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Many young people aspire that expenses for pursuing a higher level of education at universities are

becoming more expensive. The causes of this situation appear to be focused on three areas, and a
number of solutions also consider to be possible.

Perhaps the major factor here is the minimum of government subsidies on education. In many
affluent countries, governments have a special budget spent on this sector, taking German as a very
good example. Another cause is the highest prices of living costs is almost overwhelming students
who are economically unstable. They should consider having enough money for both education and
life expendenture while studying at a university. As a consequence, this leads students to be less
productive to achieve more accomplishments in university. The third factor is that having side part-
time job becomes a reasonable choice to be applied, even though they will be paid poorly due to
lack of experience.

Turning to possible solutions, an obvious step would be to restore government policy on the
allocation of education budgeting. It would be wise if the government took this way to solve the
problem to assist those who in needs to gain an opportunity in attaining university by giving financial
aid, such as full scholarship which covers all tuitions fee and living cost. A second remedy might be
for the university to offer a shorter course with professional internship programs in governmental
institutions, education, and even in companies included. Thus, they will be considered more by
industries after or within the period of education. Finally, students themselves should perhaps be
more flexible in attending the university by accumulating sufficient funds first to support their next
level of education.

in summary, the factors of funding and living cost appear to be the main causes. A coordinated
response by the state, the university and the students may well lessen the severity of the situation.

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