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MessageId Date Sender Recipients Attach- Body

(UTC) ment
7753349824 6/11/2020 2.2-3705.1(1) 2.2-3706(B)(7)0 "Louise Lucas should be charged for that man being injured "
7753474221 6/11/2020 17572355724 2.2-3706(B)(7)0 "Morning. Grabbed the 5 grandkids from Suffolk and came down to NC to hook up
13:09 with the other 2 grandkids and their parents to have a good time for a few days.
Kept seeing what was going on with the privately owned monument and
wondered what politician told the police not to interfere. Now you know that
Louise Lucas thinks she runs everything, and that most of the politicians let her
have her way. That's how the past chief got her job. The Governor of Va. is afraid
of Lucas. Hope this is not enough to make you think about leaving. We need
people like you and Dr. Patton to stand up to those folks that think the law does
not apply to them. I'm sorry you are putting up with this crap, you don't deserve
it. Keep the faith!"
"Evening.. I've been praying for you a week now. Just wanted you to know myself
and many Portsmouth citizens have your back. The senator may try to dis-credit
you, she has no leg to stand on. She is on video giving the orders. She should be
6/12/2020 on her knees, a reCall is coming her way. Let me know if you need anything. Gary
7755085861 0:13 17575352311 2.2-3706(B)(7) 0 McIntire your future employee."

2.2-3705.1(2) "Ok. I think I can clear this up. It has nothing to do with you not prosecuting
destruction of property. The defense attorneys on scene told the officers that you
6/15/2020 advised the defense attorneys you would not prosecute for trespassing. MCGEE
7768720092 23:05 2.2-3706(B)(7)17577290185 0 was one of those officers the defense attorneys said that too. "

7769765618 19:15 2.2-3706(B)(7)2.2-3706(B)(7) 0 2.2-3705.1(1)
6/16/2020 "
7770354335 23:46 17324061941 2.2-3706(B)(7) 0 sen-louise-lucas-gaining-momentum/"
"Good Morning Gary, I apologize I thought Lt. Harris would've informed you. We
did the walk yesterday evening since today was declared a city holiday and we
now have 3 events/demonstrations going on tonight. Your aware of the senator
Lucas at 5 but we now have NAACP events at festival park near city hall at 4 and
6/19/2020 then at the monument at 6. So there was no way we could've done the walk
7783283269 15:42 2.2-3706(B)(7)17575352311 0 today. I'm sorry you were not updated. "
"Afternoon. Just thinking about you and Dr. Patton and hoping you guys are doing
ok. It sounds like maybe this stuff is going to come back a smack Louise Lucas and
7/3/2020 her cronies in the face. Hopefully another lying politician bites the dust. Be tough
7855431556 20:22 17572355724 2.2-3706(B)(7) 0 and have a great 4th. "
8038187640 15:23 2.2-3706(B)(7)2.2-3706(B)(7) 0 "McGee is here to meet with you at 11:30"
"Are you aware of the public defenders office requesting copies of all of the
warrants from yesterday? According to Mike Boyd, LTC Burke approved McGee to
8/18/2020 give them copies, but I just wanted to ensure you were aware before we did
8058832159 17:41 2.2-3705.1(1) 2.2-3706(B)(7) 0 something against our normal FOIA process."
8/18/2020 "Angela, I got a question I need an answer to. Did Senator Lucas know about the
8060061531 22:06 18043389512 2.2-3706(B)(7) 0 charges before you held the news conference, or was she 'blindsided?'"

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