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ee tabe eto ae th pF Athas and tele eave-our: Cen rabute eeons (0 pole b Ing solition tare Mee wide a ye Region. far te te pe the: alata bre ees = 40 ivede. To Ye ccouth, in the oan viacieland, the gourd sre} wa the’ ei _ re conan (OF eady dat, sw ae Pre tert lye Le Chia efo-a new Athas “of and obiidiany: OF eau ritede, once i,e06Ht fo’ he nothing mor Yian | Guartes not “drosied. of in dr. fis sorcorernctings hav car make a difference ir te bea abt a oe i oe an fiical Amoophere to tage ings nahural dicselers, framterrible ne eS Gon dash orctches of inex plored ferrtory beyond (hes i Bees fot the worl. Wevertae tHe Dar Siahe setting leer more: epdetaciiar or iGulazier logallplagers-or ‘ Mektenvehted qov Hye Rgiai fo uncacalcled opportunities to fraeietnore prom in moreaccatahle tqnew players daringesouey ipenter the fiom Jand: with newereas Joe plore, aetreemines, ae ith cde psionic: > Wark Stn conbiones to demonstrate de allen apd fierce patie ¢ Open thelicy andlisee vig adduct siePagetlienecth the crinsom sti akeditterenttrars those 'in any otfacr fcr) nei rules, and mor \ eatingadnd watch upconing prod uete} For evelations thae paint: toward ioe : reehoralion—onieull iatedcsiriction: Now; morethameycr, the = steot t heverld depend onthe actions: of t's heroes” Cid ae aca uaetiaa REE hy aaa Slive in.a world where blistering heat is the companion of days long and cold, where fear-filled darkness rules the night: Jam the Wand. , traveling far and wide to learn the secrets of Athas so that | may write them down and share them with the world Ihave much to tell for change is brewing in this harsh wasteland. But before one can understand the here and now, one must learn well of the past. For it is from the past that Athas's dark secrets were first born: Ten years have come and gone since the start of the agyeat change...ten years since King Kalak attempted to cheat nature much like: Borys had done two millennia past. His plan was to perform the entire ten-stage grand ritual. To stop his A ruthless design, anew decade was born. {call it the Decade of Heroism, because heroes stepped forward to save our city of Tyr. Led by Rikus, the gladiator, these heroes were able to kill Kalak and save the lives of thousands. There was another significant and hopefully far-reaching result of their geat feat: Tyr became the first city-state to free its slaves. sought po venues. T recovered found the the Drago Tower. Tit Kalak's pl: looked to a source ¢ The Drag destroyed sorcerer-h and a sore queen Ancient Rajat, the to sof nd nds. Asth de progressed, ‘others tried to gain the mantle of sorcerer-king or sought power from other venues. The Dark Lens was recovered. Sadira of Tyr found the power to oppose the Dragon in the Pristine Tower. Tithian, who took Kalas place as king of Tyr looked to ancient Rajaat as a source of immortality. The Dragon was destroyed, and two sorcerer-kin queen fel Ancient Rajaat, ARK SUN First Sorcerer, the Warbringer, escaped from prison. Yet that was but a short-lived victory for ev Soon forced back into the Hollow that had contained him for two thousand years, Rajat lives there still, and, hopefully, for all eternity The results of this decade are all around us. The Tyr Region is in turmoil as the power-hungry and ambitious vie to fill the vacutm left by the deaths of the sarcerer-kings Rajaat's defeat formed the About the same time as Rajat was confined, a great earthquake: ba thundered from the west. Aftershocks still threaten the Tyr Region, and a gapingrift was opened by the quake that leads to parts of Athas that were ‘once sealed from the lands of the sorcerer-kings. will this age of heroes continue? | fervently hope so, for Athas needs heroes iF itis going to survive, Ee oe seepBony @ eeetneneeey: £ Sores Blotiem-onucuie et hes SE gr ehuosiapey 5 Wie aie rede mowing | hate ay Welly Ho Fae Dees

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