideration of her prior engagement with any body else. The parents
of the boy threw him out of their home and mother got unconscious as soon as
she heard of this marriage. They faced lot of miseries.
The girl is extremely fortunate to have such a decent loving and caring life partner.
She also brought immense good luck to him. He got a decent job in USA and
took her there. Both are extremely happy with their son born on 15.7.97.
Let us now analyse the combination of love and inter-caste marriage in the
horoscope. The boy is Kayastha whereas the girl is Brahmin.
1. She was bom in Libra ascendant with Venus in the 10th house in Cancer. Venus
is associated with 9th and 12th lord Mercury and 11th lord Sun in the 10th house.
Moreover Venus, Sun and Mercury are under the mutual aspect with Moon and
Jupiter. This combination is enough to show the good fortune of the female.
2. Yogakaraka Saturn joins the 9th house in a friendly sign Gemini. This also
signifies strongly that the native is extremely fortunate.
3. The fifth lord Saturn and 7th lord Mars aspect each other indentical to 9th and
6th house. Moreover both Saturn and Mars have mutual exchange of their
navamsa. This shows love marriage as the 5th, 7th and 9th houses are involved.
Saturn falls over the axis of nodes therefore so many hinderances, problems and
setbacks were there in the materialisation of their love marriage.
4. The 9th house indicates tradition and higher or lower caste of the partner if it
is a love marriage. Here the presence of Saturn and Ketu in the 9th house indicates
untraditional marriage and that too with a boy of lower caste.
5. Lagna lord Venus and the 7th lord Mats both obtain their navamsa of exaltation.
Moon obtains own navamsa and Yoga Kanaka Saturn fall in navamsa of the 7th
lord Mars showing a high class love marriage and fortune thereafter.
6. The 7th lord Mars who joins the 6th house in the sign of Jupiter and obtains
the navamsa of its exaltation shows a technical background and Engineering
profession of the boy. Mercury in the 7th house in navamsa chart under the aspect
of Mars and Saturn both show computer Engineer and foreign travel after marriage
as Mercury owns the 9th and 12th. Mars and Saturn own 7th and 4th as well and
so these have to do prominent role in foreign settlement after marriage.
480 Predicting Marriage

7. She was running under the influence of sub period of Venus in the major
period of Rahu from 2.6.1993 to 2.6.1996. Venus is Lagna lord and Karaka of
marriage which brought their marriage. Sub sub period of 4th lord and Yoga
Karaka Saturn started in May 95 and marriage took place immediately thereafter
on 28th June 1995.
8. At the time of marriage Jupiter was transiting in Scorpio from where it aspected
Lagna lord Venus, the 5th house, the 7th and 2nd lord Mars, 9th lord Mercury,
the 11th lord sun and the 8th house. At that time Jupiter also transited over the
navamsa position of Yoga Karaka Saturn.
Thus the love and inter-caste marriage and the time of marriage is astrologically
justified. We have mentioned in the Chapter of Timing Marriage the role of 4th
house and Yoga Karaka planet as it is also evident in the present case.

Love Marriage : Relation between 1st, 5th, 7th, 9th either by association of their
lords or aspect between them or mutual exchange of houses confirm love marriage,
particularly if Mars and/or Venus are associated with the lords of 1st, 5th, 7th
either by aspect or conjunction. Moon1^ aspect provides an additional strength
for love marriage.
Love Relationship : Mars of the female, if placed in the same sign, wherein
Venus of the boy is placed, or in the opposite sign to that, will lead automatically
to an attraction between those two. If Moon sign of both are ruled by Mars and
Venus, there will be a love affairif both happen to see each other. The love will be
excited more if the lord of Moon signs being Mars and Venus in their respective
charts are placed in opposite or same sign. If the Lagna or Navamsa Lagna is same
or 7th from each other there will be an attraction.
If the longitudes of Mars and Venus are same, there will be maximum attraction
and under such placement of planets one does not care for caste, religion and
status. If lords of Lagna of both are Mars and Venus respectively, there will be
creation of love. An attraction, but somewhat lesser, will be caused if their lords of
Lagna or Moon sign have a triangular position.
It must be remembered that all love affairsdo not convert into marriage. It should
properly be judged whether the affair will blossom into marriage. If the
combination of love affair synchronises with that of marriage, particularly in
relation to 1st and 7th, the love affair will decidedly materialise into marriage.
Secret Love Marriage : If Ketu is also associated with the combinations of affairs
or placed in 5th or 7th, there is a strong possibility of secret affairs often coming
into light suddenly. In certain cases, KehT's association with the combinations of
love marriage will result in secret love marriage.
Delayed Love Marriage : In case of afflicted Venus or 7th house or 7th lord,
there will be delay in love marriage, provided the afflicting planet is Saturn. Also in
case of retrograde planets in 2nd and/or 7thor if their lords are retrograde or aspected
by retrograde planets, there will be much obstruction and delay in love marriage. If
Venus, 7th or its lords is hemmed in between Sun and Saturn, there will be
Element of Love and Matrimonial Variables 481

obstruction and considerable delay in the marriage. Combinations for delay in

marriage are discussed in more detail in another chapter in this book.
Inter-caste Love Marriage : If 9th house is afflicted along with Jupiter or if 9th is
under Papakartari Yog along with the presence of other combinations of love
marriage, there will be an inter-caste love marriage. However, Jupiter "s aspect on
9th may make the parents ultimately agree for the marriage.
Inter-religion Love Marriage : If Rahu or Saturn are placed in 9th house or
aspect that, there will be a marriage in other religion. But to distinguish between
inter-caste and inter-religion is a tough work, and needs much practice &
Love Marriage in Lower Caste: If the 9th house and Jupiter are afflictedby malefics
like Saturn and Rahu, Ketu and Sun, there may be a marriage in lower caste.
Love Marriage in Higher Caste : If the 9th house is aspected by unafflicted
Jupiter and lord of 9th is also free of any affliction and receives the aspect of
benefics like Venus and Jupiter, the partner will belong to a higher caste.
Love Marriage in Same Caste : In case of fixed signs of 9th and unblemished
9th lord and Jupiter, love marriage will take place in the same caste.
However, to decide about the caste of the partner is not a simple task. Still, I
believe the above rules will prove helpful to a great extent in deciding the caste
Marriage within Relations: In a few castes, marriages among relations are quite
frequent. If 2nd and 7th are related with each other, or there is mutual exchange
of lords or if the lords of 2nd, 7th, 9th are associated together or they are posited
under the aspect of each other, there will be a marriage among relations.
Unsuccessful Love Marriage: When the 5th and 7th lords are afflicted by malefic
or if Papakartari Yog is present around these houses such marriages are not ideal
or successful. Mars and Venus should also be judged. Particularly, if love marriage
of a Cancer or Leo native takes place, a careful judgement must be made. If the
lords of their Moon sign are Mars and Saturn, Mars and Mercury, Sun and Saturn,
there will be great damages. If these are Dwidwadasa (2/12) or Shastasatama (6/8)
from each other, there will be discords. Here, this should be remembered that
Saturn, Rahu and Sun have a separative tendency.
Marriage Against Love Affairs : If the lord of 8th is placed in 5th or if Rahu is
present there or if Chandra Man gala Yog is present synchronising with the aforesaid
combinations of love affairs, one should be very careful. Combination of Rahu
and Venus in 5th, or mutual exchange between the lords of 5th and 8th makes
the native cunning in love. It is more so if the planets involved are Saturn, Mars
and Rahu. If there are combination of innumerable carnal relations or that of loss
of moral character, one should avoid love making with that person because the
person will not be honest in love, he will be sharewd and make his best efforts for
establishing physical relations, dealing diplomatically and cleverly with fair sex.
This warning should be particularly noted by the females to be careful against sex
hunters, who have this type of combination in their birth charts.

Determinants of Divorce

Planetary trespass into happy marriage ;

Shakespeare may or may not have been right when he declared that
marriages are made in heaven, but we might declare that in certain cases
marriages are unmade on earth, due very much to our ignorance and faulty
consultations of the birth-charts of the prospective couple. In all these making
as well as unmakings of the alliances, there is always divine dispensation. There
is no aberration or ad-hocism. No doubt divorce is a painful situation but we
cannot turn our face1 from this ground reality. 'Hope for the best and prepare
for the worst is an old dictum. Prior knowledge of this unforeseen event and its
timing can definitely prepare one to atleast prepare for the worst, if not able to
provide succour to his or her hurt heart.
Number of research observations have been made on the time of marriage
but practically no work has been done by us in determining divorce and its
duration. We will that be evident.
Various combinations have been laid down in different texts to determine
divorce but it is practically difficult to remember all such combinations. Let us
hurriedly go through some important combinations for separation and divorce,
as given in different standard texts.
1. If the lord of the 7th house joins the 12th and Rahu occupies the lagna,
the divorce takes place.
2. If the lord of the 12th house falls in the 7th house in association with
Rahu, divorce takes place.
3. If there is mutual exchange between the lords of the 12th and the 7th
houses and Rahu is associated with either of these, separation will take place
Determinants of Divorce 483

4. Divorce takes place if the lords of the 7th and 12th houses conjoin in the
5th house and nodes stay in the 7th house.
5. If Venus joins the 7th house and the lord of the 7th house occupies the
12th house under adverse aspect, the separation will be the outcome.
6. Conjunction of the lords of the 7th and the I2th house in the 10th also
results in separation, provided nodes are also associated.
These are the planetary combinations responsible for husband and wife
living separately. Stronger combination for the legal divorce are as under.
7. If the birth takes place in the sign ruled by Mars or Saturn and the Lagna
is occupied by Venus with the afflicted 7th house, the wife leaves the subject
and marries with her lover or lives with him like a second woman.
8. The wife leaves the native if the 7th house is occupied by malefics and
benefics both but the lord of the 7th house or Venus is sufficiently weak.
9. Presence of Moon and Venus in the 7th bouse is regarded as an adverse
combination for the happiness of marriage. If this combination of Moon and
Venus is afflicted by malefics, the divorce will positively be there.
10. One of a very important yoga for separation is the presence of the Sun in
the 7th house under afflictionor debilitation with the weak lord of the 7th house.
In this case the husband seeks permanent divorce.
11. If the lagna is occupied by Venus and Rahu or Saturn and Rahu, the
native leaves his/her spouse on the persuasion of other person.
12. If the Sun joins the 7th house and any inimical planet like Saturn aspects
the Sun, native" s wife will leave him.
13. If there is mutual exchange of the lords of 7th and 12th house, and the
lord of the 6th house aspects 7th the divorce will take place.
14. It has been repeatedly observed that the persons who have their Venus in
Aridra, Moola, Krittika or Jyestha Nakshatra, often suffer with this malady. If Venus
stays in Krittika, the havoc comes soon after marriage and disasterstake place. '
15. The 6th house rules litigation. If the lord of the 6th and 7th are associated
in either of these houses, the separation takes place after long proceedings and
discussions in the court of law. Involvement of the 6th house or its lord in the
combination responsible for separation, will take the matter of divorce to the
court of law. The association of Venus with the lord of the 6th may also bring the
family matters in the court provided 7th house is under the influence of planets
of separative tendencies.
16. If the 7th or 2nd house or their lords or Venus are afflicted by the 6th
lord, there will be divorce. If malefics like Rahu, Saturn, Sun or Mars afflict the
7thhouse, divorce will surely take place.
17. If the 2nd and 12th lords, 3rd and 11th lords, 4th and 10th lords, 5th
and 9th lords, or 6th & 8th lords are afflicted or lords of both houses are inimical
and aspect each other or there is mutual exchange of houses, the divorce takes
place. However, Jupiter"s favourable aspect will prevent divorce inspite in
adversities of marital life.
454 Predicting Marriage

18. Association of Rahu and Saturn in the lagna often results into separation.
Retrograde planets and their influence over the afflicted 7th house will cause
separation between husband and wife.
Basic Principles tending Separation
1. The Sun, Rahu and Saturn are the planets which are associated with
separative tendency. The dispositors of these planets also carry the same effect
but at a lesser degree. The 12th house governs separation. The lord of the J2th
house also have a tendency of separation.
2. The 4th house explains home which mainly consists of spouse, marital
harmony or disharmony. Affliction of the 4th house or the undesirable placement
of the lord of 4th or occupation of the 4th house by Saturn, the Sun, Rahu or the
12th lord may cause divorce, provided other factors also indicate so.
3. The 6th house signifies litigation and enemity and it is also 12th from the
7th house. Mostly we decide someone to marry with at our own will but the
separation is decided by the court of law. So long as the court does not grant
separation, it is considered illegal and one may be put behind bars if he does not
follow this law. In number of cases the lord of the 4th house falls in the 6th
house or the 6th lord joins the 4th, in the cases of separation.
These are the main fundamentals to determine the divorce. Important is
that if the 4th house is well disposed, the divorce will not be the final outcome
inspite of the presence of other indications for this. If the 12th lord joins the
4th house or the lord of the 4th house falls in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, divorce
will take place provided the 7th house, its lord or Venus also come under the
influence of the separative planets the Sun, Saturn or Rahu. For Vigro lagna, if
the 12th lord Sun occupies 7th house and 6th lord Saturn is placed in the 4th
house, the divorce will surely take place, or in the some case, if the 4th and 7th
lord Jupiter falls in the 6th house, the same results of separation will be seen.
Similarly the planetary position and the separative effects should be judged.
The involvement of the 6th house or its lord in the combination for divorce,
will tend one to bring family matters in the court. If slow moving planets are
there to afflict, the litigation will take long procedure and discussion. The
association of Rahu and Saturn in the lagna or the 7th house is also bad, provided
the 4th house is under adverse influence. Number of such planetary
combinations may be listed but this is not at all essential to remember these if
the basic fundamentals responsible for the promotion of divorce are clear to
the students. Only a careful judgement of the horoscope is essential before
arriving at any conclusion.
Timing Separation
The next step is to work out the time of separation. If we look into this
matter seriously, the correct prediction about the time of divorce will be of
immense use to the native. Certain rules may be applied for working out the
dasa bhukti pointing the divorce. This should be done only after the thorough
examination of the birth-chart.
Determinants of Divorce 485

1» Divorce may take place in the sub period of the same planet which brings
the marriage if that is heavily afflictedby the planets responsible for the separation.
Suppose, Cancer is the lagna and 7th lord Saturnjoins the 4th house in exaltation,
in association with the 2nd lord Sun. In thatcase marriage may take place during
the sub period of Saturn. If other planetary combinations confirm, the divorce
may also take place during the same bhukti of Saturn as it is also the lord of the
8th house and afflicts 4th house.
This is to be judged carefully to avoid errors in prediction. If the fourth lord
is well placed and Jupiter lends aspect over the 7th house or other favourable
combinations are present, the divorce will not lake place inspite of very critical
relations between the couple. In one case of Cancer ascendant Rahu is placed in
the 7th house, the 7th lord Saturn occupies 4th in opposition to Mars and the
Sun who are conjoined in the 10th house. The separation was quite likely but
that could never happen so by the grace of God due to placement of the 4th lord
Venus in the 9th house in exaltation sign and Jupiter, who occupying the 11th
house has a favourable aspect over the 7th house. Had Jupiter and Venus been
elsewhere, the divorce was almost sure to come.
2. The planet who possesses separative effectand damages the planets causing
marriage, will bring divorce in its period.
3. Separation takes place during the sub period of the planet who forms the
combination for divorce but brings marriage. This is most unfortunate. In such
dasa marriage must be avoided to check the probabilities of separation
immediately after marriage.
4. The separation may also result during the sub period of the planet which
spoils the 4th house particularly if that planet owns 6th, 8th or the 12th house.
In addition to this, the chances of separation will be stronger if that planet also
contains the separative tendency by nature or ownership.
5. The misfortune of getting separated may come during the sub period of
the Sun, Saturn and Rahu also, if these are placed in the 4th, 7th or 12th house
forming the combination of separation.
6. The lord of the 6th house may also bring divorce if that is placed under
the separative effects in the 7th or 2nd or the 4th or 12th house.
7. For Libra ascendant if Mars and Mercury join the 12th house and the 4th
lord Saturn falls in the 6th, the divorce will come in the dasa bhukti of either of
these planets.
8. The marriage if takes place during the afflicted lord of the 2nd house, the
divorce will take place in the period of planet afflicting the 2nd lord,
9. In certain cases, we have to see the position ofmalefics from Venus or 7th
lord. If malefics are there in 6th, 8th or I2th from Venus, the divorce will take
place. If the 4th house is also afflicted by malefics the divorce is unavoidable. In
such a case the adversity will be associated even from the date of marriage.
486 Predicting Marriage

Illustration No. 16.1 (Horoscope No. 145) : The marriage of the native
took place on 17.6.80 during Jupiter- Jupiter period and divorce took place on
30.10.84 during Jupiter-Saturn period. Second marriage was ceremonised on
22.2.85. Jupiter in 5th in fall caused marriage. The 12th lord Mars and Saturn
both the malefics have afflicted Jupiter and 7th house respectively. Therefore,
the same major period caused divorce. Saturn who contains separative tendency,
has afflicted the 7th house in Rasi and navamsa in Scorpio. Rahu and the 6th
lord Venus are also associated with Saturn in the 7th. Therefore, it was the sub-
period of Saturn which brought divorce through court. The 4th lord Sun occupies
the 6th under debilitation and Mars aspects the Sun. Here Moon is a malefic.
The 4th house and the 4th lord Sun both are under Papakartari Yoga. Thus the
4th house has been damaged and comes under the influence of separative yogas.
The 7th house and Venus also come under the heavy influence of separative
planets. Thus in the present birth chart divorce is strongly indicated through
court of law during adverse vibrations of Saturn and Jupiter. In this case the
wife of the native was carrying a child of 5 months when she got married with
the native who was absolutely unknown to him.
Horoscope No.145
ate 04/01/1957 Time 14:50:07 Day Friday Place Sitapur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:59:45
at 25:11110 North Long 80:52:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:32

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari

SidarialTime .:21:38:27 Hrs Gan i Rakshas Mars: 5Y2M12D
Eq.oftime > 0;04;63 Hrs Yoni : Slmha Jupiter
Sunrise :6:54:14 Hrs Nadi ^ Madhya 18/03/1980 04/01/1957
Sunset ".17:28:40 Hrs Varan. : Vaishya 18/03/1996 30/06/1992
Samvat : 2013 Vashya : Jalchar Jupiter 06/05/1982 Pingla 01/07/1958
Saka : 1878 Varga ^ Marjar Saturn 17/11/1984 Dhanya 01/07/1961
Month : Pausa Yunja i Antya Mercury 23/02/1957 Bhramri 01/07/1965
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Bhoomi Ketu 30/01/1988 Bhadrika 01/07/1970
Tithi at Sunrise,.: 3 Name Alphabet Gee-Geerdhar Venus 30/09/1990 Ulka 30/06/1976
Nakshatra : Ohanishtha Paya(Ra$i-Nak} : Silver-Copper Sun 19/07/1991 Sidha 01/07/1983
Yoga : Vajra Hora r Venus Moon 17/11/1992 Sankta 01/07/1991
Karan : Gara Chaugharia : Udvega Mars 24/10/1993 Mangla 30/06/1992

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Saq 20:46:42 Jup Ven Jup Mer Asc Tau 14:06:49 Ven Mon Jup Jup
Mon Cap 26:45:36 Sat Mar Jup Mer 2 Gem 9:15:02 Mer Rah Jup Mer
Mar Pis 22:37:45 Jup Mer Mon Jup 3:04:13 Mon Jup Rah Mon
Mer -R Cap 339:15 Sat Sun Sat Ket 29:15:09 Mon Mer Sat Mon
Jup Vir 8:3434 Mer Sun Ven Rah 0:42:21 Mer Sun Rah Ven
Ven Sco 26:26:15 Mar Mer Jup Sat 7:25:28 Ven Rah Rah Sat
Sat Sco 16:39:57 Mar Sat Jup Rah 14:06:49 Mar Sat Rah Ket
Rah -R Sco 4:57:43 Mar Sat Sat Rah 8 Sag 9:15:02 Jup Ket Jup Rah
Ket -R Tau 4:57:43 Ven Sun Sat Jup 9 Cap 3:04:13 Sat Sun Sat Sat
Una -R Can 12:49:38 Mon Sat Mar Mon 10 Cap 29:15:09 Sat Mar Sat Mon
Nep Lib 9:21:37 Ven Rah Jup Mer 11 Pis 0:42:21 Jup Jup Mar Rah
Plu -R Leo 7:11:29 Sun Ket Rah Sun 12 An 7:25:28 Mar Ket Rah Mon

Fortuna: Gemini 20:05:43 Navamea Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
4X 2 VJS

114' WUh 5 V/in 11 Mer>

Nc N" Kit y/
Mon 0 ^>^0Mir
3 Ura 1 / 334 y/TN. Sit S QN.
4 X/
Krt 2 V/
XUMirlI XlSMtr /Sun UriVy/ Nip
\ Una'
Plu 5 PIU 4 \Sun Mir / N. S
UfiNv3 /^ 1
\ / \ /Mon
Mer Jup eYVen 8 SetYio Jup 6Vv«n B Sit V10 J P/N!6" 2

Mon / 7\ /e\Mer /V\ / 0 N^11" Rih 5 11 Kit

/ Nep \ / Sun \| Jup /Rih Nep\ / Sun \

Mif Plu
488 Predicting Marriage

Illustration No. ]62 (Horoscope No. 10) : Marriage in 3]st year on

28.4.90. Divorce on 15.90. The female belongs to a royal family of Rajas whose
marriage and divorce took place in her 31st year during Rahu-Jupiter period.
Legal divorce was granted during Rahu-Satum period. It has been mentioned
earlier that the 4th house has great importance in timing marriage and deciding
divorce. Jupiter in the 4th house in own sign caused marriage, in the major
period of Rahu, Most of the marriages take place inRahu dasa. Here Rahu is 8th
from Venus and Mars is 6th, whereas the Saturn and Jupiter are 12th. Thus 6th,
8th and 12th houses from Venus are occupied by malefics having sparative
effects, and the lords of 4th and 7th house Mars and Moon respectively are
placed in the 6th, and 8th houses from Venus. Saturn in the 4th house with 4th
lord Jupiter under the mutual aspect with Mars is a strong indication of
separation, as discussed earlier. Even if we look the matter from the position of
the 7th lord Mars, we find that Mars possesses separative effect and joins 7th,
under the mutual aspect with the separative planet, the Sun. The indications for
separation are present from lagna, from the Karaka and the 2nd lord Venus,
and also from the 7th lord Jupiter. The navamsa position of the 7th and 4th lord
Jupiter in Leo, 9th lord Sun in Aquarius and that of Saturn in Scorpio has further
spoiled and badly denied the conjugal happiness. Therefore, the female inspite
or being the daughter of a family of Rajas, was blamed for the loss of her chastity
•and left by her husband on the very first day of her meeting with him.
Horoscope No. 10
^ate 11/12/1960 TimeOI :45".57 Day Sunday Place Sitapur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:03
Lat 25:11:00 North Long 80:52:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0.06:32

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime . 6:57:38 Hrs Gan Manushya Venus : 10Y 9M 3D Ulka : 3Y 2M 22D
Eq.oftime 0:07:10 Hrs Yoni. Mooshak Wars
Sunrise 6:42:31 Hrs NadL Madhya 14/09/1987 11/12/1960
Sunset 17:16:09 Hrs Varaa Kshatriya 14/09/1994 04/03/1994
Samvat 2017 Vashya Vanchar Mars 10/02/1988 Ulka 03/03/1964
Saka 1882 Varga Shv/an Rahu 28/02/1989 Sidha 04/03/1971
Month Pausa Yunja Madhya Jupiter 04/02/1990 Sankta C4/03/1979
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Saturn 16/03/1991 Mangla 03/03/1980
Tithi at Sunrise.. 7 Name Alphabet Taa-Tamn Mercury 12/03/1992 Pingla 04/03/1982
Nskshstra P Phalguni Paya(Rasi-Nak) Iron-Stiver Ketu 08/08/1992 Dhanya 04/03/1985
Venus 08/10/1993 Bhramri 04/03/1989
Yoga Priti Hora Mercury Bhadrika 04/03/1994
Karan Bava Chaugharia Roga Sun 13/02/1994

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun SCO 25:44:35 Mar Mer Rah Sun Asc Vir 19:58:29 Mer Mon Ket Mar
Mon Leo 19:29:39 Sun Ven Rah Ven 2 Lib 18;50;06 Ven Rah Mon Mer
Mar -R Gem 22:45:14 Mer Jup Sat Ven 3 Sco 19:08:50 Mar Mer Ket Sat
Mer Sco 11:36:04 Mar Sat Mon Sat 4 Sag 20:12:44 Jup Ven Jup Jup
Jup Sag 16:11:13 Jup Ven Sun Ven 5 Cap 21:33:10 Sat Mon Ven Rah
Ven Cap 7:31:36 Sat Sun Ket Jup 6 Aqu 22:01:32 Sat Jup Sat Sat
Sat Sag 24:07:21 Jup Ven Mer Mer 7 Pis 19:58:29 Jup Mer Ven Mon
Rah -R Leo 16:57:01 Sun Ven Mon Mer 8 Ari 18:50:06 Mar Ven Rah Sal
Ket -R Aqu 16:57:01 Sat Rah Ven Sat 9 Tau t9;08;50 Ven Mon Mer Jup
Ura -R Leo 2:42:42 Sun Ket Ven Mer 10 Gem 20:12:44 Mer Jup Jup Jup
Nep Lib 17:13:04 Ven Rah Ven Mer 11 Can 21:33:10 Mon Mer Ven Ket
Plu -S Leo 15:04:55 Sun Ven Ven Sal 12 Leo 22:01:32 Sun Ven Sat Sat

Fortuna: Gemini 13:43:33 Navamaa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChalitCuapal

Ptu \4
\ Mer
819* f- 910'
'Men 6 Rah^^Ket 12 Ven
A 1020* >/ N6P y/
9p / Ma23'
V /vRsy\ 5/ura Mar 7X^ 9 ' y<J1Su
Mer\J / V5 / JupV/
8 6 sYuep 6 V.Rah X8 \ X 10
X X4 i Sun / \
VMon / Sat \ X >
Sun/ \ /\
Jup 9 Sat 3 Mar Ven 9 Sal 3 Mar
Mar\ 9 X
Rah loS/vari 8
Vert OX 12 Ve8- KellOX 12 Plu X^ X^^
Ven CMon 11 X Ura 5 Sat
/ Ket \
Su^* 219' 12 X 2 X4 Kel
Mer Sir Nair Nep/1\ jup / 3\
Sun Nep Meir
Horoscope No. 12
it© 16/02/1948 Time 23:26 38 Day Monday Place Bijnor Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:52
it 29:22.00 North Long 78:09:00 East Zone 62:30:00 East Time Corr-0:17.24

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vimsotta ri Yogini

SiderialTime 8:51:49 Hrs Gan., Manushya Vonus: 12Y10M3D Bhadrika : 3Y 2M 150
Eq.oftime > 0:14:17 Hrs Yonl s Gaja Moon
Sunrise :6:58:20 Hrs Nadi ,j Madhya 20/12/1966 16/02/1948
Sunset :18:05:C)8 Hrs Varan Kshatriya 20/12/1976 04/05/1982
Samvat : 2004 Vashya Chaluspada Moon 21/10/1967 Bhadrika 04/05/1951
Saka : 1869 Varga Mrig Mars 21/05/1968 Ulka 04/05/1957
Month : Magha Yunja Poorva Rahu 20/11/1969 Sidha 03/05/1964
Paksh : Shukla HansakfTatva) Agni Jupiter 22/03/1971 Sankta 03/05/1972
Tithi at Sunrise..: 6 Name Alphabet Lco-Loonesh Saturn 20/10/1972 Mangla 04/06/1973
Nakshatra : Bharani Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Gold Mercury 22/03/1974 Pingla 04/05/1975
Yoga : Brahma Hora .j Jupiter Kotu 21/10/1974 Dhanya 04/05/1978
Karan : Gara Chaugharia Lahha Venus 20/06/1976 Bhramri 04/05/1982

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Aqu 4:06:53 Sat Mar Ven Sat Asc Lb 14:23:59 Ven Rah Mer Sat
Mon Ari 18:06:19 Mar Ven Mar Mon 2 Sco 13:28:02 Mar Sat Rah Sat
Mar -R Leo 5:25:31 Sun Ket Mar Ven 3 Sag 14:44:46 Jup Ven Ven Jup
Mer -R Aqu 10:59:00 Sat Rah Sat Mer 4 Cap 17:37:44 Sat Mon Sat Jup
Jup Sag 1:08:37 Jup Ket Ven Ven 5 Aqu 20:00:33 Sat Jup Jup Jup
Ven Pis 13:03:47 Jup Sat Rah Rah 6 Pis 19:15:10 Jup Mer Ket Mer
Sat -R Can 25:45:07 Mon Mer Rah Sun' 7 Ari 14:23:59 Mar Ven Ven Rah
Rah -R Ari 24:58:44 Mar Ven Mer Mar 8 Tau 13:28:02 Ven Mon Rah Ven
Ket -R Lib 24:58:44 Ven Jup Mer Rah 9 Gem 14:44:46 Mer Rah Ket Mar
Ura -R Tau 29:18:41 Ven Mar Sat Mar 10 Can 17:37:44 Mon Mer Mer Mar
Nep -R Vir 19:49:41 Mer Mon Ket Ven 11 Leo 20:00:33 Sun Ven Rah Mar
Plu -R Can 20:35:31 Mon Mer Ven Jup 12 Vir 19:15:10 Mer Mon Mer Jup

Fortuna: Sagittarius 26:23:26 Navamt« Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal X /\Piu Mtr

X12/ \10x
Jup 1X8ll 11 X9
Mon Ura 7M*
Rah Motr Bu"
Mtr 2 M X ^ 8 Sun
Raar UrM1
Jup / \ Nep
\ / \ ^ / Nip 3X 5 X7 Vm
\8 / \e/
v/ \8/ I Se,
JupSXKtt 7 Ve Marl Plu 9XKet 7 XB S N.y/Un MonX

Q 10 YPIu 4 S«t^ f Sun 50MerYSit 4 Mtr \8un V "/\ 1
\v \ioyRth
\ / \ Plu /
8u(\ / \ / 11
llYMon 1 RahYs Veniy^Mon 1 R«h\^ XX xX J
/ 2\ /12\ / 2\ Mir 2 Nip 9 Sit
/ Vtn \/ Ufi \ I Nep / \ / Um \
. Kan* Kit SX 8
2(5' 1M- 4
X X X ^
X ■ \ Xrhj MirX
Determinants of Divorce 491

Illustration No. 16.3(Horoscope No. 12) : Marriage on 13.6.69 during Moon-

Rahu period, Divorce on J0.J2.84 after 15 years of marriage due to dowry. Moon
and Rahu are conjoined in tJie 7th house and brought marriage during their
periods. Mercury is the lord of the 12thhouse and Mars is the 7th lord placed in
the Jlth house under retrograde motion. Thus mutual aspect of the 7th lord
Mars and the 12th lord Mercury, both retrograde, is adverse for the continuation
of marital life. The 4th lord Saturn is also retrograde in the JOth house and
aspects 4th house. Therefore, 4th house is not spoiled much. That is the reason
that separation took place after 15 years of marriage. The lagna lord Venus is
exalted in the 6th house and is hemmed between inimical Sun and Moon. This
is always bad if Venus is either conjoined by either of the luminaries or hemmed
between them. If Venus falls in Cancer or Leo and the Moon in Gemini, Virgo
or Cancer and the Sun on the other side of Venus, the conjugal bliss will be
curtailed. There are malefics in the 6th, 8th and 12th from Venus. The 7th lord
Mars obtains the navamsa of Venus and in navamsa chart the 7th lord Sun is
under the influence of Rahu, Mars and Saturn. The separation came in evidence
during Rahu-Saturn period as both have spoiled the matters of the 7th house.
Saturn is the 4th lord and is 4th from major period lord Rahu, and that spoiled
the home of the native.
Horoscope No. 63
14/10/1960 Time 17:10:00 Day Friday Place Chandausi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:
at 28:06:00 North Long 77:50:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:18:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SlderialTime :18:23;25 Hrs Gaa - Rakshas Mercury : t6Y 3M 3D Bhramri : 3Y 9M 27D
Eq.oftime ".0:13:57 Hrs Yoni :Maqar Venus
Sunrise :6:19:46 Hrs Nadl- :Antya 17/01/1984 14/10/1960
Sunset ;17:49:20 Hrs Varan :Vipja 17/01/2004 11/08/1996
Samvat : 2017 Vashya :Jalchar Venus 19/05/1987 Bhramri 11/08/1964
Sake 1882 Verge :Shwan Sun 18/05/1988 Bhadrika 12/06/1969
Month : Kartika Yunja - Madhya Moon 17/01/1990 Ulka 12/08/1975
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tat\/a) Jal Mars 19/03/1991 Sidha 12/08/1982
Tithi at Sunrise..: 9 Name Alphabet Dee-Deepak Rahu 19/03/1994 Sankta 12/08/1990
Nakshatra : Aslesa Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Silver Jupiter 17/11/1996 Mangfa 12/08/1991
Yoga : Sadhya Hora j Saturn Saturn 17/01/2000 Pingla 12/08/1993
Karan : Vanij Chaugharia Char Mercury 17/11/2002 Dhanya 11/08/1996

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 28:04:22 Mer Mar Sat Sat Asc Pis 15:14:15 Jup Sat Jup Sat
Mon Can 17:14:53 Mon Mer Mer Ven 2 Ari 21:10:57 Mar Ven Jup Ven
Mar Gem 17:35:10 Mer Rah Sun Rah 3 Tau 18:31:36 Ven Mon Mer Sun
Mer Lib .22:43:27 Ven Jup Sat Ven 4 Gem 12:19:26 Mer Rah Sat Jup
Jup Sag 5:05:15 Jup Ket Mar Sal 5 Can 6:51:10 Mon Sat Mer Jup
Ven Lib 28:06:38 Ven Jup Ven Sat 6 Leo 6:28:58 Sun Ket Rah Mer
Sat Sag 19:26:06 Jup Ven Rah Ven 7 Vir 15:14:15 Mer Mon Jup Mon
Rah Leo 21:58:13 Sun Ven Sat Sat 8 Lib 21:10:57 Ven Jup Jup Sun
Ket Aqu 21:58:13 Sat Jup Sat Sat 9 Sco 18:31:36 Mar Mer Mer Sat
Ura Leo 1:44:10 Sun Ket Ven Rah 10 Sag 12:19:26 Jup Ket Mer Mon
Nep Lib 15:09:58 Ven Rah Ket Mer 11 Cap 6:51:10 Sat Sun Mer Sat
Pfu Leo 14:17:06 Sun Ven Ven Rah 12 Aqu 6:28:58 Sat Mer Mon Ven
tuna : Capricorn 4:24:47 Navamsa Chart
Reh X
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
. 7/ Sal
' Sun

Nep 11 5 Plu)

/ \ Mar 12X 2 X4
\/ v1// Ke22- 2 / Ure \ X ..V0n K
2X 12 X10 10 5r
v Moir4 X Mer KelXX
Mar 3 Sat 9 Jup Mar 3 9 Sal \ Mer / \ Nep Rsh X
Nv X^ \J2X/^
Sal 1 X11 Sun
11?° ^ 4^Sun 6 Nep^X^Jup ^322°
\ Sun /7 C Ven 4 10 Jup
/ Plu \ / Nap \ -r—
Rah Ura\ /Ven Mer\ Sun Rah PluN^y/Ven Mer
mm MonX
Ve26- Me23j 5
9is- 821* Neis' X
Ura Xe 1
. X Mar X
Determinants of Divorce 493

Illustration No. 16.4 (Horoscope No. 63) : The native got married on
9.2.87 with a Junior Engineer during Venus - Venus dasa bhukti. The Sun is the
lord of 6th house and falls in the 7th. Mats and the I2th lord Saturn have an
aspect over the 7th house and the Sun placed therein. This indication is sufficient
to foresee the separation but the examination of the 4th house will further
strengthen our observation. The 4th lord Mercury who is also the lord of the 7th
house, is posited in the 8th house with the 8th lord Venus. In addition to this the
4th house is tenanted by the 2nd lord Mars in inimical sign under the mutual
aspect with 12th lord Saturn. These factors are enough for granting divorce
soon after marriage.
The Sun obtains Vargottam navamsa and is associated with Saturn in navamsa
chart and is aspected by Saturn in Rasi Chart. Also such an afflicted Sun is 12th
from dasa lord Venus. Therefore, it should be the sub period of the Sun, which
will finally separate the native with her husband which was running from 3.9.87
to 3.9.88. Exactly it was the sub-sub period of Saturn when the misfortune of
the lady separated her.
Horoscope No.37
te 05/11/1954 Time 23:50:00 Day Friday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:57
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SEderialTime .:2;41:21 Hrs Gan ^ Rakshas Rahu :9Y2M 280 Dhanya :1Y6M140
Eq.oftime :0:16:25 Hrs Yoni. j Ashwa Rahu
Sunrise :6:19:46 Hrs Nadi Adya 05/1171954 05/11/1954
Sunset :17:20:04 Hrs Varan - Shoodra 04/02/1964 22/05/1989
Samvat 2011 Vashya Manav Rahu 00/00/0000 Dhanya 21/05/1956
Saka : 1876 Varga rvfesha Jupiter 00/00/0000 Bhramri 21/05/1960
Month Kartika Yunja _ Antya Saturn 05/11/1954 Bhadrika 22/05/1965
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Mercury 04/08/1956 Ulka 22/05/1971
Tithi at Sunrise..: 9 Name Alphabet Saa-Samtr Ketu 23/08/1957 SSdha 22/05/1978
Nakshatra : Satabhisha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : fron-Copper Venus 22/08/1960 Sankta 22^)5/1986
Yoga : Dhmva Hora Saturn Sun 17/07/1961 Mangta 22/05/1987
Karan : Taitila Chaugharia Shubh Moon 164)1/1963 Pingla 22A)5/1989

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S^S
Sun Lib 19:50:20 Ven Rah Mar Ven Asc Can 23:14:41 Men Mer Mon Ven
Men Aqu 13:09:04 Sat Rah Mer Ven 2 Leo 18:24:27 Sun Ven Rah Rah
Mar Cap 17:08:43 Sat Mon Sat Mar 3 Vir 17:31:13 Mer Mon Sat Jup
Mer -R Lib 6:22:41 Ven Mar Mon Ket 4 Lib 19:49:24 Ven Rah Mar Ven
Jup Can 6:45:57 Mon Sat Mer Rah 5 Sco 22:40:17 Mar Mer Mon Jup
Ven -R Sco 4:39:21 Mar Sat Sat Mon 6 Sag 23:57:39 Jup Ven Sat Jup
Sat Lib 19:12:12 Ven Rah Mon Sun 7 Cap 23:14:41 Sat Mon Sun Ven
Rah -R Sag 14:14:57 Jup Ven Ven Rah 8 Aqu 18:24:27 Sat Rah Mon Rah
Ket -R Gem 14:14:57 Mer Rah Mer Sat 9 Pis 17:31:13 Jup Mer Mer Mon
Ura - -R Can 4:44:21 Mon Sat Sat Mar 10 Ari 19:49:24 Mar Ven Rah Sun
Nep Lib 3:27:50 Ven Mar Ven Rah 11 Tau 22:40:17 Ven Mon Sun Sun
PIu Leo 3:42:02 Sun Ket Mon Mon 12 Gem 23:57:39 Mer Jup Mer Mer

Fortuna: Scorpio 16:33:26 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspai
l2XMon 10
Sun / X \ Mer

\ PIu /\ Ket / Ura Jup /

4 PIu 2A. 4 Jup
\5/ \ 3 Mer\ 5 / \ 3 / 1 Urs-
\ /
Jup Ura Sat eVptu 4 X2 Ket Jut* /s xt
Mar s Ura Ven\
Ncp/ \
/ Nep\ / \ Dasamsa
ySun 7 Mery 1 ^ (sm 1 Ven a Ny Nfip y/Vy PIlJ yA
\ Sat / \ / Xa / /
Mer 9 V Ket 7 V5 Ven
VensNy 10 RahSX 10 Xl2
/9 Mar /MlX /9\ won /ll\
/ Rah \y / Mon \ / Mar \ /
523' SU20*
ManiXSun 1 SatXs Men
Nep Sat Sais* y/l2\ Ura y/ 2
Ven Mer Sun Ves- Mefi- Hey / / Jup
Determinants of Divorce 495

Illustration No. 16.5 (Horoscope No. 37) : In this birth chart of a quite
charming female there are three exalted planets in quadrants viz. Jupiter, Saturn
and Mars. She is the daughter of a very famous and successful physician. She
had been a brilliant scholar throughout. It was a most unfortunate incidence of
her life that she fell in love with an inter-caste boy during her college days and
got married with him on 28.2.75, inspite of great opposition of her parents,
during Jupiter-Moon period. She was blessed with a female child after three
years on 2.5.78 and was separated from her husband in early 1980 during Saturn-
Saturn period.
The lagna is weak, as the lord thereof falls in the 8th house. Therefore, the
exaltation of three most important planets and so many Rajyagas could not bring
a happy and prosperous life. Parents of the native have strong faith in astrology.
No astrologer ever predicted about the tragedy of her divorce. On the contrary
they predicted a very prosperous life as the Yogakaraka Mars is exalted in the
7th house. In fact the placement of the 7th and 8th lord Saturn in the 4th house
with the 12th lord Mercury and the 2nd lord Sun is responsible for separation.
The 12th lord Mercury, 8th lord Saturn and the 2nd lord Sun, all possess
separative influence most distinctly. The lord of the 4th house Venus, who falls
in Martian sign Scorpio in the 5th house and brought a love marriage is hemmed
in between malefics like Saturn and Rahu. That spoiled her sweet home.
The 4th house has been damaged maximum by Saturn, therefore, the
separation took place during Saturn-Saturn period. The separation may result
during the dasa bhukti of the planets who spoil the 4th house particularly if it
owns 6th, 8th or 12th house and also possess separative tendency. In the present
case Saturn has the maximum effect of separation as it spoils the 2nd lord Sun,
by nature and ownership of the 8th house and also the significator Venus.
496 Predicting Marriage

Illustration No. 16.6(Horoscope No. 3} : The lady had a late marriage in her
32nd year and sought divorce, practically just after ten days of her marriage,
due to torturous nature of her husband. The marriage took place on 27.1.89
during Mercury Mercury period running from 2.8.88 to 29.12.90.
The lord of the 12th house Moon, who joins the 7th house in the sign of
Saturn, is mainly responsible for divorce. The 4th house is also damaged as the
lord of the 6th house Saturn falls there under retrograde motion. The opposition
of the Saturn and Mars in respect to the 4th house is always adverse for a sweet
home. Mercury owns the 11th and 2nd house and falls in the sign of debility in
the 8th house in association with the lagna lord Sun and the dispositor of Rahu,
Venus. There is mutual exchange between the 2nd and 8th lords Mercury and
Jupiter. In navamsa chart the Sun falls in the 7th house under the mutual aspect
with Mars. Mercury obtains the navamsa of Saturn. Marriage took place
immediately after the commencement of Mercury dasa and the affliction of
Mercury resulted into divorce immediately thereafter. The legal divorce was
granted in November 1991 during the sub period of Ketu in Mercury.
Horoscope No. 3
10 29/03/1957 Time 15:12:00 Day Friday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:59
It 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

Sldarial Time .:3:3i:42 His Gan Manushya Jupiter; 12Y0M22D Bhramri
mri ;3Y0M5D
Eq.oftime 0:04:54 Hrs Yoni. Simha Mercury
Sunrise :6:02:32 Hrs Nadi Adya 20/04/1988 29/03/1957
Sunset :18:20:30 Hr$ Varan Shoodra 21/04/2005 04/04/1992
Samvat : 2013 Vashya Manav Mercury 17/09/1990 Bhramri 04/04/1960
Saka : 1876 Varga Mesha Ketu 14/09/1991 Bhadrika 04/04/1965
Month : Chaitra Yunja Anlya Venus 15/07/1994 Ulka 04/04/1971
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Sun 22/05/1995 Sidha 04/04/1978
Tithi at Sunrise..: 13 Name Alphabet Say-Sain]it Moon 20/10/1996 Sankta 04/04/1986
Nakshatra : P Bhadrapad Paya(Rasi-Nak) Mars 17/10/1 997 Mangla 04/04/1987
Yoga Shukla Copper-Copper Rahu 06/05/2000 Pingla 04/04/1989
Karan : Vishti Hora Mcon Juplier 11/08/2002 Dhanya 04/04/1992

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S

Sun Pis 15:26:19 Sat Jup Mer Asc Leo 4:08:24 Sun Ket Mon Sat
Mon Aqu 23:16:55 Jup Sat Mar 2 Vir 0:16:38 Mer Sun Rah Mer
Mar Tau 14:13:45 Mon Jup Sat 3 Lib 0:07:33 Ven Mar Mer Mer
Mar % Pis 24:19:58 Mer Rah Rah 4 Sco 2:16:16 Mar Jup Rah Mer
Jup Vir 2:23:46 Sun Jup Sun 5 Sag 4:22:51 Jup Ket Mon Mer
Ven Pis 11:17:38 Sat Mon Rah 6 Cap 5:06:45 Sat Sun Mer Mer
Sat -R Sco 21:17:06 Mer Ven Mer 7 Aqu 4:08:24 Sat Mar Ven Sat
Rah -R Lib 27:24:45 Jup Ven Rah e Pis 0:16:38 Jup Jup Mon Ket
Ket -R Ari 27:24:45 Sun Mon Mon g Ari 0:07:33 Mar Ket Ket Ven
Ura -R Can 9:55:41 Sat Ven Mer 10 Tau 2:16:16 Ven Sun Jup Ven
Nep-R Lib 8:51:00 Rah Jup Jup 11 Gem 4:22:51 Mer Mar Ven Sat
FlU -R Ipn 5:19:11 Ket Mar Ket 12 Can 5:06:45 Mon Sat Sat Rah
Fortuna; Cancar 11:59:00 Navamia Chart
Rih yjS. ^
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
Ket Mar MlN' 10J' 114'

ven Suia1 Kea?'

11 Mir
Mar iv. V«u'r-
Sin \ \ Jup
Jup / \ Ura / 85- \. Jup /N\ Un 71
Un eX e X io
NapX® / / Ura Nip\ / yS 7 \ Sun /9\S«I
7Xpiu e X' 7XP(u 6 s Vin y/f^tp KiPv
Rah/ \ /\
Sat e 2 Mar Sit 8 2 Mir

iX 11 XI Kit
/10\ Mon
Vin \ , . Nip 6 3 Un
ir Sun\]
SOI' RO'" \/ X / Mir
Kit 10X 12 X2
NO' Xll\ /iN^p
Sat R 4r 30' i Xvm 8it\x Sun X
498 Predicting Marriage

Illustration No. J6.7 (Horoscope No. 146): The marriage of this smart and
handsome native took place on 3.6.86 and the divorce practically resulted just
two days later on 5.6.86, during the sub period of Rahu in the major period of
Moon. Rahu is posited in the J2th house and it is also 12th from the 7th lord
Jupiter. In addition to this, Rahu contains the tendency to separate. Thus the
sub period of Rahu strongly shows separation.
RULE: The separation will take place during the sub period of the planet as
If marriage take place during the bhuktiolany afflicted planet who has formed
the combination of separation, divorce will result in the dasa of that planet soon
after marriage.
If the combination of divorce is present in any birth-chart and marriage
takes place during the dasa bhukti of the planets placed in the J2th house or
12th lord and these also contain separative effect, the immediate divorce will be
the outcome.
Following combinations of this horoscope are responsible for divorce and
second marriage.
1. The native was born in dual ascendant and the lord of the 7th house falls
in dual sign Gemini in the lagna. The Mercury is the dispositor of the 7th lord
which plays an important role in giving more than one marriage. ^
2. Mars joins the 7th house in the sign of Jupiter and is also under the mutual
aspect with Jupiter. In navamsa chart Mars falls in the 8th house in the sign of
Jupiter, whereas Jupiter joins 7th house in the sign of Mars.Thus the 7th house
is under the heavy influence of Mars and Jupiter.
3. Lagna lord Mercury falls in the 6th house in inimical sign Scorpio in
association with separative planet Sun and also under the aspect of Saturn and
4. The 4th lord Mercury is placed in the 6th house over the axis of nodes,
Rahu and Ketu, and also under the aspect of Saturn.
AN OBSERVATION : We have observed that the affliction of 4th house has
also to play an important role in separation. In number of cases the 4th lord falls
in 6th or J2th house or the lords of the 6th or J2th fall in the 4th house or
otherwise 4th house is afflicted by separative planets.
Horoscope No.146
14/12/1965 Time 19:17:57 Day Tuesday Place Farrukhabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
at 27:23:00 North Long 79:35:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:11:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari YoginI

Siderial Time 0:38:23 Hrs Gan - Manushya Venut: 12Y6M15D Ulka : SV 9M 4D
Eq.oftime 0:05:25 Hrs Yoni j Mooshak Moon
Sunrise 6:54:46 Hrs Nadi - Madhya 30/06/1984 14/12/1965
Sunset 17:17:41 Hrs Varan Kshatriya 30/06/1994 19/09/1999
Samvat 2022 Vashya ^ Vanchar Moon 30/04/1985 Ulka 19/09/1969
Saka 1887 Varga Shwan Mars 29/11/1985 Sidha 18/09/1976
Month Pausa Yunja 1 Madhya Rahu 31/05/1987 Sankta 18/09/1984
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Jupiter 29/09/1988 Mangla 19/09/1985
Tithiat Sunrise.. 7 Name Alphabet Taa-Tamn Saturn 30/04/1990 Pingla 19A)9/1987
Nakshatra P Phalquni Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Silver Mercury 30/09/1991 Dhanya 19/09/1990
Yoga Pritl Hora Saturn Ketu 30/04/1992 Bhramri 19/09/1994
Karan Bava Chaugharia Labha Venus 30/12/1993 Bhadrika 18.09/1999

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sco 29:14:51 Mar Mer Sat Mon Asc Gem 26:53:08 Mer Jup Ven Ven
Mon Leo 18:18:20 Sun Ven Rah Rah 2 Can 20:01:54 Mon Mer Ven Mar
Mar aCaP 0:06:59 Sat Sun Rah Mer 3 Leo 16:17:57 Sun Ven Mon Mon
Mer Sco 9:55:24 Mar Sat Ven Mer 4 Vir 17:19:05 Mer Mon Sat Rah
Jup -R Gem 3:38:19 Mer Mar Ven Rah 5 Lib 21:50:56 Ven Jup Sat Sat
Ven Cap 12:20:03 Sat Mon Rah Jup 6 Sco 25:53:54 Mar Mer Rah Mon
Sat Aqu 18:10:24 Sat Rah Mon Mon 7 Sag 26:53:08 Jup Sun Sun Rah
Rah -R Tau 11:24:20 Ven Mon Mar Sat 8 Cap 20:01:54 Sat Mon Ket Rah
Ket -R Sco 11:24:20 Mar Sat Mon Jup 9 Aqu 16:17:57 Sat Rah Ven Rah
Ura Leo 26:27:33 Sun Ven Ket Sat 10 Pis 17:19:05 Jup Mer Mer Ven
Nep Lib 27:46:37 Ven Jup Ven Jup 11 Ari 21:50:56 Mar Ven Jup Rah
Plu Leo 25:20:17 Sun Ven Mer Jup 12 Tau 25:53:54 Ven Mar Rah Mon

Fortuna: Pisces 15:56:36 Navamsa Chart

Ugna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

Vx \2 x Rah
5XNeP 3
1122* 1226* Mon 6 Mer X Sat 12 Sun

\ \ Ket 7A 9
Mon\ 4 Mon\ 4 x&\
Ura 5 X Jup 3 Saia- Ura 5V X Plu
9l6 XJup Urax
Plu / \ * Plu /

820' \ \ 12 x
P ^XMon 11
Ven Ne 7
P A 9
A11331 Kel 7 X Mar 9 VenVusal p^s-
Mar 8
/ \
/ / '©V Mao- Mw/9 / 10 Ur^s"
\ A ..\
VenMar 727* / Sun \ / \
Sun Mer\/ \
Vx xx7
X Sal y/exKet
Jup Nap X >v
500 Predicting Marriage

Illustration No. 16.8 (Horoscope No. 60): This horoscope belongs to the son
of a S.S.R, who had a love marriage with an exceptionally beautiful, fair and tall
girl of magnetic personality. The marriage took place on 11.5.80 during the sub
period of Mercury in the major period of Jupiter. Jupiter is the lord of the lagna
and the 4th house, and joins the 4th house. We have observed in the chapter of
Timing Marriage that 4th house plays a vital role in timing marriage. Sub period
lord Mercury owns the 7th house and it is posited in the 5th house in association
with the 5th lord Mars. Thus marriage time is quite justified during Jupiter-
Mercury dasa bhukti. The love marriage is strongly indicated due to association
of the 5th lord Mars with the 7th lord Mercury in the 5th house.
The irony of fortune is that the couple had to undergo separation from the
very first day of their marriage. It is a peculiar case that the marriage took place
after a long courtship and the wife was carrying a baby of four or five months
which was not known to the native. The husband had never touched her, so he
was greatly shocked , and finally that resulted into separation.
Following planetary combinations may be noted ;
1. The lord of the 2nd house Saturn is retrograde and is aspected by the
Sun. Both the Sun and Saturn possess separative tendency.
2. The aspect of retrograde Saturn over the 7th house is also adverse and
causes delay in marriage and produces the tendency for separation. -
3. Association of the 7th lord Mercury with the 12th and 5th lord Mars is
the worst combination. Mars and Mercury are inimical and produce mental
affliction, impulsive temperment, migraine etc., if both occupy the 5th house.
The same combination of Mars and Mercury which resulted into a love marriage
also denied marital happiness.
4. The 12th house is receiving the aspects of Mars, Saturn, Jupiter, Moon
and Venus. Thus the J2th house, responsible for separation, is under the influence
of so many planets. This gives extra-marital relations and results into divorce.
5. Association of Moon and Venus in the 6th house is also very adverse for
conjugal bliss.
6. Mercury, the 7th lord, obtains the navamsa of the Sun and the significator
Venus also falls in Saturn"s navamsa. Thus the 7th lord and Venus both are
under the influence of separative planets. Rahu joining the 2nd house and the
Sun in J2th are also responsible for separation.
7. The indication from the position of Moon is also quite adverse. The 7th
lord from Moon is Mars who joins the 12th house in association with the 2nd
lord Mercury. This shows that the native will divorce his wife owing to her
relationship with others.

I believe that timing of any event is the toughest work in the field of astrology.
When will the divorce take place ? In the present chart, courtship, marriage and
divorce took place during the sub period of Mercury in the major period of
Jupiter. Mercury is the lord of 7th house and is associated with Mars in the 5th
Horoscope No. 60
11/04/1951 Time 23:51 .00 Day Wednesday Place Bikaner SflSanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 28:01:00 North Long 73:22:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:36:32

Pinching Avakahada Chakra Vimsotlari Yoglnl

SiderialTlme . 12:31:05 Hrs Gan - Deva Men: 4Y7M22D Sinkta ; 5Y3M 21D
Eq.oftime - 0:01:17 Hrs Yonl : Sarp Jupiter
Sunrise 6:18:26 Hrs Nadi ^ Madhya 03/12/1973 11/04/1951
Sunset 18:57:42 Hrs Varan ^ Vaishya 03/12/1989 02/08/1984
Samvat 2008 Vashya 4 Chatuspada Jupiter 21/01/1976 Sankta 02/08/1956
Saka 1873 Varga : Mrig Saturn 03/08/1978 Mangla 02/08/1957
Month Chaitra Yunja : Poorva Mercury 08/11/1980 Pingla 02/08/1959
Paksh.. Shukfa Hansak(Tatva) BhOGml Katu 15/10/1981 Dhanya 02/08/1962
Tithi at Sunrise.. 5 Name Alphabet >: Wc-Vyom Venus 15/06/1984 Bhrarnri 02/08/1966
Nakshatra Mrigsira Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Gold Sun 03/04/1965 Bhadrika 02/08/1971
Yoga Shobhan Hora 4 Jupiter Moon 03/08/1986 Ulka 02/08/1977
Karan Balava Chaugharia : Char Mars 10/07/1987 Sidha 02/08/1934

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Pis 28:08:15 Jup Mer Sat Sat Asc Sag 2:01.47 Jup Ket Ven Jup
Mon Tau 27:49:07 Ven Ma; Jup Rah 2 Cap 5:05:00 Sat Sun Sat Jup
Mar Ari 8:05:56 Mar Ket Jup Mer 3 Aqu 11:10:17 Sat Rah Sat Ket
Mer Ari 15:10:01 Mar Ven Ven Mer 4 Pis 15:32:52 Jup Sat Jup Mer
Jup Pis 4:49:53 Jup Sat Sat Mar 5 Ari 14:39:58 Mar Ven Ven Jup
Ven Tau 2:48:29 Ven Sun Jup Rah 6 Tau 9:15:09 Ven Sun Ven Sal
Sal -R Vir 4:23:47 Mer Sun Sat Mar 7 Gem 2:01:47 Mer Mar Ket Ven
Rah -R Aqu 25:35:48 Sat Jup Mer Sat 8 Can 5:05:00 Mon Sat Sat Rah
Ket -R Leo 25:35:48 Sun Ven Mer Sat 9 Leo 11:10:17 Sun Ket Sat Jup
Ura Gem 12:50:25 Mer Rah Mer Ket 10 Vir 15:32:52 Mer Mon Jup Rah
Nep -R Vir 25:10:26 Mer Mar Rah Mer 11 Lib 14:39:58 Ven Rah Ket Mon
Plu -R Can 24:34:37 Mon Mer Rah Jup 12 Sco 9:15:09 Mar Sat Ven Jup

Fortuna: Aquarius 1:42:39 Navamsa Chart

v Sun
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
Mar 3X 1 X 11
Mar Mon y^\Sa{
Mer Ven
Ura 10 Ven>

M Jup 5 X
Ra ' RahVO/ M«r/6 7
X Ket
3n' ^7\
/ \
Sun 12 Jup Y Nop 6 Sat Sun 12 Mar 8 Nep Ven Neo/ Nv p,u /
\ 10/ X.S /Men!
MarV / \ / llX^Jup 9 Rah
Y 3 Ys K<
Y 3 / \ / XUra
M 25- VavXX ura 4\Ket| Ko2<r
/ \ Ura / 4 \ 12 6 mr)
/MonVenX / Plu \ / Moo \ . Plu \

Ket 0<Mar .5 Sun

502 Predicting Marriage

house. Therefore, love affair commenced in this dasa bhukti and that materialised
into marriage. Mercury is the dispositor of Saturn, therefore it contains a
separative effect.
Moreover, Mercury is heavily afflicted due to conjunction with inimical Mars.
Mercury also obtains the navamsa of the separative planet the Sun. Jupiter and
Mercury are in "Dwidwadasa" position. These negative factors indicate that
separation will take place during Jupiter-Mercury period soon after marriage.

The native had second marriage with a girl of average appearance on 8.12.82
during the sub period of Venus in the major period of Jupiter. Combinations for
more than one marriage have been dealt separately. Venus is the significator and
also obtains the navamsa of the 2nd lord Saturn. Jupiter and Venus both are
"Swachetri" and are 3rd and 11th from each other. Therefore, the second
marriage took place during the Venus bhukti.


The native was killed on 21.12.87 under most mysterious circumstances
during the sub period of Rahu in the major period of Jupiter. The lord of the
lagna Jupiter joins 4th house in association with the Sun. Retrograde Saturn
occupies 4th and lends its aspect over the Sun and Jupiter both. Saturn is
"Markesh" as it owns second and the 3rd house. Jupiter is also hemmed between
Mars and Rahu resulting into formation of Papakartari Yoga. This planetary
position also made the native a heart patient. Aspect of Mars over the 8th house
and the association of the 7th lord Mercury with Mars shows mysterious and
unnatural end of the native. Jupiter and Rahu are in "Dwidwadasa" position.
Rahu becomes "Markesh" as it is 12th from Jupiter and joins the 3rd house in
the sign of Saturn.
Illustration No. 16.9 (Horoscope No. 147) : Marriage 27.4.92. Practically
divorced on 1.7.93, Marriage and divorce both took place during Jupiter-Saturn
period which runs form 18.4.92 to 30.1054.
This beautiful girl from Kashmir is extremely brilliant. She has passed B.Tech
and has always topped in her educational career. She got married on 27.4.92 as
soon as Saturn's sub period started in Jupiter. Jupiter is the lord of 4th and 7th
and also lends its favourable aspect over the 7th house as well as over the Sun
and Saturn, who join the 9th house. The Sun by nature, possesses the separative
tendency and this tendency has been further multiplied due to ownership of
the 12th house. The marriage took place during Saturn"s bhukti which strongly
indicates separation. Therefore, differences with the husband began soon after
marriage. The 4th lord Jupiter has also been damaged due to the adverse aspect
of Saturn and the Sun. Lord of the lagna Mercury and the 2nd and the 9th lord
Venus are conjoined in the 8th house and Mars aspects both. Thus marital
happiness which is under the control of the 8th and the 2nd house for females,
has been damaged. The conjunction of Rahu with the 8th lord Mars in the 5th
Horoscope No.147
26/05/1971 Time 14 00;00 Day Wednesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Sidenal Time .:6:06:3S Hrs Gan - Deva Mart; 0Y.9M21D Sankta :0Y11M2D
Eq.oftlme :0:03:08 Hrs Yoni Sarp Saturn
Sunrise :5:16:01 Hrs Nadi - Madhya 17/03/2006 28/04/2000
Sunset :18:50:57 Hrs Varan i Shoodra 17/03/2025 28/04/2036
Samvat : 2028 Vashya : Manav Saturn 20/03/2009 Sankta 26/04/2008
Saka : 1893 Varga : Marjar Mercury 26/11/2011 Mangla 28/04/2009
Month : Jyestha Yunja : Poorva Ketu 06/01/2013 Pingla 28/04/2011
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 07/03/2016 Dhanya 26/04/2014
Tithi at Sunrise..; 2 Name Alphabet Kse-Klshor Sun 17/02/2017 Bhramri 26/04/2018
Nakshatra : Mrigsira Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Gold Moon Ia09/2018 Bhadrika 26/04/2023
Yoga : Dhrati Hora : Moon Mars 26/10/2019 Ulka 28/04/2029
Karan : Kaulava Cheugharia : LWvega Rahu 03/09/2022 Sidha 28/04/2036

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Raot Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Tau 11:15:32 Ven Mon Mar Rah Asc Vir 8:17:10 Mer Sun Ven Mon
Mon Gem 5:07:36 Mer Mar Sun Jup 2 Lib 6:38:11 Ven Mar Mon Sun
Mar Cap 17:32:19 Sat Mon Sat Jup 3 Sco 7:03:25 Mar Sat Mer Sat
Mer Ari 17:29:06 Mar Ven Mar Rah 4 Sag 8:19:31 Jup Kel Jup Mer
Jup -R Sco 8:00:58 Mar Sat Ket Mer 5 Cap 9:37:19 Sat Sun Ven Mer
Ven Ari 16:15:59 Mar Van Mon Mon 6 Aqu 10:03:06 Sat Rah Jup Mon
Sat Tau 3:52:53 Van Sun Sat Ven 7 Pis 8:17:10 Jup Sat Ven Ven
Rah -R Cap 24:06:47 Sat Mar Rah Rah 3 Ari 6:38:11 Mar Ket Rah Mer
Ket -R Can 24:06:47 Mon Mer Rah Rah 9 Tau 7:03:25 Ven Sun Ket Ven
Ura -R Vir 16:26:52 Mer Mon Sat Ven 10 Gem 8:19:31 Mer Rah Rah Sun
Nep -R Sco 8:25:56 Mar Sat Ven Ven 11 Can 9:37:19 Mon Sat Ven Sat
Plu -R Vir 3:49:24 Mer Sun Sat Ven 12 Leo 10:03:06 Sun Ket Sat Ket

Fortuna; Libra 2;0d.i4 Navamsa Chart

Sun VAKil Dl S.t
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal
i N. piu y
rx 12 xio
Mer Sun
Ven Sat 9
Mar 3 X. y
yXNap >X
6 JupX^ Mort
Nep\7/ V/ Kst NepV/
aVura 8 4 Ket 11^ Xtn Rih\. yX n.
jupAura P,u
AKet Jup/\
3 Monj:
VenV 5 y
MatX \ / Sun Mar\ / WSun Mar X"0" 4

Rah X2 10X 12 Nep/ N.

Mar Rat
/ll / l\Sat RahXX /i\Mon
/Sat \ vUra 7 >< 1 Sun
Ven Mer\| Ura Ven Mer\
^ Plu
Jus* X\12
yX H \x
37* 27' . / Sat Mar
504 Predicting Marriage

house has provided a very harsh irritating, arrogant, stubborn and impulsive
temperament to the native.
The 4th lord Jupiter is retrograde and is aspected by the 6th lord Saturn and
the 12th lord Sun. This combination has spoiled the home of the native and has
pushed the family disputes in the court of law for divorce. The divorce practically
took place on 1.7.93 when a daughter was born.
Illustration No. 16.10 (Horoscope No.148) ;The native is handsome, tall and
rich person, highly qualified as a doctor, belonging to a reputed family. He got
married on 7.5.71 to an exceptionally beautiful girl when Jupiter was transiting
in Scorpio i.e. in the 5th house from lagna. Saturn was transiting in Aries till
April 1971 from where Saturn aspected the lagna lord, Moon, 7th house and its
lord as well. Navamsa chart also justifies the time of marriage as Jupiter opposed
the 7th lord position in navamsa chart.
The native, overwhelmed by the beauty of his wife, loved her intensely
as a devoted husband. In an effort to always keep his wife happy and
contented, he obtained a prestigious and lucrative assignment in Nigeria and
went there on 18.3.81. With immense efforts, he arranged a visa for his wife
and sent her the invitation to come over which she declined, despite repeated
requests of her husband.
It is clear that the love was one-sided. The wife, as it came out later on, was
involved with her sister's husband. The native" s love for his wife did not diminish.
However, he kept sending her his entire income, which she squandered. The
native on completing his term in Nigeria sent his wife tickets for London for a
trip to Europe. As usual, she again declined. The native returned to India on
8.1.85. On hearing about her illicit relation the native was deeply shocked.
He filed two suits in the court of law. One charging his brother-in-law for
adultery and the other for divorce from his wife. Ex-parte divorce was granted
to the native on 21.9.86.
Let us have a look on astrological combinations in the birth chart. The lord
of 7th, Saturn occupies 12th in association with Mars and Rahu. The heavy
affliction of Kuja Dosha can be found, after proper weighing of Kuja Dosha in
this horoscope. Mars Dosha is further enhanced due to aspect of Jupiter. Saturn,
Rahu and Sun have a separative tendency. Kalatrakaraka Venus receives the evil
aspect of Saturn. Mars, Saturn and Rahu square with Venus. It was this heavy
affliction of 12th which caused separation of the native with wife. As is the
common belief for any event, it is our own horoscope which is responsible and
which itself is the result of our past life's karma. The mutual exchange of the
lords of 9th and 4th houses is very auspicious for foreign travels, high recognition
and for all other comforts of life.
The native as per his horoscope passed through Mercury period from 122.85 to
9.7.87. Mercury is debilitated and owns 12th. Mercury is dispositor of Saturn, Mars
and Rahu. So in this case, as soon as the Mercury Mahadasa started, the native
returned to India and got a severe setback on account of his wife's illicit relations.
Horoscope No.148
te 21/03/1946 Time 14:00.00 Day Thursday PJace Hardoi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa
al 27:23:00 North Long 80:06:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime 1:4326 Mrs Gan Deva Rahu : 3Y 8M 15D Pingla : OY 4M 220
Eq.oftlme 0:07:26 Hrs Yonl Mahish Saturn
Sunrise :6:14:52 Hrs Nadi Antya 05/10/1965 2t/03/l946
Sunset :18:19:35 Hrs Varan Shradra" 05/10/1984 11/08/1980
Samvat : 2002 Vashya Manav Saturn 08^101968 Pingla 12/08/1946
Saka : 1867 Varga Sarp Mercufy 1806/1971. Dhanya 1208^949
Month : Chaitra Yunja Madhya Ketu 2707/1972 Bhramri 12/08/1953
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 2609/1975 Bhadrika 12/08/1958
Tithi at Sunrise..: 4 Name Alphabet Taa-Tarun Sun 07/09/1976 Ulka 11/08/1964
Nakshatra : Svati Paya(Rasi-Nak) Iron-Iron Moon 0904*1978 Sk±ia 12/08/1971
Yoga : Harshan Hora Jupiter Mais 1905/1979 Sankta 12/08/1979
Karan : Bava Chaughana Amrit Rahu 25/03/1982 Mangla 11/08/1980

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Pis 7:16:35 Jup Sat Mer Sat Asc Can 11:07:27 Men Sat Mon Mar
Mon Lib 17:22:32 Ven Rah Ven Ket 2 Leo 5:07:07 Sun Ket Mar Sat
Mar Gem 25:18:59 Mer Jup Mer Jup 3 Vir 2:57:25 Mer Sun Jup Rah
Mer -R Pis 16:01:26 Jup Sat Jup Ven 4 Lib 5:00:14 Ven Mar Sun Mar
Jup -R Lib 2:22:15 Ven Mar Ket Jup 5 Sco 8:50:53 Mar Sat Ven Mar
Ven Pis 18:57:50 Jup Mer Ket Rah 6 Sag 11:16:23 Jup Ket Sat Jup
Sat Gem 25:06:18 Mer Jup Mer Rah 7 Cap 11:07:27 Sat Mon Mar Mar
Rah -R Gem 1:49:11 Mer Mar Mer Sat 8 Aqu 5:07:07 Sat Mar Sun Jup
Ket -R Sag 1:49:11 Jup Ket Ven Rah 9 Pis 2:57:25 Jup Jup Rah Sun
Ura Tau 20:55:51 Ven Mon Ven Mon to Ah 5:00:14 Mar Ket Mar Jup
Nep -R Vir 14:36:32 Mer Mon Jup Mer \\ Tau 8:50:53 Ven Sun Ven Rah
PIu -R Can 16:48:26 Mon Mer Mer Mer 12 Gem 11:16:23 Mer Rah Sat Ven
Fortuna: Aquarius 21:13:24 Navamsa Chart
Mer Sun /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal •
piii\a >X\ 6
9 x Jup Rah N/s
Ura —1 105* 119' Ven / \ X.
\ /

i i ■ i Uf2l" 1 \ 1°
4 Ura^)
\ / \Sat Mar / X. / X^at Mar / \
Rah 5 3 1
\ 5 / \ / Plu Nep\ / X. /Ura 12 X Ket
Nep^Xpiu 4 ^ eVPlu 4 V2 1114
/ Mon //
Sd.\ Mar X
Jup / X^ / \Rah
P|17° Dasamsa
^Mon 7 JupX 1 ) ^Mon 7 1 J
25* N. Ura ✓ Ven
X. 4 / x 2
N, X " /vei\ X. / X. /Ven Flu 3 yn Mer
vx 10
/y2Mer 7iv Kel iX 10 Vl2Mer
/9 X. /ll\sun
/i1 xun v^Nep 6 12 Mon):
/ Ket \ / \ Nep >< \
1 \. X ^ar
tX 9. Xn



/ \
Ket Mon ■ 1 59- | 1■ X x
v/ Sun \
506 Predicting Marriage

In navamsa, Mercury falls in the sign of Mars, I.e. Scorpio and is aspected by
melefics Mars and Saturn.
Navamsa Chart also justifies the occurence as Saturn and Mars both fall in
8th in Taurus in opposition to Mercury. Heavy Kuja Dosha and combination of
5th lord, Saturn and 7th lord, Mars, in 8th is very inauspicious. Jupiter obtains
Vargottam navamsa in Libra. This is good for many materialistic aspects like
studies, name and fame but is bad for marital harmony.
Saturn and Mars combination or opposition is very bad if it takes place in
8th or 12th house and any of these, Saturn or Mars, own lagna or 7th house. It
is this planetary combination which usually creates havoc in married life and
marriages are often broken.
So this is how we conclude that union of two souls in the form of male and
female is not always a happy phenomenon in the materialistic world. However,
the relationship of husband and wife is definitely determined by the Almighty
on the basis of the Karmic Agreements of the souls in their previous incarnations
popularly known as 'Rinaanubandha'. Accordingly they manifest their actions
and tendencies through the relationship in this incarnation.
Illustration No. 16.11 (Horoscope JSTo.SI) ; Marriage on 21.4.83, during
Satum-Ketuperiod and divorce on 7.8.83 during Saturn-Venus period. Following
points may be observed in this birth chart.
1. The 7th house is occupied by Ketu and aspected by Rahu, Saturn and
Mars. The 7th lord Venus who is placed in the 10th house in Leo is aspected by
6th lord Mars and 3rd and 4th lord Saturn and 9th lord Moon.
2. Venus owns 12th, therefore, contains the quality of separation also. The
conjunction of 12th lord Venus with the 2nd lord Jupiter is adverse for
maintenance of conjugal bliss.
3. Opposition of Moon with the 7th lord Venus is undesirable for maintaining
4. Moon-Mars conjunction in the 4th house is bad for conjugal happiness.
5. Opposition of Jupiter and Mars is also bad for family happiness and causes
adversities. This we have discussed in length in another chapter. Many of the
horoscopes as discussed here in the present context contain the combination of
Jupiter and Mars opposition. This is veiy bad, more so if Mars is placed in either
lagna or 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house where it gives rise to Kuja Dosha. By
the mutual aspect of Jupiter and Mars, the intensity of Kuja Dosha gets enhanced
considerably, to harm more and more.
6. If Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are in quadrant from each other, the
marriage is sure to be broken soon. This combination is present in this birth
7. In navamsa Chart the Sun, Saturn, Rahu and Venus fall in the 12th house.
All these planets and the 12th house tend for separation strongly. The 12th lord
Mercury falls in the 7th house with the 7th lord showing divorce soon after
Horoscope No. 81
16/10/1956 Time 09:10:00 Day Tuesday Placa Varanasl Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
Lat 25:20:00 North Long 83:00:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:02:00

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vimaottarl Yoginl

SlderialTlme .,10:50:32 Hrs Gan-. : Rakshas Rahu: 2Y11M 17D Dhanya : OY 6M 28D
Eq.oftime ,0:14:23 Hrs Yoni : Ashwa Satum
Sunrise :5;58:10 Hrs Nadi ; Atiya 04/10/1975 16/10/1956
Sunset 17:28:48 Hi^ Varan : Shoodra 03/10/1994 15/04/1990
Samvat 2013 Vashya : Manav Satum 06/10/1978 Dhanya 14/04/1957
Saka 1878 Varga Mesha Mercury 16/06/1981 Bhramri 14/04/1961
Month Asvina Yunja : Antya Ketu 25/07/1982 Bhadrika 15/04/1966
Paksh Shukla Hans8k(Tatva) Vayu Venus 24/09/1985 Ulka 14/04/1972
Tithi at Sunrise.. 12 Name Alphabet Soo-Sooraj Sun 06/09/1986 Sidha 15/04/1979
Nakshatra Satabhisha Paya(Rasl-Nak) : fron-Cppper Moon 06/04/1988 Sankta 15/04/1987
Yoga Vradhl Hora : Mercury Mars 16/05/1989 Mangla 14/04/1988
Karan BaJava Chaugharia ^ Char Rahu 22/03/1992 Pingla 15/04/1990

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 29:45:49 Mer Mar Sat Jup Asc Sco 11:09:58 Mar Sat Mon Rah
Men Aqu 17:48:14 Sat Rah Sun Sat 2 Sag 11:22:36 Jup Ket Sat Jup
Mar Aqu 20:22:43 Sat Jup Jup Sat 3 Cap 14:12:08 Sat Mon Jup Sat
Mer Vir 12:38:05 Mer Mon Rah Sat 4 Aqu 18:10:58 Sat Rah Mon Mon
Jup Leo 27:50:45 Sun Sun Mon Sat 5 Pis 19:51:59 Jup Mer Ven Mon
Ven Leo 18:31:10 Sun Ven Rah Jup 6 Ari 17:13:58 Mar Ven Mon Ven
Sat Sco 7:33:25 Mar Sat Ket Mon 7 Tau 11:09:58 Ven Mon Mar Rah
Rah -R See 6:38:21 Mar Sat Mer Rah 8 Gem 11:22:36 Mer Rah Sat Ven
Ket -R Tau 6:38:21 Ven Sun Mer Jup 9 Can 14:12:08 Mon Sat Rah Ven
Ura Can 13:39:41 Men Sat Rah Sat 10 Leo 18:10:58 Sun Ven Rah Rah
Nep Lib 6:53:14 Ven Rah Rah Rah 11 Vir 19:51:59 Mer Mon Ket Sun
Plu Leo 6:55:11 Sun Ket Rah Ven 12 Lib 17:13:58 Ven Rah Ven Mer

Fortuna: Pisces 29:12:24 Navamaa Chart

X Ura Ven Sun /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal X Set /
9X 7 Nc 5 Rah
Jup / >

\Rah Set\/
7 Ket llXMer 1 MarXs Plu
\9/ V/m" Ura /Nep
8 X6 v/12 X. S
S Men X. / X.
"A" Asu. / \Sun Un*-
/ \ 914'
Mor>11 Mar X Ven 5 Jup i Mar 11 >^Jup 5 Mery \ /XSat Mar /
v /\ A Jup Rah
Ven / pj?- X 8 X /
\ / \Plu/ Ven
Nap 7
>0 Mar
\/ \/ Ru \ / 1013*
12 2 Ura 2 Veia'
/\ /\
/ l\ Ket / 3\ / 3\ JU28- C 10 x\Ura 4
^ Sun n. /
11 1 3
Rah XX
voryX12X. vX
2 x.
Sat Nep Kat X, / Jup X
508 Predicting Marriage

8. The divorce practically took place on 7.8.83 during the sub period of
Venus in the major period of Saturn. Venus resulted in separation as it is most
heavily afflicted planet in the birth chart (1) due to the ownership of the 7th
and J2th house (2) adverse aspect of 6th lord Mars (3) adverse aspect of 3rd
and 4th lord Saturn (4) placement in the inimical sign Leo whose lord is also a
separative planet, the Sun (5) the adverse opposition with Moon (6) obtains the
navamsa of its debilitation in conjunction with separative planets, the Sun and
Saturn (7) conjunction with inimical 2nd lord Jupiter (8) Squaring all malefics
Rahu, Ketu, Saturn Mars. Thus Venus is heavily afflicted and brought divorce
as soon as the sub period began and the same was granted by the court within
the same sub period.
Illustration No. 16.12(Horoscope No. 57) : Marriage on 13.12.87 during
Venus-Mars period. Divorce on 5.12.90 during Venus-Rahu period. Following
points may be noted in connection with time of marriage and divorce.
1. Marriage took place during Venus-Mars period. Bhukti lord Mars is the
lord of the 4th and 9th house and falls in the 11th house. We have already
emphasised the importance of 4th and 9th house in timing marriage. Mahadasa
lord, Venus is also placed in the 9th house in Martian sign Aries. Therefore,
marriage took place during the sub period of Mars in Venus.
2. Lagna lord Sun falls in the 8th house (which has reduced the strength of
lagna appreciably) and the 7th lord Saturn falls •.'.Uhe 6th house. Thus the 7th
house is hemmed between malefics Saturn and the Sun who have formed Papa-
Kartari Yoga. Both planets contain separative tendency also.
3. The 4th lord Mars falls in the inimical sign Gemini in 11th house which is
8th from 4th house and 6th from the lord of the 7th house Saturn.
4. Navamsa chart has further spoiled the case, that the 4th lord Mars falls in
the 8th house with 8th lord Jupiter. The second lord Mercury and the 7th lord
Saturn fall in the navamsa of Saturn in the 7th house under Papakartari Yoga.
These factors strongly signify divorce and the placement of the 2nd and
Jlth lord Mercury in the 7th house shows second marriage. First marriage of
this native took place on 13.12.87 during the sub period of Mars in the major
period of Venus. As per our findings which have been discussed in length in the
chapter of Timing Marriage, 4th and 9th houses play important role in regulating
time of marriage. Here the sub period lord Mars owns the 4th and 9th house
and major period lord Venus falls in 9th in Martian sign Aries.
Divorce took place on 5.12.90 during Venus-Rahu dasha bhukti. Rahu falls
in lagna and its dispositor Sun falls in the 8th house. Rahu and the dispositor
both contain separative tendencies and are 6th and 8th from each other. Rahu,
Saturn, the Sun, the 12th lord, afflicted or retrograde lords of the 4th, 7th or
2nd house may result in divorce during their dasa-bhukti.
Horoscope No.57
at0 27/O3/1961 Time 16.08:12 Day Monday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
Let 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

Siderial TirriB ,:4:20:18 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Mercury 13Y2M110 Bhramri : 3Y1M QD
Eq.oftime 0:05:30 Hrs Yoni : Majar Mercury
Sunrise :6:04:42 Hrs Nadi : Anlya 27/03/1961 27/03/1961
Sunset :16:19:32 Hrs Varan : Vlpra 07/06/1974 04/05/1996
Samvat : 2018 Vashya : Jalchar Mercury 00^00/0000 Bhramri 04/05/1964
Saka : 1883 Varga : Shwan Ketu 27/03/1961 Bhadrika 05/05/1969
Month : Chaltra Yunja : Madhya Venus 01/09/1963 Ulka 05/05/1975
Paksh : ShuMa Hansak(Tatva) Ja! Sun 07/07/1964 Sldha 05/05/1982
Tithi at Sunrise..: 11 Name Alphabet Dee-Deepak Moon 07/12/1965 Sankta 05/05/1990
Nakshatra : Aslesa Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Silver Mars 04/12/1966 Mangla 05/05/1991
Yoga : Sukarma Hora : Mais Rahu 22/06/1969 Pingla 05/05/1993
Karan : Vishti Chaugharia : Labha Jupiter 28/09/1971 Ohanya 04/05/1996

Planets Nirayana Bhava

N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S

Sun Pis 13:28:26 Sat Rah Sat Asc Leo 14:45:18 Sun Ven Ven Jup
Mon Can 19:38:57 Mer Ven Ven 2 Vir 11:46:06 Mer Mon Mar Ven
Mar Gem 18:30:47 Rah Mon Jup 3 Lib 12:01:48 Ven Rah Sat Rah
Mer Aqu 16:41:20 Rah Ven Sat 4 Sco 13:51:12 Mar Sat Rah Mer
Jup Cap 9:00:03 Sun Ven Jup 5 Sag 15:26:10 Jup Ven Ven Ket
Ven -R Ari 5:08:23 Ket Mar Sat 6 Cap 15:54:06 Sat Mon Sat Sat
Sat Cap 5:19:07 Sun Mer Mer 7 Aqu 14:45:18 Sat Rah Ket Mar
Rah Leo 12:52:41 Ket Mer Jup 8 Pis 11:46:06 Jup Sat Mon Mer
Ket Aqu 12:52:41 Rah Mer Ket 9 Ari 12:01:48 Mar Ket Mer Ven
Ura -R Can 29:04:01 Mer Sat Sun 10 Tau 13:51:12 Ven Mon Rah Mar
Nep -R Ub 17:45:27 Rah Sun Jup 11 Gem 15:26:10 Mer Rah Ven Ven
Plu -R 13:04:44 Ket Mer Sat 12 Can 15:54:06 Mon Sat Jup Ven

Fortuna; Sagittarius 20:55:49 Navamaa Chart

S \PIu Rih
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal
7S<: 6

Sun & 2 vtn

Ur« Mon/ \Mon Rih/

NPlu Ur»/ Mon n
\6/ \4/ I Mon
/10\ Sit
Nep 7V Rah Plu V3 Mtrl Ura Nep 7 6 S^M«r Ktt.


\lO/RBhUri\6 /
1 9 Si
fin Jup\/ \/
sVMer 11 KelViven juc SX 11
/io\ /irv ggj. Seyio\ Mif /
Sun 12 Nip 6 Mon
Jup SiPv / Sun \ / Kil \ Xen Sun
Nets' IX 3 Xe
4iv Sir 2 Kit / CS
Vin \ / Mir
510 Predicting Marriage

Illustration No. 16.13(HoroscopeNo. 149): The native, who is an extremely

decent person, had a love marriage on 27.12.85 during the Sun-Moon period.
Moon owns 2nd house and joins the 10th house in the sign of Jupiter i.e. there
is mutual exchange between Moon and Jupiter. Presence of Rahu in the 7th
house under the aspect of the 8th lord Saturn tends the marital life of the native
towards divorce. Saturn is exalted in the 5th house under retrograde motion. It
will therefore act as debilitated Saturn. Mars also obtains debilitation and has a
relation of mutual aspect with Saturn. Mars is the lord of the 6th and 11th
house and obtains inimical navamsa in the 8th house from navamsa lagna. This
clearly indicates adverse married life. Combination of Jupiter and Mars in the
2nd house has further spoiled the family life. The 12th lord Venus and the 3rd
lord Sun both contain separative effect and their conjunction in the lagna has
given rise to separation, as both of these planets fall over the axis of nodes also.
Lord of 8th and 6th houses whenever influence any house jointly, the good
effect of that house gets heavily damaged, as in the present birth chart.
The native was blessed with a son on 152.83 during Sun Jupiter period. The
wife is living away from the native practically from April 1987 when she conceived
during the sub period of Rahu in the major period of Sun. Placement of Rahu in
the 7th and the Sun in the lagna shows separation during their evil vibrations.
Divorce was granted to the couple during the sub period of Saturn in the major
period of Moon running from 18.695 to 18.197, as retrograde Saturn, the owner
of the 8th house, aspects 7th and 2nd house simultaneously, in addition to the
lords of the 6th Mars and 7th Jupiter.
Horoscope No. 149
13/07/1955 Time 04:30:00 Day Wednesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Ghakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

Siderial Time '.23:43:49 Hrs Gan : Deva Mercury : 2Y 4M 11D Ulka ; 0Y 10M 0D
Eq.oftime 0:05:23 Hrs Yoni : Gaja Venus
Sunrise :5:21:45 Hrs Nadi - Antya 22/11/1964 13/07/1955
Sunset j19:01:46 Hrs Varan. ^ Vipra 22/11/1984 13/05/1986
Samvat : 2012 Vashya ; Jalchar Venus 24/03/1968 Ulka 13/05/1956
Saka : 1877 Varga r Simha Sun 24/03/1969 Sidha 13/05/1963
Month : Sravana Yunja : Poorva Moon 23/11/1970 Sankta 13/05/1971
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Mars 23/01/1972 Mangla 13/05/1972
Tithi at Sunrisa.,: 7 Name Alphabet Chee-Cheerag Rahu 22/01/1975 Pingla 13/05/1974
Nakshatra : Revati Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Gold Jupiter 22/09/1977 Dhanya 13/05/1977
Hora : Venus Saturn 22/11/1980 Bhramri 13/05/1981
Yoga : Sukarma
Karan : Kaulava Chaugharia : Kaal Mercury 23/09/1983 Bhadrika 13/05/1986

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Gem 26:49:36 Mar Jup Van Ven Asc Gem 14:49:17 Mer Rah Ket Rah
Mon Pis 23:08:43 Jup Mer Sat Sat 2 Can 7:49:55 Mon Sat Ket Jup
Mar Can 8:01:43 Mon Sat Ket Mer 3 Leo 2:56:33 Sun Ket Ven Ket
Mer Gem 6:13:37 Mer Mar Mon Mer 4 Vir 2:37:03 Mer Sun Jup Mon
Jup Can 13:13:19 Mon Sat Rah Jup 5 Lib 7:02:16 Van Rah Rah Jup
Ven Gem 13:04:10 Mer Rah Mer Ven 6 Sco 12:26:59 Mar Sat Mar Sat
Sat -R Lib 21:33:31 Ven Jup Jup Rah 7 Sag 14:49:17 Jup Ven Ven Sat
Rah Sag 3:16:55 Jup Ket Sun Jup 8 Cap 7:49:55 Sat Sun Ven Ven
Ket Gem 3:16:55 Mer Mar Ven Mon 9 Aqu 2:56:33 Sat Mar Ven Ven
Ura Can 4:28:40 Mon Sat Sat Sun 10 Pis 2:37:03 Jup Jup Rah Ven
Nep Lib 2:29:49 Ven Mar Ket Sat 11 Ah 7:02:16 Mar Ket Rah Ven
Plu Leo 2:19:28 Sun Ket Ven Sat 12 Tau 12:26:59 Ven Mon Rah Jup

Fortuna: Pisces 16:08:25 Navamsa Chart

' \ Van
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspai
Sat \12 XlO/
Rah 1 X 11 X9
Key Veu;
8 Me
1i5' 2 x. y
Mar Jup/ \Ven Mer
\Plu / 3 \ Ket / Sun 5
/v Ket
V/ v/ 4 Ura \ Jup
5X Sun Ura jr n. Mar >sj

12Mon Nep 6 12Mon
K 6 / X^on
Van Nep Mar
%\ 11
Nep/ 3 Rah 10 Rah 10 Kat 4 Jup

Sun 11X 1 y\2
612' 57- /Ura 2%^
HUH! Nez- i X x X Sal Mar
Horoscope No. 150
ate 28/10/1963 Time 19:25:00 Day Monday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
Lat 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time COIT-0'.06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime .121:43:23 Hrs Gan Rakshas Rahu 5Y1M0D Dhanya : 0Y 10MSD
Eq.oftime :0:16:00 Hrs Yonu.............. Ashwa Saturn
Sunrise 6:14:22 Hrs Nadi Adya 27/11/1984 28/10/1963
Sunset :17:25:59 Hrs Varan Shocdra 28/11/2003 02/09/1997
Samvat..,. : 2020 Vashya Manav Saturn 01/12/1937 Dhanya 02/09/1964
Saka : 1885 Varga Mash a Mercury 10/08/1990 Bhramri 02/09/1968
Month : Kartika Yunja Anlya Ketu 19/09/1991 Bhadrika 02/09/1973
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 19/11/1994 Ulka 03/09/1979
Tithi at Sunrise..: 10 Name Alphabet See-Seetarem Sun 01/11/1995 Sidha 02/09/1986
Nakshatra : Satabhisha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Moon 01/06/1997 Sankta 02/09/1994
Yoga : Dhruva Copper-Copper Mars 11/07/1998 Mangla 03/09/1995
Karan : Vanij Hora Mercury Rahu 17/05/2001 Pingla 02/09/1997

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S

Sun Lib 11:19:50 Ven Rah Sat Ven Asc Tau 16:08:26 Ven Mon Sat Mer
Mon Aqu 16:14:03 Sat Rah Ven Rah 2 Gem 10:49:36 Mer Rah Sat Mer
Mar Sco 8:57:24 Mar Sat Ven Rah 3 Can 4:21:09 Mon Sat Sat Ven
Mer Lib 6:29:25 Ven Mar Mon Ven 4 Leo 0:25:26 Sun Ket Ket Rah
Jup -R Pis 18:46:46 Jup Mer Ket Mon 5 Vir 2:01:22 Mer Sun Jup Ket
Ven Lib 26:57:48 Ven Jup Ven Sun 6 Lib 9:08:30 Ven Rah Jup Sat
Sat Cap 23:23:51 Sat Mar Mar Rah 7 Sco 16:08:26 Mar Sat Jup Sun
Rah -R Gem 20:56:27 Mer Jup Jup Ven 8 Sag 10:49:36 Jup Ket Sat Mar
Ket -R Sag 20:56:27 Jup Ven Jup Ket 9 Gap 4:21:09 Sat Sun Sat Mon
Ura Leo 15:54:40 Sun Ven Sun Sat lC Aqu 0:25:26 Sat Mar Mer Ven
Nep Lib 21:53:36 Ven Jup Sat Sat 11 Pis 2:01:22 Jup Jup Rah Sat
PIu Leo 20:29:47 Sun Ven Jup Sat 12 Ari 9:08:30 Mar Ket Jup Rah

Fortuna: Virgo 21:02:39 Navamaa Chart

V»n ^/XhUp N«h
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
OC 2 yo2
8al fl Ura 11 Mon

\ Rah /
Mr ex. A /s. 10Sun
\ 3/ /7X Mar X
2 VlSJup XK«t Plu\ / Jup \
MLfra 5 "/\ 11 Moriy Uri 5 PIu 11 Mon n. Mon /Y\N«p J^P/

JS/ Van Kal N/ Sit

^ Urifl
eV 6 VlOSat 108it piM
X7.\ Mir /V\ Mr 6
/VftN9p\ / /VeiNip
/Mir Sun\X Kit \ /Mir Su
rXMar 9 RihXll piu
N#p Van /e n. X 1C\
Mar Mar Sun ■ \ Xj™ 8in\
De terminanis of Divorce 513

Illustration No. 16.14(Horoscope No. 150) :This lady doctor got married on
22.2.92 during Saturn-Venus period. She was blessed with a son on 22.5.93 and
practically got separated on 4.8.93. Legal divorce is yet to take place though she
is not ready for that at any cost. The reason for getting separated is the extra
marital relation of her husband with the wife of his real brother. Will the aspect
of retrograde Jupiter from Jlth house be able to avoid permanent separation?
The J2th lord Mars contains separative effect though it joins 7th house of its
own. Lagna is weak as the lagna lord Venus falls in the 6th house in association
with the debilitated Sun. Rahu falls in the 2nd house and the lord thereof occupies
the 6th, under the aspect of Saturn. The 7th house is hemmed between malefics,
the Sun and Ketu, resulting in the formation of Papa-Kartari Yoga. Thus both
the 2nd and 7th houses have been spoiled and come under separative effects.
The aspect of retrograde planets over the 7th house cannot do any good even if
the aspecting planet is a natural benefic. Here the 8th lord Jupiter who falls in
the 1 Jth house of its own is retrograde and lends its aspect over the 7th house.
In fact this delayed the marriage till 28 years of age. We have mentioned elsewhere
that marriage can be delayed uoto an age of 28 years if Mars obstructs. Saturn
does so till 31 years and the association of Rahu with Saturn can further delay
the marriage till 36th years of age.
The affliction of the 4th house is also to be judged for the confirmation of
divorce. The 4th lord Sun occupies the 6th house in the sign of debilitation with
the lagna lord Venus and is aspected by another separative planet, Saturn. Thus
the happiness of home is absent in the present birth chart.
Marriage, son and separation took place during the sub period of Venus in
the major period of Saturn. Here Venus is under the heavy influence of separative
planets as the Sun conjoins with and Saturn aspect it and it is placed in the 6th
house also with the dispositor of Rahu. I have mentioned above that marriage
must be avoided during the period of planets who indicate separation or are
under the influence of separative planets. Otherwise the same planet may result
into separation also, soon after marriage. The sub period 6i the Sun in the major
period of Saturn continued from 11.2.95 to 23.1.96. The Sun receives the aspect
of Saturn, in Rasi and navamsa chart both. The 7th lord Mars obtains the inimical
navamsa. Therefore, divorce was granted to this unfortunate lady doctor during
Saturn Sun dasa bhukti.
It is not easy to foresee divorce in this particular case. The judgement of
marital happiness was made by a few good astrologers and all astrologers
predicted a long lasting happy married life full of wealth and prosperity. After
divorce, astrologers opined that the hqroscope may be wrong due to error in
time of birth. The lagna is at 150 22" of Libra. As far as my judgement on the
present chart is concerned, 1 believe that horoscope is correct. One may ask
why has divorce taken place when so many combinations of happy married life
are present. Venus, Saturn and Moon join Kendra in their own signs. There is
mutual exchange between the 2nd lord Mars and the 11th lord Sun. Jupiter,
514 Predicting Marriage

who is tenanted in the 5th house, aspects the Jord of 2nd and 7th Mars,
lagna and lagna lord Venus. The lord of the 9th house Mercury aspects the
9th house. Moon obtains Vargottam navamsa. Mars and Mercury have
obtained their own navamsa. Why should there be divorce then ? The
following observation may be useful for analysing complicated cases. This is
applicable in the present case also.
Observation: The married life should also be reckoned from the position of
the 7th lord. If 4th, 6th and 12th houses have been occupied by malefics, the
marital life will be unhappy. Venus is the significator of marriage. If 6th, 8th and
12th houses are occupied by malefics as rekoned from the position of Venus,
the marital life will be miserable. If the malefics contain separative tendencies
the miseries of married life will be converted into separation.
Illustration No. 16.15(HoroscopeNo.l51):She gotmarried on 29,1.89 during
Venus-Mercury period. Mercury is the lord of the 7th house but it is retrograde
and heavily afflicted by the 12th lord Mars due to its conjunction with Mercury.
Venus and the Sun are conjoined in the 6th house. This has further spoiled the
conjugal happiness. The 4th house has been occupied by two separative planets,
Saturn and Rahu. This will break her home. Lagna is occupied by the 8th lord
Moon and Moon is receiving the adverse aspect of Saturn, Mars and Mercury.
Thus the lagna is also afflicted alongwith the 8th lord Moon which rules
happiness of marital life for females. Thanks to the Lagna lord Jupiter who falls
in the 9th house and is fully unafflicted. Jupiter also owns the 4th house.
Therefore, it has controlled the adversities to some extent. She has been blessed
with two daughters, born on 26.9.89 and 25.6.91 respectively. She is leading a
very adverse and most miserable married life, practically at the verge of divorce.
However, fortunate and Yogakaraka placement of Jupiter will check divorce
inspite of presence of so many adverse combinations tending her towards
separation. The 4th house must be given the due importance in case of judgement
of divorce in any horoscope.
Horoscope No.151
1/06/1968 Time 19:30:00 Day Tuesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:09:1
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Coir -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime . 12:43:29 Mrs Gan : Rakshas Ketu. 2Y9M11D Ulka ;2Y4M18D
Eq.oftime 0:00:29 Mrs Yoni : Shwan Sun
Sunrise 5:13:32 Mrs Nadi - Adya 25/03/1991 11/06/1968
Sunset 18:56:36 Hrs Varan :Kshatriya 24/03/1997 30/10/2000
Samvat 2025 Vashya i Manav Sun 12/07/1991 Ulka 30/10/1970
Saka : 1890 Varga 4 Mooshak Moon 11/01/1992 Sidha 30/10/1977
Month Asadha Yunja Antya Mars 18/05/1992 Sankta 30/10/1985
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Rahu 11/04/1993 Mangla 30/10/1986
Tithi at Sunrise.. 1 Name Alphabet Bhaa-Bharat Jupiter 29/01/1994 Pingla 30/10/1988
Nakshatra Moda Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Copper Saturn 11/01/1995 Dhanya 31/10/1991
Yoga Shubh Hora z Mais Mercury 17/11/1995 Bhramri 31/10/1995
Karan Kaulava Chaugharia Kaat Ketu 24/03/1996 Bhadrika 30/10/2000

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Tau 27:31:36 Ven Mar Jup Mar Asc Sag 5:11:55 Jup Ket Mar Mer
Mon Saq 8:01:59 Jup Ket Jup Sat 2 Cap 8:28:30 Sat Sun Ven Mar
Mar Gem 0:20:21 Mer Mar Mer Ket 3 Aqu 14:33:42 Sat Rah Ket Ven
Mer -R Gem 7:50:51 Mer Rah Rah Ket 4 Pis 18:40:10 Jup Mer Ket Ven
Jup Leo 6:17:34 Sun Ket Rah Sat 5 Ari 17:32:11 Mar Ven Mar Jup
Ven Tau 25:06:24 Ven Mar Rah Mer 6 Tau 12:06:30 Ven Mon Rah Rah
Sat Pis 29:48:18 Jup Mer Sat Jup 7 Gem 5:11:55 Mer Mar Sun Jup
Rah -R Pis 23:26:42 Jup Mer Mar Rah 8 Can 8:28:30 Mon Sat Ven Ven
Ket -R Vir 23:26:42 Mer Mar Mar Rah 9 Leo 14:33:42 Sun Ven Ven Jup
Ura Vir 1:57:34 Mer Sun Jup Mer 10 Vir 18:40:10 Mer Mon Mer Mon
Nep -R Sco 1:19:07 Mar Jup Mar Mon 11 lib 17:32:11 Ven Rah Sun Mar
Plu Leo 27:03:03 Sun Sun Sun Sat 12 Sco 12:06:30 Mar Sat Mon Sun

Fortuna: Gemini 15:42:17 Navamsa Chart

\ Won
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
NepXvXjp 2 ^X^12
516* Ve25-
SU2B* Ven 5 Kei 11 Bah

\ Nep
Sun 6 >C 8 /\10 Ura
Vio/ \ 8 / 8
11XWon9 \X^Nep
/ 8»
1lXMon9 X7 / Mar \ / Plu Mar\

Sat 12 Rah X Ura 6 Ket Sat 12 Rah 6 Ket 1 Won n.
\ 11 \9 /
/ Jus*
v /Ura gis' 12X 10 X8
1 YMar 3 Mer Vs Ys
AXp'u XVlU p|27'
Jup 7 Sun
/«\ Jup \
Sun ven Sun Mar
2 X. 4 X6 Van
1212- 11 IS" I P
Net' "/ 3 NvNeP / 5Xv
i /^ar Rah \ /Sat Mer\
516 Predicting Marriage

Illustration No. 16.16(Horoscope No. 102) : The native is an engineer and

only son of his well reputed father. He got married on 2.12.88 with an extremely
charming girl during Venus-Mars period (from 24.4.88 to 24.6.89). Mars is the
lord of the 2nd and 7th house and occupies the 12th house in Virgo with the
12th lord Mercury. This is a clear combination of separation with wife. Mars
and Venus are 2nd and 12th from each other. Mars is also afflicteddue to mutual
aspect with Jupiter, as we have seen in number of cases above. Mars is strong
enough to harm the native, as it obtains vargottam navamsa. Saturn and Jupiter
both are retrograde and join 4th and 6th houses respectively. Saturn in the 4th
house tends towards separation from sweet and loving home Saturn obtains
navamsa of another separative and inimical planet, the Sun. This has further
strengthened the adversity of Saturn. Mercury and the 5th house have a concern
with brain, intelligence and way of thinking. The native should therefore, suffer
from mental trouble. In fact, the negative attitude and the disorder of any nerve
of the brain have spoiled his home and conjugal bliss. By the grace of God, he
has been blessed with an extremely sweet natured wife but the impulsive
behaviour and short temperament of the native has created a mental distance
between them, especially during the sub period of Jupiter in Venus from 24.6.92
to 242.95. Mohadosa lord Venus also falls in inimical navamsa with the separative
planet Sun. Jupiter"s aspect over the 12th and 2nd house may not be of much
advantage, as it is retrograde in its own sign Pisces. The 4th, 2nd and 7th houses
are the weakest houses as far as Bhava Bala is concerned. May Almighty bless
the native so that good sense prevails and the strong probability of separation
may be subsided completely and they may live happily.
Horoscope No. 102
28/08/1963 Time 10:15:00 Day Wednesday Place Dholpur Sri Sana tan Ayanamaa 23:Q5:.
at 26:43:00 North Long 77:53:00 East Zone 82;30;00 East Time Corr - 0:18:28^X

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

8:19:18 Hrs
SiderlalTime :8:19:1 Gan Rakshas Mercury 11Y4M10D Bhadrika ;3Y4M3D
Eq.oftime >- 0:01;
0:01:26 Hrs Yoni Mrig Ketu
Sunrise 5:57:04 Hrs Nadi Adya 07/01/1975 28/08/1963
Sunset 18:42:18 Hrs Varan Vfpra 07/01/1982 30/12/1997
Samvat 2020 Vashya Keelak Ketu 05/06/1975 Bhadrika 31/12/1966
Saka 1885 Varga Mrig Venus 04/08/1976 Ulka 30/12/1972
Month Bhadra Yunja Antya Sun 10/12/1976 Sidha 31/12/1979
Paksh Shukfa Hansak(Tatva) Jal Moon 11/07/1977 Sankta 31/12/1987
Tithi at Sunrise., 9 Name Alphabet Yaa-Yatendra Mars 07/12/1977 Mangla 30/12/1988
Nakshatra Jyestha Paya(Rasl-Nak) Silver-Copper Rahu 26/12/1978 Pingla 31/12/1990
Yoga \/ishkumbh Hora Mare Jupiter 02/12/1979 Dhanya 30/12/1993
Karan Balava Chaugharia Kaal Saturn 09/01/1981 Bhramri 30/12/1997

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 11:05:01 Sun Ket Sat Rah Asc Lib 7:50:06 Ven Rah Rah Ket
Mon Sco 21:05:19 Mar Mer Ven Sat 2 Sco 6:50:01 Mar Sat Mer Jup
Mar Vir 26:56:33 Mer Mar Jup Ket 3 Sag 7:29:06 Jup Ket Rah Mar
Mer Vir 7:58:49 Mer Sun Ven Ven 4 Cap 9:27:40 Sat Sun Ven Sat
Jup -R Pis 25:49:35 Jup Mer Rah Sun 5 Aqu 11:32:43 Sat Rah Sat Ven
Ven Leo 10:34:23 Sun Ket Sat Mon 6 Pis 11:30:15 Jup Sat Mon Sat
Sat -R Cap 25:34:12 Sat Mar Rah Ven 7 Ari 7:50:06 Mar Ket Jup Sat
Rah Gem 26:25:40 Mer Jup Ket Sat 8 Tau 6:50:01 Ven Sun Mer Sat
Ket Sag 26:25:40 Jup Ven Ket Jup 9 Gem 7:29:06 Mer Rah Rah Sat
Ura Leo 12:28:53 Sun Ket Mer Mar 10 Can 9:27:40 Mon Sat Ven Jup
Nep Lib 20:05:54 Ven Jup Jup Jup 11 Leo 11:32:43 Sun Ket Mer Mer
Plu Leo 18:32:21 Sun Ven Rah Jup 12 Vir 11:30:15 Mer Mon Mar Mer

tuna: Capricorn 17:50:25 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal

Mir 12 Plu 0 Mir

Mer Mtr/l \ Mon / m /

3 Sit
\7/ 8 8 /Mer
Kat 8XNap 7 A Van Ket aVNep 7 V6 Ufa lO®* X Un \
\ Sun VVin._ _Sun \
rsiiio x a Sal 10 Van 4 Sun
\ /\ /j Sun
\ / \ / Van
\/ 1
\/ Ura
11X XSRih pfy
Sat /i2\ /a\
/ Jup \ / \ Mar
^ Mer
■ Mon Nap I
Horoscope No.1
^{e 29/01/1948 Time 07:00:00 Day Thursday Place Manmad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
-at 20:15:00 North Long 74:29:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:32:04

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

Siderial Time . 14:56:50 Mrs Gan : Manushya Venus 3Y5M 160 Ulka : 1Y 0M 14D
Eq.oftime - 0:12:52 Hrs Yoni : Mooshak Mars
Sunrise 7:10:47 Hrs Nadi. : Madhya 17/07/1967 29/01/1948
Sunset 18:19:01 Hrs Varan : Kshatriya 16/07/1974 12/02/1979
Samvat 2004 Vashya : Vanchar Mars 13/12/1967 Ulka 11/02/1949
Saka 1869 Varga : Shwan Rahu 30/12/1966 Sidha 12/02/1956
Month Mag ha Yunja Madhya Jupiter 06/12/1969 Sankta 12/02/1964
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agra Saturn 15/01/1971 Mangla 11/02/1965
Tithi at Sunrise.. : 3 Name Alphabet Too-Tushar Mercury 12/01/1972 Pingla 12/02/1967
Nakshatra P Phalgun: Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Sifver Ketu 09/06/1972 Dhanya 11/02/1970
Yoga Atigand Hora : Saturn Venus 09/08/1973 Bhramri 11/02/1974
Karan Bava Chaugharia- Udvega Sun 15/12/1973 Bhadrika 12/02/1979

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 15:11:03 Sat Mon Jup Mon Asc Cap 11:38:44 Sat Mon Mar Ket
Mon Leo 24:21:29 Sun Ven Mer Ket 2 Aqu 18:00:39 Sat Rah Sun Ven
Mar -R Leo 11:58:35 Sun Ket Mer Ven 3 Pis 23-.24:52 Jup Mer Mar Rah
Mer Aqu 1:29:41 Sat Mar Mer Jup 4 Ari 23:48:33 Mar Ven Sat Jup
Jup See 27:56:22 Mar Mer Sat Sat 5 Tau 19:52:58 Ven Mon Ket Mon
Ven Aqu 20:32:17 Sat Jup Jup Mer 6 Gem 14:36:02 Mer Rah Ket Ven
Sat Can 27:15:44 Mon Mer Jup Ven 7 Can 1138:44 Mon Sat Mon Sat
Rah Ari 26:50:25 Mar Sun Sun Rah 8 Leo 18:00:39 Sun Ven Mar Sun
Ket Lib 26:50:25 Ven Jup Ven Ven g Vir 23:24:52 Mer Mar Mar Rah
Ura Tau 29:40:02 Ven Mar Sat Rah 10 Lib 23:48:33 Ven Jup Sat Jup
Nep Vir 20:03:56 Mer Mon Ket Rah 11 See 19:62:68 Mar Mer Ven Mon
Flu Can 21:01:54 Mon Mer Ven Sat 12 Sag 14:36:02 Jup Ven Ven Jup

Fortuna: Leo 20:49:10 Navamsa Chart

Nw Sun ^Sat Juo
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal
\2 y \12y
Ket 3XVen 1 XII
Rah I Ura
424' 520*
R027' Ur3o- Mar 4 Nap 10 Plu
Mer Very' \ y
5X 7 X8 Rah
\i 1y \ 9y Sat y^fi Mar 8
12XSun10 Xe Jup plu MerVa jUp| 7i2'
Ura Nw yr Mon N.

Rah 1 7 Ket Rah 1 7 Ket N. ^yg\Nep Way^
ilN/- Sal RahN/7
Sun y/Nv Ura
Ura zVSat 4 PluVe Nap 112. Ura 2VMar 4 SatVe 6l8.
Sun y' 3 yf 5 y' 3 5 >v M024'
/ \ VMar Mon\ I Nep / \ /Nep Mon\
JU29' Ke2r X 1
3 X?
1120- 1024' JuP/2\ Kit / 4\
Jup | Ket
Determinants of Divorce 519

Illustration No. J6.17(Horoscope No. 1) :This is a peculiar case of divorce

where the native got married first of all on 17.11.76. The wife sought divorce
on 2.2.89 after the birth of two daughters born on 12.2.77 and 17.7.85
respectively. The native got married again on 21.4.90 and she also got separated
soon after marriage. First wife was doing business of export at Delhi and wanted
the native to get him posted at Delhi itself. Second wife was a teacher at
Lucknow and wanted the native to be transferred to Lucknow. In both the
cases native failed to do so inspite of his best efforts, as a result of which he
remained devoid of any of his wife.
First marriage took place on 17.11.76 during Rahu-Rahu period. Rahu is
located in the 4th house and the dispositor of Rahu, i.e. lord of the 4th, occupies
the 8th house in association with the 7th lord Moon. Both Moon and Mars are
receiving the adverse aspect of inimical Mercury and Venus, from the 2nd house.
Saturn, a planet of separative tendency, is placed in the 7th house and aspects
the 4th house. Thus the 7th and 4th houses are under separative effect of Saturn
and Rahu. Jupiter is the lord of 12th house and contains separative power. The
Sun and Jupiter lend their separative aspect over the 7th house. That kept the
native devoid of wife. Opposition of the Sun and Saturn is always bad in respect
to the 7th house.
The divorce took place on 22.89 during Rahu Moon period. Moon is the
lord of the 7th house and it is adversely placed in the sign of a separative planet.
Moon obtains the navamsa of its debilitation and conjoins with dasa lord Rahu
in the 8th house.
The second marriage of the native took place on 21.4.90 during Rahu-Mars
period. As I wrote earlier that the 4th house plays a vital role in timing marriage,
we see that Mars who owns 4th and 11th houses caused remarriage in this case,
inspite of its placement in the 8th house. But Mars and Rahu both are under
separative influence. Under such a planetary period, the event of marriage must
be avoided or postponed, otherwise one will have to undergo various problems
pointing towards separation.
We have studied here number of cases of divorce of varied nature. Certain
observations can be listed as under.

A few important observations :

1. Lagna and navamsa chart both should be considered for all the matters
of marriage and married life. The indications present in the lagna chart should
be verified by navamsa Chart also. The results are sometimes largely modified.
If 7th lord Venus obtains the navamsa of its exaltation, the results will be very
different then if it obtains the navamsa of Mercury. Absolutely varied results
may be evident if such a Venus falls in the 7th house than what it will provide in
the 5th house. The horoscope should be carefully judged for the happiness of
marital life. If adverse indications are there, see the nature of the planets causing
the adversity, whether these are natural malefic or have become malefic, owing
520 Predicting Marriage

to evil ownership. Many scholars are expert enough to make very precise
observations only on the basis of navamsa chart. Judge the position of the 7th
lord in respect to the lagna lord also.
2. The importance of the 2nd house cannot be overlooked. The second house
covers family which consists of spouse, children, parents, coboms and other
relatives. The 4th house regulates the happiness of home and peace of mind.
The 7th house speaks all about marriage but error will certainly be there, if one
ignores the judgement of 2nd and 4th houses. In female horoscopy, 8th house
plays a prominent role in the judgement ofMangalya. In other words how long
will she live with her husband.
3. There is a difference between miserable married life or an unhappy marital
union and divorce. Divorce will take place only when the concerned houses are
under the adverse influence of the planets containing separative tendency, mainly
the Sun, Rahu, Saturn and the 32th lord. The dispositors of these planets also
have a separative tendency, but to a lesser degree.
4. Planetary position from the placement of the 7th lord and the significator,
Venus, should also be taken into consideration. If the 4th, 6th, 8th and I2th
houses are afflicted as reckoned from these, there will be adversity.
5. Mars is such a malefic that the evil positions of Mars have been named as
Mangali Dosha or Kuja Dosha. Many other planets also cause equally bad results
but their evils have not been nominated. Our sages found that Mars does
maximum adversity as it governs murder, burning, beating, torture, anger,
impulsive nature, hot temperament, miseries, wounds, accidents, unnatural
death, violence, war and emotional setbacks,etc. These features play an important
role in marital life. Certain positions have been specified as adverse for marital
happiness, which we name as Kuja Dosha. In South one is not considered
Mangali if Mars is placed in the Lagna but the placement of Mars in the 2nd
house makes one Mangali. In Northern India, the case is just reverse. One is
Mangali if Mars joins the lagna but not the 2nd house. In my humble opinion,
one should be treated as light Mangali in the 8th, 7(h and 1st house. We have
discussed this in length at various places. It is a strong belief that adversity of
Mars gets subsided greatly if Jupiter aspects Mars or associates with Mars. We
have made a wide and deep study of hundreds of horoscope where Kuja Dosha
is present and Jupiter is aspecting Mars. Even then great adversities and disasters
have taken place in their married lives. So we have written a separate chapter on
our finding that Kuja Dosha gets enhanced by the aspect of Jupiter instead of
getting subsided. This may please be examined by readers also.

6. Disbalance of Kuja Dosha does not result into separation as long as

adversities of married life are not under the influence of separative planets. Mars
may damage one"s life in different ways such as death of the partner or loss of
any limb due to any accident or sickness or difference of views etc. However, if
Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are in quadrant from each other, the bliss of
married life will surely be disturbed depending exactly on the amount of
Delerminants of Divorce 521

adversity contained by the concerning planets.

7. There may be different kinds of married iife. If the sign of the 7th and 1st
are duel signs and their lords are also placed in dual signs, there will be two
marriages. If the affliction of the 7th house is due to raalefics like Rahu, Saturn
or Sun, the second marriage will take place due to divorce of the first wife. In
case lord of the 8th house Mars, in addition with the combustion of the 7th lord,
and Venus is there, the second marriage will take place after the death of the
first wife.
8. The position of Venus should be carefully analysed. Venus-Moon or Venus-
Sun are very bad. If Venus falls in the sign of luminaries and is hemmed in
between Moon and the Sun, happiness of married life will be damaged
considerably. Conjunction or opposition of Venus with the luminaries is very
harmful If this takes place in the 7th house orlagna.
9. The position of the Sun in the 7th house is most damaging particularly if
the lagna is virgo. If Rahu, Ketu, Saturn or Venus are conjoined with the Sun,
the adversity will be further multiplied, in relation to separation or divorce.
10. If the 4th house is occupied by Mars, and Saturn joins either the
7th or 10th one can be separated but Jupiter "s placement in the 10th house, in
addition to that, will surely result into divorce.
11. If the birth takes place in dual sign and separative planets influence
Jupiter and Mercury, divorce will take place with the first wife and the native
will be got married again.
We can check the adversities indicated in the birth chart by using astrological
skill and art. First of all the period of marriage, if comes due to the planets
causing separation or those planets who are under the influence of separative
planets must be avoided or postponed. Marriage of the native should be advised
only during the course of unafflicted and strong benefic planets. This is easy to
write so but selection of such period is really a tough job. However, this exercise
is essential where the divorce is indicated. Proper matching will also be highly
useful. If one having combination for separation is got married with the person
who does not have the strong influence of separative planets over the 7th house,
the divorce will be checked. Many remedial measures can also prevent separation
provided those are undertaken sincerely and well in time. There is no use of
predicting divorce if the same cannot be prevented. This has been largely
experienced by scholars that the proper matching of horoscopes before marriage,
balancing of Kuja Dosha, selection of appropriate date of marriage can prevent
most of the adversities of married life.



Kama .'Allusions to Godly Instincts

The Hindu view of life recognises Kama as one of the four Purusarthas
i.e. Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. In its wider sense, the word
Kama means desire of every kind and its fulfilment, and pleasure derived
therefrom and has a sexual connotation only in a narrower sense.
Our literature, at least from medieval times onward, is full of sexual
allusions, sexual symbolisms, and frank eroticism. The process of cosmic
creation was figured as the union of God and Goddess, and images of closely
embracing couples were carved on the walls of a few places nearby eastern
and western coasts of India & people are given under standing to recognise
those places as temple.
Gratification of sexual desire is an essential characteristic among humans by
virtue of instincts. To a reasonable extent, such gratification is a normal feature
of human nature but its inordinate proportion becomes lust that leads to myriad
forms of perversions. While observance of the natural and purposive gratification
is hailed as the noble way of life, the slavery to the lures of lust of sensuous
defeats the great purpose of life. That it results in a thorough undoing of self.
The instinct of sex encompasses a vast amount of energy and plays a considerable
role in shaping the destiny of a human being.There is a two-way trafficin respect
of using the sex-energy. One steers the wheels of life on the principled path unto
ultimate destination, while the other leads on through lecherous and labraynthine
lanes of darkness.
Now we shall ponder over the subject in the astrological perspective regarding
Kama and Marriage. The essential factors may be divided into 1. Planets 2.
Bhava and Rasi for the convenience of the study. Among planets, we shall
have to understand the nature of the following :

Venus ;Sexijal Magnetism

Venus plays a very vital note in the life of each and every person. Venus is
the main significator of wife, passion, sex, love affection, attachment, attraction,
pleasure etc., Acharya Mantreshwar has described in the chapter two of
"Phaldeepka' about Venus.

enus is the lord of 2 nd and 7th signs. Venus is the Karaka of passion, attrac-
tion, art, physical and mental attraction, beauty, sensual and size of sensual or-
gans etc. Venus is also responsible for immoral relationships.


Venus signifies music, poetry, art, beauty, grace, attraction, hypnotism,

Indrajal, bed pleasure and all related with female nativities. Venus should be
analysed properly .

Venus does play a very important role for all male nativities as regards their
sex life, immoral behaviour, passion, adultery illegitimate relationships, loyalty
or disloyalty towards wife, intensity and strength and quality of romance and
sincerity in love, truthfulness, faithfulness or complete dishonesty etc. can be
judged by Venus particularly for male nativities. More accurate results will be
obtained if the 7 th lord is also taken into consideration along with Venus.
Mars : Question of Passion

Mainly related to woman. Mars is held as significator of passion. Its nature is

unstable. Mars governs patience, power, courage, anger, wound, violent nature
and vigour, battle or war, self confidence, the diseases of the blood, epilepsy, etc.
It reveals all the knowledge regarding the realm of woman's sexual patterns. The
study of combined effectsof Mars and Moon has immensely benefited the seekers
of this secret knowledge. If it is not to oversimplify, the blood-oozing phenom-
enon and its regulation are governed by Mars and Moon respectively. The men-
strual cycle starts when Mars (of transit) has full aspect on the Lagna (Ascen-
dant) or the Moon. But, as far as the first menstrual cycle is concerned; Mars' full
aspect on ascendant and Moon is absolutely essential. The verse from Brahat
Jataka may also be recapitulated to substantiate the above point.

affliFtrartf ^ ^
The Sloka means, Mars and the Moon are the causes for menses in women.
When the Moon is in Anupachaya Rasis (the 1st, the 4th, the 7th, the 10th, the
8th, the 9th and the 12th), the menses for conception begin, so with the help of

the above, if the couple desire to have children (of course subject to the total
disposition of the Bhava) they can have union on days when the Moon occupies
signs other than the (2nd & 5th), 3rd and 6th, the JOth, and the 11th. Mars
indicates sex and love life in a female nativity whereas Venus indicates the same
aspects for males.
Among Bhava, the following should be carefully judged.
7th House
This is very important for all the details of marriage, Matrimony, Marital
bliss, sexual organs, diseases related to the secret organs, business, tours, death,
latent traits of character and personality and their external manifestation in the
life-partner and details about colleagues are found out by the study of this house.
8th House
This house is extremely mysterious. It reveals the span of life, pain and
perils of life, sexual organs, sexual relationship, potency and sexual-behaviour
etc. This house should be judged properly whether there are indications of
impotency or frigidity.
12th House
This house throws light on the possibilities of foreign travels, span of life,
misfortunes, insomnia, anxiety, liberation from pain, repayment of loans,
imprisonment, ancestral property, death of the life partner, threats to livelihood,
sacrifices, escapism, melancholy, suicidal tendency, capability for courtship, etc.
The Twelfth House

Kalidas writes in Uttar Kalamrit about the subjects to be examined by the

12th house. He writes in this verse that sleeplessness, mental agony, legs, fear
from enemy, imprisonment, pain, freedom from debts, paternal property,
elephant, horse, heavenly abode left eye, retaliation by masses, handicap,
friendship, old age, marriage, loss, sacrifice, extramarital affairs, foreign travels,
expenditure, death, loss of health etc. should be judged from 12th house.
The twelfth house is 6th form the 7th house. Therefore it indicates extra bed
pleasure, marital enemies and additional wife.


Signs Libra : The sign Libra, calls for further study and research as it is
responsible for marriage and sexual - behavioural pattern of human beings.
Any male or female falling under the nativity of the Rasi of beauty and grace,
Libra, is lustful, impatient for sexual pleasures, possessor of comparatively feeble
body, enthusiastic and ready in life. If this Rasi and its lord are afflicted in the
natal chart, the fate has horrible things in store for the native. The natives having
unafflicted Libra sign find themselves locked in wedding-thread very soon.
Their lives are usually full of sporting sex; and have no possibility of divorce. In
case of immoral relationship, they demonstrate lack of courage to accept the
truth, as the highest attainment of life for them is only sexual bliss.
Scorpio : Intensity and strength

This is eighth sign of the Zodiac regulating the sex-organs. Envy, ego, courage,
capability for coitus, intensity of passion are determined by Scorpio sign. The
Scorpio is chiefly under the influence of fieiy element as its ruler is a fiery planet,
Mars. The people born in ascendant Scorpio show uncontrollable anger, ignore
the do's and don'ts of speech and bid farewell to the faculty of discretion.
The planets posited in the Scorpio sign, indicate the sex-patterns of the person
under study. Mars in Scorpio sign gives stimulus to passionate desires and Venu6
abets such impulses to the point of no return. Eventually, the bond between
one person and the other is thoroughly smashed.
It would be appropriate here to mention that Jupiter just disciplines the tide
of passion, and Saturn imparts the feeling of being elder, but afflicted Saturn
steers towards sex-crimes. The aberrations in Scorpio make the person addicted
to intoxicants, blind with lust and even may turn him into a rapist. However,
these aforesaid facts should be revealed only after thorough examination of the
horoscope and that too with utmost care and caution.
Venus, is significator of colours and complexions, youth, lust and sex also.
Therefore, it would be judicious to understand the nature and position of Venus
in the natal chart while analysing for marriage, carnality, sexual relationship,
etc. If Venus is aspected by or afflicted with malefic planets and posited in 7th,
8th or J2th, it may fairly be said that the passions and desires hold important
place in the native's life. In case, Venus is afflicted by Sun and Moon and
Papakartari Yoga is caused by luminaries occupying 2nd or I2th place from
Venus, then the native is derived of the sexual pleasure in spite of being married
or stays unmarried till the appropriate lime limit crosses. Sun and Moon are the
enemies of Venus, the signifactor of sex. Hence the luminaries throw cold water
on the prospects of sexual bliss in the life of the native. Such a person always
longs for real or dedicated love, but doesn't get it.

Astrological Pointers to Carnal Tendencies

At this point, we may condense the following rules from the text presented
so far.
1. That the nature of 7th house should be understood from the ascendant,
Moon and Sun; and Libra sign and Venus should be assessed for marriage and
other details in the horoscope of a man.
2. That the ascendant, Moon, Mars, 7th house should be perused for marriage
in the horoscope of a woman.
3. That the ascendant. Sun, Moon, 8th house, Scorpio sign and the
significator Venus should be taken into consideration for understanding the
matters of sex-life in male's horoscope.
4. That the ascendant, Moon, Sun, Bth house, Scorpio sign and significator
planet Mars should be considered for sex matters in the natal chart of a woman.
5. That, the ascendant, Sun, Moon, Venus, 12th house & Venus should be
considered for the extra marital sex-matters of Males.
6. That, the ascendant, Moon, Sun, significator Mars, 12th house from Mars
should be looked into for ascertaining the extra marital sex-matters of women.
Various combinations have been laid down by our sages in their classical
works. These combinations should never be applied verbatim otherwise wrong
conclusions on such matters may be disastrous. One should only attempt this
area of life when it is indispensable and before doing so, he must have thorough
knowledge of the subject. Incomplete knowledge of any subject is not only
harmful but may be very dangerous as well.
Now we will discuss certain important combinations which are responsible
for adultery
Rule -1: Affliction of Venus by association of Mars, Saturn or Rahu gives rise
to unrighteous relationship in one or other way. If the 7th house is aspected by
its lord, there will not be any damage to the married life in general. Thus if the
ascendant is Aries> Taurus, Libra or Scrpio, and conjunction of Mars takes place
in the ascendant or seventh house, there will be no fear of wrecking of conjugal
bless inspite of adultery.
If the Lagna does not belong to Mars or Venus but the 7th lord aspects the
7th house, in addition to the combination of Mars and Venus in the 1st or 7th
house, there will be no danger of exposure.
Planetary Tendencies towards Carnal Pleasure:

Role of Venus in Adultery

Venus plays most important role in making one adulterous. Affliction of
Venus is extremely undesirable for a happy and conjugal bliss, particularly
in the horoscope of those who are bom in the ascendants ruled by Mars or
Saturn. If Venus is conjoined by malefic and is aspected by malefic identical
to the 6th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house, one enters into carnality. Conjunction
of Venus with Mars or Saturn or Rahu is most undesirable. If any of these

planets are conjoined by Venus, one is likely to enter into unrightious activities
and will have low moral values. It has been observed that affliction of Venus
with Mars makes one interested in beautiful, young and smart females whereas
Saturn gives rise to relationships with maid servants or with the persons of
low status. Combination of Saturn & Venus may be present in a horoscope in
various ways which we will discuss herein this chapter.
The combination of Venus & Saturn makes one a lesbian or interested in
the same sex. This is not that only Venus, Rahu,Mars & Saturn are responsible
for establishing carnal relationships but Moon, Mercury & sometime even
Jupiter may force one for the loss of moral values. Infact carnality is a very
vast subject in astrology. Sages have written a lot over this aspect and have
mentioned innumerable combinations. Keeping in view the size of the book,
we will explain a few important planetary configurations which are
responsible for the loss of character in one or the other way. The following
combinations should be well understood and should be well examined. But,
if such combinations of immorality is present in a particular birth chart, it
should not be told to the native until & unless it is very essential.
In modern age, moral values have almost lost its meaning and none likes
to listen adverse results of the horoscope. This will only create an adverse
impression of the native towards the astrologer. So do avoid any such
discussion unless it becomes compulsory.
Mars in the Seventh House
Placement of Mars in the Seventh house is certainly adverse in one or
the other way, even if Mars is exalted there or placed in own sign. In most
of the cases it has been observed that Mars created serious problems in
married life. The native is not loyal towards his or her spouse. He or she has
extra marital relations. Many a times the partner may meet with untimely
death. At times there is no physical relationship between life partners due
to certain misunderstandings or annoyance.
I know a person who has Mars in Aries in the 7th house aspected by Jupiter
and Saturn both. Mars and Saturn both obtain navamsa of Saturn. The native
has a very beautiful charming and loving life partner and also have two bright
children. But Mars in Aries in the 7th house has given immeasurable passion,
vitality and vigour to the native. He has so far as many as hundred such
relationships. The astonishing factor is that all these females had been so much
infatuated by him that they loved him from the core of heart and never wanted
to be separated from him. Jupiter is posited in Libra in the ascendant and aspects
the 7th house and Mars who happens the biggest malefic for Libra ascendant
Jupiter's placement in the ascendant has blessed him with an overall magnetic
personality, good manners and hospitality. The native has been troubled a lot by
various females as Markesh Mars occupies the 7th house. Innumerable females
want to become the second woman in his life for ever.

I will illustrate another case of a female native who has Cancer ascendant

and Mars joins the 7th house in the sign of its exaltation. Before discussion
let us quote the following aphorism.
Aphorism No. : 1

^ Mtfdg, Tel: eWI

5FnM IN^il ^ M ^Ucl: Tel: ^inlfn"

(iRfef {W#l ^/^V)

This means : If Mars is located in the 7th house, even though having
many wives, has affairs with many women and thereby destroys his
family i.e. brings defamation to the family. If it is the Sun the native has
family but he is attached to many women. If the lord of 2nd, 7th and
6th house occupy the ascendant along with Venus or associated with
malefics, the native has wrong ways and he is attached with other
females. If the combination is aspected by benefics, such relations will
not be there. If the 6th and Jst lords are located with malefics, then the
native also has wrong ways and is attached with other women.
Illustration No. 17.1(HoroscopeiVo. 152) : Mars is a yogakaraka and
is posited in the 7th house in the sign of its exaltation and that too under
Vargottam navamsa. The 7th lord Saturn also obtains Vargottam navamsa.
This is a great combination of becoming a concubine of a person who is
equal to a king or minister of a big state. Mars in the 7th house caused a
very early marriage at an age of 18 years with a handsome and smart
person. She was blessed with a daughter soon after marriage. After a few
years of marriage, she started living permanently with another very
decently employed person who wanted to marry her by all means. As
soon as major period of Mars started over her w.e.f. 14-6-1996, she could
become successful to impress and influence to a kingly person. He started
loving her deeply and she holded him a lot. As per above mentioned Sloka,
she earned great defamation and also spoiled her family. I believe
confidently that Mars is so well placed in this birth chart that she will be
living like a queen throughout the major period of Mars as far as material
comforts, luxury, ornaments, costly garments and servants etc. are
concerned. She will be loved and liked by the king with whom she is
associated and she will not care for any defamation or the like.
Thus we have analysed two important cases of the location of Mars
in the 7th house, one where Mars is a killer and another where Mars is
a yogakaraka Adultery, defamation, adverse married life and lot of
liking, disliking and affairs with opposite sex are the result. The situation
may be checked to some extent if Mars is associated with the Sun or
falls in Leo and aspected by Sun. Jupiter's aspect over such Mars in the
Horoscope No.152
25/11/1967 Time 22:55:00 Day Saturday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Skterial Time 3:04:28 Hrs Gan : Manushya Venus: 12Y2M4D Ulka : 3Y 7M 25D
Eq.oftime 0:13:13 Hrs Yoni : Mooshak Moon
Sunrise 6.34:24 Hrs Nadi ^ Madhya 30/01/1986 25/11/1967
Sunset 17:11:54 Hrs Varan. : Kshatriya 30/01/1996 22/07/2001
Samvat 2024 Vashya i Vanchar Moon 30/11/1986 Ulka 22/07/1971
Saka 1889 Varga ^ Shwan Mars 01/07/1987 Sid ha 22/07/1978
Month Margshirsh Yunja : Madhya Rahu 30/12/1988 Sankta 22/07/1986
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Jupiter 01/05/1990 Mangle 22/07/1987
Tithi at Sunrise.. 8 Nama Alphabet .: Taa-Tarun Saturn 30/11/1991 Pingla 22/07/1989
Nakshatra. P Phalguni Paya(Ra5lNak) : Silver-Silver Mercury 01/05/1993 Dhanya 21/07/1992
Yoga Vaidhritl Hara Mars Ketu 30/11/1993 Bhramri 21/07/1996
Karan Tartila Chaugharia i Amrit Vanus 01/08/1995 Bhadrika 22/07/2001

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin ■R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sco 9:36:14 Mar Sat Van Sal Asc Can 28:03:53 Mon Mar Sat Sat
Man Leo 18:32:48 Sun Ven Rah Jup 2 Leo 23:40:34 Sun Ven Sat Rah
Men Cap 2:08:46 Sat Sun Jup Ven 3 Vir 23:09:57 Mar Man Sun Mar
Mer Lib 22:10:38 Ven Jup Sat Mer 4 Lib 25:25:45 Ven Jup Mer Jup
Jup Leo 11:34:24 Sun Ket Mer Mer 5 Sco 27:55:15 Mar Mar Sat Sat
Ven Vir 23:47:31 Mer Mar Mar Mar 6 Sag 28:54:56 Jup Sun Mar Mer
Sat •■R Pis 12:40:04 Jup Sat Mar Ven 7 Cap 28:03:53 Sat Mar Sat Sat
Rah Ah 4:17:23 Mar Ket Man Sat 8 Aqu 23:40:34 Sat Jup Sat Jup
Ket Lib 4:17:23 Van Mar Van Sat 9 Pis 23:09:57 Jup Mer Mon Van
Ura Vir 5.20:48 Mer Sun Mer Mar 10 Ari 25:25:45 Mar Van Mar Jup
Nep SCO 1:15:22 Mar Jup Mar Sun 11 Tau 27:55:15 Ven Mar Sat Sat
Plu Leo 29:27:21 Sun Sun Rah Rah 12 Gam 28:54:56 Mer Jup Sun Rah

Fortuna : Taurus 7:00:26 Navamsa Chart

Xw Mer S N. Ura
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
Reh 2S<: 12 ^j/lOMer

1025' 1128- 9 Plu

|\Mon Jup \Ura Plu/ \
631 1
\ Plu / Ay\Siir\ 8 Ket
Ura\ 5 / MeX 5/ 4 \ 3/ Hep/ SX. yX7 X^
6 024- van 6V'JUP V2
X yr Ven N. y/ Set
Ven/ \ Ket/\ /\
Mer 7 Kel 1 Reh Sun 7 Nep X. / X. Ket Jup/
XJuir \l0\ jr X.8/^
Moi9- MonlOc Ven 9 yCl Sun
10 1 224*
eX. .Xiaw
Mar p/9\ Mar /ll\ PI29- (Set 12 6 Mar
6W I / Mar
528- 425'
Nep Ket Smo- Mezr Ura xx4X
Sun Mer Nar Ke4' /lP^u \
Mer Rah x / Nep

7th house will not be able to stop the its negative role of Mars.
However, if Mars in the 7th house is associated with or aspected by Venus
etc, the problem will be more serious and the gravity of low conduct will be
further enhanced. Let quote another aphorism of mutual exchange of navamsa
of Mars and Venus.
Illustration iVo. 17.2 (Horoscope No. 141): The native belongs to a responsible
and respected family and serves as a medical practitioner. She opted love marriage
for herself. The spouse was 10 years elder to her. It may be mentioned that she
had pre-marital sex with that man. Later on, she courted the company of another
younger boy. As her husband would remain out of station very often, she spent
days and nights with her new boy friend.
A look in the natal chart shows that the Mars is in the 7th house in the sign
of Venus. Moreover, the lord of 7th house, Venus is posited in the sign Cancer,
inimical sign and falls under the Papkartari Yoga. The Venus is lord of 12th
house also, therefore, the rule clearly indicates physical relations with other people.
Horoscope No.141
^ate 25/08/1945 Time 13:15:00 Day Saturday Place Bijno/ Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:50 14
Lat 29:22:00 North Long 78:09:00 Easl Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -1:17:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

SiderialTime 0:10:18 Mrs Gan Manuslnya Jupiter :0Y4M 15D Bhramrf: 0Y1M 3D
Eq.oftime 0:02:09 Hrs Yoni Sim ha Venus
Sunrise :6:52D5 Hrs Nadi Adya 09/01/1989 23/09/1977
Sunset : 19:46:35 Hrs Varan Vtpra 09/01/2009 28/09/2013
Samvat : 2002 Vashya Jalchar Venus 11/05/1992 Bhramri 28/09/1981
Saka : 1867 Varga Sarp Sun 11/05/1993 Bhadrika 29/09/1986
Month : Bhadra Yunja Antya Moon 10/01/1995 Ulka 28/09/1992
Paksh : Krishna HansakfTatva) Jal Mars 11/03/1996 Sidha 29/09/1999
Tithi at Sunrise..: 2 Name Alphabet Rahu 12/03/1999 Sankta 29/09/2007
Nakshatra : P Bhadrapad Dee-Daepankar Jupiter 10/11/2001 Mangla 28/09/2008
Yoga : Dhrati Paya(Rasi-Nak} Silver-Copper Saturn 09/01/2005 Pingla 29/09/2010
Karan : Vanij Hora Moon Mercury 10/11/2007 Dhany^ 28/09/2013

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pfrt -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun 8.51.21 Ket Jup Asc See 1:05:45 Mar Jup Mar Ket
Men 3:01:09 Jup Rah 2 Sag 0:56:29 Jup Ket Ven Ven
Mar 28:51:37 Mar Sat 3 Cap 3:35:16 Sat Sun Sat Mer
Mer -R 0:47:16 Ket Ven 4 Aqu 7:40:09 Sat Rah Rah Mer
Jup 7:10:05 Sun Ket 5 Pis 9:45:28 Jup Sat Ven Sat
Ven 1:00.06 Jup Mar 6 Ari 7:25:47 Mar Ket Rah Mon
Sat 27:36:33 Jup Ven 7
Tau 1.05:45 Ven Sun Rah Mon
Rah -R 14:49:30 Rah Ket 8 Gem 0:56:29 Mer Mar Mer Mon
Ket -R 14:49:30 Ven Ven 9 Can 3:35:16 Mon Sat Sat Sat
Ura 24:15:29 Mar Rah W Leo 7:40:09 Sun Ket Jup Jup
Nep 12:04:46 Mon Rah 11 Vir 9:45:28 Mer Sun Ven Mer
Plu 17:40:54 Mer Mer 12 Lib 7:25:47 Ven Rah Rah Sat
Fortuna: Taurus 25:15:33 Navamsa Chart
\Kel Ure/^xSat Sun
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
Mar sSc VenX/
57- 7V
Mass1 Nep 1 Mer

Mon | \ Ket Mor \ Ket

8X 10 XI
\ 9 7/Nap Ven 7 / Vev / 9 X. 11
10X Ye Piu XSNap 94" Plu \ X Reh
f 11 YMer 5 Sun) Mon 11 X Jup 5 Sun \ \Mer Plu/
Me1, \ -7
/\ A NepX5 /
\ / \ / 6 X ^UP 4
\ / \ /Vsn \ / \ /Mer Sus- Ura
Mon2YMar 2 Ura Y4 12XMar 2 UraX4 /> \
/l\ /3\piu
7 \ / 3 \lu s^Sun 7 Mar / 1 Key
/ \ /Rah Sar\ \ / \
\ /Sat Ven\ \
/ Ven
.10 12
/X Mon > \
Horoscope No. 55
02/11/1965 Time 19:42:00 Day Tuesday Place ASgartl Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
27:54:00 North Long 78:04:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tlm« Corr -0:17:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakrt Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTlme .:22:10:50 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Mart: 3Y 4M 0D Plnflla : OY11M130
Eq.oftime :0:16:28 Hft Yoni : S^rnha Jupiter
Sunrise :6:30:42 Hrs Nadl Midhya 06/03/1967 02/11/1966
Sunset :17:31:47 Hr» Varan : Shoodra 05€a2003 16/10/2000
Samvat : 2022 Vashya : MiOtv Jupter 2204/1969 Pingla 16/10/1966
Saka : 1887 Varga : Eifeqar Satun 04/11/1991 Dhanya 10101989
Month... : Kartika Yunja : Anlya Mercury 09/02/1994 Btani 16101973
Paksh : ShuWa HansakfTarva) Vayu Ketu 15/01/1995 Bhadrika 16/10/1976
Trthi at Sunrise..: 9 Name Alphabet Goo-Gunakar Venus 15/09/1997 Uka 16/10/1964
Nakshatra : Dhanishtha PBya(RathNak) Sm 06/07/1996 Sicha 17/10/1991
Yoga : Vradhi Copper-Copper Moon 0111/1999 Sankta 17/101999
Karan : Kaulava Hora r Jupfter Mm 10/10/2000 Man^a 16102000

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib ie :49:48 Ven Rah Ven Sat Asc Tau 23:35:09 Ven Mar Mar Jup
Mon Aqu 0 18:47 Sat Mar Mar Ket 2 Gem 17:20:40 Mer Rah Ven Ket
Mar Sco 20:06:46 Mar Mer Sat Sat 3 Can 10:49:24 Mon Sat Sun Mer
Mer Sco 7:20:05 Mar Sat Ket Ket 4 Leo 7:31:40 Sun Ket Rah Mar
Jup -R Gem 7 52:41 Mer Rah Rah Ket 5 Vir 10:04:37 Mer Mon Mon Mon
Ven Sag 3:26:06 Jup Ket Sun Mer 6 Lib 17:26:42 Ven Rah Sun Sun
Sat -R Aqu 1729:03 Sat Rah Sun Mon 7 Sco 23:35:09 Mar Mer Mar Jup
Rah -R Tau 1150:45 Ven Mon Mar Mon 8 Sag 17:20:40 Jup Ven Mar Mar
Ket -R Sco 1150:45 Mar Sat Mon Ket 9 Cap 10:49:24 Sat Mon Mon Ket
Ura Leo 25 16:01 Sun Ven Mar Rah 10 Aqu 7:31:40 Sat Rah Rah Sat
Nep Lib 26 15:03 Ven Jup Ket Jup 11 Pis 10:04:37 Jup Sat Ven Mer
PS 4. .
Plu Leo 24 43:35 Sun Ven Mer Sun 12 Ari 17:26:42 Mar Ven Mar Rah
Fortuna: Virgo 7:04:08 Navamaa cnart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalft-Cuapal

Krt\® >
124* Ura 8 PluXNiP 2 Vtn

Jup fl^X 11 Xl R
4 X Rah 2 4XJUP 2 /s XX// Mar Sat Sun^

Lira 5 Piu X Sat IIMon Ura 5 Pki 11 Sat

6X Mar 8 Mer X10 g,,- [SunfiVMar 8 VenVlMon p^.

9 UR5
/7 /9 /T\
/Nap\ // \\ '
Sun Nep\ / Ven /Mer Kat\/ \ r
Ket Hi
Mer Nep
Mar Sun HS

Illustration No 17.3 (Horoscope No55) :

This beautiful girl, the daughter of a Chief Engineer, got married in October
1987. She was deeply involved in immoral relationship with a Muslim boy which
she continued, even after her marriage. Her husband could not adjust with her
due to her licentious deeds and committed suicide just after four months of
marriage. Later she got married with the same Muslim boy.
1. As per above aphorism, affliction of Mars is the 7th house gives rise to
adultery. Here, Mars is posited in its own sign Scorpio in the 7th house under
severe affliction due to conjunction with inimical Mercury and Ketu and also
due to mutual aspect with Saturn.
2. Mars and Saturn are associated in the 8th house in navamsa chart under
the mutual aspect with Mercury. In fact, Mercury indicates multiple relationships
particularly if duel signs are involved.
3. Venus falls in the 8th house in Rasi Chart and obtains navamsa of Mars.
Venus and Rahu are conjoined in the navamsa of Mars which causes adulterous
behaviour of a person.
4. This has also been mentioned that the affliction of the 2nd, 6th and 7th
lords by being aspected or associated with malefics, the native will adopt wrong
ways for such activities. Here 2nd lord Mercury, the 7th lord Mars affect each
other as 6th lord Venus who is placed in the 8th house is aspected by inimical
Jupiter, and also obtains navamsa of Mars in association with Saturn.
She is strong Mangali woman with the affliction of Mars in the 7th as live
7th lord as analysed above. This combination is responsible for adultery as well
as loss of first husband due to her complete disloyality and unfaithfulness.

Role of Mars and Venus in Carnality

Aphorism No : 2

This means that, if Mars occupies the navamsa of Venus and the Venus
occupies the navamsa of Mars in any house irrespective of the 7th house, and
they have no relation to other planets the person takes to adultery.
Aphorism No: 3

^ iff FIIftfcRjp 11'

n, -^)
It means if Mars falls under the navamsa of Venus and Venus falls in the
navamsa of Mars in the horoscope of a female native, she will be having to
strong instincts of passion.
Thus, it becomes a guiding rule that the exchange of their navamsa by Mars
and Venus may lead to the stigmatic character.
Aphorism No.; 4

Mutual Exchange of Navamsa or Signs between Mars and Venus ;

5. ar^'TOt:

TO, 31. <t, ^

Aphorism No. : 5

Venus in navamsa of Mars or Saturn compels cohabitation with concubines.


^ ^

This means if Venus obtains navamsa of Mars or Saturn, compels cohabitation

with concubines. The native will have infatuation towards maid servants, if
Venus occupies the navamsa of Mars or Saturn and receives the aspect of Saturn.
The configuration may well be linked as if Venus occupies the 7th house in the
sign of Mars or Saturn, aspected or conjoined by Saturn or Mars, then the native
enters into immoral acts.
In most of the classical works where female horoscope has been discussed lot of
emphasis has been given to the combination of Mars and Venus in different setups e.g.
(1) Exchange of navamsa or signs of Mars and Venus.
(2) Conjunction of Mars and Venus in sensitive houses.
(3) Placement of Mars in Venusian sign aspected by Venus.
(4) Placement of Venus in Martian sign, aspected by Mars.
Pointers ro carnauty 535

(5) Mutual aspect of Mars and Venus identical to ascendant and 7th house etc.
The affliction of Mars and Venus many further be there if Saturn, Moon,
Mercury or Rahu also comes under affliction of these planets. The situation will
be the worst if the 12th lord is also involved. This is the main planetary
configuration and must be studied in the light of various aphorisms which have
been taken from various classical works. This is a very sensitive area of the birth
chart. So we have illustrated only those horoscopes where the natives have self
confessions and have narrated the fact and figures of their lives themselves.
We have discussed the cases on the basis of combinations explained by sages
in the aphorisms. We have strictly restricted ourself to write any thing other
than what sages have said in this most sensitive matter.
Aphorism No. : 6

RldiqFl uhIH I

^ iff # *1^5^11

This means if Mars occupies navamsa of Venus and Venus occupies

the navamsa of Mars in any house irrespective of the 7th house, the
native commits adultery.

IllustratiorNo.l7A (Horoscope No. 9) : This horoscope belongs to an

exceptionally beautiful female native who has a very respectable place in the
society being the wife of a class 1 officer. She entered into a carnal relationship
with her brother-in-law soon after marriage. Her husband is a decent and attractive
person and has absolute faith and confidence on her. This relationship with her
brother-in-law is so strong that he hasn't married as yet. More than sixteen years
have passed of this intense physical and mental attachment.
Such kind of relationship, unlicentious deeds and intense passion resulting
into loss of loyalty is clearly indicated in this birth chart as there is mutual
exchange of navamsa between Mars and Venus i.e. Mars falls in the navamsa of
Venus and Venus obtains navamsa of Mars. Through there are some other
combinations too responsible for her adulterous nature they are not required to
be examined as a very prominent and vital indication of low moral values is
present. If Mars-Venus, Saturn-Venus or Rahu-Venus are conjoined in the
sensitive houses it gives rise to adultery. If the mutual exchange of houses of
these planets is present in any horoscope, immoral relationship with the opposite
sex cannot be avoided.
HoroScope No.9
t9 26/01/1957 Time 09:09:00 Day Saturday Place Umao Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:
26:32X50 North Long 8030:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:08:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

Siderial Time .:17*21:40 Hrs Gan Rakshas Mercury 11Y8M9D Bhadrika : 3Y 5M 80
Eq.oftime > 0:12:35 Hrs Yoni Mrig KttU
Sunrise :6:57:06 Hrs Nadi Adya 06/10/1968 26/01/1957
Sunset :17:44:08 Hrs Varan V5pra 06/10/1975 06/07/1991
Samvat : 2013 Vashya Kaetak Ketu 04/03/1969 Bhadrika 05/07/1960
Saka : 1676 Varga Mig Venus 04/05/1970 Ulka 06/07/1966
Month : Magha Yunja Antya Sun 09/09/1970 Sidha 05/07/1973
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Moon 10/04/1971 Sankta 06/07/1931
Tithi at Sunrise..: 11 Name Alphabet Yaa-Yatendra Mars 06/09/1971 Mangla 06/07/1982
Nakshaba : Jyestha Paya(Ras^Nak) Rahu 24/09/1972 Pingla 05/07/1964
Yoga ; Dhruva Copper-Copper Jupiter 30/08/1973 Dhanya 06/07/1987
Karan : Balava Hora Saturn 09/10/1974 Bhramri 06/07/1991

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 12:56:09 Sat Mon Rah Mer Asc Aqu 23:44:07 Sat Jup Sat Jup
Mon Sco 20:49:45 Mar Mer Ven Sat 2 Ari 2 37:50 Mar Ket Ven Mer
Mar Ari 5:31:13 Mar Ket Mar Mon 3 Tau 3:05:45 Ven Sun Sat Sat
Mer Sag 19:24:00 Jup Ven Rah Ven 4 Tau 28:11:57 Ven Mar Sat Sat
Jup Vir 8:39:02 Mer Sun Ven Rah 5 Gem 22:08:00 Mer Jup Sat Mer
Ven Sag 23:37:52 Jup Ven Sat Rah 6 Can 19 01:57 Mon Mer Ket Jup
Sat Sco 18:44:47 Mar Mer Ket Sun 7 Leo 23:44:07 Sun Ven Sat Jup
Rah -R Sco 3:28:45 Mar Sat Sat Sat 8 Lib 237:50 Ven Mar Ket Mer
Ket -R Tau 3:28:45 Ven Sun Sat Mer 9 Sco 3:05:45 Mar Jup Rah Mon
Ura -R Can 11:54:20 Mon Sat Mon Ven 10 Sco 28:11:57 Mar Mer Sat Sat
Nep Lib 9:35:13 Ven Rah Jup Ven 11 Sag 22:08:00 Jup Ven Sat Sat
Plu -R Leo 6:46:15 Sun Ket Rah Ket 12 Cap 19 01:57 Sat Mon Mer Rah

Fortuna: Capricorn 1:37:42 Navamaa Chart

Plu X
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
v 3/
Oc Mar 2
Mar Kat 3r
Ma® Kaa"
42r Rah 5 11 Kft

/\ Sun/
Mar ax. e XsiOMon
12/. \1(VVinl Ura lO/Ven • 7 v#n
Mar 1X 11 I"' k»t 2 Vg UMr X x x 9 X
X Un x,/ ^ep SatX
Kat 2 Sat 8 Mon a Msfy Rah X
\ Rah / P\r
3X 8 XJNep /\8 Sat 724*
/4\ Plu /8\ 4 \ Jup / 7 \Mon Ura 3 Mir
lira \ / Jud
Jup \
\ Jup Nap \
Rah 1031^ M03^
Sat Saifi' Nair Sat/
Mon Na Rav 9J' X Kat

Illustration No.17.5 (Horoscope No. 153) : She is an attractive girl full of

youth and charm. She had a serious love affair with a handsome boy. They kept
on meeting with each other for more than three years and she also indulged into
deep immoral relationship with the boy who promised her to marry but at the
eleventh hour refused. This is a common story with number of girls. Who
surrender themselves being sure to marry with their so called lovers. On the
other hand many boys do promise to marry with no. of girls but there are only
a few to honour their promise. The girl was unlucky in this respect but was
extremely fortunate as she got married on 27.11.97 with a much superior, very
well placed, loving and smart boy from a royal family. She is now extremely
happy as the deception of her lover proved the blessing in disguise.
In this horoscope Mars obtains navamsa of Venus and Mars is conjoined
with Ketu in Navamsha chart. The 7th lord Jupiter aspects Mars. Venus falls in
the sign of Saturn and Saturn aspects Venus in Rasi Chart. This is an important
combination for adultery.
Horoscope No.153
03/03/1976 Time 13:30:00 Day Wednesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:15^
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24 ,

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

Siderial Time , 0:08:29 Hrs Gan Manushya Saturn : 1Y 8M 26D Bhadrika :0YSM15D
Eq.oftime -0:11:59 Hrs Yoni Gau Ketu
Sunrise 6:29:55 Hrs Nadi Madhya 29/11/1994 03/03/1976
Sunset 18:07:08 Hrs Varan Vipra 29/11/2001 18/08/2007
Samvat .2032 Vashya JaTchar Ketu 27/04/1995 Bhadrika 17/08/1976
Saka 1897 Varga Simha Venus 26/06/1996 Ulka 18/08/1982
Month Phalguna Yunja Antya Sun 01/11/1996 Sidha 18/08/1989
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Jal Moon 02/06/1997 Sankta 18/08/1997
Tithi at Sunrise. 2 Name Alphabet Yan-Yamesh Mars 29/10/1997 Mangla 18/08/1998
Nakshatra U Bhadrapad Paya{Rasi-Nak) Copper-Gold Rahu 17/11/1998 Plngla 17/08^000
Yoga Shubh Hora Mercury Jupiter 24/10/1999 Dhanya 18/08/2003
Karan Taitila Chaugharia Roga Saturn 01/12/2000 Bhramri 18/08/2007

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Aqu 19:36:51 Sat Rah Mar Mer Asc Gem 19:58:54 Mer Rah Mar Mon
Mon Pis 15:26:44 Jup Sat Jup Mer 2 Can 13:02:45 Mon Sat Rah Rah
Mar Gem 0:32:48 Mer Mar Mer Ven 3 Leo 8:42:04 Sun Ket Jup Ven
Mer Cap 27:22:33 Sat Mar Jup Mon 4 Vir 9:02:52 Mer Sun Ven Jup
Jup Ari 1:39:09 Mar Ket Ven Rah 5 Lib 13:34:28 Ven Rah Mer Mar
Ven Cap 22:17:59 Sat Mon Ven Mer 6 Sco 18:19:19 Mar Mer Mer Sat
Sat -R Can 3:18:19 Mon Jup Rah Mar 7 Sag 19:58:54 Jup Ven Rah Mon
Rah -R Lib 21:07:39 Ven Jup Jup Ven 8 Cap 13:02:45 Sat Mon Rah Mer
Ket -R Ari 21:07:39 Mar Ven Jup Ven 9 Aqu 8:42:04 Sat Rah Jup Jup
Ura -R Lib 13:40:27 Ven Rah Mer Rah 10 Pis 9:02:52 Jup Sat Ven Rah
Nep Sco 20:39:51 Mar Mer Ven Jup 11 Ari 13:34:28 Mar Ven Ven Ven
Plu -R Vir 17:48:44 Mer Mon Mer Mer 12 Tan 18:19:19 Ven Mon Mer Ven

Fortuna: Cancer 15:48:46 NaVamaa Chart

Jup RilyXN. Un
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
aVSun 12 ><^0Nap
IIU- 1216"
I Koai' Plu 3

Mon |\ S«l / iis

OC 9 X8 Mon
2/Ket Sat
5X Mr 3 Suso- 5Y Sat 3
piu e 12 Mon. Plu 0 Jup 12 Mon
\ N,P XX M s
\iox. a/
Un 11X 9 Plu
Van 7
X 9 Xi'Sun n,h
>< o X11Sun
Mr Ur
*/sN Un/s /io\
/ 10 \
/ Nip /Vin Mr\l Plu /vin M«\
Nisi- RlJi' K patr 3 Mtpy Sun
fin' Urti"
Von/7 \ /4 \
9ns ■ fin-
VA Roh \ / \

Illustration No. 17.6 (Horoscope No. 120) : Overall charm, youth,

intelligence, sharpness and exceptionally most attractive appearance and
personality of the female native made the people, parents and relative believe,
that she had a very bright future as far as conjugal sphere of life is concerned.
But it did not happen so.
We happened to see her horoscope before her marriage. We warned her
parents on the following basis. But they did not care much as they were
overconfident of her very good marriage. She got decently married on 7-9-90
when sub period of Mercury in the major period of Moon was running over
her. The husband is an I.A.S. officer and quite good looking and smart. The
married life is full of confusions and confrontations.
Here Mars falls in the sign of Venus Libra where as Venus falls in the sign of
Saturn. Moreover Mars obtains navamsa of Venus and Venus obtains navamsa
of Mars and both aspect each other in navamsa chart. This is a strong indication
of tendency towards low morals. Please see the position of 7th lord Jupiter who
is exalted in the llthhouse and aspects the 5th and 7th house both. She tried to
fight against the persons who approached her with immoral motives. She
struggled a lot due to Jupiters influence over her brain but the adversity of Mars,
Venus and Saturn due to exchange of signs and navamsa, overpowered her.
This planetary setup is also responsible for her unhappy married life. However
Jupiter's aspect over the 7th house will certainly maintain her marriage and
any kind of break in the relationship with her life partner will never come in
Mars and Venus combination may be present in different ways giving rise to
adultery. Following cases may be examined and analysed in the reference of so
called combination of Mars and Venus. J
Horoscope No. 120
28/01/1967 Time 21:40:36 Day Saturday Place Meerut Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:
at 29:00.00 North Long 77:42:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Coir -0:19:12

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime ,:5:50:21 Hrs Gan : Manusbya Venus: 13Y6M 40 Uka : 4Y0M 190
Eq.oftime 0:12:54 Hrs Yoni : Mooshak Moon
Sunrise :7:11:55 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 03/08/1386 28/01/1967
Sunset :17:52:26 Hrs Varan : Ksbalnya 02/06/1996 16/02/2001
Samvat : 2023 Vashya : Vancbar Moon 03/06/1987 Uka 17/02/1971
Saka : 1888 Varga : Shwen Mars 02/01/1988 Sidha 17/02/1978
Month : Magha Yunja : Madhya Rahu 03/07/1989 Sankta 17/02/1966
Paksh : Krishna HansakfTatva) Agnl Jupiter 02/11/1990 Mangla 17/02/1987
Tithi at Sunrise..: 3 Name Alphabet Taa-Tarun Saturn 03/06/1992 Pingla 16^12/1969
Nakshatra : P Phalguni Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Silver Mercury 02/11/1993 Dhanya 17/02/1992
Yoga : Shobhan Hora Saturn Ketu 03/06/1994 Bhramri 17/02/1996
Karan : Vishti Chaugharia : Shubh Venus 02/02/1996 Bhadrika 16/02/2001

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 14:54:47 Sat Mon Jup Ven Asc W 4:44:36 Mer Sun Sat Rah
Mon Leo 17:39:32 Sun Ven Mar Sat 2 Lib 2:36:31 Ven Mar Ket Mer
Mar Lib 2:25:05 Ven Mar Ket Jup 3 Sco 3:02:16 Mar Jup Rah Sun
Mer Cap 22:15:49 Sat Mon Ven Mer 4 Sag 4:38:59 Jup Ket Mon Ven
Jup -R Can 5:11:44 Mon Sat Sat Jup 5 Cap 6:14:10 Sat Sun Mer Rah
Ven Aqu 4:13:31 Sat Mar Ven Sat 6 Aqu 6:41:01 Sat Rah Rah Rah
Sat Pis 3:04:41 Jup Jup Rah Mon 7 Pis 4:44:36 Jup Sat Sat Mar
Rah -R Ari 18:36:17 Mar Ven Rah Jup 8 Ari 2:36:31 Mar Ket Ven Mer
Ket -R Lib 18:36:17 Ven Rah Mon Sat 9 Tau 3:02:16 Ven Sun Sat Sat
Ura -R Vir 0:53:50 Mer Sun Rah Sun 10 Gem 4:38:59 Mer Mar Ven Mer
Nep Sco 1:00:29 Mar Jup Mar Mer 11 Can 6;14:10 Mon Sat Mer Mon
Plu -R Leo 27:10:17 Sun Sun Sun Mer 12 Leo 6:41:01 Sun Ket Rah Mer

Fortuna: Aries 7:29:22 Navamta Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal

83- 93-
Sun 2 8 Vtn
Sat I \M®r Kei/ \ Plu Mon/
5 X7 Ml
\ 7 / \ 5 / j Jup
Jup / 8\
Napsyilra 6 Jup ox Mar 8 P
Mar SaN,/R»h Mon
3 Jup

M8r 12
Sun myx A
Sat /r\
/ Ven \ / Rah
Keifl- Mar \ X
' Ket 33' 23* Rah/sV set
Nep Mar Ner Mar
Horoscope No. 15
15/11/1965 Time 20:37:00 Day Monday Place Aligarh Sri Sanalan Ayanamsa 23:07
27:54:00 North Long 78:04:00 East Zona 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr -0:17:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

Siderial Time .:23:57:15 Mrs Gan : Rakshas Mercury :7Y7M29D ahramrl: 1Y9IV1190
Eq.oftima :0:15:26 Hrs Yoni : Maijar Venus
Sunrise :6:40:21 Hrs Nadi — - Antya 15/07/1980 15/11/1965
Sunsat :17:24:09 Hrs Varan - Vlpra 15/07/2000 05/09/1999
Samvat : 2022 Vashya Jalchar Venus 15/11/1983 Bhramri 05/09/1967
Saka 1887 Varga : Shwan Sun 14/11/1984 Bhadrika 0W9/1972
Month Margshirsh Yunja ^ Madhya Moon 16/07/1986 Ulka 05/09/1976
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva> Jal Mars 15/09/1987 Sidha 04/09/1985
Hthi atSunrisa..: 7 Name Alphabet Day-Dah/endra Rahu 14/09/1990 Sankta 04/09/1993
Nakshatra ; Aslasa Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Silver Jupiter 15/05/1993 Mangla 05/09/1994
Yoga : Brahma Hora. ^ Mercury Saturn 15/07/1996 Pingla 04/09/1996
Karan ; Balava Chaugharia : Rcga Mercury 16/05/1999 Dhanya 05/09/1999

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 29.55.29 Ven Jup Mon Sal Asc Gem 18:10:12 Mer Rah Mon Mon
Man Can 23:59:23 Man Mer Mar Van 2 Can 10:57:48 Man Sat Sun Van
Mar Sag 7:52:50 Jup Kat Jup Sat 3 Lao 6:10:17 Sun Kat Rah Sat
Mer Sco 22:21:54 Mar Mar Man Mar 4 Vir 6:07:40 Mer Sun Mer Mar
Jup Gem 7:00:44 Mer Rah Rah Jup 5 Lib 10:44:24 Ven Rah Sat Sat
Ven Sag 17:03:13 Jup Van Mon Ket 6 Sco 16:02:57 Mar Sat Jup Van
Sat Aqu 17:22:10 Sat Rah Ven Ket 7 Sag 18:10:12 Jup Ven Rah Rah
Rah Tau 11:38:45 Ven Mon Mar Kat 8 Cap 10:57:48 Sat Mon Mon Ven
Kat Sco 11:38:45 Mar Sat Man Sat 9 Aqu 6:10:17 Sat Mar Mon Sat
Ura Lao 25:47:24 Sun Van Mar Sal 10 Pis 6:07:40 Jup Sat Mar Van
Nap Lib 26:44:18 Van Jup Van Van 11 Ari 10:44:24 Mar Kat Sat Mar
Plu Lao 25:00:32 Sun Ven Mer Mar 12 Tau 16:02:57 Ven Mon Sat Mer

Fortuna: Pisces 12:14:06 Navamaa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

2X Sil 12

11"' Rai2'
Sun 3 Mar 9 Jup
■ 1219'
\ p X
\ Mon / \ Rah / \ Mon
4X 6 X.8
pjU\ 4 / \ 2 / | Mon XsN. Ven X7XPIU
5X 3 X "i i 1 Rah 2"' N. / Kflt N.

Nap\ N X"*
Mar X \Mon
Unar 9 8"' Ket 7 Xll Sat
Nap/SX /lo\ Sun/8\ 10\ Urze
/ Van \
Mer Ket /Mar Mer
pkj \ X XX !
Ura 1y<r 3 y\5 Jup
Ket Ne Rah/ 2 X. Nep / 4Xy
Mer Su i i X Ven \ XSat SunX

Illustration No. 17,7{Horoscope No. 15) : She is a beautiful daughter of a

class one officer who was posted outside. Her mother who lived with the native
used to remain busy in various other affairs leaving her daughter all alone at
home. She entered into carnal relationship with a boy who used to come to
her home in the capacity of her brother. This relationship continued for many
years and was never exposed due to Jupiters aspect over the 7th house, Mars
and Venus.
The combination of Mars and Venus in the 7th house is responsible for such
low conduct. Jupiter's placement in Gemini ascendant and its aspect on own
7th house could not check the adultery, but certainly it has saved her marriage.
In navamsa chart Venus is debilitated in the 7th house with mutual aspect of
Saturn Mars who falls in the 4th house, also has an aspect over Venus. Thus
Venus who falls in navamsa of debilitation is afflicted by the malefic aspect of
Mars and Saturn. She got married in 1987 with a very handsome and smart
boy running his own industry. She is leading a most prosperous and dignified
life full of conjugal bliss of a high degree.

Illustration No. 17.8 (Horoscope No. 154); The combination of Venus Mars
in the 7the house made the native extremely popular among beautiful females?
Venus happens to be a yogakaraka for Aquarius ascendant. If Venus joins the
7th house the native gets a very beautiful wife of a royal family but also enjoys
the association of many women, as it happened in this case. The wife of the
native also knows all about the native. She remains busy in her own affairs.
Married life of the native is below par because the 7th lord Sun is posited in the
8th house with 8th lord Mercury.
Horoscope No.154
ite 29/09/1953 Time 16:56:00 Day Tuesday Place Kanpur Sri Sanalan Ayanamsa 22:57
at 26:27:00 North Long 80;19;00 East Zone 82:30.00 East Time Corr - 0:08:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsollari Yogini

SiderialTime ,:17:18:68 Hrs Gan j: Manushya Rahu: 16Y4M22D Mangla : OY 10M 28D
Eq.oftime :0:09:31 Hrs Yoni. _■ Shwan Jupiter
Sunrise ;6;01:20 Hrs NadL - Adya 20/02/1970 29/09/1953
Sunset :17:56:41 Hrs Varan. i Shoodra 20/02/1986 28/08/1989
Samval : 2010 Vashya - Manav Jupiter 10/04/1972 Mangla 28/06/1954
Saka : 1875 Varga .: Marjar Saturn 22/10/1974 Pingla 27/08/1956
Month : Asvina Yunja Madhya Mercury 27/01/1977 Dhanya 28/08/1959
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Ketu 03/01/1978 Shramri 28/08/1963
Tithi at Sunrise..: 7 Name Alphabet Koo-Kunal Venus 03/09/1980 Bhadrika 27/08/1968
Nakshatra : Ardra Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Silver Sun 22/06/1981 Ulka 28/08/1974
Yoga : Variyan Hora Mercury Moon 22/10/1982 Sidha 28/08/1981
Karan : 6alava Chaugharia ... Koga Mars 28/09/1983 Sankta 28/08/19L9

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 13:04:07 Mer Mon Rah Ket Asc Aqu 22:52:13 Sat Jup Sat Ven
Mon Gem 7:51:20 Mer Ran Bah Ket 2 Ari 1:50:18 Mar Ket Ven Rah
Mar Leo 16:20:13 Sun Ven Mon Mar 3 Tau 2:26:37 Ven Sun Jup Sun
Mer Vir 29:15:32 Mer Mar Sat Mon 4 Tau 27:37:24 Ven Mar Jup Rah
Jup Gem 3:07:22 Mer Mar Ven Sun 5 Gem 21:33:12 Mer Jup Jup Rah
Ven Leo 13:30:44 Sun Ven Ven Ven 6 Can 18:21:22 Mon Mer Mer Sat
Sat Lib 4:17:10 Ven Mar Ven Sat 7 Leo 22:52:13 Sun Ven Sat Ven
Rah -R Cap 7:49:26 Sal Sun Ven Ven 8 Lib 1:50:18 Ven Mar Mer Sat
Ket -R Can 7:49:26 Mon Sat Ket Jup 9 Sco 2:26:37 Mar Jup Rah Mer
Ura Gem 29:45:02 Mer Jup Mon Rah 10 Sco 27:37:24 Mar Mer Jup Rah
Nep Lib 0:00:55 Ven Mar Mer Mer 11 Sag 21:33:12 Jup Ven Jup Mar
Plu Leo 1:16:47 Sun Ket Ven Mon 12 Cap 18:21:22 Sat Mon Mer Ven

Fortuna: Scorpio 17:39:27 Navamsa Chart

\ /X Rah
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChalK^Cuspai
I Nv 2 y/ N,12/
Ura 3X ^ ^ Xll

5 XVup 7 NepXg Mon
12 10 Veri/e Nw y/ 0 Nv. 1
9 Rah Kee- /Mer Ket \ /^ Set

Men 2. Jup \~ Nep y Plu Mon/
7 \ 5
Rah\ y/
Pu 8 p/ Sun 6 JUp
3VSun 5 MerVg Sat X n.

\Ven 9 3
Kat /Mar Ven\ / sal
X /X
1029' Sa4* Mar K/x12 y\2 Kel
82" Ura /^ ix.
92- Neo' / \
/ Mer Nv/
Horoscope No.155
27/06/"l957 Time 01:32:00 Day Thursday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
l-at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yog in i

SiderialTime 19:44:17 Hrs Gan Deva Mars: 4Y5M21D Sankta :5Y1M 11D
Eq.oftime - 0:02:37 Hrs Yoni Sarp Jupiter
Sunrise 5:15:53 Hrs Nadi. Madhya 17/12/1979 27/06/1957
Sunset 19:02:19 Hrs Varaa Vaishya 17/12/1995 07/0 B/1990
Samvat 2014 Vashya. Chatuspada Jupiter 04/02/1982 Sankta 07/08/1962
Saka 1879 Varga fvVig Saturn 17/08/1984 Mangla 08/08/1963
Month Asadha Yunja Poorva Mercury 23/11/1986 Pingla 07/08/1965
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Bhooml Ketu 30/10/1987 Dhanya 07/08/1968
Tithi at Sunrise.. 13 Name Alphabet Wo-Vyom Venus 30/06/1990 Bhramri 07/08/1972
Nakshatra Mrigsira Paya(Rasi-Nak) Silver-Gald Sun 18/04/1991 Bhadrika 07/08/1977
Yoga Gand Hora Venus Moon 17/08/1992 Ulka 08/08/1983
Karan Shakuni Chaugharia Kaal Mars 24/07/1993 Sidha 07/08/1990

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Gem 11:54:50 Mer Rah Sat Mar Asc Ari 12:12:27 Mar Ket Mer Sun
Mon Tau 28:08:38 Ven Mar Sat Sat 2 Tau 12:32:24 Ven Mon Rah Sat
Mar Can 10:19:56 Mon Sat Ven Ket 3 Gem 7:16:09 Mer Rah Rah Sat
Mer Gem 3:00:25 Mer Mar Ven Ven 4 Can 1:10:18 Mon Jup Mar Ven
Jup Vir 0:58:44 Mer Sun Rah Mon 5 Can 28:11:14 Mon Mer Sat Sat
Ven Can 1:22:15 Mon Jup Rah Rah 8 Vir 1:59:04 Mer Sun Jup Mer
Sat -R Sco 16:15:33 Mar Sat Jup Mon 7 Lib 12:12:27 Ven Rah Sat Rah
Rah -R Lib 25:55:23 Ven Jup Ket Ven 8 Sco 12:3224 Mar Sat Mar Mer
Ket -R Ari 25:55:23 Mar Ven Ket Ket 9 Sag 7:16:09 Jup Ket Rah Sun
Ura Can 12:16:08 Mon Sat Mar Rah 10 Cap 1:10:18 Sat Sun Rah Mar
Nep -R Lib 6:52:57 Ven Rah Rah Rah 11 Cap 28:11:14 Sat Mar Sat Sat
Plu Leo 5:27:49 Sun Ket Mar Sun 12 Pis 1:59:04 Jup Jup Rah Sat

Fortuna : Pisces 28:26:16 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

\5 / X3/P)u
Mon 6 X Van 4 V/
Ket Mon ^/ N. XXRah
Kew MQ26' ^Mar 7 Mar\<^ 1 y
Ura / N. /
\ Man / 122* | \ Mon MsrV SatXX
eX^Sun 10 JupXj2
Mer\ / 2 12/ Mar \ 2 / Kat X9 X^^ >/l iX,^
3VKet 1 X11 Ven Sun 3 Ket 1 / Nap X. s X.
Sun/ \ 'X Ura
Mar 4 Ven\ Mar 4 ven X Sun Plu / \ Ur0
\ Ura / \ Ura /
Mon 7\: 5 ;
Plu sVRah 7 Nep Vg
6 10," IP'11/ 6\ Rail / 8
/ \ /
/ Jirp \ / Sat
* Nap \
Saio' Raze* Ket 9 X
Ne 8^ 712- Sa! /10
Sat Rai Ne?"

Illustration No. 17.9(Horoscope No.155) : This chart marks Mars-Venus in

4th house i.e. in Cancer, the debilitation sign of Mars. With Venus as the lord of
7th house and Mars, the lord of ascendent, it appears that the native has a strong
passion for sex.
The position of Mars and Venus is indicative of the native's lustful tendency.
This is corroborated by the fact that she had physical relationship with one of
her relatives. As the compelling force of the native's planetary configuration
would have it, this type of relationship developed.

Illustration No. 17.10(Horoscope No. 155A) ; The natal chart cited here at
the first glance does not indicate such a low character of the native. But the
planetary configuration camouflages the bizzare truth. The native developed
physical contact with her own teacher when she was just 18. Mars had impressed
the native with his dignity and personality, therefore she had some kind of desire
to fulfil her lust with that man. Although the man also used to derive visual
pleasure in all secrecy and controlled his emotions through the eyes but the
native's natural gaiety and loneliness stimulated him. Only a beginning had to
be made, the carnal cycle followed afterwards.
Jupiter, as the lord of the 7th house is significator of the teacher. Rahu has
joined the debilitated Venus. The lord of 8th house. Mars posits in the Rasi of
Venus besides being aspected by the lord of 6th, Saturn. The aspects of Mars
and Saturn on the 12th house, certainly show the possibility of illicit sex-
relationship of the native. Further, the lord of 12th house, Sun, joins the lord of
7th house. Jupiter in the 2nd house only to spell out the native's relationship
with a teacher-like person. Saturn and Mars in Scorpio and Taurus signs denote
the illicit physical relationship of the native.
It would be very useful to remember that, the native (female) born in Taurus
ascendent at 3 20' to 6 40' or Libra at 13 20' to 16 40' has passionate behavioural
patterns. Mr. M.C. Jain, in his book "Astrology and Law of Sex' writes that, if
Aries or Scorpio signs fall in the 12th house and Rahu posits alongwith any other
malefic, then the native certainly maintains illicit relationship with somebody.

Role of Mercury in Carnality

Generally Mercury is not taken into account as far as adultery and immoral
activities are concerned. It will lead to a wrong judgement, if we completely
ignore Mercury. Illegitimate relationship, secret affairs of all kinds, adopted and
illegitimate children and many relations are indicated by Mercury. Madan Gopal
Yoga which also describes immoral relationships will be there, if the lord of the
ascendant or that of the 7th house is associated with Mercury. But there is a
difference between the cause of carnal relationship created by the afflictedVenus
and Mercury. Physical passion and lust come under the influence of Venus where
as mental thirst and hunger of intelligence are denoted by Mercury. Many times
this tendency of mental hunger gives rise to immoral relationships.
Placement of Mercury in the 7th house under affliction is certainly adverse
as far as physical involvement is concerned with another person. Mercury is
the illegitimate child of Moon and it is eunuch by nature. Many times Mercury
creates havocs in the lives of the people, if adversely placed in the sensitive
houses or signs.
Mercury if placed in the 12th house also does the samething. If Mercury
conjoins with the Lagna lord and the 7th lord is in the 12th house, the native
gets deeply indulged into opposite sex and many times does not care for the
status and position of the opposite partner even if it is very low.
Horoscope No.155A
te 19/10/1958 Time 04:30:00 Day Sunday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:01
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 Edst Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime .:6:11:17Hr$ Gan : Manushya Venus: 3Y 5M 28D Sidha : 1Y 2M 20D
Eq.ottime :0:14:42 Hrs Yoni r Vanar Jupiter
Sunrise :6:08:32 Hrs Nadi. - Wladhya 18/04/2003 08/01/1989
Sunset :17:34:36 Hrs Varaa ^ Kshalriya 18/04/2019 08/01/2025
Samvat : 2015 Vashya ^ Manav Jupiter 05/06/2005 Sidha 09/01/1996
Saka ; 1880 Varga : Shwan Saturn 17/12/2007 Sankta 09/01/2004
Month : Asvina Yunia Antya Mercury 24/03/2010 Mangla 08/01/2005
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Agni Ketu 28/02/2011 Pingla 08/01/2007
Tithi at Sunrise..: 6 Name Alphabet Venus 29/10/2013 Dhanya 08/01/2010
Nakshatra : Purvasadha Dhaa-Dharmesh Sun 17/08/2014 Bhramri 08/01/2014
Yoga ; Sukarma Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Copper Moon 17/12/2015 Bhadnka 08/0 /2019
Karan : Vanij Hora; : Jupilar Mars 22/11/2016 Ulka 0W1/2025

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L rsH_ Sub S-S
Sun Lib 2:02:19 Ven Mar Ket Ven Asc Vir 929:58 Mer Sun Ven Sat
Mon Sag 24:20:11 Jup Ven Mer Ket 2 Lib 7:53:14 Ven Rah Rah Ket
Mar -R Tau 8:57:58 Ven Sun Ven Jup 3 Sao 8:18:14 Mar Sat Ven Ven
Mer Ub 11:07:36 Ven Rah Sat Ket 4 Sag 9:33:59 Jup Ket Sat Sat
Jup Lib 1521:50 Ven Rah Ven Ven 5 Cap 10:52:36 Sat Mon Mon Ven
Ven Vlr 26:02:52 Mer Mar Rah Mar 6 Aqu 11:18:32 Sat Rah Sat Ven
Sat Soo 28:29:02 Mar Mer Sat Mer 7 Pis 9:29:58 Jup Sat Ven Jup
Rah -R Vlr 29:20:58 Mer Mar Sat Mar 8 Ari 7:53:14 Mar Ket Jup Sat
Ket -R Pis 29:20:58 Jup Mer Sat Mar 9 Tau 8:18:14 Ven Sun Ven Mon
Ura Can 22:48:28 Mon Mer Mon Sat 10 Gem 9:33:59 Mer Rah Jup Ven
Nep Lib 11:08:33 Ven Rah Sat Ket 11 Can 10:52:36 Mon Sat Sun Ket
Plu Leo 10:37:21 Sun Ket Sat Mon 12 Leo 11:18:32 Sun Ket Sat Jup

rtuna: Sagittarius 1:47:50 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal yZ 11 y/Uw

iySm 12 SiiNrio ur«
z X Kfll X XN,P

Kat M \Mer Jup/\ /

K01 1|\ 8r Sun/X piu
NJuiNap/ 8 \ " \N8P / \ / e Xa won
W V/ I Ura
v/ \ / P1u Rah^Z 7 x.
Sat BX Van Rah ura Sit 6XSun s V«nV4 v X Sun X
Zn. Rah ZX^'
Men 9
fsX Won W
Kat \/3
tOX 12 Sti" I *0
/ll\ Kat 11 \ Kat / 1 (PIU 8 X: 2

Juia; bX 11 Xi sit
Nap Jup Nan'Man' vase8 10
ZN X Rah /12X.
Sat Mar Sun 2*' Sur Mer VanvZ^P M"X
Horoscope No. 122
14/08/1949 Time 18:32:00 Day Sunday Place Lucknow Sri Sanalan Ayanamsa 22:53
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsollari

SiderialTime .:15:56:05 Mrs Gan : Deva Ketu : 5Y11M 1D Bhramri : 3Y 4M 18D
Eq of time > 0:04:40 Mrs Yoni : Ashwa Venus
Sunrise :5:38:29 Hrs Nadi r Adya 17707/1955 14/08/1949
Sunset ."18:43:18 Hrs Varan : Kshatriya 17/07/1975 01/01/1985
Samvat : 2006 Vashya : Chatuspada Venus 16/11/1958 Bhramri 01/01/1953
Saka : 1871 Varga Simha Sun 16/11/1959 Bhadrika 01/01/1958
Month : Bhadra Yunja : Poarva Moon 17/07/1961 Ulka 02/01/1964
Paksh ....•, : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Mars 16/09/1962 Sidha 02/01/1971
Tithi at Sunrise..: 5 Name Alphabet Rahu 16/09/1965 Sankta 02/01/1979
Nakshatra : Asvini Chu-Churamani Jupller 17/05/1968 Mangla 02/01/1980
Yoga : Gand Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Gold Saturn 17/07/1971 Pingla 01/01/1982
Karan : Gara Hora Jupiter Mercury 17/05/1974 Dhanya 01/01/1985

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun 28:29:36 Mon Mer Sat Asc Cap 25:46:39 Sat Mar Rah Sun
Mon 2:03:14 Mar Ket Ven 2 Pis 5:51:31 Jup Sat Mer Ven
Mar 21:54:41 Mer Jup Sat 3 Ari 10:32:06 Mar Ket Sat Sun
Mer 16:02:37 Sun Ven Sun 4 Tau 8:15:47 Ven Sun Ven Mon
Jup -R 1:20:51 Sat Sun Jup 5 Gem 2:20:52 Mer Mar Ket Jup
Ven 29:55:05 Sun Sun Rah 6 Gem 26:38:52 Mer Jup Ven Ven
Sat 14:19:00 Sun Ven Ven 7 Can 25:46:39 Mon Mer Rah Sun
Rah 25:14:52 Jup Mer Rah 8 Vir 5:51:31 Mer Sun Mer Sun
Ket 25:14:52 Mer Mar Rah 9 Lib 10:32:06 Ven Rah Sat Sat
Ura 10:44:50 Mer Rah Sat 10 Sco 8:15:47 Mar Sat Ven Ven
Nep 20:11:38 Mer Mon Ket 11 Sag 2:20:52 Jup Ket Ven Sat
Plu 23:27:18 Mon Mer Mar 12 Sag 26:38:52 Jup Ven Ket Mer

Fortuna: Virgo 29:20:17 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
\ / X. 4 /
r/Mer 5 Set^/a
/ \ Kat / \

Mon Rah
Van oXRah 11 PluVj
/loX. / 12X^ar
Rah2X P 10 /Jup Ura\ / Sun X

Mon 1
/ Me
' Vei
Ket Sai
2y Sun 4 Plu Y 6 3XSun 4 MerV7
/aX /5\Nep Jur aX Sat /s \
Mar Ura^/van Mef\J Ket / Plu \ /Nap Ket

Aphorism No. 7

"friter w

^ ^ ^ spRlftPi:)!"

- (Wl^)
If Mercury is afflicted in the 12the house, the native is tortured by the king
and earns defamation, criticism and fear of government.
Aphorism No. 8

- nra)

This means if Mercury is posited in the 8th house, the native will be mean,
crooked and of cruel mind, adulterous, passionate, dishonest and sick.
Illustration No. 17.HiHoroscopiN0.122) : In the present birth chart Mercury
falls in the 8th house in association with the ascendant lord Saturn and yoga karaka
Venus. This made her passionate and of low morals. Jupiter in the Lagna had given
her a captivating charm and that became the weakness of so many males.
She got decently married with a handsome smart and intelligent engineer
at the age of seventeen in the year 1966. Thereafter she was blessed with one
female and one male child. She was struggling hard and used to remain under
severe mental depression during the last days of her life when she committed
suicide on 3-11-84, The 7th house is hemmed between first rate malefics Mars
and Saturn giving rise to Papakartari yoga. This resulted in a miserable conjugal
life. The persons whom she loved very much also deceived her in different ways.
They did not care of her sentiments and emotions. As a result of when she took
many sleeping pills and slept forever at the age of 35 years only, when she was
passing through the sub period of Rahu in the major period of Moon, Presence
of Madan Gopal yoga can also be seen here as Mercury is conjoined with Lagna
lord Saturn in the 8th house.
Horoscope No. 69
ate 20/10/1942 Time 08:30:00 Day Tuesday PJace Kata Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:47
.at 25:11:00 North Long 75:58:00 Easl Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 1:26:08

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

Siderial Time 8:55:29 Hrs Gan Rakshas Rahu : 8Y11M 5D Dhanya : 1Y5M 260
Eq.oftime :0:15:04 Hrs Yoni. Asbv/a Saturn
Sunrise :7:27:55 Hrs Nadi Adya 25/09/1967 20/10/1942
Sunset :18:53:59 Hrs Varan Shoodra 25/09/1986 16/04/1977
Samvat : 1999 Vashya Manav Saturn 28/09/1970 Dhanya 16/04/1944
Saka 1864 Varga. Mssba Mercury 07/06/1973 Bhramri 16/04/1940
Month : Asvina Yunja. Antya Ketu 17/07/1974 Bhadrika 16/04/1953
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Talva) Vayu Venus 16/09/1977 Ulka 16/04/1959
Tithi at Sunrise.: 11 Name Alphabet Ses-Seetaram Sun 29/08/1978 Sidha 16/04/1966
Nakshatra : Satabhisha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Silver-Copper Moon 29/03/1980 Sankta 16/04/1974
Yoga : Vradhi Hora Sun Mars 08/05/1981 Mangla 16/04/1975
Karan : Vishtr Chaugharia Roga Rahu 14A}3/1984 Pingla 16/04/1977

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 3:15:13 Ven Mar Ven Mon Asc Lib 16:26:44 Ven Rah Ven Jup
Men Aqu 13:23:00 Sal Rah Mer Mon 2 See 15:37:15 Mar Sat Jup Mer
Mar Vir 28:36:43 Mer Mar Sat Ket 3 Sag 16:24:02 Jup Ven Mon Rah
Mer Vir 17:48:02 Mer Mon Mer Mer 4 Cap 18:36:52 Sal Mon Mer Mon
Jup Can 1:32:47 Mon Jup Rah Rah 5 Aqu 20:48:03 Sal Jup Jup Ket
Ven Vir 26:18:37 Mer Mar Jup Jup 6 Pis 20:29:16 Jup Mer Ven Jup
Sat Tau 19:10:18 Ven Mon Mer Jup 7 Ari 16:26:44 Mar Ven Mon Rah
Rah -R Leo 10:08:26 Sun Ket Sat Ven 8 Tau 15:37:15 Ven Mon Jup Rah
Ket -R Aqu 10:08:26 Sat Rah Jup Mar 9 Gem 16:24:02 Mer Rah Ven Jup
Ura -R Tau 11:09:11 Ven Mon Mar Mar 10 Can 18:36:52 Mon Mer Ket Ven
Nep Vir 7:47:15 Mer Sun Ven Ven 11 Leo 20:48:03 Sun Ven Jup Mer
Plu Can 14:22:24 Mon Sat Rah Ven 12 Vir 20:29:16 Mer Mon Ven Ven

Fortuna: Aquarius 26:34:31 Navamaa Chart

X Nip Kit
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal
\12 X \10 1/
Ura IXMon 11 X9
7w 8 ■
S HI e piu
/\M«r Mar/ .Mir Sun /
„ D / NNap/an/ \ Van / 6 y\f 0un
\8/ \6/ Jup 8 /Nap JuJ 4
aY Sun 7 XSRah Plu Xs \Vin yS
/Jup RihXy' Mir x.
\Mer PI"'
\ 10i»' Daaamaa
Pru 4 Jup MonIO Kit 4 Rshy
/ Ram1
Mon\ ^ KitNX
2XJup 12
X3 _ nil-
Ket% 12\ Ure /2\Pfu Men 3
/Ura Sat \ / Sal \
Plu \
Nip 4>
210- j ll X5 7XRih
Su3- Mir X

Illustration No. 17.12 (Horoscope No. 69): The native was a very handsome,
energetic and smart class one officer. He was also a great sportsman and
represented his organisation in his state. Innumerable females of decent
appearance were employed by him in his service span. The native established
immoral relations with many of them.
The native was born in Libra ascendant. The lord of the 7th and 2nd house
Mars and Lagna lord Venus are conjoined in the 12th house with the 12th lord
Mercury. Madan Gopal yoga has also been formed. This is a very powerful
combination for carnality. The conjunctions of only Mars and Venus in the 12th
house gives rise to extra marital relationship as the 12th house has a control
over of bed pleasure. The most unfortunate part of the life of the native was
that the beginning of the major period of Mercury in 1987 his health was
damaged seriously due to a paralytic attack.
Horoscope No. 59
^ate 29/12/1969 Time 20:27:00 Day Monday Place Baraut Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:10:
Lat 29:06:00 North Long 77:15:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:21:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime .:2:37:33 Hrs Gan - Manushya Venus :12Y2M28D Ulka ;3YflM2D
Eq.oftime :- 0:01:58 Hrs YonI .: Mooshak Moon
Sunrise :7:15:28 Hrs NadL... Madhya 23/03/1988 29/12/1969
Sunset :17:30:33 Hrs Varan... Kshatriya 29/03/1998 02/09/2003
Samvat : 2026 Vashya. ^ Vanchar Moon 27/01/1989 Ulka 01/09/1973
Saka : 1891 Varga... ^ Slr.'van Mars 28/08/1989 Sfdhe 01/09/1980
Month : Pausa Yunja... . Madhya Rahu 27/02/1991 Sankta 01/09/1988
Paksh «%•<«< Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Jupiter 28/06/1992 Mengla 01/09/1989
Tithi at Sunrise..: 5 Name Alphabet Taa-Tarun Setum 27/01/1994 Pingle 02/09/1991
Nakshatra : P Phalguni Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Silver Mercury 28/06/1995 Dhanya 01/09/1994
Yoga : Ayusman Hora - Mercury Ketu 28/01/1996 Bhramri 01/09/1998
Karan : Gara Chaugharia ^ Roga Venus 27/09/1997 Bhedrika 02/09/2003

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Ras) Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sag 14:33:20 Jup Ve n Ven Jup Asc Cen 22:56:22 Mon Mer Mon Mer
Mon Leo 18:30:11 Sun Ve n Rah Jup 2 Leo 17:32:30 Sun Ven Mar Jup
Mar Aqu 17:17:09 Set Reh Ven Mer 3 Vir 16:16:51 Mer Mon Sat Mer
Mer Cap 4:08:02 Set Sun Set Sun 4 Lib 18:38:53 Ven Rah Mon Set
Jup Lib 8:49:01 Ven Rah Jup Jup 5 Sco 21:56:55 Mar Mer Sun Sat
Ven Sag 8:17:02 Jup Ket Jup Mer 6 Seg 23:37:45 Jup Ven Sat Rah
Sat -R Arl 8:54:12 Mer Ket Jup Mon 7 Cep 22:56:22 Sat Mon Sun Jup
Rah -S Aqu 21:01:43 Sat Jup Jup Ven 8 Aqu 17:32:30 Sat Rah Sun Mar
Ket -S Leo 21:01:43 Sun Ven Jup Ven 9 Pis 16:16:51 Jup Sat Jup Mon
Ura Vir 15:30:47 Mer Mon Jup Reh 10 Ari 18:38:53 Mar Ven Rah Jup
Nep Sco 6:38:07 Mer Set Mer Reh 11 Teu 21:56:55 Ven Mon Ven Sat
Plu -S Vir 4:12:57 Mer Sun 3at Mon 12 Gem 23:37:45 Mer Jup Sat Jup

Fortuna: Pisces 26:53:13 Navamaa Chart

XMor PJu
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
Nj1 X
Sas* 1
10^8* 1
1122- Rah 1

\Mon Ket/ \ \Ket Mon

NUraPlu/ Ura 4
Plu\5/ \ 3/
6 4
X X2 Jup6X /van SatX / Nep SunX
Ura / \ / \
Jup 7 1 Sat Nep 7 X. yZ/v Nep Rah1/
\8 / \6 X
/1 218* Jup 9SX Mer UraX/
NepaV 1C7 Vl2 2Sat
Mer /q\ Mer /ll\ Me4- Ven/gX Mar /n
V 10 >c 4 MaO
Sun Ven\ /Rah Mar\l Ura
V— Phi MonX /
41B' VeX 2\Plu
Nep Jup Ner* Jua* ■ X Kat

Illustration No. 17.J3 (Horoscope No59} : Lord of the 12th house Mercury
is placed in the 7th house and is aspected by debilitated Saturn. The 4th lord
Venus joins the 6th house and aspects the 12th house of extra marital relationship.
Papa Kartari yoga is also present around the 7thhouse. Venus and Saturn both
are conjoined together in the 6th house in navamsa of Mercury whereas Mercury
obtain navamsa of Saturn i.e. mutual exchange of navamsa between the 12th
and 7th lords Mercury and Saturn. Moreover Mars lends its aspect over Venus
and Saturn in navamsa chart and Saturn aspects Mars. She is a beautiful daughter
of senior I.A.S. officer who underwent immoral relationship.
Aphorism No. : 9

^ ^ ^ tyiwwf; i
^ qif it #it II

That is the native wastes money in prostitution. He is selfish towards his

own persons. He is cruel, crooked, diplomatic hypocrite and is criticised by his
father. This is more so if Mercury is placed in the 12th house under affliction.
Horoscope No.156
te 20/09/1974 Time 08:25:00 Day Friday Place Lucknow Sfl Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsoltari Yoglnl

Siderial Time ,:8;13;05 Hrs Gan Rakshas Jupiter :8Y3M8D Dhanya : 1Y6M 18D
Eq.oftima :0:06:22 Hrs Yoni Vyaghra Saturn
Sunrise :5:55:01 Hrs Nadi Antya 27/12/1982 20709/1974
Sunset ',18:04:34 Hrs Varan............. Shoedra 26/12/2001 08/04/2009
Samvat : 2031 Vashya Manav Saturn 29/12/1985 Dhanya 08/04/1976
Saka : 1896 Varga Sarp Mercury O8/09/1988 Bhramri 08/04/1960
Month : Bhadra Yunja Madhya Ketu 17/101989 Bhadrika 08/04/1985
Paksh :• Shukla Hansak(Talva) Vayu Verms 17/12/1992 Ulka 09/04/1991
Tithi at Sunrise..: 5 Name Alphabet Too-Tookaram Sun 29/11/1993 Sidha 09/04/1998
Nakshatra : Visakha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Gold-Copper Moon 30/06/1995 Sankta 09/04/2006
Yoga Vaidhriti Hora Moon Mars 06/08/1996 Mangla 09/04/2007
Karen : Bava Chaugharia Labha Rahu 15/06/1999 Pingla 08^04/2009

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rial Degree R-U N-L Sub S-S House Raal Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 3:32:02 Mer Sun Sat Mer Asc Lib 6:17:22 Ven Mar Men Mer
Man Lib 26:26:37 Ven Jup Ket Sal 2 Sco 5:15:35 Mar Sat Sat Jup
Mar Vir 11:30:23 Mer Men Mar Mer 3 Sag 5:52:55 Jup Ket Rah Jup
Mer Vir 27 06:20 Mer Mar Jup Ven 4 Cap 7:48:11 Sat Sun Ven Ven
Jup -R Aqu 17 47:37 Set Rah Sun Sal 5 Aqu 9:51:25 Sat Rah Jup Sun
Ven Leo 21 13:43 Sun Ven Jup Ven 9« Pis 9:52:00 Jup Sat Ven Sat
Sat Gem 24:07:15 Mer Jup Mer Mer 7 Arl 6:17:22 Mar Ket Rah Sat
Rah -R Sco 20 03:13 Mar Mer Ven Mar 8 Tau 5:15:35 Ven Sun Mer Mer
Ket -R Tau 20 03:13 Ven Men Ket Rah 9 Gem 5:52:55 Mer Mar Mon Jup
Ura Lib 2 57:43 Ven Mar Ven Ven 10 Can 7:48:11 Men Sat Ket Jup
Nep Sco •\10
o 52:44 Mar Sat Rah Mer 11 Leo 9:51:25 Sun Ket Sat Mer
/ii ,\n
Flu Vir 13 03:47 Mer Mon Rah Ket 12 Vir 9:52:00 Mer Sun Ven Mer

Fortuna: Scorpio 29:11:57 NavamaaChart

N. [X
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuapal
RihlOXNtp 8 Mir'
78' 85'

KW Sun 11

RahNep/XSun Mai/ R.hN^NM.rJJ.r/

v" y 7 NPIu Mar/ JupiaX^011 2 8,
y\J K#t
\B/ \8 /Van
ps/Mon UnN/jVan fiX Men 7 /Mr PUXv/ \

\ Rih Nip /
8il\lOX \"/

4r 3 Sit yg2v
Vm 12 6 Plu

Raic Mo!!' 1
Nap Ura Naiv 1«* /xSun 3 Mo
Vv w#r
Rah Mon 2«, UP- JupV

Illustration No. 17.14(HoroscopaVo. 156): She is a good looking and loving

daughter of a Chief engineer. She was involved deeply with a boy continuously
for a few years having regular physical contacts. She regarded the boy just like
her life partner but unfortunately he refused to marry her. The girl is deeply
shocked and she has undergone the state of mental depression. Following
combinations of carnal relations are present in her birth chart.
1. Birth Ascenant is Libra which belongs to Venus and that falls in the
navamsa of Mars.
2. Mars is most malefic planet for Libra ascendant and that is placed in the
12th house with 12th lord Mercury which is responsible for immoral activities
of the female. Mercury'Mars combination is very adverse in the sensitive houses
as far as my observations are concerned in this respect. I find that such
relationship is extremely secretive and very harmful, as that can not be converted
into marriage easily.
3. In navamsa chart Venus obtains own navamsa in the 12th house whereas
Mars too falls in its own navamsa in the 6th house. Both Mars and Venus aspect
each other identical to 6th and 12th house which is a strong indication of adultery.
4. If the 2nd lord is placed in the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th or 12th house the native
is likely to be adulterous. Here, the lord of the 2nd house Mars is posited in the
12th house in inimical sign virgo with the ]2the lord Mercury which confirms
secret and extra marital relationship.
5. The opposition of Jupiter and Venus identical to the 5th and 11th house
can not be appreciated especially when Jupiter and Venus both obtain then
own navamsa and both are placed in inimical signs.
Horoscope No. 70
ate 28/04/1947 Time 05:15:00 Day Monday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:51
.at 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:21:08

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoginl

Siderial Time .19.14:20 Mrs Gan : Deva Saturn 2Y 8M 4D Dhanya :0YSM2D
Eq of time :0:02:15Hrs Yoni : Mesh Ketu
Sunrise :5:46:19 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 31/12/1966 28/04/1947
Sunset :18:52:01 Hrs Varan : Vipra 31/12/1973 28/03/1980
Samvat : 2004 Vashya : Jalchar Ketu 29/05/1967 Dhanya 29/09/1947
Saka : 1869 Varga ^ Shwan Venus 28/07/1968 Bhramri 29/09/1951
Month Vaisakha Yunja : Madhya Sun 03/12/1968 Bhadrika 28/09/1956
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Jal Moon 04/07/1969 Ulka 29/09/1962
Tithi at Sunrise..: 7 Name Alphabet Mars 01/12/1969 Sidha 29/09/1969
Nakshatra Pushya Daa-Daamodar Rahu 19/12/1970 Sankta 29/09/1977
Yoga : Shool Paya{Rasf-Nak) : Iron-Silver Jupiter 25/11/1971 Mangla 29/09/1978
Karan : Bava Hora : Mercury Saturn 03^)1/1973 Pingla 28/09/1980

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Ari 14:00:12 Mar Ven Ven Mar Asc Ari 3:10:50 Mar Ket Sun Rah
Mon Can 14:47:14 Mon Sat Rah Mar 2 Tau 5:32:06 Ven Sun Mer Ven
Mar Pis 19:32:04 Jup Mer Ven Ven 3 Gem 0:49:17 Mer Mar Mer Mon
Mer Pis 25:39:31 Jup Mer Rah Ven 4 Gem 24:16:51 Mer Jup Mer Ven
Jup Sco 1:51:10 Mar Jup Rah Jup 5 Can 20:03:39 Mon Mer Ven Mar
Ven Pis 10:34:05 Jup Sat Sun Jup 6 Leo 22:26:02 Sun Ven Sat Mer
Sat Can 9:36:53 Mon Sat Ven Sat 7 Lib 3:10:50 Ven Mar Ven Mon
Rah Tau 9:51:56 Ven Sun Ven Mer 8 Sco 5:32:06 Mar Sat Mer Mer
Ket Sco 9:51:56 Mar Sat Ven Sat 9 Sag 0:49:17 Jup Ket Ven Ven
Ura Tau 26:28:18 Ven Mar Jup Sat 10 Sag 24:16:51 Jup Ven Mer Ket
Nep Vir 15:50:57 Mer Mon Sat Sat 11 Cap 20:03:39 Sat Mon Ket Rah
Plu Can 18:07:23 Mon Mer Mer Jup 12 Aqu 22:26:02 Sat Jup Sat Ket

Fortuna : Cancer 3:57:51 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

Sun Rah 26-

Ura Rau>*
Su^* Ur26u Jup 4

Rah Ura/\Wer Mar Rah Ura/ x'er, Mar91

\ / \ Ven / v / \ Ven /
Vx 7 X. 9
\2 / \l2/ Ura/8 n. Van b
3 X Sun 1 X11 1222' 3 X Sun 1 10 Saio' /Sat Karv / Mon Nv
V Mois-
Mon 4 Sat Mon 3 Sat Sat /^\ Rah /
\ Plu / Wori\3 / \1 /
Mar 4N<^Mar 2
Jup S xv2
X X.
Jup / 8 v Sun 5 11 Ven/
Ket Jup\| Nep . / Ket
Ura \ X \/^


PlLy 7 x 9
/Kel NepX X'

Illustration No. 17.15{Horoscope No. 70)? : The native is the wife of a

Superentending Engineer. She had been adulterous from very beginning for
which she received much defamation too.
1. Affliction of Mercury by inimical Mars is present in this birth chart.
2. Combination of Mars and Venus in the 12th house is extremely adverse
for the loss of moral values.
3. The lord of the ascendant Mars, the 2nd and the 7th lord Venus and the
6th lord Mercury are conjoined in the 12th house.
Her husband, who also has the same combination of Mars, Venus and
Mercury in the J2th house, had also been womaniser as innumerable females
were attracted towards him. Husband and wife both indulged in immoral
activities and they knew about each other. In other words both have permitted
each other silently.
Aphorism No. 10

This means if the native is born in the ascendant of Jupiter and the 7th lord
Mercury is afflictedby malefics and obtains division of enemy or debilitation or
is placed in the 6th or J2th house the wife of the native kills her husband i.e. She
is "Pati hanta' or she destroys the family. Unique role of Mercury may be noted
in this Verse.
Horoscope No.157
14/01/1970 Time 04:59:00 Day Wednesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
.at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54.00 East Zone 82:30.00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarl Yoglni

SiderialTime .12:24:41 Hrs Gan Deva Mercury; 8Y9M50 Ulka : 3Y1M3D
Eq.oftime > 0:08:34 Hrs Yoni. Gaja Venus
Sunrise :6:58:25 Hrs Nadi Anlya 20/10/1985 14/01/1970
Sunset :17;31:40 Hrs Varan Vipra 20/10/2005 17/02/2003
Samvat : 2026 Vashya Jatchar Venus 18/02/1989 Ulka 17/02/1973
Saka : 1891 Varga Sarp Sun 18/02/1990 Sidha 17/02/1980
Month : Paosa Yunja Poorva Moon 20/10/1991 Sankta 17/02/1988
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) JaJ Mars 19/12/1992 Mangla 17/02/1989
Tithi at Sunrise..: 6 Name Alphabet Do-Doulat Rahu 20/12/1995 Pingla 17/02/1991
Nakshatra : Revali singh Jupiter 20/08/1998 Dhanya 17/02/1994
Yoga Shiva Paya(RashNak) Iron-Gold Salum 20/10/2001 ehramri 17/02/1998
Karan : Vanij Hora Sun Mercury 20/08/2004 Bhadrika 17/02^)3

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 0:12:27 Sat Sun Rah Mer Asc Sag 0:55:46 Jup Ket Ven Ven
Mon Pis 23:07:33 Jup Mar Mon Van 2 Cap 3:34:13 Sat Sun Sat Mer
Mar Aqu 28:43:35 Sat Jup Ven Ket 3 Aqu 9:12:06 Sat Rah Jup Mer
Mer Sag 28:49:10 Jup Sun Mar Sat 4 Pis 13:3247 Jup Sat Rah Sat
Jup Lib 10:44:05 Ven Rah Sat Sat 5 Ari 12:58:32 Mar Ket Mer Jup
Ven Sag 27:36:15 Jup Sun Mon Rah 6 Tau 7:54:32 Ven Sun Ven Ven
Sat Ari 8:58:22 Mar Ket Jup Mar 7 Gem 0:55:46 Mer Mar Mer Mon
Rah Aqu 19:53:04 Sat Rah Mar Ven 8 Can 3:34:13 Mon Sal Sal Sat
Ket Lao 19:53:04 Sun Ven Rah Mon 9 Leo 9:12:06 Sun Ket Jup Rah
Ura -S Vir 15:36:51 Mer Mon Jup Rah 10 Vir 13:32:47 Mer Mon Rah Sun
Nep Sco 7:04:21 Mar Sat Mer Sat 11 Lib 12:58:32 Van Rah Mar Van
Plu -R Vir 4:09:19 Mer Sun Sat Sun 12 Sco 7:54:32 Mar Sat Kat Sal

Fortuna: Aquarius 23'.50:51 Navamaa Chart

X Ur« X Rah /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chaltt-Cuspal
SalX2 1
x 11 Plu
Sa^ 69'
Mon 10 Sun
Jup /
Mon \ Sun /A. Nep /
RahVIO/ \ / 8
Rah\10/ \8 / S"' 6
X 8 XVen
11V Mer Ven V7 jUp HjXSun 9 MerX^TNep Ket Nep
Mar/ \ / \
Rah / \ / \ / \ven/ \ Oaaamsa
Mar X. \X. . ..\
Mon 12 Plu 6 Ura Mon 12 Sal Ura 6 JupX Av Jup Mar S
XJ0 X^Ura
Ket 11/X 9
Sat 1X 24- IX n. Nap A.
Sun /2 Suo- / 2 a: » y 12 ^XMer 6 Suny
BB| A. Xp
1113* M<>ri 3
1/X SatXOs Rah
ir 12B* Jun*
Ne?* mm
Nep | Jup ■ ■

Illustration No.17.16 (Horoscope No.157) :She is an exceptionally beautiful

girl. She got married with an LA.S. after a short love affair. She indulged into
unrighteous relationships with number of persons one after another. Her beauty
and physical charm attracted innumerable persons towards her. She is a soft
hearted woman and cannot see anyone being pained by her. This goodness and
nobality of the native resulted into loss of her chastity much earlier to her
marriage. Following planetary combinations may be noted in this regard. The
above aphorism may be referred in this regard.
1. She is born in Sagittarius ascendant whose ruler is Jupiter. The 7th lord
Mercury is placed in the ascendant in inimical sign under retrograde motion.
2. The combination of 6th lord Venus with 7th lord Mercury in the ascendant
is undesirable.
3. The 7th house is aspected by Satum, the Sun(of Lahiri ayanamsha), Venus,
Mercury and Jupiter.
4. The 8th lord Moon who also plays an important role in chastity of a
female is also afflicted as it is hemmed between first rate malefics Mars, Rahu
and Saturn.
Thanks to the aspect of 7th and Lagna lord Mercury and Jupiter over the
7th house which has blessed her with a very happy, prosperous and loving
married life and decent life partner.
TCTT: I" - (An/a Gunthkar)
This means if Mercury conjoins with malefics or falls in the sign of an enemy,
he native gets indulged into sins. Acharya Gunakar opines that the placement of
Mercury in the 12th house results into indulgence of the native into sins.
Role of Venus & Saturn in Relationship

Adultery with the consent of Mother

Aphorism No : 11

'tfrfsi wrft ^5^ mi wf m^\

WIT fl^iffshi'
#>3 TO #!>,

It means, if a female has satum in the ascendant identical with the sign of
Mars, and malefics aspect Moon and Venus, then she resorts to adultery, in
connivance with her mother. Further, if the rising navamsa of Mars is there in
the 7th house from the ascendant under the aspect of saturn, she then suffers
from vaginal ailments. In case the 7th house has navamsa of a benefic, she will
be beautiful and will be loved by her husband. If ascendant belongs to Mars or
Saturn, and Venus is afflicted by malefics, the female will commit adultery along
with her mother.
We have studied so many cases of carnal relations. The involvement of Satum

and Venus is perhaps the worst if the combination is present in the sensitive
points of any horoscope. The combination may be present in various
configurations, giving rise to adultery of different nature.
1.Venus falls in Saturn's navamsa or sign, Saturn obtains that of Venus.
2. Saturn and Venus are conjoined in the 7th house, Lagna or the 12th house
or both aspect each other. The combination will be still worse if Mars aspect
them or is associated with either of them.
5.Venus is posited in the navamsa or sign of Saturn and receives the aspect
of Saturn.
4. Saturn falls in the navamsa or sign of Venus and Venus aspects Saturn.
• 5. Saturn Venus Moon; Saturn Venus Mars; Saturn Venus; Rahu; and Saturn
Mercury or Mercury Saturn Venus combinations at sensitive places give rise to
adultery of different nature.
6. These combinations may give rise to immoral conduct with persons of
low status to whom the native can handle in own way. Words like maid servants
have been used but it should be regarded as subordinates and persons lowly
placed in the society.
7. There may be immoral conduct between the same sex.
8. Relations with older and very mature persons may also be converted in
physical attachments with each other.
9. Involvement of Mercury is very dangerous if it is at a sensitive point. If the
7th lord obtains navamsa of Mercury and also receives the aspect of Mercury
the wife of the native can be compared with a prostitute.
10. If Venus is hemmed between two malefics like Mars and Saturn, there
may be another wife like second woman in life.
11. Hemming of Moon between Mars and Saturn is also adverse as it gives
rise to low values of character.
12. If Moon is placed in the sign of Venus and is afflicted by Saturn, that
causes carnal relations with relatives. Venus does so in many placements. These
all combinations of Venus and Saturn should be examined carefully with the
help of aphorisms mentioned here in this chapter. This is most sensitive area of
the life and the wrong approach of an astrologer may destroy the families and
many lives. We have again and again mentioned that the results should not be
told to the native or his or her persons until and unless it becomes compulsory.
Illustration No.17.17{Horoscope No.42): The native was a handsome doctor
and he got married on 6-3-79 with a most average female. He was extremely
unhappy due to immoral conduct of his wife. Later on he also established the
relations with the maid servant and that was exposed soon. The wife tortured
him so much that he committed suicide on 19-3-1985.
Combination of Mars and Venus in the 7th house under the mutual aspect
with Saturn who is placed in the Lagna itself, compelled him to enter into carnal
relationship with a female of low status. Venus and Saturn both obtain the
navamsa of Saturn. Mars who joins his own navamsa is associated with Moon.
Horoscope No. 42
12/03/1951 Time 20:10:00 Day Monday Place Hardwar Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
it 29:58:00 North Long 78:09:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr-0:17:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime .:7:10:20 Hrs Gan ; Manushya Venus: 3Y11M 2D Bhadrika : OY11M230
Eq.oftime > 0:10:04 Hrs Yonl. : Gaja Rahu
Sunrise :6:33:36 Hrs Nadi ^ Msdhya 13/02/1978 12/03/1951
Sunset :18:21:41 Hrs Varan ^ Kshatriya 13/02/1996 05/03/1983
Samvat : 2007 Vashya ^ Chatuspada Rahu 26/10/1980 Bhadrika 05/03/1952
Saka : 1872 Varga Jupiter 21/03/1983 LHka 05/03/1958
Month : Phalguna Yunja : Foorva Saturn 25/01/1988 Sidha 05/03/1965
Paksh : Shukla HansakfTatva) Agra Mercury 14/08/1988 Sankta 05/03/1973
Tithi at Sunrise..: 5 Name Alphabet Lo-Lokesh Ketu 01/09/1989 Mangla 05/03/1974
Nakshatra : Bharani Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Gold Venus 01/09/1992 Pingla 05/03/1976
Yoga : Vaidhriti Hora i Mercury Sun 27/07/1993 Dhanya 05/03/1979
Karan : Balava Chaugharia : Roga Moon 26/01/1995 Bhramri 05/03/1983

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Aqu 28:18:05 Sat Jup Ven Sat Asc Vir 22:23:25 Mer Mon Ven Mer
Mon Ah 24:03:00 Mar Ven Mer Mer 2 Lib 20:48:03 Ven Jup Jup Ket
Mar Pis 15:19:09 Jup Sat Jup Sat 3 See 21:23:33 Mar Mer Ven Mer
Mer Aqu 29:25:18 Sat Jup Sun Ven 4 Sag 23:17:51 Jup Ven Sat Mar
Jup Aqu 27:37:56 Sat Jup Ven Rah 5 Cap 25:16:26 Sat Mar Rah Mer
Ven Pis 26:19:44 Jup Mer Jup Jup 6 Aqu 25:30:09 Sat Jup Mer Sat
Sat -R Vir 6:41:41 Mer Sun Mer Jup 7 Pis 22:23:25 Jup Mer Mon Rah
Rah -R Aqu 26:00:43 Sat Jup Ket Mon 8 Ari 20:48:03 Mar Ven Jup Mer
Ket -R Leo 26:00:43 Sun Ven Ket Ven 9 Tau 21:23:33 Ven Mon Ven Rah
Ura -R Gem 12:29:20 Mer Rah Sat Jup 10 Gem 23:17:51 Mer Jup Sat Rah
Nep -R Vir 25:58:02 Mer Mar Rah Mon 11 Can 25:16:26 Mon Mer Rah Mer
Plu -R Can * 25:00:37 Mon Mer Rah Mer 12 Leo 25:30:09 Sun Ven Mer Jup

Fortuna: Scorpio 18:08:20 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal

/ \Ket Set
v 7/ \ 5 /
Vfri. ^J " 8X Nep 8

3 Ura 3 Pu MenP /XSun Mer/
v '0 / \P1U JupX
V / \8 > Ura
11 x Mon 9 X7
loYMar 12 VenjQ 10X 12 X2 Ura XX xX Rah
/1l\ /i\ / \ Van / 1
/Ju|Rah\ / ~ /SuntlMary / Mon
.. \
/Mer Sun\/ Mon # /MfirJupRah\/ \
1 X 3 X5
Kst 2\>^ x
/ \ /Sat Van

Saturn and Mars again aspect each other, even in navamsa chart, giving rise to
relationship with maid servant and the like. Mutual exchange of the Lagna
lord Mercury with the 6th lord Saturn should also be examined. The 7th and
4th lord Jupiter, the 12th lord Sun are also associated with Lagna lord Mercury
in the company of Rahu. This has also formed Madan Gopal yoga. This is a
birth chart where adultery resulted into suicide.
Illustration No.l7J8(Horoscope No.ISS) : The aspect of Venus over the
ascendant and aspect of Jupiter over the Lagna lord Mars made the female
native extremely charming and captivating. She belongs to a very ordinary
family but attractive appearance forced a number of youths or their parents to
approach her for marriage. The destiny is great. She got married on 23-1-88
during the sub period of Saturn in the major period of Rahu, as Saturn is 7th
lord if rec koned from Rahu. In fact her marriage took place due to many
wrong information about the boy and his family. She is now leading a married
life full of miseries.

Venus becomes a Markesh for Aries ascendant and it spoils the house where
it is placed. In the present case a weak Venus falls in the 7th house though in
own sign under the aspect of Saturn from the 10th house. Venus obtains navamsa
of Saturn and Saturn obtains navamsa of debilitation in the sign of Mars and
also lends aspect over Venus in Rasi chart as well as in the navamsa chart. Sub
period of Saturn in Rasi made her infatuated towards an elderly, prosperous
relative. Both started loving each other so much so that she wanted to marry
him under any situation. Afteisome time she realised that marriage is not possible
as both the families will be ruined. She, thereafter, established physical
relationship with the person and honoured him like her spouse. In fact
relationship between Saturn and Venus gives rise to unlicentious deeds in
different ways, depending upon a few other factors. This may establish
relationship with relatives, elderly persons, persons of low status such as
servants and with same sex etc. In the present birth chart the Sun, Mercury
Venus and Saturn fallin their own respective signs. But she has not been blessed
with anything good so far as she is passing through the major period of Rahu.
Many times the persons with very well placed planets do not get good results
as they do not come across the periods of well placed, exalted planets or planets
placed in own signs. Inspite of presence of two Mahapurusha Rajyogas she is
living in humble circumstances.
Horoscope No.158
10/09/1962 Tlmf 21:25:05 Day Monday Place Fatehgarh Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
at 27:22:00 North Long 79:38:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tlmo Carr -0:11:28

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari

Siderial Time .20:3026 Hrs Gan ^ Manushya Sun: 1Y9Mi4D
Eq.oftime :0:02:49 Hrs Yoni Nakul Rahu
Sunrise 5:55:30 Hrs Nadi -i Antya 26/06/1981
Sunset 1821:19 Hrs Varan Valshya 25/06/1999
Samvat : 2019 Vashya - Ja'char Ftehu 07/03/1984
Saka : 1884 Varga ^ Slmha Jupiter 01/08/1900 Mangla
Month : Bhadra Yunja Antya Setum 07/06/1989 Pingla
Paksh : Shukla Hansak{Tatva) Bhooml Mercury 25/12/1991 Dhanya
Tithi at Sunrise..: 11 Name Alphabet Jaa-Jayant Ketu 12/01/1993 Bhramri
Nakshatra : Uttarasadha Paya(Rasl-Nak) Venus 12/01/1996
Yoga : Shobhan Copper-Copper Sun 06/12/1996
Karan : Vishti Hera.. Saturn Moon 07/06/1998

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 24:22:46 Sun Ven Mer Ven Asc Ari 26:26:40 Mar Ven .Ket Sat
Mon Cap 6:01:30 Sat Sun Mer Mon 2 Tau 24:02:07 Ven Mar Mar Sun
Mar Gem 18:57:31 Mer Rah Men Ket 3 Gem 17:48:36 Mer Rah Sun Sat
Mer Vir 21:09:15 Mer Mon Ven Mar 4 Can 12:10:26 Mon Sat Mar Rah
Jup -R Aqu 13:19:32 Sat Rah Mer Sun 5 Leo 10:52:47 Sun Ket Sat Rah
Ven Lib 10:18:47 Ven Rah Jup Rah 6 Vir 16:39:21 Mer Mon Sat Ven
Sat -R Cap 12:21:51 Sat Mon Rah Jup 7 Lib 26:26:40 Ven Jup Ket Sat
Rah Can 15:22:58 Mon Sat Jup Sat 8 Sco 24:02:07 Mar Mer Mar Sun
Ket Cap 15:22:58 Sat Mon Jup Mar 9 Sag 17:48:36 Jup Ven Mar Mer
Ura Leo 8:53:16 Sun Ket Jup Mon 30 Cap 12:10:26 Sat Mon Rah Rah
Nep Lib 18:16:42 Ven Rah Mon Rah 11 Aqu 10:52:47 Sat Rah Sat Mer
Plu Leo 17:03:35 Sun Ven Mon Ket 12 Pis 16:39:21 Jup Sat Jup Rah

Fortuna: Virgo 8:05:24 Navamaa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal

VanXs/Sun \7 /
^ icrxT Piu

318' KMon 11
Mair I X
12 >C 2 X4 Mer
\2 / 1
\12/ Rah NOP/ 1 X. Kat 3^s.
MaraX YlUup Sat X. vA Ura X.

Rah 4 X Sat 10Mon ^ Rah 4 Ura X Kel 10 Sat V9n Sa
Kei? \ \\ D , /
Plu l/X
9 \ Mon
n //
\ /\M A S Sair \ / Ur9' XlO/Mar
1012- Sun / Sir Kat 11 X Ura
Sat Yra sYven 7 NepY9 5
A 9 Mon pji7*
Mon Sun/ G /8 > Plu / 8\
/ Nep^
/ Mar \ / /Mer Ven
824' 72^ m 1 3 Reh
Neia1 Nap/X2\ jup /X\?
Horoscope No.159
14/12/1962 Time 02:16:00 Day Friday Place Calcutta Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:04
Lat 22:30:00 North Long 88:20.00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:23:20

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SidarialTime . 8:09:33 Hrs Gan Deva Jupltar ; 4Y DM 4D Plngla : 0Y8M 00
Eq.of time 0:06:01 Hrs Yoni Magar Marcury
Sunrise 6:08;45 Hrs NadL Adya 18/12/1985 14/12/1962
Sunsat 16:52:30 Hrs Varan. Shoodra 19/12/2002 14/06/1997
Samvat 2019 Vashya Manav Marcury 16/05/1988 Pingla 15/06/1963
Saka 1884 Varga Mesha Katu 13/05/1989 Dhanya 15/06/1966
Month Pausa Yunja Madhya Vanus 13/03/1992 Bhramri 15/06/1970
Paksh Krishna HansakfTatva) Vayu Sun 17/01/1993 Bhadrika 15/06/1975
Tithi at Sunrisa.. 2 Name Alphabet .; Haa-Hari$h Moon 19/06/1994 Ulka 14/06/1981
Nakshatra Punarvasu Paya(Rasi-Nak) Silver-Silver Mars 16/06/1995 Sidha 14/06/1988
Yoga Brahma Saturn Rahu 02/01/1998 Sankta 14/06/1996
Karan Vishtr Jupitar 09/04/2000 Mangla 14/06/1997
Chaugharia Udvaga

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Raai Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun SCO 28:17:33 Mar Mer Sat Mer Asc Lib 6:36:41 Ven Mar Mon Sun
Man Gem 29:59:19 Mer Jup Mon Sat 2 Sco 5:47:08 Mar Sat Mer Ket
Mar Lea 0:46:14 Sun Ket Ket Mer 3 Sag 5:56:57 Jup Kat Rah Jup
Mar Sag 8:28:54 Jup Ket Jup Ven 4 Cap 7:07:12 Sat Sun Ket Ven
Jup Aqu 13:03:08 Sat Rah Mer Ven 5 Aqu 8:49:13 Sat Rah Jup Jup
Ven Lib 21:10:51 Ven Jup Jup Sun 6 Pis 9:14:50 Jup Sat Ven Jup
Sat Cap 15:00:16 Sat Man Jup Van 7 Ari 6:36:41 Mar Kat Rah Mer
Rah -R Can 7:02:29 Mon Sat Mer Sat 8 Tau 5:47:08 Ven Sun Mer Ven
Ket -R Cap 7:02:29 Sat Sun Ket Ket 9 Gem 5:56:57 Mer Mar Man Jup
Ura -R Leo 12:13:18 Sun Kat Mer Sun 10 Can 7:07:12 Mon Sat Mer Sat
Nep Lib 21:28:58 Ven Jup Jup Mar 11 Lea 8:49:13 Sun Ket Jup Mon
Plu -S Leo 19:04:59 Sun Van Rah Mer 12 Vir 9:14:50 Mar Sun Ven Sat

Fortuna; Taurus 8;18;27 Navamaa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspai

\ Rah

12 X 2 X4 Ura
kal\8 / \8/Plu K 3,1
XnI X / 3 \
Ju"' Mer/\ V \Ura 107* /Mar '"VanX/Mar MonX
Sat 10 Ket 4 Rah 'Sal 10 X 4 Mar \
A Mar
Sats* \ / / 110' Mar \ 10X
^/Mon unr S«l IVX Ur« 9
47* \/ p|
3 Man Key JupHX 1 X3„ Ph®'
/12\ 2 \Rah

Su2e- I Na2i# Vazi* 3 X5 Mar

Nep Jup X 4
Sun Ven 2e- 17- Ven Rah

Illustration No.llASiHotoscope No. 159): She was born in Libra ascendant

with Venus. Saturn is placed in own sign Capricorn in the 4th house and aspects
Venus. In navamsa chart Mars and Venus are associated in the 6th navamsa of
Mars. Thus prominent indications of adultery are present.
She is a very smart and attractive female who spoiled her married life due to
her unquenchable thirst of passion. She had physical gratification with her male
and female friends. This was too much in her life, even after her marriage. This
resulted ultimately into permanent separation with her husband. She is still
engaged deeply into various immoral activities.
Horoscope No.160
ta 02/06/1969 Time 10:00:00 Day Monday Place Mainpuri Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:10
at 27:14:00 North Long 79:01:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:13:58

Panchang Avakahacfa Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime 2:27:57 Hns Gan : Rakshas Ketu : 0Y11M 19D Ulka :0Y9M29D
Eq.oftime 0:02:09 Hrs YonL Shwan Sun
Sunrise 5:20:51 Hrs Nadi : Adya 22^)5/1990 02/06/1969
Sunset 19:03:05 Hra Varan Kshelrtya 21/05/1996 01/04/2000
Samvat 2026 Vashya : Manav Sun 0809/1990 Ulka 01/04/1970
Saka 1891 Varga : Mooshak Moon 10/03/1991 S'dha 01^04/1977
Month Asadha Yunja i Antya Mars 1607/1991 Sankta 01/04/1985
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni RahJ 09/06/1092 Mangb 01/04/1986
Tithi at Sunrise. 2 Name Alphabet Bhaa-Bhaama Jupiter 28/03/1693 Pingla 01^)4/1988
Nakshatra Moola Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Copper Saturn 10/03/1994 Dharya 02^)4/1991
Yoga Shubh Hora : Sun Metajry 14/01/1995 Bhramri 0204/1995
Karan Gara Chaugharia : Shubh Ketu 22/05/1996 Bhadrika 01/04/2000

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Tau 18:17:33 Ven Mon Mer Ven Asc Can 20:17:01 Mon Mer Ven Rah
Mon Sag 11:29:15 Jup Ket Mer Mer 2 Leo 15:06:15 Sun Ven Ven Sat
Mar -R Sco 16:18:49 Mar Sat Jup Mar 3 Vir 1354:56 Mer Mon Jup Jup
Mer -R Tau 12:37:11 Ven Mon Rah Sat 4 Lib 1613:02 Ven Rah Ven Rah
Jup Vir 3:04:46 Mer Sun Sat Sat 5 Sco 19:20:45 Mar Mer Ven Ven
Ven Ari 3:34:52 Mar Ket Sun Ven 6 Sag 20 .53:56 Jup Ven Jup Ket
Sat All 10:48:44 Mar Ket Sat Mar 7 Cap 20 17:01 Sat Mon Ket Sat
Rah -R Pis 3:57:00 Jup Sat Sat Mer 8 Aqu 15:06:15 Sat Rah Ket Sat
Ket -R Vir 3:57:00 Mer Sun Sat Ven 9 Pis 13:54:56 Jup Sat Rah Mer
Ura -R Vir 6:42:38 Mer Sun Mer Sat 10 Ari 16 13:02 Mar Ven Sun Ven
Nep -R Sco 3:46:53 Mar Sat Sat Mer 11 Tau 19 20:45 Ven Mon Mer Jup
Plu -S Leo 29:14:21 Sun Sun Rah Rah 12 Gem 20 53:56 Mer Jup Jup Ven

Fortuna: Aquarius 13:28:43 Navamaa Chart

Nirayana Bhava Chalft-Cuapal \ Ket / \ Plu /
Lagna Chart
Ur« 12X Jup 10 X8 Mer
Sun Maia*

Mer Suis*
■H 1118'
Rah |\ Plu / \ / Ra4-r\Ket JuP
XUr^hj/ Van 2/\Mon 4 Sit/^8
JijpV 5 / \ 3/1vier
Ket 6 V 4 V2 yS $uo N. y'lMap Rah
Ure /
( 7 \fsat 1 Ven . Mar 7 Nep pC Mar T Sun

\/ \/
sV io Yi:Rah
Nap/9\ /11\ ,o 2
"yk .aP
/ Men \ / ^
—- rvc
Sis* Vrr-
4w 314*

Illustration No. V7.IQiHoroscopiNo.lBO) rCombination of Venus and Saturn

in the sign of Mars is there. Saturn aspects its own 7th house. Mars aspects the
8th house and obtains Vargottam navamsa. The 12th lord Mecury and Mars
both aspect each other. Venus Rahu and Moon are associated in the 7th house.
Joint aspect of Mars and Saturn over the 12th house which is under the
ownership of Mercury, is there. Aspect of Mars and Saturn jointly over the 12th
house gives rise to adultery. She got married on 24-6-94. The husband expired
in the same year on 4-11-94 due to a road accident. Thereafter she is involved
with other persons.
Horoscope No.161
23/12/1967 Time 09:12:00 Day Saturday Place Brindaban Sri Sanalan Ayanamsa 23
at 27:33:00 North Long 77:44:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr ■ 0:19:04

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderlalTime 14:56:56 Mrs Gan : Manushya Venus :8Y5M15D Ulka : 2Y6M 13D
Eq.oftime 0:01:15 Mrs Yoni : Mooshak Mars
Sunrise 7:07:19 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 08/06/1992 23/12/1967
Sunset 17:28:20 Hrs Varan. : Kshatnya 09/06/1999 06/07/2000
Samvat 2024 Vashya : Vanchar Mais 04/11/1992 Ulka 07/37/1970
Saka 1889 Varga : Shwan Rahu 22/11/1993 Sidha 0707/1977
Month Pausa Yunja : Madhya Jupiter 29/10/1994 Sankta 0707/1985
Paksh Krishna HansakfTatva) Agni Salum 0812/1995 Margla 07/07/1986
Tithi at Sunrise.. 7 Name Alphabet Tee-Tirath Mercury 04/12/1996 Phgla 06/07/1989
Nakshatra P Phalgunl Paya(Rasi-Nak) : (ron-Silver Ketu 03/05/1997 Dhanya 0707/1991
Yoga Ayusman Hora ^ Mars Venus 0307/1998 Bhramri 0707/1995
Karan Vishtl Chaugharia ^ Shubh Sun 08/11/1998 Bhadrika 06/07/2000

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rsel Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sag 7 27:45 Jup Ket Rah Mar Asc Cap 7:58:03 Sat Sun Ven Ven
Mon Leo 21:01:36 Sun Ven Jup Ven 2 Aqu 16:48:19 Sat Rah Ven Sat
Mar Cap 23:23:20 Sat Mar Mar Rah 3 Pis 23:32:49 Jup Mer Mar Jup
Mer Sag 4:09:51 Jup Ket Mon Sat 4 Ari 23:33:23 Mar Ven Sat Rah
Jup -R Leo 12 41:30 Sun Ket Mer Rah 5 Tau 18:31:06 Ven Mon Mer Sun
Ven Lib 25 12:22 Ven Jup Mer Rah 6 Gem 11:57:22 Mer Rah Sat Mar
Sat Pis 12 40:07 Jup Sat Mar Ven 7 Can 7:58:03 Mon Sat Ket Sat
Rah -R Ari 2 19:15 Mar Ket Ven Sat 8 Leo 16:48:19 Sun Ven Mon" Sat
Ket -R Lib 2:19:15 Ven Mar Ket Rah 9 Vir 23:32:49 Mer Mar Mar Jup
Ura Vir 5 59:57 Mer Sun Mer Mon 10 Lib 23:33:23 Ven Jup Sat Rah
Nep Sco 2:13:15 Mar Jup Rah Mer 11 Sco 18:31:06 Mar Mer Mer Sat
Plu Leo 29 42:35 Sun Sun Rah Jup 12 Sag 11:57:22 Jup Ket Mer Ven

Fortuna: Virgo 21:31:54 Navamaa Chart

N. Rih ' \ Ura
Lagns Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal
Ven\1 >
2X 12 xX
Ra2' Mar / >
Set I \ / \Mer Sun/ Jup XX
8 y/f?
\ll/ \ 9 / \11/ V/Mer Nap/s^
7r / KeJ \
Sat12 X Mer 10 Vs Nep Rahf2^Mer 10 X® s S Mar vXSal Mod
Ket 7 Ven Nep 7 Ven \ . Jup
Mer 10X
4 X 6 Kel
3 \ Jup
up¥ Son 11
/ Plu \
Jup Men /Ura Mon\
Mon \ X X^ /
1 2
Sel / 1 Xs. Plu y' aX.^^
S\^er RanX / Ura Ven

Illustration No.17.21 (Horoscope No.161): The horoscope belongs to a doctor

who is extremely passionate and satisfied her urge in indecent ways Mars is
exalted in the Lagna and obtains navamsa of Moon under debilitation. Saturn
and the 7th lord Moon both obtain navamsa of Venus. Mars and Saturn aspect
each other in navamsa chart and both have severely afflicted the 7th lord Moon
Mutual exchange of the lord of 8th Sun and 12th Jupiter is also present. She is
a bold and high headed woman of low moral values.
Horoscope No.124
ite 18/09/1966 Tlll1005:40:00 Day Sunday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tim© Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yofllnl

Sldarlal Time .:5:19;30Hr5 Can : Deva Rahu : 9Y DM 2D Pingla : OY 6M 20O
Eq.oftime :0:05:17 Hra Vonl : Mahish Rahu
Sunrise :5:53:42 Hrs Nadi 1 Artya 18/09/1966 18/09/1966
Sunset 0:08:03 Hrs Varan : Shoodra 20/09/1971 08/04/2001
Sam vat... : 2023 Vashya : Manav Rahu 00/00/0000 Pingle 09/04/1667
Saka : 1888 Varga - Mlg Jupiter 00/00/0000 Dhanya 09/04/1970
Month ; Bhadra Yunja ^ Madhya Saturn 00/00/0000 Bhramri 09/04/1974
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Mercury 00/00/0000 Bhadrika 09/04/1979
Tithi at Sunrise..: 3 Name Alphabet Ro-Rohlt Ketu 18/09/1966 Ulka 00/04/1985
Nakshatra : Svati Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Ircn Venus 08/04/1966 Sfdha 08/04/1992
Yoga : VaWhriti Hora : Mars Sun 03/03/1969 Sankta 00/04/2000
Karan : Vishti Chaugharia : Labha Moon 02/09/1970 Mangla 08/04/2001

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 1:30:34 Mer Sun Jup Sat A5C Leo 27:49:25 Sun Sun Mon Sat
Mon Ub 16:17:29 Ven Rah Ven Rah 2 Vir 25:41:46 Mer Mar Rah Ven
Mar Can 21:39:07 Mon Mer Sun Mar 3 Lib 26:07:44 Ven Jup Ket Rah
Mer Vir 8:01:44 Mer Sun Ven Ven 4 SCO 27:33:49 Mar Mer Jup Mar
Jup Can 5:21:05 Mon Sat Sat Jup 5 Sag 28:50:19 Jup Sun Mar Mer
Ven Leo 18:01:55 Sun Ven Mar Sun 6 Cap 29:14:11 Sat Mar Sat Mon
Sat -R Pis 3:15:42 Jup Jup Rah Mar 7 Aqu 27:49:25 Sat Jup Ven. Jup
Rah -R Ari 24:11:55 Mar Ven Mer Mer 8 Pis 25:41:46 Jup Mer Bah Ven
Ket -R Ub 24:11:55 Ven Jup Mer Ket 9 Ari 26:07:44 Mar Ven Ket Mon
Ura Leo 27:11:26 Sun Sun Sun Ket 10 Tau 27:33:49 Ven Mar Jup Mar
Nep Ub 26:52:26 Ven Jup Ven Ven 11 Gem 28 ".50:19 Mer Jup Sun Mon
Pfu Leo 25:21:33 Sun Ven Mer Jup 12 Can 29:14:11 Mon Mer Sat Mon

Fortuna: Libra 12;36'.21 Navamaa Chart

N^Sun Mir/ \Plu Rih
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChalK*Cuspal
\ 1°IN. 8 /
Mon 11 Ufa 9 7

926* 1028* Mer 12

Sat |\sun Mar/\jup Mar/' Saa- \Mon Kei/ V,ra Ven/ U2r Ju
— - X / 5 \ rlU / —■■■*■ OC 3 P
Man\ 6 / \^4 / Mar 728' \ 6 / \ 4 /jUp Jus-
y/2 Nep yS A
Ket 7\^Ven 5 Ura V3 Jup Nsp 7){ Sun Mer V3 / Kel Sat \
\ Plu / \ / \ ■ /
/ \ / \ Mazz- Dasamsa
^Ket Nep/
Mer OC Xl2Mon

10\ Sat /12x 11 Van

Sat \ Sun \ / Rah
■ " Mer 42a'
Nea 8 X10
Kat ■
Mon X 9 \
. / IRah Set

Illustration No.17.22(Horoscope No,124) : Placement of Venus in the Lagna

under affliction is adverse. Here Venus falls in Leo Lagna under the navamsa of
its debilitation. Venus also suffers from Papakartari yoga. Debilitated Mars in
the 12th house is also adverse though is associated with exalted Jupiter. Mars
aspects to its dispositor Moon i.e. owner of the 12th house. In navamsa chart
Saturn and Mars both aspect each other. She was involved with many males
and unfortunately carried a child of an already married foreigner before
attaining the age of eighteen years. All family members came to know about it
after the pregnancy of five months or so. The foreigner was extremely gentle
and noble person. He realised the severity of the case and honoured the female
as his second wife. The native suffered a lot in this matter and earned defamation
due to affliction of the Lagna lord Sun having a mutual aspect with Saturn, the
7th lord. The aspect or the association of the Sun and Saturn is always adverse
for Leo natives as both are not only inimical by nature but they also own the
ascendant and the 7th house.
Horoscope No.162
10/12/1952 Tima 06:00:00 Day Wednasday Placa Rohtak Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
it 28:54:00 North Long 76:38:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmO Corf - 0:23:28

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

Siderial Time3 .:10:51:15 Hrs Gaa :Manushya Sun: 4Y5M 26D Sldha : 5Y2M280
Eq.oftime 0:07:38 Hrs Yoni :Gau Rahu
Sunrise :7:06:42 Hrs Nadi :Aiya 09/06/1974 10/12/1952
Sunset :17:24:51 Hrs Varan :Vafshya 09/06/1992 1Q/03/1987
Samvat : 2009 Vashya :Manav Rahu 19/02/1977 Sidha 09/03/1958
Saka : 1874 Varga :Shwan Jupiter 16t)7/1979 Sankta 09/03/1966
Month ,, : Pa us a Yunja :Madhya Saturn 22/05/1982 Mangla 10/03/1967
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Bhooml Mercury 08/12/1984 Pingla 09/03/1969
ise..: 8
Tithi at Sunrise Name Alphabet To-Toni Ketu 27/12/1985 Dhanya 09/03^972
Nakshatra : U Phafguni Paya(Ra5i-Nak) : Gold-Silver Venus 26/12/1988 Bhramri 09/03/1976
Yoga : Priti Hora ^ Sun Sun 20/11/1989 Bhadrika 09/03/1981
Karan : Kaulava Chaugharia - Ka8l Moon 22/05/1991 Ulka 10/03/1987

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sco 24 57:47 Mar Mer Rah Sat Asc Sco 9:52:27 Mar Sat Ven Sat
Mon Vir 0 00:35 Mer Sun Rah Sat 2 Sag 10:21:49 Jup Ket Sat Ven
Mar Cap 20 58:23 Sat Mon Ven Mon 3 Cap 13:55:07 Sat Mon Jup Jup
Mer Sco 19:52 Mar Sat Mer Sat 4 Aqu 18:25:58 Sat Rah Mon Rah
Jup -R Ari 12:37 Mar Ven Rah Mer 5 Pis 19:58:12 Jup Mer Ven Mon
Ven Cap 10:01 Sat Sun Mer Rah 6 Ari 16:43:25 Mar Ven Mon Sat
Sat Lib 39:01 Van Mar Mer Sat 7 Tau 9:52:27 Ven Sun Ven Ket
Rah -R Cap 2109:58 Sat Mon Ven Mar 8 Gem 10:21:49 Mer Rah Jup Rah
Ket -R Can 21-09:58 Mon Mer Ven Mer 9 Can 13:55:07 Mon Sat Rah Mer
Ura -R Gem 2441:52 Mer Jup Mer Mon 10 Leo 18:25:58 Sun Ven Rah Jup
Nep Lib 0:21:40 Ven Mar Mer Ket 11 Vir 19:58:12 Mer Mon Ket Mar
Plu -R Leo Q 1 6:24 Sun Ket Ket Mon 12 Lib 16:43:25 Ven Rah Ven Sat

Fortuna: Leo 14:55:15 Navamsa Chart

Sat NeP///gV /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
\7/ \5/Reh
Mer Jup
710* xx xx War
\ / \Nep Sat/ \ Van / Mon \ X \x
10X 12 X2 Ura
Ma\ 9 / 8 \ 7 / Ket Rah\ /9
"/Klep Ke
VenlOX Sun MerVeMon 4"- 1oV Sun 8 XSun11 Van
Xn. /^
y' p|j X.
Rah/ Mar/ \ \Sal 9 '
\ Ke2i Dasamsa
{ 11 X 5 P\u? 5 Mon X. Van y/X. Mer >/
X. 8 ^^KetNepX: 6 ys
/ Kel aXjup 7 SatXs Plu
\4 10ia
Ura \ I Mon

UraHX 1 Xa
Mer Nep y/^x. RehyX 2N
Sun Sat X Sun MfifN. / Mon

Illustration No.V7.23(Horoscope No. 162) : The native is a millionaire and

leads luxurious life with his many a concubine. Lavish expenditure on his chosen
women is his pass time. Although happily married, he does not hesitate to seek
the company of voluptuous women.
The natal chart shows the origin of his adulterous habit as Venus joins the
navamsa of Saturn while Saturn occupies the navamsa of Venus.
Further, the lord of 2nd house, Jupiter occupies the 6th house and receives
the aspect of Saturn, Venus joining the 3rd house in association with Mars and
Rahu confirms inordinate sexual urge and adulterous habit.
Horoscope No. 163
26/10/1949 Tim© 22:15:00 Day Wednesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

Siderial Time .:0:27:30 His Gan : Manushya Vonu« ; 16Y 9M 160 Sidhe : 5Y10M 16D
Eq.oftime :0:15:58 Hrs Yoni j Vanar Moon
Sunrise :,.:6:13:21 Hrs Nadi i Msdhya 13/08/1972 26/10/1949
Sunset :17:27:18 Hrs Varaa ^ Kshatriya 13/08/1982 12/09/1984
SamvaL : 2006 Vashya : Manav Moon 13/06/1973 SkSia 13/09/1955
Saka : 1871 Varga 4 Mooshak Mais 12/01/1974 Sankta 13/09/1963
Month : Kartika Yunja : Anlya Ftehu 1407/1975 Mangla 12/09/1964
Paksh .: : ShukJa Han8ak(Tatva) Aqni Jupiter 12/11/1976 Rngla 12/09/1966
Tithi at Sunrise..: 5 Name Alphabet Bnoo-Bhoovan Saturn 13/06/1976 Dh^Tya 12/09/1969
Nakshatra : Purvasadha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Mercuiy 1311/1979 Bhramri 1209/1973
Yoga : Sukarma Copper-Copper Ketu 13/06/1980 Bhadrika 12090978
Karan. : Kaulava Hora : Saturn Venus 11/32^982 Uku 1209/1984

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Raal Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 10:02:31 Ven Rah Jup Mon ASC Gem 24:30:11 Mer Jup Mer Ven
Mon Sag 15:28:10 Jup Ven Ven Ket 2 Can 17:40:43 Mon Mer Mar Mar
Mar Leo 6:54:34 Sun Ket Rah Ven 3 Leo 13:46:46 Sun Ven Ven Sun
Mer Vir 24:10:54 Mer Mar Rah Rah 4 Vir 14:35:27 Mer Mon Jup Mer
Jup Cap 1:41:20 Sat Sun Jup Sat 5 Lib 19:05:52 Ven Rah Mon Ven
Ven Sco 25:32:58 Mar Mer Rah Ven 6 Sco 23:19:27 Mar Mer Mon Sun
Sat Leo 23:02:33 Sun Ven Sat Sun 7 Sag 24:30:11 Jup Ven Mer Ven
Rah -R Pis 23:45:16 Jup Mer Mar Mer 8 Cap 17:40:43 Sat Mon Sat Jup
Ket -R Vir 23:45:16 Mer Mar Mar Mer 9 Aqu 13:46:46 Sat Rah Mer Rah
Ura -R Gem 12:01:02 Mer Rah Sat Rah 10 Pis 14:35:27 Jup Sat Rah Sun
Nep Vir 22:41:15 Mer Mon Sun Sun 11 Ari 19:05:52 Mar Ven Rah Mer
Plu Can 25:09:58 Mon Mer Rah Mer 12 Tan 23:19:27 Ven Mon Sun Ven

Fortuna: Leo 29:55:51 Navamaa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuapal

\ Plu / \ Mar Plu
Sat\4/ y/ \ 4 /
sXllra 3 Sat 5X
Mar/ X X1 mm
A Oasamaa
yMer 6 Ket\<^ 12 Rah y Sun 8 Mer 12 Reh Ven Mer Suni/
\ Nap / \ 10
ix ><r9
Sun 9 /X Kei
7 9
/V /\ X
/8\ Mon JU2* | y/8 JUP /'i10 Mon 2 8 Plup
y/ Ven j/ Jup \ / Mon Ven\ /
Vezfl1 5ty v / Mar
623* Suto» SB eXrira
Ven Sun ■ Jup X.

Illustration No.VJ.lIlHoroscope No. 163): As per the above Aphorisms

Venus falls in the 6th house in the sign of Mars and aspected by the Mars.
Saturn aspect 12th house, thus giving him sexual gratification outside marriage.
In the same context, the Aphorism, reaffirms the analysis (vide the natal
chart). To elaborate the point, Saturn and Mars join the navamsa of Venus and
Venus obtains Saturn navamsa which spells out several extra-marital sex-
relations of the native.
The horoscope in discussion has the aforementioned combination of planets.
Venus occupies Saturn's navamsa and Saturn and Venus aspect 12th house.
The native, therefore, has sex-relations with persons like servants.
Horoscope No.164
ate 09/08/1965 Time 20:00:00 Day Monday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:06;5^
Lat 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30.00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsoltari Yogini

SiderialTime 17:05:06 Hrs Garv Manushya Venus: 4Y4M21D Sidha : 1Y6M13D
Eq.oftime - 0:05:29 Hrs YonF. Vanar Mars
Sunrise 5:36:04 Hrs Nadi Madhya 31/12/1985 09/08/1965
Sunset 18:47:18 Hrs Varan Kshatriya 30/12/1992 22/02/1996
Samvat 2022 Vashya Manav Mars 29/05/1986 Sidha 22/02/1967
Saka 1887 Varga Shwan Rahu 16/06/1987 Sankta 22/02/1975
Month Sravana Yunja Anlya Jupiter 22/05/1988 Mangla 22/02/1976
Paksh Shukla HansakCTatva) Agni Saturn 01/07/1989 Pingla 22/02/1978
Tithi at Sunrise. 12 Name Alphabet Mercury 28/06/1990 Dhanya 21/02/1981
Nakshatra Purvasadha Dhaa-Dharmesh Ketu 24/11/1990 Bhramri 21/02/1985
Yoga Pritl Paya(Rasi-Nak) Gold-Copper Venus 25/01/1992 Bhadrika 22/02/1990
Karan : Taitila Hora Moon Sun 31/05/1992 Ulka 22/02/1996

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 23:39:27 Mon Mer Mar Sal Asc Aqu 17:54:32 Sat Rah Sun Mer
Mon Saq 23:44:18 Jup Ven Sat Jup 2 Pis 27:27:53 Jup Mer Jup Man
Mar Lib 0:06:57 Van Mar Mar Mar 3 Ari 28:46:48 Mar Sun Mar Set
Mer -R Leo 4:25:49 Sun Ket Mon Mar 4 Tau 24:15:20 Ven Mar Rah Rah
Jup Gem 0:56:44 Mer Mar Mer Mar 5 Gem 18:03:19 Mer Rah Sun Ven
Ven Leo 24:57:40 Sun Ven Mer Mar 6 Can 14:17:06 Man Sat Rah Ven
Sat -R Aqu 22:42:30 Sat Jup Sat Ven 7 Leo 17:54:32 Sun Ven Mar Ven
Rah -R Tau 18:37:25 Ven Mon Mer Mon 8 Vir 27:27:53 Mer Mar Jup Mon
Kat -R Sco 18:37:25 Mar Mar Kat Van 9 Lib 28:46:48 Ven Jup Sun Sun
Ura Lao 20:18:31 Sun Ven Jup Jup 10 Sco 24:15:20 Mar Mer Rah Rah
Nap Lib 24:08:55 Ven Jup Mar Mar 11 Sag 18:03:19 Jup Ven Mar Man
Plu Leo 21:56:16 Sun Ven Sat Sat 12 Cap 14:17:06 Sat Mon Jup Set

Fortuna: Cancer 17:59:22 Navamsa Chart

\ Sat
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

Mar /N

\12/ V0/ Sun

K • x::
1^XSal 11 XSMcn Sa2J" Rah V/Sat 11 / . \ yPiv Ura\
/ x/Mar Jui
f Rah 2 X 8 Ket \ 'Jup 2 X 8
✓» ..
V /\ / Mev N. /XNep Jup/
\ /\ /l Sat\. ^ >/ 3 >/
\ / Ura\ / Ven \ / PJu\ / 718° 5N/ Men RahX/
\/ \ /Mar ura 12M* \/ \/ Ur2Q" Mar / \ / \
Jup 3/Mer 5 Ven V7 pju aVVen 5 Ura V7 Ket p|22.
/A\. P'u / eNNep /4 Vezs* Sun 7 Mar
/ Sun \ / \ /Sun Mei\ /Nep Mar\
/ -
1024' 029-
10 X12 Plu
Nep Keis' NezA* Kat y/11 X.
Ket Mar Maoo v / ura x

Illustration No.l7.25{HoroscopeNo. 164) : She is a good looking female

who had a long love affairwith a person of low status. After a courtship with the
mechanic of other caste, she got married with him on 5 Dec.1987. Soon after
marriage, the differences with husband started. She made sincere efforts to
save her marriage inspite of unaccountable tortures by her husband. She was
blessed with two sons in the meantime and it became difficult for her to bring
up her children smoothly in want of money and peace. She got a good service in
the meantime and got separated from her life partner who used to hit him
every day especially after taking lot of wine. Her family members also criticised
her at a regular basis and tried to snatch her freedom. She was extremely
unhappy out of continuous distress, dejection and depression. Slowly a few
males were attracted towards her and showed their mental attachment with
her, and that way she entered into immoral relationship with no. of males who
were mostly younger and lower to her status. This brought a serious disaster in
her life as she received lot of defamation and criticism and also got deprived of
the association of her so called friends. Thus she is left all alone and is suffering
the tragedy of her planetary set up as indicated in her horoscope. Following
combinations may be noted.

1. She was born when Aquarious ascendant was rising with the lord of
ascendant Saturn placed therein. Saturn obtains navamsa of Mars.
2. Yoga Karaka Venus is placed in the 7th house in inimical sign in association
with the 5th and the 8th lord Mercury. Saturn and Venus both aspect each
other identical to ascendant and the 7th house. The combination is responsible
for having relations with persons of low status.
3. Venus and Saturn both obtain navamsa of Mars.
4. Saturn in navamsa chart is aspected by Mars and Venus and receives the
aspect of Mercury. Thus the 7th house and Venus is under the influence of
Venus, Saturn Mars and Mercury which is responsible for innumerable
unrighteous activities of her life. Mercury always brings multiple relationships
if so adversely afflicted.
5. Severe affliction of the 7th house is present as the 7th lord Sun is posited
in the 6th house and the 8th lord Mercury between malefics like the Sun and
Mars giving rise to Papakartari yoga.
6. Mars is very adversely placed in the 8th house and also obtains Vargottam
navamsa in most inimical sign virgo. She is therefore very strong Mangali also.
The intensity of the evil of Mars has further strengthened as it occupies the t7th

house in navamsa chart.

7. Both luminaries i.e. the Sun and Moon obtain the navamsa of Saturn and
Mars in the fixed signs and in square position from each other.
The above mentioned combinations are responsible for the destruction of
her marriage and loss of her moral values and dignity.
Horoscope No.165
14/04/1961 Time 11:00:00 Day Friday Place Pratapgarh Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
at 25:52:00 North Long 82:02.00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:01:52

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarl Yogini

Sidarial Tima .."0:26:45 Mrs Gan - Dava Marcury: 15Y5M 8D Dike : 5V5M 11D
Eq.aftima 0:00:22 Mrs Yoni. ^ Gaja Vanus
Sunrisa :5:4T:50 Hrs Nadi : Antya 22/09/1983 14/04/1961
Sunsat 18:23:06 Hrs Varan : Vipra 22/09/2003 25/09/1996
Samvat : 2018 Vashya Jalchai Venus 21/01/1987 Ulka 25/09/1966
Saka : 1883 Varga r Sarp Sun 22/01/1988 Sidha 25/09/1973
Month : Vaisakha Yunja : Poarva Moon 21/09/1989 Sankta 25/09/1981
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Mars 21/11/1990 Mangla 25/09/1982
TIlhi at Sunrise..: 14 Name Alphabet Dey-Oevanshu Rahu 21/11/1993 Pingia 25/09/1984
Nakshatra : Ravati Paya(Rast-Nak) : Cappar-Gald Jupiter 22/07/1996 Dhanya 25/09/1987
Yoga : Vaidhriti Hora ^ Mars Saturn 22/09/1999 Bhramri 25/09/1991
Karan : Shakuni Chaugharia - Kaal Marcury 23/07/2002 Bhadrika 25/09/1996

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Ari 0:58:39 Mar Kel Ven Van Asc Gem 23:44:18 Mer Jup Sat Jup
Mon Pis 17:53:27 Jup Mer Mer Rah 2 Can 17:07:00 Man Mar Mer Ven
Mar Gem 26:13:08 Mer Jup Ket Jup 3 Leo 13:22:06 Sun Ven Ven Ven
Mer Pis 13:25:20 Jup Sat Rah Jup 4 Vir 14:13:36 Mer Mon Jup Sat
Jup Cap 11:29:30 Sat Man Mar Sat 5 Lib 18:36:58 Ven Rah Man Sat
Ven -R Pis 25:47:37 Jup Mer Rah Sun 6 Sco 22:39:05 Mar Mer Man Jup
Sat Cap 6:16:32 Sat Sun Mar Rah 7 Sag 23:44:18 Jup Van Sat Jup
Rah -R Leo 12:16:03 Sun Ket Mer Man 8 Cap 17:07:00 Sat Man Sat Mar
Ket -R Aqu 12:16:03 Sat Rah Sat Rah 9 Aqu 13:22:06 Sat Rah Mer Mon
Ura -R Can 28:41:59 Mon Mer Sat Van 10 Pis 14:13:36 Jup Sat Rah Ven
Nep -R Lib 17:20:03 Ven Rah Ven Ket 11 Ah 18:36:58 Mar Ven Rah Jup
Piu -R Leo 12 ".44 ".4 5 Sun Ket Mer Rah 12 Tau 22:39:05 Ven Mon Ven Kat

Fortuna: Gemini 10:39:07 Navamsa Chart

sJup Sun/
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal 1
Plu\3 / /Nep
4X 2 Xf 12
Reh X\ ^/XOrs
Sal 11 Ven /
\Rah Ura /
\ p;u / 6 X. 0
/X10 Ke,
piuV / v/ Ura \4/ ^X7 X. Mer sX.
W 5XMar 3 Won
Rah/\ ^ X5"" KeU' /\ X^ XX
Mer i2Mon 1 Nep 6 Mon 12 Sun \ Mar X\JUD Rah/
\ ARah X , X Xpiu UraX
\ Van / p|u NepX11X 10 \9X
12 X X3 Sat
Mer/'^^v yS
Nap7y XllKet Sar TVJup 9 Sa( VliMerl p^.
i /8\ / 0\ ' ^ s^Sun 1 MonX^ 7 ^
/ \ /10Jup\
\ /Sat \
623* 519*
2 X. 4 Xa
Nei?' / Ven >X 5 >
Kel XX

Illustration No.17.26(Horoscope No. 165) ; For a Gemini ascendant I have

found that the placement of Mars in the ascendant is damaging as far as conjugal
bless is concerned. This native is a medical practitioner and is not very attractive.
The combinations of her horoscope created havoc in her life. She was deeply
involved with a good looking male for a few years but due to certain reasons he
could not become her partner and got manied elsewhere. The native decided
not to marry at all and to get a child from her lover. Keeping in mind the social
bindings and limitations, she got married with a decent person but did not
have any physical relationship. In the meantime she entered into family way by
the association of her lover. This was the main motto of her marriage. Therefore,
soon after begetting a son, he divorced her married partner. She is quite happy
with this decision and at present she is living all alone with the son who is the
biggest symbol of love for her. In the present horoscope Mars obtains navamsa
of Saturn. Venus and Saturn both are conjoined in Saturn's navamsa. The 6th
lord Mars in placed in the ascendant in inimical sign Gemini and aspects the
7th house, 8th house, Saturn and 7th lord Jupiter. Thus the 7th and 8th house
are also afflicted. Here Mars, Saturn and Venus all are responsible for it. This
combination caused such relationship for a short period resulting into a lonely
life for all years to come.

Native is Lesbian

Aphorism No. .12

This means if Venus falls in the navamsa of Saturn and Saturn falls in the
navamsa of Venus in a female birth chart, or there is mutual aspect between
Venus and Saturn or the ascendant falls in the sign of Venus (2, 7) and the
ascendant obtains the navamsa of Saturn, the woman will fulfil her sexual urge
with another woman. If Venus and Saturn are placed in the sign of each other
same results will come in evidence.
It means, if Saturn and Venus exchange the navamsa and aspect each other
or the sign of Venus (Taurus or Libra) identifies as the ascendant besides the
navamsa of Saturn, then such a young lady quenches her sex urges with the
help of another friendly lady using unnatural methods.

Illustration No.l7.27{ Horoscope No.166 ) : She is a very beautiful, tall &

charming female. Her captivating youth and charm created a war in the city
where she lived. A day light murder of her so called lover took place in January
1997 in front of her eyes. Almost all newspapers covered the news of this person
continuously for a month or so. There had been many fights for her from time
to time, in different groups.
She lost her virginity in her very childhood and became the prey of the lust
of a number of males. Most of the males who used her again and again due to
her innocent nature were involved in wrong deeds or crimes in one or the
other way. She suffered a lot as she had to look after the vast business of her
father at 21 years of age. Most of the persons cheated her and her
overconfidence too created a disaster in her life. She truly loved a smart and
handsome boy but he also did not marry her inspite of having unrighteous
relationship with her for years.
She visited me in April 1996 1 examined her birth chart to find Venus
conjoined with Rahu in her 7th house in Saturn's sign Capricorn and Saturn
was placed in Venusian sign Taurus. Thus there isTmutual exchange between
in the Venus and Saturn. The 7th house and Venus are heavily afflicted. In
navamsa Chart Venus obtains Saturn's navamsa in Vargottam aspected by
debilitated Mars. Thus the opposition of Mars and Venus in sensitive signs
created a havoc in her life Venus and the 7th lord both are afflicted by Mars,
Saturn and Rahu as analysed above. The murder of her so called lover brought
a complete silence in her life and she closed down her business completely.
Mars Mahadasa was running over her from 11-6-90 to 11-6-97. Mars happens
a yoga Karaka for Cancer ascendant. The placement of Mars in the 9th house
in this birth chart is also splendid. In fact major period of Mars made her
proprietor of a big office having hundreds of employees. The sub period of
Sun in the major period of Mats was extremely adverse when she had
underwent many reversals and adversities. She was overpowered by her so
called lover who was a criminal. She had no way out except to surrender
against her wishes. She remained under serious depression due to this reason
but there was no escape. The Sun is the 2nd lord and is a Markesh for her and
also falls in the navamsa of Venus in the 8th house in navamsa chart and in
the 6th house in Rasi Chart. Thus the sub period of the Sun in the major
period of Mars proved most adverse period of her life.
Soon after the start of the sub period of Moon in the major period of Mars,
she got rid off the person who was forcing her for marriage. After his murder,
she was deeply shocked but got great relief, soon after the start of major period
of Rahu. She got married with a decent person in August "97. She is now living
with her husband happily.
Horoscope No.166
it© 19/12/1971 Time 20:00:00 Day Sunday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yog In 1

SiderialTime .:i:43:44 Hrs Gan Manushya Venui : 2Y1M 40 Sidha : 0Y 8M 240
Eq.oftime 0:03:13 Hrs Yoni Vanar Mars
Sunrise :6:51:00 Hrs Nadi Madhya 22/01/1990 19/12/1971
Sunset '.17:15:22 Hrs Varan Kshatriya 22/01/1997 12/09/2001
Samvat : 2028 Vashya Manav Mars 20/06/1990 Sidha 12/09/1972
Saka : 1693 . Varga Shwan Rahu 09/07/1991 Sankta 12/09/1980
Month : Pausa Yunja Antya Jupiter 14/06/1992 Mangla 12/09/1981
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Agni Saturn 24/07/1993 Pingla 13/09/1983
Tithi at Sunrise..: 2 Name Alphabet Mercury 2iA)7/1994 Dhanya 13/09/1936
Nakshatra : Purvasadha Dhaa-Dharmesh Ketu 17/12/1994 Bhramri 13/09/1990
Yoga : Dhruva Paya(Rasf-Nak) Gold-Copper Venus 16/02/1996 Bhadrika 13/09/1995
Karan : Kaulava Hora Mars Sun 23/06/1996 Ulka 12/09/2001

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sag 3:49:39 Jup Ket Mon Rah Asc Can 10:36:57 Mon Sat Sun Jup
Mon Sag 25:16:13 Jup Ven Mer Rah 2 Leo 4:44:05 Sun Ket Mon Sun
Mar Pis 2:13:59 Jup Jup Rah Mer 3 Vir 2:39:58 Mer Sun Jup Mar
Mer -R Sco 19:40:27 Mar Mer Ven Ven 4 Lib 4:43:18 Ven Mar Ven Mer
Jup Sco 26:22:01 Mar Mer Jup Sat 5 Sco 8:28:24 Mar Sat Ven Ven
Ven Cap 2:14:54 Sat Sun Jup Ven 6 Sag 10:47:37 Jup Ket Sat Mar
Sat -R Tau 7:59:06 Ven Sun Ven Ven 7 Cap 10:36:57 Sat Mon Mon Sat
Rah -R Cap 12:32:06 Sat Mon Rah Sat 8 Aqu 4:44:05 Sat Mar Ven Mer
Ket -R Can 12:32:06 Mon Sat Mar Mer 9 Pis 2:39:58 Jup Jup Rah Ven
Ura Vir 24:33:40 Mer Mar Rah Jup 10 Ari 4:43:18 Mar Ket Mon Ven
Nep Sco 10:28:34 Mar Sat Sun Rah 11 Tau 8:28:24 Ven Sun Ven Mar
Plu Vir 8:46:27 Mer Sun Ven Rah 12 Gem 10:47:37 Mer Rah Sat Mer

Fortuna: Leo 2:03:31 Navamsa Chart

X. Mon y' 7 Nv /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
8 N. 6 y/
m- 9X Ket X5 Ure
■ IDs- Saa* ■
Van 10 4 Mar
1 1

JupllX. i Xi
Plu\?/ 3 / Ket PIuV/ y/l2 Xv Rah
eVKet 4 >6 Sat eVKel 4 /sat yY Sun
lira / \ Ura/\
1 Sat \. Ket Pky
N. 4 y/ \ 2 X
Mon 3
Rah JlJP sYVen 10 RahVi;Mar 10

Van |Mar/ gX / 11\ Ve2* Jup/ ^ / 11 vVen 6 12 Jup^)

on ven X^'
/Sun Mon\ / \
Nep ■ ■ Nep TV 9
Jup I
/Ura Rah\
Mer ■ Mar ^\XSun Mer\
Horoscope No.167
^te 21/01/1969 Time 21:55:00 Day Tuesday Place Lucknaw Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:09:^
t-at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82.-30:00 East Time Corr <0:06:24^

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime 5:52:01 Mrs Gan Manushya Jupiter: 10Y1M 140 Bhramri :2Y8M11D
Eq.oftime - 0:11:19 Mrs Yoni Simha Saturn
Sunrise 6:5725 Mrs Nadi Adya 08/03/1979 21/01/1969
Sunset 17:38:09 Hrs Varan Shoodra 00/03/1998 04/08/2003
Samvat 2025 Vashya Manav Saturn 11/03/1982 Bhramri 04/08/1971
Saka 1890 Varga Mesha Mercury 18/11/1984 Bhadrika 03/08/1976
Month Magha Yunja Antya Ketu 28/12/1985 Ulka 04/08/1982
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 26A}2/1989 Sidha 03/08/1989
Tithi at Sunrise., 4 Name Alphabet So-Sourav Sun 08A)2/1990 Sankta 03/08/1997
Nakshatra P Bhadrapad Paya(RasHNak) Gold-Copper Moon 10^)9/1991 Mangla 04/08/1998
Yoga Parigh Hora Mars Mars 16/10/1992 Pingla 03/08/2000
Karan Vishll Chaugharia UcMega Rahu 25/08/1995 Dhanya 04/08/2003

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 8:18:36 Sat Sun Ven Man Asc Vir 5:03:12 Mer Sun Sat Jup
Mon Aqu 24:53:50 Sat Jup Mer Mar 2 Ub 3:16:30 Ven Mar Ven Mon
Mar Lib 19:29:44 Ven Rah Mar Sat 3 Sco 3:42:21 Mar Sat Sat Mer
Mer -R Cap 22:44:06 Sat Mon Sun Man 4 Sag 5:00:22 Jup Ket Mar Jup
Jup -R Vir 12:53:27 Mer Mon Rah Mer 5 Cap 6:16:22 Sat Sun Mer Rah
Ven Aqu 25:12:00 Sat Jup Mer Rah 6 Aqu 6:41:30 Sat Rah Rah Rah
Sat Pis 26:24:52 Jup Mer Jup Sat 7 Pis 5:03:12 Jup Sat Sat Rah
Rah -R Pis 8:54:21 Jup Sat Ven Mar 8 Ari 3:16:30 Mar Ket Sun Jup
Ket -R Vir 8:54:21 Mer Sun Ven Rah 9 Tau 3:42:21 Ven Sun Sat Ket
Ura -R Vir 10:45:40 Mer Mon Mon Mer 10 Gem 5:00:22 Mer Mar Sun Mar
Nep Sco 5:08:24 Mar Sat Sat Rah 11 Can 6:16:22 Mon Sat Mer Mon
Plu -R Vir 1:46:36 Mer Sun Jup Mer 12 Leo 6:41:30 Sun Ket Rah Mer

Fortuna: Libra 21:38:25 Navamsa Chart

\Sun Mar/\ Piu
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal \Ka! / \ 1C'u y
Ura\j2 / \ /
iXSat 11 X9
Jup / .x /x

Mon 2 Ven

3X 5 X7
Nep^)<^up 6 Ket^X^ ' Mar Nv s Rah

XSat Ket Plu
4 Xwer
Sun Sun\ / \ / 5X X1
Ura / X X War
10XSat 12RahV2
MerXl\ /iN \Jup 6
won Ven /Woo Ven\ /
MOO \ y
Nes* Ma 20 0 X
Veny 6
Nep [ Mar Sr 23* S Sun

Illustration No,17,2S (Horoscope No.167) : She is a very average girl. She

was starving for sexual hunger from her childhood but failed to get the same
from her husband as he has some physical problem. Mars occupies the 2nd
house in Venusian sign Libra whereas Venus falls in the sign of Saturn and is
also associated with Moon. Saturn and Venus obtain navamsa of each other.
Conjunction of Moon with Venus in Saturnine sign Aquarius and in the
navamsa of Venus kept her devoid of physical pleasure of her married life.
She was attracted towards a teacher as the 7th lord Jupiter aspects the 7th
house of its own. He was much elder to her in age due to Saturn Venus exchange
of navamsa. In course of time she had regular physical gratification with the
teacher. She was deeply involved with her teacher and still has a feeling of
belonging with him.

Now let me illustrate a few more cases of female natives who lost their
Virginity in young age prior to their marriage. They are leading a happy and
prosperous married life full of love and bliss. We have selected the horoscope of
mostly females as though unfortunately, all importance of maintaining high
degree of character is expected from females only. The structure of our society is
such that a female will have to pay high cost of her life, if she looses her chastity
before or after marriage. She can never be forgiven. All loyalty is expected from
females. We should not prolong this discussion as I can not help in this faulty
structure of the society, But we certainly wish that the males should also be put
under social humiliation and criticism, if they commit adultery. We are confident
to a great extent that such immoral relationships can be largely minimised by
doing so i.e. if male and female both are treated equally if they are found guilty
of doing any unlicentious deed.

Husband and Wife both fall in Adultery

Aphorism No. 13

ajfar foil
fcrci us jsraw; i
'fit f^citsPr %
^Wlt^ 9^: yJKNiftll - {u
This means if Moon, Mars and Saturn are placed in the ascendant and Venus
occupies the navamsa of Mars or Saturn, the husband and wife both commit
adultery, at the same time. Bhatta Gopal maintains if Mars, Moon and Saturn
are posited in the 7th house and have the aspect of Venus besides joining the
sign of Mars or Saturn, both husband and wife commit adultery.
Horoscope No.168
14/02/1925 Tlm023:3O:OO Day Saturday Place Allahabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22;
at 25:27:00 North Long 81 :b0:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:02:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTime 9:04:17 Hrs Gan Deva Rahu: 10Y8M 28D Pingla : 1Y2M13D
Eq.oftime - 0:14:23 Hrs Yoni ^ Mahish Jupiter
Sunrise 6:40:13 Hrs Nadi - Antya 14/12/1935 14/02/1925
Sunset 17:53:50 Hrs Varan Shoodra 14/12/1951 29/04/1960
Samvat 1981 Vashya . Manav Jupiter 31/01/1938 Pingla 30/04/1926
Saka 1846 Varga . ^ Mrig Saturn 14/08/1940 Dhanya 30/04/1929
Month Phalguna Yunja Madhya Mercury 20/11/1942 Bhramri 30/04/1933
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Ketu 28/10/1943 Bhadrika 30/04/1938
Tithi at Sunrise.. 6 Name Alphabet Ray-Revati Venus 2670671946 Ulka 29/04/1944
Nakshatra Svatl Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Iron Sun 15/04/1947 Sidha 30/04/1951
Yoga Vradhr Hora Mars Moon 14/08/1948 Sankta 30/04/1959
Karan 'Vanij Chaugharia Amrit Mers 21/07/1949 Mangla 29/04/1960

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Aqu 3:00:12 Sa Mar Ven Ven Asc Lib 18:32:24 Ven Rah Mon Jup
Mon Lib 11:58:47 Ven Rah Sat Rah 2 SCO 17:44:55 Mar Mer Mer Rah
Mar Ari 13:26:09 Mar Ven Ven Ven 3 Sag 18:39:34 Jup Ven Rah Jup
Mer Cap 18:57:00 Sat Mon Mer Rah 4 Cap 21:03:05 Sat Mon Ven Mon
Jup Sag 20:19:35 Jup Ven Jup Jup 5 Aqu 23:16:55 Sat Jup Sat Mar
Ven Cap 15:54:43 Sat Mon Sat Salt 6 Pis 22:48:30 Jup Mer Mon Sat
Sat Lib 21:42:54 Ven Jup J up Rah . 7 Ari 18:32:24 Mar Ven Rah Jup
Rah -R Can 21:02:59 Mon Mer Ven Sat 8 Tau 17:44:55 Ven Mon Sat Jup
Ket -R Cap 21:02:59 Sat Mon Ven Mon 9 Gem 18:39:34 Mer Rah Mon Sat
Ura Aqu 27:27:56 Sat Jup Ven Rah 10 Can 21:03:05 Mon Mer Ven Sat
Nep -R Can 28:32:27 Mon Mer Sat Ket 11 Leo 23:16:55 Sun Ven Sat Mar
Plu -R Gem 19:08:42 Mer Rah Mon Ven 12 Vir 22:48:30 Mer Mon Sun Rah

rtuna: Gemini 27:30:59 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

1 11
Ven X
2V, /Nep \X/Rah
Plu 10
yS X^^ S \ Mon
Mais- 818"
719* vMer 3 UreX: 9 ^

x 6
Uf27- Ven\ s // Kel 4Xv
\8 / \6/ Rah
Jup 9Y Mon Sal
Vs Nep 523 7 y Mar X. Jup SunXs^
" mrY*
^Mer lOVen XNep 4 Rah^; Sun 10 4 Nep Xs^ Sat \ Mer Sun
\ Ket / \ / Nv 2 y/ N^12[/'
jup X/Kai 1 y\} 1 Yen
Ket Sun\ / \ / XRah
Ven /\ ^ /V ^,u
Ura 1123
Mer /12\ Mar / 2\ Xriu '
C 4 X^ 10 Mony

$322- 119* | Mar 57 X9

216- M012' 1223- /6 \ Rah / 8 \ Plu
Ura N,

Aphorism No. 14

^ mfo ^ssir; i'

tftfo: {k#T;II

{^) ^ ^ 0) (T) H


5^f^is5i (ftr s) (tn) ^ ^II

The author means that a female will be a lesbian if she is born in the ascendant
ruled by Venus (Taurus or Libra) and that ascendant obtains navamsa of Saturn
and there is also mutual exchange of navamsa of Venus and Saturn.
Illustration No.l7.29(Horoscope No.168) : Mars the worst malefic for Libra
lagna, is posited in the 7th house and receives the aspect of Moon and Saturn
from Lagna. Thus Mars, Saturn and Moon are related with each other. The
Lagna lord Venus conjoins with Mercury and Ketu in the 4th house with a
mutual exchange between the Lagna lord Venus and the 4th lord Saturn. This
woman who was quite charming in her young age enjoyed physical lust with
innumerable men of all categories and that with full consent of her husband.
The life partner also had a low moraL
Carnality with consent of husband

Aphorism No. 15

. Prw irera?fta: 11
This means that the native always chases the opposite sex if Mars, Venus
and Rahu combine with each other. If Mars, Moon and Venus are placed in the
7th house, the husband allows his wife to have extra marital relations with
other persons due to his impotency or venereal diseases.
Aphorism No, 16
3RtefTTO\: taPl WRII

^ iff ^RRIS^MII

If Venus and Mars exchange their navamsa, and Mars Venus and Moon are
conjoined in the 7th house the woman satisfies her lust with other person with
the consent of her husband. The same holds good for males. They may do so
with the permission of their wives.
Horoscope No.169
26/01/1969 Time 23:32:19 Day Sunday Place Dhannashala Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
at 28:35:00 North Long 82:04:00 East Zone 85:12:00 East Time Corr -0:12:32

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

Siderlal Time , 7:43:09 Hrs Gan ^ Rakshas Sun : 5Y 0M 3D Uka: 5Y 0M 3D
Eq.oftime -0:12:35 Hrs Yoni. : Mesh Rahu
Sunrise 7:05:09 Hns Nadi : Antya 30/01/1991 26/01/1969
Sunset 17:45:13 Hrs Varan : Kshatriya 30/01/2009 31/01^2004
Samvat 2025 Vashya ^ Chatus.pada Rshu 13101993 Ul<a 30/01/1974
Saka 1890 Varga : Garuda Jupiter 07031996 Sidha 30/01/1981
Month Magha Yunja Poorva Satin 1201/1999 Sankta 3001/1989
Paksh ShuWa Hansak(Tatva) Agni Mercury 010672001 Marda 3001/1990
Tithi at Sunrise. 9 Name Alphabet .: Aa-Aayush KetU 19/08/2002 Prgfe 3101/1992
Nakshatra Krittika Paya(Rasr-Nak) : Iron-Gold Venus 19082005 Dhanya 30/01/1995
Yoga Shukla Hora Mercury Sun 14/07/2006 Bhramn 30/01/1999
Karan Kaulava Chaugharia i Roga Moon 12/01/2008 Bhadto 3101/2004

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 13:27:22 Sat Mon Rah Ven Asc Vir 29:28:51 Mer Mar Sat Rah
Mon Ari 28:52:03 Mar Sun Mar Mer 2 Lib 28:12:35 Ven Jup Ven Sat
Mar Lib 22:12:02 Ven Jup Sat Mer 3 Sco 28:49:56 Mar Mer Sat Ven
Mer -R Cap 19:13:45 Sat Mon Me: Jup 4 Cap 0:44:35 Sat Sun Rah Ven
Jup -R Vir 12:49:51 Mer Mon Rah Mer 5 Aqu 2:45:29 Sat Mar Ven Ven
Ven Pis 0:25:48 Jup Jup Mon Ven 6 Pis 2:52:16 Jup Jup Rah Ven
Sat Pis 26:42:55 Jup Mer Jup Mer 7 Pis 29.28:51 Jup Mer Sat Rah
Rah -R Pis 8:51:24 Jup Sat Ven Mar 8 Ari 28:12:35 Mar Sun Mon Ven
Ket -R Vir 8:51:24 Mer Sun Ven Rah 0 Tau 28:49:56 Ven Mar Sat Ven
Ura -R Vir 10:41:13 Mer Mon Mon Mer 10 Can 0:44:35 Mon Jup Mar Jup
Nep See 5:14:19 Mar Sat Sat Jup 11 Leo 2:45:29 Sun Ket Ven Mer
Plu -R Vir 1:42:11 Mer Sun Jup Sat 12 Vir 2:52:16 Mer Sun Jup Rah

Fortuna: Capricorn 14;53;32 Navamaa Chart

S x. Nep
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChaHtCuapal
3 ^SsV/4 Ven
M02S- 929* Mon 9 3 Mar

\Mar/ \ Nep / \Ket JlJP

7 / \ Ura / Ptu lOXSet 12 KaOO Sun
\ 7 /UraPluX 5 /
NepsV^Jup 6 KetV4 SX Mar 6 . X5 1 yA11 yS I
/ Jup MarNJ
Sun 10 Mer

Mer 10XVen 12 Sa,

Sun Mc/nX /A -%\" a Mar 2 Plu 8 Ven
Sal Rah
329' 228" 3 Ura 5 Nep Xj
Ma22* 4
/ n. X U
Nep | Mar Nes- Sat KetX y ^ P

Illustration No. 17.30(Horoscope No.l69):Shc is an attractive girl who comes

from humble circumstances of very ordinary family. Combination of Venus,
Saturn and Rahu is present in the 7th house. The 7th lord Jupiter aspects the 7th
house. Saturn and Mars obtains their own navamsa. Opposition of Moon and
Mars identical to 8th and 2nd house is also there. The combination is an adverse
one for maintenance of high degree of chastity. i
The combination discussed is present in the previous illustration where Mars,
Venus, Moon and Saturn are conjoined in the 7th house giving rise to unlicentious
deeds with the consent of husband.

When Husband and Wife both fall in Adultery

Aphorism No. 17

pi - p


fihtfjii (w 'itira)
This means if Mars, Saturn and Moon are conjoined and these are related
with each other by aspect or conjunction or the Moon is hemmed between
Mars and Saturn, the husband and wife both fall in adultery. If the lord of the
7th house joins the navamsa of Mercury and receives the aspect of Mercury, the
wife may be compared with a prostitute.

Lord of 2nd house or Venus

Aphorism No : 18

Lord of 2nd house or Venus confirms adultery.

^ ^ ^ 511

51^ clNWIPfl cirWMHp: 11

The verse means, if the lord of the 2nd house or Venus join 3rd, 5 th, 6th, 7th
or 12th house receiving the aspect of malefic planet, the native commits adultery,
and if the Venus is in same situations but aspected by benefics, the native will
have his own wife.
It is generally held that Venus in the 7th house is for good, lovesome and
happy marital life, but it creates inordinate sexual desire also. If it is affected by the
evil aspect of the malefics, the germs of immorality usually gnaw the native's life.
The afflicted Mars in the 7th house instigates the native to commit adultery
with delicate and beautiful young girls. And, if Venus occupies the 7th house, the
marital life becomes very happy and the menses also start at comparatively early
stage. Here, it would be proper to state that Venus shows its influence in the
prime of life, probably between 18th and 36th year. Often, a person with afflicted
Mars notices a change in "the lustful life after the aforesaid limit.

li Venus in the 12th house is aspected by or conjoined by Mars, the illicit

relationship of the native becomes an open secret. In a few cases some even get
pregnant before marriage. Such a person never bothers about caste or status of
the person.
According to Sarvartha Chintamani, if the lord of the ascendant or the lords
of 2nd and 6th houses occupy 7th house coupled with malefic; the native becomes
immoral. The illustration shows the lord of the ascendant and lord of 6th house,
Mars (itself a malefic and posited in 7th house) with Taurus sign. The planetary
position confirms low character of the native. Mars symbolises youthful
disposition The native established liason with a person younger in age than her
and also unmarried one.
The chart shows that the lady doctor was bom in Scorpio ascendant. The
Venus (owner of 7th and 12th houses) joins the 9th house in Cancer soon which
made her have sex play with people without status.
M.C. Jain in his "Astrology and Law of Sex' observes that Sagittarius as
ascending sign and Rahu and Saturn in the 12th house with malefic aspect of
Mars result in loss of character.
Aphorism No. : 19

Husband and Son all in Debauchery.

Conjunction of Mars, Moon and Saturn is considered malefic for

chastity. Such a female has low character and her son and husband also
do licentious deeds.
This kind of planetary configuration is, indeed, very strange. Anyone, male
or female, who has this yoga indulges in excessive sex-play. This is a horrible
yoga of adultery. It affects both the husband and wife as they also contract
venereal disease. Such kinds of people are found to be in the department of
Electricity, Radio, Wireless, Telegraph or in any branch of engineering. Usually
the native having such a yoga would not hesitate to use his or her spouse for
petty promotions in the professional career.
Aphorism No. : 20

Native permits Adultery to his spouse.

*11% ^

This is also a yoga for adultery. Such a native always chases the opposite sex.
The Mars, Venus and Rahu combination is responsible for the adulterous habits.

If Mars, Moon and Venus are placed in the 7th house, the husband allows his
wife to have sex with other persons due to his impotency, venereal disease etc.

Aphorism No. 21


The verse from Phalit Martand means, if the female native has Saturn in the
ascendant with Rasi of Mars; and Venus and Moon are aspected by the malefics,
then she resorts to adultery in connivance with her mother. Further, if she has
rising navamsa of Mars in the 7th house from the ascendant, of course, aspected
by Saturn, then she has some vaginal ailment. In case, the 7th house has the
navamsa of a benefic, the native must be beautiful and beloved of her husband.
It should be carefully noted that the analysis of the 12th house is one of the
most important aspect of judging the carnality of the person. If the 12th house
is occupied or aspected by or there is mutual exchange of Mars and Saturn or
Mars and Venus or Rahu and Mars, or Rahu and Saturn or Mars, Moon and
Saturn. The lady will lose her chastity before her marriage. The more the
affliction, the earlier the loss of chastity may be observed. Taurus and Sagittarius
as ascendendant and Rahu in the 12th house coupled with any other malefic
show illicit relationship (pre-marital) of the female native.
Horoscope No.170
ate 09/07/1978 Time 22:28:00 Day Sunday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:17:
at 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tim© Corr - 0:21:08

Panchang Avakahada Chakm Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time . 17:15:58 Hrs Gan Rakshas Ketu : 1Y3IVI27D Bhadrika : 0Y11M 11D
Eq.oftime - 0:05:04 Hrs YonL Mooshak Venus
Sunrise 5:31:22 Hrs Nadi ^ Antya 06/11/1979 09/07/1978
Sunset 19:20:55 Hrs Varan Kshatriya 06/11/1999 20/06/2010
Samvat 2035 Vashya Vanchar Venus 07/03/1983 Bhadrika 20/06/1979
Saka 1900 Varga Mooshak Sun 07/03/1964 Ulka 20/06/1985
Month Asadha Yunja Madhya Moon 05/11/1985 Sidha 20/06/1992
Paksh Shukla Hansak{Tatva) Agni Mars 06/01/1987 Sankta 20/06/2000
Tithi at Suorlse, ; 4 Name Alphabet f^ay-Maisi Rahu 05/01/1990 Mangla 20/06/2001
Nakshatra Magha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Silver Jupiter 05/09/1992 Pingla 20/06/2003
Yoga Vyatipat Hora Mercun/ Saturn 06/11/1995 Dhanya 20/06/2006
Karan Vishti Chaugharia Char Mercury 06/09/1998 Bhramri 20/06/2010

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Gem 23:49:23 Mer Jup Sat Jup Asc Aqu 21:05:22 Sat Jup Jup Ven
Mon Leo 10:48:25 Sun Ket Sat Mar 2 Ari 0:57:13 Mar Ket Ven Ven
Mar Leo 21:13:45 Sun Ven Jup Ven 3 Tau 1:39:57 Ven Sun Jup Sat
Mer Can 17:26:55 Mon Mer Mer Sun 4 Tau 26:35:08 Ven Mar Jup Sat
Jup Gem 24:21:37 Mer Jup Mer Ven 5 Gem 20:07:11 Mer Jup Jup Jup
Ven Leo 3:58:27 Sun Ket Mon Rah 6 Can 16:31:09 Mon Sat Jup Rah
Sat Leo 4:49:01 Sun Ket Mar Mar 7 Leo 21:05:22 Sun Ven Jup Ven
Rah -R Vir 6:08:53 Mer Sun Mer Mar 8 Lib 0:57:13 Ven Mar Mer Mar
Ket -R Pis 6:08:53 Jup Sat Mer Sun 9 Sco 1:39:57 Mar Jup Rah Jup
Ura -R Lib 19:04:42 Ven Rah Mon Ven 10 Sco 26:35:08 Mar Mer Jup Sat
Nep -R Sco 22:50:50 Mar Mer Mon Sat 11 Sag 20:07:11 Jup Ven Jup Jup
Plu Vir 20:40:06 Mer Mon Ven Van 12 Cap 16:31:09 Sat Mon Sat Ven

Fortuna; Aries 8:04:24 Navamaa Chart

Jud Sun
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal \V0n Set/
\2 /
3X 1
2r 3^

427' Mon 4 Plu 10 Nep

Ket 5 >< 7 X9 Mer

2 X Ket 11

\v 7 /eV Mer 5
Ven Plu\ /V0n 861
\ x
i 12ir Sun 8X X4 Reh
sVMar 5 Rah Ve Nep 721 Mon / \ /\
Jup/ 4\

1027* Sun X / \/
10X. 12 X2
Ne23* Ur^* Ke 11
Nep Ura 92* 8r / xMar X
X Nepxx'^ Ore

Illustration No.17.3l(Horoscope No.170) : The native is a beautiful, smart

and very intelligent daughter of a multimillionaire. Combination of Moon, Mars
and Saturn is present in the 7th house. Yogakaraka Venus also falls in the 7th
house which has associated her with many boys of high walks of life. Her moral
values are quite questionable. Navamsa chart is also indicative of her unrighteous
deeds. Mars obtains navamsa of Venus and Venus and Saturn obtain the
navamsa of Venus under the aspect of Mars. These are self explanatory
combination of her moral conduct, family life and character of her life partner.
As we have discussed in many other cases the aspect of Jupiter over Lagna, will
not be of much advantage.

Illustration No.l7.32(Horoscope No. 171): She is a tall beautiful and bright

loving girl who became the prey of her own father immediately after growing
young and she miserably failed to rebel against the passion of her father for
number of years. Following combinations which are responsible for this
debauchery act with her may be noted.
1. The lord of 9th house Saturn (father) is retrograde in the 10th and aspects
the 12th house. Mars who is placed in the 6th house in Venusian sign Libra also
lends its aspect over the 12th house. Thus the I2th house is under the adverse
influence of the aspect of malefics like Mars and Saturn which confirms extra
bed pleasure.
2. The second lord Moon is placed in the 6th house under debilitation and
also aspects the 12th house.
3. The lord of the 12th house Venus falls in Leo whose ruler is the Sun and
the Sun signifies father. Further Venus aspects the 9th house (that of father),
Venus obtains the navamsa of its debilitation and is aspected by the 9th lord
Saturn and the significator Sun.
4. The lord of the 7th house Jupiter and that of ascendant Mercury are
conjoined in the 2nd house in association with the 3rd lord Sun. This indicates
late but happy conjugal life.
The aspect of Mars over the 9th house is very adverse. We have observed
that the placement of Mars in the 5th house is adverse for long lasting marriage.
However, if the ascendant is Cancer or Leo, where Mars is a yogakaraka, the
position of Mars in the 5th house is not adverse.

Madan Gopal Yoga

If the lord of 7th house is placed in Lagna and Lagnadhipati joins the 7th or
if Mercury joins either the ascendant lord or the 7th lord, the person is addicted
to endless sexual pleasures. But this yoga must be carefully applied.
Placement in the 7th house of different planets, which responsible foradultery
rise to following results.
The Sun in 7th : The person will have opportunities of intercourse with
barren woman or an elderly woman having a respectable place in society, a
woman of repute and honour. In case of girl, she will contact an honourable
person much older in age.
The Moon in 7th : If debilitated, one has physical contacts with servants
and young girls. If exalted Moon is there, he has innumerable relations with
girls. Moon in Aries also provides opportunities to one to have intercourse with
young and beautiful girls. As Moon is a tender planet, nothing occurs without
the full consent of girls.
The Mars in 7th : If Mars occupies 7th house with other combinations present
for adultery, no aspects of benefics being there, intercourse occurs often with young,
virgin, good looking girls. If Mars is debilitated, in 7 th house and Venus is also afflicted,
the girl may even elope with many persons and unfortunately with undesirable persons.
Mars in Taurus or Libra is also bad and it is difficult to stand with character.
Horoscope No.171
15/08/1970 Time 02:53:56 Day Saturday Place Azamgarh Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:1
Lat 26:03:00 North Long 83:10:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:02:40

Panchang Avakaheda Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time ,.:0:28:07 His Gan : Manushya Sun : 5Y11M 100 Sankta :7Y11M3D
Eq.oftime 0:04:43 Hrs Yoni Nakul Rahu
Sunrise :5:3025 Hrs Nadi : Antya ZW/1993 1528/1970
Sunset : 18:33:16 Hrs Varan : Kshatriya 28072011 19272006
Samvat : 2027 Vashya ^ Manav Ffehu 06/04/1996 Sankta 1927/1978
Saka : 1892 Varga Mooshak Jupiter 3128/1998 Mangia 1927/1979
Month : Sravana Yunja j Antya Saturn 0727/2001 Pingla 1827/1981
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva> Agni Merouy 2421/2004 Dhanya 1827/1984
Tithi at Sunrise..: 12 Name Alphabet Bhay-Bhairav Ketu 11222005 Bhramri 1827/1988
Nakshatra : Uttarasadha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Venus 12/02/2008 Bhadrika 1807/1993
Yoga : Priti Copper-Copper Sir 05212009 Ulka 1927/1999
Karan : Kaulava Hora : Venus Moon 07272010 Sidha 19272006

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 28:28:10 Mon Mer Sat Mer Asc Gem 23:59:19 Mer Jup Mer Mer
Mon Sag 26:47:23 Jup Sun Sun Mer 2 Can 17:20:18 Mon Mer Mer Ven
Mar Can 24:30:39 Mon Mer Rah Jup 3 Leo 13:35:27 Sun Ven Ven Ven
Mer Leo 25:47:26 Sun Ven Mer Sat 4 Vir 14:28:03 Mer Mon Jup Mer
Jup Lib 6:41:49 Ven Rah Rah Reh 5 Lib 18:52:26 Ven Rah Mon Mer
Ven Vir 13:43:28 Mer Mon Rah Mon 6 Sco 22:54:43 Mar Mer Mon Mer
Sat Ari 29:03:22 Mar Sun Mar Ven 7 Sag 23:59:19 Jup Ven Sat Jup
Rah -R Aqu 9:40:26 Sat Rah Jup Ven 8 Cap 17:20:18 Sat Mon Sat Rah
Ket -R Leo 9:40:26 Sun Ket Sat Mer 9 Aqu 13:35:27 Sat Rah Mer Mar
Ura Vir 13:08:42 Mer Mon Rah Ket 10 Pis 14:28:03 Jup Sat Reh Ven
Nep Sco 4:56:31 Mar Sat Sat Rah 11 Ari 18:52:26 Mar Ven Rah Sat
Plu Vir 2:44:00 Mer Sun Jup Rah 12 Tau 22:54:43 Ven Mon Sun Jup

Fortuna: Scorpio 22:18:31 Navamsa Chart

Kei X
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspai
V 3 y/
VX Ven 2

Nep 5 ■11 Mar
Sa9 1 1223'
\. Sun Mar / \ / \Sun Mar
KetVl / \2 / Sui Vx XX10 P,L
1 Mer
SV 3 X1 Sat Ma s N. /'Rati9 Sal\
iMer XX Mon Jup X
Mer/ \ /\
Ven 6 Ura Jup 8 yX X.Jup Suny/
\ X X.9/^ 01
12 X Set 10 X8
Jup7X 9 Xl'Rah
8\ Mon / 10N
\ / Rah
623* Rart X<V9n
19 X
5 ' Plu / 3 y/5\ura
Nep Jup Nes- Jur Nep WonX.

The Saturn in 7th ; Saturn in 7th house, if placed with other indications of
loss of character, shows that contacts will be made with elderly persons, persons
of serving class or foreign people. They may be even double in age. One such
case has already been mentioned. He may also be a bearded person or having
long hair or bold headed.
The Mercury in 7th: If placed with Lagna or 7th lord, there will be intercourse
with an intelligent girl having ordinary looks.

Matrugam Yoga

Moon or Venus should join Kendras in conjunction with or aspected by

malefics and an evil planet should occupy the 4th house.
The person will be guilty of committing adultery with his mother. No greater
sin can be conceived of than association with mother. Unless a man is completely
devoid of all feelings of conscience, he cannot even think of this. Here the term
mother include step mothers and also ladies held in equal esteem in Hindu Law
viz. the ruler's wife, preceptors wife, brother's wife's, mother etc.

Sahodaresangama Yoga

If the lord of 7th and Venus are in conjunction in the 4th house and are
aspected by or associated with malefics or in "Kroor' (cruel) Shastiamasa, the
above yoga is given rise to.
The person will be guilty of intercourse with sister or lady equal to sister.
Here again it denotes the term for those ladies also which stand in a relation of
sister according to Hidu Law.
The best safeguard against any form of sexual immorality is the unaffected
disposition of Venus.

The Sun and Jupiter check adultery

Influence of Mars, Venus Saturn and Rahu with the affliction of J2th and
7th house or their lords gives rise to low moral values and tends one towards
unlicentious deeds. The combinations have been discussed by oue sages in various
setups. This is very sensitive aspect of the horoscope and requires lot of
experience, practical study and intelligence for the right judgement.
We have observed, not only the affliction of Venus or the 7th lord creates
immoral activities but other planets like Moon, Mercury, Rahu, Ketu, Saturn
also give rise to gratification of passion in one or the other way, subject to their
affliction at sensitive places. It is only the Sun and Jupiter who try to check the
adverse influence of other planets responsible for adultery. If the affliction is

strong and the influence of Jupiter or Sun is not sufficient to encounter the
same, certain adversities, diversification of conduct and weakness towards
beauty will remain present in the native.
The configuration of planets must be examined very carefully and intelligently
before reaching at any conclusion.

A Suggestion

We have made a sincere and honest effort in analysing number of

combinations tending the native towards immoral relationship. All combination
and aphorisms have been taken out from standard classical works. A very
careful and logical application of these aphorisms is extremely essential
knowledge and consideration of the culture of the country, family time period,
background and overall situation of the native must be there before reaching
final findings.
We have not taken Trisamsa Chart in combination as it gives faulty results.
The slightest error may result into change of the Trisamsa Chart. The problem
of Ayanamsa is also grave. The planetary position in Trisamsa will change if
another Ayanamsa is applied in the casting of a horoscope which will lead to
error in findings.
Students of astrology should not reveal the results and adversities caused by
the planetary setups tending the native towards immorality either to the native
or to his or her persons until unless it becomes extremely unavoidable. None
will ever like to get such conduct exposed. On the contrary that may bring
criticism, defamation and unnecessary arguments to the concerning astrologer.
We strongly believe that tendency towards immorality, disloyalty and
distraction of chastity can be controlled to a great extent by a strong will, sincere
endeavours, honest efforts and true desire to overcome this negative aspect of
anybody's life. Therefore just by looking into a horoscope, student should not
conclude about the conduct as other combinations present in the birth chart
may rule out such possibilities.
This is the responsibility of an astrologer that he should guide the parents of
small children to educate them in such a way that the chances of immorality
may be got automatically checked such as by avoiding coeducation, freedom,
mixing up with the opposite sex freely and by not bringing or reading
questionable literature. Parents should also advice their children to read religious
books Geeta, Ramayana Panchtantra, Kalyan, Akhand Jyoti etc. A fear towards
wrong way of life and the confidence in the power of Almighty should be created
intelligently in the mind of children when they are very young. We have been
doing so for last two decades and got brilliant success.





(When Sun and Saturn both work against Marriage)

The question, whether marriage would only be delayed or it will not take
place at all?, is of paramount importance.
Prior to its answer it may be seen that certain combinations mentioned in
the classics in reference to denial of marriage generally cause only a delay. Under
such circumstances, it becomes quite difficult to judge whether the native will
be married at all. The following is an account of one or two placements of Sun
which cause absolute denial of marriage.
Sun and Saturn are the greatest enemies of each other though Sun is Saturn" s
father. Their dislike for each other is very severe, quite unlike the relationship
between Sun and Venus or Saturn and Mars. It is said in mythology that when
Saturn was conceived, Sun's wife was severely burnt due to the proximity of
Sun and site went away to live in a cooler place. Later on the son Saturn wanted
to know Who was his father, responsible for his ugliness. She told him the truth.
Saturn swore eternal enmity with Sun, his father.
Saturn and Sun are exactly opposite in nature, the former is cold while the
latter is hot. The former represents the West while Sun is associated with East.
Sun is exalted in Aries where Saturn is debilitated. Sun is debilitated at 100 of
Libra while Saturn is exalted at that longitude. Sun's Mooltrikona sign is Leo at
10 20' (i.e. in his own sign) while that of Saturn is diametrically opposite at 10
20' of Aquarius. Both do not tolerate each other at all. None of them allow the

other to interfere in his reign. Sun, when aspected by or conjoined with Saturn,
will become the greatest malefic and will damage the pertaining house. Similarly,
if both aspect each other, both concerning houses will be spoilt.
Here, we are concerned with the role of Sun and Saturn in denying the
marriage absolutely. If the 7th house or lagna comes under the influence of Sun
and Saturn, marriage cannot take place. Even, in case, Venus or lord of the 7th
is influenced by these two planets, the marriage will never take place.
Horoscope No.172
6/08/1949 Time 20:00:00 Day Tuesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22;
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tlmo CofT -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderlalTime .;17:32:12 Hrs Gan : Manushya Venus0Y 2M 7D Bhedrike :0Y0M17D
Eq.oftime > 0:04:17 Mrs Yoni j Gaja Mart
Sunrise :5:39:28 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 24/10/1965 16/08/1949
Sunset :18:41:33 Hrs Varan : Kshatriya 24/10/1972 02/09/1980
Samvat : 2006 Vashya : Chatuspada Mars 22/03/1966 Bhadrika 03/09/1949
Saka 1871 Varga : Mrig Rahu 10/04/1967 Ulka 03/09/1955
Month....v : Bhadra Yunja Poorva Jupiter 16/03/1968 Sidha 03/09/1962
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Saturn 25/04/1969 Sankta 03/09/1970
Tithi at Sunrise,.: 7 Name Alphabet Lo-Lokesh Mercury 22/04/1970 Mangla 03/09/1971
Nakshatra : Bharani Paya(Rasi-Nak} : Copper-Gold Ketu 18/09/1970 Pingla 03/09/1973
Yoga : Dhruva Mora i Mars Venus 18/11/1971 Dhanya 02/09/1976
Karan Balava Chaugharia : Kaal Sun 25/03/1972 Bhramri 02/09/1980

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 0:28:26 Sun Ket Ket Jup Asc Aqu 27:25:50 Sat Jup Ven Rah
Mon Ari 26:32:28 Mar Ven Ket Sat 2 Ari 5:59:23 Mar Ket Rah Jup
Mar Gem 23:15:23 Mer Jup Sat Mar 3 Tau 5:54:26 Ven Sun Mer Mon
Mer Leo 19:25:28 Sun Ven Rah Ven 4 Gem 0:43:42 Mer Mar Mer Sun
Jup -R Cep 1:08:34 Sat Sun Rah Mar 5 Gem 24,41:48 Mer Jup Mer Mon
Ven Vir 2:23:46 Mer Sun Jup Sun 6 Can 21:59:37 Mon Mer Sun Mer
Sat Leo 14:34:15 Sun Ven Ven Jup 7 Leo 27:25:50 Sun Sun Mon Mar
Rah Pis 25:16.33 Jup Mer Rah Mer 8 Lib 5:59:23 Ven Mar Mon Jup
Ket Vir 25:16:33 Mer Mar Rah Mer 9 Sco 5;54;26 Mar Sat Mer Ven
Ura Gem 10:50:16 Mer Rah Sat Mer 10 Sag 0:43:42 Jup Ket Ket Mer
Nep Vir 20:14:50 Mer Mon Ket Sat 11 Sag 24:41:48 Jup Ven Mer Sun
Plu Can 23:31:04 Mon Mer Mar Jup 12 Cap 21 ;59;37 Sat Mon Ven Sat

Fortuna: Scorpio 23:29:51 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
2B* 38- 41' jSat X Sun
Mer 6

\ Men /
/10\ Plu
I27' 2^Ratt 11 / Ura \
Ven Ju
Mar 3 Ura XMon SaiS PJu /
KetV ^ 7
. / Ura
10XN6P 8 X.6 1
3 V Sun 5 Mer V7
Jup Ura/A /6\ Mer 11 5 SunX
/ _ \ / Nep > ysai Plu>
/ p,u \ /Ket Ven /Mer Sun
12/C 2 X4 Reh
/1 X Ven X 3 X

An example of afflictions of Sun and Saturn is given below for consideration.

Combination — (1)
If Sun and Saturn are associated in the 7th house, there is no possibility of
marriage. If the longitudes of Sun and Saturn are the same or very close to each
other, marriage is ruled out provided the 7th lord is also weak or afflicted.
Illustration No. 18.1( Horoscope No.172)
This is the horoscope of a 49 years old Engineer who has not been married so
far and is determined not to marry.
The combination of Saturn and Sun in the 7th house can be noted which
has deprived the native of his marriage though Saturn owns lagna and Sun
rules 7th house. Thus, presence of Sun and Saturn in the 7th house does not
permit marriage.

Combination — (2)
If the lagna is hemmed in between Saturn and Sun i.e., Sun is posited in the
2nd house and Saturn occupies the 12th. Only under this position of Papakartari
Yoga Sun gets further afflicted due to Saturn's aspect on it.
Illustration No. 18.2 (Horoscope No.113)
The lady is a school teacher and remained unmarried. She had four younger
sisters. Her father retired when she attained youth. There was great scarcity of
money in the family. She decided to serve and earn money to lead a prosperous
life. She managed to get her sisters married off decently.
In her horoscope, the Lagna is hemmed in between Saturn and Sun. This
Papakartari Yoga did not permit her to marry. Here Sun received the aspect of
Saturn while Saturn is aspected by Mars, Thus it is a most dreaded Papakartari
Yoga. So if the Lagna is hemmed in between Sun and Saturn, marriage will not
take place.
Horoscope No. 113
16/02/1929 Time 05:09:45 Day Saturday Place Barellly Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:36:2
at 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time CorT-0:12:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarl Yogini

Siderial Time 14:39:18 Hrs Gan JWanushya Venus: 8Y7M 9D Bhadrika : 2Y 1M 25D
Eq. of time - 0:14:20 Mrs Yoni ^ Ga]a Saturn
Sunrise 652:28 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 27/09/1994 13/04/1962
Sunset 18:01:01 Hrs Varan : Kshalriya 27/09/2013 13/04/1998
Samvat 1985 Vashya - Chatuspada Satum 30/09/1997 Bhadrika 13/04/1967
Saka 1850 Varga ^ Mrig Mercury 09/06/2000 U!ks 12/04/1973
Month Magna Yunja : Poorva Ketu 19/07/2001 Sidha 12/04/1980
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Agni Venus 17/09/2004 Sankta 12/04/1988
Tithf at Sunrise.. : 6 Name Alphabet La-Lakhpal Sun 30/08/2005 Mangla 12/04/1989
Nakshatra Bharani Paya(Rasi-Nak) ; fron-Go!d Moon 01/04/2007 Pingla 13/04/1991
Yoga Brahma Hora •: Mercury Mars 09/05/2008 Dhanya 13/04/1994
Karan Gara Chaugharia : Char Rahu 16/03/2011 Bhramri 13/04/1998

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Aqu 4:13:17 Sat Mar Ven Sat Asc Cap 3:17:49 Sat Sun Sat Sat
Mon Ari 20:55:35 Mar Ven Jup Ket 2 Aqu 11:44:08 Sat Rah Sat Mon
Mar Gem 0:33:36 Mer Mar Mer Ven 3 Pis 18:58:49 Jup Mer Ket Rah
Mer -R Cap 17:04:32 Sat Mon Sat Mar 4 Ari 19:39:54 Mar Ven Rah Ven
Jup Ari 12:08:28 Mar Ket Mer Sun 5 Tau 14:54:51 Ven Mon Jup Ven
Ven Pis 20:44:47 Jup Mer Ven Jup 6 Gem 8:08:06 Mer Rah Rah Ven
Sat Sag 5:42:48 Jup Ket Rah Rah 7 Can 3:17:49 Mon Jup Rah Mar
Rah -R Tau 3:07:54 Ven Sun Sat Sat 8 Leo 11:44:08 Sun Ket Mer Ket
Ket -R See 3:07:54 Mar Jup Rah Mon 9 Vir 18:58:49 Mer Mon Mer Rah
Ura Pis 12:33:07 Jup Sat Mar Mer 10 Lib 19:39:54 Ven Rah Mar Mer
Nep -R Leo 7:29:29 Sun Ket Rah Mar 11 See 14:54:51 Mar Sat Jup Jup
Plu -R Gem 23:56:28 Mer Jup Mer Mer 12 Sag 8:08:06 Jup Ket Jup Mer

Fortuna: Pisces 20:00:07 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

x11 x Rahx
12x V0n X8 Sun
[ Mon Rah Juir R83-
Jup 430* 515'
Mosr C 1 Mer 7 Mon
Ura l
p. yS Ure y/
Ven |\ Sun Sat X. / X X
2/7 Jup 4 KetXTs
Ura\l1y VenV1/ V/ P'u /:3 X. y/ 5 X^
12^Mer 10 V8 Ket 12X Sun Mer
X8 Sat /Mer Nep yX X
J"p7\ /\ .
Mon 1 Jup Mon 1 Rah 7 Ket
X\ * 7
X8 / \ex Kel
9V Mon N0px>x5
Mer 2/^ 4
X Jup
Rah2y 4 Ye X
3 X
Mer | /sn. sN / N. Nep /5 ^Sat 10 PIX 4 \
/Mar Plu\ / Nep / PIu \ / X x
Mer X .X VX
11 X 1 Mar
1115- 1020* Rah/12 \ xTvV
Ker /Sun UraX.X Van X
Horoscope No. 104
02/09/1944 Time 18:20:00 Day Saturday Place Lucknow Srl-Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tlma Corr -1:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimaottari Yoglnl

SkJarial Tima .:15:59:37 Hrs Gan Rakshas Rahu: 10Y10W3D Dhanya :1Y8W20D
Gq.of time :0:00:17 Hrs YonF. Ashy/a Saturn
Sunrise :6:47:23 Hrs Nadi Adya 07/07/1971 02A19/1944
Sunset : 19:24:26 Hrs Varan Shoodra 07/07/1990 24/06/1979
Samvat : 2001 Vashya Manav Saturn 10/07/1974 Dhanya 24/06/1946
Saka : 1866 Varga,- rvtesha Mercury 19/03/1977 Bhramri 24/06/1950
Month : Bhadra Yunja Antya Ketu 28/04/1978 Bhadrika 24/06/1955
Paksh : Shukla HansakfTatva) Vayu Venus 28/06/1981 Ulka 24/06/1961
Tithi at Sunrise..: 15 - Purnima Name Alphabet Saa-Samir Sun 1006/1982 Sidha 24/06/1968
Nakshatra : Satabhisha Paya{Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Copper Moon 09/01/1984 Sankta 24/06/1976
Yoga : Sukarma Hora Venus Mars 17/02/1985 Mangla 24/06/1977
Karan : Bava Chaugharfa Kaal Rahu 25/12/1987 Pingla 24/06/1979

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 17 02:29 Sun Ven Mon Ket Asc Cap 26:56:09 Sat Mar Jup Ket
Men Aqu 11 58:08 Sat Rah Sat Rah 2 Pis 7:03:31 Jup Sat Mer Sat
Mar Vir 10:03:34 Mer Mon Mon Mon 3 Ari 11:35:02 Mar Ket Mer Mer
Mer -R Leo 2534:09 Sun Ven Mer Jup • 4 Tau 9:10:46 Ven Sun Ven Jup
Jup Leo 1522:11 Sun Ven Ven Mer 5 Gem 3:13:32 Mer Mar Ven Mon
Ven Vir 5:27:32 Mer Sun Mer Ket 6 Gem 27:35:43 Mer Jup Ven Rah
Sat Gem 15 42:28 Mer Rah Ven Mon 7 Can 26:56:09 Mon Mer Jup Ket
Rah -R Can 4 12:08 Men Sat Sat Ven 8 Vir 7:03:31 Mer Sun Ket Ven
Ket -R Cap 4 12:08 Sat Sun Sat Sun 9 Lib 11:35:02 Ven Rah Sat Sun
Ura Tau 20 12:08 Ven Mon Ket Jup 10 Sco 9:10:46 Mar Sat Ven Rah
Nep Vir 10:15:50 Mer Mon Mon Rah 11 Sag 3:13:32 Jup Ket Sun Rah
Plu Gan 16 26:10 Mon Sat Jup Rah 12 Sag 27:35:43 Jup Sun Mon Rah

Fortuna: Cancer 21:51:47 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
1 PluX / \5/
8X Sun 6 X4 dra
49* Mer \

Mor10X 12 >0
\ii/ \9/ Rah
S12/ \9/
12 X Ket 10 X8 PIU IX Mon 10 a9 Ket xT Mar
XVen SatX/NeP
Ura 2 Van n. Rah Mer
\ / Jup \ / Ura 4VMon 2
\/ \/NeP ■
Ura 2 X Rah 4
PluX6Ven Sal Sy^Sun 4 MerVj
Ke4' /3\. Ven /6 Mar 5 NepX. 11
/ Jup x
Mer Sun 22a* / Rah PIij \ " /Nep Mar \. Plu Nv ^X
XX 3
\ x Sun
St2- eX xv 0
X^^7\v Sat /
x/^ 9
" W I / Ke! \ X ^ V

Combination — (3)
If the 7th house is hemmed in between Saturn and Sun i.e. Saturn occupies
6th house and Sun joins 8th, there will be no conjugal happiness.
Illustration No. 183 (Horoscope No.104)
The individual belongs to a very high family and is highly placed. Here
Saturn occupies the 6th house while Sun is posited in the 8th house. Saturn is
aspecting Sun which kept the native devoid of marital happiness. The native, in
fact, got married at 34th year of age, but on the very first night, there arose a
misunderstanding between them and they took a divorce.

Combination — (4)
If Saturn, not being Lagna lord, occupies the 7th house and Sun joins the
ascendant, there will be absolute denial of marriage. In this position there will
be mutual aspect between Saturn and Sun.
Illustration No. 18.4 (Horoscope No.173)
This is the horoscope of a lady doctor who remains a spinster. She has
sacrificed her life for serving the mankind.
In the birth chart, the above combination is present. Saturn rules and also
occupies the 7th house while Sun is present in the Lagna. Thus both Sun and
Saturn are aspecting each other, denying the marriage forever.
Horoscope No.173
29/07/1933 Time 04:57:00 Day Saturday PlacoBhopal Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:
,31 23:17:00 North Long 77:28:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr -0:20:08

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarl Yoglni

Siderial Tima .:1:01Hrs Gan » Rakshas Mars: 5Y 0M 0D Mengle : 0Y &M 170
Eq.oftfme 0:06:21 Hrs Yoni Vyaghra Jupiter
Sunrise :5:49;44 Hrs Nadi f^dhya 29/07/1956 29/07/1933
Sunset r19:03:03 Hrs Varan Vaishya 29/07/1972 15/04/1969
Samvat : 1990 Vashya j Manav Jupiter 16/09/1958 Mangla 16/04/1934
Saka : 1855 Varga - Mooshak Saturn 30/03/1961 Pingla 15/04/1936
Month : Sravana Yunja Madhya Mercury 05/07/1963 Dhanya 16/04/1939
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Bhoomi Ketu 10/06/1964 Bhramri 16/04/1943
Tithi at Sunrise..: 6 Name Alphabet Po-Pourav Venus 09/02/1967 Bhadrika 15/04/1948
Nakshatra : Chitra Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Iron Sun 29/11/1967 Ulka 16/04/1954
Yoga : Sidha Hora Moon Moon 30/03/1969 Sidha 15/04/1961
Karan : Gara Chaughana .j Roga Mars 05/03/1970 Sankta 15/04/1969

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
12:43:15 Men Sat Mar Ven Can 0:36:06 Men Jup Mar Rah
27:08:22 Mer Mar Jup Ven Can 24:51:53 Mon Mer Rah Sat
19:49:22 Mer Mon Ket Ven Leo 22:22:44 Sun Ven Sat Mer
Mer •R Can 15:14:50 Mon Sat Jup Sat Vir 24:01:39 Mer Mar Mar Sun
28:43:23 Sun Sun Mar Sat Lib 27:49:08 Ven Jup Ven Jup
8:53:00 Sun Ket Jup Mon Sag 0:26:22 Jup Ket Ket Rah
20:57:19 Sat Mon Ven Mon Cap 0:36:06 Sat Sun Rah Ven
6:08:29 Sat Mar Mon Sat Cap 24:51:53 Sat Mar Rah Sat
6:08:29 Sun Ket Rah Sat Aqu 22:22.44 Sat Jup Sat Mer
4:44:21 Mar Ket Mon Sun Pis 24:01:39 Jup Mer Mar Sun
15:59:05 Sun Ven Sun Mer Ari 27:49:08 Mar Sun Mon Sat
0:40:12 Mon Jup Mar Rah Gem 0:26:22 Mer Mar Mer Ven

Fortuna: Virgo 15;01;12 Navamsa Chart

X/Nep "/NTven Mar
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
X5 y/ 4 \v3/l
Mon 6X Sal Plu >^2

\Ven Jup / \ \ Ven Kel / \
NKetJap/ \ , > \ Nep / \
Mar\5 / \3 / Jup\ 4 / \3/ Rah/ g
eVsun 4 MerX2 922- S^Sun 4 Mer Vj
Mo,n/\ n, /\ Mar / \ „, / \

1 Ura Mon 6 12 Ura N. Rah ///v Mon /

UraV/f X11/
^ p/Set Pi"><Q°NaP
10 X11
Sal /lo\

Sun 6 ^X^Mar

S Mer n, / Kel Ven\:

Horoscope No.174
25/11/1941 Time 18:25:00 Day Tuesday Place Allahabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
-at 25:27:00 North Long 81:50:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:02:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time .:22:38:38 Hrs Gan Rakshas Rahu: 16Y8M 14D Dhanya ;2Y9M12D
Eq.of time 0:13:05 Hrs Yoni Ashwa Jupiter
Sunrise :6'28:19 Hrs Nadi Adya 10^08/1958 25/11/1941
Sunset : 17:10:42 Hrs Varan Shoodra 10/08/1974 08/09/1977
Samvat : 1998 Vashya Manav Jupiter 28/09/1960 Dhanya 07/09/1944
Saka : 1863 Varga Majjar Saturn 11/04/1963 Bhramri 07/09/1948
Month : Margshirsh Yunja Antya Mercury 17/07/1965 Bhadrika 08/09/1953
Paksh : ShukJa Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Ketu 23/06/1966 Ulka 08/09/1959
Tithi at Sunrise,.: 7 Name Alphabet Go^Gopal Venus 21/02/1969 Sidha 08/09/1966
Nakshatra Satabhisha Paya{Rasi-Nak) Sun 10/12/1969 Sankta 08/09/1974
Yoga : Vyaghat Copper-Copper Moon 11/04/1971 Mangla 08/09/1975
Karan : Vishti Hora r/bon Mars 17/03/1972 Pingla 08/09/1977

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sco 10:05:33 Mar Sat Ven Mer Asc Tau 29:20:57 Ven Mar Sat Mar
Mon Aqu 7:37:29 Sat Rah Rah Mer 2 Gem 23:06:16 Mer Jup Sat Mon
Mar PfS 19:44:43 Jup Mer Ven Sun 3 Can 17:20:19 Mon Mer Mer Ven
Mer Lib 25:41:07 Ven Jup Mer Sal 4 Leo 15:12:36 Sun Ven Ven Mer
Jup -R Tau 25:21:18 Ven Mar Rah Ket 5 Vir 18:29:36 Mer Mon Mer Sun
Ven Sag 27:15:54 Jup Sun Sun Ven 6 Lib 24:57:39 Ven Jup Mer Rah
Sat -R Tau 1:39:01 Ven Sun Jup Sat 7 Sco 29:20:57 Mar Mer Sat Mar
Rah -R Leo 26:43:35 Sun Sun Sun Mon 8 Sag 23:06:16 Jup Ven Sat Mon
Ket -R Aqu 26:43:35 Sat Jup Ven Ven 9 Cap 17:20:19 Sat Mon Sat Rah
Ura -R Tau 5:21.45 Ven Sun Mer Mer 10 Aqu 15:12:36 Sat Rah Ket Mer
Nep Vir 6:42:40 Mer Sun Mer Sat 11 Pis 18:29:36 Jup Mer Mer Sat
Plu -R Can 12:55:24 Mon Sat Rah Rah 12 Ari 24:57:39 Mar Ven Mer Mar

Fortuna: Leo 26:52;53 Navamsa Chart

\Sun PIU/^N. Jup y
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
\l / N. 5 /
>7 Rah\v >7 N.
1225* (^Mon 9 3 Kety

Plu > Sat Jup /

\ Ura / Sat 10X 12
XX2 M0r
3 Plu XllVv Nop 1 N. .
Plu \
4V'/ \7
Jup 2 Sal Vl^ar Xiaiar yS Ura Ny/X Xy

Rah 5 Ket 11 Mon Reh 5 Nep 11 Ket X. yXXyVen Jupi/
N. 8 / 6/
Sun Ket X/j
X 8 X10 XI (Mon
7\ Sun / 9\ 9\. Raz? Sat 10 Plu 4 Nep
Mer \ / Ven \ Nep Ve27*l / Sun Mer Ven \
823- ^
Ura 11 V'Mon 1 RahXyS Mer
12 2
/ X. Xv
Sun I Mer s \ y Mar N.

Combination — (5)
If Saturn occupies Lagna and Sun is posited in the 7th house (i.e. just in the
reverse position as given in the previous combination) it will keep the native
unmarried unless the 7th house is very strongly disposed or also occupied by
the strong benefics.
Illustration No. 185 (Horoscope No.174) : This is the horoscope of a
metallurgical Engineer working in ITS A. for the last more than 27 years. The
native has decided to remain bachelor throughout life. Sun is tenated in the 7th
house in this birth chart and Saturn is positioned in the ascendant. Sun and
Saturn both lend their aspect on each other which has resulted into denial of
marriage. Here Saturn also aspects Moon which further ensures this by adding
force for prevention of marriage.
A Note : — If Moon is also aspected by Saturn, the possibility of denial of
marriage increases. Further, if Venus also comes under the influence of Saturn
by conjunction or aspect, or due to placement in the constellation of Saturn,
there remains no possibility of marriage at all, even if the 7th house is well-
disposed. This applies to all the combination given herein.
Horoscope No.175
30/10/1948 Time 11:30.00 Day Saturday Place Allahabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:52
at 25:27:00 North Long 81:50:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:02:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottarl Yoglnl

SiderialTfme ,:14:01:12 Mrs Gan ^ Deva Moon: 4Y11M 13D Sankta:3Y11M 17D
Eq.oftlme 0:16:19 Mrs Yoni Mahish Rahu
Sunrise :6:10:4O Hrs Nadi : Adya 13/10/1960 3010/1948
Sunset :17:21:53 Hrs Varan Vaishya 14/10/1978 17/10/1980
Samvat : 2005 Vashya Manav Rahu 2606/1963 Sankla 17/10/1952
Saka : 1870 Varga ^ Shwan Jupiter 19/11/1965 Mangla 17/10/1953
Month : Kartika . Yunja : Madhya Saturn 25/09/1968 Pingla 17/10/1955
Paksh J : Krishna HansakfTatva) Bhoem] Mercury 14/04/1971 Dhanya 17/1C/1958
Tithl at Sunrise..; 13 Name Alphabet Na-Nalin Ketu 02/05/1972 Bhramri 17/10/1962
Nakshatra : Hasta Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Silver Venus 03/05/1975 Bhadrika 17/10/1967
Yoga : Vishkumbh Hora : Mercury Sun 26/03/1976 UlKa 17/10/1973
Karan : Vanij Chaugharia : Udvega Moon 25/09/1977 Sidha 17/101980

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 13:50:36 Ven Rah Mer Rah Asc Sag 24:41:41 Jup Ven Mer Sun
Men Vir 16:43:40 Mer Mon Sal Ven 2 Aqu 0:39:22 Sat Mar Mer Ven
Mar Sco 16:31:08 Mar Sat Jup Rah 3 Pis 7:28:08 Jup Sat Ket Ven
Mer Vir 27:01:54 Mer Mar Jup Ven 4 Ari 9:36:50 Mar Ket Sat Sat
Jup Sag 3:57:15 Jup Ket Mon Rah 5 Tan 6:18:39 Ven Sun Mer Rah
Ven Vir 4:41:59 Mer Sun Sal Rah 6 Gem 0:09:56 Mer Mar Mer Mer
Sat Leo 11:18:37 Sun Ket Sal Jup 7 Gem 24:41:41 Mer Jup Mer Mon
Rah Ari 12:08:44 Mar Ket Mer Sun 8 Leo 0:39:22 Sun Ket Ket Sat
Ket Lib 12:08:44 Ven Rah Sal Rah 9 Vir 7:28:08 Mer Sun Ket Jup
Ura -R Gem 7:27:12 Mer Rah Rah Sat 10 Lib 9:36:50 Ven Rah Jup Ven
Nep Vir 20:43:55 Mer Mon Ven Ven 11 Sco 6:18:39 Mar Sal Mer Mon
Plu Can 23:36:03 Men Mer Mar Sal 12 Sag 0:09:56 Jup Ket Ket Ven

Fortuna: Scorpio 27;34:45 Navamaa Chart

\ Ura X ^
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
Kel 10X Mer B
410' 59'
Sun 11 Ven
\ P!u /
V Mar / XX XX Nep
1 2
\io / 8 v8/ 2X /\4
\ /Ket x 1 Nv Jljp // 3 XSal
1l Jup 9 X7 9 X8 Mar X. y' Men X.
/( / NSun
/ NepX Dasamsa
1 *3 v Mer 6 Mon - Rah 1 Kel 7 Sun
X 6' 4 X^
\ Ven y PiuX .xT. 1X NS
/X x Rah Ura X Ven
2V 3 \/
V 6 Mar Mon XN
RahlV 3 ys Sat x^
2 \ Ura /3\ Plu / SXMon
X / 4 \ \Sal 8 NepX 2
' Plu \ " lira n. /oat Ven\ y
/ Jv Xr N. X <aX\ X
SUH* Mar sX Sun 11 Mer XJ
Ket Mair Kei2-
Mar Sun 118' 1010* XJu0 \ 7 1X

Combination — (6)
If Venus or lord of the 7th house is hemmed in between Saturn and Sun,
there will be no possibility of marriage.
Illustration No. 18.6 (Horoscope No. 175) : In this horoscope, the lord of
7th Mercury, Venus and Moon are under the Papakartari Yoga involving Saturn
and Sun which has disallowed the marriage to the native. The native is a top
engineer of Telecommunications in U.S.A. and belongs to a royal family of
See also the horoscope of the Prime Minister of India Hon'ble Sri Atal Bihari
Bajpai. Here Venus is hemmed in between Saturn and Sun which denied him
the marriage absolutely.
Horoscope No. 103
ale 01/09/1935 Time 11:30:00 Day Sunday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamaa 22:41
at 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Tim© Corr -0:21:08

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmaottarl Yoglnl

Siderial Time .:9:46:45 His Gan Deva Moon 2Y4M30D Sankta ;1Y11M5D
Eq.of time > 0:00:16 Hrs Yonf. Mahish Rahu
Sunrise :....:5:59:50 Hrs Nadi Adya 30/01/1945 01/09/1935
Sunset :18:42:33 Hrs Varan Vaishya 30/01/1963 07/08/1965
Sam vat : 1992 Vashya Manav Rahu 13/10/1947 Sankta 07/08/1937
Saka : 1857 Varga Sh^van Jupiter 08/03/1950 Mangla 07/08/1938
Month : Bhadra Yunja Madhya Saturn 12/01/1953 Pingla 07/08/1940
Paksh : Shukla HansakfTatva) Bhooml Mercury 01/D8/1955 Dhanya 07/08/1943
Tithi atSunhsa..: 3 Name Alphabet Tha-Thansingh Ketu 19/08/1956 Bhramri 07/08/1947
Nakshatra : Hasta Paya(Rasi-Nak) fron-Silver Venus 19/08/1959 Bhadrika 07/08/1952
Yoga Shubh Hora Jupiter Sun 13/07/1960 Ulka 07/08/1958
Karan : Gara Chaughana Amrit Moon 12/01/1962 Sidha 07/08/1965

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 15:10:33 Sun Ven Ven Mer Asc Lib 26:30:27 Ven Jup Ket Mer
Mon Vir 20:06:46 Mer Mon Ket Jup 2 Sco 26:02:53 Mar Mer Rah Mar
Mar Lib 27:14:34 Ven Jup Ven Mar 3 Sag 28:05:03 Jup Sun Mon Mer
Mer Vir 3:59:22 Mer Sun Sat Ven 4 Aqu 1:41:19 Sat Mar Mer Sat
Jup Lib 24:26:45 Ven Jup Mer Ven 5 Pis 3:57:31 Jup Sat Sat Mer
Ven -R Leo 26:13:34 Sun Ven Ket Rah 6 Ari 2:16:05 Mar Ket Ven Sat
Sat -R Aqu 14:03:20 Sat Rah Mer Jup 7 Ari 26:30:27 Mar Ven Ket Sat
Rah -R Sag 28:14:23 Jup Sun Mon Ven 8 Tau 26:02:53 Ven Mar Rah Mar
Ket -R Gem 28:14:23 Mer Jup Ven Sat 9 Gen- 28:05:03 Mer Jup Ven Sat
Ura -R Ari 12:38:39 Mar Ket Mer Rah 10 Leo 1:41:19 Sun Ket Ven Rah
Nep Leo 21:22:30 Sun Ven Jup Mon 11 Vir 3:57:31 Mer Sun Sat Ven
Plu Can 4:02:09 Mon Sat Sat Ket 12 Lib 2:16:05 Ven Mar Ket Rah

Fortuna: Sagittarius 1:26:39 Navamsa Chart

^Mar Y&\S N.
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
UraV3 ^\1 /
4XJuP 2 X12
in- 826 Sun 5 Plu X Sat 11 Mer
/ XMerMon/ Jup /
\ eX 8 Xio
\8 / \6 /Sun /7 Ven /9 Nv
Rah 9 X Mar Jup XA ven Rah9^x Mar 7 V^er Nep Rah
' \ "XMon
V / \Nep
/ Dasamsa

/ 10 Sat 11 Ven 5 Sun


\ \ Nep /
Ura XX XXplu
5>(Mer 3 Jupx;i
\ Ket sUi5
Sat11 1 Ket Ne2i Xx sa, XVan
XN 2\Plu Ve23
12 V Ura / 2\ Rah 6 Nep 12 Kel
R a 2a-i / Ufa
/ 32Q* K—t
225* Ma2?"
Jup 127' Ju2
II Mar 122

Combination — (7)
If Sun and Saturn are under the mutual aspect in such a way that Saturn
aspects 7th house or the ascendant, the possibility of marriage will be very remote.
Illustration No. J8.7(Horoscope No.103) ;The individual was a professor of
Physics in Lucknow and has suffered greatly on account of some miscreants
throwing acid on his face to prevent his marriage with a particular girl, In this
horoscope, there are may important combinations for denial of marriage. The
main one being the aspect between Saturn and Sun in such a way that Saturn
also aspects 7th house which disallows the marriage.
The conjunction of Jupiter and Mars in the Lagna is also adverse in the above
case. For details of this aspect the chapter on Jupiter-Mars Nexus may be referred.
Horoscope No. 116
13/10/1946 Time 17:38:00 Day Sunday Place LllCknow Sli Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:51
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yagini

Sidarial Time .:18:57:25 Hrs Gan Rakshas Sun :3Y4M0D Ulka : 3Y4M OD
Eq.of time :0:13:34 Hrs Yonl Mesh Jupiter
Sunrise :6:05:46 Hrs Nadi Antya 12/02/1985 13/02/1980
Sunset ;17:39:36 Hrs Varan Vaishya 12/02/2001 13/02/2016
Samvat : 2003 Vashya Chatuspada Jupiter 03/04/1987 Ulka 13/02/1986
Saka : 1868 Varga Gamda Saturn 14/10/1989 Sidha 12/02/1993
Month : Kartika Yunja Poorva Mercury 20/01/1992 Sankta 12/02/2001
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Bhoomi Ketu 26/12/1992 Mangla 13/02^2002
Tithi at Sunrise..: 3 Name Alphabet Ee-Ishwar Venus 27/08/1995 Pingla 13/02/2004
Nakshatra : Krittika Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Gold Sun 14/06/1996 Dhanya 13/02/2007
Yoga : Sid hi Hora Saturn Moon 14/10/1997 Bhramri 13/02/2011
Karan : Vlshti Chaugharia .Udvega Mars 20/09/1998 Bhadrika 13/02/2016

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun VI r 26:41.48 Mer Mar Jup Mer Asc Pis 26 58:27 Jup Mer Jup Ket
Man Tau 2:35:14 Ven Sun Jup Men 2 Tau 0:25:39 Ven Sun Rah Ket
Mar Lib 20:00:59 Ven Jup Jup Jup 3 Tau 26 33:57 Ven Mar Jup Sat
Mer Lib 15:25:27 Ven Rah Ven Ven A Gem 20:21:25 Mer Jup Jup Sat
Jup Lib 10:56:29 Ven Rah Sat Mer 5 Can 15 54:00 Mon Sat Jup Ven
Ven See 5:50:39 Mar Sat Mer Ven 6 Leo 20:44 Sun Ven Mar Mar
Sat Can 14:43:04 Men Sat Rah Mon 7 Vir 58:27 Mer Mar Jup Ket
Rah •R Tau 20:02:17 Ven Men Ket Rah 8 Sco 25:39 Mar Jup Mon Ven
Ket R Sco 20:02:17 Mar Mer Ven Mar 9 Sco 33:57 Mar Mer Jup Sat
Ura •R Tau 28:50:30 Ven Mar Sat Ven 10 Sag 21:25 Jup Ven Jup Sat
Nep Vir 15:55:44 Mer Men Sat Sat 11 Cap 54:00 Sat Mon Sat Sat
Plu Can 20:16:25 Men Mer Ven Rah 12 Aqu 20:44 Sat Rah Ven Ket

Fortuna: Scorpio 2:51:53 Navamsa Chart

Mar X Mer X
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
X1 / XiiXr81
N(,p vC 12
20- Mo3-| X \ X XPiu
327* Urzs-
Men Rah
Mon\ 1 \ 2 / Reh6
Rah 2\
Sat 3
\5 X X 3y
Sat\/ \/Ven Plu 6>< Sat RahXX
Ilia* \/ \/ Si?*
4 V Sun 6 NepYs Plu 4XMar 6
Plu /5\ / 7\Ket
/ \ / Jup \ - un Ura 7 Nop 1 Mer
/ \ /Mer Mar\l S Sun Nep\ /Ket Ven
Jup SyOSun 10 MonX'^Mer
Ket Mer ^9 X Ket X 11 X
Ven Mar 1

Combination — (8)
Should Sun be placed in the 7th house and Saturn aspect it either from the
5th or the JOth house, there will be no performance of marriage provided the
7th house is also weak or the lord thereof is ill-disposed.
Illustration No. 18.8 (Horoscope No.116) : The native has completed 52
years of age and still remains unmarried. Here, Sun joins the 7th house and
Saturn aspects it from the 5th house causing great damage. The lord of 7th
house, Mercury, is positioned in the 8th house which reinforce the marriage
denial. Moreover, the combination of Venus, Mars and Jupiter is very harmful
for marital happiness.
There are many others factors which must also be taken into consideration.
The possibility of denial of marriage gets stronger if the 7th or the 2nd house is
totally afflicted.
If retrograde planets are placed in the 2nd or 7th house or they aspect these
houses, their lords or Venus in addition to the above combinations, the
combinations for denial of marriage get unfortunate strength.
In case of Saturn and Sun's affliction, if Saturn is retrograde, there will be
enhanced influence for the denial of marriage. In case both the luminaries come
under the influence of Saturn, and Venus occupies the constellation of Saturn
in addition to the above combination, this comprises the strongest indication
for denial of marriage.
Horoscope No.176
ite 15/10/1951 Timel 1:54:00 Day Monday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:55
.at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30.00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmeottarl Yoglnl

SiderialTime .'.ISil^ai Mrs Gan : Deva Ketu: 6y5M 27D Bhramrl :3Y8M150
Eq.of time :0:14:00 Mrs Yoni : Ashwa Sun
Sunrise :6:06:43 Mrs Nadi Ariya 12/04/1978 15/10/1951
Sunset :17:37r48 Hrs Varan : Ksnatriya 11/04/1984 01/07/1987
Samvat : 2008 Vashya r Chaluspada Sun 30/07/1978 Bhramri 01/07/1955
Saka. : 1873 Varga ^ Simha Moon 2#01/1979 Bhadrika 30/06/1960
Month .i : Asvina Yunja : Poorva Mars 06/06/1979 Ulka 30/06/1966
Paksh : Shukla HansakfTatva) Agni Rahu 30704/1980 Sidha 30/06/1973
Tithi at Sunrise... 15 - Purnima Name Alphabet Jupiter 16/02/1981 Sankta 30/06/1981
Nakshatra : Asvini Chu-Churamani Saturn 29/01/1982 Mangla 30/06/1982
Yoga : Harshan Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Gold Mercury 05/12/1982 Pingla 30/06/1984
Karan : Balava Hora j Venus Ketu 12/04/1983 Dhanya 01/07/1987

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 28:10:03 Mer Mar Sat Sat Asc Sag 13:47:30 Jup Ven Ven Sun
Mon Ari 0:58:11 Mar Ket Ven Ven 2 Cap 18:25:33 Sat Mon Mer Ven
Mar Leo 13:21:27 Sun Ven Ven Ven 3 Aqu 25:12:36 Sat Jup Mer Rah
Mer Vir 29:20:18 Mer Mar Sat Mar 4 Pis 28:35:29 Jup Mer Sat Ket
Jup -R Pis 14:37:40 Jup Sat Rah Mon 5 Ari 26:20:42 Mar Ven Ket Jup
Van Leo 16:04:52 Sun Ven Sun Ket 6 Tau 20:20:49 Ven Mon Ket Mer
Sat Vir 14:29:44 Mer Men Jup Mer 7 Gem 13:47:30 Mer Rah Mer Rah
Rah -R Aqu 16:21:15 Sat Rah Ven Jup 8 Can 18:25:33 Mon Mer Mer Sat
Ket -R Leo 16:21:15 Sun Ven Mon Mar 9 Leo 25:12:36 Sun Ven Mer Rah
Ura Gem 21:03:28 Mer Jup Jup Ven 10 Vir 28:35:29 Mer Mar Sat Ket
Nep Vir 26:24:58 Mer Mar Jup Sat 11 Lib 26:20:42 Ven Jup Ket Sat
Plu Can 28:15:30 Men Mer Sat Mer 12 Sco 20:20:49 Mar Mer Ven Rah
rtuna: >Gemini 16:35:38 Navamsa Chart
Sun Mer S x.
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
/Ket NepS. A /
/yC Mar 5 VenYs

Jup 8 2 Saip

x. n. S Mon
9 >< 11 Xl
y/'10\^ Rah /laXUra
y x x piu \

/ Nep \ Dasamsa
Jup 12 Mer 6 Sun Mania 6 Mer v Jup X
\ Sat / 17 y^Mar
\/ X11
S x. Sun
3 Y5Ven / Nap x*
Ura /4\Mar Ura \Sun Rah A Ket 10 Veny>
yPlu Ket\
. / Plu \ \/Mar Ven\ Y Ura yf
1126* / Mar
y\7 /e XP'u
Sat \ .

Combination — (9)
If the lord of 7th house is conjoined with Sun and Saturn, Saturn rendering
aspect over the 7th house, there will be no possibility of marriage.
Illustration No. 18.9 (Horoscope No.176) :The individual is a famous medical
practitioner. He is a bachelor so far at 47 years age and he has decided not to
marry throughout his life. Lord of the 7th house Mercury conjoins with Sun
and Saturn and Saturn lends its aspect over the 7th house. This combination of
the lord of the 7th Mercury with Saturn and the Sun made the native a life long
However, should the 7th lord occupy the 7th, and Saturn's influence gets
reduced by the conjunction or aspect of Jupiter, we may conclude that Sun and
Saturn will create obstruction only and do not deny the marriage.



(Peculiarities of Female Horoscope)

There are certain peculiarities with the horoscope of females.

The time of the appearance of very first menses is very
important for the judgement of events. The appearance, nature,
complexion and beauty of a girl chould be judged from the first
house. The 8th house from lagna must be judged for marital life,
the span of married life and widowhood etc. The 7th house should
be dealt for finding out the nature and profession of her husband,
love and sex life of the native, character and fortune of the female.
The 9th and the 5th houses control children, their number, nature
of the birth of children surgical or normal, simple delivery or
complicated one. The 5th house is also to be examined for conception,
abortions or miscarriages, pregnancy, womb, regular or irregular
periods etc. The 5th house is of vital importance in judgement of
bent of mind of a lady, inclination of mind towards love or passion,
straight or diplomatic nature etc. Whether the female will be loyal
and truthful to her husband, she will be dedicated to her husband
or she will be cunning, liar and disloyal to her life-mate? This all is
to be judged from the 5th house in a woman' s birth chart.
In the horoscope of a woman the Moon's position has a greater
significance than in that of men. Sages have written that the
judgement of a female horoscope should be made from lagna as well
as taking Moon's position as lagna. Following two slokas may be
referred for this purpose.

W eft

fW ?rftt iftRftwi ^ y«qw>«R II 911

5#raf 5RW 5 p TI?ft^ II ^11

fttR' qMw? fsf ^ #i3i

M ^ 5ii

^ wrft^ ^n: ^l^ii: ^nf^n ft^nM

hq^iRqWw fWfT: I

^ Praft n vii
If the concerning houses have been occupied by strong and benefic
planets, the results of those houses will be auspicious. Reverse will be the
results in case of occupation of these houses by malefics and weak planets.
The results which are not applicable to the female, those should be
applied to father before marriage and to her husband after marriage.
This is especially so for the results of the 10th house, 11th and 2nd house
or 4th house. If the dasa shows that the girl should build a house or
purchase a car around or 5th years of age it means that her father will
purchase a car when she will be 5 years old.

Lagna Vichar :

Lagna decides nature and overall personality of a woman and that

can be largely modified by the placement of planets therein. Following
slokas may be remembered :
tpriTT iNfr fsiRj Piyn ^PsftlT I

^Ftl Wrai II 111

cPft tllMJltl I ?{?«1 51^ IRM

^11 «5Plft ^ M ^ II ^11

The woman will be jealous be her nature and will be searching out
source for pleasure or comfort if Venus or Moon joins lagna.
She will be clever, meritorious and well versed in various arts and
happy if Moon and Mercury conjoin in lagna.
In case Venus and Mercury are placed in lagna together, she will
be pretty in appearance, fortunate and expert in arts.
She will be accomplished with wealth and pleasure in various ways
if all the three benefics occupy lagna.
Venus in lagna provides beauty and Mars causes proud. Mercury
in lagna gives complicated and adverse nature. Jupiter if placed in
lagna makes a woman pious, submissive and polite in nature.
Placement of Saturn in lagna has not been appreciated as it provides
620 PredictingMarralge

one sorrows, miseries and misfortune. Such a female vanishes the

family of her father or in-laws if malefics conjoin with Moon and lagna.

Saptam Bhava Vichar :

f^T ^srai tnfir II

^jsf; si ttlciln* i
^ DlTllS^ [nS.^ 'isf ^ (Mil

If the 7th house is vacant, the husband will be indecent and coward.
If the 7th house is weak and devoid of the aspect of benefics, the sign
therein be movable, the husband will live in a foreign place (in other
city). The husband will be impotent if Mercury and Saturn are placed
together in the 7th house.
She gets separated from her husband if the Sun falls in the 7th house. Mars
in 7th house results in widowhood in early age. If Saturn joins the 7th house
and benefic planets aspect, the female will become old without getting married.
If the navamsa of the 7th house falls in the sign of Saturn, the
husband of the female will be old and foolish. Navamsa of Mars in the
7th house will provide an active, smart and short-tempered husband.
The husband will be good in appearance and fortunate if the 7th house
obtains the navamsa of Venus. The navamsa of Mercury will give a
learned and clever life partner.
She will surely be blessed with the happiness of husband if the lord of the
7th house is conjoined wiTH benefics or Jupiter in a triangle or quadrant.
If the 7th house is owned by Mercury or Saturn, the husband will be
sexually weak. She will be no less than a whore if many malefics occupy
the 7th house. She will have two marriages if the 7th house is occupied
by malefics and benefics both.

She will be involved with other persons with the consent of her
husband if the 7th house is joined by Venus, Mars and Moon. If the
lagna is owned by Mars or Saturn and that is occupied by Venus and
Moon tinder the aspect of malefic planets, the female and her mother,
both are involved in carnality.

Rin^iq-qytiwi ?RTl
'jft fWf ft^l

^ ^W^l«b'lcil<rtnj4)IHI^,

^ ^ firai with

If Venus and Mars obtain navamsa of each other, the female will have
physical relations with other persons.
If she is born in navamsa of Aquarius, Venus and Saturn obtain the
navamsa of Taurus and Libra respectively or both aspect each other in
navamsa, the woman will have excessive passion. The female will be loved
by her husband if the 7th house receives the aspect of benefics or falls in
the navamsa of benefic planet.
If the navamsa of Mars is there in the 7th house under the aspect of
Saturn, the female will suffer from the diseases of reproductive organs.
Mars in 7th results in widowhood.
622 Predicting Marraige

Illustration No.l9.1( Horoscope No. 9) : This horoscope belongs to the

wife of a senior class I officer. She is extremely beautiful and talented and had
been topper throughout. She got married at 18 years of age on 30-1-75 during
the sub period of Ketu in the major period of Ketu. Mars obtains navamsa of
Venus in navamsa lagna, whereas Venus falls in the navamsa of Mars in the 7th
house from navamsa lagna. Thus Mars and Venus have not only exchanged
their navamsa but they are aspecting each other in respect to 7th house and
lagna. This has resulted in adulterous life of the lady. She has deep and long
lasting physical relationship with the real younger brother of her husband. She
is so loyal to her lover that she has given birth to his child in 1978. The readers
will be astonished to know that she was shocked to hear from me that her
husband will live long. According to other future-tellers, the husband should
have collapsed around forty years of her age. She was waiting for that day so
that the hindrances of her way may be removed automatically. Females having
such combinations are like black spots over the high values of traditional Hindu
culture of women.

There are various planetary combinations of loss of moral character which

we have discussed in detail elsewhere. However, navamsa chart is of a vital
importance in this connection. Mutual exchange of navamsa of Venus and Saturn
also creates similar immorality. Affliction of Venus by Mars, Rahu or Saturn
tends one towards immoral character.

Who will Die Earlier; Husband or Wife :

to sfcflsnn M IMn;

at Rrcil ^

If the lagna is occupied by benefics and malefics both and the second house
is joined by benefics, only the wife will die earlier than her husband. Count the
Moon sign of the husband from that of his wife. If it is odd, the wife will die
before her husband. If it is even, the husband will die before his wife. The female,
having Moon in Taurus, Leo or Cancer signs, is blessed with less sons.

MrSlfrfaFlfrnT II
If the lagna is occupied by Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Moon, the woman
will be highly religious, learned and will realise Brahma, the creator of this world.
^ 1^1
^ ^ TRIM
If malefics are tenanted in the 5th house in the birth chart of a female, she
will not have any child. Saturn in lagna or in the 7th house causes immorality.
If Sun or Mars join lagna or the 7th house in their own or exaltation sign then
she becomes widow but remains rich.
Horoscope No.9
te 26/01/1957 Time 09:09:00 Day Saturday Place Unnao Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:59
26:32:00 North Long 80:30:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:08:00

Panchang Avakahada ChaJcra Vlmsottari Yoglni

SlderialTime . 17:21:40 Hrs Gan Rakshas Mercury 11Y6M6D Bhadrika ; 3Y 5M 8D
Eq.of time - 0:12:35 Hrs Yonu Mrig Mercury
Sunrise 6:57:06 Hrs Nadi". Adya 26/01/1957 26/01/1957
Sunset 17:44:08 Hrs Varan Vipra 06/10/1968 06/07/1991
Samvat 2013 Vashya Keetak Mercury 00/00/0000 Bhadrika 05/07/1960
Saka : 1878 Varga Mrig Ketu 26/01/1957 Ulka 06/07/1966
Month Magha Yunja An!ya Venus 30/12/1957 Sidha 05/07/1973
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Sun 06/11/1958 Sankta 05/07/1981
Tithi at Sunrise.. 11 Name Alphabet Yaa-Vatendra Moon 06/04/1960 Mangla 06/07/1982
Nakshatra Jyestha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Mars 03/04/1961 Pingla 05/07/1984
Yoga Dhruva Copper-Copper Rahu 22/10/1963 Dhanya 06/07/1987
Karan Balava Hora Jupiter 27/01/1966 Bhramri 06/07/1991

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S Hdus e Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 12:56:09 Sat Men Rah Mer Asc Aqu 23:44:07 Sat Jup Sat Jup
Mon Sco 20:49:45 Mar Mer Ven Sat 2 Ari 2:37:50 Mar Ket Ven Mer
Mar Ari 5:31:13 Mar Ket Mar Mon 3 Tau 3:05:45 Ven Sun Sat Sat
Mer Sag 19:24:00 Jup Ven Rah Ven 4 Tau 28:11:57 Ven Mar Sat Sat
Jup "R Vir 8:39:02 Mer Sun Ven Rah 5 Gem 22:08:00 Mer Jup Sat Mer
Ven Sag 23:37:52 Jup Ven Sat Rah 6 Can 19:01:57 Mon Mer Ket Jup
Sat Sco 18:44:47 Mar Mer Ket Sun 7 Leo 23:44:07 Sun Ven Sat Jup
Rah -R SCO 3:28:45 Mar Sat Sat Sat 8 Lib 2:37:50 Ven Mar Ket Mer
Ket -R Tau 3:28:45 Ven Sun Sat Mer 9 Sco 3:05:45 Mar Jup Rah Man
Ura -R Can 11:54:20 Mon Sat Man Ven 10 Sco 28:11:57 Mar Mer Sat Sat
Nep Lib 9:35:13 Ven Rah Jup Ven 11 Sag 22:08:00 Jup Ven Sat Sat
Plu -R Leo 6:46:15 Sun Ket Rah Ket 12 Cap 19:01:57 Sat Man Mer Rah

Fortuna: Capricorn 1:37:42 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Ptu /

Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspa!
4 >< Mar 2
I Mar Ket 23* 33'
M3&' Ke30
42a' Rah 5 11 Ket
7u —?! 522'
\ Sun y
\l0/Ven Ura /Ven
11 9 124' Ket 2 Vg Uri2e
X \Sun
/ \Mer
Ket 2 Sat 8 Mon 8 Mer >
\ Rah /

4\ Plu /6 Jup / 7 \Mon Ura 3 Mer

. P \|" Jup . / Nep \
Sat Sat/"
Mon Nep i / Ket
624 Predicting Marralge

A very important rule of the placement of Saturn in the 8th house is as under :

If Saturn falls in the 8th house of a female, her husband will always be sickly.
Combination for Widowhood : Yaidhavya Yogas —

SRIWSIc'ITO-' fetRTI 'ffasf 71^ ^ ^1 Rmi I

^Ft 11^ Riseiitit F5II ^ ^ -Rtel FSIII

T^: ^ Itfoaf qpTO^SSi^ll

1. One becomes widow if malefics join 7th or 8th house from lagna and Moon.
2. If Rahu falls in the sign of Mars and occupies 7th, 8th or 12th house,
widowhood occurs.
3. If malefics are placed in the 7th house, one becomes widow within
seven years of her marriage.
4. If the lord of the 7th joins 8th house and the lord of 8th
occupies 7th house under the aspect of malefic planets, one becomes
widow soon after marriage.
5. If the lords of 6th and 8th houses are conjoined in the 6th or I2th house
with malefics, the female will become widow soon after marriage.
6. Malefics in 7th house can make one widow.
7. If the female is a Vishkanya she will become widow. A girl is called
Vishkanya if Saturn falls in lagna. Mars joins 9th house and the Sun occupies
the 5th house.
8. Malefics in 8th house make one widow.
- ^ ^ m m:\\

- Rw'-uu I :fUiRmwT^ 11
If Moon is conjoined with malefics or is hemmed between malefics, the
husband will expire. The same misfortune of loss of her husband will come if
the 7th and 8th houses, reckoned from Moon, are occupied by malefic planets.
If Moon is posited in the 8th house in the sign of debilitation or in the
inimical sign or in the Vargas of evil planets, death of husband occurs before
the native.
dHldlktM m: wfalWW-tlWl ^KlrtlWI$4 ##1 <111

fqqiqf: II

^ ^ 1^41 I'M wixi^iim^nql II

^ ^ tRT nitt WT
1. If malefics are placed in the 7th and 8th houses from lagna, one
becomes widow.
2. If a female is born on Amavashya (New Moon Day) i.e. when the Sun and
Moon are associated, she suffers widowhood.

3. Girls who have a combination of widowhood should be got married with

a boy having Darha Yoga in his horoscope.
4. Placement of Mars in 1,4,8,12 houses causes destruction of both.
5. Consideration of widowhood should also be made on the bas is of querry chart.
6. Lord of the lagna, the 7th house and Venus are conjoined with malefics
like Saturn and Mars, one suffers from widowhood.
7. The husband may expire during the dasa-bhukti of the navamsa lord
occupied by the lord of the 8th house, provided the 8th house is occupied by
The above mentioned one rule of widowhood has been mentioned in other
classics with slight variation.

wwtH ^ ^ 4i wMi 441 IM^hihiRI iril fora

The woman decidedly suffers widowhood if the 7th lord of her horoscope
falls in the 8th house and the lord joins the 7th house and malefics lend their evil
aspects over these planets. If the lords of 7th and 8th houses are conjoined in the
6th or 12th house in association with malefics, the lady certainly suffers
5411 "Ml

nlflRbll 444^ ^ ^ I

41^4 54f^?R44T 4141^41441,

414141 1^4 41 4T|4 fl4I4frf 4^111

If there are three benefics in the 7th house of the horoscope of a female, she
will live like a queen. If one benefic is there in her7th house, she will be loved by
her husband.
• if one malefic occupies the 7th house, she will possess captivating eyes.
• if two malefics are there in the 7th house, she will be involved in
indecent acts.
• if three malefics are present in the birth chart of a lady, she will go to her
lovers house after killing her husband.
4^: 451^ 44444^ 4Rf(4Tfi 4{cf rtWI ^4 I

414?4 SRI 41$^ 44^1 Hill

Rl?iraTRWlHT4HI41 4ft4TRF[R4T^TI^4i I

tpftW ^Rpl 41 fctik ^43144 4^ 4111

If the Sun is posited in the 7th house of a female, she will leave her husband.
If Mars is there in the 7th house, she will be angry with her husband and will
keep such negative feelings in her heart.
If Saturn falls in the 7th house, that will make her widow definitely. If malefics
aspect such adversely placed Saturn in the 7th house, she will become widow
without marriage, i.e. she will remain unmarried.
626 Predicting Marralge
If in the 7th house from Moon, in 8,1,7 houses from lagna, Mars, Saturn,
Rahu and Sun are placed, she will suffer widowhood.
Wt WTFR^t *Rlf foi

Pi5firat ^ innfcrii
Husband dies in the 7th year after marriage if malefics are posited in the
lagna and the 7th house. If Moon falls in the 6th or 8th house, the husband
expires in the 8th year after marriage.
^Rlf^ ^

Writ ^
The female will kill her husband and the whole family will be destroyed, if
Mercury is the lord of the 7th house and falls in the 8th in the sign of its
debilitation or in inimical sign or it is hemmed between malefics and is also
aspected by malefics. However, if Mercury owns 7th house, the 8th house will
either be Cancer or Libra. As such seventh lord Mercury cannot be debilitated
in the 8th house in any condition. So if Mercury is afflicted, weak or under
Papakartari Yoga or is associated and aspected by malefics in the 8th house, the
wife may kill her husband.

^ cRT 'faw ^ ^ ^ JRWHI

tfRq ^"wPnnqPiailqeiisl qifiqlewq^i M 551^:11
If 7th house from lagna and Moon, is occupied by benefics, the combination
for widowhood and childness will automatically be cancelled. If benefics are
placed in Kendra and Trikona, 3rd, 6th and llthhouses are occupied by malefics,
the 7th lord falls in the 7th and the girl is free from Kuja Dosh, widowhood will
be cancelled. The girl having combination of widowhood should be got married
with a boy in whose birth chart Darha (DARHA) yoga is present. In that case
there will be no loss of husband.
Illustration No. 192 (Horoscope No.55) ; The beautiful female got married
in October 1987 and was blessed with a female child in October 1988. The
husband expired in January 1989.
In this horoscope 12th and 7th lord Mars is placed in the 7th house with the
2nd and 5th lord Mercury in association with Ketu. Saturn aspects Mars and
Mars aspects Saturn. This is very adverse for long lasting happy married life.
Lagna lord Venus falls in the 8th house which has reduced the strength of the
horoscope. We have read above that three malefics in the 7th house will make
the female adulterous and widow. Placement of Mars in the 7th house is a fuel
in the fire of widowhood. Combination of Mercury and Mars increases the
intensity of the planetary combination for widowhood. If Rahu or Ketu are placed
in the sign of Mars, the widowhood will be there.
In the present case all the above combinations are present. In navamsa chart
Horoscope No.55
ata 02/11/1956 Time 19:42:00 Day Friday Place Aligarh Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:59
.at 27:54:00 North Long 78:04:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCorr -0:17:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarl Yogini

Siderial Time , :22;11:33 Hrs Gan Deva Rahu: 5Y7M 11D Plngla: 0Y 7M 14D
Eq.of time :0:16:25 Hrs Yoni. Mahish Saturn
Sunrise :6:30:49 Hrs Nadi Antya 15061978 02/11/1956
Sunset :17:31:39 Hrs Varan Shoodra 15061997 19061991
Sam vat : 2013 Vashya Manav Saturn 18061981 Pingla 18061957
Saka : 1878 Varga Mrig Mercury 26/02/1984 Dhanva 1806/1960
Month : Kartika Yunja Madhya Ketu 06/04/1985 Bhramri 1806/1964
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 05/06/1988 Bhadrika 18061969
Tithi at Sunrise..: 15-Amavasya Name Alphabet Ro-Rehit Sun 18/05/1989 Uka 19/06^1975
Nakshatra ; Svati Paya(Rasi-Nak) Gold-Iron Moon 18/12/1990 Sidha 18061982
Yoga : Ayusman Hera Sun Mars 26/01/1992 Sankta 18061990
Karan : Naga Chaugharia Kaal Rahu 02/12/1994 Man^a 19/06/1991

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Fin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 17:08:50 Ven Rah Ven Mer Asc Tau 23:53:12 Ven Mar Mar Ven
Mon Lib 15:50:28 Ven Rah Ven Mon 2 Gem 17:37:44 Mer Rah Sun Rah
Mar Aqu 23:29:26 Sat Jup Sat Rah 3 Can 11:06;48 Mon Sat Mon Mar
Mer Lib 10:44:02 Ven Rah Sat Sat 4 Leo 7:50:20 Sun Ket Jup Sat
Jup Vir 1:09:29 Mer Sun Rah Mar 5 Vir 10:24:41 Mer Mon Mon Jup
Ven Vir 9:07:41 Mer Sun Ven Jup 6 Lib 17:46:34 Ven Rah Sun Sat
Sat See 9:26:06 Mar Sat Ven Jup 7 See 23:53:12 Mar Mer Mar Ven
Rah -R See 6:06:38 Mar Sat Mer Ven 8 Sag 17:37:44 Jup Ven Mar Sat
Ket -R Tau 6:06:38 Ven Sun Mer Mar 9 Cap 11:06:48 Sat Mon Mar Mar
Ura Can 13:57:12 Mon Sat Rah Mer 10 Aqu 7:50:20 Sat Rah Rah Ket
Nep Lib ' 7:32:12 Ven Rah Rah Sat 11 Pis 10:24:41 Jup Sat Sun Mon
Plu Leo 7:14:25 Sun Ket Rah Sun 12 Ari 17:46:34 Mar Ven Mar Mer

Fortuna: Taurus 22:34:50 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
^ a V3 PIU
12i a' 124*
Ura 8 2 Mer

Nep aXT/on 11 ketXl

\3 / \ 1 / Ura P!u\^ /1o\^ 12
Ura 4 X Ket 2 X12 Svwier Jup Sun
Ura /
Plu 5 11 Mar ^Jup 5 ven 11 Mar N^ar Rah/ s. Ura /
Plu\6 / \4
Nep TjX'Ven 5
S^Sat 8 Rah^io Sun \
A// Sal X \ X?
911' MonVX
Ven/ 7 \
Mer/ T
X ■ 2 Jup^)
^/sat Ralv 8
/Mon Sun \
724' \<x
Nep 9yX 11
Rah Nep Mer Sa®* y/lZX
Sat Mon Sun Ra^ / Ker \
y' Wer \V/ Mon SunN.
628 Predicting Marralge

Mars and Saturn both are placed in the 8th house which strongly indicates
widowhood. The 4th house represents home and peace. That is also afflicted as
the 4th lord Sun falls in the 6th house in the sign of dibilitation. Moon, too/ is
under the influence of Saturn by conjunction and Mars by aspect. This is a birth
chart having all negative combinations of conjugal happiness. It is said that this
charming girl of a Vaishya family was deeply in love with a muslim boy. Their
relations continued even after her marriage. She wanted to leave the married
life partner and live with her lover for ever. She managed to kill her husband in
a way that it appeared a case of suicide. Soon after facing this great misfortune,
she started to live with her lover openly.

Timing Widowhood

She suffered widowhood in January 1989 when she was passing under the
sub period of Jupiter in the major period of Jupiter. Jupiter is the lord of 8th
house and is placed in the 2nd house in inimical sign Gemini under the inimical
aspect of Mars and Venus. Jupiter obtains own navamsa. ft has been written
above that widowhood takes place during the dasa bhukti of the navamsa lord
occupied by the 8th lord. Here 8th lord Jupiter occupied the navamsa of Jupiter
which is afflicted in Rasi chart. Therefore Jupiter "s dasa bhukti caused widowhood.
Illustration No. 19.3 (Horoscope No35) : The lady got married on 19-2-52
with a handsome and smart doctor. She was blessed with a son on 20-2-80 and
a daughter on 18-10-82. She had a quarrelsome nature whereas her husband
was quite peace-loving. Once the husband came to know about her illicit relation
with someone and committed suicide on 19-3-85 when she was running under
the unfavourable vibrations of sub-period of Mars in Jupiter.
The lord of 6th Saturn is posited in lagna and the 4th and 7th lord Jupiter
falls in the 8th house in Martian sign Aries. Thus 8th lord Mars and 7th
lord Jupiter aspect each other. The owner of the 6th house Saturn aspects
7th and 10th house and Moon as well. These are the negative factors but
what caused widowhood? The 7th lord Jupiter falls in the 8th house in the
sign of Mars as well as obtains the navamsa of Mars. Further Jupiter and
Mars aspect each other. Thus the lord of the 7th house. Jupiter is under the
heavy influence of Mars which caused widowhood. In navamsa chart
placement of Mars in the 8th house in Saturn's sign Aquarius has further
strengthened the combination for widowhood.
Horoscope No.35
ate 19/07/1952 Time 11:23:00 Day Saturday Place Hardoi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:56 27:23:00 North Lang 80:06:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TlmeCarr -0:09:36

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottarl Yoginl

Sideriai Time ,7:01:17 Hrs Gan - Deva Mars: 1Y8M 13D Sankta : 1Y11M10O
Eq.of time 0:06:09 Hrs Voni... Sarp Jupitar
Sunrise :5:27:33 Hrs NadL-, Madhya 02/04/1972 19/07/1952
Sunsat :19:03:50 Hrs Varan. Shoadra 02/04/1988 30/06/1982
Samvat : 2009 Vashya Manav Jupiter 21/05/1974 Sankta 30/06/1954
Saka : 1874 Varga Maqar Saturn 01/12/1976 Mangla 30/06/1955
Month : Sravana Yunja Poorva Mercury 09/03/1979 Pingla 30/06/1957
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Ketu 13/02/1080 Dhanya 29/06/1960
Tithi at Sunrise..: 13 Name Alphabet Kee-Klshor Venus 14/10/1982 Bhramri 29/06/1964
Nakshatra : Mrigsira Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Gold Sun 02/08/1983 Bhadrika 30/06/'1969
Yoga : Dhruva Hora Mercury Moon 01/12/1984 Ulka 30/06/1975
Karan : Gara Chaugharia Udvega Mars 07/11/1985 Sidha 30/06/1982

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Dagraa R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 3:33:17 Man Sat Sat Sat Asc Vir 20:40:48 Mar Man Van Ven
Mon Gem 3:25:22 Mar Mar Van Mar 2 Lib 19:19:03 Van Rah Mar Rah
Mar Lib 16:54:04 Ven Rah Ven Sat 3 Sco 19:44:46 Mar Mer Ven Sun
Mer Can 29:53:59 Man Mer Sat Jup 4 Sag 21:10:25 Jup Ven Jup Ven
Jup An 23:51:19 Mar Van Sat Jup 5 Cap 22:47:41 Sat Man Sun Rah
Van Can 10:16:17 Man Sat Van Kal 6 Aqu 23:10:39 Sat Jup Sat Mar
Sat Vir 16:28:44 Mar Man Sat Ven 7 Pis 20:40:48 Jup Mar Van Jup
Rah Cap 28:46:10 Sat Mar Sat Ven 8 Ari 19:19:03 Mar Ven Rah Ket
Ket Can 28:46:10 Man Mer Sat Ven 9 Tau 19:44:46 Ven Man Ket Ven
Ura Gem 22:03:07 Mer Jup Sat Sat 10 Gam 21:10:25 Mar Jup Jup Sun
Nep Vir 26:05:37 Mer Mar Rah Mar 11 Can 22:47:41 Mon Mar Man Sat
Plu Can 27:28:08 Man Mar Jup Man 12 Laa 23:10:39 Sun Van Sat Man

Fortuna; Leo 20;32;54 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspai
x5 x x3 /
Rah 6 >0 4 X2

8 920*
JU24- Ven 7
1021" \
Mar / Sat
/ Ur22* ]{ IMon
\ / k5 /Mer Su^ii IJup/s
ex Sat 623- eV Mar Nep ^4 Ket Veio-
/\ / \ Plu

Ura 3 Mon . 9 /\Ven 3

^un/i Mer Ket Sat
lira /
10 Jup 8
RahOX 12 Y? RaMO^X 12 1223'
Rah | / \ / 11
/ \ / JUP
.4' Mon
320* Ma 17*
Sun Rah Ven
630 Predicting Marraige

Timing Widowhood

She suffered widowhood in Jupiter-Mars period on 19-3-85. The widowhood

may come during the dasa bhukti of the 7th and 8th lords if both are afflicting
each other. The lord of the navamsa occupied by the 7th lord should also be
judged if the 7th lord is afflicted. Here it is Mars' navamsa which the 7th lord
Jupiter obtains. Thus the Mars bhukti was very powerful to bring the death of
her husband.
Illustration No. 19.4 (Horoscope No. 177): This exceptionally beautiful lady
suffered widowhood only after 10 months of her marriage. She got married at
•17 years of age during Mars bhukti in Mars. She lost her husband in a Jeep
accident during Mars Rahu period. She was hardly 18 year of age when she
suffered the pain of widowhood. She was very young and extremely charming.
Number of persons proposed her for marriage, but she waited till the younger
brother of her husband grew young. She managed to attract him so deeply that
she ran away with him 10 years later. The whole family of the husband doomed
in tears of sorrows. The lord of the 7th and 12th house Mars is posited in the
12th house in Rasi chart and in the 8th house in navamsa chart under Vargottam
navamsa. Saturn is exalted in the 6th and Mars and Saturn are under mutual
aspect. Conjunction of Moon and Venus is always bad for happiness of married
life. The 8th house is heavily afflicted by the presence of Rahu, Moon and Venus.
Saturn also aspects 8th house. The 7th house is hemmed between malefics life
Saturn and Rahu forming Papakartari Yoga. Thus 7th and 8th houses are under
the heavy influence of malefic planets which resulted in the death of her husband.
Jupiter obtains Vargottam navamsa and falls in the dual sign Gemini in the 2nd
house. Therefore, Jupiter "s bhukti brought so called second marriage with her
Horoscope No. 177
jte 19/02/1955 Time 12:22:00 Day Saturday PlacOAsansol Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa
J-at 23:40:00 North Long 87:00:00 Easl Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:18:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yoglni

Siderial Time .:22:33:47 Hrs Gan Manushya Venus ;0Y9M25D Sldhs : QY 3M 130
Eq.oftime > 0:14:02 Hrs Yoni Vanar Jupiter
Sunrise :6:14:17 Hrs NadL Madhya 15/12/1996 03/06/1984
Sunset :17:37:51 Hrs Varan Kshatriya 15/J2/2012 03/06/2020
Samvat : 2011 Vashya Manav Jupiter 02/02/1999 Sidha 04/06/1991
Saka : 1876 Varga Shwa/i Saturn 15/08/2001 Sankta 04/06/1999
Month : Phaiguna Yunja Anlya Mercury 21/11/2003 Mangle 03/06/2000
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Ketu 27/10/2004 Pingla 04/06/2002
Tithi at Sunrise..: 12 Name Alphabet Venus -28/06/2007 Dhanya 03/06/2005
Nakshatra : Purvasadha Dhaa-Dharmesh Sun 15/04/2008 Shramri. 03/06/2009
Yoga : Sidhi Paya(Rasi-Nak} tron-Copper Moon 15/08/2009 Shadrika 04/06/2014
Karan : Taitila Hora Moon Mars 22/07/2010 Ulka 03/06/2020

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rast Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Aqu 6:53:04 Sat Rah Rah Rah Asc Tau 27:06:36 Ven Mar Jup Ven
Mon Sag 26:07:11 Jup Ven Ket Mon 2 Gem 21:17:19 Mer Jup Jup Mon
Mar Ari 2:00:24 Mar Ket Ven Jup 3 Can 15:47:12 Mon Sat Jup Ven
Mer -R Cap 23:39:10 Sal Mar Mar Sat 4 Leo 13:44:05 Sun Ven Ven Sun
Jup -R Gem 27:57:29 Mer Jup Ven Jup 5 Vir 16:50:28 Mer Mon Sat Sun
Ven Sag 21:35:35 Jup Ven Jup Mar 6 Lib 22:57:09 Ven Jup Sat Sun
Sat Lib 28:07:19 Ven Jup Ven Sat 7 Sco 27:06:36 Mar Mer Jup Ven
Rah -R Sag 11:14:39 Jup Ket Sat Jup 8 Sag 21:17:19 Jup Ven Jup Sun
Ket -R Gem 11:14:39 Mer Rah Sat Ven 9 Cap 15:47:12 Sat Mon Sat Sal
Ura -R Can 1:20:50 Mon Jup Rah Rah 10 Aqu 13:44:05 Sat Rah Mer Rah
Nep -R Lib 5:09:21 Ven Mar Sun Jup 11 Pis 16:50:28 Jup Mer Mer Mer
Plu -R Leo 2:29:45 Sun Ket Ven Sat 12 Ari 22:57:09 Mar Ven Sat Ven

Fortuna: Aries 16:20:43 Navamsa Chart

Ven s. Mer S
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
Nep\,7 > \5 yMJra
8X x4
Ma2- Mon / > XX Rah
1223* Sat 3 Jup])

Jup Ket \JUP Ura

W V/
Ura 4 x 2 yi2 Plu AVKet 2 Plu Mar

Plu 5 11 Sun v Ket x
X. ^lu
\/ \ / Sun 4m- XX. Mon
/\ XHMer NepGV X10
XX Rah AXwer Sat 4 Ven >
« Nep\
Sat \ X/en
/ ^ah\
MonX / Sat \ Xen MeX
72r Sa26- llXSun \ MerXs
Nep 623-
X/ Ura
X X^ / 2\
Sat Nes-
Jup RahXX
632 Predicting Marralge

Illustration No. 19.5 (Horoscope No.52) : The position of Mars should

be carefully judged for Libra ascendant as Mars owns 2nd and 7th house and
thus possesses strength to kill the native. Jf Mars fallsin the 8th house the marriage
of a female will either be delayed and she will lead a miserable life, or will be
separated or lose her husband or may meet with an untimely and unnatural
end of her life, depending upon various other factors.
In the present case of a lady producer of A.I.R. the affliction of the 7th lord
Mars may be noted as it falls in the 8th house under the mutual aspect with
Saturn. Thus the 7th, 8th and 2nd house are under the influence of Mars and
Saturn. The Sun also obtains navamsa of Saturn. This delayed her marriage till
34 years of age. She got married on 11-3-61 during Moon Rahu period when
she had gone to Airport to see off her husband and saw that the plane caught
fire within few seconds of taking off. She was cursed widowhood within 10
months of her marriage. The lagna. Mars, Saturn and Moon have gained strength
by obtaining Vargottam navamsa. The second and 7th lord Mars in 8th, and 8th
and 12th lords Venus and Mercury in 6th resulted in widowhood. Saturn has
further snatched her happiness of conjugal life as it is placed in the sign of Mars
and in Saturn" s constellation Anuradha. The 4th house should also be judged
for confirmation. Saturn is 4th lord here and has been damaged due to aspect of
Mars. The 4th house has further spoiled the happiness of home as it is under
Papakartari yoga.
In another similar case of Libra ascendant with Mars in 8th and Saturn in
the 2nd house, the female met with pathetic and painful death after completing
34 years of age leaving a son behind her. Tn this case as analysed above she
suffered widowhood at 35th year. A son was born after a few months of the
death of her husband as she carried the child at the time of the tragedy.
Horoscope No.52
te 06/03/1927 Time 21:15:00 Day Sunday PlacaAmbala Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
.at 30:19:00 North Long 76:49:00 Eas\ Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:22:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmeottarl Yoglni

Siderial Time ,:7;45:47 Hrs Gan Deva Ketu: 5Y5M 28D Bhramri ; 3Y1M 200
Eq.of lime >0:11:38 Hrs Yoni Ashwa Sun
Sunrise :6:46:13 Hrs Nadl Adya 02/09/1952 06/03/1927
Sunset :10:22:45 Hrs Varan Kshatriya 03/09/1958 26/04/1962
Samvat : 1983 Vashya Chatuspada Sun 21/12/1952 Bhramri 26/04/1930
Saka : 1848 Varga Simha Moon 22/06/1953 Bhadrika 27/04/1935
Month : Phalguna Yunja ^ Poorva Mars 28/10/1953 Ulka 26/04/1941
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Agni Rahu 21/09/1954 Sidha 26/04/1948
Tithi at Sunrise.,: 3 Name Alphabet Jupiter 10/07/1955 Sankta 26/04/1956
Nakshatra : Asvini Chu-Churamanf Saturn 21/06/1956 Mangla 26/04/1957
Yoga : Brahma Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Gold Mercury 28/04/1957 Pingla 27/04/1959
Karan : Vanij Hora Sun Ketu 03/09/1957 Dhanya 26/04/1962

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Aqu 22:29:58 Sat Jup Sat Ket Asc Lib 0:19:33 Ven Mar Mer Ket
Mon Ah 2:51:59 Mar Ket Ven Mer 2 Lib 28:55:41 Ven Jup Sun Rah
Mar Tau 14:04:27 Ven Mon Jup Jup. 3 Sco 29:42:31 Mar Mer Sat Rah
Mer -R Pis 4:30:56 Jup Sat Sat Sun 4 Cap 1:57:01 Sat Sun Jup Mer
Jup Aqu 18:32:22 Sat Rah Mon Jup 5 Aqu 4:08:57 Sat Mar Ven Sat
Ven Pis 17:25:54 Jup Mer Mer Sun 6 Pis 4:06:32 Jup Sat Sat Ven
Sat See 14:58:42 Mar Sat Jup Jup 7 Ari 0:19:33 Mar Ket Ket Rah
Rah -R Gem 11:38:03 Mer Rah Sat Sun 8 Ari 28:55:41 Mar Sun Mar Mer
Ket -R Sag 11:38:03 Jup Ket Mer Mer 9 Tau 29:42:31 Ven Mar Sat Rah
Ura Pis 5:59:43 Jup Sat Mer Ven 10 Can 1:57:01 Mon Jup Rah Sat
Nep -R Leo 2:30:08 Sun Ket Ven Sat 11 Leo 4:08:57 Sun Ket Mon Sat
PJu -R Gem 21:17:23 Mer Jup Jup Mon 12 Vir 4:06:32 Mer Sun Sat Sun

rtuna; Scorpio 10:41.:33 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspai

Mon Mar NMer

Rah 10 4 KeU
\ Sat \ / Nep X /
1 W^Sun 1
Su22- 7
Ju"- ^ aV /^ 2
/ Jjp N.Mar Xv^

X^ Sal y^X^Rah Sun/
Uf9X, y/ ^\S/NBp
Sun\ / \ /Rah Sun\ / /Rah 9 V' 7 X/5
Mer S X. X Xs^jup
11 1 3 X
X X Jup/ISN.
Mon X2 \p'u Xp.
(PtU 10 4 >
/ Ura \ / .. \ / Ura\
/Mer Ven\ / Mar \ /Mer Ven
11 XMon 1 Ven >C 3
/12X. 2 \
I Ket N, s Mar
Horoscope No.178
^te 16/02/1954 Time 11:36:00 Day Tuesday Place Calcutta Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
sLat 22:30.00 North Long 88:20:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:23:20

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vfmaottarl Yoglnl

SlderialTlme .:21;42:07 Hrs Gan Deva Saturn :0Y6M 11D Dhanya: OY1M OD
Eq.of time > 0:14:14 Hrs Yoni Mesh Venus
Sunrise :6:09;41 Hrs Nadi Madhya 2908/1978 16/02/1954
Sunset ;17:32:09 Hrs Varan... Vipra 2908/1998 19031987
Samvat 2010 Vashya Jalchar Venus 28/12/1981 Dhanya 19031954
Saka : 1875 Varga., Shwan Sin 29/121982 Bhramri 19031958
Month : Magha Yunja.. Madhya Moon 2808/1984 Bhadrika 19/03/1963
Paksh : Shukla HansakHatva) Jal Mars 29/101985 Ulka 18031969
Tithi at Sunrise..: 14 Name Alphabet Ffehu 28/10/1986 Sidha 18031976
Nakshatra : Pushya Daa-Daamodar Jupiter 29061991 Sankta 18031984
Yoga ...: Sobhagya Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Silver Saturn 29081994 Mangla 18031985
Karan : Vanij Hora Saturn Mercury 2906/1997 Phgfe 19031987

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Aqu 4:05:01 Sat Mar Ven Jup Asc Tau 13:46:49 Ven Mon Rah Mar
Mon Can 16:17:38 Mon Sat Jup Mon 2 Gem 9:16:01 Mer Rah Jup Mer
Mar Sco 10:36:27 Mar Sat Sun Jup 3 Can 3:34:32 Mon Sat Sat Sat
Mer Aqu 21:47:35 Sat Jup Sat Sat 4 Leo 0:14:07 Sun Ket Ket Mon
Jup Tau 23:30:55 Ven Mar Mar Jup 5 Vir 1:51:45 Mer Sun Jup Mer
Ven Aqu 8:14:52 Sat Rah Rah Ven 6 Lib 8:01:17 Ven Rah Rah Ven
Sat Lib 16:23:47 Ven Rah Ven Jup 7 Sco 13:46:49 Mar Sat Rah Mer
Rah -R Cap 0:45:45 Sat Sun Rah Ven 8 Sag 9:16:01 Jup Ket Jup Rah
Ket -R Can 0:45:45 Mon Jup Mar Jup 9 Cap 3:34:32 Sat Sun Sat Mer
Ura -R Gem 26:42:26 Mer Jup Ven Ven 10 Aqu 0:14:07 Sat Mar Mer Mer
Nep -R Lib 2:59:57 Ven Mar Ven Ven 11 Pis 1:51:45 Jup Jup Rah Jup
PIu -R Leo 0:45:42 Sun Ket Ket Mer 12 An 8:01:17 Mar Ket Jup Sat

Fortuna: Libra 25:59:26 Navamsa Chart

Nv Ura yX N-piu Mar
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
Ket OC 2 >^12
JU24- Jup 6 11 Set

112' l\Ket Ura/ \

e/TSun 6 MonXjORah
Ket\ / 3
\1 / Mon XV/ \y 7
Nv yX g
4V^Jup 2 Kel Mon4X JuP 2 Mar NepX^ Ven Ny
Ven Mon/ \ / \
Mer / \ / \ Dasamsa
Sun |/p|u g XMerHSun,
PIu 5 Mer 11 Sun Ven ^X1
I /Sun!
N/lZ Sat
ex 8 XI (Rah 94. Nep 6
' 7 \ Mar / 9 \ Rar / CMon 5 Jup X II Ura^
/'X x9
Sat Nep Mar SatX y Rah PIU yX
714' Saic Mer \ /
6 X. 8
Man1 6B' Rarv/TNy
Nes- /Xj^ar Nep \y .

Timing Widowhood

She suffered widowhood during Moon-Jupiter period. Why it so happened

in the sub period of Jupiter? I have already explained about my observation that
the dasa of the lord of the 8th house or the dasa-bhukti of the lord of navamsa
occupied by the 8th lord brings widowhood, if it is indicated at all. Here 8th
lord Venus obtains navamsa of Jupiter. Venus also falls in the sign of Jupiter.
Thus widowhood was indicated either during the sub period of Jupiter in the
major period of Moon or that of Venus. We have discussed that the joint influence
of Mars and Saturn over 8th or 7th house may cause widowhood soon after
marriage. Therefore, the Moon-Venus period does not indicate this tragedy as it
will come quite late. Thus widowhood could befall on the native only during
the sub period of Jupiter in the major period of Moon.
Illustration No. 19.6 (Horoscope No, 178) : This horoscope belongs to the
daughter and grand-daughter of the top authorities of the country. At the time
of marriage 1 was consulted for the purpose of matching of this horoscope with
the person with whom she got married afterwards. I strongly opposed that
marriage as 1 could not find any cancellation of Kuja dosha. Many astrologers of
repute were consulted thereafter as I expressed the possibility of loss of husband
a few years after marriage. Those astrologers opined that Mars in the 7th in own
sign and under the mutual aspect with Jupiter has cancelled Mangali dosha and
the marriage can be performed with a non - mangali boy. The marriage was
nicely ceremonised on 9-2-74 during Ketu-Moon period inspite of my repeated
warnings. The husband got crushed by a truck in Germany on 16-3-76 and she
faced the deepest plight of widowhood. Here I would say that most of the persons
act on the astrological advice according to their suitability and convenience.
Undesired observations on their horoscope are rejected by them. This is not fair.
However let us see the combinations of widowhood in this birth chart of an
extremely decent and happy lady.
1 - Mars in the 7th house as the lord of 12th and the 7th house is bad. Jupiter
who owns 8th and llthhouse, aspects 7th house and Mars. As per our findings
this type of Jupiter's opposition with Mars enhances Kuja Dosha.
2- The 8th house from lagna is occupied by (mean)Rahu. Malefics in 8th are
bad for long lasting married life.
3- The 7th house and 7th lord both are hemmed between Saturn and Rahu
resulting into formation of Papakartari Yoga. This is adverse for marital life.
4- The placement of 8th lord Jupiter in the lagna in inimical sign is bad.
5- The 8th house form Moon should not be occupied by malefics particularly
if the matters of the 7th house from lagna are inclined towards adversity. In the
present situation of placement of the Sun, Mercury and Venus in the 8th house
from Moon has added further strength to the combination of planets causing
loss of husband.
6- In navamsa chart 6th house is occupied by Mars, 8th house is joined by
636 Predicting Marralge
Rahu Venus. Both the luminaries i.e, the Sun and Moon fall in the 7th house
under the aspect of Saturn. This type of placement in navamsa chart is bad and
curtails husband"s longivity.
7- Jupiter aspects 7th house in Rasi and navamsa chart both. Therefore the
married life was quite happy as long as her life partner was alive.
Timing Widowhood

Widowhood mostly comes during the sub period of 8th lord or the lord of
the navamsa occupied by the 8th lord or the planets placed therein. Here Rahu
fallsin the 8th house, Jupiter owns 8th and obtains the navamsa of Moon. I said
earlier that Jupiter looses its Mars aspect it and intensity of Mars gets enhanced.
Here the 8th lord Jupiter is spoiled by the aspect of Mars and it is also 12th from
major period lord Ketu. Thus sub period of Jupiter in Ketu snatched her husband
on 16-3-76. Sub period of Rahu and Mars were also probable, for causing this
In all the above cases the 8th lord has played a vital role in deciding the time
of the curse of widowhood. It may not be out of place to recall the observation
that the placement of Mars, Venus and Jupiter in quadrant from each other
creates havoc in marital life especially if Kuja Dosha is present.
Illustration No. 19.7 (HoroscopeNo. 179) : She got married on 4-6-64 during
Saturn Venus period. She invited her lover on 28-2-82 when her husband had
gone out of station. Somehow the husband had certain doubts regarding her
relations with other person. He came back around the midnight and he was
deeply shocked to find his doubts confirmed. He committed suicide on the
same night of 28-2-82 during Rahu-Jupiter period.
In the birth chart Yogakaraka Mars is posited in the 7th house and Ketu in
8th. I find that Ketu must be attached with an importance equal to Mars. Here
Ketu in 8th and Mars in the 7th show the widowhood. The 8th house is hemmed
between first rate malefic planets Mars and Saturn. Mars obtains navamsa of
Saturn and the7th lord Saturn falls in the navamsa of Jupiter in the 8th house
from navamsa lagna. Thus Jupiter, the 8th lord, caused widowhood in its own
bhukti in the major period of Rahu.
Horoscope No,179
:e 24/05/1941 Time 11:32:18 Day Saturday Place Varanasi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:46:
Lat 25:20:00 North Long 83:00:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:02:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTim© Hrs Gan Manushya Venus 12Y6M0D Bhadrika : 3Y 1M 15D
Eq.of time ^):0321 Hrs Yoni Gaja Mars
Sunrise :5:11:06 Hrs Nadi Madhya 23/11/1969 24/05/1941
Sunset :18:38;44 Hrs Varan Kshatriya 23/11/1976 09/07/1975
Samvst : 1998 Vashya Chatuspada Mars 21A)4/1970 Bhadrika 09/07/1944
Saka : 1863 Varga Mng Rahu 10/05/1971 Ulka 09/07/1950
Month : Jyestha Yunja Poorva Jupiter 15/04/1972 Sidha 09/07/1957
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Satum 25/05/1973 Sankla 09/07/1965
Tithi at Sunrise.,: 13 Name Alphabet Loo-Loonesh Mercury 22/05/1974 Mangla 09/07/1966
Nakshatra : Bharani Paya(Rasi-Nak) Silver-Gold Ketu 18/10/1974 Pingla 09/07/1968
Yoga : Shobhan Hora Moon Venus 18/12/1975 Dhanya 09/07/1971
Karan : Vishti Chaugharia Udvega Sun 24/04/1976 Bhramri 09/07/1975

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Tau 9:53:30 Van Sun Van Ket Asc Leo 5:50:56 Sun Kat Rah Rah
Man Ari 18:19:55 Mar Van Rah Rah 2 Vir 2:27:07 Mar Sun Jup Sun
Mar Aqu 12:37:03 Sat Rah Mar Mar 3 Lib 2:32:22 Ven Mar Kat Sat
Mer Tau 28:48:53 Van Mar Sat Van 4 Sco 4:31.44 Mar Sat Sat Sun
Jup Tau 6:41:03 Ven Sun Mer Jup 5 Sag 6:16:46 Jup Ket Rah Sat
Ven Tau 19:07:46 Ven Mon Mer Jup 6 Cap 6:47:11 Sat Sun Mer Sat
Sat Ari 27:11:28 Mar Sun Sun Kat 7 Aqu 5:50:56 Sat Mar Man Rah
Rah -R Vir 7:12:13 Mar Sun Ket Sun 8 Pis 2:27:07 Jup Jup Rah Mar
Ket -R Pis 7:12:13 Jup Sat Mer Sat 9 Ari 2:32:22 Mar Ket Van Sat
Ura Tau 3:48:03 Ven Sun Sat Ven 10 Tau 4:31:44 Ven Sun Sat Rah
Nap -R Vir 2:10:24 Mar Sun Jup Van 11 Gam 6:16:46 Mar Mar Man Mar
Plu Can 9:34:38 Mon Sat Van Sat 12 Can 6:47:11 Mon Sat Mar Jup

rtuna: Cancer 14:17:20 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
1 S Sun
<M2 Jup
Mon Sun Mer 93' Ur4' 105- ] XRah
Sat Jup Ven Mo'a- Ju7- Sutoj
Sa2?' Vetr Me29; ii Ura
Rah Nep Rahh 7\
/ Plu Plu \ / Mer
Mon c\ <10
\6 /Ne KetXYi7 gXNap
v 7X P 5

/ Venup / Ven \ Dasamsa

Mair 2 Sun Mer 2 Sun . Mon MerX
\ :{jra / \ Jup / \ 5 /Rah
\ /Mon \. /lira BYC 6 X4
>/ \ Ven
V^l Sat
/l2\Sat /izXMon Plu 3 MeO
' Ket \ Y krI \
Sat \
10>< 2 Nep
Ket /n
638 Predicting Marroige

We see that Jupiter may cause widowhood in its dasa-bhukti if it owns 8th
house and the combination of widowhood is present in the birth chart. In this
case Mars aspects 8th lord Jupiter, lagna, lagna lord Sun, the second house and
it"s lord Mercury and 10th lord Venus. We have also opined our humble views
over the square position of Mars, Venus and Jupiter in respect to each other.
This creates havocs in conjugal life.
Illustration No. 19.8 (Horoscope No, 180) : She got married on 5-12-61 and
was blessed with two daughters on 6-4-64 and 21-5-65 respectively. A son was
born on 3-8-66. The husband expired on 1-1-69. The lord of the 8th house Mars
joins lagna in own sign Aries. The 8th house from lagna is occupied by malefic
Rahu whereas the 8th from Moon has also been occupied by the Sun, Saturn,
2nd and 7th lord Venus and 6th lord Mercury. This is a clear indication of
Horoscope No.180
:e 14/03/1938 Time 08:30:00 Day Monday Pface Rawalpindi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 33:38:00 North Long 73:08:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:37:28

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarl Yogini

Siderial Time 19:16:49 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Ketu: 5Y4M 15D Bhadrika : 3Y10M 2D
Eq.of time - 0:09:29 Mrs Yoni : Mooshak Sun
Sunrise 652:01 Hrs Nadi : Antya 30/07/1963 14/03/1938
Sunset 18:42:19 Hrs Varan j Kshatriya 29/07/1969 14/01/1973
Samvat 1994 Vashya Vanchar Sun 16/11/1963 Bhadrika 15/01/1942
Saka 1859 Varga : Mooshak Moon 17/05/1964 Ulka 15/01/1948
Month Phalguna Yunja : Madhya Mars 22/09/1964 Sidha 15/01/1955
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Agnl Rahu 16/08/1965 Sankta 15701/1963
Tithi at Sunrise.. 13 Name Alphabet Msa-Maanik Jupiter 05/06/1966 Mangla 15/01/1964
Nakshatra Magha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Silver Saturn 18/05/1967 Pingla 15701/1966
Yoga Sukarma Hora Saturn Mercury 23/03/1968 Dhanya 14/01/1969
Karan Taitila Chaugharia :. Kaal Ketu 29/07/1968 Bhramri 14/01/1973

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Rasi Degree R-L House Degree R-L N-L
Sun Pis 0:09:02 Jup Jup Men Mer 5:56:09 Mar Ket Rah Jup
Men, Leo 3:05:30 Sun Ket Sun Mar 8:08:18 Ven Sun Ven Ven
Mer Ari 8:33:53 Mer Ket Jup Ven 2:28:08 Mer Mar Ket Sat
Mer Pis 5:31:43 Jup Sat Mer Mer 24:59:21 Mer Jup Mer Rah
Jup Cap, 26:39:28 Sat Mar Jup Mer 20:06:03 Men Mer Ven Mar
Ven Pis 9:25:37 Jup Sot Ven Jup 22:46:28 Sun Ven Sat Ven
Sat PiS 13:20:21 Jup Sat Rah Jup 5:56:09 Ven Mer Men Jup
Rah -R See 6:43:43 Mar Sat Mer Rah 8:08:18 Mar Sat Ven Ven
Ket -R Tau 6:43:43 Ven Sun Mer Sat 2:28:08 Jup Ket Ven Sat
Ura Ari 18:13:54 Mar Ven Rah Rah 24:59:21 Jup Ven Mer Mar
Nep -R Leo 26:57:43 Sun Sun Sun Jup 20:06:03 Sat Men Ket Rah
Plu -R Can 5:16:33 Men Sat Sat Jup 22:46:28 Sat Jup Sat Ven
Fortuna: Virgo 8:52:38 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

ar Ket
(Mer 5 Jup V' /
x Plu X X X
\Sun Mer / \ X \Sun Mer / Ura X. X^^ /
1 NSatVen/ \ / XSatVen/ Rah 8 ^X.10
\12/ \2/ w VenX 7 X^^ Sat 9
Mar Ura y-j-j 3V^Mar 1 Ket XlOJup X^ N. X^^ Nep N.
X Nv Ura X
\ Dasamsa
Plu 4 10 jup ^Plu 3 9 y V Mar X \ Plu Nepy^
3 / 1 et
\v X
^ 2
Nv X^
Mon\ 4X P X
XX X\ Sat
5/ Mon4y 7 X 9

Nep/s /5\ Rah / 8 5 11 Ver

\ \ /x y
/ Nep v. " \
. ^/ — MonX. X^ X. X
eX 8 Xio
fie- Rah/yX Sun / fX.^^
RaT* 78° X Ura X / War X.
Horoscope No.181
ite 26/11/1927 Time 05:20:00 Day Saturday Place Bareilly Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82.30.00 East Time Corr -0:12:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarl Yogini

Siderial Time 9:23:18 Hrs Gaa Raksbas Mercury :3Y1M 3D Bhadrika ; 0Y 10M 27D
Eq.of time 0:13:14 Hrs Yoni Mng Venus
Sunrise 6:43:03 Hrs Nadi Adya 29/12/1937 26/11/1927
Sunset 17:15:03 Hrs Varan Vipra 29/12/1957 24/10/1959
Samvat 1984 Vashya Keetak Venus 29/04/1941 Bhadrika 23/10/1928
Saka 1849 Varga Mrig Sun 30/04/1942 Ulka 23/10/1934
Month Margshirsh Yunja Aniya Moon 29/12/1943 Sidha 23/10/1941
Paksh Shukla Hansak(ratva) Jai Mars 27/02/1945 Sankta 23/10/1949
Tithi at Sunrise.. 1 Name Alphabet Yoo-Yoovraj Rahu 28/02/1940 Mangla 23/10/1950
Nakshatra Jyestha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Silver-Copper Jupiter 29/10/1950 Pingla 23/10/1952
Yoga Dhrati Hora Meicuiy Saturn 29/12/1953 Dhanya 24/10/1955
Karan Balava Chaugharia Roga Mercury 29/10/1956 Bhramri 24/10/1959

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sco 10:07:59 Mar Sat Ven Mer Asc Lib 21:43:14 Ven Jup Jup Rah
Mon Sco 27:34:29 Mar Mer Jup Mar 2 Sco 21:02:19 Mar Mer Ven Sat
Mar Lib 28:39:53 Ven Jup Ven Kel 3 Sag 22:37:02 Jup Ven Sat Ket
Mer Lib 20:17.57 Ven Jup Jup Sat 4 Cap 25:47:51 Sat Mar Rah Sun
Jup Pis 1:05:10 Jup Jup Mar Ket 5 Aqu 28:08:32 Sat Jup Ven Sat
Ven Vir 23:31:12 Mer Mar Mar Jup 6 Pis 26:58:12 Jup Mer Jup Ket
Sat Sco 16:42:41 Mar Mer Mer Mer 7 An 21:43:14 Mar Ven Jup Rah
Rah Tau 26:08:31 Ven Mar Jup Jup 8 Tau 21:02:19 Ven Mon Ven Mon
Ket Sco 26:08:31 Mar Mer Jup Jup 9 Gem 22:37:02 Mer Jup Sat Ven
Ura -R Pis 6:59:04 Jup Sat Mer Jup 10 Can 25:47:51 Mon Mer Rah Sun
Nep Leo 6:35:18 Sun Ket Rah Mer 11 Leo 28:08:32 Sun Sun Mon Ket
Plu -R Gem 24:16:59 Mer Jup Mer Ven 12 Vir 26:58:12 Mer Mar Jup Ket

Fortuna: Scorpio 9:09:45 Navamsa Chart

\Nep Plu/\^ Mon S
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal N. 2 y/
Mar 3X Wer 1 XII Ket

722" Rase- Jup 4
Mon Sun / \ \/en / IVon Ket,
\SatKet/ 7 \ / 5X 7 X9 Sat
\a/ \6/ 52r
I \8/ \6/ Rah/ SN. Sun 8

gV Mar Mer VsNep 9X Sun 7 Mar X 5 Ven / Ura X N.

4 Nep Mer Mon\X

JupXy XX Ket

/12 11 PKJ
Jup Ura Rah \ Ven
Mozfl* Keze- Ma29' 122'| Reh 6/C 8
/X0 Ur9
Ket Sat Mer 221- Sai7; Me20" Ve24o y/7 p
JU y/
Mon Sun Mar /Sun Nep \ / Set VenX

Illustration No. 19.9 (Horoscope No.181) : The lagna is joined by malefic

2nd and 7th lord Mars and the 12th lord Mercury. Rahu falls in the 8th house.
Mars and Saturn both aspect the 8th, house of span of conjugal bliss. We have
said that girls born on Amavashya become widow. The native in question was
also born on New Moon Day (Amavashya). However the family life was unhappy
and full of conflicts. She lost her husband due to his kidney failure on 2I-I-69 at
41 years of age during Moon-Saturn period. Moon is quite weak on new Moon
day and the 8th lord Venus also falls in Moon's navamsa. Saturn aspects the
8th house and falls in the sign of Mars in 2nd. The lords of 2nd and 12th Mars
and Mercury are conjoined in lagna and lagna lord Venus is debilitated in 12th.
This is a clear indication of widowhood but it came so late because the Jupiter
in 4th aspects 9th and 12th house and the lord of the lagna. Thus 8th house is
certainly under the adverse influence of aspect of Mars, Saturn, Sun, Moon and
Ketu, and Rahu is placed there. But side by side. Jupiter aspects the 8th lord
Venus, which reduced the adversity and caused widowhood after leading a
married life for about 22 years.

Thus following combinations cause widowhood,early or late in life depending

upon favourable or unfavourable association, aspects and ownership etc. These
should be applied after analysing all factors carefully as explained in the analysis
of cases.
1. If the lord of 7th and 8th conjoin in the 7th or 8th or there is exchange
between them or both conjoin in the I2(h house but all under adverse planetary
aspects, the subject will suffer widowhood.
2. If malefics are posited in the 7th and/or 8th house under the aspect of
malefics, the widowhood will come in early life.
3. If Rahu is posited in the 7th or 8th and the 7th lord Js conjoined with the
Sun under the aspect of the aspect of the 8th lord, widowhood will befall.
4. If Saturn owns the 7th house and receives the aspect of Mars, the 8th
house contains Rahu and Moon, there will be widowhood.
5. If Mars falls in the 8th house with the 8th lord and the lagna falls in evil
navamsa, widowhood will befall on the female.
6. If Rahu, Saturn and Mars conjoin in the 7th or 8th house the widowhood
will come quite at an early age. Saturn and Mars in 7th or 8th will cause
widowhood if the lord of the 7th is adversely placed.
7. If the 7th house or its lord is between two or more malefics, the widowhood
is threatened provided there is no benefic aspect or conjunction.
The 4th house should also be judged in addition to the above mentioned
planetary combination and others which are explained here in this chapter.

Saubhagya Yoga;

There are two important terms in female nativity. Saubhagya and Nirbhagya.
Saubhagya gives a long and happy marital life, prosperity and favourable
conditions, lucky and loving husband and good children etc. Nirbhagya is used
642 Predicting Marrrtge

for unfortunate females who lead unhappy married life, suffer divorce or
widowhood, poverty, miseries, sorrowful surroundings, doubts, debts,
unhealthy husband and children, suspicious husband etc. We have explained
various Nirbhagya Yoga with illustrations. Here we will write about a few
Saubhagya Yogas.
1. If the lord of the 7th house joins the lagna with it" s lord and Venus throws
its favourable aspect there.
2. If the 7th and lagna lord are conjoined in the 7th house under the aspect
of Jupiter and Moon.
3. If lord of the 7th house is exalted and the lagna lord occupies lagna.
. 4. The 7th lord aspects 7th, benefics join Kendra and the lord of ascendant
obtain deep exaltation.
5. If the lord of the 7th falls in own sign, in the sign of its exaltation or in
auspicious Shadvargas, the female will have Saubhagya.
Sahacharya Yogas: Combination for Virtuous females
If Sahacharya Yoga is present in a woman's birth chart, she will be
virtuous, modest, righteous in conduct, beloved by all people and
command respect even from superiors and seniors. A chaste, modest and
virtuous woman is an invaluable precious gem. A person who is blessed
with such a woman as his wife, is decidedly a most fortunate person and
receives highest blessings of Almighty.
1. If the lord of the 7th house joins 6th house or the 6th lord falls in the 7th
house or both combine in 12th house or both fall in the same navamsa or same
constellation, Sahacharya Yoga will be formed.The female will be chaste virtuous,
modest, sincere and loyal to her husband.
2. If the lord of the 7th house is posited in the lagna and the lord of 12th and
Jst house combine either in the 12th house or in the 7th house or these fall in
the same navamsa or there is mutual aspect between them.
3. If the 7th house is owned by Moon i.e. the lagna is Capricorn, and Moon
obtain the last navamsa of the sign in which it is placed i.e. Moon's longitudes
are 26° 40'" to 30° and so placed Moon is aspected by the 6th lord.
4. If the lord of the 7th house falls in Kendra with the lord of that house and
obtains navamsa of the 6th lord. The lord of 7th should also receive the aspect of
the 12th house for formation of Sahacharya Yoga.
These yogas should be applied in addition toother astrological rules for finding
out true results. Many times one may err in the judgement of the combination
for separation and Sahcharya Yoga if the knowledge is imperfect or if one fails
in the art of application of astrological principles.
Combinations fqr a Good Wife
in the horoscopes of Males
We have so far explained the principles applicable to the horoscopes of
females. Now we will write about a few important combinations of the birth
charts of males forthe judgement of peculiarities of the wife if she will be modest,
loyal to him, dutiful, virtuous, chaste, sincere and loving.
1. The native will be blessed with a decent wife if the 7th lord is well placed
either associated with or aspect by benefics. If Shubh Kartari Yoga is formed
around the 7th lord, the wife will be good.
2. If the lord of the 7th house or Venus falls in an auspicious navamsa or
joins the sign of a benefic and that is well disposed, the native will get a good
wife, provided the 10th lord is also strongly disposed.
3. The wife of the person will be extremely decent, well mannered, good
natured, chaste, dutiful and loving if Moon or Venus own 7th house and the
navamsa of a benefic or friend or that of exaltation is obtained by Moon or
Venus, whoever owns 7th house.
4. If the lord of the 7th is stronger than lord of the lagna and is associated
with benefic and obtains the navamsa of its exaltation, one will be blessed with
an excellent wife born in a high class family. If the 7th lord obtains the navamsa
of debilitation or is associated with malefics, one will get a low class wife.
5. One will be blessed with a decent wife if the lord of the 7th falls in the
sign of exaltation or a benefic is well placed in the 7th house with a strong lagna.
6. If the lord of the 7th house or Venus, or both are associated with benefics
or posited between benefics, one will get a decent and chaste wife.
7. If unafflicted Jupiter falls in the 7th house, the wife of the native will be
chaste and good. The wife will be highly pious if the lord of the 7th house is
strong and receives the aspect of Jupiter.
8. The wife will be good if the lord of the 7th house is in a quadrant or in
beneficial vargas and is either associated or aspected by benefics. Jupiter's aspect
over the 7th house also provides a good wife provided there is no other adverse
combination or aspect.
These rules should not be applied verbatim. These rules will hold good if the
matters of the 7th house are free form other afflictions. Rule 3 suggests that if
Moon or Venus own 7th house and obtain the navamsa of exaltation and are
associated with or aspected by benefics, one will have extremely good wife.
Suppose in that case Mars is posited in the 7th house under adverse aspect the
result of the rule 3 may not hold good. Therefore the application of rules must
be made only after a deep analysis of the subject of the 7th house.
Pativrata Patni Yoga
Pativrata means pious, chaste, modest virtuous and loyal to husband so much
so that she has a feeling of absolute dedication as if her husband is a God for her.
A Pativrata Nari will obey her husband even if he ask her to do anything wrong.
In modern age, this term should be used for a dutiful, obedient, chaste and
virtuous wife. Certain combinations have been described in this context. These
combinations belong to the horoscope of males that will be blessed with such
an obedient and loyal wife, if these yogas are present in his birth chart.
1. If the lord of the 7th house is posited in the 10th house the wife will be a
Pativrata Nari.
644 Predicting Mam ige

2. Strong 7th lord should either be associated with Jupiter or should receive
the benefic aspect of Jupiter.
3, The Sun or Venus own 7th house and are aspected by benefics,
4. Jupiter falls in the 7th house and the 7tb lord is well placed in a beneficial
position the wife will be a Pativarata NarT
5, The lord of the 7th is well placed in a quadrant in the navamsa of a benefic
planet and is unaspected or unassociated with any malefic planet,
Pativrata Nari Yoga in female charts
These combinations in the horoscopes of females indicate that they are
maintaining high degree of chastity, loyalty and duty.
1. If the lord of the lagna and Venus are associated under the benefic aspect
of Jupiter, she will be a "Pativrata Nari".
2. The l6rd of 7th house is strong and well placed with Jupiter or Jupiter
falls in the 7th house under the aspect of Venus or Mercury, the female will be
fully dedicated to her husband.
3. If Venus and Jupiter are conjoined in the 7th house and benefics join 4th
house, the lady will be modest.
4. Placement of Jupiter in the 12th,. 4th or 8th house makes one a Pativrata
Nari provided 7th house and the lord thereof are well disposed,
Griha Lakshmi Yoga
1. If the lord of the lagna joins 9th house and 9th lord falls in the 7th house
and 7th lord occupies the lagna, there will be Griha Lakshmi Yoga. That lady
will be honoured in whole family as well as in the society. She will also bring
good luck, wealth and children to her husband.
2. The lords of the lagna, 4th and 5tb house should be strong and well placed
in quadrant or triangle and these should be related to each other by way of
association or aspect. The female will rule her home.
3. The lord of the 9th and 5th should be associated in lagna and the lagna
lord should be well disposed.
Illustration No. 19.10 (Horoscope No. 182 ) : This female brought good luck,
wealth, prosperity and recognition to her husband. She has been blessed with
all kinds of luxury and prosperity. She rules her home in a most decent and
pleasant way. Griha Lakshmi Yoga is present in her birth chart. The lord of lagna
Venus is well placed in a friendly sign in the 2nd house with the 11th lord Jupiter.
Lagnesh Venus obtains navamsa of Jupiter and Jupiter obtains Vargottam
navamsa. The lord of the 5th house Mercury and the lord of the 9th and 10th
Saturn are associated in lagna in a friendly sign, Taurus. A strong Griha Lakshmi
Yoga is present in this birth chart in addition to Pativrata Nari Yoga.
Visb KanyaYoga
1. A girl, who is born on 2nd lunar day (Dwitiya Tithi) synchronising with
Ashlesha Nakshatra on Saturday, will be a Vish Kahya.
2, The girl born on 7th lunar day (Saptami Tithi)synchronising with
Shatbhisha Nakshatra on Tuesday, will be a Visb Kanya.
Horoscope No.182
;e 13/05/1943 Time 06:45:00 Day Thursday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
.at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - ^:0^F.24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarf Yogini

SiderialTime 20:58:10 Hrs Gan. ^ Rakshas Ketu :4Y3M 19D Bhadrika : 3Y CM 27D
Eq.ol time 0:03:44 Hrs Yoni - Mooshak Venus
Sunrise ^22:08 Hrs Nadi : Antya 01/09/1947 13/05/1943
Sunset : 19:43:45 Hrs Varan : Kshatriya 01/09/1967 08/06/1977
Samvat : 2000 Vashya : Vanchar Venus 31/12/1950 Bhadrika 09/06/1946
Saka : 1865 Varga ^ Mooshak Sun 01/01/1952 Ulka 08/06/1952
Month : Vaisakha Yunja j Madhya Moon 31/08/1953 Sidha 09/06/1959
Paksh : Shukla HansakfTatva) Agni Mars 31/10/1954 Sankta 09/06/1967
Tithi at Sunrise..: 9 Name Alphabet fJtee-Mhif Rahu 31/10/1957 Mangla 08/06/1968
Nakshatra : Magha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Sifver Jupiter 01/07/1960 Pingla 09/06/1970
Yoga : Dhruva Hora : Jupiter Saturn 01/09/1963 Dhanya 08/06/1973
Karan : Balava Chaugharia : Shuhh Mercuiy 02/07/1966 Bhramri 08/06/1977

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Ari 28:34:26 Mar Sun Mar Rah Asc Tau 4:21:41 Ven Sun Sat Mon
Mon Leo 5:08:06 Sun Ket Mar Sat 2 Gem 0:41:53 Mer Mar Mer Sun
Mar Aqu 26:27:35 Sat Jup Ket Mer 3 Gem 24:17:53 Mer Jup Mer Ven
Mer -R Tau 12:53:45 Ven Mon Rah Mer 4 Can 19:16:12 Mon Mer Ket Mer
Jup Gem 27:50:27 Mer Jup Ven Jup 5 Leo 19:07:32 Sun Ven Rah Mer
Ven Gem 8:55:32 Mer Rah Jup Sat 6 Vir 25:36:54 Mer Mar Rah Ven
Sat Tau 19:54:42 Ven Mon Ket Mon 7 Sco 4:21:41 Mar Sat Sat Ven
Rah -R Can 27:40:22 Mon Mer Jup Rah 8 Sag 0:41:53 Jup Ket Ket Mer
Ket -R Cap 27:40:22 Sat Mar Jup Rah 9 Sag 24:17:53 Jup Ven Mer Ket
Ura Tau 11:02:42 Ven Mon Men Ven 10 Cap 19:16:12 Sat Mon Mer Jup
Nep -R Vir 6:41:24 Mer Sun Mer Jup 11 Aqu 19:07:32 Sat Rah Mon Ven
Plu Can 12:15:07 Mon Sat Mar Rah 12 Pis 25:36:54 Jup Mer Rah Ven

Fortuna: Leo 10:55:22 Navamsa Chart

X^Rah Neo/
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspa!
UrXo2/^ J^/Ven |
1x 11
Sun Mer 14- 2i- Mer X N. "X Sun
Sat Ur*»' Meis* Vea*
Ura Su29' i, Sa20* k Mon 2 Mar x"
I , 324-
\Jup Ven/ \ Sun / \ Ven / \ Sun /\ jU2r Jup
Plu \ 3yf >1.1 Rah piiX. Sat y/4
AYUeT 2 Sat XI2 Plu 3y^Mer 2 Sat^/llMar
Rah/ \ .. / \ Jup/\ .. /\
Mon 5 11 Mar Mon 4 Rah 10 Ket Jup ~ Sun "7
12 N s
X. W
Ura r>/ 11 Rah
NepeX 8 XlOKet
Ket /y\ /0\ (^Mer 2 8

Ket 3y>V 5 Mar

Ven .X

/ 6 \
Mon \
646 Predicting Marraige

3. Those girls are also termed as Vish Kanya who are born on Sunday in
Kritika Nakshatra on 12th lunar day i.e. Dwadashi Tithi.
4, The girl who has Saturn in lagna, the Sun in the 5th and Mars in the 9th
house is Vish Kanya,
Vish Kanya is a girl whose association can he fatal Le, life taking due to one
reason or the other.
Prevention of Vaidhavya Yoga or Vish Kanya Yoga

1. Vish Kanya, Vaidhavya Yoga and Santanheen Yoga will be cancelled if

the benefics are associated with lagna or Moon and the 7th house is joined by
the 7th lord.
2. If strong benefics occupy the 7th house from lagna or Moon, Vish Kanya
Yoga will have no effect.

Wlffl 11
1, The girl who has Vaidhavya or Vish Kanya Yoga should observe Vat Savitri
Vrat (explained in our book "Vaivahik Vilamb Ke Vividh Ayam Evam Mantra")
and the parents of such a girl should first perform her marriage either with a
Peepal Tree or Shaligram or with Vishnu Pratima and thereafter she should be
got married with a husband having planetary combination of a long span of life.
2. Kumbha Vivaha may also be got done before marriage,
3,The final marriage should be undertaken after taking a formal permission
of her first husband who is none else than Vishnu Bhagwan or Peepal Tree or
Shaligram. Pran Pratishtha should also be done properly. Thus the girl marries
Vishnu first and whatever adversities are destined to her, go to Vishnu. Since
Vishnu can bear any amount of adversities without any kind of suffering to
him, the girl is prevented from all evils of Vaidhavya Yoga, Parthakya Yoga etc.
Thus after Vishnu Vivaha or Kumbh Vivah Mangali Dosha also gets neutralised
to certain extent provided Vishnu Vivah is properly performed, Kanyadaan
should not be done by her father otherwise he cannot do it at the time of final
worldly marriage.
4. One script suggests that the female should change her Mangal Sootra
after marriage and that should be done herself. This has been explained in our
fourth coming book on "Remedies for Marital Maladies".

Santati Yoga
Happiness regarding children is also quite essential for a happy married life.
An issueless couple well equipped with wealth, luxury, prosperity and recognition
etc,, cannot be internally happy for a long time after marriage. The husband or
wife are the pleasure for each other and children are essential for the continuation
of their "Vansh". The aspect of children is out of scope of this book. We have
made quite an exhaustive study over the aspect of children in our book "Santan
Sukh : Sarvang Chintan". A couple will be blessed with children if any of the
following planetary combination is present:
\. If the lord of the 5th house is strong and well placed in a quadrant or
triangle unaspected and unassociated by any malefic, one will surely be blessed
with children. The 5th house or its lord should be free from any kind of affliction
or Papakartari Yoga.
2. If benefics occupy the 5th house and the 5th lord is well disposed, one is
sure to beget children.
3. If the 5th house is owned by the Sun, Mars or Jupiter and the 5th lord
falls in odd navamsa one will be blessed with the male issue soon after marriage.
4. One will be blessed with a male issue soon after marriage, if the 5th lord
is exalted and receives the aspect of favourable planets.
5. Son will be bom soon if the 5th lord and Jupiter are strong and well
placed and the 5th house is joined by the lagna lord.
6. An obedient son will be born if the 5th house is owned by a strong Jupiter
and the lagna lord aspects Jupiter.
7. If the 5th house is occupied by the 2nd lord and that is aspected by the
9th lord or Jupiter, one begets off-spring.
8. Learned and religious son will be born if the lords of the lagna and the
5th house are conjoined in the 9th house under the favourable aspect of Jupiter.
9. A fortunate and learned son will be born if the lords of the lagna and 9th
house are well associated in the 7th house and the 5th lord falls in the lagna.
10. An obedient and healthy son will be bom if the lords of the 5th house
and lagna aspect each other and Jupiter joins a triangle.
11. A female child will be born, if the even sign falls in the 5th house in Rasi
and navamsa chart. Venus or Moon should also lend aspect over the 5th house.
The birth of female child will be more probable if the 5th lord obtains even sign
and navamsa.
12. Birth of female child will come in evidence if the lord of the 5th house
joins the 2nd or 8th house and the 5th house is aspected by female planets like
Moon, Venus etc. Saturn and Mercury are enunch but these should be considered
to give rise to birth of female issue for all practical purposes. If Saturn and
Mercury are under the influence of male planets and are connected with odd
signs, the birth of male children will take place.
13. Mostly female issues will be born if the 5th house is occupied by Mercury
under the aspect of Moon or Venus. The first child will also be a daughter.
14. Moon in Cancer in the 5th house results in the birth of only a few children.
15. If the 5th house is owned by Venus in Rasi or navamsa chart and that is
aspected by Jupiter or Venus, one will beget many children.
16. First child will be a son if the lord of the first house occupies 1st, 2nd or
3rd house.
17. If Moon, Venus and Mars fall in dual signs, the first child will be a son.
18. Malefics occupy lagna and the 5th house is occupied by Moon or Venus,
the daughter will be born first.
19. Mercury or Moon fall in Libra in the 5th or 9th house, on son will be born.
648 Predicting Ma rraIge

20. If Rahu joins lagna, Jupiter falls in the 5th house and the Saturn occupies
the 9th house, the native will be blessed with a single son only.
These are a few important combinations for begetting children and for male
and female issues. These "should not be applied verbatim but should be used
only after proper analysis of the 5th house, 5th lord, Santan Karak Jupiter, lagna
Lord and 9th lord etc.
The 9th lord is also very important for the consideration of children,
particularly for female nativities. One will arrive at the wrong conclusion if the
9th house is ignored at the time of consideration of birth of children. The birth
of children is a wide subject and exhaustive research is required in this field.
Let us explain the planetary combinations which obstruct birth of children.

Sanatan Badha Yoga

1. The lord of the 3rd house plays a role in child-birth. If it is placed in the
1st, 3rd, 5th or 9th, the child birth may be obstructed.
2. If the lord of the 5th house is combust or aspected by or associated with
malefics, and Moon is conjoined with malefics in quadrant, the birth of children
will be obstructed.
3. If Mercury is conjoined with the lord of the lagna in quadrant other than
lagna, the birth of children will be obstructed.
4. Malefics join 5th, 11th and 12th house, the birth of children will be
5. If Moon and Jupiter are conjoined in lagna. Mars and Saturn are placed in
the 7th house, the birth of children will be denied.
6. If Jupiter is associated with nodes in the 5th house, malefics occupy 4th
house, the birth of children will be difficult.
7. If the 5th lord obtains the navamsa of a malefic planet and 9th and llth
houses are also occupied by malefics, the son will die afterbirth.
8. Mercury joins the 5th house, and 4th house and lagna are occupied by
malefics, the son will die afterbirth .
9. The Sun in lagna and Mars in the 5th house deny the birth of a male
10. If the lord of the 5th is associated with the 6th lord either in the lagna or
the 7th house, the son will die afterbirth,
11. If the lord of the 5th house falls in the 6th, 8th or 12th house and the lord
of the lagna is associated with malefics the son expires.
12. The son will die, if the 5th lord falls in the 6th house and lagna lord
occupies the sign of Mars.
These are a fewgeneral principles given in classical works for the obstruction
in the birth of children and particularly son. These rules are guidelines in making
a scientific analysis on the aspect of child birth. We will not be discussing the
aspect of birth of children in detail as this work pertains to the prospects and
various aspects of marriage only.

Mars in 5th House


Marital Maladies

The 7th house indicates all about husband or wife in any birthchart.
The 8th house rules over the marital happiness, life of the partner and
"saubhagya" in a female nativity. The influence of Mars over the 7th house for
males, and 7th and 8th house for females produces adverse results in respect of
marriage and marital life.

Mars in the 8th house for males in not as damaging for married life as it is in
the 7th house. Placement of Mars in the 7th house may cause injury, accidents,
blood impurity and infection, operation, cuts, bums, boils and danger to life
like assassination or unnatural end of life. For females such a placement of Mars
creates marital disharmony, widowhood, discord, denial of conjugal bliss and
all kinds of physical problems to the spouse.

Thus my humble observation about the adversity of Mars in respect of marital

life is quite different than that of established rules for Kuja Dosh. Mars in the
8th house should be considered for females as to cause a heavy Kuja Dosh
whereas for males it does not cause so strong Kuja Dosh. Similarly, placement
of Mars in the 2nd house is adverse for females in respect of marital life, because
it aspects the 8th house, but it is not so had for males.

Few placements of Mars give rise to adversity in relation to marital happiness,

which is named as Kuja Dosh or Mangali Dosh. In case of a male, the 7th house
should be under the influence of Mars either by its placement or by aspect. As
such the placement of Mars in the lagna, the 4th, 12th or the 7th house gives
rise to Kuja Dosh. However, for females, Kuja Dosh exists when Mars is posited
650 Predicting Marri ag e

in the 1st ,2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or the 12th house. In all these cases the influence
of Mars is there either over the 7th house or the 8th house, which pertains to
marital happiness or husband in case of females. Jn this chapter we just want to
prove our humble observation that the in addition to above, the placement of
Mars in the 5th house for females gives rise to a strong Kuja Dosh, as it lends its
aspect over the 8th house which is dealt for marital happiness. The position of
Mars in the 5th house spoils the happiness of married life of a female nativity.

At the time of matching of horoscopes, "Kuja Dosh" should be given due

importance. In the horoscope of female, equal importance to the Mars in the
5th house should be given as its other placements causing Kuja Dosh. Whereas
in the horoscope of a male, the "Panchmastha MangaD (5th placement of
Mars) should not be taken into consideration as causing the Kuja Dosh. A few
Sages have also observed that the placement of Mars in the 5th house gives rise
to "Mangali Dosh" for female nativities. Our study of various practical cases has
shown that marital havocs have taken place in case of female nativities where
Mars is posited in the 5th house. We will illustrate hereunder a few cases to
prove our point that Kuja Dosh comes into existence if Mars is placed in 5th
house in case of females. These all horoscopes pertain to female nativities only.

Illustration No. 20,1 (Horoscope No. 183) : She was born when Virgo
ascendant was rising and Mars was exalted in the 5th house in association
with JOth and lagna lord Mercury and 11th lord Moon. The conjunction of
Mars, Moon and Mercury is there in the 5th house under the benefic aspect
of Jupiter. There is no malefic aspect over the 5th house. Venus is exalted in
the 7th house whereas the 7th lord Jupiter is posited in the lagna. Apparently
the horoscope shows that she must lead a happy and long lasting marital life,
but it did not happen so. She got married on 2/5/1964 at the age of 19 years
with a smart and handsome person. The birth of one daughter and two sons
took place in due course of time. Marital unhappiness and differences between
them started soon after the marriage. Her husband started taking interest in
other females and established relations with a few of them. The female in
question could not bear it and got legal divorce. After divorce, she had a
"Gandharbha Vivaha" with a married Mohamedan person, though the native
herself is a Hindu. This relationship lasted for 7 years. Both of them loved
each other. The native was extremely happy inspite of innumerable criticism
and defamation. The second husband also left her after seeking all kinds of
enjoyments with her for 7 years. Thereafter that Mohamedan person, who
was placed very high in Government, left her and got married with another
one in the same fashion. This native suffered lot of humiliation, tension and
defamation^from the family and the society. Here Mars is the lord of the 8th
and 3rd and joins the 5th house. As such it should have a concern only with
children and health of the native but this placement of Mars did not confine
to these problems but also resulted into marital discard two times and heavy
Horoscope No.183
ate 11/02/1945 Time 23:15:00 Day Sunday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:49:47
,at 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -1:21:08

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsoltari Yoginl

SiderialTime , 7:19:24 Hrs Gan. Deva Moon : 5Y 7M 25D Mangla : 0Y 6M 23D
Eq.of time - 0:14:23 Hrs Yoni Vanar Mars
Sunrise 8:04:38 Hrs Nadl Antya 08/10/1950 11/02/1945
Sunset 19:06:28 Hrs Varan. : Vaishya 08/10/1957 06/09/1980
Samvat 2001 Vashya : JaSchar Mars 06/03/1951 Mangla 06/09/1945
Saka 1866 Varga : Maijar Rahu 24/03/1952 Pingla 06/09/1947
Month Phalguna Yunja Antya Jupiter 28/02/1953 Dhanya 06/09/1950
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Bhoomi Saturn 08/04/1954 Bhramri 06/09/1954
Tithi at Sunrise.. 14 Name Alphabet Mercury 06/04/1955 Bhadrika 06/09/1959
Nakshatra Sravna KhoQ-Khoobchand Ketu 02/09/1955 Ulka 06/09/1965
Yoga Vyatipat Paya(Rasi-Nak) Silver-Copper Venus 01/11/1956 Sidha 06/09/1972
Karan Shakuni Hora : Venus Sun 09/03/1957 Sankta 06/09/1980

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 29:47:01 Sat Mar Sat Jup Asc Vir 24:37:08 Mer Mar Rah Jup
Mon Cap 15:47:48 Sat Mon Sat Sat 2 Lib 23:13:12 Ven Jup Sat Mar
Mar Cap 5:05:00 Sat Sun Sat Jup 3 Sco 23:45:30 Mar Mer Mar Mer
Mer Cap 17:06:20 Sat Mon Sat Mar 4 Sag 25:29:41 Jup Ven Mer Jup
Jup -R Vir 3:13:18 Mer Sun Sat Sat 5 Cap 27:22:17 Sat Mar Jup Mon
Ven Pis 16:21:22 Jup Sat Jup Mar 6 Aqu 27:37:30 Sat Jup Ven Rah
Sat -R Gem 11:27:26 Mer Rah Sat Ven 7 Pis 24:37:08 Jup Mer Rah Jup
Rah -R Gem 25:13:23 Mer Jup Mer Rah 8 Art 23:13:12 Mar Ven Sat Mon
Ket -R Sag 25:13:23 Jup Ven Mer Rah 9 Tau 23:45:30 Ven Mar Mar Mer
Ura -R Tau 16:16:53 Ven Mon Sat Mer 10 Gem 25:29:41 Mer Jup Mer Sat
Nep -R Vir 13:16:19 Mer Mon Rah Ven 11 Can 27:22:17 Mon Mer Jup Mon
PIu -R Can 15:57:57 Mon Sat Jup Ven 12 Leo 27:37:30 Sun Sun Mon Rah

Fortuna; Virgo 10;37:55 Navamsa Chart

Sun S
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
\ S
7X 5

Ur 16*
823' 92 d* Ven 8 Kel X Rah 2 Mon

Nep Jup
5 P,
626' V7 9X 11 Xl Nep
W /• \ / M 12
//10 Nv Mar N.
ay jup NepyVpiu Ket ax V Jup Sat n. / N.

^Ket 9 Rah 3 Sat . Mon 9 Mar V 3 PIu Man Mer /X
Nw Mer /
Me/\ 12X 10 N/b
Mon7>nV SunlcNy 12
Mar/^ Mas | /ll\ 1 N^Sh | i 228* Ven 1 7 Mar/
/ Ven \ . Ura \
n. X Sa\
yX 5
/ Ura \ PIu ■ Kel\
Sun Ju
652 Pred ictlng Marriage

set backs on that account. The repeated sufferings and humiliation have
spoiled her position and respect in the society and family. Her status was just
like a concubine and that also did not last long. In fact this happened so due
to presence of heavy Kuja Dosh in this horoscope because Mars joins the 5th
house though in the sign of its exaltation. The life partners were not Mangali
and the Kuja Dosh was not balanced.

Illustration No. 20.2(Horoscope No. 61) :

This is the horoscope of a female who was born in Sagittarius ascendant

having Mars, Sun and Mercury in the 5th house. Here Mars is posited in its
own sign Aries and the Sun is exalted there. She got married with an IAS at
an early age. Three children were born after marriage and thereafter the
husband took interest in other female and divorced her. Inspite of very strong
efforts, sources and pressure of law, she could not get any kind of marital
happiness. The conjugal bliss was denied to her from the very beginning of
her marriage. It happened so due to placement of Mars in the 5th house as
it aspects the 8th house. Saturn also has an aspect over the 7th house. Thus
the 7th and 8th houses both are damaged. The aspect of Mars and Saturn
over the 12th house is also adverse but the worst placement of Mars in the
5th house mainly resulted into the legal separation of the native. She is leading
a miserable life now a days.
Horoscope No. 61
20/04/1951 Time 23:21:00 Day Friday Pface Ramnagar Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:
24:12:00 North Long 81:10:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:05:20

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottarl Yogini

Side rial Tim© .: 13:07:41 Mrs Gan Deva Moon: 1Y 5M 1D Sankta :1Y1M19D
Eq.of time :0:00:54 Hrs Yonl Mahish Rahu
Sunrise :5:41:48 Hrs Nadi, Adya 21^1959 20/04/1951
Sunset :18:27:31 Hrs Varan Vaishya 21/09/1977 09/06/1980
Sam vat : 2008 Vashya Manav Rahu 03/06^1962 Sankta 09^6/1952
Saka : 1873 Varga Shwan Jupiter 27/10/1964 Mangla 09/06/1953
Month : Chaitra Yunja Madhya Satum 03/09/1967 Pingla 09/06/1955
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva} Bhoomi Mercuiy 22/03/1970 Dhanya 09/06/1958
Tithi at Sunrise..: 13 Name Alphabet Tha-Thansingh Ketu 10/04/1971 Bhramri 09.06^962
Nakshatra.Hasta Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Silver Venus 09/04/1974 Bhadrika 09/06/1967
Yoga : Harshan Hora Salum Sun 04/03/1975 Ulka 09/06/1973
Karan : Vanij Chaughana Udvega Moon 02/09/1976 Sidha 09/06/1980

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Ah 6:55:21 Mar Ket Rah Ven Asc Sag 12:21:11 Jup Ket Mer Mon
Mon Vir 21:26:22 Mer Mon Ven Rah 2 Cap 15:57:45 Sat Mon Sat Sat
Mar Ari 14:44:31 Mar Ven Ven Jup 3 Aqu 21:54:20 Sat Jup Sat Sat
Mer -R Ari 13:57:44 Mar Ven Ven Mon 4 Pis 25:25:59 Jup Mer Rah Ven
Jup Pis 6:53:09 Jup Sat Mer Jup 5 Ari 23:52:00 Mar Ven Sat Jup
Ven Tau 13:27:35 Ven Mon Rah Ven 6 Tau 18:31:09 Ven Mon Mer Sun
Sat -R Vlr 3:49:17 Mer Sun Sat Ven 7 Gem 12:21:11 Mer Rah Sat Jup
Rah -R Aqu 25:31:28 Sat Jup Mer Sat 8 Can 15:57:45 Mon Sat Jup Ven
Ket -R Leo 25:31:28 Sun Ven Mer Jup 9 Leo 21:54:20 Sun Ven Sat Sat
Ura Gem 13:05:35 Mer Rah Mer Ven 10 Vir 25:25:59 Mer Mar Rah Ven
Nep -R Vir 24:55:47 Mer Mar Rah Sat 11 Lib 23:52:00 Ven Jup Sat Jup
Plu -R Can 24:31:10 Mon Mer Rah Jup 12 See 18:31:09 Mar Mer Mer Sat

Fortuna: Taurus 26:52:12 Navamsa Chart

NMar, Mer/ \ Sun /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal \ Nep/ \ , X
\ X
Jup 6XMon 4 \><2
Sun Mar Ven xx x \ Ven

Ket 8 X. 10 X12
Re23' RahVO. xX 9 X. Ura yX 11 X.
322- nV
S X//^3Iu Sat
Jup 12 Set 6 Mon Sun 12 Mar X. Ven yX
\ Nep / SaiV2 >x
Merx \ /Nep 3 V_ Ket 1
Marl V n VX Mon Sun X x
X\ Set S22"
Sun/2 U.a / 4 \^et Ke^* Nep 10 Jup
/ Ven Flu \! Sa4*
1124' T kAnw sjXReh 7 Ura^Xg Mon
MarX q x. S6
x^ \ X Flu X
Horoscope No.147
26/05/1971 Time 14:00:00 Day Wednesday PJace Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yogini

Siderial Time 6:06:38 Hrs Gan Deva Mars: 0Y 9M 21D Sankta 0Y11M2D
Eq.oftlme :0:03:08 Hrs Yoni. Sarp Saturn
Sunrise :5:16;01 Hrs Nadi Madhya 17/03/2006 28/04/2000
Sunset 18:50:57 Hrs Varan Shoodra 17/03/2025 28/04/2036
Samvat 2028 Vashya Mamv Salum 20/03/2009 Sankta 28/04/2008
Saka 1893 Varga Maijar Mercury 28/11/2011 Mangla 28/04/2009
Month Jyestha Yunja Poorva Ketu 06/01/2013 Pingla 28/04/2011
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 07/03/2016 Dhanya 28/04/2014
Tithi at Sunrise.. 2 Name Alphabet Kee-Kishor Sun 17/02/2017 Bhramri 28/04/2018
Nakshatra Mrigsira Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Gold Moon 19/09/2018 Bhadrika 28/04/2023
Yoga Dhrati Hora Moon Mars 28/10/2019 Ulka 28/04/2029
Karan Kaulava Chaugharia..... Udvega Rahu 03/09/2022 Sidha 28/04/2036

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Tau 11:15:32 Ven Mon Mar Rah Asc Vir 8:17:10 Mer Sun Ven Mon
Mon Gem 5:07:36 Mer Mar Sun Jup 2 Lib 6:38:11 Ven Mar Mon Sun
Mar Cap 17:32:19 Sat Mon Sat Jup 3 Sco 7:03:25 Mar Sat Mer Sat
Mer Ari 17:29:06 Mar Ven Mar Rah 4 Sag 8:19:31 Jup Ket Jup Mer
Jup -R Sco 8:00:58 Mar Sat Ket Mer 5 Cap 9:37:19 Sat Sun Ven Mer
Ven Ari 16:15:59 Mar Ven Mon Mon 6 Aqu 10:03:06 Sat Rah Jup Mon
Sat Tau 3:52:53 Ven Sun Sat Ven 7 Pis 6:17:10 Jup Sat Ven Ven
Rah -R Cap 24:06:47 Sat Mar Rah Rah 8 Ari 6:38:11 Mar Ket Rah Mer
Ket -R Can 24:06:47 Mon Mer Rah Rah 9 Tau 7:03:25 Ven Sun Ket Ven
Ura -R Vir 16:26:52 Mer Mon Sat Ven 10 Gem 8:19:31 Mer Rah Rah Sun
Nep -R Sco 8:25:56 Mar Sat Ven Ven 11 Can 9:37:19 Mon Sat Ven Sat
Plu -R Vir 3:49:24 Mer Sun Sat Ven 12 Leo 10:03:06 Sun Ket Sat Ket

Fortuna: Libra 2:09:14 Navamsa Chart

\ Sun /^\/0i
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
Xv 1 y
Ufa 12 X/10
Mer Sun 87' Sa""
Ven Sat Vcib- 97*
Meir Sun
P)u yS Nep N. S
Nep\7/ \5 / Ket Xx ® Mon
SX Ura Plu x4 Kel 8 X Ura 6 4 Ket 11 * Ven Rah \ yX

3 Mon } \
Venv 5 /
Mar\ \ /Sun Mar \ \ /Sun Mer Z"0" 4

Rah 10
X X2 io\ 12 2 NepX n.
Mar Ral
]!/l1 / \ \ Sat Rah/n /X
/Sat \ Xra 7 >< 1 Sun
Ven Mer\| Ura L /Ven Mer \
^ Plu
Ket 8 X. 10 Xv2
>X gX, hn.
/ X Xsal Mar
Mars in 5th and Marital Maladies 655

Illustration No. 20.3( Horoscope : She was born when Virgo
ascendant was rising with exalted Mars in the 5th house. The ruler of the 7th
house Jupiter aspects the 7th house. The 8th house is occupied by Mercury
and Venus. Aspect of Mars over the 8th house has resulted into havocs in the
life of this extremely beautiful and charming girl. She is a qualified Engineer
and always stood first in her class. Her marriage took place on 27/4/1992. A
daughter was born on 1/7/1993. The husband left her before the birth of this
child. Even after 3 years of the birth of the child, the husband has not visited
her even once to see his daughter or wife, inspite of repeated prayers of the
native and her parents. She is serving in a reputed organisation and earning
a handsome salary. The professional aspect of her life is quite bright but the
marital aspect is extremely poor. She is leading a life full of frustration and
tension in absence of conjugal happiness at such an young age. The reason
of marital disharmony is the placement of Mars in the 5th house.
Horoscope No. 117
ate 26/12/1951 Time 16:08:00 Day Wednesday Place Lansdowne Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa^

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time .:22:09:17 Hrs Gan : Deva Saturn: 6Y 6M 60 Bhramri: 1Y4M14D
Eq.of time > 0:00:13 Hrs Yoni : Mrig Venus
Sunrise 7:09:56 Hrs Nadi Madhya 03^7/1982 25/12/1951
Sunset :17:20:52 Hrs Varan : Vipra 0307/2002 10/05/1985
Samvat : 2008 Vashya : Keelak Venus 02/11/1985 Bhramri 1005^953
Saka : 1873 Varga..,Sarp Sun 02/11/1986 Bhadrika 11051958
Month : Pausa Yunja 4 Madhya Moon 0307/1988 Uka 10051964
Paksh : Krishna Hansak{Tatva) JaF Mats 02/09/1969 Sidha 11051971
Tithi at Sunrise..: 13 Name Alphabet Noo-Nrihari Ffehj 01/09/1992 Sankta 11051979
Nakshatra : Anuradha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Jupiter 0305/1995 Mangla 10051980
Yoga : Shooi Copper-Copper Saturn 0307/1998 Rngla 11051982
Karan : Vanij Hora 4 Moon Mercury 03052001 Dhanya 10051985

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Saq 10:55:19 Jup Ket Sat Rah Asc Tau 24:27:44 Ven Mar Rah Jup
Mon Sco 12:05:32 Mar Sat Mon Sun 2 Gem 17:50:31 Mer Rah Sun Sat
Mar Vir 24:50:35 Mer Mar Rah Sat 3 Can 10:55:53 Mon Sal Sun Ven
Mer -R Sco 23:09:16 Mar Mer Mon Ven 4 Leo 7:18:48 Sun Ket Rah Mon
Jup Pis 12:29:28 Jup Sat Mar Sat 5 Vir 9:49:49 Mer Sun Ven Mer
Ven Lib 28:22:48 Ven Jup Ven Mer 6 Lib 17:42:44 Ven Rah Sun Jup
Sat Vir 21:17:36 Mer Mon Ven Rah 7 Sco 24:27:44 Mar Mer Rah Jup
Rah -R Aqu 9:31:30 Sal Rah Jup Ket 8 Sag 17:50:31 Jup Ven Mar Ket
Ket -R Leo 9:31:30 Sun Ket Sat Sat 9 Cap 10:55:53 Sat Mon Mon Ven
Ura -R Gem 19:22:12 Mer Rah Mar Rah 10 Aqu 7:18:48 Sat Rah Rah Sat
Nep Vir 28:33:39 Mer Mar Sat Ket 11 Pis 9:49:49 Jup Sat Ven Sal
Plu -R Can 28:22:25 Mon Mer Sat Mer 12 An 17:42:44 Mar Ven Mar Sat
Fortuna: Aries 25;37;58 Navamsa Chart
NT Nop yZx^Sal Sunx/
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
JuXv 6 Mar 5 X4XKei
7X J>\*
Mon / x /X Ven
IZJtr I 124

Rah 9X 11 XI
1 / Plu
0 yXION.
xM2Jup 12Jup 3ii S Mer X. /^|P|u Ura

Ket 5 11 Rah 'Ket 5 11 Rah
KetX X \5/4
Nep Nep\ / 8
Xv 6
X. ^
\/ \/ 8 Y10 Mon\ S X. /
Sat 6 VMon 8 MerVio 9iv Sal
Mar/7\ /sX Mar/ Sun / 9\ ^al 9 UraX^ 3 y
/ Ven
Sun \ Mar /Mon Mer N. Plu X. y/
i N Sat Vesa"
Mar 1oXX'ri 12 J
Mer 6ia*
Mon Ven i | MO"* /Mer Ne/v/^ X.
Mars In 5th and Marital Maladies 657

Illustration No. 20.4 (Horoscope No.117) : The native was born in Taurus
ascendant with Mars, Saturn in the 5th and Ketu in 4th house. Moon and
Mercury are placed in the 7th house. Thus there is an exchange between the
lords of the 5th and 7th houses i.e. Mars and Mercury. Jupiter aspects the 5th
and the 7th house. The marriage of the female did not take place at all.

There are many other reasons of denial of maniage which we are not
covering in this chapter but we just want to show that the adversity of Mars
has denied marital happiness to her inspite of Jupiter's aspect over the 5th
and 7th house.
Horoscope No.5
l|e 09/11/1924 Time 05:37:00 Day Sunday Place Chandausi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
-at 28:06:00 North Long 77:50:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time CoiT - 0:18:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time .:8:29:55 Hrs Gan Deva Mercury: BY 2M 6D Ulka :2Y2M 5D
Eq.of time :0:16:14 Hrs Yoni Gaja Ketu
Sunrise :6:36:13 Hrs Nadi Antya 15/01/1931 09/11/1924
Sunset :17:28:26 Hrs Vararv Vipra 15/01/1938 14701/1957
Sam vat : 1981 Vashya Jalchar Ketu 13/06/1931 Ulka 15/01/1927
Saka : 1846 Varga Simha Venus 13/08/1932 Sidha 15/01/1934
Month: : Kartika Yunja Poorva Sun 18/12/1932 Sankta 15/01/1942
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Jal Moon 19/07/1933 Mangle 15/01/1943
Tithi at Sunrise..: 12 Name Alphabet Cha-Chandan Mars 16/12/1933 Pingla 14/01/1945
Nakshatra : Revati Paya(Rasi-Nak) Gold-Gold Rahu 03/01/1935 Dhanya 15/01/1948
Yoga : Vajra Hara Mars Jupiter 10/12/1935 Bhramri 15/01/1952
Karan : Taitila Chaugharia Labha Saturn 18/01/1937 Bhadrika 14/01/1957

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 23:46:33 Ven Jup Sat Jup Asc Lib 1021:14 Ven Rah Jup Rah
Mon Pis 25:09:01 Jup Mer Rah Mer 2 Sco 9:20:09 Mar Sat Ven Jup
Mar Aqu 15:29:12 Sat Rah Ven Ven 3 Sag 10:13:29 Jup Ket Sat Ven
Mer Sco 2:03:16 Mar Jup Rah Sat 4 Cap 12:34:33 Sat Mon Rah Sat
Jup Sco 28:47:55 Mar Mer Sat Ven 5 Aqu 14:48:47 Sat Rah Ket Rah
Ven Vir 15:03:55 Mer Mon Jup Sun 6 Pis 14:30:40 Jup Sat Rah Sun
Sat Lib 13:56:46 Ven Rah Mer Jup 7 Ari 10:21:14 Mar Ket Sat Ven
Rah -R Can 26:11:36 Mon Mer Jup Jup 8 Tau 9:20:09 Ven Sun Ven Sat
Ket -R Cap 26:11:36 Sat Mar Jup Jup 9 Gem 10:13:29 Mer Rah Jup Rah
Ura -R Aqu 25:11:04 Sat Jup Mer Rah 10 Gan 12:34:33 Mon Sat Mar Mer
Nep Can 29:58:22 Mon Mer Sat Jup 11 Leo 14:48:47 Sun Ven Ven Sat
Plu -R Gem 20:52:49 Mer Jup Jup Ven 12 Vir 14:30:40 Mer Mon Jup Mer

rtuna: Piscesi 11:43:41 Navamsa Chart

\. Mer Mon / \
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal xSat Rah/ \ ^
nqpXIIX 10 \* /
12 X8
gs' Jup / \ /\

XMer Jujy' \ Ven / Jup / \ Ven Ura N. S S

van 2y<r 4
\ 8/ 7 \ 6 / Rah v/ \y 3 Mar / 5 x
Sun Sat NA 9V Sun 7 Mer V5 / \ / Ket
yKet 10 Nep 4 Rshy Ket 10 Nep 4- Rah \PJu Nap\S
Mar\ / io xs Rah
\/ 413' Ma:\ .
nv 1 X3 Plu
ur% Jup 1 Una 7 Ven
/1\ / \
/ Mon \. / \
28' /\f^on 4
Jup Sat Saw 1 Kel/sX X 5\
Mer Sun Mer
Mars in 5th and Marital Maladies 659

Illustration No. 20.5(Horoscope No.5) :

The native was born when Libra ascendant was rising. Mars is the worst
planet for Libra born as it owns the marak2nd and 7th houses. The placement
of Mars in the 5th house is extremely bad for the native. The 7th house is
aspected by Sun and Saturn and 8th house receives the aspect of Mars.
Jupiter and Mercury also lend their aspect over the 8th house which have
improved the 8th house to a great extent. Even then the adversity of placement
of Mars in the 5th house proved its role. She got married at 16 years of age
with a person who was 10 years older and had lost his first wife. The married
life was extremely unhappy. Eight children were born but none of them was
loyal and sincere towards her. She lost her eldest child and later suffered
widowhood when she was 44 years old.
660 Predicting Marriage

lllustrationNo. 20,6(Horoscope No 183A) :

She was born when Leo ascendant was rising withMars in the 5th house. Here
Mars is a Yoga Karaka. Jupiterwho is thelord of the 8th house lends its aspect over
the 8th house by its placement in the 2nd. The aspect of Mars over the 8th house
has damaged her married life. She is a scholar of Astrology andhas also stood first
in M.Sc. She got married during the month of May 1994. She knew that a happy
married life is not indicated to her due to placement of 12th lord Moon in the 7th
house in association with Rahu. However the aspect of Mars over the 8th house
has curtailed her marital happiness to a great extent. She is not leading a pleasant
married life. A miscarriage also took place soon after marriage and now she has
been blessed with a female child after facinglotof physical trouble. The conjugal
bliss is absent as the alignment of views is not there. Her husband has his own
reservation and greedy attitude towards the parents of the native. We feel that she
may get separated from her husband, due to serious differences, during the dasa
bhukti of concerning planets. She is an extremely noble femalewho had high hopes
in respect of her married life and life partner but all her dreams have been crushed
immediately after the solemnisation of her wedding.
Horoscope No.183A
24/09/1969 Time 03:35:00 Day Wednesday Place Tundla Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
Lat 27:13:00 North Long 78:14:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:17:04

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yogini

Siderial Time , 3:28:13 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Rahu: 10Y9M0D Dhanya : 1Y9M 15D
Eq of time 0:07.30 Hns Yoni j Ashwa Jupiter
Sunrise 6:07:05 Hrs Nadi : Adya 25/06/1980 24/09/1969
Sunset 18:11:34 Hrs Varan - Shoodra 25/06/1996 09/07/2004
Samvat 2026 Vashya : [Vlanav Jupiter 13/08/1982 Dhanya 10/07/1971
Saka 1891 Varga : f/esha Saturn 23/02/1985 Bhramri 10/07/1975
Month Bhadra Yunja Antya Mercury 01/06/1987 Bhadrika 09/07/1980
Paksh Shukla HansakfTatva) Vayu Ketu 07/05/1988 Ulka 10/07/1986
Tithl at Sunrise., 12 Name Alphabet Saa-Samir Venus 06/01/1991 Sidha 10/07/1993
Nakshatra Satabhlsha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Sun 25/10/1991 Sankta 10/07/2001
Yoga Shod Copper-Copper Moon 23/02/1993 Mangla 10/07/2002
Karan Taitila Haa Mars Mars 30/01/1994 Pingla 09/07/2004

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 7:31:04 Mer Sun Ket Jup Asc Leo 3:18:04 Sun Ket Sun Jup
Mon Aqu 12:02:08 Sat Rah Sat Rah 2 Leo 29:17:32 Sun Sun Rah Rah
Mar Sag 8:27:54 Jup Ket Jup Ven 3 Vir 29:03:37 Mer Mar Sat Sun
Mer -R Vir 18:34:13 Mer Mon Mer Mon 4 Sco 1:14:53 Mar Jup Mar Sun
Jup Vir 19:47:31 Mer Mon Ket Ven 5 Sag 3:28:10 Jup Ket Sun Mer
Ven Leo 7:46:11 Sun Ket Jup Jup 6 Cap 4:16:27 Sat Sun Sat Mon
Sat -R Ari 14:48:42 Mar Ven Ven Sat 7 Aqu 3:18:04 Sat Mar Ven Mon
Rah Aqu 28:05:00 Sat Jup Ven Sat 8 Aqu 29:17:32 Sat Jup Sun Mer
Ket Leo 28:05:00 Sun Sun Mon Mer 9 Pis 29:03:37 Jup Mer Sat Sun
Ura Vir 10:59:36 Mer Mon Mon Ven 10 Tau 1:14:53 Ven Sun Jup Jup
Nep SCO 3:21:18 Mar Sat Sat Sat 11 Gem 3:28:10 Mer Mar Ven Rah
Plu Vir 1:58:34 Mer Sun Jup Mer 12 Can 4:16:27 Mon Sat Sat Ven

irtuna: Capricorn 7:49:08 Navafnsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal JUp N 5 S

a^er/ \
Plu 10 Mon
JapUra Piu/ \ Jup Ura Plu/\ /
N$un6Mer/ 5 XSunSMer/ * \ / Sat

\ / 4
\ / 12r N'ep/6
7y Ven Ket V3 OX Ven Ket X3

Nep 8 Nep 6

MarOX Monll Rah V1 Sat Mar aYMon 11 RahYl2Sat Ke28.

Ao\ /\2\ 64-
/ 10 \ / ll\ 229* 3 Mon
/ \ / \ pF
Jusd1 Sua9 ■w
Urn; 1 \ Piu
bI 329' Meist-
Horoscope No.26
15/05/1957 Time 01:20:00 Day Wednesday Piace Hardoi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
at 27:23:00 North Long 80:06:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr-0:09:36

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

S/derjalTime .:16:39:31 Hrs Gan Deva Saturn: 6Y11M 10D Bhramri : 1Y 5M 160
Eq.of time :Q:03:44 Hrs Yoni Mrig Ketu
Sunrise :5:23:26 Hrs Nadi Madhya 25/04/1981 15/05/1957
Sunset : 18:46:48 Hrs Varan Vipra 25/04/1988 31/10/1990
Sam vat : 2014 Vashya Keetak Ketu 21/09/1981 Shramri 31/10/1958
Saka • 1879 Varga Sarp Venus 21/11/1982 Bhadrika 31/1Qrt963
Month Yunja Madhya Sun 29/03/1983 Ulka 30/10/1969
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Moon 28/10/1983 Sidha 30/10/1976
Tithl at Sunrise..: 1 Name Alphabet Noo-Nriharl Mars 25/03/1984 Sankta 30/10/1984
Nakshatra : Anuradha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Rah u 13/04/1985 Mangla 30/10/1985
Yoga : Parigh Copper-Copper Jupiter 20/03/1986 Pingfa 31/10/1987
Karan : Kaulava Hora Saturn Saturn 29/04/1987 Dhanya 31/10/1990

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Tau 0:43:36 Ven Sun Rah Ven Asc Aqu 9:18:27 Sat Rah Jup Mer
Man Sco 11:47:31 Mar Sat Mon Mer 2 Pis 19:37.21 Jup Mer Ven Ven
Mar Gem 13:23:20 Mer Rah Mer Mon 3 Ari 22:16:37 Mar Ven Sat Mer
Mer -R Ari 17:38:56 Mar Ven Mar Sat 4 Tau 18:25.28 Ven Mon Mer Ven
Jup -R Leo 28:51:50 Sun Sun Mar Mer 5 Gem 12:07:01 Mer Rah Sat Rah
Ven Tau 8:40:28 Ven Sun Ven Rah 6 Can 7:24:35 Mon Sat Ket Ven
Sat -R Scq 19:18:59 Mar Mer Ket Mar 7 Leo 9:18:27 Sun Ket Jup Rah
Rah Lib 26:37:50 Ven Jup Ven Ven 8 Vir 19:37:21 Mer Man Mer Sat
Ket Ari 26:37:50 Mar Ven Ket Mer 9 lib 22:16:37 Ven Jup Sat Mer
Ura Can 10:23:10 Mon Sat Sun Mon 10 Sco 18:25:28 Mar Mer Mer Sat
Nep -R Lib 7:37:24 Ven Rah Rah Mer 11 Sag 12:07:01 Jup Ket Mer Ven
Plu Leo 4:55:46 Sun Ket Mar Rah 12 Cap 7:24:35 Sat Sun Ket Rah

Fortuna: Leo 20:22:22 Navamsa Chart

\ Sun X n. Ket X
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
8 /
NjoX Nv / Ufa
MarH^Xjup 9 SatjX?
Mer Su !■ . Meta* Sur / \ Nep / \Mon
Ket Ve 32?' Ves-
Ke27- 4ifl* Van 12 6 Mar
\ Mer
Ket\l2 / 3u\ 12. X\ 3 xv\
1 11 Ven
X X9 Rah PluXv yX N.
\ / \ Ket / ^
{Sun 2 Van X Set 8 Mon 7 X 8 Sat 1 Rah Ura/ X
/\ A Pis-
\ / 7e'
\ /Mon 4V/UP 2 ^^V^Ven
\/ \/Rah
Mar 35 PluV/ . Mar 3 5
/a\ /sXNep Jup / SxRah
Ura Plu y / Nap \
SaiQ0 Ra27o Mer X X X X Sun
6 8
lOia* 922- Xx Xx10
Sat Ne Ru\A 7 X. y gX. Set
Mon Ra Mo 12' Ne8' XVlon MarX. / NJep KatX
Mars in 5th and Marital Maladies 663

Illustration No. 20.7(Horoscope No26):

The native was born when Aquarius ascendant was rising withMars in the 5th
house. The 2nd lord Jupiter is placed in the 7th house and lends its aspect over the
Sthlord Mercury, the lagna and the 11 th house of its own. She is unmarried so far.
Saturn aspects the 7th house and Mars aspects the 8th house. There is opposition
of Moonand Saturn with Sun and Venus.This has given rise to denial of marriage.
Apart from other combinations, the placement of Mars in the 5th house is
responsible for the denial of marital happiness.
Horoscope No.86
26/08/1961 Time 22:42:00 Day Saturday Place Calcutta Sri Sanalan Ayanamsa 23
22:30.00 North Long 88:20:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:23:20

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yogini

SiderialTime ,:21:24:11 His Gan j Rakshas Rahu:2Y1M23D Dhanya :0Y4M8D
Eq.of time 0:01:52 His Yoni : Ashwa Jupiter
Sunrise ,.:5:18:30 His Nadi : Ac^ra 20/10/1963 26/08/1961
Sunset .:17:58:12 Hrs Varan : Shoodra 20/10/1979 04/01/1995
Sam vat 2018 Vashya : Manav Jupiter 07/12/1965 Dhanya 04/01/1962
Saka .: 1883 Varga : Mesha Saturn 19/06/1968 Bhramri 04/01/1966
Month Sravana Yunja Antya Mercury 25/09/1970 Bhadrika 04/01/1971
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Ketu 01/09/1971 Ulka 04/01/1977
Tithi at Sunrise., 15-Pumima Name Alphabet Soo-SooraJ Venus 02/05/1974 Sidha 05/01/1984
Nakshatra Satabhisha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Sun 18/02/1975 Sankta 05/01/1992
Yoga Sukarma Copper-Copper Moon 19/06/1976 Mangla 04/01/1993
Karan Kaulava Hora Mars 26/05/1977 Pingla 04/01/1995

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 10:08:55 Sun Ket Sat Ven Asc Tau 9:01:25 Ven Sun Ven Jup
Mon Aqu 18:24:34 Sat Rah Mon Rah 2 Gem 5:02:53 Mer Mar Sun Rah
Mar Vir 13:07:27 Mer Mon Rah Ket 3 Gem 29:20:03 Mer Jup Sun Ven
Mer Lee 21:31:08 Sun Ven Jup Mar 4 Can 25:32:59 Men Mer Rah Ven
Jup Cap 5:29:19 Sat Sun Mer Kel 5 Leo 26:34:32 Sun Ven Ket Mer
Ven Can 3:33:03 Men Sat Sat Sat 6 Lib 2:37:59 Ven Mar Ket Mer
Sat -R Cap 0:59:12 Sat Sun Rah Mon 7 Sco 9:01:25 Mar Sat Ven Rah
Rah -R Leo 4:14:42 Sun Ket Mon Sat 8 Sag 5:02:53 Jup Ket Mar Sat
Ket -R Aqu 4:14:42 Sat Mar Ven Sat 9 Sag 29:20:03 Jup Sun Rah Rah
Ura Leo 3:32:45 Sun Ket Sun Ket 10 Cap 25:32:59 Sat Mar Rah Ven
Nep Lib 15:50:37 Ven Rah Ven Mon It Aqu 26:34:32 Sat Jup Ven Ven
Plu Leo 14:37:52 Sun Ven Ven Jup 12 Ari 2:37:59 Mar Ket Ven Mer

Fortuna; Scorpio 17;17;05 Navamsa Chart

X~Mar "/x^Nep Jup/
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
|Ura \ 1 / \11/
2 X Mon 12 X10 Sa!

Sun 4/\^ 6 ^ef

\3 x Ve4
\ / \ /
Ven XX 2 Ven 3 X 2 X11 /ven PluV y' Mer n.

X RaUra\. / \ / RaUra \ / \ Dasamsa

{ Sun 5 Mer X Ket IIMoiX Sun 4 Mer\(^Ket lOMon V / \, Ket Mer y
\ Plu X \ / \ Plu / \ / \ 2o X \ Nep X
\ X \12X
\ / \ / Jup 3XVen 1 XII
Mar 6 V 8 Mar SY
jus* ,vld[ i
y\ 8 y9
/gNSat Sai° X/ 7\
7 / gXSat
X \
/ Nep \ / \ 929° / Nep
. ✓
Mon 5X 7 X9 Plu
X 6 N. Jyp S o \ '
79* 63" yRah Urax X ^ \ ,
XSal Mar XX Sljn X
Mars in 5th and Marital Maladies 665

Illustration No. 20.8 (Horoscope No.86) :

This is the birth chart of an extremely beautiful and charming female who was
born when Taurus ascendant was rising. She got married at an appropriate age
with an IIT topper Engineer. Mars is placed in the 5th house in Virgo. There is no
planet in this birth chart which indicates unhappy married life to the native. Even
then she sufferedgreat miseriess of her marital life.The husband used to take drugs
like Smack and has lost his potency. She could not get the happiness of conjugal
life even once after her marriage. She kept on weeping inside the room but did
not make any complaint to any member of the family. Everyone was thinking that
she is leading a happy married life. Few years passed after marriage without any
kind physical relationship.Once it was exposed due to an unavoidable discussion
and conflictinthe family. Her parents-in-law made sincere effortsforthe treatment
of her husband but could not get success. She remained separated from her
husband for many years due to this reason. She is still in tears inside as all her
dreams have shattered. Her husband is unable to give any kind of physical
enjoyments to her which pertain to marital happiness. On the contrary hebehaves
harshly with her and does not co-operate with her at all. The husband lost his job
due to his indulgence into drugs. Thereafterhe started the business of computers
in partnership. That was also running into great losses. Finally he was turned out
fromthe business also. She is now earning a meagre amount to maintain her family
any how. She has not been blessed with any child even after 12 years of marriage
nor she can have it in the near future. This tragedy has been caused by the
placement of Mars in the 5th house.
666 Predi cting Marriage

Illustration No. 20.9 (Horoscope N0.184) :

The native was born when Taurus ascendant was rising with Mars and
Mercury in the 5th house. Venus, Saturn in 6th and Rahu is placed in the 7th
house. Jupiter is placed in the 4th house and aspects the 8th house of its own.
The lagna lord Venus is posited in the 6th house alongwith Yoga Karaka Saturn.
The combination of 6th & 7th house resulted into problems and delay in her
marriage. Placement of Mars in the 5th house resulted into birth of two daughters
as well as a serious car accident, in which the husband lost his one eye and was
injured seriously. The Jaap of Mahamritunjai was going on at the time of accident
which saved the life of her husband at that time. Later her husband suffered a
serious heart attack. The aspect of Mars over the 8th house played a great disaster
when she suffered greatly the loss of her husband in October 1996 owing to a
massive heart attack.
Horoscope No.184
ate 23/10/1955 Time 20:34:00 Day Sunday Place Mampuri Sri Sanatan AyanamSa 22:58:4
.at 27:14:00 North Long 79:01:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time CoiT -0:13:56

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time 22:25:05 Hrs Gan Manushya Sun : 3Y 3M 10 Sankta :4Y4M1D
Eq.of time 0:15:32 Hrs Yoni Nakul Jupiter
Sunrise 6:19:11 Hrs Nadi Antya 23/01/1994 24/02/1988
Sunset 17:37:24 Hrs Varan Vaishya 23/01/2010 24/02/2024
Samvat 2012 Vashya Jalchar Jupiter 13/03/1996 Sankta 24/02/1996
Saka 1877 Varga Mooshak Saturn 24/09/1998 Mangla 23/02/1997
Month Asvina Yunja Antya Mercury 30/12/2000 Pingla 24/02/1999
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Bhoomi Ketu 06/12/2001 Dhanya 23/02/2002
Tithi at Sunrise. : 7 Name Alphabet Bho-Bhomik Venus 06/08/2004 Bhramri 23/02/2006
Nakshatra Uttarasadha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Silver-Copper Sun 25/05/2005 Bhadrika 24/02/2011
Yoga Dhrati Hora Sun Moon 24/09/2005 Ulka 23/02/2017
Karan Vishti Chaugharia..... Anruil Mars 31/08/2007 Sidha 24/02/2024

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 6:27:13 Ven Mar Mon Ven Asc Tau 26:50:14 Ven Mar Jup Mer
Mon Cap 2:46:12 Sat Sun Jup Rah 2 Gem 20:26:50 Mer Jup Jup Sat
Mar Vir 13:31:47 Mer Mon Rah Sun 3 Can 14:11:19 Mon Sat Rah Ven
Mer Vir 20:14:40 Mer Mon Ket Sat 4 Leo 11:24;59 Sun Ket Sat Jup
Jup Leo 3:59:41 Sun Ket Mon Jup 5 Vir 14:23:40 Mer Mon Jup Sat
Ven Lib 20:14:26 Ven Jup Jup Sat 6 Lib 21:28:41 Ven Jup Jup Mar
Sat Lib 27:57:59 Ven Jup Ven Jup 7 Sco 26:50:14 Mar Mer Jup Mer
Rah -S Sco 25:33:56 Mar Mer Rah Ven 8 Sag 20:26:50 Jup Ven Jup Sat
Ket -S Tau 25:33:56 Ven Mar Rah Ven 9 Cap 14:11:19 Sat Mon Jup Sat
Ura Can 9:14:37 Mon Sat Ven Jup 10 Aqu 11:24:59 Sat Rah Sat Ven
Nep Lib 5:03:14 Ven Mar Sun Rah 11 Pis 14:23:40 Jup Sat Rah Ven
Plu Leo 5:16.09 Sun Ket Mar Mer 12 Ah 21:28:41 Mar Ven Jup Mon
: Leo 23:09:13 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

Nep /
S X Ura 6
Ke26v Sun X\

3 5a
1221 127 i X. yi
X ■ N. /"^piu|
12 xCa Jup
\3 / \i / lira Plu\3 \ X 1 \ Mar1
Ura 4 X Ket 2 X 12 Xv yX V0n N.
Jup 5 Plu Mar 5
nn Nep V7 XJup KetX 5 X
Ncp SXMon 6 MarX4 Sat
" Sun MerX X Plu X X
Mon 1 M03a \/en Sun 9 3 Ura
/Ven Sun\ /
Saw 62i 10 X. 12 X2
Nep Sat Ve20o Su^ /11 \ Ran 1 >
Rah Ven Sun ■ i Nes* \v S Ven
Horoscope No.185
ate 18/06/1964 Time 20:55:00 Day Thursday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarl Yogini

Siderial Time 14:36:11 Hrs Gan. - Rakshas Mars:6Y8M 8D Mangla : 0Y 11M 14D
Eq.oftime - 0:00:59 Hrs Yoni. : Vyaghra Jupiter
Sunrise 5:14:11 Hrs Nadi i htedhya 25/02/1989 18/06/1964
Sunset 19:00:49 Hrs Varan : Vaishya 25/02/2005 02/06/2000
Samvat 2021 Vashya : Manav Jupiter 15/04/1991 Mangla 02/06/1965
Saka : 1886 Varga —^ Mooshak Saturn 27/10/1993 Pingla 03/06/1967
Month Jyestha Yunja ^ Madhya Mercury 01/02/1996 Dhanya 03/06/1970
Paksh Shukla Hansak{Talva) Bhooml Ketu 07/01/1997 Shramri 03/06/1974
Tithi at Sunrise. 9 Name Alphabet Pay-Prerak Venus 08/09/1999 Bhadrika 03/06/1979
Nakshatra : Chitra Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Iron Sun 27/06/2000 Ulka 02/06/1985
Yoga Variyan Hora : Mars Moon 27/10/2001 Sidha 02/06/1992
Karan Taitila Chaugharia Char Mars 02/10/2002 Sankta 02/06/2000

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Gem 4:17:40 Mer Mar Ven Sat Asc Cap 2:46:36 Sat Sun Jup Rah
Mon Vir 23:55:33 Mer Mar Mar Ven 2 Aqu 10:34:12 Sat Rah Sat Sat
Mar Tau 7:43:26 Ven Sun Ket Mer 3 Pis 17:31:14 Jup Mer Mer Mon
Mer Tau 23:54:59 Ven Mar Mar Ven 4 Ari 18:23.04 Mar Ven Rah Rah
Jup Ari 22:24.56 Mar Ven Sat Mer 5 Tau 13:56:44 Ven Mon Jup Jup
Ven -R Gem 6:21:16 Mer Mar Mon Mer 6 Gem 7:27:06 Mer Rah Rah Sat
Sat -R Aqu 11:55:44 Sat Rah Sat Mar 7 Can 2:46:36 Mon Jup Rah Ven
Rah -R Gem 8:56:07 Mer Rah Jup Sal 8 Leo 10:34:12 Sun Ket Sal Mon
Ket -R Saq 8:56:07 Jup Ket Jup Mon 9 Vir 17:31:14 Mer Mon Sal Jup
Ura Leo 13:23:16 Sun Ven Ven Ven 10 Lib 18:23:04 Ven Rah Mon Rah
Nep -R Lib 22.20:13 Ven Jup Sat Mer 11 Sco 13:56:44 Mar Sat Rah Mer
Plu Leo 18:40:22 Sun Ven Rah Jup 12 Sag 7:27:06 Jup Ket Rah Mar
una; Aries 22:24:29 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal \ X x Rah X

I ^\11X//^ ^\9/9/Ven
Marl2^XSat 10 xf
Jup Mar Maao X n. X Sun
Mer 418° 514"
JII22- Me24' Nap 1 7 Jup

2X 4

X Kal N^XMar Mon n

Jup 1 Mar 1 Jup 7 Nep X X\Ven Marx
N. 7 yX N. RahyX
Mar\ / Ven\, Jup eSX Sun
X MerZY "VeMon
Mer/3\ 13" Sury^ 3 5
/ Rah\ / \ Mon 9 Ura
/ Sun Ven / Rah Plu Ura\

10 X. 12 X ^
/ 1l\. Mar 1 xNep
Ket PluX x
Mars in 5th and Marital Maladies 669

Illustration No. 20.10 (Horoscope No.185) :

She was born when Capricorn ascendant was rising. The Mars is the lord
of the 4th and 11th house and joins the 5th house in association with 6th and
9th lord Mercuiy. Here the lords of the 4th and 9th houses Mars and Mercury
are conjoined in the 5th house. This is an auspicious relationship of the lords
of the angle and triangle. The retrograde Satum joins the 2nd house in own
sign Aquarius. Jupiter, Saturn and Mars lend their aspect over the 8th house.
Jupiter tries to save her marital bliss whereas the aspect of Mars and Satum
are tending to damage the same. She got married on 26-4-1982 with and
extremely handsome, tall, smart and noble life partner. The husband suffered
from heart trouble number of times. Ultimately she suffered widowhood on
6-8-1993 when her husband received a massive heart attack. The span of her
marital life was cut short only for 11 years. There is no sign of widowhood
in this horoscope, if we do not consider a heavy Kuja Dosh by the placement
of Mars in the 5th house. The lord of the 7th house Moon also falls in the 9th
house i.e. the house of fortune. There is no malefic aspect over the 7th house.
Even then she suffered loss of her husband at an early age of 29 years. She
was extremely religious, loyal and obedient to all members in the family. But
the placement of Mars in the 5th house did play its disastrous role in spoiling
her conjugal bliss at an early age.
Horoscope No.186
t€ 02/06/1969 Time 10:00:00 Day Monday Place Mainpuri Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:1
at 27:14:00 North Long 79:01 ;00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:13:56

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime 2:27:57 Hrs Gan Rakshas Ketu :0Y11M 19D Ulka : 0Y 9M 29D
Eq.oftime 0:02:09 Hrs Yoni. Shwan Moon
Sunrise 5:20:51 Hrs Nadi Adya 21/05/1996 02/06/1969
Sunset 19:03:05 Mrs Varan Kshatriya 22/05/2006 01/04/2000
Samvat 2026 Vashya Wanav Moon 22/03/1997 Ulka 01/04/1970
Saka 1891 Varga Mooshak Mars 21/10/1997 Sidha 01/04/1977
Month Asadha Yunja Antya Rahu 22/04/1999 Senkte 01/04/1985
Paksh Krishna HansakfTatva) Agni Jupiter 21/08/2000 Mangla 01/04/1986
Tithi at Sunrise.. 2 Name Alphabet Bhee-Bheema Saturn 22/03/2002 Pingla 01/04/1988
Nakshatra Moola P3y3(R3si-Nak) Gold-Copper Mercury 21/08/2003 Dhanya 02/04/1991
Yoga Shuhh Hora Sun Ketu 22/03/2004 Bhramri 02/04/1995
Karan Gara Chaugharia Shubh Venus 20/11/2005 Bhadhka 01/04/2000

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Degree House Rasi Degree R-L N-L

Tau 18:17.33 Asc Can 20:17:01 Mon Mer Ven Rah
Saq 11:29:15 2 Leo 15:06:15 Sun Ven Ven Sat
R Sco 16:18:49 13:54:56 Mer Mon Jup Jup
■R Tau 12:37:11 16:13:02 Ven Reh Ven Reh
Vir 3:04:46 19:20:45 Mar Mer Ven Ven
Ari 3:34:52 20:53:56 Jup Ven Jup Ket
Ari 10:48:44 20:17:01 Sat Mon KetSat
R Pis 3:57:00 15:06:15 Sat Rah Ket Sat
R Vir 3:57:00 13:54:56 Jup Sat Reh Mer
R Vir 6:42:38 10 Ari 16:13:02 Mar Ven Sun Ven
R Sco 3:46:53 11 Tau 19:20:45 Ven Mon Mer Jup
S Leo 29:14:21 12 Gem 20:53:56 Mer Jup Jup Ven

Fortuna: Aquarius 13;28;43 Navamsa Chart

X Ket / \ PI"
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
\l1 / N. 9 /
Ura 12XJup 10 X8
Ven Sun Ve^* Meia*
Sat Mer San' Suis'
I 1016° 1119'
Ket Ju
Rah |\ Piu R8i-|\
Ka P
XUraPlu/ Ver 4 Sa^Xe
Jup\5 \3 /Mer
Ket 6 V X2 "Sun yX^ep
Ura/ X / \Sun
Sat 1 Ven . 'Mar 7 Nep X Mer 1 Sun^.
\ X \ Nep X1
n. 7 yX X. 5 ysun
8\X 6
Mar\ / \ / \ / ven 215- yX >X Xv ura
8 10 MonSY 10 Xl2
Nep/ g\ /9 /ll\^at P\2? Mar 9 Rah XX Ket 3 Jup/
/ \ / Rah \
>, y X^ /X yX p]u
519° 12 y\2 van
Nep Maie- 415- X H \ Man / iX^Mer
Mar || Nc*
Mars in 5lh and Marital Maladies 671

Illustration No. 20.11 (Horoscope No.186) :

She is born in Cancer Ascendant where Mars is a Yoga Karaka planet and
falls in the 5th house in own sign Scorpio. The 7th lord Saturn also aspects
its own 7th house. Mars obtains vargottam navamsa and receives the aspect
of Sun and Mercury. There is no affliction of the 7th house or its lord Saturn.
On the contrary, benefic Jupiter aspects the 7th house, 11th house and the
2nd lord Sun. However the aspect of Mercury as the 12th and 3rd lord over
the 5th house and Mars is damaging. She got married during the sub period
of Mercury in the major period of 2nd lord Sun on 24-6-1994. The husband
died on 4-11-1994 in a road accident in the same dasa bhukti. The widowhood
of the native can not be explained, if we overlook the presence of Mars in the
5th house. The 8th house indicates longevity of married life and partner. The
aspect of the 7th lord Saturn over the 7th house and the aspect of the 9th and
6th lord Jupiter over the 7th house can never cause loss of husband. It is
therefore the presence of Mars in the 5th house which crushed all happiness
of her life.
Horoscope No.171
5/08/1970 Time 02:53:56 Day Saturday Place Azamgarh Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:1
Lat 26:03:00 North Long B3".10i00 East Zone 82:30.00 East Time Corr 0:02:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Side rial Time 0:28:07 Hrs Gan. Manushya Sun : 5Y11M 10D Sankta :7Y11M3D
Eq.of time - 0:04.43 Hrs Yoni Nakut Rahu
Sunrise 5:30:25 Hrs Nadi Antya 25/07/1993 15/08/1970
Sunset 18:33:16 Hrs Varan. Kshatriya 26/07/2011 19/07/2006
Samvat 2027 Vashya .Manav Rahu 06/04/1996 Sankta 19/07/1978
Saka 1892 Varga Mooshak Jupiter 31A)8/1998 Mangla 19/07/1979
Month Sravana Yunja Anlya Saturn 07/07/2001 Fingla 18/07/1981
Paksh Shukla HansakfTatva) Agni Mercury 24/01/2004 Dhanya 16/07/1984
Tithi at Sunrise.. 12 Name Alphabet Bhay-Bhairav Ketu 11/02/2005 Bhramri 18^)7/1988
Nakshatra Uttarasadha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Venus 12/02/2008 Bhadrika 18/07/1993
Yoga Priti Copper-Copper Sun 05/01/2009 Ulka 19/07/1999
Karan Kaulava Hora .4 Venus Moon 07/07/2010 Sidha 19/07/2006

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Degree House Rasi Degree R-L N-L
Can 28:28:10 Asc Gem 23:59:19 Mer Jup Mer Mer
Sag 26:47:23 2 Can 17:20:18 Mon Mer Mer Ven
Can 24:30:39 13:35:27 Sun Ven Ven Ven
Leo 25:47:26 14:28:03 Mer Mon Jup Mer
Lib 6:41:49 18:52:26 Ven Rah Mon Mer
Vir 13:43:28 22:54:43 Mar Mer Mon Mer
Ari 29:03:22 23:59:19 Jup Ven Sat Jup
■R Aqu 9:40:26 17:20:18 Sat Mon Sat Rah
■R Leo 9:40:26 13:35:27 Sat Rah Mer Mar
Vir 13:08:42 14:28:03 Jup Sat Rah Ven
Sco 4:56:31 18:52:26 Mar Ven Rah Sat
Vir 2:44:00 22:54:43 Ven Mon Sun Jup
Fortuna : Scorpio 22:18:31 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

Nep 5
Sun Mar Sun Mar
Urav BX 3 X10 Plu
2 / Sun X 7X
/ X Mer
Mer/Rah Sal\
/l Sat Mar
gi4. Mer XX Mon Jup \
Raio- Plv/ Dasamsa
Ven 6 Ura Jup 5 yX XJup Sun\y
\ Plu / \ / \9/Kel
12 X Sat 10 X8
Jup 7aX 9 X \ X X Mar
y 6 Mon Mon //10N
/ Nep \ > \ / Rah
623' Rah \ XX Venj
519° P.X yXXX
Nep Jup Nes- JU7" Nep MonX
Mars in 5th and Marital Maladies 673

Illustration No. 20.12 (Horoscope No.171) ;

Presence of Mars and Ketu in the 5th house can be noted. Retrograde
Saturn aspects 7th house which has restricted her marriage till early 1999.
She has suffered a lot at emotional level and that too from a very young age
of 12 years. She became the prey of her father's lust. She is a very attractive,
intelligent and loving girl who regarded her father like almighty. Her father
used her innocence to fulfil his lust by using sharp weapon of his mind so
that she may not think of her marriage. She is still in great trouble.
674 Predicting Marriage

Illustration No. 20.13 (Horoscope No.187) :

She was born in Leo ascendant with placement of Yogakaraka Mars in the
5th house. She was an extremely charming female of a high family. She was
chosen out of more than hundred girls at the time of selection of life partner by
her husband. Presence of Jupiter in the seventh house was highly appreciated
by so called Pandits at the time of matching of their horoscope. However we do
not consider Jupiter very auspicious in the 7th house as explained earlier in
detail. She got married on 5-10-1973 with a Pilot Officer of Indian Airforce
when she was running under Rahu-Jupiter period. Her husband expired on 2-
3-1978 in a plane crash during Rahu-Mercury dasa-bhukti. Her parents
compelled her for remarriage which took place on 29-9-1979. She has been
blessed with two sons, one from each husband.

Now, see the position of Mars in the 5th house which resulted into
widowhood, after 4 years of her marriage. Presence of Rahu in the 8th house
with a mutual aspect with 6th and 7th lord Saturn is also damaging. Thus the
8th house receives the aspect of Mars, 12th lord Moon, 6th and 7th lord Saturn
besides placement of Rahu. This brought the disaster for which Mars in the 5th
house is most responsible.
Horoscope No.187
Jate D7/11/1950 Time 01:41:00 Day Tuesday Place Delhi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:54:36
Lat 28:39:00 North Long 77:13:00 Easl Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:21:08

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime .:4:21:45Hrs Gan. Manushya Sun : 1Y0M16D Sidha : 1Y2M 18D
Eq.of time :a:16:23 Hrs Yoni Gau Rahu
Sunrise :6:37:47 Hrs Nadi Adya 22/11/1968 07/11/1950
Sunset :17:31:34 Hrs Varan. Vaishya 23/11/1986 25/01/1981
Samvat : 2007 Vashya Manav Rahu 05/08/1971 Sidha 26/01/1952
Saka : 1872 Varga Mooshak Jupiter 29/12/1973 Sankta 26/01/1960
Month : Kartika Yunja Madhya Saturn 04/11/1976 Mangla 25/01/1961
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Bhocmt Mercury 24/05/1979 Pingla 25/01/1963
Tithi at Sunrise..: 11 Name Alphabet Pes-Peeyusb Ketu 11/06/1980 Dhanya 25/01/1966
Nakshatra : U Phalguni Paya(Rasi-Nak) Silver-Silver Venus 12/06/1983 Bhramri 25/01/1970
Yoga : Vaidhriti Hora Venus Sun 05/05/1984 Bhadrika 25/01/1975
Karan : Kaulava Udvega Moon 04/11/1985 Ulka 25/01/1981

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 20:56:13 Ven Jup Jup Ven Asc Leo 15:31:28 Sun Ven Ven Ket
Mon Vir 7:40:45 Mer Sun Ket Mer 2 Vir 12:12:21 Mer Mon Rah Jup
Mar Sag 7:30:44 Jup Ket Rah Mar 3 Lib 12:20:56 Ven Rah Sat Jup
Mer Lib 24:03:47 Ven Jup Mer Mer 4 Sco 14:20:26 Mar Sat Rah Ven
Jup Aqu 4:59:16 Sat Mar Sun Mar 5 Sag 16:13:11 Jup Ven Sun Ven
Van Lib 19:08:42 Ven Rah Mon Ven 6 Cap 16:49:31 Sat Mon Sat Sun
Sat Vir 5:48:30 Mer Sun Mer Sun 7 Aqu 15:31:28 Sat Rah Ven Ven
Rah -R Pis 4:37:11 Jup Sat Sat Mon 8 Pis 12:12:21 Jup Sat Mar Rah
Ket -R Vir 4:37:11 Mer Sun Sat Rah 9 Ah 12:20:56 Mar Ket Mer Mon
Ura -R Gem 16:22:14 Mer Rah Ven Jup ID Tau 14:20:26 Ven Mon Jup Sat
Nep Vir 25:09:31 Mer Mar Rah Mer 11 Gem 16:13:11 Mer Rah Ven Rah
Plu Can 26:53:49 Mon Mer Jup Ket 12 Can 16:49:31 Mon Mer Mer Mer

Fortuna: Cancer 2:16:00 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

3 Mar

jup a 2 Mer
\$at Men Plu / \ Nep / \ Plli /
NKeNep/ 9XSat 11
KatXl Sun;
Sun \ e/ 4 Sun\ 6 / \. 4 /
\ / MQn 5
Mer7V 5 V3 Ura M5r7\^ Sat\(^3 Ura / X/Van Mon\
Van/ N. 7^* Yen/ \ Kel / \
//\ Dasamsa
' fl v 2 p J"5' YA, 0 \/
Mar 8X2, o \ pt2r
\. Mar Rah /
Jup 12Nep 10 xf8
V 11
Jup /l2\ Sun 1 Van
4 X6
Mon / 5 n
Mar Sat
676 Predicting Micirri age

Illustration No. 20.14(Horoscope No.188) :

She is the daughter of a great lady who is at present working as a Professor of

English in University. Her life had been a symbol of tragedies and miseries. The
mother of the native also has Mars in the 5th house in the sign of exaltation
whose horoscope has been dealt first of all in this study. Many negative things
were told to her about the marriage of her daughter which we are discussing
here. She did not want to believe all that, but came astonishingly true within
two years. This girl was working in Delhi. She was deeply involved with her
employer who was father of many children and was twelve years elder to her. It
became impossible for her to live without that person and she started living
with him in the capacity of second woman. The real wife denied taking divorce.
Even then she got married with that person secretly. She is now facing many
problems like defamation, depression, distress,humiliation and disappointment,
as her so called life partner is now not doing upto her expectations as promised
by him. Combination of Mars and Venus in the 5th house involved her with a
married man and spoiled her life. Combination of Mars and Venus is under
mutual aspect with Saturn. Both first rate malefics Mars and Saturn aspect the
8th house doing a great damage to all the dreams of her happy married life.

Our humble observations in respect of the placement of Mars in the 5th

house, in the horoscope of a female can be summed as under ;

1.This should be treated as Kuja Dosh and should be taken into

consideration while matching the horoscope for the purpose of marriage,
to maintain happiness of married life.

2. The position of Mars in the 5th house may result into untimely death
of the life partner, comparatively at an young age. This may also result into
accident, physical harm, injury, serious operation etc. to the life partner.
Heart trouble or brain haemorrhage can also not be ruled out if Mars is
afflicted, provided the 8th house is afflicted by the placement or aspect of
evil planets.

3. Such placement of Mars may result into separation of the life partner
soon after marriage due to serious difference of opinion and dis-satisfaction
over various aspects of life.

*4, Marital bliss may be denied to her completely due to one reason or the
5. She may be deceived by number of persons due to falling in love with

6. The life partner may start liking other female and may even marry
with her by rejecting his wife if Mars joins the 5th house in her horoscope
under affliction, and there is no support to the same in the birth chart of
her husband. She may be discarded and rejected by her spouse due to one
reason or the other and may lead a very miserable life thereafter.
Horoscope No. 188
22/12/1970 Time 18:30:00 Day Tuesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:1
-at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglnl

SiderialTlme . 0:26:16 Hrs Gan Rakshas Mars: 5Y11M 19D Mangla ; OY 10M 70
Eq.of time 0:01:37 Hrs Yoni Vyaghra Jupiter
Sunrise 6:52:42 Hrs Nadi Madhya 11/12/1994 22/12/1970
Sunset 17:16:53 Hrs Varan Vaishya 11/12/2010 30/10/2006
Semvat 2027 Vashya Manav Jupiter 29/01/1997 Mangla 30/10/1971
Saka 1892 Varga Mooshak Saturn 12/08/1999 Pingla 29/1071973
Month Pausa Yunja Madhya Mercury 17/11/2001 Dhanya 29/10/1976
Paksh Krishna HansakfTatva) Bhooml Ketu 24/10/2002 Bhramri 29/10/1980
Tithi at Sunrise.. 9 Name Alphabet Pay-Prerak Venus 24/06/2005 Bhadrika 29/10/1985
Nakshatra Chltra Paya(Rasi-Nak) Iron-Iron Sun 12/04/2006 Ulka 30/10/1991
Yoga , Shobhan Hora Moon Moon 12/08/2007 Sidha 30/10/1998
Karan Vanij Chaugharia Kasl Mars 18/07/2008 Sankta 30/10/2006

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sag 7:04:48 Jup Ket Rah Ven Asc Gem 23:56:23 Mer Jup Mer Mer
Mon Vir 25:17:41 Mer Mar Rah Ket 2 Can 17:06:26 Mon Mer Mer Ven
Mar Lib 16:52:14 Ven Rah Ven Sat 3 Leo 13:10:45 Sun Ket Mer Sat
Mer -R Sag 19:52:30 Jup Ven Rah Mon 4 Vir 13:57:42 Mer Mon Jup Jup
Jup See 2:32:38 Mar Jup Rah Ket 5 Lib 18:28:18 Ven Rah Mon Jup
Ven Lib 24:31:45 Ven Jup Mer Ven 6 See 22:43:53 Mar Mer Mon Sat
Sat -R Ari 23:07:32 Mar Ven Sat Mon 7 Sag 23:56:23 Jup Ven Sat Jup
Rah -R Aqu 2:08:28 Sat Mar Ket Mon 8 Cap 17:06:26 Sat Mon Sat Mar
Ket -R Leo 2:08:28 Sun Ket Ven Jup g Aqu 13:10:45 Sat Rah Mer Ven
Ura Vir 20:02:19 Mer Mon Ket Rah 10 Pis 13:57:42 Jup Sat Rah Mer
Nep See 8:29:35 Mar Sat Ven Sun 11 Ari 18:28:18 Mar Ven Rah Jup
Plu Vir 6:29:08 Mer Sun Mer Jup 12 Tau 22:43:53 Ven Mon Sun Mon

Fortuna: Aries 12:09:16 Navamsa Chart

\ Sun
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
4 X Vert 2
JUp X Ny
Sa23' 1223 tyMon 5 JX 11 Plu

Mar\ /
6 8
/Sat Rah\ .

fMonS UreY / Mon 6 Mar \Sun RalX^ n. X^
\ Plu / \ X \ Ura / X / X Xr0
Mon 10
Mar\ / \ / 817' Ne
P\ Mar12X yv8
7YSuti 9 MerYvRah Ven 7 /\ / X Sal
Yfin/sX ZioNy Jup / B X
X-Jup Nep\ X \ / Sun Mer
Nep Ven Nea* 2/<vuP 4 p,lV\® NaP
JU3" " X 3 X. X^ 5\v
Jup Mar Mar VanX X^^ Kat X.
678 Predicting Marriage

7. She may receive a set back due to absence of physical pleasure and
may remain depressed on that accounts

8. Certain problems connected with children may also be there, like

the birth of only female children, miscarriages, still births, denial of
children, unhealthy children, operation and the like.

As far as our humble opinion is concerned, the placement of Mars in the 1st,
2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th and 12th houses for females should be considered to
cause Kuja Dosh in the birth chart, whereas the position of Mars in the 1st, 4th,
7th, and 12th should be attached with the importance of Kuja Dosh in the
horoscopes of males. Kuja Dosh will rise only ifthe 7th house receives the aspect
of Mars or Mars is placed there, in case of males. In the horoscope of females,
the influence of Mars either by the placement or aspect should be there over
the 7th or 8th house. We have studied a number of horoscopes of males where
Mars is placed in the 8th house and their wives are non Mangali but they are
leading a happy conjugal life. We find after the examination of hundreds of
horoscopes where Mars has joined the 5th house, in the horoscope of females,
disharmony of marital life had always been there due to one reason or the other,
but not in case of males, provided there is no cancellation of such kind of Kuja
Dosh in the horoscope of the husband. This kind of placement of Mars does
not create any Kuja Dosh for males. Any way this is a research oriented humble
observation and the readers may verify it after a thorough judgement of
horoscopes of females containing Mars in the 5th house.


Electing Time for Marriage

Astrology is a science which deals with the time, and the value of time is
inestimable. The time contains its own properties. The first substance of
time is of course energy generated by sidereal activity. Time can, therefore, be
explained to be the basic working power in Astrology. This is especially so in
Muhurta, as within the time selected for a particular object, all auspicious
vibrations have to be centered in such a way that energy generated would
nullify all the adverse and unfavourable factors and cancel the obstacles and
will ensure the success of the undertaking.
What is Muhurta ? How is it differentfrom horoscopy ? Is it superior to that
of horoscopic indications ? Can adversities of a birth chart be ruled out by an
auspicious Muhurta ? These are the important questions in respect of Muhurta
and we will surely try to find out the reality behind Muhurta.
Horoscope indicates how an individual will be receiving the results, of his
past life Karmas. Horoscope can Just indicate what good or bad is allotted to
the subject. Horoscopy is just like an information guide-book of one"s future
which can tell all that is in store and that he has brought with him. This is the
resultant of the total sum inherited by the past Karmas.
The horoscope indicates what is destined and when will the destiny change the
courses of life in differentfoldsor it will liberate us fromstruggles etc. Horoscopy
can just help us in reading out our future but Muhurta can help us in modifying
adversities. Many evils can be prevented by choosing an appropriate Muhurta.
Horoscope can point outthe evils but Muhurtacan prevent it. Therefore,Muhurta
is more useful aspect of astrology. Muhurta gives very valuable directions by
following which one can be able to remove, neutralise counteract or overcome
the adversities indicated in the horoscope. Horoscope is diagnostic whereas
680 Predicting Marriage

Muhurta is preventive, a cure or a remedy which rectifies the ills and odds and
finally modifies the future. Selection of an appropriate and auspicious Muhurta
for any important undertaking is like a beneficial prescription for the prevention
of negative occurrences and promotion of the positive aspects.
Late Dr. B.V.Raman, the most eminent astrologer and pride of our country,
has defined Muhurta as the precious moment when the vibrations radiated by
man are altered to a specific wavelength capable of entering resonance with the
radiations with the same vibratory rate, coming from other planets and stars.
The importance of Muhurta had always been free from any controversy. From
the ages, our kings, prime ministers, chief ministers etc. have sworn-in in the
precious and auspicious moment as advised by their astrologers. Those who
believe in astrology and even those who do not believe, mostly commence new
work, shop, house or any undertaking at the auspicious moment for obtaining
best and early success. Many adversities of marital life can be ruled out by
choosing a good time or electing an auspicious Muhurta for marriage.
Muhurta is a wide subject and it is out of scope of this work to explain the
general and special principles of Muhurta. The Moon has been assigned the
maximum importance in Muhurta Astrology. Moon rules our mental disposition,
actions, mood, happiness and sorrowful or depressing attitude and total human
psychology. The position of Moon in the election chart must be dignified. In
Hindu Astrology always take cognisance of the fact that contact is maintained
between Janam Nakshatra and with the name of the person, if Janam Nakshatra
is not known.
Certain important factors of Hindu Panchangas are also required to be
explained before entering into Muhurta.
The Panchanga consists five limbs or accessories which are (1) Tithi (Lunar
day; (2) Vara (Week day); (3) Nakshatra (Constellation); (4) Yoga (Luni Solar
Day); and (5) Karan (half a lunar day). These five limbs of Panchangas represent
the fivesources of ethereal energy of which some are visible and others invisible.
If properly secured these are said to conduce the health, wealth and prosperity.
In Muhurta the importance of a strong lagna is always there, ofcourse with the
strong Moon and Nakshatra position.
At times only fixed signs are to be selected, whereas at other incidents, only
the moving signs are to be taken into consideration. In Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius
and Virgo, the first 30 must be avoided as it is supposed to be in the nature of
a serpent, hence destructive. In regard to Pisces, Capricorn, Cancer and Scorpio,
the last 30 should be avoided as it is supposed to be presided over by the evil
force of Rahu. The middle half Ghati (130 30v to 160 30') should be rejected
with regard to Gemini, Libra, Leo and Aquarius as it is ruled by an evil force
termed GRIDHRA. Tuesday and Saturday should be avoided, as far as possible,
for all auspicious works. The 4th 8th, 12th and J4th lunar days, both in bright
and dark half^, are unsuitable for any auspicious work. Each constellation has
its own Thajya Kala or negative period which is to be invariably avoided. This

can be seen in any standard work on Muhurta.

There are 3 factors which are common to all elections and must be strictly
followed. (1) Tara Bala (Strength of Constellation). (2) Chandra Bala (Lunar
Strength). (3)Panchak (5 source energy). These should be satisfactorily judged,
otherwise the Muhurta chart will lose its significance. Nakshatra Bala should
be counted from Janam Nakshatra (it is called Tarabala). Chandra Bala is judged
from the position of Natal Moon and the position of Moon as it falls on the
Muhurta. It should not be 4th, 6th, 8th or 12th from Janam Rasi. Certain
Nakshatra are treated as evil by nature and those must be rejected even if those
fall in auspicious position of Moon from Janam Nakshatra. Panchaka (5 source
energy) is also to be judged for all important Muhurtas. Take the number of
lunar day, the number of week day, the number of constellation and the number
of lagna. Divide the total sum of these by 9.
Remainder 1 shows Mrityu Panchakam i.e. danger
Remainder 2 shows Agni Panchakam, i£. risk from fire.
Remainder 3 shows Raja Panchakam, bad results.
Remainder 6 shows Chora Panchakam evil happenings.
Remainder 8 shows Roga Panchakam, evil disease.
If the remainder is 0, 3, 5 or 7 the Muhurta is auspicious.
Unfavourable Panchakas must be avoided, but there are certain exceptions.
When a Muhurta is to be worked out for occupation, Raja Panchaka must be
avoided; for building a house, Raja and Agni Panchakas should be rejected; for
travelling, Chora Panchakas may be avoided. Roga and Mrityu Panchakas should
be avoided for marriage andUpnayaaSanskar. It means that a Panchaka declared
unsuitable for a particular object can be used for another affair.
As far as Tara Bala is concerned, avoid a day ruled by 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th
constellations, in the above reference of Panchaka Bala. However, if the day is
favourable, only the negative parts of the constellations may be avoided.
Generally these exceptions should be used only under emergency when an
election is to be urgently made and there is no other way. A day ruled by one's
own Janam Nakshatra is generally regarded unfavourable for an election.
However, in regard to agriculture, first feeding, sacrifices, upnayanam,
coronation, buying lands, learning alphabets, Janam Nakshatra is favourable
without any exception. But Janam Nakshatra is inauspicious for war, sexual
union, saving, taking medical treatment, travel and marriage etc. Thus one
should not marry on the day when his Janam Nakshatra operates. This is true
for men, but for women Janam Nakshatra will be quite fortunate.

Electing Time for Marriage

Every lover of astrology must have a compact knowledge of Muhurta

Astrology. He should study the classics on Muhurta for a deep knowledge of
the art of selection of most beneficial and auspicious Muhurta for various new
682 Predicting Marriage

undertakings. The classics are Muhurta Kalpadrum, Muhurta Deepak, Muhurta

Marth and, Muhurta Bhaskar, Muhurta Manjari, Muhurta Sangraha, Vivah
Vrindavan, Vivah Fatal, Ratna Maha and Muhurta Chlntamani etc.
According to Muhurta Chintamani —

sflcT cT^TT: I

dpHMcll^MJldl I 1"
A marriage performed in an auspicious Muhurta will enhance the happiness
of marital life. Qualities of wife, her modesty and loyalty will be auspicious and
promoted. Good luck, wealth, prosperity, happiness of progeny and religious
activities, love and understanding will be improved if the marriages take place
in an auspicious lagna and Muhurta.

A few important pointers to Muhurta of Marriage :

1. Muhurta of marriage must essentially cover the placement of the Sun

in Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio, Capricorn or Aquarius. The Sun should
stay in the signs ruled by either Mars or Saturn, or in Gemini.
2. Following lunar months should be chosen for marriage : (1) Magha
(2) Phalguna (3) Vaishakha (4) Jyesta are the best months for marriage (5)
Kartik and (6) Margshis are ordinary. The rest of the months are
inauspicious for the puspose of marriage
3. A few sages have stated that marriage can take place in that portion
of lunar month Pushya which is covered by the stay of the Sun in Capricorn.
Marriage can also take place in Chaitra but only in that portion which is
covered by the stay of the Sun in Aries.
4. Inauspicious Dates of Marriage : — Rikta Tithies are 6th, 8th and
J2th. They should be rejected for the purpose of marriage. Ekadashi (1 Jth
lunar day), Dwadashi (J2th lunar day), Trayodhashi (J3th lunar day),
Chaturdashi (14th lunar day) and New Moon Day of dark half should also
be rejected for marriage.
5. Best Lunar Days for Marriage : - 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, • 10th, Jlth,
13th lunar day of bright half are considered as best tithes.
6. Best Days for Marriage : — Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday are the best days. Tuesday must be invariably rejected for marriage.
Sunday and Saturdays may be selected only in case of emergency.
7. The Best Nakshatras for Marriage : — (1) Rohini (2) Mrigasira (3)
Makha (4) Uttaraphalguni (5) Hasta (6) Swati (7) Anuradha (8) Moola
(9) Uttarashada (10) Uttarabhadra-Pada and (11) Revati are the best
constellations for marriage.
8. Yogas: — Following yogas should be rejected in election of marriage time.

(1) Vyatipata yoga (2) Dhmva yoga (3) Mrityu yoga (4) Ganda yoga (5)
Vajra yoga (6) Shoola yoga (7) Vishkambha yoga (8) Atiganda yoga (9)
Vyaghata yoga and (JO) Parigha
9. Among the zodiacal signs, Gemini, Vigro, and Libra are the best. Taurus,
Cancer Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius are middling. The rest of the signs are
10. The 7th house must not be occupied by any malefics, as reckoned from
the lagna, at the time of marriage. Mars should not be placed in the 8th house.
Venus should not be in the 6th house. Lagna should not be hemmed in between
malefics. Malefics should not occupy lagna and Moon in the Muhurta chart
should not be associated with any other planet.
11. The Tara Bala and Panchak etc. must be looked into. Jupiter, Mercury or
Venus in the lagna are auspicious. Evil planets in the 3rd or 11th will constitute
a formidable force in rendering the lagna strong.
12. Following are a few particular yogas which will fortify the marriage
election chart.
A.Jupiter in the ascendant, Venus in the 8th and the Sun in the 11th
gives rise to Mahendra Yoga.
B.Venus in lagna, Jupiter in the JOth and the Sun and Mercury in the
1 Ith will from Vishnu-Priya Yoga.
C.Venus in the 2nd, Jupiter in the 12th, the Sun in the 8th and Saturn
in the 6th will give rise to Shree Nath Yoga.
D. Venus in lagna, Jupiter in the 4th, Mercury in the 2nd and Saturn in
the 11th will make SamudraYoga.
E. Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in lagna - Vijaya Voga.
F. Venus and Jupiter in lagna, elevated or otherwise strong, Jaya Yoga.
G. Saturn in the 3rd, Jupiter in the 6th, the Sun in the 10th and Mars in
the 12th - Pushya Yoga.
H. Mars in the 3rd, Saturn in the 6th, Venus in the 9th, Jupiter in the
12th - Maharshi Yoga.
I. Venus in lagna, Jupiter in the llth-Ardhama Yoga.
13. Marriage of the first born son or daughter should not be performed in the
month of birth, Birth Nakshatra or in the same Tithi in which he or she was born.
14. The marriage of the eldest son (Jyestha putra) should not take place
along with eldest daughter (jyestha Kanya) in "Jyestha" Maas(month). One
school of thought suggests that this kind of dosha will be nullified if the Sun
stays in Krittika.
15. Guru Bala for Girls : — Guru Bala must be considered in the chart of a
girl while electing the time of marriage. Transit of Jupiter in the 9th, 5th, 11th,
2nd and 7th houses from Moon Rasi is auspicious. Jupiter in the JOth, 3rd, 6th
or 1st is middling, but the transit of Jupiter in 4th, 8th and 12th houses from
Moon is adverse. The marriage of a girl should not take place in that year when
Jupiter transits in her 4th, 8th or J2th house from Moon.
684 Predicting Marriage

16. Surya Bala : -Similarly the Sun in the 3rd , 6th, 10th and ] 1th houses
from Moon is auspicious for boys. In 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th it is middling. But in
the 4th, 8th and 12th houses from Moon, it is most inauspicious. Therefore, the
marriage of a boy should not be performed in the month when the Sun transits
in his 4th 8th or 12th house from Moon.
17. Chandra Bala : - Chandra Bala is most important and must be given
the top priority. Even in case of those marriages which are done in emergency
and the consideration of Guru Bala, Surya Bala, Lunar months etc. are not
made, the proper consideration of Chandra Bala is most essential. Moon
should not transit in the 4th, 8th or 12th house from radical Moon on the
date of marriage. The Moon"s transit in 3rd, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th are
auspicious. The transit of Moon in 1st, 2nd, 5th and 9th are middling and
4th, 8th and 12th are inauspicious. Chandra Bala should be considered in
the horoscope of boy and girl both with an equal importance for a happy,
prosperous and long lasting married life.
18. For performance of marriage, Libra, Gemini, Virgo, Taurus and Sagittarius
lagnas are considered auspicious. Rest of lagnas are average.
19. Certain lagnas are handicapped
(a) Libra and Scorpio are handicapped in day time.
(b) Libra and Capricorn are deaf during night.
(c) Leo, Aries and Taurus in day time and Virgo, Gemini and Cancer in
night are blind.
(d) Aquarius in day time and Pisces in night are lame.
(e) Pisces, Aquarius and Capricorn in the morning are Kubri Lagnas.
These lagnas are inauspicious and marriage should not be performed in these
Deaf Lagna brings poverty. Day blind lagna creates widowhood Night
blind lagna causes loss of children. Handicapped lagna results into loss
of money. Thus the proper study of these lagnas must be made in electing
time of marriage.
Ten Doshas in Muhurta for Marriage
1. Vedha Dosha ;
Panch Shalaka Chakra should be made and the name of constellations
should be placed in the chart as per classical rules. The vedha exists in
the following Nakshatras.
1. Between Rohini and Abhij'eet.
2. Barani and Anuradha.
3. Uttarashadha and Mrigasira.
4. Sravana and Magha.
5. Swati and Shatbhisha.
6. Moola and Punarvasu.
7.Uttaraphalguni and Revati.

1.1. Cancellation of Vedha Dosha

Sages have mentioned that the Yedha Dosha will be nullified if the lagna is
occupied by benefics or the lord of the lagna is well placed in the 11th house or that
is conjoined with or aspected by benefics. Following sloka may be referred : -
TJTFRfBt <n®r eFfcft dlHdlsST cfl I

cTT | |

^ f^TWTFf W 11"
2. Paat Dosha
There are 27 yogas based in astrology which fallin one or the other Nakshatras.
The Nakshatras are considered under the influence of Paat Dosha in which the
following yogas end.
(1) Harshan; (2) Yyadhriti (3)Sadhya; (4) Vyatipat; (5) Gand;
(6) Shoola.
3. Yuti Dosha
Conjunction or "Yuti" of Moon with certain planets brings about certain
adverse results viz. poverty, death etc. as given below.
(1) Moon Sun - Poverty
(2) Moon Mars - Death
(3) Moon Venus - Dampalya Vairaag
(4) Moon Saturn - Papa
(5) Moon Rahu - Death
(6) Moon Ketu - Death
But Yuti Dosha gets cancelled if Moon joins own sign Cancer or the sign of
exaltation Taurus or is placed in a friendly sign Gemini, Virgo or Leo.
Following sloka may be referred : -

41^14 ^ <r«ic4h ^4^ 44111"

Conjunction of Moon with Mercury of Jupiter is auspicious.

4. Kranti Samya Dosha :
If the Sun and Moon are placed in following two signs, the Muhurta is said to
suffer from Kranti Samya Dosha.
1. Aries-Leo i.e. If the Sun is placed in Aries and Moon in Leo. or
2. Libra - Aries or
3.Taurus - Capricorn or
4. Cancer - Scorpio or
5. Virgo - Pisces or
6. Sagittarius - Gemini
5. Latta Dosha
Mercury suffers from Latta Dosha in the 7th Nakshatra earlier to the
particular Nakshatra in which Mercury is placed. Similarly Rahu does so
in the 9th Nakshatra earlier to that in which it is posited. Moon in the
686 Predicting Marriage

20th, Venus in the 5th, the Sun in 12th, Saturn in 8th, Jupiter in the 6th
and Mars in the 3rd suffer from Latta Dosha.
6. Ekangil Dosha
Ekangil Dosha exists if following yogas are formed if reckoned fron the
constellation in which the Sun falls.
Vyaght, Gand, Vyatipat, Vishkumbh, Shoola, Vyadhrit Vajra,
Paridh, and Atigand
7. Budha Panchak Dosha
See that how many degrees of the Sun have passed in the sign in which
the Sun is posited. It is called Gatansha. Keep that figure at 5 places and add
6, 3, 1,8 and 4 respectively. Divide the sum by 9. If the remainder is 5 in
any of these, Budha Panchak Dosha will be there.
8. Dagdh Tithi Dosha :
When Sun stays in Sagittarius or Capricorn, 2nd lunar day (Dwittya) is
Dagdha Tithi (burnt). Similarly 4th lunar day will suffer from Dagdha Tithi
dosha when Sun stays in Aquarius, 6th lunar day when the Sun stays in
Aries or Cancer, Eighth lunar day during the stay of the Sun inGemini or
Virgo, the 10th lunar day during the stay of the Sun in Scorpio or Leo and
12th lunar day (Dwadashi) will be the Dagdha Tithi during the stay of the
Sun in Libra or Capricorn.
9. Upgaraha Dosha :
Count the constellation of Moon from the constellation in which the Sun
is placed. Upgraha Dosha exists in the 5th,8th, 10th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 18th,
19th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th Nakshatras as reckoned from the
Nakshatra of the Sun.
10. Pamitra Dosha :
If there is any planet in the 7th house from lagna or Moon or in the 55th
navamsa from there, the above Dosha exists.
Practically it is almost impossible to find any date free from all the 10 doshas.
A Muhurta which is free from 7 or 8 doshas should be regarded as the best. In
each Panchangas, Vivah Muhurtas are mentioned. Horizontal and vertical lines
show that Muhurta is free from so many doshas.
Selection of a suitable Muhurta is a great and most useful skill. An expert in
Muhurta is certainly more important and beneficial than an expert astrologer
in predictive branch. Certain important points for finding out a decent Muhurta
are given below.
1. The girl will maintain high degree of modesty, chastity and sincerity and
duty of an honest and dedicated wife, if the navamsa of Gemini, Virgo,
Libra or Sagittarius rises in the lagna at the time of actual marriage ceremony.
2. If Saturn is placed in the 12th house from navamsa lagna, that will
be an adverse lagna. Similarly Mars in the 10th must also be avoided.
Venus in the 3rd is bad and placement of Moon or malefics in Vivah
Lagna is most undersirable.

3. Lord of lagna, Moon or Venus should not join the 6th house from
navamsa lagna.
4.Benefics, Mars, Moon and the lord of the lagna should not join the
8th house from the lagna of marriage,
5. All planets give adverse results in the 7th house.
6. If Mercury falls in a quadrant from the rising lagna at the time of
marriage, one hundred doshas are nullified. Similarly Venus in Kendra
nullifies two hundred evils. Jupiter in Kendra nullifies one lac doshas. If
the lagna lord is also placed there, all evils are removed or nullified. That
Muhurta is considered very auspicious and free from any kind of dosha.
Following sloka may be referred : —

?TWcl | "
7.Vadhu Pravesh (Entry of the Bride) is auspicious on 5th, 7th or
9th day. It should take place within 16 days positively. Odd lunar
date, odd lunar month and odd lunar year are considered auspicious
for Vadhu Pravesh.
8. Following constellation are auspicious for the entry of the bride.
I. Uttaraphalguni 2. Uttarashada 3. Uttarabhadra Pada 4. Rohini
5. Aswini 6. Pushyami7.Hasta 8.Anuradha9.Rewati 10. Mrigasira
II. Sravana 12. Dhanistha 13. Moola 14. Magha 15. Chitra and
16. Swati.
9. If these Nakshatras synchronise with 4th, 9th or I4th lunar day, the
Muhurta will be very auspicious. But Tuesday and Wednesday are
inauspicious for the entry of the bride. Other five days synchronising
with either of these Nakshatras and lunar days will be the best and most
suitable dates for Vadhu Pravesh.
These are few important points which should be taken into consideration for
electing time of marriage.
In fixing an auspicious Muhurta for marriage, the ascendant at the time of
marriage plays a prominent role. When the lagna is occupied by any benefic
like Mercury, Venus or Jupiter, the Muhurta is considered auspicious, forming
Nanda, Bhadra and Jeeva Yoga. In these yogas wife receives the respect and
honour in society.
If the lagna is occupied by Mars, Sun, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu, it may result in
widowhood, separation or poverty. Generally the ascendant rising in the night
is preferred over that of day now-a-days, but it is not at all essential as far as an
auspicious Muhurta is concerned. Marriage should be performed in the Muhurta
of the day, if that is better than the night one.
If malefic planets occupy the 5th or 9th house from lagna, the configuration.
688 Predicting Marriage

results in Kantaka Yoga which can lead to extinction of family. In the 4th and
10th house malefics form Shalya Vedha which is very inauspicious since it
may cause the couple to suffer punishment by Government.
Presence of a malefics like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu or Mars causes "Chidra Yoga"
which may result in the death of the son. Death of one or the other, husband or
wife, may result from the presence of a malefic in the lagna.
Following position should be avoided at the time of electing proper Muhurta
for marriage.
(1) The Sun in 1,7, (2) The Moon in, 1, 6, 7, 8., (3) Mars in 1,7,8
(4) Mercury in 7, 8, (5) Jupiter in 7, 8, (6) Rahu in 1,4,7, (7) Ketu in 1,4,7, (8)
Saturn in 3,6,8, (9) Venus in 7, 12, 8
When the Lagna or Moon is hemmed between two malefics, both moving
towards the ascendant or Moon, as the case may be, a Papakartari Yoga is
formed. If Papakartari Yoga is formed around the marriage Lagna, the life
span of the bride-groom will be curtailed.
Shubhakartarj Yoga around Moon is considered auspicious for marriage.
Marriage can also be performed in "Godhooli Bela" which starts 48 minutes
earlier to the Sun set and lasts till 48 minutes after the Sun set. In that case the
marriage Lagna will be the 7th sign from that of the Sun. If the Moon is placed
in the 2nd, 3rd or 11th house from the rising sign, Godhooli ascendant can be
considered for marriage. However, Godhooli lagna should be avoided for
marriage as far as possible.
Certain positions of Moon, Sun etc. should also be taken into consideration
for electing marriage lagna. Preferably Moon should be all alone and should
not conjoin with any planet. If Moon is associated with the Sun, the couple
may face poverty. If Mars joins Moon, the life maybe endangered. Conjunctions
of Moon with Mercury may result into delay in the birth of children.
If Jupiter joins the Moon, the progress of the couple will be hampered or
checked. The union of Moon with Venus can lead to a concubine or keep. The
husband may have illegal relations with other women. If Saturn and Moon
are associated in the lagna chart of marriage, the wife will be ignored and
neglected by her husband. However, these conjunction with Moon will not
be harmful provided Moon stays in Cancer ije. her own sign or Taurus i.e. in
the sign of her exaltation.
If Moon occupies the Nakshatra opposite to that occupied by natal Moon,
Muhurta will be inauspicious. The Sun in such a position causes widowhood.
Mars extinction of family, Mercury causes barrenness. Jupiter can lead to
renunciation, Venus will cause loss of the son and Saturn will meke the life
miserable. Rahu in this position will result into an unfaithful wife whereas
Ketu may make her a vagabond.
Now-a-days the importance of auspicious Muhurta for marriage has lost its
importance. It is the reason that the number of miserable marital lives are
increasing regularly. There are more widowhood and separations. It is true

that to find out any such Muhurta for marriage which is free from any evil is
not possible because one has to marry his children within a limited course of
time after the settlement of their marriage. Even then we are confident that an
auspicious Muhurta will save many problems which may be likely in the life of
the couple after their marriage. Now-a-days we assign least importance to
Muhurta and want to fix the date of marriage according to our own convenience
and not as per established rules.
The parents of the children most try to understand the importance and
advantages of an auspicious Muhurta. They should consult any good and expert
astrologer on Muhurta. This little effort and minor inconvenience of today will
highly promote the happiness of the marital lives of their children. The
consequences of an inauspicious or unsuitable Muhurta may be irrepairable.
Why should we not try to follow the golden path of auspicious Muhurta shown
and discovered by our sages. Proper, auspicious and suitable Muhurta is the
biggest remedy for all kinds of evils, problems and worries.

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Venus is the significator of maniage, love, luxury, conjugal bliss,

pleasures of all kind, attraction, inclination, liking and feeling of
belonging. Venus rules over Taurus and Libra. Moon is exalted in Taurus and no
planet is debilitated here, Saturn gets exalted in Libra and Sun gets debilitated
here. When Saturn and the Sun both transit in Libra, worst happenings take
place around the world. Mrs. Indira Gandhi, one of the most successful woman
of the world was assassinated when Sun and Saturn were transiting in Libra.

Association of Venus with the Sun and Moon

The Sun and Moon are inimical towards Venus whereas the Venus and
Saturn are inimical towards Sun. Thus Venus and the Sun are inimical towards
each other. As regards relationship of Moon and Venus is concerned, Moon is
enemy of Venus but Venus is not the enemy of Moon. Even then the relation of
both is regarded inimical. That's why adverse conjunction of Moon and Venus
creates many problems either in the settlement of marriage or otherwise after
marriage. We have rarely seen, if the influence of the Sun or Moon or both on
Venus has done any good to the native with regard to marriage.
The sign Cancer contains the last quarter of Punarvasu, Pushya and Ashlesha
constellations. Pushya and Ashlesha are friendly asterisms. Therefore, placement
of moon in Punarvasu from 0 0' to 3 20' gives worst results. Similarly, Leo
contains Magha, Poorva Phalguni and 1 pada of Uttara Phalguni nakshatras,
Venus will not be so harmful if falls in Poorva Phalguni nakshatra i.e. if the
longitudes of Moon fall from IS^O1 to 26o40,; worst results will appear only
Luminaries And Venus 693

when Venus falls-in Is pada of Uttara Phalguni nakshatra i.e. from 26o40' of
Leo to 0° of Virgo. Venus will also behave very adversely if obtains the navamsa
of luminaries in the Leo sign i.e. for 10 to 13 20' and from IS^O' to 16o40'.
However, former is still worse because that is identical to Magha nakshatra.
Thus, it is quite clear that if Venus comes under the influence of the Sun and
Moon both, havocs and disasters will appear in marriage or the marriage of
the native will be a deep set back to the parents of the native.
Shloka (7,8) Saravali II pg. 400
Texts mention that Venus in Cancer makes one strong and handsome. The
native may have two wives, one of which may be a concubine or a secret wife.
He is tactful and intelligent, holds the key position among friends, colleagues,
supporters and companions. He suffers from chronic ailments due to excessive
indulgence in immoral sensual acts.

Venus in Leo
Saravali mentions in shloka 9 and 10 of the chapter 28 that if Venus occupies
Leo, the native will enjoy wealth and happiness, will respect women, will have
less virility, be dear to relatives, be miserable inspite of happiness, will help
others and will respect Brahmins, elders and preceptors. However, Kalyan Verma
has not specified that Venus in Leo will create serious problems in marriage.
We now present our humble observations about Venus in Leo for different
ascendants, as below;
Case No. 1 ^
ate 10/09/1950 Time 20:41:00 Day Sunday Place Sagar Sri Sanatan AyanjlfliJ^ 22:54
at 23:50:00 North Long 78:43:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TimeOorr -0:15:08

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vin^ttarl Yogini

Siderial Time .:19:42:12 Hrs Gan ^ Rakshas Ketu:4YkM^fo Bhadrika ; 3Y 1M 19D
Eq.of time :0:02:47 Hrs Yoni : Mooshak Ra l>y /
Sunrise :6:00:48 Hrs Nadi : Antya 31/01^98 30/10/1984
Sunset :18:23:28 Hrs Varan Kshatriya 01/02/2016 30/10/2020
Samvat : 2007 Vashya : Vanchar Rahu 13/10/2000 Bhadrika 30/10/1989
Saka. : 1872 Varga Mooshak Jupller 09/03/2003 Ulka 31/10/1995
Month : Bhadra Yunja i Marihya Saturn 13/01/2006 Sidha 30/10/2002
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agrfi Mercury 01/08/2008 Sankta 30/10/2010
Tithi at Sunrise..: 13 Name Alphabet Mee-Mhlr Ketu 20/08/2009 Mangla 31/10/2011
Nakshatra : Magna Paya(Rasi-Nak) Silver-Silver Venus 20/08/2012 Pingla 30/10/2013
Yoga : Sidha Hora Sun Sun 14/07/2013 Dhanya 30/10/2016
Karan : Vishti Chaugharia Amrlt Moon 13/01/2015 Bhramri 30/10/2020

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House RasT Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 24:25:31 Sun Ven Mer Ven Asc Ari 10:34:40 Mar Ket Sat Mon
Mon Leo 4:58:03 Sun Ket Mar Jup 2 Tau 11:07:52 Ven Mon Mar Mar
Mar Lib 26:44:56 Ven Jup Ven Ven 3 Gem 6:23:09 Mer Mar Mon Ket
Mer -R Vir 7:1 2:45 Mer Sun Ket Sun 4 Can 0:46:17 Mon Jup Mar Jup
Jup -R Aqu 7:36:53 Sat Rah Rah Mer 5 Can 28:03:33 Mon Mer Sat Sat
Ven Leo 7:47:21 Sun Ket Jup Jup 6 Vir 1:31:54 Mer Sun Jup Sat
Sat Leo 29:05:20 Sun Sun Mar Ven 7 Ub 10:34:40 Ven Rah Sat Sat
Rah -R Pis 5:30:59 Jup Sat Mer Mer 8 Sco 11:07:52 Mar Sat Mon Mar
Ket -R Vir 5:30:59 Mer Sun Mer Ven 9 Sag 6:23:09 Jup Ket Rah Sat
Ura Gem 16:02:16 Mer Rah Ven Rah ID Cap 0:46:17 Sat Sun Rah Ven
Nep Vir 23:05:36 Mer Mon Sun Mer 11 Cap 28:03:33 Sat Mar Sat Sat
Plu Can 25:49:38 Mon Mer Rah Sun 12 Pis 1:31:54 Jup Jup Rah Rah

Fortuna: Pisces 21:07:12 Navamsa Chart

Raft y^^Ven Mary^
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
V 5 \v3 yT
bV^Nep 4 Won

Sun 8X 10 Xl2Mer
y< PluX
/_ jjP Sat |jra Ket\
Plu 4 n. y' \Kel Mar/

Mon eV'Mer 4 ^\/2 Sat

Ver/W;A Mar 10r IV Mar / 8 > C Ven 7 Jup 1 Sun
/ Nep \ /NeP\
/ Mer Ket\ / / Mer Ket
Ura x.
Plu /g
i Rah Nep
Luminaries And Venus 695

Venus in Leo for Aries ascendant:

Marital disharmony, many so called love affairs and indulgence and more
female children will be source of worry and they will create mental tension
and defamation.
The native is a smart, handsome man with a good physique. He had many
involvements with innumerable females but finally he got interested in and
mamed a very charming girl. He was also involved in local politics as well. He
was blessed with 3 daughters and one son. After some time he got attracted to
another lady and was involved in an extra marital affair. His wife came to know
about the fact and about his new girl friend. This made their married life
miserable like a hell. Consequently the native and his girl friend decided to kill
his wife. One day, they both asphyxiated the native's wife to death by pressing
her throat. This fact was revealed after some time and the native was sent to jail.
His concubine also left him after this.
He is born in Aries ascendant with lagna lord Mars in the 7 house. Mars is
shifted in the 8 house in bhava chart. 2 and 7 lord Venus is placed in 5
house in inimical sign Leo along with the luminaries Sun and Moon, and Saturn
as well. So 7 house and its lord are heavily afflicted. Because of the same it was
predicted that he would be in serious trouble due to any female. The native was
sent to jail under the charge of murder of his wife and he had to remain
incarcerated for so many years in the worst possible conditions. Role of Venus
in Leo with the luminaries created such a heavy disaster in his life. He killed his
wife on persuasion by his concubine and there after she also left him. The
combination of Venus, Sun, Moon and Saturn has taken place in the 5 house
and that resulted into immense thirst and uncontrolled hunger for sensual
pleasure for which the native is always wandering. This brought unaccountable
defamation and insult to him and his family.
696 Predicting Marriage

Venus in Leo for Taurus ascendant:

Skilled in learning language. Mother will be troubled, loss of peace at home.

Case: 2
The native is an engineer. He was married on 04.02.1969 and has been blessed
with two daughters. The lord of the ascendant Venus occupies the 4 house in
Leo with 4 lord sun. Mars falls in the ascendant and aspects the 7 house,
Venus and the Sun. the native was married with a girl known to him since
childhood. He was involved with his sister in law and he was exposed after the
birth of 2 daughter during the year 1976. The wife of the native could not
adjust with him thereafter any long. He lived all alone thereafter. However, in
old age of 55 years the compromise took place. The daughter of the native
eloped with her lover which again created lot of tension and disaster in the
married life of the native. Thus, Venus in Leo in the 4 house with the Sun
seriously damaged the peace of his family life. This combination was also adverse
for all property matters and the major period of Venus proved worst for him,
regarding marriage, children, prosperity, promotion and property as the native
earned lot of defamation, losses, set backs and humiliation.
Case No. 2
jte 14/09/1943 Time 21:30:00 Day Tuesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:4S:3p
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TimeCorr -1:06:24,

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime .:19:54;28 Hrs Gan ^ Manushya Saturn: 17Y 1M 20D Bhadrika ; 4Y0M 3D
Eq.of time :0:04:05Hrs Yoni Gau Venus
Sunrise :6;52:14 Hrs Nadi Madhya 04/11/1 984 20/03/1979
Sunset .'19:11:57 Hrs Varan VIpra 04/11/2004 20/03/2015
Samvat : 2000 Vashya _ Jalchar Venus 05/03/1988 Bhadrika 19/03/1984
Saka : 1865 Varga Sarp Sun 06/03/1989 Utka 19/03/1990
Month : Bhadra Yunja Antya Moon 04/11/1990 Sidha 19/03/1997
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Jal Mars 04/01/1992 Sankta 19/03/2005
Tithi at Sunrise..: 15- Purnima Name Alphabet Doo-DDorjay Rahu 04/01/1995 Mangla 19/03/2006
Nakshatra : U Bhadrapad Paya(Rasi-Nak) : trcn-Gold Jupiter 04/09/1997 Pingla 19/03/2008
Yoga : Gand Hora .i Mars Saturn 04/11/2000 Dhanya 20/03/2011
Karan : Kaulava Chaugharia . - Labha Mercury 05/09/2003 Bhramri 20/03/2015

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 28:06:28 Sun Sun Mon Mer Asc Ari 15:36:00 Mar Ven Sun Mon
Mon Pis 4:38:18 Jup Sat Sat Mon 2 Tau 15:17:52 Ven Mon Jup Mar
Mar Tau 18:14:44 Ven Mon Mer Ven 3 Gem 9:47:31 Mer Rah Jup Ven
Mer -R Vir 16:12:03 Mer Mon Sat Mer 4 Can 3:46:44 Mon Sat , Sat Mer
Jup Can 23:32:28 Mon Mer Mar Jup 5 Leo 1:09:29 Sun Ket Ven Sun
Ven -R Leo 14:46:09 Sun Ven Ven Sat 6 Vir 5:25:19 Mer Sun Mer Ket
Sat Gem 3:14:43 Mer Mar Ven Mon 7 Lib 15:36:00 Ven Rah Ven Sun
Rah -R Can 22:49:43 Mon Mer Mon Sat 8 SCO 15:17:52 Mar Sat Jup Sat
Ket -R Cap 22:49:43 Sat Mon Sun Rah 9 Sag 9:47:31 Jup Ket Sat Mer
Ura -S Tau 16:02:19 Ven Mon Sat Mer 10 Cap 3:46:44 Sat Sun Sat Ven
Nep Vir 8:34:40 Mer Sun Ven Rah 11 Aqu 1:09:29 Sat Mar Mer Rah
Plu Can 15:15:15 Mon Sat Jup Sat 12 Pis 5:25:19 Jup Sat Sat Jup
Fortuna : Libra 22:07:51 ' Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

X6X x4/
Sat VX: Mon VenV3 Mar
116- Une*
Maia" Ptu 8 Ura 2 Mer

Mon \Mar Ura Mar Sat /

\ Ura / Sun gX 11 y\\
\ 2 / \2/ S10 JU
3X 1 Rah X^^ Nep

jT Jup 4 Rah 10 Ket Jup 4 Rah 10 Ket \Mer Jup. Piu X
X Rah / X
\ Plu / \ Plu X 5 XMar
SutrV / 6 X* 331
Ket v
^/6\ Ven/6
(Xlon 9 Ven 3 Uray
/ Mer Nep^ Mer Nep <
12 y\Z Sun
XX Ket N.
698 Predicting Marriage

Venus in Leo for Gemini ascendant;

Digestive problems, respiratory disorder, illegitimate relationship out of

deception or by breech of trust, elopement thereafter are likely. Loss of life
partner is also possible provided the 7 or 8 house is weak and ill disposed
and occupied by malefics.
Case: 3
She is the daughter of a very corrupt executive engineer. She eloped with a
sardar on 17.101985 at the age of 22 years and married with him on the same
date in gurudwara. In this horoscope Venus is the lord of 5 and 12 house and
joins the 3 house with 7 and 10 lord Jupiter, and receives the aspect of 1
rate malefics Mars and Saturn. Here Venus falls inMaghanakshatra and Gemini
navamsa. Saturn and Mars both aspect the 12 house as well which is owned
by Venus. Thus, in addition to Moon and Sun, Mars and Saturn also afflict
Venus. The 12 house indicates immoral sensual acts. It will be shocking for the
readers to know that the girl accused to her father, when she left the home, of
harassing her continuously for last three years. According to her he used to
enter into her room where she slept all alone and tried to assault her real daughter.
She was extremely tired of her father and that resulted into her elopment. She
was pregnant at the time of running away from her home. Later she lost her
husband in a road accident within a few years of her marriage and now she is
leading the life of a widow. Again Venus in Leo with Moon played havoc.
Case No. 3
ate 07/10/1956 Time 22:25:00 Day Sunday Place Agra Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:59
at 27:09:00 North Long 78:00:00 East Zone 62:30:00 East Time Corr-0:18:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarl Yogini

Siderlal Time .:23:12:13 Hrs Gaa : Deva Saturn :15Y11M SD Bhramrl : 3Y 4M 8D
Eq.oftime :0:12:Q6 Hrs Yoni JVIrig Mercury
Sunrise :6:14:44 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 16/09/1972 07/10/1956
Sunset :17:56:41 Hrs Varan : Vipra 17/09/1989 15/02/1992
Samvat : 2013 Vashya : Keetak Mercury 13/02/1975 Bhramri 15/02/1960
Saka : 1878 Varga : Sarp Ketu 10/02/1976 Bhadrika 15/02/1965
Month : Asvina Yunja : Madhya Venus 11/12/1978 Ulka 15/02/1971
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Ja! Sun 18/10/1979 Sidha 15/02/1978
Tithi at Sunrise..: 4 Name Afphabet Naa-Navin Moon 18/03/1981 Sankta 15/02/1986
Nakshatra : Anuradha Paya{Rasi-Nak) : Go!d-Copper Mars 15/03/1982 Mangla 15/02/1987
Yoga : Ayusman Ha"a j. Maany Rahu 02/10/1984 Pingla 15/02/1989
Karan : Vishti Chaugharia : Char Jupiter 08/01/1987 Dhanya 15/02/1992

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 21:24:09 Mer Mon Ven Rah Asc Gem 7:50:11 Mer Rah Rah Ket
Mon Sco 5:28:44 Mar Sat Mer Mer 2 Can 0:53:07 Mon Jup Mar Sat
Mar -R Aqu 20:12:36 Sat Jup Jup Jup 3 Can 25:19:13 Mon Mer Rah Ket
Mer Vir 4:40:18 Mer Sun Sat Rah 4 Leo 24:01:15 Sun Ven Mer Mer
Jup Leo 26:08:07 Sun Ven Ket Mon 5 Vir 28:04:58 Mer Mar Sat Sat
Ven Leo 8:47.38 Sun Ket Jup Sun 6 Sco 4:20:50 Mar Sat Sat Ven
Sat Sco 6:43:36 Mar Sat Mer Rah 7 Sag 7:50:11 Jup Ket Jup Sat
Rah -R Sco 6:47:58 Mar Sat Mer Jup 8 Cap 0:53:07 Sat Sun Rah Sun
Ket -R Tau 6:47:58 Ven Sun Mer Sat 9 Cap 25:19:13 Sat Mar Rah Ket
Ura Can 13:25:36 Men Sat Rah Jup 10 Aqu 24:01:15 Sat Jup Mer Mer
Nep Lib 6:34:37 Ven Mar Mon Ven 11 Pis . 28:04:58 Jup Mer Sat Sat
Plu Leo 6:43:20 Sun Ket Rah Mer 12 Tau 4:20:50 Ven Sun Sat Mon
1una: Cancer 21:54:46 Navamsa Chart
''X Ura Jup
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal \ Nep >
\a /
9 V?

Ket 12 Rah 6 Sat

\ lira \ Ura
Mar 1/\Wn 3 P!u/\5 Mon
VensV / ^un
Plu / Ven/
Sun 6 Mer Sun 5 Mer \Sal Ura ./
/ Pv° Mon Maf
/ Ves' 7x 2<r3 Wer

Nep7 X Nep6X 9 /iCWar 424.

/8\ / 8\ 10\ JU26
/ Rah\ / Rah\
/Mon Sat / Mon Sat\
9 X. 11 Xl
Nep/10 Xy Xv
i / XX Kel X
700 Predicting Marriage

Case: 4
The girl in discussion is the daughter of a minister. Her father ceremonised
her marriage in November 1967 when she was 22years of age with a genius
scholar and professor in geology. The husband was extremely meritorious who
had made some valuable researches in India on Himalaya Mountains. Indian
government fetches millions of rupees each month as an outcome of his
researches. He was also expected to be honoured by noble prize. It was the
biggest misfortune that her husband received a severe and massive heart attack
and expired at the age of 40 leaving behind two daughters and one son. She is
born in Gemini ascendant with Mars and Rahu there in Ketu is tenanted in 7
house and receives the aspect of Mars. Venus is placed in 3 house in Leo under
papakartari yoga, i.e. hemmed between Saturn and the Sun. Here 7 and 10
lord Jupiter is placed in 4 house in association with Sun and Mercury and is
heavily afflicted by the aspect of Saturn and Mars. So her 7 house and its lord
Jupiter, Venus along with 8 house are heavily afflicted as they receive the aspect
of 1 rate malefics Mars and Saturn. But her 7 lord Jupiter is conjoined with
Mercury in exaltation because of which her husband was an intellectual but
the affliction of Venus, 7 and 8 house created havoc in her life.

Case No. 4
jte 27/09/1945 Time 00:30:00 Day Thursday Place Bareilly Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:50:
rat 28:20:00 North Long 79:24:00 East Zone 82.30:00 East Time Corr -1:12:24 ,

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time .:23:38:18 Hrs Gan i Manushya Moon :3Y 10M 6D Sidha : 2Y 8M 10D
Eq.of time :0:08:09 Hrs Yoni Sarp Rahu
Sunrise ;7:03:46 Hrs Nadi. : Antya 03/08/1956 26/09/1945
Sunset :19:03:36 Hrs Varan ^ Vaishya 04/08/1974 08/06/1977
Samvat : 2002 Vashya : Chatuspada Rahu 16/04/1959 Sidha 07/06/1948
Saka : 1867 Varga - Mng Jupiter 09/09/1961 Sankta 07/06/1956
Month : Asvina Yunja : Pooiva Saturn 16/07/1964 Mangla 08/06/1957
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Bhooml Mercury 02/02/1967 Pingla 08/06/1959
Tithi at Sunrise..: 5 Name Alphabet Wee-Veepul Ketu 21/02/1968 Dhanya 03/06/1962
Nakshatra : Rohini Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Gold Venus 21/02/1971 Bhramri 08/06/1966
Yoga : Sidhi Hora i Jupiter Sun 15/01/1972 Bhadrika 08/06/1971
Karan : Vanij Chaugharia : Char Moon 16/97/1973 Ulka 08/06/1977

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 10:26:03 Mer Mon Mon Jup Asc Gem 14:28:42 Mer Rah Ket Ket
Mon Tau 18:11:49 Ven Mon Mer Ven 2 Can 7:09:50 Mon Sat Mer Sat
Mar Gem 17:49:50 Mer Rah Sun Sat 3 Leo 1:52:58 Sun Ket Ven Rah
Mer Vir 5:46:47 Mer Sun Mer Ven 4 Vir 1:15:05 Mer Sun Jup Jup
Jup Vir 14:00:24 Mer Mon Jup Jup 5 Ub 5:45:55 Ven Mar Mon Rah
Ven Leo 9:40:52 Sun Ket Sat Mer 6 Sco 11:41:31 Mar Sat Mon Mer
Sat Can 0:33:54 Mon Jup Mar Mar 7 Sag 14:28:42 Jup Ven Ven Jup
Rah -R Gem 11:34:38 Mer Rah Sat Sun 8 Cap 7:09:50 Sat Sun Ket Ven
Ket -R Sag 11:34:38 Jup Ket Mer Mer 9 Aqu 1:52:58 Sat Mar Mer Sat
Ura -R Tau 24:36:36 Ven Mar Rah Jup 10 Pis 1:15:05 Jup Jup Mar Sun
Nep Vir 13:13:33 Mer Mon Rah Ven 11 Ari 5:45:55 Mar Ket Rah Rah
Plu Can 18:28:18 Mon Mer Mer Sal 12 Tau 11:41:31 Ven Mon Mar Ven
rtuna: Aquarius 22:14:29 Navatnsa Chart
War X
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
Nep\12 /
Mer 11
Sun /
Ur25° Jup 2

\Sat Plu/ \lJra Mon/ \Rah Mon

3 \ Ura / MonW
\ 4 / 3 \ 2 / I Sat V/ Ve 4
VenSx Mar Rah a1 P'u Sat Vi x \
/Sal Ket

/ Nep \ Dasamsa
Sun 6 Mer Sun 5 Mer Plu Nep Ura
Mar Ven/ \Rah 6 Jup/
\ Jup / \ 8
9 7

X. 1 X3 Mer|
56- /^12 2
Sal KetV / X
702 Predicting Marriage

This is the horoscope of a beautiful lady who suffered due to the adverse
placement of Venus in Leo with Moon and that is hemmed between Sun and
Mars. She is married to her uncle who was in fact a friend of his father and
often visited her home. His intentions were malafied from the very beginning
as he under a plan developed a relationship with the girl in question and
ultimately married her on 20.09.1990. In fact her parents completely denied
the acceptance of this marriage and she eloped with her so called uncle and
married. She was blessed with a son on 10.05.1992. Her one breast had to b£
removed soon after marriage due to some illness, otherwise she is now leading
an unhappy married life with her so called uncle. Here 5 and 12 lord Venus
falls in 3 house in Leo in Magha nakshatra. This is extremely adverse placement
of Venus as it is conjoined with luminary Moon who obtains the navamsa of
debilitation. In fact, conjunction of Moon Venus is adverse for marital bliss
anywhere in the birth chart. This may also delay the marriage. The native was
married at the fag end of 26 years of age. Inspite of her very charming physique
and beautiful appearance she remained unmarried till 26 year and according
to her she was forced to take this step quite unwillingly.
Case No. 5
le 04/10/1964 Time 00:05:00 Day Sunday P^ace Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:06:1
al 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time .:0:48:34 Hrs Gan Manushya Venus MY 1M22D Dike : 1Y2M 28D
Eq.of time :0; 10:55 Hrs Yoni. Mooshak Mars
Sunrise :6:01:05 Hrs Nadi Madhya 26/11/1984 04/10/1964
Sunset :17:49:29 Hrs Varaa Kshalriya 27/11/1991 01/01/1996
Sam vat : 2021 Vashya Vanchar Mars 24/04/1985 Dike 01/01/1966
Saka : 1886 Varga Shwan Rahu 13/05/1986 Sidha 01/01/1973
Month : Asvina Yunja Madhya Jupiter 18/04/1987 Sankta 01/01/1981
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Saturn 27/05/1988 Mangle 01/01/1982
Tithi at Sunrise..: 13 Name Alphabet Too-Tushar Mercury 24/05/1989 Pingla 01/01/1984
Nakshatra P Phalguni Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Silver Ketu 21/10/1989 Dhanya 01/01/1987
Yoga : Shukla Hora Venus Venus 21/12/1990 Bhramri 01/01/1991
Karan : Vishti Chaugharla. Char Sun 28/04/1991 Bhadrika 01/01/1996

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Resi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Resi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 17:27:52 Mer Mon Sal Rah Asc Gem 28:51:30 Mer Jup Sun Mon
Mon Lea 23:54:09 Sun Ven Set Jup 2 Can 22:13:25 Man Mer Mon Mon
Mar Cen 18:07:52 Mon Mer Mer Jup 3 Leo 18:50:02 Sun Ven Rah Sat
Mer Vir 8:15:49 Mer Sun Ven Mon 4 Vir 20 05:37 Mer Mon Ket Rah
Jup -R Teu 2:25:32 Ven Sun Jup Sun 5 Lib 24 29:03 Ven Jup Mer Ven
Ven Leo 4:38:28 Sun Ket Mon Ven 6 Sco 28 08:32 Mar Mer Sat Sat
Sat -R Aqu 5:56:21 Sat Mar Mon Jup 7 Sag 28 51:30 Jup Sun Mar Mer
Rah -R Gem 3:08:12 Mer Mar Ven Sun 8 Cap 22 13:25 Sat Mon Ven Mer
Ket -R Sag 3:08:12 Jup Ket Sun Reh 9 Aqu 18:50:02 Sat Rah Mon Mer
Ure Leo 19:13:18 Sun Ven Reh Mer 10 Pis 20:05:37 Jup Mer Ven Mar
Nep Lib 23:08:19 Ven Jup Sat Mon 11 Ari 24 29:03 Mar Ven Mer Ven
Plu Leo 21:49:05 Sun Ven Jup Reh 12 Tau 28 08:32 Ven Mar Sat Sat
Fortuna: Gemini 5:17:47 Navamsa Chart
Ven S
LagnaChart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal 2
v /Nep
Sun 3 X 1

1124' 1228' Ura 6 12 Msr;

\ Mar \ Venn / \ Rah

Ura\4 Mer\ 4 7 >C 9 Xl 1
Ven X/ P'"8 X. Mar S ioX^^
5 X Rah 3 £ X Mar 3 / \Mon SawK/ Jup X^^
: Sun 6 Mer X y. Nep 6 \ N. Ora y
\ / \ / '^on 1 11
\ / \ / ^en X/ X /
Nep SV'Mon 12 SetN^IO
\/ \/ Ura
NepT^X 9 XllSat p|u / \ Plu / \JUP
/ 8\ Ket /lo\
/ \.x// \ Sun
^ Mer
4XMar ® VenXT8
Rah/gX. / T\
s X s Sun
704 Predicling Marriage

Venus in Leo for Cancer ascendant:

Defamation eye problem, family destruction, fear from poison and fire.
Disobedience in regard to love marriage and unaccountable sufferings on that
account as well.
She is extremely charming girl of outstanding beauty. She is 57 Vi " tall,
extremely fair and possesses most proportionate limbs, chiseled physique and
sharp features. There is a glow and shine on her face due to silk like skin, She
is so beautiful because exalted Jupiter joins the ascendant and its lord Moon
joins the 9 house i.e. there is mutual exchange between lagna lord Moon
and 9 lord Jupiter. She is most adorable daughter of an IAS officerand hails
from the family of administrators. 7 lord Saturn joins the 9 house under
retrograde motion under Jupiter's aspect. Every body spoke very high about
her marital prospects but it did not happen so in reality. 4 and 11 lord
Venus occupies the 12 house and obtains the navamsa of debilitation. She
fell in love with a boy of scheduled caste. He was not even graduate and was
unemployed and was much elder to her in age. Inspite of all possible endeavors
of her parents she used to meet him very often. Her parents sent her to Kanpur
to keep her away from that boy. However, the boy went to Kanpur and then
she was shifted to Nanital to one of her relatives but it didn't cease the chase
of that boy. Here 7* lord retrograde Saturn falls in Mercury's constellation
Revati and Jupiter's navamsa. Inspite of Jupiter's aspect on Saturn she
ultimately married that boy. This is the irony of her fate that the outstanding
daughter of an IAS married to a boy of the status of class 4 and is leading a
very miserable life. Here again Venus did play its adverse role in Leo and
when it obtained the navamsa of debilitation.
Case No. 6
^ate 28/07/1967 Time 05:45:00 Day Friday Place Kasganj Sri Sanalan Ayanamsa 23:08:3^
Lat 27:48:00 North Long 78:38:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:1 5:28

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Sideriaf Time ,:1:49:28 Hrs Gark. : Deva Mercury: 6Y 7M 2D Ulka : 2Y 3M 27D
Eq.oftime 0:06:25 Hrs Yonl Gaja Venus
Sunrise - :5:37:a0 Hrs Nadi - Antya 28/02/1981 28/07/1967
Sunset :19:06:29 Hrs Varan. : Vipra 28/02/2001 24/11/1999
Samvat : 2024 Vashya ^ Jalchar Venus 29/06/1984 Ulka 23/11/1969
Saka : 1889 Varga : Simba Sun 29/06/1985 Sidha 23/11/1976
Month : Sravana Yunja Poorva Moon 28/02/1987 Sankta 23/11/1984
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Mars 29/04/1988 Mangla 23/11/1985
Tithi at Sunrise..: 7 Name Afphabet Cha-Chandan Rahu 30/04/1991 Pingla 24/11/1987
Nakshatra : Revati Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Geld Jupiter 29/12/1993 Dhanya 24/11/1990
Yoga : Dhrati Here : Venus Saturn 28/02/1997 Bhramri 24/11/1994
Karan : Vishti Chaugharia i Char Mercury 29/12/1999 Bhadrika 24/11/1999

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 11:06:48 Mon Sat Mon Mar Asc Can 12:16:27 Mon Sat Mar Jup
Men Pis 24:49:52 Jup Mer Rah Sat 2 Leo 6:16:44 Sun Ket Rah Sat
Mar Lib 10:49:55 Ven Rah Sat Mer 3 Vir 4:11:28 Mer Sun Sat Sun
Mer Gem 21:49:21 Mer Jup Sat Sal 4 Lib 6:17:22 Ven Mar Mon Mer
Jup Can 19:48:03 Mon Mer Ven Sun 5 Sco 10:06:45 Mar Sat Ven Mer
Ven Leo 18:23:29 Sun Ven Rah Rah 6 Sag 12:28:55 Jup Ket Mer Mar
Sat -R Pis 19:18:44 Jup Mer Ket Mer 7 Cap 12:16:27 Sat Mon Rah Jup
Rah -R An 8:55:45 Mar Ket Jup Mon 8 Aqu 6:16:44 Sat Mar Mon Mer
Ket -R Lib 8:55:45 Ven Rah Jup Sal 9 Pis 4:11:28 Jup Sat Sat Ven
Ura Leo 28:39:07 Sun Sun Mar Jup 10 An 6:17:22 Mar Ket Rah Sat
Nep -R Lib 28:27:00 Ven Jup Ven Mer 11 Tau 10:06:45 Ven Mon Mon Mar
Plu Leo 25:42:02 Sun Ven Mer Sal 12 Gem 12:28:55 Mer Rah Sat Jup
Fortuna: Pisces 25:59:31 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal Ply X

Sun 7
Raa* 1110"
Mar 10
Ven Ura / \ Mer Ven Ura / \ Mer Sun
V PJu / 4 \ 1
\5 / \3 / X\3
\5/ \3/ Mer yA 2\NeP
6 x Sun Jup X2 6 X JuP 4

Mar 7 Ket X 1 Rah \ Mar 7 Ket 1 Rah N. ^/-^XRah Sun/
A Ven
\ Nep / / Ura \ Nep / / 28* \5/ \3/LJra
/Wan p|U /Men veia- Jup 6 j/ Won Nep X/2
10 / \ Sal
sV X12 p^26"
/ 9\ llXSal Ur29,
1 Plu

Ne2B' 8/'Mar 10 Mery<rt2

5 io' Mair Kes" / 9 X / 1l\
706 Predicting Marriage

Venus in Leo for Leo ascendant:

llkga] relationships due to sex hunger and increased passion. However, he

will lead a comfortable married life. He or she may indulge in sex at an early age,

Venus in Leo for Virgo ascendant:

The native will suffer loss of money and there will be downfall. They will
have to bear wrongly diverted expenditure and passion. Conjugal life will be
full of problems, especially in financialaspecls. Foreign travels, defamation and
'physical involvement with any famous person are likely.
Case: 7 (withheld)
This is the horoscope of a girl who suffered widowhood due to the adversity
of Venus. She was married decently on 23,11.1987and suffered the curse of
widowhood within one month i.e, on 17,12,1987, Her husband was a teacher
in a private school. He had gone for his regular morning walk. But due to
excess of fog the truck driver could not visualize him. As a result, he was
badly crushed by the truck and expired on the spot. She lost her husband on
17.12,0987 within one month of her marriage as she was married on
23,11,1987, 2 lord Venus occupies the 12^ house in Leo, In this birth chart,
presence of mars and Ketu in 2,d house, 6l1 lord Saturn in the 7^ house and
Rahu in the 8,h house under the aspect of mars are also responsible for early
widowhood. Here the lord Jupiter aspects the house even then
widowhood took place within one month of her marriage due to adverse
vibration at that moment. 2nd lord Venus added fuel in the fire.

Venus in Leo fro Libra ascendant:

It gives intellect and one easily influences others to get benefits. A prominent
mole is likely to be there on ear. However here venus happens a badhaka as
well. Married life will be without love and liking. The native may be inclined
towards others but he or she will get disappointment and dejection generally.
Case: 8
The native is a mechanical engineer, Lagna lord Venus falls in Leo with 11
lord sun. 7 lord mars falls in 12'* house with 9 lord mercury. The native was
married to an extremely beautiful, highly educated girl, sharp and intelligent
girl in the year 1988, The major period of Venus was operated from 1982 to
2002, The native was unsuccessful in each and every aspect of life. Many famous
astrologers predicted that he would become a multimillionaire because lagna
lord Venus and 11lrt lord Sun were associated in I] house. He failed miserably
in service and business both and spoiled the accumulated wealth of his father
and grand father. The married life is full of tension, frustration and
Case No. 8
te 05/08/1967 Time 09:20:00 Day Saturday PlaceSitapur Sri Sanalan Ayanamsa 23:08
at 25:11:00 North Long 80:52:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:32

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsoltari Yogini

Siderial Time .:6:05:32 Hrs Gan Deva Saturn : 14Y 5M 25D Dhanya :2Y3M 13D
Eq.of lime >0:06:00 Hrs Yoni Mesh Mercury
Sunrise :5:36;33 Hrs Nadi Madhya 29/01/1982 05/08/1967
Sunset :18:48:11 Hrs Varan. Vipra' 30/01/1999 18/11/2002
Samvat : 2024 Vashya Jalchar Mercury 27/06/1984 Dhanya 17/11/1969
Saka : 1889 Varga Mesh a Ketu 24/06/1985 Bhramri 17/11/1973
Month j Sravana Yunja Madhya Venus 24/04/1988 Bhadrika 18/11/1978
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Sun 01/03/1989 Ulka 17/11/1984
Tithi at Sunrise..: 14 Name Alphabet Moon 31/07/1990 Sidha 18/11/1991
Nakshatra : Pushya Hoo-Humanshu Mars 28/07/1991 Sankta 18/11/1999
Yoga : Sidhi Paya(Rasi-Nak) Gold-Sliver Rahu 14/02/1994 Mangla 17/11/2000
Karan : Shakuni Hora Sun Jupiter 21/05/1996 Pingla 18/11/2002

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub s-s House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 18:54:38 Mon Mer Ket Rah Asc Vir 8:06:34 Mer Sun Ven Ven
Mon Can 6:30:01 Mon Sat Mer Rah 2 Lib 6:41:28 Ven Rah Rah Rah
Mar Lib 15:08:39 Ven Rah Ket Mer 3 Sco 7:05:29 Mar Sat Mer Sat
Mer Can 0:50:20 Mon Jup Mar Sal 4 Sag 8:07:35 Jup Ket Jup Mer
Jup Can 21:35:17 Mon Mer Sun Sun 5 Cap 9:11:27 Sat Sun Ven Jup
Ven Leo 20:32:22 Sun Ven Jup Sat 6 Aqu 9:36:48 Sat Rah Jup Ven
Sal -R Pis 19:12:59 Jup Mer Ket Sat 7 Pis 8:06:34 Jup Sat Ket Mer
Rah -R Ari 8:14:35 Mar Ket Jup Mer Arl 6:41:28 Mar Ket Rah Mer
Ket -R Lib 8:14:35 Ven Rah Rah Ven Tau 7:05:29 Ven Sun Ket Ven
Ura Leo 29:03:18 Sun Sun Mar Ven 10 Gem 8:07:35 Mer Rah Rah Ven
Nep -S Lib 28:26:18 Ven Jup Ven Mer 11 Can 9:11:27 Mon Sat Ven Rah
Plu Leo 25:56:12 Sun Ven Ket Ven 12 Leo 9:36:48 Sun Ket Sat Sat

tuna; Leo 25:41:57 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal f\

87* 97-
Rah 3 Nep X, Sal 9 Sun
Mar Ket/ \ Ura Ven/ Mar Ket / \Ura Ven / \ X X Ket /
\ Nep / \ Plu /
\7 / \5/
8 6
X X4
/ \ / \sun
Mer 3 Mon \ ✓ Rah y
>5 N. 3 XMon
Sun 4 ■ XQ2 Sal
lOV 12 X.2 yX^ Ura
11 \ Sat /1l\ Sat Xl\ cf Jup 7 1 Plu^>
Neze^ X. X^Mar
10 X\12
Mais' Kea- 9 Xv X11 x^Mer
sr 27' /X Ket NxX Ven X,
708 Predicting Marriage

disappointments. There were many occasions when wife of the native left the
home after facing unbearable torture, humiliation, defamation and false
allegations. The relationship of the native with his wife kept them away from
each other physically. Thus, Venus in Leo damaged the married life of the native
and the major period of Venus was also fruitless inspite of such a encouraging
placement of Venus in the 11 house for Libra ascendant.

Venus in Leo for Scorpio ascendant:

Venus does notcause adversities to Scorpio borns, if it occupies the 10 house.

Married life will remain generally happy though the wife of the native may not
have high moral values. The marriage maybe delayed if Venus is afflicted.
Case: 9
The native is a famous industrialist and at present running milk dairy and
security printing press. He was married in the 1990 with a gorgeous and
intelligent female. Many boys were attracted towards her. Certain
misunderstandings created problems in his conjugal life. However, 7 and 12
lord Venus occupies the 10" house in Leo. Major period of Venus, which is
running from 29.2.2000, had been extremely adverse for the native in regard to
professional matters, business and financial aspect oflife. Certain wrong decisions
had put him into the closure of his factory. He has heavy debts of about 10
crores which has not only taken peace of his mind but has also brought lot of
defamation, destruction, dejection and disappointment to him. Most of the
astrologers foretold that the major period of Venus will be auspicious for all
aspects of lifebut we have expressed our doubts as Venus joined Leo. It will not
be out of place to mention that the 7 house has also a concern with business
and business partners. The native suffered a lot due to the partners in his business
during the major period of Venus so if Venus is placed in Leo it will adversely
affect the house in which it is tenanted and will not spair to the houses owned
by it. In this horoscope the intensity of Venus is further enhanced due to
conjunction with the Sun. Therefore, Venus is afflicted heavily and started
showing adverse results from the beginning of its dasa.
Case No. 9
28/08/1963 Time 10:15:00 Day Wednesday Place Dhalpur Sri Sanalan Ayanamsa 23
at 26:43:00 North Long 77:53:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:18:28

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vrmsottari Yogini

SiderialTime .:8:19:18 Hrs Gan : Rakshas Mercury; 11Y4M 10D Bhadriki ; 3Y 4M 3D
Eq.of time 0:01:26 Hrs Yoni : Mrig Venus
Sunrise :5:57:04 Hrs Nadi : Adya 07/01/1982 28/08/1963
Sunset : 18:42:18 Hrs Varan. Vipra 07/01/2002 30/12/1997
Samvat : 2020 Vashya : Keetak Venus 08/05/1985 Bhadrika 31/12/1966
Saka : 1885 Varga Mrig Sun 08/05/1986 Ulka 30/12/1972
Month : Bhadra Yunja Antya Moon 07/01/1988 Sidha 31/12/1979
Paksh ShukJa HansakfTatva) Jal Mars 08/03/1989 Sankla 31/12/1987
Tithi at Sunrise..: 9 Name Alphabet Yaa-Yatendra Rahu 08/03/1992 Wangla 30/12/1988
Nakshatra : Jyestha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Silver-Copper Jupiter 07/11/1994 Pingla 31/12/1990
Yoga : Vishkumbh Hera Mara Saturn 07/01/1998 Dhanya 30/12/1993
Karan : Balava Chaugharia Kaal Mercury 07/11/2000 Bhramn" 30/12/1997

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 11:05:01 Sun Ket Sat Rah Asc Lib 7:50:06 Ven Rah Rah Ket
Mon Sco 21:05:19 Mar Mer Ven Sat 2 Sco 6:50:01 Mar Sat Mer Jup
Mar Vir 26:56:33 Mer Mar Jup Ket 3 Sag 7:29:06 Jup Ket Rah Mar
Mer Vir 7:58:49 Mer Sun Ven Ven 4 Cap 9:27:40 Sat Sun Ven Sat
Jup -R Pis 25:49:35 Jup Mer Rah Sun 5 Aqu 11:32:43 Sat Rah Sat Ven
Ven Leo 10:34:23 Sun Ket Sat Mon 6 Pis 11:30:15 Jup Sat Mon Sat
Sat -R Cap 25:34:12 Sat Mar Rah Van 7 Ari 7:50:06 Mar Ket Jup Sat
Rah Gem 26:25:40 Mer Jup Ket Sat 8 Tau 6:50:01 Ven Sun Mer Sat
Ket Sag 26:25:40 Jup Ven Kat Jup 9 Gam 7:29:06 Mer Rah Rah Sat
Ura Lee 12:28:53 Sun Ket Mer Mar 10 Can 9:27:40 Man Sat Ven Jup
Nep Lib 20:05:54 Ven Jup Jup Jup 11 Leo 11:32:43 Sun Ket Mer Mer
Plu Leo 18:32:21 Sun Ven Rah Jup 12 Vir 11:30:15 Mer Mon Mar Mer

Fortuna: Capricorn 17:50:25 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

Mer 12 Plu 6 Mar

\. Mon / ^\ Mer Mar/ \ Mon /

\6/Ura Nep 1/< 3 >^5 Sat
\ 8 / \ 5 / \ 6 /Mer
Ket gVuep 7 \/c Ven V_6 Ura 109" S ^Rah^ n. Ura N.
Ket 9X Nep 7 / \ /ven Sun \
/ \ Sun
/> Oasamsa
(\Sat 10 Y 4 y Sat 10 Ven 4 Sun , N. Mar Suni/
v V Ven*
\ / Sun* Mon\ 10 ./ 8
\/ 1112- RahllV^Ura 9 N/?
l1 1 VaRah X^3 Rah yri2«
/ 2\ PJ19-
/ l2\ / \
/ Jup \ // \
Mozr Ne2f>t
Nep iX. 3 ^/\5 Ket
■ 1®°
Mon | Nep 27* / Sal / Jup Mer\
710 Predicting Marriage

Venus in Leo for Sagittarius ascendant:

Timidity, paternal gain, affliction to elder brother or sister, ear disease. The
native may suffer adverse married life and may even lose the life partner if the
7 house is also afflicted.
Case: 10
This is the horoscope of a very unfortunate lady who was killed by her husband
on 07.06.1995 though she had a love marriage. Venus falls in 9 ' house under
retrograde motion with 9 lord Sun over the axis of nodes. Venus is hemmed
between Mars and Saturn giving rise to papakartari yoga. She led most
unfortunate married life because her husband was a great womanizer. She was
killed when tried to obstruct one serious matter of secret marriage with other
woman. It was believed by many astrologers that the placement of 9 lord Sun
with 6 and ll' lord Venus and with 7* lord mercury will make her extremely
happy in regard to marriage but it was just opposite to that.
Case No. 10
ate 05/09/1963 Time 11:24:00 Day Thursday Place Kanpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:
-at 26:28:00 North Long 80:41:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:07:16

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yog ini

Sidarial Time :10:11:14 Hrs Gan Manushya Saturn : 12Y 1M 27D Bhadrika :3Y2M 110
Eq.of time :0:01:02 Hrs YonL ^ Gau me rcury
Sunrise :5:49:32 Hrs Nadi Madhya 01/11/1975 05/09/1963
Sunset :18:22:27 Hrs Varan ^ Vipra 01/11/1992 16/11/1997
Samvat : 2020 Vashya Jalchar Mercury 30/03/1978 Bhadrika 17/11/1986
Saka : 1885 Varga ^ Sarp Ketu 27/03/1979 Ulka 16/11/1972
Month : Asvina Yunja i Antya Venus 25/01/1982 Sidha 17/11/1979
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jat Sun 02/12/1982 Sankta 17/11/1987
Tithi at Sunrise,.: 2 Name Alphabet Moon 02/05/1984 Mangla 16/11/1988
Nakshatra : U Bhadrapad Tha-Thanendra Mars 29/04/1985 Pingla 17/11/1990
Yoga : Shoot Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Gold Rahu 17/11/1987 □hanya 16/11/1993
Karan : Gara Hora Moon Jupiter 22/02/1990 Bhramri 16/11/1997

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 18:52:03 Sun Ven Rah Sat Asc Sco 2:09:04 Mar Jup Rah Sat
Mon Pis 8:08:06 Jup Sat Ven Ven 2 Sap 1:53:45 Jup Ket Ven Rah
Mar Lib 2:11:23 Ven Mar Ket Mar 3 Cap 4:02:47 Sat Sun Sat Ven
Mer Vir 11:54:12 Mer Mon Rah Rah 4 Aqu 7:39:55 Sat Rah Rah Mer
Jup -R Pis 25:14:36 Jup Mer Rah Mer 5 Pis 9:46:07 Jup Sat Ven Sat
Ven Leo 20:33:18 Sun Ven Jup Sal 6 An 7:52:12 Mar Ket Jup Sat
Sat -R Cap 25:01:21 Sat Mar Rah Mer 7 Tau 2:09:04 Ven Sun Jup Ven
Rah -R Gem 25:56:07 Mer Jup Ket Ven 8 Gem 1:53:45 Mer Mar Ket Ket
Ket -R Sag 25:56:07 Jup Ven Ket Ven , 9 Can 4:02:47 Mon Sat Sat Ket
Ura Leo 12:59:08 Sun Ket Mer Jup 10 Leo 7:39:55 Sun Ket Jup Jup
Nep Lib 20:15:17 Ven Jup Jup Sat 11 Vir 9:46:07 Mer Sun Ven Mer
Piu Leo 18:49:11 Sun Ven Rah Sat 12 Lib 7:52:12 Ven Rah Rah Ket
rtuna: Taurus 21:25:07 Navamsa Chart
\ Sal /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
5un \ 5
Mon Ura 4
PIu / \

Mar 7 Ven X Nep 1 Mer

\ Ket /\Nep Mar A v Nep /

Ket ex 10 y\}2
\ 9 /
SanoV^ 8 S y/ 11\
X6 / X/ Jup
/ \ Mar
/ \^ / Plu\ / PIu \ Dasamsa
V^Ven 5 Suny Mon 11 Ven 5 Sun >
f Ura /
Mon\ / \ / Jup 4
X 2
X4 Jup12y
Jup/ l\ 34- / 1
/ 3 \
/ \ y/ Rah \
■ Ne2o* 10 12
12e* Mon 11
12* Ma2n /PIu RahX
m Sun Ven
712 Predicting Marriage

Venus in Leo for Capricorn ascendant:

^ For Capricorn ascendant, Venus happens a yogakaraka and if falls in the

8 house in Leo, there will be everlasting unhappiness and problems. The
native may suffer the death of life partner and may be blessed with
problematic female child.
Case: 11
This is the case of a class one officer posted as DGM in a Development
Authority. She is not mangali but still she suffered widowhood about 15 years
after her marriage. Her husband was an architect but he was suffering from
mental depression and committed suicide on 0412J2000. Injher birth chart 7
lord Moon falls in Ashwini nakshatra and is tenanted in the 4 house in martian
ih -
sign Aries. The^S house governs the length of life of husband. Yoga karaka
Venus^falls in 8 house in conjunction with 8 lord Sun in inimical sign Leo,
The 8 lord Sun is debilitated in navamsa as well. The 7 house is aspected by
Saturn. Mars and^Saturn mutually aspect each other. This clearly shows that
7 lord, j and 8house and Venus are heavily
J afflicted, which caused her to
suffer this tragic incident. However, the role of Venus in the 8 house with
Sun is responsible for her suffering. This combination is also adverse for
eyesight. She lost her one eye during early childhood when her younger brother
accidentally inserted the knife in her eye. Inspite of best treatment the eyesight
could not be recovered. Here Venus and Sun both are in close conjunction
within a distance of two degrees only and fall in same navamsa of Venus,
Venus also falls in own nakshatra Poorva Phalguni. Thus, the adversity of
Venus in Leo is slightly minimized due to own nakshatra and navamsa.
Therefore, she has been blessed with a fortunate and good-looking child. She
has been loved by a senior class I officer after widowhood and who is keen
enough to marry her. She is now leading a comfortable, luxurious life full
power, popularity and prosperity.


Case No. 11
^23/08/1951 Time 16:25:00 Day Thursday Place Muzaffamagar Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa
Lat 29:28:00 North Long 77:42:00 Easi Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr-0:19:12

Panehang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime .:14:09:30 Hrs Gan : Manusbya Venus: 1Y 7M 2D Bhadrika : 0Y4M 23D
Eq.of time 0:02:48 Hrs .Yoni : Gaja Jupiter
Sunrise :5:52:26 Hrs Nadi : Madhya 27/03/1994 15/01/1983
Sunset :18:51:08 Hrs Varan : Kshatriya 27/03/2010 15/01/2019
Samvat : 2008 Vashya : Chatuspada Jupiter 14/05/1996 Bhadrika 15/01/1988
Saka : 1873 Varga _ Mrig Saturn 25/11/1998 Uika 15/01/1994
Month : Bhadra Yunja : Paorva Mercury 02/03/2001 Sldha 15/01/2001
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tat\/a) Agni Ketu 06/02/2002 Sankta 15/01/2009
Tithi at Sunrise..: 7 Name Alphabet .: Lo-Lokesh Venus 07/10/2004 Mangla 15/01/2010
Nakshatra : Bharani Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Gold Sun 26/07/2005 Pingla 15/01/2012
Yoga : Dhruva Hora i Venus Moon 25/11/2006 Dhanya 15/01/2015
Karan : Bava Cheugharia j Kaal Mars 01/11/2007 Bhramri 15/01/2019

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 6:34:56 Sun Ket Rah Mer Asc Sag 24:35:27 Jup Ven Mer Ven
Mon Ari 25:36:22 Mar Ven Mer Sat 2 Aqu 2:06:15 Sat Mar Ket Mon
Mar Can 10:17:46 Mon Sat Ven Ket 3 Pis 9:54:08 Jup Sat Ven Mer
Mer -R Leo 20:36:15 Sun Ven Jup Sat 4 Ari 11:43:50 Mar Ket Mer Ket
Jup -R Pis 20:39:28 Jup Mer Ven Jup 5 Tau 7:36:17 Ven Sun Ket Sat
Ven -R Leo 23:23:42 Sun Ven Sat Mar 6 Gem 0:38:45 Mer Mar Mer Ven
Sat Vir 8:07:57 Mer Sun Ven Ven 7 Gem 24:35:27 Mer Jup Mer Sun
Rah Aqu 17:02:19 Sat Rah Ven Mer 8 Leo 2:06:15 Sun Ket Ven Jup
Ket Leo 17:02:19 Sun Ven Mon Ket 9 Vir 9:54:08 Mer Sun Ven Ket
Ura Gem 19:38:48 Mer Rah Mar Mer 10 Lib 11:43:50 Ven Rah Sat Mon
Nep Vir 24:37:39 Mer Mar Rah Jup 11 Sco 7:36:17 Mar Sat Ket Mon
Plu Can 26:53:43 Mon Mer Jup Kel 12 Sag 0:38:45 Jup Ket Ket Sat
Fortuna: Virgo 13:36:52 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chjarf Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

Jup 10X VenXy Ket
M0280 5 Nsp

B t Maio-

Jup 12 Nep 6 Sat Monn 1i \/
X 7-7 \;
yX\Rah Sat/
/\ / 82-
/ \ / SU7S
Sun 7\r 5 >0 Mar
2YMar 3 r..\/
3 Me21.
Ura / 4 \Ven / \ Ve23' Plu 8 2 Jup
■| \ /Mer5Sun\
P!u Mar\ ura
\^// Kel SatVenX

1012° Ora/^er
I 110' /Kel NepV y
714 Predicting Marriage

Venus in Leo for Aquarius ascendant:

The native will get an amicable and chaste wife but the married life will be
full of problems leading to divorce. In many cases Venus in 7 house has resulted
into divorce soon after marriage.
Case- J2
The native was married on 28.02.1971 at 19 years of age with an extremely
beautiful, charming, tall and fair girl of 17 years of age. However, the native
failed to adjust with his wife resulting into seperation in October 1978. He had
a secret marriage or gandharva vivah in March 1976 with a Bengali girl as he
was extremely unhappy with his l' wife. As soon as parents of Bengali girl
came to know about the fact, they observed strict control over her. She
attempted suicide. The native was leading a sorrowful life because he was all
alone inspite of two marriages. Once again the native decided to marry with
a girl of an orphanage and he got married with a most ordinary girl of
wheatish complexion on 24.10.1982. He has been blessed with three daughters.
However, the 3,d marriage is successful but full of monotony, disappointments
and physical displeasure. In the horoscope of the native the 7" house is
occupied by yoga karaka Venus, 8th lord Mercury, Ketu and the 7"' lord Sun
occupy the b"1 house. The 7h house is hemmed between malefics the Sun and
Saturn giving rise to papakartari yoga. However, Ketu in the 7lh house resulted
into marriage with an orphan. Venus in Leo resulted into J*1 marriage with
beautiful girl which ultimately resulted into divorce and Mercury had given
him secret marriage or gandharva vivah with Bengali girl. There is mutual
aspect between Mars and Saturn.
Case No-12
07/09/1963 Time 15:30:00 Day Saturday Place Allahabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:
at 25:27:00 North Long 81:50:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:02:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTlme :: 14:30:24 Hrs Gan Deva Ketu : IV 9M 140 Bhramri : 1Y OM 80
Eq.of time ,:0:01:42 Hrs Yoni Ashwa Moon
Sunrise :5:46:22 Hrs Nadi Adya 22/06/1991 07/09/1963
Sunset :18:15:06 Hrs Varaa Kshatriya 22/06/2001 15/09/1996
Samvat : 2020 Vashya Chatuspada Moon 22/04/1992 Bhramri 15/09/1964
Saka : 1885 Varga Simha Mars 21/11/1992 Bhadrika 15/09/1969
Month : Asvina Yunja Poorva Rahu 23/05/1994 Uika 15/09/1975
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) fiQni Jupiter 22/09/1995 Sidha 15/09/1982
Tilhi at Sunrise..: 4 Name Atphahet Cho-Choiukya Saturn 22/04/1997 Sankta 15/09/1990
Nakshatra : Asvini Paya(Rasi-Nak) Iron-Gold Mercury 21/09/1998 Mangla 15/09/1991
Yoga : Dhruva Hora Mars Ketu 22/04/1999 Pingla 15/09/1993
Karan : Kaulava Chaugharia Amrit Venus 21/12/2000 Dhanya 15/09/1996

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 20:58:20 Sun Ven Jup Ket Asc Cap 1:58:09 Sat Sun Jup Mer
Mon Ari 9:55:28 Mar Ket Sat Mer 2 Aqu 9:05:00 Sat Rah Jup Sat
Mar Lib 3:37:07 Ven Mar Ven Rah 3 Pis 15:47:44 Jup Sat Jup Ven
Mer -R Vir 12:02:17 Mer Mon Rah Rah 4 Ari 16:55:23 Mar Ven Mon Mer
Jup -R Pis 25:03:17 Jup Mer Rah Mer 5 Tau 12:50:17 Ven Mon Rah Mer
Ven Leo 23:15:00 Sun Ven Sat Mon 6 Gem 6:35:57 Mer Mar Mon Ven
Sat -R Cap 24:53:01 Sat Mar Rah Sat 7 Can 1:58:09 Mon Jup Rah Sat
Rah -R Gem 25:37:03 Mer Jup Mer Sat 8 Leo 9:05:00 Sun Ket Jup Rah
Ket -R Sap 25:37:03 Jup Ven Mer Sat 9 Vir 15:47:44 Mer Mon Sat Sat
Ura Leo 13:07:15 Sun Ket Mer Sat 10 Lib 16:55:23 Ven Rah Ven Sat
Nep Lib 20:18:07 Ven Jup Jup Sat 11 Sco 12:50:17 Mar Sat Mar Mon
Plu Leo 18:53:44 Sun Ven Rah Sat 12 Sag 6:35:57 Jup Ket Rah Mer

rtuna: Leo 20:55:17 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

12 X 10 X8
Mo ' j \ Mar
417' 513-
Mer 1 Nep XvVen 7 Sur

Rah 2>C 4 X5 Plu

jup\i/ \y jr Ura yS 5 N,
Jupiz X Sat 10 X8 / Mon s Sal X,
Mon/\at X
Nep 7 Mar 7 Nep
X7 x. 5/^Jup
War sV^Mer 6 XM
x. Xv Mon
6 Marl piy 2X 4

/ 3\ v Ura 9 >< 3 >

Ur a Dow \ /Mer5Sun\
Rah\/gS v e Xj Mer X/P'u UraVen\
10X 12 X2 Sat
1113* 101/' yS PlljX. Veny^ 1
Sun URah\y Ne
P \
716 Predicting Marriage

Case: 13
She is a beautiful, charming girl from a high-class family. She had a very long
courtship with a boy of very low status to her. He was a T.V. mechanic by
profession. She got married with him on 5.12.1987. She was blessed with two
sons. Husband was a great drunkard. Soon after marriage differences with her
husband started. She had to bear and suffer the unaccountable tortures by her
husband. Slowly and slowly it became difficult for her to bring up her two
children smoothly in want of money and peace. In this birth chart yogakaraka
Venus occupies the 7* house in Leo in association with 5 lord Mercury. Venus
obtains the navamsa of Mars and Mars obtains vargottam navamsa. She had a
love marriage. The mutual aspect between Venus and Saturn made her
extremely adulterous and that resulted into divorce after 9 years of marriage.
The role of Venus in Leo is extremely negative in respect of marital happiness
otherwise yogakaraka Venus should have resulted into extremely happy and
prosperous married life. Combination of Venus and Mercury in the 7th house in
Leo is bad and the placement of 7,h lord Sun in 6,h house in addition to that is
extremely adverse, particularly when retrograde Saturn aspects the 7°" house,
Venus and Mercury. This resulted into maximum frustration and shock when
her lover after the marriage denied her to marry after all proceedings of divorce.
She then underwent in licentious deeds to earn money with rich people. She is
maintaining her own car and house though her salary is below Rs. 5000/- per
month in which has to meet the expenses of her two sons including petrol and
other essential commodities of'day-to-day life. However, placement of Venus in
Leo in the 7h house and in the navamsa of Mars ruined her married life and
made her extremely unpious and an ill reputed woman.
Cancer and Leo are the mimical sign to Venus. If Venus occupies any of these
signs and is hemmed between inimical Sun and Moon, papakartari yoga is
formed. This is one of the worst combinations for happy married life. In many
cases marriage is obstructed and in other cases marital happiness is lost or the
marriage is broken if the Venus occupies the Cancer or Leo and is hemmed
between the luminaries.

Case No. 13
te 27/07/1951 Time 20:55:00 Day Friday Place Allahabad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 25:27:00 North Long 81:50:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East TimeCorr -0:02:40

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari

Siderial Time .:17:10:20 Mrs Gan » Bakshas Sun : 3Y 8M 22D Ulka : 3Y 8M 22D
Eq.of lime > 0:06:24 Mrs Yoni Mesh Rahu
Sunrise :5:27:53 Mrs Nadi c Antya 18/04/1972 27/07/1951
Sunset :18:50:04 Mrs Varan 11 Vaishya 19/04/1990 19/04/1985
Samvat : 2008 Vashya Chaluspada Rahu 30/12/1974 Ulka 19/04/1955
Saka : 1873 Varga _ Garuda Jupiter 25/05/1977 Sidha 19/04/1962
Month : Sravana Yunja i Poorva Saturn 31/03/1980 Sankla 19/04/1970
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Bhoomi Mercury 18/10/1982 Mangla 19/04/1971
Tithi at Sunrise..; 9 . Name Alphabet Ee-lshwar Keiu 06/11/1983 Pingla 19/04/1973
Nakshatra : Krittika Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Gold Venus 06/11/1986 Dhanya 18/04/1976
Yoga : Gand Hora Mercury Sun 30/09/1987 Bhramri 18/04/1980
Karan : Vanij Chaugharia Kaal Moon 31/03/1989 Bhadrika 19/04/1985

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree B-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 10:51:48 Mon Sat Sun Ket Asc Aqu 20:09:17 Sat Jup Jup Jup
Mon Tau 1:42:55 Ven Sun Jup Sat 2 Pis 29:03:56 Jup Mer Sat Sun
Mar Gem 22:51:30 Mer Jup Sal Ven 3 Tau 0:07:23 Ven Sun Rah Mer
Mer Leo 7:04:52 Sun Ket Rah Ven 4 Tau 25:39:38 Ven Mar Rah Ven
Jup Pis 21:09:47 Jup Mer Ven Mer 5 Gem 19:42:42 Mer Rah Mar Mer
Ven Leo 20:41:43 Sun Ven Jup Mer 6 Can 16:18:45 Mon Sat Jup Mar
Sat Vir 5:25:57 Mer Sun Mer Ket 7 Leo 20:09:17 Sun Ven Jup Jup
Bah -B Aqu 17:34:23 Sat Bah Sun Bah 8 Vir 29:03:56 Mer Mar Sat Sun
Ket -R Leo 17:34:23 Sun Ven Mar Jup 9 Sco 0:07:23 Mar Jup Mon Mer
Ura Gem 18:15:33 Mer Rah Mon Mar 10 Sco 25:39:38 Mar Mer Rah Ven
Nep Vir 24:03:19 Mer Mar Mar Mon 11 Sag 19:42:42 Jup Ven Bah Ven
Plu Can 26:04:09 Mon Mer Bah Mar 12 Cap 16:18:45 Sat Mon Sal Ket

rtuna; Sagittarius 11:00:24 Navamsa Chart

Ura Rahi/
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
\ 12/ p|U
Mer 3 x Mar 1 X 11

Jup 10 Mon

Jup / Rah
Nep 5/xSun 7 Venxs
vV Nv yX B X
IX Rah 11 x^^ Ket . \ X

: Mon 2X8 Ura 2 Rah
\ / \ X
N. 6 X^ /Sun
M\ / Ket\ / Nep Mer 5
xx ^ Jup
MarX / \ /
aV^Mer 5 VenV? X^ Xv yX X^^sat
/ 4 \ / 6 \ \ Plu 8 2 ✓
/Sun Plu\ /ilep Sal
1029 Ura 9X 11 Xi
XloX ven x/^ 12X
90' XKet Nep\ /
i XMar Mon xX
Case No. 14
09/08/1 965 Time 20:00:00 Day Monday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:06:5^
r-at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time CorT -0:06:24 .

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari

17:05:06 Mrs Gan Manushya Venus :4Y4M 21D
-0:05:29 Hrs Yoni. Vanar Mars
5:36:04 Hrs Nadi Madhya 31/12/1985 09/08/1965
18:47:18 Hrs Varan i Kshatriya 30/12/1992 22/02/1996
2022 Vashya Manav Mars 29/05/1986 Sidha 22/02/1967
1887 Varga Shwan Rahu 16/06/1987 Sankta 22/02/1975
Sravana Yunja Antya Jupiter 22/05/1988 Mangla 22/02/1976
Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Agni Saturn 01/07/1989 Pingla 22/02/1978
12 Name Afphabet Mercury 28/06/1990 Dhanya 21/02/1981
Purvassdha Dhaa-Dharmesh Ketu 24/11/1990 Bhramri 21/02/1985
Priti Paya(Rasi-Nak) Gold-Copper Venus 25/01/1992 Bhadrika 22/02/1990
Taitila Hora Moon Sun 31/05/1992 Ulka 22/02/1996

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Can 23:39:27 17:54:32 Rah Sun
Sag 23:44:18 27:27:53 Mer Jup
Lib 0:06:57 28:46:48 Sun Mar
R Leo 4:25:49 24:15:20 Mar Rah
Gem 0:56:44 18:03:19 Rah Sun
Leo 24:57:40 14:17:06 Sat Rah
R Aqu 22:42:30 17:54:32 Ven Mar
R Tau 18:37:25 27:27:53 Mar Jup
R Sco 18:37:25 28:46.48 Jup Sun
Leo 20:18:31 24:15:20 Mer Rah

Lib 24:08:55 18:03:19 Ven Mar

Leo 21:56:16 14:17:06 Man
Fortuna: Cancer 17:59:22 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

329' u 424*
— 5iau

\12/ \10/ Sun

Ta Sat 11 X9Man Sa23'jRah 1 x Sat 11

Rah 2 8 Ket Jup 2 X )i Jup
/: Mer Me4
/ \ / \ /l *
Ven \ / Plu \ / 718* Won Rah
/Mar i Ura \/ \/ Ur20'
1 SXVen 5 lira y? Ket p^-
K7 Plu
eXNep /4 Ve^s' Sun 7 War
/Sun Mer\ / Nep Mar\
10241 929'
Nep KeiQ' Ne^
Ket Mar Mao*
Luminaries And Venus 719

Venus in Leo for Pisces ascendant:

Venus in Leo in the 6ih house will bring many miseries., The native will be
lustful and married life will not be smooth. Passion will lead to many licentious
deeds in early age. Women may suffer from problem in uterus.
Case 14
Venus is inimical towards the Sun and the Sun is debilitated in the sign of
Venus. Venus behaves adversely whenever conjoined with or aspected by the
Sun but the worst results of Venus are experienced whenever Venus occupies
the sign of the Sun, Leo. Generally, such a Venus bestows happiness through
involvement, attraction and inclination toward beautiful females. Marriage takes
place comparatively at an early age. The native may indulge into immoral sensual
pleasure with opposite sex and is also misguided by so called friends and relatives.
Defamation and loss of prestige also takes place due to low degree of moral
values. The native always tries to find activities connected with so called love.
Such a native may be married for more than once or he may otherwise have
one wife duely married and the other who lives secretly. If the birth has taken
place in afternoon with Sun Venus association, one is more prone to seek sensual
pleasure. This enhances passion and desire to love and luxury. If sun and Venus
fall in dual sign, in uneven houses, possibility of two marriages become stronger
exactly depending upon the placement of the 7 house and its lord in the birth
chart of the native, Marriage with the first wife is generally miserable but that
. nd < < < ^
of with 2 female is quite happy and free from problems. Second wife brings
love, pleasure and happiness as desired by the native. Placement of Venus in i
house in Leo is worst as regards marital happiness. For the native born in
Aquarius ascendant, if Venus joins the 7 house in Leo, generally astrologers
believe that married life will be extremely happy and prosperous and the native
will have exceptionally beautiful wife and husband as the case may be because
Venus happens to be yogakaraka for Aquarius ascendant. Let me illustrate two
cases of Venus in Leo in the 7 house where Venus played a negative role in the
married life of the native,
Venus with the Sun and Moon
Venus is the significator of marital bliss. Sun and Moon are inimical towards
Venus. If the Sun and Moon conjoin with Venus the benefic results of Venus
will be spoiled. If the conjunction of Venus with the Sun and Moon takes
place in the 7 house marriage will be delayed, obstructed and will take place
in questionable circumstances. The marriage may be a compulsion or there
will be serious opposition for the marriage. The status of the family of the life
partner may be much lower than that of the native and such marriage will
always be problematic.
In shloka 4 of chapter 16 of Saravali acharya Kalyan verma mentions that
should the sun, moon and Venus be in one house at birth, the native will steal
other's money, will be a debaucher and be expert in sastras. This combination
720 Predicting Marriage

under discussion gives thieving tendencies, vices (particularly immoral nature)

and aversion to good acts.
A case of placement of Venus in the 7 house with the Sun and Moon is
explained here under.

Case- 15
Here Venus is placed in 7 house in Aquarius in conjunction with the Sun
and Moon, She is a beautiful, charming female. Inspite of best efforts of her
parents, her marriage could not be settled though she is tall, fair and slim,
Brahmin girl. It was unfortunate and a great setback to her parents when she
married in the court of law with a Muslim boy. He was serving in P.C.O. and
was hardly earning Rs. 500/- or so. The boy had made many manipulations and
told lot of lies to the girl in question and trapped this innocent girl. She was
shocked when she came to know about thq fact, within a week after her court
marriage on December 2002, when she was running under the sub period of
Venus in the major period of Saturn. Her father suffered from nervous
breakdown after hearing this shocking news. He broke all relations with his
daughter and instructed his family not to entertain her even on phone or call
her to home. She is leading a very miserable life and has also been blessed with
a son in early 2004. The only matter of satisfaction is that she is anyhow adjusting
with her muslim life partner because afflicted Venus falls in friendly sign Aquarius
and friendly navamsa Capricorn, Venus is placed at 311 14' in Aridra nakshatra
of Rahu. Rahu has given rise to Kaal sarp yoga. Mars and Rahu are very closely
associated and are only 18 apart. This combination wrongly diverted her and
compelled her for this marriage. What kind of adversity Venus can create is
evident in this birth chart if it comes under the influence of the Sun and Moon?
Case No. 15
ate 17/10/1955 Time 17:30:00 Day Monday Place Pune SriSanatan Ayanamsa 22:58:44
18:34:00 North Long 73:58:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:34:08

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime .:18;36;43 Mrs Gan ^ Deva Rahu : 0Y4M 4D Pingla : 0Y 0M 14D
Eoi.of time :0:14:27 Hrs Yoni ,1 Mahish Saturn
Sunrise :6:29:38 Hrs Nadi Antya 21/02/1972 17/10/1955
Sunset :18:09:36 Hrs Varan. -■ Shoodra 20/02/1991 31/10/1989
Samvat : 2012 Vashya Manav Saturn 23/02/1975 Pingla 31/10/1955
Saka : 1877 Varga Sarp Mercury 02/11/1977 Dhanya 31/10/1958
h/tonth : Asvina Yunja . 1 Madhya Ketu 12/12/1978 Bhramri 31/10/1962
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 11/02/1982 Bhadrika 31/10/1967
Tithi at Sunrise..: 2 Name Alphabet Taa-Tarun Sun 24/01/1983 Ulka 31/10/1973
Nakshatra : Svati Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Iron Moon 24/08/1984 Sidha 31/10/1980
Yoga : Priti Hora Sun Mars 03/10/1985 Sankta 31/10/1988
Karan : Kaulava Chaugharia Amrit Rahu 09/08/1988 Mangle 31/10/1989

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 0:21:39 Van Mar Mer Ket Asc Pis 18:41:45 Jup Mer Ket Ven
Mon Lib 19:44:38 Van Rah Mar Ket 2 Ari 22:28:04 Mar Ven Sat Mer
Mar Vir 9:36:03 Mer Sun Veil Mer 3 Tau 20:15:53 Ven Mon Ket Sat
Mer -R Vir 22:45:14 Mer Mon Sun Mon 4 Gem 15:27:13 Mer Rah Ven Ven
Jup Leo 3:02:33 Sun Ket Sun Mon 5 Can 11:37:48 Mon Sat Mon Sat
Van Lib 12:35:54 Van Rah Mer Mer 6 Leo 12:11:46 Sun Ket Mer Sun
Sat Lib 27:16:42 Van Jup Van Mar 7 Vir 18:41:45 Mer Mon Mer Mon
Rah -R Sco 25:41.09 Mar Mer Rah Ven 8 Lib 22:28:04 Ven Jup Sat Ket
Ket -R Tau 25:41:09 Van Mar Rah Ven 9 Sco 20:15:53 Mar Mer Ven Rah
Ura Can 9:08:21 Mon Sat Ven Rah 10 Sag 15:27:13 Jup Ven Ven Ket
Nap Lib 4:49:31 Van Mar Ven Ket 11 Cap 11:37:48 Sat Mon Mar Ket
PlU Leo 5:08:58 Sun Ket Mar Sat 12 Aqu 12*. 11:46 Sat Hah Sat Rah

Fortuna: Aries 8:04:44 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

Men 12 Mar 6 Ura

\/ \1/ Ura
Ket 2 X 12 X 10 10 Ur9°
\ 512"
Ura 3 Ura Mon X
■ <7^:N
\ 1
Xs /
Jup\ / Nap \ / Sat XX 2 X<J2Rah
Ura 4XMar 6 Mer^sRah 4X Sun 6 MonXSRah
Plu/ 5\ MeVen / 7\ ■ <^Mar 5 11 Ven^)
X \
5327= 822-| PU Nv X x^x
Rase- Ket o<r 8
920* Mo^o- Ven- XX0
JupyX 7 \ Ncp XsX
Nes* Suo'l Sun \x Mer \
722 Predicting Marriage

Venus Hemmed Between Luminaries.

Case: 16
This lady is a senior IAS officer and was married on 16.06.1986 with a very
handsome and smart boy. In this birth chart Yenus occupies the 2" house
identical to Cancer sign and the Sun and Rahu fall 2 ' to Venus whereas Moon
is 12 . Thus Venus falls in the sign of luminary and is hemmed between both
the luminaries, the Sun and Moon. This has spoiled her married life. She was
blessed with a daughter on 23.11.1988 and was selected in IARS in the very
same year, which is quite creditable. 7' lord Jupiter is retrograde with s"1 lord
Saturn. Venus obtains navamsa of Mars. These are also the important factor for
the destruction. However, these combinations may give rise to adverse health
of the husband and her inclination towards licentious deeds but both of these
combinations will not result into divorce. As far as my humble observation in
this regard is concerned placement of Venus in Cancer at 14° should be held
responsible for separation, which has been moved in the court of law in the
year 2004. Her husband is forced to share his sorrow and grief to another female
due to continuous suppression, suspicion and harassment by his wife.
Case No. 16
05/09/1961 Time 00:02:00 Day Tuesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23,.03,.4^
Lat 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SideriaiTime 22:50:09 Mrs Gan Deva Jupiter; 15Y 0M 5D Pingla : 1Y10M 15D
Eq.oftime 0:00:52 Mrs Yoni Marjar Saturn
Sunrise 5:48:12 Mrs Nadi Adya 10/09/1976 05/09/1961
Sunset 18:22:23 Hrs Varan Shoodra 10/09/1995 22/07/1997
Samvat 2018 Vashya Manav Saturn 13/09/1979 Pingla 22/07/1953
Saka 1883 Varga Maqar Mercury 23/05/1982 Dhanya 22/07/1966
Month Bhadra Yunja Madhya Ketu 02/07/1983 Bhramn 22/07/1970
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 01/09/1986 Bhadrika 22/07/1975
Tithi at Sunrise.. 10 Name Alphabet Ke-Keval Sun 14/08/1987 Ulka 22/07/1981
Nakshatra Punarvasu Paya(Rasi-Nak) Gold-Silver Moon 14/03/1989 Sidha 21/07/1988
Yoga Vyatipat Hora Sun Mars 23/04/1990 Sankta 21/07/1996
Karan Bava Chaugharia Labha Bahu 27/02/1993 Mangla 22/07/1997

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 18:54:26 Sun Ven Rah Sat Asc Gem 2:30:00 Mer Mar Ket Sat
Mon Gem 20:49:16 Mer Jup Jup Ket 2 Gem 25:49:08 Mer Jup Ket Ket
Mer Vir 18:58:53 Mer Mon Mer Rah 3 Can 19:57:24 Mon Mer Ven Mon
Mer Vir 6.40.29 Mer Sun Mer Jup 4 Leo 18:00:38 Sun Ven Mar Sun
Jup -R Cep 4:49:49 Sat Sun Sat Jup 5 Vir 21:37:13 Mer Mon Ve n Jup
Ven Cen 14:15:03 Mon Sat Rah Ven 6 Lib 28:14:45 Ven Jup Ven Sat
Set -R Cap 0:36:07 Sat Sun Rah Ven 7 Sag 2:30:00 Jup Ket Ven Sat
Reh Leo 4:10:18 Sun Ket Mon Sat 8 Sag 25:49:08 Jup Ven Mer Sat
Ket Aqu 4:10:18 Sat Mar Ven Sat 9 Cap 19:57:24 Sat Mon Ket Mar
Ure Leo 4:06:12 Sun Ket Mon Jup 10 Aqu 18:00:38 Sat Rah Sun Ven
Nep Lib 16:02:09 Ven Rah Ven Rah 11 Pis 21:37:13 Jup Mer Sun Mon
Plu Leo 14:56:28 Sun Ven Ven Sat 12 Ari 28:14:45 Mar Sun Mon Ve n

Fortuna: Aries 4:24:51 Navamsa Chart

Ven Ket
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
6 y/
7 VaX
X5 Plu

Sat 10
I 1228"
\ Ven / > Ven /
Ura\4 / \ 2
/ ~ Rah\3 / N
/\ 1
XX3 Mar
eP/l2\v Mon2\Ss^
10ie" (Jra Mon 3
SunhXMon3 / Mer n. / \Jra .Rah\
Plu / \
7 \ / \
(^Mar 6 12 ^ Sun 5 Mar \. Mer Ven/

th* 3 ^/l
Nep?)/ 9 VjIKet jU5. Nep6 Y XIOKet
8 10 Sar / 7 / 9 \ (Sat 6 Rah X. Nep 12 Ket)
/ \ / \
Tsat Jup\ Sat JupX N. Ura yS
/ \/
Jup T^XjVlon 9 10
1 Sun
yX gX.
724 Predicting Marriage

She is an extremely charming lady, wife of a senior I.G. She lost her husband
and daughter in a road accident on 26.072002 as soon as Saturn entered in
Gemini. She is born in Aquarius ascendant, yogakaraka Venus occupies the
inimical sign Aries and obtains navamsa of mars. But Venus is hemmed between
the luminaries Sun and Moon, Sun and Saturn, Sun and Rahu thus, Venus is
heavily afflicted. Conjunction of Mercury and Venus in the 11'"house gave rise
to many serious love affairs, likings and inclination. As soon as she lost her
husband all her so-called well wishers, lovers and intimates disappeared.
Whenever Venus is hemmed between luminaries' disasters take place in regard
to conjugal life. Mutual exchange of navamsa of Mars and Venus may also be
noted which made her prey of lustful persons. Jupiter in 7,hor 8th house does
not save widowhood until unless the 1™ house and lagna are strong and their
lords are strong and well disposed. In this birth chart the lord Sun occupies
the I2 house in inimical sign Capricorn and aspected by Saturn. Moreover,
her birth took place in jyestha nakshatra. She is now leading a miserable life of
a widow and is still facing wrath of many lustful eyes.
Case No. 17
tD 26/01/1957 Time 09:09:44 Day Saturday Place UnnaO Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22 59
at 26:32:00 North Long 80:30:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:08:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakia Vimsottari Yogini

SiderialTime . 17:22:24 Hrs Gan Rakshas Mercury: 11Y8M eD Shadrikf :3Y5M7D
Eq.of time -0:12:35 Hrs Yani Mrig Moon
Sunrise 6:57:06 Hrs Nadi Adya 03/10/2001 05/07/1991
Sunset 17:44:08 Hrs Varan. Vipra 04/10/2011 05/07/2027
Samvat 2013 Vashya Keetak Moon 03/08/2002 Bhadrika 04/07/1996
Saka 1878 Varga Mrig Mars 04/03/2003 Ulka 05/07/2002
Month Magha Yunja. Antya Rahu 02/09/2004 Sidha 04/07/2009
Paksh Krishna HansakfTatva) Jal Jupiter 02/01/2006 Sankta 04/07/2017
Tithi at Sunrise.. 11 Name Alphabet Yaa-Ya!endra Saturn 04/08/2007 Mangla 05/07/2018
Nakshatra Jyestha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Mercury 02/01/2009 Pingla 04/07/2020
Yoga Dhruva Copper-Copper Ketu 03/08/2009 Dhanya 05A37/2023
Karan Balava Hora Venus 04/04/2011 Bhramri 05/07/2027

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 12:56:10 Sat Mon Rah Mer Asc Aqu 23:59; 14 Sat Jup Mer Mer
Mon Sco 20:50:07 Mar Mer Ven Sal 2 Ari 2:51:17 Mar Ket Ven Mer
Mar Ari 5:31:14 Mar Ket Mar Mon 3 Tau 3:16:57 Ven Sun Sat Sat
Mer Sag 19:24:01 Jup Ven Rah Ven 4 Tau 28:22:07 Ven Mar Sat Mar
Jup -R Vir 8:39:02 Mer Sun Ven Rah 5 Gem 22:18:28 Mer Jup Sat Mar
Ven Sag 23:37:54 Jup Ven Sat Rah 6 Can 19:14:11 Mon Mer Ket Mar
Sat Sco 18:44:47 Mar Mer Ket Sun 7 Leo 23:59:14 Sun Van Sat Jup
Rah -R Sco 3:28:45 Mar Sat Sat Sat 8 Lib 2:51:17 Ven Mar Ven Ven
Ket -R Tau 3.28:45 Ven Sun Sat Mer 9 Sco 3:16:57 Mar Jup Rah Mar
Ura -R Can 11:54:20 Mon Sat Mon Ven 10 Sco 28:22:07 Mar Mer Sat Mer
Nep Lib 9:35:13 Ven Rah Jup Van 11 Sag 22:18:28 Jup Ven Sat Mer
Plu -R Leo 6:46:15 Sun Ket Ket 12 Cap 19:14:11 Sat Mon Mer Jup

Fortuna: Capricorn 1:53:11 Navamsa Chart

Plu X
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
4V I Mar 2
Mar Ket 23- 33-
Mas' Key
4ze° 11 Ket

0 >\10Mon
lO/ven Ven S
Mar 1 x 11 x 9 I Ket 2 X9 \/Nep Sat\
Ket 2 Sat 8 Mon 8 Mer . v Rah S
\ Rah / N. /ven
/ \Jup
4 \ Plu / 6 Jup / 7 \Mon Ura 3 MerJ>
Jup \ Jup . / Nep \

■ / Ket
726 Predicting Marriage

Case: 18
She was married to a handsome and loving industrialist and a multimillionaire.
She was leading a very happy and prosperous married life but a helluva twist
came in their life when certain criminals demanded huge sum of money from
him. This young, energetic, volatile youth refused them inspite of repeated
threats. Her lagna lord Mars is placed in 9 house but it is shifted in 8
house in bhava chart and it obtains the navamsa of 7* lord Venus. This is
certainly an adverse combination for the matters of the life of the husband.
Her husband was murdered on the evening of 18.11.1999. The native was in
the hospital in labour pain to deliver the child. There was hardly the
difference of few hours between his death and the delivery of his son. Every
one remained quiet and she was not told about this tragic incident till the
day before the final departure of his body for cremation. Her 7lh lord Venus
occupies the 10,h house in Leo and is hemmed between Ketu and Mars giving
rise to papakartari yoga. The adversity is further enhanced as Venus obtains
the navamsa of Moon, in Cancer. Thus/Venus falls in Magha nakshatra, Leo
sign and Cancer navamsa. Therefore, she lost her husband as discussed above.
I therefore opine that if Venus happens to be the 7,h lord and falls in Leo sign
and obtains the navamsa of either Sun or Moon the adversities in the married
life get enhanced. That will be further worse if Venus falls in Magha, Uttara
Phalguni or Punarvasu nakshatra.
Case No. 18
^ate 12/08/1968 Time 14:45:00 Day Monday PiaceJhansi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:09:2^,
Lat 25:27:00 North Long 78:34:00 Easl Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:15:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time .:11:52:49 Hrs Gan :Manushya Saturn ; 2Y4M 16D Bhadrika : 0Y 7M 15D
Eq.of time 0:04:59 Hrs Yoni :Gau Venus
Sunrise :5:48;56 Hrs Nadi :Madhya 29/12/1994 12/08/J 968
Sunset :18:52:06 Hrs Varan. :Vipra 29/12/2014 28/03/2000
Samvat : 2025 Vashya :Jalchar Venus 29/04/1998 Bhadrika 29/03/1969
Saka : 1890 Varga :Shnha Sun 29/04/1999 Ulka 29/03/1975
Month : Bhadra Yunja i Antya Moon 28/12/2000 Sidha 29/03/1982
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Mars 27/02/2002 Sankta 29/03/1990
Tithi at Sunrise./. 4 Name Alphabet Yan-Yamesh Rahu 27/02/2005 Mangla 29/03/1991
Nakshatra : U Bhadrapad Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Gold Jupiter 29/10/2007 Pingla 29/03/1993
Yoga : Dhrati Hora Saturn Saturn 29/12/2010 Dhanya 28/03/1996
Karan : Kaulava Chaugharia : Char Mercury 29/10/2013 Bhramri 28/03/2000

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Can 26:32:52 Mon Mer Jup Sat Asc Sco 24:31:57 Mar Mer Rah Jup
Men Pis 14:59:52 Jup Sat Jup Jup 2 Sag 26:02:37 Jup Ven Ket Ven
Mar Can 11:09:00 Mon Sat Mon Mar 3 Aqu 0:30:46 Sat Mar Mer Ven
Mer Leo 1:43:02 Sun Ket Ven Rah 4 Pis 4:53:06 Jup Sat Sat Rah
Jup Leo 17:18:45 Sun Ven Mon Sun 5 Ari 5:18:27 Mar Ket Mar Ket
Ven Leo 11:07:18 Sun Ket Sat Rah 6 Tau 1:10:40 Ven Sun Rah Mar
Sat -R Ari 2:22:12 Mar Ket Ven Sat 7 Tau 24:31:57 Ven Mar Rah Jup
Rah -R Pis 17:30:06 Jup Mer Mer Mon 8 Gem 26:02:37 Mer Jup Ket Mon
Ket -R Vir 17:30:06 Mer Mon Sat Jup 9 Leo 0:30:46 Sun Ket Ket Jup
Ura Vir 3:59:46 Mer Sun Sat Ven 10 Vir 4:53:06 Mer Sun Sat Jup
Nep Sco 0:36:57 Mar Jup Mar Rah 11 Lib 5:18:27 Ven Mar Sun Sat
Plu Leo 28:18:52 Sun Sun Mon Ven 12 Sco 1:10.40 Mar Jup Mar Ven

Fortuna: Cancer 12:58:58 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

1 SatX /
iX/Sun VVH)
532' 6f Wee / \ / Xftahi

Ket 3 >< 5 X7 Mar!

\.7 /Lira Sun v/ V/ — 4 6
lOVNep 8 X6 Mar >v X
11X 8 X7Nep Ma"' /ven Nep \^/^ Jup
/ \Ket
/ Plu \ Dasamsa
>( Jup 5 Mer^ Mon12 Sat 6 \Sat Rah/
\ / Mer y 9r
\ Ven / jyp X / Me?'
Mon\ \ /sun yen X/Jurpiu Vail"* Plu 2XMon 12 Jup
> X4 Plu
Rah/ 1 A5Meu- iZ
/ 3 \Ven p|28
Maty 3 UraVT 9 y
Mar SunN^
Nvy/ X. y' Sun
ep 4/C 6 /\8
/fix X 7\Ven
725 Predicting Marriage

Moon in various signs in opposition to Venuis

Kalyan Verma mentions in Swravali in shloka 6 of chapter 23 that if Moon is

in Aries aspected by Venus, the (Subjectwill marry a supreme lady. Shlokas 13
of chapter 23 of Saravali says that Moon in Taurus in aspect to Verms will give
the comfort of bed. In shloka 21 of chapter 23 Saravali quotes that if Venus
aspects Moon in Gemini, the native will be endowed with the company of
supreme female. Kalyan Verma mentions in Saravali in shloka 28 of chapter 23
that if Venus aspects Moon in Cancer, the native will be head of prostitutes and
be splendorous. In shloka 35 of chapter 23 he writes that should Venus aspect
the Moon in Leo, one will be skillfull in sexual union and will be a female's
servant. Shloka 42 of chapter 23 of Saravali says that if Venus aspects the Moon
in Virgo, the native will have many wives. In shloka 49 of chapter 23 Kalyan
Verma quotes that if Venus lends aspect on Moon in Libra, oncwill be beautiful.
Shloka 56 of chapter 23 of Saravali says that if Venus aspects Moon in Scorpio
the native will lose strength on account of women. Kalyan Vejfma also quotes in
shloka 63 of chapter 23 that should Venus aspect the Moon in Sagittarius, the
native will be endowed with sexual desires. Saravali's shloka 70 of chapter 23
says that if Venus aspects moon in Capricorn, one will jo/in others wives. In
shloka 77 of chapter 23 it is mentioned that if Venus aspects the Moon in
Aquarius, the person will have a bad wife and will be unhappy. Shloka 84 of
chapter 23 says that if Venus aspects the Moon in Pisces, he will be skillful in
sexual intercourse and will steal the heart of fair sex.
Case: 19( Moon Venus opposition)

She was born in Leo ascendant with Moon. Venus occupies the 7lh house.
Thus, moon and Venus are opposite to each other. She is exceptionally beautiful
and topper of the university in biochemistry. She was married to a handsome
IAS officer on 07.05.1990 and she has been blessed with two daughters. She
is leading very unhappy married life and is at the verge of permanent
separation with her husband. There had been many occasions when she left
her husband's place for months together. In this birth chart there is mutual
exchange of navamsa of Mars and Venus. Venus and Moon are opposite to
each other identical to the 71h house and the ascendant and this is mainly
responsible for the unhappiness regarding conjugal bliss. Venus and Moon
i ■ 'ls alvva vs
- adverse.
Case No. 19
ate 28/01/1967 Time 21:15:42 Day Saturday Place Meerut Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:08
Lai 29:00:00 North Long 77:42:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:19:12

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time .:5:25:23 Hrs Gan. i Manushya Venus: 13Y10M 22D Ulka :4Y2M 0D
Eq.of time >0:12:54 Hrs Yonl Mooshak Moon
Sunrisa :7:11:55 Hrs Nadi j Madhya 21/12/1986 28/01/1967
Sunset ;17:52;25 Hrs Varan j Kshatriya 20/12/1996 30/03/2001
Samvat : 2023 Vashya : Vanchar Moon 21/10/1987 Ulka 31/03/1971
Saka : 1888 Varga : Shwan Mars 21/0571988 Sidha 31/03/1978
Month : Magha Yunja : Madhya Rahu 20/11/1989 Sankta 31/03/1986
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Jupiter 22/03/1991 Mangla 31/03/1987
Tithi at Sunrise..: 3 Name Alphabet Taa-Tamn Saturn 20/10/1992 Pingla 30/03/1989
Nakshatra : P Phalguni Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Silver Mercury 22/03/1994 Dhanya 30/03/1992
Yoga : Shobhan Hora Salum Ketu 21/10/1994 Bhramri 30/03/1996
Karan : Vishtj Chaugharia j Shubh Venus 21/06/1996 Bhadrika 30/03/2001

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 14 53:43 Sat Mon Jup Ven Asc Leo 29:15:42 Sun Sun Rah Rah
Mon Leo 17 24:14 Sun Ven Mar Rah 2 Yir 26:50:03 Mar Mar Jup Mer
Mar Lib 2 24:43 Ven Mar Ket Jup 3 Lib 27:13:29 Ven Jup Van Mar
Mer Cap 22 14:00 Sat Mon Van Mer 4 Sco 28:54:49 Mar Mar Sat Ven
Jup -R Can 5:11:52 Mon Sat Sal Jup 5 Cap 0:31:05 Sat Sun Rah Ven
Van Aqu :12:13 Sat Mar Ven Sat 6 Aqu 0:59:23 Sat Mar Mer Mar
Sat Pis :04:35 Jup Jup Rah Mon 7 Aqu 29:15:42 Sat Jup Sun Mer
Rah -R Ari 36:27 Mar Ven Rah Jup 8 Pis 26:50:03 Jup Mer Jup Mer
Ket -R Lib 36:27 Ven Rah Mon Sat 9 Ari 27:13:29 Mar Sun Sun Ven
Ura -R Vir 53:51 Mer Sun Rah Sun 10 Tau 28:54:49 Ven Mar Sat Ven
Nep Sco 00:28 Mar Jup Mar Mer 11 Can 0:31:05 Mon Jup Mon Sun
Pfu -R Leo 10:18 Sun Sun Sun Mar 12 Leo 0:59:23 Sun Ket Van Ven

irtuna: Aries 1:46:13 Navamsa Chart

Ura N. Ven yS
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
\ to Nv8
11 XIPlu 9 X7 Mar

927- 1029° Ket 12 Rah 6 Mon

Sat |\ Ura /5\ Jup / Sar \Mar Kal/ Plu Mon /

729* \ 6y/ \, 5 / | 111° 1 >s. 3 Xx? ^L,P
Ket\6/ \4/ Ju
7 V Mon Plu V3 . Nep Ura 5 \(4 Jupl Jus* S Sun XX Sat MerX
Mar/ \ /\
Nep 8 \ /\Jup Mer /
X3 X xTx
Sun \ / \ / Nep 4X Ura Plu
Mer V\ ^1 /V j 10 V 11 Yi
Sun 10
/ \ Ven
/ 12 \ 5r lM«j/ll\. Sat /12 ^
/SunMeX / Sat \] Ura / Ven \ / Rah
429* 327'' X. / ^ljn
6xX 9
xX 10
Ket Kei®4 X^7 X^ g\Mon
Nep Mar Ner Maa' /
Mar Rah\ X ^ Sat x.
730 Predicting Marriage

Venus in various signs in opposition to Moon

Saravali mentions in shloka 26 of chapter 28 that if Venus occupies Aries

or Scorpio and is aspected by Moon, he will marry a base lady, be libidinous
and will be bereft of children. Saravali mentions in shloka 32 of chapter 28 that
should Venus occupy the Taurus or Libra and is aspected by moon, the native
will be endowed with sons and respect, and he will be splendorous. Saravali
quotes in shloka 38 of chapter 28 that if Venus occupies Gemini or Virgo in
opposition to Moon the native will be endowed with sleeping comforts and he
will be splendorous, beautiful in appearance and be fortunate. Saravali mentions
in shloka 44 of chapter 28 that placement of Venus in Cancer in opposition to
Moon, he will keep his step mother happy, will have a daughter first and later
on many sons, be happy, fortunate and beautiful. In shloka 50 of chapter 28 of
Saravali acharya Kalyan Verma states that if Venus occupies Leo in opposition
to Moon, he will be miserable on account of women, he will present obsequial
water to his step mother and will have various kinds of mental disposition. In
chapter 28, shloka 46 of Saravali states that if Venus occupies Sagittarius or
Pisces in opposition to Moon, he will be famous, be kingly, will eat rich food, be
distinguished and will possess incomparable strength. Acharya Kalyan Verma
mentions in shloka 62 of chapter 28 of his classical work Saravali that should
Venus occupy Capricorn or Aquarius and is aspected by Moon the native will
be very splendorous-, very valorous, very affluent and fortunate.
Case: 20 ( Moon Venus opposition)
She was married on 21.04.1983 and divorced on 07.08.1983 that is within 3
V2 months. In fact, she suffered from fits of epilepsy and this was not properly
informed to her in-laws. As soon as her husband came to know about her
sickness he left her forever. The worst combination for happy married life is
present in this birth chart. She was born in Scorpio ascendant. 7 lord Venus
th th
falls in 10 house in Leo and 9 lord Moon joins the 4 house in association
with lagna lord Mars. Mars and Saturn both aspect the 7"' house and Venus.
Moreover, Venus is placed in Leo opposite to Moon and Mars. This combination
proved fatal for her married life. Venus obtains the navamsa of its debilitation
and moon is 7"' from there in navamsa. Thus, the Moon and Venus are opposite
to each other in navamsa chart as well. Its true that other combinations of divorce
are present in this birth chart but placement of Venus in Leo opposite to Moon
has strengthened the divorce.

Case No. 20
ate 16/10/1956 Time 09:10:00 Day Tuesday Place Varanasi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:
J-at 25:20:00 North Long 83:00:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:02:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

SiderialTime .:10:5032 Mrs Gan ^ Rakshas Rahu; 2Y11M 17D Dhanya : 0Y 5M 28D
Eq.of time :0:14:23 Hrs Yoni : Ashwa Saturn
Sunrise :5:58:10 Hrs Nadi i Adya 04/10/1975 16/10/1956
Sunset :17:28:46 Hrs Varan : Shoodra 03/10/1994 15/04/1990
Ssmvat : 2013 Vashya - Manav Saturn 06/10/1978 Dhanya 14/04/1957
Saka : 1878 Varga Mesha Mercury 16/06/1981 Bhramri 14/04/1961
Month : Asvina Yunja : Anlya Ketu 25/07/1982 Bhadrika 15/04/1966
Paksh : Shukla HansakfTatva) Vayu Venus 24/09/1985 Ulka 14/04/1972
Tithi at Sunrise..: 12 Name Alphabet Soo-Sooraj Sun 06/09/1986 Sidha 15/04/1979
Nakshatra : Satabhisha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : IroivCopper Moon 06/04/1988 Sankta 15/04/1987
Yoga : Vradhi Hora - Merajry Mars 16/05/1989 Mangla 14/04/1988
Karan : Balava Chaugharia : Char Rahu 22/03/1992 Pingla 15/04/1990

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 29:45:49 Mer Mar Sat Jup Asc Sco 11:09:58 Mar Sat Mon Rah
Mon Aqu 17:48:14 Sat Rah Sun Sat 2 Sag 11:22:36 Jup Ket Sat Jup
Mar Aqu 20:22:43 Sat Jup Jup Sat 3 Cap 14:12:08 Sat Mon Jup Sat
Mer Vir 12:38:05 Mer Mon Rah Sat 4 Aqu 18:10:58 Sat Rah Mon Mon
Jup Leo 27:50:45 Sun Sun Mon Sat 5 Pis 19:51:59 Jup Mer Ven Mon
Ven Leo 18:31:10 Sun Ven Rah Jup 6 Ari 17:13:58 Mar Ven Mon Ven
Sat See 7:33:25 Mar Sat Ket Mon 7 Tau 11:09:58 Ven Mon Mar Rah
Rah -R See 6:38:21 Mar Sat Mer Rah 8 Gem 11:22:36 Mer Rah Sat Ven
Ket -R Tau 6:38:21 Ven Sun Mer Jup 9 Can 14:12:08 Mon Sat Rah Ven
Ura Can 13:39:41 Mon Sat Rah Sat 10 Leo 18:10:58 Sun Ven Rah Rah
Nep Lib 6:53:14 Ven Rah Rah Rah 11 Vir 19:51:59 Mer Mon Ket Sun
Plu Leo 6:55:11 Sun Ket Rah Ven 12 Lib 17:13:58 Ven Rah Ven Mer

Fortuna; Pisces 29:12:24 Navamsa Chart

i\. — ura ~/\Ven Sun
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal S o3t
Nepx /
9X 7 X5 RQh
Ker JUp y/ X X.
617' 7tr

Rah Sal
Ket llXMar 1 MerX-S Plu
\9 / \ 7 /Mer tlra \ 7/Nap Xl12 X. y/ 2 N.
10^ Sat Rah \/q a Ve / Mon X yX X.
/ \Sun Uri4'
/ \ /\Sun / \ Sh" Dasamsa
Monll MarX Ven 5 JuPy Mar 11 XJup S Mer^: X X^vSat Mer XI
\ / \ plu / Jup X. 8 X^ RahyX
\ / \ / Ven \ Ven /
Neo 9XPlu 7 X> Marl
\/ \/ Plu \/ P u 1019'
/\ 2
/V Ura 2 /\ ' Vei9'
/ l\ Ket / 3\ / 3 \ Juss* XUra 4 Mon
^ Sun \ y
X 1 yX^
Rah 1i B 1217- Vanx|2 >X 2 X.
Sat Nep Ra HH Ne?' X Kel X/'^ JLIP ^
Case No. 21
^ 15/05/1957 Time 0120:00 Day Wednesday Place Hardoi Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
Lat 27:23:00 North Long 80:06:00 East Zone 82:30.00 East Time Corr - 0:09:36

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarl Yogini

SiderialTime .:16:3931 Hrs Gan Deva Salurn : 6Y 11M 10D Bhramri : 1Y5M 160
Eq.of time 0:03:44 Hrs Yoni Mrig Venus
Sunrise -.5:23:26 Hrs Nadi j Madhya 25/04/1988 15/05/1957
Sunset :18:48:48 Hrs Varan j Vipra 25/04/2008 31/10/1990
Sam vat... : 2014 Vashya Keetak Venus 25/08/1991 Bhramri 31/10/1958
Saka : 1879 Varga - Sarp Sun 24/08/1992 Bhadrika 31/10/1963
Month : Jyestha Yunja Madhya Moon 25/04/1994 Ulka 30/10/1969
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Ja? Mars 25/06/1995 Sidha 30/10/1976
TithiatSunrise,,: 1 Name Alphabet » Noo-l\Jrihari Rahu 25/06/1998 Sankta 30/10/1984
Nakshatra : Anuradha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Jupiter 23/02/2001 Mangla 30/10/1985
Yoga : Parigh Copper-Copper Saturn 25/04/2004 Pingla 31/10/1987
Karan : Kaulava Hora Salum Mercury 24/02/2007 Ohanya 31/10/1990

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Tau 0:43:36 Ven Sun Rah Ven Asc Aqu 9:18:27 Sat Rah Jup Mer
Mon Sco 11:47:31 Mar Sat Mon Mer 2 Pis 19:37:21 Jup Mer Ven Ven
Mar Gem 13:23:20 Mer Rah Mer Mon 3 Ari 22:16:37 Mar Ven Sat Mer
Mer •R Ari 17:38:56 Mar Ven Mar Sat 4 Tau 18:25:28 Ven Mon Mer Ven
Jup R Leo 28:51:50 Sun Sun Mar Mer 5 Gem 12:07:01 Mer Rah Sat Rah
Ven Tau 8:40:28 Ven Sun Ven Rah 6 Can 7.24:35 Mon Sat Ket Ven
Sat R Sco 19:18:59 Mar Mer Ket Mer 7 Leo 9:18:27 Sun Ket Jup Rah
Rah Lib 26:37:50 Ven Jup Ven Ven 8 Vir 19:37:21 Mer Mon Mer Sat
Ket Ari 26:37:50 Mar Ven Ket Mer 9 Lib 22:16:37 Ven Jup Sat Mer
Ura Gan 10:23:10 Mon Sat Sun Mon 10 Sco 18:25:28 Mar Mer Mer Sat
Nep •R Lib 7:37:24 Ven Rah Rah Mer 11 Sag 12:07:01 Jup Ket Mer Ven
Plu Leo 4:55:46 Sun Ket Mar Rah 12 Gap 7:24:35 Sat Sun Ket Rah
Fortuna: Leo 20:22:22 Navamsa Chart
Sun Ket
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal S
n: 10 jS i^ \ 5 yXyra
Marll^x^Jup 9 Satj>^7
X \Nep "X X°n
vVen 12 6 Mer^

\ Mer
KetVZ/ Y°/ SunVia, Xx XX
1 11 Van iV' Rah PluX X^ X
X X9
Mer/ \ / \ Kel /
^Sun 2 Veny<^Sat 8 Movy 8 Sat Rah Ura/X X. >X

4V^JLip 2 ^\<^12Ven
•\/ /Rah
Mar ZyOJup 5 Plu V 7 ^2?" Mar3\
/ 4\ /eNNep /a[ \ Jup
/ Ura \ / \ P]u\ Nep
/ /
Sa^ Ra27° Mer \ X x X Sun
eX 8 Xio
Sat Nep 10ia- 922* %7 X^ 9
Mon Rah Ne0° in War\ X^Nep Kei\
Luminaries And Venus 733

Sun Venus Conjunction

Acharya Kalyan Verma mentions in shloka 6 of chapter 15 that if the Sun

and Venus are together, one will be weak sighted in old age, will have abundant
money earned through women. One with this conjunction is highly libidinous
i.e. he is characterized by excessive sexual desire.
Case: 21 Sun Venus conjunction )h

She was born in Aquarius ascendant with Jupiter in 7 house. Everybody

spoke very high about her marriage but i^did not happen so. 7 lord Sun ig
conjoined with yogakaraka Venus in the 4 house. Moon is debilitated in 7
house in conjunction with Saturn. Thus, the opposition of Moon and Venus,
conjunction of Sun and Venus and opposition of Sun and Saturn is present in
this birth chart. These combinations are extremely adverse for marriage. Saturn
aspects 9^ and 4,h lord Venus, lord Sun, 2nJ and ll1" lord Jupiter and the
house. I have explained in my other articles and books that opposition of Sun
and Saturn denies marriage provided these have anything to do with the 7
house or these own or are placed there in. In this horoscope, in addition to tins
adverse combination of opposition of Sun and Saturn, the conjunction of 7
lord Sun with yogakaraka Venus in opposition to Moon is also present which
denied marriage to her completely.
734 Predicting Marriage

Case: 22 (Sun Venus conjunction)

The native is extremely meritorious and did PRCS from London. He was
married in 31 year of age with a charming girl. His wife was involved with
one of his colleagues and that resulted in divorce within 3years of marriage i.e.
in 1985. Yogakaraka Venus joins the 7 house in Leo and that has blessed the
native with a pretty life partner. Conjunction of Venus and Sun in Leo in the 7
house is mainly responsible for mishappenings of married life'. The native lived
with his concubine thereafter.
Case No. 22
ate 26/08/1951 Time 18.25:00 Day Sunday Ptace Patna Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:55:1
25:37:00 North Long 85:12:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:10:48

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time .:16:51:40 Mrs Gan Deva Mars ; 2Y0M 27D Sankta : 2Y4M 14D
Eq.of time 0:02:01 Hrs Yoni Sarp Jupiter
Sunrise :5:27:55 Mrs Nadi Madhya 23/09/1971 26/08/1951
Sunset 18:14:07 Hrs Varan Shoodra 23/09/1987 09/01/1982
Samvat : 2008 Vashya Manav Jupiter 10/11/1973 Sankta 09/01/1954
Saka : 1873 Varga Marjar Saturn 24/05/1976 Mangla 09/01/1955
Month : 8hadra Yunja Poorva Mercury 29/08/1978 Pingla 09/01/1957
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Ketu 05/08/1979 Dhanya 09/01/1960
Tithi at Sunrise..: 9 Name Alphabet Ka-Kamal Venus 05/04/1982 Bhramri 09/01/1964
Nakshatra : Mrigsira Paya(Rasi-Nak) Silver-Gold Sun 23/01/1983 Bhadrika 09/01/1969
Yoga : Vajra Hora Jupiter Moon 24/05/1984 Ulka 09/01/1975
Karan : Vanij Chaugharia Shubh Mars 29/04/1985 Sidha 09/01/1982

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 9:33:22 Sun Ket Sat Sat Asc Aqu 13:54:07 Sat Rah Mer Jup
Mon Gem 2:42:44 Mer Mar Ven Ven 2 Pis 23:19:40 Jup Mer Mon Sun
Mar Can 12:16:24 Mon Sat Mar Jup 3 Arl 25:18:55 Mar Ven Mer Rah
Mer -R Leo 18:30:07 Sun Ven Rah Jup 4 Tau 21:20:01 Ven Mon Ven Rah
Jup -R Pis 20:27:09 Jup Mer Ven Rah 5 Gem 15:18:52 Mer Rah Ven Ven
Ven -R Leo 22:01:38 Sun Ven Sat Sat 6 Can 11:15:03 Mon Sat Mon Rah
Sat Vir 8:28:45 Mer Sun Ven Mar 7 Leo 13:54:07 Sun Ven Ven Mon
Rah -R Aqu 17:02:29 Sat Rah Ven Mer a Vir 23:19:40 Mer Mon Sun Ven
Ket -R Leo 17:02:29 Sun Ven Mon Ket 9 Lib 25:18:55 Ven Jup Mer Jup
Ura Gem 19:47:04 Mer Rah Mar Ven 10 Sco 21:20:01 Mar Mer Ven Mer
Nep Vir 24:42:46 Mer Mar Rah Sat 11 Sag 15:18:52 Jup Ven Ven Mer
Plu Can 26:59:23 Mon Mer Jup Ven 12 Cap 11:15:03 Sat Mon Mar Rah

tuna: Sagittarius 7:03:29 Navamsa Chart

Rah Sat / >
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal \Ura1 PluX
\ 2/
1 >C 11

Jup / < N. jS Ven

1 5
\12/ \V /V Mar
\Nep 6 \Mon
1 X Rah 11 Rai^ i >( Jup Rahyg /Ket Mar\

Mon 2 Mar Sat Xs
S. Rah X
5\: Won 3
S^Sun 5 MerYy Ura 3VMer 5 Ven V7
/ 4 \Kel / \ /nTX Ke[ / 12 Van
/Mar Plu\ /Nep Sat / Sun Mar\/ Ne
1021" 7X 9 Xl 1 War
X^BN. Ura X^ ION-
Sun Plu\ XtKar\
736 Predicting M arri age

Moon Venus Conjunction

Saravali states in shloka 1 ] of chapter 15 that should the Moon and Venus be
together, the native will be endowed with flowers, incense and clothes, will be
responsible towards duties but very lazy, and expert in buying and selling.

Case: 23 (Moon Venus conjunction)

The native was the son of a senior police personnel. He was killed on
21,12.1987 due to certain misunderstanding with his contractor colleague. The
.ascendant is aspected by Mars and Saturn, and 8 lord Mercury is conjoined
with Mars, and lagna lord Mars obtains mrituyansha. However, we are here
concerned with the conjunction of Venus and Moon in Taurus. Let me explain
the havoc done by the conjunction of Venus and Moon as it took place in the 7
house. The native was married on 11.05.1980 with extra ordinary beautiful and
charming girl. The native came to know on 1' night that she was pregnant for
five months. In fact, it was a love marriage but the native had never touched
her. The wife denied completely that she was pregnant. The native took out the
gun of his father and fired on her. Anyhow she was fortunate and had a narrow
escape. Thereafter she accepted her pregnancy by her brother in law. Mutual
divorce was granted and 2^ marriage took place on 08.12.1982 with a most
ordinary girl. The native had a fracture on 15.06.1986 and suffered serious and
massive heart attack on 06.07.1986. Misfortune left him only when he was
assassinated and cut into pieces on 21.12.1987. It is believed that the main reason
of his murder was a female and a secret lustful affair that's why it will not be out
of place to mention that "women thy name is fidelity" or there had always been
a women behind every war. The conjunction of Venus and Moon may deny
marital happiness particularly if it takes place in 75h house.
We conclude that Venus curtails marital happiness, if it comes under the
influence of the Sun or Moon or both in one or the other way. We have mentioned
Saravali only in support of our views. But other classical works also certify the
view that Venus Sun, Venus Moon and Venus Sun Moon combinations give
rise to unhappy marriage, sudden set backs in married life, early loss of life
partner or divorce. Many times the subject does not get conjugal bliss even
after more than one marriage. Venus if placed in Leo gives worst result especially
in case of Aquarius ascendant inspite of being yogakaraka. Venus in Leo is further
worse if falls in the navamsa of debilitation i.e. in Virgo. If Venus joins Leo and
falls in Uttara Phalguni nakshatra and occupy Sagittarius navamsa, worst
adversities and havocs appear in regard to marriage.
If Venus is conjoined with the Sun and Moon in the 7 house or if Venus owns
the 7 house, in such a position, disasters take place in respect of life partner.
Aspect between Venus in Leo and Moon in Aquarius and vice versa also
curtail marital happiness and may even lead to separation, Saravali mentions
Case No. 23
i 11/04/1951 Time 23:27:00 Day Wednesday Place Bikaner Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:54J
Lat 28:01:00 North Long 73:22:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:36:32

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time 12:07:01 Mrs Gan. Dava Mars: 4YAM 300 Sankta : 5Y 5M 3D
Eq.oftlme 0:01:17 Mrs Yoni ... -Sarp Jupiter
Sunrise :6:ia:26 Mrs Nadi j Madhya 10/01/1974 11/04/1951
Sunset :18:57:42 Hrs Varan ,: Vaishya 10/01/1990 14/09/1984
Samvat : 2008 Vashya Chaluspada Jupiter 28/02/1976 Sankta 14/09/1956
Saka : 1873 Varga j Miig Saturn 10/09/1978 Mangla 14/09/1957
Month : Chailra Yunja . -. Poarva Mercury 15/12/1980 Pingla 15/09/1959
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Bhoomi Kelu 22/11/1931 Dhanya 14/09/1962
Tithi at Sunrise..: 5 Name Alphabet Wo-Vyom Venus 23/07/1984 Bhramri 14/09/1966
Nakshatra : Mrigsira Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Copper-Gold Sun 11/05/1985 Bhadrika 15/09/1971
Yoga : Shobhan Hora Jupiter Moon 10/09/1986 Ulka 14/09/1977
Karan : Balava Chaugharia ... .Char Mars 17/08/1987 Sidha 14/09/1984

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Pis 28:07:16 Jup Mer Sat Sat Asc Sco 26:40:34 Mar Mer Jup Mer
Mon Tau 27:37:15 Ven Mar Jup Mar 2 Sag 28:56:36 Jup Sun Mar Mer
Mar Art 8:05:12 Mar Ket Jup Mer 3 Aqu 4:23:50 Sat Mar Ven Sat
Mer Art 15:09:42 Mar Ven Ven Mer 4 Pis 8:59:58 Jup Sat Ven Rah
Jup Pis 4:49:39 Jup Sat Sat Mar 5 Ah 8:49:35 Mar Ket Jup Mon
Ven Tau 2:47:17 Ven Sun Jup Rah 6 Tau 3:55:02 Ven Sun Sat Ven
Sat -R Vir 4:23:51 Mer Sun Sat Mar 7 T au 26:40:34 Van Mar Jup Mer
Rah -R Aqu 25:35:51 Sat Jup Mer Sat 8 Gem 28:56:36 Mer Jup Sun Rah
Ket -R Leo 25:35:51 Sun Ven Mer Sat 9 Leo 4:23:50 Sun Ket Mon Mer
Ura Gem 12:50:24 Mer Rah Mer Ket 10 Vir 8:59:58 Mer Sun Ven Jup
Nep -R Vir 25:10:28 Mer Mar Rah Mer 11 Lib 8:49:35 Ven Rah Jup Jup
Plu -R Can 24:34:38 Mon Mer Rah Jup 12 Sco 3:55:02 Mar Sat Sat Mer

tuna; Capricorn 26:10:32 Navamsa Chart

X X \Plu Sat/
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
Rah.2XSun 12
Maa- Ver 64- s Nv \ Ven
vMar 3 9 y
Meis" 72?'

\ r /Nep Plu Ra26n Rah\9 Vx Xv Ket
/Xi5 n. Men X^ 7
8 Vs 1 y Nep \ X X
V< Mer Jup \X X
at Jup/
/ \^
Rah 11 X 5 Ket : Sun 12 Mar 6 Nep Ket X xv Jx
^ XNep
Sun\/ \/ 2X . ^2 X10
X x X x Ven
12XMon 2 Ven
X4 Plu lXMon 2 Ura
J«P/l\ / 3 Ven/2\ /3\Ket Ke26.
Mar 3 Sal 9 Jup
Mar Mer lira \ Sat
——|- Nep
I2r 4 6 X^N^ Plu
/5 \ Mer X.7X
124° 119° o
Sun x
XxXRah OraMon\
738 Predicting Marriage

in chapters 23 and 28 that aspect of Venus on Sun in various signs brings

miseries and problems in married life. This is best known to Acharya Kalyan
Verma why has he mentioned about the aspect of the Sun and Venus; because
according to general principles aspect of Venus on Sun or that of the Sun on
Venus is not practically possible. It is only sextile aspect of Venus and Sun
which Acharya Kalyan Verma might have discussed. However, for all practical
purposes we have not explained about the aspect of Sun on Venus or Venus
on the Sun.
If Venus falls in the sign of any of the luminaries i.e. either Leo or Cancer
and is hemmed between the Sun and Moon, marital happiness is denied either
' due to denial of marriage or separation or due 'to miserable married life or
due to adultery.
Similarly, placement of Venus in Cancer is also bad for happy married
life. We have observed that even the mutual exchange between Venus and
Moon or Venus and the Sun causes problematic married life and that may
lead to wreckings.
Thus, the influence of Moon or the Sun on Venus in respect to the 7 house
either by conjunction or by ownership or by exchange of signs or even in case
of mutual exchange of navamsa or nakshatra curtails marital happiness and
makes the married life problematic in different ways. Exceptions are of course
there if Venus joins Libra and Moon aspects it from Aries or if Venus joins
Sagittarius or Pisces under the influence of Moon, adversities of married life
have not been observed in most of the cases.
Relationship of Venus with the Sun and Moon is a subject of further research
and observations, like that of the Sun and Saturn, Saturn and mars, Jupiter and
Mars, and Mercury and Moon. I humbly opine that the scholars and students
must analyse, study and observe the effects of planetary relationship, the exact
results of their conjunction, opposition, aspect or exchange of signs, navamsa,
nakshatras etc. Minute and precise observation on planetary relationship and
influence on us, will certainly make the findings more accurate, and appreciably
correct. I hasten to add that Venus in Leo should be examined carefully especially
for finding out the results of its dasa bhukti. it had been our humble finding
that the major period of Venus or its sub period will be adverse if it joins Leo.
The adversity will be further enhanced if Venus is associated with Sun or Moon
or is hemmed between them. Fortunate results should not be expected during
the major period of Venus if so placed as mentioned above even if such a Venus
falls in the auspicious houses i.e. 10^ lt\ the ascendant and the 7lb house etc.
in such a position Venus will lose its benefic nature and will exhibit adversities
and failures in regard to concerning houses.



Many papers have been published in regard to timing marriage by eminent

scholars of the subject. We have observed that even the year and month of
marriage can be predicted precisely and accurately on the basis of transit of the
Sun in Rasi and navamsa Charts.

First, one should see, if the marriage is at all indicated to the native.

1. If the Sun and Saturn, Venus and Moon, Mars and Saturn are in close
conjunction or are placed under mutual aspect, almost having the same degrees,
the marriage will be denied completely.

2. If the distance between the Sun and Venus exceeds beyond 43u 20', there
are many obstruction in the marriage.

3. Strong influence of retrograde planets on the 2nd, 4th and 7th house, either
due to placement, lordship or aspect, the marriage will be restricted depending
upon the intensity of retrogration.

4. If Venus falls in any sign of luminaries i.e. Cancer or Leo and is hemmed
between the Sun and Moon, marriage is denied. However, if the adversity and
intensity is less, the marriage will be delayed only.

5. Saturn's influence over luminaries the Sun and Moon also causes delay
in the settlement of marriage.

6. Conjunction, mutual exchange or mutual aspect between Saturn and

Moon or Saturn and Sun is also an adverse combination for timely marriage.

7. If the lords of 7th, 2lld/ 4th and the Jst house fall in the sign, navamsa or
constellation of barren signs, Gemini, Leo or Virgo, or Semi-barren sign etc. i.e.
Aries, Sagittarius or Capricorn, obstructions will come in marriage.
740 Predicting Marriage

8. Placement of Mars in Virgo is also adverse for timely marriage.

9. Placement of Saturn in Cancer is also an obstructing force for

timely marriage.

10. Affliction of the 7th and 8th house applies a retarding force in marriage.

11. The 9th house should also be taken in primary consideration. If the 9th
lord and Jupiter occupy 6th, 8{h or 12th under affliction, the marriage gets
appreciably delayed. At times such affliction brings marriage around 40th year
of life. If marriage takes place early, the partner does not live long.


Marriage may be late or early, depending upon various factors as mentioned

above. Major Dasa can easily be assessed for marriage. Decode the sub period
or probable Bhukti in which marriage is Ukeiy to take place. On the basis of
following rules, the sub period for marriage may be finalized:-

1. If the lords of the 2nd, 7th, 4lh or 9^ house are 9th and 5th, 6th and 8th or in 2nd
and 12th position, from the position of major period lord in Rashi and navamsa
chart, marriage will take place during the sub period of the same.

2. The marriage may take place during the sub period of Atmakaraka
planet, provided the same planet has a concern with any of the houses
indicating marriage.

3. Prepare the chart keeping the major period lord in the ascendant
and decide the sub period for marriage - on the basis of that chart just like
the Lagna chart.

4. The Venus and Moon are the significator of marriage.

5. Navamsha chart should be studied like Lagna chart for working out the
appropriate sub period of marriage. Marriage may take place during the sub
period of the lord of navamsa Lagna as well.

6. Navamsa and Nakshatra lords of the concerning planets should be studied

properly to know the sub period for marriage.


Sages have specified certain guidelines for timing the month of marriage,

"Marriage of persons born in Uttarayana ( xSxTTRTT) takes place when the

Sun comes to the navamsa rasi of Jupiter or its trine rasis and he (the Sun) is
aspected by Jupiter at the time.'1
Predicting Month of Marriage 741

^TT^Fit ^ II

Tf^Fhmr^ eir ^

"Marriage of persons born in Dakshinayana ( dixaNaayana ) takes place

when the Sun comes to the navamsa rasi of Venus or its trines and he (the Sun)
is aspected by Jupiter at that time."

tt# ^ 5^ i

Rtme- l^-ll

Marriage also takes place when the Sun is in the navamsa rasi of the lord of
the ascendant, with Jupiter in the ascendant, so say those who know Shastra.

These rules are just guidelines for timing month of marriage and need much
exercise and practice. I however reached to the conclusion that it is only the
transit of the Sun which can help in determining month of marriage.

1. Navamsha position of Jupiter and Venus are very important as mentioned

in the above verses. Marriage takes place when the Sun transits in the T', 5th,
7th or 9lh house as reckoned from navamsa position of Jupiter or Venus, as the
case may be. However, Jupiter's transit must provide strength to the transiting
Sun, either by aspect or association. Ifthe transiting Jupiter and navamsa Jupiter
aspect each other and any one of them, lends aspect over the transiting Sun,
marriage will take place exactly in that month.

2. In the natal chart, if the transiting Jupiter and natal Jupiter both aspect
each other and lend their joint aspect over the house or ascendant, marriage
will take place during that transit of Jupiter especially when the Sun will be
transiting in the above noted triangular or 7th house from Navamsha Venus or
Jupiter depending upon Dakshinayana or Uttarayana Sun.

3. Proper judgement should be made in determining that Jupiter is stronger

than Venus or Venus is stronger than Jupiter especially when a particular Dasa
Bhukti is operative. The transit of the Sun in the triangular position etc, will
indicate the month of marriage as reckoned from the navamsa sign of the
stronger of the Jupiter or Venus. However, in most of the cases Jupiter is strong
during Uttarayana and Venus is strong during Dakshinayana.

Certain modifications have been made in the aforesaid verses for working
out the month of marriage correctly. The rectifications and certain modification
in the rules are given below to felicitate the working of finding the month of
742 Predicting Marriage
It is only the Sun, whose transit can help us in determining the correct
month of marriage. However, one can do it successfully and accurately only
after lot of exercise and practice on innumerable birth charts.

In the slokas, it is clearly stated that the navamsa occupied by the

Jupiter (in case of birth of the native in Uttarayana Sun) and Venus (in
case of the birth of the native in Dakshinayana Sun) is very important,
When the Sun transits over the navamsa signs occupied by the Jupiter or
Venus, as the case may be, or in triangle from there, marriage takes place,
provided the Sun in that position receives the aspect of transiting Jupiter.

It has also been stated that marriage takes place when Jupiter transits
.over the ascendant and the Sun transits over the Navamsha, occupied by
the ascendant lord or trine thereof.

These rules may be modified that the 7th position should also be taken
into account as reckoned from the navamsa position of the Jupiter or Venus,
Thus the 1st, 5th, 7th, 9lh houses from Jupiter or Venus are sensitive. The
marriage takes place when the Sun transits in any of these houses under
the benefic aspect of transiting Jupiter.

If somehow the transiting Sun does not receive the aspect of

transiting Jupiter but receives the aspect of natal Jupiter, as placed in
navamsa chart, the marriage will take place.

Transiting Jupiter and natal Jupiter aspect each other in the above
mentioned situation and both or one of them aspects the transiting Sun in
any of the sensitive signs, marriage will take place, in that month.

It is essential first to decide the most effective transit of Jupiter which

will bring marriage. Mostly, when Jupiter, transits over the ascendant, 3rd,
5th, 7th, 9th or 11th house, gives marriage provided other conditions such as
Dasa Bhukti, Antara etc. are favourable. The exercise of deciding the transit
of Jupiter in particular sign should be done only after reaching the
conclusion that the particular sub period, is sure to cause marriage. Only
after so much of work, the effective transit of the Sun in the sensitive house
should be considered for the month of marriage.

If the Jupiter is transiting over the radical Jupiter and the Sun is
aspected by Jupiter, marriage will take place in any of the month, so
obtained. This is especially so, if Jupiter rules over the ascendant or 7lh
house. The transit of the Sun may be reckoned from navamsa position
of Jupiter.

If Venus is the lord of the ascendant or the 7th house, the sensitive
signs as reckoned from navamsa position of Venus should be taken into
account. The marriage will take place, when the Sun will transit in any of
the sensitive houses, so obtained.
Predicting Month of Marriage 743

When the Sun transits in any of the sensitive houses in such a way,
the transiting Sun is strengthened by Jupiter in one or the other way, the
marriage will take place in that very month.

The marriage, most of the times, takes place, when the Sun transits
in the sign or signs ruled by the sub period lord. If the month, so obtained
and obtained by transiting the Sun, in the sensitive houses, is same, the
marriage will certainly take place in that very month only.

In case of confusion in month, sub sub period (Prataynter dasa) may

also be taken into account. When the Sun will transit in the sensitive sign
during the strong sub sub period, indicating marriage, the marriage will
be settled or ceremonised in the same month.

The month indicated by the transit of the Sun in the sensitive signs,
is the month of settlement of marriage mostly. However, the ceremony of
marriage oftentakes place during the month of transit of the Sun in sensitive
signs mostly. We believe that ceremony is a formality but the main work is
the settlement of marriage, which may be correctly concluded by the above
mentioned method of the transit of the Sun in the sensitive sign.

If there is any confusion in deciding the effective transit of the Jupiter

to cause marriage, the help may be taken by Saturn's transit. Saturn will
be influencing the 7lh house or its lord at the time of marriage.

In case of confusion in the month of marriage, the transit of Mars

will help as transiting Mars influences the 7th house or its lord at the
time of marriage, in most of the cases. In that case, consider the transit
of the Sun in the sensitive house in the end and say the month of marriage
with surety.

Thus, the transit of Saturn and Jupiter may decide the year of marriage
and the transit of Mars and Sun will decide the month of marriage. 1 am
confident that research observations may further be promoted and advanced
by the scholars of astrology, so that cent percent accuracy may come in
evidence while working out the actual month of the settlement of marriage.

It has also been observed that the marriage may be settled even before
or after 5 days of the transit of the Sun in the particular sign giving rise to
marriage or settlement.

We will now take-up a few typical and complicated cases of marriage

tp illustrate how to apply the transit of the Sun in the Sun, in a particular
sign, when marriage will be settled or ceremonised. It may be carefully
examined when the transiting Sun gets strength by Jupiter and is fulfilling
other conditions as well. Experience, exercise and regular practice of the
examination of the transit of the Sun, for finding out the settlement or
ceremonisation of marriage will make one expert and confident.
744 Predicting Marriage

The native is a Chief Conservator. He is 6 feet 3 inches tall having a most

attractive and impressive personality. His marriage was settled on 15/07/1986
and was ceremonised on 17/05/1987 with a charming, tall and fair lady. The
native was passing through Rahu Venus period from 20/06/1984 to 20/06/
1987 during which his marriage was settled and ceremonised. Venus occupies
the 2nd house and obtains navamsa of Yogakaraka Saturn. Venus is 7th from
Dasa lord Rahu, After confirming sub period, find out the year of marriage.
Transit of Jupiter and Saturn will help us in finding out the year of marriage.
Jupiter was transiting in Pisces in the ll^house from the ascendant as well as
Moon. Transiting Jupiter was aspecting the 5th and the 7 house. Natal Jupiter
is also aspecting the 7 house. Thus the 7^ house received the joint aspect of
radical Jupiter and transiting Jupiter. Natal Jupiter and transiting Jupiter were
under mutual aspect as well. Thus Jupiter's transit in Pisces from 09/02/1987
to 21/06/1987 resulted into ceremonisation of marriage.

MONTH OF MARRIAGE ; The native isborn in Uttaravi Sun. Therefore

see the navamsa sign occupied by Jupiter and triangular position and the 7th
house from there. These signs are Pisces, Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio. The
marriage will take place when the Sun will be transiting in any of these signs
within the span of Jupiter's transit in Pisces (09/02/1987 to 21/06/1987).
Thus the Sun's transit in Pisces or Taurus will bring marriage. To be further
precise, see the sign or signs ruled by Sub period lord which is Venus in this
case. The marriage is therefore likely to lake place when the Sun will transit
in Taurus or Libra.

From the above, Taurus is common sign in both the methods of timing the
month of marriage. Therefore, marriage of the native will take place when
the Sun will be transiting in Taurus i.e. from 15/05/1987 to 15/06/1987.
And the marriage of the subject took place on 17/05/1987 actually. This is
quite convenient method for finding out the month of marriage, if one practices
and experiences it.
Case No. 24
^te 16/07/1955 Time 02:10:00 Day Saturday Place Chhapra Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:58:^
J_at 25:46:00 North Long 84:44:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:08:56

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time Hrs Gan : Rakshas Sun : DY 3M 4D Ulka : 0Y 3M 4D
Eq.oftime 0:05:44 Hrs Yoni ^ Mesh Rahu
Sunrise :5:10:00 Hrs Nadi - Antya 19/10/1972 16/07/1955
Sunset :18:43:33 Mrs Varan ^ Vaishya 19/10/1990 19/10/1985
Sam vat : 2012 Vashya Chatuspada Rahu 02/07/1975 Ulka 19/10/1955
Saka : 1877 Varga : Gamda Jupiter 24/11/1977 Sidha 19/10/1952
Month : Sravana Yunja Pooiva Saturn 30/09/1980 . S ankta 19/10/1970
Paksh : Krishna HansakfTatva) Bhcx?mi Mercury 20/04/1983 Mang la 1 9/1 0/1 971
Tithi at Sunrise..: 10 Name Alphabet Ay-A:klavya Ketu 07/05/1984 Pingla 19/10/1973
Nakshatra : Krittika Paya(Ras;-Nak) : Gold-Gold Venus 08/05/1987 Dhanya 19/10/1976
Yoga : Gand Hora : Sun Sun 01/04/1988 Bhramri 19/10/1980
Karan : Balava Chaugharia : Amrit Moon 01/50/1989 Bhadrika 19/10/1985

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R RasI Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Gem 29:35.44 Mer Jup Mon Mar Asc Tau 17:32:38 Ven Mon Sat Jup
Mon Tau 9:25:01 Ven Sun Ven Sat 2 Gem 12:13:33 Mer Rah Sat Rah
Mar Can 9:53:14 Mon Sat Ven Sat 3 Can 5:58:41 Mon Sat Mer Ven
Mer Gem 9:59.20 Mer Rah Jup Mon 4 Leo 2:24:09 Sun Ket Ven Sat
Jup Can 13:51:03 Mon Sat Rah Mer 5 Vir 4:16:14 Mer Sun Sat Mon
Ven Gem 16:37:15 Mer Rah Ven Jup 6 Lib 11:09:42 Ven Rah Sat Ket
Sat -R Lib 21:32:07 Ven Jup Jup Rah 7 Sco 17:32:38 Mar Mer Mer Mon
Rah Sag 3:21:19 Jup Ket Sun Sat 8 Sag 12:13:33 Jup Ket Mer Sun
Ket Gem 3:21:19 Mer Mar Ven Mar 9 Cap 5:58:41 Sat Sun Mer Mon
Ura Can 4:39:17 Mon Sat Sat Mon 10 Aqu 2:24:09 Sat Mar Ket Jup
Nep Lib 2:30:26 Ven Mar Ket Sat 11 Pis 4:16:14 Jup Sat Sat Ven
Plu Leo 2:24:16 Sun Ket Ven Sat 12 Arl 11:09:42 Mar Ket Sat Rah

Fortuna: Pisces 27:21:55 Navamsa Chart

Rah X
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
'Ura 5XSun 3
Mo^ Sat
12ii" lia-
Mar 6 12 Mon >
\Mer Sun / \ Sun Ven /
XVenKet/ \ Ura / 2 Nep 7X. 9 XV ^ ^0n
Mar\"3 y Jup\3 / a Mer 10 Ny
Jup 4V'Mon 2 4X Mer Ket Yl2 36 yXJup Ket V^ X^ N.
Ura/ \.
{\Plu 5 X Plu 5 \jup Ket/X\ Sat /
\4 ^X Ny2 Xura
Plu sVyMar 3
Nep6X 8 XlO
ge0 / Rah / (Mer 6 12 SuT)
Sat Nep / Sat \ /
5322' Nep 9
■■ 718' 6ir Xv11
Nep X^Q \y x 10\
I Sat ■ Ne^ y Ven X^ Rah V.
746 Predicting Marri age


The horoscope belongs to a lady IAS officer, who was married on 16/06/
1988, when she was passing through the sub period of Mars in the major
period of Mercury from 01/07/1987 to 28/06/1988. Mercury is the lord of
ascendant in the 4th house and Mars is placed in the 4lh house. In navamsa
chart Mars and Mercury are 5lh and 9th from each other which indicate change
of status, place and position. Now the month and year of marriage is required
to be worked out.
Jupiter was transiting from 29/01/1986 to 09/02/1987. It was aspecting
the ascendant, natal Moon and the Sun. She was born when the declination
of the Sun was 'Dakshinayan'. So, the position of Venus in navamsa chart
and its trine, in 7 position are important months for marriage, when Sun
will transit these signs, Venus obtains navamsa of Scorpio. The trine and 7th
positions from these are Pisces, Taurus and Cancer. The transit of Sun in
any of these signs could have given marriage. Major period of Mercury
was running which rules Gemini and Virgo. Marriage is also possible when
Sun will be transiting in Gemini and Virgo. However, the aspect of transiting
Jupiter or transiting Sun is essential for celebration of marriage in that month.
As already mentioned, Jupiter was transiting in Aquarius over the radical
position of the Jupiter in navamsa. So, marriage was possible when Sun
transited in Gemini from 15/06/1986 to 15/07/1986. Marriage of the lady
actually took place on 16/06/1986. It may be noted that the marriage took
place when the Sun was transiting in the sign Gemini owned by major period
lord Mercury. When transiting Jupiter also aspected the transiting Sun.
Case 25
05/09/1961 Time 00:02:00 Day Tuesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:03:4p
Lat 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 Easl Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yogini

Siderial Time .:22:50:09 Mrs Gan _ Deva Jupiter: 15Y 0M 5D Pingla : 1V10M 15D
Eq.oftime :0:00:52 Mrs Yoni. Marjar Saturn
Sunrise :5:48;12 Hrs Nadi. _ Adya 10/09/1976 05/09/1961
Sunset : 18:22:23 Hrs Varan _ Shoodra 10/09/1995 22/07/1997
Sarrwat : 2018 Vashya Manav Saturn 13/09/1979 Pingla 22/07/1963
Saka : 1883 Varga Marjar Mercury 23/05/1982 Dhanya 22/07/1966
Month : Bhadra Yunja _ Madhya Ketu 02/07/1983 Bhramri 22/07/1970
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva] Vayu Venus 01/09/1986 Bhadrika 22/07/1975
Tithi at Sunrise..: 10 Name Afphabet .: Ke-Keval Sun 14/08/1987 Ulka 22/07/1981
Nakshatra : Punarvasu Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Gold-Silver Moon 14/03/1989 Sidha 21/07/1988
Yoga : Vyatipat Hora Sun Mars 23/04/1990 Sankta 21/07/1996
Karan ; Bava Chaugharia i Labha Rahu 27/02/1993 Mangla 22/07/1997

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 1854:26 Sun Ven Rah Sal Asc Gem 2:30:00 Mer Mar Ket Sat
Man Gem 20:49:16 Mer Jup Jup Kel 2 Gem 25:49:08 Mer Jup Ket Ket
Mar Vir 18 58:53 Mer Man Mer Rah 3 Can 19:57:24 Men Mer Van Man
Mer Vir 6:40:29 Mer Sun Mer Jup 4 Lee 18:00:38 Sun Van Mar Sun
Jup -R Cap 449:49 Sat Sun Sat Jup 5 Vir 21:37:13 Mer Mon Ven Jup
Ven Can 14 15:03 Man Sal Rah Ven 6 Lib 28:14:45 Ven Jup Ven Sal
Sat -R Cap 0 36:07 Sat Sun Rah Ven 7 Sag 2:30:00 Jup Ket Ven Sat
Rah Leo 4:10:18 Sun Ket Men Sat 8 Sag 25.49:08 Jup Ven Mer Sat
Ket Aqu 4 10:18 Sat Mar Ven Sat 9 Cap 19:57:24 Sat Mon Ket Mar
Ura Leo 4:06:12 Sun Ket Men Jup 10 Aqu 18:00:38 Sat Rah Sun Ven
Nep Lib 16 02:09 Ven Rah Ven Rah 11 Pis 21:37:13 Jup Mer Sun Man
Piu Leo 14 56:28 Sun Ven Ven Sat 12 Ari 28:14:45 Mar Sun Men Ven

Fortuna: Aries 4:24:51 Navamsa Chart

Ven Ket/^V Sun /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
"V 8 y/ ^v6
9X 7 V5 Plu

1226" Sal 10

\ Ven / > Ven / 11

Ura\ 4 / X 1 Xs Mar
\ 2 / Rah\ 3 / NeoX12 X. Mon 2^.
IQ18' Ura 4\y Mon 3 Mer N. Ura Rah n.
SmXX3 Piu >/ \
Ru/ \ / \
Ke40 /L r .. \ >
(^Mar 6 Mer/y 12 ySun 5 Mar\ \. Mer VenX^ n. X^
920° \. Mer /
by: 3
Nep 7/^ 9 VjlKet 9 XlOKet
Jus- NepeV^
/ 8
\ / \ 10 Sai- /7 \ / 9\ fsal 6 RahXC Nep 12 KeO
^Sat Jup\ Sat Jup\ lira y/ y/
/ \/
Jup 7X\Mon 9 PfV<C11 Sun
Neie B \v X^^ 10 Nv
X Mar X
748 Predicting Marriage


The native is a famous industrialist in the plastic trade. He was married on

29/01/1985 during the sub period of Mars in major period of Sun which was
running from 06/11/1984 to 06/11/1985. Mars is the 7th lord and Sun is placed
in the 11th house. Jupiter was transiting in Capricorn from 13/01/1985 to 29/
01/1986. It was a radical Jupiter. When Jupiter was in Sagittarius and was
aspecting the 7th house and the Moon, the marriage was settled. The birth of
the native took place in Dakshinayan Sun, so the position of Venus in Navamsha
chart is important. Venus obtains the Navamsha of Virgo. Triangular positions
from there are Capricorn and Taurus, so the marriage was possible during the
transit of Sun in Virgo, Capricorn or Taurus. However, the sub period of Mars
in Sun will cover the transit of the Sun in Capricorn only when Jupiter will also
be transiting in Capricorn, i.e. from 14/01/1985 to 15/02/1985. The marriage
took place on 29/01/1985.
Case 26
30/08/1961 Time 09.45:00 Day Wednesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

SidarialTima .:8:11:05Hrs Can. i Dava KBtu:2Y2M30D Bhramri : 1Y3M12D
Eq.oftime 0:00:42 Hrs Yoni. j Ashwa ^un
Sunrisa :5:46:00 Hrs Nadi : Adya 29/11/1983 30/08/1961
Sunsat :18:27:45Hrs Varan : Kshatriya 29/11/1989 12/12/1994
Samvat : 2018 Vashya Chatuspada 18/03/1984 Bhramri 12/12/1962
Saka : 1883 Varga Simha ^oon 17/09/1984 Bhadrika 13/12/1967
Month : Bhadra Yunja ^ Poorva 22/01/1985 Ulka 12/12/1973
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(7atva) Agni ahu 17/12/1985 Sidha 12/12/1980
Tithi at Sunrisa..: 5 Nama Alphabet ChoC^otukya Jupiter 05/10/1986 Sankta 12/12/1988
Nakshalra : Asvini Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Cappar-Gold Saturn 17/09/1987 Mangla 12/12/1989
Yoga : Vradhi Hora Jupiter Mercury 24/07/1988 JJS'3
Karan : Taitila Chaugharia Kaal Katu 29/11/1988 Dhanya 12/12/1994

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Dagraa R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 13:29:26 Sun Ven Ven Ven Asc Lib 6:02:08 Ven Mar Mon Sat
Mon Ari 9:02:57 Mar Ket Jup Mar 2 Sco 4:59:55 Mar Sat Sat Rah
Mar Vir 15:21:12 Mer Mon Jup Mar 3 Saq 5:36:30 Jup Kat Rah Rah
Mer Leo 27:30:51 Sun Sun Mon Rah 4 Cap 7:30:22 Sat Sun Ket Jup
Jup -R Cap 5:12:38 Sat Sun Mer Mer 5 Aqu 9:32:51 Sat Rah Jup Van
Ven Can 7:37:26 Mon Sat Ket Mar 6 Pis 9:34:32 Jup Sat Van Sat
Sat -R Cap 0:49:36 Sat Sun Rah Ven 7 Ari 6:02:08 Mar Kat Rah Jup
Rah -R Leo 4:11:52 Sun Ket Mon Sat 8 Tau 4:59:55 Van Sun Sat Jup
Ket -R Aqu 4:11:52 Sat Mar Ven Sat 9 Gem 5:36:30 Mar Mar Man Man
Ura Leo 3:45:36 Sun Ket Mon Mar 10 Can 7:30:22 Man Sat Kat Van
Nep Lib 15:54:45 Ven Rah Ven Mar 11 Leo 9:32:51 Sun Ket Sat Sat
Plu Leo 14:44:58 Sun Ven Ven Jup 12 Vir 9:34:32 Mar Sun Ven Mar

Fortuna: Gemini 1:35:39 Navamsa Chart

N. Mer /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalrt-Cuspal
XQ y/
Sal 10X Ket 8
7a- 85^
Jup 11 Nep//Plu 5 Sun
Nv yS Ufa yS
12/xMaf 2 Ran/Ot
Sat \8 / 6 /Sun
&X Nap 7 9\^NeP 7 Vs Wer 108' / \ / Mon >
• Jup/ \ \ Plu Vas-
5io# / \ Dasamsa
Ke"* / \/
Jup 10 Sat 4 Ven , Ket 10 X Rah 4 Ven
X. 10 v/ 6 y/JUD
11 X; Sun Plu X/y
/X Mar
A 1
A3 Ura Z- yZ i \
/l2\ Mon //2\ Piu Sav / 12\ Mon / 2 Ket 12 NepX<^Rah 6 Say
Mar / X ura x
25- | Mer Ven
750 Predicting Marriage

She was married on 17/10/2005 in USA during Rahu Venus dasa bhukti.
Rahu and Venus are in triangular position in Rashi and navamsa chart. Venus
Bhukti gives rise to marriage. However, here we will concentrate over the year
and month of marriage, Venus rules over Taurus and Libra. Therefore, the transit
of the Sun in either of these signs may bring marriage.

Jupiter's transit in Libra from 29/09/2005 to 27/10/2006 will bring marriage

because natal Jupiter and transiting Jupiter are under mutual aspect with each
other and jointly influence the 7th house. In this case, the navamsa position of
sub period lord Venus should be taken into account. Venus obtains the Aquarius
navamsa. Therefore, the marriage may take place when the Sun will transit in
any triangular or 7th position from Aquarius i.e. Gemini, Leo or Libra. Transiting
Jupiter should aspect the transiting Sun in any of these signs. Since Jupiter's
transit in Libra will be associated with the transiting Sun in Libra from 15/10/
2005 to 15/1 1/2005, the marriage will take place within this period only. The
marriage of this beautiful female actually took place on 17/10/2005.

Marriage was possible during the transit of the Sun in Libra only because
Libra is a common sign in both the methods of timing month of marriage.
Moreover, Pratyanter Dasha will also ascertain it. Rahu Mahadasha, Venus
Bhukti and Moon's Pratyanter was running from 17/09/2005 to 27/12/2005,
The Moon is lord of the 2nd house and is also the natural significatorof marriage.
Therefore, the marriage must have taken place during the transit of the Sun in
Libra which is covered by the Pratyanter dasa of Moon. This is the way to
confirm the year and month of marriage.

(If the major period of Sub period of Jupiter is running over the native, take
the navamsa position of Jupiter and if it is that of Venus, consider the navamsa
sign occupied by Venus and triangular and 7^ position from there only).
Case No.27
Date 19/01/1978 Time 16:00:00 Day Thursday Place 5n Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:17:22
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time 23:47:27 Mrs Gan Manushya Moon ; 8Y 2M 29D Sidha :5Y9M8D
Eq.oftime -0:10:39 Mrs Yoni. Sarp Rahu
Sunrise 6:57:51 Mrs Nadi Antya 19/04/1993 19/01/1978
Sunset ,17:36:25 Hrs Varan Vaishya 20/04/2011 28/10/2012
Samval 2034 Vashya Chatuspada Rahu 31/12/1995 Sidha 29/10/1983
Saka : 1899 Varga Garuda Jupiter 26/05/1998 Sankta 29/10/1991
Month Pausa Yunja Poorva Saturn 01/04/2001 Mangla 28/10/1992
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tah/a) Bhoomi Mercury 19/10/2003 Pingla 29/10/1994
Tithi at Sunrise. 11 Name Alphabet O-Omprakash Ketu 06/11/2004 Dhanya 28/10/1997
Nakshatra Rohini Paya(Rasi-Nak) Iron-Gold Venus 07/11/2007 Bhramri 28/10/2001
Yoga Shukla Hora Sun Sun 30/09/2008 Bhadrika 29/10/2006
Karan Vishti Chaugharia Kaal Moon 01/04/2010 Ulka 28/10/2012

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Cap 5:42:36 Sat Sun Mer Ven Asc Gem 15:18:47 Mer Rah Ven Ven
Mon Tau 12:20:13 Ven Mon Rah Jup 2 Can 8:19:31 Mon Sat Ven Ven
Mar -R Can 9:21:20 Mon Sat Ven Jup 3 Leo 3:30:49 Sun Ket Sun Mer
Mer Saq 13:30:13 Jup Ven Ven Ven 4 Vir 3:17:29 Mer Sun Sat Sat
Jup -R Gem 4:24:43 Mer Mar Ven Sat 5 Lib 7.44:12 Ven Rah Rah Mer
Ven Cap 5:02:01 Sat Sun Sat Jup 6 Sco 13:03:09 Mar Sat Rah Rah
Sat -R Leo 5:55:44 Sun Ket Rah Jup 7 Sag 15:18:47 Jup Ven Ven Mer
Rah -R Vir 15:34:55 Mer Mon Jup Rah 8 Cap 8:19:31 Sat Sun Ven Mon
Ket -R Pis 15:34:55 Jup Sat Jup Mer 9 Aqu 3:30:49 Sat Mar Ven Rah
Ura Lib 22:40:23 Ven Jup Sat Ven 10 Pis 3:17:29 Jup Jup Rah Mar
Nep Sco 24:03:34 Mar Mer Mar Mon 11 Ari 7:44:12 Mar Ket Jup Jup
Piu -S Vir 23:24:22 Mer Mar Mar Rah 12 Tau 13:03:09 Ven Mon Rah Mer

Fortuna: 1Libra 21:56:23 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

—■ =—i lX.SL,n 11
Ven V'O
118- )U4.
Ju^ Mon/ \. Nep \
1213- 1i50
115" v Sat 2 Rah ]><^ket 8 Jup

Ket I \ ^ar / \ Mon / 103° \ War

3XMer 5 Piu X?
:2 / Mar ~~ \ / 4 N. yY 6 \
Sat SX^Jup 3 XI Sat 5X 1 Won 2b- Mar
Rah 6 Piu 12 Ket Rah 6 P)u 12 Ket Ven Sun/
V Rah/
N/e Sal
Ven Ufa TX X1 9 1 3U6. Ura TYSun 9 Ven Vll
Sun /8 Mer /^ Ve5fl /ia\ /1o\
/ Nep \ / Ven Sun / Mer Nep\ / \| 43-
Nes*- Ur23' Nep12/Mon 2 Ura/4 Jup
Nep Ura 58- ■
■ /Mer KetN. y Mar N. i
752 Fredicting Marriag e

She is an extremely charming, fair, tall and decent girl having a most
impressive and captivating physique. Indications of early or timely marriage
are present in this birth chart as the 9th house and its lord are quite strong.
There is mutual exchange between the 9th lord Moon and the 5lh lord Jupiter,
She was running under the major period of Venus from 04/08/1995 to 04/08/
2015 which was most appropriate dasa for her marriage. Sub period of Moon
was operative from 04/12/1999 to 03/08/2001 which had given rise to her
marriage. Moon is the 9th lord and joins the 5,h under the aspect of 2nd and 5th
lord Jupiter. Now Pratyanler Dasa should be taken into account.

From 23/01/2000 to 28/02/2000, she was under the influence of

Pratyanter Dasa of Mars in the sub period of the Moon, Mars is 2nd and 9th
lord as reckoned from Moon and Mars joins the 4th house. Therefore,
Pratyanter Dasa of Mars in the sub period of Moon confirms the span of
marriage from 23/01/2000 to 28/02/2000.

This may be further confirmed on the basis of the transit of the Sun.

She was born in Uttarayana Sun, therefore the navamsa position of Jupiter
is important for working out the month of marriage. Jupiter obtains navamsa
of Leo. So, during the transit of the Sun in any of the triangular or 7th house
from there, marriage should take place. These signs are Sagittarius, Aquarius
and Aries, The aspect of the transiting Jupiter over the transiting Sun will pin
point the month of marriage. Jupiter was transiting in Aries from 27/05/1999
to 03/06/2000 and was aspecting the Navamsha position of Jupiter. Thus,
Jupiter was strong when the Sun was transiting in Aquarius from 15/02/2000
to 15/03/2000. The marriage was actually ceremonised on 21/02/2000- If
transiting Jupiter aspects the Jupiter in Navamsha chart, marriage will take
place when the Sun will transit in triangular or 7lh position from there.
Case 28
28/03/1979 Time 24:00:00 Day Wednesday P/ace Bikaner Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:
at 28:01:00 North Lang 73:22:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Carr -0:36:32

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yagini

Siderial Time .'.11:45:46 Hrs Can. Dova Mercur/ : 9Y 0M 14D Ulka : 3Y 2M 8D
Eq. of time 0:05:18 Hrs Yoni. Gaja Venus
Sunrise :6:33:47 Hrs Nadi. Antya 12/04/1995 28/03/1979
Sunset :18:50:20 Mrs Varan VIpra 12/04/2015 05/06/2012
Samvat : 2035 Vashya Jalchar Venus 11/08/1998 Ulka 06/06/1982
Saka : 1900 Varga Sarp Sun 11/08/1999 Sidha 05/06/1989
Month : Chaitra Yunja Poorva Moon 11/04/2001 Sankta 05/06/1997
Paksh : Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Mars 11/06/2002 Mangla 06/06/1998
Tithi at Sunrise..: 15 - Amavasya Name Alphabet Do-Doulat Rahu 11/06/2005 Pingla 05/06/2000
Nakshatra : Revati singh Jupiter 10/02/2008 Dhanya 06/06/2003
Yoga : Endra Paya(Rasi-Nak) Silver-Gold Saturn 12/04/2011 Bhramri 06/06/2007
Karan : Bava Hora Jupiter Mercury 09/02/2014 Bhadrika 05/06/2012

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-U Sub S-S House Rasi Degree
Sun Pis 14:10:30 Jup Sat Rah Ven Asc SCQ 21:37:58 Mar Mer Sun Mon
Man Pis 22:54:40 Jup Mer Man Mer 2 Sag 23:17:15 Jup Ve n Sat Mar
Mar Aqu 29:26:56 Set Jup Mon Mon 3 Cap 28:09:01 Sat Mar Sat Sat
Mer -R Pis 6:25:59 Jup Sat Mer Mar 4 Pis 2:49:14 Jup Jup Rah Ven
Jup Can 5:42:41 Man 'Sat Mer Mer 5 Ari 3:13:21 Mar Ket Sun Rah
Ven Aqu 6:15:20 Sat Mar Man Mer 6 Ari 28:47:56 Mar Sun Mar Sat
Sat -R Lea 15:12:59 Sun Ven Ven Mer 7 Tau 21:37:58 Ven Man Ven Jup
Rah -R Leo 24:05:32 Sun Ven Mer Mer 8 Gem 23:17:15 Mer Jup Sat Mar
Ket -R Aqu 24:05:32 Sat Jup Mer Mer 9 Can 28:09:01 Man Mer Sat Sat
Ura -R Lib 27:14:43 Ven Jup Ven Mar 10 Vir 2:49:14 Mer Sun Jup Rah
Nep -R SCQ 27:10:58 Mar Mer Jup Ven 11 Lib 3:13:21 Ven Mar Ven Man
Plu -R Vir 24:50:13 Mer Mar Rah Sat 12 Lib 28:47:56 Ven Jup Sun Sun

una: Sagittarius 0:22:08 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

9 / Sun

629' -722' 1 D-vs
Y Ura /
\ /
\ 9 / \ 7 / Mar\ 9 /
loVuep 8 yp PIU VenloX^hteP 8
Mar 11 Ven V Rah 5 Saty Sun 12Mon 6 Plu \ Sun Sat Mer
Rah\ ^ ,
\ Ket / \ Mer /
Mer\ / \ / Sat] 3315'
MonliX 2 y4 jup
Sun/ l\ 3\Rah| pa24
/ \ 8 Mar
Jup \
1229 Mon 3/4 5
Nep Ura 113- Z:X.
754 Pred icting Ma rriage

She had innumerable affairs before the settlement of her marriage and was
confident to marry anyone of them. But it could not happen so. Placement of
Saturn in the 5th house denies love marriage in spite of affairs and attractions.
Her marriage was delayed upto 30 years of age due to aspect of Saturn over
the Sun, Moon, the 7th and 2nd house etc. She was married during the sub
period of the Sun in the major period of Rahu. The Rahu and Sun are in
triangular position in navamsa chart and their dasa bhukti was under
operation from 13/1 1/1988 to 07/01/1989.

Let us take Jupiter's transit into consideration for working out the year of
marriage. The transit of Jupiter in Taurus from 21706/1988 to 06/07/1989
will materialize marriage as it will aspect the 7th house and Moon and the
lord of the 7th house Moon as well. Let us find out the month of marriage by
the transit of the Sun.

She is born in Dakshinayana Sun. So the rasi occupied by Venus and its
triangular positions are important. Venus falls in Cancer in Rashi chart. The
Sun's transit in Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces and Cancer may materialize her
marriage, when transiting Jupiter side by side, will lend its aspect over the
transiting Sun. The transit of the Sun, in Scorpio from 15/1 1/1988 to 15/12/
1988 will be the month of marriage because Jupiter will be transiting in Taurus
and will aspect the transiting Sun in Scorpio. Her marriage actually took place
on 20/11/1 988. In this horoscope, Jupiteris quite strong and gives rise to strong
fate. Navamsha position of Jupiter may also be taken into consideration which
obtains Scorpio. Therefore, transit of the Sun in Scorpio under the aspect of the
transiting Jupiter in Taurus, indicates the month of marriage. This may be
furtherverified by taking Pratyanter dasa into consideration. The sub sub period
of Venus is quite strong to give marriage as Venus owns 4th and 11lh house and
joins the ascendant but sub period of Venus in the sub period of the Sun, in the
major period of Rahu was operative from 13/11/1988 to 07/01/1989 and her
marriage took place on 20/1 1/1988.

Thus it is confirmed that the marriage will take place when Sun will transit
in Scorpio and Jupiter in Taurus i.e. from 15/1 1/1988 to 15/12/1988.
Case 29
27/08/1958 Time 03:21:00 Day Wednesday Place Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa23:
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Side rial Time .:1:33:08 Hrs Gan Deva Moon : 7Y 8M 12D Mangla :0Y9M 7D
Eq.oftime >0:01:56 Hrs Yoni Vanar Rahu
Sunrise 5:44:04 Hrs Nadi Anlya 09/05/1973 27/08/1958
Sunset 18:32:10 Hrs Varan Vaishya 10/05/1991 04/06/1994
Samvat : 2015 Vashya JaJchar Rahu 21/01/1976 Mangla 04/06/1959
Saka : 1880 Varga Marjar Jupiter 15/06/1978 Pingla 03/06/1961
Month : Sravana Yunja Antya Saturn 21/04/1981 Dhanya 03/06/1964
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Bhooirii Mercury 09/11/1983 Bhramri 03/06/1968
Tithi at Sunrise..: 12 Name Alphabet Ketu 26/11/1984 Bhadrika 03/06/1973
Nakshatra : Sravna Khee-Kheefavan Venus 27/11/1987 Ulka 04/06/1979
Yoga : Sobhagya Paya(Rasi-Nak) Sun 21/10/1988 Sidha 04/06/1986
Karan : Taitila Copper-Copper Moon 21/04/1990 Sankta 04/06/1994

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Dec ree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 10:07:06 Sun Ket Sat Ven Asc Can 8:31:38 Mon Sat Ven Sun
Mon Cap 13:03:52 Sat Mon Rah Kat 2 Lao 2:28:36 Sun Ket Ven Sat
Mar An 27:35:05 Mar Sun Man Rah 3 Vir 0:09:44 Mer Sun Rah Mer
Mer -R Leo 4:15:06 Sun Ket Mon Sat 4 Lib 2:06:34 Ven Mar Ket Mon
Jup Lib 4:60:00 Ven Mar Sun Mar 5 Sco 6:00:43 Mar Sat Mer Ven
Ven Can 20:14:01 Mon Mar Ven Rah 6 Sag 8:33:56 Jup Ket Jup Ven
Sat Sco 26:05:03 Mar Mar Rah Mar 7 Cap 8:31:38 Sat Sun Ven Mar
Rah -R Lib 0:29:21 Ven Mar Mar Van 8 Aqu 2:28:36 Sat Mar Ket Sat
Ket -R Ari 0:29:21 Mar Ket Ket Jup 9 Pis 0:09:44 Jup Jup Mon Mer
Ura Can 20:18:11 Mon Mar Van Rah 10 Ari 2:06:34 Mar Ket Ven Jup
Nap Lib 9:29:17 Ven Rah Jup Kat 11 Tau 6:00:43 Van Sun Mer Mon
Plu Lao 9:02:44 Sun Ket Jup Mar 12 Gam 8:33:56 Mar Rah Rah Mar

Fortuna : .Sagittarius 11:28:23 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

Jup 8 4 Sun
Mar 9 Nep
Sun Mer/\ \Sun Mer /
ven \ /
\ Plu / 4 \ \ Plu / 10X 12 2 Mer
\5/ en \3/ \5/ Ura/iiN.
$X V Ura x 2 Rah eY Ven X Sat \ . Ket Mon
/ \ Ve20" Dasamsa
\/ \ Urao-
Jup 7 Rah V Ket 1 Mar Jup 7 Nep X 1 Mar ;
/\ / 2r
\ Nep / \ / \ / Me^-
\ / Pis'
Sat 8X to y 12 10 Xl2Ket Su1o-

Mon /9 Mon / M \ Mon /1 In.

^ / \ 30"
X/ Ura\X r3U XX Nep
Nep Saw ■
Ven eXsun 8 JupVjO Mar
Rah Ne9' Ju5" |MerX 7 X. S 9\Mon
Sat Jup 56' 42- Rao- i X Ran \ / X
756 Predicting Marriage


She was married on 23/01/1988 when she was passing through Rahu-Saturn
period from 11/09/1986 to 17/07/1989. She was born in Dakshinayana Sun.
The sensitive signs as reckoned.from.navamsa of Venus are Capricorn, Taurus
and Virgo. Her marriage was settled when the Sun was transiting in Virgo
from 15/09/1987 to 15/10/1987. At the same time Jupiter was transiting in
Pisces and was aspecting transiting Sun in Virgo. However, the Sun was
transiting in Capricorn from 14/01/1988 to 14/02/1988 over the sensitive sign
i.e. navamsa sign of Venus and Jupiter both. The marriage was ceremonised on
23/01/1988. Sub period of Saturn also indicates that marriage may take place
when the Sun will transit in Capricorn or Aquarius i.e. signs ruled by Saturn.
Case 30
10/09/1962 Time 09:11:00 Day Monday Place Fatehgarh Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
at 27:22:00 North Long 79:38:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:11:28

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarl Yogini

Siderial Time ,:8:14:2(
8:14:20 Mrs Gan : Manushya Sun : 4Y11M 23D Sankta : 6Y7M21D
Eq.oftime :0:02:4!
0:02:49 Hrs YonL. : Nakul Rahu
Sunrise :5:55:3(
5:55:30 Hrs Nadi - Antya 02/09/1984 10/09/1962
Sunset :18:21:
18:21:19 Hrs Varan : Kshatriya 03/09/2002 02/05/1997
Samvat : 2019 Vashya : Manav Rahu 17/05/1987 Sankta 02/05/1969
Saka : 1884 Varga : Mooshak Jupiter 09/10/1989 Mangla 02/05/1970
Month : Bhac
Bhadra Yunja Antya Saturn 15/08/1992 Pingla 01/05/1972
Paksh : Shuk
Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Agn] Mercuty 05/03/1995 Dhanya 02/05/1975
Tithi at Sunrise..: 11 Name Afphabet Bhay-Bhairav Katu 22/03/1996 Bhramri 02/05/1979
Nakshatra : Uttar
Uttarasadha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Venus 23/03/1999 Bhadrika 01/05/1984
Yoga :: Sobf*
Sobhagya Copper-Copper Sun 15/02/2000 Ulka 02/05/1990
Karan :: Vanij
Vanii Hora Moon 15/08/2001 Sidha 02/05/1997

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 23:53:03 Sun Ven Sat Jup Asc Lib 6:36:54 Ven Mar Mon Sun
Mon Sag 28:55:52 Jup Sun Mar Mer 2 Sco 5:33:44 Mar Sat Mer Mer
Mar Gem 18:38:52 Mer Rah Mon Sat 3 Sag 6:14:52 Jup Ket Rah Sat
Mer Vir 20:39:10 Mer Mon Ven Ven 4 Cap 8:16:31 Sat Sun Ven Mon
Jup -R Aqu 13:23:25 Sat Rah Mer Mon 5 Aqu 10:22:39 Sat Rah Jup Rah
Ven Lib 9:50:49 Ven Rah Jup Sun 6 Pis 10:19:28 Jup Sat Ven Ket
Sat -R Cap 12:23:14 Sat Mon Rah Jup 7 Ari 6:36:54 Mar Ket Rah Mer
Rah Can 15:22:41 Mon Sat Jup Sat 8 Tau 5:33:44 Ven Sun Mer Ven
Ket Cap 15:22:41 Sat Mon Jup Mar 9 Gem 6:14:52 Mer Mar Mon Mer
Ura Leo 8:51:24 Sun Ket Jup Mon 10 Can 8:16:31 Mon Sat Ven Ven
Nep Lib 18:15:57 Ven Rah Mon Mar 11 Leo 10:22:39 Sun Ket Sat Ven
Plu Leo 17:02:32 Sun Ven Mon Ket 12 Vir 10:19:28 Mer Mon Mon Jup

Fortuna: Aquarius 11:39;43 Navamsa Chart

Mon Ven/^v /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
IdSc Sun RahX/g p|u

Jup 11

\ 8 / \ 6 /Sun Rah \ Q / ' \ ft / I 12 X 2 X4 Mer

MonS^Ven Nep^)<X ura Na^V^PIU W
Juts- \. / \Sun Rais0 lx
Sat' 10 Ket 4 Rah Sat 10 Ket X Ura 4 Rah \Ven Sat />
\ Plu X
Kai5= \ Ur90 X-ioX
\ / Ket 11 Mar 9
Sai2' \ \/ 1110^
Ket JupllX 1
X3Mar 46- 4up11 1 y 3 Mar p[17.
Sat /12\ / 2\ / 2\ SU24" Sun 12 6 Mon

Mep IX 3 X5 Rah
on NaiBs Veio*' ^021" / 2X. / 4X.
26' 17-
758 Predicting Marriage


The native is a topper of HT, Kanpur and an IAS officer as well. He was
passing through Rahu Venus period from 21/01/1990 to 21/01/1993. Venus
is placed in own sign Taurus and it is 7th from Rahu. Rahu and Venus are in
Dwidwadasa position in navamsa chart which indicates possibility of marriage
during this dasa bhukti. The native is born inUttarayana Sun. Jupiter's navamsa
should be taken into consideration who obtains the Navamsha of Gemini. The
sensitive signs are Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Marriage of the
native was settled on 10/07/1990 when the Sun and Jupiter both were
transiting in Gemini over the navamsa position of Jupiter and Venus. The
marriage took place on 09/12/1990 when the Sun was transiting in Scorpio
under the benefic aspect of transiting Jupiter from Scorpio.
Case 31
15/04/1964 Time 18:40:00 Day Wednesday PJace Lucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottan Yog in i

Siderial Time .:8:08:30 Hrs Gan - Manushya Moon 6Y 9M 4D sidha :4Y8M 24D
Eq.oftime 0.00:03 Hrs YonL ^ Saip
Sunrise :5:44:17 Hrs Nadi :Antya 19/01/1978 15/04/1964
Sunset :l8:29;07Hrs Varan :Vaishya 20/01/1996 09/01/1998
Sam vat : 2021 Vashya :Chatuspada 01/10/1980 sidha 08/oi/i969
Saka : 1886 Varga :Mrig ^piter 25/02/1983 Sankta 08/01/1977
Sa rn
Month : Chaitra Yunja :Poorva ^ 01/01/1985 Mangia 09/01/1978
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Bhoomi Mercury 20/07/1988 Pingia 09/01/1980
Tlthi at Sunrise.,: 3 Name Alphabet Wa-Vasu 08/08/1989 Dhanya 09/01/1983
Nak^iatra : Rohini Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Tron-Gold Venus 07/08/1992 Bhramri 09/01/1987
Yoga : Sobhagya Hora Sun 02/07/1993 Bhadrika 09/01/1992
Karan : Vanij Chaugharia - Udvega Moon 01/01/1995 uika 09/01/1998

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Art 2:29:29 Mer Ket Ven Sat Asc Lib 5:25:49 Ven Mar Sun Ket
Men Tau 14:19:00 Ven Mon Jup Sat 2 8 co 4:23:04 Mar Sat Sat Ven
Mar Pis 20:07:11 Jup Mer Ven Mar 3 Seq 4:58:43 Jup Ket Mar Jup
Mer Ari 18:19:44 Mar Ven Rah Rah 4 Cap 6:50:48 Sat Sun Mer Sat
Jup Art 7:41:03 Mar Ket Jup Jup 5 Aqu 8:52:15 Sat Rah Jup Jup
Ven Tau 18:06:34 Ven Man Mer Ket 6 Pis 8:55:22 Jup Sat Ven Rah
Sat Aqu 9:06:02 Sat Rah Jup Sat 7 Ari 5:25:49 Mar Ket Mar Ven
Rah -R Gem 11:21:39 Mer Rah Sat Ven 8 Tau 4:23:04 Ven Sun Sat Mon
Ket -R Seq 11 ;2T.39 Jup Ket Sat Jup 9 Gem 4:58:43 Mer Mar Sun Mar
Ura -R Leo 13:09:28 Sun Ket Mer Sat 10 Can 6:50:48 Mon Sat Mer Jup
Nep -R Lib 23:56:23 Ven Jup Mer Mer 11 Leo 8:52:15 Sun Ket Jup Mon
Plu -R Leo 18:49:59 Sun Ven Rah Sat 12 Vir 8:55:22 Mer Sun Ven Jup

Fortuna; Scorpio 17:15:21 Navamsa Chart

\ Sat
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
RahX9 >
10 X XP,UI
Sun Mer Mon Mar / ^ X Mer
Jup Ven

12 X. Wen 2 Nep >< 4
\8/ \6/ Plu /PJu / 1 x^ra
Ket OVNep 7 X5 Ket 9 X Nep 7 <5 107 Sun SVen Jup x.
\ Ura
Ura / X Mer X
10V 8 N/e Rah
Sad 1 Y Sun 1 Mer Ys Rah 47.. SatllXMer 1 Jup V 3 Rah p^g
/^2\ / 2\ / 12 \ / 2\ Ptu 11
/ Mar \ /Ven Mon\ Sun Mar\ /ven Mon

Ket 12 X. Won 2 Mar X.4 Ven

15' yS 1 Nv Nep
24 i / Sun S 4up
Case No.32
te 16/10/1947 Time 09:12:48 Day Thursday Place Kanpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:52:0^
at 26:27:00 North Long 80:19:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:08:44

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottarl Yogini

Siderial Time 10:39:22 Hrs Gan Rakshas Jupiter :12Y 11 MID Dhanya : 2Y 5M 2D
Eq.oftime 0:14:13 Hrs Yoni Vyaghra Saturn
Sunrise 6:09:18 Hrs Nadi Antya 17/09/1960 16/10/1947,
Sunset 17:39:28 Hrs Varan. Shoodra . 17/09/1979 19/03/1983
Samvat 2004 Vashya Manav Saturn 20/09/1963 Dhanya 19/03/1950
Saka 1869 Varga Sarp Mercury 31/05/1966 Bhramri 19/03/1954
Month Asvina Yunja .Madhya Ketu 09/07/1967 Bhadrika 19/03/1959
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 08/09/1970 Ulka 19/03/1965
Tithi at Sunrise. 2 Name Alphabet Sun 21/08/1971 Sidha 18/03/1972
Nakshatra Visakha Tee-Teerath/Tilak Moon 21/03/1973 Sankta 18/03/1980
Yoga : Priti Paya(Rasi-Nak) Ircn-Copper Mars 30/04/1974 Mangla 19/03/1981
Karan Kaulava Hora Venus Rahu 06/03/1977 Pingla 19/03/1983

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S Hous e Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 29:03:59 Mer Mar Sat Sun Asc Sco 8:25:32 Mar Sat Ven Ven
Mon Lib 22:33:54 Ven Jup Sat.. Ven 2 Sag 8:32:38 Jup Ket Jup Ven
Mar Can 15:36:31 Mon Sat Jup Mer 3 Cap 11:19:00 Sat Mon Mar Jup
Mer Lib 23:48:09 Ven Jup Sat Jup 4 Aqu 15:19:31 Sat Rah Yen Ven
Jup SCO 5:30:45 Mar Sat Mer Mer 5 Pis 17:07:42 Jup Mer Mer Ven
Ven Lib 10:20:59 Ven Rah Jup Rah 6 Arl 14:34:45 Mar Ven Ven Jup
Sat Can 27:39:31 Mon Mer Jup Rah 7 Tau 8:25:32 Ven Sun Ven Mon
Rah -R Tau 0-47:13 Ven Sun Rah Ven 8 Gem 8:32:38 Mer Rah Rah Mon
Ket -R SCO 0'47:13 Mar Jup Mar Jup 9 Can 11:19:00 Mon Sat Mon Rah
Ura -R Gem 3:13:42 Mer Mar Ven Mon 10 Leo 15:19:31 Sun Van Ven Mer
Nep Vir 18-06:29 Mer Mon Mer Ket 11 Vir 17:07:42 Mer Mon Sat Mar
Plu Can 21:51:16 Mon Mer Sun Jup 12 Lib 14:34:45 Ven Rah Ket Ven

Fortuna: Sagittarius 1:55:27 Navamsa Chart

\ Ura XX Jap /
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
Mar BS/sun 6 Kel
615* 78'-
3 Nep
/\Mer Mon / Mon Mar /
\ / 8 \ Ven / —
\Ket Jup/ RahloX 12 X2 Mer
\9 / \ 7/Nep XSun
Yen/1lX. sal
IqV Jup Ket Vg Sat Men / \ / Mon x
/ \ / XSun Plu ^ep
\Jup Maiy^
/ Plu / Plu 6 y/4
\A Sat \A Sat / X Kel
SXMar axMar
Sal 9

Me2^ M023: Ven X. / Xv / Mon

I2i5- Veio"
Predicting Month of Marriage 761


The native was married on 04/12/1973 during Saturn-Mars Dasa Bhukti which
was running from 23/07/1973 to 02/09/1974. Saturn and Mars are in mutual
triangles in navamsa chart. The sub sub period of Jupiter was running from 16/
10/1973 to 09/12/1973. Jupiter is the lord of the 2nd house and occupies the
ascendant and lends favourable aspect over the 7th house. To specify the month
of marriage, transit of Sun may be taken into account. The native is born in
Dakshinayana Sun. Therefore, the sensitive points for the transit of the Sun should
be reckoned from Venus, Venus obtains Capricorn navamsa. The sensitive signs
are Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer and Virgo. The marriage of the native was settled
in the early October 1973 when the Sun was transiting in Virgo under the aspect
of Jupiter from Capricorn. Marriage finally took place on 04/12/1973 when the
Sun was transiting in Scorpio over the ascendant and natal Jupiter.

We have seen that the transit of the Sun in a few specific signs, gives rise to the
settlement of marriage. One may work out the month of marriage etc. very
accurately if he practices this principle over hundreds of birth charts. The transit
of Jupiter and that of the Sun has a peculiar relationship in timing the month of
marriage, which should be applied quite intelligently over the different kinds of
birth charts. However, first of all, one will have to correctly find out the major
period and sub period of the planets which materializes the marriage of the
native. Thereafter, the transit of Jupiter should be properly studied in the Rashi
Chart, Moon Chart, and Navamsha chart. A keen examination of the transit of
Jupiter will ensure that a particular transit of Jupiter is strong enough to give rise
to marriage. The month of the marriage or settlement may be worked out on the
basis of the transit of the Sun over the sensitive signs as explained in this paper.
In case of any confusion of the year of marriage, the transit of Saturn may also be
taken into consideration as it most often influences the 7th house or its lord around
the time of marriage. Similarly, in case of any confusion in finding out the month
of marriage, the transit of Mars may be taken into consideration when it will
affect the 7th house in any way. The sub sub period will also ensure that the
month of marriage, worked out in this way, comes under the effective sub sub
period (PratyanterDasa) or not. If sub sub period does not ensure the marriage,
the exercise of the transit of the Sun should be made again. It has been observed
that most of times, month of the marriage so obtained, with the help of the transit
of the Sun in a particular sign, synchronizes with the transit of the Sun in Specific
signs of the ruling planet of Dasa Bhukti and so on. If all these exercise is made
quite carefully, the month of marriage can easily be worked quite precisely and
accurately. In fact, this appears quite complicated in explanation but it is quite
convenient in application as we have practiced it over thousands of birth charts
with amazing results of the correct month of the settlement of the marriage. This
is my humble submission that the scholars of astrology should examine and test
this research observation and must promote it further so that the science of Indian
Astrology may win the faith of one and all, all over the world, #


Loss of husband is more common than the ioss of wife. The women who
die earlier than their husbands, are fortunate and are said to have attained
Akhand Saubhagya. Almost all women desire to be Akhand Saubhagyawati.
One attains it on the basis of karma of previous life. The average age of men is
less than that of women as per survey. The rate of death of men is certainly
higher than women because men have to suffer occupational hazards and do
risky works as compared to women. The life of a woman is full of happiness
and pride so long her husband is alive. Remaining alive of husband is the honour
of a woman, we will make an honest and sincere effort to explain the planetary
combination in the horoscope of a woman to attain Akhand Saubhagya Yoga.
The combination of Akhand Saubhagya Yoga in the horoscope of women is
most fortunate for them. Almost one hundred percent of married women
have an inner desire to die before their husbands but only a few are fortunate
to have their desires fulfilled.
First of all, we shall try to quote a few of important aphorisms as given in
various classical texts. Thereafter, we shall be illustrating a few practical cases
and verifying of the combination of "Akhand Saubhagya Yoga".

If benefics are placed in the 8th or benefic are in the 2nd with malefics in the
8th, then the female acquires "Akhand Saubhagya" i.e. the female will die
earlier than her husband.
Akhand Saubhagya Yoga 763

^ ^ $m ^rr ^^>4^

If 7th lord is placed in the 7th from ascendant or from Moon or benefics
are placed there, then Vishakhya dosha, curse of bareness, widowhood
gets cancelled.

Srenrf^F fe^IdlPl WT ^ xj^un

^ flrrfhr 'trfi' ^

^ ^ FR'R'I 11

. Win 73

Double the number of letters in the names of the couple and multiply by 4
the matras, then add them and divide the resultant by 3, if the remainder is 1
or zero, then the male dies earlier otherwise female dies earlier.

Wri fqhsRff "Wdmt

dmt ^9ptT?pi UH<MlevlHM 4l4Rl4>l^



All auspicious yoga present in the horoscope of a woman will give good
results to her husband and should be understood thus. Physical pleasure and
comfort in the horoscope should be studied from the ascendant or Moon, which
ever is stronger. Merits and demerits of the husband should be examined from
the 7th house and his death from the 8th house.

Mantreshwar writes in the Shloka 15 of Chapter 6th in the great classical

work Phal Deepika that the female having Mahabhagya Yoga in her horoscope
will be blessed with Akhand Saubhagya.

TO PtSTO fWrf^ftoigTO I

^Hl 41 gPT tjMHM ^ FT niSH

Phal Deepika page 69, Ch. 6.

The person with Mahabhagya Yoga will be immensely popular in the public,
will be very generous in giving gifts and will posses a very high reputation. She
will be a ruler of the earth, will have a life span of 80 years and will be of
764 Predicting Marriage

spotless character. A female born with this yoga will be exceedingly fortunate
and possess sweet manners and akhand saubhagya.

Mantreshwar defines Mahabhagya Yoga as -under;-

?Tf?i^r 5 spR-; wm ^

Jlter; II1411
Phal Deepika Ch. 6,
Mahabhagya Yoga is caused in the case of a male if the birth is during the
day (between sunrise and sunset), if the ascendant, the Sun, the Moon is in odd
sigjrfg. Mahabhagya Yoga will arise in the case of a female if the birth is during
the night time (after sunset and before sunrise) when the ascendant, the Sun,
the Moon are in even signs.


MlWhl m4il^ldM I

tor ttN-

TT^frT UFfa ^ II27II

Chapter 16 Jatak Parijat, Part II

Even if all benefics occupy their sign of exaltation but if malefic occupy the
8th house in the malefic sign and that is aspected by any evil planet, the female
suffers widowhood. If the navamsa occupied by the 8th lord is owned by a
malefic, the widowhood is certain. If benefics occupy the 8th house, the female
will die before her husband.

^WIT fefrET: I

•^cTT ^ 7^ II2II
Sugam Jyotish, Ch. 4

if malefics and benefics fall in the ascendant, benefics falls in the 2nd house,
then female dies earlier than her husband. If Moon falls in Taurus, Leo and
Cancer in a female nativity, she has few number of sons. If the sign of husband
is an odd number if reckoned from the sign of a wife, the wife will die prior to
her husband. If the number is even, the husband will die before his wife.
Akhand Sauhhagya Yoga 765


On the basis of practical application of the above-mentioned aphorisms,

which are taken from various classical texts, I have observed that a female can
attain akhand saubhagya only if the 9th house is well fortified or strong in
addition to these combinations of benefic and malefic planets, as given in shlokas.
This may be summarized as under:

If benefics are placed in the 8th house, the female dies before her husband. If
malefics occupy the 8th lord, the strong benefics join the second, the female
will die prior to her husband.

If a strong benefic or the lord of the 7th join the 7th house from the ascendant
or Moon, the combination of widowhood gets cancelled automatically.

If benefics occupy the 2nd house, the malefics and benefics both join the
ascendant, the female will expire before her husband.

If the birth of a female takes place during night and the ascendant, Moon
and the Sun falls in even signs, the female dies before her husband

The seventh house should be well fortified but the ascendant should be weak
or its lord should be placed adversely. The second or 8th house or both should
be occupied by benefics, well fortified. However, if 8th house is weak or afflicted,
the 2nd house should essentially be well disposed by the influence of benefic
placed. Akhand Saubhagya Yoga will be effdective only if the 9th house is strong
and its lord is well placed or the 9th house is occupied by the Kendra lords and
benefics. If the 9th house is weak or afflicted in the horoscope of a female, she
may not attain Saubhagya or Mangalya inspite of the presence of other benefic
combinations of planets in her horoscope. Therefore, first of all, the strength
should be examined while making judgement whether the death of wife will
take place before her husband i.e. whether she will attain Akhand Saubhagya.
Case 33
te 17/03/1962 Time 09:50:00 Day Saturday Place Kama! Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:04
at 29:41:00 North Long 76.59:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:22:04

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time , 21:05:01 Mrs Gan Rakshas Mercury . 1 5Y2M 10D Bhramri ; 3Y 6M 27D
Eq.oftime - 0:08:34 Mrs Yonr. Majar Sun
Sunrise 681:54 Mrs Nadi Anlya 27/05/2004 13/10/1997
Sunset 18:29:46 Krs Varan VIpra 27/05/2010 13/10/2033
Samvat 2018 Vashya Jalchar Sun 13/09/2004 Bhramri 13/10/2001
Saka 1883 Varga Shwan Moon 15/03/2005 Bhadrika 13/10/2006
Month Phalguna Yunja Madhya Mars 21/07/2005 Uika 13/10/2012
Paksh L. Shukla HansakfTatva) Jat Rahu 15/06/2006 Sidha 13/10/2019
Tithi at Sunrise. 12 Name Alphabet Dee-Deepak Jup]tar 03/04/2007 Sankta 13/10/2027
Nakshatra Aslesa Paya(Rasi-Nak) Copper-Silver Saturn 15/03/2008 Mangla 13/10/2028
Yoga Sukarma Hora Sun Mercury 19/01/2009 Pingla 13/10/2030
Karan Bava Chaugharia Rcga Kalu 27/05/2009 Dhanya 13/10/2033

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Pis 3 01:54 Jup Jup Rah Sun Asc Tau 7:29:52 Ven Sun Ket Jup
Mon Can 18 04:54 Mon Mer Mer Jup 2 Gem 3:02:48 Mer Mar Ven Sun
Mar Aqu 10 44:08 Sat Rah Sat Sat 3 Gem 26:03:31 Mer Jup Ket Mar
Mer Aqu 9 19:54 Sat Rah Jup Mer 4 Can 20:42:52 Mon Mer Ven Jup
Jup Aqu 4 59:42 Sat Mar Sun Mar 5 Leo 20:41:00 Sun Ven Jup Mer
Ven Pis 14 54:22 Jup Sat Jup Jup 6 Vir 27:55:11 Mer Mar Sat Sat
Sat Cap 15 02:53 Sat Mon Jup Ven 7 Sco 7:29:52 Mar Sat Ket Ven
Rah Can 24 26:08 Mon Mer Rah Jup 8 Sag 3:02:48 Jup Ket Sun Mon
Ket Cap 24 26:08 Sat Mar Rah Jup 9 Sag 26:03:31 Jup Ven Ket Ven
Ura -R Leo 4 :17:15 Sun Ket Mon Sat 10 Cap 20:42:52 Sat Mon Ven Ven
Nep -R Lib 20 09:31 Ven Jup Jup Jup 11 Aqu 20:41:00 Sat Jup Jup Mer
Pfu -R Leo 15 :20:29 Sun Ven Ven Mer 12 Pis 27:55:11 Jup Mer Sat Sat

Fortuna: Virgo 22:32:53 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava ChalitCuspal
UraV 1 y
Sat X >

Mer 9 Mon
Ven \ /\ /
Sun \ / \ /
Sun 4 6 >C 8
Rah\3/ V Aen Mon
/ Xl^/ven jT bXv 7\yBn
4V 2 V12 Rah MonaY 2 V11 X^et PJu\X N.
Jup Mon/ \ / \Sun / \ / \ Sun Moibv
Mer / X \ X Ket \ 42V Dasamsa
a / \ / Mer 10 ar\ Ra244
^ '' MJra 5 Plu/; Mer 11 Mar ^ ( Rah 4 Ure X ^ / Ur4 \ Nep XX Sal X
\ /\ / *-,ra KeJ-j* \ / \ / ° X X 12 X\11 XX
\ / \ Jup / p|U 102v \ Plu X U
\J P X Mar\l X
Mer Jup VenXXio Plu
\/ \ /10 Sat Sats^ \ / \ / Piis-
Ket . 6/\ " 8 X SX 8 Vg Sal sjr
Sat / 7\ /9\Ket / ex / 9\ 9 Sun

Ne2o' j 4X Mon 6 Ura Xa Rah

X sX X /X
Akhand Saubhagya Yoga 767


The first Indian born woman to venture into space, Born in small town of
India, Karnal, she got her schooling in the Tagore SchooL She completed her
high school from Bal Niketan in 1976. after completing her school education,
she joined the B.So in Aeronautical Engineering in Punjab Engineering College
at Chandigarh, She appeared in GRE and TOFEL examination, which are the
qualifying, and eligibility tests for study in foreigncountries. She went to America
and joined M.S. postgraduate degree course in Aerospace Engineering in the
University of Texas at Arlington in August 1984. in J988 her sudden selection
for Ph.D in this subject in the university of Colorada. Seeing her competence in
the subject and keen desire for research and specialization, she was given an
hefty amount by way of special grant and scholarship by the University of
Colorado to pursue her Ph.D programme. Incidentally, this was also the beginning
of a love affair with flying and aerospace engineering that got her married to an
American best Pilot in 1984 to John Piere Harrison during Venus Venus dasa
bhukti and she took American citizenship in 1993. she joined NASA in 1988. her
first voyage into space was from 19th Nov. to 5th December on Columbia STS-87
as Prime Robotic Arm Operator.

In early 1995, she applied for the position of a civilian scientist in NASA for
the voyage of American spaceship, Columbia. The ensuing voyage of Columbia
was contemplated to take off in July 2002 for which selection of astronauts
was done in January 2002. it is a matter of great pride that Kalpana Chawla
has again been selected as mission specialist on the space shuttle Columbia
STS-107 tentatively scheduled to take off in July 2002 and with this rare event
in the history of space mission, she became the first woman in the world to
venture into space twice.

Unfortunately, we lost the pride of Jndia as Kalpana Chawla on the tragic of

explosion of Columbia space shuttle STS-113 on IstFeb. 2003, She almost completed
her voyage, which was about to reach earth, 16 minutes after the explosion.

The loss of Mrs, Kalpana Chawla certainly irrecoverable. Here we are

concerned with the combinations of Akhand Saubhagya Yoga present in her
horoscope. She was born in Taurus ascendant. Yoga Karaka Saturn is conjoined
with Ketu in the 9th house but both are shifted in the 10th house. She was born
in Ashlesha nakshatra last pada, which is of Moola, Lord of lagna Venus is
exalted in the Jlth house and is associated with 4th lord Sun. The combination
of lagna lord Venus and 4th lord Sun is certainly splendid with prosperous and
happy wife. However, 5th and 2nd lord Mercury occupies the 10th house with
12th and 7th lord Mars and 8th and 12th lord Jupiter in Aquarius sign, Aquarius
is an airy sign. Thus the combination of 12th and 8th lord Jupiter and Mars is
present in the 10th house with 2nd lord Mercury. This combination shows that
Mrs. Kalpana Chawla was extremely intelligent, dynamic and dashing lady
768 Predicling Marriag e

who was blessed with immense courage and enthusiasm. Professionally she
was highly placed due to strong 10th house. 10th and 9th lord Saturn is very
strong in Shadabala. In Rhava Chart, 5 planets occupy the 10th house and
Adhi Yoga has also been formed. Moreover, Karmic planets are associated with
Rahu and Ketu, therefore, the strength of Karmic Control planets has been
largely enhanced. Moon and Saturn are Karmic Control planets and are placed
7th from each other. This is supposed to be strongest Raja Yoga, Apart from
that, strong Sapta Graha Mallika Raja Yoga is also present. Both the triangle
lords are conjoined in the 10th in Rhava Chart in association with 8th and 11th
lord Jupiter, 7th and 12th lord Mars which shows unaccountable success in
profession, In this horoscope, lagna lord Venus is exalted, Moon and Saturn
fall in own. Mars obtains navamsa of its exaltation and 10th lord Yoga Karaka
Saturn obtains navamsa of Venus, the lord of the lagna. These all combinations
made her an woman of worldwide fame. Fag end of the major period of Venus
when the sub period of Mercury was running over her, resulted into her tragic
death in space on 1/2/2003. it will not be out of place to mention that Madam
Kalpana Chawla had expressed her prime ambition a few days ago that she
wanted to die in space only. She was a true patriot and almighty fulfilled her
last ambition on 1/2/2003 as breathe last there in space.

She was running under the sub period of Mercury who is Markesh for Taurus
ascendant and is heavily afflicted due to conjunction of another markesh Mars
who is inimical to Mercury, Mercury obtains Mrityuansha and Venus who's
mahadasa was running, obtains the navamsa of Mars. Saturn was transiting
in the ascendant and was aspecting 7th and I2th lord Mars, 8th lord Jupiter,
2nd and 5th lord Mercury, radical Moon, Rahu and 3rd house, and 7th house.
Mars was transiting into 7th house and was aspecting the ascendant, Mercury,
Mars and Jupiter i.e. transiting Saturn and Mars were aspecting markesh planets
both Mercury and Mars. This is very adverse and critical combination for death
especially as Rahu and Ketu were conjoined with Saturn and Mars respectively.
Moon and Sun were transiting in Shravana nakshatra over the axis of Rahu
and Ketu. Moon and Sun was facing radical Moon and Rahu and was crossing
Ketu and Saturn on the black day of her death.

Here we are concerned with her death as Saubhagyawati female. The 7th
lord Mars occupies thelOth house who is strong in Digbala and obtains 12
Shadabala. 2nd lord Mercury is conjoined with Jupiter and 2nd house is
aspected by Jupiter and that indicates comparatively long life to her husband.
Lagna is unaspected by any benefic planets but is aspected by malefic Mars.
Lagna lord Venus is associated with inimical Sun and obtains navamsa of
Markesh Mars. 8th house is also afflicted as its lord Jupiter is associated with
Mars and Mercury and is placed under Papa Kartari Yoga. Moreover, 8th lord
Jupiter and lagna lord Venus obtains navamsa of Mars under the aspect of
Saturn. This is certainly indicating short and unnatural end of her life, let us
Akhand Saubhagya Yoga 769

examine the 9th house where yoga karaka Saturn is placed in own sign
Capricorn. In Bhava chart Saturn is shifted in the 10th house, it is the second
strongest planet as it obtains 1.33 Shadabala. Thus 9th house is strong, 8th
house is afflicted, 7th and 2nd house is well fortified and 9th house also happens
to be quite powerful. Therefore, she had a death of saubhagya female though
her tragic death is not only a very heavy loss of India or USA but it's a loss of an
intellectual, dynamic, outstanding, meritorious female astronaut of the world
wide fame. Such great soul are rarely born on this earth.
770 Predicting Marriage

CASE 34 r

Marriage - 24/]]/]989 during Moon Saturn period.

Death - 27/5/1993 during Moon Venus period &

This is the case of the daughter of my elder sister who always secured thei
first position in school, college and university. She was working as a Probationary
Officer in a nationalized bank and had outstanding records. ^

She was married on 24/11/1989 during sub period of Saturn in the major
period of Moon. Here Saturn is Yoga Karaka and joins the 2nd house. She died '
due to breast cancer on 27/5/1993 during sub period of Venus in the major
period of Moon before her husband at 34 years of age. However, though she
died within 4 years of marriage she attained "Akhand Saubhagya" . here Mars
is a malefic planet and is a markesh for Libra. Ascendant joins the 8th house
under retrograde motion whereas Saturn is a Yoga Karaka for Libra lagna and
joins the 2nd house in Martian sign Scorpio under full aspect of Mars. Benefic
Jupiter, Mercury and Sun are shifted in the 2nd house, thus the 2nd house is
well disposed and 8th house is heavily afflicted with presence of Mars. She
was born in Grand Mool i.e. in the first quarter of Moola nakshatra. Mars
occupies the 8th house in Taurus, the sign of Venus. Venus is debilitated and
combust and joins the 12th house over the axis of nodes. Thus the major period
of Moon and the sub period of Venus became Maraka for her. We find that the
2nd house is well disposed and strong where as the 8th house is heavily afflicted
by malefics, therefore, she attained "Akhand Saubhagya". In Bhava chart. Mars
is shifted in the 7th house. The 7th house is strong that is the life of the husband
is longer than the life of woman in question because lagna lord is weak, combust
and afflicted in the 12th house in debilitation and obtains inimical navamsa.

The female who attains "Akhand Saubhagya" must have strong 7th house,
afflicted or weak ascendant, strong 9th house in particular. In this horoscope,
9th house is quite strong as 9th lord Mercury is associated with Jupiter and
Jupiter also aspects the 9th house, therefore, 9th house is well disposed and
quite strong. The ascendant is hemmed between Saturn, Rahu and debilitated
Venus. Thus the ascendant is weak. 6th and 12th lords Jupiter and Mercury
joins ascendant. This further reduces the strength of ascendant, in Bhava Chart,
7th lord Mars is placed in the 7th house, thus the husband had to live longer.
Since she was born in Mool, as the Moon is placed in Mool nakshatra, therefore,
she died during the major period of Moon and in the sub period of Venus as
lagna and Venus both are afflicted and Venus is 8th lord. The persons who are
born in any nakshatra of Mool and especially in grand Mool, suffer heavily
during the major or sub period of Moon.
Case 34
18/10/1958 Time 08:22:00 Day Saturday PJaceLucknow Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:
at 26:50:00 North Long 80:54:00 East Zone 82:30-,00 East Time Corr -0.06:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yogim

Siderial Time , 9:59:58 Hrs Gan Rakshas Ketu : 0Y 2M 3D Ulka : OY 1M 24D
Eq.oftime 0:14:42 Hrs Yoni Shwan Rahu
Sunrise 6:08:32 Hrs Nadi.-- Adya 21/12/2001 11/12/1988
Sunset 17:34:36 Hrs Varan Kshatriya 21/12/2019 11/12/2024
Samvaf 2015 Vashya Manav Hahu 02/09/2004 Ulka 12/12/1994
Saka 1880 Varga -Mooshak Jupiter 27/01/2007 Sidha 12/12/2001
Month Asvina Yunja Anlya Saturn 03/12/2009 Sankta 12/12/2009
Paksh Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Agni Mercury 21/06/2012 Mangla 12/12/2010
Tithl at Sunrise.. 6 Name Afphabet Bhee-Bheema Ketu 10/07/2013 Pingla 11/12/2012
Nakshatra Moola Paya(Rasi-Nak) Venus 09/07/2016 Dhanya 12/12/2015
Yoga Atigand Copper-Copper Sun 03/06/2017 Bhramri 12/12/2019
Karan Taitila Hora Moon 03/12/2018 Bhadrika 11/12/2024

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 1 12.20 Ven Mar Mer Rah Asc Lib 29:39:45 Ven Jup Mon Rah
Mon Sag 12 59:52 Jup Ket Mer Jup 2 Sco 29:17:48 Mar Mer Sat Mar
Mar -R Tau 9:04:05 Ven Sun Ven Jup 3 Cap 1:17:02 Sat Sun Jup Jup
Mer Lib 9 47:25 Ven Rah Jup Ven 4 Aqu 4:47:22 Sat Mar Ven Ket
Jup Lib 15 10:58 Ven Rah Ket Mer 5 Pis 6:58:21 Jup Sat Mer Jup
Ven Vir 24 59:52 Mer Mar Rah Mer 6 Ah 5:16:02 Mar Ket Mar Mer
Sat SCO 28:24:57 Mar Mer Sat Mer 7 Art 29:39:45 Mar Sun Rah Jup
Rah -R Vir 29 21:17 Mer Mar Sat Mar 8 Tau 29:17:48 Ven Mar Sat Mar
Ket -R Pis 2921:17 Jup Mer Sat Mar 9 Can 1:17:02 Mon Jup Mar Mon
Ura Can 2246:53 Mon Mer Mon Sat 10 Leo 4:47:22 Sun Ket Mar Mar
Nep Lib 11:06:42 Ven Rah Sat Ket 11 Vir 6:58:21 Mer Sun Mer Sat
Plu Leo 10 36:12 Sun Ket Sat Mon 12 Lib 5:16:02 Ven Mar Sun Sat

Fortuna: Capricorn 11:27;17 Navamsa Chart

\Mon Plu
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal 4
Ven SN;

C Rah 6 X.531 12 Ma:/

y/ KBl y/
Mon / Jup Mer /
Ket | \ Sat
/ \Rah Ven /
8 \ Nep / Sun 7/^ 9 /O ^ JuP
/ jufNepV 6 / Ura \ / \ 7 /Sun 9i* y/ Mery/ lOx.
Mon9X Sun 7 MerX5 Plu 10 X Sat 7 Ven / /\Nep Ura\
/ XRah
/ \ Ur23' Dasattisa
4 Ura 5 Plu ;

1 \ Mar / 2 v Sun 7 Ura yf Mar 1 Mony

1r y/NepNX3^/
Plu 8y>0/er 10 WnV^Jup
Nep Jup $328' JuisNeir Ve25' /
Sal Mer Sun Meio^s-Sur R9296 / Nv s Rah
772 Predicting Marriage


Marriage - 7/2/1979 during Venus Jupiter dasa bhukti.

Death - 2/9/2003 during Mars Rahu dasa bhukti.

She got married on 7/2/1979 during sub period of Jupiter in the major period
of Venus. The 8th house is occupied by Swakshetri Venus in association with
Rahu and lord of 2nd house and lord of lagna, Mars and Jupiter are placed in
the 7th house with 6th lord Sun. Jupiter aspects the ascendant which is owned
by Jupiter as well. Mars aspects the 2nd house, which is owned by, Mars itself.
The 7th house is placed under Subha Kartari Yoga, 2nd lord Mars obtains own
navamsa. In Bhava chart, 7th lord Mercury is shifted in the 7th house. Thus,
the 7th house is well disposed due to association of lagna lord Jupiter. The 2nd
house is also strong as its lord Mars occupies own navamsa and falls in Moon's
nakshatra Hasta. The 8th house and its lord are hemmed between Mars and
Saturn, i.e. placed under Papa Kartari Yoga. But the 7th and 2nd house are
strong. Bhagyadhipati Mars occupies 7th house but it is combust and lagna
lord Jupiter is also combust and afflicted. This clearly indicates that she will die
at an early age in front of her husband and that her husband will be alive. 2nd
lord Mars obtains own navamsa and joins 7th house where as Rahu is associated
with 8th lord Venus in the 8th house. She expired due to sudden heart failure
during the sub period of Rahu in the major period of Mars when Saturn was
transiting in the 8th house from radical Moon. It may be noted that she was
born in the last pada of jyestha nakshatra, which proved fatal for her. She
expired when she was nearly 44 years of age and both her two children, one
son and another daughter were unsettled and unmarried. Since 8th lord Mars
is conjoined with lagna lord Jupiter and the 7th lord Mercury in the 7th house
and that indicates "Akhand Saubhagya Yoga" though at an early age. 9th lord
Mars joins 7th house in association with lagna lord Jupiter. Thus the 9th house
is strong, Moon obtains Neech Bhang as 5th lord joins 9th house and adds
strength to the 9th house. Saturn obtains Vargottam navamsa in own
constellation Anuradha in the 9th house. This has further added strength to
the 9th house. The lagna and 8th house are weak. Therefore, she attained
Saubhagya Yoga leaving her husband and children behind.
Case 35
^ate 29/09/1957 Time 18:01:15 Day Sunday Place Kamal Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23:00
Lat 29:41:00 North Long 76:59:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:22:04

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vlmsottari Yogini

Siderial Time .:18:11:11 Hrs Gan Rakshas Mercury 1Y8M1D Bhadrika : 0Y 5M 27D
Eq.oftime :0:09:32 Hrs Yoni - Mrig Mars
Sunrise :6:15:14 Hrs Nadi _ Acfya 01/06/2002 27/03/1989
Sunset ;13:09:21 Hrs Varan .: Vipra 01/06/2009 27/03/2025
Samvat : 2014 Vashya Keetak Mars 28/10/2002 Bhadrika 28/03/1994
Saka : 1879 Varga ^ ^Vig Hahu 16/11/2003 Ulka 27/03/2000
Month : Asvina Yunja - Antya Jupiter 22/10/2004 Sidha 28/03/2007
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Ja! Saturn 01/12/2005 Sankta 28/03/2015
Tithi at Sunrise.,: 6 Name Alphabet Yoo-Yoovraj Mercury 28/11/2006 Mangla 27/03/2016
Nakshatra : Jyestha Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Silver-Copper Kelu 26/04/2007 Pingla 28/03/2018
Yoga : Sobhagya Hora Saturn Venus 25/06/2008 Dhanya 27/03/2021
Karan : Gara Chaugharia Udvega Sun 31/10/2008 Bhramri 27/03/2025

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Vir 13:05:17 Mer Mon Rah Ket Asc Pis 11:02:28 Jup Sat Mon Mon
Mon Sco 28:41:23 Mar Mer Sat Ven 2 Ari 18:09:06 Mar Ven Rah Rah
Mar Vir 10:26:55 Mer Mon Mon Jup 3 Tau 15:53:33 Ven Mon Sat Sat
Mer Leo 26:03:20 Sun Ven Ket Ven 4 Gem 9:33:35 Mer Rah Jup Ven
Jup Vir 17:48:28 Mer Mon Mer Mer 5 Can 3:35:07 Mon Sat Sat Sat
Ven Lib 24:50:53 Ven Jup Mer Mar 6 Leo 2:28:00 Sun Ket Ven Sal
Sat Sco 16:30:42 Mar Sat Jup Rah 7 Vir 11:02:28 Mer Mon Mon Ven
Rah Lib 18:01:21 Ven Rah Sun Ven 8 Lib 18:09:06 Ven Rah Mon Mon
Ket Ari 18:01:21 Mar Ven Mar Sun 9 Sco 15:53:33 Mar Sat Jup Ven
Ura Can 17:36:37 Mon Mer Mer Mon 10 Sag 9:33:35 Jup Ket Sat Sat
Nep Lib 8:22:00 Ven Rah Rah Sun 11 Cap 3:35:07 Sat Sun Sat Mer
Plu Leo 8:17:52 Sun Ket Jup Mer 12 Aqu 2:28:00 Sat Mar Ket Sat

Fortuna ; Taurus 26:38:34 Navamsa Chart

\Mer Sal \ Ket
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
9X 7 XT
Ura / \
Keifi' 3i6a

11 X.Sun 1
Mar X'3
2 \P!u
2X Ket 12 Mon Rah\yy Ven n.


Mer 1 V
Una 4 X Sun 6 Mar X 8 IUra ^y(Sun 6 Jup Vfi Rah X
/7\Sat / ^ \ Nep / 7\Sa1 Me20D
' \ / Nep \ / Plu \ / \
Mer Plu\ /Rah Ven /Mar Mer\/ Ven
Ve25' Sis- 7l Ven 3/\Mar 5 UraXr Kel
Rai80 Su X4\^ yS SN. Jup
Nes- Ju S s Sun n.
Case 36
01/12/1929 Time 10:29:00 Day Sunday Place Moradataad Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
at 28:50:00 North Long 78:45:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:15:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yog in i

Siderlaf Time . 14:52:17 Mrs Gan : Deva Saturn 0Y11M18D Bhramri : 0Y 2M 13D
Eq.oftime 0:11:03 Mrs Yoni Mrig Rahu
Sunrise 6:51:48 Mrs Nadi i Madhya 19/11/1997 13/02/1962
Sunset 17:15:51 Mrs Varan. : Vipra 19/11/2015 13/02/1998
Samvat 1986 Vashya : Keetak Rahu 01/08/2000 Bhramri 13/02/1966
Saka 1851 Varga : Sarp Jupiter 25/12/2002 Bhadrika 13/02/1971
Month Margshirsh Yunja ^ Madhya Saturn 31/10/2005 Ulka 13/02/1977
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Jal Mercury 20/05/2008 Sidha 14/02/1984
Tithi at Sunrise. 15 - Amavasya Name Alphabet Nay-Nainshukh Ketu 07/06/2009 Sankta 14/02/1992
Nakshatra Anuradha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Gold-Copper Venus 07/06/2012 Mangla 13/02/1993
Yoga Sukarma Hora i Mcon Sun 02/05/2013 Pingla 13/02/1995
Karan Kinstughna Chaugharia j Labha Moon 01/11/2014 dhanya 13/02/1998

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sco 15:54:43 Mar Sat Jup Ven 6:32:02 Sat Sun Mer Jup
Sco 15:59:19 Mar Sat Jup Ven 15:40:46 Sat Rah Ven Sun
Sco 16:30:38 Mar Sat Jup Rah 22:47:42 Jup Mer Mon Sat
Sco 17:55:52 Mar Mer Mer Rah 22:55:27 Mar Ven Sat Ven
R Tau 19:04:52 Ven Mon Mer Rah 17:46:51 Ven Mon Mer Mer
Lib 29:44:19 Ven Jup Mon Rah 10:56:46 Mer Rah Sat Mer
Sag 7:29:51 Jup Ket Rah Mar 6:32:02 Mon Sat Mer Rah
R Ari 19:27:42 Mar Ven Rah Ven 15:40:46 Sun Ven Sun Mar
R Lib 19:27:42 Ven Rah Mar Jup 22:47:42 Mer Mon Sun Rah
R Pis 14:56:38 Jup Sat Jup Jup 22:55:27 Ven Jup Sat Sun
Leo 10:57:41 Sun Ket Sat Rah 17:46:51 Mar Mer Mer Rah
R Gem 26:40:45 Mer Jup Ven Ven 10:56:46 Jup Ket Sat Rah

Fortuna: Capricorn 6:36:39 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Kel YX /

Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal
V y' ^0°y'
Yx /V Mer
Rah Jup
RaiQ0 Sia* N. y' Ura
423* JU19' 2 /<fWon Q SunJ)
yS Mar
Sat /
9 /Mar
10 \ V8 /Sat 77* Nep \ / Rah x
/ \Mer
/ Ven \ Dasamsa
Ket 7 Ven Mon 7 Sun \Mon Sun Rah
XWarMer/ N 7
\ X
lOV'Nep 8 .
Jup 2X 4 X.6 •Jr Jup 2Y 4 Ye Ket r
3 /3\ Nep /5\ \Sat 11 5 \
/ \ /
/ Plu \ / Nep
\/ y/
2 Jup
Ura I2y<r
Mer Mar Ket 1 X
Mon Sun Ven Ket N. / \
Akhand Saubhagya Yoga 775


Death - 15/8/2002 during Mercury Saturn dasa bhukti

This is the horoscope of one of our near relative who lived upto 74 years of
age and also attained "Akhand Saubhagya". She was a pious lady completely
dedicated to her husband. They never quarrelled and there never was any
difference of opinion between them on any aspect of life. The biggest tragedy
of her life was that though she was blessed with 3 sons, they expired one after
another due to liver problem. Here 12th lord Jupiter joins the 5th house in
Taurus under retrograde motion and is aspected by Mars, Mercury, Sun and
Venus. The 7th house is well disposed as its lord Moon occupies the ascendant.
The 7th lord Moon is aspected by Jupiter, which indicates long life of husband.
This is a clear indication of "Akhand Saubhagya Yoga". The 2nd house is
aspected by Mars and Saturn both. Saturn is the lagna lord, therefore, lagna
becomes weak and 7th house becomes strong. She expired after a long suffering
of cancer on 15/8/2002 during the sub period of Saturn in the major period of
Mercury. Saturn is 2nd lord and becomes a markesh due to-its placement in the
12th house. Saturn obtains navamsa of Mercury and Mercury obtains navamsa
of its debilitation. Therefore, tail end of major period of Mercury resulted into
her death as Saubhagyawati on 15/8/2002.
Case 37
^ate 06/03/1948 Time 10:10:00 Day Saturday Place Hapur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:52
-at 28.43.00 North Long 77.47:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr-0:18:52

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Sidenal Time .:20:46:;
20:46:26 Mrs Gan r-^nushya Sun : 3Y10M 11D Sankta : 5Y 1M 25D
Eq.oftime -0:11:24 Mrs Yoni : Nakul Jupiter
Sunrise :6:40:3
6:40:30 Hrs Nadi r Antya 17/01/1987 01/05/1981
Sunset : 18:20
18:20:17 Hrs Varan - Vaishya 17/01/2003 01/05/2017
Samvat : 20CM
2004 Vashya ^ Jalchar Jupiter 06/03/1989 Sankta 01/05/1989
Saka : 186E
1869 Varga - Mooshak Saturn 17/09/1991 Mangla 02/05/1990
Month : Phal
Phalguna Yunja : Antya Mercury 23/12/1993 Pingla 01/05/1992
Paksh : Krist
Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Bhoomi Ketu 29/11/1994 Dhanya 02/05/1995
Tithl at Sunrise..: 11 Name Alphabet .: Bho-Shomik Venus 30/07/1997 Bhramri 02/05/1999
Nakshatra : Uttaj
Uttarasadha Paya(Rasr-Nak) : Silver-Copper Sun 18/05/1 998 Bhadrika 01/05/2004
Yoga : Vari^
Variyan Kara r Sun Moon 17/09/1999 Ulka 02/05/2010
Karan : Bala 1
Balava Chaugharia : Roga Mars 23/08/2000 Sidha 01/05/2017

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rass Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Aqu 22:39:23 Sat Jup Sat Ven Asc Tau 1:57:16 Ven Sun Jup Mer
Man Cap 1:24:37 Sat Sun Jup Jup 2 Tau 28:32:10 Ven Mar Sat Ket
Mar -R Can 28:42:24 Men Mer Sat Ven 3 Gem 21:52:31 Mer Jup Sat Sat
Mer Cap 28:55:26 Sat Mar Sat Ven 4 Can 16:17:55 Mon Sat Jup Mar
Jup Sag 3:39:11 Jup Ket Sun Ven 5 Leo 15:32:58 Sun Ven Ven Ket
Ven Ari 4:42:51 Mar Ket Man Ven 6 Vir 22:04:59 Mer Mon Van Sat
Sat -R Can 24:22:42 Mon Mer Rah Rah 7 SCO 1:57:16 Mar Jup Rah Sat
Rah -R Ari 23:23:19 Mar Ven Sat Mar 8 Sco 28:32:10 Mar Mer Sat Ket
Ket -R Lib 23:23:19 Ven Jup Sat Rah 9 Sag 21:52:31 Jup Ven Jup Rah
Ura Tau 29:15:07 Ven Mar Sat Mon 10 Cap 16:17:55 Sat Mon Sat Mer
Nep -R Vir 19:26:45 Mer Mon Mer Sal 11 Aqu 15:32:58 Sat Rah Ven Ven
Plu -R Can 20:11:50 Mon Mer Ven Rah 12 Pis 22:04:59 Jup Mer Sun Ket

Fortuna: Pisces 10;42;30 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal A. Sat y/A. S
\u /10\9 /
MerliSc Won Plu X/s Rah
Ven Ura
Raw I 229* Urss*
\ / \Rah Ven / ^Rah Ven/ Ket

/ \l / \l2!/ VenX/
2 X.
Jup / 3 5\Ura
Sat 4^X013 2 Vl2 XllSun 4ib* y' Nep
u/\ / \
\ 5 X 11 Sun Mar 4 Sat 10 Mer
\ii A 9 /Sal
/Mon 12X; Jup 10 X® Rahi
Mer A10
Mon | /7 g\Mer
7 UraJ>
/ Ket
\/ Plu
879- Ke23'
X^8 Mon
KeiX3N 5 NSun
lr S Mer
Akhand Saubhagya Yoga 777


Marriage - 17/8/1957 during Moon Saturn dasa bhukti

Death - 17/5/2002 during Jupiter Rahu dasa bhukti

She was the most ideal and simple woman who dedicated her life for
prosperity, happiness and elevation of her husband in various ways. 1 often
used to say that her husband is the luckiest man in respect of life partner.
Unfortunately cancer was diagnosed to her in the month of July 1998. 1 had
written in her's life reading, her husband's as also her children's that she will
suffer from any incurable disease in the year 1998 and may not live beyond
24/7/2002. She suffered a lot due to cancer of her ovaries and uterus etc. and
ultimately expired on 17/5/2002 cared by her husband during the sub period
of Rahu in the major period of Jupiter. Here Rahu is placed in the 12th house
and Jupiter occupies the 8th house. Therefore, major period of Jupiter and sub
period of Rahu ended her life but she attained "Akhand Saubhagya". Here
direct Jupiter occupies the 8th house in Sagittarius and obtains the friendly
navamsa of Sun. Jupiter's aspect over the 2nd house is also encouraging
placement giving long life to her husband. Jupiter's placement in 8th house if
unafflicted and well disposed, gives rise to "Saubhagya Yoga". Lagna lord Venus
is afflicted due to conjunction of Rahu and aspect of Saturn. Thus the lagna is
weak, 7th lord Mars who is debilitated in 3rd, obtains Neech Bhang Raj Yoga
and aspects 7th house of its own, in Bhava chart, making the 7th house strong.
The 8th house indicates Mangalya, so she was fortunate to be blessed with
Akhand Saubhagya, the 2nd house is well aspected and 7th house is strong.
This kind of placement gives rise to Saubhagya Yoga.
Case 38
^Date 12/01/1951 Time 11:30:00 Day Friday Place Puri Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:54:
J-at 19:48:00 North Long 85:52:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr 0:13:28

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yoglni

SiderialTime .:19:07:10 Hrs Gan i Manushya Jupiter 8Y6M12D Bhramrl :2Y1M 18D
Eq.of time :- 0:08:05 Hrs Yoni i Simha Saturn
Sunrise 6:25:09 Hrs Nadi j Adya 26/07/1959 12/01/1951
Sunset :17:24:03 Hrs Varaa i Shoodna 26/07/1978 01/03/1985
Samvat : 2007 Vashya i Manav Saturn 29/07/1962 Bhramri 01/03/1953
Saka : 1872 Varga Mesha Mercury 07/04/1965 Bhadrika 02/03/1958
Month : Pausa Yunja - Antya Ketu 17/05/1966 Ulka 01/03/1964
Paksh :• Shukla HansakfTatva) Vayu Venus 17/07/1969 Sidha 02/03/1971
Tithi at Sunrise..: 5 Name Alphabet So-Sourav Sun 29/06/1970 Sankta 02/03/1979
Nakshatra : P Bhadrapad Paya(Rasi-Nak) : iron-Copper Moon 28/01/1972 Mangla 01/03/1980
Yoga : .Variyan Hora : Mars Mars 08/03/1973 Pingla 02/03/1982
Karan : Balava Chaugharia i Kaal Rahu 13/01/1976 Dhanya 01/03/1985

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Sag 28:18:35 Jup Sun Mon Ven A so Pis 28:32:38 Jup Mer Sat Ket
Mon Aqu 26:13:17 Sat Jup Ket Jup 2 Tau 0:56:18 Ven Sun Rah Sun
Mar Cap 28:58:37 Sat Mar Sat Ven 3 Tau 27:39:23 Ven Mar Jup Rah
Mer -R Saq 9:01:03 Jup Ket Jup Mar 4 Gem 22:33:42 Mer Jup Sat Ven
Jup Aqu 13:58:35 Sat Rah Mer Jup 5 Can 19:17:18 Mon Mer Ket Mer
Ven Cap 12:34:00 Sat Mon Rah Sat 6 Leo 21:06:07 Sun Ven Jup Ven
Sat -S Vir 9:27:09 Mer Sun Ven Sat 7 Vir 28:32:38 Mer Mar Sat Ket
Rah -R Aqu 27:51:39 Sat Jup Ven Jup 8 Sco 0:56:18 Mar Jup Mar Sat
Ket -R Leo 27:51:39 Sun Sun Mon Sat 9 Sco 27:39:23 Mar Mer Jup Rah
Ura -R Gem 13:57:39 Mer Rah Mer Jup 10 Sag 22:33:42 Jup Ven Sat Ket
Nep Vir 26:36:01 Mer Mar Jup Sat 11 Cap 19:17:18 Sat Mon Mer Jup
Plu -R Can 26:21:49 Mon Mer Jup Sat 12 Aqu 21:06:07 Sat Jup Jup Ven

Fortuna: Taurus 26:27:20 Navamsa Chart

i\ Ven /\Ura Ju
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal X, Plu
Mon X/sat 12 XlO

320 Mer 3 Rah X Ket 9 Sun

Vlup Mon / Rah Mon /
\ Rah / 4X 6 X.e
\11/Ven ' War
12 X10 Nep
/ VMar / \Mar
Ura 3 Mer 9 Sun Ven 9 Sun X- Sun
UrXv 6 / JUP
7 x Sal 5 X3
Ven 4XSat 6 NePX8
Mar /5 /7\ Rah 8 Plu 2 KeO
^ Nep \
/ Ket \ / Sat Kel
9X 11 Xl
X10Xv y/ 12^
i Ven Nep \v Mer
Akhand Saubhagya Yoga 779


Death - 22/1/2003 during Venus Venus dasa bhukti.

Marriage - 4/6/1969 during Saturn Venus dasa bhukti.

This is the horoscope of wife of an astrologer of worldwide fame, editor and

proprietor of various journals and author of various authentic books in astrology
who has always been a great inspirer, assistor, and helper to me as well.

She got married on 4/6/1969 during the sub period of Venus in the major
period of Saturn. She led a very happy and prosperous life with her husband
and was blessed with number of children. She suddenly lost her life on 22/1/
2003 during sub period of Venus in the major period of Venus. Thus, Venus
played a vital role in her life. Venues is the lord of 3rd and 8th house and joins
2nd and 9th lord Mars. Venus obtains navamsa of Mars. Thus, the 8th lord
Venus is under the influence of Mars and Saturn. Lagna lord Jupiter is posited
in the J2th house over the axis of Rahu and Ketu in association with Moon. In
Bhava chart, Saturn aspects the Jupiter, Moon and Rahu. Thus, the lagna is
weak but the 7th house is quite strong as its lord Mercury joins the 10th house
with Sun under retrograde motion. Mercury obtains own navamsa. Sun and
Mars are the strongest planet in this birth chart as they obtain 1.78 and 124
Shadabala respectively. Mars is the 2nd lord and aspects the 2nd house. Jupiter
aspects the 8th house. Thus, the 2nd and 8th house are well fortified but the
8th and lagna lord Venus and Jupiter is afflicted which gave the life span of 52
years. The 9th house must be strong for akhand saubhagya yoga as discussed
earlier. In this horoscope, 9th lord Mars is placed in the 1 Jth house in exaltation
and is associated with 3rd and 8th lord Venus. Thus, the 9th house is well
fortified. All planets are hemmed between Ketu and Rahu. she led a very pious
life. It was the Venus Venus dasa bhukti on 22/1/2003 when she breathe last.
Venus is the 8th lord and some how it is placed under papa Kartari yoga and
Subha Kartari yoga as well. Venus obtains navamsa of Mars and is associated
with Mars. Soon after the beginning of the major period, sub period of Venus
sub sub period of Venus, she left this world for final abode as a Saubhagyawati
and fortunate wife. Jupiter and Saturn's aspect on the 8th house gives long life
to her husband and affliction of Venus as discussed above, gives middle span of
life to her. There is mutual exchange in the lagna lord Jupiter and Jlth and
12th lord Saturn. In this horoscope, this combination has given rise to "Akhand
Saubhagya Yoga" to her and immense success, popularity, prosperity, piousity
and wide knowledge, deep understanding, astonishing foresight and extreme
simplicity to her husband.

JOth and lagna lord Jupiter aspects the 8th house and there is no affliction of
the 8th house. However the 2nd lord Mars who is exalted in the 11th house is
associated with Venus there. This is a powerful combination of ever lasting
happiness in married life and her long association through out her life. This
780 Predicting Marriage

combination of Mars Venus is placed under Subha Kartari yoga. Placement of

the 11th and 12th lord Saturn in the 7th house is not auspicious especially as
Saturn falls in the nakshatra of Sun but Saturn obtains the navamsa of the
ascendant i.e. Pisces. This gives a long life to her husband. The ascendant lord
Jupiter falls over the axis of Rahu and Ketu obtains Vargottam navamsa. There
is mutual exchange in the navamsa of Jupiter and Saturn and that shows a
long life to her husband and "Akhand Saubhagya Yoga". She expired during
the sub period of Venus in the major period of Sun. The Sun is the lord of 6th
house and is associated with the 7th lord Mercury and Venus who is the 8th
lord occupies the 2nd house as reckoned fiom Sun. The Sun and Venus are in
dwidwadasa position whose major and sub period ended her life and she
attained Akhand Saubhagya at 52 years of age. 9th lord Mars is exalted in the
11th house and is placed under Subha Kartari Yoga. Thus the 9th house is
strong. 7th lord Mercury obtains own navamsa, lagna lord Jupiter who obtains
Vargottam navamsa, aspects the 8th house and this aspect is free from affliction.
Therefore, has given "Akhand Saubhagya Yoga" to this lady.


Death - 1997 during

Death -1997 during Saturn Venus dasa bhukti

She attained "Akhand Saubhagya" in the year 1997 during sub period of
Venus in the major period of Saturn at 57 years of age. The lord of the 2nd and
7h house. Mars is associated with lagna lord Venus and Yoga Karaka Saturn is
the 7th house. It has been observed by us that placement of Mars in own sign
Aries does not cause death to husband on the contrary, the conjunction of the
lagna and 7ih or the 2nd and 8ih house gives rise to "Akhand Saubhagya Yoga"
provided it is unafflicted, placed under Subha Kartari Yoga and well fortified.
Here 2nd house is aspected by exalted Moon, Swakshetrya Jupiter and Mars
who is the lord of 2nd house as well. Thus the 2nd and 8th house are well disposed
and strong. This has given rise to "Saubhaagya Yoga". The 12th house from 7th
i.e. the 6ih house is "Soubhagya Yoga". The ]2ih house from 7ih i.e. the 6th house
is afflicted. Lagna lord Venus is also placed under Papa Kartan Yoga and
obtains navamsa of the inimical Sun, so her death is indicated earlier than her
husband. Venus is 8ih lord and Saturn is debilitated in 7th house. From Saturn,
Venus is 2nd and 7th lord. Thus Venus and Saturn both turned maraka for her
but made her fortunate to be blessed with Akhand Saubhagya.
Case 39
late 15/03/1940 Time 21:00:00 Day Friday Place Jabalpur Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:45
Lat 23:10:00 North Long 79:57:00 Easl Zone 82:30:00 East Time CoiT -0:10:12

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

8:22:07 Hrs Gan. » Manushya Moon : 6Y 8M 26D Sidha :4Y8M 18D
- 0:09:04 Hrs Yoni ^ Sarp Mercury
6:20:54 Hrs Nadi - Antya 11/12/2006 03/12/1973
18:17:53 Hrs Varan - Vaisbya 11/12/2023 03/12/2009
1996 Vashya ^ Chatuspada Mercury 09/05/2009 Sidha 02/12/1980
1861 Varga - Mig Ketu 00/05/2010 Sankta 02/12/1988
Phalguna Yunja z Poorva Venus 06/03/2013 Mangla 03/12/1989
Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Bhooml Sun 10/01/2014 Pingla 03/12/1991
6 Name Alphabet Wa-Vasu Moon 12/06/2015 Dhanya 03/12/1994
Rohini Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Gold Mars 08/06/2016 Bhramri 03/12/1998
Priti Hora Venus Hahu 26/12/2018 Bhadrika 03/12/2003
Gara Chaugharia ^ Kaal Jupiter 02/04/2021 Ulka 03/12/2009

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasl Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Pis 2:08:48 Jup Jup Rah Sat Asc Lib 9:36:22 Ven Rah Jup Ven
Mon Tau 14:20:51 Ven Mon Jup Sat 2 Sco 8:45:29 Mar Sat Ven Mon
Mar Ari 25:49:25 Mar Ven Mer Sat 3 Sag 9:02:37 Jup Ket Jup Mar
Mer -R Pis 2:01:27 Jup Jup Rah Sat 4 Cap 10:28:07 Sat Mon Mon Jup
Jup Pis 22:33:27 Jup Mer Mon Jup 5 Aqu 12:19:31 Sat Rah Sat Jup
Ven Ari 15:11:37 Mar Ven Ven Mer 6 Pis 12:36:06 Jup Sat Mar Mer
Sat Ari 6:41:37 Mar Ket Rah Mer 7 Ari 9:36:22 Mar Ket Sat Sat
Rah Vir 27:26:44 Mer Mar Jup Mon 8 Tau 8:45:29 Ven Sun Ven Rah
Ket Pis 27:26:44 Jup Mer Jup Mon 9 Gem 9:02:37 Mer Rah Jup Sat
Ura Ari 26:13:16 Mar Ven Ket Rah 10 Can 10:28:07 Mon Sat Sun Rah
Nep -R Vir 1:21:50 Mer Sun Jup Jup 11 Leo 12:19:31 Sun Ket Mer Mon
Plu -R Can 8:01:21 Mon Sat Ket Mer 12 Vir 12:36:06 Mer Mon Rah Sat
rtuna; Sagittarius 21:48:26 Navamsa Chart
Jup Nepi/ \Ura Mar
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspai 10 8
X S /
11 9 X7
Mar Ven Mon Sa7 | 89-
Sat Ura 7100 Veis* Mow
Ket 12 Plu 6 Rah
Ma26' Urze'
Nep Rah
1 X, 3 X5 Van
8 / 2\v Sat yS 4 X^
V 5 Nep R' Mon \ / Mer Sun\
' 1010°
4 Plu Rah X XUra Mer/
v11 Nv 9XMer
H^/Mar 1 VenYs \/ \/ n12"
4i0. 11 Y Mar 1 VerVa Plu
/12\ ura /2 \ Mer/I^V
/JupKet\ / Ket \
Mer Sun\/ ^on /Jup Sat
Nep XX 4 XX
X6 Ven
11Q' MonX^3^. y/ 5 X^
29' Ket
XJup SatX X vJ
Case 40
17/10/1950 Time 07:00:00 Day Tuesday Place Baghpat Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
Lat 28:56:00 North Long 77:14:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr -0:21:04

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yagini

SidenalTime .:8i18:53 Hrs Gan. Manushya Venus: 16y4M22D Sldha : 5Y 8M 26D
Eq.oftime :0:14;29 Hrs Voni Vanar Rahu
Sunrise :6:24:15 Hrs Nadr Madhya 10/03/1990 13/07/1985
Sunset :17:48:35 Hrs Varan. Kshatriya 09/03/2008 13/07/2021
SamvaL : 2007 Vashya Manav Rahu 20/11/1992 Sidha 13/07/1992
Saka : 1872 Varga Mooshak Jupiter 15/04/1995 Sankta 13/07/2000
Month : Asvina Yunja Antya Saturn 19/02/1998 Mangla 13/07/2001
Paksh : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Agni Mercury 08/09/2000 Pingla 13/07/2003
Tithi at Sunrise,.: 7 Name Alphabet Bhoo-Bhoovan Ketu 26/09/2001 Dhanya 13107/2006
Nakshatra : Purvasadha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Venus 26/09/2004 Bhramri 13/07/2010
Yoga : Atigand Copper-Copper Sun 21/08/2005 Bhadrika 13/07/2015
Karan : Gara Hora Moon 20/02/2007 Ulka 13/07/2021

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -r Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 12:15 Van Mar Mer Mer Asc Lib 7:24:38 Van Rah Rah Sat
Men Sag 44:13 Jup Ven Sun Rah 2 Sco 6:17:45 Mar Sat Mer Mon
Mar SCO :10:08 Mar Mer Sun Ven 3 Sag 7:10:54 Jup Kel Rah Sun
Mer Vir 24:56 Mer Man Mer Sal 4 Cap 9:32:21 Sat Sun Ven Sat
Jup -R Aqu 46:01 Sat Mar Ven Kel 5 Aqu 11:47:00 Sat Rah Sat Mon
Ven Vir 06:12 Mer Mon Sun Mer 6 Pis 11:31:43 Jup Sat Mon Sat
Sat Vir 32:53 Mer Sun Sat Mer 7 Ari 7:24:38 Mar Ket Rah Mon
Rah -R Pis 14:35 Jup Sat Sat Jup 8 Tau 6:17:45 Ven Sun Mer Rah
Ket -R Vir 14:35 Mer Sun Mer Mer 9 Gem 7:10:54 Mer Rah ih Jup
Ura -S Gem 34:49 Mer Rah Ven Jup 10 Can 9:32:21 Men Sat vi Sat
Nap Vir 24:39 Mer Mar Rah Rah 11 Lee 11:47:00 Sun Ket Mer at
Plu Can 39:05 Mon Mer Jup Mer 12 Vir 11:31:43 Mer Mon Mar Mer

tuna: Sagittarius 22:56:36 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart \ Mar
Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal UraV^ '


Rah |\ War Ras. |\ ^
\6 / Ket 2 Nw Mer S A \Mon
5 10w Ny yS Ven N.
\ Sat
10 4 Plu Jup 10 4 Plu \. Nep /^\Ura Mer X
Plu X
\10) JT s
\ 8 X
War 1 rX V0n Rah X7 Suri
JupllIX 1 X3 Ura X
/12 \ / 2\ <4lup 12 6 y
Rah \ Sa<*
——Kes- \
Ma22* 17 Me^9' rX^at 3 Kel Xs
Ve23-I2i2: y/ N. 4\^
Mar ■ Sun Suo- Ne?^ i /X Won n.X
Akhand Saubhagya Yoga 783


Death - 1979 during

The woman was suffering from Cancer and expired during the year 1979
during Moon Saturn dasa bhukti at 29 years of age. Lagna lord Venus occupied
the 8lh house over the axis of Rahu and Ketu in association with Sun, Saturn
and Mercury. Venus is debilitated and combust. Thus the lagna becomes weak.
The lord of 2nd and 7th house Mars joins the 2nd house in own sign Scorpio. This
means that the life of husband is well fortified but the aspect of Mars over the
8th house and formation of Papa Kartan Yoga around ascendant curtailed her
life span. Lagna lord Venus who is debilitated, obtains navamsa of Moon and
Moon falls in 3rd house in Rasi chart, therefore. Moon becomes a markesh for
her. The 2nd and 7th lord Mars obtains navamsa of Saturn in association with
Saturn. Moreover, Saturn falls in the 12ih house and from Moon Saturn becomes
a markesh and she died in the major period of Moon in the sub period of Saturn
in 1979. However, she had a very short span of life of only 29 years but she
attained Saubhagya of reaching the end of her life journey before her life partner.
Let me conclude the observation that the placement of 2ns and 7th lord in own
sign in either of these houses, protects the life of the husband and gives Akhand
Saubhagya if 12ih, 6th or 1st house or their lords are afflicted.
Case 41
^3/08/1951 Time 16:25:00 Day Thursday Place Wuzaffamagar Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22
Lat 29:28:00 North Long 77:42:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:19:12

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time 14:09:30 Mrs Gan Manushya Venus : 1Y7M2D Bhadrika : 0Y4M 23D
Eq.oftima - 0:02:48 Mrs Yoni Gaja Mars
Sunrise 5:52:26 Hrs Nadi Madhya 26/03/1969 23/08/1951
Sunset ;18:51:08Hrs Varan Kshatriya 26/03/1976 15/01/1983
Samvat 2008 Vashya Chatuspada Mars 22/08/1969 Bhadrika 15/01/1952
Saka 1873 Varga Wlrig Rahu 10/09/1970 Ulka 15/01/1958
Month Bhadra Yunja Poorva Jupiter 17/08/1971 Sidha 15/01/1965
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Agni Saturn 25/09/1972 Sankta 15/01/1973
Tithi af Sunrise. 7 Name Alphabet Lo-Lokesh Mercury 22/09/1 973 Mangla 15/01/1974
Nakshatra Bharani Paya<Rasi-Nak) Silvex-Gold Ketu 18/02/1974 Pingla 15/01/1976
Yoga Ohruva Hora Venus Venus 20/04/1975 Dhanya 15/01/1979
Karan Bava Chaugharia Kaal Sun 26/08/1975 Bhramri 15/01/1983

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Leo 6:34:56 Sun Ket Rah Mer Asc Sag 24:35:27 Jup Ven Mer Ven
Men Ari 25:36:22 Mar Ven Mer Sal 2 Aqu 2:06:15 Sat Mar Ket Mon
Mar Can 10:17:46 Men Sat Ven Ket 3 Pis 9:54:08 Jup Sat Ven Mer
Mer -R Leo 20:36:15 Sun Ven Jup Sat 4 Ari 11:43:50 Mar Ket Mer Ket
Jup -R Pis 20:39:28 Jup Mer Ven Jup 5 Tau 7:36:17 Ven Sun Ket Sat
Ven -R Leo 23:23:42 Sun Ven Sat Mar 6 Gem 0:38:45 Mer Mar Mer Ven
Sat Vir 8:07:57 Mer Sun Ven Ven 7 Gem 24:35:27 Mer Jup Mer Sun
Rah Aqu 17:02:19 Sat Rah Ven Mer 8 Leo 2:06:15 Sun Ket Ven Jup
Ket Leo 17:02:19 Sun Ven Men Kel 9 Vir 9:54:08 Mer Sun Ven Ket
Ura Gem 19:38:48 Mer Rah Mar Mer 10 Lib 11:43:50 Ven Rah Sat Mon
Nep Vir 24:37:39 Mer Mar Rah Jup It Sco 7:36:17 Mar Sat Ket Mon
PlU Can 26:53:43 Men Mer Jup Ket 12 Sag 0:38:45 Jup Ket Ket Sat

Fortuna; Virgo 13:36:52 Navamsa Chart

XXMer Mar/
Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Challt-Cuspal
JuploVwon VenVe Kat'
58* |
Mose- 11 6 NQp
plu\ X. yX
\ /\
Rah /
1 1
V / \ 9/ Reh ^ 2 X
UraX^ 1 X. Sun X 3
Jup12)<^ 9 Vs

JUp 12 XNep6 Sat^ t. IVIWPI P yTV/ ,P MJ X^h Sal
/\ / Sui
Xv 4 /
\ /Ket Me 6 X3 f
, \/sun Vei I 3 Pluy/oNep
/ \ Mer Ket
Una / 4 \ven / \ CPlu 8 2 Jup
/ 3\ /Mer5Sun\
v /Plu Ma/-\ Sat >X Ura /Kel SatVanX
M Mart
Men \ S
Ura X io\
XT<Qt Nep
Akhand Saubhagya Yoga 785


Marriage - ] 1/6/1973 during Mars Venus dasa bhukti

Death-2/6/1995 during Jupiter Jupiter dasa bhukti

The subject belonged to a very rich and famous family of a politician. She
was beautiful, lovely and had a love marriage on 11/6/1973 during Mars Venus
period. She was blessed with three daughters and one son. Her husband was
quite handsome but beautiful women were his weakness as he was always
liked and appreciated by such women. After four children were born to the
couple, her husband had no interest in her. He had a very powerful concubine.
The above woman lost was an obstacle in their path. It is said and they were
charged for the execution of her murder on 2/6/1995. There was a prominent
coverage of this news in all the prestigious newspapers, TV channels of the
coumtry. Though she was murdered but still she attained Akhand Saubhagya.
Husband and the concubine in question were prosecuted and imprisoned.

In this birth chart, Mars is posited in the 8lh house but it is shifted in the 7'h
Jupiter aspects the 8th house and 2nd lord Saturn. In Bhava chart, Saturn Jupiter
is shifted in 9th and 3rd house respectively. Thus, Jupiter aspects the 7th house
and 2nd lord Saturn and the 7th lord Mercury, which resulted into Akhand
Saubhagya. Placement of Mars in the 8"1 house caused unnatural death by
way of murder. The Bhagya Yoga of the 9th house should also be strong for
obtaining Akhand Saubhagya, 8,h lord Moon occupies the 5,h house in Martian
sign Aries and obtains navamsa of Mars as well. Saturn in markesh for her
and obtains navamsa of Jupiter. Jupiter is shifted in the 3rd house and is dispositor
of Saturn as well. Therefore, Jupiter who blessed her with Akhanda Saubhagya
Yoga also became maraka for her. Her murder took place on 2/6/1995 during
sub and major period of Jupiter.
Case 42
01/07/1961 Time 19:45:00 Day Saturday Place Scotland Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 23
Lat 57:00:00 North Long 5:00:00 West Zone 5:00:00 West Time Corr 0:00:00

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderlal Time 14:23:32 Mrs Gan Rakshas Mars ; 2Y 0M 14D Pingla :0Y6M30D
Eq.oftime -0:03:42 Mrs Yoni Simha Jupiter
Sunrise 3:13:16 Mrs Nadi Madhya 15/07/1981 01/07/1961
Sunset 20:53:57 Hrs Varan Shoodra 15/07/1997 31/01/1996
Samvat 2018 Vashya Manav Jupiter 03/09/1983 Pingla 30/01/1962
Saka 1883 Varga Marjar Saturn 16/03/1986 Dhanye 30/01/1965
Month Asadha Yunja Antya Mercury 21/06/1988 Bhramri 30/01/1969
Paksh Krishna Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Ketu 28/05/1989 Bhadrika 30/01/1974
Tlthl at Sunrise,!. 4 Name Alphabet Goo-Gunakar Venus 27/01/1992 Ulka 31/01/1980
Nakshatra Dhanishtha Paya(Rasi-Nak) Sun 14/11/1992 Sidha 30/01/1987
Yoga Priti Copper-Copper Moon 16/03/1994 Sankla 30/01/1995
Karan Balava Hora : Mars Mars 20/02/1995 Mangla 31/01/1996

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S

Sun Gem 16:39:24 Mer Rah Ven Sat Asc Sag 139:38 Jup Ket Ven Rah
Mon Aqu 2:47:01 Sat Mar Ven Ven 2 Cap 22:47:15 Sat Mon Sun Mar
Mar Leo 8:37:10 Sun Ket Jup Ven 3 Pis 15:11:15 Jup Sat Jup Sat
Mer -R Gem 10:07:01 Mer Rah Jup Mar 4 Ah 15:12:21 Mar Ven Ven Mer
Jup -R Cap 12:01:58 Sat Mon Rah Rah 5 Tau 4:05:08 Ven Sun Sat Ven
Ven Tau 123:51 Ven Sun Jup Jup 6 Tau 18:27:25 Ven Mon Mer Ven
Sat -R Cap 4:45:07 Sat Sun Sat Rah 7 Gem 139:38 Mer Mar Mer Sat
Rah -R Leo 4:59:26 Sun Ket Mar Jup 8 Can 22:47:15 Mon Mer Mon Sat
Ket -R Aqu 4:59:26 Sat Mar Sun Mar 9 Vir 15:11:15 Mer Mon Jup Mon
Ura Leo 0:16:48 Sun Ket Ket Mar 10 Lib 15:12:21 Ven Rah Ket Mer
Nep -R Lib 15:34:42 Ven Rah Ven Ven 11 Sco 4:05:08 Mar Sat Sat Ket
Plu Leo 12:59:11 Sun Ket Mer Jup 12 Sco 18:27:25 Mar Mer Mer Sat

Fortuna : Cancer 17:47:15 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal \ Rah X/V X

N. 2 X^ Ny 12X^un
Mar 3^X Jup Ura XQn Sal
Vei- X^ X. y Nep
415' 54'
6ia° v Plu 4 Xl Ven 10
\ Jup Sal y \ / Mon Ket / \.
5X 7 vX;
Ke\l°/ V/ \l0/ \ 8 / y 6 Mon >X 0
11 Ju
V 9 X'Nep 12X P Sat XB / N.X^ KQi
Mon/ \ / \
1 <C- XX >1 W Ven 1 7 Nep X Jup Ven/ Sun y
\ /x/ \ R3h
\io X^ . 8/Sat
/Plu Monll )XPlu 9 X7
;■ Xsun 3 Me-Vs ^ 2V Sun 3 MerVe ^ \ Mar

/^ / 4
^Ura /2 / 4 \
\■ /Plu Ura\ yKst 12 Nep/Rah 6 Mer
' Ven Nw / \ / Mar Rah
1210' 1015'
Akhand Saubhagya Yoga 787


Marriage - 1981 during Rahu Mars dasa bhukti

Death - 31/8/1997 during Jupiter Rahu dasa bhukti

Lady Diana Spenser was the wife of Prince Charles of England, I personally
believe that she was the most fascinating, charming and captivating woman
who won appreciation of her exceptional beauty, slender, physique, outstanding
merits and matchless etiquette. The fragrance of flowers spread all over the
globe, the amount of love accumulated from Satyug to Kaliyug, attraction like
Padmini and simplicity like Meera were alloyed together and that all became a
beautiful doll like Diamond or Diana like doll innumerable persons, male and
females were the great fans of'Diana. Almost whole of the world was highly
impressed with Diana as she always believed that the greatest happiness is "to
love and be loved". She proved it by divorcing Prince Charles. She sacrificed
not only a royalty but also name, fame, honour, comfort, luxury and lavish life
for the sake of her love Dodi Fayed. However, she got married in the year 1981
during Rahu mars dasa bhukti. She was blessed with the son named William
on 21/6/1982 during Jupiter Jupiter dasa Bhukti and another son, Harry on
15/9/1984 during Jupiter Saturn dasa bh^ti. She died in a car accident on
31/8/1997 during sub period of Rahu in the major period of Jupiter. However,
this happened before the consummation of divorce of Prince Diana with her
husband. In this horoscope, the 7th house is well fortified as 9th and 7th lord are
conjoined in the 7ih house. 2nd house is also well fortified because lagna lord
Jupiter is conjoined with 2nd lord Saturn in 2nd house under retrograde motion.
The aspect of Jupiter and Saturn over the 8th house gave her Akhand Saubhagya
but shifting of Rahu in the 8th house in Bhava Chart and conjunction of 8th lord
Moon under the aspect of 12th lord Mars resulted into unnatural and accidental
death. Retrograde Jupiter in 2nd house and Rahu in the 8th house in Bhava
chart caused her sad demise at the age of 36 years during Jupiter Rahu Dasa
Bhukti. In this case, 7th and 2nd house are strong but the ascendant is weak.
The 9th house promotes the 7th house that is of husband. Therefore, she attained
Akhand Saubhagya.
Case 43
Date 14/02/1933 Time 13:15:00 Day Tuesday Place Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:39:45
Lat 57:09:00 North Long 2:06:00 West Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 5:38:24

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yogini

Siderial Time .:17:12;07 Hrs Gan Deva Moon 2Y7M8D Sankta : 2Y1M 1D
Eq.oftime 0:14:21 Hrs Yoni. : Mahish Jupjler
Sunrise :13:12:59 Hrs Nadl ^ Ad/a 24/09/1960 14/02/1933
Sunset :22:33:21 Hrs Varan : Vaishya 24/09/1976 18/03/1963
Sam vat : 1989 Vashya Manav Jupiter 12/11/1962 Sankta 18/03/1935
Saka : 1854 Varga : Shwan Saturn 25/05/1965 Mangle 17/03/1936
Month : Phalguna Yunja - Madhya Mercury 31/08/1967 Pingla 18/03/1938
Paksh Krishna HansakfTatva) Bhoomi Ketu 06/08/1968 Dhanya 18/03/1941
Tithi at Sunrise..: 4 Name Alphabet .: Na-Nalin Venus 07/04/1 971 Bhramri 18/03/1945
Nakshatra : Hasta Paya(Rasi-Nak) : Iron-Silver Sun 24/01/1972 Bhadrika 18/03/1950
Yoga : Shoo! Hora Mais Moon 25/05/1973 Ulka 17/03/1956
Karan : BaJava Chaugharia - Roga Mars 01/05/1974 Sidha 18/03/1963

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Aqu 2:31:18 Sat Mar Ket Sat Asc Aqu 0:55:25 Sat Mar Mer Mon
Men Vir 19:51:22 Mer Mon Ket Sun 2 Ah 11:29:06 Mar Ket Mer Mer
Mar -R Leo 23:48:56 Sun Ven Sat Jup 3 Tau 9:18:29 Ven Sun Ven Sat
Mer Aqu 7:32:20 Sat Rah Rah Sat 4 Tau 26:19:56 Ven Mar Jup Jup
Jup -R Leo 28:29:26 Sun Sun Mar Rah 5 Gem 11:00:43 Mer Rah Sat Mer
Ven Cap 15:56:01 Sat Mon Sat Sat 6 Gem 28:05:26 Mer Jup Ven Sat
Sat Cap 16:35:35 Sat Mon Sat Ven 7 Leo 0:55:25 Sun Ket Ven Ven
Rah Aqu 15:04:19 Sat Rah Ket Sat 8 Lib 11:29:06 Ven Rah Sat Ven
Ket Leo 15:04:19 Sun Ven Ven Sat 9 Sco 9:18:29 Mar Sat Ven Jup
Ura Pis 27:43:21 Jup Mer Jup Rah 10 Sco 26:19:56 Mar Mer Jup Jup
Nep -R Leo 16:31:35 Sun Ven Mon Rah 11 Sag 11:00:43 Jup Ket Sat Rah
Plu -R Gem 29:02:03 Mer Jup Sun Jup 12 Sag 28:05:26 Jup Sun Mon Mer

Fortuna: Virgo 18:15:29 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal

7 \<rN9p|
39" Mer/X X \ Ket
Ura X \ sat Ven X \ / \Sat Ven \/ \ x3 Won
\1 >7 ^alUra \^9 / RahllX 1 X
\l2 / \10/
iV Sun 11 MerV's Mes- 2 X Sun 11 MerX9 /12\ /
yX Ura XiSl VenX
, / \ Rah / \
\ 2 X / \. Mar Ptu/XNep Kel S
\12yX \10\yf
\ / Ket\ / Mer oXsun 11 VernX
u 3X Mar 5 JupXy SXMon 5 Mar X® j Ma24' X X Sat / \
/ 3\jupKet X 7\ | Ju2r
/ 4 \ Nep /\3\. Jup 2 8 Mon
/ \ / Mon \ Plu \ / \
1026* 3 5
8ir XX xx
/4 Ura X 6 >
99" i Rah X /
Akhand Saubhagya Yaga 789


Marriage - 1967 during Jupiter Saturn dasa Wiukti

Death - 1968 during Jupiter Mercury dasa bhukti

Madhubala, the Anarkali of Indian hearts, was the 2nd wife of Kishore Kumar.
The 7th lord Sun occupies the lagna in association with 5th and 8th lord Mercury
and Rahu. The 7th house is occupied by 3id and 10th lord Mars, 11th and 2nd lord
Jupiter and Ketu. The 9th lord Venus occupies the 12th house in association
with 12th lord Saturn. In Bhava chart, Jupiter and Mars are shifted in 8th house
and both are retrograde as well. From here Jupiter aspects the 9th lord Venus
and lagna lord Saturn. Placement of Moon in 8th house has given rise to Vipreet
Raj Yoga. Thus the placement of lord of 2nd hour in the 7th house under the
aspect of 7th lord Sun, has made the 7th house strong. Therefore, such a woman
should die before her husband or the husband of such a female should die after
her. The 9th house is also well disposed as 9th lord Venus is associated with
lagna lord Venus and 9th house is aspected by Saturn as well. The 8th house
contains Mars, Jupiter and Moon. Here Jupiter gave Akhand Saubhagya and
Mars resulted in untimely death due to cancer. To attain Akhand Saubhagya,
the 7 house should be stronger than the ascendant. The 2nd house should be
aspected or associated by benefics and the 8th house may be Joined by malefics,
as that will give rise to early death. If the 8th house is also joined by benefics,
she will live longer and attain Akhand Saubhagya provided 9th house is well
disposed and strong in the case of Madhubala. 2nd and 7th house are strong
and are under the influence of benefics planets whereas the ascendant and 8th
house are heavily afflicted and weak. She therefore, died during the sub-Lord
period of Mercury in the major period of Jupiter at 36 years of age in 1968.
Jupiter is markesh as it owns 2nd and 11th house in association with Ketu but
obtains own navamsa. Mercury is 5th and 8th lord and joins the ascendant.
Mercury is the lord of 2nd house as reckoned from Jupiter and joins the 7th
house from Jupiter under the affliction of Rahu and is combust as well.
Therefore, sub peridd of Mercury in the major period of Jupiter caused early
and tragic death of "Gifted" Madhubala. But her death was honoured with
Akhand Saubhagya.
Case 44
ate 17/10/1955 Time 17:30.00 Day Monday PJacePune Sri Sanatan Ayanamsa 22:58
at 18:34:00 North Long 73:58:00 East Zone 82:30:00 East Time Corr - 0:34:08

Panchang Avakahada Chakra Vimsottari Yog in i

Siderial Time 18:36:43 Hrs Gan ^ Dava Rahu : 0Y 4M 4D Pingla r 0Y CM 14D
Eq.oftime :0:14:27Hrs Yoni Mahlsh Saturn
Sunrise :6:29;38 Mrs Nadi - Anlya 21/02/1972 17/10/1955
Sunset :18:09:36Hrs Varan Shoodra 20/02/1991 31/10/1989
Samvat : 2012 Vashya : Manav Saturn 23/02/1975 Pingla 31/10/1955
Saka : 1877 Varga ^ Sarp Mercury 02/11/1977 Dhanya 31/10/1958
Month : Asvina Yunja ^ Madhya Ketu 12/12/1978 Bhramri 31/10/1962
Paksh : : Shukla Hansak(Tatva) Vayu Venus 11/02/1982 Bhadrika 31/10/1967
Tithi at Sunrise..: 2 Name Alphabet Taa-Tarun Sun 24/01/1983 Ulka 31/10/1973
Nakshatra : Svati Paya(Rasl-Nak) : Iron-Iron Moon 24/08/1984 Sidha 31/10/1980
Yoga : Priti Hora r Sun Mars 03/10/1985 Sankta, 31/10/1988
Karan : Kaulava Chaugharia Amrit Rahu 09/08/1988 Mangla 31/10/1989

Planets Nirayana Bhava

Pin -R Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S House Rasi Degree R-L N-L Sub S-S
Sun Lib 0:21:39 Ven Mar Mer Ket Asc PiS 18:41:45 Jup Mer Ket Ven
Mon Lib 19:44:38 Ven Rah Mar Ket 2 Ah 22:28:04 Mar Ven Sat Mer
Mar Vir 9:36:03 Mer Sun Ven Mer 3 Tau 20:15:53 Van Mon Kat Sat
Mer -R Vir 22:45:14 Mer Mon Sun Mon 4 Gem 15:27:13 Mar Rah Van Van
Jup Leo 3:02:33 Sun Ket Sun Mon 5 Can 11:37:48 Mon Sat Mon Sat
Ven Lib 12:35:54 Ven Rah Mer Mer 6 Leo 12:11:46 Sun Ket Mer Sun
Sat Lib 27:16:42 Ven Jup Ven Mar 7 Vir 18:41:45 Mar Mon Mer Mon
Rah -R See 25:41:09 Mar Mer Rah Ven 8 Lib 22:28:04 Van Jup Sat Kat
Ket -R Tau 25:41:09 Ven Mar Rah Ven 9 Sco 20:15:53 Mar Mer Ven Rah
Ura Can 9:08:21 Mon Sat Ven Rah 10 Sag 15:27:13 Jup Ven Ven Ket
Nep Lib 4:49:31 Ven Mar Ven Ket 11 Cap 11:37:48 Sat Mon Mar Ket
Plu Leo 5:08:58 Sun Ket Mar Sal 12 Aqu 12:11:46 Sat Rah Sat Rah

Fortuna: Aries 8:04:44 Navamsa Chart

Lagna Chart Nirayana Bhava Chalit-Cuspal , n. Ven y' x. Nep
X. 10y/ \.8
RannX: 9 yyr Sun

| 32c-
f 2?2' Ke^e- Mon 12 Mar

10 Urs4
\ 512*
XUra 3 )C 9 )
\ / \ /
\ / \ / Pis*
Jup Nep
Ursi4^M ar
6 Mer^eRah \/
4 \/8 612*
11i2' X SUn 6 Mon X. Rah
P""/5 \MeVenX7 \
11 Ven
—p-J Mer Hk1
Nep Rase 1r Sa27* 322*
Sat Ven 920* Moso- Vei3' 7 9
Mon Sun Nes- Suo'l JupX \ Nep
Akhand Saubhagya Yoga 791


Marriage - 1983 during Saturn Sun dasa Bhukti

'Death - 13/12/1985 dusring Saturn Mars dasa bhukti

Smita Patil was married to Raj Babbar and expired while giving birth to
a baby on 13/12/1985. Lord of the ascendant Jupiter falls in the 6th house in
friendly sign. The 2nd house is aspected by its own lord Mars, lagna and lOh
lord Jupiter, the 5th lord Moon, the 6th lord Sun, 3rd and 8lh lord Venus. Thus the
2nd house is well fortifiedbut the ascendant and 8th house are weak and afflicted.
7'h lord Mercury is exalted in the 7lh house with 9th and 2nd lord Mars. Thus she
was fortunate in respect of the matters of the 7th house. It may be clearly seen
that the lagna is weak, 2nd house and 7,h house are strong, the 8ih house is
afflicted and this is the main planetary configuration which should be judged
in a birth chart for examination of Akhanda Saubhagya Yoga. We have
mentioned repeatedly earlier that Mars in the 7th house may cause death to self
or husband depending upon various other factors, which we have applied in
the work in a number of horoscopes. If the 7lh house is weak and afflicted but
the ascendant is strong, 9* and 2nd house are either occupuied by malefics or
influenced by malefic planets, loss of husband should be predicted. On the
contrary, if the 7th and 2nd house are strong, 9th house is also well fortified but
the ascendant and 8,h house are weak and afflicted, the wife will pre-decease
her husband but at an early age and her death may be due to some incurable
disease like cancer, brain hemorrhage or cardiac arrest or otherwise she may
be killed in an accident. The death of the woman may also occur while delivering
a child or by suicide. In all such cases where early death of woman takes place,
the 8th house will be found afflicted. However, if the death takes place at the
advance age as an Akhand Saubhagyawati female, the 8th will also be occupied
or aspected by Jupiter.

We have seen in a number of cases discussed ibid that widowhood took

place inspite of the placement or aspect over the 8th house Jupiter could not
prevent widowhood because the 7th and 9," house were weak. A strong 9th
house means that the woman is fortunate and if 9 lord has any relation with
the 7th house or its lord, she is fortunate in respect of attaining Akhand
Saubhagya. #


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