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The story mainly talked about the protection given by the mother to her children.

She saved her child from the hands of a pervert (Vicente). The mother was unnamed
because it represents universality, meaning, it can happen to anybody and that
mother can be any mother. The title itself posts significance, meaning
"magnificence" is the adjective used to describe the presence of a mother's

the issue of the story is the parents of two children who asked for a tutor without
knowing what is the real personality of that man "vincent". he did not respect the
family he serve. his just a bus conductor he's not a real teacher. lesson learn
*don't trust people yet without knowing the real them.

It was entitled Magnificence because of how the mother reacted brilliantly on the
situation.Most of us upon knowing that our child was sexually abused might scream
and become scandalous disregarding the effects to the respondent who are the
innocent child that doesn't even know what had happened to her. The act of the
mother was magnificent because in lieu of over reacting, she treated her child as
if nothing had happened leaving the child ignorant that she had been sexually
abused. It was magnificent because if the mother had over reacted about the crime,
the child would grow without confidence knowing that she has been a victim of
Sexual Harassment.

the pencils are phallic symbols that represent Vicente's male dominance over the
children. By giving them the pencil Vicente is asserting and manifesting his

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