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Believe + receive = become, this is just a simple formula that many of us are struggling to follow.

A formula that can give us peace of mind and success however, it can also end up in failure. This is the
message that I got from watching this movie.

Not anything can be proved in this world if we will only base on what we can see, touch, taste,
smell, and hear. The best example is air, we cannot see, hear, touch, taste or smell air but we know and
believe that there is air because if not then we will not be alive. So religion is the same thing, we believe
in what we don’t see and that is called faith. In the movie, they mentioned that if you can’t prove
something but still believes in it that’s called faith.

Leslie Strobel started to believe, accept, and have faith in the Lord when she went to church
because she mentioned that she felt something and that something was the most realistic feeling that
she ever felt. Her husband, Lee Strobel an atheist, believes only on facts and what he can see so for him,
having Leslie believe in what they can’t see, made him panic. He wanted to prove that Leslie is wrong
and she should revert back to her old self or wake up from her delusion. Lee Strobel gathered evidences
about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and when the religious figures provided the evidence, he still
refused to believe. Even the medical side that proves Jesus died on the cross, still he refused to believe.

Sometimes in life, the Lord gave us His signs already but we refuse to believe, we refuse to see.
Then we will question Him the reason why He is not answering our prayers. This movie touched not only
my heart but also my soul. I was reminded of the time when I met Christians on how they give praise to
the Lord, their warm welcome, the smile on their faces when sharing the gospel. I’m not saying that
Christianity is the correct religion because in the first place being a Christian is not a religion, it is a
relationship with God. So again, let us be reminded of the simple formula, if we believe in one thing,
either we can see it or not, and have faith in it, we can receive something back and finally we can
become what we want to be.

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