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Vizcatho Ein1llan Lina.

Taller Ing les.
eWdad1 WhaSHhe best cayeer for OU2
Do the quiz..
CCoal es l o mejor coTe(a coara t2
1.What do you like to doin your free tme 2

a Seeyour riends.
b. Tidy your room
OrdehaY m m habtacIOD
CFIX hinas at hame
o haw picture or wnte stores.

2You have the oppor tun1tsfo go on TV

What Sort of Show do ou choose 2

a.A Yealty show whereou workin a teqm

b. None. ldontwaht to ao on TV
Ninguna. No buiero aelevision
CACco kery Show
d. A Singung COmpetifion.

3What would you le to doif you had

a Freeevening
O 6o toa part
b.Suf he Intecnet.
C Oo muhobby
d Watch a film. Ver peliculas.
Vizcaine Pnilla Lond lol
f you uenk fo a parfy, uhatal buldydod0
a. oy h to peaple when they arriveat
b. S tart a discuss1On on world neus
Clar una disCusoio soble las halicias nuhdiales
C.Helo to prepare the Food
d. Think how you could improue the house.

5. What Sort of films do you lie

a. Romantic
b Diomo iamo
C Action
d ndep endent

6, Ho wdo youthink your triends

descibe you?
a Sociable
b. Inte lliqent. naeldente
C Prac tical
d. Creatiwe
Mostly B answers?
You coud work wuth information. Possib le obs
areedior computer progta mmer, accountant
Editor, pogtaadcfceo Cohiadp
Vzcáino PantllaLiha o1olV
ehhuidad3 Complete hesentences +he
wordsin bothe X. LISten and Check.
ompleta las aradlones Con los
delo caja.scUche revise palabras
Talents SKlls Strengths nterests
HalentosS hdoilidades forHale~as ntereses
debilidad es
a 5trengths, Ore yourbest quallihes.

b.Weaknesses are thinasthat yau arent aood a.

CSKsare. abulities hat you leam,e.o. Cooking,
o. are abilities that oU are born with.

e. 0terests are hings thot yau enoy dong

Teadngolaying a MUSical instrument
Hchiuidad 3 Read. Hake a hst of the expressians
JeSe oand KellyUSed to Say if they
have a SKL and abIllity o r nat
José 6o mez
m not very aood at 5tudyinq.
Knou how o work nteams.
Sol Ve problems and int Soluttons.
wont arrivelate oleave early
T'mabte to learn reaily fast
Vrzcaino nmillao.Lona MOL
Kelly Sánchez
Knowa lot about HR.
m a areat leader.

WorK Under oressure

mgood at planning and organsing events
Em VerSKLlled at Soluing problems
and etfidiently
m not Verygocd at workinq with Computers.a
Achuidad 9 Answer he questions
a. What Ore your strengths?
lm very honest
Kind toujards ot hers.
p. How Ca yOUY Stren.aths help you Choose
Delieye that mu strengths musit be foUnd
tO Q1eat 0Se m chosen career, Kho wing
hat must tell +herU th acout allthings
and thinkOboUt others.
Actuidad 10 Keod.hich careers Shoulo theu
do? ChO0 se om he hst below
Journa list doctor 5ecretary
encdis10 eceoYto
policeman nurse owye
heimerd Aboaado
Enalish teodherfarmer engineer
Profeol.delnb oto ngeniexo
Vizcauno. PinillaLina llO
Roberto Haria
Doctor Enaish teacher
.Nurse Decre tary
AcHVidad Comolete the Sentences
wth Roberto or Maria.
O.Horig. ISn aoodatSa ence
b. Bobere... uKes.wor king thpecple
C Kaaerto.. doesnt want to wOrKn an
OF ice

d. Hatia.. 1SCteative
eHatiq. miaht need to Use Enqlish.
Raberto... can work wellWthout other
Vizcalno Pnilla Linanlok
Achuidad 13 Thnk of a areer. Complete he
Career plan checklist below
Caleer Plan Checklist

Choose one Career. What are the basic Skills Career:

negotiable,discipline, honest, Sociability. Ldwye

Compaje those sklls wth yourown Skills Honest

Arehere Skils vou would iKe to Improve) Nes

ENes, what can you do to mprove heseto be

Sklls2 Sociable
Do yguhunk yOU wll do this career i es
he future? wny2/why not2 oecaUse
Can have
the neCessay
the career.

hre thee Monyob e tiesin thiS
Careerwhere yoU hte2

Are here Cnouo obogoortunties in this No

COYeerWhere you liue?
uiould yoU move to adiferent cty or Ves
COUntfyto do this job?
wovld you IKe more information acout this es

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