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Scientific findings have clearly indicated that the excessive consumption of

fast food is leading the health of people to deterioration. According to some

people, this unhealthy practice can be stopped by means of education;
however, some others have little faith in this solution. As the supporters of
each view have their own justifications, whether education is effective remains
to be seen in this essay.

On the one hand, raising the awareness of people towards the dangers of
unhealthy food can certainly yield some promising outcomes. Firstly, many
fast food products provide very little or no information on the nutritional
content in them, deterring the consumers from knowing the amount of fat,
sodium or cholesterol which they take in. By being informed of how much of
these harmful substances is contained in their favourite hamburgers or chips,
as well as being shown the likely consequences of over-eating these foods,
consumers can be more cautious the next time they choose their food.
Secondly, education at schools can help to form healthy eating habits for
children and parents. For instance, schools can hold some extracurricular
activities such as growing and selling vegetables with the attendance of both
students and parents, in order to promote the benefits of healthy diets and
warn against the potential risks of junk food.

On the other hand, some people doubt the effectiveness of education for
certain reasons. To begin with, despite being aware of the negative effects of
fast food, many people who are too busy persist to eat it due to its being
convenient and time-saving. In this case, education hardly makes a difference
as they have made a choice. In addition, compared with the wide range and
availability of fast food stores and menus, healthy food is seriously limited.
Furthermore, healthy food is commonly inferior to fast food in terms of taste
and prices as a matter of fact. As a result, however convincing education is, it
is almost impossible for people to change their eating habit without a ready
alternative to their unhealthy food choices.

In conclusion, people have different opinions about whether to support

education so as to reduce people’s consumption of fast food. In my opinion,
education can be a viable measure with careful consideration of other

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