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a typical school girl that regardless of what

happens around me, I may feel a heavy instinct
that everything comprises of an indirect cause
because of me. I have eccentricities particularly
on my mood; I get easily irritated by people and
I only get to communicate with people
comfortably when I know of them. I can be a
little bit playful and vexer, but then that is
under the contrary of my preferabilities. I never
liked to be involved at anything nonetheless if it
is what I want. Currently, I hide my moods in
different times and most speculate of my
character is that I am cunning when I ought to;
defending other people, but can’t defend


writing essays and articles that usually

comprises my feelings and reflects my social
being. Not only that this is my medium of
language, but this also keeps my memory; my
skills, way of communicating and my way of
saying that I am the one who chartered this
masterpiece. Moreover, regardless of being to
intimate with my friends, I also like having
conversations with them, especially those
things that are for our own. I even liked
composing songs when I want something to be
heard and not directly to what I am pertaining
to. Furthermore, I often want to be alone, but
not lonely.


Tried to conquer my fears when I was just grade 9. I

experienced the feeling of hatred and grudge against
people and what hurts most that it was my own family
that dissed me. I felt so dismissed; they made me feel
that I am nothing, since they wanted me out of their
house—my grandparents—because my mom was in
another country. Moreover, my uncle took the part of
my grandfather and blamed me for all the inopportune
events that is happening in our family. Of all those, I
made my mom comeback from abroad and that was one
of the most tremendous experience I had, yet it made
me stronger and bolder. It made me keener along the
way, it helped me develop my balance to any situation
and even if there was depression I still stood up and
recovered from that. Through that blotted out place,
where there is hope, there are trials.
1. What image and type of person is being presented in the activity?
That person being executed is not regarded as what. In correction, it is who. When we talk
about ourselves, we deliberately conform ourselves that we are great and well-nourished by our
mind and soul. The person, regardless of my appearance, is myself. “Self” a term I use when it is
volition for my humanity. This is how I get attached to myself and work to the point that I get too
affectionate about how I feel and how I think. This is what we call “self”; you, regarding yourself
as uniquely diverse from people without a doubt and a person that I am is shallow in perception,
but not bleak when it comes to everything.

2. How do you feel about those characteristics that you wrote about yourself? Why?
Regardless of what characteristic I have, I never regret it since I know that these
characteristics were molded by myself. I never let inactivity create a dismantle in my personality;
I am proud and benevolent of how I see myself as a person—being optimistic, indulged, and
passionate. I never get intimidated instantaneously, despite of everything that happened. I
worked hared for this. Thus, molding a characteristic is not just a break of fate, but it is how you
perceive things and your willingness to learn in this study place. Internalizing and self-
recrimination are two contrasted things that are hard to control, yet these things are natural as a
teenager. Hence, when we practice these self-assessments, we are able to perceive ourselves as
flaw some at some point.

3. What have you realized about your ‘self’ after this activity?
I should dig myself deeper. I should not always depend on what I see that I could do. Based
on what I’ve read, we have the subconscious mind that the things we do is not what we realized
that we can do it. Self does not only pertain to what molded character you have, but the
experiences and occurrences you’ve observed and cited.

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