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Josue David Capristano Aparicio / B11 / 5:45 - 7:15

The mismatched shoes’ day

The mismatched shoes‘ day is celebrated on 29th february.

That’s why 29th february is an unusual day, it happens each
four years. So, to commemorate this, people do unsual things.
For example, it’s common that a man asks a woman if she
wants married with him, but is a tradiNon in Irlanda that in this
day a woman has to ask him.

Maybe this is a liQle dificult way to celebrate this day. So I

propose to celebrate it in a different way: one day before
people have to exchage one shoe with a close friend. Then, at
the morning of 29th february people have to wear an own shoe
and a friends's shoe, each one on one foot, aUer that people go
out with their friend. When friends get together they do any
unsual acNvity to celebrate.

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