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It's about a boy who never knew when to stand up for himself, and when he saw his father

for the
last time, in prison, his last words of advice being that his son avoid the temptation to fight for your
pride around every corner of life... That it takes a strong person to turn the other cheek and not only
take the pain, but also to avoid the assumed "shame."

After living for so many years by his fathers last words, one day he found out when to fight... The
only way he would ever know when the right time is, is after he resists the wrong ones.

He was never weak, physically nor mentally, and the day someone (Gatlin boys) crossed 'that line'
was the day they realized that. Whether he would have won or lost that fight, the county would
never see him as a coward again.

Basically, the song is about being a real man... One who has respect, stands up for the truth and
what he loves, and to know that he doesn't have to go through life puffing up his chest - Because
when the time comes, you'll do just fine.

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