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Dear Aspirants! Follow up the Colours @ RED coor means. ( For Indicating Difficult Vocabulary and Idioms etc) MOST IMPORTANT (Enea ene eles) @ PURPLE COLOUR MEANS....... TITLES ( Headings, sub heading ) Scanned with CamScanner ‘Time has come we learn lessons from Global Warming and Natural Disasters: EVEN though the novel coronavirus pandemic has put many burning issues on the back-burner, it still presents an opportunity to reflect on the direction the world had been moving towards in recent decades, and to course correct. Of course, the dream of a better world cannot come to fruition until we change our basic value systems. Since today marks World Environment Day, it is a good time to reflect on our attitudes towards the natural world, as we battle disaster on multiple fronts. While much of modern civilisation has been forced to pause, the effects of climate change — largely the consequence of decades of human recklessness — can still be felt. In Bangladesh, a cyclone has left thousands in need of humanitarian support. While cyclones and flooding are not out-of-the- ordinary occurrences in Bangladesh, they have intensified in recent years. But an even greater calamity may have unfolded had the government there not acted as quickly as it did to ensure 10,500 more shelters were available for those affected, along with overseeing a 70,000-strong volunteer force to mitigate the disaster. Additionally, sanitisers, masks, soap and water were made available to them, while social distancing methods were reportedly implemented. In a world that seems to be falling apart, with much of its leadership missing, in denial, or shifting blame, this is a shining example of the power of collective action and a government taking charge. Imagine if similar preventive measures were applied to the environment, keeping the long-term view in mind. Legally, Morally and Ethically we need to Curtail Pollution to the Eart Five years ago, the Paris Agreement was drafted with the goal of reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. Five years later, global greenhouse gas emissions are said to have gone down, but primarily because of circumstances few could have predicted, rather than through human will and the formulation and implementation of environment-friendly policies. To curtail the rapid spread of the coronavirus, governments around the world had to enforce lockdowns, disrupting economic activities and travel. However, these lockdowns deeply hurt the poorest sections of society, amid much suffering and death — so there is little cause to celebrate. Scientists and experts are also sceptical of how long these changes will last, given the trends in recent history. Climate Change is in constant Danger, Better we pay attention to remedies: ‘Then there is the fear that pethaps itis already too late: a recent study in Nature Climate Change says that, even if global greenhouse gas emissions were to be drastically reduced, the world’s oceans may still continue to heat up in the latter half of this century, further unsettling the already endangered marine biodiversity. But what feels like the end of times sometimes turns out to be a period of transition. Change is in motion: for the first time in more than 130 years, renewable energy sources have surpassed coal in the United States. Burning issue: pressing issue, subject which requires an immediate solution, Back-burner: postpone consideration of or action on: a planned test of the new ale has been back bumered ccourse-correct: Ths term refers to fixing a sitvation where there is a problem currently Example: We need to course-correct tis project. Fruition: pooticliterary the state or action of producing fut, the point realized Calamity: disaster, catastrophe Paris agreement: The Paris Agreements an agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Ciimate Change (UNFCCC), dealing with greenhouse-gas-emissions mitigation, adaptation, and finance, signed in 2016. Scanned with CamScanner Pandemic wiping out Politician, Legislative bodies and laymen irrespective of Considering any differenc AS Covid-19 cases swell across the country, the deaths of some legislators who contracted the coronavirus are a tragic example of how close to home the pandemic has hit for so many families. Among the latest Covid-19 fatalities are two legislators from Punjab and KP who passed away after testing positive. Before this, a Sindh minister died after testing positive. In May, a JUI-F MPA and former Balochistan governor as well as a PTI MPA in Punjab passed away after contracting the infection. The number of lawmakers testing positive is also growing, with confirmed cases of legislators in KP, Sindh and Punjab. The figures look more worrying by the day. More than 4,000 new cases and over 80 deaths were reported in a single day — numbers that show a consistent. ‘Wearing Mask is mandatory; SOPs given by Health Minister should be followed: ‘As strategy to curb this rapid spread relies solely on citizens following the SOPs. In many countries, including Pakistan, the SOPs include frequent handwashing, ‘maintaining a certain distance from others, avoiding touching the face and eyes, but most importantly, covering the face and nose. In fact, sharing the federal government's updated Covid-19 guidelines, Dr Zafar Mirza last week said that face masks are mandatory. Although it is unclear how the government plans to enforce this rule, scientific evidence shows that wearing masks can limit the spread of the virus. “It is prudent for the people to wear face masks with an intention to protect their fellow beings,” the guidelines say. Govt needs to reflect upon its failures, as fatalities graph is rising rapidly: Since the guidelines were announced, the prime minister was seen wearing a face mask in footage of a cabinet meeting released by his office last night. Raising eyebrows the day before, however, were official photographs of his visit to the IST headquarters this week, in which Mr Khan was the only participant seen not wearing any kind of face covering. The same has been said about many of his ministers. This careless messaging on the part of the leadership raises several questions: how can leaders preach safety to the public if they themselves follow the SOPs inconsistently? Why has the government gone so terribly wrong in its Covid-19 messaging? After the government's green signal for businesses to resume, ensuring universal compliance with the SOPs is perhaps the only barrier left to limit the spread of the virus to some extent. As cases and fatalities increase, the government must reflect on its own failures. The leadership must be more deliberate in its messaging. Swell: become or make greater in intensity, number, amount, or volume. Fatality: an occurrence of death by accident, in war, or from disease: shooting was heard and there were fatalities. Curb: a check or restraint on something: plans to introduce tougher curbs on insider dealing, Prudent: acting with or showing care and thought for the future. Scanned with CamScanner Online Classes became Curse for Devika; An Incident Reflecting Poor Students’ Plight: FOURTEEN-year-old Devika Balakrishnan’s lifeless body was found near her home in Kerala, India, on Monday: the first day of her school semester. According to the police, a suicide note had been left behind, with her last words: “I'm going” Her father, a daily wage earner, said she was disheartened afier she was unable to participate in an online class with her peers. Under pressure to perform well in a competitive society, student suicides are tragically not uncommon in India. To make matters worse, ever since a countrywide lockdown was imposed to contain the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus, schools have been shut down and classes are tauught online, But modern technologies clearly have not reached everyone, and ‘many students fear being left behind, Reportedly, Devika did not have access to television or a smartphone. Given the reality of such inequalities, particularly glaring in developing nations, there is genuine cause for concern that a large number of children will miss out on their education, further exacerbating socioeconomic inequalities within societies. While some universities in the West have decided to teach all their course material online, this is difficult to replicate in many other parts of the world. “On-screen classes” is emerging challenge In delivering Quality Education to Peripheral Regions: ‘That same month, in Pakistan, hundreds of university students and instructors registered their complaints with the Pakistan Citizen Portal regarding problems they were having with their online classes, from the quality of the internet connection to the value of lectures. Lifeless: dead or apparently dead: his lifeless body was taken from the river. Disheartened: discourage, depress, dspiit Peers: person of equal rank or standing; friends, companion; nobleman Glaring: highly obvious or conspicuous: there is @ glaring omission in the above data. Exacerbating: make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse: these problems were exacerbated by central government's policies. Replicate: meke an exact copy of, reproduce: it might be impractical to replicate Eastem culture inthe west Scanned with CamScanner Lo toric: The Pandemic of Corruption and its Solution 1. The Controversial NAB Reforms 2. Cure of Giant Pandemic of Corruption is yet to find 3. Four Basic Reasons, why Anti-Corruption Mission is bound to fail I. Legislation alone is not enough Il. Extensive use of Coversive Measures is unhelpful Ill. Laws couldn’t be implemented as it gets stuck in constitutional flux IV. Enforcement of Laws become paralyzed in front of Big Brothers 4. Solutions Scanned with CamScanner The writer is a lawyer and an academic Controversial NAB Reforms; Introduction: POLITICAL stalwarts on both sides of the aisle are in the process of reviewing the controversial SEOndal/ACcoumabiit@ORMmaneeMI999) in order to make it ‘just and fair’, particularly focusing on those draconian provisions and unfettered diseretions that violate the recognised py inciples of the criminal justice system, and become the tools of ‘political engineering’ and persecution of political opponents. Is the Pandemic of Corruption could be vaccinated with Impartial and ‘Transparent System? A vigal Question still remained unanswered. ‘This begs the question: would the purported reforms help evolve a system of public accountability that would be not only impartial and transparent but also robust enough to substantially contain, if not exterminate, the pandemic of corruption that is gnawing at the very foundations of state and society? There is no monosyllabic answer to this vital question, given the host of variables, other than the nature and extent of the intended reforms, which would bear on the success or failure of public accountability. 1. Just drafting New Laws against Corruption is useless until Implemented ina true Spirit; Glance at a litany of Anti-Corruption Laws in Pakistan: First, anti-corruption legislation alone, no matter how fair and robust, may not be enough to cleanse the system. the bug of corruption does not seem to have been contained, let alone vaccinated against. Rather, it has mutated into many forms, metastasising across the body politic. Even the top organs — executive, parliament and judiciary — are not free from this plague, if the misuse of discretionary powers, horse-trading, and ‘political’ judgements are seen as a species of corruption. No Coversive Measure could curb the Virus of Corruption, A broader reform Agenda is the need of an Hour; Analysing Musharaf Reforms: 2. Second, mere reliance on the extensive use of coercive measures may not help root out coruption. host of politicians were prosecuted on corruption charges, but many of them were either ‘co-opted’ by the same or subsequent rulers; or they were acquitted by the courts for various reasons — mainly due to insufficient evidence. True to his peerage, Gen Musharraf also employed a lethal combination of muscular power and legislative sanction to launch his anti-corruption mission Scanned with CamScanner The NAG, treats an accused a priori guilty, usurps his liberty, denies him bail, remands him for months, seizes his property at will, hauls him on tenuous links; and (until recently) provided him — the ‘corrupt’ — with the convenient tools of ‘plea bargain’ and ‘voluntarily return’ (of the ill-gotten wealth) to seek an honourable’) exit. More importantly, the NAO created an enforcing agency, the National Accountability Bureau, or NAB, headed by a chairman who enjoys czar-like powers. Yet, for all the draconian powers at its command, NAB’s 20- year record has been less promising on the anti-corruption front, and more pronounced on the political front. While corruption is alive and kicking, economy and democracy are struggling. Pakistan a Big Laboratory of Constitutional Experiments, Leaving no room to gain roots for new Laws. 3. Third, corruption thrives in a legal flux. It is because the laws take years to ‘ingrain’, and constitutions need decades to ‘conventionalise’. But unfortunately, Pakistan has been literally a petri dish of constitutional experimentations. We have tried a plethora of legal orders — presidential, parliamentary, hybrid, praetorian, and so on — but each order was supplanted at the altar of power politics. As a result, a rule-based public administration never got a chance to take root, leaving the bureaucracy at the mercy of a Byzantine machinery controlled by a bevy of power brokers — politicians, financiers, generals and so. But still, we haven’t learnt any lesson from the mindless revisionism. Efforts are on to bring the current post-18th ‘Amendment Constitution back to the drawing board and again throw the country into a state of politico-constitutional limbo. Law knees down before powerful entities, Pressure Groups have been proved as a Firewalls for Laws to be enacted in true sense: Finally, some undue enrichments are not culpable due to legal camouflaging. Our history is full of instances of rulers conferring favours on their cronies in the garb of economic, fiscal or public policy. Among the familiar bounties are tax exemptions, amnesty schemes, targeted subsidies, export incentives, write-offs, residential/commercial plots and so on, But since these ‘entitlements’ are policy- coated, multifaceted and deep-rooted, they are difficult to detect, let alone criminalise. Therefore, they are more detrimental to public finances. The recent sugar and wheat scams are a case in point. They are the re-enactment of old frauds, but it would still be hard for investigators to pin down the actual culprits, given the layers of decision-making, the cross-party spread of beneficiaries, and the firewalls of policies and condoning precedents. Conclusion and Solutions: In the light of the above review, let's attempt answering the question — do the intended NAB reforms hold any promise? NAB reforms alone won't help. A broader reform agenda is needed to address the systemic ills — legal, administrative, regulatory, supervisory, prosecutorial, and judicial — to tackle the menace of all-round corruption. To act on this agenda, concrete measures are required: never derail the train of democracy, respect the trichotomy of powers, fortify institutional checks and balances, minimise discretionary powers, strengthen parliamentary supervision, protect and autonomise the bureaucracy, end the culture of privileges and undue entitlements, and last but not the least, stop tampering with the Constitution for narrow personal, political or institutional interests. Scanned with CamScanner Zubeida Mustafa TOPIC: Educational Reforms In Pakistan, Challenges and Solutions . Introduction to the topic . Exam-oriented approach needs to be changed . Introducing New Curriculum is indispensable . Religious approach has caused failure in bringing Critical thinking Rote-learning is inbuilt in our students . Sermonizing of Textbook should be stopped . Education should develop Communication Skills and Cognitive Abilities 8. Conclusion aaueswpe Scanned with CamScanner Introduction to the Topie: IN tandem with Islamabad, the Sindh government has announced that the students who were scheduled to sit for their Grades IX to XII Board examinations this, summer will be promoted to the next class without being tested. Exam-oriented Approach has caused harm to Quality Education: In the absence of an alternative, this can be deemed to have been a sensible step. ‘Moreover, the fact is that the exams we have been holding for the last several decades are no less than an ‘immaculate deception’. As aconsequence, the real learning outcome of the students is appalling. Education in Pakistan is exam-oriented and these exams are a farce, leaving no incentive for the students to study. For them, it is a paper chase for the certificate/degree. ‘The pandemic lockdown and the disruption it has caused are a blessing in disguise. The government should now rise to the occasion to bring about radical changes in our education system. The sermonising in our textbooks should stop. Tis important to make it responsive to the indigenous needs of our people. A system that promotes inequity, oppression, exploitation and is tailored to meet the demands of the corporate sector that now controls our neoliberal economy needs to be discarded right away. It needs to be made more relevant to our conditions and should be child-centred. From press reports, it appears that with the exception of upscale institutions, where children have access to digital technology, the schools for the children of the ‘masses will remain closed indefinitely though teachers are expected to be present. Reforms in Curriculum is indispensable: Iust before the lockdown, the government was working on a new curriculum. Now is the time for our rulers to do some rethinking. Many sacred cows of our education system need to be demolished and some simple goals set without having to adopt elaborate procedures. We should, for starters, not be afraid of confessing honestly that our proclaimed educational goals, namely to instil religious values, patriotism and reverence for ideology, have remained beyond our reach even after 72 years of narrow goals. In the process, much damage has been done. Religious Approach didn’t help Student to come as free thinkers: effort to Islamicise and ideologise the curricula, the more have selfishness, corruption and untruth been enhanced in all spheres of our national life. This sorry state of affairs testifies to our pedagogical failure to reform society through religion in education.In the process, we have also failed to produce students who can think critically and possess problem-solving capability. Some, but not the majority, acquire professional skills but still need further training to learn how to Scanned with CamScanner apply them. Most of them cannot even communicate coherently — neither verbally nor in writing — in any language. Rote-learning is inbuilt in our Education System: ‘That is because they are the products of a system in which SSRGHSAH0iN Hse) Worst of all, we cannot even inculcate civility, integrity, ethical values or civic sense in the young who pass through our education system. Ido not blame them. They are what they are because our education has made them. so, Tattribute this to the duplicity and confusion we create in the child's mind at the formative stage. The student picks up a textbook to read and gets a heavy dose of sermonising. He looks around and finds that society behaves quite contrarily. ‘The message? Be smart and do the forbidden so long as you can get away with it Sermonizing of books should be stopped as E-learning emrges globall (ERQREOASSEOMERIDOORSEHOMIUINIOB. Let the child follow her natural potential. Dust be kind to her and she will learn kindness. Allow her to explore her natural skills and she will develop happily and enjoy it. She will imbibe the goodness you create in the classroom. Communication Skil Educational reforms: and Cognitive Development should be the focal point of Remember, she must also be facilitated to develop her communication skills — obviously in a language that she doesn’t have to struggle with. Thus her cognition will grow and in a few years she would be so highly motivated that nothing would stop her from going afier what her aptitude is suited to. Hopefully, she will then be ready to explore the formal curricular scheme if she is allowed a measure of freedom. Conclusion: From newspaper reports, it emerges that schools may not open for some time but teachers are expected to attend. This is an opportunity to provide the teachers some in-service training. This is what should be the focus of the authorities. They should drop their rigidity and work out a simple plan to transform pedagogy, which can be transmitted to the teachers online through the school managements. Scanned with CamScanner Zofeen T. Abrahim TOPIC :Mercury and carbon emitting Coal power plants in Thar should be cancelled and environmental friendly alternatives is need of the hour. Introduction IF there is one thing that Covid-19 has shown us, itis that there is no getting away from it. It is here to stay and we will have to look at ways to protect ourselves. The Scanned with CamScanner crisis has also highlighted the extent to which our health is linked to the health of the ecosystem. If we want to live healthy lives, we need to conserve the planet and use natural resources in a sustainable manner. Understanding the impact of environment on public health While governments are busy battling the pandemic, experts from the scientific community are studying patterns of Covid-19 fatalities. Though still preliminary, their investigations show a link between air pollution and coronavirus deaths. Hence, cleaning up the air we breathe is the right place to begin the journey towards improved public health. What does it mean for Pakistan? As the government mulls over a slew of stimulus packages to revive the economy, while ensuring that easing the lockdown is safe, the authorities would do well to review its investments in coal energy. More than 95 per cent of Pakistan’s installed coal-based electricity generation capacity (5,090 megawatts) was commissioned during the past three years and the plants are at various stages of development. All this is happening at a time when around the world the same are being scrapped — not only because of the high levels of air pollution they generate but also because they are economically unviable. Recent survey of Air quality in Thar paints a horrific picture | A recent study titled Air quality, health and toxic impacts of the popes coal mining and power cluster in Thar, Pakistan, carried out by the RGSaHOnENCASARUCTGAMAREUOREEAD, pints «nore picture Horrendous ramifications of coal energy projects in Thar It projects 29,000 deaths related to air pollution over an operating life of 30 years, 19,900 new cases of asthma among children and 32,000 preterm births. With quality of life compromised due to breathing polluted air, most Tharis would be living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes, and be at risk of stroke. Bein; h Asia’s largest Hi for mercury mancuverin: rts of SEIA depicts recklessness of concerned authorities Terming Tharparkar one of South Asia’s largest “hotspots for mercury and carbon dioxide”, the study calculated that of the 1,400 kilograms of mereury emitted annually, one-fifth will settle in water or on land, The independent research centre could only review three environmental impact assessments that were available publicly and found “errors and omissions” thereby “misleading public through data manoeuvring” noted lead author Lauri Myllyvirta, with concern. There was one EIA report that had calculated mercury content in coal but its calculations about emissions were inaccurate. The study also held those carrying out these assessments to be “misreporting”. At the same time, it questioned the role of the Sindh Environmental Protection Agency (Sepa) and the “level of regulatory oversight”, Had the EIAs been reviewed seriously, the “elementary” errors caught by CREA could certainly have been caught by the regulator. Scanned with CamScanner ls {SEPA despit rnative m pernicious mercury emissions According to CREA spokesperson, while there are affordable techniques whereby mercury emissions can be reduced by more than two-thirds, there were no emission limits in Pakistan that would require any mercury controls. With the result, plant developers can continue to completely neglect the issue. And so, it must be emphasised to Sepa how crucial it is to carry out studies to evaluate the heal risks of mercury emissions since AS ie see one Cancelation of coal-based power plants over renewable ent rojects cay mitigate worsening environmental imprints However, for the sake of public health, perhaps the best decision — one requiring courage — would be to cancel those coal-based plants that are still in the early stages of development and not follow the route of China and the US, which is slowly pivoting towards fossil fuels. As they come up with economic recovery packages, there are reports that China wants to set up new coal plants and the US wants (0 use the pandemic as an excuse to relax environmental rules and impact reviews, Pecan pe 10 billion tree tsunami project has earned the government much applause. At present, it provides jobs to nearly 65,000 people and plans are underway to provide three times more employment by the end of this year. Conclusion Civil society movements and environmental activists must come together and put pressure on the government to tread a greener, more sustainable path towards economic recovery, and use the opportunity provided by the pandemic to course- correct with even more stringent environmental laws and regulations, and rectify past mistakes. Scanned with CamScanner Asha’ar Rehman ‘The writer is Dawn’s resident editor in Lahore. ‘THERE are six hundred and seventy thousand, eight hundred and one reasons for the government in Islamabad to scoff at those in charge of dealing with Lahore’s delicate health matters. Suspected Covid-19 patients account for 670,800 of these. This is the estimate of infected people in the city as projected by a recent Punjab health department summary based on ‘smart sampling”. The remaining solitary figure — which may appear to outweigh everything else at times — stands for a former prime minister whose picture from overseas has again drawn an emotional public outburst from some of those in power. The smart sampling results had everyone stumped. There have been rumours that Covid-19 has been spreading fast in Lahore, not least because of the virus’s Eid embrace. There is the usual talk that the secret service is as active as ever, its present assignment requiring it to hoodwink innocent souls and keep them blissfully unaware of the killer disease, Nevertheless, there’s plenty of evidence to indicate a clear upsurge. ‘We know that people are mortified to see things in black and white here, but still, close to 700,000 cases? That too not reported by an independent source but tabulated by a responsible government department after an exercise titled “smart"? ‘That should have really blown the lid off the proceedings and sent things unravelling but for our belief in our security. ‘These are frightening details in an official document, whose purpose and validity continue to be, by and large, defended by the people who prepared it. Its still not sufficient for the people in Lahore and elsewhere in Pakistan to fully come to terms with the horror that is Covid-19. The coronavirus is not despised sufficiently to be subjected to any death- foretold exercise. Public apathy does play a part in allowing a government policy seen as hypocritical. It is a policy that encourages opening of markets, but in the wake of a sudden surge in cases has officials ordering the closure of shopping malls under the pretext that SOPs were not being observed. Calling for adherence to such an ordinary set of SOPs would be a luxury when the exalted figures who sit governing our lives tell us just how easy it is for a whole government to be let down by a team of over-smart lab technicians masquerading as good government. To have been befooled by a rival politician who, as indicated by the latest images, has a lifestyle not fit for a convict, and most certainly not fit for a patient with a serious ailment, is an embarrassment of another kind. Concealed from commoners Scanned with CamScanner such as you and me, there's apparently a protocol former leaders of the country must follow. ‘The protocol obviously requires presidents and former prime ministers and maybe other dignitaries to follow a code, which probably is subject to change and that is ‘one area in which we are bent upon proving ourselves as the most advanced, Everything has to be commensurate with the status and name of a former leader. For example, most recently you must have come across circulars that declared that a certain dignitary was to be proclaimed as having passed away on a certain holy day in an effort to rinse him of his worldly ills. The unfunny part was that there ‘were many phone calls which suspected that there may be ‘something’ to these post-haste declarations of a life terminated. This was proof that there are ways in which Pakistanis can be made to believe things. It depends who is saying it and how. Unfortunately, the coronavirus is not despised sufficiently to be subjected to any death-foretold exercise. But then, there’s just so much work a public relations team can do. In another country as gravely pitted against Covid-19 as us, the authorities would have had little time for a 69-year-old man wanted for questioning. But not only do they find the resources to engage him, they are also appalled at the sight of his better half, his elder brother and leader, who’s spotted sipping a beverage thousands of miles away in England. ‘What do you see? A leader who is waiting to take over the reins that had been unfairly snatched away from him? This is a view that will be popular with PML-N supporters. Or do you see a resourceful fugitive who escaped the law after faking his medical reports right under the nose of a hostile government? This may be what the PTT is suggesting without realising how badly it exposes its own lack of power. ‘The secret is in discovering the grey in the picture of Mian Nawaz Sharif that created so much excitement in our political arena a few days ago. Look closely. You may find signs of a man enjoying a few moments of relaxation with youngsters afier a long day in the field. A man all set for retirement and for pursuits less tough than for power? You never know since staying in prime minister houses and presidencies are thought to be always slightly more comfortable than spending a term at Kot Lakhpat, ‘Thus when Mr Shahbaz Sharif constantly asserts his position that he is 69, he is not ruling himself out of the race for power. He is secure in the knowledge that his candidature is not in any way threatened by any younger options — except one or maybe two that exist within his party. What is going to catch the eye of the people in Lahore and beyond is his ability to thwart those chasing him in the name of accountability. It’s a clash of two reputations. The PML-N would be hoping that NAB has not been able to win popular approval over and above the support it gets from diehard Imran Khan fans. NAB is banking on the anti-opposition maligning campaign of PTI politicians to back it in its action against Shahbaz Sharif. ‘The bureau must revisit any data it might have been given about the erosion of the Sharif reputation or clout or impression in Lahore. That deep Sharif influence can only be countered by good governance. The news of flawed smart medical data and easily befooled government systems is not efficient at dispelling old impressions about Shahbaz Sharif. Scanned with CamScanner

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