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A Duffy

It is a nice poem for me, i love the straight talk told in the poem. As i read the
message of the poem for how many times, i really understand what is the message
all about. YES love is BLIND we can love but it can also hurt us. It can give us
happiness but it can also give us pain. Reflecting ourselves in the front of mirror
seeing ourselves crying and sincerly hand our honesty to our love one even its not
really good to do.

It is nice how the author or the writer used an “ONION” to describe what love is?.
Duffy connects characteristics of an onion to the intensity of love that shows to
positive and negative when love compare to onion. Throughout the poem the onion
is a metaphor for love, developed in different ways. You must be careful with love
to get its benefit, just as you must be careful with the onion. The onion in this
poem is also an image which forms an analogy for the poets views and attitude to
love relationship and romance.

My personal interpretation of Duffy’s use of the word “KNIFE”. In the last stanza
Duffy uses the incredibly dark and foreboding noun knife. This could be a
reference to the speakers lover cutting away their relationship, or cutting the onion
which can be seen as an extended metaphor to describe their love. The apparent
dark circumstances perhaps explains the speakers desperation, which is made
evident by frequent imperative verbs throughout the poem, such as “TAKE”. And
about” The moon promises light”-but as well as having a light side it also has a
dark side, which is hidden at first glance and requires investigation to see. This
reflects how a relationship has good and bad parts, which may not become
apparent until the lovers get to know one another better. The moon also has phases
where it gives off more light than at other times, and this is like how relationships
can go through happy and unhappy periods.

We possibly being truthful to our love one but love can also cause tears and pain
sometimes. Just like an onion. Must read the poem! You will learn a lot from it.

“If you cut an onion, the knife remain stained. Much the same way that, if we hurt
the one we love we hurt ourselves as well. “ just a thought. 

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