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Define Green Engineering

 Green engineering is a design, commercialization and use of process and products that are
feasible and economical, while minimizing the risk to human health and environment. And
minimizing the generation of pollution at source. Green Engineering has many aspects that link
well with traditional chemical engineering specialties, such as reaction engineering, separations
engineering, and process design. Green Engineering for chemical engineers seeks to develop
advances in chemical process technologies that result in lower environmental impacts while
improving profitability. Green Engineering focuses on how to achieve sustainability through
science and technology. Green engineering is not just about creating products that reduce
emissions and conserve energy. Instead, it is more of a philosophy. Green engineers are putting
the environment first when they devise engineering projects.

Explain the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources

 A renewable resource can be replaced at the same rate in which the resource is used. A
common renewable used to produce energy is solar like a solar panel converting solar energy
into electrical energy, Renewable energy also almost never runs out. And it is also environment
friendly. A nonrenewable resource is a resource that forms at a rate that is much slower than
the rate that it is formed. Coal is an example. It takes millions of years to create coal and once it
is used up it is no longer is also a resource of economic value that cannot be readily
replaced by natural means on a level equal to its consumption. The benefits of nonrenewable
resources are easy to use cheap to use and very efficient on the other side it will run out some
day and causing serious environmental changes, it also releases toxic gases which are
contributing to global warming.

Explain Why Floods are a threat to sustainability

 Extreme floods have been a major calamity since the dawn of time, jeopardizing human
settlements located near rivers. There are many types of situation that may lead to destructive
abundance of water example river floods caused by intensive and or long-lasting precipitation
fast snowmelt, precipitation triggered by landslide and many others. Devastating floods,
bringing death and suffering to humans and other living beings, could be viewed as enemies of
sustainable development. They bring destruction to cultural landscapes town, roads and etc.
they also damage agricultural farms and induce the threat of famine. In short they destroy
human heritage and undermine the development by breaking continuity. Sustainable
development striving for a better quality of life is jeopardized by flood disasters. Indeed as is
evident in history, floods may have wiped out whole civilizations

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