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The Sleeper Island Cookbook

Last Update: 3 Sept 2018

In a land of corruption, surrounded by the unknown, you and countless others will live,
and die exploring the depth of this horrid island. Prepare yourself traveler for this may
save your life.

Cover Page
Table Of Contents Reddit
How to Get you into a Game Quickly Register for a Game
Etiquette Creating a Character
Parent / First / Most Important Rule Overview
The Social Contract Retiring a Character.
Rules of Conduct No Evil Characters!!
Lateness, Late Withdrawals, and No Shows to Sessions Stats
Recording and/or Streaming Backgrounds
Complaints Races
Classes and Subclasses
Sleeper Island Cooking Utensils Extra PC Creation Considerations
Discord Starting GP and Equipment
Fantasy Grounds During Character Creation Can I Sell Gear?
Obsidian Portal Spells and Feats
The Roster of Players Languages and Tools
The Map of Sleeper Island Character Bio
Registering for a Game (Reddit) Trinkets
Discord Skills
Change Nickname Character Traits
Discord Text Channels Portraits
Required Resources Setting Up
Character Creation Configuring Effects, Damage and Actions
Player Resources Channels
Player Input Exporting and Importing Characters
Mission Center Exporting your character
Crafting Building Buying Importing your character
Role Playing Channels XP and Upgrading
Game in Session Channels How to Gain Levels Quickly on Sleeper Island
Voice Channels Discovering New Areas
Discord Bots Doing Faction Quests
Bot commands Sending Information Back to Candlekeep
Fantasy Grounds Discovering Great Treasure
DM Servers and Passwords Seeing Amazing Sights
Before Connecting to a GM’s FG Server Writing a Log/Recording Session Discoveries
Downtime Training
Join a Game Gold
Hamachi VPN Buying and Selling Stuff
Connecting to the FG Server Selling Gear
Obsidian Portal Selling Magic items
Joining our Campaign on OP Trading Magic Items
Adventure Log Crafting
Writing a Log/Recording Session Discoveries What is crafting?
Hunting logs What you need to craft:
Media Library Getting Proficiency in a Tool
Wiki How to craft in Sleeper Island:
Characters Crafting Gimps
The Roster Sleeper Island Specifics
Roster Sheet Crafting FAQ
Stables Alchemy
Census Poison
Magic Items Sleeper Island - D&D 5E Rules
Mundane Items Loot Rules:
Scrolls Running Away Rule
Potions Dividing Gold And Magic Items
Exploration Goods
The Map
White Moon Cove (WMC)
Table of contents
Rules - Variant and Homebrew
Inspiration (Spite’s Variant)
Encumbrance Variant
Dying and Exhaustion
Instant Death
Coup de Grace/Execution
Death Saves
So You Have Died
Crits and Fumbles
Saving Throws
Rolling in the Open or the Tower
Monster Class Levels
Summoned Creatures
Hidden Initiative/Dynamic Initiative
Skill Checks
Working Together
GM Rolls
The Official Elves Trance Rule:
Chatting During Sessions
Wizard Spellbooks
Healing Spirit
Heavy armor and Dwarves
Leaving Gear behind
Wild Magic
Druid Wild Shapes
Bag of tricks
Elven Accuracy
Multisession Exhaustion
Sleeping in Armor
Mount and Companion rules
Reddit to Google Calender
Setting up WorldTimeBuddy for your TimeZone
Steps to Better RP
Art credits

Table of contents 3
The Sleeper Island Cookbook
Abbreviations Abbreviations
ASI Ability Score Increase PM Private Message
D&D Dungeons and Dragons RP Role Playing
DM / Dungeon or Game Master (the host and story-teller TPK Total Party kill
GM for the players)
TZ Time Zone
FG Fantasy Grounds
VPN Virtual Private Network (Usually referring to Hamachi)
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning (debatable)
WM West Marches
IC In Character
WMC White Moon Cove
ISP Internet Service provider
RO Ruined Oak
OOC Out of Character
WotC Wizards of the Coast
OP Obsidian Portal

How to Get you into a Etiquette

All the Mods and DMs are volunteers, so some things will
Game Quickly take some time to get updated. Be respectful, be mindful
of other players and Enjoy!
This lists the steps to be taken and the
order of those steps Parent / First / Most Important Rule
Download and install Discord
Register on discord The No Dickhead Rule - We are in this together, so don't be
Download and install Fantasy Grounds a dickhead to fellow players!
Join Obsidian Portal and visit our page here
Optional: Request an invite to our campaign on obsidian The Social Contract
portal by posting your OP userName in our #character- The basis of Sleeper Island is that you're all thrown together
creation channel on discord in a very, very tough situation. You've seen how tough it is,
Join our subreddit here You don’t have to actually post there is no GM plot armour saving your butt.
anything on reddit other than saying you’re interested in a You're here with races you don't normally mix with, classes
session that is posted. No conversations happen here you don't mix with, and upbringings you don't mix with. But
On Discord, make sure that you don’t have notifications you're all here to survive. And to do that you need each other.
muted on the #mission-board text channel! This is where The environment is hard enough without the other players
missions pop up when a GM schedules one on reddit. making it harder.
Check regularly as impromptus will come up on short Some characters might do things that in a normal
notice. campaign you feel like you your character might need to
Roll your character’s stats In the #character-creation make a stand on. In a frontier situation you might need to be
channel of discord (witnessed by a GM or Mod). Ping a more tolerant of other ideologies. Conversely some actions
GM with @DMs wait to be acknowledged. Syntax: that might be able to be roleplayed in a standard campaign
!rollstats will have you drawn and quartered here on the island.
Full details on Creating a Character are found in the Frontier justice doesn't tolerate those that aren't supporting
cookbook the team.
Set up your character in fantasy ground (manage What does this mean? No PvP of any kind (combat or
characters) theft). Remember that the guy next to you who worships
Configure your Persuasion skill in the roster using another god might just save your arse tomorrow. Running
Syntax: $setExpertise away from a fight to save yourself is fair, running and
Buy stuff from the shop using the discord expecting to reap rewards isn't. Causing a fight, then running
marketplace channel: will get you left out of missions - no one leaves town with a
Syntax: $buyitem/character name/item troublemaking coward.
Register for a game on Reddit using the following format: The basic premise is that you're all stuck here and you
Syntax: need each other to survive. This need is greater than the
Discord name/Character name/ class & level small difference you might have. You need to put things
aside, and act a bit differently to prosper on Sleeper Island.
Login 30 mins before the game Either that, or you'll just end up another corpse on the plains,
getting eaten by gnolls.


Rules of Conduct

iven our large amount of growth we found it
necessary to give a bit more of a defined
meaning of what the "Don't be a Dickhead
rule" means. These are just a few but some
of the most of the rules of conduct

1. Be courteous to others! This means not talking over other

players/DMs, waiting your turn to talk, making sure your
sheet is set up so others aren't waiting on you. We use
push to talk in voice chat and have plenty of resources to
aid you in beginning your PC creation journey here.
Please use our New Player Questions channels in discord.
2. It is your responsibility to understand how to play the
game and use Fantasy Grounds at the end of the day. It is
ok to need help but SI has provided many guides and
resources. Before asking questions about a topic please
look through the guides provided. DMs, Mods and players
are here to help however you need to meet everyone half
way and be willing to do some reading and research
yourself.A good number of the questions we answer every
day have already been answered a million times and can
be found in the Cookbook.
3. Hot button topics like politics, religion, sexuality etc
are not allowed in SI channels.
4. If a DM/Mod makes a ruling it is final. Arguing will not
accomplish anything. This goes for in game mechanical
rules or chat on Discord.
5. If you are found to be breaking the rules, cheating, are
disruptive to the community and someone people do not
want to play with or be around you will be removed.
6. Chatting in channels while in session is prohibited.
7. Metagaming sucks! Don’t do it, kills immersion and makes
it less fun for all involved.
8. Suggestions are great! We are constantly improving our
processes based on player feedback. We only ask that you
learn the system, give constructive feedback as oppose to
complaining to get an edge, and do it in our suggestion
channel respectfully. We are all volunteers here so we
will do our best to respond to every suggestion.
Sometimes your suggestion may not fit the setting. if so do
not take offense to us saying no, As your suggestion can
still be used to inspire other change.
9. Communicate with your DM. If you are going to be late say
so. Please try to be early to sessions to check your sheet
and work out any technical issues. If something comes up
and you cant make it please inform your DM via reddit
and discord. This way someone gets a chance to play.
10. If the party disagrees on a course of action and cannot
come to a conclusion, the party leader will throw up a vote
in Fantasy Grounds chat. No arguing past this point.

PART 1 | Code Of Conduct 5

Lateness, Late Withdrawals, and No Fantasy Grounds
Shows to Sessions Fantasy Grounds is the player interface to battlemaps and
Recently we have had a number of no shows or people pull their character sheets. There is a section below for Creating
out of sessions at the last possible second. This is completely a character. See the Fantasy Grounds section for more
rude and it pisses us all off! Only sign up for a session if you information.
can make it - if you're not sure, don't sign up until you are! A Obsidian Portal
new player seeing 10 people signed up for a session will
probably be reluctant to put their name down. This means Obsidian portal is used as a place for Players to share stories
that people signing up as a maybe are scaring players away. about their adventures. See the Obsidian Portal section for
A lot of GMs give preference to people who sign up first and more information.
new players. With the number of no-shows and late
cancellations we are considering creating a no show list - that The Roster of Players
list will be taken into consideration when the GMs pick The Roster is a google spreadsheet that is automatically
players. Everyone has a cellphone! Install Discord on it! Send updated by the wm-bot. It’s used to maintain character
a message to the GM! Not showing up and making everyone information and to interact with the WMC’s stores. See The
wait for you is a dick move. Roster section for more information.
Don't force us to bring in XP penalties for
no shows and late cancellations. The Map of Sleeper Island
Recording and/or Streaming Sleeper Island Map
Recording or streaming a session without permission from Login as “”
the GM and every player involved will result in immediate Ask mods for password.
banishment from Sleeper Island and all its associated
services! This breaks the don't be a dick rule in a big way!!! This is the map displays locations that have been visited
and notes about encounters. See the Map section for more
Complaints information.
If you feel that you have been treated unfairly, contact a mod Registering for a Game (Reddit)
or DM of your choice in private messages whom you feel you
have a good relationship with. They will endeavour to get to Sleeper Island Reddit
the bottom of your problem. Please do not contact Kor with This is used by the GM’s to schedule missions and is
these concerns, as he is busy creating the world for us and where Players need to look and sign-up for upcoming
has little time for anything else as regards Sleeper Island. missions.
Also, please bear in mind that everyone here is an amateur All mission times will be in UTC and will therefore need to
and isn’t paid – we all have jobs and lives away from the be converted to your local timezone. See the Reddit section
Island, so forgive us if we don’t address your concerns for more information.
immediately. We will make every effort to resolve things
within 48 hours. A couple of caveats: please don't use this to
argue specific rulings, and be aware that we almost never Behavior
retcon anything, although of course we endeavour to learn We take our main rule very seriously Do not be a
from our mistakes. dick head.

Sleeper Island Cooking

Sleeper island consists of the following parts. Each one is
discussed in it’s own chapter.
Discord is a computer / smartphone app that allows for
conversations that can be:
Automating the town with Bots
At the moment Discord’s primary use for Sleeper Island
bullets 1-3 above. Video might be used for twitch streaming
at some point in the future. See the Discord section for more

6 PART 2 | Sleeper Island Cooking Guide

This document assumes that you can use discord to talk to
other players. The discord structure is broken into the
following categories:
Required Resources
Player Resources
Game in Session Channels
Role Playing
MOD - moderator only text channels
DM - DM/GM only text channels
BOTS - text channels for bot debug information
VOICE - voice channels shared by Players and GM for
Change Nickname
As soon as you have created your first character, please
change your discord Nickname to:
discord name(character name)
Ping a Mod if you are unsure how to Change your

PART 2 | Discord 7
Discord Text Channels Channel used to suggest possible classes, mechanics, and
Required Resources other things to be introduced into Sleeper Island.
Text channels used by the administrators to provide #Fantasy-ground-help
information regarding Sleeper Island. This text channel is for requesting assistance with FG
Please make sure to @mention the Mods or GMs when
#Sleeper-announcements looking for help.
Players are not allowed to post comments.
Announcements about our shared WM game. #Art-and-tokens
If you would like to speak with the people that help with some
#the-sleeper-island-story of the art that is developed for Sleeper Island
Gives a brief summary of how our explorers came to the
island of Katashaka. Player Input
Character Creation Channels used for Players to provide thier input.
You can find most resouces to help create your PC here, #topic-of-the-week
help channels and a few other dicussion points. Topics will be brough up by DMs to be discussed by the
community to improve the player experience.
Players are not allowed to post comments. #100-things
Contains links to information like: The Cookbook. Channel where a random location or event is introduced.
The Roster. Players then get to be creative, and make up scenarios
Other important information about playing in Sleeper that then become a part of random encounters.
Youtube videos about WM style play. #break-this
Channel where players are asked to cheese/break classes,
#Character-creation subclasses, and whatever else we put in.
Here players will execute character rolls, post pc
templates to be added to the roster and levelups. Mission Center
Also post OP username here to get added to approved list. Channels used to find sessions as well as logs.
#new-player-questions Log-of-the-week
DO NOT PING MODS OR DMS IN THIS CHANNEL A channel were you can post your favorite log to become
Used for player to player help. Mechanics questions and log of the week and be awarded Extra XP for it.
other things can be asked here.
Servers and Useful Video guides used in PC creation are #Mission-board
pinned here This text channel is read only and is tied directly to our
reddit where missions are scheduled.
#fantasy-grounds-help When a mission is scheduled on reddit, the basic details
Help channel for questions related to fantasy grounds of the mission show up in this channel with a hyperlink
usage. back to the reddit post.
Pc Class Templates are pinned here to ease PC Creation. Players signup for the session on reddit.
#the-random-reroll-channel #Mission-proposals
Upon reaching level 4 this is an option for rerolling your Players use this channel to suggest missions, or places of
PC if they are to perish. interest they would like to visit based on the Adventure
Player Resources Channels Log or The Map.
General chat channels for stuff #island-Impromptus
A channel for missions that randomly happen.
General chat about anything and everything. #mission-logs
Must be Safe-For-Work. A channel for mission logs posted to the Obsidian Portal.
Posted here for ease of access.
Players use this channel to buy and sell goods from WMC #arena-requests
(see buying and selling stuff). A channel that is used to request your arena session.
All suggestions for making Sleeper Island a better
environment are welcome here.
We try to make it a point to respond to all suggestions, so
please don't take offense if your suggestion is denied.

8 PART 2 | Discord
Crafting Building Buying
Used for crafting, for building info and used for
marketplace buying.
info on town building
Used to show the amount of Gold donated to fund
Used to buy items from the Roster
Used to buy items from other players.
Provides information on the crafting as well as posts tool
Role Playing Channels
Text channels here are meant for interacting with the other
players IC. They are meant for putting on your RP hat and
suspending belief to have fun being your character and
interacting with the other characters. Please refrain
from OOC in these channels.
Special RP Channels
Use this channel to create a will for your
character. You can not pass on anything
to your next character! You can bequeath
it in any other way! For example:
It can go to specific characters
You can make people pass a
puzzle to get it
You can donate it to an NPC
You can start a fund to build
something in town
Your will must be submitted before your character has
died. If you do not leave a will, all of your belongings are split
between the survivors of the mission.
Game in Session
Text channels here coincide with the Voice Channels
listed below and should be used when in session and RP’ing
with the other players.
Voice Channels
These are full-duplex voice channels, that are shared with
Players for missions, to host the audio portion of the game.
Each GM has their own voice channel with a corresponding
“Game in Session Channels” text channel.
All game in session voice channels operate on a push to
talk basis. We find this is more sociable so that there isn't too
much extraneous noise.
Please set up a push to talk key for your discord before
your first mission.
PART 2 | Discord 9
Discord Bots
The Sleeper Island bot that manages the discord stores,
the player roster, and other similar commands as listed in the
Section Bot Commands below
A bot that is used for the !rollstats command and to
provide discord references to the D&D 5E rules (in discord
type !help to see the complete list of command)
When joining our discord server, this bot posts a welcome
message in the #general-chat channel
Bot commands
Universal Commands

Pings the wm-bot to test if it is currently working the bot
should respond with ‘Pong!’
Typing ‘$help’ will bring up a list of possible commands for
wm-bot typing help followed by another command, such as
‘$help/ping’, will show the details of that command
Brings up a link to the campaign roster’s spreadsheet
character details are stored in the roster Shops can be found
in the sheet-tabs on the bottom of the roster All relevant
changes to a character should be documented on the
roster, as the roster takes precedence over your
character sheet in the event of a disagreement
Using this command allows you to add class levels to your
character on the roster You must make sure you meet the
correct amount of XP, and the column “Calculated Level”
indicates that you are at the next level. In FG make sure that
you configure any new FG effects that are applicable!
syntax: $levelup/character-name/class
(e.g. $levelup/Bob/Bard


$buyitem Servers and Passwords
This command allow you to buy items from the store You need to connect directly FG server directly or through a
syntax: $buyItem/character-name/item/item amount VPN. The table below lists servers and passwords.
(e.g. $buyItem/Bob/Potion of Healing/2)
Item must be spelled exactly as it appears in the store DM Server Info
buying items is somewhat affected by your character’s FG Server Hamachi Hamachi
charisma and persuasion, but isn’t guaranteed to always get GM / DM FG Server Alias Password Address Password
you a lower price Dagobah bold fang vast 1111
This command allow you to sell items to the store Dayman (374-
syntax: $sellItem/character-name/item/item amount 615)
(e.g. $sellItem/Bob/Candle/1)
Your character’s persuasion can also affect selling prices Fazakerley idle thug nosy
(Items are sold at 50%) keep
Kor just roll quiet
$setExpertise pirate
This command allows you to increase your persuasion Nastaris (374- 1111
expertise using your proficiency in the persuasion skill. If you 439-
are found to have increased your persuasion above what it 615)
reasonable, you will be kicked from the campaign If you Terrorrize (374- 1111
accidentally set your score too high, immediately request a 439-
MOD or if they aren't available a GM to adjust your score 615)
appropriately Valid scores are:
Wildy able pirate dead 1111
Persuasion Expertise Table ogre
Multiplier Type of Proficiency Justenrules vast dungeon pinned in
0 No Proficiency good pony channel
.5 Half Proficiency DGM meek grave
crazy grave
1 Proficiency
Meow the vibrant grave
2 Expertise Great undead zone
Mk smelly ally
syntax $setExpertise/pc-name/multiplier score cowardly wizard
$consume Durzo
This command allows you to consume or remove an item MrRazor good jump quiet
from your own character's' inventory found on the roster you ninja
will not be able to revert this process Atlas idle luck
syntax: $consume/character-name/item/item amount dashing turtle
(e.g. $consume/Bob/Ration/3)
Mithrandir zany fang puny
!rollstats idol
If $createMyPC is broken and wm-bot is down then use the Severus_LORE dead ally 1234
following to roll the stats for a new character 4d6 and drop undead grave
the lowest roll. You will roll until you have two ability scores Revy cold goblin vast
at 15 or above. For example, Greg rolls a 13, 12, 16, 15, 12, 9. goblin
These rolls will be taken in order Knightofdread dashing pirate
So str would be 13, dex 12, con 16 and so warm troll

Fantasy Grounds

DM Server Info
Fantasy Grounds is the player interface for battlemaps
and character sheets.


Before Connecting to a GM’s FG
A Player connects their FG Client to the GM’s FG Server
when they want to play a game. The software is the same
except for a couple key differences about the GM’s FG:
GM is licensed to host Players (a different license from
Fantasy Grounds) GM is hosting a digital copy of all the
Player’s source material: Dungeon Masters Guide - Players
Player’s Handbook Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide -
Player’s Guide etc.
GM is hosting all the battlemaps GM is hosting the ruleset
information Because the GM is hosting all of this data,
pulling a cached copy of it to the Player’s FG Client can take
time, especially when there are multiple players connecting
to the GM’s FG server. Normally transferring or pulling this
cached data happens when: a player connects to a GM for
the first time when a GM creates a new campaign and the
player’s are connecting to this new campaign for the first
There have been cases that a player is able to quickly
connect to a GM’s FG server, but then viewing their
character sheet, or seeing a battlemap, takes forever! Why?
Because when you connect to a GM's FG server, your Player
FG client needs to cache all the information mentioned
above. Now imagine the above information is just 100MB
(about the size of 35 music files), which is not a large
amount. If the GM has a slow internet upload speed, and
there are multiple Player FG Clients that are requesting this
data, then it can take a LONG time before all Players have
the information and are able to see all the content that the
GM wants to publish (e.g. a battlemap of the sewers of
Waterdeep). This is regardless of the Player’s download
speed because it is the GM’s upload speed that matters.
Therefore it might take 1 hour before the download is
complete and you are able to play.
So when first loading into a server please wait a bit before
attempting to load modules.


Join a Game
If your GM requires you connect via
Hamachi VPN first, as per the table in
Server and Password, follow the next
instructions otherwise skip to
Connecting to the FG Server.

Hamachi VPN
Some GM's might require the use of Hamachi software,
indicated by the server info below their name. This is
normally because an ISP prevents things like port
forwarding which is something FG requires to enable
Players to connect with a GM’s FG server.
You will need to download and install Hamachi VPN
( After installing you must connect using
the Hamachi address indicated beside the GM’s name.
1. Click “offline”

3. The server should have a green light if you are

4. To change networks select Network -> Join an
Existing Network…
4.1 Enter the Network ID and Password

2. Select “Join an Existing Network” Enter the network

id and password (e.g. Network ID: 374-439-615, Pwd:


Connecting to the FG Server
To join a FG game you must connect with a GM. You are the
player and as the player your FG installation is called a “FG
The GM is the host and their FG installation is called a
“FG server” To join you, as a player, will connect your FG
client to a GM’s FG server. Start you FG client and it’ll open
to the Game Launcher window as shown in the screenshot

Now your character is loaded, double click and you can use
the character sheet .. you are ready to go … RP away senor!

As indicated by the red box with the number “1” in it,

select “Join Game” As indicated by the red box with the
number “2” in it, enter your “Discord Name” As indicated by
the red box with the number “3” in it, enter the GM’s alias as
indicated in table above (6.1)
After the connecting process is complete the Character
Selection dialogue/popup will be automatically open,
awaiting PC selection. At this point you need to IMPORT
your character as discussed in the export / import

If you’ve successfully imported your character then it will

show up in the “Import Local Character” dialogue selection
window, select it


Between game sessions, Players must make sure that their
Obsidian Portal FG character sheet matches the information contained in
this spreadsheet as this is what the GM’s will reference
Obsidian portal is used as a place for Players to share stories regarding the character’s basic data.
about their adventures. Stables
Joining our Campaign on OP Work on the stables has been finished. Currently got 10
Post your OP username in #character-creation and a pens for large beasts available. Bring me any such beast
Moderator will add you to list of approved users. you will find.
Horses, Beasts and Animal Husbandry Beasts including
Adventure Log horses can be bought and sold through the stables Prices
This is where players should be logging their adventures. are listed on the roster Creatures can be kept in the stables
This is quite important as it gains you XP and is what the (see roster) for a weekly fee.
other player’s look at to know what is happening with the Wild creatures can be domesticated by the stable manager
settling of this new land. It is also one of the places where for a fee.
potential missions can be created from. Eggs can be hatched by the stable manager for a fee.
Adventure logs There are no guarantees with purchased animals.
There are no guarantee that hatchlings will survive.
Writing a Log/Recording Session Creatures may come with saddles, carts etc.
Discoveries Census
As said before you get XP for updating the map on Shows current player population
Realtimeboard, but everyone will get XP if they write some
kind of log on the session’s adventure.
What you write doesn't have to be a novel, just a few notes Magic Items
about something fun or interesting, a joke, a poem, a pisstake List of magic items (Currently not supported by bot)
- whatever. It can also be a drawing.
You’ll get XP for recording the information and sharing it Mundane Items
with your fellow adventures as this is how mission proposals
are created! You can post these logs in here. Shows current stock of mundane items in WMC.
Hunting logs Scrolls
These are short bits of information and hints other players Shows current stock of scrolls in WMC.
post to aid in adventures.
Hunting logs Potions
Shows current stock of potions in WMC.
Media Library
Various document that might help you Exploration Goods
When a player finds some interesting items that they wanna
Wiki sell, this is where the GMs can put that information and the
Most of the stuff in/not in the cookbook value it was sold for. A reference of prices for items found in
the wild.
Here you can find a few details about the NPCs that inhabit
the town of White Moon Cove; that run the various When a character dies they are moved from the “Roster
businesses that the characters interface with via the Sheet” to this sheet.
automated bots of Discord.
The Roster Ability scores are also saved on the roster. When posting
your stats to be added to roster make sure you include your
Link to the The Roster racial increases.
Ability scores increases (ASI) achieved at level four
Roster Sheet and such will not be reflected on roster but must be
This sheet contains the following character information: annotated on character sheet. The only exception to this
Discord Name,Character Name, Race, Class, Background, rule is an increase in Charisma as this affects the bot.
XP,Gold. Ask a mod for help with this.
Items found out in the wilds, or items purchased from
the store are seen here. (see $buyitem, $consume, etc.


Linking a Comment
The Map If a comment interests you and sparks an idea for a mission that you’d like to propose in the #mission-proposals channel,
then copy a link to the comment:
Login as “”
Password is available from the Moderators
This is the map displays locations that have been visited
and notes about encounters.
White Moon Cove (WMC)
No missions occurs here but there are still are stores and
other activities to be tracked here.

And include that link with your mission statement, as this

will help the various GM’s a lot in planning out and creating
that mission.
Real Time Board Format for Comments

GM: DM Name
This is my description of what we saw and done
The map is an important and integral part of Sleeper
Island and WM style D&D. This is the map in the tavern
table that the adventures have started to carve as they
explore their world. In the above screenshot you see a
number of coloured comments that exist within individual
hexes on the map.
These comments are from fellow adventurers that have
been exploring the world and discovering interesting things.
A comment could be what sparks an interesting mission that
leads to a dungeon delve, or setting up a new trade route to
settle deeper into this island, or perhaps it's a lair filled with
Slivens (what the heck are those?!?).
We have three diffrent colors with three diffrent meanings.
-indicates missions that have been completed.
-indicates missions that are in progress.
-indicates missions that have currently been bypassed
(perhaps to be done at another time)


This is used by the GM’s to schedule missions and is
where Players need to look and sign-up for upcoming
All mission times will be in UTC! To see the missions in
your local TZ follow the instruction in the Reddit2Gcal
Register for a Game
Go to the URL mentioned above and find a game that
suits your Date and Time (pay attention to the UTC
In the following screenshot you can see that I’ve selected
a mission that looks good for me
That’s it, you have registered for the game! Now it’s up to
the GM to select the players for the session and you
monitor this to see a “IN” reply. That is your signal that
you have been accepted for the mission … DON'T BE

Now I need to register for the game and I do this by

starting the reply with the following syntax, as shown in
the screenshot below:
Discord Name/Character Name/Class & Level

Creating a Character Classes and Subclasses
Your character may pick their class and
Overview subclasses/archetypes/oath/school/whatever from all
There are no exceptions to these - let’s start with a level officially published WotC sources
playing field. The Player’s Handbook
Characters will now be created at Level 2, but will start The Dungeon Master Guide
with zero xp. So you will still need to gain all the The Sword Coast Adventures Guide
experience from 1-3 to level again. You gain all of the Elemental Evil
abilities of a level 2 character - you can create them on Xanathar's Guide to Everything
FG as a level 2. If you currently have a Level 1 - you can Approved homebrew (Pugiist)
go ahead and upgrade. Unearthed Arcana
Keep in mind mechanics/rules and abilities WILL NOT be
bent for players i.e. “Can my PC dual wield Greatsword, but Extra PC Creation Considerations
it would be purely RP?” Answer is no. The Fabricate spell is banned.
In the case of the Forge Cleric’s Fabricate domain spell, it
Retiring a Character. has been replaced with the following: Adamantine Mace
You must be level seven before you can retire a character. (Book of Lost Spells)
1. It will be considered a domain spell
No Evil Characters!!
Enough said! 2. Any abuse of this will result in the player losing the ability
All UA classes and subclasses are available for use
4d6 drop the lowest and assign in order with the exception of those listed below.
Keep rolling until you get 2 stats at 15 or better. Or take -Modern subclasses like the ghost in the machine
the heroic array, 16, 15, 13, 12, 10, 8. Assign as desired. warlock are not allowed.
All rolls must be done in Discord with a GM present. -Mystic, Loremaster, Oathbreaker, Treachery and
For the particularly adventurous, the cripple array is Theurgy wizard are NOT allowed.
available. 10, 10, 9, 8, 7, 5. (Cripple always starts at level 1) You must always play the most recent version of a UA
There are no practice rolls. Anything can be made with class
heroic array, especially in a campaign that will progress to If a revision is published, you must update your character
level 20. With stats hard capped at 20 using heroic array to the newest version (e.g. new ranger supersedes previous
won’t make much difference at all at later levels. ranger variants)
Additionally, you may not multiclass UA classes or
Backgrounds subclasses at all
You can pick a background from any published source. No If the subclass is published in an official release then it is
mixing and matching, apart from - no longer considered UA and you may multiclass freely
Your character should have:
2x Personality Traits Starting GP and Equipment
1x Ideal At level 1 as per class and background. I’ve seen confusion
1x Bond around this rule before, so I’ll explain a little.
1x Flaw We are not using the optional rule that assigns cash for
You can pick your character’s background from any of the each class, so if you have all your class and background gear
officially published WotC sources: and have more than 25gp left (most people should have 5-
15gp) you’ve done something wrong.
Races Buy all your normal items before we start the
You can pick your character’s race from any of the following adventure because they’ll be much more expensive on
sources. Sleeper Island.
Volo's guide to monsters (Ask a mod for help with this)
Tortle/Gith/Sea Elves Starting Equipment recieved via background and class
Player's handbook is included on your PC, but will not be tracked on the
Elemental Evil roster. Once you arrive on the island the roster will begin
Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide to track the items you receive and or buy. Any items
Dungeon's Masters Guide purchased with your starting gold will not included on
Approved homebrew races (Kor, Khenra, Merfolk) the roster.
You cannot however pick a race that has access to
flying at level 1.


During Character Creation Can I Setting Up
Sell Gear? As stated earlier if something can be set up and you
No! Before arriving to Sleeper Island, while still in Faerun haven’t done it, then you can’t use it!
you may still purchase gear at full price with your We’re not going to all stop while you get me to manually
starting gold, but you will NOT be able to sell starter gear apply different effects to each creature - let’s keep combat
at any time. moving. You can create your character on a DMs/Mods
server or locally and import it.
Spells and Feats If you need help ask for it in our Fantasy grounds help
channel or new player questions but please be make sure
Your character may pick the following spells and feats from you are setup before game time.
officially published WotC sources which includes: This means the following:
The Player’s Handbook Portrait
Elemental Evil Small bio written on your character sheet
Sword Coast Adventures Guide Gear bought and equipped
Xanathar’s Guide to Everything Spells set up - if it’s not set up, you can’t use it. That’s a
hard and fast rule in this game.
Languages and Tools Weapons, attacks, class abilities set up
Often ignored. Set these up on creation or you’ll lose At a minimum 2x Personality Traits, 1x Ideal, 1x Bond, 1x
them. Flaw entered into your FG character sheet’s Notes Tab
I’ll be checking all characters on their first sessions and Message a Mod on Discord if you need a server up
any sign of “Tool: One musical instrument of your choice” or
“Choice” or “Tool: One type of artisan’s tools” on the Abilities
Tab will be deleted and you’ll just lose that option.
Might seem harsh, but I really expect everyone to have
their characters set up properly to start.
Character Bio
You don’t need to write a novel, a paragraph or a few bullet
points is sufficient. That said I read all the bios and some of
them are well worth the time.
You can choose an appropriate trinket from the PHB list, the
CoS list, or find one online. Trinkets will be used for hooks,
RP and other things so this is up to you. Trinkets are not
magical items.
Tools should be set up as a skill on the Skills Tab. Just use
common sense about which ability core to assign to it.
Sessions will be a differing blend of RP, Combat and
Puzzle depending on a variety of factors. All skills have their
use try and do you best to fit your skills with the way you
want to play your character.
Character Traits
Randomly roll or select 2 traits, 1 ideal, 1 bond, and 1 flaw.
You can choose these from any background list - pick
something that fits with how you want to play the character.
Find something memorable for your portrait before the first
session. There are so many players, this will be how you get
remembered by some people!
Your portrait should be at maximum 100x100 pixels.


Configuring Effects,
Damage and Actions
To squeeze as much game time out of sessions we ask that
ALL of your PCs effects are set up! This webpage gives you
an idea of basic effects used in FG:
Fantasygrounds Wiki
The FG Forums has a ton of resources. One such
resource is the complete effects packages. These will
come loaded with the effects for a class all the way
up to level 20.
Fantasygrounds Forums
Then hit the search button and type in “Effects the
complete package. Once you find the xml file for your class,
then use the guide below to import it into your FG, after
which you can drag and drop the effects relevant
to your level onto your character sheet’s Action Tab.
We also have some first level templates made
that are pinned in our Fantasy Grounds help
You can also request the sample actions
character from a GM before a session, as it
will have some pre-configured Regular Actions.
You can drag/drop these effects to your character
sheet, just load the linked xml to your FG Manage
Characters 5E area, start dragging and dropping!


Exporting and Importing
Following the procedure below is CRITICAL and is part of
the Player’s responsibility for maintaining their character
sheet. This coincides with what is being maintained in the
spreadsheet roster file mentioned above, with the distinction
that the Roster only contains the information stated at the
above link.
Exporting and Importing is what ensures that your
character sheet is the same for GM-A as it is for GM-B, and
please remember the GM’s will not save copies of your
character sheet!
The act of exporting is what ensures that you are saving all
the goodies that you collected while playing on GM-A’s FG
server. 1. Click “Manage Characters”
Importing is what ensures that your character sheet is ready
to be loaded into GM-B’s FG server. 2. From the “Campaigns” list select the name for the GM’s
If you DO NOT export and import after finishing your server that you were just connected with, where the name
session, then expect that you will have to rebuild your you select will coincide with the folders mentioned in the
character sheet each time you join a game with a new table shown in above.
GM. This is time consuming and will distract your from
the Role Playing … as well if your character sheet is not 3. Press “Start”.
setup as required, then don’t expect all your nifty and 4. On the right-sidebar left-click the “PC” character selector.
cool traits and abilities to work. Because they won’t!
5. This opens the “Character Selector” dialogue window,
Exporting your character when this is open click the button this allows the
exporting of characters.
CHARACTER!!!!!! 6. Select the blue icon with the white arrow point down to
export this character … clicking this opens the save
dialogue window.
Exit the game. 7. Create a filename for your character and save it in a
location that you will remember, as you will need to shortly
import this xml file.
8. Once saved, exit and Return to the Launcher window
again… as it’s time to IMPORT.

Return to launcher


Importing your character
It is CRITICAL to import your character. Critical because
this ensures that you are using the same character sheet
between different GM’s FG servers. If you don’t import
AFTER exporting then there’s a good chance that you’ll not
have that neat Vorpal Sword your just found in your last
session. Therefore IMPORT as soon as your finish your
1. On the home screen of Fantasy Grounds select “Manage
2. Make sure for the “Rulesets” menu the “5E” is selected.
3. Once all that is done click “Start”.
4. Once it has loaded and you are in go on the right sidebar
left-click the button called “PC”.
5. Once that is clicked it will bring up another menu. On the
bottom the is a brown slash also called the "Edit" click the
“Edit” button to allow Importing.
6. To the immediate right of the “Edit” button is the blue
“Import” button with the white arrow pointing up, left-
click this and a “Open” dialogue window pops up.
7. From the “Open” popup window find the location where
you saved your character mentioned a few steps above,
select that file and press the “Open” button.
8. Within the Character Selector dialogue window you
should now see your imported character, left-clicking it
will open your character sheet and you can now edit it,
play with it as you like.


You can:
XP and Upgrading Train a Feat. This will cost you all of your xp from level 6
to 7. So when you finally hit that magic number for level 7, if
How to Gain Levels Quickly on you want a feat your xp will reset to the start of level 6. This
Sleeper Island will also cost you 5,000 gp. If you do not have enough gold at
It’s not all about killing monsters, there are other ways to get that point you will have to delay the feat another level, so your
XP. There will be other ways to gain XP, just keep being next chance is when you level from 7 to 8. At that point you’d
explorers. reset to the start of 7, and pay 5,000 gp.
Maximum experience award for any adventure will be Feat training may also require an arena session. If you fail
one level. the session you’ll be able to try again in 1 RL week. The
Here are some other things we’ll be awarding XP for: session will be a 1 on 1 with a DM, with spectators
Discovering New Areas An extra feat is a very big deal, this should be something
you work for, and something that has a cost to it. Feats cost
If your mission is to find out what happened to the sheep, xp+gp.
and you also see a ruin on the way there, or on the way back, Train 2 Skills, or Tools, Languages, or a Combination.
you’ll get XP for scouting it and marking it on the map. If You can spend your down time training skills/tools. At level
none of your group follow through with the map, then no XP. 7 you can acquire these skills by paying 5,000 gp to the
If you finish your quest early then why not just scout some trainers. Skills cost gp.
surrounding hexes - you are explorers after all. Work in Paid Employment. You can spend your downtime
working, at level 7 you will be paid 5,000 gp for your service
Doing Faction Quests to the town.
Helping your faction prosper in the new world will give you Gold
Gold is found during a campaign. It will be distributed by the
Sending Information Back to GM after the game. The amount of gold you have will be
Candlekeep listed on the roster. You can only buy items from the shop if
you have enough gold. Stay on top of your PC.
It could be a book, a tablet, just a copy of a headstone, or a The roster is what is considered up-to-date so if you
drawing of an interesting ruin, anything that Candlekeep don't have the gold on the roster it doesn't exist.
might find valuable. Send it back and you get XP.
Buying and Selling Stuff
Discovering Great Treasure You can buy items at the local shop in town using our
Old school rule. This is a hex crawl, you get XP for finding marketplace channel. Syntax:
great treasure. $buyitem/character name/item
Character name and item are case sensitive, check the
Seeing Amazing Sights Roster for the case and get it right!
If you see something truly amazing for the first time you’ll get
a bit of XP, so try to think outside the box. Selling Gear
You can sell to a shop in town for 50% the book price, or
Writing a Log/Recording Session attempt to haggle and barter to get a better price than 50%
Discoveries (although you do risk getting worse). While in session and
looking to sell loot, ask your GM about attempting to haggle.
As said before you get XP for updating the map on Syntax:
Realtimeboard, but everyone will get XP if they write some $sellitem/character name/item
kind of log on the session’s adventure. Character name and item are case sensitive, check the
What you write doesn't have to be a novel, just a few notes Roster for the case and get it right!
about something fun or interesting, a joke, a poem, a pisstake
- whatever. It can also be a drawing. Selling Magic items
You’ll get XP for recording the information and sharing it
with your fellow adventures as this is how mission proposals You can sell to another player for 75% the book price, you
are created! You can post these logs in here. can buy items from the shops in town for 100% of the book
price. If you sell to a shop in town the item will remain in
Downtime Training stock for a period of time. On a random day and time each
week the shops will be reset.
Feats, Skills, Tools, Paid Employment All transactions must be done in the #marketplace,
At level 7 and level 13 your character has the chance to gain although you might be able to do some transactions if you
something extra, beyond what the PHB would normally give meet a wandering merchant somewhere out there in the
you. wilds.


Trading Magic Items The Crafting Gimps are Fantasy Ground player characters
xml files that contain each possible item you can craft up
Trading Magic items with other players is permitted as long setup as an effect with item description.
both items are of equal value and the trade is posted on the Please note the gimps are made by a player in Sleeper
marketplace channel. If you are looking for a particular item Island and are currently a Work In Progress.
or have things to sell post them in the marketplace channel Updates and changes to the gimp can be found in the
on Discord. #Crafting text channel. Otherwise there are earlier versions
here on google drive.
Crafting Sleeper Island Specifics
In Sleeper Island we use a custom crafting system called CONCERNS, TINKERING HAS BEEN BANNED FROM
“Recipe Crafting for Consumables”, this system allows THE CRAFTING SYSTEM
players to make use of tool proficiencies for Alchemy, Due to Tinkering being banned, we want to make sure that
Brewery, Calligraphy, Herbalism, Poisoner and Tinkering. we provide alternatives. Because of this when any class,
Details on the system can be found in #crafting background or anything you acquire that specifically gives
your prof. in Tinkering tools, you are allowed to pick another
Xanathar's Tool Proficiency Rules Artisan tool instead. This is a one time change, anyone
Do we use them? caught changing prof in tools more the once or attempting to
Yes, the Tool Proficiency Rules given by Xanathar's Guide abuse this will be dealt with
are used by SI. The Crafting Tools listed in the crafting
document REPLACE the ones found in XGTE. However, Crafting FAQ
things crafted utilizing these rules cannot be sold for profit.
Can I craft between sessions? No. However, you may use General
your 1 crafting action for a session to craft something that So can we craft in each session?
takes a short or long rest. For example if you are proficient in Depends on the DM discretion, even if you inform a DM
Woodcarver's Tools you can make 20 arrows at the beginning beforehand he may still choose to not do crafting in his
of the session. session.
How often can we craft in a session?
What you need to craft: You have 1 crafting action in a session, that can be crafting
a known recipe, experimenting or helping another player.
A tool proficiency with one of the 6 tools Do we use the Variant rule?
The tool kit in your inventory YES, the rules for crits and fumbles are in effect
The required gold amount Should I have the gold on me?
Free Spellslot for Alchemy Major YES, telling the DM you can’t craft at the end of your
session because you did not loot any gold is not ok. Make
Getting Proficiency in a Tool sure you have the gold when you ask for a crafting session
Option 1: It will cost you 10 weeks of intensive studying and Crafting in Town vs Outside
25gp per week. Crafting in White Moon will allow you to do a normal
The time it takes you will be increased or decreased by crafting roll, the wilderness is considered as a poor
your Intelligence Modifier. This time must be spent in environment so crafting checks need to be done at
town focusing on your studies, if you continue to go out disadvantage. It is up to the DM whether crafting in a tavern,
on missions, the time it takes to learn will be doubled. sheltered cave, NPC settlement/Camp is considered a poor
Option 2: Take a tool proficiency at level 7 at a cost of environment or not
5000gp Can we do downtime crafting?
NO, the given rules for downtime crafting do not fit the
balance of this game. An alternate system is currently in the
How to craft in Sleeper Island: works
Currently crafting is done in a game session, so if you want to Do I have more crafting slots if I can use more than 1
craft please inform the DM as soon as possible of your tool?
intention. If s/he accepts, they will inform you of when the NO, your crafting slots are only tied to your Prof Mod and
crafting will take place (before the session, during the therefore you have to share those slots between all your
session or after the session) crafting
If a DM accepts you are expected to have and do the If I help someone craft, can I craft as well?
following Read the Official document before hand NO, helping someone is your crafting action
Have the needed Gold/Spellslot/Kit/Proficiency ready
Have ‘Crafting Skill’ setup (go into skills, add a custom
skill, call it crafting, thick the star, set no ability modifiers)
Have your 3 starting blueprints chosen and noted in your
character sheet Have an Empty Crafting Slot
Crafting Gimps
Can I give someone something I made?
YES, during a session you are allowed to give your crafted
items to other players, however do note your crafting slot is
still considered used until the item is used or destroyed by
you or another player
If a player is helping me craft can he use his spellslot
instead of mine?
NO, the spellslot must always be used by the player
attempting to craft
Do the starting Alchemy Recipes include the Major
recipes as well?
NO, your starting 3 are the Minor variants
Can I choose to refine a poison after I rolled a d100 on
the experimentation table?
NO, you have to commit to either rolling for a random
recipe or refining
If I crit on the experiment check, can I refine 2
NO, but you can choose to refine 1 poison and learn a new

Sleeper Island - D&D 5E Rules - Variant and
Rules Homebrew
Loot Rules: Inspiration (Spite’s Variant)
The following are a set of loot rules that can be used in a Each Player has 1 inspiration point to give out each session.
session. These rules cover things like how loot will be divided This is your way to reward a fellow player for a great roll, fun
if some members of the party run away from a fight and kick-ass RP, for a good laugh, for something massively stupid,
come back when the boss is dead. These rules should be etc. It let’s your fellow players know that you got a kick out of
agreed upon at the start of a session so there will be no something they did. Caveat: Justify your reasons. Don’t just
arguing over who gets what. Once the session is over, the give it out at the end of the session for the sake of it.
owner of the loot is the owner, if it is sold at a later date, there
is no splitting of the gold after the fact. Flanking
Need We'll be using the flanking optional rules, but the bonus to hit
But you MUST be using it on threat of campaign boot will only be +2.
Sold immediately at 50% - cash split Encumbrance Variant
Player buyout for greed
Pay 75% of cost into the party loot immediately to be split (PHB p176)
with the other members
Donate to Town Dying and Exhaustion
Large equipment, ex; Vehicles, Ships, Building Materials - We don’t like how meta things get in 5e when someone drops
Can be donated to the town to aid in improvements to dying. “No rush, we have three rounds to save him.”. We
don’t believe in real life that you wouldn’t rush to your
Running Away Rule friend’s aid if he was dying.
Option 1: For every Failed death save your character rolls you
If you choose to run from a fight you give up all loot gained will gain one level of exhaustion. It is important to note
after you have left. You still get a share of loot gained before that levels of exhaustion are not applied until you are
you have left. brought back from the brink of death.
Option 2: Death saves will be in the tower and shared only with the
You are entitled to an even share of all loot gained even if dying player who will be required to keep the secret (he's
you choose to run away. unconscious after all).
Option 3: Any OOC comments on your current state will result in a
Running away forfeits all loot gained, even loot you helped failed death save. If a character move to within 5' of the dying
earn by finding or killing mobs. player and performs a successful DC10 medicine check
they will be able to determine the status of the character.
Dividing Gold And Magic Items
Instant Death
Option 1:
If the reward for a quest involves both a large gold reward (PHB pg 198) Massive damage can kill you instantly. When
and a rare/magic items, players who receive a magic item damage reduces you to 0 hit points and there is damage
forfeit an equivalent amount of gold equal to the average gold remaining, you die if the remaining damage equals or
value of the magic item. exceeds your hit point maximum.
If you get a 100 gold dagger and your share of the gold For example, Grover, who has a maximum of 9 hit points,
would be 80 gold, you get nothing. If you get a 100 gold currently has 7 hit points. If he takes at least 16 damage
dagger and your share would be 120 gold, you get 20 gold. from a single attack, he is reduced to 0 hit points, but 9
Option 2: damage remains. Because the remaining damage equals (or
If the reward for a quest involves both a large gold reward exceeds) his hit point maximum then Grover dies instantly!
and a rare/magic items, you still receive an equal share of the
gold even if you win a magic item. Coup de Grace/Execution
Option 3: If it suits their purposes some creatures might try to finish
If the reward for a quest involved both a large gold reward you off when you drop to dying in front of them. Animals
and rare/magic items, players who receive a magic item probably won’t unless they are trying to eat you. Chaotic and
forfeit all gold received, even if the gold would exceed the Neutral Evil creatures may do it at any time. Being hit while
value of the magic item. dying will result in one failed death save, being crit will result
Option 4: in two. You shouldn’t leave downed party members around
Players vote on who gets what items. Highest votes wins the battlefield when fighting evil creatures, or you should at
the item. least provide an immediate distraction.
Option 5:
The player with the least magic items gets the item.


Death Saves Upon dying without the chance to res and having to reroll
the reroll will now be at 1/2 your previous level, but to a
Death Save results will be rolled in the dice tower! The maximum amount of 5 levels lost (rounded up). So if you die
results only known to the player and the GM, UNTIL at 6 you'll reroll at 3. If you die at 10 you'll reroll at 5. But if
someone within 5' does a medicine check (success or failure) you die at 15 you'll reroll at 10 etc. Those high levels are very
on the fallen character. Any indication of status of the hard to gain back and this should help avoid players losing
results from the player of the dying character will result interest from losing so many levels.
in an additional failed death save. Unless your character dies at level 1, it is not permitted
"Oh shit, someone help me", "It'd be really good if someone to make another character the same as the one who just
helped me now", "Go after the Yuan-ti, I made my save" = +1 died.
failed save. We really don't like seeing a character running
out of a room to chase a fleeing, almost dead enemy when an Polearms
ally is bleeding out on the floor 10' away. It's bollocks! Save Using polearms in cramped spaces should be difficult, just
your friends first. like using a ranged weapon in melee is penalised. In certain
So You Have Died situations polearms will incur disadv - generally in cramped
places (tight corridors/caves etc). It won’t come up a lot, but
Katashaka is a harsh and unforgiving place. Although the it can happen.
components needed for resurrection are available in town
there is a curse on the land that makes these spells Crits and Fumbles
dangerous and unpredictable.
We will be using the Community Crit/Fumble table.
Resurrection Rules
Death 1: All res spells including revivify cost 3 times the Saving Throws
normal amount because of the scarcity of components on the Where possible we will allow you to roll your own saves, in
frontier. situations like AoE we will use the interface to do it for
Death 2: All res spells including revivify cost 3 times the purposes of speed of combat.
normal amount because of the scarcity of components on the
frontier. When you are raised a second time, you come back Rolling in the Open or the Tower
with one Dark Gift. You'll have to die to get more details of
these. Roll in the Open
Death 3: You're dead mate. Time to reroll. There is no If you can actually see the result of an action - roll in the
communism allowed. You're not all family, you have really open. Acrobatics, Athletics, Performance -
only just met. Those kind of things you can see the result. These tend to
Giving cash or items to other players is prohibited. If a be rolls based on Strength or Dexterity.
player needs a raise dead (or reincarnation,greater Roll in the Tower
restoration, remove curse etc) after a session, the other If you can’t see the result Deception, Investigation etc -
players on that session can lend them gold to pay for it. You don’t really know the result These tend to be rolls based
However, this money MUST come from the proceeds of on Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. I’m sure you get the
that mission, not from any other money they might have. idea.
A player may also help another player pay for a res (any If you roll in the open and it should be a closed roll it
kind) if they have adventured with that player previously. will be void no matter the result.
In this situation the resed player must pay their
benefactor back the cost + (at least) 20% in a determined Monster Class Levels
time. This time frame must not be longer than 1 month. No contact has been made with Katashaka in 30000 years.
If you don't have enough cash on you for the type of Things are different, creatures have changed. Don't expect
resurrection needed, or you haven't left a will on the #danger- the same goblins you saw at home. GMs are encouraged to
will-Robinson channel you're staying dead!! If a resurrection give monsters class levels and feats. Fear the sharpshooter
is impossible for any reason, you are encouraged to: reroll at kobold rogue with a musket.
50% of your previous level (rounded up) No items may pass
down to the new character Summoned Creatures
As soon as you roll stats for a new character, the old one is
permanently dead! If you are keen on a gamble you can try Are awful for GMs and other players. It might feel cool when
our reincarnation table for a truly random character. If you you summon 32 rabbits but its just so many less turns for
take this option you can reroll at half your previous level +1. every other player. Details on the campaign's summoning
Be aware that although reincarnated this character is new rules can be found here.
and cannot benefit from the items the previous character
had acquired. This is a different mechanism from standard Familiars
reincarnation. Automate these as much as possible, make sure you act
quickly on their turns inside combat. We follow Sage Advice
for Familiar Help action and movement.


Flying Now the flip side of the skill checks rule is the official word:
Sometimes two or more characters team up to attempt a
In a normal campaign style game, the majority of the time task. The character who’s leading the effort—or the one with
isn't spent in the wild, whereas in a WM game it is. In said the highest ability modifier—can make an ability check with
normal campaign style game, the unbalancing effects of advantage, reflecting the help provided by the other
flying aren't as magnified as they are in a game where loads characters. In combat, this requires the Help action (see
of the encounters happen in areas where being able to fly 65' chapter 9). A character can only provide help if the task is
above the encounter and rain arrows down on the one that he or she could attempt alone.
combatants is a huge advantage. For example, trying to open a lock requires proficiency
"So why not just give mobs ranged attacks?" with thieves’ tools, so a character who lacks that proficiency
Because you don’t modify mobs to suit encounters in WM can’t help another character in that task. Moreover, a
You can do that in a normal game, but not in this style of character can help only when two or more individuals
environment "So why is it ok at Level 15?" By that level the working together would actually be productive. Some tasks,
mobs you are rolling generally have more than one attack such as threading a needle, are no easier with help.
form Those mobs have melee but they generally all have
spell/range too, so the balance is built in to the game GM Rolls
Besides having a “peak mount”, a legendary pegasus at We will have all rolls visible. There’ll be no fudging.
level 5? What is there to aim for after that? It kills the
aspirational game. Flying was ruled out because if causes too
many issues with encounters, and because we are outside a Resting
lot more. Just for clarity as there is a lot of variance in these rules, in
Yes Wizards have Fly at 5, but it is limited and costs this game :
resources to use. Yes Artificers can create a steed a level 6, Short Rest = 30 mins
and some classes get wings as a class feature, but there’s a Long Rest = 8 hours
reason this happens from 12-17 and not at level 5.
The Artificer mounts are OK because we have agreed to The Official Elves Trance Rule:
not make random exceptions for players. If we accept a class,
we accept a class. Giving special top end mounts to certain Does the Trance trait allow an elf to
players is making an exception, which is the opposite of why finish a long rest in 4 hours?
we allow Artificers to do their thing.. No!
The intent is no. The Trance trait does let an elf meditate
Hidden Initiative/Dynamic for 4 hours and then feel the way a human does after
Initiative sleeping for 8 hours, but that isn’t intended to shorten an
elf’s long rest. A long rest is a period of relaxation that is at
We enjoy the hidden initiative rule for enemies. You’ll be able least 8 hours long. It can contain sleep, reading, talking,
to see when your friends will act, but not when the mobs will. eating, and other restful activity. Standing watch is even
Initiative is also rerolled at the top of every round. We have possible during it, but for no more than 2 hours; maintaining
really enjoyed this as it makes combat feel much more heightened vigilance any longer than that isn’t restful.
dynamic. In short, a long rest and sleep aren’t the same thing; you
can sleep when you’re not taking a long rest, and you can take
Skill Checks a long rest and not sleep. Here’s what this all means for an
I’m not a fan of farming skill checks - in particular things like elf. An elf can spend 4 hours in a trance during a long rest
Perception, Investigation, knowledge skills etc. Since these and then has 4 additional hours of light activity. While an
are all rolled in the tower a poor result will mean a negative elf’s companions are snoozing, the elf can be awake and
effect This doesn’t mean getting 14 on a 15 DC check will engaged in a variety of activities, including carving a lovely
result in death, but if trinket, composing a sonnet, reading a tome of ancient lore,
Your pure dice roll is a 1, or your modified roll is attempting to remember something experienced centuries
significantly below the success threshold then things will not before, and keeping an eye out for danger.
go well. If all seven of you search the room for traps and the The Trance trait is, ultimately, meant to highlight the
bumbling Barbarian rolls a modified 5 he’s going to set the otherworldly character of elves, not to give them an edge
trap off. Checks like those should be left to the experts in a in the game
lot of situations. Yes there are situations where everyone
rolling a check can’t cause any harm but imagine how bad Combat timer
things could go if 4/7 players fail a medicine check on a fallen Our DMs use a combat timer during gameplay to speed up
comrade… combat, Players will have 90 seconds to complete their turn.
Players with mulitiple summons WILL NOT have extra
time to act. Use the time between turns to plan your turn.

Working Together
Cheating What this means for you….
You can leave anything you would like in your room while
GMs will screenshot all characters at the end of a session you explore the wilds. Any items not marked to be left behind
and upload it to our database. If cheating is suspected then on your sheet will be considered on your person (this
screens will be compared. If you are found to be cheating includes gold).
you're a bit of a dick and we'll have words with you about it. If
you ignore this polite chat you'll be removed from the Wild Magic
campaign. Don't be a dick. Wild magic sorcerers may roll on the wild magic surge table
Lateness/Absence every time that a player recharges tides of chaos, otherwise
it's the usual surge on a 1. .
Turn up for a game on time and ready to go. By being late All wild magic effects must be set up on the character,
you’re putting out all the other players and the GM. By we use our wild magic table which can be found pinned
signing up and not showing you are potentially stopping in character creation
other people playing. Lateness without notice will be
penalized with XP removal. Continued lateness will result in Druid Wild Shapes
removal from the game. Lateness with notice is acceptable to
a point. If it is ongoing it’s probably best you left the game. We use the UA wildshape variant, found at:
Chatting During Sessions Goodberries
While in a session please do not IM with other Sleeper Island Goodberries purchased from the Marketplace are Special
members who are not in the session. You are only allowed to purchase one at a time.
Wizard Spellbooks They last the duration of your entire next adventure
They expire immediately after.
Copying Spells In all other ways they are effectively the same as the spell.
Spells in wizard spellbooks can be copied, as per the cost
and time expenditure in the PHB as well as the arcana check Bag of tricks
required for successful copying. However, any spell copied to Only one summons allowed at one time.
a new spellbook will disappear from the original one, even on
an unsuccessful arcana check.
In this case the spell is no longer in either book. If the Elven Accuracy
original book belongs to a player wizard, he also no longer This feat is banned.
knows the spell, and if he previously had it memorised he
doesn’t any more. Multisession Exhaustion
Backup/Replacement Spellbook Anyone playing within twelve hours of their last session will
A wizard can make a backup of their original spellbook that incur a level of exhaustion for their character. This is not
only they can read and which he can’t memorise or cast curable with a long rest but stays for the whole session. It is
rituals from. It costs the normal amount to scribe to, as per by player, not by character for those who have two PCs. In
PHB. This is only so that he can re-scribe a new book should this case, whichever character plays in the second session
the original be destroyed. If the original is lost rather than will incur the exhaustion. This is curable only by a real life
destroyed, it will cease to exist when the new one is made. A long rest – twelve hours of not playing in any sessions.
wizard found trying to sell their spellbook will miraculously
find that he can no longer cast any spell, ever. Sleeping in Armor
Sleeping in light armor has no adverse effect on the wearer,
Healing Spirit but sleeping in medium or heavy armor makes it difficult to
Healing spirit has a limit to its uses per cast equal to 2x the recover fully during a long rest. When you finish a long rest
users spellcasting modifier. during which you slept in medium or heavy armor, you regain
only one quarter of your spent Hit Dice (minimum of one die).
Invisibility If you have any levels of exhaustion, the rest doesn't reduce
your exhaustion level.
Casting the invisibility spell automatically gives you the
benefits of taking the hide action. Mount and Companion rules
Heavy armor and Dwarves See Mount and Companion Guide for rules.
For Dwarves, heavy armour does not count towards
Leaving Gear behind
Candlekeep has paid room and board for the explorers brave
enough to explore the island of Katashaka.
We have DMs in several time zones throughout the world but
use UTC as our standard time.
Reddit to Google Calender
The steps you need to take to get the reddit posts to show up
on your Google calendar. The important bit is because this is
shared on your calendar, that means you'll see game times in
your TZ! This ought to work on it he I phone’s ical as well,
although the steps might be slightly different.
Log into google

Go to the Click on google apps

(top right side).... This shared “sleeperisland2017” gcal will show all of the
Select Calendar… games that are posted on reddit, and they’ll show up as per
your local TZ!
NOTE: If you noticed and games posted in #mission-
board and it’s not in the shared gcal, then please let the
@DMs and @Mods are Pink know so that this can be
corrected. Mistakes happen.

In the box “Add a friends calendar”

Enter “” and hit

NOTE: DO NOT click the plus button

Now give the new calendar a nice colour to make it distinct
from your other calendars.

Setting up WorldTimeBuddy for
your TimeZone The Demon Lords of the Abyss (left to right)
Yeenoghu - Similar in appearance to the gnolls
Check out to help who worship him, Yeenoghu, who was also
convert UTC times to your own timezone. called the Lord of Savagery
Graz'zt - Also known as The Dark Prince, Graz'zt
is a guileful, cunning demon lord that appears as
a handsome, muscular humanoid with obsidian
skin, six small horns on his head, pointed ears,
and six fingers on each hand.
Orcus - The self-proclaimed Lord of the Undead,
First go to From Orcus has the legs and head of a ram, a long tail,
their make sure your local timezone is in place then add bat-like wings, and a humanoid body.
UTC ... Zuggtmoy - Known as The Lady of Rot and
Decay, She appeared almost alien and inhuman
as a skeletal-thin humanoid shape draped and
veiled in mycelium and lichen. She is almost a
soulless mockery of living creatures.
Baphomet - The Prince of Beasts looks similar to
a gigantic minotaur with coarse blac fur that
covers his body. He is widely worshiped among
minotaurs as well.
Next move the selector thing to the corresponding time Juiblex - The Faceless Lord, is a monstrous, multi-
the session in #mission-board has stated and there you'll colored ooze covered in red eyes.
know what time it is for you locally or simply add a bloody Fraz-Urb'luu - The self-styled Prince of Deception
UTC clock to your desktop ... no instructions on that, is a mysterious, winged demon lord.
you'll have to figure it out Demogorgon - The third Prince of Demons, he is
a monstrous demon with a humanoid, scaly
Now you should be set, and able to readily figure out body, two baboon-like heads, tentacles in place
of arms, clawed feet, and a tail.
what that UTC time means with respect to the place you

Steps to Better RP

ow to be a better Roleplayer:
6 signs your a murderhobo and how to fix


Art credits
Svetlana Vorobyeva
Mike Teeves
Sigil: City of Doors NWN2 PW Wiki
Earl Graey
Pathfinder and
Ben Wootten
Yama Orce
Wonder Waffles
Daniel Peri
Artwork Fantasy
David Diehl III
Black Ray Gun


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