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11/26/2019 Virtual Guide

Congratulations on completing the Microsoft 365 Business Fundamentals! You've fully deployed Microsoft 365 Business,
secured the evironment from cyber threats, configured device management, and deployed Teams!

What you've learned

Exercise 1: Explore Partner Sales & Demo Resources
Create a demo tenant on CDX
Download Demo Experience assets from CDX
Download a customer presentation from CCA
Exercise 2: Complete the configuration of your Office 365 tenant
Complete the Microsoft 365 Business Setup Wizard
Create an initial set of Teams
Create an initial Intune Mobile App Management (MAM) Policy
Create an initial Intune Mobile Device Management (MDM) Policy
Exercise 3: Configure Identity Protection
Create a dedicated admin account
Configure Baseline Policies
Turn on MFA for a subset of users using Conditional Access
Enroll your admin account in MFA
Exercise 4: Configure Email Protection
Stop auto-forwarding for email
Warn users before opening macro enabled files
Block executable attachments
Configure Office 365 ATP anti-phishing
Configure Office 365 ATP Safe Attachments
Configure Office 365 ATP Safe Links
Exercise 5: Configure Device Management
Delete the device management policies created by setup wizard
Create a Windows 10 MDM policy for company devices
Create a Windows 10 MAM policy for company devices
Modify the Windows 10 MAM policy for company devices
Join Azure Active Directory and verify settings

To continue your learning with Microsoft 365 Business we highly recommend navigating to for sales
& technical documentation!… 1/1

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