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The 7 Habits of Highly

Effective IT Governance
Powerful lessons in transforming business and information technology
The title of this work was used with permission from Stephen R. Covey,
author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, © 1989, Simon & Schuster
ou can’t pick up a newspaper or turn on the television today
without reading or hearing about a serious technology mishap.
An IT security breach at discount retailer TJX, owner of T.J. Maxx
and Marshalls in the United States, exposed millions of customer credit
card accounts to potential fraud. Overwhelming online demand for
tickets to the World Series in Boston last year and the Olympics in Beijing
this year triggered system-wide failures. And what about the JetBlue
fiasco? The discount airliner canceled hundreds of flights, causing thou-
sands of passengers to be stranded when its flight-operations system
could not handle changes in its crew schedules and flight conditions.

Is this the wave of the future? Will companies lose can immediately identify his experiences and
customers and market capitalization due to IT preferences—keeping customers and profits com-
failures? It’s hard to predict what might happen, ing in. Moreover, Harrah’s IT team rigorously ana-
but there is the potential for companies of all sizes lyzes the costs and benefits of IT and CRM-related
to experience similar IT disasters. Some compa- projects, including the business value they create.
nies will survive (T.J. Maxx and Marshalls did), Today, senior executives, boards of directors
but many others may fail due to inefficient IT sys- and shareholders are demanding more effective
tems and platforms, bringing sales and operations governance of their IT organizations — striving to
to a halt, and leaving scant time for a successful be a Harrah’s rather than a JetBlue. They know
recovery. The executives and board members serious IT failures create chaos not only with busi-
responsible for future IT failures may become as ness operations but also with customer relation-
infamous as Enron’s Andrew Fastow, Jeff Skilling ships. Restoring customer confidence and brand
and Ken Lay, with millions of dissatisfied custom- loyalty can take years and cost millions of dollars.
ers and shareholders left in the dust. At a time when profits are down and some compa-
While these disasters make headlines, there are nies are struggling just to survive, an IT disaster
hundreds of other businesses harnessing IT and the can threaten a company’s existence.
data within IT systems to sustain industry-leading
positions. Harrah’s Entertainment, for example, Building Effective IT Governance
has redefined the gaming industry using customer During sustained periods of change, old systems
relationship management (CRM) applications to can fail. Many companies formed IT governance
capture customer data at each touch point. When councils to prevent IT disasters and improve the
a customer enters a resort and casino, Harrah’s management of day-to-day operations.1 Primarily
IT governance is defined as the controls, processes, and operating organizations that ensure technology enables the business strategy at an effective cost.


Figure 1
The 7 habits of highly effective IT governance

1. IT is viewed as a strategic business asset and managed company’s unique strategy and organization structures;
as a portfolio. IT assets and investments are evaluated in this is critical to overall IT effectiveness.
a portfolio management approach, recognizing the value
and risks of different IT assets. 5. IT is an essential part of corporate planning and strategy.
IT has a seat at the corporate planning table, demonstrat-
2. Technology ignorance is not accepted. IT participates ing a keen understanding of a broad range of business
in technology investment decisions. IT executives are issues and providing creative and cost-effective solutions.
held to the same high standards as other business
functions—they manage technology innovation and 6. IT plays an active leadership role in transformation and
adoption to optimize business value. innovation. Given its involvement in all aspects of a
business, IT has a unique vantage point to steer inno-
3. IT has board of director-level oversight and clear exe- vation within business operations, and shares this role
cutive leadership. Members of the board and executive with other business functions.
committee direct and understand major IT investments,
IT’s operational role and impact on business continuity, 7. IT’s impact on the business is measured and monitored.
and IT performance compared to peers. IT’s vital role in the business necessitates monitoring and
measuring IT performance on multiple levels— including
4. There is no “one-size-fits-all” IT governance model. benchmarking competitors— to detect industry and
The IT governance model is tailored to align with the market trends.

Source: A.T. Kearney

focused on process-based functions and tactical 1. IT is viewed as a strategic business asset

needs, these councils draw up guidelines for effec- and managed as a portfolio. Top companies view
tive compliance and risk management. While IT holistically, as a strategic business asset. IT
these guidelines are a good start, they do not take costs consume about 4 percent of the average
IT governance far enough. We believe businesses company’s corporate revenues, and up to a quarter
need a new equation—one that makes IT gover- of operating expenses, which in some cases is
nance a strategic component of the overall corpo- larger than all other corporate functions and
rate strategy. investments.2 Thus, as with other major business
Based on our research and experience working areas, top companies treat IT assets as a portfolio
with a wide variety of clients—from multinational rather than an independent series of projects.
conglomerates and old-line businesses to rapidly Doing so allows for a better understanding of
growing start-up companies—we have observed where particular strategies can be applied, and
seven habits for gaining maximum value from IT what value can be brought to the business.
governance (see figure 1). The most successful com- Ideally, the portfolio focus is in three
panies are those that have matured beyond simply areas — operations, business enablement and
linking IT strategy and the business, and instead innovation — where IT can have a significant
have established a fully integrated operating envi- impact on shareholder value and the bottom line.
ronment. The following offers an in-depth discus- Operations. Managing mature and data-center
sion of the seven habits of effective IT governance. technologies to improve information systems
IT Key Metrics Data 2008, Gartner, Inc.


and support services, establishing higher levels of Figure 2
effectiveness and cost efficiency. IT governance must determine when to adopt
Business enablement. Managing IT tools that new technology
can transform or improve the company’s core
business processes to take business operations to
world-class levels. The measure of success is not
merely cost reduction, but also enhanced pro-
cesses and profitability. Business 4
Innovation. Managing technologies that can maturity 3

help achieve breakthrough innovation to create

competitive strategies and transform market Technology
dynamics. Such technologies can reposition the
company against its competitors or allow it to enter Time
markets in which it did not previously compete.
By viewing IT as a portfolio, senior manage- 1. Technology emerges: begin to track potential business
solutions and educate the organization
ment focuses on how each technology contributes
2. Technology begins to mature: address innovative
to business success, attaining a clearer sense of the business solutions as they emerge (for example,
level of human and monetary resources to devote launch pilots of relevant technologies)
to each type of technology. (Interestingly, most 3. Early business adoption begins: decide whether this
companies dedicate the fewest resources to inno- technology can differentiate the business
vation, which represents the biggest opportunity 4. Business solutions begin to mature: balance tolerance
to increase shareholder value.) for risk, cost, timing and value of mainstream
predictable technologies
The portfolio approach helps IT executives
5. Business solutions mature: adopt standard
communicate value to others in the organization. implementations to keep pace with competitors
One banking client used this approach to commu- Source: A.T. Kearney
nicate the measurable value its IT architecture pro-
gram brought to the entire organization. The bank
had three major objectives: increase efficiency, 2. Technology ignorance is not accepted. IT
improve effectiveness of its operations, and deliver participates in technology investment decisions.
innovative products and solutions to its customers. A big challenge for a company is deciding at what
To demonstrate how IT supported these goals, IT point to invest in new technology. The decision
executives classified their IT architecture projects requires that executives stay informed and have
in terms of how the project would be used to the necessary skills and tools to know when to
improve operational excellence, business enable- adopt emerging technologies. Our research reveals
ment, and innovation. By explaining and measur- the best time for adoption is generally in the early
ing how something as invisible as IT architecture adopter stage—after technology has matured into
could improve the bank’s financial standing and a business solution and when value derived from
contribute to its strategic initiatives, the IT execu- the technology has become more tangible (see
tives were able to secure continued commitment to figure 2). Companies that adopt technology in
the program from business leaders. this stage typically outperform their competitors.


We can illustrate this by looking at the evolu- • Investing in new technologies can be a catalyst
tion of the electric motor. In the early 1900s, for future returns.
manufacturers built their products in multi-story We are often asked how a company can deter-
buildings where each floor contained a machine mine if a new technology is worth the invest-
that manufactured a component of the product. ment. Our answer is to evaluate the investment
The different machines were powered by large from both a technical and a business context —
engines located in the basement of the building, determining its affect on competitive positioning
joined together in a tangle of interconnected belts; and the bottom line. The following are central to
if one belt failed, the entire process stopped. The the evaluation:
Costs. The cost of implementing
technology declines as the technol-
ogy matures, so when evaluating a
technology investment, all costs are
Businesses need a new considered, including direct IT costs

equation — one that makes of development, maintenance and

portfolio management.
IT governance a strategic Value. The real value is not in
the technology, but in the realization
component of the overall of a new business solution or process.
A business solution can lag behind
corporate strategy. technology by months or years.
Strategic alternatives. An early
investment in technology may or
may not pave the way for future tech-
nologies or profitable and strategic
advent of the electric motor changed the manufac- business options. Those that provide the most
turing process forever. Companies invested in downstream options should receive serious invest-
machines that operated via their own electric ment consideration.
motors, thus putting an end to the need for the big Although companies can’t guarantee stellar
engines in the basement or the tangle of belts and returns on emerging technologies, they can take
bottlenecks. Businesses reorganized and moved into steps to minimize their risk and maximize their
single-story facilities—the assembly line was born. potential. By understanding the solutions, how
What can we learn from this example? to evaluate them against desired value and when it
• Deriving value from a technology investment is appropriate to adopt new technologies, com-
depends on where in the lifecycle the investment panies can reap more from their investments.
is made—typically the point at which the tech- 3. IT has board of director-level oversight and
nology has matured and delivers tangible results. clear executive leadership. Tyco International,
• Adopting transformational technologies (such Ltd., FedEx and JPMorgan Chase & Co. are just
as the electric motor) requires a change in the three of the many Fortune 1000 companies with
way the business operates. established corporate-level IT governance councils.


Figure 3
IT governance ensures business-technology alingment

Efficiency Effectiveness

• Enhance business
Degree of impact on business strategy

productivity and
• Deliver scaleable, • Identify and enable
Strategic new strategic
flexible, and respon- partnership
• Improve service levels sive infrastructure opportunities
and cost structure
• Propel innovative
• Focus on standardi- • Provide strategic technologies into
Value creation flexibility to business the market and
zation, consolidation and capture
• Provide services to and integration operations
• Respond to changing
support ongoing business requirements
• Remain reactive to service delivery
needs of business

Ongoing operations


Execution Visionary

Source: A.T. Kearney Role of IT governance

These councils, with responsibilities and business cause irreparable damage to the company. The
impact comparable to those of the compliance, objectives—quality, security, reliability and main-
audit and compensation committees, report regu- tenance of existing investments — are closely
larly to the board of directors. The IT council aligned with those of the audit committee and
and board have two primary responsibilities: to incorporated into its charter.
ensure IT is aligned with the business strategy and One mistake that councils make is failing
to assess the performance of IT across several key to get the basics right and eventually losing all
areas. Let’s take a closer look at what each means. credibility. To avoid such missteps, leading com-
Ensure alignment with the business strategy. panies first make sure IT is effectively managed
The IT council and board evaluate the role of and does not fail the business — employing tactics
IT and determine whether it supports the organi- such as risk mitigation, service-level agreements,
zation’s business strategies and objectives (see and codified backup and recovery. Over time, as
figure 3). For example, Sabre’s passenger reserva- the council’s capabilities mature and evolve, it will
tion system runs daily scheduling and revenue be better positioned to work with the business
management for its many clients, including and the board as a strategic partner.
American Airlines. Such a system must have Assess IT performance. The next step is setting
fail-safes to protect against a failure that could the right agenda and topics for the IT council and


Board of Directors to manage. Their responsibili- Several key questions will help the board and
ties are mainly in three areas: IC council members assess IT governance compe-
• IT portfolio. Ensure the IT portfolio supports tencies (see figure 4). The answers will help
business goals and delivers innovative business identify initial opportunities and priorities.
solutions, primarily generating appropriate 4. There is no “one-size-fits-all” IT gover-
returns on the cost of capital, and ensuring nance model. A one-size-fits-all approach to
assets continue to deliver value and are upgraded technology almost never works, especially for
over time. business units with different markets, products,
• IT and business continuity. Analyze and channels and customer needs. IT governance at
manage the major risks associated with IT, its best reaches a balance — broad enough to
including data protection, backup and recov- function across all business units but specific
ery mechanisms and business continuity enough to address the unique needs of each.
plans. Board input is necessary to ensure From an organization design perspective, the
appropriate risk levels, contingency plans and critical question is how centralized the gover-
manual processes are in place in the event they nance model should be. The answer can be
are needed. summarized in three points across a scale of
• Assessment and communication. Assess the governance behavior — enterprise-wide, federa-
performance of IT continually to ensure effec- tion and business unit autonomy.
tive delivery. This includes overall evaluation of Larger organizations, with similar IT needs
technology, benchmarking against competitors across business units, often lean toward the enter-
and best practices, and measuring IT against its prise-wide approach, using their size and econo-
stated goals. mies of scale to cut costs and fulfill common needs.

Figure 4
Key questions to identify initial areas of focus for IT governance

• Are the appropriate IT infrastructure and applications in place?

IT portfolio • Is the company getting business and strategic benefits from the IT portfolio?
• Is there a life-cycle management plan to manage IT assets?

• Are data security measures adequate?

IT and business • Will recovery measures safeguard all IT systems and business continuity?
• Do management processes guard against operational and strategic IT risk?

• Is there a consistent approach for evaluating emerging technologies?

Assessment and • Are the assessment and IT cost benchmarks used effectively to better understand
communication opportunities, performance and competitive positioning?
• Do the processes control and communicate IT issues, in clear business terms,
to senior managers and the board?
Source: A.T. Kearney


Figure 5
IT governance alternatives (advantages and disadvantages)

Functional IT leadership

Enterprise perspective

Typically higher costs Increased standardization Less responsive to users
ownership and business units
More variability (business unit) Improved visibility
(in IT competencies) into costs
No business-unit ownership
More responsive Increased scale
Poor integration economies
to diverse needs
and infrastructure Not aligned with the business
Less standardization
More control Critical mass
Few synergies over priorities of skills Slower time-to-market

Pooled experience


Decentralized Centralized

Business unit
autonomy Federation Enterprise-wide

Source: A.T. Kearney

At the other extreme is business unit autonomy, teristics of the two extremes (see figure 5).
which allows individual business units to control It establishes alliances and formal governance
their own IT resources and strategic direction— processes not only to realize enterprise-wide
an approach that enables IT delivery for discrete opportunities but also allow business units to
business units with unrelated business needs and control their own IT needs. We introduced this
capabilities. There are pros and cons to both approach at a $40 billion U.S. conglomerate
approaches. With the enterprise-wide model, com- where previously the IT group and management
panies can cut costs, improve operability and main- team communicated only when systems went
tenance; but they may sacrifice responsiveness to down. The IT group was forced to solve issues in
end-users and business units. The autonomy model an unwieldy systems environment that stretched
allows business units to be independent, which across dozens of business units.
facilitates responsiveness and speed to market, but This company had previously tried both the
can result in higher costs and less standardization. enterprise-wide model headed by a CIO and the
The third governance model, federation, business unit autonomy model, but neither
attempts to incorporate the most positive charac- approach delivered benefits or facilitated effective


Figure 6
Business and IT executives’ perception of IT

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

(Percentage of respondents who answered “agree” or “strongly agree”)

The success of my company’s business strategies 72%

is highly dependent on IT 85%

Productivity at my company has increased significantly 74%

in the past 2 to 3 years because of IT 79%

Within my company, new IT solutions or innovations are always 71%

proposed with the associated ROI (return on investment) 77%

Significant cost reductions have been achieved 67%

at my company because of IT 79%

IT leaders effectively communicate technology direction and initiatives 59%

in a way that is easily understood by business leaders 64%

Within my company the IT department focuses primarily 47%

on the day-to-day IT requirements 36%

26% Business executives

I try to limit my involvement in my company’s IT decisions IT executives

Source: A.T. Kearney

coordination. Using the federation model, the strategies depends heavily on IT, and 71 percent
company established an IT leadership council that say that investment in IT is proposed with the
included representatives from both IT and business associated return on investment (see figure 6). But
units across the firm. Council members developed thinking that IT should be aligned with the busi-
a long-term strategy and wrote a mission statement ness and actually aligning it are entirely different
to better leverage IT opportunities throughout the matters. In a separate A.T. Kearney research effort,
company and to support long-term business unit only one-third of the companies researched cate-
strategies. The council, now part of the larger over- gorize their IT planning as “aligned” with business
all business-governance process, continues to meet strategy. These findings highlight the need for
regularly and has defined areas where it can build two-way communications in which IT shapes the
IT synergies across all business units. direction of the business and the business shapes
5. IT is an essential part of corporate the strategic course for IT. Such direction-setting
planning and strategy. Almost 85 percent of occurs in two scenarios: shaping daily demand for
companies, according to a recent survey, have a IT and establishing regular corporate strategy and
formal IT governance structure, or are actively planning processes.
developing one. Roughly 72 percent of business For instance, the IT group ensures that new
executives believe the success of their business demand for IT is in line with technology


capability roadmaps and new projects or requests There are numerous ways in which IT can
for IT services are directed toward existing IT encourage innovation. In most businesses, for
capabilities. Requests for non-standard IT services example, IT manages the technology that sup-
go through a senior-level strategic-planning pro- ports enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.
cess to ensure such investments are worth the From this vantage point, IT can recommend
additional cost and attention. The idea is to bal- folding more processes under the ERP umbrella.
ance technology that supports business processes This can reduce costs and improve productivity
with technology that enables them, while direct- without a large investment of time and capital for
ing funding toward higher-value initiatives. new systems and infrastructure. When Detroit
One of our large retail clients used both Diesel, a subsidiary of Daimler AG, moved to a
scenarios. The company established the position common-asset-management system, it integrated
of business relationship manager (BRM), charg- the new system with its existing ERP systems.
ing this person with understanding both the needs The move reduced purchase-order processing
of the businesses being served by IT and the tech- time by 70 percent and increased available inven-
nical capabilities necessary to do so. In this case, tory by 25 percent. The company implemented
the BRM guided IT planning and investments this new business process for less than $1 million.
toward standard technologies; at other companies, Once a reputation for innovation is estab-
the BRM is accountable for the return on invest- lished, IT can take on more transformative endeav-
ment of the entire technology portfolio. ors. Another client, a retail gas provider, used IT
FedEx is another good example. FedEx’s to shift from a decentralized business model to
pioneering package-tracking system, a key com- a centralized one, building a partnership between
petitive advantage for decades, would not have the business and IT that transformed both the
been possible without a strong link to IT. Rob company and the industry (see sidebar: Repairing
Carter, chief information officer for FedEx, calls a Commodity Business on page 10).
the IT organization “the competitive glue that Encouraging innovation is almost always
holds all of our business units together.” Carter worth the effort. According to our research, growth
serves on the five-person executive committee rates for innovative companies are 68 percent
that plans and executes the company’s strategic higher than their less innovative competitors, while
business activities. 63 percent of early adopters of technology quickly
6. IT plays an active leadership role in trans- outgrow their competition. Top companies estab-
formation and innovation. Given its involvement lish innovation, research and development (R&D),
in all aspects of a business, IT has a unique vantage or advanced-technology groups to continually
point to steer innovation within business opera- probe the market for the next leading-edge tech-
tions. The IT group not only sees all processes nology—turning technology innovation into pos-
across the company but also the opportunities to itive business results. For example, Apple’s ability
improve them. When IT and the business units to constantly drive innovation into their product
jointly own innovation initiatives, they ensure that lines has led to superior performance in PCs, music
only the highest-value projects are selected, with accessories, and mobile devices. As an added bonus,
IT governance overseeing the projects so they are Apple has done this by spending a little more than
managed appropriately from beginning to end. 3 percent of its revenue on R&D.3
Apple 2007 annual report.


Repairing a Commodity Business
In the retail gas industry, profits rely relatively small territories. Delivery becoming differentiating factors in
on weather conditions and opera- drivers largely guided operations, this market. Working with both
tional efficiency. Not able to rein determining which customers business and IT stakeholders, we
in Mother Nature, companies direct required gas and when it should be launched a balanced mix of central-
their attention to improving opera- delivered. Thus, management had ized and decentralized initiatives
tions. But the industry structure little perception of, or control over, that put the customer at the center
discourages dramatic operational daily operations. of operations. It was an organiza-
shifts. It’s a slow-growth, fragmented The biggest obstacle, however, tional and business restructuring
commodity business—with margins was the company’s IT systems. Out- that integrated technologies across
of about 5 to 10 percent. Indeed, the dated applications, which spread multiple locations and sites. The
top 50 companies own less than half across hundreds of service areas, ran result was a revamped IT infrastruc-
of the combined market share. In on unconnected platforms that were ture that improved the economics
this environment, effective IT incapable of sharing data. Core busi- of each delivery and reduced overall
governance can transform a busi- ness functions—customer manage- fixed costs. The company is now
ness — improving operations and ment, collections, pricing and distri- able to deliver gas and meet cus-
bottom-line profits. bution — were supported by tomer demand with 30 percent less
The gas company we worked customized legacy applications. trucks in the fleet. This company’s
with faced multiple challenges. Its Boxed in on various fronts, exec- success in delivering a new business
organizational structure was decen- utives decided to focus on improv- and IT architecture fundamentally
tralized, with hundreds of retail ing customer service and delivery altered the landscape and competi-
operations providing full service to operations — two areas rapidly tive levers in the retail gas industry.

7. IT’s impact on the business is measured IT’s impact after implementation. Without track-
and monitored. The final habit of effective IT ing, most companies miss the opportunity to
governance is measuring the quality and cost- quantify what works and fix, replace or discon-
competitiveness of the IT capability, treating it as tinue those IT systems that do not support
any other vital aspect of the business. In the past, profitability.
measuring IT performance mostly involved track- Sound IT governance requires answering two
ing technical performance (uptime and number questions: How effectively is IT delivering the
of severe events) and costs (IT spending as required services to the business? How do the
a percentage of revenues or per user). This data company’s IT processes and performance compare
was not only limited but also typically viewed to peers and best practice companies?
only by IT professionals. To answer the first question, perform a total
Today, measuring IT performance has cost of ownership (TCO) analysis. A proper TCO
improved, but is still not ideal. According to calculation will document a true 360-degree view
Gartner, only 40 percent of companies measure of the IT function, including costs, improvement


opportunities, and areas that demand a higher issues. The initial results have been promising,
proportion of total IT costs. Armed with this and there is now more cooperation between IT
information, senior managers can govern IT and the business.
more effectively by investing in technologies that IT governance and oversight councils can
provide suitable functionality while still increas- ensure that boards and senior managers regularly
ing business value. measure and monitor IT performance. With the
Answering the second question requires fast pace of business, such efforts may diminish
periodically benchmarking against best practices over time, but they are vital to an IT department
and successful peers, which can be done after that positions the business for success.
the TCO analysis. Key areas to bench-
mark include not only overall IT
spending and spending-per-user, but
also areas that are tied directly to the
business. Companies that benchmark Encouraging innovation is
their IT costs to provide customer-
facing products or services have a almost always worth the
better understanding of how IT is
delivered today, and how it should be effort. According to our
delivered to ensure future competitive
positioning. Such benchmarking is
research, growth rates for
part of an overall effort to emphasize
strategic improvements rather than
innovative companies are
mere numbers. 68 percent higher than their
We can illustrate this using an
example of a large bank that wanted less innovative competitors.
to compare technology costs for its
treasury-service products against
similar banks. We benchmarked IT
costs for its top products such as wire
transfers, automated clearing house, online access, Developing the Right Habits
and integrated payables and receivables. Four areas While it may take a year or more to implement
were identified as significant opportunities: creat- an IT governance program, the first three months
ing clear product strategies and roadmaps, estab- are the most noticeably productive. This is the
lishing business justification for products and time to identify members of the council (with
enhancements, defragmenting the IT architecture representatives across functions), make the busi-
base, and reducing overhead IT expenses. The ness case for the most deserving projects and pro-
effort, coupled with a TCO analysis for the entire grams, and track performance and results. The
treasury-services IT department, gave senior following are essential to a successful IT gover-
bank officers the information needed to launch nance implementation:
targeted efforts to address cost and competitive • Identify the optimal IT governance model based


on the needs of the business units and current • Instill the seven habits for IT governance in the
IT capabilities. overall structure and manage the related com-
• Determine the major structures needed to man- mittees and councils.
age IT governance. The structures include risk Companies with highly effective IT
management, a cross-functional oversight com- governance prioritize and communicate the
mittee and a sub-committee of the Board of structures, topics and essential changes across
Directors. Accountability is assigned to top-level the organization, involving both IT and busi-
executives who understand how their perfor- ness leaders. Bringing together upper manage-
mance will be evaluated and communicated to ment is vital for ensuring a detailed look at
the board. how closely IT is tied to business performance.
• Clarify the current standing of the IT asset port- Effective IT governance is a long journey, but
folio, including assessing IT systems to deter- success can be realized by those who understand
mine operational levels now and what will be the path — and the seven habits that keep them
needed in the future. on course.


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