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Philippines a Century After In order to read the destiny of a people, it is necessary to open the book of its past. When the Philippines was colonized, the people changed its frm of govemment, its laws, usages, customs, religion, and belies. The islands were ‘depopulated, impoverished, and retarded, without confidence oftheir past, without faith in ther present, and no fond hope ofthe years to come. Te colonizers who endeavored to secure the fear and submission ofthe people made them submissive. Thus started a new period in the lives of the colonized. They gradually lost ther ancient traditions, their memories; they forgot their wings, their songs, their poetry ther laws, n oder to lear other doctrines that they donot understand. They learned foreign ethic, other tastes, different from what they used to. They became ashamed of what was their own and praised that which was foreign, their spirt was broken, and they acepted thei fate, Thus, the centuries rolled on. Religious shows, rites that caught the eyes, ‘songs lights, images arrayed with gold, worshipped ina strange language legends, miracls and sermons, hypnotized the superstitious spirits ofthe native Filipinos. They became disheartened and disgusted with themselves. Man was made a brut, a toile a beast of burden. A rece was developed without mind or heart. There were even writers and priests who pushed still further by denying the natives of their ‘county their capacity fr virtue, and even their tendency to vie. Instiled in the minds ofthe natives was the suteness of salvation through death, He suffered and died under foreign flag, his sacrifices repaid with insults and jest. His every wrong, every sorrow, every complain, every protest was punished with death soas tosilerce the native rae. That was how great their endurance! ‘The will and spirit of the people were not totally cowed. Every once in a wile here were fies inthe hears of few people, somehow, its flame was slowly propagated, thanks to the abuses and endeavors of certain classes to stifle noble and generous sentiments, Thus, when aflame catches a garment fear and confusion ropagiteit mre. Each blow is shakes blast from the fanstostirthe flame to life During these times there were not lacking generous and noble spirits among the ace. They struggled forthe rights of humanity and justice. What will their future be? Will the islands continue to be a Spanish colony, what kind of colony will it be? Wil they become a province of Spain? Will they have no autonomy? Or will autonomy be granted? What sacrifices will be made? Will the islands become an independent county? Or will it fall into the hands of another nation? Will it ally themse'ves with the neighboring countries or powers? W ‘What wll become ofthe Philippines within a century? After Legazpi's death, the natives found the yoke heavy, they red in van to shake it of, enthusiastic Jose zal Social Reformer and Patot ‘AStudy of His fe and Times {or liberty. The people of Cagayan who nourished themselves with the spirit ofthe Magalats to the descendants of the heroic Gat Pulintang and Gat Salakab of the province of Batangas, independence was assured. twas merely a question of getting together and making determined action, But around him were disorder, discord, apathy, brutalization of the lower classes, and absence of union among the upper classes. inevitably, the native extended his hands to the chains, bowed his neck beneath the yoke, and accepted the future with resignation ie that ofan invalid. After ‘three hundred yeas, the neck became acustomed tothe yoke, every new generation begotten in chains became better adapted to colonization. For the liberal Spaniards, the ethical condition ofthe people remains the same. The native Filipino has not advanced, the friars have been redeemed from savagery ‘and thisis progress. For many native Filipinos, ethics, spirit, and customs have decayed all the good qualities ofthe people. They became enslaved. The Spanish authority was upheld by a handful of solders, around thee to five hundred at most. Many were engaged in trade and scatered not only in the islands but they engaged in wats agains the Muslims in the south they fought against the British and Dutch while they were harassed by Japanese, Chinese, and other tribes of the interior. The communication with Spain and Mexico was rare slow, and dificult ‘There were frequent and violent disturbances among the ruling powers of the islands, the treasury nearly always empty andthe life ofthe colonst dependent on one galleon ship that handled the Chinese trade. The seas in those regions were infested with pirates and enemies ofthe Spanish rule. In spite of many unfavorable circumstances through the three hundred yeas, the Spanish authority was upheld, Above the material considerations, there are more powerful forces. The Orientals ‘and Malays are a sensitive people; delicacy of sentiment is dominant, even until the present time. Even with the contact withthe Westerners who had very different ideas from us, the native Filipinos sacrifice everything-liberty, ease, welfare, name, and even conceit. The native Filipinos have remained faithful during the three hundred years, dazzled by the hope of Paradise, sometimes cajoled by friendship offered by ‘the Spaniards, sometimes due to the superiority of arms, sometimes because the foreigner took advantage of the feuds as he attempted to step in as peacemaker but after some time, dominated both parties and subjected them to his authority. Spanish domination was established, it was firmly maintained, thanks to the attachment of the people to their constant wars. Then, the natives were ridiculed and insulted of hs labors and achievements, he was slandered, the newspapers and books published with governmental and superior ecclesiastical approval, but the natives were forbidden to defend himself or reply to these slanders, The obligations ‘and taxes continue to increase without increasing the rights, privileges, and liberties or assuring the few tht are in existence. There wasa regime of continuous terror and uncertainty, a regime worse than a period of disorder. The islands under the regime Part. life and Works of Rizal | | SSS See - is poor its financial crisis acute, True, there is the Penal Code but what use are all ‘odes inthis world, i by means of confidential reports, for tring reasons, through traltorsany honest cizens may be exiled or banished without being hear, without ‘vial? What use is life if there is no security inthe home, no faith injustice, and ‘no confidence in conscience? A horde of friars in whose hands rests the instruction ofthe youth yet miserably these years are wasted. Students af tired, weary, and disgusted with books. Thee i the presence of censorship that tries to dose every avenue of progress. There are confessional, books, and missals that inculcate hatred toward scientific knowledge and even toward the Spanish language itself because they want to keep the natives in holy ignorance. F those who guide the destiny ofthe Philipines remain hardheaded instead of itreducing reforms. To push the severity and repression against the classes that suffer end think. just claims are to go unheeded as being a subversive tendency; ifthe country is denied representation in the Cortes so that an authorized voice is allowed to cry out against all kinds of abuses, i the natives will continually be insulted and accused of ingratitude, itis possible that in afew years the present slate ofits will be changed. Forthere now exists factor which was formery lacking The spirtofthe nation has been aroused and a common misfortune, a common debasement has united all the inhabitants ofthe Islands. A numerous enlightened class now exists within and ‘outside ofthe islands. A clas created and continually augmented by the stupidity of certin governing powers which forces the inhabitants to leave the country, to secureeducation abroad and itis maintained through te spin of increasing doubt. This clss, whose number is increasing, isin constant communication withthe rest ofthe slands and constitutes the brain ofthe county. Ina few years it wll form the whole nervous system and manifests existence inal its acts. There now exist free- thinkes, writers, historians, philosophers, chemists, physicians, artist, and jurists. Enlightenment is spreading and the persecution it suffers quicken it.The divine flame of thought sinestinguishable in the Filipino people; it will shine forth and ‘compa recognition. The advancement and ethical progress of the Philippines are inevitable; these are decreed by fate. There isa requirement from the sovereign country for or liberty. ‘The Philippines will remain under the Spanish domination if there are more lawsand greater libery otherwise the people will decar themselvesindependent ‘but ths is possible after so much blood will be shed. No one desires for such an unfortunate situation. Transformation will be violent and fatal if it proceeds from the ranks of the people but peaceful and fruitful if it emanates from the upper classes. Jose Rizal Socal Reformer and Ptot -AStudy of His fe and Times ‘Al reforms of the liberal ministers have been and are good when carried out ‘As long as the Philippines will have no liberty ofthe press, no voice in the Corts to make t known tothe government and to the nation whether or not their decrees have been duly obeyed, whether or not these benefit the country, all the able efforts of the colonial ministers willbe useless. Those who desire these reforms to be realistic reforms, the press in the Philippines must be declared ftee. Tis isto ensure that Complaints reach Spain since the report from the Philippines, if there are those that dare to publish; these are so badly o tardy done. A goverment that rules a county from a great distance isin need ofa greater fee press it wants to rule righty and fity. The press can become its eyes and eas. sees the people it rules and can repot Girectl tothe rulers and administrators. The government requires tuths and fats to teach ts knowledge. This is most especially tru in the relationship of Spain and the Philippines because the inhabitants speak and complain ina language unknown to the authorities. nation acquires respec not by abeting or concealing abuses but by punishing them, The Filpino representatives are needed; they must be delegated. Stuggle in the principles of the parliament is preferable to the ‘exchange of shots in swampy lands thousands of leagues away from Spain, in the forests, under the hot sun and torrential rains? The pacific struggles of ideas are means of gauging the situation of the colony. Noone ceases to be a man; no one forfeits his rights to civilization, The Filipino isa fit ctzen because he is asked to pay taxes, he is asked to shed his blood to defend the Spain, so why must he be denied some ight? Ifthe Flipin is suficenty intelligent to pay taxes, he must also be able to choose and retain the one who looks after him and his interests The English has the most respect from among ther subjects because of their Strict and speedy justice so thatthe inhabitants put their entire confidence in their Judges. Justice isthe foremost vitue ofthe cvlizng races. It subdues the barbarous nations while injustice arouses the weakest. Ofcs and tus shouldbe awarded by Competition, publishing the work and the judgment so that there may be stimulus and discontent may not be bred. Then, ifthe native does na shake off his indolence, he cannot complain when he see ll the offices filled by Catlas. Both the colonized and the colonzer should not fear the competition forthe genuine prestige should be sought by means of moral qualities. Those seeking to work in government offices should be upright, hones, and inteligent. The offices earned through competition will do away with arbitrary dismissal and develop among government the kind of employees and officials who are capableand who recognize their duties. There are very close bonds that unite the Philippines with Spain. The two groups of peoples lived for three hundred years in continuous contacts, sharing the same beliefs, worshipping the same God, shedding our blood on the same fields, and exchanging ideas. The tis between them are stronger. Curent the struggle is Part. tif and Works of Rizal ‘through legaland peaceful means and students’ gaze re fixed upon the ideals and would not cease to plead the cause without going beyond the boundaries of law. If ll ofthese are not heard, if harassment and antagonistic ideas continue, then the Philippines wil inalibly declare independence. f education and liberty willbe denied by Spain, able students will seek enlightenment abroad. Hence, great prudence andtact shouldbe exercised If the Philippines secured their independence, they can rest assure that England, Germany, France or the Netherlands wll dae to take up what Spain was notable to held, Within afew years, Aca will completely absorb the attention of the Europeans England has her colonies etn the eastem side of Asia and twill not sacrifice the Indian Empire forte Philippine islands. England also as Singapore, Malaysia, Burma, Shanghai and Hong Kong? Itis probable that England wil look favorably onthe independence of the Philippines frit will open pors to her and greater freedem for her commerce. Germary will not care to run any isk and scattering of her forces and war at a distant courty will endanger her existence on the continent. Thus, itis confined to conquering tertories that belong to nobody for Germany avoids foreign complications. France has enough to do and sees more of a future in Tongking and China. France loves glory bu the glory and laurels that grow on the battlefields of Europ. Hollan is sensible and is content to keep the Moluccas and Java. Sumatra ‘offers grater future than te Philippines whose seas and coasts have sinister omen for Dutch expeditions. China wil consider herself fortunate if she succeeds in keeping herself intact and is rt dismembered or partitioned among the European powers that are colonizing the Asian continent. The same is true with Japan. On the north side is Russia who envies and ‘watches her. On the south is England with who she isin accord and Japan is under European dip omatic pressure. Korea is more attractive to Japan than the Philippine islands. The great American Republic, whose interests lie inthe Pacfic and has no hhand inthe spoliation of Africa may some daydream of foreign possession This, isnot impossible forthe example is contagious. Covetousness and ambition are among the stongest vices, Panama Canalis not opened or the tettry ofthe USA congested wit inhabitants but she wil attempt to follow the European powers. North Ameria isa troublesome rival anditis contrary to her trditons Probabl, the Philippines will defend with valorthe liberty secured atthe price af so much blood and sacrifice. Men born of this soil, witha recollection oftheir past, they wil strive on the road of progress. Using thei labor together, they will Jose Rizal Soil Reformer and Patot ‘Stuy of His if and Times strengthen internally and externally, using the enthusiasm ofthe youth, they wil til the lands that were abandoned by their ancestors, the mountains will be mined for gold, iron for their weapons, copper ead, and coal. Perhaps, the county will revive the maritime and mercantile life for which the people ofthe islands ae best suited according to nature. They wl regain their vitues and will become addicted to peace cheerful, happy, ayous, hospitable, and daring. These and many things may come to pass within something like a hundred years but these prophesies are based best on probabilities. These may er through remote and insignificant causes, nevertheless, it isnot well to trust to accidents because there are incomprehensible logic inthe workings of histor. Therefore, we repeat, while there is time, and that i beter to keep pace withthe desires ofthe people. It is necessary to grant the six milion Filipinos their rights so that they may be, in fac, Spaniards, letthe government grant these rights freely and spontaneously, without damaging reservations, without irritating mistrust for there while a ray of hope i left for we prefer this unpleasant task tothe need of some day telling Spain that inspite of everything that we underwent withthe county, we askto draw from them a glance of love, aliberl policy that would assure the peace of our native land but Spain remained deaf and wrapped in pride. Spain accused us of being treitors when all we did was love our country, we dared to tell the truth and we hate injustice but what are the results of our efforts? Review ofthe essay ‘On the Indolence of the Filipino People Enumerate the changes demanded by the Filipino students in Spain mentioned in both essays Analyze how the individual demands will benefit the native Filipinos. Cite one demand whichis sill applicable to the Philippine situation at present. Cite one concrete example of this situation inthe Phlippinesin the present time. ‘Write an essay about a sensible prediction on how the Philipines is now in terms of: a. national unity b. being neighbors with communist countries ike China, North Korea, and Russia ‘The Constitution of La Liga Filipina Jose Rizal wrote the constitution of the organization called La Liga Filipina. Ends: 1, To unite the whole archipelago into one compact, vigorous, and homogenous body 2. Mutual protection in every want and necessity ee Part. tfe and Works of Rizal

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