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Sree Doing to Learn OH. 953 Cherry Street © Blanchester Important Dates Premier Leadership ena Fi bay of Schoo! ape Th Tear Pavoni and FFA Members Mus Sale Angus 2th-Septemaber ee} 1° to see how well our members di thle Fig Cuptee Metin Siptenier 20a xpos appreciate the love of get sportsmanship and hard Grenhand Night salsa work that each of ur tember ring tac azn snnnot wait to ce Ihe members pt forth that har-wark thie this choo yar in the ‘lasroom. enrcr development events and thee aupervsod agriculture Chapter Meet October mpi The office team and mel, would ket assure all four mem snd families that we have een had at work getting the classrooms aaa es ay ossaeia reny. planning events nd exouting ur ladeship and commana Gaee Day & balige Exe Noweciber 7? tion sills during our two day offer retreat in August, We are excited tows these new sled ar planning may possible situations for Sa TBD our event, so tht we can make them happen to ou fullest ability Gaya Mg November ft Aucing the pane T encourage member to hacome ative and involved this year and lie every opportunity that FFA provides you with. There are many oft-sile that canbe used in any profi, Hike jbviterview and public peaking. and Tenn aay ax Uh-yoar member that Cam {pata that Thave been iavatvad, Int ony have learned no many Sills but made many rondahipa and sins elaionshipebaomseo Sincerely, Ashleigh Osborn OE, have + ss wphomort ead «tht yea nei necks ing a quarterly newsletter or eee eee ere aeceras MAKESURE IE YOU SHOWED AND. SOLD AN ANTMAL AT PAIR THAT YOU GET YOUR THANK. YOU'S SENT OUT IMMEDIATELY! eoeee Ree erent SCM peter enn Oe Tc, Tata Fre ear NC rer CEC LR emer ETI CK cu te A aa Breer ae Pea te eer ee Te RO eee ere eR eC oe record keeping and general business terminology Reece oe Tre Pc Ne a Pree emer eer ree torr eg ern om oa

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