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DAR Bors) AND links two ideas that are related, for example, “I lke tea | and coffee.” | Y¥ une dos ideas que estan relacionadas, por ejemplo, “me gusta el té y el café.” BUT links a positive and a negative idea, for example, “Ike swimming, but | don't lke dancing.” | PERO une una idea positva y otra negativa, por ejemplo, “me gusta nader, pero no me gusta balla.” | $0 gives a result, for example, “I was very tired so | went to sleep.” ‘ASI QUE da un resultado, por ejemplo, “Yo estaba muy cansado, asf que me fui a dormir.” BECAUSE gives a reason, for example, “I went to the party because | wanted to see Peter.” PORQUE da una razén, por ejemplo, “fui ala fiesta porque (queria ver a Peter.” @ MODALS _J Los verbos modales son verbos auriliares que no pueden funcionar como un verbo principal, a diferencia de los vor- os auxiliares “be”, “do” y “have” que si pueden funcionar como un verbo principal. Los verbos modales expresan modalidad, habilidad, po- sibilidad, necesidad u otra condicién. Los uilizamos para | el futuro y el condicional. ‘Como verbos complementarios que son, los verbos moda- les no funcionan sin otro verbo. Este otro verbo siempre vva después de! verbo modal y esti en la forma base (el Infinitivo sin “to"). En esta parte nos centraremos en os modales que podemos utlizar para dar consejos o pedir informacion. Ademés, aprenderemos como podemos em- plear estos mismos verbos modalas para hablar de proble- ‘mas sociales, enfermedades y salud. STRONGER MUST (Emphatic Advice) HAD BETTER | | OUGHT TO | WEAKER ‘SHOULD ees = Ejemplos: — Should You should not iter | You should go to the doctor. Ought to ‘© The government ought to do more to help the poor. ‘© You ought to take your medication Had better © We had better cooperate with the police in order to help reduce crime and violence. She had better stop smoking before it's too lat. ‘Must ‘We must do more recycling. ‘© Theministry must do more to prevent the spread of the Zita vitus. Would Would you mind + verb + ing ..? Would you happen to know...? Can/Could Can/Could you provide more detalisinform about...? © Can/Could you please explain...? Can/Could you tell me... | 7 Los derechos de las per- * Can/Could you please ciarty..? | Disability Rights | sonas con discapactad En muchos casos, el modal CAN os precedido por una pa- || | Divorce and Child Support | &! vero y le manuten- m i6n de los hijos ‘abra que empieza con Wh-(incluso de HOW). De fa mis- ‘ma forma, hacemos preguntas para pedir informacién. Por |} | Domestic Violence | La violencia daméstica ejemplo: Drug Abuse £l consumo de drogas © Where can Ifind a pharmacy? | Serbiig Las oust Dende puedo encontrar una farmacia? | Gangs las pandilas a fdas | Global Warming £1 calentamiento global en can we see the doctor | ae éCuando podemos ver al médico? | Gun stp Gun la ree a ye! © What can we do to help reduce global warming? | Homelessness La falta de vivienda 6 podes hace pare aye arecuil cae | | Immigration La inmigracién ‘iento global? | Literacy Elalabetismo How can we improve the qualty ofthe alr we breathe? || Marijuana La mantuana Como pademos mejorar la calidad del are que respi- | Tos desastres naturales ramos? | Mager egaaas a6 | ye socaro en casos dé i desastre = - — | Police Abuse and | El abuso de poliia la © SOCIAL ISSUES | | Corruption comrupcion eee Pollution La contaminacion __ SOCIAL ISSUES son problemas que nos afectan drecta- Rornoeely (anomograte. ‘mente © que infuyen en ruestos pensarmientosy acciones | Poverty and Weath | _La pobreza y a riqueza de manera indirect. Estos problemas moldean la dimen- | POHL aEaia si6n social de nuestras culturas y provacan muchas dis- ne Prose Ccusiones ya que impiden que la sociedad funcione a nivel | Racial Profiling La caracterizacion racial Sptimo. Son problemas que influyen en nuestas opiniones. Ra La volacién bre I idera bi ilo, moral , = sobre lo que se considera bueno 0 malo, moral o inmoral, cia ético poco ético, ceptable oinaceptble y justo o injus- ee eee le to, Estos son algunos de los problemas que aftontamos a dati: " a q | School Violence La violencia escolar | Sex Education Educacién sexual Adoption La adopcién | [7 Senual Harassment {acoso sexual Los derechos delos | Stress El estrés imal or animales | Suicide Eisuivido Birth Control Elcontrol da nataidad | Terrorism Elterrrismo Capital Punishment La pena de muerte | 5 La congestion Child Abuse Elmer itr | | Soper vehicular Child Labor El rabajo infantil | Unemployment £1 desempleo Givil Rights Los derechos civiles | | Waste Disposal La eliminacién de Computer Crime, Hacking | cane ec, | 165i ees Be Ei hackoo Women’s Rights Tee Gorporal Punishment [Las castigas comorles | | | | Tos Tres Editores MODAL VERBS OF OBLIGATION We can use have to/don't have to + infinitive, mus/mustn’t + infinitive and should/shouldn't + infinitive to exoress obligation (something you have to/don’t have to do). This may range from imposed obligation to something that isis not necessary. [Simpie Present Usage I Examples is modal verb represents | He has to hand in his English paper by Friday. | ¥Has to for 3rd person strong obligation. In its negative form, there is | (iene que entregar su tarea de inglés ef “singular ‘no obligation wiratsoever. lis use shows that the | viernes.) Do not (Don't) have to OR obligation comes from someone else, and not “***Does not (Doesn't) necessarily the speaker. This is usualy refering ‘have to for 3rd person i a rule or law. In some cases, the more in ve gott,’is preferred. "The use of must (in either its positive or I must quit smoking. | negative form) represents strong obligation. In | (Debo dejar de fumar) a at a “Have to OR {In its positive form, ‘don't want to. No tienes que ira la reunion sino quieres.) You don't have to go to the meeting, it you | Must not (Mustn’t) | this case however, the obligation comes OM | Yay myst not smoke in public. 7 Sha seater “No cebes furmar en pico.) Should ‘Should, whichis also used for recommendation | You should take a pill for that headache. ‘or prohibition, represents mild obligation or (Deberias tomar una pastilia para ese dolor Should nat (Shouldn't) | advice in ether its postive or negative form. | de cabeza.) In soveral cases, should i replaced by ‘ought . | without changing te veal meaning of hea a i en Case) L | sentence, | 3 mn > Important: There is a difference between must not Kelly should not have borrowed money from him. (mustn't) and do not (don't) have to. Kelly no deberia haber pedir prestado dinero de él. Must not (Mustn't) means that something is not allowed or | ***Must + Auxiliary (have) + Past Participle represents ‘hat something is a bad idea. | deduction or speculation, not obligation, Do not (Don't) have to means that you don't need to do Eg. Camila must have gone to the doctor. She's not at something, but that it's fine if you want to do it anyway. ‘school today. ee ~ 4 Camila tiene que haber ido al médico. Hoy no esté en is also important to note that have to/ do not (don't) have a escuela. to can be used in other tenses such as the simple past or ‘the simple future. CONDITIONALS Eg. (had to... Tave que... | didn’t have to... No tuve que. Must changes to had to in the simple past tense; should/ should not (shouldn't) requires the use of an auxiliary (have) + a verb in past participle to be used with other verb tenses where have + past participle is a part of the | a een ME Main clause Em if clause. Eg, Rodrigo should have stayed home last night. | rosa CONDITION Rodrigo deberia haberse quedado en casa anoche. | + What are they? Conditional tenses are used to speculate about what "could happen, what might have happened, and what we "wish would happen. In English, most sentences using the Conditional contain the word it. Many conditional forms in English are used in sentences that include verbs in one of the past tenses. This usage is referred to as “the unreal past” because we use a past tense but we are not actualy referring to something that happened in the past. There | are several ways of constructing conditional sentences in English. In all cases, these sentences are made up of an if clause and a main clause. In many negative conditional sentences, there is an equivalent sentence construction using “unless” instead of “i.” Goneral tuts A possible condition and its ee probable result Afypothetical condition and eee its probable resut An unreal past condition and Type its probable rsutin the past THE ZERO CONDITIONAL _ ‘The zero conditional is used when the time being referred to is now ot always and the situation is real and possible. ‘The zero conditional is often used to make statements about the real world, and often refers to general truths, such as scientific facts. The tense in both parts of the sentence is simple present. In zero conditional sentences, the word it" can usually be replaced by the word “when” without changing the meaning. As in all conditional sentences, the order ofthe clauses is not fixed. You may have to rearrange the pronouns and adjust punctuation when you change the order of the clauses, but the meaning is identical. The zero Conditional Is also often used to give instructions, using ‘the imperative in the main clause If clause (condition) Main clause (result) If + Simple Present Simple Present If this thing happens, That thing happens. Examples: you heat water to 100°C, it boil (Si calientas agua a 100° C hierve.) Water bois if you heat ito 100°C. (El agua hierve silo calientas a 100°C.) ‘When you heat water to 100°6, it boils. (Cuando calientas el aqua a 100°C, hierve.) Simple Present Simple Present Simple Present Simple Future j Present Condlional OR’ Present Simple Fast Continuous Gonclional Perfect Conditional OR Perfect PastPerléct Continuous Concitional Water bolis when you heat itto 100°C. (El agua hierve cuando fo calientas 2 100°C.) Instructional (Imperative) you're nat sure what to do, ask Pete (Sino estas seguro de qué hacer, preguntale a Pete.) Ask Pee if you're not sure what o do. (Pregintale 2 Peter sino estés seguro de que hacer) © _ Tres (riRsT) conprriowat The type 1 conditional is used to refer to the present or future where the situation is real. The type 1 conditional | fefers to a possible condition and its probable result | These sentenoes are based on facts, and they are used to make statements about the real world, and about | particular situations. We often use such sentences to give ‘warnings. in these sentences, the if clause is in the simple | present, and the main clause is in the simple future, As in all conditional sentences, the order of the clauses is not fixed. You may have to rearrange the pronouns and adjust punctuation when you change the order of the clauses, but ‘the meaning is identical. Intype 1 conditional sentences, you can also use modals in the main clause instead of the ‘ature tense to express the degree of certainty, permission, ora recommendation about the outcome. Contractions are «also common with this type of conditional. | wilt F You will — You'll He will He'll ‘She wil ~ She'll ‘twill We will — We’ You will — You'll They will They’

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