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As a child I was blessed by my father to

travel extensively we didn't have the
best clothes we didn’t shop at expensive stores we
didn't drive the fanciest cars we didn't
have the biggest house but what my
parents money was spent on was travel. As
a kid I remember going three weeks to
Australia, traveling to
England, Germany, Turkey. This then
transitioned my love for travel.

Traveling not only makes you

taste new foods, new smells,
it not only engage you
in comfortable or uncomfortable
environments, you get to hear new
languages sometimes it's uncomfortable
to be a part of a new language or to try
navigating through a city where you don't
know the language but this builds
confidence, this
built courage within yourself and you learn
that there's varied ways of doing things
that is not in your country

I believe traveling makes you learn things unwillingly.

If you go to any countries in Asia you'll
definitely hear a different type of
language, you'll taste different foods and
different flavors.

Traveling doesn’t only mean going to another country, it means going to a place which is not near your home.
Traveling in your own country makes you see different types of people experiencing different sights. Traveling
domestically enriches a child's life or
an adult's life and broadens perspective of
who we are where we come from.
Visit any city in your country and you'll definitely see
historical landmarks everywhere whether
it's a small or big. You don't have to
travel far to gain new culture and new
experiences it's all about perspective
whether international domestic or local.
Travel encourages understanding
listening and make you respect your own life.

Here are some tips to make your traveling almost comfortable. First of all do some research, ask the people who
went there about the place and if you like to explore everything easily then hire a guide or else navigate through the
city yourself and explore new stuff.

With all that I am ending my speech here, thank you.

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