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2 Marks

1. What is XML?
2. Difference b/w XML and HTML?
3. Write a code snippet for simple XML document?
4. Mention the building blocks of XML document structure
5. Define Xml Declaration and mention its component
6. Define Document type declaration and mention its components
7. What is element and attributes in xml? Explain with example
8. What is Entity reference? Explain with example?
9. List out the rules of xml structure
10. What is well formed and valid document?
11. What is well formed and valid documents
12. What is namespace in xml?
13. What is DTD and write the syntax for it
14. Mention the DTD element rules
15. List out the DTD attributes types
16. Mention the XML predefined entities
17. Write the DTD drawbacks
18. What is XSD?
19. What is XPATH and mention its syntax?
20. List out the xpath axes for location step
21. What is xpointer?
22. What is xlink?

16 Mark

1. Explain in detail about XML document Structure?

2. Explain in detail about DTD?
3. Explain in detail about XML schema?
4. Explain in detail about XFILES

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