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Blinky’s I’ll show God’s A Happy Sunday

Family grace by …
forgiving others! The Empty Tomb
Challenge Week One
A Week of Grace
Act out and learn this poem together to remember God’s grace
and how to show it every day.

Monday—I’ll be kind and gentle, Friday—Time to tell God thank You,

Tuesday—I will help a friend, Saturday—My toys I’ll lend.
Wednesday—I’ll forgive God’s people, Sunday—Here we are together,
Thursday—I’ll love till the end. ‘Cause God’s grace is not pretend!

Questions to Ask

Ages 2-3 Ages 4–Kindergarten

1. Who forgives you? God 1. What does grace mean?

God always loves me and
2. Who do we forgive?
forgives me.
2. Why do you forgive others?
3. When does God love you?
God forgave me first. ic
All the time Sing the song we Mr. Mus
3. Who can you forgive today? learned about God’s
Answers will vary. grace to your family!

Lead your family through the Bible plan A Happy Interact with this story on the Bible App for Kids!
Sunday on the YouVersion Bible App.
Emily Say the Verse with me!
Question: Hey
friends! How can I
be God’s friend? s
10:9 N uy

... believe in the
your heart Bible Guy
Answer: Say it with me!
Jesus makes me God’s friend, d
Because I believe He lives again. that Go

The women couldn’t find Jesus in the tomb. The angels told them, “Jesus is alive!”
Put eye stickers on each person.

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