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Assignment – FP012 A&T



This assignment has to fulfil the following conditions:

- Length: 6 to 8 pages (without including cover, index or appendices –if there are
- Font type: Arial or Times New Roman.
- Font size: 11.
- Spacing: 1.5.
- Alignment: Justified.

Use the following Word document as the template for the assignment. Follow the
guidelines of presentation and format, as for quotes and bibliographical references,
which are detailed in the Study Guide.

Submit the assignment following the procedure specified in the Evaluation document.
Assignments must not be sent to the tutor’s e-mail.

The assessment criteria can be found in the Evaluation document.

Assignment – FP012 A&T


You should devise a formal “determ” or “achievement” test for assessing

language learning outcomes of specified objectives in either listening or reading
(you must specify the objectives).

The instrument should be justified in relation to its theoretical basis. The test
should aim to test the communicative use of language and will therefore include
integrative techniques, although these might be objectively or subjectively
marked as you feel appropriate. Items which test knowledge of discrete items of
grammar and lexis may also be included if you think it is appropriate. The
rationale should minimally include discussion of the following:
 The type of test according to purpose (see unit 2).
 Whether the test could be considered second, or third generation.
 Discussion of the principles of language testing as outlined in Unit 3, in relation
to the test you design.
 Discussion of relevant scales and instructions for marking the test.
 Discussion of why you have chosen the test formats elected for the particular

Note: You are expected to devise a test (i.e. write your own test). Do not use a
test taken from other sources. Please note that plagiarised tests will be given a
fail grade.

Important: you have to write your personal details and the subject name on the
cover (see the next page). The assignment that does not fulfil these conditions
will not be corrected. You have to include the assignment index below the cover.

Assignment – FP012 A&T

Student’s full name: Bryan Z. Jimenez Diazgranados

Barbara B. Pinzon Pinto
Jhon E. Ortiz Cubides
Steffany L. Pérez Moreno
Group: 2019-02
Date: May 28, 2020

Assessment and testing

Assignment – FP012 A&T

Table of content

Introduction.................................................................................................................. 5
Type of
Generation of the test..................................................................................................7
Principles of language testing……………………………………………………….………..8
Test format…………………………………………………………………………….………..9

Assignment – FP012 A&T


Being a teacher gathers many functions and skills in order to provide

meaningful knowledge and learning process. Educators must be able to face different
scenarios in the classroom as students’ management, class preparation, design and
adaptation of materials, assessments, etc. These tasks require a big amount of time
and effort to accomplish them effectively. Regarding the last aspect, assessment, it is
known that it is highly necessary to get students advance in their learning by correcting
mistakes and incorporate new data. According to Brown, (1990) assessment refers to
“a related series of measures used to determine a complex attribute of an individual or
group of individuals. This involves gathering and interpreting information about student
level of attainment of learning goals”. Considering this statements, many teachers are
not aware of the relevance of this matter. Most of them do not know what they have to
assess and how to make it understandable for students. Although there are diverse
forms of evaluating, teachers must identify and implement the best strategies based on
each situation to be assessed.
Effective assessment is vital to improve the teaching- learning development
since it shows the weakest points in the process and provides strategies to overcome
them. Furthermore, it is fundament that students know how they are progressing in
their study with the purpose of encouraging achieving the class objectives. When
assessing students, teachers should be capable of portraying the items to be
reinforced, but at the same time, motivating learners to be more self-directed. In the
case of teaching languages, it is a bit more complex owing the need to seek a
communicative approach developing the four language skills (listening, reading,
speaking and writing). This is why, various methods and instruments are required to
measure each feature and provide reliable feedback. One of the most common way to
evaluate is through tests since they examine what students have learnt. However,
there are different types according to teacher’s aims.
Bearing in mind what previously stated, the following paper is intended to create
an English progress test for 10th grade students at Colombo Español School located in
Colombia. This test aims to test the communicative use of language in the reading skill.
In addition, through this essay, integrative techniques, theories of language testing,
instruments to assess, the format and generation will be analysed in order to portray
the basis and the form to assess and provide effective language learning outcomes.

Assignment – FP012 A&T


Learners need to know how their learning is being carried out. Therefore,
assessment and evaluation must be always monitored and implemented to obtain
advances in their progress. In this sense, teachers should be familiar with techniques
and instruments of assessing to support learners helping them pointing out their
difficulties to improve and strengths to take advantage. In this paper, a reading test will
be designed with the purpose of checking students’ domain in this skill. This ability was
chosen since education in Colombia seeks to develop critical thinking and
comprehension when reading. Consequently, teachers are asked to work on this skill in
the classroom using continuous and final assessment formats.
Taking into consideration the target population, this work will take place in 10 th
grade students at Colombo Español School. This institution is located in Barranquilla,
Colombia. It is considered a bilingual school with 10 hours of English per week. The
number of the group is 17 students who 10 are boys and 7 are girls. They are between
15 and 17 years old. Considering their English proficiency, it is possible to say that they
are in an intermediate level (B1) based on Common European Framework. It is
relevant to state that this test will be performed in a virtual format since they are having
online classes due the current pandemic.

Type of test

Designing an accurate test tends to be hard since it needs to be addressed

based on students’ and the teacher’s needs and objective of it. Consequently,
assessing in the classroom should be driven to assist the learning process by providing
feedback to the learner, which can be used to improve future performance. By
examining students’ ´progress, all the learning participants (teachers, students,
coordinators) can evidence whether the objectives are being achieved based on what it
is traced in the curriculum. In this case, the school is determined to develop reading
comprehension in 10th students since they will face a national exam called Pruebas
Saber next year. Therefore, preparation and assessments are required to get students
do that exam successfully.
Observing the information above, it is likely to express that the type of test is a
formal evaluation. This formal assessment is conducted by the teacher with the aim of
assessing learning. As FUNIBER (2016, p.9) states, “These tests are a type of hybrid,

Assignment – FP012 A&T

not as formal as the carefully constructed and validated language examinations of

external bodies, nor as informal as teacher observation of progress on everyday
classroom tasks”. In this manner, this type of test will help teachers examine the
classroom progress and what they are truly learning. Since reading is the skill to be
evaluated, it is suitable to mention that the test must be created in a progress form
because the target population (10th graders) require some practice to understand which
items they need to overcome and provide them with tools and strategies to make future
test right. An effective progress test provides both students and teachers with the
information needed to improve teaching and learning in process. Obviously, this type
involves increased effort for both teacher and student due they need to work together
to enhance in the process and accomplish objectives. In addition, it will help monitor
how the new knowledge and skills in students are developing.
On the other hand, it is necessary to establish the content of the test. Firstly, it
is pertinent that the information to be evaluated should be connected to the possible
topics in the national exam (Pruebas Saber) and with the syllabus. This is why,
connectors are the topic to be treated in the reading test. Students are conscious of the
use of these and the different types based on the context. This national exam is built
with a format of multiple choices in which four options are given and students must
select the most accurate. Therefore, the test to design will follow this characteristic.
Moreover, connectors fit well with the group proficiency due it is considered an
intermediate content. Plus, it will guide the teacher if this topic was assimilated
accurately or by the opposite, it needs some reinforcement.

Generation of the test

Tests are seen as valuable resources to measure how much students have
learnt having tangible and visual results. They are used to collect information about
students’ performance and verify how far they have advanced since they start the
course. Formal testing have gone through historical phases that have been classified
and established to differentiate formal tests and know which ones need to be used in
the classroom based on purposes. These phases are categorized as first, second and
third generation tests will be briefly explained below in order to evidence the most
suitable for the reading test.
The first generation tests refer to assess various parts of the language by
implementing complex tasks such as, translation, compositions and answering
questions. It is associated with the grammar/translation approach. However, this
generation offers lack of reliability since grading could lead to subjectivity because one

Assignment – FP012 A&T

student can have different grades if more than one teacher marks the test. In this form,
the second generation takes place. It is meant to assess specific features of the
language. It employs multiple-choice questions to evaluate certain element, which
make them longer. Besides, one critic this generation presents is that they do not
sample integrative language, which is an aspect of communicative approach.
Nevertheless, it is highly reliable since different examiners can grade one learner
equally. Lastly, the third generation gives response to the second generation
(communicative regard). It has as target to provide students with real contexts where
they use the language as a vehicle and it can be assessed at the same time. Moreover,
it shows authenticity integrating the skills and comprehension and communication
After having described the generation tests, it is possible to affirm that the test
will be designed following the third generation. As (Weir, 1993) suggests, by using third
generation tests, the development of different competences is involved in the language,
therefore, they are unified. This reading test reaches to assess learners’ understanding
and comprehension in readings for a future national exam they have to take. In
addition, the topic “connectors” will be not isolated, but introduced and evaluated
providing a real context, which help students identify how to use them and, at the same
time, they are tested.

Principles of language testing

As it was presented previously, the test will be designed with the third
generation, it implies reliability in order to assess the use of a specific vocabulary
related to a definite context, and the formal test has high reliability and low validity
instead of the informal test that has low reliability and more validity. According to
Funiber (2016) “ [...] reliability refers to a consistency of the scoring test” (pag. 29) .
This aspect is relevant in the creation of the test, in this case, the progress test
because it reflects the contents that are necessary for this level and the students’
language needs. It is necessary to know what the progress of the students in reading
skills is. Because they are closer to present the exam “PRUEBAS SABER 11”, the
elements found in the score will be used to improve the students’ weaknesses, adapt to
the needs, and train for the exam.
In this section, more elements are important to highlight in the creation of the
test, for example, the usage and use. Based on the design, the test will include the
“use” that invites students to perform the knowledge in diverse situations, with no
usage where the student only follows some grammatical rules. Widdowson (1978)

Assignment – FP012 A&T

states “we do not simply manifest the abstract system of the language, we at the same
time realize it as meaningful communicative behavior” which is one of the priorities and
the school’ curriculum demands.
Continuing with the principles of the test, the assessment with the features
presented above involves a direct assessment, considering that each one of the
questions requires the knowledge of the use of the language in a real situation (text of
reading). The students are going to find a reading test with missing parts, and they
have to select what the best option is. These kinds of questions -multiple choice- are
used for the “Pruebas Saber”, thus, for school, teachers and students are demanding
to have good training and to know the use of this topic that is essential in that level
(10th grade).
It carries to identify an integrative and objective assessment, it is integrative
because the test aims to integrate the student’s knowledge in a specific communicative
situation and it is an objective assessment because the answers (multiple choice) are
given to identify aspects as the proper use of the language. Although most of the
integrative tests are subjective (ibid), where it is evaluated speaking and writing skills,
this test is objective due to the answers are established in advance. Another element
that is taking into account in the creation of the text is the contextualization, for
students are important to recognize a context, it is easier for them to have clear this
point in order to answer each one of the questions. Following the line of integrative
assessment, the context is important because the test has a communicative purpose.

Test format

There are different test formats. Each one of them looks for to assess the
knowledge, the competence in the language or the four skills at the same time. There
are also tests that focus on a specific ability such as assessments of writing, reading,
listening and speaking. Nevertheless, the aim of the test is determined by the teacher
because he or she knows what the necessities of the students are.
Inside the formal assessment, it is found variety of techniques, Heaton (1975)
mentions some samples: Transformation, Completion, Combination, Addition,
Rearrangement, True/False, Matching, Dual Choice and Multiple Choice. Those
models are placed on the second generation because they are associated with
grammar, vocabulary, etc. But the technique Multiple Choice can be improved, not only
select the best option from a specific word but also a selection of vocabulary
(connectors) which are required in more than one part or they are no necessary that
context. This improved multiple-choice keeps relation with the principles of language

Assignment – FP012 A&T

testing, integrative assessment, as it was explained previously it requires a

combination of the knowledge and the use of the language.
Based on Funiber’s explanation (2016), the improved multiple-choice refers to
continue with a set of answers not using just one test but also several texts. Taking into
account the proposal of an improved multiple-choice test, it is possible to present a text
(contextualized and relevant for them) with some possibilities which are probable to
use in a different part of the text. It is also likely to use more than once the vocabulary
or on the other hand to have several expressions, words, etc., which are not all
necessary to use in the test.
Joining the proposal of test with all the features describes, and the needs of
students, the exam mentioned “Pruebas Saber 11” requires these abilities, to identify
the best option according to a reading. This exam has 7 parts each one of them is
assessing specific abilities and apart from the use of the language they score the
students to place in level based on the Common European Framework of Reference
for Languages (CEFR) (ICFES, 2019). It evaluates the competence in English through
questions related to vocabulary, short conversations, and reading comprehension. To
improve that reading comprehension in the national exams is one of the objectives of
the school, for that reason it is essential that the test used in class have the same
characteristics. An improved multiple choice contributes to improve the knowledge of
the student, the use of the language and the training for the exam.

Assignment – FP012 A&T

Answer the questions 2-10 by taking into consideration the following text.
Read the following text and choose the appropriate connector for each blank space.


Although (1), it is well known that Mars does not possess the conditions to guarantee human life, there are
some theories that affirm that this could change in the future. According to (2) the NASA researcher
Christopher P. McKay, Mars shares some similarities with our planet. For one thing, (3) it has vital
elements such as water, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen that are required to support life. In addition, (4) the
physical features of Mars, its rotation and gravity are close enough to those of the Earth to be tolerable and
it is not too far from the sun to make it habitable. Up to this point, it might be thought that life forms could
take place there easily. However, (5) most of these elements are not found in the same manner as they are
in the Earth. In fact, (6) it is necessary a transformation on Mars’ surface, known as terraforming in order
to (7) provide an environment where humans can live.
Terraforming means changing and adapting a planet’s environment so that it is similar to the Earth’s and in
this way (8) provide the appropriate conditions for human life. In this case, Mars would have to go through
a series of changes that could be a challenge for today’s society. First, it is important to warm up the planet
since the temperature is about minus 60 degrees Celcious, which is obviously too cold for humans.
Consequently (9), some scientists have pointed out that the climate change problem here on Earth could
become an alternative to propitiate warm weather on Mars.
It is a scientific fact that greenhouse gases have increased the levels of temperature on Earth. With this in
mind (10), some scientists believe that building factories that generate greenhouse gases will contribute to
change the atmosphere on Mars. Therefore, rain will fall and it will be possible to grow plants for food.
Finally, plants will add oxygen to the atmosphere making possible for humans and animals to breathe.
Terraforming Mars will have different difficulties since it is also a matter of time and money. This project
could take many centuries to be achieved. However, life in Mars is not quite far from the reality but it will
depend on future generations to make this possible.

1. A. In fact B. Although C. In general D. To conclude
1. A. In fact B. Although C. In general D. To conclude

2. A. In other words B. In spite of C. According to D. Certainly

3. A. For one thing B. As a result C. Furthermore D. In contrast
4. A. In addition B. To sum up C. In other words D. To clarify

5. A. Above all B. Indeed C. Finally C. However

6. A. Eventually B. In fact C. Alongside D. In addition

7. A. In order to B. Hence C. Indeed D. Consequently

8. A. To conclude B. Additionally C. Alongside D. In this way
9. A. Consequently B. In conclusion C. In contrast D. To sum up
10. A. For example B. With this in mind C. On the contrary D. Although

Assignment – FP012 A&T

Conclusion and further recommendations

Taking into consideration what has been noted throughout the whole document,
it can be deduced that the test format proposed above will help the teacher determine
to what extent students are able to foster their reading comprehension skills.
Additionally, it will provide information about the effectiveness of implementing third
generation tests to improve the teaching and learning process in the language
Under those circumstances, we would like to start highlighting that this test in
particular demands students to demonstrate their knowledge on language and the
capacity that they have to implement that knowledge in different communicative
settings. On the hand, learners are asked to select the appropriate connector in
different parts of the reading text. As FUNIBER (2016, p.20) this actually reflects a
feature of the communicative ability model, which consists of demonstrating some
knowledge of the language itself. On the other hand, it could serve as a complement
for future assessments, to include a section where students have to use that
knowledge in a communicative context by writing an imaginary experience, and thus
reinforce not only reading but also writing skills. Up to this point, it is evidenced how
this test format could be a clear example of integrative language use, a crucial aspect
for third generation assessments.
In conclusion, the test format proposed will certainly serve as a basis to analyze
students’ understanding in a positive and accurate manner. First, it can be perceived
that students’ performance will be assessed objectively through multiple choice testing
techniques. Furthermore, the communicate factor is included proving an improving
multiple choice technique using a context making the learning to be employed in real
situations. As recommendations, if teachers seek to go deeper in this competence,
they can foster students to produce a short text (see annex1.) implementing the
knowledge that they have acquired throughout the course and the previous test format
suggested in this paper.

Assignment – FP012 A&T


Brown, D. H. (1990). Language assessment: Principles and classroom practices.

London: Longman
Funiber, (2016). Assessment and Testing in the Classroom. Spain.
Heaton, G.B., (1975). Writing English Language Tests. London. Longman.
ICFES, (2019). Guia de orientación saber 11. Ministerio Nacional de Educación.
Retrieved from:
Robert M. Zubrin (Pioneer Astronautics), Christopher P. McKay. NASA Ames
Research Center (c. 1993). "Technological Requirements for Terraforming
Weir, C. 1993: Understanding and developing language tests. London: Prentice-Hall.
Widdowson, H. (1978). Teaching Language as Communication. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.

Assignment – FP012 A&T


Annex 1.


11. Imagine that we live fifty years in the future and you have won a trip to Mars.
You have decided to send a message to a friend telling him the whole adventure.
Write a short paragraph describing the experience and using some connectors.


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