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Enhancement of direct somatic embryogenesis and plantlet growth from leaf

explants of Phalaenopsis by adjusting culture period and explant length

Article  in  Acta Physiologiae Plantarum · July 2010

DOI: 10.1007/s11738-009-0438-5


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3 authors, including:

Jen-Tsung Chen Wei Chin Chang

National University of Kaohsiung Academia Sinica


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Acta Physiol Plant (2010) 32:621–627
DOI 10.1007/s11738-009-0438-5


Enhancement of direct somatic embryogenesis and plantlet

growth from leaf explants of Phalaenopsis by adjusting
culture period and explant length
Wee-Peng Gow • Jen-Tsung Chen • Wei-Chin Chang

Received: 11 June 2009 / Revised: 22 November 2009 / Accepted: 3 December 2009 / Published online: 22 December 2009
Ó Franciszek Górski Institute of Plant Physiology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków 2009

Abstract Two Phalaenopsis orchids, Phalaenopsis am- Abbreviations

abilis and Phalaenopsis ‘Nebula’, were used to test the BA N6-benzyladenine
effects of induction period (30, 45 and 60 days), subculture NAA Naphthaleneacetic acid
period (30, 45 and 60 days), and explant length (1, 1.5 and TDZ Thidiazuron,1-phenyl-3-(1,2,3-thiadiazol-5-yl)-
2 cm) on direct somatic embryogenesis from different urea
regions (leaf tip, adaxial side, abaxial side and cut end) of
leaf explants from in vitro grown seedlings. The results
showed that the cut end had a highest competence to form
embryos than the other regions of the leaf explants from
both orchids. In addition, the suitable culture conditions
were 60 days for induction period in darkness, 45 days for
Phalaenopsis (Orchidaceae), commonly known as moth
subculture period in light and 1 cm for explant length.
orchids, are distributed throughout Southeast Asia with a
Besides, the combinations of N6-benzyladenine (BA) and
few species extending from Taiwan and Sikkim to
naphthaleneacetic acid were tested on their effects on
Australia and the Pacific (Teob 1989). The production of
plantlet conversion and further development of leaf-
potted Phalaenopsis has high economical value in
derived embryo. It was found that 0.5 mg/l of BA showed
international flower markets. The conventional in vitro
the highest response on plantlet conversion rate and the
culture protocols have been well developed in this genus
lowest browning rate of explants. In this communication,
and usually for the propagating purpose (Tanaka et al.
the embryo structures and development were proved by
1975; Arditti and Ernst 1993; Tokuhara and Masahiro
scanning electron microscopy.
1993; Ernst 1994; Chen and Piluek 1995; Duan et al.
1996; Ishii et al. 1998; Islam and Ichihashi 1999; Chen
Keywords Culture condition  Embryogenic
et al. 2000; Young et al. 2000; Tokuhara and Mii 2001;
competence  Embryo development  Moth orchid
Park et al. 2002). These methods mainly used regener-
ation system via protocorm-like body or shoot formation.
In our previous reports, protocols for induction of direct
somatic embryogenesis in Phalaenopsis orchids and
Communicated by S. Werbrouck. factors affecting embryo production were investigated
(Kuo et al. 2005; Chen and Chang 2006; Gow et al.
W.-P. Gow  W.-C. Chang 2008; Gow et al. 2009). In this communication, further
Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, we test the effects of induction period, subculture period
Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
and explant length on direct somatic embryogenesis of
J.-T. Chen (&) two Phalaenopsis species, and provide useful data to
Institute of Biotechnology, National University of Kaohsiung, improve the protocol for regenerating Phalaenopsis and
Kaohsiung 811, Taiwan, ROC other genus of orchids.

622 Acta Physiol Plant (2010) 32:621–627

Materials and methods Effect of explant length on direct embryo formation

Plants and culture conditions Three explant lengths (1, 1.5 and 2 cm) were used to test
their effects on direct embryo formation from different leaf
Two Phalaenopsis orchids, Phalaenopsis amabilis Shi- locations of P. amabilis on a medium containing 3 mg/l of
madzu var. formosa with large white flowers (one of the TDZ. Five replicates (dishes) each with four leaf explants
most beautiful native orchid species in Taiwan) and were performed for each treatment.
Phalaenopsis ‘Nebula’ (one of the most popular com-
mercial cultivar), were used as donor plants in this study. Effects of BA and NAA on development of leaf-derived
In vitro grown plants of P. amabilis were purchased from embryos
Taiwan Sugar Corporation (TSC), Taiwan. While the
seedlings of Phalaenopsis ‘Nebula’ were collected by in Two-month-old leaf-derived embryos of P. amabilis were
vitro seed germination on a 1/2-strength modified Mu- used to test combinations of BA (0, 0.5 and 1 mg/l) and
rashige and Skoog (1/2 MS) medium (Murashige and NAA (0, 0.5 and 1 mg/l) on plantlet conversion and
Skoog 1962) containing half-strength macro- and micro- development. Four replicates (dishes) each with five
elements (mg/l) supplemented with myo-inositol (100), embryos were performed for each treatment.
niacin (0.5), pyridoxine HCl (0.5), thiamine HCl (0.1),
glycine (2.0), peptone (1,000), NaH2PO4 (170), sucrose
Data collection and statistic analysis
(20,000) and Gelrite (2,200). Plant growth regulators were
added according to the experimental design and the pH of
The percentage of explants forming somatic embryos was
the media was adjusted to 5.2 with 1 M KOH or HCl prior
recorded for entire explants and in different locations of the
to autoclaving for 15 min at 121°C. The plants were
explants. The number of embryos formed from each
subcultured every 2 months on a hormone-free 1/2 MS
responding explant was counted under a stereomicroscope
medium in 250 ml flasks which were placed under a 16-h
(SZH, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) at the protocorm stage. The
photoperiod at irradiance of 28–36 lmol m-2 s-1 (day-
percentage of plantlet conversion was counted as the final
light fluorescent tubes FL-30D/29, 40 W, China Electric
numbers of survival plantlets divided by the initial numbers
Co., Taipei, Taiwan) and temperature of 26 ± 1°C. The
of incubated leaf-derived embryos. Data expressed as
seedlings with 3–5 leaves and 2–4 roots were used as
percentage were transformed using arc sine prior to anal-
donor plants.
ysis of variance (ANOVA) and converted back to the ori-
ginal scale (Compton, 1994). Treatment means were
Effect of induction period on direct embryo formation compared by following Duncan’s Multiple Range Test
(Duncan 1955).
Leaf tip segments (about 1 cm in length) of first two
leaves taken from the donor plants were used to induce
Scanning electron microscopic observation
direct somatic embryogenesis as the protocol described
by Chen and Chang (2006). Three induction periods (30,
Samples for scanning electron microscope (SEM) were
45 and 60 days) to test their effects on the amount of
fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer
direct embryo formation from different locations (LT,
(pH 7.0) for 4 h at 4°C, dehydrated in ethanol (Dawns
leaf tips; Ad, adaxial sides; Ab, abaxial sides; and CE,
1971), critical point dryer (HCP-2, Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan),
cut ends) on leaf explants. Five replicates (dishes) each
and coated with gold in an ion coater (IB-2, Giko Engi-
with four leaf explants were performed for each
neering Co., Tokyo, Japan). SEM (DSM-950, Carl Zeiss,
Jena, Germany) was used to examine and photograph the
Effect of subculture period on direct somatic
Results and discussion
Three subculture periods (30, 45 and 60 days) were used to
test their effects on the amount of direct embryo formation Embryo formation
from different leaf locations of P. amabilis on 3 mg/l of
TDZ- or 3 mg/l of BA-containing medium. Five replicates Somatic embryos formed mainly from leaf surfaces of the
(dishes) each with four leaf explants were performed for adaxial side and the cut end of both cultivars after 60 days
each treatment. of culture (Fig. 1a and b). These embryos showed whitish

Acta Physiol Plant (2010) 32:621–627 623

Fig. 1 Plant regeneration via

direct somatic embryogenesis
from leaf explants of
P. amabilis and Phalaenopsis
‘Nebula’. (The bar in upper left
denotes fitting for all panels).
a Direct somatic embryogenesis
from a leaf explant of
P. amabilis after 2 months of
culture (bar = 2.5 mm).
b Direct somatic embryogenesis
from a leaf explant of
Phalaenopsis ‘Nebula’ after 2
months of culture
(bar = 1.5 mm). c Several
mature leaf-derived embryos of
P. amabilis (bar = 1 mm).
d Plantlets of P. amabilis
(bar = 8.5 mm)

to pale yellow in colour together with pale green parent and the abaxial side (5%) (Table 1). Although 60 days is
explants due to the darkness during the 60 days of induc- considered the best for embryo induction on TDZ-con-
tion period (Fig.1a and b). After 60 days of induction, taining medium, the cultures usually started to become
embryos were then transferred to light for further growth. brown after 60 days of culture without transferring them
These embryos enlarged, turned green and were converted into a new medium for embryo development. Working with
into plantlets successfully on a growth regulator-free 1/2 direct somatic embryogenesis in orchids, the leaf tip and
MS medium (Fig. 1c, d). the cut end had the most competence to form embryos from
leaf explants when cultured on TDZ-containing medium in
Effect of induction period on direct embryo formation Oncidium and Dendrobium, respectively (Chen and Chang
2001; Chung et al. 2005; Chung et al. 2007), while the cut
In both the cultivars, 60 days was the most suitable end gave the best embryogenic response than other leaf
induction period for direct embryo formation with 50 and regions in this study (Table 1). Leaf explants of P. amabilis
80% of the leaf explants forming an average of 8.2 and 3.5 had higher percentage of embryo-bearing explant than
embryos per responding explant, respectively (Table 1). In Phalaenopsis ‘Nebula’, but had lower mean number of
P. amabilis, the cut end gave the best of embryogenic embryos per explant (Table 1).
frequency (40%) than the leaf tip (20%), the adaxial side
(10%) and the abaxial sides (0%) after 60 days of induction Effect of subculture period on direct somatic
on 3 mg/l of TDZ-containing medium (Table 1). In Pha- embryogenesis
laenopsis ‘Nebula’, the order of embryogenic responses
was different with P. amabilis that the cut end (80%) was Based on our knowledge, the leaf cultures of Phalaenopsis
the best, and then the adaxial side (30%), the leaf tip (5%) became brown easily and then necrotic when the subculture

624 Acta Physiol Plant (2010) 32:621–627

Table 1 Effect of induction period on direct somatic embryogenesis from leaf explants of P. amabilis and Phalaenopsis ‘Nebula’
Induction Percentage of Percentage of embryogenesis on different explant locations (%) No. of embryos per
period (days) embryogenesis on responding explant
the entire explant (%) CE Ad Ab LT

P. amabilis
30 35 a 30 a 0a 0a 0b 1.3
45 40 a 40 a 5a 0a 0b 3.1
60 50 a 40 a 10 a 0a 20 a 8.2
Phalaenopsis ‘Nebula’
30 45 b 45 a 15 a 0a 0a 2
45 60 ab 60 a 15 a 0a 5a 2.9
60 80 a 80 a 30 a 5a 5a 3.5
Data were scored after 30, 45 and 60 days of culture, respectively. The amounts of direct embryo formation were counted at entire explants or at
different explant locations (LT, leaf tips; Ad, adaxial sides; Ab, abaxial sides; and CE, cut ends). Data expressed as percentage were transformed
using arc sine prior to ANOVA and converted back to the original scale (Compton, 1994). Five replicates (dishes) each with four leaf explants
were performed for each treatment. Means with same letters within columns are not significantly different at p \ 0.05 (Duncan, 1955)

Table 2 Effect of subculture period on direct somatic embryogenesis from leaf explants of P. amabilis on 3 mg/l of TDZ- or 3 mg/l of BA-
containing medium
Growth Subculture Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of embryogenesis No. of embryos per
regulator period (days) browning (%) embryogenesis on on different explant locations (%) responding explant
the entire explant (%)

TDZ (3 mg/l) 30 25 ab 30 a 20 a 15 a 5a 0b 6.2

45 5b 60 a 45 a 20 a 0a 25 a 6.7
60 45 a 50 a 40 a 20 a 0a 0b 3.7
BA (3 mg/l) 30 10 b 30 a 25 a 15 a 0a 0b 5.2
45 20 ab 40 a 35 a 5a 0a 10 ab 6.8
60 15 ab 25 a 15 a 10 a 0a 0b 3.4
Data were scored after 60 days of culture. The amounts of direct embryo formation were counted at entire explants or at different explant
locations (LT, leaf tips; Ad, adaxial sides; Ab, abaxial sides; and CE, cut ends). Data expressed as percentage were transformed using arc sine
prior to ANOVA and converted back to the original scale (Compton, 1994). Five replicates (dishes) each with four leaf explants were performed
for each treatment. Means with the same letters within columns are not significantly different at p \ 0.05 (Duncan, 1955)

period is not suitable. As the result showed in Table 2, 45 Obviously, 1 cm long explants had the best embryogenic
days of subculture gave the best embryogenic response and responses than 1.5 and 2 cm long explants after 2 months of
the lowest percentage of explant browning on TDZ-con- culture on 1/2 MS medium supplemented with 3 mg/l of
taining medium. However, at 3 mg/l of BA, the 45 days of TDZ. Leaf explants longer than 1 cm turn brown easily and
treatment showed the best embryogenic response but also had extremely low embryogenic response. Therefore, older
the highest percentage of explant browning. In all of the explants longer than 1 cm were not suitable for embryo
treatments, cut ends still had the highest ability to form induction in P. amabilis.
embryos (Table 2).
Effects of BA and NAA on development of leaf-derived
Effect of explant length on direct embryo formation embryos

The leaf explants taken from older donor plants had longer When cultured on hormone-free medium, 60% of leaf-
length, and these leaves were cut into three segments for derived embryos could be converted into plantlets. How-
testing to their competences to form embryos (Table 3). ever, the percentage of browning was high (Table 4).

Acta Physiol Plant (2010) 32:621–627 625

Table 3 Effect of explant length on direct somatic embryogenesis from leaf explants of P. amabilis
Explant Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of embryogenesis at different explant locations (%) No. of embryos per
length (cm) browning (%) embryogenesis on responding explant
the entire explant (%) CE Ad Ab LT

1 30 a 30 a 20 a 25 a 5a 5a 13.5
1.5 60 a 0b 0b 0b 0a 0a 0
2 15 a 0b 0b 0b 0a 0a 0
Data were scored after 60 days of culture. The amounts of direct embryo formation were counted at entire explants or at different explant
locations (LT, leaf tips; Ad, adaxial sides; Ab, abaxial sides; and CE, cut ends). Data expressed as percentage were transformed using arc sine
prior to ANOVA and converted back to the original scale for demonstration in table (Compton, 1994). Five replicates (dishes) each with four leaf
explants were performed for each treatment. Means with the same letters within columns are not significantly different at p \ 0.05 (Duncan,

Table 4 Effects of BA and NAA on plantlet conversion of leaf-derived embryos of P. amabilis

BA (mg/l) NAA (mg/l) Plantlet conversion (%) Percentage of browning (%)
45 days 60 days 45 days 60 days

0 0 60 b 60 bcd 40 ab 40 abc
0.5 0 90 a 90 a 10 c 10 d
1 0 80 ab 80 ab 20 bc 20 cd
0 0.5 65 b 45 d 45 a 55 a
0 1 75 b 55 cd 25 ab 45 ab
0.5 0.5 60 b 60 bcd 40 ab 40 abc
0.5 1 75 b 70 bc 25 ab 30 bc
1 0.5 75 b 75 bc 25 ab 25 bc
Data were scored after 45 and 60 days of culture. The percentage of plantlet conversion was counted as the final numbers of survival plantlets
divided by the initial numbers of incubated leaf-derived embryos. Data expressed as percentage were transformed using arc sine prior to ANOVA
and converted back to the original scale (Compton, 1994). Four replicates (dishes) each with five embryos were performed for each treatment.
Means with same letters within columns are not significantly different at p \ 0.05 (Duncan, 1955)

BA promoted embryo development and at 0.5 mg/l gave 5–10 embryos per group. Obviously, the basal regions of
the highest rate of plantlet conversion (90%) and the lowest embryos showed a partial connection to each others and to
browning rate (Table 4). On the contrary, NAA inhibited the parent explant (Fig. 2d). After transferring the embryos
embryo development and at 0.5 and 1 mg/l both decreased into the growth medium, the size of embryo gradually
plantlet conversion rate and gave a higher percentage of enlarged and sheath leaves developed (Fig. 2c). At this
browning explant (Table 4). Besides, BA reduced the stage, the entire embryos were enclosed by two of the
inhibitory effects of NAA on embryo development (Table 4). sheath leaves (Fig. 2c). With a low frequency, both sides of
leaf explants were competent to form embryos (Fig. 2e). At
SEM observation maturity, the sheath leaves unfold and the shoots further
developed (Fig. 2f).
It reveals that somatic embryos formed directly from the In summary, the suitable factors for induction of direct
surfaces of leaf explants of both cultivars in an asynchro- somatic embryogenesis from Phalaenopsis leaf explants
nous way (Fig. 2a and b). In other words, different devel- were (1) 60 days in darkness for induction period; (2) 45
opmental stages of embryos were obtained on the same days for subculture period; (3) the leaf explant length
cultured expant (Fig. 2a and b). In addition, theses embryos should be less than 1 cm; and (4) 0.5 mg/l of BA for
clustered on the leaf surface and often with an average of plantlet conversion.

626 Acta Physiol Plant (2010) 32:621–627

Fig. 2 SEM observation on

direct somatic embryogenesis
from leaf explants of
Phalaenopsis. (The bar in upper
left denotes fitting for all
panels). a Direct somatic
embryogenesis from a leaf
explant of P. amabilis
(bar = 1.5 mm). b Direct
somatic embryogenesis from a
leaf explant of Phalaenopsis
‘Nebula’ (bar = 1 mm).
c Several mature leaf-derived
embryos of P. amabilis
(bar = 250 lm). d Clusters of
embryos of Phalaenopsis
‘Nebula’ (bar = 1.5 mm).
e Mature embryos from both
sides of a leaf of Phalaenopsis
‘Nebula’ (bar = 1.5 mm).
f A mature leaf-derived embryo
with sheath leaves (0.5 mm)

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