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PASC SIMPLE PASE CONCIIOUS _ (save) a lot of money to buy a new sports car two years ogo (walk) his dogs when he «nnn...» (See) your girlfriend with Sergio. sus (Ceply) all the letters she - (receive) last week (repair) his motorbike, his grandfather ........ (read) a mogazine. _ Give) some money to his sister end she ...... (tell) him ‘thank you’. (get) off the bus it. _ (eno) a little. (increase) a lot during the last two months. (talk) on the phone when the boss... (arrive) at the office. (tell) me good jokes yesterday evening at the pub. 10-Tt was very cold so T -. (Shiver) and - (feel) tired. Leonard .. . (do) some research at the laboratory when called him. 12 The girl (whisper) something in my ear but I couldn't understand it. 13.-At 5,00 Mrs Simpson ........ (have) a cup of coffee with some friends, 14.-Helen and Hector ... . (spend) a lot of money last Easter holidays. 15-Alexander ...... (begin) to ery when T ...... (tell) him the bad news 16--The Williams family ...-1.0 (move) house when my mother had the baby. 17.-Honnah Hutted. become) a well-known writer five years ogo in France. 18.-The snow .. (cover) the mountains when T swe.» (wake) up. 19.- The little girl ........... (fall) down and ............ (ery) loudly. £20 We snunanse (Play) bingo when the lights... (go) out. 21.- Many people. . (travel) on the ship when it hit some rocks.

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