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The Progressive Fish-Culturist

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A Sodium Bicarbonate Dosing

Methodology for pH Management
in Freshwater-Recirculating
Aquaculture Systems
a a
J. Clay Loyless & Ronald F. Malone
Louisiana State University, Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, 3508 CEBA, Baton Rouge,
Louisiana, 70803, USA
Version of record first published: 09 Jan 2011.

To cite this article: J. Clay Loyless & Ronald F. Malone (1997): A Sodium Bicarbonate Dosing
Methodology for pH Management in Freshwater-Recirculating Aquaculture Systems, The
Progressive Fish-Culturist, 59:3, 198-205

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The Progressive Fish-Culturist 59:198-205. 1997
ۥ Copyright by the American Fisheries Society 1997

A Sodium Bicarbonate Dosing Methodology for pH Management

in Freshwater-Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
Louisiana Stale University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
3508 CEBA, Baton Rouge. Louisiana 70803, USA

Abstract.—High-density water-recirculating aquaculture systems with hydraulic retention times

above about 5 d must be monitored for alkalinity, and in the vast majority of cases, the alkalinity
must be adjusted upwards to assure maintenance of desirable pH levels. Sodium bicarbonate is
the preferred additive for increasing alkalinity because it is inexpensive, dissolves rapidly, and is
safe for both personnel and fish. The high rate of carbon dioxide production in such systems
requires significant stripping capabilities and dictates the appropriate alkalinity concentrations in
Downloaded by [University of South Carolina ] at 02:20 15 April 2013

this CO2-enriched environment. The methodology presented for alkalinity adjustment uses mea-
surements of pH and alkalinity to obtain an estimate of the system CCh level, which, in turn, is
used to define the alkalinity concentration required to reach a targeted pH. A dosage table facilitates
determination of the amount (g) of sodium bicarbonate to be added to reach the targeted pH for
a variety of system sizes. The charts, which arc designed for personnel with limited training, also
indicate when additional CO? stripping capacity is dictated.

Numerous scientific and commercial ventures The pH also has a major influence on the activity
have demonstrated the technical feasibility of rais- of nitrifying bacteria in the biological filters used
ing a wide variety of aquacultural species under a to purify the waste stream. Both low and high pH
water-recirculating regime (Parker and Simco levels can create harmful effects. However, the
1974; Broussard and Simco 1976; Bovendeur et complicated physical and chemical dynamics of
al. 1987). The enhanced quality control offered by the systems make it difficult for operators to de-
the recirculation approach, coupled with an in- termine the appropriate corrective actions to main-
herent reduction in water usage and environmental tain the pH within a desired range.
impact, presages its selection as the technology of Unit operations are selected to "recondition"
choice for the future of the aquaculture industry. recirculating waters according to a hierarchy of
Water-recirculating aquaculture systems are thus treatment needs. In reality, the water is only par-
poised for widespread adoption if cost-effective tially reconditioned—just enough to allow for an
design and simple operating procedures that focus extended reuse period. Early system designers
on basic water treatment processes can be imple- used aeration, clarification, and biofiltration pro-
mented. Although several technological issues cesses as their main water quality management
need to be refined, the emphasis has shifted to tools. When this strategy is applied to high-density
training the commercial sector and reducing costs production systems with extended hydraulic re-
to accelerate field implementation. Significant eco- tention times (>5 d) it results in a classic pattern
nomic gains can be realized by reversing the his- of decreasing alkalinity levels often accompanied
toric trend toward increasingly complex systems by a gradual increase in aqueous carbon dioxide
and by coupling good production strategies with concentrations. These two factors compound
simpler engineering approaches to the water re- through the carbonate equilibria system to cause
conditioning problem. a decline in system pH; such a situation is illus-
Proper pH management is a fundamental re- trated in Figure 1 with data collected on one of
quirement for obtaining the optimum performance the authors* systems. Note that the slope of the
from water-recirculating aquaculture systems. The curves may vary depending on the attributes of the
pH controls a wide variety of solubility and equi- particular system studied, but the trend is repre-
libria reactions, and many aquatic organisms are sentative. Left unchecked, the pH falls to a level
sensitive to its concentration. For instance, pH that severely inhibits the nitrifying bacteria; the
controls the ratio of the innocuous ammonium ion bacteria are then overwhelmed by the nitrogenous
(NH4") to the toxic ammonia (NH^) concentration. waste load, and the system ultimately collapses.
In recent years, the impact of pH and alkalinity
on the biofiltration process has been recognized,
To whom correspondence should be addressed. and the additional processes of alkalinity adjust-
Downloaded by [University of South Carolina ] at 02:20 15 April 2013

FiCtURH I.—Alkalinity and pH data collected in a lightly loaded freshwater-recirculating system (5,1 10 L. 1,100
kg tilapia. 30°C, 2c/c feed rate) with 10% daily water replacement without supplement addition. The decline in
both variables illustrates the typical response when intervention measures are not taken.

ment and degasification (carbon dioxide stripping) carbon dioxide production during peak loading,
have been added to the list of unit operations in- typically late in the growoul sequence.
cluded in most reuse schemes. Routine alkalinity This paper presents a practical approach to solv-
adjustments are required because the nitrifying ing the alkalinity exhaustion problem that, togeth-
bacteria continually consume alkalinity at a rate er with good degasification procedures, eliminates
of about 7 mg (expressed as CaCOj) per milligram pH decline as an issue in recirculating systems.
of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) oxidized to ni- The method proposed for pH management is
trate (ERA 1975). A high-density system with 0.06 straightforward and can be implemented by staff
kg fish/L and a 2% feed rate can experience a daily personnel with a limited amount of training or ex-
alkalinity consumption of about 250 mg CaCO^/L. perience. It is intended to bridge the gap between
This is far too much to be replenished by water theoretical complexity and field level application.
turnover with hydraulic retention times in the The proposed method is directly applicable to wa-
range of 5-10 d for all but the most alkaline waters. ter-recirculating systems for culturing warmwater
Determining the appropriate intervention strategy (20-30°C), freshwater (salinity <10%o) ornamen-
is complicated by the elevated CC>2 levels that de- tal or food fish, such as tilapia, catfish, striped bass,
fine the alkalinity required to maintain the pH and other common species. It is most suitable for
within a target range. application to high-density production systems
The daily carbon dioxide production rate has with moderate hydraulic retention times in the
been estimated at about 0.5 mg/g of biomass for range of 5 to 30 d.
both fish and bacteria (Colt and Bouck 1984).
Driven by the organic loading (i.e., feed applica- Theory
tion) rate, this CC>2 production must be counter- The interdependence of carbon dioxide and al-
balanced by an appropriate gas stripping mecha- kalinity through the carbonate equilibria system
nism, or aqueous carbon dioxide levels will in- enables pH control through either physical meth-
crease. Piedrahita and Grace (1991) defined design ods that alter the CC>2 content of the water or chem-
guidelines for packed column degasification units ical methods that adjust the alkalinity constituents.
capable of cost-effective control of carbon dioxide Controlling the CC>2 removal rate requires adjust-
levels. Loyless (1996) discussed degasification ef- ment of the stripping equipment (e.g., increasing
fectiveness of blown air systems. Thus, well-de- air flow rates, changing injection depths, etc.). For
signed systems can be configured to provide ad- a given system, the CC>2 stripping capacity is fixed
equate degasification capacity to accommodate by design and the equipment is usually operated

at its maximum capability. Thus, pH control A

through physical means is not a viable manage- \ rag CQ2/L
ment option for the typical water-recirculating sys-
tem operator. 2 mg CO2/L
Chemicals used for pH adjustment in aquacul- 5 mg CO2/L
tural systems add either carbonate (HCOi or
CO} 2 ) or noncarbonate (OH") ions to the solu- 10mgCO2/L
tion. These added species shift the H 4 concentra- x i .
tion, thus changing the equilibrium pH. The rec- 20 mg CO2/L
ommended supplement, sodium bicarbonate
(NaHCO}), commonly known as baking soda, en-
joys widespread use in both the commercial and
domestic sectors because it is safe, inexpensive,
and easy to apply. It has many desirable properties,
Downloaded by [University of South Carolina ] at 02:20 15 April 2013

including a high water solubility (> 100,000 mg/L

at 25°C; Lide 1993), and it rapidly dissolves in
water at ambient temperatures, reaching steady
state concentration within minutes of its applica- 50 100 150
tion. Sodium bicarbonate has a low potential for Alkalinity (mg CaCQs/L)
overdosing because it takes a relatively large FIGURE 2.—Graphical representation of the carbonate
amount to raise the pH substantially. equilibria system of equations at 25°C showing the in-
The carbonate equilibria system that regulates terrelationship between pH. alkalinity, and carbon di-
the pH in a recirculating water system is driven oxide concentration (adapted from Allain 1988).
by the transfer of carbon dioxide gas into and out
of the water, a physical process that is governed
by Henry's Law at equilibrium. Because the at- equation (2) illustrates, increases in the aqueous
mospheric CO2 concentration is very low, a clean CO2 concentration depress pH unless there is com-
water in equilibrium with the atmosphere contains pensation by a proportional increase in the bicar-
only about 0.5 mg/L of carbon dioxide. However, bonate ion concentration. The recirculation sys-
in a recirculation system, carbon dioxide produc- tems modeled in this paper are considered to be
tion by the fish and bacteria will raise the aqueous near equilibrium conditions because both the gas
CO2 level a hundredfold unless corrective action exchange process and the carbonate system reac-
is taken. The carbon dioxide level in a recirculation tions are very rapid. They are also assumed to be
system reflects a balance between the rate of pro- open to the atmosphere because they are well-
duction by the organisms and the rate of removal mixed, thoroughly aerated, and have relatively
by the stripping equipment. The CO2 production long hydraulic retention times.
rate is largely defined by the level of organic load- Figure 2 depicts the effect of varying CO2 con-
ing (i.e., the feeding rate); the stripping rate is a tent on the resultant pH as a function of the system
function of the operating characteristics of the aer- alkalinity (adapted from Allain 1988). For exam-
ation and degas iftcat ion devices. pie, at an alkalinity of 150 mg/L as CaCO3, de-
Aqueous carbon dioxide reacts with water to creasing the CO2 concentration from 50 mg/L to
form carbonic acid (H2CO3), an unstable com- 5 mg/L raises the pH from 6.75 to 7.75, an order
pound that dissociates to form bicarbonate and hy- of magnitude reduction in hydrogen ion concen-
drogen ions (Snoeyink and Jenkins 1980; Stumm tration. For elevated CO2 levels, the maintenance
and Morgan 1981): of a pH above 7 is expensive because of the high
CO 2(atl ) + H2O <-> H2CO3 <-> HCO3 + H\ (1) alkalinity requirements. For example, it would
take over 500 mg/L of alkalinity to reach pH 7 if
By assuming that most recirculation systems op-
the carbon dioxide concentration were 100 mg/L.
erate within a pH range of 6.0-8.0 and neglecting
On the other end of the spectrum, low CO2 levels
the intermediate carbonic acid, the pH of a system
make it difficult to maintain sufficient alkalinity
can be reasonably estimated by equation (2):
in the system without overshooting the upper end
pH = log([HC03 ]/*ai [C0 2(aq) l), (2) of the target pH range. If CO2 was only 1 mg/L,
where K^\ is the equilibrium constant (Snoeyink for example, any alkalinity over 50 mg/L would
and Jenkins 1980; Stumm and Morgan 1981). As raise the pH above the 8.0 level, presenting po-

TABI.K 1.—Carbon dioxide concentrations (mg/L) for various pH and alkalinity combinations. The CCh levels above
15 mg/L arc shaded to indicate levels that are potentially stressful to animals.

Current CO 2 Concentration (mg/L)

(mg/L as Current pH
6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0
10 m 15 15 10 8 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 <1 <1 <1 <1
20 |40|| W! p25jjj !|J20|j: 15 15 10 8 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 <1 <1
30 Mi Mi |40j!; |30| |25| M 15 10 10 8 6 5 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 <1
40 Mi
|||8ft! M !|!40!j; |30| P5|| l;2o; 15 15 10 8 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1
50 100 iiaOP! jj6Qi Isojii
mi Poll !!;25j| Il2ft;l15 15 10 8 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
Downloaded by [University of South Carolina ] at 02:20 15 April 2013

60 100 ;80j M;: ijiSOjjj :Mi !!!30;| 125:;; |20| 15 10 10 8 6 2 1

70 |i90|i| mm ii60!| iPOS PI40IJ |!30j! !!!I25!|! i;20,! 15 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 2 1
80 iioo; WA iNI i50j:j w ml H251 :pO;j 15 15 10 8 7 5 4 3 3 2 2
90 Nil li^ojl l«>ji PH Mi |30| i25;j ip20|j: 15 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 2
100 jiqqj |80| |7fti IN l40;i! !!!l30l i25i! l2oii 15 15 10 8 7 5 4 3 3 2
110 jlj90i POJ M !!50| I!40!! !!30i; IM |20| 15 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 2
120 10# 80!;! I6o;i liSOiJi !i40!i ip30i Pi25|!i po; 15 10 10 8 6 5 4 3 2
130 Ml :i70j| IM l!!*?l |3q| |25|
C02 > 100 mj5/L |90|: |70|
15 15 10 8 7 5 4 3 3
140 IM
||50| !|40| IMS 8251 |20| 15 10 9 7 6 5 4 3
150 gioo iliSOij Ml iiSOpj j||40| i!i30|;| !Ji25.!f i2o;i 15 10 10 8 6 5 4 3
ncrease 80 ;;70[
160 1 !i50|! |l4a| H??!j! |25![ M 15 15 10 8 7 5 4 3
170 |90l II70JI! iifioiil :;i4o:;! |40| |30!|: |20| 15 15 10 9 7 6 4 3
Gas Strippin g !!90p| §70| M Il5o:j IJ^ftli! 130;!!; !i25ii PO!!: 15 10 9 7 6 5 4
190 100 iiSft! !!«!!! \5Q§ l!4o!!i! !l!30ij|! !iJ25ii|; Ml 15 10 10 8 6 5 4
200 !|80| !!70|!i !!5tf!j! |4oli!i l!3oli! !!25l !!20| 15 15 10 8 6 5 4

tential ammonia toxicity problems. Fortunately, presumed to be defined as (Snoeyink and Jenkins
the maintenance of CO2 at too low a level is rarely 1980; Stumm and Morgan 1981)
a problem in practice, because economics require alkalinity (eq/L) = [HCO3 ] + 2[CO3 2]
high stocking densities; carbon dioxide increases, + [OH ] - [H'|. (3)
not deficiencies, are the real concern. Equation (3) can be combined with the recognized
A methodology based on three tables has been relationship between the bicarbonate and carbon-
developed to determine the supplemental amount ate ions (Snoeyink and Jenkins 1980; Stumm and
of sodium bicarbonate required to achieve a given Morgan 1981),
pH correction. Table 1 provides the approximate
CC>2 concentration in a system for each potential
pH-alkalinity combination. Table 2 gives the al- ICO, >1 = (4)

kalinity values required to attain equilibrium with

the system CC>2 and any target pH level selected. to define the [HCOj ) concentration for any given
Table 3 indicates the amount of NaHCO^ that must pH and alkalinity combination:
be added to reach the equilibrium alkalinity value = alkalinity., - [OH (H-|
for a given system volume.
The tables were generated by application of the 1I + 2Ka2
carbonate equilibria relationships. The alkalinity
in !
of a water reflects the influence of a variety of The resulting [HCO} ] concentration can be
ions; in freshwater systems, the alkalinity is widely substituted into equation (2) to yield the aqueous

TABLH 2.—Alkalinity values (mg CaCOVD in equilibrium with the system carbon dioxide concentration and the
target pH. The CCh levels above 15 mg/L are shaded to indicate levels that are potentially stressful to animals.

Equilibrium Alkalinity (mg CaCOa/L)

C02 Target pH
(mg/L) 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0
1 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 30 40 50
2 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 10 10 10
10 20 20 30 30 40 50 60 80 100
3 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 30 40 50 60 70 90 KtO 150
4 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 K50 200
5 <10 <10 <10 <10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 150 1<K)
6 <10 <10 <10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 30 40 50 60 70 90 120 150 190
Downloaded by [University of South Carolina ] at 02:20 15 April 2013

7 <10 <10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 50 70 90 110 140 170

8 <10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 160 200
9 <10 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 30 40 40 60 70 90 110 140 180
10 <10 10 10 10 10 20 20 30 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 160 200
15 10 10 10 10 20 20 30 40 50 60 70 90 120 150 190
20 ilio! lio| iioi Mi Ji30H Iffl Pol P0|i ;ii60!ii 180] 100 !l20j J160J 200L
!;M "m I !!|20| jjaojj poll |50!| pOJ! poj llOOl 120 1150! 1190!
30 iiiof mi mm P0!| MOM hj50|j pop Mi; poii J120I il50i I190J Alkalinity > 200 mg/L
40 20: j pop mm •JI40II pa; ! 16011; |80| jlOOj 1120] 160 !200i

50 Mi M; NOli Ml INI |80| :100; il20i 150J J190J Potential Ion

60 J30J!j |40| 150 1! |60l Pol !90| ;i2a J150J 190;
70 !3(i mm iisoii Mi; iisojjj 110 ;140; !i7o; Imbalance Problem
80 :i40| ysOiii 160;;! pOjjj iioo!
120: 1150 1200!
90 M !!i60!i i!70!!! 190 1 110 140? 1180:
100 1150] P0| mm iopl ;120i J|160; 200!

carbon dioxide concentration. Accepted values for isms. Assuming that the added bicarbonate com-
K a , and K a2 at 25°C of 4.3 x 10 7 and 4.7 x pletely dissociates, Table 3 was constructed by
10 n , respectively, (Lide 1993) were used in the converting the required alkalinity from milligrams
construction of Table 1. Carbon dioxide data points as CaCO} per liter to grams of NaHCO^ per unit
above 15 mg/L are shaded gray to indicate poten- of system volume. The sodium bicarbonate dosage
tial stress on the animals (Tucker and Robinson is additive, and Table 3 is configured to allow se-
1990); points above 100 mg/L are not enumerated lection of multiple volumes or alkalinity incre-
and enhanced gas stripping is suggested as a more ments to represent a total not shown on the table.
appropriate pH adjustment measure than chemical All intersecting dosage points must be summed for
addition under such conditions. calculation of the total dosage.
Table 2 was generated by rearranging equation The tables presented cover a pH range of 6.0-
(5) and solving for the equilibrium alkalinity val- 8.0 and an alkalinity range of 0-200 mg/L, which
ues corresponding to each combination of aqueous includes the major portion of the systems operating
carbon dioxide and pH. The portion of Table 2 in this segment of the industry. Field techniques
above 15 mg/L is again shaded gray to indicate for alkalinity and pH determination are not highly
potentially stressful carbon dioxide concentra- accurate, thus the tabulated values have been
tions. The numerical values for alkalinity levels rounded to reflect the inexact nature of the data
above 200 mg/L as CaCO^ are not indicated on input. All values given are based on a water tem-
the table because of the potential impact of high perature of 25°C, and they are accurate to within
salt concentrations on freshwater aquatic organ- 10% over the 20-30°C range. Supplement addi-

TABLE 3.—Sodium bicarbonate dosage (g) required to reach the equilibrium alkalinity value for a given volume based
on the incremental difference from the current alkalinity level.

NaHCO3 Dosage ( g )
Volume Alkalinity Increment (mgCaCOa/L)
(gal) (L) 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 200
10 38 <1 1 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 15
20 76 1 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 13 25
30 114 2 4 6 8 10 11 13 15 15 20 40
40 151 3 5 8 10 13 15 20 20 25 25 50
50 189 3 6 10 13 15 20 25 25 30 30 65
Downloaded by [University of South Carolina ] at 02:20 15 April 2013

60 227 4 8 11 15 20 20 25 30 35 40 65
70 265 5 9 13 20 20 25 30 35 40 45 90
80 303 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 100
90 341 6 11 15 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 110
100 379 6 13 20 25 30 40 45 50 55 65 130
200 757 13 25 40 50 65 75 90 100 no 130 250
300 1136 20 40 55 75 95 110 130 150 170 190 380
400 1514 25 50 75 100 130 150 180 200 220 260 510
500 1893 30 L 65 95 130 160 190 220 260 280 320 640
600 2271 40 75 110 150 190 220 260 300 340 380 760
700 2650 45 90 130 180 220 260 320 360 400 450 890
800 3028 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 1020
900 3407 60 110 170 220 280 340 400 450 500 550 1150
1000 3785 65 130 190 250 300 400 450 500 550 600 1270

tions for temperatures outside this range should be Finally, in step 7, the required alkalinity addition
determined by adjusting the equilibrium constants is converted from concentration to dosage by
and recalculating the appropriate terms as pre- weight with Table 3.
sented in this section. Data from four representative applications of the
dosage methodology in two different systems are
Methodology presented in Table 5. The systems were dosed with
Table 4 summarizes the seven steps required to a 99.5%-pure industrial grade sodium bicarbonate
implement a pH adjustment with Tables 1, 2, and immediately following measurement of the current
3. The procedure is initiated by measuring the cur- pH and alkalinity. The resulting pH and alkalinity
rent pH and alkalinity in the system of interest. were measured 1 h after dosing to assure complete
Second, by using the determined pH and alkalinity dissolution and distribution of the sodium bicar-
values, the estimated carbon dioxide level in the bonate throughout the system's components. Sys-
system is read from Table 1. This carbon dioxide tem volumes were calculated as the total of all
level is presumed to remain steady, as it is con- water in the holding tanks, piping, and treatment
trolled by the physical gas exchange process. components. Sodium bicarbonate dosages were
Third, the operator selects a target pH. Fourth, the weighed with a laboratory balance (accurate to 10
target pH and estimated CO2 are used in Table 2 g), and alkalinity measurements were conducted
to identify the final alkalinity required to establish under APHA et al. (1995) guidelines. As the data
equilibrium at the desired point. In step 5, the dif- in Table 5 indicate, the final pH and alkalinity
ference between the current and final alkalinities values obtained by using the methodology closely
is calculated, which defines the required supple- approach the targeted values. Note that the esti-
ment addition in units of concentration. The sys- mated CC>2 contents varied about 1 mg/L for each
tem's total water volume is estimated in Step 6. system between the two tests. The actual CC>2 level

TABLE 4.—Seven steps used to determine the amount in maintenance of a recirculation system within a
of sodium bicarbonate to be added to reach a target pH target zone of pH, alkalinity, and carbon dioxide.
from any given set of initial conditions.
The authors adjust the majority of the high-density
Step Action Purpose growout systems under their control to a pH in the
1 Measure pH and alkalinity Ascertains current
range of 7.5 to 8.0 and an alkalinity between 150
conditions and 200 mg/L. High carbon dioxide levels (5-15
2 Read CO2 from Table I Estimates carbon dioxide mg/L) often force values on the lower end of the
level in water pH range (7.5) and the upper end of the alkalinity
3 Select target pH Establishes desired final range (200 mg/L) to be targeted. These systems
condition are often operated with TAN levels in the range
4 Read equilibrium Identities alkalinity level of 0.3-0.8 mg/L, with biofiltration units displaying
alkalinity from Table 2 required to reach the daily areal nitrification rates greater than 300
target pH at the
system's operating
mg/m 2 (Wimberly 1990; Chitta 1993; Sastry
carbon dioxide level 1996). This strategy appears to effectively avoid
Downloaded by [University of South Carolina ] at 02:20 15 April 2013

Calculate difference in Determines the required

severe inhibition of nitrifying bacteria, which can
concentration between alkalinity increment in occur when the pH drops below 7.0 (Thomasson
current and final terms of concentration 1991) or the alkalinity falls below 80 mg/L (Paz
alkalinities 1984). while permitting the adjustment interval to
Estimate total system Enables the conversion of be extended to once or twice a week under high-
volume units from concentration
to mass
density growout conditions.
Broodslock, fry, and fingerling systems, which
Read sodium bicarbonate Converts incremental
dosage to add from alkalinity needed from
are often more appropriately operated under neu-
Table 3 ing/L to grams of tral to slightly acidic conditions, are typically tar-
supplement geted for a pH range of 6.5-7.0 and alkalinities
between 50 and 100 mg/L (Weaver 1991). Al-
though adaptation of the nitrifying populations can
is not believed to have changed, rather the small be anticipated (Haug and McCarty 1972), appli-
discrepancies are a result of the approximate na- cations in this pH regime are usually associated
ture of the measurement procedure and the round- with relatively light nitrogenous loadings, and
ing error in Table 1. Overall, the method worked thus, oversized biofiltration units. Total ammonia
well, achieving results more than accurate enough nitrogen levels in these systems are held below 0.3
for the typical field application. mg/L, and daily areal nitrification rates in the bio-
filters are well below 100 mg/m2.
Discussion Selection of a target pH above 8.0 is generally
The dosage methodology presented is based avoided because of the increasing prevalence of the
upon commonly accepted relationships describing toxic unionized molecular form of ammonia (NH^)
the carbonate alkalinity system and should prove at higher pH values (Lawson 1994). Although a num-
robust across a wide variety of freshwater aqua- ber of authors (Haug and McCarty 1972; Sharma
culture applications. It is intended for routine use and Ahlert 1977) have indicated the optimum for

TABLE 5.—Applications of the proposed methodology indicate the efficacy of the pH adjustment procedure in two
systems on two test dates.

System 1: test date System 2: test date

Variable Data Source 28 Jul 1995 3 Aug 1995 28 Jul 1995 3 Aug 1995
Initial pH Measured 7.88 7.85 7.72 7.40
Initial alkalinity (mg/L) Measured 142 120 172 96
Estimated CO2 (mg/L) Table 1 4 3 7 8
Target pH Selected 8.0 8.0 7.8 7.7
Equilibrium alkalinity (mg/L) Table 2 2(K) 175 220 200
Alkalinity increment (mg/L) Calculated 58 55 48 104
System volume (L) Estimated 1,7(K) 1.700 5.110 5.110
NaHCOj dosage (g) Table 3 170 150 410 820
Final alkalinity (nig/1,) Measured 202 180 218 204
Final pH Measured 8.05 8.00 7.81 7.77

nitrification kinetics falls above 8.0, the increased Colt. J. E., and G. Bouck. 1984. Design of packed col-
threat of stress from accumulations of NH^ and the umns for degassing. Aquaculture Engineering 3:
increased CC>2 stripping costs outweigh the incre-
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). 1975. Pro-
mental benefits of marginally downsizing the bio- cess design manual for suspended solids removal.
filtration unit. Additionally, achieving a high pH in USEPA, Technology Transfer Publication. Cincin-
a CCh-enriched environment by bicarbonate addition nati, Ohio.
can be costly, particularly for systems operated with Haug, R. T. and P. L. McCarty. 1972. Nitrification in
hydraulic retention times less than 10 d, where a the submerged filter. Journal of the Water Pollution
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