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Name: Carrie Anne Aquila Garcia

Section: St. Aloysius Gonzaga
In the motion, still in the rotation of the clock and changing zones of this generation we still have
a lot of questions about ourselves and other people. Thus, this can serve as our league—a foundation of
your path—to the things that you are really adroit with. It is inevitable for us to ask various queries
about the world and we become imperceptive with ourselves. Taken a grasp by these, we develop a self-
recrimination as we grow old and as we mature much for the society—depending on the nature of our

Pretentious. This is one thing that I keep in mind that as a person, I am pretentious and at the
same time, I am aware of some occurrences that is happening in my life. We cannot hide the fact that we
as a person, we have some peculiar habits. Me, as a person, tempestuous and, yet I still have that soul
and compassion for other people, and still vulnerable. Being considerate and with relevance to
physicality, I can describe myself a typical school girl with glasses on.

When we talk about ‘them’, we describe everything that is attested and visible, yet when it
comes to ourselves, we have a vivid retort at some point. Self. As a perception about ‘self’, this is
cognitive embodiment. For instance, ‘this is how I deal with everything, every day.’, this is the word
‘self’—you make things work around you using your own abilities—wherein, this is a visceral part of
being a person, since this is not just a part of being a person, but also the whole faction of yourself. Self,
is manifestation of elective thinking, being a whole human with emotional, physical, mental, and
spiritual attributes.

If I wouldn’t know myself, how would others know? Ranging from 1-10, I know myself in the
scale of 6. Since, we have the saying “life starts at 40”, I would rate my self-knowing as 6, due to the
age I am in. This is not even half of my life, that I am in the period that I have my eccentricities and
idiosyncrasy—particularly as a student—that I cannot take a hold of self-control.

Practicing your welfare is a difficult manifestation to do, yet I still manage to cope with my
surroundings although there are instantaneous changes along my environment. I materialize it by
maintaining tranquility and I read books which of are my interests. I do things that satisfies myself on a
daily basis, such as organizing or listings. None of these will be possible without the guidance of my
family, but I always keep this inside my head, “nothing can make it better, but you.” Tranquility won’t
be preserved with a tingly mind, there will be no progress if you don’t give yourself a leisure time, and I
don’t engage myself sheer to gadgets. There are things that I would most likely manifest, but then
there’s room for improvement and self-development.

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