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Transform these sentences from Active voice to Passive voice

1. Anita loves Felipito

2. She will write the letter
3. The guard made a fine to the postman
4. That old man will fix my clock
5. John reads the newspaper
6. Fire fighters turned off the fire
7. This boy has broken that so ugly vase
8. The teacher corrects the exams
9. Bonifacio bought a tractor
10. He always ignore Díaz

Transform each sentence from Passive voice to Active voice

1. The resignation of the Minister has been demanded by the opposition

2. The works had been ordered by the rector
3. The sweetest words were spoken by your mouth
4. The actress has been forgotten by the critic
5. This is tasty bread prepared by a farmer
6. The prizes will be awarded by an impartial jury
7. The concert is performed by the Philharmonic of Berlin
8. A young drunk was expelled from the cinema by the usher
9. Many plants are cultivated by the herbalist
10. The students are stimulated by a good teacher

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